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Gimme Hope Jo'anna Eddy Grant +2110 —_- 35 WeilJo’ A-nha She runs a coun - try Sheruns in makes all the gold and mo - ney to buy new I a Dur-ban and the Tre-ans - val She makes a few of her peo-ple ha - wea-pons in the shape of guns while every mo-ther ina black So - we - - ppy Oh — Shedon't care a= bout-the rest at all She's got a = to fears the ki-lling of a - no-ther son Sneaking a - sys = tem they call "A - part - haid” it Keeps a bro-ther in’ a sub-jec - tion cross all the neigh - bours bor - ders now and a - gain — ha-ving lit-tle — fun Butmay-be pre ~ ssure will make Jo) An - ma see How e-very, Shedoesn't care if he fun _and games She plays is bo - dy could’ a live as one Oh gim-me hope Jo'-An-na_gim-me dan-gerous for e-very one hope Jo’ An-na gim-me hope ‘Jo’ An-nabforethe — mor-ning come Ah gim-me hope JoAnna hope Jo'-An-na hope _be-fore the morning come Thearshe

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