Introduction To Philosophy-G-12

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Learning Competency: Evaluating Opinions (PPTII/12-Ie-2.4)

At the end of a 60-minute lesson, at least 75% of the students
should be able to:
a. identify statements that are considered opinion;
b. evaluate opinions based on theories presented;
c. value one’s opinion and the opinion of others.


Evaluating Opinion

References: Sioco, Vinzons. Introduction to the Philosophy of the

Human Person, Caraan, Aleli. Introduction to Philosophy of the Human

Materials: LCD Projector, Laptop, chalk board, chalk, emoticons (happy

and sceptic), activity sheets

Strategies: Power Point Presentation,Cooperative Learning, Brainstorming

Values integration:

Understanding and accepting the opinions of others.


A. Preliminary Activities

 Opening Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Classroom management
B. Review
1. What is truth and what is opinion?
2. How do we classify truth and opinion?
C. Motivation

The teacher will post a statement on the board.

“The president elect, Rodrigo Duterte, is the best president.”
There are two types of emoticon on the table. The students are to post
a sad face if the statement is truth and a sceptic face if it is an opinion.
The teacher will process the responses.
1. What is the majority face, happy or sceptic?
2. What makes you say that it is an opinion? Cite your reasons.
D. Presentation of the Lesson
While possessing the motivational activity, the teacher lists on the
board key words form the responses of the students and draw their
connection to the center circle which is evaluating opinion.

E. Discussion/Abstraction
 Definition of opinion
Truth is objective and based on facts while opinions are
subjective and are based on personal ideas.
 Opinion’s purpose – Rene Descartes
-critical thinking- is the type of thinking a person must
acquire to determine whether a statement is truth or opinion.
-systematic doubt- is a type of analysis or scepticism
-theory of belief- person’s own belief is
-bias- a tendency of a person to stick to his old belief
-dogmatism- the belief that his opinion is the truth

The class will be divided into four. Each group will have two
statements to identify whether truth or opinion. After 5 minutes
they will present the statements to class.

1. Were there difficulties encountered in coming up with your

2. How did the group decide as to the grounds to consider the
statement a fact or opinion?

F. Developmental Activity

This activity is by group but the responses should be individual.

Students are to prepare ½ C.W and copy the matrix. The students are
to follow the statements below and write their own sentences to
complete the matrix. After answering will be the sharing by group for 5
minutes and the group secretary will consolidate responses. The group
leader will present generalizations to class.

I used to believe that... What I believe now is.. I changed my view because..


F. Generalization
Truth is objective and based on facts while opinions are subjective and
are based on personal ideas. It is essential that we know how to
differentiate truth from opinion. Remember that false opinions are
misleading thus each one should apply critical thinking and avoid being
dogmatic. Given these ideas we should also remember that our
opinions may vary from the others. The bottom line is we respect and
understand each other’s opinion for we live in our own pace, we walk
our different lives.
IV. EVALUATION Picture analysis

Below is a picture of a carabao which can be found in their locality.

On a ½ sheet cite 5 facts and 5 opinions about the picture for 5
minutes. Volunteers will be recognized to share their answers while
correcting the paper exchanged with their seatmates.


Look for an adage that expresses about opinion. Write your reactions
about it in 2-3 sentences. Write it on a ¼ sheet to be submitted next

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