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Going Out

1. Circle the words related to shopping, and highlight the ones related to sports; then look them up.

2. Match the expressions from the left to the most appropriate picture on the right by writing the
correct letter in the little square. Make sure you understand every expression.

a. Get in line
b. How much is
c. Who wins?
d. where

e. See you at
f. Try this on
g. it fits
h. it doesn’t fit

i. Let’s go,
j. Do you have it
in _____ size?
k. The ball is in
your court
l. That’s on me.
3. Pay close attention to the explanation about “There is / There are”, take notes and write sentences
about these images:






4. Listen to the guy talking about his sister and the Dubai Mall; fill in the gaps:

The Dubai Mall, UAE

My sister Nahla _________ to the Dubai Mall every day. __________ ______ hundreds and hundreds of stores
of different articles and products. People ________ every day to visit each store and buy as many things as
they can. Nahla also ___________ there. She works as a women’s products seller in a very important brand,
so everyday she ___________ to people saying “how much is it?”, “it doesn’t fit” or “do you have it in small size?”
among others. There are two car lines to get in the Mall which is a huge entrance. There are about 75000
people who attend every day to this impressive place and there is a huge aquarium that they say is the biggest
one in the world. When the working hours _________, my sister _________ to buy different things for her
and her family, there are many discounts for people who work there. She is a happy worker and __________
a lot this place.

Reminder: Select a place to go out, bring materials to make a poster about it next class with your group.

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