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Name : Fistia Shavira Herawan

Npp : 27.0325
Class : C-1 Nindya
Subject : English ( Descriptive Text)


Java has become one of the many number of tribes, which one is Baduy. The Baduy or Badui
are a traditional Bantenese community living in the southeastern part of the Indonesian province of
Banten, near Rangkasbitung. They are considered an uncontacted people, a group who are almost
completely isolated from the outside world. they speak Indonesian language fluently, even though
they did not have formal learning of the language in schools. The Baduy people have relationship
with Sundanese people. Their physical appearance and language are similar to the general Sundanese
people population. One of the differences is their beliefs and lifestyle. The Baduy people isolate
themselves from the outside world influences and strictly preserve their traditional lifestyle, while
the Sundanese people are much more open to majority of them embraces Islam.

Baduy itself consists of two groups, there are the Baduy in and outside of Baduy. The baduy
in lived in the forest and also follow all the rules by The Head of Baduy Etnic. Typical of the Baduy
in is his clothes are not collared and buttoned, didn't use his footwear, and his shirts are white or dark
blue. Baduy in also did not know the technology, money and school so that it can only communicate
with their own language. different from the outside of Baduy, live in the nearby surrounding area
Baduy live in. This outside of Baduy also already know the culture, money,friend, etc. Because they
have known almost all of them, people can see the outside of Baduy to sell forest honey. Clothes by
this outside of Baduy are white

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