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Teaching listening techniques Score Advantage(s) Disadvantage(s)

a) Teacher plays a tape, without 4 None No preparation for listening; no

introducing the topic or anything else purpose stated

b) Teacher tells learner their purpose in - giving a reason to focus None

listening on listening

- better understanding of
an activity

c) The teacher announces the topic of the - more active None

passage then asks class to brainstorm participation during the
vocabulary they expect to hear in the class
passage. - learning new vocabulary
- improves teamwork
between students

d) Teacher asks learners to predict - students more - students may have problems
questions that might be asked in a taped interested in the class with making predictions
conversation. - active participation

e) Teacher plays the passage tape once, - learners gain general - some students may have a
without preparation asking the learners to knowledge about passage problem with understanding
listen for main ideas. which can help with more what they are supposed to do
detailed exercises
- learners might feel less

f) Learners have done one listening task to - exercise is less stressful None
get the main idea of a text. For the second for learners as they are
time they listen, the teacher gives a task to more familiar with the
listen for more detailed information. text

- learners know what

they are supposed to do

g.) Teacher asks learners to listen to the - less stressful for - learners might have problems
tape and then summarise the content in students with explaining different subjects
their own language. in L2
- learners can focus on
the content more instead
of focusing on
grammatical correctness
during explanation

h) Teacher asks learner to draw something - it might help students - students might lose focus on
(e.g. a picture on map) while listening. who are kinesthetic the main activity
- students feel more

I) Teacher plays each sentence of taped - students have no - students might have problem
dialogue and asks learners to translate the problems with with using L2
sentence in to their L1. understanding text
- it takes too much time
j) Teacher dictates a passage to learn, - learners develop their - for some students it might be
leaving gaps between phrases; learners hearing ability too hard to focus on writing and
write down exactly what they hear. listening at the same time
- if learners have
problems with
understanding from
heard text, they might
find a meaning by context

k) Teacher plays a short passage then orally - learners learn abilities - learners might get too stressed
asks learners basic comprehension needed for basic and as a result unable to
questions. conversations respond

l) Teacher plays the same passage a few - fully understanding of - time-absorbing

times, each time asking learners to do a the text
new listening activity and listen for a - keeping students
different purpose. motivated with new

m) Teacher gives the class the text to read - learners might None
as they listen to the tape. understand text better

- involves reading and

listening skills at the same

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