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JUNE 2109

Individual candidate performance

A list of candidates who have secured Grade Ones in eight or more subjects was requested from
the Caribbean Examinations Council. In response to our request, a list of two hundred and fifty
one (251) candidates was received.

Of these fifty five (55) candidates secured twelve (12) Grades One or more. These candidates
are listed below:

School Name Results obtained

Anna Regina Secondary Riana Toney 19 Ones
St Rose’s High Alex Abraham 18 Ones 2 twos
Anna Regina Secondary Charrandat Naraine 18 Ones 1 two
Queen’s College Samuel Haynes 18 Ones
Queen’s College Donlee Castello 17 Ones 3 twos
Swarswati Vidya Niketan Chetram Harrinarine 17 Ones 2 twos
Swarswati Vidya Niketan Manoj Lachhman 17 Ones 1 two
Queen’s College Vijay Sharma 16 Ones 2 twos
Swarswati Vidya Niketan Keisha Jaisingh 16 Ones 2 threes
J C Chandisingh Sec Jhashodra Ramnarain 16 Ones 1 two
Queen’s College Daniel Roopchand 16 Ones 1 two
Queen’s College Jorrel De Santos 16 Ones
Queen’s College Brianna Gopie 16 Ones
St Ignatius Secondary Amisha Ramdin 15 Ones 5 twos
Anna Regina Secondary Premchand Rampersaud 15 Ones 3 twos
Swarswati Vidya Niketan Dharshanie Birbal 15 Ones 3 twos
Queen’s College Alicialall Hiralall 15 Ones 2 twos 1 three
Queen’s College Cameron Fraser 15 Ones 1 two
Abram’s Zuil Secondary Ushanna Mohan 15 Ones 1 two
Queen’s College Bhamini Singh 14 Ones 3 twos 1 three
Swarswati Vidya Niketan Pramod Hanoman 14 Ones 3 twos 1 three
School Name Results obtained
Skeldon Line Path Sec Yogeshwari Balram 14 Ones 3 twos
St Stanislaus College Abdul Subhan 14 Ones 2 twos
Queen’s College Aryan Tulsi 14 Ones 1 two 1 three
St Stanislaus College Rachel Cecil 14 Ones
Queen’s College Chandini Baljor 13 Ones 4 twos 1 three
Queen’s College Ruthlyn Mangroo 13 Ones 4 twos
Anna Regina Secondary Begum Baksh 13 Ones 4 twos
ISA Islamic Academy Najihah Ibrahim 13 Ones 4 twos
Diamond Secondary Renesha Shiwbalak 13 Ones 4 twos
Swarswati Vidya Niketan Tameshwar Jodhan 13 Ones 3 twos
Queen’s College Zaid Bacchus 13 Ones 2 twos 1 three
Queen’s College Miranda Thomas 13 Ones 2 twos
Fraser’s Educational Institute Shastri Singh 13 Ones 1 two 1 four
Queen’s College Christal Craig 13 Ones 1 two
Queen’s College Isaac Mallampati 13 Ones 1 two
Queen’s College Tonia Pyle 13 Ones 1 two
Tagore Memorial High Gavendra Mohabir 13 Ones 1 two
Marian Academy Randy Hamilton 13 Ones 1 two
Queen’s College Saskia Cheong 13 Ones
Queen’s College Ravi Singh 13 Ones
Mae’s Secondary Damian Seeraj 13 Ones
J C Chandisingh Sec Arifa Ashidally 12 Ones 7 twos
Swarswati Vidya Niketan Geetanjali Ramraj 12 Ones 5 twos 1 three
Camille’s Business Inst. Shania Sobers 12 Ones 2 twos 2 threes
Queen’s College Rasheda Jeffrey 12 Ones 3 twos
Anna Regina Renuka Persaud 12 Ones 2 twos
Queen’s College Ravindra Ganpat 12 Ones 2 twos
Queen’s College Vincent Metiver-Ali 12 Ones 2 twos
President’s College Kumar Persaud 12 Ones 2 twos
Swarswati Vidya Niketan Terenna Bacchus 12 Ones 1 two 1 three
School Name Results obtained
Queen’s College Keayla Vanderstoop 12 Ones 1 two
Zeeburg Secondary Diana Persaud 12 Ones 1 two
Queen’s College Ameena Mohamed 12 Ones
Swarswati Vidya Niketan Nelly Seenanan 12 Ones
Queen’s College Jeanique Williams 11 Ones 3 twos
Queen’s College Maria Shakoor 11 Ones 2 twos
Queen’s College Aimee Ali 11 Ones 2 twos 1 three
Queen’s College Ariana Ramdharie 11 Ones 2 twos 1 three
Queen’s College Gabrielle Samlall 11 Ones 1 two 1 three
Queen’s College Thomas Singh 11 Ones 2 twos
The Bishops’ High Nevalli Pinheiro 11 Ones 2 twos
Queen’s College Zaria Fung 11 Ones 1 two
Rosignol Sec Martha Jainarain 11 Ones 1 three
St Stanislaus College Davina Jetoo 11 Ones 2 twos
St Stanislaus College Surendra Keneez 11 Ones 1 two
Queen’s College Christine Halley 11 Ones 2 twos
Queen’s College Jedia Jeffrey 11 Ones 3 twos
Queen’s College Lucas Jonas 11 Ones 1 two
Queen’s College Vanita Mahadeo 11 Ones 1 two
St Stanislaus College Anish Sookdeo 11 Ones 1 two
Skeldon Line Path Sec Ramona Ragubeer 11 Ones 3 twos
Skeldon Line Path Sec Asheanna Ramlakhan 11 Ones 3 twos 1 three
Abram’s Zuil Sec Saeed Hakh 11 Ones 1 two
Marian Academy Ethan Lee 11 Ones 2 twos
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Kristina Mohan 11Ones 6 twos 1 three
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Cindy Persaud 11 Ones 3 twos
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Sandeep Boodram 11 Ones 5 two
The Bishops’ High Kristeen Chase 10 Ones 3 twos
Queen’s College Samuela Bruce 10 Ones 3 twos 1 three
Queen’s College Vindhya Challu 10 Ones 2 two 1 three
The Bishops’ High Sarah Rahim 10 Ones 2 twos 1 three
Queen’s College Amira Forde 10 Ones 2 twos
Queen’s College Amrita Ghandatte 10 Ones 1 two
Queen’s College Rhea Sahai 10 Ones 2 twos
Queen’s College Analise Samaroo 10 Ones 1 two
Queen’s College Dhaniram Beepat 10 Ones 2 twos
The Bishops’ High Mareisa Nascimento 10 Ones 2 twos
Anna Regina Sec Avinash Shivprashad 10 Ones 1 two
Berbice High Simeon De Abreu 10 Ones 1 two
New Amsterdam Sec Tavita Deonarain 10 Ones 1 two
New Amsterdam Sec Sarah Reid 10 Ones 1 two
Bygeval Sec Sufiyah Osman 10 Ones
Queen’s College Brandon Jaikarran 10 Ones 1 two 1 three
Berbice High Khileshwar Naraindeen 9 Ones 2 twos
Berbice High Daniel Narsaiah 8 Ones 4 twos 3 threes
Berbice High Joel Persaud 8 Ones 3 twos
Berbice High Prenitra Ramcharitar 8 Ones 3 twos 1 three
The Bishops’ High Akashani Alli 8 Ones 1 two
The Bishops’ High Crystal Benjamin 9 Ones 2 twos
The Bishops’ High Karena Boodram 9 Ones 3 twos
The Bishops’ High Johanna Craigen 9 Ones 1 two
The Bishops’ High Ameerah Edun 8 Ones 1 two 1 three
The Bishops’ High Malkia Harris 9 Ones 3 two 1 four
The Bishops’ High Trissoon Harte 9 Ones 2 twos 1 three
The Bishops’ High Keyana Hodge 9 Ones 2 twos 1 three
The Bishops’ High Kelly-Ann Kellman 9 Ones 3 twos
The Bishops’ High Jordan Kellman 9 Ones 4 twos 1 three
The Bishops’ High Randy Khedoo 9 Ones 2 twos
Central High Marcella Naughton 9 Ones 3 twos
The Bishops’ High Duwon Younge 9 Ones 2 twos 1 three
Mackenzie High Tonesia Jacobis 9 Ones 2 twos
J C Chandisingh Sec Vishal Sugrim 9 Ones 1 two
The Bishops’ High Lajwanti Miranjie 9 Ones 3 twos 1 three
New Amsterdam Sec Charisma Bhikhai 9 Ones 1 two
New Amsterdam Sec Varshani Jagdeo 9 Ones 1 two
New Amsterdam Sec Hannah Lalloo 9 Ones 1 two
Queen’s College Magdieel Micassing 9 Ones 4 twos 1 three
Queen’s College Bhipasha Challu 9 Ones 2 twos
Rosignol Sec Grace Etwaru 9 Ones 3 twos 1 three
Rosignol Sec Ashawattie Jagmohan 9 Ones 2 twos
St Joseph High Emily Cozier 9 Ones 2 twos
St Joseph High Daniel Mc Almont 9 Ones 3 twos
Queen’s College Jaya Persaud 9 Ones 4 twos
The Bishops’ High Pretima Lall 8 Ones 4 twos
The Bishops’ High Quanisha Sas Patterson 8 Ones 8 twos 1 three
The Bishops’ High Avinash Ramkumar 8 Ones 4 twos 1 three
The Bishops’ High Selena Ramnarine 8 Ones 3 twos 1 three
The Bishops’ High Aviva Read 8 Ones 2 twos 1 three
The Bishops’ High Timothy Richmond 8 Ones 4 Ones 1 three
The Bishops’ High Ayrton Waldron 8 Ones 5 twos 1 three
Bygeval Sec Rebekah Singh 8 Ones 1 two
Central High Delicia Cameron 8 Ones 3 twos 1 three
Central High Arifa Drepaul 8 Ones 2 twos
Central High Savanna Sepaul 8 Ones 2 twos
Christ Church Sec Jason Harris 9 Ones
J C Chandisingh Sec Elisabeth Ramtahal 8 Ones 1 two 1 three
Hope Secondary Keziah Ramlochan 8 Ones 1 two
Hope Secondary Jasueda Seedat 8 Ones 1 two
Hope Secondary Cyintha Singh 8 Ones
Mackenzie High Gabreille Burgess 8 Ones 2 two 1 three
Brickdam Sec Kalisha Frank 8 Ones
New Amsterdam Sec Nandini Beeraspat 8 Ones 1 two
New Amsterdam Sec Aveshkar Seepersaud 8 Ones 1 two 1 three
Queen’s College Aviannah Dannet 8 Ones 3 twos 2 threes
Queen’s College Colisha Hazelwood 9 Ones 1 two 2 threes
Queen’s College Asif Hoosein 8 Ones 3 twos 2 three
Queen’s College Ryan Mc Garrell 8 Ones 3 twos 1 three
Queen’s College Aldercy Peters 8 Ones 7 twos 1 three
Queen’s College Joash Prowell 8 Ones 3 twos 2 threes
Queen’s College Eliana Sampson 9 Ones 3 twos
Queen’s College Arayan Sankar 10 Ones 3 twos
Queen’s College Beyonce Skekel 10 Ones 8 twos
St Stanislaus College Chitra Persaud 10 Ones
St Joseph High Corissa Mc Clure 10 Ones
St Joseph High Himlata Singh 10 Ones 2 twos
St Rose’s High Rodhika Dhanraj 10 Ones 2 twos 1 three
St Rose’s High Serena Mayers 10 Ones
St Rose’s High Waynetta Naughton 10 Ones 4 twos
Abram’s Zuil Sec Alex Chan 10 Ones 2 twos
Zeeburg Sec Bibi Hussain 10 Ones 2 twos
West Demerara Sec Gajendra Persaud 10 Ones 2 twos
St Rose’s High Tatayana Pearson 10 Ones 2 two, 1 three, 1 four
Skeldon Line Path Sec Shakeira Persaud 10 Ones 4 twos 2 threes
West Demerara Sec Sharada Indardeo 10 Ones 2 twos
President’s College Aruna Sukhdeo 10 Ones 1 two 1 three
President’s College Shazeda Sulaiman 10 Ones 2 twos
I.S.A Islamic Imran Sebastian 10 Ones 2 twos 1 three
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Devi Kumar 10 Ones 3 twos
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Sharda Ranglall 10 Ones 2 twos
Diamond Secondary Randy Warisali 10 Ones 2 two
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Latifah Pillay 9 Ones 5 twos
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Tricia Ramcharran 9 Ones 3 twos
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Alec Ramdhan 9 Ones 4 twos
I.S.A Islamic Saifudeen Baksh 9 Ones 3 twos
I.S.A Islamic Fatemah Yarde 9 Ones 6 twos 2 threes
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Sasha Ali 9 Ones 5 twos 2threes
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Aaliyah Bacchus 9 Ones 5 twos
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Bhalminee Dharry 9 Ones 6 twos 2 three
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Maneesha Panchu 9 Ones 4 twos 1 three
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Eliana Sinclair 9 Ones
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Brian Geer 9 Ones
Diamond Secondary Alex Singh 9 Ones 1 two
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Hayshanie Choonilall 9 Ones 4 twos 1 three
Abram’s Zuil Sec Imtiayaaz Ally 9 Ones 4 twos
St Rose’s High Garfield Dover 9 Ones 3 twos 2 three
St Stanislaus College Athena Arjoon 9 Ones 4 twos 1 three
St Stanislaus College Adrian Connelly 9 Ones 2 twos
St Stanislaus College Arantxa English 9 Ones 1 two 1 three
St Stanislaus College Kayarah Hazelwood 9 Ones 1 three
St Stanislaus College Raeda Persaud 9 Ones 1 two 1 three
Skeldon Line Path Sec Kamela Singh 9 Ones 4 twos 1 three
Tagore Memorial High Leeya Hussain 9 Ones 1 two
Tagore Memorial High Ganesh Ramchan 9 Ones 4 twos
West Demerara Sec Mohamed Baksh 9 Ones 4 twos
Mae’s Secondary Marcus Morgan 9 Ones 2 threes
Marian Academy Angelique Foo 9 Ones 2 twos 1 three
Marian Academy Ridel Hernandez 9 Ones 2 threes
Mae’s Secondary Keran Paykoo 8 Ones 3 twos
Marian Academy Andrew Ally 8 Ones 2 twos 2 threes
Marian Academy Narendra Singh 8 Ones 2 threes
Queen’s College Zakariyya Yacoob 8 Ones 1 two 1 three
Rosignol Sec Pauja Mohabir 8 Ones 2 twos 1 four
St Joseph High Delancia Semple 8 Ones 2 twos
St Rose’s High Keisha Badrinauth 8 Ones 2 twos
St Stanislaus College Anisa Khan 8 Ones 2 twos 1 three
St Stanislaus College Viviek Persaud 8 Ones 3 twos
St Stanislaus College Marissa Singh 8 Ones 1 two 1 three
St Stanislaus College Ceylina Sullivan 8 Ones 2 twos 2 threes
Skeldon Line Path Sec Nareza Lalmahamad 8 Ones 2 twos 1 three
Tagore Memorial High Shontell Major 8 Ones 2 twos 1 three
West Demerara Sec Jemimah Carter 8 Ones 3 twos
West Demerara Sec Satish Haripal 8 Ones 3 twos
West Demerara Sec Amit Jodan 8 Ones 2 twos
West Demerara Sec Divya Persaud 8 Ones 3 twos
West Demerara Sec Khemraj Persaud 8 Ones 4 twos 2 threes
West Demerara Sec Keli Raghunandan 9 Ones 1 two 1 three
West Demerara Sec Christopher Rambharose 8 Ones 2 twos
West Demerara Sec Kelly Wilson 8 Ones 4 twos
West Demerara Sec Yaresa Yusuff 8 Ones 2 twos 2 threes
Zeeburg Sec Keianna Gillis 8 Ones 6 twos
Zeeburg Sec Serena John 8 Ones 2 twos
Zeeburg Sec Darshana Ramotar 8 Ones 4 twos
St Ignatius Secondary Azem Flatts 8 Ones 1 two
Abram’s Zuil Sec Johni Walcott 8 Ones 5 twos, 2 three,1 four
President’s College Devkumar Gangaram 8 Ones
Queen’s College Utamu Clarke 8 Ones 3 twos 2 threes
President’s College Jannai Williams 8 Ones 2 twos
Anna Regina Sec Keshanna Sukhnandan 8 Ones 6 twos
Mae’s Secondary Shanae Heber 8 Ones 3 twos
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Bhuwandai Gharbaran 8 Ones 5twos 1 three
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Anjali Ramsaroop 8 Ones 4 twos 1 three
Diamond Secondary Michelle Sookdai 8 Ones 2 two
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Natalia Bobb 8 Ones
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Indal Harripersaud 8 Ones 3 twos 3 threes
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Subadra Hiralall 8 Ones 4 twos 1 three
Diamond Secondary Reenewka Persaud 8 Ones 3 twos 1 three
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Kavish Ramkoobar 8 Ones 4 twos 2 threes
Diamiond Secondary Kellia Baptiste 8 Ones 2 twos 1 three
1 four
Diamond Secondary Rhea Glahan 8 Ones 3 twos 1 three
Diamond Secondary Shondel Miller 8 Ones 2 twos 2 three
I.S.A Islamic Aziz Shaneeza 8 Ones 3 twos 2 threes
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Indal Harripersaud 8 Ones 3 twos 3 threes
Saraswati Vidya Nitean Subadra Hiralall 8 Ones 4 twos 1 three
The ‘Top’ two hundred and fifty one (251) candidates are from the following schools:

Region School No of Candidates

2 Anna Regina Secondary 07

Abrams’s Zuil Secondary 05
Al Madinah Islamic Academy 01

3 West Demerara Secondary 12

Zeeburg Secondary 05
Swarswati Vidya Niketan 29

4 Diamond Secondary 08
President’s College 05
Hope Secondary 03
Annandale Secondary 01
Camille’s Institute of Business 03
Apex Academy 01

5 Rosignol Secondary 04
Bygeval Secondary 02
Fraser’s Educational Institute 05

6 New Amsterdam Secondary 07

Skeldon Line Path Secondary 06
Berbice High 05
J C Chandisingh Secondary 04
Tagore Memorial Secondary 04

9 St Ignatius Secondary 02

10 Mackenzie High 02

Georgetown Queen’s College 57

The Bishops’ High 24
St Stanislaus College 15
St Rose’s High 07
Marian Academy 06
St Joseph High 05
ISA Islamic 05
Central High 04
Mae’s Secondary 04
Christ Church Secondary 01
Brickdam Secondary 01
Guyana Private (090117) 01

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