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MAIN PROJECT 2018-2019

Online Shoe store Management System


In a Shoe store storing of Customer details, Staff details, Product details ,Billing of
products and all other documents are prepared manually which takes more time and
it’s not reliable. Shoe store is not realizing its potential due to the delay of activities
by the current manual system. This system helps in making the operations to use a
centralized database and a custom design front end.Reports about the monthly
collection and yearly collection can be prepared using this system.The shoe store
management system will make the storing of purchase details and billing details a lot

The main key feature of the project is to automate the Shoe store system so that it
would :

1. Be friendly to customers and staff

2. Increase the Shoe store performance

3. Reduce the operational cost of Shoe store

4. Access easily

5. Takes less time

In this system all the documents are prepared manually which takes more time and it
is not reliable. The system is manually maintained system and the details of
customer,staff,product are stored manually. The calculations are done manually in
which many errors can occur. In order to overcome this we need to automate the
system so that it will be easily accessible and it reduces the time.

This project will provide for computerization of a small enterprise whose main goal
is to keep track on their billing process and wants to change from paper based
transcation to computerized transaction.

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Online Shoe store Management System


The Shoe store Management System manages the complete administrative operations
in the supply of Shoe products. We can store details of each and every activity that
occurs in the supply of Shoe products.

This software provides a user friendly interface which can be operated by anyone with
little knowledge about the computer system. It stores the information needed in the
supply of shoe product in a database which can be accessed by the administrator
within the organization. In the required system, all operations and activities related to
the supply should be carried out efficiently. It should maintain a well-organized
database for storing the information regarding the supply. This helps to eliminate the
storage of invalid data. Most problems of the manual system can be resolved by this
required system.

System study refers to the process of examining a situation with the intent of
improving it through better process and methods. System study is, therefore, the
process of gathering and interpreting facts, diagnosing problem and using the
information to recommend changes in the system, in other words, it means a detailed
explanation or description. Before computerizing a system under consideration, it has
to be analyzed. We need to study how it functions currently, what are its problems,
and what are the requirements that the proposed software should meet.

The main components of making software are:

 System and software requirement analysis

 Design and implementation of software

 Ensuring, verifying and maintaining software integrity

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Online Shoe store Management System

2.1.1. Existing System

Existing system is based on manual work and all the process are done manually, so
they maintain registers and files for recording all the details of the system.In existing
system all the documents are prepared manually which takes more time and it is not
reliable.Existing system is manually maintained system and the details of
customer,purchase and bill are entered manually.Similarly they maintain the book for
their vendors so they can pay the money to them after some time. Thus maintaining
vendor information, sales information are some of the things that are done
manually.To overcome these drawbacks, a computerized management system is

The billing system is manual and time consuming. Also there is a difficulty in
maintaining orders. So generally the current system have less security for the data,
does not indicate how much orders are placed.


 Difficult in Maintenance of Records.

 Time Consuming.

 Editing of data becomes a tedious job.

 No Security of Data.

 Needs manual calculations

 Searching of a specific record is difficult because it takes more time

 Consumes large volume of paper work

 It lacks reliability

 Improper Generation of Report.

 Lack of Efficiency and Man Power.

 Stock Maintenance.

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Online Shoe store Management System

2.1.2 Proposed System

The aim of the proposed system is to establish a systematic and reliable service along
with a well maintained management system.The proposed system can overcome all
the limitations of the existing system. Computerizing the existing system with the
help of some programming language, database package ease the work of the system
up to a great extent. The system will not allow any wrong password or user name to
enter into the system, thus it is safe from unauthorized access. The main objectives of
the proposed system is to help the user.

The system can be handy to the user in the following reasons:

 To Reduce Time Wastage

 To Reduce Access time

 To provide quick and efficient means for performing billing related activities

 To effortlessly generate report of the system.

 To automize the work such as billing,driver record.

 To automize the different types of reports.

 Security

 Better service

 Maintains accuracy and user friendly

 All the bills and records can be printed at any time

 Avoids local storage of data

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Online Shoe store Management System

2.1.3 Feasibility Study

Feasibility study is made to see if the project on completion will serve the purpose
of the organization for the amount of work , time and effort spent on it .

Study lets the developer foresee the future of the project and its usefulness. Finding
out whether a new system is required or not.

The study is carried out to the best system that meet performance requirement. This
details identification, description and evaluation of candidate system and selection of
the best system for the job simply identifies whether the proposed system is
feasible to the organization or not.

There are three aspects in the feasibility study portion of the preliminary

 Technical feasibility

 Economic feasibility

 Operational feasibility

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Online Shoe store Management System Technical Feasibility

The Online Shoe store System must be evaluated from technical viewpoint first. The
assessment of this feasibility must be based on outline design of the system
requirement in terms of input, output, programs and procedure having identified an
outline system, the investigation must go on to suggest the type of equipment ,
required method of developing the system, method of running the system once it has
been designed. The project should be developed such that the necessary functions and
performance are achieved within the constraints. The project is developed with latest
technology. There are only minimal constraints involved in this project. Economic Feasibility

Here an evaluation of development cost weighted against the ultimate income or

benefit derived from the developed system is done. The cost for the development of
the project has been evaluated and we want to check that the cost does not exceed
beneficial cost of the system. The economic and financial analysis is used for
evaluating the effectiveness of the candidate system. This project also undergone
economic feasibility study and found that it is feasible. So the cost for development
does not exceed its beneficial cost. This brought to as the conclusion that the system is
economically feasible in the context. Operational Feasibility

In operational feasibility the entire application is checked whether the system will be
used if it is developed and implemented. Also it is checked whether there will be
resistance from user that may undermine the possible application benefits. There is no
barrier for implementing the system. The system also helps to access the information
immediately as need arises. Thus the system is found to be operational feasible.

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Online Shoe store Management System


The Online Shoe store Management System provides the user to perform their task in
an easy and much less complex way to avoid redundancy. There are 3 kinds of users
for handling this software, they are :

 Administrator

 Staff

 Customer

2.2.1 Administrator

Administrator is the main controller of this system. Administrator controls all the
activities of the Online Shoe store Management System. The project is totaly build at
administrative end and only administrator can access the system. He/ She has the full
control over what all happens in the shoe store.Administartor performs database
management like adding,editing the details of customer and staff and also generates

2.2.2 Staff

The staff is the secondary user. He/She has little privilege when compared to the
administrator. They have The functions of viewing product details, managing sales
etc. General interaction with the system is done with the help of the staff.

2.2.3 Customer

The customer is approved by the administrator.The customers will have limited

previleges when compared to administrator/staff. They can search or view details
regarding the services provided by the shoe store and can also order the shoe items.

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Online Shoe store Management System


2.3.1. Hardware Specification

The selection of hardware is very important in the existence and proper working of any
software. When selecting the hardware, the size and capacity requirements are also
important. Below is some of the hardware that is required by the system.

2.3.2 Software Specifications

PROCESSSOR Intel Pentium

INPUT DEVICES Mouse, keyboard
MS Printer 2008
SQL Server


It is very important to select the appropriate software so that the software works

Below is the software’s that are required to make a new system:


*0 SQL Server 2008

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Online Shoe store Management System


PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor (no, the acronym doesn't follow the name). It
is an open source, server-side, scripting language used for the development of web
applications. By scripting language, we mean a program that is script-based (lines of
code) written for the automation of tasks

There are many reasons to use PHP for server side programming, firstly it is a free
language with no licensing fees so the cost of using it is minimal. A good benefit
ofusing PHP is that it can interact with many different database languages including
MySQL. ... Those are the main reasons we use PHP at Bluelinemedia

The PHP software works with the web server, which is the software that delivers web
pages to the world. ... This process is essentially the same when PHP is installed. You
request a file, the web server happens to be running PHP, and it sends HTML back to
the browser, thanks to the programming in PHP.

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to server-side

web development, in which case PHP generally runs on a web server. Any PHPcode
in a requested file is executed by the PHP runtime, usually to create dynamic web
page content or dynamic images used on websites or elsewhere.

SQL Server 2008

SQL Server 2008 is an integrated database management and analysis solution that
delivers increased security, scalability and availability to enterprise data and analytical
applications, while making them easier to build, deploy and manage it is
comprehensive software that enables to reliably manage mission – critical information
and confidently run today’s increasingly complex business applications. SQL server
2008 allows gaining greater insight and achieving faster results for a competitive
advantage. The key capabilities of SQL Server 2008 are the following:

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Online Shoe store Management System

High Availability: Ensure business continuity with the highest levels of system
availability through technologies that protect data against costly human errors and
minimize disaster recovery downtime.

Performance and Scalability: Deliver an infrastructure that has proven record in

handling today’s large amounts of data and critical enterprise workloads.

Security: Provide a secure environment to address privacy and compliance

requirements with built in features that protect data against unauthorized access.

Manageability: Manage infrastructure with automated diagnostics, tuning and

configuration to reduce operational costs while reducing maintenance and easily
managing very large amounts of data.

Developer Productivity: Build and deploy critical business ready applications more
quickly by improving developer productivity and reducing project life cycle times.

Business Intelligence: Gain deeper insight into the business with integrates
comprehensive analysis and reporting for enhanced decision making.

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Online Shoe store Management System


There are 8 modules in this project. They are:

3.1.1 Staff Management

3.1.2 Customer Management

3.1.3 Vendor Management

3.1.4 Product Management

3.1.5 Purchase Management

3.1.6 Order Management

3.1.7 Sales Management

3.1.8 Delivery Management

3.1.1 Staff Management

This module deals with adding of new staff to the system , uploading the details of
the existing staff , searching the staff and maintaining the status of staff being
registered to the system. The personal details of the staff are being added to the

3.1.2 Customer Management

This module is used to manage the details of customer and it deals with the adding
of customer details, editing customer details, searching customer details etc.

3.1.3 Vendor Management

This module is used to manage the details of vendor. It contains the details of the
supplier, item purchased , date of purchase.

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Online Shoe store Management System

3.1.4 Product Management

This module is used to store the details of each product. It contain the detail Such as
product name, cost of the product. It contains 4 submodules: Gender management,
Brand management, Category management, Model management. Gender Management

This module deals with different gender like men, women etc. Category Management

This module deals with different categories of shoes like sneakers, casuals, formals
etc. Brand Management

This module deals with different types of brands like Adidas , Nike etc. Model Management

This module deals different shoe in the shop that are available to the customers. It
contains different models of shoe.

3.1.5 Purchase Management

This module deals with management of purchases in the Shoe Store. The purchase will
increase the stock and sale will decrease the stock available

3.1.6 Order Management

This module deals with the management of order details in the shoe store. It contains the
customer details, delivery time etc.

3.1.7 Sales Management

This module handles the sales done in Shoe store and also generates bill for the
customer. Item sold, total amount will be recorded

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Online Shoe store Management System

3.1.8 Delivery Management

This module handles the delivery details done by the shoe store . The delivery id,
delivery address etc will be recorded.

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Online Shoe store Management System


A data flow diagram is graphical tool used to describe and analyze movement of data
through a system. These are central tool and the basis from which the other
components are developed. The transformation of data from input to output, trough
processed, may be described logically and independently of physical components
associated with the system. These are known as the logical data flow movement of
data between people, departments and workstations. A full description of a system
actually consists of a set of data flow diagrams.

A DFD is also known as a “bubble chart”, has the purpose of clarifying system
requirements and identifying major transformations that will become programs in
system design. So it is the starting point of the design to the lowest level of detail. A
DFD consists of a series of bubbles joined by data flows in the system.

In the DFD, there are four symbols

Process that transforms data flow

Source or Destination of data

Data store

Data flow

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Online Shoe store Management System

Rules for drawing data flow diagrams

Rule 1: Establish the context of the data flow diagram by identifying all of the net input
and output data flows.

Rule 2: Select a starting point for drawing the DFD.

Rule 3: Give meaningful labels to all data flow lines.

Rule 4: Label all processes with action verbs that relate input and output data flows.

Rule 5: Omit insignificant functions routinely handled in the programming process.

Rule 6: Do not include control or flow of control information.

Rule 7: Do not try to put too much information in one DFD.

Rule 8: Be prepared to start over

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Online Shoe store Management System

Level 0 DFD Showing Shoe store Management System

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Online Shoe store Management System

Level 1 DFD Showing Shoe store Management System

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Online Shoe store Management System

Level 2 DFD Showing Customer Management

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Online Shoe store Management System

Level 2 DFD Showing Staff Management

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Online Shoe store Management System

Level 2 DFD Showing Vendor Management

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Online Shoe store Management System

Level 2 DFD Showing Product Management

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Online Shoe store Management System

Level 2 DFD Showing Purchase Management

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Online Shoe store Management System

Level 2 DFD Showing Order Management

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Online Shoe store Management System

Level 2 DFD Showing Sales Management

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Online Shoe store Management System

Level 2 DFD Showing Delivery Management

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Online Shoe store Management System

Level 3 DFD Showing Gender Management

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Online Shoe store Management System

Level 3 DFD Showing Category Management

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Online Shoe store Management System

Level 3 DFD Showing Brand Management

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Online Shoe store Management System

Level 3 DFD Showing Model Management

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