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- Comes from the Latin word “Vocare”

- Which means “to call”. It means that there must be SOMEONE WHO CALLS and SOMEONE WHO
RESPONDS to that call

4 types of Vocation

 Priestly Life
 Religious Life
 Married life
 Single Blessedness


- Male ordained minister of the Church

- They give their lives in the total service to the Church
- Embraces the gift of celibacy and commit to a life of prayer
- They proclaim the good news, teach the Catholic faith, minister the sacraments, work to build
up the Body of Christ, and lead their faith community in worship.


- They embrace the call to poverty, chastity, and obedience (EVANGELICAL COUNSELS), and
nurture their call through a life of celibacy.
- Called to signify the very charity of God in the language of our time


- Lives a vow of faithful love to a spouse through the sacrament of marriage.

- Husbands and wives share a self-giving, love-giving, and the life-giving relationship with their
- Committed in helping their spouse grow to human and Christian maturity.
- They are called to be the FIRST TEACHERS of their children in Christian faith and values.


- Called to single life believes that remaining single is the true and right way to faithfully live his or
her baptismal call.
- Single men and women embrace the gift of celibacy while living alone, with a family or with
others who are single.
- They are able to devote time and energy in service of others, and may serve in their parish

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