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Praise for the SC Grail

“The best thing about the SC Grail is the attention it pays to students’ needs. Be it the entire Section 3 of
the book or the shortened idiom list or the quick recall section at the end, everything is targeted at making
things simpler for students. A big kudos to the Aristotle team for coming out with this book.”

— Kevin Lee, GMAT 770 (Harvard – Class of 2016)

“I really like the SC Grail’s focused approach wherein it only teaches you concepts and questions that you
are likely to see on the GMAT. There’s no beating around the bush with complicated jargon and strategies
being thrown around. Everything is to the point and result oriented. Strongly recommended!”

— Chandni Khanna, GMAT 780 (INSEAD – Class of 2015)

“Probably the best book to smart study the SC section. It is really well written and is almost perfect for
nonnatives. Builds up the basics and targets the sentence structure really well.”

— Jhumsumtak, Moderator,, GMAT 770 (v-44,q-51)

“I got a score of 44 in Verbal thanks mainly to the SC Grail. I had gone through every possible resource
for SC and was still getting half the questions wrong because I couldn’t understand where to apply which
rule. The SC Grail’s application oriented approach worked wonders for my accuracy rate that went up to a
consistent 80-85%. A must have book for anyone targeting a 700-plus score on the GMAT.”

— Arnold Roebuck, GMAT 750 (Kellogg – Class of 2016)

“The SC Grail is a must have book for all non native students as it really simplifies all the grammar concepts
tested on the GMAT. I really like the writing style of this book as it feels like you are actually being taught
by someone in a class. Definitely the best SC book out there.”

— Gaurav Sajnani, GMAT 760

“Definitely worth the money. 4.5/5”

— Whiplash, Moderator,, GMAT 760 (v-44, q-51)

“The thing that stands out the most about the SC Grail for me is the comprehensive nature of the book. It
is a one stop solution for all your SC needs—be it concepts, practice questions, short cuts, everything. This
is the best book for SC that one can get.”

— Jonathan Bates, GMAT 720 (Columbia – Class of 2016)

The ONLY book you need to ace the GMAT Sentence Correction


Correction Grail
Advanced Sentence Correction concepts

Practice Drills at the end of each chapter

Practice set of 125 questions with 30% NEW content

QR codes to access 45+ ‘Expert Speak’ videos and exclusive Vlogs NEW

References to the 2018, 2017 and 2016 editions of the Official Guide for
GMAT Review and the Official Guide for Verbal Review

GMAT® and GMAC® are registered trademarks of the Graduate Management

Admission Council which neither sponsors nor endorses this product
GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail 2018
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ISBN: 978-81-265-6973-1

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Introduction vii

Section 1 – About the GMAT 1

Section 2 – Diagnostic Test 9

Section 3 – Grammar Review 29

Noun 31
Pronoun 34
Adjective 36
Verb 37
Adverb 39
Preposition 40
Conjunction 41
Interjection 42
Subject, Object, and Predicate 43
Phrases and Clauses 44
Verbals—Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives 46
Punctuation 49

Section 4 – Sentence Correction Error Types 53

How to Approach Sentence Correction Questions 57
Fragments and Run-on Sentences 61
Subject-Verb Agreement 71
Tense 87
Pronoun 101
Modifiers 115
Parallel Structure 131
Comparison 145
Idioms and Style 153
Meanings 183
Section 5 – Common Errors of Usage 191
The Subjunctive Mood 193
Number Agreement 194
The Usage of Where 194
Each other vs. One another 195
Whether vs. If 195
Twice vs. Double 196
For and Since 196
Like vs. Such as 197
The Usage of Only 198
Due to vs. Because of 198
Less vs. Fewer 199
Greater vs. More 200
Will vs. Would vs. Should 200
Between vs. Among 201
The Usage of Apostrophe with Plural Nouns 202
The Usage of Punctuation 202
Rather than vs. Instead of 203
The Usage of Double Negatives 204

Section 6 – Sentence Correction Practice Set 205

Aristotle Sentence Correction Practice Set 207
Answers and Explanations 246

Section 7 – Quick Recall 327

Index—QR Codes 336

Introduction | vii

Sentence Correction is a topic quite dreaded by candidates taking the GMAT. Though the sheer
number of concepts and rules may seem intimidating at first, with discipline and the right approach,
it is not difficult to master these concepts and their application to questions. Through this book, we
will take you on a methodical path to ace the Sentence Correction section on the GMAT.

Sections in this book

Section 1
Gives you a broad overview of the GMAT—test format, duration, scoring, etc.

Section 2
Administers a diagnostic test that will hep you assess your level of competence in Sentence
Correction before you go through the concepts and strategies in this book.

Section 3
Brings you up to speed with all the important grammar concepts relevant to GMAT SC.

Section 4
Discusses the major error types tested on the GMAT.

Section 5
Covers minor errors, especially errors of usage, and confusing answer choices.

Section 6
Contains a 125-question SC Practice Set to help you test your understanding of the concepts
learnt in the SC Grail and your ability to apply these concepts on SC questions based on the
GMAT pattern.

Section 7
Provides a Quick Recap of all the important concepts and rules covered in this book. This section
saves you the trouble of taking notes so you can concentrate on understanding the concepts. Go
through this section before every practice test that you take.

We have tried to make this book a one-stop solution for all your Sentence Correction needs. The
book starts with a diagnostic test so you can get a baseline score against which you can compare
your future performance. This is followed by the grammar review section that will help you become
conversant with the important grammar terms that will be discussed in latter parts of the book.
English grammar is an extremely vast field but this section will focus only on those concepts that
are relevant to your doing well on the GMAT SC section.

After the grammar review section, the book will take you through the nine commonly tested error
types on GMAT SC. Again, the focus will be on discussing only those aspects of these errors that
are known to have been tested on the GMAT. While ‘Meaning’ is relevant to every error type, we
have added a separate chapter on Meanings just to highlight the fact that the GMAT is increasingly
testing this particular aspect of sentences.

The GMAT also tests you extensively on the usage of certain terms such as whether, like, should,
which, etc. In fact, we recently did a split of all the error types tested in the Sentence Correction
viii | GMAT Sentence Correction Grail

chapter in OG 2018 and ‘Usage’ featured among the top three error types tested in the book. The
fifth section of this book is dedicated exclusively to discussing the correct usage of commonly
tested terms on the GMAT.

Once you have gone through all these sections, it is time to test how much of this you have actually
absorbed. The 125-question practice set that makes up Section 6 of this book will help you do
precisely that. These questions have been created in such a way that they will repeatedly reinforce
the important SC concepts until you start getting them right.

We have noticed that students tend to forget important SC rules (such as when to use that and
when to use which) when they take practice tests, as a result of which their verbal score goes down
by several points. To resolve this problem we have added a Quick Recall section to this book. This
section contains all the important SC concepts and rules in one place. We urge you to go through
this section before every practice test that you take. You will see the benefit of this when you actually
get down to attempting SC questions on the test—your accuracy and speed both will improve

GMAT OG 2018, 2017 and 2016 and GMAT Verbal Review 2018, 2017 and
2016 References
For most of the concepts covered in this book, you will also find OG question references that will
provide you with the question number of similar questions present in the OGs 2018, 2017 and 2016
and also in the OG Verbal Review (VR) 2018, 2017 and 2016. As a result, you can see how the
concepts explained in this book are actually tested on the GMAT.

Access Videos Using QR Codes

You will see QR codes printed at different places in the book. By scanning these QR codes using
your smartphones, you will be able to access videos relevant to the concept being discussed on that
page. This will further help reinforce your understanding of that comcept.

Clearing your Doubts/Queries

The purchase of this book provides you direct access to the experts who have written this book. So,
in case there is any concept or question discussed in this book that you do not understand, please
put up the same on the Forums section of our website: Our experts will
respond to you within 48 hours and help clear all your doubts.

To sum it up, we have tried to make the Wiley-Aristotle Sentence Correction Grail 2018 as
comprehensive and, at the same time, as student friendly as possible. We are sure you will find this
book useful in your prep.

Good Luck & Study Hard!

The Aristotle Prep Team

Introduction | ix

How to Access your Videos

This book contains ‘Expert Speak’ videos and other exclusive training content that you can easily
access through an app—on your smartphone or tablet—using the QR codes provided at various
locations throughout the book.

Step 1 – Download and Install the App on your Smartphone/tablet

To access the videos and other content, you will need to download the ‘Wiley Test Prep’ App from
either Apple’s App store (iTunes) or Google play store and install it on your Smartphone or tablet.

For Apple devices:

Go to iTunes and search for ‘Wiley Test Prep’. Locate the app from the displayed results and click
on Install.

For Android devices:

Go to Google Play Store and search for ‘Wiley Test Prep’. Locate the app from the displayed results
and click on Install.

While installing the app, you will be asked to key in the unique registration code printed on the last
page of this book. This registration code will work only once and on only one device.

Step 2 – Scan the QR codes and access your training content

Once you have installed the app, you can access the videos and training content on your mobile
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About the GMAT
About the GMAT | 3

What is the GMAT?

The GMAT stands for Graduate Management Admission Test. It is an exam required for
admissions to MBA programs in the US and in other top business schools across the world. It is
also required for admission to a few Masters and PhD courses.

It is very important for you to know that the GMAT is a computer adaptive test. This means that
the difficulty level of the next question in a section is determined by your performance on the
previous questions. Therefore, as you progress through the test, the software continuously tries to
evaluate your performance and adapts the difficulty level of the next questions to your performance
on the previous ones. For this reason, you cannot skip or go back to questions on the test.

Scan this QR code to watch a video discussing why one shouldn’t

approach the GMAT very academically.

What does the GMAT consist of?

The GMAT consists of four sections, which appear in the fixed order given below.

Section Time
Analysis of an Argument Essay 30 minutes
Integrated Reasoning 30 minutes
Quantitative 75 minutes
Verbal 75 minutes

You will get 12 questions in the Integrated Reasoning section, 37 questions in the Quantitative
section and 41 questions in the Verbal section.

There are two optional 8-minute breaks during the GMAT. The first one is after the Integrated
Reasoning section and the second one is after the Quantitative section.

Note: From July 11 2017, the GMAT will provide you the option of choosing the order of the four
sections from three possible choices as below:

Option I: AWA, Integrated Reasoning, Quant, Verbal

Option II: Quant, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning, AWA
Option III: Verbal, Quant, Integrated Reasoning, AWA
4 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Integrated Reasoning questions can be further divided into the following

four question types:
• Graphics Interpretation
• Two-Part analysis
• Table Analysis
• Multi-Source Reasoning

Quantitative questions can be further divided into the following two

question types:
• Problem Solving
• Data Sufficiency

Verbal questions can be further divided into the following three question
• Sentence Correction
• Critical Reasoning
• Reading Comprehension

How am I scored on the GMAT?

The GMAT scores range from 200-800. A score of 200 is the lowest you can get and a score of 800
is the highest. For each section, you get something called a scaled score and there is also a percentile
score corresponding to a scaled score.

• AWA – This section is scored on a scale of 0-6 in half-point increments.

• Integrated Reasoning – This section is scored on a scale of 0-8 in one-point increments
• Quantitative and Verbal – These two sections are scored on a scale of 51. The GMAC does not
reveal how exactly this score is calculated, but we do know for sure that the difficulty level of the
questions you get correct/incorrect plays a big role in determining your final score on the test.

When can I take the GMAT? How many times is it

conducted in a year?
The GMAT can be taken at any time of the year. You sign up to take the exam INDIVIDUALLY,
whenever you are free. Yes, that’s right. The only thing to consider is whether the date, on which you
want to take the exam, is available at the test centre of your choice. This is important in cities such
as New York, Los Angeles, Beijing, New Delhi, etc., where the number of test takers is quite high
and you may have to book a slot usually a month or two before your exam date.
About the GMAT | 5

How do I register for the GMAT and how much is the

exam fee?
You can register for the GMAT by logging on to and then going to the
registration page. The GMAT exam fee is $250, as of 2017.

What should I do after taking my GMAT?

If your actual GMAT score is lower than what you would like it to be, you can always retake
the test. However, if you feel you have got a satisfactory score, it is time to start working on your
business school applications. You will need to start off by shortlisting schools based on criteria such
as your desired field of study, your GMAT score, the country or region you want to be in, etc. At
Aristotle Prep, we have a full-fledged counselling division that can assist you with the business
school application process. You can go through our website for details.

Scan this QR code to watch a video discussing your GMAT retake


How do I prepare for the GMAT?

As with any other test, you start off by going through the basic quant and verbal concepts that are
tested on the GMAT. Books such as the one you are holding in your hands right now are one of the
best ways of doing so.

Once you have completed your basics, it’s tme to apply all that learning on actual GMAT questions.
At this point, you will want to get your hands on the The Official Guide for GMAT Review (OG) set
of books as these are the only source of actual GMAT questions.

Once you have completed all the questions in the OG, you need to start taking a few timed online
practice tests. The GMAC provides you two of these tests (called the GMATPrep) for free on the
official GMAT website: You can access two more of these tests by purchasing them

Once you start scoring within 20-30 points of your desired score in the GMATPrep tests, it is time
for you to book your test date and take the real GMAT.

Scan this QR code to watch a video by one of our co-founders on how

you should structure your GMAT prep.
6 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

While you need to work hard to get a good GMAT score,

you also need to work smart. The following are some
test-taking strategies for the smart test taker:

Always try to narrow down your choices to two options.

On a lot of questions, especially the high difficulty ones, you will often end up eliminating wrong
answer choices rather than selecting the correct one. There is nothing wrong with this approach. In
fact, we encourage students to start by eliminating wrong answer choices. The first time you read
through the options, try to eliminate two or three that make absolutely no sense to you or that you
are certain are wrong. This shouldn’t be very difficult because it is not very easy for the test makers
to provide you with four or five equally confusing choices.

So, the first time you go through the options, try to come down to two possible answers. Once you
do this, you have increased your chances of getting the answer correct from 20% to 50%, which
are very good odds. Once you have narrowed down to two possibilities, go through each of these
options and try to identify the one that better answers the question asked. It might also be a good
idea to re-read the question once again at this stage, as students often tend to misread questions on
the test.

Time management will be the most important factor on the day of the test.
A good way of pacing yourself on the GMAT is to follow what we, at Aristotle, call the 8/15
rule—for every 8 questions, you should take around 15 minutes, irrespective of the question-type
mix. So, look at your watch after the first 15 minutes on the test—if you have completed more than
8 questions, then you are going too fast and probably need to slow down.

Similarly if you have completed fewer than 8 questions, you are going too slow and need to pick up
your pace. Depending on how far behind you are on your timing, guess on 1 or 2 questions in the
next lot of 8 questions to catch up on the time. Do not leave this guesswork for the end, as most
students do, because this can have disastrous consequences on your overall score.

The strategy of leaving the guesswork till the end will put too much pressure on you towards the
end of the test. You will invariably end up with a situation in which you have 6-7 questions left
with 7-8 minutes to go, that is, a minute for each question. Given that there will most likely be an
RC passage amongst these last questions, there is no way you can complete these questions in the
remaining time.

What will eventually happen is that you will end up guessing on most or all of these questions. The
problem with guessing is that, unless you are making intelligent guesses (which will not be the case
at the end of the test with you under intense pressure), you can easily get most or even all of these
questions wrong. If you get so many questions wrong in a row, your score will fall drastically. So all
your good work in the rest of the test could be undone by this lack of attention to pacing yourself
on the test.
About the GMAT | 7

Scan this QR code to watch a video discussing how you should

manage your time while taking the GMAT.

How to guess intelligently?

If you follow the 8/15 rule, you should not have to guess on too many questions at the end of the
test. However, in case you still end up having to guess on the last 5-6 questions, here is an intelligent
way of doing so that will ensure that your score does not fall by too much.

Let’s start by assuming that you are on Question number 36 in the section (that is, you have 5-6
questions remaining), and your current scaled score is 34 (of course you’ll have no way of knowing
this but let’s just assume this to be the case). Now, assuming that you have six minutes remaining on
the test, how would you approach these last six questions?

Most of you would immediately see that you have one minute left for each question, so you would
spend that minute on each question and if you could not arrive at the answer in a minute you would
guess something and move to the next question.

By following this approach, there is a very high possibility that you will get all or most of these
questions wrong, since it’ll be very difficult to attempt questions in a minute at the end of the test,
especially CR and RC ones. Your concentration levels will be very low and stress levels very high,
which means you will need to read the question two or three times just to understand what it is

The problem is that by this time your one minute will already be up, so you will end up making a
random guess and moving on. If you get most of these last questions wrong, your score will fall from
34 to somewhere around 27-28. Remember your score falls drastically if you get several questions
incorrect in a row.

Here is a smarter way of approaching the same situation, that is, six questions to be attempted in six
minutes with your scaled score on 34—guess quickly on question 36, and by quickly we mean take
five seconds at most, so mark any random option and move. Now for question 37, take two minutes
and try to get it right.

Since you’ve most probably got the last question wrong, this should in any case not be a very high
difficulty question. Now, again guess quickly on question 38 and take two minutes for question 39,
guess quickly on question 40 and take two minutes for the last question.

Scan this QR code to watch a video discussing interesting tidbits from

GMAT test day.
8 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Did you notice what we did?

We divided those six minutes over three questions instead of six, thereby maximizing our chances
of getting at least three of these six questions correct. If one of your guesses also proves to be right,
your score will not come down below 31-32. It is for this reason that you should always guess on
alternate questions—to ensure that your scaled score does not fall by much.

However, we still suggest that you follow the 8/15 rule so you don’t have to bother with any of this
at the end of the test.

Scan this QR code to read a set of articles by one of our

co-founders on how you should structure your GMAT prep.
Diagnostic Test
Diagnostic Test | 11

Diagnostic Test
The purpose of this diagnostic test is to give you an idea of your competence level in Sentence
Correction before you start working through this book. Among other things, this will help you
assess the improvement in your performance once you have completed this book.

We have tried to make this test as GMAT-like as possible. You are likely to see around 16-18
Sentence Correction questions on the GMAT—this test also contains 18 SC questions of different
difficulty levels. While it should ideally take you around 27 minutes to complete this test, do not
worry too much about timing at this stage. Complete the test in however much time it takes you
and then go through the part at the end that will help you evaluate your performance.

The following Sentence Correction questions present a sentence, part or all of which is
underlined. Five alternatives have been provided for phrasing the underlined part. The first of
these repeats the original, while the other four are different. Follow the standard rules of written
English to choose your answer. Pay special attention to grammar, word choice, and sentence

1. According to a study, overworked truck drivers caused more than 160 crashes last year,
they fell asleep at the wheel.
(A) year, they fell
(B) year, and falling
(C) year, and they fell
(D) year by falling
(E) year, so they were falling

2. It is difficult to study the depths of the Arctic Ocean, primarily due to the icy surface being
difficult to penetrate using current technology.
(A) primarily due to the icy surface being
(B) primarily due to the icy surface is
(C) because the primarily icy surface is
(D) primarily caused by the icy surface
(E) primarily because the icy surface is
12 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

3. Several of the drownings that occurred last summer which were caused by people who
were careless.
(A) which were caused by people who were careless
(B) that were a result of people’s carelessness
(C) are a result of the carelessness of the people
(D) were caused by the carelessness of people
(E) happened from people being careless

4. While the exact cause of the disease is not known, experts say that improper diet and a
sedentary lifestyle contributes to the onset of the disease.
(A) sedentary lifestyle contributes to
(B) sedentary lifestyle contributes for
(C) sedentary lifestyle are contributing for
(D) sedentary lifestyle contribute to
(E) sedentary lifestyle has been contributing to

5. The legendary traveller, Ibn Battuta, wrote and published the Rihla with his purpose being
to recount stories of his travels across the world.
(A) with his purpose being to recount
(B) to recount
(C) and his purpose was recounting
(D) thus recounted
(E) for recounting

6. The talent-show participant decided to spend the night before the finals listening to music
and relaxing but not to be practicing.
(A) but not to be practicing
(B) and not for practicing
(C) more than practice
(D) rather than having practiced
(E) rather than practicing
Diagnostic Test | 13

7. In the 1960s, to reduce the discharge of untreated wastes into the Great Lakes, limits were
set by the United States and its neighbouring countries on the amount of effluents that
could be discharged into these water bodies.
(A) limits were set by the United States and its neighbouring countries on
(B) limits set by the United States and its neighbouring countries for
(C) the United States and its neighbouring countries have set limits on
(D) limits have been set by the United States and its neighbouring countries restricting
(E) the United States and its neighbouring countries set limits on

8. If asked to name a favourite musical group, the Beatles would be the choice for many, no
matter what types of music are actually preferred.
(A) the Beatles would be the choice for many, no matter what types of music are actually
(B) the Beatles will be chosen by many people, no matter what types of music they
actually prefer
(C) the choice for many people, whatever kinds of music they actually prefer, would be
the Beatles
(D) many people, who actually preferred different types of music, choose the Beatles
(E) many people, no matter what types of music they actually prefer, would choose the

9. As the economy battles recession, the Board of Directors of the company believes that they
will be able to maintain profits by tapping into new markets abroad.
(A) believes that they will be able to maintain profits by
(B) believe that it will be able to maintain profits by means of
(C) believes that it will be able to maintain profits by
(D) have a belief that they will maintain profits by
(E) believe in maintaining profits and

10. A positive cure for rabies, scientists believe, may be found within the next decade.
(A) scientists believe, may be
(B) scientists may believe to be
(C) in the belief of some scientists, should be
(D) there are some scientists who believe it may be
(E) which, some scientists believe, may be
14 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

11. Because lack of education is the root cause of many other social ills is the reason why most
planners attack illiteracy first
(A) Because lack of education is the root cause of many other social ills is the reason why
(B) Lack of education is the root cause of many other social ills and is the reason why
(C) Because lack of education is the root cause of many other social ills,
(D) As a result of lack of education being the root cause of many other social ills
(E) Because lack of education is the root cause of many illnesses in the society,

12. Accounting and cost-management are an example of financial fields that have shortages
in staffing.
(A) are an example of financial fields that
(B) are examples of financial fields that
(C) are examples of a financial field that
(D) exemplify a financial field which
(E) exemplify financial fields where they

13. Salman Rushdie, the author of Midnight’s Children, currently resides in England, but he
was raised in Pakistan, being born in India first.
(A) Salman Rushdie, the author of Midnight’s Children, currently resides in England,
but he was raised in Pakistan, being born in India first.
(B) Being raised in Pakistan, after being born in India, Salman Rushdie, now residing in
England, wrote Midnight’s Children.
(C) Born in India and raised in Pakistan, Salman Rushdie, the author of Midnight’s
Children, now resides in England.
(D) Although now in England, Salman Rushdie was born in India and raised in Pakistan,
he is the author of Midnight’s Children.
(E) Raised in Pakistan, and now he resides in England, Salman Rushdie, born in India,
is the author of Midnight’s Children.

14. Being that many Indian food recipes require you to cook and not be interrupted, it is
advisable to keep all the ingredients ready in advance.
(A) Being that many Indian food recipes require you to cook and not be interrupted,
(B) Because many Indian food recipes require for one to cook without interruption,
(C) Because many Indian food recipes require that one cook without interruption,
(D) Many Indian food recipes require that one cook without interruption and
(E) Many Indian food recipes require that one should cook without interruption;
Diagnostic Test | 15

15. A mixture of reggae and jazz, the music of the artist was more innovative than most of his
contemporaries were.
(A) the music of the artist was more innovative than most of his contemporaries were
(B) the artist was more innovative in his music than most of his contemporaries
(C) the artist’s music was more innovative than that of most of his contemporaries
(D) the music of the artist being more innovative in comparison to the music of most of
his contemporaries
(E) the artist, in his music, was more innovative than most of his contemporaries were

16. Studying the art for several years, practicing difficult notes every day, and frequent
performances has enabled the young pianist to secure a contract with the country’s biggest
music company.
(A) and frequent performances has enabled the young pianist
(B) as well as frequent performances have enabled the young pianist
(C) and performing frequently, the young pianist has been enabled
(D) and frequent performances have enabled the young pianist
(E) and performing frequently enabled the young pianist

17. Secretariat, the legendary horse that became the first US Triple Crown champion in twenty
five years and set records that still stand today, and the hero of the movie Secretariat.
(A) and
(B) and that has become
(C) and that is
(D) is
(E) having been

18. On June 11, 1993, Steven Spielberg released his film Jurassic Park, this was the inauguration
of both a new style of film-making and the audience’s fascination with dinosaurs.
(A) Jurassic Park, this was the inauguration of both a new style of film-making and the
audience’s fascination with dinosaurs
(B) Jurassic Park, thus marking the inauguration of both a new style of film-making and
the audience’s fascination with dinosaurs
(C) Jurassic Park, both inaugurated a new style of film-making and the audience’s
fascination from dinosaurs
16 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) Jurassic Park, and this was the inauguration of both a new style of film-making and
of the audience’s fascination with dinosaurs
(E) Jurassic Park, whose inauguration of both a new style of film-making and the
audience’s fascination with dinosaurs
Diagnostic Test | 17

Answers and Explanations

Question no. Answer Question no. Answer
1 D 10 A
2 E 11 C
3 D 12 B
4 D 13 C
5 B 14 C
6 E 15 C
7 E 16 E
8 E 17 D
9 C 18 B

How to Evaluate your test

What we have provided below is a very simplistic evaluation based on your current accuracy rate.
Do keep in mind that your performance on the actual GMAT will be based on several factors other
than your accuracy rate such as the difficulty level of the questions you get correct and incorrect,
the manner in which you get these questions incorrect, that is, all together or spread throughout
the test, etc.

If you got 15 or more correct – Excellent

If you got 12-14 correct – Good

If you got 6-11 correct – Average

If you got fewer than 6 correct – Below Average

18 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

1. According to a study, overworked truck drivers caused more than 160 crashes last year, they
fell asleep at the wheel.
(A) year, they fell
(B) year, and falling
(C) year, and they fell
(D) year by falling
(E) year, so they were falling
Answer: D
The sentence, as written, is a run-on sentence because it uses a comma to connect two
independent clauses. Hence, eliminate A.

B and C - The usage of and makes no sense because the sentence is not telling us two
different things that overworked truck drivers do.

Between D and E, E distorts the meaning by incorrectly suggesting that truck drivers were
falling asleep as a result of the crashes. D properly connects the first clause with the second
clause using by and is the correct answer.

2. It is difficult to study the depths of the Arctic Ocean, primarily due to the icy surface being
difficult to penetrate using current technology.
(A) primarily due to the icy surface being
(B) primarily due to the icy surface is
(C) because the primarily icy surface is
(D) primarily caused by the icy surface
(E) primarily because the icy surface is
Answer: E
For now, let’s keep out A because it uses the avoidable being. (Remember the usage of
being should be avoided but it may not always be incorrect. If we don’t like any of the other
options, we will go back and reconsider option A.)

Option D does not have a verb, so let’s eliminate D.

This brings us down to B, C, and E. Comparing these three options vertically, we immediately
spot the split between due to and because. Remember due to can only be used to replace caused
by; it can never be used to replace because/because of. Try replacing due to with caused by in
option B and you’ll realise that this makes no sense. So B goes out.
Diagnostic Test | 19

C and E both are grammatically correct. Now you are being tested on the meaning of the
sentence. The original sentence is using primarily to modify because so as to suggest that
the primary reason for the difficulty is the fact that the icy surface is difficult to penetrate.
E conveys this same meaning whereas C (by using primarily to modify icy) distorts the
meaning by suggesting that the surface is primarily icy. Thus, E is the correct answer.

3. Several of the drownings that occurred last summer which were caused by people who were
(A) which were caused by people who were careless
(B) that were a result of people’s carelessness
(C) are a result of the carelessness of the people
(D) were caused by the carelessness of people
(E) happened from people being careless
Answer: D
The sentence as written is missing a verb, so A goes out. It also uses which incorrectly as a
restrictive modifier (there is no comma before ‘which’).

B is again missing a verb.

C goes out because the present tense verb are does not agree with the past tense (occurred)
implied in the sentence.

Between D and E, E is awkward in construction. Drowning is an accident and it is much

better to say that an accident took place. It also uses the avoidable being. Hence, D is the
correct answer.

4. While the exact cause of the disease is not known, experts say that improper diet and a
sedentary lifestyle contributes to the onset of the disease.
(A) sedentary lifestyle contributes to
(B) sedentary lifestyle contributes for
(C) sedentary lifestyle are contributing for
(D) sedentary lifestyle contribute to
(E) sedentary lifestyle has been contributing to
Answer: D
20 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

We can do a split using the verb contribute. Since we have a compound subject—improper
diet and sedentary lifestyle—the verb obviously needs to be plural.

A and B go out because they use the singular contributes.

E goes out because of the singular verb ‘has been contributing’.

Between C and D, C unnecessarily uses the continuous tense whereas the sentence does
not emphasize the ongoing nature of an activity. C also gets the idiom wrong—the correct
idiom is ‘contribute to’. Hence, D is the correct answer.

5. The legendary traveller, Ibn Battuta, wrote and published the Rihla with his purpose being
to recount stories of his travels across the world.
(A) with his purpose being to recount
(B) to recount
(C) and his purpose was recounting
(D) thus recounted
(E) for recounting
Answer: B
The correct answer is one that conveys the meaning crisply using the least number of
words—in this case B.

A and C are unnecessarily wordy.

E. The use of for recounting is unidiomatic.

D. Makes for a disconnected sentence. It is not clear who recounted.

6. The talent-show participant decided to spend the night before the finals listening to music
and relaxing but not to be practicing.
(A) but not to be practicing
(B) and not for practicing
(C) more than practice
(D) rather than having practiced
(E) rather than practicing
Answer: E
Diagnostic Test | 21

The non-underlined part of the sentence uses listening and relaxing so the underlined part
should use practicing to get the parallelism right. Hence, eliminate C and D.

Options A and B unnecessarily use the words to be and for before practicing. This also breaks
the parallelism. Hence, E is the correct answer.

7. In the 1960s, to reduce the discharge of untreated wastes into the Great Lakes, limits were
set by the United States and its neighbouring countries on the amount of effluents that
could be discharged into these water bodies.
(A) limits were set by the United States and its neighbouring countries on
(B) limits set by the United States and its neighbouring countries for
(C) the United States and its neighbouring countries have set limits on
(D) limits have been set by the United States and its neighbouring countries restricting
(E) the United States and its neighbouring countries set limits on
Answer: E
The sentence starts with a modifying phrase—to reduce the discharge of untreated wastes into
the Great Lakes—so whoever is doing this reduction should come after the comma, that is,
the United States. Hence, eliminate A, B, and D.

The present tense have set in D is not consistent with the non-underlined part of the
sentence, which is talking about an event in the past. E gets this right by using the past
tense set, and is the correct answer.

8. If asked to name a favourite musical group, the Beatles would be the choice for many, no
matter what types of music are actually preferred.
(A) the Beatles would be the choice for many, no matter what types of music are actually
(B) the Beatles will be chosen by many people, no matter what types of music they
actually prefer
(C) the choice for many people, whatever kinds of music they actually prefer, would be
the Beatles
(D) many people, who actually preferred different types of music, choose the Beatles
(E) many people, no matter what types of music they actually prefer, would choose the
Answer: E
22 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

The sentence starts with a modifying phrase—If asked to name a favourite musical group,—so
what follows the comma should be whoever is asked to name a favourite musical group.
Doing a first-word split quickly tells you that this has to be ‘many people’. Hence, A, B, and
C go out.

In D, the use of the present tense in choose is not consistent with the past tense implied in
the non-underlined part of the sentence (asked). E gets this right by using the past tense
would, and is the correct answer.

9. As the economy battles recession, the Board of Directors of the company believes that they
will be able to maintain profits by tapping into new markets abroad.
(A) believes that they will be able to maintain profits by
(B) believe that it will be able to maintain profits by means of
(C) believes that it will be able to maintain profits by
(D) have a belief that they will maintain profits by
(E) believe in maintaining profits and
Answer: C
The Board of Directors is singular so the plural pronoun they cannot be used to refer to it.
Hence, eliminate A.

Have a belief is wordy. Plural they cannot refer to the singular Board.
E. Distorts the meaning by removing the causal relation and instead suggesting that
the Board believes in doing two things—maintaining and tapping.
Between B and C, in B, the singular Board does not agree with the plural believe. Also, the
phrase by means of is unnecessarily wordy. Hence, C is the correct answer.

10. A positive cure for rabies, scientists believe, may be found within the next decade.
(A) scientists believe, may be
(B) scientists may believe to be
(C) in the belief of some scientists, should be
(D) there are some scientists who believe it may be
(E) which, some scientists believe, may be
Answer: A
Diagnostic Test | 23

The sentence is correct as written.

B distorts the meaning by changing the placement of may. It is also missing a main verb.

C. The usage of should distorts the meaning because should implies that the scientists suggest
(and not believe) that a cure be found. In the belief of is wordy.

D is a run-on sentence because it uses a comma to connect two independent clauses.

E is missing a main verb.

11. Because lack of education is the root cause of many other social ills is the reason why most
planners attack illiteracy first.
(A) Because lack of education is the root cause of many other social ills is the reason why
(B) Lack of education is the root cause of many other social ills and is the reason why
(C) Because lack of education is the root cause of many other social ills,
(D) As a result of lack of education being the root cause of many other social ills
(E) Because lack of education is the root cause of many illnesses in the society,
Answer: C
The use of because and is the reason in the same sentence is redundant, so eliminate A. C gets
this right and is the correct answer.

B. This sentence makes it appear as though lack of education is the reason why planners
attack illiteracy first, whereas it is the entire first clause that is the reason and not just
the lack of education.
D. Awkward and wordy construction because of the usage of being.
E. Distorts the meaning by changing social ills into illnesses in society.

12. Accounting and cost-management are an example of financial fields that have shortages in
(A) are an example of financial fields that
(B) are examples of financial fields that
(C) are examples of a financial field that
(D) exemplify a financial field which
(E) exemplify financial fields where they
Answer: B
24 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

This sentence is testing you on the knowledge of singular and plural subjects. Remember
that we have a compound subject—accounting and cost-management—so the verb needs
to be plural as well. Therefore, B is the correct answer.

A. Two things can be examples and not an example.

C. The singular financial field does not agree with the compound subject.
D. The singular financial field does not agree with the compound subject.
E. The pronoun they has no logical referent.

13. Salman Rushdie, the author of Midnight’s Children, currently resides in England, but he
was raised in Pakistan, being born in India first.
(A) Salman Rushdie, the author of Midnight’s Children, currently resides in England, but
he was raised in Pakistan, being born in India first.
(B) Being raised in Pakistan, after being born in India, Salman Rushdie, now residing in
England, wrote Midnight’s Children.
(C) Born in India and raised in Pakistan, Salman Rushdie, the author of Midnight’s
Children, now resides in England.
(D) Although now in England, Salman Rushdie was born in India and raised in Pakistan,
he is the author of Midnight’s Children.
(E) Raised in Pakistan, and now he resides in England, Salman Rushdie, born in India,
is the author of Midnight’s Children.
Answer: C
The sentence tells you three things about Salman Rushdie—he was born In India, he was
raised in Pakistan, and he now resides in England. These facts need to be conveyed in a
coherent and logical manner. C does this best and is the correct answer.

A. Awkward construction. The phrase being born in India first appears disjointed with
the rest of the sentence.
B. Awkward construction. Uses too many beings.
D. Creates a run on sentence by using a comma to connect two independent clauses.
E. Awkward construction. The participle raised is not parallel to the verb resides.

14. Being that many Indian food recipes require you to cook and not be interrupted, it is
advisable to keep all the ingredients ready in advance.
(A) Being that many Indian food recipes require you to cook and not be interrupted,
(B) Because many Indian food recipes require for one to cook without interruption,
Diagnostic Test | 25

(C) Because many Indian food recipes require that one cook without interruption,
(D) Many Indian food recipes require that one cook without interruption and
(E) Many Indian food recipes require that one should cook without interruption;
Answer: C
The question is talking about a cause and its effect so it’s best to start with because. The use
of require implies the subjunctive mood so require must be followed by a that. Therefore, C
is the correct answer.

A. The usage of being makes the sentence awkward and unclear.

B. According to the subjunctive mood, require needs to be followed by a that.
D. No grammatical error but the usage of and fails to show the cause and effect relation
implied by the original sentence.
E. The usage of require and should is logically inconsistent because requires implies a
compulsion whereas should implies a suggestion. Also the usage of a semicolon fails
to show the cause and effect relation implied by the original sentence.

15. A mixture of reggae and jazz, the music of the artist was more innovative than most of his
contemporaries were.
(A) the music of the artist was more innovative than most of his contemporaries were
(B) the artist was more innovative in his music than most of his contemporaries
(C) the artist’s music was more innovative than that of most of his contemporaries
(D) the music of the artist being more innovative in comparison to the music of most of
his contemporaries
(E) the artist, in his music, was more innovative than most of his contemporaries were
Answer: C
The sentence starts with a modifying phrase—A mixture of reggae and jazz,—so what follows
the comma should be the music and not the artist. Thus, B and E go out.

A incorrectly compares the music of the artist with his contemporaries (and not with their

Between C and D, D is unnecessarily wordy and also the use of being makes the construction
awkward. Therefore, C is the correct answer.

16. Studying the art for several years, practicing difficult notes every day, and frequent
performances has enabled the young pianist to secure a contract with the country’s biggest
music company.
26 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(A) and frequent performances has enabled the young pianist

(B) as well as frequent performances have enabled the young pianist
(C) and performing frequently, the young pianist has been enabled
(D) and frequent performances have enabled the young pianist
(E) and performing frequently enabled the young pianist
Answer: E
The sentence is testing you on parallel construction. The pianist did three things to secure
the contract and these should be stated in the correct parallel form—studying, practicing,
and performing. Thus, E is the correct answer.

A. Gets the parallelism wrong. Also the singular verb has does not agree with the
compound subject.
B. This option also gets the parallelism wrong.
C. The passive nature of this construction makes it sound awkward.
D. Gets the parallelism wrong.

17. Secretariat, the legendary horse that became the first US Triple Crown champion in twenty
five years and set records that still stand today, and the hero of the movie Secretariat.
(A) and
(B) and that has become
(C) and that is
(D) is
(E) having been
Answer: D
The part between the commas (the legendary...stand today) is a modifying phrase that
describes Secretariat. Outside of this modifying phrase, the sentence does not have a verb.
Hence, A is incorrect.

In B and C the use of and does not make sense because the sentence is not telling us two
things about the horse.

Between D and E, E again does not have a main verb; hence, D is the correct answer.
Diagnostic Test | 27

18. On June 11, 1993, Steven Spielberg released his film Jurassic Park, this was the inauguration
of both a new style of film-making and the audience’s fascination with dinosaurs.
(A) Jurassic Park, this was the inauguration of both a new style of film-making and the
audience’s fascination with dinosaurs
(B) Jurassic Park, thus marking the inauguration of both a new style of film-making and
the audience’s fascination with dinosaurs
(C) Jurassic Park, both inaugurated a new style of film-making and the audience’s
fascination from dinosaurs
(D) Jurassic Park, and this was the inauguration of both a new style of film-making and
of the audience’s fascination with dinosaurs
(E) Jurassic Park, whose inauguration of both a new style of film-making and the
audience’s fascination with dinosaurs
Answer: B
The sentence, as given, is a run-on sentence because it uses a comma to connect two
independent clauses. B is the correct answer as it gets the placement of both right and also
uses the parallel structure correctly.

C. The placement of both is incorrect. The original sentence implies that the release of
Jurassic Park led to the inauguration of two things; hence, both should come after
D. The use of and is not appropriate because it fails to show the causal relationship
implicit in the sentence. Also, the preposition ‘of ’ does not have to be repeated in
the phrase of the audience’s fascination with dinosaurs because of is coming before both,
which implies that it applies to both the things that come after both.
E. This sentence is missing a main verb.

This diagnostic test would have given you a fair estimate of your current level of competence
in Sentence Correction. Whatever has been your score, it only gets better hereon.

The rest of the sections in this book have been designed to help you improve your competence
by getting a clear understanding of what exactly is measured on the GMAT.

Let’s begin by understanding the basics of English grammar.

Grammar Review
Grammar Review | 31

Grammar Review
Before taking a look at the specific error types that will be tested on GMAT Sentence Correction
questions, it is important to brush up your basic grammar fundamentals. Many students ask us
whether it is actually important to know such detailed grammar concepts. Well, for one, the concepts
covered in this chapter will be anything but detailed; we’ll just be scratching the surface of English
grammar. More importantly, you can choose to leave out these concepts in case you are targeting a
score of around 600, but if your target is a 700+ score then you will need to have some basic idea of
these concepts.

Let us start by taking a look at the different parts of speech. These are basically the words that you
use to make up a sentence. There are eight parts of speech in the English language:

1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. Adjective
4. Verb
5. Adverb
6. Preposition
7. Conjunction
8. Interjection

3.1 Noun
Nouns are naming words. Everything we see or talk about is represented by a word which names
it—that word is called a noun. Nouns can be names for people, animals, places, objects, substances,
qualities, actions, etc.

1. Names for people, animals, places—Tom, Englishman, brother, cat, office, China, etc.
2. Names for objects and substances—chair, computer, hammer, oxygen, water, etc.
3. Names for qualities—kindness, beauty, bravery, faith, etc.
4. Names for actions—rowing, cooking, reading, listening, etc.

Common and Proper Nouns

A common noun is the word used for a class of person, place, or thing.

Examples: bus, man, town, steel, company, etc.

A proper noun is the name of a particular or specific person, place, or thing. A proper noun always
starts with a capital letter.

Examples: Alisha, China, Uncle Ben, Mercedes, etc.

32 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Countable and Non-countable Nouns

A countable noun (or count noun) is a noun with both a singular and a plural form, and it names
anything (or anyone) that you can count. You can make a countable noun plural and attach it to a
plural verb in a sentence.

Countable nouns are the opposite of non-countable nouns and collective nouns.

In the following two sentences, the highlighted words are countable nouns:

1. John painted the fans red and the lamp shades blue.
2. The eucalyptus tree lost three branches in the storm.
A non-countable noun is a noun that does not have a plural form and that refers to something that
you could not usually count.

A non-countable noun always takes a singular verb in a sentence. Non-countable nouns are similar
to collective nouns (though not the same) and the opposite of countable nouns.

In each of the following sentences, the highlighted words are non-countable nouns:

1. Living things cannot survive in the absence of oxygen.

2. We decided to move the furniture from one room to another.
In the above examples, the words oxygen and furniture cannot normally be made plural and take the
singular verb is rather than the plural verb are.

Examples of non-countable nouns:

• love, happiness, information, news

• furniture, luggage, sugar, butter, water

• electricity, power, money

Collective Nouns
A collective noun is a noun naming a group of things, animals, or persons. Even though it is
possible to count the individual members of the group, you usually think of the group as one unit.

You need to be able to recognize collective nouns in order to maintain subject-verb agreement. A
collective noun is similar to a non-countable noun, and is roughly the opposite of a countable noun.

In each of the following sentences, the highlighted word is a collective noun:

1. The pride of lions spends most of its time sleeping. (The collective noun ‘pride’ takes the
singular verb ‘spends’ and the singular pronoun ‘its’.)
2. The jury has still not arrived at a verdict.
3. The army is against the military ruler.
Grammar Review | 33

List of some common Collective Nouns

Army Array
Audience Band
Bevy Board
Bunch Cast
Choir/Chorus Class
Committee Corporation
Council Crowd
Department Faculty
Family Firm
Group Jury
Majority Minority
Party Public
School Senate
Society Staff
Team Troupe

Possessive Nouns
When you want to show that something belongs to somebody or something, add (’s) to a singular
noun and an apostrophe to a plural noun.

For example:

• the student’s pen (one student)

• the students’ pen (two or more students)

Noun used as an Adjective

A noun is a person, place, or thing and an adjective is a word that describes a noun. Sometimes we
can use a noun to describe another noun. In that case, the first noun acts as an adjective.


• Shoe rack

• Phone screen

• Tennis ball

In some exceptional cases you can have several consecutive nouns acting as adjectives.
34 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

For example:

• Australian softball team

In the above sentence, Australian and softball are both nouns acting as adjectives modifying the final
noun team.

To Sum it up
• Noun – the name of a person, place, or thing
• Common Noun – refers to a general group
• Proper Noun – refers to a particular item in a group
• Countable Nouns – can be counted (bottle, computers, etc.)
• Noncountable Nouns – cannot be counted (nitrogen, milk, etc.)
• Collective Nouns – group of items that are referred to in the singular (committee, family,
• Possessive Nouns – use apostrophe to show possession
• Nouns as Adjectives – race horse, cricket ball, etc.

Scan this QR code to watch a video discussing the use of tips and
tricks on GMAT SC.

3.2 Pronoun
A pronoun is used to replace a noun or another pronoun in a sentence. You use pronouns such as
he, she, them, their, which, that, etc., to make your sentences less cumbersome and verbose.

For example:

Do you like the CEO? I don’t like the CEO. I think the CEO is too

The above lines sound wordy and repetitive. Using pronouns, we can rephrase the above lines as:

Do you like the CEO? I don’t like him. I think he is too arrogant.

The first set of sentences sounds awkward while the second set replaces the CEO with the pronouns
him and he and gets the meaning across more crisply.
Grammar Review | 35

Singular and Plural Pronouns

There are several pronouns that seem to be plural but act as singular, taking singular verbs. The most
common of these pronouns are anybody, anything, each, either, everyone, everybody, nobody, not one,
etc. These pronouns must be followed by a singular verb.

1. Not one of the apples was (not ‘were’) ripe.

2. Everyone has (not ‘have’) completed the assignment.

Relative Pronouns
A relative pronoun is used to introduce a relative clause. We use relative pronouns to tell us more
about a person or thing.

For example:

The man who met me yesterday is my uncle.

In the above sentence, the relative pronoun who modifies the man and provides more information
about him.

There are five relative pronouns used most commonly—who, whom, whose, that, and which. The
compounds whoever, whomever, and whichever are also relative pronouns.

In each of the following sentences, the highlighted word is a relative pronoun:

1. You may invite whomever you like to the reception.

2. The student who scores the highest marks is not always the smartest.
3. The box, which was lying in the garage, has now been moved into the attic.

Scan this QR code to watch a video on the importance of relative

pronouns on GMAT Sentence Correction.

Indefinite Pronouns
An indefinite pronoun, as the name suggests, does not refer to a specific noun. It is vague and not
specific or definite. Examples include all, any, some, anybody, everything, etc.

1. Anyone can come for the concert.

2. Everybody enjoyed the game.
3. Jack gave the book to somebody.
36 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

4. Can anyone help me with this question.

5. I knocked several times but nobody answered.

To Sum it up
• Pronoun – replaces a noun or another pronoun
• All these are singular – everyone, each, not one, anybody, etc.
• Relative Pronouns – who, whom, whose, that, which
• Indefinite Pronouns - all, any, none, some, everything, etc.

3.3 Adjective
An adjective modifies or describes a noun or a pronoun by describing, identifying, or quantifying
words. An adjective usually precedes the noun or the pronoun that it modifies.

In the following examples, the highlighted words are adjectives:

1. The red balloon floated over the mountains.

2. Mrs. Jones painted her kitchen walls in a hideous color.
3. The little dog fought bravely with the large buffalo.
An adjective can be modified either by an adverb or by a phrase or clause functioning as an adverb.
In the next sentence, the adverb unbearably modifies the adjective hot.

Today is an unbearably hot day.

Do keep in mind that it is possible for the same word to act as a noun, adjective, and verb in different
sentences, depending on the context of the sentence. For example, in the next three sentences, the
word model is used as a noun, adjective, and verb, respectively.

1. John is a model. (noun)

2. John is a model citizen. (adjective)
3. John models occasionally to earn some extra money. (verb)

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

We use comparative adjectives when talking about or comparing two things (not three or more

For example, Jack is taller than Peter.

A superlative adjective expresses the extreme or highest degree of a quality. We use a superlative
adjective to describe the extreme quality of one thing in a group of things.

For example, Jack is the tallest of all my students.

Grammar Review | 37

We can use superlative adjectives when talking about three or more things.

Usually, we can get to the comparative form by adding -er at the end of a word and to the superlative
form by adding -est.

To Sum it up
• Adjectives – tell us something about the noun
• They can be modified by adverbs
• The same word can act as a noun, adjective, and verb in different sentences
• Comparative – bigger
• Superlative – biggest

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3.4 Verb
The verb is perhaps the most important part of a sentence. Even the shortest sentence contains a
verb. You can also make a one-word sentence with a verb, for example:


You cannot make a one-word sentence with any other type of word.

Verbs are sometimes described as action words. This is partly correct because many verbs give the
idea of action—of doing something. For example, words such as speak, write, do, work, all convey

However, there are some verbs that do not give the idea of action; they give the idea of existence or
of a state of being. For example, words such as be, exist, seem, and belong, all convey state.

Thus, verbs are words that tell us what a subject does or is, that is, they describe:

• action ( Jack plays football), or

• state ( Jack seems angry)
In each of the following sentences, the verb or compound verb is highlighted:

1. A tiger bites its prey on the neck. (The verb bites describes the action the tiger takes.)
2. In early September, Gordon will start his MBA Program. (Here, the compound verb will
start describes an action that will take place in the future.)
38 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

3. The first book I read was ‘ The Fountainhead’, but I remember ‘ The Alchemist’ more vividly.
(In this sentence, the verb was identifies a particular book and the verb remember describes
a mental action.)

Helping and Main Verbs

Consider the following sentences:

• I will
• People have to
• The Earth does

Do these convey any meaning to you?

Obviously not.

This is because these verbs are helping verbs and have no meaning on their own. They are necessary
for the grammatical structure of a sentence, but they do not tell us much on their own.

We usually use helping verbs along with main verbs. They help the main verb. The sentences in the
above examples are, therefore, incomplete. They need at least one main verb to complete them, as
given below:

• I will study.
• People have to eat.
• The Earth does rotate.
Now, these sentences definitely convey some meaning because the verbs that have been added are
main verbs and have meaning on their own. They tell us something.

Active and Passive Verbs

The active voice is the normal voice that we use most of the time. In this voice the object receives
the action of the verb performed by the subject.

Sounds complicated?

Let’s look at this simple example:

Dogs eat bones.

Here the subject dogs is performing an action eat on the object bones. Hence, this sentence is in the
active voice.

As opposed to this, in the passive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb being performed
by the object.

Let’s modify the earlier example a little:

Bones are eaten by dogs.

Grammar Review | 39

Here, the subject bones has an action eaten being performed on it by the object dogs. Hence, this
sentence is in the passive voice.

Usually the active voice has the construction Who does What (I read a book), while the passive voice
has the construction What was done by Whom (The book was read by me).

Verbs also have tense and mood connotations that will be discussed in subsequent sections of this book.

Still confused about verbs?

Scan this QR code to watch a video that will give you a quick trick to
identify verbs in a sentence.

To Sum it up
• Verbs – express action or a state of being
• Helping Verbs – Not enough on their own. Need the support of main verbs. For example:
must, will, can, etc.
• Main Verbs – have meaning on their own
• Active Voice – Who does What
• Passive Voice – What was done by Whom

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analyze your CATs.

3.5 Adverb
An adverb can modify or describe a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a phrase, or a clause. An
adverb indicates manner, time, place, cause, or degree and answers questions such as how, when, where,
how much, etc.

While some adverbs can be identified by their characteristic -ly suffix, most of them must be
identified by untangling the grammatical relationships within the sentence or clause as a whole.

1. The tailor quickly stitched the suit. (In this sentence, the adverb quickly modifies the verb
stitched and indicates in what manner (or how fast) the suit was stitched.)
2. The students sat patiently through the long lecture. (In this sentence, the adverb patiently
modifies the verb sat.)
40 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Apart from modifying verbs, adverbs can also modify adjectives and other adverbs.


• The seemingly easy question stumped the students. (In this sentence, the
adverb seemingly modifies the adjective easy.)

• The trainer urged John to complete the exercise more expeditiously.

(Here, the adverb more modifies the adverb expeditiously.)

• Unfortunately, the shops are shut on Mondays. (In this sentence, the
adverb unfortunately modifies the entire sentence.)

To Sum it up
• Adverbs – primarily modify verbs
• Can also modify adjectives, other adverbs, phrases, and clauses
• Usually end with ‘-ly’. For example: slowly, quickly, etc.

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the GMAT Official Guide.

3.6 Preposition
A preposition is a word that links nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in a sentence. A
preposition always goes with a noun or pronoun that is called the object of the preposition. Some
common prepositions include in, of, about, above, below, beneath, by, despite, down, and during.


• The cup is on the desk.

• The cup is under the desk.

• The cup is beside the desk.

• He held the cup over the desk.

• He drank from the cup during the class.

In each of the preceding sentences, a preposition locates the noun cup in space or in time.

Prepositions will always come as part of prepositional phrases. A prepositional phrase always starts
with a preposition and ends with a noun or a pronoun. A prepositional phrase can function as a
noun, adjective, or adverb.
Grammar Review | 41


• I am going to stay at home.

• I reached the airport just in time.

• I got a present from John.

• John is going for a movie with Terry.

• The cat is sitting under the table.

Ground Rule for Prepositions:

A preposition is always followed by a noun. It is never followed by a verb.

A preposition cannot be followed by a verb. If you want to follow a preposition by a verb, you must
use the -ing form which is technically a gerund, that is, a verb in noun form.

To Sum it up
• Prepositions – express a relation between parts of a sentence
• Must be followed by a noun
• Examples: in, about, above, below, beneath, between

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mind for GMAT test day.

3.7 Conjunction
Conjunctions are connecting words that are used to link words, phrases, and clauses.


• I ate the burger and the sandwich.

• Kevin studied for long hours, so he got a good score.

Co-ordinating Conjunctions
Co-ordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet) are used to join individual words, phrases,
and independent clauses that are grammatically equal. There are seven such conjunctions which can
be remembered using the acronym FANBOYS – For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So.
42 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail


• Nike and Adidas are popular sports shoe brands.

• John had a great GMAT score, yet he couldn’t get into Harvard.

Note: One can also use the conjunctions but and for as prepositions.

Subordinating Conjunctions
A subordinating conjunction introduces a dependent clause and indicates the nature of the
relationship among the independent clause(s) and the dependent clause(s).

Note: Dependent and Independent clauses will be covered later in this section.

The most common subordinating conjunctions are after, although, as, because, before, how, if, once,
since, that, though, till, until, when, where, whether, and while.


• After she got a job, Alice felt more independent. (The subordinating
conjunction after introduces the dependent clause After she got a job.)

• If the train departs on time, you will reach Georgetown latest by 6 p.m.
(the subordinating conjunction if introduces the dependent clause If the
train departs on time.)

Conjunctive Adverbs
Conjunctive adverbs are used to show relationships such as cause and effect, contrast, comparison,
etc. Conjunctive adverbs include words such as however, therefore, thus, moreover, nevertheless, etc.

There are some specific rules with regards to the use of punctuation along with conjunctive adverbs.
We’ll discuss these in the next chapter under the topic Run-on Sentences.

To Sum it up
• Conjunctions – connect different parts of a sentence
• Co-ordinating Conjunctions – connect parts that are grammatically equal
Examples: and, for, nor, etc.
• Subordinating Conjunctions – connect a dependent clause to a main clause
Examples: although, because, since, etc.
• Conjunctive Adverbs: used to show relationships
Examples: however, therefore, moreover, thus, etc.
Grammar Review | 43

Scan this QR code to watch a video discussing the use of coordinating

conjunctions on GMAT SC.

3.8 Interjection

That’s an interjection.

Interjections are short exclamations such as Oh!, Ah!, etc. They have no real grammatical value but
we use them quite often, usually more in speaking than in writing. An interjection is sometimes
followed by an exclamation mark (!) when written.


• Ah!

• Alas!

• Hmm

• Ouch!

• Oh No!

Note: Interjections are NOT relevant for the purpose of the GMAT. We have put them here just for the sake
of completeness.

With this, we come to the end of our discussion about the eight parts of speech. Next, let’s look at
the parts of a sentence and a few other important aspects of grammar review.

3.9 Subject, Object, and Predicate

Subject is the person or thing who/which carries out the action of the verb. In other words, the
subject is the noun to which the sentence’s verb refers.

For example:

The teacher is playing with the students.

In the above sentence, the main verb is playing. This action is being carried out by the teacher. So, the
teacher is the subject of the sentence.

The object is the person or thing upon whom/which the action of the verb is being carried out.

In the example above, the action playing is being carried out on the students. Thus, students is the
object of the sentence.
44 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

The predicate in a sentence tells us what a person or a thing does or did or what happened to a
person or to a thing? A simple predicate consists of a verb, verb string, or compound verb.

Thus, in the above sentence, teacher is the subject, students is the object, and is playing is the predicate.

The predicate must:

1. Agree in number with the subject

2. Have the correct tense, and
3. Be in the proper voice (active or passive).
As you must have realized, a predicate must have a verb, and a verb all by itself can also be a
predicate. However, this does not mean that predicate and verb refer to the same thing as there are
verbs that are not predicates, and there can be predicates that have much more in them than verbs.

Let’s look at one last example to recap:

The dogs are destroying the furniture.

Subject – the dogs

Object – furniture

Predicate – are destroying

To Sum it up
• Subject – person or thing that carries out the action of the verb
• Object – person or a thing upon whom or which the action of the verb is carried out
• Predicate – tells about what a person or thing does or did

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3.10 Phrases and Clauses

A phrase is a group of words that makes sense, but not complete sense. It’s a group of related words
without a subject or a verb or both.

Examples (the words in italics are phrases):

• I am reading a book.

• John is an actor of high caliber.

Grammar Review | 45

• Kevin has a black Siamese cat.

• The fire in the theater was not very severe.

A clause is a group of words that contains both a subject and a predicate, but may not be able
to stand on its own. The most basic kind of sentence consists of a single clause; more complex
sentences may contain multiple clauses, including clauses contained within clauses.

Examples (the words in italics are clauses):

• The dinner, which he made for us, was delicious.

• I can’t believe that the cat ran out of the door.

• The girl is nice

Types of Clauses—Independent and Dependent

If a clause can make complete sense on its own, it is called an independent clause. It does not need
to be joined to any other clause because it contains all the information necessary to make a complete


• The food is hot.

• The street is wet.

• She reads very fast.

Dependent clauses cannot stand alone and depend on another independent clause to make sense.


• Although the student is leaving

• Because tomorrow is a Sunday

The above sentences don’t make any sense on their own; they only make sense when you add an
independent clause to both of them:

• Although the student is leaving, he will come back tomorrow.

• Because tomorrow is a Sunday, I will wash my car.

For any sentence to be a complete sentence, it must contain at least one independent clause. You
cannot make a sentence using multiple dependent clauses.
46 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

To Sum it up
• Phrases are groups of words that do not contain a subject or a verb or both
• Clauses are groups of words that contain both a subject as well as a predicate
• Independent clauses are complete sentences and can make sense on their own
• Dependent clauses are not complete sentences and need to be connected to other clauses
to make sense
• Phrases make up a clause and clauses make up a sentence

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3.11 Verbals—Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives

The term Verbals refers to words that are based on verbs but are not used as verbs; rather they are
used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.

There are three types of Verbals—Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives.

A gerund is a verbal that ends in -ing and functions as a noun. Since it functions as a noun, it
occupies the same positions in a sentence that a noun ordinarily would, such as subject, direct object,
subject complement, and object of preposition.


• Running is a good exercise.

In the sentence above, running is used as a noun and not as a verb.

• My friends do not appreciate my singing.

• My dog’s favorite activity is sleeping.

Notice that in the above sentences the actions of running, singing and sleeping never really take place
(in which case these words would become verbs). These are just terms that are used to name the
actions, that is, they are naming words, which are the same as nouns.
Grammar Review | 47

A participle is a verbal that is used as an adjective and most often ends in -ing or -ed. It has some
features of verbs and some of adjectives, but it is basically a type of adjective. Since it functions as an
adjective, participle can only modify nouns or pronouns.

There are two types of participles: present participles and past participles.

Present participles usually describe what a thing does and past participles usually describe what was
done to a thing.

Present participles typically end in –ing whereas past participles end in -ed, -en, -d, -t, or -n, as in the
words asked, eaten, saved, dealt, and seen.


She is buying a talking bird for her daughter.

In this sentence, is buying is the verb and talking is used as an adjective to modify the noun bird.
Hence, talking here is used as a present participle.

Let’s look at another example:

A broken clock stood on the mantelpiece.

In this sentence, stood is the verb in the past tense and broken is being used as an adjective to modify
the noun clock. Hence, broken here is used as a past participle.

More examples:

• The crying baby had a wet diaper.

• Shaken, he walked away from the wrecked car.

• The burning log fell off the fire.

• Smiling, she hugged the panting dog.

Note: The words present and past in present participle and past participle do not refer to the present
and past tenses. You can use a present participle in a sentence that is in the past tense and a past
participle in a sentence that is in the present tense. For example, in the first sentence above—The
crying baby had a wet diaper—crying is the present participle but the sentence is in the past tense had.

Scan this QR code to watch a video that will further clarify what are
gerunds and particples.
48 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

An infinitive is a verbal consisting of the word to plus a verb (in its simplest form) and functioning
as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Infinitives are easy to locate because of their ‘to + verb’ form.


• The children wanted to eat (direct object)

• His ambition is to fly (subject complement)

• John lacked the will power to resist (adjective)

• We must learn to behave (adverb)

Students often get confused between an infinitive—a verbal consisting of to + verb—and a

prepositional phrase beginning with to, which consists of to + a noun or pronoun and any modifiers.
The following examples will make this difference clear:


• Infinitives: to run, to write, to become, to stand, to eat, to belong

• Prepositional Phrases: to her, to the chairman, to my shop, to the

mountains, to this student

How to Decide Between an Infinitive and a Participle

An infinitive is almost always used to show intention or desire, whereas a participle (specifically a
present participle) is almost always used to show the result or effect of something.

Let’s look at the following examples:

• John drove his car at 150 miles an hour, causing an accident.

• John drove his car at 150 miles an hour to cause an accident.

In the first sentence, the present participle causing expresses the result or effect of driving at 150
mph, whereas in the second sentence, to cause clearly suggests that John drove his car at a particular
speed with the intention of causing an accident.

To Sum it up
• Verbals – Words based on a verb but not used as one
• Gerunds – end with ‘-ing’ and used as nouns
• Participles – act as adjectives
• Present participle – ends with ‘-ing’
• Past participle – ends with ‘-ed’, ‘-en’, ‘-d’, etc.
• Infinitives – to + verb. Can function as noun, adjective or adverb
• Use present participle to show effect and infinitive to show intention
Grammar Review | 49

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3.12 Punctuation
The GMAT does not usually test students on punctuation, except for the colon (:), the semi colon (;),
and the comma (,).

There are two main uses for the colon in everyday writing.

The first use is when introducing a list, and the second is when introducing an explanation or an


• I need to pick up a few things from my office: folders, staplers, and

board pins.

• After several days of deliberation, the Board made its decision: it was
going to sell the company.

Incorrect usage:

• My favorite places to shop are: the mall, the local shopping center, and
the Internet.

You always require an independent clause before the colon.

The semicolon is primarily used to connect two independent clauses. Independent clauses are
groups of words that can stand alone as complete sentences. When you have two otherwise complete
sentences that you want to connect, to form one long sentence, use a semicolon between them.


• This could be a solution; this could be another solution.

If you put a comma where that semicolon is, you will end up with a comma splice (also called Run-
ons) which is a grammar error. Sometimes, the second clause doesn’t really look like a complete
sentence, so you must watch closely.
50 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail


• Twelve birds had originally arrived; only six remain.

Note: If there’s a conjunction between the clauses (and, but, etc.) you don’t need to use a semicolon
to connect the two complete sentences. In that case, use a comma.


• This could be a solution, and this could be another one.

The GMAT will never test you on the correct usage of a comma, since there is lack of clarity
amongst grammar experts themselves on this issue. However, the knowledge of the ways in which
the GMAT uses the comma, can enable you to spot the subtle hints that such a construction may
provide you with.

To separate non-restrictive modifiers

The comma is used to set off non-restrictive modifiers in a sentence. In case you aren’t sure of what
restrictive and non restrictive modifiers are, these will be dealt with in a subsequent chapter in this


• The third house, which has got automatic gates, is mine.

Cannot be used to connect two independent clauses

As we saw earlier in the case of semi-colons, a comma cannot by itself be used to join two independent
clauses. A semi-colon, full stop, or conjunction should be used instead.


• My uncle Tom is coming today, his wife is also coming – Incorrect

• My uncle Tom is coming today, and his wife is also coming – Correct

• My Uncle Tom is coming today. His wife is also coming – Correct

• My uncle Tom is coming today; his wife is also coming - Correct

Use of a Serial Comma:

The serial comma is the comma used immediately before a coordinating conjunction (usually and
or or) preceding the final item in a list of three or more items.


• John, Terry, and Sylvia are coming for dinner (with the serial comma).

• We will go on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday (without the serial comma).

Grammar Review | 51

Opinions vary among writers and editors about the usage of the serial comma. Some experts believe
that it can be omitted while some insist that it must be used. It goes without saying that the GMAT
will never test you on this rule.

The reason we have mentioned the serial comma is because the GMAT always uses the serial
comma (Please reference the OG 2017 - Q 694, 706, etc.), but these questions contain other errors and
are not testing you on the use of the serial comma.

To Sum it up
• Use colons to introduce either a list or an explanation
• Use semicolons to connect two independent clauses
• Never use a semicolon and a conjunction together
• Comma cannot be used to join two independent clauses

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change as part of your GMAT prep strategy.
GMAT Sentence
Correction Error Types
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types | 55

Sentence Correction—Major Error Types

In the last section, we covered the basic grammar concepts that make up a sentence. Now let’s look
at the various Sentence Correction error types that are tested on the GMAT.

The Sentence Correction section tests your knowledge of English grammar by asking you to choose,
from five options, that one option which best conveys the correct meaning of the sentence. Among
other things, you will be tested on grammar usage, sentence style, and idiom usage.

As discussed earlier, the GMAT is a standardized test, which means that the GMAT will only test
you on certain types of questions and only on certain specific concepts within those questions. On
Sentence Correction, this translates into nine major error types that are tested over and over again.

These error types are as follows:

• Fragments and Run-ons

• Subject-Verb Agreement

• Tense

• Pronoun

• Modifiers

• Parallel Construction

• Comparison

• Idioms and Style

• Meaning
4.1 How to Approach
Sentence Correction
58 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Approaching Sentence Correction Questions

The most important thing to remember in Sentence Correction is that you don’t have to know every
rule of grammar to answer the questions correctly. Therefore, referring to a complex grammar book
such as the Wren & Martin Guide will probably not be of much help.

The GMAT does not expect you to be an English language expert; it does, however, expect you to
perform well under timed conditions. In fact, it is very likely that most English language experts
would struggle on the GMAT because of the time constraints.

Timing is one of the key components of the test; you not only have to get the answer correct but
you also have to do so within the stipulated time. Ideally, in Sentence Correction, you should take
approximately one minute to answer each question.

Now if you were to actually read all the five options completely, this in itself would take you more
than a minute. Also, by the time you reach the last option, you will have most likely forgotten what
you had read in the first or in the second option. As a result, you will end up going back and forth,
wasting precious time.

Remember: At any time in a Sentence Correction question, if you are reading all the five options
completely, you are most likely wasting your time. If any teacher or coaching class tells you otherwise, RUN!
This strategy will get you in a lot of trouble.

So what do we Suggest?
Our point is that you should be able to arrive at the correct answer, in most cases, by reading just a
few specific words across the five options; at times (and we’ll see such questions later) you’ll be able
to arrive at the answer by reading just the first 3-4 words of each option.

This is the best (and perhaps the only) way of approaching Sentence Correction questions. Most
students struggle because they don’t see it this way.

Here is our Golden Rule for Sentence Correction

You ALWAYS read vertically; you NEVER read horizontally.

What does this mean?

Consider the following question:

Jerry Buchanan was honoured by the President not only as a great painter
but also because he wrote prolifically on various different subjects.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.1 How to Approach Sentence Correction Questions? | 59

(A) but also because he wrote prolifically

(B) having written prolifically on

(C) but because he wrote prolifically and

(D) but also as a prolific writer

(E) but also as a writer since he wrote prolifically

Now, we want you to look at the first two or three words of every option and group the options on
this basis.

Three of the options start with but also, one with having and one with but because. Now if you know
your idoms, you would know that not only (in the non underlined part of the sentence) always
requires a but also. So, options B and C can be eliminated without even reading aother word. This
will save you valuable time, enabling you to finish the question in less than a minute.

Amongst the remaing three options, you can now do another split—should it be but also because (A)
or but also as (D and E). Since not only is followed by as, but also too needs to be followed by as. So,
A gets eliminated.

Between D and E, D is more concise. Also a prolific writer is parallel to a great painter. Thus, D
should be the correct answer.

The important thing to note in the above example is that we did not read any of the options (except
maybe the last two) completely. We just looked at a few words here and there and eliminated. This
is the approach that you should try to adopt for every Sentence Correction question that you see
on the GMAT.

You may not always be able to group the options using the first words; sometimes you can do this
using the last words; sometimes you can do this using the error itself (assuming you have already
spotted the error); sometimes you can do this using an idiom. What you need to ensure is that you
are always reading vertically and eliminating options, rather than reading horizontally and wasting
your time/getting confused.

If you are wondering whether this approach can be used on all GMAT questions, we have used this strategy
to solve each of the 140 Sentence Correction questions in the OG 2017! The same are available in our
book—Ultimate One-Minute Explanations to OG 2017 SC. Check it out if you haven’t already.

Scan this QR code to watch a video on how to do a split on a

SC question.
60 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

The “Aristotle Prep Sentence Correction Approach”

Step 1 – Read the sentence once and try to identify the error.

Step 2 – If you can identify the error, eliminate all the options that contain that error.

Step 3 – If you can’t identify the error, group the options using the first or the last words (or in any
other manner).

Step 4 – Eliminate until one option remains.

Now that we have discussed the general approach to a Sentence Correction question, let’s take an
in-depth look at each error that you will be tested on.


Always pay attention to the non-underlined part of the sentence, especially if you get stuck between
two options, both of which look correct. One mistake students often make is to just skim through
the non-underlined part and focus only on the underlined part. There are numerous instances in
the OG in which the answer can be arrived at quickly by looking at the part that is not underlined.
This is especially true for Tense and Parallelism errors.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 786)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 698, 784, 788)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 5, 30, 118, 123)
(OG 2016 – Q 5, 30, 118, 123)

(OG 2015 – Q 3, 8, 109, 132)

4.2 Fragments
and Run-on Sentences
62 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

4.2.1 Fragments
Let’s start by looking at what makes up a complete sentence:

Sentence = Subject + Verb/Predicate + Meaning

So, in order to make a complete sentence you need three things—a subject, a predicate, and some
meaning. If any of the three is missing, the sentence is called a fragment. Almost always, it is the
verb that will be missing in these sentences.

Consider the following example:

Bruce going for a movie today.

Does the sentence contain all three of the above requirements?

The subject is Bruce but what is the verb? Going?

Going by itself cannot act as a verb, it needs a helping verb such as is before it. Hence the correct
sentence should read:

Bruce is going for a movie today.

(OG 2018 – Q 668, 724, 790)

Please reference these questions
(OG 2017 - Q 676, 723, 791)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2016 – Q 9, 55, 126)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2018 – Q 211)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 7)

Fragment Trap with Relative Clauses:

A common way of confusing students with Fragments is by using relative clauses in a sentence.
Consider the following two sentences:

1. The book is lying on the table.

2. The book that is lying on the table.

Are both of these sentences complete?

Sentence 1 – contains the subject book, the helping and main verbs is lying, and also conveys some
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.2 Fragments and Run-on Sentences | 63

meaning. So this is definitely a complete sentence.

Sentence 2 – contains the subject book, but does it contain a verb? Is is lying acting as a main verb
in this sentence? If you read the sentence you will most likely think that the sentence appears
incomplete and does not convey any meaning as such. This is because the relative clause that is lying
on the table describes the position of the book, but we require a main clause outside of this relative
clause for the sentence to make sense. Hence, this sentence is actually a fragment. The following can
be one way of correcting this fragment, but there can be several other ways as well:

The book that is lying on the table is mine

In the above sentence, the main verb is the is before mine. So, now the sentence has a subject, a verb,
and some meaning and, hence, is a complete sentence.

4.2.2 Run-on Sentences

A run-on sentence (sometimes also referred to as a comma splice or a fused sentence) is one that
uses a comma to connect two independent clauses. In case you’ve forgotten what independent
clauses are (this was covered earlier in this book), these are clauses which contain a subject, a verb,
and some meaning, that is, they can stand on their own.

Consider the following sentence:

Michael Phelps is a great swimmer, he has won 22 Olympic medals.

Is the above sentence correct? Specifically, is the use of the comma correct in the above sentence?

In this sentence, look at the part before the comma—Michael Phelps is a great swimmer. This contains
a subject, verb, and meaning, so this is an independent clause.

Again look at the part after the comma—He has won 22 Olympic medals. This is also an independent

Remember that you can never use a comma to connect two independent clauses. If you do so, such
a sentence is called a run-on sentence or a comma splice. If you do away with the comma as well,
then the sentence is called a Fused sentence.

Hence, a run-on sentence is one in which you connect two independent clauses using an improper
connecting word or punctuation—most often a comma.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 750, 791), (OG 2017 - Q 792)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2016 – Q 127)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2018 – Q 214) (OG VR 2017 - Q 296)

How to Correct a Run-on Sentence?

There are four ways of correcting run-on sentences:

1. Use a full stop (.)

64 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Michael Phelps is a great swimmer. He has won 22 Olympic medals.

2. Use a semicolon (;)

Michael Phelps is a great swimmer; he has won 22 Olympic medals.

3. Use a coordinating (FANBOYS) conjunction

Michael Phelps is a great swimmer, and he has won 22 Olympic medals.

4. Use a relationship word to make one clause dependent on the other

Because Michael Phelps is a great swimmer, he has won 22 Olympic medals.

Note: To correct a run-on sentence you use either a semicolon or a coordinating conjunction but
not both. The following is an incorrect sentence:

Michael Phelps is a great swimmer; and he has won 22 Olympic medals.

Run-on Sentences and Conjunctive Adverbs

We discussed the term Conjunctive Adverb earlier in this book under the topic Conjunctions. To
quickly recap, conjunctive adverbs are connecting words such as therefore, hence, thus, however,
moreover, etc.

The following punctuation rule needs to be followed when using conjunctive adverbs in a sentence:
When a conjunctive adverb is used to connect two independent clauses, it must be preceded by a semicolon
and followed by a comma.

Consider the following sentences:

1. The athlete practiced very hard, therefore he won the race.

2. The athlete practiced very hard, so he won the race.

3. The athlete practiced very hard, but he lost the race.

4. The athlete practiced very hard, however he lost the race.

Of these, sentences 2 and 3 correctly use the coordinating conjunctions so and but to connect two
independent clauses.

However sentences 1 and 4 are incorrect, even though they may appear correct to you. This is
because conjunctive adverbs always need to be preceded by a semicolon and not by a comma. The
way they are written, sentences 1 and 4 are in fact run-on sentences.

The correct sentences will read as follows:

1. The athlete practiced very hard; therefore, he won the race.

2. The athlete practiced very hard; however, he lost the race.

Note that the conjunctive adverbs therefore and however are also followed by a comma, though this
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.2 Fragments and Run-on Sentences | 65

is never tested on the GMAT.

However, when a conjunctive adverb is part of one single clause then it only needs to be set off by
commas. A semicolon is not required in this case.

For example:

• The CEO has suggested price cuts as a way to counter the increased
competition. The Board, however, disagrees with him.

In this sentence, the conjunctive adverb however is not being used to join two independent clauses;
hence, it is just set off by commas.
Please reference these questions
in the corresponding editions of the (OG VR 2018 – Q 295)
GMAT Official Guide

Scan this QR code to watch a video on how conjunctive adverbs can

confuse you between options.

To Sum it up
• Complete Sentence = Subject + Predicate + Meaning
• If one of the above is missing, the sentence is a fragment
• Run-on sentences use a comma to connect two independent clauses
• To correct run-ons:
οο Use full stop
οο Use semicolon
οο Use a FANBOYS conjunction
οο Make one clause dependent on the other
• Conjunctive adverbs—however, thus, nonetheless, etc.—must be preceded by a semicolon
and followed by a comma
66 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Fragments and Run-on Sentences—Practice Drill

Go through each of the following sentences and try to identify the fragment or run-on errors in
them. Once you have identified the error, also try to come up with some way of fixing the same.
Some of the sentences may be correct as written, that is, they may have no error.

1. The increase in the incidence of crime can be attributed to the decrease in the number of
security guards in the locality, more than 500 of them have left their jobs in the last three

2. Liam is a good student, so he will do well on the GMAT.

3. Liam is a good student, therefore, he will do well on the GMAT.

4. The Eiffel Tower was erected in 1889, it is one of the landmarks of France.

5. Some students decide to pursue their MBAs immediately after completing their undergrad
while some others working for a year or two before doing so.

6. The Board of Directors suggests that the controversial product be withdrawn from the
market, however, the CEO argues that the product has a loyal clientele in the market.

7. The tiger sitting by the lake in the middle of the forest and growling at the tourists.

8. The athlete had put in a lot of effort in his preparation prior to the competition, thus, it
came as no surprise that he won all the races that he participated in.

9. The student who is always the first to arrive for the class and who always brings his laptop
along with him.

10. The residents troubled by doubts about whether the mayor will live up to the promises he
had made earlier.

11. While many teachers work at schools in addition to conducting private tuitions.

12. I offered him a ticket to Spielberg’s new movie; a movie he had always wanted to see.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.2 Fragments and Run-on Sentences | 67

Fragments and Run-on Sentences Practice Drill—

1. Error: Run-on sentence

Explanation: The part before the comma is an independent clause and so is the part after
the comma. A comma cannot be used to connect two independent clauses.

Possible Corrections:
• Use a semicolon in place of the comma.

• You can also make the second clause dependent on the first by replacing them with
whom. In this case you don’t need the semicolon; the comma will be fine.

2. Error: No error

Explanation: The sentence correctly uses the coordinating conjunction so to connect two
independent clauses.

3. Error: Run-on sentence

Explanation: This sentence uses the conjunctive adverb therefore to connect two independent
clauses. In such cases, the conjunctive adverb must be preceded by a semicolon and followed
by a comma.

Possible Corrections:
• Instead of a comma, use a semicolon before therefore.

4. Error: Run-on sentence

Explanation: The part before the comma is an independent clause and so is the part after
the comma. A comma cannot be used to connect two independent clauses.

Possible Corrections:
• Instead of a comma, use a semicolon before it.

• Connect the two clauses using a FANBOYS conjunction such as and.

68 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

5. Error: Fragment

Explanation: The sentence consists of two clauses—one before while and one after while.
The clause after while is missing a verb and hence becomes a fragment (working is a
participle and not a verb).

Possible Corrections:
• Replace the present participle working with the verb work.

6. Error: Run-on sentence

Explanation: This sentence uses the conjunctive adverb however to connect two independent
clauses. In such cases, the conjunctive adverb must be preceded by a semicolon and followed
by a comma.

Possible Corrections:
• Instead of a comma, use a semicolon before however.

• Replace however with a FANBOYS conjunction such as but.

7. Error: Fragment

Explanation: The sentence is missing a verb such as is or was.

Possible Corrections:
• Insert the helping verb is before sitting—The tiger is sitting…and growling.

8. Error: Run-on sentence

Explanation: This sentence uses the conjunctive adverb thus to connect two independent
clauses. In such cases, the conjunctive adverb must be preceded by a semicolon and followed
by a comma.

Possible Corrections:
• Instead of a comma, use a semicolon before therefore.

• Replace therefore with a FANBOYS conjunction such as so.

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.2 Fragments and Run-on Sentences | 69

9. Error: Fragment

Explanation: The sentence is missing a main verb. The two relative clauses starting with
who modify or describe the student but the main verb needs to come outside of these two

Possible Corrections:
• Remove both the who’s from the sentence making is the main verb.

• Add a main verb at the end of the sentence—The student who is always the first to
arrive…and who always brings his laptop along with him has not come today.

10. Error: Fragment

Explanation: The sentence is missing a main verb. For troubled to act as a verb, it needs to
be preceded by a helping verb such as is or are.

Possible Corrections:
• Add a helping verb before troubled—The residents are troubled by doubts about...

11. Error: Fragment

Explanation: This sentence contains a subject and a verb but is missing the meaning. The
use of while at the beginning of the sentence makes this a dependent clause but there is no
independent clause in the sentence on which this dependent clause can depend.

Possible Corrections:
• Remove the while, making the clause an independent clause.

12. Error: Fragment

Explanation: A semicolon is used to connect two independent clauses. In this sentence,

the part after the comma is not an independent clause; rather it is an appositive phrase
describing the noun before the comma, that is, Spielberg’s new movie. Appositives do not
lead to run on sentences.

Possible Corrections:
• Replace the semicolon with a comma.
4.3 Subject-Verb
72 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

4.3 Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-Verb agreement is the most basic of concepts in the English language. While, conceptually,
it appears simple and straightforward, the GMAT has several ways of complicating things, as we
will discover later in this chapter.

Subject-Verb Agreement Rule

A singular subject must take a singular verb and a plural subject must take a plural

A subject is whatever is doing the action of the verb (For details, refer to section 3—Grammar
Review). A very simple example of a Subject-Verb mismatch could be the following sentence:

The students has taken the test.

The singular verb has does not agree with the plural subject students.

So, the correct sentence should read:

The students have taken the test (plural subject and plural verb)


The student has taken the test (singular subject and singular verb)

Scan this QR code to watch a video on how students often get

confused between singular and plural nouns and verbs.

Now, let’s look at a more GMAT-type question:

Recent studies indicate that the ability of a soldier to remain calm under attack by enemies, internal
or external, determine whether the soldier will be the victor or the vanquished.

(A) determine whether the soldier will be the victor or the vanquished.

(B) determines whether the soldier will be the victor and the vanquished.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.3 Subject-Verb Agreement | 73

(C) determine whether the soldier should be the victor and the vanquished.

(D) determines whether the soldier will be the victor or the vanquished.

(E) determine if the soldier will be the victor or the vanquished.

Follow the “Aristotle Prep Method” and look at the first word of every option. Ask yourself whether
it should be determine or determines? Since it is the singular ability and not the plural enemies that
determines, the correct option should be the singular determines (and no, adding an s to a verb does
not make it plural; this actually makes it singular in most cases).

Analyzing the options

• A, C, and E are out because of the plural determine.

• Between B and D, the correct choice has to be D because the and in option B distorts the
meaning of the sentence. How can the soldier be both the victor and the loser?

How will Subject-Verb Agreement be tested on the


1. Placing the subject and the verb far away from each other
There are primarily three ways of separating the subject from the verb:

By Using Appositives

Appositives are nouns, pronouns, or noun phrases that are placed next to nouns to further describe
them. If you see large parts of a sentence separated by a comma, it might be a good idea to ignore
the part between commas and read the rest of the sentence as a whole.

For example:

Nuclear fusion, one of the most effective ways of separating carbon and
oxygen atoms, are being used with deadly intent by some countries.

In this sentence, seeing the plural are next to the plural atoms, you could get tricked into thinking
that the sentence is correct the way it is written. To avoid such confusion, omit the part between
commas, and the error will immediately become obvious to you—how can nuclear fusion take the
plural verb are? Thus, the correct sentence will read as follows:

Nuclear fusion, one of the most effective ways of separating carbon and
oxygen atoms, is being used with deadly intent by some countries.
74 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Please reference these questions (OG 2018 – Q 792, 799), (OG 2017 - Q 793)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2016 – Q 128), (OG VR 2018 – Q 235, 279, 284)

By Using Relative Clauses

Let’s look at the following example:

The Spanish artist, who is one of the world’s leading exponents of Salsa
and is known to have taught thousands of students, are living in exile.

This is obviously incorrect, because the subject is the singular artist, but the verb is the plural are.
The sentence tries to confuse you by ending the relative clause with the plural students.

The correct sentence will read as follows:

The Spanish artist, who is one of the world’s leading exponents of Salsa
and is known to have taught thousands of students, is living in exile.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 670, 707, 752, 801)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 668, 705, 749, 800), (OG 2016 – Q 77, 134),
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2018 – Q 203), (OG VR 2016 – Q 15)

By Using a Prepositional Phrase

Let’s look at the following example:

The animals in the zoo is hungry.

In this sentence, the subject is the plural animals, so the verb must be the plural are and not the
singular is. Remember, in case of a prepositional phrase (in the zoo), the subject is always before the
preposition and NOT after it (exceptions to this rule are words used to express quantity that we
will see later in this chapter).

The correct sentence will read as follows:

The animals in the zoo are hungry.

(OG 2018 – Q 677, 693, 721, 771, 789)

Please reference these questions
(OG 2017 - Q 678, 691, 720, 771, 789)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2016 – Q 5, 11, 23, 52, 124),
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2018 – Q 202), (OG VR 2017 - Q 254, 204)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 10, 76)

Scan this QR code to watch a video on the one thing you should never
do while attempting Sentence Correction questions.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.3 Subject-Verb Agreement | 75

2. Confusing you with Additives

Look at the following two sentences:

1. John, as well as his friend, is coming for dinner

2. John, as well as his friend, are coming for dinner

Which one do you think is correct?

Surprising as it may sound, if you have answered (ii) then you are wrong. (i) is actually the correct
sentence. In English, only the word and can make a subject plural. All other phrases (such as as
well as in the example above) merely add extra information to the subject. These phrases are called
additives. When you use additives, the subject always comes before the additive phrase.

Here is a list of some common additives:

• in addition to

• along with

• as well as

• together with

• including

So, to sum up:

John and his friend are coming for dinner.


John as well as his friend is coming for dinner.

How about this sentence?

Strawberries and cream is/are a high-calorie snack.

In this case, even though and is being used as the connector, the correct verb will be is. This is an
exception to the above rule—If two words connected by and are thought of as a single unit, they’re
considered a singular subject.

A hint is to look at the word that follows the verb. If this word is singular, most probably, the verb
will be singular. For example, in the above sentence, the singular word snack follows is and this
reinforces the conclusion that strawberries and cream is a singular subject.

Please reference these questions (OG 2018 – Q 685), (OG 2017 - Q 675),
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2016 – Q 8)
76 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

3. Either…or/Neither…nor
1. Neither John nor his friends are/is sleeping in the lobby.

2. Neither John’s friends nor John are/is sleeping in the lobby.

With neither…nor and either…or constructions, you always make the verb agree with the subject that
is closer to it.

So, in sentence 1, the correct verb should be are (agrees with closer subject friends), and in sentence
2, the correct verb should be is (agrees with the closer subject John). The same rule applies to either...
or constructions as well.

Note: When either or neither is used in a sentence without the or or nor, the verb has to be singular.

For example:

Neither of John’s friends is here.

Scan this QR code to watch a video on the difference between neither

and none.

4. Collective Nouns
Collective nouns are almost always singular. So, a flock of sheep is grazing and not are grazing
(flock is a collective noun).

There are some cases in which a collective noun can be plural but these will almost never be tested
on the GMAT, so on the GMAT, treat collective nouns as singular.

For more examples of collective nouns, check section 3—Grammar Review.

5. Each and Every

Each of the students is/are in the class.

If you have marked are as the correct option, you are wrong, because each is singular; thus, the
correct verb should be is.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.3 Subject-Verb Agreement | 77

Here is a list of some other commonly confused singular subjects:

• Each/Every

• Anyone/Everyone/Someone

• Anybody/Everybody/Somebody

• Anything/Everything/Something

• Whoever/Whatever

• Nobody/Nothing/No one

Scan this QR code to watch a video on what you should never do with
the use of each and every.

6. The number/A number

The number is singular

The number of students standing outside the office is increasing.

A number is plural

A number of students are standing outside the office.

7. Expressions of Quantity
When discussing fractions or percentages, always get the verb to agree with the subject after the
preposition. This is an exception to the preposition rule discussed earlier.

For example:

Half of the money is stolen


Half of the books are stolen

When discussing majority, remember that majority by itself is singular but when it refers to a set of
people, it is plural.
78 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

For example:

• A majority is always right.

• A majority of students are right.

8. One of the X who/that Y…

Consider the following sentence:

This is one of the cars that belong/belongs to him.

Which one do we go with, the singular belongs or the plural belong? The answer is the plural belong.

In general, remember the following structure for such sentences:

One of the Noun (will always be plural) + that/who + Plural Verb


• He is one of the students who study here.

• Any of the members who disagree may leave the committee.

• This is one of the questions that are incorrect.

However, please do not confuse this construction with the one below:

One of the chairs is broken (not are broken)

The structure for such sentences is:

One of the Noun (will always be plural) + Singular Verb (usually ‘is’)

It is only when the plural noun is followed by ‘that/who’ that the singular verb changes into plural.

Please reference these questions

(OG VR 2018 – Q 242)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG VR 2017 - Q 251)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2016 – Q 62)

Still confused?

Scan this QR code to watch a video that will make things clearer with
another example.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.3 Subject-Verb Agreement | 79

9. Inverted Sentences
Usually, in a sentence, the subject always precedes the verb, but sometimes the GMAT can reverse
this order, so that the verb comes before the subject.

For example:

Through the Golden Eagle Bridge passes thousands of vehicles every day.

In the above sentence, the singular verb passes is not referring to the singular Golden Eagle Bridge but
to the plural thousands of vehicles. Hence, the correct verb will be the plural pass.

Through the Golden Eagle Bridge pass thousands of vehicles every day.

10. Indefinite Pronouns

We have already discussed what indefinite pronouns are in the previous section of this book. While
most indefinite pronouns are plural, there are a few that can be both singular and plural depending
on the context.

These are—all, none, some, any, most

- Some of the students are in the class

- Some of the water is in the glass.

To Sum it up
• Subject is before the preposition
• When connecting two nouns using additives—as well as, along with, together with, etc—
the subject will be the first noun (most likely singular)
• Only and makes compound subjects
• Either or/neither nor—Get the verb to agree with the subject closer to it
• Each/Every are always singular
• The number is singular and a number is plural
• One of the plural noun + that/who constructions will always take a plural verb
• All, none, some, any, and most can be both singular and plural
• If the sentence is very long, omit the part between commas
• Collective nouns are almost always singular
• Whenever you see the words each, every, and, as well as, or, etc., in a setence, always check
for subject-verb agreement mismatch
• If you are still confused, go with the singular
80 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Subject-Verb Agreement—Practice Drill

Go through each of the following sentences and try to identify whether the subject is singular or
plural. Accordingly, get the subject to agree with the correct verb form. Some of the sentences
may be correct as written, that is, they may have no error.

1. Motorcycles and scooters has/have two wheels each.

2. Motorcycles or scooters has/have two wheels each.

3. Delivering pizzas or selling newspapers is/are not (a) glamorous job/jobs.

4. Each of the boys has/have two notebooks.

5. Each of the boys or girls has/have two notebooks.

6. Every teacher and student has/have to complete the assignment.

7. Popcorn and Pepsi is/are John’s favourite snack.

8. Popcorn and Pepsi is/are John’s favourite snacks.

9. Neither the actors nor the director was/were there on time.

10. Neither the director nor the actors was/were there on time.

11. Neither of the actors was/were there on time.

12. A group of students believes/believe that the park should be cleaned.

13. A majority of citizens is/are against the bill.

14. A number of books has/have been stolen from the library.

15. The number of books stolen from the library is/are increasing at an alarming rate.

16. Through the toll plaza cross/crosses thousands of cars everyday.

17. Jessica told her counsellor that either of the two courses was/were fine with her.

18. The gardens, along with the beautiful monuments, make/makes Madrid a beautiful city.

19. The CEO as well as the trainees is/are coming for lunch.

20. The trainees as well as the CEO is/are coming for lunch.

21. In this poorly designed building, there is/are a lack of parking space and an abundance of

22. The incidence of crime and petty theft in this county is/are increasing every year.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.3 Subject-Verb Agreement | 81

23. The simplest of errors go/goes unnoticed by most students.

24. Both the books and the pen is/are mine.

25. It is commonly stated that neither joy nor happiness last/lasts forever.

26. It is imperative that everyone contribute/contributes to this exercise.

27. One of the books is/are missing.

28. One of the books that is/are missing is mine.

29. Ten years is/are a long time to work at the same company.

30. In a car there is/are always a brake and an accelerator.

82 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Subject-Verb Agreement Practice Drill—Explanations

The subject and verb have been highlighted for easy identification.

1. Motorcycles and scooters has/have two wheels each.

Explanation: The plural subject motorcycles and scooters requires the plural verb have.

2. Motorcycles or scooters has/have two wheels each.

Explanation: In such or constructions the verb needs to agree with the subject closer to it,
that is, scooters. The plural subject scooters obviously requires the plural verb have.

3. Delivering pizzas or selling newspapers is/are not (a) glamorous job/jobs.

Explanation: The subject is after or, that is, selling newspapers, which is obviously singular
and needs the singular verb is.

4. Each of the boys has/have two notebooks.

Explanation: The use of each always requires the singular verb—in this case has.

5. Each of the boys or girls has/have two notebooks.

Explanation: The use of each always requires the singular verb—in this case has.

6. Every teacher and student has/have to complete the assignment.

Explanation: Don’t let the and confuse you. The use of every always requires the singular
verb—in this case has.

7. Popcorn and Pepsi is/are John’s favourite snack.

Explanation: The last word snack should give you a hint that the two items Popcorn and
Pepsi are actually considered one single item in this sentence and, hence, require the
singular verb is.

8. Popcorn and Pepsi is/are John’s favourite snacks.

Explanation: As in the earlier sentence, the last word snacks implies that Popcorn and Pepsi
are considered two different items and, hence, require the plural verb are.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.3 Subject-Verb Agreement | 83

9. Neither the actors nor the director was/were there on time.

Explanation: In neither…nor constructions, you get the verb to agree with the subject that
is closer to it. Hence the singular subject director requires the singular verb was.

10. Neither the director nor the actors was/were there on time.

Explanation: In neither…nor constructions you get the verb to agree with the subject that
is closer to it. Hence, the plural subject actors requires the plural verb were.

11. Neither of the actors was/were there on time.

Explanation: Neither and either by themselves are always singular and require the singular

12. A group of students believes/believe that the park should be cleaned.

Explanation: In the case of prepositional phrases, the subject is always before the
preposition. In this sentence the preposition is of, making group the subject. The singular
subject group obviously requires the singular verb believes.

13. A majority of citizens is/are against the bill.

Explanation: When majority is used to refer to a group of people (citizens), it requires a

plural verb.

14. A number of books has/have been stolen from the library.

Explanation: A number is always plural and requires a plural verb.

15. The number of books stolen from the library is/are increasing at an alarming rate.

Explanation: The number is always singular and requires a singular verb.

16. Through the toll plaza cross/crosses thousands of cars everyday.

Explanation: This is an inverted sentence in which the subject thousands is coming after
the verb crosses. Obviously the plural subject thousands requires the plural verb cross.

17. Jessica told her counsellor that either of the two courses was/were fine with her.

Explanation: Neither and either by themselves are always singular and require the singular
84 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

18. The gardens, along with the beautiful monuments, make/makes Madrid a beautiful city.

Explanation: Along with is an additive phrase and the subject is always before the additive
phrase. Hence, the plural subject gardens requires the plural verb make.

19. The CEO as well as the trainees is/are coming for lunch.

Explanation: As well as is an additive phrase and the subject is always before the additive
phrase. Hence, the singular subject CEO requires the singular verb is.

20. The trainees as well as the CEO is/are coming for lunch.

Explanation: As well as is an additive phrase and the subject is always before the additive
phrase. Hence, the plural subject trainees requires the plural verb are.

21. In this poorly designed building, there is/are a lack of parking space and an abundance of

Explanation: There are two characteristics of the building—a lack of parking space and an
abundance of pillars. Since the two are connected using and, we have a compound or plural
subject that requires the plural verb are.

22. The incidence of crime and petty theft in this county is/are increasing every year.

Explanation: The subject is before the preposition of. The singular subject incidence requires
the singular verb is.

23. The simplest of errors go/goes unnoticed by most students.

Explanation: The sentence is not talking about multiple errors but the one that is the
simplest, thereby making the subject singular.

24. Both the books and the pen is/are mine.

Explanation: The use of and gives us a plural subject that requires the plural verb are.

25. It is commonly stated that neither joy nor happiness last/lasts forever.

Explanation: The singular subject happiness requires the singular verb lasts.

26. It is imperative that everyone contribute/contributes to this exercise.

Explanation: The singular subject everyone requires the singular verb contributes.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.3 Subject-Verb Agreement | 85

27. One of the books is/are missing.

Explanation: The subject is one book, that is, singular, so we require the singular verb is.

28. One of the books that is/are missing is mine.

Explanation: In this case, the verb that agrees with the singular subject one is the is at
the end of the sentence (before mine). However, for the verb in question, the subject is the
plural books, so we require the plural verb are.

29. Ten years is/are a long time to work at the same company.

Explanation: In this sentence ten years is considered one single entity and, hence, requires
the singular verb is.

30. In a car there is/are always a brake and an accelerator.

Explanation: A car has two things— a brake and an accelerator. Since the two are connected
by and, we get a plural subject that requires a plural verb are.
4.4 Tenses
88 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

When it comes to Verb errors, the GMAT will test you primarily on two things—subject verb
agreement and tense. We have already seen subject-verb agreement in the previous chapter; now
let us take a look at tenses.

Tenses are verb forms that tell you about the time period in a sentence, that is, when does the action
take place in a sentence. They can, at times, indicate whether an action has been completed or
whether it is still in progress. Common sense dictates that there can only be three time periods—the
past, the present, and the future.

Accordingly, we have three types of tenses:

• The Past Tense – was, were, had, etc.

• The Present Tense – is, are, has, have, etc.

• The Future Tense – will, would, etc.

There are four variations of each of these three tenses:

1. The Simple Tense - The simple tenses are used to show habitual or frequent actions, actions
occurring at the moment, or to state generally accepted facts.

2. The Continuous/Progressive Tense - Verbs in continuous tenses always express actions

that are in progress during the indicated time framework: present, past, or future.

3. The Perfect Tense - The perfect tenses are used to indicate the completeness of an action—
completed in the past or at the present time, or will be completed by some time in the

4. The Perfect Continuous/Progressive Tense – The perfect continuous tense is used to

denote actions that were repeated over a period of time in the past, are continuing in the
present, and/or will continue in the future.

So, altogether we have the following twelve tenses:

Simple Present Present Continuous

Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous
Simple Past Past Continuous
Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous
Simple Future Future Continuous
Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.4 Tenses | 89

While this may look like a lot of information, and many students indeed tend to get overwhelmed
with tenses, the good thing for you is that the GMAT will not require you to identify the tense that
a sentence is in. You’ll just be tested on your understanding of the meaning of the sentence.

Consider the following sentences:

• John has been coming for my classes since last year.

• John came for my classes last year.

• John will have been coming for my classes for one year next week.

Now, you may not be able to correctly identify the tense (from the list of twelve tenses on the
previous page) that each of these sentences is in, but most of you can definitely understand the
meaning each of these sentences is trying to convey.

The first sentence implies that John was coming for my classes in the past and that he is still coming
(Present Perfect Continuous Tense), the second implies that John used to come for my classes in the
past (Simple Past Tense) but does not come for my classes any more, and the third sentence implies
that John has been coming for my classes in the past and he will continue coming for my classes in
the future as well (Future Perfect Continuous Tense).

As long as you are able to understand this meaning of the sentence, it doesn’t really matter whether
you can correctly identify the tenses, whereas if you can correctly identify the tenses but are unable to
grasp the meaning, then you will struggle with tense-related questions.

While there are several aspects to tenses, in this chapter, we will be concentrating on those aspects
that are frequently tested on the GMAT. This will primarily include the simple and the perfect

If you want to learn more about tenses in general, you can download
the free Tense Tutorial booklet from our website by scanning this QR
90 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

The Simple Tenses

1. The Simple Present Tense

The simple present tense is used to discuss permanent situations and how frequently an event takes

• I like to read books

• The earth is round

• The bus leaves at 10 pm

2. The Simple Past Tense

The simple past tense is used to talk about actions that happened at a specific time in the past. You
form the simple past of a verb by adding -ed at the end of a regular verb (irregular verb forms are

• I saw a play yesterday.

• She washed her car this morning.

• Did you complete your assignment?

3. The Simple Future Tense

The simple future tense has two different forms in English: will and be going to.

Use will to express a voluntary action or a promise:

• I will send you the report when I get it.

• I will translate the email, so that Jerry can read it.

• I won’t tell anyone your secret.

Use be going to to express a plan:

• He is going to spend his holidays in Jamaica.

• Who are you going to invite to the dinner?

The Perfect Tenses

1. The Present Perfect Tense

Use the present perfect tense to denote an action that happened at an unspecified time before now.
You can also use the present perfect tense to describe your experience or to talk about change that
has happened over a period of time.

FORM - [has/have + past participle]

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.4 Tenses | 91

• You have seen that play many times.

• Have you seen that play yet?

• You have changed since the last time I saw you.

2. The Past Perfect Tense

If a sentence involves two actions taking place in the past with one action taking place before the
other, then use the past perfect tense to refer to the earlier action and the simple past tense to refer
to the latter action.

FORM - [had + past participle]

• You had studied French before you moved to London.

• She understood the movie only because she had read the book.

• You did well on the test because you had studied very hard.

(OG 2018 – Q 668, 703)

Please reference these questions (OG 2017 - Q 676, 701)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2016 – Q 9, 33, 89 )
(OG VR 2018 – Q 228)

3. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

This is used to denote an action that started in the past and continues into the present.

FORM - [has/have + been + present participle]

• John has been waiting here for two hours.

• They have been talking for the last hour.

• Recently, I have been feeling really tired.

4. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Use the past perfect continuous tense to show that something started in the past and continued
until another time in the past.

FORM - [had + been + present participle]

• They had been talking for over an hour before Tony arrived.

• She had been working at that company for three years when it went out
of business.

• How long had you been waiting to get on the bus?

92 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

How will Tenses be Tested on the GMAT?

1. Put different time periods in a Logical Sequence

As discussed earlier, tense-related questions will test you on your understanding of the meaning of
a sentence. It would be very simple if the GMAT were to give you sentences in one time period
only. Of course the GMAT likes to complicate things by giving you multiple time periods in the
same sentence.

Let’s look at an example:

The professor predicts that as students become more and more dependent
on coaching classes in the coming years, coaching institutes have been
mushrooming across the country.
(A) coaching institutes have been mushrooming
(B) coaching institutes will mushroom
(C) coaching institutes are mushrooming
(D) coaching institutes should mushroom
(E) coaching institutes will be mushrooming

The first part of this sentence—as students become—is in the future tense because when will the
students become dependent? Obviously, in the future. To match this, the second part also needs to
be in the future tense.

Hence, options A and C immediately go out.

Option D incorrectly uses should to imply that the professor wants these coaching institutes to

Between Options B and E, option E unnecessarily uses the future continuous tense will be
mushrooming. Since the first part of the sentence is in the simple future tense, the second part should
also be in the simple future tense, making B the correct answer.

On tense-related questions, it is very important that you pay attention to the part of the sentence
that is not underlined because only then will you be able to grasp the overall meaning of the

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 701, 703, 708)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 700, 701, 706)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 6, 32, 33, 36)

2. Choose between Simple and Perfect tenses

While choosing between the simple and perfect tenses, avoid the perfect tense as much as possible.

For example:

• Dinosaurs had roamed the earth billions of years ago. (Past Perfect
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.4 Tenses | 93

• Dinosaurs roamed the earth billions of years ago. (Simple Past Tense)

Since the sentence only speaks about one event in the past, you don’t really require the past perfect
tense; go with the simple past tense instead.

Of course, in some cases the perfect tense may be required to clarify the sequence of events. For

• Christie understood the book only because she had studied Mandarin.

• Christie understood the book only because she studied Mandarin.

In this sentence, the two events are taking place at different time periods. Christie had studied
mandarin first, and she understood the book later. Hence, we require the past perfect tense with
the earlier event. So, use the past perfect tense to indicate that an action took place before another action
in the past.

Now, let’s look at an interesting sentence:

• Before John won the lottery, he was a poor locksmith.

• Before John won the lottery, he had been a poor locksmith.

This sentence talks about two things in the past,

One – John won the lottery

Two – John was a poor locksmith

Since John was a poor locksmith before he won the lottery, the two things are taking place at
different time periods. Hence, the thing that took place earlier, (was a poor locksmith) will take the
past perfect tense had and the thing that took place later, (won) will take the simple past tense won.
Thus, the second sentence will be correct.

However, the first sentence is also correct in this case. This is because the use of before makes the
sequence of events absolutely clear. So if the sequence of events is obvious in a sentence (by use of
words such as before, after, etc.) you do not need the past perfect tense. Needless to say the GMAT
will almost never ask you to choose between two options based only on this difference. There will
be some other error as well in one of the two options.

(OG 2018 – Q 804)

Please reference these questions (OG 2017 - Q 804)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2017 - Q 211, 226, 227, 258)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 38, 39, 42, 50, 53)

Scan this QR code to watch a video on how to choose between simple

past and past perfect tense.
94 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

3. Choose between Simple and Continuous tenses

The continuous tense is used to highlight the ongoing nature of an activity. On the GMAT, avoid
the continuous tense as much as possible.

Supercell, a continuously rotating updraft deep within a thunderstorm, is

not visible in all thunderstorms because they require very high wind velocity
and moisture.

(A) because they require

(B) because they will require

(C) because it will require

(D) because it requires

(E) because it is requiring

In this sentence, options A and B get eliminated because the plural they cannot refer to the singular

Option C unnecessarily uses the future tense will to refer to a fact.

Between Options D and E, avoid the continuous tense is requiring in E because this only refers to
the current action whereas we are making a general statement of truth about Supercell; hence, the
simple present tense in D should be the correct answer.

Please reference these questions

(OG VR 2018 – Q 191 )
in the corresponding editions of the (OG VR 2017 - Q 191)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2016 – Q 1)

4. Use of has had and had had

While students often get confused in the usage of these constructions, both of these are nothing but
the present perfect and past perfect forms of the verb ‘to have’.

• Has/Have had - Present perfect of ‘to have’

• Had had - Past perfect of ‘to have’

Look at the following sentence as an example:

John travels to many different countries.

The verb in the sentence above is travels, which is in the simple present tense. Now, if we were to
convert this sentence into the present perfect tense, we need to add has/have followed by the past
participle form of the verb (in most cases just add the words -ed to the verb, like traveled in the
above sentence).

The final sentence would read something like this:

John has traveled to many different countries.

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.4 Tenses | 95

Similarly, to convert this sentence into the past perfect tense (two actions happening in the past—
the earlier action takes the past perfect and the latter action takes the simple past tense), we need to
add had followed by the past participle form of the verb.

The final sentence would read something like this:

John had traveled to many different countries before he decided to settle

down in New Zealand.

Sounds fairly simple, but the problem starts when the verb in question happens to be to have/has
instead of say travels in the above example.

For example, consider the following sentence:

Tim has several passenger cars.

The verb in the above sentence is has and it is in the simple present tense. Now to convert this into
the present perfect tense, apply the rule as discussed above—has followed by the past participle of
has which is had.

The final sentence reads:

Tim has had several passenger cars.

Similarly, the past perfect tense will read—had followed by the past participle of has, so you get:

Tim had had several passenger cars before he decided to buy a sports car.

So, there are two things happening in the past—Tim had several passenger cars first, which takes
the past perfect tense with the extra had and he decided (simple past tense) to buy a sports car later.

5. The If…Then construction

Such a construction usually refers to a conditional statement in which the taking place of something
depends on the taking place of something else. Such statements are mostly hypothetical in nature.

Let’s look at the following example:

If it rains today, (then) I will carry an umbrella.

Such sentences will always have two clauses—the If clause and the Then clause. The tense of the
Then clause depends on the tense of the If clause. This gives rise to the following three possibilities:

IF Clause THEN Clause

If you exercise you will become healthy


If you exercised ou would become healthy


If you had exercised you would have become healthy
96 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

There can be only three possibilities for the If clause as described in the chart above and, depending
upon the same, you can arrive at the correct construction of the Then clause.

Tenses—Do’s and Don’ts:

Here’s a quick checklist of what to avoid and what to go with, as far as tenses are concerned:

• Make sure you read the given sentence completely before taking a look at the options. Pay extra
attention to the part that is not underlined because this part may tell you which tense to go with
in the underlined part of the sentence.

• Avoid the continuous tense (-ing) as much as possible. Constructions such as am coming, have
been coming, etc. are rarely ever correct on the GMAT.

• Do not use the present continuous tense to refer to future events; instead use the simple future

Incorrect: Barry is going on a cruise next month.

Correct: Barry will go on a cruise next month.

To Sum it up
• Tenses will test you on time periods
• Don’t get too technical; try to understand the meaning of the sentence
• Prefer simple tenses to perfect tenses
• Avoid the continuous tense—ing—as much as possible
• Use past perfect tense—had + past participle—only to refer to the earlier of the two
events in the past
• Do not use the present continuous tense to refer to future events. Use the simple future
tense instead.
• If…Then constructions
οο If you exercise, you will become healthy
οο If you exercised, you would become healthy
οο If you had exercised, you would have become healthy
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.4 Tenses | 97

Tenses—Practice Drill
In each of the following sentences, identify the correct form of the verb (given in brackets) that
can be inserted in the blanks. Some sentences may have more than one correct answer.

1. The dish I had yesterday is one I _______________ (have) for many years now.

2. By the time the police _______________ (arrive), the miscreants ______________ (leave).

3. In one of the worst plane crashes ever, a passenger airplane _______________ (crash) less
than ten miles from the city yesterday.

4. John ______________ (was) an ordinary door-to-door salesman before he ______________

(become) the famous painter.

5. Alan ______________ (has) a heavy breakfast, so he _____________ (decide) to skip


6. Alan _______________ (has) his breakfast when the bell _______________ (ring).

7. The number of books in the library _______________ (increase) by at least fifty percent by
the time the renovation finishes next year.

8. The Alpaca _______________ (is) native to South America and ______________ (is)
introduced in North America in the 1950s.

9. The Dodo, a duck-like bird that _______________ (become) extinct in the 1600s,
_______________ (is) native to Mauritius.

10. The teacher said, “If you study hard, you _______________ (will/would) do well in the

11. The teacher said that if I studied hard, then I _______________ (will/would) do well in the

12. Over the last several decades, the IT-enabled services business _______________ (grow)
into a multimillion-dollar industry.

13. Between 1990 and 2000, the IT-enabled services business _______________ (grow) into a
multimillion-dollar industry.

14. The IT-enabled services business _______________ (grow) into a multimillion-dollar

industry before the dot com bubble burst in 2002.
98 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Tenses—Practice Drill: Explanations

1. Correct Answer: The dish I had yesterday is one I have had (have) for many years now.

Explanation: Use the present perfect tense ‘have had’ to refer to an event that was true in
the past and is also true now.

2. Correct Answer: By the time the police arrived (arrive), the miscreants had left (leave).

Explanation: The sentence talks about two events in the past—the police arrived later and
the miscreant left earlier. So use past perfect tense with the earlier action ‘had left’, and the
simple past tense with the latter action ‘arrived’.

3. Correct Answer: In one of the worst plane crashes ever, a passenger airplane crashed
(crash) less than ten miles from the city yesterday.

Explanation: Use the simple past tense ‘crashed’ to refer to a completed action in the past.

4. Correct Answer: John was/had been (was) an ordinary door-to-door salesman before he
became (become) the famous painter.

Explanation: Since the sentence talks about completed actions, we need to go with the
past tense ‘became’ ( John has already become the famous painter). For the first blank,
while some of you may be tempted to use the past perfect tense ‘had been’, the simple past
tense ‘was’ is also correct because the use of ‘before’ in the sentence makes the sequence of
events clear. So both the simple past tense and the past perfect tense can be used for the
first blank.

5. Correct Answer: Alan had had (has) a heavy breakfast, so he decided (decide) to skip

Explanation: Since Alan had his breakfast first and skipped his lunch later, you need to
use the past perfect tense with the earlier event (had had) and the simple past tense with
the latter event (decided). It is also possible to put the earlier event in the simple past tense
(had) and the latter event in the present perfect tense (has decided).

6. Correct Answer: Alan was having (has) his breakfast when the bell rang (ring)

Explanation: This sentence emphasizes the ongoing nature of an activity. Alan was doing
something when something else happened. Hence, we need to use the continuous tense
‘was having’.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.4 Tenses | 99

7. Correct Answer: The number of books in the library will have increased (increase) by at
least fifty percent by the time the renovation finishes next year.

Explanation: The sentence states that an event will be completed at a particular time in
future. Hence, you require the future perfect tense ‘will have increased’.

8. Correct Answer: The Alpaca is (is) native to South America and was (is) introduced in
North America in the 1950s.

Explanation: This is a tricky sentence and you might be tempted to use the past perfect
tense in the first blank. This is where the meaning aspect of tenses comes into the picture.
Can nativity ever be in the past? Of course not. Once a native, always a native—so, use the
present tense with ‘native’. Since the other event ‘introduction’ took place in the past, use
the simple past tense ‘was’ with this.

9. Correct Answer: The Dodo, a duck-like bird that became (become) extinct in the 1600s,
was (is) native to Mauritius.

Explanation: This is the exception to the earlier question. The only situation in which you
can use past tense with ‘native’ is when the species has become extinct. Hence, both the
blanks in this case will be in the simple past tense.

10. Correct Answer: The teacher said, “If you study hard, you will (will/would) do well in the

Explanation: Since the ‘If ’ clause contains the present tense ‘study’, the ‘Then’ clause will
take ‘will’.

11. Correct Answer: The teacher said that if I studied hard, then I would (will/would) do well
in the exam.

Explanation: Since the ‘If ’ clause contains the simple past tense ‘studied’, the ‘Then’ clause
will take ‘would’.

12. Correct Answer: Over the last several decades, the IT-enabled services business has grown
(grow) into a multimillion-dollar industry.

Explanation: Remember the use of the phrase ‘over the last several decades’ implies that
the action or the effect of the action is true even in the present. So, you need the present
perfect tense ‘has grown’ in the sentence.
100 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

13. Correct Answer: Between 1990 and 2000, the IT-enabled services business grew (grow)
into a multimillion-dollar industry.

Explanation: Since this sentence talks about a completed event in the past, it requires the
simple past tense ‘grew’.

14. Correct Answer: The IT-enabled services business grew/had grown (grow) into a
multimillion-dollar industry before the dot com bubble burst in 2002.

Explanation: Since the sentence talks about events in the past, we need to go with the
past tense. Since the industry had grown first and the bubble burst later, we need the past
perfect tense ‘had grown’ with the earlier event.
4.5 Pronouns
102 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence such as he, she, it, they, their, etc. The GMAT
will test you on three aspects of Pronouns:
1. Pronoun Reference
2. Pronoun Agreement
3. Pronoun Case

1. Pronoun Reference
Ideally, in a sentence, a pronoun should refer to only one noun. If a pronoun can refer to more than
one noun, then ambiguity creeps into that sentence.

Let’s look at the following example to understand this better:

John and Jack went jogging and he fell down.

Who fell down, John or Jack? This is a classic case of Pronoun reference error. Any of the following
sentences can correct this:

• John and Jack went jogging and they fell down.

• John and Jack went jogging and John fell down.

• John and Jack went jogging and Jack fell down.

Now, let’s look at the two scenarios in which pronoun reference errors generally take place:

• When a pronoun refers to more than one noun

• When a pronoun has no atecedent

When a pronoun refers to more than one noun

Sometimes a sentence is structured in such a manner that a pronoun can refer to more than one
noun and, as a result, the reader is confused about the author’s intentions.

Incorrect: Packer encouraged Jerry to start a pest control business because he felt that the residents
of the city would be willing to pay for the same.

Who does he refer to, Packer or Jerry?

Correct: Packer encouraged Jerry to start a pest control business because Packer felt that the
residents of the city would be willing to pay for the same.

(OG 2018 – Q 752, 775)

Please reference these questions
(OG 2017 - Q 749, 777)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2016 – Q 88, 92, 77, 111)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2018 – Q 281), (OG VR 2017 - Q 214)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 25)
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.5 Pronouns | 103

When a pronoun has no antecedent

In the earlier scenario, a pronoun could refer to more than one noun, whereas in this case a pronoun
is mentioned in a sentence without a corresponding noun being mentioned anywhere.

Incorrect: Despite the Board of Governors supporting the measure, they keep voting against it.

The problem in this case is they. They obviously cannot refer to the Board because Board is singular
and, more importantly, when the Board is supporting the measure, why will it keep voting against
the measure? So they does not have an antecedent in the sentence.

Correct: Despite the Board of Governors supporting the measure, the shareholders keep voting
against it.

In some questions you might think it is very clear what or who the pronoun is referring to. Still, if
there is an option that replaces this pronoun with a noun, go with that option.

For example:

The residents association informed the civic agency that it was getting the
park cleaned.

If you read this sentence, you might think that the pronoun it clearly refers to the residents association,
but to another person it could very well be referring to the civic agency. Hence, the ambiguity!

So, the suggestion is to AVOID pronouns in the correct answer choice as much as possible, especially
if the pronoun comes at the end of a sentence. You can even use pronouns to do a vertical split of the
options and first look at only those options that do not contain pronouns at all.

However, do keep in mind that this is not exactly a grammar error; it’s more of a logical one.
Sometimes the GMAT can give you questions in which all the options contain pronouns, some of
which may be ambiguous. In such cases, go with the option that is the least ambiguous.

For example, if you look at SC Q 30 in OG 2016, the use of them in the correct answer E looks very
ambiguous because them could refer to chambers or to tourists. However, since there is no option that
replaces them with chambers, you don’t bother with this error; instead you look for some other one.

Scan this QR code to watch a video on an Official question that uses

pronouns in an ambiguous manner.
104 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

2. Pronoun Agreement
Pronoun Agreement is conceptually very similar to subject-verb agreement. When replacing a noun
with a pronoun in a sentence, make sure the pronoun matches the noun in terms of singular and
plural forms. You cannot replace a singular noun with a plural pronoun and vice versa.

Let’s look at the following example:

The players said that he can’t come for practice.

The plural noun players cannot be replaced with the singular pronoun he. The correct sentence
should read:

The players said that they can’t come for practice.

(OG 2018 – Q 677, 738, 749, 769)

(OG 2017 - Q 678, 698, 738, 747, 767, 770)
Please reference these questions (OG 2016 – Q 11, 30, 100, 103)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2018 – Q 218, 222, 253, 268)
(OG VR 2017 - Q 190, 206, 207, 210, 228, 234, 261, 284, 299)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 18, 19, 22, 40, 47, 53, 69, 94, 110)

3. Pronoun Case
Noun or Pronoun case refers to a pronoun’s function in a sentence. There are three cases when it
comes to pronouns:
i. Subject Case – The pronoun is used as a subject. For example: I, he, they, who, etc.
ii. Object Case – The pronoun is used as an object. For example: me, him, them, whom, etc.
iii. Possessive Case – The pronoun expresses ownership. For example: my, mine, hers, theirs,
whose, etc.

Pronoun Case in Compound Structures

In compound structures, that is, structures in which you have a noun and pronoun together, drop
the other noun to determine which case to go with.
For example:
• The coach punished Debbie and me/I
• Debbie and me/I were punished by the coach.

In case of confusion, just drop Debbie from both the sentences and see which version of the pronoun
makes more sense.

In the first sentence, The coach punished I makes no sense; however, The coach punished me does—
hence, go with me. Similarly, in the second sentence, go with I.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.5 Pronouns | 105

Possessive Pronouns can only refer to Possessive Nouns

Let’s look at the following example:

The senator’s proposal has been criticized by his opponents.

In this sentence, the possessive pronoun his can correctly refer back to the possessive noun senator’s.

The senator’s proposal has been criticized by his opponents who call him
shortsighted and inflexible.

In this sentence, the possessive pronoun his still correctly refers back to the possessive noun senator’s;
however, the object pronoun him cannot refer back to the possessive senator’s. The correct sentence
should read as follows:

The senator’s proposal has been criticized by his opponents who call the
senator shortsighted and inflexible.

4. The Usage of That and Which

On GMAT Sentence Correction questions, you will frequently be asked to choose between that
and which. Both these terms belong to a small group of words known as Relative Pronouns, which
are used to relate parts of a sentence to one another.

Consider these two sentences:

• The fifth car, which is black in color, belongs to Jack.

• The fifth car that is black in color belongs to Jack.

Are both of these sentences referring to the same car? Not necessarily.

The first sentence is definitely referring to the fifth car and we are provided with the additional
information that it is black in color, but even without this information we can easily identify the car
because it has to be car number five.

The second sentence just takes you to the fifth black car; now this car could be the fifth car (in case
the first four cars are also black) or it could be the tenth car or the twentieth car; in fact, it can be at
any number as long as it satisfies the criterion of being the fifth black car.

So, on the GMAT, which is only explanatory or non-restrictive and is not needed to identify the
subject of the sentence. In fact, you can easily remove the phrase starting with which and yet the
meaning of the sentence would remain unchanged, whereas that is necessary to identify the subject
of the sentence and cannot be done away with.

To make it even easier, remember the following two rules for ‘which’ to be correct on the
1. Which should always come after a comma.

2. Which must refer to the noun that comes immediately before the comma.
106 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

In case either of these conditions is not satisfied, there’s a pronoun error in the sentence and needs
to be corrected.

For example, let’s modify the earlier example a little:

The fifth car in the row, which is black in color, belongs to Jack.

Now, even though which is coming after a comma, the noun immediately before the comma is row,
but which refers to the black car and not to the black row. Hence, there is a pronoun error in the
sentence since which has an incorrect referent.

The only exception to the above rule is when which is preceded by a preposition such as in which, of
which, from which, etc. In such cases, you do not need a comma before which.

For example:

The group of which I am a member has been dissolved.

In this sentence, even though there is no comma, the use of which is correct since it follows the
preposition of.

(OG 2018 – Q 674, 694, 714, 719, 726, 729, 735, 753, 778, 798)
(OG 2017 - Q 693, 698, 714, 718, 725, 729, 750, 779, 798)
Please reference these questions (OG 2016 – Q 15, 27, 30, 46, 50, 59, 78, 113, 122, 133)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2018 – Q 241, 245, 247, 251, 272, 288)
(OG VR 2017 - Q 193, 219, 225, 245, 256, 273, 286, 294)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 3, 30, 37, 66, 78, 83, 96, 105)

Important: While the which rule will work on 99% of the questions, it is possible to have that rare
question on which which does not refer to the noun immediately before the comma. Refer to OG
2016 Question no. 55. However, note that in this question there is absolute clarity that which can
only refer to letters because which cannot refer to humans and also because which takes the plural
verb were.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 724)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 723)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 55)

Scan this QR code to watch a video on how to choose between that

and which on the GMAT.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.5 Pronouns | 107

5. The Usage of Who and Whom

The difference between who and whom is exactly the same as the difference between I and me, he
and him, she and her, etc. Who, like I, he, and she, is a subject—it is the person performing the action
of the verb. Whom, like me, him, and her, is an object—it is the person to/about/for whom the action
is being done.

Consider the following two examples:

1. Who is going for the movie?

2. Whom is this movie about?

In sentence 1, who is the subject performing the action going on the object movie. In sentence 2,
movie is the subject and whom is referring to the object of the sentence.

Remember that if the answer to Who/Whom is I, he, she, etc., then the correct pronoun is Who and if
the answer is me, him, her, etc., then the correct pronoun is Whom.

For example, in Sentence 1 discussed above, the answer to the question is ‘he is going for the movie’
and not ‘him is going for the movie’. Hence, the correct word is Who.

Similarly, in Sentence 2, the answer to the question is ‘the movie is about him’ and not ‘the movie is
about he’. Hence, the correct word is Whom.

Whom is also the correct choice after a preposition: with whom, one of whom, etc. and not with who,
one of who, etc.

On the GMAT who and whom are used to refer to people and that and which are used to refer to
inanimate things. However, whose can be used to refer to both animate as well as inanimate subjects.
Please reference this question
in the corresponding edition of the (OG VR 2017 - Q 243)
GMAT Official Guide

6. Do it vs. Do so
Consider the following question:

Although it is conceivable that man may someday be able to fly, there is no clear evidence at the
moment of his ability to do it.
A) of his ability to do it
B) of his doing that
C) to do so
D) that he can do so
E) of his ability to do that

While Option A, B and E might look correct to some of you, the pronouns it and that are considered
ambiguous since it is not clear what these pronouns refer to. In such questions, the best option is to
replace these pronouns with so.
108 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

This brings us to options C and D but C distorts the meaning by suggesting that evidence is doing

The correct answer, therefore, is D.

When stuck between do it and do so, always go with do so.

7. One vs. You

Usually, when giving advice to others or while making general statements, we tend to use the
pronouns one and you. Care must be taken never to mix up these two pronouns.
Incorrect: If one does not study, you should not be surprised when you do badly in the test.
Correct: If one does not study, one should not be surprised when one does badly in the test.
Correct: If one does not study, he or she should not be surprised at having done badly in the test.

8. That vs. Those

The average scores of students this year are higher than that of students
last year.

When you get a question on the GMAT that is similar to the one above, you’ll immediately assume
you are being tested on Comparisons and check whether the comparison makes logical sense. Since
you are aware that a common trick in such questions is to compare the average scores with students,
you’ll immediately scan the answer choices that do so and remove them (and this is the right
approach, by the way).

However, in checking for Comparisons, you might forget to check for Pronoun Agreement. The
moment you see that (as in the above sentence) you’ll think it refers back to the scores, so the
sentence is correct. However, that cannot refer to a plural noun; it can only refer to singular nouns.
To replace plural nouns you must use those. So the correct sentence will read as follows:

The average scores of students this year are higher than those of students
last year.

Important: In the above sentence, that is being used as a demonstrative pronoun, that is, a pronoun
that substitutes for a noun. In such cases, that can never be plural. However, when that is used as a
relative pronoun, then it can easily modify plural nouns as well.

For example:

The books that are lying on the table belong to me. (that here is a relative
pronoun modifying the plural noun books)

This sentence should make things clear for you:

The books that are lying on the table belong to me, but that those lying on
the chair belong to Jerry.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.5 Pronouns | 109

Please reference these questions (OG VR 2017 - Q 264)

in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2016 – Q 72)

9. A Pronoun cannot refer to an Adjective

A pronoun, by definition, is meant to stand in place of a noun only. A common trick the test makers
use is to confuse you as to whether a word is being used as a noun or as an adjective.

Let’s look at the following example:

After the success of the Spanish football team in recent years, more and
more people in Spain are taking it up as a sport.

In the above sentence, Spanish and football are both used as adjectives to modify the noun team.
So the use of it (taking it up as a sport) is incorrect because it technically does not have a noun
antecedent in the sentence.

The correct sentence should read as follows:

After the success of the Spanish football team in recent years, more and
more people in Spain are taking up football as a sport.

To Sum it up
• Pronoun reference – a pronoun should refer to one noun
• Avoid pronouns as much as possible in the correct answer
• Pronoun agreement – use a singular pronoun to replace a singular noun and a plural
pronoun to replace a plural noun
• Pronoun Case – Subject Case (I), Object Case (Me), Possessive Case (mine)
• That is restrictive and which is non restrictive
• The Rule for Which
οο Must come after a comma and must refer to the noun immediately before the comma
οο Exception – When which comes after a preposition such as in which, of which, etc.
• Always prefer do so to do it
• Do not shift between one and you
110 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Pronouns—Practice Drill
Check each of the following sentences for errors of Pronoun Reference, Agreement, and Case,
and also try to come up with the correct sentence. Some sentences may be correct as written.

1. Ever since the author criticized his publisher, he has been disliked by the masses.

2. The foreign delegation was greeted warmly by the mayor who presented them with a report
on the development projects underway in the city.

3. The rugby team and their coach believe that they can win the World Cup for a second time.

4. John’s methods are extremely unconventional, like that of Harry, so he did not receive much
support from his colleagues.

5. John’s methods are extremely unconventional, like those of Harry’s, so they did not receive
much support from his colleagues.

6. Jerry has tried to climb the mountain several times but so far he has failed to do it.

7. Even though the Board of Trustees agrees with the school principal, they have refused to
openly support him.

8. It was shocking to hear the judge address my colleague and me as co-conspirators in the

9. My colleague and me were shocked to hear the judge address us as co-conspirators in the

10. If one wants to do well on the GMAT, you should be willing to work hard and with
sustained efforts.

11. When I went back to my hometown for the holidays, I was curious to know what movies
they were playing in the theatres.

12. The class consists of more than 200 students, many of who stay in the college dorm itself.

13. One of the most mysterious places on earth, The Bermuda Triangle, which is also known as
the Devil’s Triangle, is a region in the North Atlantic Ocean.

14. One of the most mysterious places on earth, The Bermuda Triangle that is also known as
the Devil’s Triangle is a region in the North Atlantic Ocean.

15. The fashion designer’s creations, some of which are very radical, have earned him accolades
from the city’s style icons.

16. X-rays, which are used to detect bone fractures, are different from those that are used to
detect chest infections.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.5 Pronouns | 111

Pronouns—Practice Drill: Explanations

1. Correct Sentence: Ever since the author criticized his publisher, the author/the publisher
has been disliked by the masses.

Explanation: The sentence needs to make it clear who has been disliked by the masses—
the author or his publisher?

2. Correct Sentence: The foreign delegation was greeted warmly by the mayor who presented
it with a report on the development projects underway in the city.

Explanation: The plural them cannot refer to the singular noun delegation.

3. Correct Sentence: The rugby team and its coach believe that they can win the World Cup
for a second time.

Explanation: The singular team requires the singular its. The use of they to refer to the team
and the coach is correct.

4. Correct Sentence: John’s methods are extremely unconventional, like those of Harry, so
John did not receive much support from his colleagues.

Explanation: The singular that cannot refer to the plural methods. Also, he cannot refer to
the possessive John’s.

5. Correct Sentence: John’s methods are extremely unconventional, like those of Harry, so
they did not receive much support from his colleagues.

Explanation: The possessive Harry’s is not required because those is already referring to the
‘methods’. The use of they to refer to the plural methods is fine—John’s colleagues did not
support John/John’s methods.

6. Correct Sentence: Jerry has tried to climb the mountain several times but so far he has
failed to do so.

Explanation: The pronoun it cannot refer to the act of failing to climb the mountain. Use so

7. Correct Sentence: Even though the Board of Trustees agrees with the school principal, it
has refused to openly support him.

Explanation: The singular Board requires the singular pronoun it.

112 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

8. Correct Sentence: The sentence is correct as written. In case you are confused, try to read
the sentence by omitting colleague from it.

9. Correct Sentence: My colleague and I were shocked to hear the judge address us as co-
conspirators in the theft.

Explanation: The sentence requires the use of the subject form I. As in the previous
sentence, try reading the sentence by omitting colleague from it.

10. Correct Sentence: If one wants/you want to do well on the GMAT, one/you should be
willing to work hard and with sustained efforts.

Explanation: You and one cannot be used interchangeably. Either use one in both the places
or use you.

11. Correct Sentence: When I went back to my hometown for the holidays, I was curious to
know what movies were playing in the theatres/the theatres were playing.

Explanation: They does not have any antecedent in the sentence, so either they needs to be
removed altogether or an antecedent needs to be inserted.

12. Correct Sentence: The class consists of more than 200 students, many of whom stay in the
college dorm itself.

Explanation: The object form whom is required in the sentence to refer back to the
students. In case you are still confused, try replacing who with they (subject)/them (object)
and see which one makes sense. Many of they makes no sense but many of them does; hence,
you require the object form of the relative pronoun who, that is, whom.

13. Correct Sentence: The sentence is correct as written. Which correctly refers to the Bermuda

14. Correct Sentence: One of the most mysterious places on earth, The Bermuda Triangle,
which is also known as the Devil’s Triangle, is a region in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Explanation: In this sentence the use of the restrictive that will be incorrect because this
would imply that there are more than one Bermuda Triangles and we are talking about the
one that is also known as the Devil’s Triangle. However, the content of the relative clause is
merely extra information and so should be introduced by the non restrictive which instead.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.5 Pronouns | 113

15. Correct Sentence: The creations of the fashion designer, some of which are very radical,
have earned him accolades from the city’s leading style icons.

Explanation: In the original sentence, the objective pronoun him cannot refer to the
possessive fashion designer’s so the noun needs to be changed to fashion designer.

16. Correct Sentence: X-rays that are used to detect bone fractures are different from those
that are used to detect chest infections.

Explanation: The sentence compares two different types of x-rays, so we need to use the
restrictive that to highlight this difference. The use of which will imply that x-rays are being
compared with x-rays. The use of those, to refer back to x-rays, is correct.
4.6 Modifiers
116 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

A Modifier describes and provides a more accurate definitional meaning to another element in a

For example:

John is a good student.

In this sentence, good is modifying student, that is, it is telling us what type of a student John is.

The two principal modifiers in the English language are Adjectives and Adverbs. Let’s take a look at
what they modify:

1. Adjectives modify Nouns and Pronouns

• Tom Hanks is a great actor. (Adjective great modifies the noun actor)

• The drink is in the tall glass. (Adjective tall modifies the noun glass)

2. Adverbs modify Verbs

• He walked slowly. (Adverb slowly modifies the verb walked)

• Jake accepted the new task unwillingly. (Adverb unwillingly modifies the verb accepted)

• Michael slept soundly. (Adverb soundly modifies the verb slept)

3. Adverbs modify Adjectives

• They were really happy. (Adverb really modifies the adjective happy)

• My father is completely fearless. (Adverb completely modifies the adjective fearless)

• I know he is very careful. (Adverb very modifies the adjective careful)

Please reference these questions (OG 2016 – Q 16)

in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2015 – Q 14)

In addition, adverbs can also modify other adverbs, clauses, and sentences.

The Proximity Rule for Modification

The modifier should be placed as close as possible to what it modifies.

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.6 Modifiers | 117

If the above rule is not followed, the entire meaning of a sentence can change.

For example:

• Only John can eat the pizza.

• John can only eat the pizza.

• John can eat the pizza only.

Only is the modifier in the above sentences. Depending on what only modifies (John or eat or pizza)
the entire meaning of the sentence changes.

Here is another example in which the error looks less obvious (but is definitely there):

The two friends are discussing the soccer match in the stadium.

So, where are the two friends? If you’ve answered in the stadium, you may not necessarily be correct
because it could very well be the match that is in the stadium. In fact, the way the sentence is
constructed, it is indeed the match that is in the stadium and we don’t know where the friends are
having their discussion.

If you want to convey the meaning that the two friends are in the stadium, then put the modifying
phrase in the stadium closer to the two friends, as shown in the following example:

The two friends are in the stadium discussing the soccer match.

So, as a general rule, what is being modified and what is doing the modification—the two should
physically be as close to each other as possible.

All that modifiers will test you on is the placement of words, phrases, and clauses in a sentence.
This is what makes modification errors difficult to spot because the sentence may sound and look
absolutely correct to you but may still have an error.

Scan this QR code to watch a video on how to use only correctly on

the GMAT.
118 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

How will the GMAT test you on Adjectives and Adverbs?

1) By giving you a choice between an Adjective and an Adverb

Let’s look at the following two examples:

1. My teacher has advised me to practice verbal questions regularly.

2. My teacher has advised me to practice regular verbal questions.

While the two sentences may look the same, they are in fact conveying very different meanings.

In the first sentence, the adverb regularly is modifying the verb practice. Hence, this sentence means
that I should practice verbal questions every day or every other day.

In the second sentence, the adjective regular modifies the noun questions. Hence, this sentence
means that I should practice a particular type of verbal questions, that is, the regular ones. I should
not practice the advanced ones or the easy ones. This sentence does not tell me anything about how
regularly I need to practice these questions.

Some common adjective-adverb pairs that the GMAT likes to test are:

• Regular/regularly

• Economic/economically

• Seeming/seemingly

Please reference these questions

(OG VR 2018 – Q 259)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG VR 2017 - Q 240)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2016 – Q 53)

2) By confusing you with the placement of the Adjective/Adverb

This comes directly from the proximity rule discussed earlier in this chapter. In this case, the sentence
will contain either the adjective or the adverb but different options will put the adjective/adverb at
different places. You need to identify the correct placement of the same, keeping in mind the overall
meaning that the sentence is trying to convey.

• My dentist regularly instructs me to brush my teeth; therefore, I brush my teeth twice a day.

• My dentist instructs me to regularly brush my teeth; therefore, I brush my teeth twice a day.

As you can see, both of these sentences are grammatically correct but convey different meanings.
The first one implies that the dentist instructs me regularly but doesn’t tell me anything about how
often I should brush my teeth. In contrast, the second one implies that I should brush my teeth
regularly but doesn’t tell me how often the dentist instructs me.

So, then how do we decide which option is correct?

Well, we look at the rest of the sentence.

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.6 Modifiers | 119

The part after therefore states that, as a result of the first part of the sentence, I brush my teeth twice
a day, that is, regularly. This corresponds to the meaning conveyed by the second sentence, which
should be the correct answer.

This is a classic example of a question testing you on the meaning of a sentence. We’ll see more of
these in the chapter on Meanings.

So, we’ve seen how the GMAT is going to test you on adjectives and adverbs. However, the GMAT
will not restrict itself to the use of only individual adjectives and adverbs; it will go one step ahead
and give you phrases and clauses that again act as adjectives or adverbs—Adjectival phrase/clause
and Adverbial phrase/clause.

The Adjectival Phrase/Clause (Noun Modifiers)

These are also known as noun modifiers and function as an adjective, that is, they modify the noun
or pronoun in a sentence.

Let’s look at the following example:

John is visiting Japan, the land of the rising sun.

In this sentence the adjectival phrase the land of the rising sun is modifying or describing the noun

The Touch Rule for Noun Modifiers

In general, a noun modifier (adjectival modifier/participial phrase) must touch the

noun or pronoun that it modifies.

If we were to rephrase the above example as:

John, the land of the rising sun, is visiting Japan.

This sentence implies that it is John who is the land of the rising sun. This obviously doesn’t make
any sense.

(OG 2018 – Q 696, 705, 706, 709, 729, 733, 736, 743, 790)
(OG 2017 - Q 695, 703, 704, 707, 711, 729, 733, 735, 791))
(OG 2016 – Q 29, 37, 41, 59, 63, 66, 126)
Please reference these questions (OG VR 2018 – Q 189, 195, 196, 197, 198, 209, 217, 224, 231,
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide 238, 258. 282, 297, 298)
(OG VR 2017 - Q 189, 196, 198, 210, 220, 237, 248,
257, 279, 281, 289)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 7, 9, 31, 50, 60, 67, 99)

However, don’t get too carried away by the Touch Rule. It is, sometimes, possible for a noun modifier
to modify a distant noun as well.
120 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

For example:

The house that is next to the river, dilapidated with age, belongs to my

In this sentence, the modifying phrase dilapidated with age comes next to the river but is obviously
referring to the house (the river can’t really be dilapidated can it?) In this case, the modifying phrase
that is next to the river is called a vital or essential modifier (because it is vital to identify which
house we are talking about) and the phrase dilapidated with age is called a non-vital or non-essential
modifier (because it gives extra information and the sentence will covey the same meaning even if
this were to be removed from the sentence).

(You’ve seen this earlier in the case of That vs. Which)

Your major takeaway from this discussion should be not to follow rules blindly—the sentence
eventually has to make sense.

The Adverbial Phrase/Clause

These phrases/clauses can modify the action of the entire preceding clause. They don’t have to follow
the touch rule and can be used much more freely in a sentence.

Let’s look at an example:

Michael Phelps won four gold medals in the 2012 summer Olympics,
bringing to 18 his overall gold medal count.

In this sentence, the modifying phrase bringing to 18 his overall gold medal count is not modifying the
closest noun ‘Olympics’; rather, it is modifying the action of the entire preceding clause and, hence,
is an adverbial modifier.

(OG 2018 – Q 702, 714, 762)

Please reference these questions
(OG 2017 - Q 714, 763)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2016 – Q 46, 96)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2017 - Q 212, 225)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 23, 37)

Scan this QR code to watch a video on how to tell whether you are
looking at a Noun Modifier or an Adverbial Modifer.

Do not get too bogged down by Noun and Adverbial modifiers. The GMAT will test you on these
in limited ways, which we will discuss now. As long you are aware of (and look out for) these, you
will not face any problems tackling Modification questions on the GMAT.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.6 Modifiers | 121

How will Modifiers be Tested on the GMAT?

The GMAT generally deals with modifying phrases. Usually set off by commas, modifying phrases
provide more information about the subject or object in the main clause of the sentence without
directly naming it. In order for a modifying phrase to be used correctly, it must be placed as close as
possible to the object or person that it modifies. The following are some typical ways in which the
GMAT can test you on these:

1. Misplaced Modifiers
Let’s begin with an example:

In an effort to do well in the exam, ten hours of study were put in everyday
by John.

The phrase In an effort to do well on the exam is called a modifying phrase because it is modifying
a subject (which is not contained within the phrase). The person who is making the effort is the
subject of the sentence, that is, John.

Per the Proximity rule mentioned earlier, the modifier must be as close as possible to what it
modifies, but in the above sentence, the modifying phrase is followed by ten hours.

Hence, this is a case of a misplaced modifier; the correct sentence should put the subject, that is,
John, immediately after the comma.

Now, let’s look at the revised sentence:

In an effort to do well in the exam, John put in ten hours of study every day.

It is usually quite easy to identify misplaced modifiers—whenever a sentence begins with a modifying
phrase (especially one that starts with an -ing word) followed by a comma, the noun or pronoun
following the comma should be what the phrase is referring to.

However, do not assume that a modifying phrase can come only at the beginning of a sentence—it
can come in the middle or even at the end. Let’s look at an example of each.

Modifying phrase in the middle:

John, a laptop mechanic, came to my house yesterday. (modifying phrase a
laptop mechanic is modifying the subject John)
You cannot say—John came to my house yesterday, a laptop mechanic.

Please reference these questions (OG 2017 - Q 711)

in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2016 – Q 41)

Modifying phrase at the end:

Jack is travelling to Japan, the land of the rising sun. (modifying phrase the
land of the rising sun is modifying Japan)
122 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

The following are two common forms of Misplaced Modifiers on the GMAT:

1. Participial Phrase
A phrase that starts with a present or a past participle (may or may not be preceded by a preposition).
Whenever a sentence starts with a participial phrase, there will almost always be a misplaced
modifier lurking around the corner.


Incorrect: Educated at Eton and then at Oxford, it was surprising that George could not get into
a decent business school. (Sentence starts with the past participle educated, so the one
who was educated, that is, George should come after the comma and not it.)

Correct: Educated at Eton and then at Oxford, George surprisingly could not get into a decent
business school.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 716, 718, 748)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 716, 717, 746)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 48, 49, 74)

2. Adjectives or Adjectival Phrase

An adjectival phrase is a group of words that acts as an adjective by modifying a noun.


Incorrect: Tall and handsome, a striking figure was cut by the singer.

Correct: Tall and handsome, the singer cut a striking figure.

Incorrect: Known for its strong sense of ethics, one of India’s most respected conglomerates is the
Tata group.

Correct: Known for its strong sense of ethics, the Tata group is one of India’s most respected

2. Dangling Modifiers and Introducing New Words

Usually, it is suggested that you do not add additional words to the original sentence, but sometimes
you may have to add in new words to make the meaning of the sentence clear, especially on
Modification questions.

For example:

Using a stethoscope, heartbeats can be detected.

This sentence sounds fine but, using the knowledge of Modifiers that you have acquired in this
chapter, you know that this cannot be correct since what follows the comma should be the person
who is using the stethoscope. As no such person is mentioned in the original sentence, the modifying
phrase Using a stethoscope is called a dangling modifier.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.6 Modifiers | 123

To correct this error, you will have to add in a new word to the sentence to make it correct.

For example:

Using a stethoscope, a doctor can detect heartbeats

Whenever a sentence starts with an -ing word (technically called a participial phrase), it will almost
always be a modification question with the noun that is doing the action of the -ing word coming
immediately after the comma.

For example:

• Rivaling the Taj Mahal in beauty,… (whatever is rivaling the Taj should
come after the comma)

• Running the first mile quickly,… (whoever is running the first mile
quickly should come after the comma)

• Looking fitter than ever, … (whoever is looking fitter than ever should
come after the comma)

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 723, 797)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 722, 797)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 54, 132)

3. Watch out for the Possessive Trap

When a modifying phrase is followed by a possessive noun, double check whether the phrase is
modifying the correct subject.

Incorrect: Coming out of the house, John’s laptop was stolen.

Even though this sentence may sound correct, it is actually incorrect because the subject is John’s
laptop and not John. So, the modifying phrase Coming out of the house is incorrectly modifying John’s
laptop in the original sentence, making it appear as though John’s laptop was coming out of the

Correct: Coming out of the house, John was robbed of his laptop.

(OG 2018 – Q 683, 718, 746)

Please reference these questions (OG 2017 - Q 682, 717, 744)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2016 – Q 17, 49, 72)
(OG VR 2018 – Q 283)

4. Back-to-Back Modifying Phrases

Consider the following sentence:

The fifth student in the row, next to the girl with braids, wearing a red shirt, is my son.
124 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

In this sentence you are using two back-to-back modifying phrases—next to the girl with braids
and wearing a red shirt—leading to lots of confusion! Is the girl wearing the red shirt or is the
son wearing it? To avoid such confusion, it is always incorrect to use two back-to-back modifying

This will of course only be the case when both the phrases are essential or non essential. If one phrase
is essential and the other non essential, then the sentence is correct. For example, in the sentence we
saw earlier—The house that is next to the river, dilapidated with age, belongs to my uncle—an essential
and a non essential modifier are used back-to-back. So, there is nothing wrong with this sentence.

Please reference these questions (OG 2017 - Q 787)

in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2016 – Q 121, 122)

Exceptions to the Modification Rule

While in general a modifying phrase must be placed immediately next to the subject
that it is intended to modify, there may be certain cases in which this rule can be
relaxed a little. These will almost always involve the use of relative pronouns such as
‘that’ and ‘who’.

1. Terry has a penthouse in the city’s tallest building that he uses to entertain his
clients. (That obviously refers to the penthouse and not to the building.)

2. A President has finally been elected who will try to reverse the tide of
unemployment and poverty in the country. (Who is modifying ‘President’ and
not ‘elected’)

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 757, 764)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 756, 764)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 86, 97)
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.6 Modifiers | 125

To Sum it up
• Adjectives modify nouns or pronouns
• Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs
• A modifier must be as close as possible to the subject it is modifying
• Noun modifiers modify nouns and pronouns and must touch the noun or pronoun they
• Adverbial modifiers modify the entire action of the preceding clause and do not follow
the Touch rule
• Misplaced Modifier
οο Put the subject immediately next to the modifying phrase
• Dangling Modifier
οο The sentence doesn’t contain a subject, so add one can detect heartbeats (Correct)
• The Possessive trap
οο Be careful when you see a possessive noun immediately after a modifying phrase
• The use of back-to-back modifying phrases is always incorrect
126 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Modifiers—Practice Drill
Identify the errors of Modification in each the following sentences and try to come up with
the correct answer. Some sentences may have more than one correct answer and some may be
correct as written.

1. Trevor and McCormick are discussing the butterfly in the garden. (The butterfly is mentioned
in their books.)

2. Having topped his class throughout school, Tim’s grades did not surprise anyone.

3. Using a guitar, music can be created.

4. Richard won the boxing match easily, sinewy and strong.

5. While they did not work last year, analysts believe that the company’s strategies may just
bear fruit this year.

6. The accused said in his home he had all the required proof.

7. Not something Tim was known for, he surprised everyone with his perceptiveness.

8. Sharing its borders with France and Germany, Switzerland’s watches and chocolates are
famous all over the world.

9. Having spent most of his time in tropical countries, John found the Russian weather
unbearable cold.

10. Having learnt acting from the best in the business, tall and handsome, the actor looks set to
become a superstar.

11. To ensure that a product sells well, it has to be introduced gradually to the market.

12. Gotham city witnessed yet another shooting incident just two days after a robbery and
firing took place outside the city park, this time in the Northern suburbs.

13. Noticing a large police contingent on the road, the assailant panicked and, leaving his
weapons behind, abandoning the car and escaping.

14. Shedding his usual reticence, the President of the citizen’s group spearheaded a sharp
attack on the city Municipal Commissioner, forced the Commissioner to unconditionally
withdraw his disparaging reference to the economically backward citizens of the city.

15. California has been a natural choice of most consulting companies, being home to head
offices or delivery centres of some of the world’s biggest companies.

16. The brainchild of two college dropouts now settled in London, a team of healthcare and
technology professionals formally founded Meditech.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.6 Modifiers | 127

17. Stating the desire of most students to pursue management education abroad as a trend that
is expected to grow manifold over the next few years, the company’s intentions of making
huge capital expenditures are justified.

18. A person’s appearance can be ruined by poor cared for shoes.

19. Until recently, the seeming/seemingly conflict of interest wouldn’t have mattered much to
John but now it does.

20. The car in front of me was moving so slow that I had to overtake it from the wrong side. 
128 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Modifiers—Practice Drill: Explanations

1. Correct Answer: Trevor and McCormick are in the garden discussing the butterfly.

Explanation: Since the prepositional phrase ‘in the garden’ refers to Trevor and McCormick
and not to the butterfly, this phrase should be placed closer to Trevor and McCormick.

2. Correct Answer: Having topped his class throughout school, Tim did not surprise anyone
when he scored good grades.

Explanation: The modifying phrase ‘Having topped his class throughout school’ incorrectly
modifies Tim’s grades. The phrase should actually modify Tim.

3. Correct Answer: Using a guitar, a musician can create music.

Explanation: The sentence starts with the modifying phrase ‘Using a guitar’, so whoever
is using the guitar needs to come immediately after the comma. In this case, since the
sentence has no subject, we’ll have to add one— the musician.

4. Correct Answer: Richard, sinewy and strong, won the boxing match easily.

Explanation: The adjectival phrase sinewy and strong is modifying the noun Richard and
hence should touch Richard.

5. Correct Answer: While they did not work last year, the company’s strategies, analysts
believe, may just bear fruit this year.

Explanation: The sentence starts with a modifying phrase While they did not work last year,
so whatever did not work earlier needs to come after this phrase—the company’s strategies
and not the analysts.

6. Correct Answer: The accused said that in his home he had all the required proof.
The accused said in his home that he had all the required proof.

Explanation: The original sentence can be interpreted in two ways as written above. The
usage of ‘that’ in the correct place will specify which of the two meanings the sentence is
trying to convey.

7. Correct Answer: Not something Tim was known for, his perceptiveness surprised everyone.

Explanation: The modifying phrase Not something Tim was known for refers to Tim’s
perceptiveness and not to Tim.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.6 Modifiers | 129

8. Correct Answer: Sharing its borders with France and Germany, Switzerland is famous all
over the world for its chocolates and watches.

Explanation: The modifying phrase Sharing its borders with France and Germany refers to
Switzerland and not to its watches and chocolates.

9. Correct Answer: Having spent most of his time in tropical countries, John found the
Russian weather unbearably cold.

Explanation: We require the adverb unbearably to modify the adjective cold. (cold is
modifying the noun weather)

10. Correct Answer: Having learnt acting from the best in the business, the actor, tall and
handsome, looks set to become a superstar.

Explanation: The sentence starts with two back-to-back modifying phrases. Placing the
subject the actor in between the two corrects this error.

11. Correct Answer: To ensure that a product sells well, its manufacturer has to gradually
introduce it to the market.

Explanation: The sentence starts with a modifying phrase To ensure that a product sells
well. Someone needs to be doing this ensuring, so we will have to insert a subject after the
comma—its manufacturer, a company, a CEO, etc.

12. Correct Answer: Gotham city witnessed yet another shooting incident, this time in the
Northern suburbs, just two days after a robbery and firing took place outside the city park.

Explanation: The modifying phrase this time in the Northern suburbs obviously refers to the
current shooting incident and, hence, needs to be placed next to it in the sentence.

13. Correct Answer: Noticing a large police contingent on the road, the assailant panicked
and, leaving his weapons behind, abandoned the car and escaped.

Explanation: This is a mix of a modification and a parallel structure question. In its current
form, the sentence doesn’t make much sense because it ends with two back-to-back
modifying phrases. To correct this, change the participles in the last part of the sentence to
verbs—abandoned and escaped.

14. Correct Answer: Shedding his usual reticence, the President of the citizens group
spearheaded a sharp attack on the city Municipal Commissioner, forcing the Commissioner
to unconditionally withdraw his disparaging reference to the economically backward
citizens of the city.
130 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Explanation: The sentence, as written, is incorrect. If you are trying to say that the President
of the citizens group did two things—spearheaded and forced—then you need an ‘and’
before ‘forced’ but the sentence doesn’t have this.
In fact, the President of the citizens group just did one thing—spearhead a sharp attack.
As a result of this attack, the Municipal Commissioner had to withdraw his disparaging
remarks. So it’s best if we use the participle ‘forcing’, thereby converting that entire clause
into an adverbial modifier modifying the action of the entire previous clause.

15. Correct Answer: California, home to head offices or delivery centres of some of the world’s
biggest companies, has been a natural choice of most consulting companies.

Explanation: The modifying phrase home to head offices or delivery centres of some of the
world’s biggest companies needs to be next to California and not to consulting companies.

16. Correct Answer: The brainchild of two college dropouts now settled in London, Meditech
was formally founded by a team of healthcare and technology professionals.

Explanation: The sentence starts with a modifying phrase The brainchild of two college
dropouts now settled in London, so what was this brainchild needs to follow the comma—
obviously Meditech.

17. Correct Answer: Stating the desire of most students to pursue management education
abroad as a trend that is expected to grow manifold over the next few years, the company
justified its intentions of making huge capital expenditures.

Explanation: The sentence starts with a modifying phrase stating the desire…few years, so
whoever is stating this desire needs to come after the comma—the company and not its

18. Correct Answer: A person’s appearance can be ruined by poorly cared for shoes.

Explanation: You require the adverb poorly to modify the adjective cared.

19. Correct Answer: Until recently, the seeming conflict of interest wouldn’t have mattered
much to John but now it does.

Explanation: You require the adjective seeming to modify the noun phrase conflict of interest.

20. Correct Answer: The car in front of me was moving so slowly that I had to overtake it from
the wrong side.

Explanation: You require the adverb slowly to modify the verb moving.
4.7 Parallel Structure
132 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Parallel Structure
Parallel Structure or Parallelism is one error type in which you can get from the easiest to the
most difficult of questions. It’s not surprising that this is the most common error type tested in the

Looking at it conceptually, parallel structure is all about consistency. Whenever you come across a
sentence that contains a list or series of items or actions (typically separated by commas), you should
immediately know that you have come across a Parallel Structure question.
For example:
Jerry likes walking and to swim.
In this sentence the gerund walking is not parallel to the infinitive to swim. The correct sentence
will read as follows:
Jerry likes walking and swimming.
Jerry likes to walk and to swim.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 763)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG VR 2017 - Q 195)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2016 – Q 4, 6)

Now, let’s look at some variants of another sentence:

• Tom can go to his school by bus, train, or cab.

• Tom can go to his school by bus, train, or by cab.

• Tom can go to his school by bus, by train, or by cab.

The first option is correct, since it is implied that ‘by’ applies to the other two options as well;
the third option is also correct for the same reason (albeit wordy); however, the second option
is incorrect because it implies that ‘by’ is needed only for the bus and the cab and that ‘by’ is not
needed for the train. Therefore, as stated earlier, consistency is the key to identifying and answering
parallelism questions.

Please reference these questions (OG VR 2017 - Q 191)

in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2016 – Q 1)

Let us now look at the various scenarios, involving parallel structure, which you are likely to come
across on the GMAT:

1. Parallel Structure with Nouns

• She bought a skirt and a blouse.

2. Parallel Structure with Adjectives

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.7 Parallel Structure | 133

• The canoes are light but sturdy.

3. Parallel Structure with Adverbs

• The tiger walked slowly and menacingly towards its prey.

4. Parallel Structure with Verbs

When you have more than one verb in a sentence, be sure to make the verbs parallel by not shifting
the tenses unnecessarily. Also, don’t shift from an active to a passive verb.

Correct - John prepared the presentation on the train and delivered it at the meeting. (parallel:
both verbs are active and in the simple past tense)

Incorrect - John prepared the presentation on the plane, and it was delivered by him at the meeting.
(faulty parallelism: active and passive verb)

(OG 2018 – Q 697, 765)

(OG 2017 - Q 696, 757, 765)
Please reference these questions (OG 2016 – Q 87, 98)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2018 – Q 205, 293)
(OG VR 2017 - Q 194, 224, 253)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 5, 35, 41, 64)

5. Parallel Structure with Infinitives

Correct - Jessica likes to sing, to dance, and to play the cello.
Correct - Jessica likes to sing, dance, and play the cello.
Incorrect - Jessica likes to sing, to dance, and play the cello.

(OG 2018 – Q 789)

Please reference these questions
(OG 2017 - Q 748, 789)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2016 – Q 75, 124)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2017 - Q 205, 212, 249, 262, 289)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 16, 23, 61, 70, 99)

6. Parallel Structure with Gerunds/Participles

Correct - John likes hiking, swimming, and cycling.

Incorrect - John likes hiking, swimming, and to ride a bicycle.

Please reference these questions (OG VR 2017 - Q 197, 204, 223)

in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2016 – Q 8, 15, 34)

7. Parallel Structure with Clauses

Incorrect - The teacher suggested that the students come to class on time and complete their homework
assignments regularly.
134 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Correct - The teacher suggested that the students come to class on time and that they complete their
homework assignments regularly.

In the above sentence, since the teacher is making two suggestions, the that has to be repeated
before the second suggestion to connect it to the verb suggested. Otherwise, the meaning conveyed
is that the teacher is making just one suggestion—that maybe the students come to the class and
do the homework in the class.
Please reference this question
in the corresponding edition of the (OG VR 2016 – Q 17)
GMAT Official Guide

8. Parallel Structure with Correlative Conjunctions

Correlative Conjunctions, in simple English, are pairs of words that always go together. If you
have the first word present in a sentence, the second has to be there as well, else the sentence is
considered incorrect.

• Not only … but also
• No sooner … than
• Either … or
• Neither … nor
• Both … and

Important - Correlative conjunctions always join grammatically equal elements (For example, noun
and noun, adjective and adjective, phrase and phrase, clause and clause, etc.) They also lend equal
weight to the joined elements, that is, one joined element is always equal to but never subordinate
to the other.


Correct: The workers disputed not only the magazine article but also the company’s official
statement. (parallel: phrase with phrase)
Incorrect: The workers disputed not only the magazine article but also they disputed the company’s
official statement. (faulty parallelism: phrase with clause)
Correct: Either I like the job or I don’t like it. (parallel: clause matched with clause)
Correct: Either I like the job or I don’t. (parallel: clause matched with clause)
Incorrect: Either I like the job or not. (faulty parallelism: clause matched with adverb)
Correct: I have neither the patience nor the desire to complete the assignment. (parallel: noun
phrase with noun phrase)
Incorrect: I have neither the patience nor do I desire to complete the assignment. (faulty parallelism:
phrase matched with clause)

Important - When using correlative conjunctions, the construction that comes after the first
conjunction must be repeated after the second.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.7 Parallel Structure | 135

Correct: John is neither from Paris nor from Germany.

Incorrect: John is neither from Paris nor Germany.

Since from comes after neither, it needs to be repeated after nor as well; else the sentence will be
incorrect. However, if from were to come before neither, then it does not need to be repeated after
nor because it is assumed that from applies to both neither and nor; repeating from in this case would
actually be incorrect.
Correct: John is from neither Paris nor Germany.
Incorrect: John is from neither Paris nor from Germany.

(OG 2018 – Q 669, 673, 682, 699, 715, 744, 760, 766, 788)
(OG 2017 - Q 669, 673, 681, 715, 743, 761, 766, 786, 788)
Please reference these questions (OG 2016 – Q 4, 14, 47, 71, 95, 99, 120, 123)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2018 – Q 194, 272, 285)
(OG VR 2017 - Q 192, 194, 195, 239, 271)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 2, 5, 6, 52, 54, 81)

Scan this QR code to watch a video on how to make Correlative

Conjunctions parallel.

What to make Parallel – Check for Meaning

It is important that you use common sense while deciding which parts of a sentence to make
Consider the following sentence:
The total package cost from London to Paris is $880 including airfare from
London, spending two days at the Windsor Hotel, and taking a trip to the Eiffel
If you look at this sentence with a myopic vision (that is, without understanding its meaning) you
might think it gets the parallel construction correct—including, spending, and taking, all end with

However, if you read the sentence again, you’ll realize that including is common to all three things.
So what actually has to be made parallel are the nouns airfare, two days at the Grand Hotel, and a
trip to Liberty Island.
So the correct sentence should read:
The total package cost from London to Paris is $880 including airfare from
London, two days at the Windsor Hotel, and a trip to the Eiffel Tower.
136 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

How about this one then?

After the typhoon, the citizens of the county were left without food, power,
and huge bills for reconstructing their houses.

When a preposition such as without is used in front of only the first member of a series, it’s taken
to refer to all the members of the series. In the context of this sentence, this means that the citizens
were left without food, without power, and without huge bills for reconstructing their houses. The
last part obviously doesn’t make sense and can be corrected by rewriting the sentence.

Correct: After the typhoon, the citizens of the county were left without
food and power, and with huge bills for reconstructing their houses.

Thus, to summarize, make it a point to understand the meaning of a sentence before you decide
what aspects to make parallel. Making things parallel blindly could land you in trouble, especially
on high difficulty questions.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2017 - Q 780)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2016 – Q 114)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2018 – Q 254)

Scan this QR code to watch a video discussing two important Parallel

structure concepts.

Parallelism with Gerund Phrases and Action Nouns

Before discussing the parallelism rules for gerund phrases and action nouns, let’s understand what
these terms actually mean.

Gerund Phrase

We saw in the earlier section that gerunds are verbs that act as nouns. A Gerund Phrase is a group
of words that starts with a gerund and includes other modifiers or objects.

For example:
• Exercising daily is good for the health.
• Running very quickly can be bad for your knees.

As you can see, in both these sentences, the gerund phrase is the subject of the verb. This is what
separates a gerund phrase from participial phrases. A participial phrase will always modify the
subject of the sentence, but it will never be the subject itself.

For example:

• Running very quickly, Usain Bolt won the race.

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.7 Parallel Structure | 137

In this sentence, the phrase Running very quickly is acting as an adjective to modify the subject Usain
Bolt. You’ve already seen these phrases in the previous chapter on Modifiers.

The examples above are all Simple Gerund Phrases, that is, phrases that start with a gerund and
contain other modifiers and objects.

There is also something called a Complex Gerund Phrase, which almost always starts with an
article (a, an, or the) and includes a preposition after the gerund. For example,

• Selling books is a good business (Simple gerund phrase)

• The selling of books is a good business (Complex gerund phrase)

Action Nouns

Action Nouns are obviously action words that are used as nouns in a sentence. So, what is the
difference between Action nouns and Gerunds?

The following sentences should make this clear:

• The inspection of records is a tedious process. (Action noun)

• Inspecting records is a tedious process. (Simple Gerund Phrase)

• The inspecting of records is a tedious process. (Complex Gerund Phrase)

Hence, gerunds will always include the -ing form of the verb whereas action nouns will not.

Parallelism Rules for Gerund Phrases and Action Nouns

Now that you know what are Simple Gerund Phrases, Complex Gerund Phrases, and Action
Nouns, here are the parallelism rules to follow when the sentence includes any/all of these:

i) A Simple Gerund Phrase can never be parallel to a Complex Gerund Phrase or to

an Action Noun.

Incorrect: Selling books is a better business than the selling of coffee. (Simple gerund phrase and
complex gerund phrase)

Correct: Selling books is a better business than selling coffee. (Both simple gerund phrases)

Correct: The selling of books is a better business than the selling of coffee. (Both complex gerund

ii) A Complex Gerund Phrase can be parallel to another Complex Gerund Phrase and
also to Action Nouns.

Correct: The raising of the white flag and the release of prisoners are signs of peace. (Complex
gerund phrase and action noun)

Correct: The raising of the white flag is as important as the lowering of weapons. (Both complex
gerund phrases)
138 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

iii) Always prefer Action Nouns to Complex Gerund Phrases.

If an action noun exists for a verb, then prefer it to the complex gerund phrase.

Incorrect: The raising of the white flag and the releasing of prisoners are signs of peace.

The releasing of prisoners is a complex gerund phrase but there is already an action noun in the
English language that denotes the same—release. Therefore, prefer release to the use of the complex
gerund phrase.

Correct: The raising of the white flag and the release of prisoners are signs of peace. (Complex
gerund phrase and action noun)

Scan this QR code to watch a video on how to make Gerund Phrases

and Action Nouns parallel.

Parallelism with Past and Present Participles:

• The students, tired after the test and wanting to reach home quickly, took a short cut.

• The students, tired after the test and wanted to reach home quickly, took a short cut.

• The students, tiring after the test and wanting to reach home quickly, took a short cut.

If you were to get the above choices in a question and if you were in a hurry, you would most likely
go with options two or three because tired and wanted look parallel and so do tiring and wanting.

However, if you concentrate a little, you will notice that both these choices seem or sound incorrect,
and rightly so. In fact, option one is the correct sentence.

This is because tired and wanting are both used as adjectives (the past and the present participles,
respectively), and, hence, correctly modify the noun students.

Option two uses wanted as a verb, which obviously can’t parallel the adjective tired. Similarly, option
three also distorts the meaning by suggesting that the students are tiring after the test whereas the
students are already tired.

Therefore, the takeaway for you is that a past participle can be parallel to a present participle because
they are both, in essence, adjectives.

Scan this QR code to watch a video discussing one of the most

difficult official questions on this topic that we have come across.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.7 Parallel Structure | 139

The Usage of that Twice in a Sentence

Consider this example:

My trainer suggests that, in order to lose weight quickly, I cut out all
carbohydrates from my diet and that I exercise for at least an hour every

The reason this sentence uses that twice is because the trainer is actually making two suggestions—
one about the diet and one about the exercise—so that needs to be repeated before each suggestion
to maintain parallelism.

If you don’t repeat that, then you are implying that the trainer has actually made only one suggestion.
Hence, this again boils down to your correct understanding of the meaning of the sentence.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 725, 792, 794’)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 724, 737, 793, 795)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 68, 128, 130)

Scan this QR code to watch a video on when to repeat and when not
to repeat that in a sentence.

Important Parallelism Markers

To make it easier to identify Parallelism errors, look out for the following common parallelism
markers. If you spot any of these in a sentence, immediately check the sentence for parallelism.

• And

• Or

• Either…or

• Neither…nor

• Not only/just…but also

• Both…and
140 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

To Sum it up
• Correlative Conjunctions
οο Include word pairs that are always used together such as either … or, not only … but
also, etc.
οο The construction after the first word has to be repeated after the second word
• Pay attention to the meaning of the sentence to figure out what aspects to make parallel
• Simple Gerund Phrases cannot be parallel to Complex Gerund Phrases or Action nouns
• Complex Gerund Phrases can be parallel to Action Nouns
• Present Participle can be parallel to a Past Participle
• Sometimes it may be necessary to use that twice in a sentence
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.7 Parallel Structure | 141

Parallelism—Practice Drill
Check each of the following sentences for the error of faulty Parallelism and come up with the
correct sentence. Some sentences may be correct as written.

1. John did not like his new workplace because he could not leave early, come late, and he
could not take long lunch breaks.

2. His remarks suggested both sarcasm as well as bitterness.

3. To become successful, one not only has to be willing to work hard but also he has to have
some luck on his side.

4. The CEO has decided to reduce costs, staff strength, and increase revenues.

5. Modern cars are constructed either from aluminium or carbon fiber.

6. The selling of books is a better business than selling grocery.

7. Business expenditure, including the expenditure on entertaining clients, is different from

spending on one’s own entertainment.

8. Performance consultancies help in identifying high potential leaders, creating a leadership

pipeline, building engagement, more efficient hiring processes, and rewarding employees
for good performance.

9. A few of the crimes that hit headlines in the last few months, including the murder of a
senior citizen, the looting of a bank ATM, and cloned credit cards, is/are yet to be cracked.

10. The CEO said that as markets grow and with the intensification of competition, companies
will have to come up with more and more innovative strategies to acquire customers.

11. A typical intervention can have several customer interaction points such as training
workshops, coaching, on-the-job training, and lasting from four to six months.

12. While selecting a perfume, experts suggest that you select a scent that complements your
personality and that it works with your skin.

13. Olfactory experts suggest that, while selecting a perfume, you select not only a scent that
complements your personality but also one that works with your skin.
142 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Parallelism–Practice Drill: Explanations

1. Correct Answer: John did not like his new workplace because he could not leave early,
come late, and take long lunch breaks.

Explanation: The three items at the end of the sentence—leave early, come late, and he
could not take long lunch breaks—need to be parallel.

2. Correct Answer: His remarks suggested both sarcasm and bitterness.

His remarks suggested sarcasm as well as bitterness.

Explanation: The correct idiom is ‘both X and Y’. Or, if you wish to use ‘as well as’, then
remove ‘both’ from the sentence.

3. Correct Answer: To become successful, one not only has to be willing to work hard but
also has to have some luck on his side.

Explanation: What comes after not only needs to be repeated after but also. Since ‘one’ is
before not only, ‘one/he’ does not need to be repeated after but also.

4. Correct Answer: The CEO has decided to reduce costs and staff strength and increase

Explanation: While the sentence may look correct, as written, it has an error of meaning.
The CEO has decided to reduce two things—costs and staff strength—and increase one
thing—revenues. Thus, there needs to be an extra and between the two things that he has
decided to reduce.

5. Correct Answer: Modern cars are constructed either from aluminium or from carbon fiber.

Explanation: Since from comes after either, it needs to be repeated after or.

6. Correct Answer: Selling books is a better business than selling grocery.

The selling of books is a better business than the selling of grocery.

Explanation: The sentence compares a simple gerund phrase with a complex gerund
phrase. To maintain parallelism, put a simple/complex gerund phrase on both sides.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.7 Parallel Structure | 143

7. Correct Answer: Business expenditure, including the expenditure on entertaining clients,

is different from personal expenditure.

Explanation: The noun phrase ‘business expenditure’ is not parallel to the gerund +
prepositional phrase combination ‘spending on one’s own entertainment’, so change this to a
noun phrase as well.

8. Correct Answer: Performance consultancies help in identifying high potential leaders,

creating a leadership pipeline, building engagement, making hiring processes more efficient,
and rewarding employees for good performance.

Explanation: According to the sentence, performance consultancies help in doing five

things. Four of these things start with participles—identifying, creating, building, and
rewarding—so the fifth also needs to start with a participle, that is, making.

9. Correct Answer: A few of the crimes that hit headlines in the last few months, including
the murder of a senior citizen, the looting of a bank ATM, and the cloning of credit cards,
is/are yet to be cracked.

Explanation: The first two crimes are in the form of an action noun and a complex gerund
phrase, so the third crime should also be a complex gerund phrase. The correct verb should
be the plural are to match the subject crimes.

10. Correct Answer: The CEO said that as markets grow and as competition intensifies,
companies will have to come up with more and more innovative strategies to acquire

Explanation: The two things that the CEO said need to be parallel, so they both need to
start with ‘as’.

11. Correct Answer: A typical intervention can have several customer interaction points such
as training workshops, coaching, and on-the-job training, and can last from four to six

Explanation: The sentence tells us two things about a typical intervention—that it can
have several customer interaction points and that it can last from four to six months.
Obviously, these two need to be parallel. Again, there’s a sub list of three things within the
customer interaction points; therefore, we need to use an and before the last item in this
sub list.
144 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

12. Correct Answer: While selecting a perfume, experts suggest that you select a scent that
complements your personality and that works with your skin.

Explanation: According to the sentence, the chosen scent should do two things—
complement your personality and work with your skin. Both these things come after the
relative pronoun that. Since scent comes before that, it is assumed that it applies to both
the relative clauses starting with that; hence, we don’t need to repeat the ‘it’ (to refer back
to scent) in the second clause.

13. Correct Answer: The sentence is correct as written. Since scent comes after not only, it
needs to be repeated after but also; hence, the use of one to refer back to scent is correct.
4.8 Comparison
146 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Comparison questions are a special category of parallel structure questions that involve two or
more items being compared with one another.

Compared Items must be Logically Similar

To put it simply, while comparing two things, compare apples with apples and oranges with oranges.

Let’s look at an example:

The students in my class are smarter than other classes.

This sentence is incorrect because it compares students with classes. The correct sentence should read
as follows:

The students in my class are smarter than the students in other classes.


The students in my class are smarter than those in other classes.

(OG 2018 – Q 678, 712, 727, 732, 780, 791, 802, 805)
(OG 2017 - Q 679, 692, 710, 726, 732, 792, 801, 805)
Please reference these questions (OG 2016 – Q 12, 25, 40, 56, 62, 127, 135, 139)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2018 – Q 213, 215, 256, 265, 301)
(OG VR 2017 - Q 293, 298)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 41, 90, 104, 109)

Compared Items must be Grammatically Similar

This is the same as with parallel construction questions—compare nouns with nouns, verbs with
verbs, and so on. Do NOT compare a noun with a verb or an adjective with an adverb, etc.

Let’s look at an example:

I enjoy reading novels more than to watch movies. (compares participle

reading with infinitive to watch; hence, not parallel)

The correct sentence should read as follows:

I enjoy reading novels more than I enjoy watching movies.

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.8 Comparison | 147

How will Comparisons be Tested on the GMAT

1. Unclear Comparisons
Incorrect: John loves Tina more than Katy.
This sentence can be interpreted in two ways—either John loves Tina more than he loves Katy or
John loves Tina more than Katy loves Tina. This problem can be corrected by repeating the verb in
the sentence.
Correct: John loves Tina more than he loves Katy
Correct: John loves Tina more than Katy does

Scan this QR code to watch a video on when to repeat verbs in a

sentence and when not to repeat them.

2. Illogical Comparisons
Incorrect: The books at this shop are much more interesting than any other shop.

This sentence quite absurdly compares books with other shops, which obviously does not make any

Correct: The books at this shop are much more interesting than the books at any other shop.

Correct: The books at this shop are much more interesting than those at any other shop.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 680, 761, 784)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 762)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2017 - Q 200)

3. The Usage of Comparative and Superlative Forms

When comparing two things, use the comparative form (more/er), and when comparing more than
two things, use the superlative form (most/est).
Incorrect: Among all my students, John is more intelligent.
Correct: Among all my students, John is the most intelligent.
Incorrect: Between the two of them, his idea is the best.
Correct: Between the two of them, his idea is better.
148 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Also, remember that if a sentence starts with a comparative such as the more, the higher, etc., the
second clause of the sentence will also start with a comparative.

Incorrect: The more John studies, he will score even higher.

Correct: The more John studies, the higher he will score.

(OG 2018 – Q 671, 688, 758)

Please reference these questions
(OG 2017 - Q 670, 685, 758)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2016 – Q 1, 90)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2017 - Q 212)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 23)

4. The Usage of Like and As

A common problem faced by most students is when to use Like and when to use As.

Since Like is a preposition and As is a conjunction, use like only to compare nouns and as for all other
comparisons (For example, while comparing clauses.)


1. John and Jacob, as/like their father Mark, are excellent players of chess.

In this sentence, John and Jacob are nouns that are being compared with another noun Mark. Hence,
the correct word here is ‘like’.

2. Just as/like reading is good for the mind, running is good for the body.

In this sentence, two clauses reading is good for the mind and running is good for the body are being
compared, so the correct word is ‘as’.

(OG 2018 – Q 691, 767)

Please reference these questions
(OG 2017 - Q 689, 768)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2016 – Q 21, 101)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2017 - Q 213)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 24, 29)

Whenever you spot the following words in a sentence—like, unlike, more than, less than, as many as,
as much as, as likely as—check for the error of comparison.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 689, 704)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 686, 702)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 18, 35)
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.8 Comparison | 149

To Sum it up
• Compare apples with apples and oranges with oranges
• Be careful of the comparative and superlative forms
• More/less always takes a than and not in comparison/as compared to
• As many as/as much as always takes another as and not than
• Like and As
οο Use Like to compare nouns
οο Use As to compare everything else
οο If confused go with as
οο Never use like to give examples, use such as instead
• Important comparison markers - like, unlike, more than, less than, as many as, as much as, as
likely as
150 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Comparison—Practice Drill
Check each of the following sentences for the error of illogical comparison and come up with
the correct sentence. Some sentences may be correct as written.

1. He must be treated like/as any ordinary citizen.

2. He must be treated like/as any ordinary citizen would be in a similar situation.

3. Common sense would suggest that the management could have done much more to prevent
the talks from collapsing as/than it did.

4. The NYPD believes that it has controlled crime better this year than 2011.

5. As/Like the University of Pennsylvania, several other higher education institutes like
Boston University and the University of North Carolina are increasing their focus on global
leadership programs.

6. John’s shirt, like that of his brother’s, is pink in colour.

7. Like many politicians, the senator’s promises sounded great but ultimately led to nothing.

8. Marine zoologists maintain that porpoises have powers of attention more sustained than
that of chimpanzees.

9. The cost of a year at college these days is greater than a house.

10. Charlie’s assumption, unlike James’, was that the customers would attend the workshop just
because the head of business was conducting it.

11. Between the two movies, one from the horror genre and one from the comedy genre, the
horror one is best.

12. Of the numerous decisions facing the Supreme Court this term, the question of an
individual’s right to die is certainly the more perplexing.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.8 Comparison | 151

Comparison—Practice Drill: Explanations

1. Correct Answer: He must be treated like/as any ordinary citizen.

Explanation: You use like to compare two nouns—he and any ordinary citizen.

2. Correct Answer: He must be treated like/as any ordinary citizen would be in a similar

Explanation: In this sentence you are comparing two clauses—how he would be treated
vis-à-vis how any ordinary citizen would be treated. Hence, go with as.

3. Correct Answer: Common sense would suggest that the management could have done
much more to prevent the talks from collapsing as/than it did.

Explanation: The correct idiom is more…than and not more…as.

4. Correct Answer: The NYPD believes that it has controlled crime better this year than it
did in 2011.

Explanation: The original sentence incorrectly compares the clause how NYPD has
controlled crime this year with the noun 2011. The correct comparison will have another
clause after than as well.

5. Correct Answer: As/Like the University of Pennsylvania, several other higher education
institutes such as Boston University and the University of North Carolina are increasing
their focus on global leadership programs.

Explanation: Use like to compare the nouns—universities. Also use such as (and not like) to
give examples.

6. Correct Answer: John’s shirt, like that of his brother, is pink in colour.


John’s shirt, like his brother’s, is pink in colour.

Explanation: The original sentence compares John’s shirt with something (that) of his
brother’s shirt; this is obviously incorrect because the idea is to compare the two shirts. So,
either use the possessive brother’s or use the pronoun that, but not both.

7. Correct Answer: Like those of many politicians, the senator’s promises sounded great but
ultimately led to nothing.

Explanation: The original sentence incorrectly compares many politicians with the senator’s
promises. We can correct this by adding a those to the first clause to refer to promises.
152 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

8. Correct Answer: Marine zoologists maintain that porpoises have powers of attention more
sustained than those of chimpanzees.

Explanation: The original sentence incorrectly uses the singular that to refer to the powers
of attention of chimpanzees; we need the plural those instead.

9. Correct Answer: The cost of a year at college these days is greater than the cost/that of a

Explanation: The original sentence incorrectly compares cost of a year at college to a house
and not to the cost of a house.

10. Correct Answer: The sentence is correct as written. It correctly compares Charlie’s
assumption with James’ assumption. Remember that the possessive form of a name ending
with ‘s’ (such as James) only takes an apostrophe at the end without the ‘s’.

11. Correct Answer: Between the two movies, one from the horror genre and one from the
comedy genre, the horror one is better.

Explanation: When comparing two things, use the comparative form better and not the
superlative form best.

12. Correct Answer: Of the numerous decisions facing the Supreme Court this term, the
question of an individual’s right to die is certainly the most perplexing.

Explanation: When comparing more than two things (numerous decisions), use the
superlative form most and not the comparative form more.
4.9 Idioms and Style
154 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

4.9.1 Idioms
Idioms are probably the trickiest aspect of Sentence Correction questions, primarily because we use
a lot of them incorrectly in our day-to-day English usage.

Let’s look at the following examples:

(A) John has forbidden his kids from going out at night.

(B) The GMAT comprises of AWA, IR, Quant, and Verbal sections.

(C) The President of the United States is considered to be the most powerful person in the world.

(D) I believe John’s version as the truth.

As you may have already spotted, all of these sentences are incorrect.

Let’s understand, why?

(A) the correct idiom is forbidden to and not forbidden from

(B) comprises does not take an of

(C) considered does not take to be

(D) the correct idiom is believe to be and not believe as

Therefore, the correct sentences will read as follows:

(A) John has forbidden his kids to go out at night.

(B) The GMAT comprises AWA, Quant, IR, and Verbal sections.

(C) The President of the United States is considered the most powerful person in the world.

(D) I believe John’s version to be the truth.

An idiom, by definition, is the commonly and universally accepted usage of a group of words that
could actually have different meanings when used individually. There is no reason why a particular
idiom is correct or incorrect.

While there are more than 15000 idioms in the English language, the GMAT favors only a fraction
of these. On the next page, we have provided a list of the idioms that are commonly tested on the
GMAT along with their correct and incorrect usages (wherever applicable). Go through this list
and memorize the ones that your ear doesn’t recognize.

Remember that the best way to get idioms right is to get them wrong
a few times. Our Big Idiom Question Bank helps you do just that.
Check it out if you haven’t already by scanning the QR code.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.9 Idioms and Style | 155

The Aristotle Prep Idiom List

1. a means to - something done to achieve something else

Correct: For some people, laptops are just a means to an end.

Incorrect: For some people, laptops are just a means for an end.

Incorrect: For some people, laptops are just the means to an end.

Note: Do not confuse this with the idiom ‘by means of ’ which means by the use of something.

2. an instance of – an example of

Correct: Downloading books illegally from the Internet is an instance of piracy.

Incorrect: Downloading books illegally from the Internet is an instance for piracy.

3. ability to – capability of doing something

Correct: Cats have the ability to see in the dark.

Incorrect: Cats have the ability of seeing in the dark.

Please reference this question (OG 2018 – Q 690)

in the corresponding edition of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2017 - Q 688)

4. accused of – to be charged with some wrongdoing

Correct: John has been accused of theft.

Incorrect: John has been accused to have committed theft.

Incorrect: John has been accused with theft.

5. act as - to serve in some special capacity, possibly temporarily

Correct: Modern mobile phones can act as cameras.

Incorrect: Modern mobile phones can act like cameras.

156 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

6. act like - behave in a certain way (will almost always refer to animate things)

Correct: “Please stop acting like a kid”, said the producer to the actor.

Incorrect: “Please stop acting as a kid”, said the producer to the actor.

7. aid in - to help someone in some kind of trouble

Correct: The motorists needed aid in finding their way out.

Incorrect: The motorists needed aid to find their way out.

Please reference these questions

in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2016 – Q 123)
GMAT Official Guide

8. among X and Y – to evaluate more than two options

Correct: John can’t decide among a laptop, a mobile phone, and a media player.

Incorrect: John can’t decide between a laptop, a mobile phone, and a media player.

9. appear to be – perceive as

Correct: This dish appears to be undercooked.

Incorrect: This dish appears undercooked.

10. appeal to - to please or to attract someone

Correct: Soap operas don’t appeal to me.

Correct: The idea of taking a vacation appeals to me a lot.

Incorret: The idea of taking a vacation appeals for me a lot.

11. approve / disapprove of - to take a favorable/unfavorable view of someone/something

Correct: The chairman approves of the new marketing plan.

Correct: I disapprove of the use of cheating to pass a test.

Incorrect: I disapprove for the use of cheating to pass a test.

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.9 Idioms and Style | 157

12. as an adolescent/a teenager/a child

Correct: As an adolescent, John suffered from tonsillitis.

Incorrect: While in adolescence, John suffered from tonsillitis.

13. as many/much as – used to lay emphasis on something

Correct: Jerry made as many as fifteen mistakes in the test.

Incorrect: Jerry has three times as many books than Tom does.

14. associate with - to be friendly with someone

Correct: Jacob likes to associate with honest people.

Incorrect: Jacob likes to associate among honest people.

15. associate X with Y - to link someone/something to some other thing or person

Correct: John always associates coke with pizza.

Incorrect: John always associates coke to pizza.

16. attend to - to take care of the needs of someone or something

Correct: Tim is attending to his sick mother.

Incorret: Tim is attending for his sick mother.

17. attribute X to Y - to believe that someone or something is the source of something

Correct: We attribute our success to good fortune.

Incorrect: We attribute our success from good fortune.

Please reference this question (OG 2018 – Q 705)

in the corresponding edition of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2017 - Q 703)

18. based on – uses as a source

Correct: This movie is based on a true story.

Incorrect: This movie is based in a true story.

158 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

19. be afraid of – scared of

Correct: Tim is afraid of the dark.

Incorrect: Tim is afraid from the dark.

20. believe to be – think as

Correct: I believe John’s version to be the truth.

Incorrect: I believe John’s version as the truth.

21. between X and Y – used to choose between two things only

Correct: He had to choose between yoga and dance.

Incorrect: He had to choose between yoga or dance.

(OG 2018 – Q 769)

Please reference these questions (OG 2017 - Q 770, 773)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2016 – Q 103, 105)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 102)

22. both X and Y – two things taken together

Correct: Both John and Jack are coming for dinner.

Incorrect: Both John as well as Jack are coming for dinner.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 673, 674, 681, 764)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 673, 680, 764)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 4, 13, 97)

23. capable of – have the ability to

Correct: Jerry is capable of great feats of strength.

Incorrect: Jerry is capable for great feats of strength.

24. centers on - to focus on someone or something in particular

Correct: The conversation centered on Mozart’s contribution to music.

Incorrect: The conversation centered around Mozart’s contribution to music.

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.9 Idioms and Style | 159

25. choose as – to select

Correct: We choose him as our representative.

Incorrect: We choose him to be our representative.

26. claim that – used while proclaiming something

Correct: Walter claims that he can run backwards.

Incorrect: Walter claims he can run backwards.

27. claim to be – used while claiming to be some other person

Correct: The man claimed to be John’s long lost son.

Incorrect: He is claimed as the best athlete of all times.

28. compare to – mostly used to praise someone by pointing similarities with someone else

Correct: In Argentina, Maradona is often compared to God.

Incorrect: In Argentina, Maradona is often compared with God.

29. compare with – used for actual comparison (as we know it)

Correct: John is comparing a BMW with a Mercedes.

Incorret: John is comparing a BMW to a Mercedes.

30. conceive of X as - to think of someone or something as being someone or something else

Correct: Jack conceived of a camel as a means of transportation in the desert.

Incorrect: Jack conceived of a camel to be a means of transportation in the desert.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 778)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 779)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 113)
160 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

31. concerned with – involved with or connected to

Correct: This topic is concerned with the use of DNA sequencing.

Incorrect: This topic is concerned for the use of DNA sequencing.

32. concerned about – worried about

Correct: I am concerned about my brother’s health.

Incorrect: I am concerned for my brother’s health.

33. conform to - to agree with or behave within guidelines or regulations

Correct: Does my dress conform to your regulations?

Incorrect: Does my dress conform with your regulations?

34. consequence of - be the result of

Correct: Rising temperatures are a consequence of global warming.

Incorrect - Rising temperatures are a consequence from global warming.

35. consider X Y – think of as

Correct: I consider myself a close friend of the senator.

Incorrect: I consider myself to be a close friend of the senator.

Incorrect: I consider myself as a close friend of the senator.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 805)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 805)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 138)

36. contend that – claim or state

Correct: John contends that his friend is innocent.

Incorrect: John contends his friend is innocent.

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.9 Idioms and Style | 161

37. contend with – compete with someone for something

Correct: Jack is contending with Jerry for the award.

Incorrect: Jack is contending to Jerry for the award.

38. contrast X with Y – compare two dissimilar things which complement each other

Correct: Jenna is contrasting her casual jeans with a formal top.

Incorect: Jenna is contrasting her casual jeans to a formal top.

39. correlate with - to match or equate with something

Correct: The facts don’t correlate with her story.

Incorrect: The facts don’t correlate to her story.

40. cost(s) associated with

Correct: The costs associated with setting up a factory are prohibitive.

Incorrect: The costs associated from setting up a factory are prohibitive.

41. count on – depend on

Correct: We can count on John to complete the project.

Incorrect: We can count in John to complete the project.

42. credited with – credit a person with an accomplishment (use this when the person comes

Correct: Newton is credited with the discovery of gravity.

Incorrect: Newton is credited as discovering gravity.

Incorrect: Newton is credited to having discovered gravity.

Incorrect: Newton is credited for discovering the laws of gravity.

162 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

43. credited to - credit an accomplishment to a person (use this when the accomplishment
comes first)

Correct: The team credits its success to good fortune.

Incorrect: The team credits its success with good fortune.

44. credit for – (think in terms of ) a credit note

Correct: Telenet gave Tim a credit for $100 because of an interruption in service.

Incorrect: Telenet gave Tim a credit of $100 because of an interruption in service.

45. dated at – to denote a time period

Correct: The document has been dated at 100 years old.

Incorrect: The document has been dated at being 100 years old.

Incorrect: The document has been dated as being 100 years old.

46. date from - to have an existence that extends from a particular time

Correct: These CDs date from the early 70s.

Incorrect: These CDs date to the early 70s.

47. declared X Y - announce

Correct: The monarch declared all fundamental rights unconstitutional.

Incorrect: The monarch declared all fundamental rights as unconstitutional.

Incorrect: The monarch declared all fundamental rights to be unconstitutional.

48. defined as – give the definition of something

Correct: Evaporation is defined as the process in which water changes into vapor.

Incorrect: Evaporation is defined in the process in which water changes into

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.9 Idioms and Style | 163

49. depicted as - to show someone as something

Correct: The director depicted the actor as a mutant.

Incorrect: The director depicted the actor to be a mutant.

50. determined by – arrived at

Correct: Language structure is partly determined by social structure.

Incorrect: Language structure is partly determined from social structure.

51. differ/different from – show dissimilarity

Correct: Myopia differs from hypermetropia.

Correct: I am very different from my twin sister.

Incorrect: Her hobbies are different than mine.

52. discourage from - dissuade

Correct: I discouraged them from filing a complaint.

Incorrect: I discouraged them to file a complaint.

53. dispute over – disagree about something

Correct: There is a dispute over the new name of the city.

Inorrect: There is a dispute about the new name of the city.

54. distinguish X from Y – differentiate between two things

Correct: Criminals cannot distinguish right from wrong.

Correct: Psoriatic arthritis can be difficult to distinguish from rheumatoid arthritis.

Incorrect: Criminals cannot distinguish right and wrong.

164 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

55. distinguish/distinction between X and Y - differentiate between two things

Correct: Criminals cannot distinguish between right and wrong.

Incorect: Criminals cannot distinguish between right from wrong.

56. doubt that – to doubt the truth of something

Correct: I doubt that his venture will succeed.

Incorrect: I doubt whether his venture will succeed.

57. dream about – yearn for

Correct: All the time I dream about football.

Incorrect: All the time I dream of football.

58. either X or Y – choose between two options

Correct: I will have either ice cream or pastry.

Incorrect: I will have either ice cream and pastry.

Please reference these questions (OG VR 2017 - Q 195)

in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2016 – Q 6, 86)

59. encourage X to – urge someone to do something

Correct: We encouraged Mary to develop her singing talents.

Incorrect: We encouraged Mary for developing her singing talents.

60. enough to – sufficient for a purpose

Correct: The boy was not tall enough to reach the window.

Incorrect: The boy was short enough not to reach the window.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.9 Idioms and Style | 165

61. escape from – run away from

Correct: The thief has escaped from the prison.

Incorrect: The thief has escaped off the prison.

62. estimated to be - approximated

Correct: The sculpture was estimated to be worth much more than the base price.

Incorrect: The sculpture was estimated at worth much more than the base price.

63. estimated at – used to denote the place where the estimation was done

Correct: The worth of the sculpture was estimated at Madrid.

Incorrect: The worth of the sculpture was estimated in Madrid.

64. expend on – spend on

Correct: Don’t expend too much effort on this document.

Incorrect: Don’t expend too much effort for this document.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 734)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 734)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 64)

65. fascinated by – besotted with

Correct: John is fascinated by his boss.

Incorrect: John is fascinated with his boss.

66. forbid X to do Y – prohibit from

Correct: John forbid his driver to enter the house.

Incorrect: John forbid his driver from entering the house.

166 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

67. from X to Y – to show a range

Correct: I am travelling from New York to London.

Incorrect: I am travelling from New York for London.

(OG 2018 – Q 717)

(OG 2017 - Q 713)
Please reference these questions (OG 2016 – Q 43)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2018 – Q 264)
(OG VR 2017 - Q 272)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 82)

68. in contrast to/with X, Y is.... – On the GMAT both ‘contrast to’ and ‘contrast with’ are
considered correct.

In ‘Contrast to’, ‘contrast’ is used as a noun; this is mainly used to show the dissimilarity
between two things.

Correct: John’s working style is a contrast to Jacob’s.

Incorrect: John’s working style is a contrast with Jacob’s.

In ‘Contrast with’, ‘contrast’ is used as a verb and, hence, denotes the actual act of contrasting
two things.

Correct:John is contrasting his working style with that of Jacob.

Incorrect:John is contrasting his working style to that of Jacob.

69. in danger of –ing/danger to

Correct: John is in danger of contracting malaria.

Correct: Rampant cutting of trees is a danger to the ecology.

Incorrect: John is in danger for contracting malaria.

70. in order to – so that

Correct: She began taking classes in order to learn French.

Incorrect: She began taking classes in order that she could learn French.

Correct: She began taking classes in order for learning French

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.9 Idioms and Style | 167

71. independent of – separate from

Correct: His reasoning was flawed, and appeared to be independent of any logic.

Incorrect: His reasoning was flawed, and appeared to be independent from any

72. indifferent towards – not bother with

Correct: Can you make yourself indifferent towards someone you love?

Incorrect: Can you make yourself indifferent from someone you love?

73. just as X , so Y – used to point out similarities

Correct: Just as Katy is a champion swimmer, so is Angie.

Incorrect: Just as Katy is a champion swimmer, Angie also is.

Please reference this question (OG 2018 – Q 687)

in the corresponding edition of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2017 - Q 684)

74. less X than Y – show difference in quantities or magnitude

Correct: My problem is less serious than yours.

Correct: My problem is three times less serious as yours.

75. likely to be – predicted to be

Correct: The CEO is likely to be arrested today.

Incorrect: The CEO is likely for being arrested today.

76. localized in – limited to

Correct: Are International charities becoming more localized in the economic

Incorrect: Are International charities becoming more localized for the economic
168 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

77. mandate that – order that

Correct: The rules of war mandate that no prisoner be tortured for information.

Incorrect: The rules of war mandate for no prisoner to be tortured for information.

78. means to an end – a way of achieving a goal

Correct: For a lot of people, work is just a means to an end.

Incorrect: For a lot of people, work is just a means for an end.

Please reference these questions (OG 2017 - Q 759)

in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2016 – Q 91)

79. mistake X for Y

Correct: John mistook a Ferrari for a Lamborghini.

Incorrect: John mistook a Ferrari as a Lamborghini.

Incorrect: John mistook a Ferrari to be a Lamborghini.

80. modeled after – used as reference

Correct: The Indian constitution is modeled after the British constitution.

Incorrect: The Indian constitution is modeled upon the British constitution.

81. more…than – to show difference in quantity or magnitude

Correct: I am more intelligent than my brother.

Incorrect: I am more intelligent in comparison to my brother.

Please reference these questions

in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2016 – Q 6)
GMAT Official Guide

82. native of – use for humans, to show which country/region they belong to

Correct: John is a native of the US.

Incorrect: John is native to the US.

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.9 Idioms and Style | 169

83. native to – use for plants or animal species, to show which country/region they belong to

Correct: The Royal Bengal Tiger is native to the Sunderbans.

Incorrect: The Royal Bengal Tiger is a native of the Sunderbans.

84. necessary to – required to

Correct: The CEO deemed it necessary to ask the employee to resign.

Incorrect: The CEO deemed it necessary for asking the employee to resign.

85. neither X nor Y – none of the two things

Correct: We could neither walk nor drive to the venue.

Incorrect: We could neither walk or drive to the venue.

86. no less... than – to show the relation between two things

Correct: My achievement is no less than his achievement.

Incorrect: My achievement is no less as his achievement.

87. not X…but Y – to show preference

Correct: The disease is caused not by flies but by mosquitoes.

Incorrect: The disease is caused not by flies but mosquitoes.

(OG 2018 – Q 699)

(OG 2016 – Q 14)
(OG VR 2018 – Q 193)
(OG VR 2017 - Q 194)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 5)
170 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

88. not only X but also Y - to show that two things are used together

Correct: Not only is he very intelligent, but also very humble.

Incorrect: Not only is he very intelligent, and also very humble.

(OG 2018 – Q 672, 766, 788)

(OG 2017 - Q 672, 757, 766, 786)
Please reference these questions (OG 2016 – Q 3, 87, 99, 120)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2018 – Q 220, 236, 237, 263)
(OG VR 2017 - Q 192, 239, 271)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 2, 52, 75, 81)

Scan the QR code to watch a video of an official question that is

testing you on this idiom.

89. not so much X as Y – to show the difference between two things

Correct: I am not so much sad as perplexed.

Incorrect: I am not so much sad as being perplexed.

Please reference these questions (OG 2017 - Q 773)

in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2016 – Q 105)

90. not X but rather Y – to show preference between two things

Correct: I would have not tea but rather coffee.

Incorrect: I would have not tea but instead coffee.

Please reference these questions

(OG VR 2018 – Q 246)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG VR 2017 - Q 247)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2016 – 59)

91. permit X to Y - allow

Correct: John permitted his son to drive to college.

Correct: John permitted his son for driving to college.

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.9 Idioms and Style | 171

92. persuade X to Y - convince

Correct: I persuaded Tim to complete my assignment.

Incorrect: I persuaded Tim for completing my assignment.

93. prefer X to Y – to show liking for one thing over the other

Correct: Jack prefers tea to coffee.

Incorrect: Jack prefers tea over coffee.

94. preoccupied with – busy or caught up with

Correct: The country’s mind is preoccupied with soccer.

Incorrect: The country’s mind is preoccupied in soccer.

95. prohibit X from Y – forbid to

Correct: The landlord has prohibited John from coming late in the night.

Incorrect: The landlord has prohibited John to come late in the night.

96. pronounced – declared (when pronounced is used to imply a declaration, then it does not
take an ‘as’)

Correct: I pronounce you man and wife.

Incorrect: I pronounce you as man and wife.

Please reference these questions (OG 2017 - Q 737)

in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2016 – Q 68)

97. range from X to Y – to show the spread of something

Correct: The students’ marks range from good to average.

Incorrect: The students’ marks range from good till average.

Please reference these questions (OG VR 2017 - Q 201)

in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2016 – Q 12)
172 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

98. rates for – price of

Correct: John enquired the rates for apples.

Incorrect: John enquired the rates of apples.

99. refer to – address as

Correct: My friend referred me to a specialist.

Correct: Evaporation refers to a scientific term.

Incorrect: Evaporation refers for a scientific term.

100. regard as – think of

Correct: I have always regarded you as my brother.

Incorrect: I have always regarded you to be my brother.

101. reluctant to - hesitant

Correct: The child was reluctant to attend the class.

Incorrect: The child was reluctant about attending the class.

102. restrictions on – limitations on

Correct: The US has imposed restrictions on the licensing of firearms.

Incorrect: The US has imposed restrictions for the licensing of firearms.

Please reference this question

in the corresponding edition of the (OG VR 2018 – Q 278)
GMAT Official Guide

103. seem to – appear to

Correct: The accused seemed to be hiding something.

Incorrect: The accused seemed like hiding something.

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.9 Idioms and Style | 173

104. so X as to Y – used to denote cause and effect. Cannot be used to replace ‘in order to’.

Correct: John’s grades are so poor as to lead to his expulsion from the school.

Incorrect: Jack works out every day so as to (in order to) build his stamina.

105. so X that Y – used to denote cause and effect

Correct: Jerry is so soft-spoken that one can barely hear him speak.

Correct: Jerry is so soft-spoken as one can barely hear him speak.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 695, 696, 741)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 694, 695, 741)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 28, 29, 34, 69)

106. speak from – use as a reference point

Correct: The chairman claimed that he was speaking from experience.

Incorrect: The chairman claimed that he was speaking of experience.

107. subscribe to – follow or agree

Correct: I do not subscribe to the view that John is guilty.

Incorrect: I do not subscribe for the view that John is guilty.

108. such X as Y and Z – to give examples

Correct: This group includes such cars as Honda and Toyota

Incorrect: This group includes such cars like Honda and Toyota.

109. targeted at/aimed at

Correct: The new ad for lawnmowers is targeted at gardeners.

Incorrect: The new ad for lawnmowers is targeted towards gardeners.

Please reference these questions (OG VR 2017 - Q 223)

in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2016 – Q 34)
174 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

110. the more/greater X the more/greater Y – to show that two things are increading/decreasing

Correct: The more the prices rise, the more the demand increases.

Incorrect: The more the prices rise, the demand increases even more.

111. the same to X as to Y - to show that something appears the same to two different people

Correct: This color looks the same to me as to anyone else.

Incorrect: This color looks the same to me as it would to anyone else.

112. think of X as Y – consider or view as

Correct: John thinks of Jack as his best friend.

Incorrect: John thinks of Jack to be his best friend.

Please reference these questions

(OG VR 2018 – Q 222)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG VR 2017 - Q 217)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2016 – Q 27)

113. try to - attempt

Correct: John said he would try to come on time.

Incorrect: John said he would try and come on time.

Please reference these questions (OG 2018 – Q 782)

in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2016 – Q 83)

114. used X as Y – put to a particular use

Correct: For centuries, people have been using herbs as remedies for various

Incorrect: For centuries, people have been using herbs for remedies of various

115. unlike X, Y – to show contrast between two things

Correct: Unlike John, Tom wrote a good essay.

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.9 Idioms and Style | 175

Incorrect: Unlike John, Tom’s essay was good.

Correct: Unlike John’s essay, Tom’s essay was good.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 727)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 692, 726)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 25, 56)

116. view X as Y – think of as

Correct: The management views the problem as an opportunity.

Incorrect: The management views the problem to be an opportunity.

117. whether to – evaluate choices

Correct: John is unable to decide whether to go to Harvard or Stanford. (wouldn’t

you want to be in his shoes!)

Incorect: John is unable to decide if he wants to go to Harvard or Stanford.

118. with the aim of ‘(verb)ing’ - with the intention of

Correct: Jerry is training for six hours everyday with the aim of winning the

Incorrect: Jerry is training for six hours everyday with the aim to win the marathon.

119. worried about – concerned for

Correct: I am worried about my parents.

Incorrect: I am worried for my parents.

120. X is to Y what W is to Z – to show that two things are similar in some aspect

Correct: You are to your parents what I am to mine.

Incorrect: You are to your parents as I am to mine.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 746)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 744)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 72)
176 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

4.9.2 Style
Style primarily involves two things—Wordiness and Redundancy.

The GMAT likes to keep things simple, so, all else being equal, a shorter answer is always preferred
to a longer one. Thus, if you are totally confused between two options, go with the shorter one;
statistics suggest that—more often than not—you will be correct.

Let’s look at two examples:

• Mark dropped out of college on account of the fact that it was necessary
for him to take up a job to support his family.

• Mark dropped out of college to take up a job to support his family.

The second sentence conveys the same meaning as the first one does but in far fewer words. Always
prefer such options on the GMAT.

Please reference these questions (OG VR 2017 - Q 246)

in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2016 – Q 57)

Redundancy basically means saying the exact same thing twice in a sentence. (By the way, did you
spot the redundancy in this sentence—exact same?)

Let’s look at a few examples:

• John’s marks have increased up. (can’t increase down, can they?)

• The yearly growth rate is 10% per annum (yearly and per annum?)

• I have para-glided previously in the past (previously and in the past?)

Keep in mind that Style is more subjective than some of the other errors that we have seen in earlier
chapters, in the sense that whether a sentence is correct or not will depend on the other options that
are available to you. Therefore, while and is preferred to as well as, in case none of the options have
an and or the option with and has some other error, one can easily go with as well as.

The good news is that you will rarely be tested only on style; the sentence will usually also contain
some other error which will make it easier for you to eliminate the incorrect options.

(OG 2018 – Q 679, 745, 781)

Please reference these questions (OG 2017 - Q 671, 748)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG 2016 – Q 2, 65, 75)
(OG VR 2018 – Q 201)
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.9 Idioms and Style | 177

Avoid Slangs and Colloquialisms

Our everyday speech is very informal—full of slangs and colloquialisms—but the use of such
language should strictly be avoided on the GMAT.

Let’s look at some examples:

Incorrect: He is really into action movies.

Correct: He likes to watch action movies.

Incorrect: Jack has been doing theatre for three years now.

Correct: Jack has been involved with theatre for three years now.

Incorrect: It’s awfully important that I submit my assignment tomorrow.

Correct: It’s very important that I submit my assignment tomorrow.

When to Shorten Prepositional Phrases

Consider the following two sentences:

• The iphone 6 is available for $199 at Apple stores in the US.

• The iphone 6 is available for $199 at US Apple stores.

The first sentence, by using the preposition in, clearly identifies the stores—those owned by Apple
in the US. However, the second sentence (even though shorter) is ambiguous because US Apple
could very well be the name of the store that is located in Japan.

So, when is it ok to shorten prepositional phrases and when is it not?

As a general rule, if the preposition in question is of, then it is ok to shorten a prepositional phrase;
otherwise keep the preposition. However, there can be exceptions such as Q 81 in OG 2016.

Let’s look at some examples:

Correct: I liked the last scene of the movie the most (with the preposition
‘of ’).

Correct: I liked the movie’s last scene the most (contracted form without
‘of ’).

Correct: John is the son of the senator.

Correct: John is the senator’s son.

Correct: This apple is sourced from Australia.

178 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Ambiguous: This is an Australian apple (may have been grown outside


Correct: Tim likes watches made in Switzerland.

Ambiguous: Tim likes Swiss watches (may have been manufactured

outside Switzerland).

As you may have noticed, the intention is to avoid ambiguity as much as possible. So, when confused
between two or more options, try to go with the one that is the least ambiguous.

To Sum it up
• Avoid wordiness as much as possible
οο Watch out for redundant phrases
• Avoid being
• Avoid -ing constructions
• Avoid the passive voice
• Avoid should
• Avoid slangs and informal language
• Don’t unnecessarily shorten prepositional phrases unless the preposition in question is of
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.9 Idioms and Style | 179

Style and Idioms—Practice Drill

1. Lionel Messi is considered to be the best football player in the world.

2. Lionel Messi is regarded as the best football player in the world.

3. The per capita consumption of cigarettes in the United States is 10 per person.

4. A low-carb diet does not correlate as much to weight loss as does regular exercise.

5. To win the contract, the bidders need to plan out their strategy in advance.

6. On purchase of every laptop, the buyer gets a printer as an added bonus.

7. John did well on the GMAT test.

8. At the end of the wedding ceremony, the priest declared the couple to be husband and wife.

9. Most people associate obesity to a person’s desire to consume excessive food, though the
problem could sometimes be purely genetic or linked to hormones.

10. The organization where I work provides me with both free lunch as well as return cab fare.

11. I am unable to decide between a pizza or a burger.

12. The teacher has forbidden her students from going out of the class.

13. The company’s products are targeted towards senior citizens and not at teenagers.

14. The GMAT comprises of Quant, Verbal, AWA, and, Integrated Reasoning sections.

15. At the end of the conference, the chairman briefly summarized the discussion.

16. The acting style of a lot of modern actors is modeled upon that of greats such as Marlon
Brando and Robert De Niro.

17. The more the prices rise, the greater becomes the demand for a wage hike.

18. The Human Resource manager has promised the employees union that he will try and
resolve all of its concerns.

19. In the early 1920s, when Temburg was a small, sleepy town, a series of murders shook its
180 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Style and Idioms–Practice Drill: Explanations

1. Correct Answer: Lionel Messi is considered the best football player in the world.

Explanation: Considered does not take anything—no as, no to be; it is just consider with no
other word attached to it

2. Correct Answer: The sentence is correct as written. Regarded as is the correct idiom.

3. Correct Answer: The per capita consumption of cigarettes in the United States is 10.


The consumption of cigarettes in the United States is 10 per person.

Explanation: Per capita and per person mean the same thing so the use of both in a sentence
is redundant.

4. Correct Answer: A low-carb diet does not correlate as much with weight loss as does
regular exercise.

Explanation: The correct idiom is correlate with and not correlate to.

5. Correct Answer: To win the contract, the bidders need to plan out their strategy.

Explanation: Planning is always done in advance.

6. Correct Answer: On purchase of every laptop, the buyer gets a printer as bonus.

Explanation: Bonus by definition is always added or extra.

7. Correct Answer: John did well on the GMAT.

Explanation: You know what the T in GMAT stands for, don’t you?!

8. Correct Answer: At the end of the wedding ceremony, the priest declared the couple
husband and wife.

Explanation: Declared does not take anything.

9. Correct Answer: Most people associate obesity with a person’s desire to consume excessive
food, though the problem could sometimes be purely genetic or linked to hormones.

Explanation: The correct idiom is associate X ‘with’ and not ‘to’ Y.

GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.9 Idioms and Style | 181

10. Correct Answer: The organization in which I work provides me with both free lunch and
return cab fare.

Explanation: Where is used to refer to a location and cannot be used to refer to an entity
organization. Also the correct idiom is both X and Y.

11. Correct Answer: I am unable to decide between a pizza and a burger.

Explanation: The correct idiom is between X and Y.

12. Correct Answer: The teacher has forbidden her students to go out of the class.

Explanation: The correct idiom is forbid X to do something.

13. Correct Answer: The company’s products are targeted at senior citizens and not at teenagers.

Explanation: The correct idiom is targeted at.

14. Correct Answer: The GMAT comprises Quant, Verbal, AWA, and Integrated Reasoning

Explanation: ‘Comprises’ does not take anything.

15. Correct Answer: At the end of the conference, the chairman summarized the discussion.

Explanation: A summary is always brief!

16. Correct Answer: The acting style of a lot of modern actors is modeled after that of greats
such as Marlon Brando and Robert De Niro.

Explanation: The correct idiom is modeled after.

17. Correct Answer: The sentence is correct as written. Since the first clause starts with a
comparative the more, the second clause also needs to start with a comparative the greater.

18. Correct Answer: The Human Resource manager has promised the employees union that
he will try to resolve all of its concerns.

Explanation: The correct idiom is try to.

19. Correct Answer: The sentence is correct as written. ‘When’ correctly refers to a time
4.10 Meaning
184 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

How is ‘Meaning’ Tested on the GMAT?

First of all, let us reiterate that this is not some new error type that the GMAC has suddenly started
testing. Meanings have always been tested on GMAT Sentence Correction because there is no
way you can arrive at the answer if you don’t understand the meaning of the sentence. The only
difference is that now there is even more stress on meanings, which is why we have included this
topic as a separate section in this book.

So what do we mean by the meaning of a sentence?

The meaning of a sentence is whatever information it is that the sentence is trying to communicate
to its reader.

As much as possible, try to stay with the meaning implied by the original sentence. You can correct
the grammatical errors but the meaning that is implied should ideally not change.

Consider the following question:

According to leading nutritionists from around the world, there are several
benefits of having your breakfast regularly; thus, try not to skip your

(A) there are several benefits of having your breakfast regularly

(B) there will be several benefits to have your breakfast regularly

(C) there were several benefits why you should have your regular breakfast

(D) there had been several benefits of having your breakfast regularly

(E) there are several benefits of having your regular breakfast

As always, let’s start off by trying to split the options. One way of splitting the options in this
particular sentence is by using the tense (are, will be, were, had been, are). Since the original sentence
is in the simple present tense are, there is no reason why we should change this, so eliminate options
B, C, and D.

Now options A and E both are grammatically correct so which one do you go with?

You check the two sentences for the meaning that each is trying to convey. The non underlined part
at the end of the sentence is crucial in this case as it states that you should never skip your breakfast.
It does not tell you the kind of breakfast you should eat. Thus, the correct modifier has to be the
adverb regularly to modify the frequency of eating rather than the adjective regular to modify what
you are eating.

Thus, E distorts the meaning of the original sentence, and A is the correct answer.


Sometimes it is possible that the only option that is grammatically correct conveys a meaning
that is different from the meaning supposedly conveyed by the original sentence. In such cases,
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.10 Meaning | 185

you obviously need to go with the grammatically correct option because an incorrect sentence can
anyway never convey any meaning.

Let’s look at some common ways in which the GMAT can distort the meaning of a sentence:

Scan this QR code to watch a video discussing the difference in the

tradeoff between meaning and grammar on GMAT SC.

1. Incorrect Usage/Placement of Modifiers

The best way to distort the meaning of a sentence is by the incorrect use/placement of modifiers.
The proximity rule of modification (that we saw earlier) states that a word or a phrase should be as
close as possible to the subject that it modifies.

Consider the following sentence:

They noticed a cup on the table made of glass.

Now, this sentence can be interpreted in two ways:

Interpretation 1 – The cup is made of glass.

Interpretation 2 – The table is made of glass.

Ideally, in the above sentence, the meaning being implied is the second one because of the placement
of the phrase made of glass close to the table. This is the kind of ambiguity that an effective test taker
will be expected to avoid.

If you are trying to convey that the cup is made of glass, then say:

They noticed a cup that was made of glass on the table.

And if you are trying to convey that the table is made of glass, then say:

They noticed a cup on the table that was made of glass.

Again you need to be careful with the use of adjectives and adverbs (both of which are modifiers,
as we saw earlier in this book). For example, using the phrase have your regular breakfast in place of
have your breakfast regularly can totally change the meaning of a sentence.

There are certain words that need to be placed in accordance with what they are intended to modify.
Some examples include words such as only:

• Only John played with the toys (nobody else played with the toys)

• John only played with the toys (he did not do anything else with the toys such as break them)

• John played with the toys only ( John did not play with anything else)
186 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(OG 2018 – Q 684, 732, 740, 796)

Please reference these questions (OG 2017 - Q 731, 740), (OG 2016 – Q 61)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2018 – Q 271), (OG VR 2017 - Q 232)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 45)

2. Incorrect Usage of Conjunctions or Relationship Words

Conjunctions can be used in two ways—either to let a thought continue in the same direction or
to show a contrast.

Let’s look at an example:

Because John is a good student, he performed poorly on the test.

There is no grammatical error in this sentence, but it just doesn’t make logical sense because if John
is a good student, then he should have done well on the test.

The correct sentence should read as follows:

• Although John is a good student, he performed poorly on the test.


• John is a good student, yet he performed poorly on the test.

In such questions you have to be very careful about whether to go in the same direction as the
original sentence or to show contrast.

Sometimes the sentence might not even use conjunctions but might still give you a very subtle hint
as to which direction to go in.

Consider the following sentence:

The employees had nothing but bad/good things to say about their new boss, a
novel situation for the otherwise permanently disgruntled group.

So, did the employees have good things to say or bad things?

The use of the phrase permanently disgruntled or unhappy group might lead you to conclude that
they obviously had bad things to say but, note that, according to the sentence, this is a novel or new
experience. There’s nothing new if a disgruntled group complains or says bad things; so they must
be saying the opposite, that is, good things. You’ll only grasp this subtle hint if you read the entire
sentence properly up front and ponder over its meaning.

Let’s look at this sentence:

Unlike the tiger, the eagle also has several characteristics that make it an
excellent and most feared predator.

Everything looks good about this sentence until you realize that the use of unlike and also in the
same sentence does not make sense.
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.10 Meaning | 187


Like the tiger, the eagle has several characteristics that make it an excellent
and most feared predator.

(OG 2018 – Q 713, 783)

(OG 2017 - Q 712, 782)
Please reference these questions (OG 2016 – Q 20, 24, 42, 116)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2018 – Q 228, 248, 300)
(OG VR 2017 - Q 227, 230, 253)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 39, 43, 51, 64)

3. Incorrect Pronoun Reference

While pronoun agreement (using a singular pronoun to refer to a singular noun and vice versa) is
definitely a grammatical error, the same is not true of pronoun reference.

Consider these two sentences:

• The students came late and so he was punished. (This sentence clearly has a
grammatical error because one cannot replace the plural noun students
with the singular pronoun he; use they instead.)

• John bumped into Jack while running in the field and he has been feeling
sore ever since. (While it may not be clear who he is referring to in this
sentence, notice that this is just a logical error and not a grammatical
one; grammatically the sentence is perfectly sound.)

4. Incorrect Comparison
A large number of questions that test you on comparisons will actually have two or more options
that are grammatically correct. You need to find the one that is logically correct.

For example:

The flowers in my garden are more beautiful than your car. (There is no
grammatical error in the sentence, just a logical one wherein flowers are
being compared with a car.)

5. Incorrect Parallelism
Often, you can get a sentence on the GMAT in which it appears as if the parallelism is correct.
However, on deeper inspection you will realize that incorrect items have been made parallel.

Let’s look at an example:

The price of a meal at the new restaurant is $90 including three starters,
drinking two glasses of wine, and having a choice of six desserts.
188 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

If you read this sentence quickly, you may think that the three items—including, drinking, and
having—are parallel. However, if you try to grasp the meaning of this sentence, you will realize
that including is in fact common to all the three items. Therefore, what need to be parallel are three
starters, two glasses of wine, and a choice of six desserts.

Hence, the correct sentence will read as follows:

The price of a meal at the new restaurant is $90 including three starters,
two glasses of wine, and a choice of six desserts.

Apart from these, there are several other ways of distorting the meaning of a sentence. You’ll see
some of these in the practice question set in this book. One common link amongst all of them,
however, will be the fact that they will always have at least two options, both of which will be
grammatically correct. To arrive at the correct answer you’ll need to think about the meaning
conveyed by the respective options.

The Importance of Meaning on Different Error Types

The probability of meaning being tested is much higher with certain errors than with others.
Meaning will not be very important with errors that are more technical or grammatical in nature
(such as subject-verb agreement) because, on such errors, it will be almost impossible to come up
with two grammatically correct options with different meanings. Let’s look at the likelihood of
meaning being tested on each error type, we have discussed earlier in this book:

1. Fragments and Run-on Sentences – Both of these are technical errors so the meaning
will not be very important.

2. Subject Verb Agreement – This is again a technical error so the meaning is not very

3. Tense – The meaning will be very important on this as in most cases you will only be able
to arrive at the answer if you get the meaning right.

4. Pronoun – Pronoun agreement and pronoun case are technical errors so the meaning
will not be very important on these. However, meaning will be important on pronoun
reference errors.

5. Modifiers – The meaning will be very important because, depending on the placement of
the modifier, the entire meaning of the sentence can change.

6. Parallelism – On questions that are testing you on straight forward parallelism in a series,
the meaning will not be very important. However, questions in which it is difficult to
figure out what aspects to make parallel, the meaning will be very important.

7. Comparison – The meaning will be very important in understanding what items to

compare in a sentence.

8. Idioms and Style – Idioms are a technical error so meaning will not be very important
on these. However, meaning can be important in deciding whether a phrase is wordy or
GMAT Sentence Correction Error Types: 4.10 Meaning | 189

To Sum it up
• Always read the part that is not underlined
• Ambiguous placement of modifiers
οο They noticed a cup on the table made of glass
• Incorrect use of conjunctions
οο John is a good student so he did poorly on the test
• Ambiguous pronoun reference
οο Joe and Paul went shopping and he fell down
• Faulty comparison
οο The flowers in my garden are more beautiful than your car
• Incorrect parallelism
οο The benefits to the company included increase in sales, productivity, and employee attrition rate
Common Errors
of Usage
Common Errors of Usage | 193

5.1 The Subjunctive Mood

Apart from the major errors that we discussed in section 4, there are certain other errors that are
also tested on the GMAT. We will examine these in this section. Let’s start by understanding the
subjunctive mood.

For the sake of knowledge, know that there are three primary moods in English grammar—
indicative mood, imperative mood and subjunctive mood.

The GMAT will only test you on the use of the subjunctive mood, so we’ll restrict our scope to this.

The subjunctive mood is used in the following two situations:

Situation 1: To indicate a hypothetical situation, a wish, or a circumstance contrary-to-fact.

Situation 2: To make a suggestion, demand, recommendation, etc.

The following rules apply to each of the above two situations respectively:
Situation 1 - When contemplating hypothetical or contrary-to-fact situations, always use were and
would. Even if the subject is singular you will still use ‘were’ and not ‘was’.


• If I were rich, I would buy a BMW.

• If petrol were cheaper, I would use my car everyday.

• If I were you, I would contest the elections.

Situation 2 - Verbs such as order,suggest,demand,etc., must be followed by that and the infinitive
form of the verb being ordered or suggested, without the to.


• The teacher recommended that Jerry be expelled from the class.

• The manager demanded that John show up for work on time.

So how do you figure out whether a question is testing you on the use of the subjunctive mood?

Here are a couple of tips:

• Check for words such as if, wish, etc. Though these can also be used in the other moods, they are
most commonly tested on the subjunctive mood.

• Ask yourself if the sentence is talking about an uncertainty, a wish, a suggestion, a demand, etc.
If it is, then you are, most likely, dealing with the subjunctive mood.

Please reference these questions

(OG VR 2018 – Q 223)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG VR 2017 - Q 219, 294)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG VR 2016 – Q 30, 105)
194 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Scan the QR code to watch a video on how the Subjunctive Mood is

tested on the GMAT.

5.2 Number Agreement

What is wrong with this sentence?

Only those candidates with an MBA degree can apply for this job.

Since the subject is plural candidates, you cannot use the singular MBA degree; you need to use the
plural MBA degrees instead. Hence, the correct sentence will read as follows:

Only those candidates with MBA degrees can apply for this job.

Such questions are called number agreement questions. This is not something usually tested on the
GMAT, but it may be tested in some questions.

Here are two more examples:

• Incorrect: Recently there have been several protests against condominiums that do not allow
people with a pet to rent apartments.
• Correct: Recently there have been several protests against condominiums that do not allow
people with pets to rent apartments.
• Incorrect: Students without a valid hall ticket will not be allowed to sit for the exam.
• Correct: Students without valid hall tickets will not be allowed to sit for the exam.

5.3 The Usage of Where

On the GMAT, where will always be used to refer to a specific location; for other cases use in which.
• Correct: The town where I was born is known for its fishermen.
• Correct: The town in which I was born is known for its fishermen.
• Incorrect: The company where I work has gone bankrupt.
• Correct: The company in which I work has gone bankrupt.
• Incorrect: Sentence correction is one topic where students face a lot of problems.
• Correct: Sentence correction is one topic in which students face a lot of problems.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 755, 776’)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 752, 778)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 80, 109, 112)
Common Errors of Usage | 195

5.4 Each Other vs. One Another

Each other is used for two things; one another for more than two.


• The two men are pointing out each other’s mistakes.

• The students are pointing out one another’s mistakes.

5.5 Whether vs. If

On the GMAT, If is used to introduce a conditional idea or an idea that has just one possibility,
whereas Whether is used to introduce alternative possibilities, usually with or not implied or explicitly
stated in the sentence.

Consider the following example:

If you study hard, you will do well on the GMAT.

In the sentence above, if is introducing a single condition (if you study hard) that can lead to the
desired goal; we can’t replace it with whether because doing so will totally distort the meaning of
the sentence.

Now look at this one:

I can’t decide whether to study or to go out with my friends.

Here whether is introducing two alternatives and we cannot replace it with if.

To make it clearer, here is a sentence in which we’ve used both If and Whether together:

You need to decide whether you will be able to control your temper if he
asks you to get out of his office.
Please reference these questions
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2016 – Q 92)
GMAT Official Guide

Scan the QR code to watch a video of an official question that is

testing you on this concept.
196 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

5.6 Twice and Double

In simple terms, double is used as an adjective and twice is used as an adverb. So double can modify
only nouns or pronouns while twice can modify everything except nouns and pronouns.

Because of this difference, twice has a broader usage then does double.

1. Twice can mean two times – I hit him twice.

2. Twice can mean on two occasions – You must exercise twice every week.

3. Twice can also mean in two times the quantity – I have twice as many books as you do.

As you can see, only in the third case can twice and double be substituted for each other; in the first
two sentences, inserting double in place of twice makes the sentence sound absurd.

Also keep in mind that twice will always be used in relation to something whereas double can be
used on its own.

For example:

• My salary has doubled in the last two years.

• My salary has become twice of what it was two years back.

In short, double and twice both are correct but have different usages, so you will not always be able
to do a split using these two choices. You’ll instead need to look at the rest of the sentence/options
and check which ones use twice/double correctly.

5.7 For and Since

With reference to time, for and since have different connotations. For is used to convey duration and
since is used to convey when a particular action started.

For example:
Correct: I have been waiting here for two hours.
Incorrect: I have been waiting here since two hours.
Correct: I have been waiting here since 2’o clock.
Incorrect: I have been waiting here for 2’o clock.

With reference to tenses, there is an interesting difference between For and Since. For can be used
with any tense but Since can never be used with the past tense. In fact since is almost always used
with the present perfect tense.

Let’s look at some examples:

The usage of For

Simple Past – I studied in Boston for five years.

Common Errors of Usage | 197

Past Perfect – I had studied in Boston for a year before I moved to New
Simple Present – I study for two hours everyday.
Present perfect – I have lived in New York for a very long time.
The usage of Since
Correct: I have been waiting here since 10:00 am.
Incorrect: I am waiting here since 10:00 am.

5.8 Like vs. Such As

Is the following sentence correct?

I want to eat something sweet like a chocolate or a pastry.

Even though we speak this way in our everyday conversations, this sentence construction is
incorrect. The use of ‘like’ in this sentence implies that I don’t want to eat a chocolate or a pastry
but something similar to a chocolate or a pastry. This, however, was not what I meant. So, how can
I avoid this confusion?

Here’s the rule

On the GMAT, like means similar to and such as means for example.

Hence, the correct sentence will read as follows:

I want to eat something sweet such as a chocolate or a pastry.
Even if such and as are separated in a sentence, the sentence is still correct.
For example:
I enjoy such activities as swimming and jogging.
In the above sentence, even though such and as are separated by the word activities, the sentence is
absolutely correct.

(OG 2018 – Q 668, 717, 795)

(OG 2017 - Q 676, 796)
Please reference these questions (OG 2016 – Q 9, 131)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2018 – Q 192, 299)
(OG VR 2017 - Q 193, 267, 300)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 3, 76, 111)
198 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

5.9 The Usage of Only

Only is an interesting word because it can be used as both, an adjective and an adverb.

For example:

• This is the only car I have. (Adjective modifying the noun ‘car’)

• I only write the articles, I don’t create them. (Adverb modifying the
verb ‘write’)

On the GMAT, only will always be used as an adjective, so try to place it as close as possible to nouns
and pronouns (and not to verbs).

For example, if you look at Q 8 in OG 2016, almost everyone manages to come down to options A
and C. After this, most students arrive at the answer by preferring the use of ranks to has the rank
of and there is nothing wrong with this. However, if you look at the placement of only in these two
options, in option A, only is used as an adjective to modify heart disease and cancer whereas in option
C only acts as an adverb to modify the verb surpassed. A is obviously the correct answer even from
the meaning point of view.

We cannot think of any instance of an official question that has used only as an adverb, so if confused,
try to use only as an adjective.
Please reference these questions
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 675), (OG 2016 – Q 8)
GMAT Official Guide

Scan this QR code to watch a video discussing your AWA and IR

strategy for test day.

5.10 Due to vs. Because of

Is this sentence correct?

The physical test was postponed due to the bad weather.

Even though it might sound correct, the sentence is actually incorrect; the correct sentence should
read as follows:

The physical test was postponed because of the bad weather.


On the GMAT, due to will NEVER be used to replace because of; due to can only
replace caused by.
Common Errors of Usage | 199

Now, in the above sentence, if you were to replace due to with caused by, the sentence would read as

The physical test was postponed caused by the bad weather.

This obviously does not make any sense; hence, we cannot use due to in this sentence.

However, the following sentence makes sense:

The postponement of the physical test was caused by the bad weather.

In the sentence above, since caused by makes sense, we can replace it with due to.

The postponement of the physical test was due to the bad weather.

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 749)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 698, 727, 747)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 30, 57)

5.11 Less vs. Fewer

If you want to be less confused and make fewer mistakes then go through this topic.

Less is used with uncountable nouns. For example, less water, less happiness, less money, etc.

Fewer is used with countable nouns. For example, fewer rupees, fewer people, fewer companies, etc.

Sounds simple enough?

So, which of the next two sentences is correct?

1. My class has fewer intelligent students.
2. My class has less intelligent students.

You are probably thinking that since people can be counted, sentence 1 should be correct, but in fact
both the sentences are correct and are actually saying the following two different things:
In sentence one, fewer modifies intelligent students and says that I have fewer number of intelligent
students in my class (say 3 out of 10 students).
In sentence two, less is only modifying the adjective intelligent and is saying that the students in my
class generally have a lower level of intelligence.
So before you mark an answer, make sure that you understand the meaning of the sentence correctly.
The same rule applies to much and many as well. Much is used to refer to an uncountable quantity
(such as effort, coffee, etc.) and many is used to refer to a countable quantity (such as cups, pencils,

Please reference these questions

(OG 2018 – Q 678)
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2017 - Q 679)
GMAT Official Guide
(OG 2016 – Q 12, 108)
200 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Scan the QR code to watch a video of an official question that is

testing you on this concept.

5.12 Greater vs. More

In general, greater than is used to compare uncountable nouns and more than is used to compare
countable nouns.

For example:
• Correct: My love for swimming is greater than my love for jogging.
• Incorrect: My love for swimming is more than my love for jogging.
• Correct: I have more horses than you do.
• Incorrect: I have greater horses than you do (implying that the horses
are greater in size perhaps).

When the subject is ‘number’ or some other statistic, always use ‘greater than’.

• Correct: The number of cars in my garage is greater than twenty.

• Incorrect: The number of cars in my garage is more than twenty.

(OG 2018 – Q 676), (OG 2017 - Q 677)

Please reference these questions (OG 2016 – Q 10)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2018 – Q 208), (OG VR 2017 - Q 208)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 20)

Scan this QR code to watch a video discussing how you can leverage a
low GMAT score.

5.13 Will vs. Would vs. Should

Which of the following sentences is correct?
1. I think you will do well on the GMAT.
2. I think you would do well on the GMAT.
3. I think you should do well on the GMAT.

It’s the first one.

Common Errors of Usage | 201

Use will to refer to some event that will happen in the future in relation to the present and use would
to refer to the future in the past.


I predict that Germany will win the world cup.


I predicted that Germany would win the world cup.

Should is very often used incorrectly in English to refer to an event that will or that may happen in
the future. On the GMAT, should is only used to give a recommendation or a suggestion.

In sentence 3 above, it seems as if I am recommending to the student that he does well, whereas it
is more of a prediction on my part.

Also remember that should will never be used with verbs such as recommend, suggest, etc., because it
would lead to an error of redundancy since both the words convey the same meaning of tentativeness.


Incorrect: I recommend that you should come on time.

Correct: I recommend that you come on time.

Please reference these questions
in the corresponding editions of the (OG 2016 – Q 45)
GMAT Official Guide

Scan this QR code to watch a video of an official question that is

testing you on this concept.

5.14 Between vs. Among

It is the simplest of choices but, surprisingly, a large number of students seem to be unaware of the
correct usage of between and among.


Use between when evaluating two options and among when evaluating more than two
202 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail


• John can’t decide between a bike and a scooter.

• John can’t decide among a bike, a scooter and a moped.

Important: Remember that between and among will ALWAYS take and and not or. To say that John
can’t decide between a bike or a scooter will always be INCORRECT.

5.15 The Usage of Apostrophe with Plural Nouns

Consider the following sentences:

• This is James house.

• This is James’ house.

If you are trying to state that the name of the house is James then the first sentence is correct.
However, if you are trying to state that the house belongs to James, then the second sentence is

To show possession, with plural nouns, we use the apostrophe without the ‘s’ at the end.

This looks very simple but can confuse you in actual questions.

For example:

My house is bigger than James’.

You might think that the sentence is incorrect because it is comparing my house with James whereas
the sentence is absolutely correct because it is actually comparing my house with James’ house

5.16 The Usage of Punctuation

The GMAT will rarely test you on punctuation, except in the case of run-on sentences. However,
understanding the use of punctuation can help you grasp the subtle shifts in meaning of a sentence.

For example:

• The police caught the thief, using night vision glasses.

• The police caught the thief using night vision glasses.

The use of the comma changes the meaning of the entire sentence. In the first sentence, the police is
using the night vision glasses whereas in the second sentence the thief is using these glasses.

The two punctuations that you need to be careful about are the comma and the semicolon.

The comma can help you identify modifying phrases or items in a list. Remember that a non-
Common Errors of Usage | 203

essential modifying phrase will always be set off by commas. Similarly, items in a list will always be
separated by commas.

For example:

Correct: Sam, having won the lottery, decided to buy a yacht.

Correct: Sam is buying a yacht, a sports car, and a villa on the French

The semicolon should immediately make you look for a run-on sentence. For example, if some of the
options in a particular question use the comma and some use a semicolon, you should immediately
check whether the parts before and after the comma are dependent or independent clauses.

Incorrect: John is here, Jack is also here.

Correct: John is here; Jack is also here.

Scan this QR code to watch a video discussing why you shouldn’t let a
high GMAT score make you complacent.

5.17 Rather than vs. Instead of

It is extremely unlikely that the GMAT will ask you to chose between two options only on the basis
of rather than and instead of. Usually, there will also be some other error in one of the options.

Still, you should know the difference between the two:

Rather than is used to express preference of one thing over another whereas instead of
is used to replace one thing with another.

Let’s look at an example:

I will have tea rather than coffee.

Here, what you are saying is that you would prefer tea but if tea is not available you will be ok with
coffee as well.

Now, let’s look at another example:

204 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

I will have tea instead of coffee.

Here, you are not just expressing preference but rather you are replacing one option with another—
you will not have coffee, but only tea.

Also remember that, technically, rather than is a conjunction; therefore, it can be followed by
anything—noun, phrase, clause—whereas instead of is a preposition and, hence, can be followed
only by nouns.

For example:

• I went in the house instead of in the garden.

• I went in the house instead of the garden.

In sentence one above, instead of is incorrect because it is followed by the phrase in the garden. Here,
the correct usage would be rather than.

In sentence two, instead of is correct since it is followed by the noun garden. Note that rather than
can also be used in this sentence to replace instead of.

5.20 The Usage of Double Negatives

A double negative occurs when two forms of negation are used in the same clause or sentence.


• I don’t need no education.

• He hasn’t done nothing

A double negative is an absolute no-no on the GMAT.

• Incorrect: There were no goals nor corners in the match.

• Correct: There were no goals or corners in the match.

• Correct: There were neither goals nor corners in the match.

(OG 2016 – Q 20)

Please reference these questions (OG VR 2018 – Q 261)
in the corresponding editions of the
GMAT Official Guide (OG VR 2017 - Q 270)
(OG VR 2016 – Q 80)
Sentence Correction
Practice Set
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 207

Aristotle Sentence Correction Practice Set

1. The environmental community across the globe is currently in the middle of a huge debate
whose aim is not only finding out the feasibility of banning Chlorofluorocarbons altogether
but also to determine whether such a move is warranted by the current situation.
(A) whose aim is not only finding out the feasibility of banning Chlorofluorocarbons
altogether but also to determine
(B) which is aimed at finding out not only the feasibility of banning Chlorofluorocarbons
altogether but also determining
(C) that is aimed at finding out not only the feasibility of banning Chlorofluorocarbons
altogether but also to determine
(D) the aim of which is to not only find out the feasibility of banning Chlorofluorocarbons
altogether but also to determine
(E) whose aim is not only to find out the feasibility of banning Chlorofluorocarbons
altogether but also to determine

2. The responsibilities of a student interning at an investment bank include such tasks as

taking notes during client meetings, delivering memos to executives on the trading floor to
carry back replies, if any, and researching companies and updating excel sheets late into the
(A) delivering memos to executives on the trading floor to carry back replies,
(B) to deliver memos to executives on the trading floor and to carry back replies,
(C) delivering memos to executives on the trading floor and carrying back replies,
(D) to deliver memos to executives on the trading floor and carry back replies,
(E) to deliver memos to executives on the trading floor and carrying back replies,

3. John, a resident of Lake City and an employee of The Bell Company, is currently working
on a new project that will revolutionize the telecommunication industry, which will lead to
a lowering of rates for making international calls.
(A) is currently working on a new project that will revolutionize the telecommunication
industry, which will lead to a lowering of rates for
(B) is currently working on a new project that will revolutionize the telecommunication
industry, leading to a lowering of rates for
(C) which is currently working on a new project to revolutionize the telecommunication
industry and also lead to lower rates for
(D) who is currently working on a new revolutionary project in the telecommunication
industry, which will lead to a lowering of rates for
(E) has been currently working on a new project that will revolutionize the
telecommunication industry as well as lower the rates for
208 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

4. Cristina started the test later than the rest of the students but was still able to complete it
in the allotted time.
(A) Cristina started the test later than the rest of the students but was still able to complete
it in the allotted time.
(B) Cristina started the test later than the rest of the students, however she was still able
to complete the test in the allotted time.
(C) Even though Cristina started the test later than the rest of the students, yet she was
able to complete it in the allotted time.
(D) Having started the test later than the rest of the students, Cristina was able to
complete it in the allotted time.
(E) Cristina was able to complete the test in the allotted time, yet she started it later than
the rest of the students.

5. Priscilla and I was punished by the teacher for not completing the assignment on time.
(A) Priscilla and I was punished by the teacher
(B) Priscilla as well as me were punished by the teacher
(C) Priscilla and me were punished by the teacher
(D) Priscilla as well as I was punished by the teacher
(E) The teacher punished Priscilla and I

6. While Gordon Sumner is best known for the songs he composed under his stage name,
Sting, starting off as part of a three-member band, The Police, which gave us several hit
albums in the early 1980s.
(A) starting off as part of a three-member band,
(B) started off as part of a three-member band,
(C) yet he started off as part of a three-member band,
(D) he started off as part of a three-member band,
(E) a member of the three-member band,

7. The famous actor, whose last three movies were severely criticized both by the critics and the
general public for their extremely graphic action scenes, deciding to work in family dramas
(A) were severely criticized both by the critics and the general public for their extremely
graphic action scenes, deciding
(B) had been severely criticized by both the critics and by the general public for his
extremely graphic action scenes, has decided
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 209

(C) were subjected to severe criticism by both the critics and the general public for their
extremely graphic action scenes, has decided
(D) were severely criticized by both the critics and the general public for their extremely
graphic action scenes, decided
(E) had extremely graphic action scenes, has been severely criticized by the critics and by
the general public, therefore deciding

8. Observing an apple fall from a tree, Newton came up with the assertion for a force in the
earth that attracted objects towards it; he named this force gravity.
(A) Observing an apple fall from a tree, Newton came up with the assertion for
(B) Observing an apple fall from a tree is what made Newton come up with the assertion
(C) Observing an apple fall from a tree, Newton came up with the assertion that
(D) Newton, observing an apple fall from a tree, came up with the assertion of
(E) Observing an apple fall down from a tree, Newton was able to come up with the
assertion that

9. As an expert at repairing all kinds of electrical engines, the new project involving the repair
and maintenance of pumping motors in all the buildings of the condominium was just the
kind of assignment Edward had been looking for.
(A) As an expert at repairing all kinds of electrical engines, the new project involving the
repair and maintenance of pumping motors in all the buildings of the condominium
was just the kind of assignment Edward
(B) As an expert at repairing all kinds of electrical engines, Edward regarded the new
project involving the repair and maintenance of pumping motors in all the buildings
of the condominium as just the kind of assignment he
(C) As an expert at repairing all kinds of electrical engines, the new project involving the
repair and maintenance of pumping motors in all the buildings of the condominium
was considered just the kind of assignment Edward
(D) Edward was an expert at repairing all kinds of electrical engines, thus the new project
involving the repair and maintenance of pumping motors in all the buildings of the
condominium was just the kind of assignment he
(E) Edward, as an expert at repairing all kinds of electrical engines, considered the new
project involving the repair and maintenance of pumping motors in all the buildings
of the condominium to be just the kind of assignment he
210 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

10. A recently concluded study of students appearing for the GMAT has revealed that the more
practice tests these students took, the more was their likelihood of getting a 700 plus score.
(A) the more practice tests these students took, the more
(B) the more the number of practice tests these students took, the more
(C) the higher practice tests these students took, the greater
(D) the greater practice tests these students took, the more
(E) the more practice tests these students took, the greater

11. Although the plastic bag ban in the city is yet to formally come into effect, government
agencies have stepped up their drive against it and also issued notices in some cases.
(A) government agencies have stepped up their drive against it and also issued notices in
some cases
(B) government agencies stepped up their drive against it and also issued notices in some
(C) government agencies have stepped up their drive against the ban and have also issued
notices in some cases
(D) government agencies are stepping up their drive against it, even issuing notices in
some cases
(E) government agencies have stepped up their drive against the use of plastic bags and
also issued notices in some cases

12. Even though the renowned author wrote several long works of fiction, his collection of
short stories, written from a hospital bed and extending over a mere six pages each, brought
him the greatest acclaim.
(A) extending
(B) extends
(C) extended
(D) is extending
(E) were extending

13. London is a city on the move, this makes its airport one of the busiest in the world.
(A) London is a city on the move, this makes its airport one of the busiest in the world.
(B) London is a city on the move, which makes its airport one of the busiest in the world.
(C) London is a city on the move, a fact that makes its airport one of the busiest in the
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 211

(D) Being a city on the move, London has made its airport one of the busiest in the
(E) London, a city on the move, makes its airport one of the busiest in the world.

14. The war veteran remembered meeting the mother of a soldier who had been tortured
brutally by the enemy forces during the felicitation ceremony.
(A) The war veteran remembered meeting the mother of a soldier who had been tortured
brutally by the enemy forces during the felicitation ceremony.
(B) The war veteran remembered meeting the mother of a soldier during the felicitation
ceremony who had been tortured brutally by the enemy forces.
(C) During the felicitation ceremony, the war veteran remembered meeting the mother
of a soldier who had been tortured brutally by the enemy forces.
(D) During the felicitation ceremony, the war veteran remembered meeting a soldier’s
mother whom the enemy forces had brutally tortured.
(E) The war veteran remembered meeting the mother of a solider during his felicitation
ceremony, a soldier who had been brutally tortured by the enemy forces.

15. While polarized sunglasses are extremely popular for their anti-glare feature, pilots should
avoid using these because their coating will make it almost impossible to read the digital
instruments inside the aircraft.
(A) pilots should avoid using these because their coating will make it almost impossible
to read the digital instruments inside the aircraft
(B) their use should be avoided by pilots because their coating make it almost impossible
to read the digital instruments inside the aircraft
(C) pilots should avoid using it because the coating on these glasses makes it almost
impossible to read the digital instruments inside the aircraft
(D) they should not be used by pilots because of the coating on these glasses making it
almost impossible reading the digital instruments inside the aircraft
(E) they should not be used by pilots because the coating on these glasses makes it almost
impossible to read the digital instruments inside the aircraft

16. Winning 11 Academy awards and raking in more than 2 billion dollars at the box office,
James Cameron directed Titanic, which many consider to be one of the greatest movies of
all time.
(A) James Cameron directed Titanic, which many consider to be
(B) James Cameron directed Titanic, which many consider
(C) Titanic, directed by James Cameron, considered by many as
212 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) James Cameron’s Titanic is regarded by many as

(E) Titanic was directed by James Cameron, considered

17. As people become more and more aware of the dangers of water-borne diseases, the demand
for mineral water is increasing at a rapid rate, bottled mineral water providing both easy
transportability and assured water quality.
(A) is increasing at a rapid rate, bottled mineral water providing both easy transportability
and assured water quality
(B) has been increasing at a rapid rate, because of bottled mineral water both providing
easy transportability and assuring water quality
(C) has increased at a rapid rate, since bottled mineral water provides both easy
transportability and assures water quality
(D) will increase at a rapid rate because bottled mineral water provides both easy
transportability and assured water quality
(E) increases at a rapid rate, with bottled mineral water providing both easy transportability
and assuring water quality

18. The concert rules, as defined by the organising committee, does not allow the use of mobile
phones during the concert nor does it allow the consumption of hard drinks.
(A) does not allow the use of mobile phones during the concert nor does it allow the
consumption of hard drinks
(B) do not allow mobile phones to be used during the concert, not allowing the
consumption of hard drinks as well
(C) do not allow the use of mobile phones nor the consumption of hard drinks during the
(D) do not allow the use of mobile phones or the consumption of hard drinks during the
(E) neither allows the use of mobile phones during the concert nor do they allow the
consumption of hard drinks

19. Unlike the buildings of the Baroque era, which were extremely ornamental and lavish in
design, Neoclassical era marked a return to buildings with simplistic and timeless designs.
(A) Neoclassical era marked a return to buildings with
(B) Neoclassical buildings having
(C) Neoclassical era had buildings with
(D) the buildings of the Neoclassical era had
(E) the buildings of the Neoclassical era having
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 213

20. The vendor informed the company that neither of their orders were ready.
(A) neither of their orders were ready
(B) neither of its orders were ready
(C) neither of its order was ready
(D) neither of its orders was ready
(E) its orders, neither of them, were ready

21. When the results of the final examinations were announced, Susan was surprised to note
that she had performed well in both History and Political Science, subjects where she had
always struggled, and poor in English, her area of expertise.
(A) both History and Political Science, subjects where she had always struggled, and poor
in English,
(B) History and Political Science, subjects in which she had always struggled, and poorly
in English,
(C) both History as well as Political Science, subjects in which she had always struggled,
and poor in English,
(D) History and Political Science, both being subjects where she had always struggled,
and poorly in English,
(E) subjects where she had always struggled, History and Political Science, and poorly in

22. Indian folk songs, like in other countries, contain a vivid description of the rituals, customs
and superstitions of the region that they originated in.
(A) like in other countries
(B) like it is with other countries
(C) as it is with other countries
(D) as in
(E) like those of

23. The United States has relaxed overseas borrowing rules for corporates, as a result US based
companies will now find it easier to refinance their dollar loans through overseas debt.
(A) has relaxed overseas borrowing rules for corporates, as a result US based companies
will now find
(B) has relaxed overseas borrowing rules for corporates, hence companies in the US will
now find
214 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(C) has relaxed borrowing rules for overseas corporates, resulting in US based companies
now finding
(D) relaxation of overseas borrowing rules for corporates resulted in US based companies
now finding
(E) has relaxed overseas borrowing rules for corporates, so US based companies will now

24. With a robust economy and well educated and well to do citizens, Zimbabwe was once the
success story of Southern Africa, but over the last one and a half decades things have got
harder for it as urban areas ceased to create jobs and rural areas felt the pressure as well.
(A) With a robust economy and well educated and well to do citizens, Zimbabwe was
once the success story of Southern Africa, but over the last one and a half decades
things have got harder for it as urban areas ceased to create jobs and rural areas felt
the pressure as well.
(B) Zimbabwe, with a robust economy and well educated and well to do citizens, once
the success story of Southern Africa, but over the last one and a half decades things
have got harder for it as urban areas have ceased to create jobs and rural areas have
felt the pressure as well.
(C) With a robust economy having well educated and well to do citizens, Zimbabwe
was once the success story of Southern Africa, however over the last one and a half
decades things got harder for it as a result of urban areas ceasing to create jobs, with
even rural areas feeling the pressure.
(D) Zimbabwe was once the success story of Southern Africa, with a robust economy
and well educated and well to do citizens, but over the last one and a half decades
things have got harder for it as urban areas ceased to create jobs and rural areas felt
the pressure as well.
(E) With a robust economy and well educated and well to do citizens, Zimbabwe was
once the success story of Southern Africa, but over the last one and a half decades
things have got harder for it as urban areas have ceased to create jobs and rural areas
have felt the pressure as well.

25. Analysis of deep sea sediments have had as a focus the discovery of hitherto unknown forms
of life, even though no such discovery has yet been made.
(A) Analysis of deep sea sediments have had as a focus the discovery of
(B) Analysis of deep sea sediments have focussed on discovering
(C) Analysis of deep sea sediments focussed on the discovery of
(D) Analysis of deep sea sediments has focussed on the discovery of
(E) Deep sea sediments that have been analysed, focussing on discovering
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 215

26. If Sam reached the airport in time, he would have been holidaying in Germany by now.
(A) If Sam reached the airport in time,
(B) If Sam would have reached the airport in time,
(C) Sam having reached the airport in time,
(D) Had Sam reached the airport in time,
(E) Sam, reaching the airport in time,

27. In 1632, the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan began constructing the Taj Mahal, whose design
was partly inspired by the majestic Humayun’s tomb, which itself had been inspired by the
Gur-e Amir.
(A) which itself had been inspired
(B) itself being inspired
(C) having been inspired
(D) whose inspiration was
(E) inspiring

28. The forests are being cut on a large scale these days, which is a factor contributing to global
(A) The forests are being cut on a large scale these days, which is a factor contributing to
global warming.
(B) The forests are being cut on a large scale these days, this is a factor contributing to
global warming.
(C) The large scale cutting of forests these days is a factor contributing to global warming.
(D) Contributing to global warming, the large scale cutting of forests these days is a
(E) The fact that forests are being cut on a large scale these days is a factor contributing
to global warming.

29. While some may doubt the feasibility of the proposal, it is based on empirical evidence,
unlike policies resulting from either fanciful suppositions or as a result of political whims.
(A) it is based on empirical evidence, unlike policies resulting from either fanciful
suppositions or as a result of
(B) it is based on empirical evidence, unlike policies that result from either fanciful
suppositions or
(C) based on empirical evidence, unlike policies that result from either fanciful
suppositions or from
216 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) because it is based on empirical evidence, unlike policies that result from either
fanciful suppositions or
(E) it is based on empirical evidence rather than fanciful suppositions or

30. Prices of commercial property have fallen drastically in the country over the last two quarters
as investors, in these uncertain times, prefer holding cash over investing in property.
(A) prefer holding cash over investing in property
(B) would much rather hold cash than investing in property
(C) prefer holding cash to investing in property
(D) are preferring to hold cash over investing in property
(E) would much rather prefer to hold cash than to invest in property

31. The situation in the country is volatile enough so even a minor trigger could lead to a large
scale conflagration.
(A) is volatile enough so
(B) is volatile such that
(C) being volatile enough that
(D) that is so volatile that
(E) is so volatile that

32. According to leading economists across the world, rising inflation is one of the factors that
seems to indicate that an economy might be headed for a recession.
(A) factors that seems to indicate that an economy
(B) factors, which seem to indicate that an economy
(C) factors that seem to indicate an economy
(D) factors that seem to indicate that an economy
(E) factors which seems to indicate that an economy

33. One reason for the large scale exodus of people from rural to urban areas can be explained
by the greater availability of jobs in urban areas.
(A) can be explained by
(B) is given by
(C) is that
(D) is
(E) being
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 217

34. In order to reduce light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas emissions, a company can use either
low-carbon and renewal power or make land use changes; however, neither of these
strategies are by themselves sufficient to achieve success, and must be used together to
reduce emissions.
(A) can use either low-carbon and renewal power or make land use changes; however,
neither of these strategies are by themselves
(B) can either use low-carbon and renewal power or make land use changes; however,
neither of these strategies are by themselves
(C) can use either low-carbon and renewal power or land use changes have to be made;
however, neither of these strategies is by themselves
(D) can either use low-carbon and renewal power or make land use changes; however,
neither of these strategies is by itself
(E) can either use low-carbon and renewal power or it can make land use changes;
however, neither of these strategies is by itself

35. The users of the new Dell laptop claim that it is much more better, or at least as better, as
any of the other laptops currently available in the market.
(A) is much more better, or at least as better, as any
(B) is much better, or at least as better, as any
(C) is much better, or at least as better, than any
(D) is much better than any
(E) is more better than any

36. The teacher sympathized with the students who were forced to attend classes on Sundays,
stating that if he was in charge, he would declare every Saturday and Sunday as holidays.
(A) if he was in charge, he would declare every Saturday and Sunday as holidays
(B) if he were in charge, he would declare every Saturday and Sunday as holidays
(C) he would declare every Saturday and Sunday as holidays if he was in charge
(D) if he were in charge, he would declare every Saturday and Sunday holidays
(E) every Saturday and Sunday would be holidays if he was in charge

37. The amateur artist created less paintings this year than last year, and now that he has got a
full-time job, he has even less incentive to do it.
(A) less paintings this year than last year, and now that he has got a full-time job, he has
even less incentive to do it
(B) smaller paintings this year than did last year, and now that he has got a full time job,
he has even less incentive to do it
218 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(C) fewer paintings this year than he did last year, and now that he has got a full time job,
he has even less incentive to do so
(D) lesser paintings this year than was done by him last year, and now that he has got a
full time job, he has even less incentive to do so
(E) fewer paintings this year than were created by him last year, and now that he has got
a full time job, he has even less incentive to do it

38. The Town and Country Club purchased, for its members, customised golf buggies and 20
sets of the best golf clubs, also organizing training sessions for them with leading professional
(A) buggies and 20 sets of the best golf clubs, also organizing training sessions for them
with leading professional golfers
(B) buggies, 20 sets of the best golf clubs, and training sessions for them with leading
professional golfers
(C) buggies as well as 20 sets of the best golf clubs, additionally organizing training
sessions for them with professionally leading golfers
(D) buggies and 20 sets of the best golf clubs, in addition to organizing training sessions
for them with leading professional golfers
(E) buggies and 20 sets of the best golf clubs, and organized training sessions for them
with both leading as well as professional golfers

39. The school officials believe that students will be equally likely to break the new rules as the
current ones.
(A) equally likely to break the new rules as
(B) as much likely to break the new rules as
(C) as likely to break the new rules as they are
(D) equally likely to break the new rules as they are
(E) equally likely that they will break the new rules as

40. The Board’s response did not surprise Mandy at all; she was, in fact, expecting such a
(A) did not surprise Mandy at all; she was, in fact, expecting
(B) had not surprised Mandy at all; she was in fact expecting
(C) had not surprised Mandy at all; she had, in fact, expected
(D) did not surprise Mandy at all; she had, in fact, expected
(E) did not surprise Mandy at all; because she was expecting
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41. Even though many more students are present in the class today than yesterday, this number
is still smaller than last week.
(A) many more students are present in the class today than yesterday, this number is still
smaller than last week
(B) many more students are present in the class today than had been yesterday, this
number is still lower than last week
(C) much more students are present in the class today than yesterday, this number is still
lower than the figure for last week
(D) many students are present in the class today as compared to yesterday, this number is
still less than last week’s
(E) many more students are present in the class today than were present yesterday, this
number is still lower than last week’s figure

42. From getting up early in the morning and going for a six-mile run to cutting out fried
foods completely from his diet to hitting the gym for two hours every day, it was believed
by Lawrence that physical fitness was the key to winning an Olympic gold medal.
(A) it was believed by Lawrence that physical fitness was the key
(B) Lawrence believed that physical fitness was the key
(C) physical fitness was believed by Lawrence to be the key
(D) it was Lawrence’s belief that physical fitness was the key
(E) Lawrence had believed physical fitness to be the key

43. Unsure of their ability to get a good GMAT score by themselves, private tutors are being
hired in large numbers by prospective GMAT takers for helping them prepare for the test.
(A) private tutors are being hired in large numbers by prospective GMAT takers for
(B) private tutors are being hired in large numbers by prospective GMAT takers to help
(C) prospective GMAT takers are hiring private tutors in large numbers for helping
(D) prospective GMAT takers are hiring private tutors in large numbers to help
(E) prospective GMAT takers are hiring private tutors in large quantities to help

44. The logistics start-up company, funded by a group of angel investors and looking to make
the most of its first-mover advantage, has rolled out an aggressive nationwide advertising
(A) funded by a group of angel investors and looking to make the most of its first-mover
advantage, has rolled out an aggressive
220 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(B) funded by a group of angel investors and looked to make the most of its first mover
advantage, rolled out an aggressive
(C) funding by a group of angel investors and looking to make the most of its first mover
advantage, is rolling out an aggressive
(D) which a group of angel investors have funded to make the most of its first mover
advantage, has aggressively rolled out a
(E) having been funded by a group of angel investors and looking to make the most of
their first mover advantage, has rolled out an aggressive

45. The Dikes of the Netherlands were built for stopping sea water from flooding the cities and
they do.
(A) were built for stopping sea water from flooding the cities
(B) had been built for stopping sea water from flooding the cities
(C) has been built to stop sea water from flooding the cities
(D) were built to stop sea water from flooding the cities
(E) had been built to stop sea water from flooding the cities

46. Australia is one of the countries that have imposed sanctions on Iran.
(A) one of the countries that have imposed sanctions on
(B) one of the countries that has imposed sanctions against
(C) one of the countries which have imposed sanctions on
(D) one of the countries which has imposed sanctions on
(E) one of the countries that have imposed sanctions against

47. It is ironic that a majority of employees of the automobile company has voted against the
resolution, a resolution that was supposedly created to benefit those very employees.
(A) has voted against the resolution, a resolution that was supposedly created to benefit
(B) has voted against the resolution, which was supposedly created to benefit
(C) has voted against the resolution, supposedly created to benefit
(D) have voted against the resolution, a resolution which was supposedly created for the
benefit of
(E) have voted against the resolution, a resolution that was supposedly created to benefit
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 221

48. The double-clutch gearbox of the new BMW M5 offers seamless shifts all the way up to the
7200 rpm mark; 125 mph is reached in just 12 seconds.
(A) The double-clutch gearbox of the new BMW M5 offers seamless shifts all the way
up to the 7200 rpm mark; 125 mph is reached in just 12 seconds.
(B) The double-clutch gearbox of the new BMW M5, offering seamless shifts all the way
up to the 7200 rpm mark, can reach 125 mph in just 12 seconds.
(C) The new BMW M5, with a double-clutch gearbox that offers seamless shifts all the
way up to the 7200 rpm mark, reaching 125 mph in just 12 seconds.
(D) The double-clutch gearbox of the new BMW M5 offers seamless shifts all the way
up to the 7200 rpm mark and reaches 125 mph in just 12 seconds.
(E) The double-clutch gearbox of the new BMW M5 offers seamless shifts all the way up
to the 7200 rpm mark, which results in the car reaching 125 mph in just 12 seconds.

49. Using the pretext of reviving the flagging economy, several measures have been proposed by
the government that threaten to bring back some of the harsh tax provisions abolished in
(A) Using the pretext of reviving the flagging economy, several measures have been
proposed by the government that threaten to bring back some of the harsh tax
provisions abolished in 1999.
(B) With the flagging economy used as a pretext, several measures have been proposed
by the government, which threaten to bring back some of the harsh tax provisions
abolished in 1999.
(C) Using the pretext of reviving the flagging economy, the government has proposed
several measures that threaten to bring back some of the harsh tax provisions
abolished in 1999.
(D) The government has used the pretext of reviving the flagging economy, proposing
several measures that threaten to bring back some of the harsh tax provisions
abolished in 1999.
(E) Using the pretext of reviving the flagging economy, several measures have been
proposed by the government, threatening to bring back some of the harsh tax
provisions abolished in 1999.

50. Despite being rivals on the cricket field, Andrew Flintoff regarded Brett Lee not as an
adversary but a friend, a fact that was obvious in the historic Ashes test match between their
respective teams in 2005.
(A) not as an adversary but a friend, a fact that was obvious
(B) not as an adversary but as a friend; a fact that was obvious
(C) as not an adversary but as a friend, a fact that was obvious
(D) as a friend and not as an adversary, an obvious fact
222 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(E) not as an adversary but as a friend, a fact that was obvious

51. Genetically modified seeds, with no requirement of costly fertilizer or with expensive
agriculture, help farmers grow crops in a cost effective manner.
(A) with no requirement of costly fertilizer or with expensive agriculture, help
(B) with no requirements of costly fertilizer or expensive agriculture, helps
(C) having no requirement of costly fertilizer or with expensive agriculture, helps
(D) without the requirement of costly fertilizer or expensive agriculture, help
(E) without the requirement of costly fertilizer or no expensive agriculture, help

52. In the 1960 Chile earthquake, at least 6000 people or more are believed to have been killed.
(A) at least 6000 people or more are believed to have been killed
(B) more than at least 6000 people were believed as killed
(C) it is believed that at least 6000 people or more were killed
(D) as many as 6000 people were believed to have been killed
(E) at least 6000 people are believed to have been killed

53. Fortune favours the brave is a mantra that works not just on the battlefields but in the
(A) not just on the battlefields but in the boardrooms
(B) not just on the battlefields but also the boardrooms
(C) on not just the battlefields but also the boardrooms
(D) not just on the battlefields but also in the boardrooms
(E) not just for the battlefields but also in the boardrooms

54. Experts predict that the increasing levels of air pollution in Beijing will soon make the city
unliveable, which would make the residents prone to such illnesses like asthma, COPD, and
even lung cancer and to encourage them to shift to other cities.
(A) will soon make the city unliveable, which would make the residents prone to such
illnesses like asthma, COPD, and even lung cancer and to encourage them
(B) will soon make the city unliveable, making the residents prone to illnesses such as
asthma, COPD, and even lung cancer and to encourage them
(C) will soon make the city unliveable, making the residents prone to such illnesses as
asthma, COPD, and even lung cancer and encouraging them
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 223

(D) would soon make the city unliveable and also make the residents prone to illnesses
like asthma, COPD, and even lung cancer, encouraging them
(E) would soon make the city unliveable by making them prone to illnesses such as
asthma, COPD, and even lung cancer and it will also encourage them

55. Electronic devices like smart phones and notebooks, which were once considered to be
items of luxury, have now become items one cannot do without.
(A) Electronic devices like smart phones and notebooks, which were once considered to
be items of luxury, have now become
(B) Electronic devices such as smart phones and notebooks, which were once considered
to be items of luxury, have now become
(C) Once considered items of luxury, such electronic devices as smart phones and
notebooks have now become
(D) Such electronic devices like smart phones and notebooks, which were once considered
as items of luxury, now becoming
(E) Electronic devices such as smart phones and notebooks, which were once considered
to be items of luxury, becoming

56. According to the country’s largest television manufacturer, increase in sales of its LED
televisions, which have excellent picture quality and they also consume less power, accounts
for most of the 120% increase in revenues that the company experienced last year, the rest
of it coming from sales of LCD and plasma televisions.
(A) they also consume less power, accounts for most of the 120% increase in revenues that
the company experienced last year, the rest of it coming
(B) they also consume less power, account for most of the 120% increase in revenues that
the company experienced last year, the rest of which came
(C) which also consumes less power, account for most of the 120% increase in revenues
that the company experienced last year; the rest of it came
(D) which also consume less power, accounts for most of the 120% increase in revenues
that the company experienced last year, the rest of which came
(E) which also consume less power, accounts for most of the 120% increase in revenues
that the company experienced last year, the rest of the increase coming

57. The newly launched aircraft engine providing a 50% reduction in noise, double-digit
improvements in fuel efficiency and environmental emissions has been hailed by the aviation
(A) The newly launched aircraft engine providing a 50% reduction in noise, double-digit
improvements in fuel efficiency and environmental emissions has
224 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(B) Providing a 50% reduction in noise, double-digit improvements in fuel efficiency and
environmental emissions, the newly launched aircraft engine has
(C) The newly launched aircraft engine provides a 50% reduction in noise and double-
digit improvements in fuel efficiency and environmental emissions has
(D) The newly launched aircraft engine, which provides a 50% reduction in noise and
double-digit improvements in fuel efficiency and environmental emissions, has
(E) Providing a 50% reduction in noise, the newly launched aircraft engine is also
providing double-digit improvements in fuel efficiency and environmental emissions

58. First prepared by the Arabs in the 15th century, the humble sandwich, named so because of
its association with the Earl of Sandwich, is a breakfast staple of people all across the world.
(A) First prepared by the Arabs in the 15th century, the humble sandwich, named so
because of its association with the Earl of Sandwich, is a breakfast staple of people all
across the world.
(B) Having been first prepared by the Arabs in the 15th century, the humble sandwich is
a breakfast staple of people all across the world, named so because of its association
with the Earl of Sandwich.
(C) The humble sandwich, first prepared by the Arabs in the 15th century and is a
breakfast staple of people all across the world, is named so because of its association
with the Earl of Sandwich.
(D) Named so because of its association with the Earl of Sandwich, first prepared by the
Arabs in the 15th century, and a breakfast staple of people all across the world, the
humble sandwich.
(E) The Earl of Sandwich, after whom the humble sandwich is named, first prepared it
with the Arabs in the 15th century, now a breakfast staple of people all across the

59. A recent research has concluded that organically grown fruits and vegetables were, in
general, no more nutritious than their conventional counterparts, which tends to be far less
expensive, or were they any less likely to be contaminated by dangerous bacteria such as E.
(A) no more nutritious than their conventional counterparts, which tends to be far less
expensive, or were they any less likely to be
(B) no more nutritious as their conventional counterparts, tending to be far less expensive,
nor were they any less likely of being
(C) not more nutritious as their conventional counterparts, which tend to be far less
expensive, or were they any less likely to be
(D) no more nutritious than their conventional counterparts, which tend to be far less
expensive, nor were they any less likely to be
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 225

(E) as nutritious than their conventional counterparts, which tend to be far less expensive,
also not likely to be

60. Covering almost 40% of the South American continent, the Amazonian Rainforests are
vital for all the countries in the region, helping stabilize their climate, maintaining their
water cycle and protecting them from flood, drought and erosion, acting as a source of
medicine and food.
(A) helping stabilize their climate, maintaining their water cycle and protecting them
from flood, drought and erosion, acting as a source of medicine and food
(B) helping stabilize their climate, maintaining their water cycle, protecting them from
flood, drought and erosion, and acting as a source of medicine and food
(C) helping stabilize their climate, maintaining their water cycle and protecting them
from flood, drought, erosion, and acting as a source of medicine and of food
(D) by stabilizing their climate, maintaining their water cycle and protecting them from
flood, drought and erosion, as well as by acting as a source of medicine and food
(E) by stabilizing their climate, maintaining their water cycle and protecting them from
flood, drought and from erosion, and as a source of medicine and food

61. Despite having discussed the matter with all his teachers, Lewis is still unable to decide if
he should pay more attention to understanding the concepts or to their application.
(A) Lewis is still unable to decide if he should pay more attention to understanding the
concepts or to their application
(B) Lewis is still confused between paying more attention to understanding the concepts
or to their application
(C) it is still difficult for Lewis decide if he should pay more attention to understanding
the concepts or to their application
(D) Lewis is still not able to decide whether he should pay more attention to understanding
the concepts or to their application
(E) there is still confusion in Lewis’ mind with regards to understanding the concepts or
to their application

62. According to a recent study of home buyers, the location of a house correlates more with its
price than with its quality of construction.
(A) the location of a house correlates more with its price than with its quality of
(B) the location of a house correlates more with its price as does its quality of construction
(C) the location of a house correlates more with its price than does its quality of
226 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) the price of a house correlates more to its location than does its quality of construction
(E) the location of a house correlates more to its price than to its quality of construction

63. Robert’s tutor recommends that, in order to score well on the GMAT, Robert should put in
at least two hours of practice every day and not practice questions indiscriminately.
(A) Robert should put in at least two hours of practice every day and not practice questions
(B) Robert should put in at least two hours of practice every day and that he should not
practice questions indiscriminately
(C) Robert will have to put in at least two hours of practice every day and not do practice
questions indiscriminately
(D) Robert put in at least two hours of practice every day and that he not practice
questions indiscriminately
(E) at least two hours of practice need to be put in by Robert every day and he does not
have to practice questions indiscriminately

64. According to some entrepreneurs, the most difficult choice one has to make while starting
a business is between quitting one’s day job and concentrating full time on the business,
thereby risking one’s future, or continuing with one’s day job and working part time at the
business until it finds its feet.
(A) or continuing
(B) and continuing
(C) or whether to continue
(D) or that to continue
(E) and whether to continue

65. Galileo had disproved a widely accepted theory of astronomy when he showed that the
earth was round.
(A) had disproved
(B) disproved
(C) disproves
(D) has disproved
(E) having disproved

66. Each invoice and gate pass must have “PAID” stamped over their number.
(A) Each invoice and gate pass must have “PAID” stamped over their number.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 227

(B) Every one of the invoices and gate passes must have “PAID” stamped over their
(C) Each invoice and gate pass must have “PAID” stamped over its number.
(D) All invoices and gate passes must have “PAID” stamped over its number.
(E) Every invoice and each gate pass must have “PAID” stamped over their number.

67. Be it for losing weight, improving muscle tone, or to widen their social circle, Americans are
flocking to gyms like never before.
(A) Be it for losing weight, improving muscle tone, or to widen their social circle,
(B) Be it to lose weight, improve muscle tone, or widen their social circle,
(C) Be it for losing weight, improving muscle tone, or for widening their social circle,
(D) Be it losing weight, improving muscle tone, or widening their social circle,
(E) Be it to lose weight, improve muscle tone, or to widen their social circle,

68. By constructing new windmill farms, consumption of fossil fuels are reduced, and tons of
noxious emissions are kept out of the atmosphere.
(A) By constructing new windmill farms, consumption of fossil fuels are reduced, and
tons of noxious emissions are kept
(B) By constructing new windmill farms, it reduces consumption of fossil fuels, and tons
of noxious emissions are kept
(C) Constructing new windmill farms reduces fossil fuel consumption and keeps tons of
noxious emissions
(D) When new windmill farms are constructed, they reduce fossil fuel consumption, and
it keeps tons of noxious emissions
(E) New windmill farms, when constructed, reduce fossil fuel consumption, and also tons
of noxious emissions are kept

69. As demand for the new generation of microprocessors soars, firms manufacturing the older
processors reel under losses.
(A) As demand for the new generation of microprocessors soars, firms manufacturing the
older processors reel under losses.
(B) As demand for the new generation of microprocessors soar, firms manufacturing the
older processors have been reeling under losses.
(C) As demand for the new generation of microprocessors has soared, the older processor
manufacturing firms reeled under losses.
(D) As demand for the new generation of microprocessors soars, firms manufacturing the
older processors have reeled under losses.
228 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(E) Owing to the demand for the new generation of microprocessors soaring, firms
manufacturing the older processors reeling under losses.

70. The minister had expected brickbats, complaints, and pessimism, instead what greeted him
was bouquets, praise, and optimism.
(A) had expected brickbats, complaints, and pessimism, instead what greeted him was
bouquets, praise, and optimism
(B) was expecting brickbats, complaints, and pessimism, and was greeted by bouquets,
praise, and optimism
(C) had expected brickbats, complaints, and pessimism; instead he was greeted by
bouquets, praise, and optimism
(D) expected brickbats, complaints, and pessimism, however what greeted him was
bouquets, praise, and optimism
(E) expecting brickbats, complaints, and pessimism, was instead greeted by bouquets,
praise, and optimism

71. As part of its growth strategy, the company is looking to apply global strategies using local
insights along with expanding their geographical reach.
(A) the company is looking to apply global strategies using local insights along with
expanding their geographical reach
(B) the company’s plan is to apply global strategies using local insights and to expand its
geographical reach
(C) the company, in addition to expanding its geographical reach, is also looking to apply
global strategies using local insights
(D) the company is looking at applying global strategies and expanding its geographical
reach, using local insights
(E) the company’s plans are for applying global strategies, using local insights, and
expanding its geographical reach

72. Iran that has the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves also has the world’s second-largest
natural gas reserves.
(A) Iran that has the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves also has the world’s second-largest
natural gas reserves.
(B) Iran has the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves as well as having the second-largest
natural gas reserves.
(C) Iran has the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves and second-largest natural gas reserves.
(D) Iran has the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves; the world’s second-largest natural gas
reserves are also in Iran.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 229

(E) Iran, having the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves, is in addition having its second-
largest natural gas reserves as well.

73. The policy of “Nationalism” has been around since 1975, when officials in the country—
many of whom equate patriotism with supporting the government’s policies—began to
worry in earnest about whether the country’s citizens were patriotic enough.
(A) when officials in the country—many of whom equate patriotism with supporting the
government’s policies—began to worry in earnest about whether
(B) when officials in the country—many of them equating patriotism with supporting
the government’s policies—began to worry in earnest if
(C) when officials in the country who equate patriotism with supporting the government’s
policies begun worrying in earnest if
(D) when officials in the country—many of which equate patriotism with supporting the
government’s policies—begun worrying in earnest whether
(E) when officials in the country—many of whom equate patriotism with supporting the
government’s policies—begun worrying in earnest whether

74. The rise in the level of pollutants in the Yangtze River is almost equivalent to the level of
pollutants in the Ohio River.
(A) equivalent to the level of pollutants in
(B) the same as that in the level of pollutants in
(C) the same as the level of pollutants in
(D) equal to that of
(E) the equivalent of that in

75. Traditional art and modern art, both part of the cultural frame of reference of most
Americans and Europeans, share many aspects of the artistic language.
(A) both part of the cultural frame of reference of most Americans and Europeans
(B) are both part of the cultural frame of reference of most Americans and Europeans
(C) part of both the cultural frame of reference of most Americans and Europeans
(D) being part of the cultural reference frame of most Americans and Europeans
(E) have both been part of the cultural frame of reference of most Americans and

76. In ancient times tanning, the process of treating animal skin with chemical compounds to
produce leather, was considered to be a noxious or odoriferous trade and relegated to the
outskirts of town, amongst the poor.
230 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(A) was considered to be a noxious or odoriferous trade and relegated to the outskirts of
(B) was considered a noxious or odoriferous trade and relegated to the outskirts of
(C) was regarded to be a noxious or odoriferous trade, relegating it to the outskirts of
(D) had been regarded as a noxious or odoriferous trade and relegated to the outskirts of
(E) was considered as a noxious or odoriferous trade, which relegated it to the outskirts

77. In order to detect cancer early, the awareness of cancer screening and diagnostic tests is a
(A) the awareness of cancer screening and diagnostic tests is a must
(B) it is important to be aware of cancer screening and diagnostic tests
(C) one must be aware of cancer screening and diagnostic tests
(D) one must have awareness of cancer screening and diagnostic tests
(E) it is important that one be aware of cancer screening and diagnostic tests

78. The belief, in some cultures, about the black cat as being a symbol of evil and a harbinger
of doom is a relatively recent phenomenon; all cats, including black ones, were held in high
esteem among the ancient Egyptians and protected by law from injury and death.
(A) The belief, in some cultures, about the black cat as being a symbol of evil and a
harbinger of doom is a relatively recent phenomenon;
(B) Some cultures’ belief about the black cat as a symbol of evil and a harbinger of doom
is a relative recent phenomenon;
(C) The belief, in some cultures, that the black cat is a symbol of evil and a harbinger of
doom is a relatively recent phenomenon;
(D) The belief about the black cat as being a symbol of evil and a harbinger of doom is a
relatively recent phenomenon in some cultures;
(E) The black cat is believed to be a symbol of evil and a harbinger of doom, this being a
relatively recent phenomenon in some cultures;

79. Constructed by the Suez Canal Company and connected the Mediterranean Sea and the
Red sea, November 1869 is when the Suez Canal was opened to traffic.
(A) Constructed by the Suez Canal Company and connected the Mediterranean Sea and
the Red sea, November 1869 is when the Suez Canal was opened to traffic.
(B) The Suez Canal, constructed by the Suez Canal Company and connecting the
Mediterranean Sea and the Red sea, was opened to traffic in November 1869.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 231

(C) Having been constructed by the Suez Canal Company and connecting the
Mediterranean Sea and the Red sea, Suez Canal was opened to traffic in November
(D) The Suez Canal, which was constructed by the Suez Canal Company connecting the
Mediterranean Sea and the Red sea, was opened to traffic in November 1869.
(E) Constructed by the Suez Canal Company and connecting the Mediterranean Sea
and the Red sea, the Suez Canal had been opened to traffic in November 1869.

80. The famous battle depicted in the movie took place in England, and many people assume
that it was Ireland.
(A) and many people assume that it was
(B) many people assuming
(C) not what many people assume
(D) not, as many people assume, in
(E) but many people assume it to be

81. The seeming unlimited supply of fresh water and the apparently absent government
regulations makes the Canary Island a popular choice for those wanting to buy their own
private island.
(A) seeming unlimited supply of fresh water and the apparently absent government
regulations makes
(B) seeming unlimited supply of fresh water and the apparent absence of government
regulations make
(C) seeming unlimited fresh water supply and the apparent absent government regulations
(D) seemingly unlimited supply of fresh water and the apparently absent government
regulations makes
(E) seemingly unlimited supply of fresh water and the apparent absence of government
regulations make

82. The purpose of the vehicle driving test is to assess a person’s ability of recognizing the
different traffic signs as well as of his ability to steer and control a moving vehicle.
(A) to assess a person’s ability of recognizing the different traffic signs as well as of his
ability to steer
(B) to assess a person’s ability to recognize the different traffic signs as well as to steer
(C) to be able to assess a person’s ability of recognizing the different traffic signs as well
as of steering
232 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) for assessing a person’s ability to recognize the different traffic signs as well as to steer
(E) that it can assess a person’s ability for recognizing the different traffic signs as well of
his ability for steering

83. The government has mandated people living below the poverty line to be provided with
meals twice a day and their children to be provided access to free education in publicly
funded schools.
(A) people living below the poverty line to be provided with meals twice a day and their
children to be
(B) that people living below the poverty line should be provided with meals twice a day
and their children should be
(C) for people living below the poverty line meals twice a day and for their children
(D) people living below the poverty line that they will be provided with meals twice a day
and their children be
(E) that people living below the poverty line be provided with meals twice a day and that
their children be

84. While investigating the reasons behind the bankruptcy of the trading company, the
empowered committee realized that the company collapsed more due to poor management
of funds than due to customers not buying the company’s products.
(A) that the company collapsed more due to poor management of funds than due to
customers not buying the company’s products
(B) that the collapse was caused more by the poor management of funds than due to
customers not buying the company’s products
(C) that the company collapsed more because of poor management of funds than because
of customers not buying its products
(D) that the collapse was more due to poor management of funds than because of
customers not buying the company’s products
(E) that poor management of funds did more to cause the collapse than did customers by
not buying the company’s products

85. The company has three divisions, each of which specialise in a particular business area.
(A) each of which specialise in a particular business area
(B) which specialises in particular business areas
(C) they specialise in a particular business area each
(D) all of them specialise in a particular business area
(E) each of which specialises in a particular business area
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 233

86. Carried by strong winds, the eruption of the volcano caused dust that crossed the United
States in three days and circled the globe in three weeks.
(A) the eruption of the volcano caused dust that
(B) the volcano’s eruption caused dust that
(C) dust from the eruption of the volcano that
(D) there was dust from the eruption of the volcano and it
(E) dust from the eruption of the volcano

87. In a move that delighted their shareholders as much as distressed their competitors, the two
shipping companies decided to merge, and this led to the formation of the second largest
shipping company in the world.
(A) In a move that delighted their shareholders as much as distressed their competitors,
the two shipping companies decided to merge, and this led
(B) In a delightful move for their shareholders and a distressful one for their competitors,
it has been decided by the two shipping companies to merge, leading
(C) In a move delighting their shareholders as much as distressing their competitors, the
two shipping companies decided to merge, which led
(D) In a move that delighted their shareholders as much as it distressed their competitors,
the two shipping companies decided to merge, leading
(E) The two shipping companies, in a move that delighted their shareholders and
distressed their competitors, decided to merge and to lead

88. According to industry experts, the biggest difference between colleges in America and
colleges in developing countries like India is that in America they are searching for students
whereas in India they are searching for faculty.
(A) in America and colleges in developing countries like India is that in America they are
searching for students whereas in India they are searching for faculty
(B) in America and developing countries like India is that American colleges are searching
for students whereas in India they are searching for faculty
(C) in America and colleges in developing countries such as India is that in America they
are searching for students whereas Indian colleges are searching for faculty
(D) in America and those in developing countries such as India is that American colleges
are searching for students whereas Indian colleges are searching for faculty
(E) in America and such developing countries as India is that in America the colleges are
searching for students whereas Indian colleges are searching for faculty

89. In order to improve the aesthetics of the neighbourhood, a group of citizens have suggested
that the park be not only cleaned but also beautified.
234 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(A) a group of citizens have suggested that the park be not only cleaned but also beautified
(B) a group of citizens have suggested that the park not only be cleaned but also beautified
(C) the park should not only be cleaned but also beautified, a group of citizens has
(D) a group of citizens has suggested that the park be not only cleaned but that it also be
(E) a group of citizens has suggested that the park be not only cleaned but also beautified

90. In modern supermarkets, a customer does not have to stand in long billing queues if they
have purchased ten items or less as there is a separate, dedicated billing queue for such
(A) a customer does not have to stand in long billing queues if they have purchased ten
items or less
(B) customers do not have to stand in long billing queues if they have purchased ten
items or less
(C) a customer does not have to stand in long billing queues if purchasing ten items or
(D) long queues can be avoided by customers who purchase ten or less items
(E) customers do not have to stand in long billing queues if they have purchased up to
ten items

91. The reason most new ventures fail within a year of their launch is because the founders
spend most of their efforts on formulating strategy rather than implementing it.
(A) because the founders spend most of their efforts on formulating strategy rather than
(B) because the founders are spending most of their efforts towards strategy formulation
rather than
(C) that the founders spend most of their efforts on formulating strategy rather than on
(D) that the founders have spent most of their efforts on strategy formulation instead of
(E) that most of the efforts of the founders are spent towards formulating strategy rather
than towards

92. The shift from traditional dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is due to adults getting fewer
cavities and becoming more conscious of their looks.
(A) dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is due to adults getting fewer cavities and becoming
(B) dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is happening because adults are getting less cavities
and also becoming
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 235

(C) dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is because of adults who are getting both fewer cavities
and becoming
(D) dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is taking place because adults are getting fewer cavities
and are also becoming
(E) dentistry to cosmetic dentistry occurs because of adults getting fewer cavities and

93. Friends of the reclusive poet say that he is annoying because of his erratic nature but his
words are still a delight.
(A) but his words are still a delight
(B) although he uses words delightfully
(C) and he is delightful in his use of words too
(D) while being delightful because of his words
(E) but delightful because of his words

94. Unlike writing for magazines, where editors have days, even weeks, to edit copy and
proofread, newspaper editors work on daily deadlines.
(A) Unlike writing for magazines, where editors have days, even weeks, to edit copy and
proofread, newspaper editors work on daily deadlines
(B) Unlike writing for magazines, for which editors have days, even weeks, to edit copy
and proofread, newspaper editors work on daily deadlines
(C) Unlike magazine editors, where they have days, even weeks, to edit copy and proofread,
newspaper editors work on daily deadlines
(D) Unlike editing magazines, a task for which editors have days, even weeks, to edit copy
and proofread, newspaper editors work on daily deadlines
(E) Unlike magazine editors, who have days, even weeks, to edit copy and proofread,
newspaper editors work on daily deadlines

95. The employees in our organization, unlike that in your organization, are forbidden from
discussing client names or activities outside the office.
(A) unlike that in your organization, are forbidden from discussing
(B) contrasted to ones in your organization, are forbidden to discussing
(C) unlike them in your organization, are forbidden to discuss
(D) unlike those in your organization, are forbidden to discuss
(E) unlike the employees in your organization, are forbidden from discussing
236 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

96. Finding the view from the mountains fascinating, all that was there to see was thoroughly
explored by Caesar.
(A) Finding the view from the mountains fascinating, all that was there to see was
thoroughly explored by Caesar.
(B) Caesar found the view from the mountains fascinating, he thoroughly explored all
that was there to see.
(C) Finding the view from the mountains fascinating, Caesar’s exploration covered all
that was there to see.
(D) The view from the mountains is fascinating and is the reason why all that was there
to see was thoroughly explored by Caesar.
(E) Caesar found the view from the mountains fascinating and thoroughly explored all
that was there to see.

97. The management was impressed by the fact that even though John had prepared a very
comprehensive report, it was presented by him in a very concise manner.
(A) even though John had prepared a very comprehensive report, it was presented by him
in a very concise manner
(B) although John prepared a very comprehensive report, yet he presented it in a very
concise manner
(C) even though John had prepared a very comprehensive report, he presented it in a very
concise manner
(D) John had prepared a very comprehensive report, presenting it in a very concise manner
(E) John had prepared and presented a very comprehensive and concise report

98. Manufacturers of a new exercise machine claim that it is much more comfortable to use than
older machines and hence will encourage people to exercise for longer durations; however,
their users state that they do not find the new machine any different from the older ones.
(A) longer durations; however, their users state that they do not find the new machine any
different from
(B) longer durations; however, its users state that they do not find the new machine any
different from
(C) longer durations; however, the users of this new machine state that they do not find
the new machine any different than
(D) longer durations; nevertheless, their users state that they do not find the new machine
any different from
(E) longer durations, however, their users state that they do not find the new machine any
different than
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 237

99. By Friday evening, the proposal had been signed by over 1000 supporters, many of them has
left messages on the page.
(A) had been signed by over 1000 supporters, many of them has
(B) was signed by over 1000 supporters, many of them having had
(C) had been signed by over 1000 supporters, many of whom have
(D) had been signed by over 1000 supporters, many of whom
(E) was signed by over 1000 supporters, and many of them

100. During his research on modern production systems, workers at a leading automobile
manufacturing firm told Professor Roberts that these systems end up encouraging temporary
or contract employment and reducing their quality of life.
(A) During his research on modern production systems, workers at a leading automobile
manufacturing firm told Professor Roberts that these systems end up encouraging
temporary or contract employment and reducing their quality of life.
(B) Modern production systems were encouraging temporary or contract employment
and reducing their quality of life was told to Professor Roberts by the workers at a
leading automobile manufacturing firm.
(C) Professor Roberts was told by workers at a leading automobile manufacturing firm
that these systems ended up encouraging temporary or contract employment and
reducing their quality of life, during his research on modern production systems.
(D) During his research on modern production systems, Professor Roberts was told
by workers at a leading automobile manufacturing firm that they were meant to
encourage temporary or contract employment at the same time reducing their quality
of life.
(E) Professor Roberts, during his research on modern production systems, was told by
workers at a leading automobile manufacturing firm that these systems ended up
encouraging temporary or contract employment and reducing their quality of life.

101. Despite all their talk about pollution control, large organisations have so far done very little
to control ecological damage.
(A) Despite all their talk about pollution control,
(B) In spite of the fact of their having talked about pollution control
(C) Besides their having talked
(D) Although they talk about all pollution control
(E) In addition to their talking
238 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

102. The restructuring agency explored several alternatives, including complete and partial
liquidation of assets, but has not found any feasible solution to the problems faced by the
(A) explored several alternatives, including complete and partial liquidation of assets, but
has not found
(B) had explored several alternatives, which include complete and partial liquidation of
assets, but has not found
(C) explored several alternatives, including complete and partial liquidation of assets, but
did not found
(D) has explored several alternatives, including complete and partial liquidation of assets,
but has not found
(E) has explored several alternatives, including complete and partial liquidation of assets,
but did not find

103. The abundant supply of fresh water and its location, an isolated landmass in the North
Atlantic, makes Iceland a natural nesting location for migratory birds.
(A) The abundant supply of fresh water and its location, an isolated landmass in the
North Atlantic, makes Iceland a natural nesting location for migratory birds.
(B) The abundant supply of fresh water as well as its location, an isolated landmass in the
North Atlantic, makes Iceland a natural nesting location for migratory birds.
(C) An isolated landmass in the North Atlantic, Iceland has an abundant supply of fresh
water which, along with its location, make Iceland a natural nesting location for
migratory birds.
(D) Its location, an isolated landmass in the North Atlantic, and an abundant supply of
fresh water make Iceland a natural nesting location for migratory birds.
(E) Iceland, having an abundant supply of fresh water and location, an isolated landmass
in the North Atlantic, is a natural nesting location for migratory birds.

104. The survival of many endangered species of fish in our rivers depends on both the enforcement
of regulations and recreational activities being available apart from fishing.
(A) on both the enforcement of regulations and recreational activities being available
(B) both on the enforcement of regulations on recreational activities
(C) on both the enforcement of regulations and the availability of recreational activities
(D) on the enforcement of both regulations and recreational activities
(E) on both the enforcement of regulations in combination with available recreational
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 239

105. According to a popular announcement at subway stations, one is not supposed to smoke,
drink, eat, and play loud music either aboard the train or station platforms.
(A) to smoke, drink, eat, and play loud music either aboard the train or station platforms
(B) to smoke, drink, eat, and to play loud music either aboard the train or station platforms
(C) to smoke, drink, eat, or play loud music either aboard the train or on station platforms
(D) to smoke, to drink, to eat, and play loud music either aboard the train or on station
(E) to smoke, drink, eat, or play loud music either aboard the train or station platforms

106. According to the public prosecutor, the accused has been charged with siphoning off
millions from the treasury, invented fictitious deals, and lied to his superiors.
(A) with siphoning off millions from the treasury, invented fictitious deals, and lied to his
(B) for having siphoned off millions from the treasury, invented fictitious deals, and lied
to his superiors
(C) for siphoning off millions from the treasury, inventing fictitious deals as well as lying
to his superiors
(D) with siphoning off millions from the treasury, for inventing fictitious deals, and for
having lied to his superiors
(E) with siphoning off millions from the treasury, inventing fictitious deals, and lying to
his superiors

107. Every one of the support staff and the participants have to compulsorily go through a full
body search before they enter the competition area.
(A) have to compulsorily go through a full body search before they enter
(B) have to go through a compulsorily full body search before entering
(C) have to compulsorily go through a full body search before he or she enters
(D) has to compulsorily go through a full body search before entering
(E) has to compulsorily go through a full body search before they enter

108. Modern zoos cater not only to the recreational needs of people, but also help in conducting
research and conservation of wild animals.
(A) cater not only to the recreational needs of people, but also help in conducting research
and conservation of
(B) cater not only to the recreational needs of people, but also aid in conducting research
and in conservation of
240 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(C) not only cater to the recreational needs of people, but also help to conduct research
on and to conserve
(D) not only caters to the recreational needs of people, but also aid in conducting research
and conservation of
(E) not only cater to the recreational needs of people, but also help in conducting research
on and conservation of

109. One of the artefacts that have been excavated from the recently discovered archaeological
site are estimated at being more than 2000 years old.
(A) have been excavated from the recently discovered archaeological site are estimated at
(B) have been excavated from the recently discovered archaeological site are estimated to
(C) has been excavated from the recently discovered archaeological site is estimated at
(D) have been excavated from the recently discovered archaeological site is estimated to
(E) has been excavated from the recently discovered archaeological site is estimated to be

110. The charitable trust disbursed 8.7 million dollars in loans over the course of the last one year,
however, now they don’t remember who they gave it to.
(A) however, now they don’t remember who they gave it to
(B) however, now they don’t remember whom they gave the loans to
(C) however, now they don’t remember who it gave it to
(D) but now it doesn’t remember whom it gave them to
(E) but now it doesn’t remember who it gave the loans to

111. The illegal addition of two floors are not the only trouble the hotel could face, it also owes
millions in unpaid taxes to the exchequer along with two other hotels.
(A) are not the only trouble the hotel could face, it also owes millions in unpaid taxes to
the exchequer along with two other hotels
(B) is not the only trouble the hotel could face, and it also owes millions in unpaid taxes
to the exchequer along with two other hotels
(C) is not the only trouble the hotel could face; it also owes, along with two other hotels,
millions in unpaid taxes to the exchequer
(D) are not the only troubles the hotel could face, it as well as two other hotels also owe
millions in unpaid taxes to the exchequer
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 241

(E) is not the only trouble the hotel could face; it, as well as two other hotels, also owe
millions in unpaid taxes to the exchequer

112. As far as acquiring life skills is concerned, learning how to drive is considerably more
important than to learn playing the guitar.
(A) learning how to drive is considerably more important than to learn playing the guitar
(B) learning how to drive is considerably more important than playing the guitar
(C) how to drive is considerably more important than how to play the guitar
(D) learning to drive is considerably more important than learning to play the guitar
(E) to learn driving is considerably more important than to be playing the guitar

113. By the time Tim appears for the GMAT, he will have completed a minimum of eight
practice tests, three hundred practice questions, and more than seventy hours spent browsing
through the various GMAT forums.
(A) he will have completed a minimum of eight practice tests, three hundred practice
questions, and more than seventy hours spent
(B) he will complete a minimum of eight practice tests, three hundred practice questions,
and he will spend more than seventy hours
(C) he would have completed a minimum of eight practice tests and three hundred
practice questions, spending more than seventy hours
(D) he would complete a minimum of eight practice tests in addition to completing three
hundred practice questions, having spent more than seventy hours
(E) he will have completed a minimum of eight practice tests and three hundred practice
questions, and spent more than seventy hours

114. The consistent rising revenues of the shipping company has convinced analysts that the
company is a good one for their clients to invest in.
(A) The consistent rising revenues of the shipping company has convinced analysts that
the company is
(B) The consistently rising revenues of the shipping company has convinced analysts that
the company is
(C) The consistent rise in the revenues of the shipping company has convinced analysts
that the company is
(D) The consistently rising revenues of the shipping company have convinced analysts
that the company was
(E) The consistent rise in the revenues of the shipping company have convinced analysts
that the company is
242 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

115. It is indeed ironic to note that the subject where Barry scored the most marks was the one
in which he put in the least effort.
(A) where Barry scored the most marks was the one in which he
(B) where Barry scored the maximum marks was the same one in which he had
(C) in which Barry scored the most marks was the one where he
(D) in which Barry scored the most marks was the one in which he had
(E) for which Barry scored the highest marks was the one where he

116. While the term ‘sublimation’ has several meanings, in scientific terminology it is a process
where a substance changes from solid to gaseous state, without entering the liquid state.
(A) While the term ‘sublimation’ has several meanings, in scientific terminology it is a
process where
(B) The term ‘sublimation’ has several meanings, in scientific terminology it is a process
in which
(C) While the term ‘sublimation’ has several meanings, in scientific terminology it refers
to a process in which
(D) The term ‘sublimation’ has several meanings, in scientific terminology it refers to a
process when
(E) The term ‘sublimation’, having several meanings in scientific terminology, refers to a
process where

117. The performance of the iron and steel industry this year has been better than that of any
other year.
(A) The performance of the iron and steel industry this year has been better than that of
any other year.
(B) The performance of the iron and steel industry this year has been better than in any
other year.
(C) The iron and steel industry’s performance this year has been better in comparison to
any other year.
(D) the iron and steel industry’s performance has been better this year than any other
(E) This year the performance of the iron and steel industry has been better than that of
any other year’s performance.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 243

118. Raising raw material costs, along with escalating corporate tax rates, has made it very
difficult for companies to remain profitable.
(A) Raising raw material costs, along with escalating corporate tax rates, has made it very
difficult for companies to remain profitable.
(B) Rising raw material costs and escalating corporate tax rates has made it very difficult
for companies to remain profitable.
(C) The rise in raw material costs, along with escalating corporate tax rates, has made it
very difficult for companies to remain profitable.
(D) Rising raw material costs, along with escalating corporate tax rates, has made it very
difficult for companies to remain profitable.
(E) Rising raw material costs, along with escalating corporate tax rates, have made it very
difficult for companies to remain profitable.

119. To make figures appear to exist in space on a two-dimensional surface, a few artists in the
Renaissance art period developed a system of one-point perspective, a mathematical system
where all edges and forms follow orthogonal lines converging on a single point.
(A) figures appear to exist in space on a two-dimensional surface, a few artists in the
Renaissance art period developed a system of one point perspective, a mathematical
system where all edges and forms
(B) figures appear to exist in space, a few artists in the Renaissance art period developed a
system of one point perspective on a two-dimensional surface, a mathematical system
where all edges and forms
(C) figures on a two-dimensional surface appear to exist in space, a few artists in the
Renaissance art period developed a system of one point perspective, a mathematical
system in which all edges and forms
(D) figures appear to exist in space on a two-dimensional surface, a few artists in the
Renaissance art period developed a system of one point perspective, which is a
mathematical system where each edge and form
(E) figures on a two-dimensional surface appear as if they are existing in space, a system
of one point perspective was developed by a few artists in the Renaissance art period,
a mathematical system where each edge and form

120. Because most investors prefer long-term capital gains to annual dividend payouts, the
reduction in dividend payout ratios that have taken place during the last decade are perfectly
(A) the reduction in dividend payout ratios that have taken place during the last decade
(B) the reduction in dividend payout ratios that has taken place during the last decade is
244 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(C) the reduction that has taken place in dividend payout ratios during the last decade are
(D) the reduction in dividend payout ratios that have taken place during the last decade
(E) the reduction that has taken place in dividend payout ratios during the last decade is

121. A vocal opponent of the unequal distribution of wealth, the itinerant activist has spent
time in several countries across the world, railing against the callousness and injustices
of governments, the negligence of the upper classes, and trying to forge a transnational
people’s movement.
(A) railing against the callousness and injustices of governments, the negligence of the
upper classes, and trying to forge a transnational people’s movement
(B) to rail against the callousness and injustices of governments and the negligence of the
upper classes, and trying to forge a transnational people’s movement
(C) railed against the callousness and injustices of governments, the negligence of the
upper classes, and tried to forge a transnational people’s movement
(D) railing against the callousness and injustices of governments and the negligence of
the upper classes, and trying to forge a transnational people’s movement
(E) railing against the callousness and injustices of governments, the neglecting of the
upper classes, and trying to forge a transnational people’s movement

122. The State Labour Department has approved an increase in the wages of labourers from other
states, a reduction in their tax obligations, and brought joy to the thousands of immigrant
labourers living in the city.
(A) an increase in the wages of labourers from other states, a reduction in their tax
obligations, and brought
(B) a wage increase for labourers from other states, reducing their tax obligations, and
(C) an increase in the wages of labourers from other states and a reduction in their tax
obligations, bringing
(D) that the wages of labourers from other states be increased and that their tax obligations
be reduced, and brought
(E) an increase in both the wages of labourers from other states along with a reduction in
their tax obligations, bringing

123. Sachin Tendulkar has a style of batting that is different from that of most other players’.
(A) Sachin Tendulkar has a style of batting that is different from that of most other
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 245

(B) Sachin Tendulkar’s style of batting that is different than that of most other players.
(C) Sachin Tendulkar has a style of batting that is different than most other players.
(D) Sachin Tendulkar’s style of batting is different from that of most other players.
(E) Sachin Tendulkar’s batting style that is different from that of most other players.

124. Comparing claimed speeds of the fastest cars in the world, especially in historical cases, is
difficult due to there being no standardized method of determining the top speed, nor a
central authority to verify any such claims.
(A) due to there being no standardized method of determining the top speed, nor a
central authority to verify any such claims
(B) due to the absence of a standardized method of determining the top speed and a
central authority to verify any such claims
(C) in that there is neither a standardized method of determining the top speed, nor can
such claims be verified by a central authority
(D) because of the absence of any standardized method of determining the top speed, and
of a central authority to verify any such claims
(E) because there is no standardized method of determining the top speed, or of verifying
such claims by a central authority

125. The basic process of selecting the President of the United States is spelled out in the U.S.
Constitution, which has been modified by subsequent amendments, leading to the addition
of many additional steps.
(A) in the U.S. Constitution, which has been modified by subsequent amendments,
leading to the addition of many additional steps
(B) in the U.S. Constitution and it has been modified by subsequent amendments, leading
to the addition of many additional steps
(C) in the U.S. Constitution and has been modified by subsequent amendments, leading
to many additional steps
(D) in the U.S. Constitution and is modified by subsequent amendments, which have led
to the addition of many additional steps
(E) in the U.S. Constitution and has been modified by subsequent amendments, leading
to the addition of many steps
246 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Answers and Explanations

Q No. Ans. Q No. Ans. Q No. Ans. Q No. Ans. Q No. Ans.
1 E 26 D 51 D 76 B 101 A
2 C 27 A 52 E 77 C 102 D
3 B 28 C 53 D 78 C 103 D
4 A 29 B 54 C 79 B 104 C
5 D 30 C 55 C 80 D 105 C
6 D 31 E 56 E 81 E 106 E
7 C 32 D 57 D 82 B 107 D
8 C 33 D 58 A 83 E 108 C
9 B 34 D 59 D 84 C 109 D
10 E 35 D 60 B 85 E 110 D
11 E 36 D 61 D 86 E 111 C
12 A 37 C 62 C 87 D 112 D
13 C 38 D 63 D 88 D 113 E
14 C 39 C 64 B 89 E 114 C
15 E 40 D 65 B 90 E 115 D
16 D 41 E 66 C 91 C 116 C
17 D 42 B 67 B 92 D 117 B
18 D 43 D 68 C 93 E 118 E
19 D 44 A 69 A 94 E 119 C
20 D 45 D 70 C 95 D 120 E
21 B 46 A 71 C 96 E 121 D
22 E 47 E 72 C 97 C 122 C
23 E 48 A 73 A 98 B 123 D
24 E 49 C 74 B 99 D 124 D
25 D 50 E 75 A 100 E 125 E
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 247

1. The environmental community across the globe is currently in the middle of a huge debate
whose aim is not only finding out the feasibility of banning Chlorofluorocarbons altogether
but also to determine whether such a move is warranted by the current situation.
(A) whose aim is not only finding out the feasibility of banning Chlorofluorocarbons
altogether but also to determine
(B) which is aimed at finding out not only the feasibility of banning Chlorofluorocarbons
altogether but also determining
(C) that is aimed at finding out not only the feasibility of banning Chlorofluorocarbons
altogether but also to determine
(D) the aim of which is to not only find out the feasibility of banning Chlorofluorocarbons
altogether but also to determine
(E) whose aim is not only to find out the feasibility of banning Chlorofluorocarbons
altogether but also to determine

Answer: E

The sentence is testing you on parallelism of not only...but also.

(A) Not only is followed by finding, but also should also be followed by determining and
not to determine.
(B) The use of which without a preceding comma is incorrect; the placement of finding
before not only is incorrect; finding needs to come after not only in order to parallel the
determining after but also.
(C) Placement of finding is a problem as described in B above.
(D) The to should be placed after not only so that it can be parallel to the to after but also.
(E) The placement of to find and to determine is perfectly parallel and makes E the correct

2. The responsibilities of a student interning at an investment bank include such tasks as

taking notes during client meetings, delivering memos to executives on the trading floor to
carry back replies, if any, and researching companies and updating excel sheets late into the
(A) delivering memos to executives on the trading floor to carry back replies,
(B) to deliver memos to executives on the trading floor and to carry back replies,
(C) delivering memos to executives on the trading floor and carrying back replies,
(D) to deliver memos to executives on the trading floor and carry back replies,
(E) to deliver memos to executives on the trading floor and carrying back replies,

Answer: C
248 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

This sentence is testing you on parallel structure. The job responsibilities of a trainee—
taking notes, delivering memos, and researching companies—need to be parallel. The first word
split brings you down to A and B. Again, it’s delivering and carrying that are parallel, making
C the correct answer.

3. John, a resident of Lake City and an employee of The Bell Company, is currently working
on a new project that will revolutionize the telecommunication industry, which will lead to
a lowering of rates for making international calls.
(A) is currently working on a new project that will revolutionize the telecommunication
industry, which will lead to a lowering of rates for
(B) is currently working on a new project that will revolutionize the telecommunication
industry, leading to a lowering of rates for
(C) which is currently working on a new project to revolutionize the telecommunication
industry and also lead to lower rates for
(D) who is currently working on a new revolutionary project in the telecommunication
industry, which will lead to a lowering of rates for
(E) has been currently working on a new project that will revolutionize the
telecommunication industry as well as lower the rates for

Answer: B


(A) Which incorrectly refers to the telecommunications industry.

(B) The correct answer. Leading acts as an adverbial modifier modifying the action of the
entire previous clause.
(C) Which incorrectly refers to The Bell Company. This sentence does not contain a main
verb; it just has two back-to-back modifying phrases. The use of the infinitive to
revolutionize makes it appear as if the purpose of the project is to revolutionize
whereas this is just the side effect of the project.
(D) The sentence does not have a main verb; it just contains several back-to-back
modifying phrases and relative clauses.
(E) Doesn’t look too bad until you realize that the use of currently implies only the present
tense, so we cannot use the present perfect tense has been (which implies that the
action started in the past). Also this sentence incorrectly suggests that the new project
will do two things—revolutionize the industry and lower the rates—whereas the project
will just revolutionize the industry and this fact will lower the rates.

4. Cristina started the test later than the rest of the students but was still able to complete it
in the allotted time.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 249

(A) Cristina started the test later than the rest of the students but was still able to complete
it in the allotted time.
(B) Cristina started the test later than the rest of the students, however she was still able
to complete the test in the allotted time.
(C) Even though Cristina started the test later than the rest of the students, yet she was
able to complete it in the allotted time.
(D) Having started the test later than the rest of the students, Cristina was able to
complete it in the allotted time.
(E) Cristina was able to complete the test in the allotted time, yet she started it later than
the rest of the students.

Answer: A


(A) The correct answer.

(B) This is a run-on sentence. The conjunctive adverb however cannot be used to connect
two independent clauses.
(C) The usage of even though and yet in the same sentence is redundant.
(D) Distorts the meaning by suggesting that the reason Cristina was able to complete the
test in time was because she started later than the rest of the students. This doesn’t
make any logical sense.
(E) Distorts the meaning by reversing the cause and effect relation.

5. Priscilla and I was punished by the teacher for not completing the assignment on time.
(A) Priscilla and I was punished by the teacher
(B) Priscilla as well as me were punished by the teacher
(C) Priscilla and me were punished by the teacher
(D) Priscilla as well as I was punished by the teacher
(E) The teacher punished Priscilla and I

Answer: D


(A) The plural subject Priscilla and I does not agree with the singular verb was.
(B) The use of the additive phrase as well as implies that the subject is only Priscilla, and
the singular Priscilla does not agree with the plural verb were. Also me is the incorrect
pronoun; we require the subject pronoun I.
(C) Me is the incorrect pronoun; we require the subject pronoun I.
250 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) The correct answer. The singular Priscilla agrees with the singular was.
(E) Now it is the teacher who is doing the action and I am receiving it; hence, the pronoun
should be the objective me.

6. While Gordon Sumner is best known for the songs he composed under his stage name,
Sting, starting off as part of a three-member band, The Police, which gave us several hit
albums in the early 1980s.
(A) starting off as part of a three-member band,
(B) started off as part of a three-member band,
(C) yet he started off as part of a three-member band,
(D) he started off as part of a three-member band,
(E) a member of the three-member band,

Answer: D

The sentence starts with a dependent clause—While Gordon Sumner is best known for the
songs he composed under his stage name, Sting. So, the part after the comma also needs to
contain a clause (an independent clause actually). For this part to be a clause, you need a
subject and a verb. A and B can be eliminated because they contain no subject and E can
be eliminated because it contains no verb.

Since we have already mentioned ‘while’ earlier in the sentence to show contrast, the use of
‘yet’ in C is redundant, making D the correct answer.

7. The famous actor, whose last three movies were severely criticized both by the critics and the
general public for their extremely graphic action scenes, deciding to work in family dramas
(A) were severely criticized both by the critics and the general public for their extremely
graphic action scenes, deciding
(B) had been severely criticized by both the critics and by the general public for his
extremely graphic action scenes, has decided
(C) were subjected to severe criticism by both the critics and the general public for their
extremely graphic action scenes, has decided
(D) were severely criticized by both the critics and the general public for their extremely
graphic action scenes, decided
(E) had extremely graphic action scenes, has been severely criticized by the critics and by
the general public, therefore deciding

Answer: C
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 251


(A) This sentence is a fragment because it is missing a main verb such as decided. Since by
comes after both, it needs to be repeated before the general public.
(B) The use of the past perfect tense had is incorrect since the sentence does not refer to
two past events. Since by comes before both, it does not need to be repeated before
general public. The use of his in his extremely graphic action scenes is incorrect because
the graphic scenes are not of the actor but of the movies.
(C) The correct answer. The placement of by is correct and so is the usage of tenses.
(D) The sentence talks about two events—public’s criticism and the actor’s decision—that
took place at different time periods. First, the public criticized and then the actor
decided, so the two cannot be in the same time period. This sentence puts both of
these in the simple past tense—were and decided.
(E) There is a verb missing at the end of the sentence giving out the actor’s decision.
Deciding is a participle; the verb would need to be has decided.

8. Observing an apple fall from a tree, Newton came up with the assertion for a force in the
earth that attracted objects towards it; he named this force gravity.
(A) Observing an apple fall from a tree, Newton came up with the assertion for
(B) Observing an apple fall from a tree is what made Newton come up with the assertion
(C) Observing an apple fall from a tree, Newton came up with the assertion that
(D) Newton, observing an apple fall from a tree, came up with the assertion of
(E) Observing an apple fall down from a tree, Newton was able to come up with the
assertion that

Answer: C

Assertion is the same thing as a claim and must be followed by that. Thus, options A and D can
be eliminated. The use of is what made in B makes it unnecessarily wordy and cumbersome.
Similarly, the use of the redundant fall down and was able to makes E unnecessarily wordy.
C states the same thing in fewer words and is the correct answer.

9. As an expert at repairing all kinds of electrical engines, the new project involving the repair
and maintenance of pumping motors in all the buildings of the condominium was just the
kind of assignment Edward had been looking for.
(A) As an expert at repairing all kinds of electrical engines, the new project involving the
repair and maintenance of pumping motors in all the buildings of the condominium
was just the kind of assignment Edward
252 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(B) As an expert at repairing all kinds of electrical engines, Edward regarded the new
project involving the repair and maintenance of pumping motors in all the buildings
of the condominium as just the kind of assignment he
(C) As an expert at repairing all kinds of electrical engines, the new project involving the
repair and maintenance of pumping motors in all the buildings of the condominium
was considered just the kind of assignment Edward
(D) Edward was an expert at repairing all kinds of electrical engines, thus the new project
involving the repair and maintenance of pumping motors in all the buildings of the
condominium was just the kind of assignment he
(E) Edward, as an expert at repairing all kinds of electrical engines, considered the new
project involving the repair and maintenance of pumping motors in all the buildings
of the condominium to be just the kind of assignment he

Answer: B


(A) The sentence starts with a modifying phrase so what comes after the comma has to
be the person who is the expert, that is, Edward.
(B) The correct answer. Gets the modification correct. Also, gets the idiom
(C) The sentence starts with a modifying phrase; hence, what comes after the comma has
to be the person who is the expert, that is, Edward.
(D) The use of the conjunctive adverb thus after the comma is incorrect and makes this a
run-on sentence.
(E) Uses the incorrect idiom be.

10. A recently concluded study of students appearing for the GMAT has revealed that the more
practice tests these students took, the more was their likelihood of getting a 700 plus score.
(A) the more practice tests these students took, the more
(B) the more the number of practice tests these students took, the more
(C) the higher practice tests these students took, the greater
(D) the greater practice tests these students took, the more
(E) the more practice tests these students took, the greater

Answer: E

Use more to indicate a greater quantity of something but use greater to indicate a difference
in the degree of something such as likelihood. Thus, use greater to modify likelihood. This
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 253

brings us down to C and E. The use of higher to modify practice tests makes no sense in C.
More should be used to modify practice tests instead. Therefore, E is the correct answer.

11. Although the plastic bag ban in the city is yet to formally come into effect, government
agencies have stepped up their drive against it and also issued notices in some cases.
(A) government agencies have stepped up their drive against it and also issued notices in
some cases
(B) government agencies stepped up their drive against it and also issued notices in some
(C) government agencies have stepped up their drive against the ban and have also issued
notices in some cases
(D) government agencies are stepping up their drive against it, even issuing notices in
some cases
(E) government agencies have stepped up their drive against the use of plastic bags and
also issued notices in some cases

Answer: E


(A) The subject of the sentence is the ban so the it should ideally refer to the ban which
doesn’t make sense because the government agencies have obviously not stepped up
their drive against the ban.
(B) The use of the simple past tense stepped is incorrect because the action is taking place
in the present. Also, the use of it is ambiguous.
(C) Incorrectly suggests that the government agencies have stepped up their drive against
the ban; the agencies have stepped up their drive against plastic bags and not against
the ban.
(D) The use of it is ambiguous.
(E) The correct answer.

12. Even though the renowned author wrote several long works of fiction, his collection of
short stories, written from a hospital bed and extending over a mere six pages each, brought
him the greatest acclaim.
(A) extending
(B) extends
(C) extended
(D) is extending
(E) were extending
254 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Answer: A

The phrase—written from a hospital bed and extending over a mere six pages each—is a
modifying phrase that is describing the author’s short stories. Thus, we need participles
in this phrase and not verbs. Options B, C, D and E all contain verbs and so are incorrect.
Option A contains the present participle extending, which is parallel to the past participle
written. Thus, A is the correct answer.

13. London is a city on the move, this makes its airport one of the busiest in the world.
(A) London is a city on the move, this makes its airport one of the busiest in the world.
(B) London is a city on the move, which makes its airport one of the busiest in the world.
(C) London is a city on the move, a fact that makes its airport one of the busiest in the
(D) Being a city on the move, London has made its airport one of the busiest in the
(E) London, a city on the move, makes its airport one of the busiest in the world.

Answer: C


(A) This is a run-on sentence because a comma cannot connect two independent clauses.
(B) Which incorrectly modifies the action of the entire preceding clause.
(C) The correct answer. The phrase a fact acts as an appositive.
(D) The use of being is awkward. It also distorts the meaning by suggesting that London
has consciously made its airport one of the busiest in the world.
(E) This sentence again distorts the meaning by suggesting that London has consciously
made its airport one of the busiest in the world.

14. The war veteran remembered meeting the mother of a soldier who had been tortured
brutally by the enemy forces during the felicitation ceremony.
(A) The war veteran remembered meeting the mother of a soldier who had been tortured
brutally by the enemy forces during the felicitation ceremony.
(B) The war veteran remembered meeting the mother of a soldier during the felicitation
ceremony who had been tortured brutally by the enemy forces.
(C) During the felicitation ceremony, the war veteran remembered meeting the mother
of a soldier who had been tortured brutally by the enemy forces.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 255

(D) During the felicitation ceremony, the war veteran remembered meeting a soldier’s
mother whom the enemy forces had brutally tortured.
(E) The war veteran remembered meeting the mother of a solider during his felicitation
ceremony, a soldier who had been brutally tortured by the enemy forces.

Answer: C


(A) The placement of the phrase during the felicitation ceremony makes it appear as if the
soldier was tortured during the ceremony itself, which is absurd.
(B) The relative clause who had been tortured should come after soldier and not ceremony.
(C) The correct answer.
(D) Distorts the meaning by suggesting that the soldier’s mother was tortured.
(E) The his is ambiguous as we don’t know whether it refers to the soldier or to the war
veteran. The use of the appositive a soldier after the comma would only be correct if
the earlier clause were to end with soldier which it does not.

15. While polarized sunglasses are extremely popular for their anti-glare feature, pilots should
avoid using these because their coating will make it almost impossible to read the digital
instruments inside the aircraft.
(A) pilots should avoid using these because their coating will make it almost impossible
to read the digital instruments inside the aircraft
(B) their use should be avoided by pilots because their coating make it almost impossible
to read the digital instruments inside the aircraft
(C) pilots should avoid using it because the coating on these glasses makes it almost
impossible to read the digital instruments inside the aircraft
(D) they should not be used by pilots because of the coating on these glasses making it
almost impossible reading the digital instruments inside the aircraft
(E) they should not be used by pilots because the coating on these glasses makes it almost
impossible to read the digital instruments inside the aircraft

Answer – E


(A) Since the subject of the clause before the comma is polarised sunglasses, these should,
to maintain parallelism, ideally be the subject of the clause after the comma as well.
You cannot use these on its own; it needs to be followed by glasses. The use of their is
(B) The use of too many their’s is ambiguous and awkward. Also, the singular coating does
not agree with the plural make.
256 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(C) The singular pronoun it cannot refer to the plural sunglasses.

(D) The phrase because of the coating on these glasses is awkward and wordy. Also, the
infinitive to read is preferred to the gerund reading.
(E) The correct answer.

16. Winning 11 Academy awards and raking in more than 2 billion dollars at the box office,
James Cameron directed Titanic, which many consider to be one of the greatest movies of
all time.
(A) James Cameron directed Titanic, which many consider to be
(B) James Cameron directed Titanic, which many consider
(C) Titanic, directed by James Cameron, considered by many as
(D) James Cameron’s Titanic is regarded by many as
(E) Titanic was directed by James Cameron, considered

Answer: D

The modifying phrase at the beginning of the sentence is referring to Titanic and not to
James Cameron, so eliminate A and B. Option C is a fragment as it does not contain a
verb. You need to say is considered or was considered to make C correct. Also consider does
not take as, so C also gets the idiom wrong. E incorrectly suggests that James Cameron
was considered one of the greatest movies of all times. D gets the noun—James Cameron’s
Titanic—after the modifying phrase correct. It uses the verb is correctly and it also uses the
correct idiomatic construction—regarded as.

17. As people become more and more aware of the dangers of water-borne diseases, the demand
for mineral water is increasing at a rapid rate, bottled mineral water providing both easy
transportability and assured water quality.
(A) is increasing at a rapid rate, bottled mineral water providing both easy transportability
and assured water quality
(B) has been increasing at a rapid rate, because of bottled mineral water both providing
easy transportability and assuring water quality
(C) has increased at a rapid rate, since bottled mineral water provides both easy
transportability and assures water quality
(D) will increase at a rapid rate because bottled mineral water provides both easy
transportability and assured water quality
(E) increases at a rapid rate, with bottled mineral water providing both easy transportability
and assuring water quality
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 257

Answer: D

This sentence is testing you on your understanding of time periods. The non underlined part
states that as people become something. When will this happen? Obviously, in the future. So
the effect—demand for mineral water—will also take place in the future.

(A) Incorrectly uses the present continuous tense (is increasing) instead of the future
(B) Incorrectly uses the present perfect continuous tense (has been increasing) instead of
the future tense. Also, the sentence incorrectly makes providing parallel with assuring.
Providing in fact is common to both the benefits of bottled water and, hence, should
ideally be placed before both.
(C) Incorrectly uses the present perfect tense (has increased) instead of the future tense.
The use of assures as a verb is incorrect because provides has already been used earlier.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) Incorrectly uses the simple present tense (increases) instead of the future tense.
Incorrectly makes providing and assuring parallel.

18. The concert rules, as defined by the organising committee, does not allow the use of mobile
phones during the concert nor does it allow the consumption of hard drinks.
(A) does not allow the use of mobile phones during the concert nor does it allow the
consumption of hard drinks
(B) do not allow mobile phones to be used during the concert, not allowing the
consumption of hard drinks as well
(C) do not allow the use of mobile phones nor the consumption of hard drinks during the
(D) do not allow the use of mobile phones or the consumption of hard drinks during the
(E) neither allows the use of mobile phones during the concert nor do they allow the
consumption of hard drinks

Answer: D


(A) The plural rules does not agree with the singular does or with the singular it.
(B) The clauses before and after not are not parallel.
(C) The use of nor along with not is incorrect because the subject is not repeating after
nor. In this case you need to use or instead of nor.
258 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) The correct answer.

(E) Wordy. Also, the plural rules does not agree with the singular allows.

19. Unlike the buildings of the Baroque era, which were extremely ornamental and lavish in
design, Neoclassical era marked a return to buildings with simplistic and timeless designs.
(A) Neoclassical era marked a return to buildings with
(B) Neoclassical buildings having
(C) Neoclassical era had buildings with
(D) the buildings of the Neoclassical era had
(E) the buildings of the Neoclassical era having

Answer: D

The buildings of the Baroque era can be compared with buildings of the Neoclassical era
and not with the Neoclassical era itself. This eliminates A and C. B and E do not contain
a verb (having is just a modifier). D is the correct answer as it contains the verb had and it
also correctly compares buildings from the two eras.

20. The vendor informed the company that neither of their orders were ready.
(A) neither of their orders were ready
(B) neither of its orders were ready
(C) neither of its order was ready
(D) neither of its orders was ready
(E) its orders, neither of them, were ready

Answer: D


(A) Requires the singular pronoun its to refer to company and the singular verb was.
(B) Requires the singular verb was.
(C) Since there are two orders, the correct term is orders and not order.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) Awkward and ungrammatical construction.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 259

21. When the results of the final examinations were announced, Susan was surprised to note
that she had performed well in both History and Political Science, subjects where she had
always struggled, and poor in English, her area of expertise.
(A) both History and Political Science, subjects where she had always struggled, and poor
in English,
(B) History and Political Science, subjects in which she had always struggled, and poorly
in English,
(C) both History as well as Political Science, subjects in which she had always struggled,
and poor in English,
(D) History and Political Science, both being subjects where she had always struggled,
and poorly in English,
(E) subjects where she had always struggled, History and Political Science, and poorly in

Answer: B


(A) Where is used to refer only to places and can’t be used to refer to subjects; use in which
instead. Also, the adjective poor needs to be the adverb poorly (modifying the verb
(B) The correct answer.
(C) The correct idiom is both...and. The adjective poor needs to be the adverb poorly
(modifying the verb performed).
(D) The use of being is awkward and since there is a better option in B, go with B instead.
Also, the use of where is incorrect.
(E) Same as A.

22. Indian folk songs, like in other countries, contain a vivid description of the rituals, customs
and superstitions of the region that they originated in.
(A) like in other countries
(B) like it is with other countries
(C) as it is with other countries
(D) as in
(E) like those of

Answer: E
260 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

The sentence is testing you on comparison. Indian folk songs can only be compared with
folk songs of some other country or region. Since songs is a noun, the use of as is anyway
incorrect. From the remaining three options, only E compares songs with songs (those refers
to songs). Thus, E is the correct answer.

23. The United States has relaxed overseas borrowing rules for corporates, as a result US based
companies will now find it easier to refinance their dollar loans through overseas debt.
(A) has relaxed overseas borrowing rules for corporates, as a result US based companies
will now find
(B) has relaxed overseas borrowing rules for corporates, hence companies in the US will
now find
(C) has relaxed borrowing rules for overseas corporates, resulting in US based companies
now finding
(D) relaxation of overseas borrowing rules for corporates resulted in US based companies
now finding
(E) has relaxed overseas borrowing rules for corporates, so US based companies will now

Answer: E


(A) The use of a comma to connect two independent clauses leads to a run-on sentence.
(B) Same as A.
(C) Looks correct but notice that it talks about overseas corporates and so is a distortion of
the meaning of the sentence.
(D) This sentence has no meaning because there is no connection between the United
States and relaxation unless the United States had an apostrophe at the end (United
(E) The correct answer.

24. With a robust economy and well educated and well to do citizens, Zimbabwe was once the
success story of Southern Africa, but over the last one and a half decades things have got
harder for it as urban areas ceased to create jobs and rural areas felt the pressure as well.
(A) With a robust economy and well educated and well to do citizens, Zimbabwe was
once the success story of Southern Africa, but over the last one and a half decades
things have got harder for it as urban areas ceased to create jobs and rural areas felt
the pressure as well.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 261

(B) Zimbabwe, with a robust economy and well educated and well to do citizens, once
the success story of Southern Africa, but over the last one and a half decades things
have got harder for it as urban areas have ceased to create jobs and rural areas have
felt the pressure as well.
(C) With a robust economy having well educated and well to do citizens, Zimbabwe
was once the success story of Southern Africa, however over the last one and a half
decades things got harder for it as a result of urban areas ceasing to create jobs, with
even rural areas feeling the pressure.
(D) Zimbabwe was once the success story of Southern Africa, with a robust economy
and well educated and well to do citizens, but over the last one and a half decades
things have got harder for it as urban areas ceased to create jobs and rural areas felt
the pressure as well.
(E) With a robust economy and well educated and well to do citizens, Zimbabwe was
once the success story of Southern Africa, but over the last one and a half decades
things have got harder for it as urban areas have ceased to create jobs and rural areas
have felt the pressure as well.

Answer: E


(A) Looks fine until you notice the phrase over the last one and a half decades. This suggests
that the action comes up to the present (the use of things have got harder is a big clue
for you), necessitating the use of the present perfect tense and not the simple past
tense (ceased, felt).
(B) Uses two back-to-back modifying phrases at the beginning. There is no verb in the
clause before but.
(C) The opening phrase makes it appear as if the robust economy had the well educated
citizens. However needs to be preceded by a semicolon.
(D) The modifying phrase (with a robust economy and well educated and well to do citizens)
is ambiguously placed because we don’t know whether it is referring to Zimbabwe or
to South Africa. The use of it is also ambiguous.
(E) The correct answer.

25. Analysis of deep sea sediments have had as a focus the discovery of hitherto unknown forms
of life, even though no such discovery has yet been made.
(A) Analysis of deep sea sediments have had as a focus the discovery of
(B) Analysis of deep sea sediments have focussed on discovering
(C) Analysis of deep sea sediments focussed on the discovery of
(D) Analysis of deep sea sediments has focussed on the discovery of
262 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(E) Deep sea sediments that have been analysed, focussing on discovering

Answer: D

The singular subject analysis requires the singular verb has. This eliminates A and B. Since
the time period of the analysis is not mentioned, we need to go with the present perfect
tense and not the simple past tense. So, eliminate C as well. E is a fragment as it contains
no verb in the introductory clause, making D the correct answer.

26. If Sam reached the airport in time, he would have been holidaying in Germany by now.
(A) If Sam reached the airport in time,
(B) If Sam would have reached the airport in time,
(C) Sam having reached the airport in time,
(D) Had Sam reached the airport in time,
(E) Sam, reaching the airport in time,

Answer: D


(A) The use of the simple past tense reached is incorrect; we require the past perfect tense
(had reached) because the sentence actually talks about two different time periods in
the past. Notice that Sam did not get to holiday in Germany. This is the latter event
in the past and so uses the simple past tense did. It was obviously before this that Sam
could not reach the airport, making this the earlier event in the past and necessitating
the use of the past perfect tense had.
(B) The construction does not make sense with the rest of the sentence.
(C) Same as B.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) Again, this construction has no meaning.

27. In 1632, the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan began constructing the Taj Mahal, whose design
was partly inspired by the majestic Humayun’s tomb, which itself had been inspired by the
Gur-e Amir.
(A) which itself had been inspired
(B) itself being inspired
(C) having been inspired
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 263

(D) whose inspiration was

(E) inspiring

Answer: A

Which, in A, correctly refers to Humayun’s tomb in the original sentence, making it the
correct answer. In B, it is not clear who itself is referring to, Humayun’s tomb or Taj Mahal.
Also, the use of being is awkward. In C having is ambiguous and awkward. While D looks
correct, it becomes incorrect the moment you connect it to the word after the underline—
by. You can say X was inspired by Y but you cannot say the inspiration of X was by Y. The use
of inspiring by in E makes no sense.

28. The forests are being cut on a large scale these days, which is a factor contributing to global
(A) The forests are being cut on a large scale these days, which is a factor contributing to
global warming.
(B) The forests are being cut on a large scale these days, this is a factor contributing to
global warming.
(C) The large scale cutting of forests these days is a factor contributing to global warming.
(D) Contributing to global warming, the large scale cutting of forests these days is a
(E) The fact that forests are being cut on a large scale these days is a factor contributing
to global warming.

Answer: C


(A) Which cannot be used to modify the action of the entire preceding clause.
(B) This is a run-on sentence because the part after the comma is an independent clause.
(C) The correct answer.
(D) The inverted construction makes this sentence very awkward and unclear.
(E) Wordy. C conveys the same meaning more crisply.

29. While some may doubt the feasibility of the proposal, it is based on empirical evidence,
unlike policies resulting from either fanciful suppositions or as a result of political whims.
(A) it is based on empirical evidence, unlike policies resulting from either fanciful
suppositions or as a result of
264 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(B) it is based on empirical evidence, unlike policies that result from either fanciful
suppositions or
(C) based on empirical evidence, unlike policies that result from either fanciful
suppositions or from
(D) because it is based on empirical evidence, unlike policies that result from either
fanciful suppositions or
(E) it is based on empirical evidence rather than fanciful suppositions or

Answer: B


(A) Since from comes before either, you don’t require as a result of after or.
(B) The correct answer.
(C) By removing it is, the sentence becomes a fragment because there is no main verb in
the sentence.
(D) Same as C.
(E) By removing the other policies from the sentence, the comparison gets distorted. Also,
to maintain parallelism, you need to repeat on after rather than.

30. Prices of commercial property have fallen drastically in the country over the last two quarters,
as investors, in these uncertain times, prefer holding cash over investing in property.
(A) prefer holding cash over investing in property
(B) would much rather hold cash than investing in property
(C) prefer holding cash to investing in property
(D) are preferring to hold cash over investing in property
(E) would much rather prefer to hold cash than to invest in property

Answer: C


(A) The correct idiom is

(B) Hold cash is not parallel to investing in property.
(C) The correct answer.
(D) Unnecessarily uses the present continuous tense (are preferring). The correct idiom is
(E) The use of rather and prefer together is redundant since they are both used to show
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 265

31. The situation in the country is volatile enough so even a minor trigger could lead to a large
scale conflagration.
(A) is volatile enough so
(B) is volatile such that
(C) being volatile enough that
(D) that is so volatile that
(E) is so volatile that

Answer: E

The sentence contains a cause and effect relation, and the correct idiomatic construction in
such sentences is so....that. With enough you need a to and not so—The pain is sharp enough to
cause discomfort. In C, the use of being is also awkward. The use of that before is in D makes
it a fragment. E is the correct answer.

32. According to leading economists across the world, rising inflation is one of the factors that
seems to indicate that an economy might be headed for a recession.
(A) factors that seems to indicate that an economy
(B) factors, which seem to indicate that an economy
(C) factors that seem to indicate an economy
(D) factors that seem to indicate that an economy
(E) factors which seems to indicate that an economy

Answer: D


(A) The plural subject factors does not agree with the singular verb seems.
(B) The use of the non-restrictive which is incorrect since we are talking about some
specific factors and not about factors in general.
(C) The phrase indicate an economy has no meaning. You require a that after indicate.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) The use of the non-restrictive which is incorrect since we are talking about some
specific factors and not about factors in general. The plural subject factors does not
agree with the singular verb seems.
266 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

33. One reason for the large scale exodus of people from rural to urban areas can be explained
by the greater availability of jobs in urban areas.
(A) can be explained by
(B) is given by
(C) is that
(D) is
(E) being

Answer: D

The correct idiomatic construction is—the reason for X is Y. Thus, D is the correct answer.
A reason can’t be explained by or given by something, it is something. So, A and B can be
eliminated. The use of that makes the sentence an incomplete sentence. The use of being is
awkward in E.

34. In order to reduce light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas emissions, a company can use either
low-carbon and renewal power or make land use changes; however, neither of these
strategies are by themselves sufficient to achieve success, and must be used together to
reduce emissions.
(A) can use either low-carbon and renewal power or make land use changes; however,
neither of these strategies are by themselves
(B) can either use low-carbon and renewal power or make land use changes; however,
neither of these strategies are by themselves
(C) can use either low-carbon and renewal power or land use changes have to be made;
however, neither of these strategies is by themselves
(D) can either use low-carbon and renewal power or make land use changes; however,
neither of these strategies is by itself
(E) can either use low-carbon and renewal power or it can make land use changes;
however, neither of these strategies is by itself

Answer: D


(A) The correct phrase will be neither of these activities is by itself. Also use needs to come
after either so that it can parallel make after or.
(B) The correct phrase will be neither of these activities is by itself.
(C) Land use changes have to be made is passive and breaks the parallelism. Themselves needs
to be itself.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 267

(D) The correct answer.

(E) There is no need to repeat the pronoun it after or as this breaks the parallelism.

35. The users of the new Dell laptop claim that it is much more better, or at least as better, as
any of the other laptops currently available in the market.
(A) is much more better, or at least as better, as any
(B) is much better, or at least as better, as any
(C) is much better, or at least as better, than any
(D) is much better than any
(E) is more better than any

Answer: D


(A) More better is a redundant phrase. Also better needs to be followed by than.
(B) Much better needs to be followed by than, it cannot be much better as.
(C) As better needs to be followed by as and not by than.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) More better is a redundant phrase.

36. The teacher sympathized with the students who were forced to attend classes on Sundays,
stating that if he was in charge, he would declare every Saturday and Sunday as holidays.
(A) if he was in charge, he would declare every Saturday and Sunday as holidays
(B) if he were in charge, he would declare every Saturday and Sunday as holidays
(C) he would declare every Saturday and Sunday as holidays if he was in charge
(D) if he were in charge, he would declare every Saturday and Sunday holidays
(E) every Saturday and Sunday would be holidays if he was in charge

Answer: D


(A) Since the sentence talks about a hypothetical situation, it requires the use of the
subjunctive mood. The use of if should have given you a clue to the same. The
subjunctive mood requires the use of would and were. The use of was will be incorrect.
Also is the incorrect idiom, the correct idiom is only declare.
(B) is the incorrect idiom, the correct idiom is only declare.
268 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(C) The use of was is incorrect; we require were instead.

(D) The correct answer.
(E) Same as C.

37. The amateur artist created less paintings this year than last year, and now that he has got a
full-time job, he has even less incentive to do it.
(A) less paintings this year than last year, and now that he has got a full-time job, he has
even less incentive to do it
(B) smaller paintings this year than did last year, and now that he has got a full time job,
he has even less incentive to do it
(C) fewer paintings this year than he did last year, and now that he has got a full time job,
he has even less incentive to do so
(D) lesser paintings this year than was done by him last year, and now that he has got a
full time job, he has even less incentive to do so
(E) fewer paintings this year than were created by him last year, and now that he has got
a full time job, he has even less incentive to do it

Answer: C


(A) The use of less to modify the number of paintings (a countable noun) is incorrect; use
fewer instead. Also the sentence incorrectly compares paintings made this year with
last year. The use of do so is preferred to do it.
(B) The use of smaller distorts the meaning of the sentence. Also, the phrase did last year
makes it appear as if last year did something on its own (the correct phrase should be
than he did last year). The use of do so is preferred to do it.
(C) The correct answer.
(D) The use of lesser to modify the number of paintings (a countable noun) is incorrect.
Also, the use of was done doesn’t make sense because paintings cannot be done and in
any case there must have been more than one painting.
(E) The use of do so is preferred to do it because it can only be used to refer to a noun.

38. The Town and Country Club purchased, for its members, customised golf buggies and 20
sets of the best golf clubs, also organizing training sessions for them with leading professional
(A) buggies and 20 sets of the best golf clubs, also organizing training sessions for them
with leading professional golfers
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 269

(B) buggies, 20 sets of the best golf clubs, and training sessions for them with leading
professional golfers
(C) buggies as well as 20 sets of the best golf clubs, additionally organizing training
sessions for them with professionally leading golfers
(D) buggies and 20 sets of the best golf clubs, in addition to organizing training sessions
for them with leading professional golfers
(E) buggies and 20 sets of the best golf clubs, and organized training sessions for them
with both leading as well as professional golfers

Answer: D


(A) The sentence is ambiguous and does not make it clear who is organizing the training
sessions. Also, if the Club did two things then they should be parallel—purchased and
(B) The use of for them in the last item in the list breaks the parallel structure in the
(C) The use of additionally is awkward and the use of professionally as an adverb distorts
the intended meaning of the term.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) The last part—both leading as well as professional golfers—makes it appear as though
the training sessions were with two different categories of golfers.

39. The school officials believe that students will be equally likely to break the new rules as the
current ones.
(A) equally likely to break the new rules as
(B) as much likely to break the new rules as
(C) as likely to break the new rules as they are
(D) equally likely to break the new rules as they are
(E) equally likely that they will break the new rules as

Answer: C

The correct idiomatic construction is as Only C gets this right and should be the
correct answer. Note that the use of much in B makes no sense. Also, you need to repeat they
at the end to make the comparison clear.
270 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

40. The Board’s response did not surprise Mandy at all; she was, in fact, expecting such a
(A) did not surprise Mandy at all; she was, in fact, expecting
(B) had not surprised Mandy at all; she was in fact expecting
(C) had not surprised Mandy at all; she had, in fact, expected
(D) did not surprise Mandy at all; she had, in fact, expected
(E) did not surprise Mandy at all; because she was expecting

Answer: D


(A) This sentence is all about consistency. Mandy’s expectations have to be in an earlier
time period than the Board’s response. So while A looks good, it is incorrect because it
places both the actions in the same time period (did, was expecting). The expectation
will have to be in the past perfect tense for this to be correct.
(B) Tense mismatch. The expectation is in the simple past tense (was) and the response is in
the past perfect tense (had not surprised). It should actually be the other way around.
(C) Tense mismatch. This option puts both the actions in the past perfect tense.
(D) The correct answer. The earlier action expectation is in the past perfect tense (had
expected) and the latter action response is in the simple past tense (did not surprise).
(E) The use of a semicolon and a conjunction (because) together is incorrect. Also, the
tense is mismatched because both the events are in the simple past tense.

41. Even though many more students are present in the class today than yesterday, this number
is still smaller than last week.
(A) many more students are present in the class today than yesterday, this number is still
smaller than last week
(B) many more students are present in the class today than had been yesterday, this
number is still lower than last week
(C) much more students are present in the class today than yesterday, this number is still
lower than the figure for last week
(D) many students are present in the class today as compared to yesterday, this number is
still less than last week’s
(E) many more students are present in the class today than were present yesterday, this
number is still lower than last week’s figure

Answer: E
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 271


(A) The number of students in class today cannot be compared with yesterday. The number
should also be lower and not smaller. Again, the number cannot be lower than last
(B) The use of past perfect had been is not required because the sentence does not talk
about two events in the past. Also, the number cannot be lower than last week but last
week’s number.
(C) The use of much to modify the countable students is incorrect. Also, the number of
students in class today cannot be compared with yesterday.
(D) The omission of more removes the comparison implied in the sentence. Also, the use
of less is incorrect; it should be lower.
(E) The correct answer.

42. From getting up early in the morning and going for a six-mile run to cutting out fried
foods completely from his diet to hitting the gym for two hours every day, it was believed
by Lawrence that physical fitness was the key to winning an Olympic gold medal.
(A) it was believed by Lawrence that physical fitness was the key
(B) Lawrence believed that physical fitness was the key
(C) physical fitness was believed by Lawrence to be the key
(D) it was Lawrence’s belief that physical fitness was the key
(E) Lawrence had believed physical fitness to be the key

Answer: B


(A) The sentence starts with a long modifying phrase, so whoever is doing all those
activities needs to come after the comma, that is, Lawrence. Hence, A is incorrect.
(B) The correct answer.
(C) Same as A.
(D) Same as A.
(E) The use of the past perfect tense had is incorrect because the sentence does not
mention two different past events.

43. Unsure of their ability to get a good GMAT score by themselves, private tutors are being
hired in large numbers by prospective GMAT takers for helping them prepare for the test.
(A) private tutors are being hired in large numbers by prospective GMAT takers for
272 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(B) private tutors are being hired in large numbers by prospective GMAT takers to help
(C) prospective GMAT takers are hiring private tutors in large numbers for helping
(D) prospective GMAT takers are hiring private tutors in large numbers to help
(E) prospective GMAT takers are hiring private tutors in large quantities to help

Answer: D

The modifying phrase at the beginning of the sentence is modifying prospective GMAT
takers and not private tutors. Thus, A and B can be immediately eliminated. The correct
idiomatic construction is to help, so eliminate C. The use of quantities in E to modify hiring
of private tutors is not correct, making D the correct answer.

44. The logistics start-up company, funded by a group of angel investors and looking to make
the most of its first-mover advantage, has rolled out an aggressive nationwide advertising
(A) funded by a group of angel investors and looking to make the most of its first-mover
advantage, has rolled out an aggressive
(B) funded by a group of angel investors and looked to make the most of its first mover
advantage, rolled out an aggressive
(C) funding by a group of angel investors and looking to make the most of its first mover
advantage, is rolling out an aggressive
(D) which a group of angel investors have funded to make the most of its first mover
advantage, has aggressively rolled out a
(E) having been funded by a group of angel investors and looking to make the most of
their first mover advantage, has rolled out an aggressive

Answer: A


(A) While funded and looking may not appear parallel at first glance, note that these are
not used as verbs but as adjectives (participles) to modify the start-up company. Hence,
the construction is absolutely correct because a past participle can easily parallel a
present participle.
(B) The participle funded cannot parallel the verb looked.
(C) The phrase funding by a group of angel investors has no meaning because the gerund
funding cannot parallel the participle looking.
(D) The singular group does not agree with the plural verb have. Also, this sentence
completely distorts the meaning of the original sentence by suggesting that the
funding was to make use of its first-mover advantage.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 273

(E) The use of having been is awkward. The plural pronoun their cannot refer to the
singular company.

45. The Dikes of the Netherlands were built for stopping sea water from flooding the cities and
they do.
(A) were built for stopping sea water from flooding the cities
(B) had been built for stopping sea water from flooding the cities
(C) has been built to stop sea water from flooding the cities
(D) were built to stop sea water from flooding the cities
(E) had been built to stop sea water from flooding the cities

Answer: D


(A) For stopping is unidiomatic, the correct usage is to stop.

(B) The past perfect tense is not required since the sentence does not talk about two past
events at different times.
(C) The plural Dikes does not agree with the singular has.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) Same as B.

46. Australia is one of the countries that have imposed sanctions on Iran.
(A) one of the countries that have imposed sanctions on
(B) one of the countries that has imposed sanctions against
(C) one of the countries which have imposed sanctions on
(D) one of the countries which has imposed sanctions on
(E) one of the countries that have imposed sanctions against

Answer: A


(A) The correct answer. The plural subject countries agrees with the plural verb have, and
the correct idiom is sanctions on.
(B) Singular has does not agree with plural countries. The correct idiom is sanctions on.
(C) The use of which is incorrect.
274 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) The use of which is incorrect.

(E) The correct idiom is sanctions on.

47. It is ironic that a majority of employees of the automobile company has voted against the
resolution, a resolution that was supposedly created to benefit those very employees.
(A) has voted against the resolution, a resolution that was supposedly created to benefit
(B) has voted against the resolution, which was supposedly created to benefit
(C) has voted against the resolution, supposedly created to benefit
(D) have voted against the resolution, a resolution which was supposedly created for the
benefit of
(E) have voted against the resolution, a resolution that was supposedly created to benefit

Answer: E


(A) The subject is plural employees which does not agree with the singular has.
(B) The subject is plural employees which does not agree with the singular has.
(C) The subject is plural employees which does not agree with the singular has.
(D) The usage of which is incorrect. The phrase for the benefit of is wordy.
(E) The correct answer.

48. The double-clutch gearbox of the new BMW M5 offers seamless shifts all the way up to the
7200 rpm mark; 125 mph is reached in just 12 seconds.
(A) The double-clutch gearbox of the new BMW M5 offers seamless shifts all the way
up to the 7200 rpm mark; 125 mph is reached in just 12 seconds.
(B) The double-clutch gearbox of the new BMW M5, offering seamless shifts all the way
up to the 7200 rpm mark, can reach 125 mph in just 12 seconds.
(C) The new BMW M5, with a double-clutch gearbox that offers seamless shifts all the
way up to the 7200 rpm mark, reaching 125 mph in just 12 seconds.
(D) The double-clutch gearbox of the new BMW M5 offers seamless shifts all the way
up to the 7200 rpm mark and reaches 125 mph in just 12 seconds.
(E) The double-clutch gearbox of the new BMW M5 offers seamless shifts all the way up
to the 7200 rpm mark, which results in the car reaching 125 mph in just 12 seconds.

Answer: A
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 275


(A) The correct answer.

(B) This looks fine until you realise that the subject of this sentence is the gearbox and
not the car. So this sentence essentially says that the gearbox can reach a speed of 125
mph which is absurd.
(C) This sentence does not have a main verb such as reaches.
(D) Same as B.
(E) The use of which to modify the action of the entire preceding clause is incorrect.

49. Using the pretext of reviving the flagging economy, several measures have been proposed by
the government that threaten to bring back some of the harsh tax provisions abolished in
(A) Using the pretext of reviving the flagging economy, several measures have been
proposed by the government that threaten to bring back some of the harsh tax
provisions abolished in 1999.
(B) With the flagging economy used as a pretext, several measures have been proposed
by the government, which threaten to bring back some of the harsh tax provisions
abolished in 1999.
(C) Using the pretext of reviving the flagging economy, the government has proposed
several measures that threaten to bring back some of the harsh tax provisions
abolished in 1999.
(D) The government has used the pretext of reviving the flagging economy, proposing
several measures that threaten to bring back some of the harsh tax provisions
abolished in 1999.
(E) Using the pretext of reviving the flagging economy, several measures have been
proposed by the government, threatening to bring back some of the harsh tax
provisions abolished in 1999.

Answer: C


(A) The sentence starts with a modifying phrase so what follows should be the government.
Also, that should be closer to measures.
(B) The sentence starts with a modifying phrase so what follows should be the government.
The use of which is incorrect.
(C) The correct answer.
(D) The part before the comma is incomplete as the government must have used the
pretext to do something but this clause never clarifies this. Proposing needs to be used
as a verb as this is the action that the government took.
276 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(E) The sentence starts with a modifying phrase so what follows should be the government.

50. Despite being rivals on the cricket field, Andrew Flintoff regarded Brett Lee not as an
adversary but a friend, a fact that was obvious in the historic Ashes test match between their
respective teams in 2005.
(A) not as an adversary but a friend, a fact that was obvious
(B) not as an adversary but as a friend; a fact that was obvious
(C) as not an adversary but as a friend, a fact that was obvious
(D) as a friend and not as an adversary, an obvious fact
(E) not as an adversary but as a friend, a fact that was obvious

Answer: E


(A) The use of not as necessitates the use of but as.

(B) The semicolon is not needed because the part after the comma is an appositive phrase
(C) Since as comes before not, it does not need to be repeated after but.
(D) The use of the phrase an obvious fact distorts the meaning of the sentence.
(E) The correct sentence.

51. Genetically modified seeds, with no requirement of costly fertilizer or with expensive
agriculture, help farmers grow crops in a cost effective manner.
(A) with no requirement of costly fertilizer or with expensive agriculture, help
(B) with no requirements of costly fertilizer or expensive agriculture, helps
(C) having no requirement of costly fertilizer or with expensive agriculture, helps
(D) without the requirement of costly fertilizer or expensive agriculture, help
(E) without the requirement of costly fertilizer or no expensive agriculture, help

Answer: D

The sentence is trying to state that genetically modified seeds help farmers grow crops in a
cost effective manner because they do not require costly fertilizer or expensive agriculture.
Option A distorts this meaning by suggesting that these seeds require expensive agriculture.
The use of singular verb helps with plural subject seeds is incorrect, eliminating B and C. The
use of without and no together in E creates a double negative, making D the correct answer.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 277

52. In the 1960 Chile earthquake, at least 6000 people or more are believed to have been killed.
(A) at least 6000 people or more are believed to have been killed
(B) more than at least 6000 people were believed as killed
(C) it is believed that at least 6000 people or more were killed
(D) as many as 6000 people were believed to have been killed
(E) at least 6000 people are believed to have been killed

Answer: E


(A) The use of at least and more in the same sentence is redundant.
(B) The use of at least and more in the same sentence is redundant.
(C) Unnecessarily adds the pronoun it. The use of at least and more in the same sentence
is redundant.
(D) There is a difference between as many as and at least, so this option distorts the
meaning of the original sentence. However this may not be enough to eliminate
this choice as sometimes the original meaning can itself be incorrect. In that case
notice that this belief is still true (believed to have been) so the use of past tense were
is incorrect.
(E) The correct answer.

53. Fortune favours the brave is a mantra that works not just on the battlefields but in the
(A) not just on the battlefields but in the boardrooms
(B) not just on the battlefields but also the boardrooms
(C) on not just the battlefields but also the boardrooms
(D) not just on the battlefields but also in the boardrooms
(E) not just for the battlefields but also in the boardrooms

Answer: D


(A) Not just or not only always requires but also.

(B) Since the preposition on comes after not just, a suitable preposition (in) needs to come
after but also.
(C) Since the preposition on comes before not just, it is assumed that it also applies to
whatever comes after but also, that is, boardrooms, but on is not the correct preposition
to refer to boardrooms; we should instead use in.
278 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) The correct answer.

(E) The use of the preposition for is incorrect because Fortune…brave is a mantra for the
fighter who is fighting on the battlefield. It is not the battlefield itself that is doing the

54. Experts predict that the increasing levels of air pollution in Beijing will soon make the city
unliveable, which would make the residents prone to such illnesses like asthma, COPD, and
even lung cancer and to encourage them to shift to other cities.
(A) will soon make the city unliveable, which would make the residents prone to such
illnesses like asthma, COPD, and even lung cancer and to encourage them
(B) will soon make the city unliveable, making the residents prone to illnesses such as
asthma, COPD, and even lung cancer and to encourage them
(C) will soon make the city unliveable, making the residents prone to such illnesses as
asthma, COPD, and even lung cancer and encouraging them
(D) would soon make the city unliveable and also make the residents prone to illnesses
like asthma, COPD, and even lung cancer, encouraging them
(E) would soon make the city unliveable by making them prone to illnesses such as
asthma, COPD, and even lung cancer and it will also encourage them

Answer: C

Since the prediction is being made in the present tense, the correct verb is will and not
would. The use of which is incorrect as it does not refer to what is immediately before the
comma. The use of to encourage is also not parallel with make. The use of is incorrect.

C is the correct answer as it correctly uses and also makes making and encouraging

55. Electronic devices like smart phones and notebooks, which were once considered to be
items of luxury, have now become items one cannot do without.
(A) Electronic devices like smart phones and notebooks, which were once considered to
be items of luxury, have now become
(B) Electronic devices such as smart phones and notebooks, which were once considered
to be items of luxury, have now become
(C) Once considered items of luxury, such electronic devices as smart phones and
notebooks have now become
(D) Such electronic devices like smart phones and notebooks, which were once considered
as items of luxury, now becoming
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 279

(E) Electronic devices such as smart phones and notebooks, which were once considered
to be items of luxury, becoming

Answer: C


(A) You cannot use like to give examples. The correct idiom is considered and not considered
to be.
(B) The correct idiom is considered and not considered to be.
(C) The correct answer.
(D) The use of is incorrect. The main verb are is also missing.
(E) This sentence is a fragment because the main verb are is missing.

56. According to the country’s largest television manufacturer, increase in sales of its LED
televisions, which have excellent picture quality and they also consume less power, accounts
for most of the 120% increase in revenues that the company experienced last year, the rest
of it coming from sales of LCD and plasma televisions.
(A) they also consume less power, accounts for most of the 120% increase in revenues that
the company experienced last year, the rest of it coming
(B) they also consume less power, account for most of the 120% increase in revenues that
the company experienced last year, the rest of which came
(C) which also consumes less power, account for most of the 120% increase in revenues
that the company experienced last year; the rest of it came
(D) which also consume less power, accounts for most of the 120% increase in revenues
that the company experienced last year, the rest of which came
(E) which also consume less power, accounts for most of the 120% increase in revenues
that the company experienced last year, the rest of the increase coming


The sentence needs to start with which to parallel the which used earlier in the sentence—
which have X and which do Y. The singular subject increase requires the singular verb accounts.
Thus A, B and C are out.

In the phrase ‘the rest of which’ in D, it is not clear what which is referring to. E makes it
clear by replacing which with increase, and is the correct answer.
280 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

57. The newly launched aircraft engine providing a 50% reduction in noise, double-digit
improvements in fuel efficiency and environmental emissions has been hailed by the aviation
(A) The newly launched aircraft engine providing a 50% reduction in noise, double-digit
improvements in fuel efficiency and environmental emissions has
(B) Providing a 50% reduction in noise, double-digit improvements in fuel efficiency and
environmental emissions, the newly launched aircraft engine has
(C) The newly launched aircraft engine provides a 50% reduction in noise and double-
digit improvements in fuel efficiency and environmental emissions has
(D) The newly launched aircraft engine, which provides a 50% reduction in noise and
double-digit improvements in fuel efficiency and environmental emissions, has
(E) Providing a 50% reduction in noise, the newly launched aircraft engine is also
providing double-digit improvements in fuel efficiency and environmental emissions

Answer: D


(A) It’s confusing how many things the new engine offers—if it’s two things (reduction
and improvements) then we need an and before improvements. If it is three things
(reduction, improvements, environmental emissions) then environmental emissions is not
parallel to the other two items.
(B) Same as A.
(C) This option correctly uses and before improvements. However, we require another and
before has because the sentence as a whole is telling us two things about the aircraft
engine—that it provides the two features (reduction and improvement) and that it
has been hailed by the aviation industry.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) Very awkward and confusing construction. D is much more concise and clear.

58. First prepared by the Arabs in the 15th century, the humble sandwich, named so because of
its association with the Earl of Sandwich, is a breakfast staple of people all across the world.
(A) First prepared by the Arabs in the 15th century, the humble sandwich, named so
because of its association with the Earl of Sandwich, is a breakfast staple of people all
across the world.
(B) Having been first prepared by the Arabs in the 15th century, the humble sandwich is
a breakfast staple of people all across the world, named so because of its association
with the Earl of Sandwich.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 281

(C) The humble sandwich, first prepared by the Arabs in the 15th century and is a
breakfast staple of people all across the world, is named so because of its association
with the Earl of Sandwich.
(D) Named so because of its association with the Earl of Sandwich, first prepared by the
Arabs in the 15th century, and a breakfast staple of people all across the world, the
humble sandwich.
(E) The Earl of Sandwich, after whom the humble sandwich is named, first prepared it
with the Arabs in the 15th century, now a breakfast staple of people all across the

Answer: A

This sentence is testing you on the use of modifiers. In the original sentence, the modifying
phrases First prepared by the Arabs in the 15th century and named so because of its association
with the Earl of Sandwich correctly modify sandwich, making A the correct answer.

In B, the use of having been is awkward and unnecessary. Also the placement of the modifying
phrase starting with named so... is very far from sandwich.

In C, the use of the verb is in the modifying phrase first prepared by the Arabs in the 15th
century and is a breakfast staple of people all across the world is absolutely incorrect and also
breaks the parallelism.

In D there is no verb in the entire sentence, making it a fragment.

E distorts the meaning of the sentence by suggesting that the Earl prepared the sandwich
with the Arabs. The placement of the modifying phrase now a breakfast staple... is also very
far from sandwich.

59. A recent research has concluded that organically grown fruits and vegetables were, in
general, no more nutritious than their conventional counterparts, which tends to be far less
expensive, or were they any less likely to be contaminated by dangerous bacteria such as E.
(A) no more nutritious than their conventional counterparts, which tends to be far less
expensive, or were they any less likely to be
(B) no more nutritious as their conventional counterparts, tending to be far less expensive,
nor were they any less likely of being
(C) not more nutritious as their conventional counterparts, which tend to be far less
expensive, or were they any less likely to be
(D) no more nutritious than their conventional counterparts, which tend to be far less
expensive, nor were they any less likely to be
282 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(E) as nutritious than their conventional counterparts, which tend to be far less expensive,
also not likely to be

Answer: D


(A) The plural counterparts does not agree with the singular tends. The or should actually
be nor.
(B) The use of more requires than and not as. The use of being is awkward.
(C) The use of more requires than and not as. The or should actually be nor.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) As nutritious than is the incorrect idiom, it should be as nutritious as. The phrase also
not likely to be is awkward in context of the sentence.

60. Covering almost 40% of the South American continent, the Amazonian Rainforests are
vital for all the countries in the region, helping stabilize their climate, maintaining their
water cycle and protecting them from flood, drought and erosion, acting as a source of
medicine and food.
(A) helping stabilize their climate, maintaining their water cycle and protecting them
from flood, drought and erosion, acting as a source of medicine and food
(B) helping stabilize their climate, maintaining their water cycle, protecting them from
flood, drought and erosion, and acting as a source of medicine and food
(C) helping stabilize their climate, maintaining their water cycle and protecting them
from flood, drought, erosion, and acting as a source of medicine and of food
(D) by stabilizing their climate, maintaining their water cycle and protecting them from
flood, drought and erosion, as well as by acting as a source of medicine and food
(E) by stabilizing their climate, maintaining their water cycle and protecting them from
flood, drought and from erosion, and as a source of medicine and food

Answer: B

This sentence is testing you on parallel structure. The benefits of the Amazonian Rainforests
to the countries surrounding them need to be made parallel.

In A, there needs to be an and before acting as it is the last item in the list.

B gets the parallelism among helping, maintaining, protecting and acting right and is the
correct answer.

C looks good but incorrectly skips the and before erosion. The Rainforests protect the
countries from three things—floods, drought and erosion.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 283

The use of by with stabilizing and acting but not with maintaining and protecting breaks the
parallel structure.

The use of an extra from before erosion in E again breaks the parallelism. Also acting goes
missing, further breaking the parallel structure.

61. Despite having discussed the matter with all his teachers, Lewis is still unable to decide if
he should pay more attention to understanding the concepts or to their application.
(A) Lewis is still unable to decide if he should pay more attention to understanding the
concepts or to their application
(B) Lewis is still confused between paying more attention to understanding the concepts
or to their application
(C) it is still difficult for Lewis decide if he should pay more attention to understanding
the concepts or to their application
(D) Lewis is still not able to decide whether he should pay more attention to understanding
the concepts or to their application
(E) there is still confusion in Lewis’ mind with regards to understanding the concepts or
to their application

Answer: D


(A) The use of if to state alternatives is incorrect, use whether instead.

(B) The two things Lewis is confused between are not parallel. Also, the correct idiom is
(C) The sentence starts with a modifying phrase so what comes after the comma has to
be Lewis. The use of if to state alternatives is incorrect, use whether instead.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) The sentence starts with a modifying phrase so what comes after the comma has to
be Lewis.

62. According to a recent study of home buyers, the location of a house correlates more with its
price than with its quality of construction.
(A) the location of a house correlates more with its price than with its quality of
(B) the location of a house correlates more with its price as does its quality of construction
(C) the location of a house correlates more with its price than does its quality of
284 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) the price of a house correlates more to its location than does its quality of construction
(E) the location of a house correlates more to its price than to its quality of construction

Answer: C


(A) To get this right, it is very important to understand the meaning implied by the
original sentence. The sentence basically states that the price of a house depends
more on its location than on its quality of construction. Obviously, A is then incorrect
because it correlates the location with the quality of construction whereas both of
these factors have to actually correlate with the price.
(B) The use of more necessitates the use of than and not as.
(C) The correct answer. It basically states that the location correlates more with the price
than does the quality (correlate with the price).
(D) Incorrectly correlates the location with the quality of construction. Also, the correct
idiom is correlate with.

(E) The correct idiom is correlate with. Also this sentence has the same meaning problem
as did option A.

63. Robert’s tutor recommends that, in order to score well on the GMAT, Robert should put in
at least two hours of practice every day and not practice questions indiscriminately.
(A) Robert should put in at least two hours of practice every day and not practice questions
(B) Robert should put in at least two hours of practice every day and that he should not
practice questions indiscriminately
(C) Robert will have to put in at least two hours of practice every day and not do practice
questions indiscriminately
(D) Robert put in at least two hours of practice every day and that he not practice
questions indiscriminately
(E) at least two hours of practice need to be put in by Robert every day and he does not
have to practice questions indiscriminately

Answer: D


(A) The use of the verb recommends tells us that the sentence needs to be in the subjunctive
mood. The use of he is incorrect because he can’t refer to the possessive Robert’s. Also,
the use of should with recommend is redundant.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 285

(B) The use of should with recommend is redundant.

(C) You do not use will with the subjunctive mood.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) You do not use the infinitive to be with the subjunctive mood, you only use the be.

64. According to some entrepreneurs, the most difficult choice one has to make while starting
a business is between quitting one’s day job and concentrating full time on the business,
thereby risking one’s future, or continuing with one’s day job and working part time at the
business until it finds its feet.
(A) or continuing
(B) and continuing
(C) or whether to continue
(D) or that to continue
(E) and whether to continue

Answer: B


(A) The correct idiom is between...and.

(B) The correct answer. Quitting and continuing are also parallel.
(C) The correct idiom is between...and.
(D) The correct idiom is between...and.
(E) The use of whether is not required. To continue is not parallel to quitting

65. Galileo had disproved a widely accepted theory of astronomy when he showed that the
earth was round.
(A) had disproved
(B) disproved
(C) disproves
(D) has disproved
(E) having disproved

Answer: B
286 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

The past perfect tense ‘had’ is not required in this sentence because there are no two events
happening in the past. The ‘disproving’ and the ‘showing’ happened at the same time; hence,
the use of the simple past tense ‘disproved’ should be correct. Thus, B is the correct answer.
The sentence is talking about an event in the past so the use of the present tenses in C and
D is incorrect. E is a fragment since it’s missing a verb.

66. Each invoice and gate pass must have “PAID” stamped over their number.
(A) Each invoice and gate pass must have “PAID” stamped over their number.
(B) Every one of the invoices and gate passes must have “PAID” stamped over their
(C) Each invoice and gate pass must have “PAID” stamped over its number.
(D) All invoices and gate passes must have “PAID” stamped over its number.
(E) Every invoice and each gate pass must have “PAID” stamped over their number.

Answer: C


(A) The singular subject each does not agree with the plural pronoun their.
(B) The singular subject every one does not agree with the plural pronoun their.
(C) The correct answer with the singular pronoun its.
(D) The plural subject all does not agree with the singular pronoun its.
(E) The singular subject every does not agree with the plural pronoun their.

67. Be it for losing weight, improving muscle tone, or to widen their social circle, Americans are
flocking to gyms like never before.
(A) Be it for losing weight, improving muscle tone, or to widen their social circle,
(B) Be it to lose weight, improve muscle tone, or widen their social circle,
(C) Be it for losing weight, improving muscle tone, or for widening their social circle,
(D) Be it losing weight, improving muscle tone, or widening their social circle,
(E) Be it to lose weight, improve muscle tone, or to widen their social circle,

Answer: B
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 287


(A) The three things in the list—losing, improving, to widen—are not parallel.
(B) The correct answer.
(C) Either use for only with the first item in the series or use it with all the three items.
(D) All the items in the series need to be preceded by a preposition such as for because
Americans are visiting gyms for losing weight or to lose weight.
(E) Either use to only with the first item in the series or use it with all the three items.

68. By constructing new windmill farms, consumption of fossil fuels are reduced, and tons of
noxious emissions are kept out of the atmosphere.
(A) By constructing new windmill farms, consumption of fossil fuels are reduced, and
tons of noxious emissions are kept
(B) By constructing new windmill farms, it reduces consumption of fossil fuels, and tons
of noxious emissions are kept
(C) Constructing new windmill farms reduces fossil fuel consumption and keeps tons of
noxious emissions
(D) When new windmill farms are constructed, they reduce fossil fuel consumption, and
it keeps tons of noxious emissions
(E) New windmill farms, when constructed, reduce fossil fuel consumption, and also tons
of noxious emissions are kept

Answer: C

The original sentence starts off with a modifying phrase—By constructing new windmill
farms,. What follows the comma should be whoever is doing this construction, but both A
and B get this wrong and can be eliminated. In D, the phrase ‘it keeps tons...’, the singular
‘it’ incorrectly refers to the plural ‘windmill farms’. Between C and E, in E, the last part of
the sentence starting with ‘and’ is passive and not parallel with the earlier part. Hence, C is
the correct answer.

69. As demand for the new generation of microprocessors soars, firms manufacturing the older
processors reel under losses.
(A) As demand for the new generation of microprocessors soars, firms manufacturing the
older processors reel under losses.
(B) As demand for the new generation of microprocessors soar, firms manufacturing the
older processors have been reeling under losses.
288 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(C) As demand for the new generation of microprocessors has soared, the older processor
manufacturing firms reeled under losses.
(D) As demand for the new generation of microprocessors soars, firms manufacturing the
older processors have reeled under losses.
(E) Owing to the demand for the new generation of microprocessors soaring, firms
manufacturing the older processors reeling under losses.

Answer: A


(A) This sentence is correct because the cause (soaring demand) and the effect (reel under
losses) are both in the same tense.
(B) Demand cannot soar but soars. Also, if the first clause (which is the cause) is in the
simple present tense, the second clause (which is the effect) cannot be in the present
perfect continuous tense.
(C) If the first clause (which is the cause) is in the present perfect tense, the second clause
(which is the effect) cannot be in the simple past tense.
(D) If the first clause (which is the cause) is in the simple present tense, the second clause
(which is the effect) cannot be in the present perfect tense.
(E) Wordy and awkward. The verb are is missing from in front of reeling.

70. The minister had expected brickbats, complaints, and pessimism, instead what greeted him
was bouquets, praise, and optimism.
(A) had expected brickbats, complaints, and pessimism, instead what greeted him was
bouquets, praise, and optimism
(B) was expecting brickbats, complaints, and pessimism, and was greeted by bouquets,
praise, and optimism
(C) had expected brickbats, complaints, and pessimism; instead he was greeted by
bouquets, praise, and optimism
(D) expected brickbats, complaints, and pessimism, however what greeted him was
bouquets, praise, and optimism
(E) expecting brickbats, complaints, and pessimism, was instead greeted by bouquets,
praise, and optimism

Answer: C


(A) The use of a comma to connect two independent clauses is incorrect. Also, what
greeted the minister were (and not was) three things.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 289

(B) The use of and fails to demonstrate the contrast inherent in the two clauses. Also the
minister’s expectations need to be in the past perfect tense because the expectations were
there before the greeting (which is in the simple past tense greeted).
(C) The correct answer.
(D) However needs to be preceded by a semicolon when it is used to connect two
independent clauses. Also, what greeted the minister were (and not was) three things.
(E) This is a fragment because the helping verb (was, had been, etc.) is missing from before

71. As part of its growth strategy, the company is looking to apply global strategies using local
insights along with expanding their geographical reach.
(A) the company is looking to apply global strategies using local insights along with
expanding their geographical reach
(B) the company’s plan is to apply global strategies using local insights and to expand its
geographical reach
(C) the company, in addition to expanding its geographical reach, is also looking to apply
global strategies using local insights
(D) the company is looking at applying global strategies and expanding its geographical
reach, using local insights
(E) the company’s plans are for applying global strategies, using local insights, and
expanding its geographical reach

Answer: C


(A) The use of their is ambiguous because it can refer to strategies or insights.
(B) Since the sentence starts with a modifying phrase, what follows the comma should be
the company and not its plan.
(C) The correct answer.
(D) The phrase looking at applying is awkward and unidiomatic. Also, the placement
of using local insights after the comma incorrectly implies that it applies to both—
applying and expanding.
(E) Same as B.

72. Iran that has the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves also has the world’s second-largest
natural gas reserves.
(A) Iran that has the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves also has the world’s second-largest
natural gas reserves.
290 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(B) Iran has the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves as well as having the second-largest
natural gas reserves.
(C) Iran has the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves and second-largest natural gas reserves.
(D) Iran has the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves; the world’s second-largest natural gas
reserves are also in Iran.
(E) Iran, having the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves, is in addition having its second-
largest natural gas reserves as well.

Answer: C


(A) The usage of the restrictive modifier that is incorrect since there is only one Iran in
the world and this fact—that it has the world’s fourth-largest oil reserves—applies to all
of Iran. So, the non-restrictive modifier which should be used instead.
(B) The usage of having is awkward and unidiomatic.
(C) The correct answer.
(D) Wordy. C states the same thing more concisely.
(E) Wordy again and it’s best to avoid pronouns such as its in the correct answer.

73. The policy of “Nationalism” has been around since 1975, when officials in the country—
many of whom equate patriotism with supporting the government’s policies—began to
worry in earnest about whether the country’s citizens were patriotic enough.
(A) when officials in the country—many of whom equate patriotism with supporting the
government’s policies—began to worry in earnest about whether
(B) when officials in the country—many of them equating patriotism with supporting
the government’s policies—began to worry in earnest if
(C) when officials in the country who equate patriotism with supporting the government’s
policies begun worrying in earnest if
(D) when officials in the country—many of which equate patriotism with supporting the
government’s policies—begun worrying in earnest whether
(E) when officials in the country—many of whom equate patriotism with supporting the
government’s policies—begun worrying in earnest whether

Answer: A


(A) The correct answer.

Sentence Correction Practice Set | 291

(B) The usage of them is incorrect as it creates an independent clause leading to a distortion
of meaning. The usage of if to evaluate alternatives is incorrect. The correct idiom is
worry about.
(C) The usage of who restricts the officials to only those who equate patriotism with
supporting the government’s policies. Also we require the simple past tense began
and not the participle begun. The usage of if to evaluate alternatives is incorrect. The
correct idiom is worry about.
(D) Which cannot be used to refer to officials. The usage of begun is incorrect. The correct
idiom is worry about.
(E) We require the simple past tense began and not the participle begun. The correct idiom
is worry about.

74. The rise in the level of pollutants in the Yangtze River is almost equivalent to the level of
pollutants in the Ohio River.
(A) equivalent to the level of pollutants in
(B) the same as that in the level of pollutants in
(C) the same as the level of pollutants in
(D) equal to that of
(E) the equivalent of that in

Answer: B


(A) While it may appear that this sentence is testing you on the use of equivalent/equal/
same this is not the case (and will rarely ever be). This sentence is actually testing
you on comparison of logical items. This sentence compares the rise in the level of
pollutants with the level of pollutants (and not with the rise), so is incorrect.
(B) The correct answer. That refers back to rise.
(C) This option erroneously compares rise with the level of pollutants in the Ohio River.
(D) While that can refer back to rise, we still need to mention what this rise has been in.
(E) Same as D.

75. Traditional art and modern art, both part of the cultural frame of reference of most
Americans and Europeans, share many aspects of the artistic language.
(A) both part of the cultural frame of reference of most Americans and Europeans
(B) are both part of the cultural frame of reference of most Americans and Europeans
(C) part of both the cultural frame of reference of most Americans and Europeans
292 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) being part of the cultural reference frame of most Americans and Europeans
(E) have both been part of the cultural frame of reference of most Americans and

Answer: A


(A) The correct answer.

(B) This option makes the part after the underline appear disconnected from the rest of
the sentence. Also, the use of comma before the verb are is incorrect.
(C) The placement of both distorts the meaning of the sentence because there are no two
things coming after both.
(D) The use of being is awkward. Cultural reference frame is different from cultural frame of
reference since it could very well refer to a particular type of frame.
(E) The usage of the verb have after the comma is incorrect. Also, the part after the
underline appears disconnected from the rest of the sentence.

76. In ancient times tanning, the process of treating animal skin with chemical compounds to
produce leather, was considered to be a noxious or odoriferous trade and relegated to the
outskirts of town, amongst the poor.
(A) was considered to be a noxious or odoriferous trade and relegated to the outskirts of
(B) was considered a noxious or odoriferous trade and relegated to the outskirts of
(C) was regarded to be a noxious or odoriferous trade, relegating it to the outskirts of
(D) had been regarded as a noxious or odoriferous trade and relegated to the outskirts of
(E) was considered as a noxious or odoriferous trade, which relegated it to the outskirts

Answer: B


(A) The correct idiom is considered and not considered to be.

(B) The correct answer.
(C) The correct idiom is The phrase relegating it... doesn’t make it clear who
or what is doing the relegation.
(D) The past perfect tense (had been) is not required because the sentence only talks about
one event in the past.
(E) The correct idiom is considered and not considered as. Which incorrectly refers to trade.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 293

77. In order to detect cancer early, the awareness of cancer screening and diagnostic tests is a
(A) the awareness of cancer screening and diagnostic tests is a must
(B) it is important to be aware of cancer screening and diagnostic tests
(C) one must be aware of cancer screening and diagnostic tests
(D) one must have awareness of cancer screening and diagnostic tests
(E) it is important that one be aware of cancer screening and diagnostic tests

Answer: C


(A) The sentence starts with a modifying phrase, so whoever is doing the detection needs
to come after the comma, that is, one.
(B) Same as A.
(C) The correct answer.
(D) Be aware in C is more concise than have awareness of in D which is wordy and
(E) Same as A.

78. The belief, in some cultures, about the black cat as being a symbol of evil and a harbinger
of doom is a relatively recent phenomenon; all cats, including black ones, were held in high
esteem among the ancient Egyptians and protected by law from injury and death.
(A) The belief, in some cultures, about the black cat as being a symbol of evil and a
harbinger of doom is a relatively recent phenomenon;
(B) Some cultures’ belief about the black cat as a symbol of evil and a harbinger of doom
is a relative recent phenomenon;
(C) The belief, in some cultures, that the black cat is a symbol of evil and a harbinger of
doom is a relatively recent phenomenon;
(D) The belief about the black cat as being a symbol of evil and a harbinger of doom is a
relatively recent phenomenon in some cultures;
(E) The black cat is believed to be a symbol of evil and a harbinger of doom, this being a
relatively recent phenomenon in some cultures;

Answer: C


(A) Belief...about is unidiomatic; a better construction is belief...that. The use of being is

best avoided.
294 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(B) Same as A.
(C) The correct answer.
(D) Same as A. Also, the placement of the phrase in some cultures is ambiguous.
(E) Awkward and unclear sentence construction.

79. Constructed by the Suez Canal Company and connected the Mediterranean Sea and the
Red sea, November 1869 is when the Suez Canal was opened to traffic.
(A) Constructed by the Suez Canal Company and connected the Mediterranean Sea and
the Red sea, November 1869 is when the Suez Canal was opened to traffic.
(B) The Suez Canal, constructed by the Suez Canal Company and connecting the
Mediterranean Sea and the Red sea, was opened to traffic in November 1869.
(C) Having been constructed by the Suez Canal Company and connecting the
Mediterranean Sea and the Red sea, Suez Canal was opened to traffic in November
(D) The Suez Canal, which was constructed by the Suez Canal Company connecting the
Mediterranean Sea and the Red sea, was opened to traffic in November 1869.
(E) Constructed by the Suez Canal Company and connecting the Mediterranean Sea
and the Red sea, the Suez Canal had been opened to traffic in November 1869.

Answer: B


(A) The opening phrase tells us two things about the Suez Canal—it was constructed by
XYZ and it is connecting A to B. The use of connected would obviously be incorrect
since it is acting as a verb and we require an adjective (participle). Also, the opening
phrase needs to be followed by the Suez canal.
(B) The correct answer.
(C) Having been is awkward and unidiomatic. B conveys the same meaning more clearly.
(D) This sentence makes it appear as if the Suez Canal Company was connecting the two
(E) The use of the past perfect tense had been is incorrect since the sentence does not talk
about two different events in the past.

80. The famous battle depicted in the movie took place in England, and many people assume
that it was Ireland.
(A) and many people assume that it was
(B) many people assuming
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 295

(C) not what many people assume

(D) not, as many people assume, in
(E) but many people assume it to be

Answer: D

The original sentence implies a contrast, so the use of and distorts the meaning of the
sentence. D uses not correctly to show the contrast inherent in the sentence and also uses in
before Ireland to make the parallel structure correct. Thus, D is the correct answer.

B. In the absence of a connecting word, there is no logical connection between the part
before and after the comma.

C. There needs to be a preposition in before Ireland to make this parallel to the earlier part.

E. Gets the contrasting connector but right, but you still need an in before Ireland to make
it parallel with the phrase in England used earlier in the sentence

81. The seeming unlimited supply of fresh water and the apparently absent government
regulations makes the Canary Island a popular choice for those wanting to buy their own
private island.
(A) seeming unlimited supply of fresh water and the apparently absent government
regulations makes
(B) seeming unlimited supply of fresh water and the apparent absence of government
regulations make
(C) seeming unlimited fresh water supply and the apparent absent government regulations
(D) seemingly unlimited supply of fresh water and the apparently absent government
regulations makes
(E) seemingly unlimited supply of fresh water and the apparent absence of government
regulations make

Answer: E


(A) We need the adverb seemingly to modify the adjective unlimited. The plural subject
(because of the use of and) does not agree with the singular verb makes.
(B) We need the adverb seemingly to modify the adjective unlimited.
(C) Same as B. Also, we require the adverb apparently to modify the adjective absent.
296 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) Since the first clause has a prepositional phrase (of fresh water), the second clause
should also have a prepositional phrase to maintain parallelism. Also, the plural
subject does not agree with the singular verb makes.
(E) The correct answer. Both the clauses make use of prepositional phrases.

82. The purpose of the vehicle driving test is to assess a person’s ability of recognizing the
different traffic signs as well as of his ability to steer and control a moving vehicle.
(A) to assess a person’s ability of recognizing the different traffic signs as well as of his
ability to steer
(B) to assess a person’s ability to recognize the different traffic signs as well as to steer
(C) to be able to assess a person’s ability of recognizing the different traffic signs as well
as of steering
(D) for assessing a person’s ability to recognize the different traffic signs as well as to steer
(E) that it can assess a person’s ability for recognizing the different traffic signs as well of
his ability for steering

Answer: B


(A) The purpose of the driving test is to asses a person’s ability of doing two things—
recognizing traffic signs and steering and controlling a vehicle. These two need to be
parallel. Of recognizing and to steer are obviously not parallel.The idiomatic construction
is ability to do something.
(B) The correct answer.
(C) Looks a little wordy but correct. However, notice that the non-underlined part says
and control; steering is obviously not parallel to this.
(D) The purpose of something is to do something, so the use of for assessing is unidiomatic.
(E) Unnecessarily wordy. The use of of in the phrase of his ability for steering does not
make sense. Also, steering is not parallel to control.

83. The government has mandated people living below the poverty line to be provided with
meals twice a day and their children to be provided access to free education in publicly
funded schools.
(A) people living below the poverty line to be provided with meals twice a day and their
children to be
(B) that people living below the poverty line should be provided with meals twice a day
and their children should be
(C) for people living below the poverty line meals twice a day and for their children
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 297

(D) people living below the poverty line that they will be provided with meals twice a day
and their children be
(E) that people living below the poverty line be provided with meals twice a day and that
their children be

Answer: E


(A) In the subjunctive mood, verbs such as mandate always need to be followed by that.
Also, the use of to be in the subjunctive mood is incorrect; you only use be.
(B) The use of mandated and should in the same sentence creates an oxymoron. Mandate
is an order and should implies suggestion, so they both can’t exist together.
(C) This sentence has no meaning as it eliminates that. The last part for their children
provided access also doesn’t make any sense.
(D) That needs to come immediately after mandated. The use of will is incorrect since the
sentence is in the subjunctive mood.
(E) The correct answer.

84. While investigating the reasons behind the bankruptcy of the trading company, the
empowered committee realized that the company collapsed more due to poor management
of funds than due to customers not buying the company’s products.
(A) that the company collapsed more due to poor management of funds than due to
customers not buying the company’s products
(B) that the collapse was caused more by the poor management of funds than due to
customers not buying the company’s products
(C) that the company collapsed more because of poor management of funds than because
of customers not buying its products
(D) that the collapse was more due to poor management of funds than because of
customers not buying the company’s products
(E) that poor management of funds did more to cause the collapse than did customers by
not buying the company’s products

Answer: C


(A) The usage of due to is incorrect.

(B) Since more is followed by by, parallelism requires that than also be followed by by and
not due to.
(C) The correct answer; both the clauses start with because of.
298 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) The usage of due to is incorrect. Also, due to and because of are not parallel.
(E) Passive and awkward sentence construction. Also, does not maintain parallelism.

85. The company has three divisions, each of which specialise in a particular business area.
(A) each of which specialise in a particular business area
(B) which specialises in particular business areas
(C) they specialise in a particular business area each
(D) all of them specialise in a particular business area
(E) each of which specialises in a particular business area

Answer: E


(A) The singular each does not agree with the plural specialize.
(B) In this case the subject is the plural divisions which does not agree with the singular
(C) This is a run-on sentence because the part after the comma is an independent clause.
(D) This too is a run-on sentence.
(E) The correct answer.

86. Carried by strong winds, the eruption of the volcano caused dust that crossed the United
States in three days and circled the globe in three weeks.
(A) the eruption of the volcano caused dust that
(B) the volcano’s eruption caused dust that
(C) dust from the eruption of the volcano that
(D) there was dust from the eruption of the volcano and it
(E) dust from the eruption of the volcano

Answer: E

The original sentence starts with the modifying phrase—Carried by strong winds,--so
whatever was carried by strong winds needs to follow the comma. It obviously has to be the
‘dust’ that was carried by strong winds, so the answer has to be either C or E.

The usage of ‘that’ in C results in the sentence missing a main verb; hence, E is the correct
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 299

87. In a move that delighted their shareholders as much as distressed their competitors, the two
shipping companies decided to merge, and this led to the formation of the second largest
shipping company in the world.
(A) In a move that delighted their shareholders as much as distressed their competitors,
the two shipping companies decided to merge, and this led
(B) In a delightful move for their shareholders and a distressful one for their competitors,
it has been decided by the two shipping companies to merge, leading
(C) In a move delighting their shareholders as much as distressing their competitors, the
two shipping companies decided to merge, which led
(D) In a move that delighted their shareholders as much as it distressed their competitors,
the two shipping companies decided to merge, leading
(E) The two shipping companies, in a move that delighted their shareholders and
distressed their competitors, decided to merge and to lead

Answer: D


(A) The opening clause is trying to make two things equal—the delight of the shareholders
and the distress of the competitors. The use of the phrase as much as necessitates the
use of the noun move before both the things being compared; repeating the noun
move becomes awkward, so we need an it before distressed to get the comparison
correct—the move delighted the shareholders as much as it (the move) distressed
the competitors. Also, the use of and is incorrect because it is not connecting two
independent thoughts; rather one is the cause of the other.
(B) Since the sentence starts with a modifying phrase, what follows the comma should be
the two shipping companies.
(C) The phrase move delighting their shareholders is awkward and unclear. Also, as discussed
in A, it needs to be inserted after as much as. The use of which is also incorrect because
which cannot modify the action of the entire preceding clause.
(D) The correct answer. Correctly uses the adverbial modifier leading to modify the
action of the entire preceding clause.
(E) This sentence suggests that the two shipping companies decided to do two things—
merge and lead, whereas they decided to do just one thing—merge—and this, in turn,
led to the formation of the world’s second largest shipping company.

88. According to industry experts, the biggest difference between colleges in America and
colleges in developing countries like India is that in America they are searching for students
whereas in India they are searching for faculty.
(A) in America and colleges in developing countries like India is that in America they are
searching for students whereas in India they are searching for faculty
300 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(B) in America and developing countries like India is that American colleges are searching
for students whereas in India they are searching for faculty
(C) in America and colleges in developing countries such as India is that in America they
are searching for students whereas Indian colleges are searching for faculty
(D) in America and those in developing countries such as India is that American colleges
are searching for students whereas Indian colleges are searching for faculty
(E) in America and such developing countries as India is that in America the colleges are
searching for students whereas Indian colleges are searching for faculty

Answer: D


(A) The usage of like to give examples is incorrect. The usage of they is ambiguous.
(B) The comparison between colleges in America and developing countries is incorrect. The
usage of like to give examples is incorrect. The usage of they is ambiguous.
(C) The usage of they is ambiguous.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) The phrases in America the colleges and Indian colleges are not parallel.

89. In order to improve the aesthetics of the neighbourhood, a group of citizens have suggested
that the park be not only cleaned but also beautified.
(A) a group of citizens have suggested that the park be not only cleaned but also beautified
(B) a group of citizens have suggested that the park not only be cleaned but also beautified
(C) the park should not only be cleaned but also beautified, a group of citizens has
(D) a group of citizens has suggested that the park be not only cleaned but that it also be
(E) a group of citizens has suggested that the park be not only cleaned but also beautified

Answer – E


(A) The singular subject group does not agree with the plural verb have.
(B) The singular subject group does not agree with the plural verb have. Since be comes
after not only it needs to be repeated after but also.
(C) The comma needs to be followed by who is trying to improve the aesthetics of the
neighbourhood, that is, the group of citizens and not the park.
(D) Since be comes before not only, it does not need to be repeated after but also.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 301

(E) The correct answer. The singular verb has agrees with the singular subject group. Also,
uses be correctly only once before not only.

90. In modern supermarkets, a customer does not have to stand in long billing queues if they
have purchased ten items or less as there is a separate, dedicated billing queue for such
(A) a customer does not have to stand in long billing queues if they have purchased ten
items or less
(B) customers do not have to stand in long billing queues if they have purchased ten
items or less
(C) a customer does not have to stand in long billing queues if purchasing ten items or
(D) long queues can be avoided by customers who purchase ten or less items
(E) customers do not have to stand in long billing queues if they have purchased up to
ten items

Answer: E


(A) The singular a customer does not agree with the plural pronoun they. Also, items are
countable, so should be modified by fewer and not less.
(B) Items are countable, so should be modified by fewer and not less.
(C) Items are countable, so should be modified by fewer and not lesser.
(D) Items are countable, so should be modified by fewer and not less.
(E) The correct answer.

91. The reason most new ventures fail within a year of their launch is because the founders
spend most of their efforts on formulating strategy rather than implementing it.
(A) because the founders spend most of their efforts on formulating strategy rather than
(B) because the founders are spending most of their efforts towards strategy formulation
rather than
(C) that the founders spend most of their efforts on formulating strategy rather than on
(D) that the founders have spent most of their efforts on strategy formulation instead of
(E) that most of the efforts of the founders are spent towards formulating strategy rather
than towards

Answer: C
302 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(A) The reason something happens always needs to be followed by that. Also another on
is required after than to get the parallelism correct.
(B) The reason something happens always needs to be followed by that. The use of the
present continuous tense (are spending) is awkward.
(C) The correct answer.
(D) The present perfect tense (have spent) is not required because this is a general statement
of truth, so needs to be in the simple present tense. Also, another on is required after
instead of to get the parallelism correct.
(E) Wordy and awkward. Correct idiom is to spend effort on something.

92. The shift from traditional dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is due to adults getting fewer
cavities and becoming more conscious of their looks.
(A) dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is due to adults getting fewer cavities and becoming
(B) dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is happening because adults are getting less cavities
and also becoming
(C) dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is because of adults who are getting both fewer cavities
and becoming
(D) dentistry to cosmetic dentistry is taking place because adults are getting fewer cavities
and are also becoming
(E) dentistry to cosmetic dentistry occurs because of adults getting fewer cavities and

Answer: D

A shift always takes place or happens so saying that the shift is because of something does not
make sense. Thus, eliminate A and C.

E gets the parallel construction wrong and also the singular verb becomes does not agree with
the plural subject adults.

The use of less in B to modify cavities is incorrect because cavities can be counted. So, we
should use fewer instead. Hence, D is the correct answer.

93. Friends of the reclusive poet say that he is annoying because of his erratic nature but his
words are still a delight.
(A) but his words are still a delight
(B) although he uses words delightfully
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 303

(C) and he is delightful in his use of words too

(D) while being delightful because of his words
(E) but delightful because of his words

Answer: E

Friends of the poet use two words to describe him—annoying and delightful. These two
should be in the correct parallel form. Also, note that these two qualities are contrasting so
should be joined using a contrasting connector such as but. Thus, E is the correct answer.

(A) The passive construction breaks the parallel structure.

(B) Nothing wrong with the grammar and also uses the contrasting word although. The
problem is that this option distorts the meaning of the original sentence by using
delightfully as an adverb to modify uses whereas the original sentence does not tell us
anything about how the author uses the words.
(C) The use of and and too distorts the meaning of the sentence because the poet is being
described using contrasting qualities.
(D) Unnecessarily uses the avoidable being that breaks the parallelism.

94. Unlike writing for magazines, where editors have days, even weeks, to edit copy and
proofread, newspaper editors work on daily deadlines.
(A) Unlike writing for magazines, where editors have days, even weeks, to edit copy and
proofread, newspaper editors work on daily deadlines
(B) Unlike writing for magazines, for which editors have days, even weeks, to edit copy
and proofread, newspaper editors work on daily deadlines
(C) Unlike magazine editors, where they have days, even weeks, to edit copy and proofread,
newspaper editors work on daily deadlines
(D) Unlike editing magazines, a task for which editors have days, even weeks, to edit copy
and proofread, newspaper editors work on daily deadlines
(E) Unlike magazine editors, who have days, even weeks, to edit copy and proofread,
newspaper editors work on daily deadlines

Answer: E


(A) Incorrectly compares writing for magazines with newspaper editors. Also, where cannot
be used to refer to writing for magazines.
(B) Incorrectly compares writing for magazines with newspaper editors.
304 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(C) Where cannot be used to refer to magazine editors.

(D) Incorrectly compares editing magazines with newspaper editors.
(E) The correct answer.

95. The employees in our organization, unlike that in your organization, are forbidden from
discussing client names or activities outside the office.
(A) unlike that in your organization, are forbidden from discussing
(B) contrasted to ones in your organization, are forbidden to discussing
(C) unlike them in your organization, are forbidden to discuss
(D) unlike those in your organization, are forbidden to discuss
(E) unlike the employees in your organization, are forbidden from discussing

Answer: D


(A) Plural noun employees cannot be compared with that; we require those instead. Also,
the correct idiom is forbidden to.
(B) Contrasted to is awkward and unidiomatic. Also, the correct expression is forbidden to
discuss and not discussing.
(C) The use of them is incorrect; it should be those instead.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) The correct idiom is forbidden to and not forbidden from.

96. Finding the view from the mountains fascinating, all that was there to see was thoroughly
explored by Caesar.
(A) Finding the view from the mountains fascinating, all that was there to see was
thoroughly explored by Caesar.
(B) Caesar found the view from the mountains fascinating, he thoroughly explored all
that was there to see.
(C) Finding the view from the mountains fascinating, Caesar’s exploration covered all
that was there to see.
(D) The view from the mountains is fascinating and is the reason why all that was there
to see was thoroughly explored by Caesar.
(E) Caesar found the view from the mountains fascinating and thoroughly explored all
that was there to see.

Answer: E
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 305

In the original sentence, the modifying phrase—Finding the view from the mountains
fascinating,--should be followed by whoever is finding this view fascinating, that is, Caesar.
Both A and C get this wrong, so eliminate them.

B is a run-on sentence since it uses a comma to join two independent clauses. The passive
construction in D appears very awkward compared to the active one in E, which is the
correct answer.

97. The management was impressed by the fact that even though John had prepared a very
comprehensive report, it was presented by him in a very concise manner.
(A) even though John had prepared a very comprehensive report, it was presented by him
in a very concise manner
(B) although John prepared a very comprehensive report, yet he presented it in a very
concise manner
(C) even though John had prepared a very comprehensive report, he presented it in a very
concise manner
(D) John had prepared a very comprehensive report, presenting it in a very concise manner
(E) John had prepared and presented a very comprehensive and concise report

Answer: C


(A) Uses passive clause after the comma. Since the clause before the comma ( John had
prepared a comprehensive report) is in the active voice, the clause after the comma
should also be in the active voice.
(B) The use of although and yet in the same sentence is redundant.
(C) The correct answer.
(D) The management was impressed by a contrast in John’s work but this sentence does
away with that contrast altogether.
(E) While this sentence appears short and crisp, it suffers from the same problem as
option D.

98. Manufacturers of a new exercise machine claim that it is much more comfortable to use than
older machines and hence will encourage people to exercise for longer durations; however,
their users state that they do not find the new machine any different from the older ones.
(A) longer durations; however, their users state that they do not find the new machine any
different from
306 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(B) longer durations; however, its users state that they do not find the new machine any
different from
(C) longer durations; however, the users of this new machine state that they do not find
the new machine any different than
(D) longer durations; nevertheless, their users state that they do not find the new machine
any different from
(E) longer durations, however, their users state that they do not find the new machine any
different than

Answer: B


(A) Since the subject is the singular machine, their users needs to be its users.
(B) The correct answer. Its refers to machine and the correct idiom is different from.
(C) This is a trap answer. It looks better than B because it does away with the pronoun its.
However, notice that this option gets the idiom incorrect—different than.
(D) Since the subject is the singular machine, their users needs to be its users.
(E) However needs to be preceded by a semicolon and not by a comma. The correct idiom
is different from.

99. By Friday evening, the proposal had been signed by over 1000 supporters, many of them has
left messages on the page.
(A) had been signed by over 1000 supporters, many of them has
(B) was signed by over 1000 supporters, many of them having had
(C) had been signed by over 1000 supporters, many of whom have
(D) had been signed by over 1000 supporters, many of whom
(E) was signed by over 1000 supporters, and many of them

Answer: D

It is tough to determine whether this sentence should be in the simple past or the past
perfect tense (was or had been)—the past perfect tense will be correct in this case. Look at
it this way—Friday evening definitely is a time in the past and the signing of the petition
obviously started before this. So the sentence does talk about two events at different times
in the past and you use the past perfect tense to refer to the earlier event, that is, the signing.

(A) Gets the tense right but the use of them after the comma leads to a run-on sentence.
Also, the singular verb has does not agree with the plural they.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 307

(B) The use of the simple past tense was is incorrect. The use of them after the comma
leads to a run-on sentence. The use of having had is also awkward.
(C) The use of the present perfect tense have left is incorrect since the sentence is talking
about something that was the case on Friday evening (so we should use the simple
past tense left).
(D) The correct answer.
(E) Same problems as B. Additionally the use of and is not required.

100. During his research on modern production systems, workers at a leading automobile
manufacturing firm told Professor Roberts that these systems end up encouraging temporary
or contract employment and reducing their quality of life.
(A) During his research on modern production systems, workers at a leading automobile
manufacturing firm told Professor Roberts that these systems end up encouraging
temporary or contract employment and reducing their quality of life.
(B) Modern production systems were encouraging temporary or contract employment
and reducing their quality of life was told to Professor Roberts by the workers at a
leading automobile manufacturing firm.
(C) Professor Roberts was told by workers at a leading automobile manufacturing firm
that these systems ended up encouraging temporary or contract employment and
reducing their quality of life, during his research on modern production systems.
(D) During his research on modern production systems, Professor Roberts was told
by workers at a leading automobile manufacturing firm that they were meant to
encourage temporary or contract employment at the same time reducing their quality
of life.
(E) Professor Roberts, during his research on modern production systems, was told by
workers at a leading automobile manufacturing firm that these systems ended up
encouraging temporary or contract employment and reducing their quality of life.

Answer: E


(A) The sentence starts with a modifying phrase so whoever is doing the research needs
to come after the comma, that is, Professor Roberts. Since the sentence is in the simple
past tense, the correct verb should be ended and not end.
(B) The use of past continuous tense (were encouraging) is not required. The construction
of the sentence is passive and very awkward.
(C) In the phrase these systems, these doesn’t make any sense because these systems haven’t
been mentioned earlier. The placement of the modifying phrase at the end of the
sentence is incorrect.
308 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) The use of they in the clause they were meant to encourage is ambiguous—we don’t
know whether they refers to the workers or to modern production systems.
(E) The correct answer.

101. Despite all their talk about pollution control, large organisations have so far done very little
to control ecological damage.
(A) Despite all their talk about pollution control,
(B) In spite of the fact of their having talked about pollution control
(C) Besides their having talked
(D) Although they talk about all pollution control
(E) In addition to their talking

Answer: A

The original sentence is correct as written. B is unnecessarily wordy. In C, the use of ‘besides’
means ‘in addition to’ which is not the same as ‘despite’. For the same reason E also gets
eliminated as it uses ‘in addition to’. D distorts the meaning of the sentence by using ‘all’ to
modify ‘pollution’. Hence, A is the correct answer.

102. The restructuring agency explored several alternatives, including complete and partial
liquidation of assets, but has not found any feasible solution to the problems faced by the
(A) explored several alternatives, including complete and partial liquidation of assets, but
has not found
(B) had explored several alternatives, which include complete and partial liquidation of
assets, but has not found
(C) explored several alternatives, including complete and partial liquidation of assets, but
did not found
(D) has explored several alternatives, including complete and partial liquidation of assets,
but has not found
(E) has explored several alternatives, including complete and partial liquidation of assets,
but did not find

Answer: D
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 309


(A) The restructuring agency has done two things which need to be placed in the same
tense. Explored in the simple past tense is not consistent with has not found in the
present perfect tense. You need to go with the simple past tense did not find to make
this correct.
(B) The past perfect tense had explored is not consistent with the present perfect tense has
not found.
(C) Did not found is an incorrect phrase—you need the base form of the verb after did not,
that is, find and not found (which itself is in the simple past tense).
(D) The correct answer; places both the actions in the present perfect tense.
(E) The present perfect has explored is not consistent with the simple past tense did not

103. The abundant supply of fresh water and its location, an isolated landmass in the North
Atlantic, makes Iceland a natural nesting location for migratory birds.
(A) The abundant supply of fresh water and its location, an isolated landmass in the
North Atlantic, makes Iceland a natural nesting location for migratory birds.
(B) The abundant supply of fresh water as well as its location, an isolated landmass in the
North Atlantic, makes Iceland a natural nesting location for migratory birds.
(C) An isolated landmass in the North Atlantic, Iceland has an abundant supply of fresh
water which, along with its location, make Iceland a natural nesting location for
migratory birds.
(D) Its location, an isolated landmass in the North Atlantic, and an abundant supply of
fresh water make Iceland a natural nesting location for migratory birds.
(E) Iceland, having an abundant supply of fresh water and location, an isolated landmass
in the North Atlantic, is a natural nesting location for migratory birds.

Answer: D


(A) The use of its is ambiguous as it could refer to Iceland and it could also refer to fresh
water. Also, the plural subject (because of the use of and) does not agree with the
singular verb makes.
(B) The subject-verb agreement is correct because of the use of the additive phrase
(making the singular supply the subject). However, the problem of its being ambiguous
(C) The modifying phrase at the beginning of the sentence needs to come closer to
location. Also, the singular subject supply does not agree with the plural make.
310 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) The correct answer. The use of its is not ambiguous because it comes before any other
noun (such as water) has been mentioned. The modifying phrase is also placed close
to location.
(E) Makes it appear as though Iceland has location, which is absurd. Also doesn’t make
it clear that Iceland is a natural nesting location because of those two factors.

104. The survival of many endangered species of fish in our rivers depends on both the enforcement
of regulations and recreational activities being available apart from fishing.
(A) on both the enforcement of regulations and recreational activities being available
(B) both on the enforcement of regulations on recreational activities
(C) on both the enforcement of regulations and the availability of recreational activities
(D) on the enforcement of both regulations and recreational activities
(E) on both the enforcement of regulations in combination with available recreational

Answer – C

Whenever you see ‘both’ in a sentence check for two things—the placement of both and
parallelism between the two things being referred to by both, that is, enforcement and

In A, the two things implied by ‘both’—the enforcement and recreational activities—are not
parallel. The use of being is also best avoided. B is incorrect because there are no two things
coming after both. In D, the placement of both is incorrect as it suggests that there is an
enforcement of two things happening in the sentence. In E, the correct idiom is both X and
Y and not both X in combination with Y. Also available recreational activities is different from
availability of recreational activities. C is the correct answer as it makes enforcement parallel
to availability.

105. According to a popular announcement at subway stations, one is not supposed to smoke,
drink, eat, and play loud music either aboard the train or station platforms.
(A) to smoke, drink, eat, and play loud music either aboard the train or station platforms
(B) to smoke, drink, eat, and to play loud music either aboard the train or station platforms
(C) to smoke, drink, eat, or play loud music either aboard the train or on station platforms
(D) to smoke, to drink, to eat, and play loud music either aboard the train or on station
(E) to smoke, drink, eat, or play loud music either aboard the train or station platforms

Answer: C
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 311


(A) Since aboard comes after either, a preposition needs to come after or as well—on needs
to be used before station platforms. Also, the connector among the four things—
smoke, drink, eat, play loud music—needs to be or because the use of and only implies
that all four of these cannot be done together.
(B) The usage of to in to play loud music breaks the parallel structure. Since aboard comes
after either, a preposition needs to come after or as well—on needs to be used before
station platforms.
(C) The correct answer.
(D) To maintain parallelism, there should be a to before play loud music.
(E) Since aboard comes after either, a preposition needs to come after or as well—on needs
to be used before station platforms.

106. According to the public prosecutor, the accused has been charged with siphoning off
millions from the treasury, invented fictitious deals, and lied to his superiors.
(A) with siphoning off millions from the treasury, invented fictitious deals, and lied to his
(B) for having siphoned off millions from the treasury, invented fictitious deals, and lied
to his superiors
(C) for siphoning off millions from the treasury, inventing fictitious deals as well as lying
to his superiors
(D) with siphoning off millions from the treasury, for inventing fictitious deals, and for
having lied to his superiors
(E) with siphoning off millions from the treasury, inventing fictitious deals, and lying to
his superiors

Answer: E


(A) The three items in the list—siphoning, invented, lied—are not parallel.
(B) The correct idiom to show accusation is charged with and not charged for.
(C) The correct idiom to show accusation is charged with and not charged for.
(D) The usage of for before inventing and having lied breaks the parallelism.
(E) The correct answer.
312 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

107. Every one of the support staff and the participants have to compulsorily go through a full
body search before they enter the competition area.
(A) have to compulsorily go through a full body search before they enter
(B) have to go through a compulsorily full body search before entering
(C) have to compulsorily go through a full body search before he or she enters
(D) has to compulsorily go through a full body search before entering
(E) has to compulsorily go through a full body search before they enter

Answer: D


(A) The singular subject every one requires the singular verb has. Also, it cannot be replaced
by the plural pronoun they.
(B) The singular subject every one requires the singular verb has. The use of the adverb
compulsorily to modify the noun search doesn’t make sense; you instead require the
adjective compulsory.
(C) The singular subject every one requires the singular verb has.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) The singular subject every one cannot be replaced by the plural pronoun they.

108. Modern zoos cater not only to the recreational needs of people, but also help in conducting
research and conservation of wild animals.
(A) cater not only to the recreational needs of people, but also help in conducting research
and conservation of
(B) cater not only to the recreational needs of people, but also aid in conducting research
and in conservation of
(C) not only cater to the recreational needs of people, but also help to conduct research
on and to conserve
(D) not only caters to the recreational needs of people, but also aid in conducting research
and conservation of
(E) not only cater to the recreational needs of people, but also help in conducting research
on and conservation of

Answer: C
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 313


(A) Since cater comes before not only, it must apply to whatever comes after but also as
well. So, it doesn’t make sense to put help after but also because you can’t cater and help.
Conducting research needs to be followed by the preposition on. Conducting research is
not parallel to conservation of. Finally, the correct idiom is help to do and not help in
(B) Since cater comes before not only, it must apply to whatever comes after but also as
well. So, it doesn’t make sense to put aid after but also because you can’t cater and aid.
Conducting research needs to be followed by the preposition on.
(C) The correct answer.
(D) The plural zoos does not agree with the singular caters. Conducting research needs to be
followed by the preposition on.
(E) The correct idioms are aid in conducting or help to conduct; this one incorrectly
combines the two. Also conservation of should be preceded by the preposition in (in
the conservation of ).

109. One of the artefacts that have been excavated from the recently discovered archaeological
site are estimated at being more than 2000 years old.
(A) have been excavated from the recently discovered archaeological site are estimated at
(B) have been excavated from the recently discovered archaeological site are estimated to
(C) has been excavated from the recently discovered archaeological site is estimated at
(D) have been excavated from the recently discovered archaeological site is estimated to
(E) has been excavated from the recently discovered archaeological site is estimated to be

Answer: D


(A) The subject one does not agree with the plural are estimated. Also, the correct idiom is
estimated to be.
(B) The subject one does not agree with the plural are estimated.
(C) The singular has been excavated does not agree with the plural subject artefacts. The
correct idiom is estimated to be.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) The singular has been excavated does not agree with the plural subject artefacts.
314 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

110. The charitable trust disbursed 8.7 million dollars in loans over the course of the last one year,
however, now they don’t remember who they gave it to.
(A) however, now they don’t remember who they gave it to
(B) however, now they don’t remember whom they gave the loans to
(C) however, now they don’t remember who it gave it to
(D) but now it doesn’t remember whom it gave them to
(E) but now it doesn’t remember who it gave the loans to

Answer: D


(A) This is a run-on sentence since however cannot be used to connect two independent
clauses. Who is the wrong pronoun case, we require the objective case whom. The
plural they does not agree with the singular trust and the singular it does not agree
with the plural loans.
(B) This is a run-on sentence since however cannot be used to connect two independent
clauses. The plural they does not agree with the singular trust.
(C) The plural they does not agree with the singular trust.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) Who is the wrong pronoun case, we require the objective case whom.

111. The illegal addition of two floors are not the only trouble the hotel could face, it also owes
millions in unpaid taxes to the exchequer along with two other hotels.
(A) are not the only trouble the hotel could face, it also owes millions in unpaid taxes to
the exchequer along with two other hotels
(B) is not the only trouble the hotel could face, and it also owes millions in unpaid taxes
to the exchequer along with two other hotels
(C) is not the only trouble the hotel could face; it also owes, along with two other hotels,
millions in unpaid taxes to the exchequer
(D) are not the only troubles the hotel could face, it as well as two other hotels also owe
millions in unpaid taxes to the exchequer
(E) is not the only trouble the hotel could face; it, as well as two other hotels, also owe
millions in unpaid taxes to the exchequer

Answer: C
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 315


(A) The singular subject phrase illegal addition does not agree with the plural are. The
part after the comma creates a run-on sentence. Also, it is not clear whether the hotel
owes money to the other two hotels or whether the other two hotels also owe money
to the exchequer.
(B) The use of and does not make any sense. Also it is not clear whether the hotel owes
money to the other two hotels or whether the other two hotels also owe money to the
(C) The correct answer.
(D) The singular subject phrase illegal addition does not agree with the plural are. The part
after the comma creates a run-on sentence.
(E) The singular subject it (because of the use of the additive as well as) does not agree
with the plural verb owe.

112. As far as acquiring life skills is concerned, learning how to drive is considerably more
important than to learn playing the guitar.
(A) learning how to drive is considerably more important than to learn playing the guitar
(B) learning how to drive is considerably more important than playing the guitar
(C) how to drive is considerably more important than how to play the guitar
(D) learning to drive is considerably more important than learning to play the guitar
(E) to learn driving is considerably more important than to be playing the guitar

Answer: D


(A) Learning is not parallel with to learn.

(B) The comparison between learning and playing does not make sense; learning should
be common to both the actions and driving and playing should actually be parallel.
(C) Since the sentence talks about acquiring life skills, learning cannot be omitted from
the sentence.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) Same as B.

113. By the time Tim appears for the GMAT, he will have completed a minimum of eight
practice tests, three hundred practice questions, and more than seventy hours spent browsing
through the various GMAT forums.
(A) he will have completed a minimum of eight practice tests, three hundred practice
questions, and more than seventy hours spent
316 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(B) he will complete a minimum of eight practice tests, three hundred practice questions,
and he will spend more than seventy hours
(C) he would have completed a minimum of eight practice tests and three hundred
practice questions, spending more than seventy hours
(D) he would complete a minimum of eight practice tests in addition to completing three
hundred practice questions, having spent more than seventy hours
(E) he will have completed a minimum of eight practice tests and three hundred practice
questions, and spent more than seventy hours

Answer: E


(A) Since the sentence talks about a completed action in the future, you need to use the
future perfect tense (will have completed). Another problem with this option is that it
does not maintain parallelism by making the last part passive—and more than seventy
hours spent—which doesn’t have any meaning.
(B) You require the future perfect tense (will have completed) and not the simple future
tense (will complete). You need an and before three hundred practice questions.
(C) Since we are talking about the future in the present time, the usage of would is
(D) Same as C. The parallelism is also not maintained.
(E) The correct answer. He will have completed...and spent also gets the parallelism right.

114. The consistent rising revenues of the shipping company has convinced analysts that the
company is a good one for their clients to invest in.
(A) The consistent rising revenues of the shipping company has convinced analysts that
the company is
(B) The consistently rising revenues of the shipping company has convinced analysts that
the company is
(C) The consistent rise in the revenues of the shipping company has convinced analysts
that the company is
(D) The consistently rising revenues of the shipping company have convinced analysts
that the company was
(E) The consistent rise in the revenues of the shipping company have convinced analysts
that the company is

Answer: C
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 317


(A) We require the adverb consistently to modify the adjective rising. Also, the plural
subject revenues does not agree with the singular verb has.
(B) The plural subject revenues does not agree with the singular verb has.
(C) The correct answer. Here, the subject is rise so the usage of the singular verb has is
(D) The usage of past tense was is incorrect since the sentence is in the present tense.
(E) The singular subject rise does not agree with the plural verb have.

115. It is indeed ironic to note that the subject where Barry scored the most marks was the one
in which he put in the least effort.
(A) where Barry scored the most marks was the one in which he
(B) where Barry scored the maximum marks was the same one in which he had
(C) in which Barry scored the most marks was the one where he
(D) in which Barry scored the most marks was the one in which he had
(E) for which Barry scored the highest marks was the one where he

Answer: D


(A) Where can only be used to refer to a location, not to a subject. Use in which instead.
Also, the tenses are inconsistent. Barry studied first and scored marks later so the
studying should ideally be in the past perfect tense (had)
(B) Same as A. The tense is correct in this one though.
(C) Same as A (there is a where at the end of this option, in case you didn’t notice). The
tense is also inconsistent.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) Incorrect use of where and inconsistent tenses.

116. While the term ‘sublimation’ has several meanings, in scientific terminology it is a process
where a substance changes from solid to gaseous state, without entering the liquid state.
(A) While the term ‘sublimation’ has several meanings, in scientific terminology it is a
process where
(B) The term ‘sublimation’ has several meanings, in scientific terminology it is a process
in which
(C) While the term ‘sublimation’ has several meanings, in scientific terminology it refers
to a process in which
318 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

(D) The term ‘sublimation’ has several meanings, in scientific terminology it refers to a
process when
(E) The term ‘sublimation’, having several meanings in scientific terminology, refers to a
process where

Answer: C


(A) Where cannot be used to refer to a process, use in which instead. Also, a term is
something is the wrong idiomatic construction.; the correct construction is a term
refers to something or someone.
(B) This is a run-on sentence.
(C) The correct answer. Does away with the run-on by making the first clause dependent
on the second by the use of while.
(D) This is a run-on sentence. Also, when cannot refer to a process.
(E) Where cannot be used to refer to a process. Also, distorts the meaning by suggesting
that the term has several meanings in scientific terminology.

117. The performance of the iron and steel industry this year has been better than that of any
other year.
(A) The performance of the iron and steel industry this year has been better than that of
any other year.
(B) The performance of the iron and steel industry this year has been better than in any
other year.
(C) The iron and steel industry’s performance this year has been better in comparison to
any other year.
(D) the iron and steel industry’s performance has been better this year than any other
(E) This year the performance of the iron and steel industry has been better than that of
any other year’s performance.

Answer: B

(A) The comparison is incorrect. While that can refer back to performance, you are in
essence comparing the performance of the iron and steel industry this year with the
performance of any other year, but with whose performance?
(B) The correct answer. This gets the comparison correct. It basically states that the
performance of the iron and steel industry has been better this year than (it has been)
in any other year. The use of the preposition in makes all the difference.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 319

(C) Better always takes than. Also, the comparison of performance with any other year is
(D) Same as C.
(E) That in the phrase that of any other year’s performance has no antecedent.

118. Raising raw material costs, along with escalating corporate tax rates, has made it very
difficult for companies to remain profitable.
(A) Raising raw material costs, along with escalating corporate tax rates, has made it very
difficult for companies to remain profitable.
(B) Rising raw material costs and escalating corporate tax rates has made it very difficult
for companies to remain profitable.
(C) The rise in raw material costs, along with escalating corporate tax rates, has made it
very difficult for companies to remain profitable.
(D) Rising raw material costs, along with escalating corporate tax rates, has made it very
difficult for companies to remain profitable.
(E) Rising raw material costs, along with escalating corporate tax rates, have made it very
difficult for companies to remain profitable.

Answer: E


(A) The use of raising is incorrect as no one is actually raising the raw material costs; the
correct modifier should be rising. Also the subject is raw material costs, that is, plural,
so the use of the singular verb has is incorrect.
(B) In this case we have a compound subject—rising and escalating—so the verb should
be the plural have and not the singular has.
(C) This sentence gets the subject-verb agreement correct because the subject is the
singular rise. However, notice that the rise in raw material costs has an action noun (the
rise) whereas escalating corporate tax rates is a simple gerund phrase. The two cannot
be parallel to each other.
(D) Again the subject is raw material costs (plural), so the use of the singular verb has is
(E) The correct answer.
320 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

119. To make figures appear to exist in space on a two-dimensional surface, a few artists in the
Renaissance art period developed a system of one-point perspective, a mathematical system
where all edges and forms follow orthogonal lines converging on a single point.
(A) figures appear to exist in space on a two-dimensional surface, a few artists in the
Renaissance art period developed a system of one point perspective, a mathematical
system where all edges and forms
(B) figures appear to exist in space, a few artists in the Renaissance art period developed a
system of one point perspective on a two-dimensional surface, a mathematical system
where all edges and forms
(C) figures on a two-dimensional surface appear to exist in space, a few artists in the
Renaissance art period developed a system of one point perspective, a mathematical
system in which all edges and forms
(D) figures appear to exist in space on a two-dimensional surface, a few artists in the
Renaissance art period developed a system of one point perspective, which is a
mathematical system where each edge and form
(E) figures on a two-dimensional surface appear as if they are existing in space, a system
of one point perspective was developed by a few artists in the Renaissance art period,
a mathematical system where each edge and form

Answer: C


(A) The phrase to exist in space on a two-dimensional surface makes it appear as if the
figures are literally in some space on the surface. Also, where cannot modify a system;
use in which instead.
(B) The placement of the prepositional phrase on a two-dimensional surface is very
confusing. Also where cannot modify a system, use in which instead.
(C) The correct answer. The figures are actually on a two-dimensional surface but the
artist is trying to make it look as if they are in space. The use of in which to modify
system is also correct.
(D) Same as A.
(E) Passive construction is awkward and wordy. The modifying phrase a mathematical
system...incorrectly modifies The Renaissance Art period. The use of where is incorrect.

120. Because most investors prefer long-term capital gains to annual dividend payouts, the
reduction in dividend payout ratios that have taken place during the last decade are perfectly
(A) the reduction in dividend payout ratios that have taken place during the last decade
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 321

(B) the reduction in dividend payout ratios that has taken place during the last decade is
(C) the reduction that has taken place in dividend payout ratios during the last decade are
(D) the reduction in dividend payout ratios that have taken place during the last decade
(E) the reduction that has taken place in dividend payout ratios during the last decade is

Answer: E


(A) The singular subject reduction does not agree with the plural verbs have and are.
(B) While this sentence looks correct, there is a slight ambiguity in meaning. Ideally that
should restrict reduction and not ratios. Also, this sentence incorrectly suggests that
ratios have taken place in the last decade.
(C) The singular subject reduction does not agree with the plural verb are.
(D) Same as B. Also, the singular subject reduction does not agree with the plural verb
(E) The correct answer. Correctly uses that to modify reduction. Also, uses the singular
verb is to agree with the singular subject reduction.

121. A vocal opponent of the unequal distribution of wealth, the itinerant activist has spent
time in several countries across the world, railing against the callousness and injustices
of governments, the negligence of the upper classes, and trying to forge a transnational
people’s movement.
(A) railing against the callousness and injustices of governments, the negligence of the
upper classes, and trying to forge a transnational people’s movement
(B) to rail against the callousness and injustices of governments and the negligence of the
upper classes, and trying to forge a transnational people’s movement
(C) railed against the callousness and injustices of governments, the negligence of the
upper classes, and tried to forge a transnational people’s movement
(D) railing against the callousness and injustices of governments and the negligence of
the upper classes, and trying to forge a transnational people’s movement
(E) railing against the callousness and injustices of governments, the neglecting of the
upper classes, and trying to forge a transnational people’s movement

Answer: D
322 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail


(A) The activist has done two things that need to be made parallel—railed against the
callousness and the negligence and tried to forge something. Hence, there needs to be an
and between callousness and negligence.
(B) The use of the infinitive to rail after the comma is incorrect. Also, to rail is not parallel
to trying.
(C) This construction tries to make three things parallel – has spent, railed, and tried. This
is obviously incorrect as the sentence does not try to convey this. Also, the and is
missing before negligence.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) The and is missing before neglecting. Also, the use of neglecting changes the meaning
of the sentence by suggesting that the upper classes are being neglected.

122. The State Labour Department has approved an increase in the wages of labourers from other
states, a reduction in their tax obligations, and brought joy to the thousands of immigrant
labourers living in the city.
(A) an increase in the wages of labourers from other states, a reduction in their tax
obligations, and brought
(B) a wage increase for labourers from other states, reducing their tax obligations, and
(C) an increase in the wages of labourers from other states and a reduction in their tax
obligations, bringing
(D) that the wages of labourers from other states be increased and that their tax obligations
be reduced, and brought
(E) an increase in both the wages of labourers from other states along with a reduction in
their tax obligations, bringing

Answer: C


(A) The question to ask is how many things has the Labour Department approved? Only
two—an increase and a reduction. This entire action is bringing joy to the immigrant
labourers. So, A obviously gets the parallelism wrong by not putting an and between
increase and reduction and by using brought as a verb to parallel approved.
(B) Incorrectly suggests that the wage increase has reduced the workers’ tax obligations.
(C) The correct answer. Uses bringing as an adverbial modifier to modify the action of
the entire preceding clause.
(D) The subjunctive mood does not have to be used with verbs such as approved. Also,
making approved and brought parallel makes no logical sense.
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 323

(E) The use of increase before both suggests that there was an increase in the reduction
of the workers’ tax obligation as well which is absurd. Also, the use of both always
requires and and not along with.

123. Sachin Tendulkar has a style of batting that is different from that of most other players’.
(A) Sachin Tendulkar has a style of batting that is different from that of most other
(B) Sachin Tendulkar’s style of batting that is different than that of most other players.
(C) Sachin Tendulkar has a style of batting that is different than most other players.
(D) Sachin Tendulkar’s style of batting is different from that of most other players.
(E) Sachin Tendulkar’s batting style that is different from that of most other players.

Answer: D


(A) The use of the apostrophe at the end of players is incorrect because that in the phrase
that of most other players already refers to the other players’ style of batting.
(B) The correct idiom is different from. Also, the sentence is a fragment since it is missing
the main verb.
(C) Incorrectly compares Sachin Tendulkar’s style of batting with most other players and not
with their style of batting. Also, the correct idiom is different from.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) This sentence is a fragment since it does not contain a main verb (because of the use
of that).

124. Comparing claimed speeds of the fastest cars in the world, especially in historical cases, is
difficult due to there being no standardized method of determining the top speed, nor a
central authority to verify any such claims.
(A) due to there being no standardized method of determining the top speed, nor a
central authority to verify any such claims
(B) due to the absence of a standardized method of determining the top speed and a
central authority to verify any such claims
(C) in that there is neither a standardized method of determining the top speed, nor can
such claims be verified by a central authority
(D) because of the absence of any standardized method of determining the top speed, and
of a central authority to verify any such claims
(E) because there is no standardized method of determining the top speed, or of verifying
such claims by a central authority
324 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Answer: D


(A) The usage of due to is incorrect in the context of this sentence. The usage of being is
(B) The usage of due to is incorrect in the context of this sentence. Also, the sentence
talks about the absence of two things so the preposition of should be repeated before
central authority.
(C) The part after nor distorts the meaning of the sentence by suggesting that the problem
is that the claims cannot be verified by a central authority. However, the problem is
actually the absence of such a central authority.
(D) The correct answer.
(E) Same as C.

125. The basic process of selecting the President of the United States is spelled out in the U.S.
Constitution, which has been modified by subsequent amendments, leading to the addition
of many additional steps.
(A) in the U.S. Constitution, which has been modified by subsequent amendments,
leading to the addition of many additional steps
(B) in the U.S. Constitution and it has been modified by subsequent amendments, leading
to the addition of many additional steps
(C) in the U.S. Constitution and has been modified by subsequent amendments, leading
to many additional steps
(D) in the U.S. Constitution and is modified by subsequent amendments, which have led
to the addition of many additional steps
(E) in the U.S. Constitution and has been modified by subsequent amendments, leading
to the addition of many steps

Answer: E


(A) The phrase addition of many additional steps is redundant and awkward. It’s better to
say addition of many steps.
(B) The usage of it after and is not required since it is understood that the subject is the
process of selection. Again, the phrase addition of many additional steps is redundant.
(C) This sentence looks correct but the last part is actually distorting the meaning by
suggesting that the amendments led to many additional steps. The amendments did
not lead to the steps but to the addition of the steps to the process. So, this option is
Sentence Correction Practice Set | 325

(D) Since the modifications were in the past but their effect is still felt, we need the
present perfect tense (has been) and not the simple present tense (is). The phrase
addition of many additional steps is redundant. It’s better to say addition of many steps.
(E) The correct answer.
Quick Recall
Quick Recall | 329

The purpose of this section is to provide you with all the important rules and concepts discussed in
this book in one place. Go through this section before you take a full-length practice test so that all
the Sentence Correction rules are fresh in your mind.

General Approach to SC Questions

• Do not read all the options completely.

• Always read vertically and try to split up the options.
• Split using first words, last words, idioms, pronouns, etc.
• Pay attention to the non underlined part of the sentence.

Run-ons and Fragments

• Complete Sentence = Subject + Predicate + Meaning.

• If one of the above is missing, the sentence is a fragment.
• Watch out for fragment trap with relative clauses.
• Run-on sentences use a comma to connect two independent clauses.
• How to correct run-ons:
οο Use full stop
οο Use semicolon
οο Use a FANBOYS conjunction
οο Make one clause dependent on the other
• Conjunctive adverbs—however, thus, nonetheless, etc.—must be preceded by a semicolon and
followed by a comma.
• Run-on trap—use of semicolon and coordinating conjunction together.

Subject-Verb Agreement

• Subject is before the preposition.

• When connecting two nouns using additives—as well as, along with, together with, etc.—the
subject will be the first noun (most likely singular).
• Only and makes compound subjects.
οο Exception to the and rule—when the two things are taken as one unit.
• Either or/neither nor—Get the verb to agree with the subject closer to it.
• Each/Every are always singular.
• The number is singular.
• A number is plural.
• Expressions of Quantity can be singular or plural:
οο Half the money is stolen
οο Half the books are stolen
330 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

• One of the plural noun + that/who constructions will always take a plural verb.
• Some indefinite pronouns—some, any, none, most, all—can be singular or plural.


• Will test you on time periods.

• Don’t get too technical; try to understand the meaning of the sentence.
• Pay extra attention to the part that is not underlined.
• Simple and perfect tenses are important.
• Prefer simple tenses to perfect tenses.
• Avoid the continuous tense—ing—as much as possible
• Use past perfect tense—had + past participle—only when a sentence talks about two past events
that took place at different times.
• The past perfect will refer to the earlier of the two events and the simple past tense to the latter
• Do not use the present continuous tense to refer to future events. Use the simple future tense
• If…Then constructions
οο If you exercise, you will become healthy.
οο If you exercised, you would become healthy.
οο If you had exercised, you would have become healthy.


• Pronoun reference—a pronoun should ideally refer to one noun.

οο Avoid pronouns as much as possible.
οο Possessive pronouns can only refer to possessive nouns.
• Pronoun agreement:
οο Be careful between that (singular) and those (plural).
• Pronoun case:
οο Subject case – I, he, she, they, etc.
οο Object case – Me, her, him, them, etc.
οο Possessive case – My, mine, his, her’s, their’s, etc.
οο In compound structures (Debbi and I), drop the other noun to identify which pronoun to go
• That is restrictive and which is non-restrictive.
• The rule for Which:
οο Must come after a comma
οο Must refer to the noun immediately before the comma
οο Exception—When which comes after a preposition such as in which, of which, etc.
Quick Recall | 331

• Who (subject case) and Whom (object case)

οο If the answer is him, the question is Whom.
οο If the answer is he, the question is who.
• Always prefer do so to do it.
• Do not shift between one and you.


• Adjectives modify nouns or pronouns.

• Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs.
• Be careful of choices between adjectives and adverbs—regular/regularly, economical/ economically,
• A modifier must be as close as possible to the subject it is modifying.
• Adjectival phrases/noun modifiers:
οο modify nouns and pronouns.
οο must touch the noun or pronoun they modify.
• Adverbial phrases:
οο modify the entire action of the preceding clause.
οο don’t have to follow the Touch rule.
• Misplaced modifier:
οο Put the subject immediately next to the modifying phrase.
οο Modifying phrase will mostly start with an ing word.
οο Running very quickly, the race was won by Usain Bolt. (Incorrect)
οο Running very quickly, Usain Bolt won the race. (Correct)
• Dangling modifier:
οο The sentence doesn’t contain a subject, so add one.
οο Using a stethoscope, heartbeats can be detected. (Incorrect)
οο Using a stethoscope, a doctor can detect heartbeats. (Correct)
• The possessive trap:
οο Coming out of the office, John’s laptop was stolen. (Incorrect)
οο Coming out of the office, John was robbed of his laptop. (Correct)
• The use of back-to-back modifying phrases to modify the same noun is always incorrect.


• Correlative conjunctions:
οο Include word pairs that are always used together such as either …or, not only…but also, etc.
οο The construction after the first word has to be repeated after the second word.
• Pay attention to the meaning of the sentence to figure out what aspects to make parallel.
• Simple gerund phrases cannot be parallel to complex gerund phrases or action nouns.
332 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

• Complex gerund phrases can be parallel to action nouns.

• Present participle can be parallel to a past participle.
• Sometimes it may be necessary to use that twice in a sentence.
• Commonly used Parallelism Markers:
οο And
οο Or
οο Either…or
οο Neither…nor
οο Not only/just…but also
οο Both…and


• Compare apples with apples and oranges with oranges.

• Be careful of the comparative and superlative forms.
• More/less always takes a than and not in comparison/as compared to.
• As many as/as much as always takes another as and not than.
• Like and As:
οο Use Like to compare nouns.
οο Use As to compare everything else.
οο If confused go with as.
οο Never use like to give examples, use such as instead.


• Chose from two grammatically correct options.

• Always read the part that is not underlined.
• Ways of distorting the Meaning:
οο Ambiguous placement of modifiers:
ŽŽ They noticed a cup on the table made of glass.
οο Incorrect use of conjunctions:
ŽŽ John is a good student so he did poorly on the test.
οο Ambiguous pronoun reference:
ŽŽ Joe and Paul went shopping and he fell down.
οο Faulty comparison:
ŽŽ The flowers in my garden are more beautiful than your car.
οο Incorrect parallelism:
ŽŽ The benefits to the company included increase in sales, productivity, and employee attrition rate.
Quick Recall | 333

Idioms, Style, and Usage

• Go through the idiom list on page 151 of this book.

• Avoid wordiness as much as possible:
οο Watch out for redundant phrases.
• Avoid Being.
• Avoid ing constructions.
• Avoid the passive voice.
• Subjunctive mood:
οο Hypothetical situations (if, wish, etc.)
ŽŽ Always use were and would.
• If I were rich I would buy a BMW.
οο Verbs such as insist, suggest, recommend, demand, etc.
ŽŽ Must be followed by that and the infinitive form of the verb without the to
• I recommend that the proposal be passed
• Where can only refer to a place. For other cases, use in which:
οο The town where I was born is known for its fishermen. (Correct)
οο The company where I work has gone bankrupt. (Incorrect)
οο The company in which I work has gone bankrupt. (Correct)
• Whether and If:
οο Use If to make a conditional statement:
ŽŽ If it rains, I will carry an umbrella.
• Use Whether to evaluate alternatives:
ŽŽ I can’t decide whether I should have a pizza or a burger.
οο Never use If to evaluate alternatives:
οο If confused go with whether.
• For and Since:
οο Use For to convey duration.
ŽŽ I have been waiting for the past two hours.
οο Use Since to convey when a particular action started.
ŽŽ I have been waiting since 2’o clock.
οο For can be used with any tense.
οο Since cannot be used with the past tense.
• Like and Such as:
οο Use like to compare nouns.
οο Use such as to give examples (never use like).
• Use only as an adjective and not as an adverb.
• Due to and Because of
οο Use due to only to replace caused by.
334 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

οο If confused go with because of.

• Less and Fewer:
οο Use less to modify uncountable nouns.
οο Use fewer to modify countable nouns.
• Greater and More:
οο Use greater…than to compare uncountable nouns.
οο Use more…than to compare countable nouns.
• W
ill, Would, and Should:
οο Use will to refer to future in the present.
οο Use would to refer to future in the past.
οο Use should to make a suggestion.
οο Use of should along with recommend, suggest, etc., is redundant.
• Between and Among:
οο Use between for two things and among for more than two things
• The possessive form of plural words only takes the apostrophe sign (‘) without the s at the end.
• The use of comma:
οο To set off modifying phrases.
• Whenever the sentence contains words such as barely, scarcely, hardly, etc. always check for double
οο I had barely not completed the test when the bell rang (Incorrect)
οο I had barely completed the test when the bell rang. (Correct)
Quick Recall | 335

Concluding Notes
Through this book we have endeavoured to provide you with all the Sentence Correction rules
and concepts, tested on the GMAT, in one place. This book has been written in a lucid, easy to
understand style; in fact, we have made a conscious effort to avoid grammar jargon as much as
possible and focus on understanding the meaning of sentences instead.

While we have tried to ensure that the book is completely free of errors, in case you do spot one
please post it on the SC Grail 2018 thread on the Forums section of our website. Also, in case there
are some concepts that you could not understand from the book or that you would like to discuss
with us, please post the same on our forums and we’ll respond to you within 48 hours.

Scan this QR code to quickly access our Forums over your mobile

We also welcome any other feedback that you may have on how we can make the next edition of
this book even better; do mail us the same on

We wish you all the best for your preparation.

The SC Grail 2018 Editorial Team

336 | GMAT® Sentence Correction Grail

Index—QR Codes

QR Code Video/Article
article|c_55441238_151|wiley How to structure your GMAT preparation

video|c_55441238_100|wiley Relative Pronouns

video|c_55441238_101|wiley How to identify Verbs

video|c_55441238_102|wiley Gerunds and Participles

video|c_55441238_103|wiley How to do Splits on SC

video|c_55441238_104|wiley Conjunctive Adverbs

video|c_55441238_105|wiley Singular and Plural Verbs

video|c_55441238_106|wiley One mistake you should never make

video|c_55441238_107|wiley Neither vs None

video|c_55441238_108|wiley Each and Every

video|c_55441238_109|wiley One of the Who

video|c_55441238_110|wiley Past Perfect Tense

video|c_55441238_111|wiley Ambiguous Pronouns

video|c_55441238_112|wiley That vs Which

video|c_55441238_113|wiley The usage of ‘Only’

video|c_55441238_114|wiley Adverbial Modifiers

video|c_55441238_115|wiley Correlative Conjunctions

video|c_55441238_116|wiley Action Nouns

video|c_55441238_117|wiley Parallelism of Participles

video|c_55441238_118|wiley When to repeat ‘that’

video|c_55441238_119|wiley When to repeat verbs

video|c_55441238_120|wiley Not only...but also

video|c_55441238_121|wiley Subjunctive Mood

video|c_55441238_122|wiley Whether vs If

video|c_55441238_123|wiley Less vs Fewer

video|c_55441238_124|wiley Will, would, and should

article|c_55441238_154|wiley Aristotle Prep Forums

Quick Recall | 337

QR Code Video/Article
video|c_55441240_1351|wiley Why one shouldn’t approach the GMAT very academically

video|c_55441240_1352|wiley GMAT retake strategy

video|c_55441240_1353|wiley How you should structure your GMAT prep

video|c_55441240_1354|wiley Time management on the GMAT

video|c_55441240_1355|wiley The use of tips & tricks on GMAT SC

video|c_55441240_1356|wiley Interesting tidbits from the GMAT test day

video|c_55441240_1357|wiley Two important Parallel structure concepts

video|c_55441240_1358|wiley Qualities you should look for in a GMAT coach

video|c_55441240_1359|wiley How you should analyze your CATs

video|c_55441240_1360|wiley What not to do with the GMAT Official Guide

video|c_55441240_1361|wiley 3 tips to keep in mind for GMAT test day

video|c_55441240_1362|wiley The use of coordinating conjunctions on GMAT SC

video|c_55441240_1363|wiley 5 bad habits to avoid on your GMAT prep journey

video|c_55441240_1364|wiley GMAT self-prep strategy

video|c_55441240_1365|wiley Recent GMAT trends

video|c_55441240_1366|wiley The importance of change as part of your GMAT prep strategy

video|c_55441240_1367|wiley The trade-off between meaning and grammar on GMAT SC

video|c_55441240_1368|wiley AWA and IR strategy for the GMAT

video|c_55441240_1369|wiley How you can leverage a low GMAT score

video|c_55441240_1370|wiley Why you shouldn’t let a high GMAT score make you complacent

video|c_55441240_1371|wiley The importance of change as part of your GMAT prep strategy

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