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UNJAB CRIMINAL PROSECUTION SERVICE Annual Report This Report has been prepared with the assistance of European Union Punjab Access to Justice Project (EU-PA2J) Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 CONTENTS ‘Message from Special Assistant to Chief Minister, Punjab Message from Secretary, Public Prosecution Department, Punjab ‘Message from Prosecutor General, Punjab Institutional Vision, Mission and Values 1 Mandate and Functions 11 Mandate 12 Investigation Agencies 2. Institutional Framework - 23 History 22° Governance Strcture 3, Assessment of Key Prosecutorial Functions Br Early information oe 32 Remands and Discharge Orders 33° Bal Applications - 34 Review of Pace Cases 3S Court-basedPertmance 4, Standards and Methodology of Assessing Performance 41 Standards 42 Methaology 421 Frsuring Excellence Through Monitaring Service 422 Useoftnformation Technology 5. Expenses and Budget — SP Budget = 5.2 Human Resoure-Prasecwors S21 Gender = 53 Hunan Resource Support Saft 54 Value for Money - 6 Professional Development. 61 Tang and Skt Development 62 Trainings Provided ‘Abbreviations - Glossary of Terms Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 Message from Special Assistant to Chief Minister, Punjab The Government feels strongly about Rule of Law and considers prosecution to be an integral part of the criminal justice system. In fact, itis of the view that criminal ustice outcomes will not improve without a robust prosecution service, ‘The Government is committed to improve the standards of Prosecution in the Province and 1am confident that this report will contribute to that. I may also add that our struggle and our quest id for justice which is the holiest value on th face ofthe earth This is what our Holy Prophet (PB.U.H) exhorted us to pursue forever.|am happy to see that the Criminal Prosecution Service under the able guidance of the Prosecutor General and the Secretary Prosecution Department is moving towards achieving this objective ata fast pace. Rana Maqbool Ahmed Special Assistant to Chief Minister, Punjab Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 Message from Secretary, Public Prosecution Department, Punjab | will like to express my thanks to the Prosecution Service for this years annual report which is the fifth annual report of the Prosecution Service. | am very pleased to note that the Report records the excellent progress made by the Prosecution Servicein achievingits mandate. This year Government supported the Prosecution Service through construction of additional offices, provision of training to prosecutors in country and abroad, and by improving police- prosecution cooperation, The Government being cognizant of the fact that improvement in criminal justice services only occurs when all criminal justice agencies work together has continued to make interventions across the criminal justice system. Some of the key interventions made this year includeincreased automation in police,increased reliance on scientific evidence and improved legal frameworks. It is heartening to note that the efforts of the Government are bearing fruit and this years conviction rates are higher than those of last year. Syed Ali Murtaza Secretary, Public Prosecution Department Government of the Punjab Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 Message from Prosecutor General, Punjab | am pleased to present the 2015 Annual Report to the Government. This Report shares the performance of the Prosecution Service with the public and thereby enables the public to better understand its role and the problems and issues faced in delivery of prosecutorial services nth e Province. During 2015, the Prosecution Service worked hard to deliver its mandate in a fair efficient and ethical manner. During this period, the Service received 305,167 reports from the Police. Over this period the Prosecution Service submitted 294,136 reports in courtincluding 212,917 cases in which trials were recommended. Prosecutors also prepared 36,285 detailed assessments of serious cases in discharge of their obligations under section 9(7) of the CPS Act, 2006. Conviction rates were 53.93%in the Magistrates Courts and 60.86% in the Session Courts. This year the Prosecution Service continued to face a number of legal issues including insufficient consultation and involvement of Prosecutors in the charging decisions. However, we have continued to make progress and the Government remains committed to resolve our problems. Syed Ihtesham Qadir Shah Prosecutor General, Punjab Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 Institutional Vision, Mission and Values CPS Vision Our vision is to have a prosecution service which has the trust and confidence of the people in its ability to bring offenders to justice in ways that are compatible with human rights. CPS Mission Our mission is to prosecute those brought before the criminal courts ina manner that the rights of, all persons involved in a criminal action are protected and provided for. CPS Values The CPS adheres to all values of justice and fairness. in particular the Criminal Prosecution Service adheres and works to uphold the following core values © Rule of law © Promoting a culture where all persons are treated fairly and in accordance with the law © Consistency in decision making © Protecting human rights © Supporting correct determinations in ways that are compatible with human rights © Defending and upholding the rights of criminal defendants to a fair teial © Protecting the rights of victims and witnesses © Bringing offenders to justice © Dealing with alleged offenders in ways that reect the facts and circumstances of the case as determined by the evidence © Consistent and fairer sentencing © Excellence © Enabling prosecutors to take their decisions to the highest standards of excellence © Accountability © Being accountable to the people and the law © Being transparent in decision making and providing information freely in so far as is consistent with the rights of te person involved Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 1. Mandate and Functions 1.1 Mandate The Prosecution Service is charged with the duty of prosecuting those brought before the courts by the provincial investigating agencies. The functions and duties of the prosecutors are contained in the Punjab Criminal Prosecution Service Act 2006, the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Code of Conduct. These laws and the Code require Prosecutors: a) b) a d) e) f) 1.2 Investigation Agen To advise and guide the police and other investigating agencies in the conduct of investigations both generally and in individual cases To independently and objectively review every prosecution case prior to trial and take prosecution decisions based on their review of the case To prosecute alleged offenders on the basis of the evidence before them and to the extent justified by it and any relevant public interest considerations To withdraw and/or terminate prosecutions where a charge cannot be sustained either on the basis of evidence and/or the public interest To challenge judicial determinations including sentences before an appeal court where a determination is not in accordance with the law or the facts of the case To seek the opinion of the Court where the Government is of the view that a commutation of the sentence is justified The majority of the cases dealt with by the CPS are received from the Punjab Police. A small number of cases are received from the Anti-Corruption Establishment, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Border Military Police. The CPS received 305,167 reports under section 173 in 2015 from the Punjab Police. UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 20 1 5 1.2A_ Table: Cases Received From The Punjab Police, 2015 Untraced Interim Report 5% 3% Cancellation 6% Report u/s 512 Incomplete challan 4% 43% Complete challan 33% Supplementary challan 6% Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 2. Institutional Framework 2.1 History The Prosecution Service was established as a stand-alone institution in 2006. Prior to its establishment Prosecuting Police officers under the control of the Inspector General of Police, Assistant, Deputy and District Attorneys under the control of the Solicitors Department and the officers of the Advocate General performed the prosecution function before the Magistrates Courts, Sessions Courts and the Superior Courts respectively. With the establishment of the CPS, prosecution functions at all levels were assigned to the CPS thus establishing it as a start- to-end service. 2.2 Governance Structure The CPS is an attached department of the Public Prosecution Department, Government of Punjab. The Department is responsible for ensuring that the CPS delivers its mandate in accordance with law and standards set by the Code of Conduct. The Prosecutor General, who is the head of the Service, administers the Service and is responsible for delivery of prosecutorial services in accordance with law and standards set by the Code of Conduct. Prosecutorial services are delivered by, a) Additional Prosecutor Generals before the Superior Courts b) Deputy Prosecutor Generals before the Superior Courts and the Anti-Terrorism Courts ©) _ District Public Prosecutors, Deputy District Public Prosecutors and Assistant District Public Prosecutors before Sessions and Magistrates courts Prosecution offices are present in all districts of the Punjab for district-based prosecution services and in Bahawalpur, Multan, Lahore and Islamabad for work in the superior courts Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 Organogram of the governance structure of the Prosecution Service is as follows: All prosecutors in Districts report to the District Public Prosecutors. Prosecutors working in the superior courts report to the Prosecutor General through their respective managers (in charge prosecutors). Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 3. Assessment of Key Prosecutorial Functions The performance of the Prosecution Service during various stages of the criminal process is as follows: PROSECUTOR Remand, Bail and Discharge applications Withdrawal and Termination cy NSC DLLs : 3 PROSECUTOR 3.1 Early Information The CPS Act requires that a copy of the FIR be made available to the prosecutor immediately after registration. Early information enables prosecutors to offer advice and guidance in serious or difficult matters and to keep a check on the progress of cases, In 2015, prosecutors received 38.31% FIRs on the same day and 56.11 % FIRs on a later day (total 94. 42%). 5.57% FIRs were not received. The districts where the complete numbers of FIRs were not received were Faisalabad, Bhakkar, Gujrat, Jnang and Rawalpindi, Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 208818 Total FiRsRegistered Total FIRsReceived —_‘FIRs Recelvedonthe _FIRs Received Late Same Day, ‘Cases Triable by Sessions Courts © CasesTriable by by MS-30 ‘Cases Table by MIC Cases Table by SIM. Cases THable ATC w AlLCases 3.1B Table: District Wise Receipt of FIRs 2015 ointce | cmc | gta | etn gee] ac | Attock Cases Triaable by MIC 1588 1588 990 598 Annual Report ULC NN Ma OSeQU RSs Ca 2015 is Diss cere Featene | sorters Tecra tate Gses Table Sesion our 7 | 78 3 GsesTableby M530 mm 0 sehdnge PEST ENE was | sas | or ses Tale by Si a 0 Gses Tadley ATC 38 38 3 0 TOTAL wi | at asf ae Cues Tibi Sesion Cou 27 | ast @ 2a ses Tale by 530 3 ® a 28 semen PERTH yw wr | a | 0 2382 ses Table by Sit 2 A a 0 ses Table ATC a 1 ol 1 TOTAL ao | ae | at 02 ses able Sesion Cour m9 | 269 | 268 0 GsesTableby W530 af ef ae o roma PEREETHbE By MC ane | 258 | 2578 0 cases Table by 2 0 3 0 ses ale by AE o 0 a 0 TOTAL wear | as07 | 2087 zi Cues Tabby Sesion Court 5 | as | a 3 cases Table by M530 | [8 14 caer _ PEBeTHabe yw ssi [ ast oes [ase Gses Tadley it ° 0 o 0 ses Tadley ATC 2 0 A 0 TOTAL ay | aa] em | 808 Cases Table Sons Cou 19 @ 29 Gses Tadley W530 1 I a I ses Table by Mc vai | sa] 0 vrai kan cases Table by oa ol 1 Cases Tabley AC Q 0 3 0 TorAt ea | en | wa Gses Table Seon Cour ase 1546 | 0 1386 ses Tableby M530 00 | oot a 1 veuagong [EREHTHbe byMIC woe58 [70 | 7240 ses ae by St vss vsor | 0 7501 Gses Tadley ATC o 0 ° 0 TOTAL nese [ arses [0 ae Cues Tibi Sesion Cou 2053 | 2053 | aoe ® cujannala [eases Tabi bys v_ | oer | 8 21 Gses Tadley Me woos [aos | —vzoss | 20 cy Annual Report ULC NN Ma OSeQU RSs Ca 2015 is Diss cere Featene | sorters Tecra tate Goes Tble bya a) a 2 ses Table ATC 1 |e 0 TOTAL iese1 | 95a 7 cases Te by Senos Con 3s [a o Fr ses Table W530 sa | 0 51 cont [ssi ore sexo | s600 | 0 stn cases Table by SI oa | 188 9 18s Cases Tadley AC 2 Hi Hi 2 TorAL nom [tons | 0 wars ase Table Sesion Cour so | a0 | ae cases Tableby M530 ie [ete ° samsung [EsieeTibleby 2207 | 2507 [3007 nl cases Tadley Si as as as A ses Table AC 3 3 3 ° ToTAL ae | ae | ae ol aes ible Seon Cou | esr | ste 8 cases Tale by 530 v8 [v9 | a 23 snong [sr 109s ast | est | ann cases Tableby SM 73 | 368 | 307 a Cases Tadley AC 3: A 3 1 TOTAL ET ses Table Sesion Cour 2 22 3 o ses Tabby W530 os | es | oss ° snc [Ese 1598 | 15s0 | 588 ° cases Tadley SI sie [sie st ° ses Tadley AC ° 0 o ° TOTAL sia | 3100 | ate A Coats Tbe Sesons Cou tor | 10 | ior cases Tbe M530 xa | 308 ° 38 sues ws ess si cases Table i ve [6 | 1736 ses Tableby AC 2 2 9 2 TOTAL vone[ woe [| iowa cues eb Senos Con vs [3m [ast 2 ses Table W530 voip | tous | % seunay [sieTiablety wc 160 | 1660 | ase [tee cases Table by ° 0 0 Q Cases Tiabley AC 5 5 5 ol TOTAL soon | 3052 | ams | 8 Annual Report ULC NN Ma OSeQU RSs Ca 2015 is Diss cere Featene | sorters Tecra tate Gans Table Sesons Cou pa | @ cases Tinbley M530 m2 | 2m 7 seoneany seTiablby me sear | 87 a cases Table Si ° 0 0 o cases Table AC ° 0 9 ° TOTAL coor | exo | ar0s [02 cases ie by Senos Con vee [ sen sae ses Table W530 nus [ 7s | 7s cases Tableby MIC wosie | aoe | 0) nie shore Cases Triable by SIM 23474 23474 o 23474 cases Tale by ATE o Hi 0 2 ToTAL wor | vsoar | 32 | 958 aes Table by esos Court sa |u| ° cases Tinbleby W530 ne 2 capone ves ees [a nl cases Tadley Sit ° 0 ° ° ses Tableby AC ° 0 5 ° TOTAL 2ase | _aese | aes o aes ibe Sesons Cour sn | sn [250 a cases Table W530 we [we | 2 cases Tableby MC nt | mst] as | aa odhven Cases Triable by SUM 2079 2079 1648 4a ses Table by AC : 3 3 a TOTAL ET ses Table Sess Court «| | as? ‘ cases Table M530 mm ae 3 uaon [Esteli un | arr | an | 8s cases Tale by Si 2 2 2 A ses Tadley AC A 0 0 A ToTAL sei | aes ae | e? aes Tibi Sess Court oa | eet 0 ee ase Tibley M530 a | aes 0 28 cases Tadley Me wss0s [ose | 0 o038 Multan ‘Cases Triable by SIM 2881 7926 o 1926 ses Table ATC A 0 0 Q TOTAL mma [teas | 0 ss ase Table Sess Cour vass | ass | 55 o zat FeasesTableby ms 39 1 [wo | v0 ° cases Table by MC vase [386 [ane ° UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 is Discs catagory of Cees Featene | sorters pened tate seine Smt 7a | 2086 o ses Tale yA Q 2 o TOTAL aa [a | n cases Tae by esos Co ss Pte 5 Cases Table 30 ea 2 ses Tale yc wo [ae [990s Micnwalt Cases Triable by SIM oO o o cases Tale by AE 2 9 ° TOTAL wai | ee [50 [8 ass ae by Sess Cour a) ar 0 ai Gases Table by 30 eT 9 a somana san sy ME au ene rm ass ale by Si ° 0 Q Gases ale by ATC rs z 0 7 ToTAL Sas__[ eo sans ese Tbe by Seon Cor eT 9 26 cases Tale by 30 oe 4 1m Cases ale ie ie [ ans |e [at Norowal Cases Triable by SJM 39, 10 o 10 cases Tale by ATE n 9 ° TOTAL va | ae || ass Tne by Sess Cour my] 988s seine 30 226 [6 [20 6 uum (easstanienye oa | os | ss | 90 ses Tale by Si aan ® Cass Tale by ATC 8 3 0 1° TOTAL Teas [eas [tos [a3 ue abe by Ses Co oa [ot [suo cases Tale by 30 3a 3 seianan [Tb MC ana [| ea Gases al by Si ° 5 Q ses Tale by ATE m Zi 9 m TOTAL S| saa ses Tae by Sess Co pe a me Cases Tale by 30 ‘30 [150 0 730 sme ESTE BE 70s [| ws [ 7085 Gases ial by tipo i cases Tale by ATE 8 = 2 rm TOTAL wa [sa [0 we UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 is Discs catagory of Cees Featene | sorters pened tate ue abe by Sens Cou oe | ae % ass rableby M530 nT 3 son nan (zie by HE wear | aes 77 cases Trableby eT a cases Trableby ATC 0 % 4 ‘ TOTAL wot [ors | wor [a3 caus rey eons Cot veo [van [81 0 cases Trbleby Ms 30 asf sts 0 cases Trableby HI isis [ims | traas | 0 pawn cases trableby I 358] aes |e 2 cass Table by AC a 7 7 2 TOTAL iso [oe | oes | 0 ose Hable by Sesons Cou us [ss | 7 cases Trableby M530 30 [0 3 390 snag (Suen by ias20 | vos00 |» [vom cass Trableby SM zis [ms [0 29 cases Trableby ATC 0 0 A 0 TOTAL ieee [ ewe | are cous eons Cou om [an n 78 cass Table by M20 9 | ste ° 509 cass Trableby MI oan [ inn [0 2377 Shen osestrableby 1s [es | 15 ass trableby AC 9 4 n 8 TOTAL 1 ue Table Seons Cou ws [awe A 8 cases Trableby 530 30 | 380 n 390 cases Trableby warp asi Segodhs causal by I vo [ao |e 7 cases Table by ATC 3 3 A 3 TOTAL ise [tse | 0 | ams ose Habe by Sens Cou a 0 ass Trl by M530 FT TT 2 cases Table by HI ay | as | eae 0 Sehwal Cases Triable by SIM 548 548 548, o cases rableby AC 3 3 3 2 TOTAL we [ as | es 2 caves aby Senos Ca sa [sar 0 singh [ses trableby 30 vw 0 ose rableby MI 7500 | 0 | a0 0 Annual Report PUG aa se RS ee 2015 A) ae Diss cotaguryotcans | AMIR | Totals | Ractvadon | ged fe || ee Goastanieby Sn 0 3 0 ae Taleb aT 9 2 9 aes Taleb 30 Fe STS 3 3 9 9 cases Tableby aT 0 0 0 0 aes Tay 9 wes [aia | one [ae Coes THalebyc asneee | as075 | ons? | ss Toul Cases Triable by SIM 64377 59460 142 42318 TOTAL mai | ase [isan 3.2 Remands and Discharge Orders Police Remand is an authority granted by the Magistrate to the Police to detain a person in police custody for purposes of investigation. Police remands are sought and granted under section 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Requests for remand are required to be made in Form 25.56(1) of the Police Rules. In 2015, Prosecutors forwarded 194,256 remand applications to the Magistrates. Where evidence of culpability is not found against an arrested person he is required to be discharged. In 2015, the police made discharge requests in 3225 cases involving 3619 persons. Prosecutors endorsed 2689 requests out of 3619 requests made (74.30%) UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 3.2 A Table: Number of Remand Applications Received, 2015 No. of Writs Filed against Discharge Order Discharge Requests Not Endorsed by Prosecutors Discharge Requests Endorsed by Prosecutors No. of Accused Persons for which Discharge Request Made Forwarding/Contestng requests for discharge of accused ‘No, of Cases in which Discharge Is Requested No. of Revisions Not Accepted No. of Revisions Accepted remands ‘No. of Revisions Filed against Remand Orders orwarcing/Contesting re 2689 3619 3243 15 70 85 No. of Remands Forwarded 194256 Annual Report PUNJAB CRIMINAL PROSECUTION SERVICE 20 1 5 3.2B Table: Remands and Discharges in Districts, 2015 Districts: Contested remands: Requests for discharge of accused SECIS CT a Naot Noor No.of [Revisions | __ Forwarded | casesin [Accused |No.of [Discharge lyyrits fled Remands [Fld Tyg o¢ Naot ]uhich” [persons |oischarge requests agains Femara | agains, |N2.°C Ireviions|ascharge for which [requests [not [arererge Remand [Reson ce i scare endorsed [endorsed [ogee Orders Accepted [requested requested tock ar | o | o | o | o | o | o [0 Bahawainager| 947 | 7 | | 2 |» |» | 2 | 0 | 0 Bahawalpur | 0 o fe |o fofe fo ° | © Shakar sw | 2 | 2 | © | 0 | « | 0 o [© chakval ws fo | o | o | «| o | o o | © Chiniot mo fo | o | o | o | o | o o | © ocnren | 23s | o | o | o | o | o | @ ° | © raiaabat | as | 0 | o | o | 2 | | = | | 0 Garanwae | ee | o | o | o | | = | we | 0 | 0 Gujrat wa fo fo | | o |. | o | © rfid | ae | 6 | 9 | 7 | ww | ve | 7 | a | o Thang ae | > |» |s | |m fs |» | o Teh mm |e fe |» | | |» | ws | 0 ren wes fo |e |» | f]«i|- i. lo Kaneva | 27 fo |e | o | » |» | 2 |. | o Khushab a fo | .o |ofe fe fo o fe Lahore wos [| o | o | o | «| s | s ° aya wes [| o [| o [| o | o | o | oe 0 Lodhran, 2475 o o o 374 06 331 “a “a Meahaain| a fo | o |e | o |. |e ° | © Mianwal @ fo |. letf.ele |. ° |e Multan ms fo | o | | x | aa | 22 | | o Muzatargan | a7 fo | © |e | | a | m | wo | o Nsehb 2 2 [Lo _>s >» |»... fe 15 Annual Report Districts Contested remands Requests for discharge of accused No.of No.ofRemands No.of No.of No.of — |No. of No.of | Revisions| Forwarded __|casesin [Accused |No.of — |Discharge |ywits filed Remands [Filed [ys op [No.of [which persons [Discharge |requests against Forwarded | 299INSt | Revisions | Revisions | discharge |for which |requests |not discharge. Remand tea [Not is discharge endorsed Jendorsed | orders Orders _|A Gators [= [2 [| [lo] o | o | cock Fehatancomsiewe | 142 | 6 [ss9] e [vse] 0 | [0 | o Graslaionepor | 9 | 1 [2] a] ofo| o | o |e UntacedRepon | 10 | 1 | 38 | 4 of |. monwssan [s[>}7ls[°[*] | | Teal x5 [1 [sm] wo [>sw[o | [7 | 0 wneimroot | # [0 | om =[o] |e |. 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Ghatonincompiee | 55 | seo | sve0| 2@ [sro | 0 | 3 [0 Ghator-suret | | 27 fav | [ato fo | [oe tinct Gatarcompee | 0 | so fw ]o[m]olo |» ] 0 Cancelaionrepon | 22 | 98 | se] [we] oo | | UntocedRepor | 0 | | |o | @ | o} o | o | tenonussi2 [0 |e |e lo [lol o |e] UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 z Woof tater wien 2 = |E |E | Actions Recommended E/E [E/E 5 [5, [Sooners oumes [Dacerone | ES EE Hl :| 2 ms Report 22/53 | bs lis eH sE|2 g2| 8] 28 Es|22| 22/22/32 /25/2 33] 23) 22 ai[e°|SEleE SHlSEE se H gs Bale | 222 [22/22 a) 82 832 Tota 78 | 3800 | 3808 | 275 [ssf 0 | 0 | s | 0 wneimeesor | 0 | 2 | 2 ee Chaton incomplete | 170 | 1793] 1705 | 208 [ws 0 | a | a | 7 Chaton-supnt [a6 [a fan] ss [ono | o | | 0 pektan [ehatoncomplete | 162 | 2079 2079| 142 [2m8| 1 | 0 | 2 |v Cancetonrepor |s | ae” | ae | o | 0 [wr] 0 | o | o Untecedtepor | 0 [var var | o of [oe reronussa | fsafsalefmi[e, o |o | Texel wn | saer | sser | o90 [are [se [a [as | meiner fo |e felelelelo |. |. Chaton incomplete | 603 | 08a] ri047| 450 [raze] 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 Chator-supet | a7 [vase vaar] 2 [wm] o | o | | 0 fosasbad [Chalorcomplee | «9 [a7] aor] 59 [wn] o | o | o | 0 ancelatonseport | 36 [170s] a705| 0 | 0 [sf 0 | 0 | 0 nvacednepon [2 [ae [aur fo fo [ape foe foo teponussa [a [2 fmbpefe[m[o fo |. Total sai [ats0i] zon] sa0 [ress] aon | 0 | 0 |e wneimepor | 0 | 8 | 7a mato} o |» |< Challan incomplete | g7 | 632 | 6741 | 370 | 6741] 0 12 5 4 Challan- suppl. 24 18 | 1800] 29 | 1800] 0 0 0 0 Gujranwala | Challan-complete | 66 | 112 | s7i0| 78 | s710| 0 4 12 u Conceatonrepon | a fv fo Pe fos | fe foe foe Unvacedtepor | 5 | 0 [use] 0 ope pe reponussia | 2 | 0 [alo [ae[o | o | | 0 Total a7 | 7 [vaisi| a55 [versz| 0 | 26 | 7 | 15 Gujrat Interim report 10 o 999 0 332 o 20 o s7 UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 : = Wo, of tatters written 2 ole le le [E [Z| sctonstecommendea FES |E_|E_ Js |e _ | againstPotice Seif _leelselt |= noeotrowe | £2 /32| ze lee [ez lee : Districts of 2g/e2|e2lg2 (ez lee lz s.) 2] Fe Reper Byles l|Se ls fel og | $2 alia (22/22 Ge /56|s a2] | 22 ai[B" | SEs SElSE Esta G3 ig Bale |2djea|ed|s: |2i23| 2: |832 Chatanincomplete | 96 | 0 | ve05| 597 | esr | roa] a9 | 39 | 102 chatar-suons |e |e fe|efe|e«| «||. Ghatan-complete | 128 | 0 | as6r| 2008 [ana | a3 | 205 | 76 | 2060 Gancelatonrepor | 20 | 0 [22] 0 | o lo] 2 | 3 | unacedrepon | | of eo|olo|o| o |o |. reporwsse | o | o|x»|o|ln|s| « | s | Total 256 | 0 | 7053 | 2005 | oama | asa | 333 | v2i | ava ineimpor [6 |e faefofo|o| ||. Chatanincomsiete | ave | ave [2505 [ 70 fa5| 0 | « | 18 | 2 chatan spt | @ | @ |sn|2m|am|o| o |» | 0 Naflzabad Challan-complete ‘211 | 211 | 1082] 819 | 1082] 0 o o oO Cancelatonreport | 38 | 38 | 327 | 2m | = | 2m | 0 | 0 | 0 uniacedrepon | 19 | 19 | 27 [1 | 0 | | 0 | 0 | 0 reports | = | = farfre|o|a| o |» | 0 Total 798 | 798 | so70| 3368 [seu] 00 | «| 18 | 2 inceimrepor | 0 | 0 | 27 o[e|.° ||. Chatanincompiete | 558 | 1857 | was7| 2%] 0 | 0 |v | 2% | 5 chatan-supnt | 197 | 76 | | 0 | o | o | 0 | 0 | 0 rang [chatanccomplete | 17 | 1613 | 1613 | 278 | 0 | 0 | ve | vo | 0 Gancelatonrepor | 96 | 301 | an|o | o|o| o | o | 0 unacednepor | 19 | 203 | 203 | o | | reporusse | s7 [an fan[o [oof o | o | o Total 1532 | 5141 | 5168 | 568 o 0 30 38 S inceimrevor | 0 | o fiz] o|oj|oj| o | o | o sebum chatanincom piee|_o | a25 | os | » [oe] o | 0 | 0 | 0 chatan spot [0 | |e [1 |%|o] 0. | | 0 UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Repo! rt 2015 ; z aT Zola la le |B |E. | stentecommenaea i elf ./§, i 9 | emnstPotie owes fpmerme EU 2E EH EEER/EV Tg | a] a a|23/ 2/23/2228 l2 og] 23) G2 s2\e SEPE/3E 55 (3538 Pleas Bale |seledled|es 2523) 22 832 halon nconpice [ee [aaa [ee2] 500 [en] 0 [oe Te Po canna [ft w«t*fit«lel ete |. vow [eratonconpee Po fe De Pepe bet 2 lo be Conecitonrepon [22 | ne [os | Lo [pe pe [oe rouse [cratanconpine | #0 [iste [sw fave fis oe |e |e |e cnationepon | a | [af tale oo |. |. meme fe to tote tele te bel. Khanewal | Challan- suppl ofofololfol|o ° ° ° pi UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 7 3 No.of Letters witten £elo le EZ [2 _| Actions recommended Bs/e |& = [f= | againstPolice §s/S_ [ee g \2 woeorroice | 82/33/38] 38 |e lee : Districts i 2u/82/ 22 SEiselz c | g| 38 a Pelgi le ge] 23] 53 Ba/id (22/22 ge /56 ls ai] 22] 22 gi/3" [32 SElzelsedi a5 |e88 Bie [22 gi/22 |2823] 22 |832 UnvacedRepont | 0 | oa |e] o [o]o| o |o | o reponuss2 | 0 [aw |mlofo,o| o |» |. Tota o | 607 | esor| a | om] = | 0 | | 0 inteimvepon [2 fr fe | o fs] o| o |e |s Ghalan incomplete [570 | 216i | 31289] 3538 [iver2| 13 | 9 | zs | 6 Gator weet | | [owl [eto fo to | Lahore [ecatancompiete | ooo | 2 [ves] s [os| oe] o | 0 |e Gancelatonrepor | 2 | 0 [so] we] ol} o |» | Unvacedtepon [0 | 0 [wmf fo|o| o | | 0 teponussi2 [a | |ss]a [mol oe |. |. Total 649 | 2502 [aeasa] 3756 frasaa] ts | 10 | a9 [0 inceimrepon [0 | 0 | an ofe].° | |e hatonincompiee | 73 | 75 | 27 | 59 [27| 0 | o | 0 | o chatnsuo [te | | 3 |s[ os [of o | o | o hatoneomplete | 239 | 0x9 | vea5| 997 [vas| 0 | 0 | o [0 Layyah Goncaoionrepon | 103 | 10s favo [ooo |» | uniacedtepon | 6 | 6 | 2 | 0 of. | teponwssi2 | o|olselo{»,olo |» | Total 1137 | 1137 | 2722 | 1093 | 1965 o o o oO intempo [0 | 2 f 2 | o|x|{oj| ||. Ghatonincompiee | 167 [303 | 95 | 336 [aes 7 | 0 |e |e Gators | [av lalalal[«*l i? fs |» tochran — [chatancomptete | 189 | 1663 | 1683 | 293 [1005] se | 0 | o | 0 Cancelationreport | 72 | 352 | 352 | 0 | 2 | 30] 0 | 0 | 0 unvaceaneron | o | 2 | | |o|| o | o | o feportwssi2 | 56 | 204 | 208] 0 [0 [am] 0 | 0 | 0 UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 = TT 2 1 la le |B [E. | Atonstecommendtea FS/S |S [E_ |e |e _ | againstPotice 22/33 /33/22/2, (22 pumice Ron” SELES LESIES IEE /EE\E g.] 2] FE Bs/Ed|22/22 ge /E6 | ail 22 | 22 Seis" |Selse lee ise le 53] g aij [edie |adlas liga 22 [43 Report u/s 512 o | s2 | is7| 3 [ie7] o a 0 0 mma [oo [so [sa] [ep |e pe [oe Interim report o oO oO oO o o oO oO snntagun [Gatznconsae pan | ae Paw fa Pas [= [eo Tos Goccatenreoon [oe [vse fase [re | De foe fe [oe UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 = Nacsflatan wren 2 |. |. EB |_| Actors teconmended Beige |e = |’ | againstPolice geio_|er g lg typeotPoice | 85/32) 38 £3/2? alls Distcts | Report 2/22 /22/h2 (23 /be lz =.) 2) 22 bs)in/22/22/52/3) 2g] 23| 42 Pals? |S% SElse le £8] ¥3 g zije [2a/i4 [al [ae |ieea) 22 (93 Gotoninonniee [vis | 0 [rwsfs [asf oo |» |e Goinwet [|e fe fsfefsfe[ |» |. Galoncommice [as fo [aml foal |e fe foe Monwol Cancellation report 7 oO 93 oO 93 oO 0 0 oO tncdtenon [fol mtele,[e| |e). torus | => |e pps fmpe[ oe |e fe Toe wpe fs) = fam) poe pe |e mermeroe fo fe tebe be fe loe fe fe Gaon ncanpiee | 350 [3053 [508 fa fows| 7 |e foe foe Goin |e [ao fap pe fa [oe | fe yriom — [eratoncompie [76 [iste [iste] wo [se] 2 | © |e | ® Cancentonrepon [19 | 5a [sa] os | o [| o fo |? Unwcedteron [6 fas fasper po fs] e | fe reponse fe ps [eb pe pate foe foe Tos mm [sre [aoe [or [os fon |e |e |e imermepoe | 0 fo | ra opm[oe [ef . Ghataninconpiee | «0 | 155 [zai fal oo | | os cater spot [9 [rm | af foo] oo fo | 0 wcowal — [ohatoncompicte | 3 | 20 [1500] aio fro] 0 | 0 | 3 | 2 Goncetatonrevor | > |v [av fe L* [ae |e toe foe Unvecedtepor [0 fa [wf o oe he torus | pe t= be tste toe le be Taal v7 | sa [ane] sw [aarp are | 3)? wmermenoe [eo fefelele,e] «|e |. Care Challan Incomplete | 4172 | 4172 | 4172 | 680 | 3139 | 1033 25 58 8 Goinwpn [oa oafowfo [afm] oo |» fe UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 : = Wo, of tatters written 2 ole le le [E [Z | actonstecommendea FES |E_|S_ Je |S _ | againstPotice Seic_leelseli |= noeotrowe | #2 /33| Seles [ez le : Districts i 2u/82/ 22 geled selec | g| 38 Reper Byles l|Se ls fel og | $2 Ba/id| 22/22 Ge /56|s a2] 22] 22 ag|3° | Sel SElSEEstdl G3 ig Bale |2dlea|ed|s: [2223] 2: |832 Chatan-complete_| 1970 | 2722 [oma] 52 fam| on] 0 | © | 0 Canceationreport | 1280 | 1280] v2] 0 | o | o | © | © | 0 unvacedtepor [32 | soe] o|o|o| o | | 0 reportuissr2 | 250 | 250] 250] 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 Teta save | 9654 | 9654 | 775 [57s | 1755 | 25 | 38 | 0 inceimepon [0 | ofo|olo|o| o |o |. Chatanincomplete | 862 | 324 [v0] #0 [we] s7 | 0 | « | 0 chatan-supn [wr | fmm |e fm| eo] o | «|e raipaten [eatancompiete [rss | a3 [rma] 0 [msf 2] o | o | o Gancelatonrepon | 3@ | 7 [35] 0 | 7 | a] 0 | 0 | 0 uniacedrepon | 6 | o | a |ofo|ol| o || reportussre | 53 | 0 | os |o | o || o | 0 | 0 “tal 29 | a1 [a5 | a0 [sas7[ om] 0 | « | 0 intempo [0 fo f27fofo|ol ||. Ghataninconsiete [268 0 [| o [wal o | © | © | 0 chatan spot [se | o [as] o [os] o | o | o | 0 Rajanpur Challan-complete | 1482 o | 1935} 0 1935 oO o o oO Gancelatonreport | 156 | 0 | 56] 0 | o | ws] 0 | 0 | 0 unacedrepor [2 | o|*|ofo|o| o |o | 0 repotusst2 [2 | 0 [2 | f2m|o |. | | 0 Teta sasi | 0 [soo] 0 [ase| ae] o | o | o ineimrepor | 7 fa a iftef eff. Chatanincompiete | aor_| 3075 | 075| 330 [sor] 0 | 2 | 16 | 7 Rahim ar Kon chatan-supot | 19 | 52 | se | 1 |o@| 0 | 0 | 5 | 6 Chatan-complee | a1 [29 [219] 20 fans] 0 | 2 | 2 | 2 Goncelationrevor [ 108 [voi [wom | © [wr] o |» |» [0 UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 = TT 2 |. |. EB |B | Aeions recommended Hsie |k& = |’ | againstPolice 22/52 /SE/55/2, 22 owns Ron" |e/eeleelge SElzEle s | 8) ze BalES| 22/22 /Ge/E6|s ai] 22] 22 Fels? |Sé sEisi le £3] § g aij |sdjed falas |igda 22 [43 mone [ar [est] fete toe fe [oe catan-wpot [8 [0 [ioe] » [won| | | [0 Report u/s 512 28 oO 453, 3 o o o oO oO cnsciseneoon | @ [70 [| 7 |e bebo. | [oe UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 z No.of Letters witten 2 ofa la le [EZ [z_ | Attonsnecommended FES |E_|E_ Je |e _ | againstPotice cele lesiesli le typeotPoice | 82/52) 58|28 lez lze Pale Plewicts | Report 22/52 | £2 /8 i stlz g.| 2] 38 Bs/ia| 22/22 /Ge/56|s ail 22 | 22 Seis" |Selse lee ise le 3] g Bile [ee/ee|zi(ae (dada $2 (223 Total 1075 | ear | 709 | a7 [a5] 0 | 7 | | mermeroe fo foefefofe |, |o |. Ghatonincompete | 703 | see |sv66| 0 [sree| 0 | as | ae | 200 chaton-supel | 12 | aso | we | o [ws] oo | o | sagocha [Ehaton-omplete | 328 | 3007 |2765| 0 [20| 0 | 2 | 0 | v9 Cancetononrepon |o | a4 | me] 0 [m|o| o | o | o UnuacedAepor [0 | aalam]o [ae] oo | | 0 reponusse | 0 [far] o fm, o |. |. Total vos | oss [ao] 0 [woa{o | 0 | ss | 20 inwimeror | o |2t2lelz [lo |. ]. Chaton incomplete | 1559 | 2oes [2505] 345 [20 | 9 | 0 | 1 | 0 Chater | | | o elelo= pe fe sania [Chator-complete [2505 | 3405 [5005 | 200 [m0 [0 | = |e Concaotonvepon | 465 | ow |e] o [0 [o> o fu |e Unvecedtepor [3a | sofseloloelel ote]. epotussi2 [2m | aoe] ae] o [we[o | o | | 0 Tora sas | size | aiz6| oss [owns | oo | 0 | ms | 0 intimeesort | 0 | eas | oss o fos |e «|. Ghatonincompiete | a4 | 2408 [2086] 532 [208] 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 chaton-sopel | o | sss | s55| 5s [s5s[ 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 trsingn [ehatorcomptere [0 [20] 20| 7 [2| | 0 | [oo Goncatotonvepor | 0 [ata] oo lato |e | Unacedtevor | 0 [27 |27]o0 [0 [mlo | | reportwssi2 | 0 | 20] a0] 0 | 0 |a0) 0 |» | o Tera 4 [an | ar 597 [sxs[orf 0 | 0 | WerotTintenmeenorr [0 | o | s]ofe,olo |] | UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 = Ip ace 2 |. Z| | actionsnecommended lz |g, ; | ssamsroic owes |r TATED J a] ey BEA) ER/ED|GL/Eh|2 gil eh | 48 gi[s°|ee SESE Esai? af 2tje | 23 3/23 |f8¥a) 32 (832 Galevcorsice [x0 | 0 | 2me] az | we] 0 |e | |e hatin nets [9287 6] are ore |inaray vasa] wa | oes | ans Unvacedtepor [200 | 5079 [vaso] a | ss [zm] 0 P70 Te 3.5 Court-based Performance Evidence Recording In 2015, evidence of 185,710 witnesses was recorded against 271, 872 witnesses who appeared in Magistrates courts. This was about 68.30%. In Sessions Court cases 95,817 witnesses were examined against 143,664 witnesses who appeared in court- a percentage of 66.69%. It is clear that witnesses are made to wait longer than they ought to and witness testimony is generally not recorded at the first available opportunity. UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 3.5 A Table: Witnesses Attended and Recorded in Districts, 2015. Magisterial Courts ‘Sessions Courts pumas | Wect [Sacto [Wichen ten mre] ns [unl oe ed es a ees eae UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 ETT a oie | Wt [Rit [Mclean sin pe cases ‘Summoned | Attended |Recorded |“5** Summoned | Attended |Recorded RY Khan 1915 12216 4340 3424 1012 4590 1789 2154 3.5 A: Withdrawal and Terminations Prosecutors are required to continue to apply the evidential and public interest tests during trial, Where a case continues to be good they should continue to prosecute; where the evidential or public interest test fails they must file an application for withdrawal of the case. In 2015, the following applications for withdrawal/termination of prosecutions were filed in the Anti-Terrorism Court in Punjab: + OL application for withdrawal of prosecution under section 10(03)(e) of the CPS Act, 2006 read with section 494 of the Code of Criminal Procedure + OL application for stay of prosecution under section 10(03)(f) of the CPS Act, 2006* 3.5 B: Outcomes in Court A casein court may come to final closure (decided) in three ways: a) By acquittal of all accused persons b) By conviction of all accused persons By conviction of some accused persons and acquittal of the rest, “Both applications were accepted by the Courts Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 A case in court may also come to temporary closure by being consigned to record, This happens when prosecution witnesses do not appear. Police cases may be closed without trial where the police find that the case is false or a matter for the civil courts or is liable to be investigated by another agency, or where the police are unable to find the perpetrator of the crime and the Magistrate agrees with the recommendations of the Police, 3.5 C: Outcomes in Subordinate Courts In 2015, cases in court had the following outcomes: total cases decided: 136,592. Total cases resulting in convictions of one or more persons charged: 75041. Cases resulting in acquittal ofall persons charged: 61551. Thus, the overall conviction percentage was 54.93%. Conviction rate in Magistrates and Sessions Court cases was as follows: a) Magistrates Court cases: 53.93% b) Sessions Court cases: 60.86% It must be mentioned here that the conviction rate is not the same as the Offenders Brought to Justice Rate (OBTJ), which would be lower than this number. 3.5 jure: Total Disposals in District Courts 800000 689843, 700000 ‘600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 75041 91639 738 100000 ° Total Casesin Total Convictions Total Acquittals Total Transferred Total Consigned Court to District courts UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 3.5 A Table: Disposals in Districts, 2015 Annual Report 2015 Previous Transferred to| Total Tota {Total District | CourtLevel | endeney | PRESS | special courts | convictions | acquittals [consigned torecord Magistrate | 3196 667 705 | 258 Attock 2403 ° Sesion 550 a 19 30 Total 3746 2408 ° 128 905 Magatate | 11153 1731 523571 ahawalnagar 7050 ° Session 508 i, we | Total vv681 | _7050 ° 1853 2026 Magistrate | 12705 533 om | 2532 Bahawalpur oon Session 610 12 ae | vai Total wis | oon ° ns 1143 Magistrate | 479 1353 ws | a thakkar 2989 Sesion 191 268 38 2 Total 370 2589 ° 1521 961 Magatate | 271 25 on 104 Chae 1382 ° Session 7 119 7 20 Total 7858 1382 ° 394 ore Magatrate | som 380 734 | 907 hint 4026 ° Sesion 953 256 Hn? 5 Total 6594 4026 ° 1136 1051 Magatate | 3873 1453 280 | a3ee DG khan 538 ° Session 376 5 1 2m Total 4249 5382 ° 1538 ian Magatrate | 32804 202 263s | 2900 Faisalabad 10022 2 Session 324 1134 m 185 Total asm | _10022 2 5376 3046 Magistrate | 24926 3895 oor | 1540 Gujranwala 18151 ° Session 1538 798 33 26 UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 Total Previous Transferred to| Total Total District | Court Level Fresh cases | rani coarts | convictions | sequittals (consigned pendency pecial court ictions | acquitals [consignes Total 26464 18151 ° 9688 5360 Magistrate | 10623 3983, 1923 wn Gujrat 7684 ° Session 1212 676 252 70 Total 11835 7688 0 4659 2175 Magistrate | 5527 2145 315 162 Hafizabad 2762 ° Session 400 295 a 4 Total 597 2762 0 2440 485 Magistrate | 7866 1388 1240 1698 hang 4420 ° Session 79 343 309 37 Total 8605 4420 ° 1731 1549 Magistrate | 1848 aa 79 166 Jehlum pais ° Session 490 227 a a Total 2338 215 0 1068 762 Magistrate | 11484 131 755 3089 Kasur 8498 716 Session 1015 379 295 49 Total 12499 8498 76 1510 1050 Magistrate | 10682 1061 a7 127 Khanewal 5256 o Session 565 168 316 66 Total tar 5256 ° 1225 1593 Magistrate | 3325 683 70 374 Khushab 2078 ° Session 169 97 8 3 Total 3494 2078 0 780 798 Magistrate | 72075 4796 eso | 25131 Lahore 45253 ° Session 5073 706 31 1669 Total mas 45253 ° 5502 9851 Magistrate | 2702 392 ore 7 Layyah 1938 o Session 246 156 128 2 Total 2948 1938 ° 1048 802 Lodhran Magistrate | 8816 4168 ° 1447. 157 1840 UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 eta Previous Fransterredto| Total | Total District | Courttevel| pendency | "**<5* | special courts [convictions | acquitals [consigned Session 384 7 15 | 25 Total x00 | _a68 ° vis | _1320 ee om oo | as7 MBahauddn 3856 ° Session 354 159 153 2 Tora om | 3056 ° 91 1073 Magistrate | 6736 vo [7 | 1140 Mianwa 465 ° Session 550 2 es [im Tota ras |_ 55 ° 193 | 03 Magisvate | 17786 seo [140s [ame aitan sas ° Session 37 225 zt | as Total 1360s [9928 ° 1765 |e Magistrate | 7667 oes 309 | tat uzatfargern FR 607 ° Session 1013 259 as | s Tora e680 |__ 5607 ° wa |_ 1025 Magistrate | 6019 ve [8 | zis NSahio 4082 ° Session 558 24 | Total osm | _ aos ° vss0_ | 995 Magisvate | 6377 1068 mse [as Narowal 3267 ° Session 358 196 74 0 Total os | 27 ° 1264 a2 Magistrate | _ #260 752 1199 | 5078 ohare oss ° Session i080 198 ws | 7 Tora ssa |_ 9053 ° sas | 508 Magistrate | 6152 508 se | ota Pakpattan ms ° Session on 131 m_ | 9 Tera oa |_ a6 ° oes m6 Magistate | _ 19609 wo | mee | aor RY Khon rs ° Session veo 22 22 (|e Tota zs [ 792 ° 52 | 2476 Annual Report Previous | Fresh, | Transferred to| Total ‘Total ia ve District | CourtLevel| pendency | FSS*%5° | special courts [convictions | acquittals |consiones Magistrate | 4243 wes | 78s tes Rajanpur 08 ° Sesion 32 ° wo | 5s Total wor | ae ° wea [925 Magisvate | 17008 zoos | aoe | 26 Aawalpind vest ° Sesion 1554 757 2 | ae Total oe ° ve | 260 Magistrate | 7856 wo | 1329 | 4300 sahiwal e126 ° Sesion oe 23 re Total aor | a6 ° ws [2 Magistrate | 10909 a ee sargodta 7409 ° Sesion oe 38 27 | 28 Total ver [ 7408 0 man 7 Magiarte | 16818 380 wa ams sheikh sa20 2 Sesion 78 38 safe Total wor |_ 5320 20 368 174 Magstrte | _ 9810 zooe | ats | 202i Sialkot 1581 0 Sesion 28 7 a | Total vias [_vse1 Q sae7_|_ 208 Magiarte | 4875 ve [7a | Trsingh mms ° Sesion 7 a we | Total saz | _ane 3 nao 908 Magiarte | _n6 psi | asae | as Vehar 7028 ° Sesion 1053 270 3 | Tota wie | _7a9 ° oe Magiarate | 402905 ez | seas | eave Total asso | nae session | 33378 2087 | _746_(| sae Grandvotal| zea74 | asses | 72a | 750m | erss1_| o1e6 oi UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 3.5 B Table: District Wise Convictions Rate: Annual Report 2015 isa oinue [comet] Matt, | remenns|Tamtretil i |, oe oi UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 ma oowe [amin | Peet, | rence antral | Tee tedhvan Session 7” 163 26 260 234 30.34% or UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 ma oowe [amin | Peet, | rence antral | Tee 4B UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Annual Report 2015 ma oowe [amin | Peet, | rence antral | Tee Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 Results show that the highest convi lowest was in Chakwal. Lahore, wi lowest conviction rate. ion rate in Magistrates Court was in Hafizabad and contributes the largest bulk of cases, had the second 3.5 A Figure: Conviction Rate in Magistrates Courts Hafizabad Sargodha TT.Singh Gujrat Rajanpur Gujranwala Mianwali N. Sahib Faisalabad Vehari Kasur Bhakkar Narowal Layyah Sialkot Lodhran Chiniot Jehlum DG Khan ‘Multan Bahawalnagar Rawalpindi Khushab M. Bahauddin Pakpattan AAttock Khanewal Jang Muzaffarghar Sheikhupura Okara RY Khan | Bahawalpur Sahiwal Lahore Chakwal 00% 1a00% 200% 3000% 40.00% 50.00% 000% 70.00% s000% 000% r0000% Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 In the Sessions Court Lahore, which again contributes the largest number of cases (in terms of trials disposed off), had the highest conviction rate. The lowest conviction rate was in Lodhran. The highest number of net conviction in Sessions Cases was obtained in Faisalabad (1134). 3.5 B Figure: Conviction Rate in Sessions Courts Lahore } Jehlum Attock Mianwali Bhakkar Faisalabad Sialkot Rawalpindi Gujranwala TI.Singh Bahawalnagar Loch a 00% 10.00% 290% 2000% 40G0% SodO% 6990% 70.00% 000% 000% T0000% ot Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 Outcomes in Anti-Terrorism Courts Out of 1184 cases finally decided by the fourteen Anti-Terrorism Courts in the Province, 380 cases resulted in a conviction (32.09%). 3.5 C Figure: Disposals in Anti-Terrorism Courts, 2015 2500 2252 2000 1500 1000 500 249 ° Total Cases in Total Convictions Total Acquittals Total Transferred Total Consigned Court to District courts Annual Report 2015 Number of Appeals filed by Prosecution in Courts of Punjab / UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Supreme Court: Name of the 2015 Court (01-01-2015 to 31-12-2015) District Court Punjab a Lahore High Court | Cases Table by Sessions Court 38 ‘Cases Table by MS-30/ MIC 2 ‘Cases Trable by ATC a | 36 ‘Cases Table by ACC 7 ‘Cases Table by Drug Court 3 Supreme Court of Pakistan 38 TOTAL, 215 Number of Revisions filed by Prosecution in Courts of Punjab: 2015 Name of the Court (01-01-2015 to 31-12-2015) TotalFiied [Dismissed | Allowed District Courts, Punjab 608 7 a Lahore High Court, Lahore 15 3B 2 Lahore High Court, Rawalpindi Bench 2 ° Lahore High Court, Multan Bench 1 1 Lahore High Court, Bahawalpur Bench 4 4 Total 629 94 90 ord Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 4. Standards and Methodology of Assessing Performance 4.1 Standards The CPS applied the following tests for prosecutorial decision making during 2015: Para 4.2, Code of Conduct for Prosecutors, 2012:In the institution of criminal proceedings, they will proceed only when a case is well-founded upon evidence reasonably believed to be reliable and admissible, and will not continue with a prosecution in the absence of such evidence; throughout the course of the proceedings, the case will be firmly but fairly prosecuted; and not beyond what is indicated by the evidence. Guideline 3.1, Prosecutorial Decision Making Guidelines: The evidential test requires the prosecutor to ask whether there is a realistic prospect of conviction (it is more likely than not that the accused will be convicted). If there is not a realistic prospect of conviction the case cannot, and must not, go ahead Guideline 4.1: Where there is a realistic prospect of conviction, the prosecutor is required to consider whether it is in accordance with public interest to prosecute the Public Interest test. All prosecutions are in public interest unless there are factors in existence that require a prosecution may not be made 4.2 Methodology The following methods are used to assess performance of the Service. 4.2.1 Ensuring Excellence Through Monitoring Service The Service maintains standards both through internal checks and controls and through external inspections conducted by the Monitoring Service. Non-compliance with instructions, internal standards and guidelines, and statutory requirements are identified and recorded during the investigation of complaints and the processing of appeals/revisions against court decisions. Corrective actions based upon the reports of the Monitoring Service are taken by the Prosecution Department. In 2015, the Monitoring Service conducted 45 inspections involving the work of 138 prosecutors (14% of the available strength). The Monitoring Service reported less than satisfactory compliance with prosecutorial standards and guidelines. or Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 4.2.2 Use of Information Technology ‘The CPS has been steadily introducing information technology over the past two years and has supplied 235 laptops procured by the Department to Prosecutors. thas also agreed with the Department to introduce a computerized Prosecution Case Flow Management System, which digitizes key prosecutorial decisions and allows for the consistent and effective monitoring of various aspects of prosecutorial work. By the end of 2015 the Software had been deployed and was being test run at the Center for Professional Development of Prosecutors. The Case Flow Management System tracks progress against 50+ indicators and records all key prosecutorial decisions in a case. The internally designed system can produce both individual and institutional progress reports. Itis also capable of the electronic fling of cases in court. The CFMS is the most advanced case flow management system in the country. 50 Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 5. Expenses and Budget 5.1 Budget ‘The Budget of the CPS in 2014-2015 was Rs 1,215,078,000 (Rs 1215.078 million). Out of this amount Rs 1,149,766,000 (Rs 1,149.766 million) was allocated for salary and Rs 65, 312,000 (Rs 65.312 million) was allocated for non-salary expenses. Non-salary budget was 5.38% of the total budget. 5.2 Human Resource - Prosecutors The CPS had 982 working prosecutors on 31.12.2015. The total number of working prosecutors and sanctioned posts is as follows Designation of Prosecutor Sanctioned posts, Filled posts Vacant posts ‘Assistant District Public Prosecutor 798 640 156 Deputy District Public Prosecutor 328 284 44 Deputy Prosecutor General 8 2 45 District Public Prosecutor 53 26 27 ‘Additional Prosecutor General 18 9 Prosecutor General 1 1 Total 1264 983 281 5.2.1 Gender CPS values the significant role that women play in the criminal administration of justice. A total of 89 female prosecutors (9.05%) were working in the Department on 31-12-2015. Rank wise distribution of female prosecutors was DPP,1; DDPP,17; DPG, 1; and ADPP, 70. Ey Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 5.3 Human Resource Support Staff ‘The CPS is supported by a number of non-prosecuting staff. This staff supports prosecutors in the performance of their professional functions. Detail of staff in 2015 was as follows: Name of post Bs | Sanctioned pests Filled posts Vacant posts Director General 20 1 ° 1 Director (A&P) 19 1 ° 1 Director (HR) 18 i 0 1 Deputy Director 18 2 2 2 ‘Assistant Director 7 3 ° 2 Private Secretary 7 1 ° 1 ‘Superintendent 16 4 3 36 Senior Data Processor 16 1 n 0 Personal Assistant 16 35 19 16 Assistant “4 36 2 4 ‘Stenagrapher 14 60 2 2 Data Entry Operator, 2 2 ° cashier 1 1 1 ‘Accountant w 1 1 ‘Senior Clerk 9 105 0 105 Junior Clerk 7 966 ai B Drivers 4 35 26 8 Dispatch Riders 4 5 4 1 ‘Naib Qasid 1 925 910 15 ‘Gardener 1 1 1 Guard 1 2 1 1 Sweeper 1 2 1 1 Total 2250 1984 266 The ratio of support staff to prosecutors was 1:2 5.4 Value for Money Cost in terms of cases submitted in Court was Rs. 4,131 per case (Rs. 1,215, 078,000/294136). Cost in terms of a conviction was Rs. 16,110.6 (Rs. 1,215,078,000/75,421). The CPS therefore provides very good value for money. 52 Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 6. Professional Development 6.1 Training and Skill Development The Center for Professional Development of Public Prosecutors, which is a separate organization working under the Prosecution Department, undertakes Training. The CPD was established in September 2014 and it provided training to 68 prosecutors in 2015. Additional trainings were provided under the arrangements of the Counter Terrorism Associated Prosecutorial Reform Initiative (CAPRI) and the US Department of Justice, 6.2 Tri ings Provided In 2015, 124 prosecutors were provided training. 10 of these prosecutors were trained internationally whereas the rest received training within Pakistan Details of training activities within Pakistan are as follows: Training Number of Subject Duration | Training Venue | vided by | participants Counter Terrorism 12weeks| — MPDD CAPRI 10 (All DDPPs) Awareness Margalla Hotel, 19(DPG, DDPP, Advocacy Skills Aadays eee CAPRI ADEP) Master Training Program | 1 week mPDD suciktar | 7 (APG/DDPR, ADPP) Master Training Program | 1 week MppD sucrktar | '° OP. 15 (DPG, DDPP, Case Review 3 days cep co AOPP) 14 (DPG, DDPP, Case Review 3 days cep cD ADEP) 14 (DPG, DDPP, Case Review 3 days cep cD ‘ADPP) 13 (OPG, DDPP, Case Review 3 days cPD cPD ADEP) CFMS use and operation |1 day PD PD 12 (DPG, DDPP) 53 UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea Details of International Trainings are as follows: Annual Report 2015 Female Prosecutors : ; 7 Training Number of | Subject Duration| TrainingVenue | Nridedy | participants Senior Prosecutors Bangkok, Conference 4 days Thailand spo) 5 Keble College, (heernational Advocacy |e days | University of CAPRI 3 Oxford Exchange Program for [17 gaye USA usbo) 3 54 Annual Report UN TeV ess eeU ie Bye (ea 2015 Abbreviations ACB Applications for Cancellation of Bail ADPP Assistant District Public Prosecutor APG Additional Prosecutor General BHC British High Commission CAPRI Counter Terrorism Associated Prosecutorial Reform Initiative cFMS Caseflow Management System. cPD Center for Professional Development cPS (Punjab) Criminal Prosecution Service DDPP Deputy District Public Prosecutor DPG Deputy Prosecutor General D.G. Khan Dera Ghazi Khan MB.Din Mandi Bahauddin NA Not Available RY Khan Rahim Yar Khan SKP Sheikhupura TT.Singh Toba Tek Singh USDOJ US Department of Justice Glossary of Terms Case in Court ‘A case in which persons have been charged Case consigned to record Cases no more tried by the Court due to absence of prosecution Challan witnesses, or absconsion of accused. These cases can be theoretically recalled and tried Cases in which one or more persons are recommended to stand trial Trials disposed off Cases decided or consigned to record by the Court oS) PUNJAB CRIMINAL PROSECUTION SERVICE Government Of Punjab cS

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