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What factors are identified as contributing to the low (and illegal) pay of the workers in this

There are several factors contributing to low and illegal pay in this story, they include:
a. Language Barrier: Most of these workers have little or no ability to communicate in
English language causing roadblocks in effective communication and understanding
between the workers and employers.
b. Lack of Knowledge/Information: A popular phrase says “knowledge is power”. The
workers in this story lack knowledge of labour laws and they are not aware of the
supports that are available for them. Thus, they accept whatever is being thrown at them.
c. Difficulty in securing a job: Due to the difficulties faced by workers in finding a job, they
are bound to accept any type of job no matter how low it pays.
d. Status in Canada: Most of the low paid workers are migrant workers who are not
permanent residents and there’s little oversight by the government.

2. How do you think this story would be explained through the lens of each of the four
perspectives discussed in this chapter?

Neoclassical Perspective contends that competitive markets are the best means for organizing
complex economies and societies. The Neoclassicist position is government should not intervene
in immigrants’ right as far as wages is concerned because the “invisible hand’ of the marketplace
will maintain a system balance because the immigrant workers have mobility and will rather
choose an employer that pays more.

Managerial Perspective is also similar to Neoclassical because managerialists believe in low to

no government intervention as employees and workers share a common goal of maximizing
productivity and profits. Hence, enlightened managers have an understanding that if they exploit
immigrant workers through low wages and poor working conditions, the workers are likely to be
unproductive which will have a negative impact on business growth.

Industrial Pluralists believe that the most effective way to ensure worker voice and promote a
healthy distribution of wealth throughout the economy is to promote collective bargaining and
unionization. Pluralist therefore will rather support the immigrant workers to join unions in other
to engage in collective bargaining and go on strike if necessary. The union will also equip them
with required information. That way, they know their right and the support system available to

Critical Perspective: This perspective believes that employment regulation and collective
bargaining is required to protect workers from exploitation. In the case of the immigrant workers,
they will argue that government should enforce laws that will increase the minimum wage or at
least ensure that workers are not paid below the minimum wage and opportunity should be given
to employees to bargain as it is believed that the interest of labour (workers) and capital
(employers) are irreconcilably in conflict.
3. What, if anything, should be done to improve the working conditions for these workers?

a. Increase in minimum wage.

b. Changing basic employment standards to address precarious employments i.e. reviewing
part-time, temporary and contract jobs.
c. Government regulations: government needs to enforce laws that stops the employers
from exploiting workers.

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