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 Media Languages are codes, conventions, formats, symbols and narrative structures that
indicate the meaning of media messages to an audience.
 Role of media and information in effective communication are:
1. It makes the world a smaller place.
2. It makes communication convenient.
3. It shapes public opinion.
 Wilbur Schramm, The Process and Effects of Mass Communication elements:
1. Message 2. Encoder, Interpreter and Decoder
 Information Literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is
needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use the needed information effectively.
 Media Habit is a person’s normal use of media.
 Convention refer to a standard or norm that acts as a rule governing behavior. These are
generally established and accepted ways of doing something.
 SMCR stands for sender, message, channel and receiver.
 USB stands for universal serial bus.
 Core Rules of Netiquette
1. Remember the Human.
2. Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life.
3. Know where you are in cyberspace.
4. Respect other people’s time and bandwidth.
5. Make yourself look good online.
6. Share expert knowledge.
7. Help keep flame wars under control.
8. Respect other people’s privacy.
9. Do not abuse your power.
10. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes.
 Values of media are pervasiveness, information source, entertainment source, persuasion
forum and binding influence.
 The Industrial Revolution was the period of time during the 18th and 19th centuries when the
face of industry changed dramatically.
 Forms of Indigenous Media
1. Folk or traditional media
2. Gathering and social organizations
3. Direct observation
4. Records (Written, carved or oral)
5. Oral Instruction
 Media Lifestyle refers to a person’s use of media based on his/her styles.
 Konrad Zuse is the inventor of the first calculator and computer.
 Twitter is an American online news and social networking service on which users post and
interact with messages known as “tweets”.
 Samuel Morse created the Morse code in 1833.
 John Vivian is the author of “The Media of Mass Communication that explained the
importance of media.
 Non-verbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages.
 The London Gazette is one of the official journals of record of the British government during the
industrial age.
 Stages of Information Literacy:
1. Identifying or Recognizing information needs.
2. Determining sources of information.
3. Citing or searching for information.
4. Analyzing and evaluating the quality of information.
5. Organizing, storing or archiving information.
6. Using information in an ethical, efficient and effective way.
7. Creating and communicating new knowledge.
 ENIAC stands for electronic numerator integrator and calculator.
 Charles Babbage is the inventor of the difference engine.
 Mass Media refers to the channels of communication that involves transmitting information
way, shape or form to large numbers of people.
 Four essential characteristics of mass media:
1. Technology
2. Scale
3. Distance
4. Commodity
 Telephone is telecommunication device that permits two or more users to conduct a
 Primary sources are sources from original manuscripts, documents or records that are used in
preparing for a published or unpublished work.
 Thomas Alba Edison created the phonograph.
 James Watt is the creator of the first truly reliable steam engine in 1775.
 HTML stands for hypertext markup language.
 Purpose of producers and users are:
1. To inform
2. To educate
3. To entertain
4. To advocate
5. To promote business
6. To increase network
 Johannes Gutenberg is the scientist created the very first printing press in Gutenberg and
 Indigenous Communication is the transmission of information through local channels or forms.
It is a means by which the culture is preserved, handed down and adapted.
 .JPEG stands for joint photographic experts group.
 UNIVAC stands for universal automatic computer.
 Broadcast Media refers to the airborne transmission of electromagnetic audio signals (radio) or
audiovisual signals (television) that are readily accessible to a wide population via standard
 Media Demassification is derived from the word demassify which means to divide or break-up
into its components parts.
 Information wants deal with the desire to have information.
 Verbal Communication is refer to the form of communication in which the message is
transmitted verbally.
 Ted Nelson is the inventor of the hypertext project.
 Benjamin Franklin discovered the electricity in this year 1780.
 Media Literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate information in a
variety of forms.
 Information can be broadly defined as data, knowledge or instructions through signals or
 John Atanasoff is the inventor of the ABC computer.
 Internet are global computer network providing a variety of information and communication
facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.
 Universal resource locators (URL) is a unique identifier that allows computers to connect to a
network and exchange messages.
 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the coding that would allow computers to read internet
 Technical Codes are ways in which equipment is used to tell the story. This includes sound,
camera angles, types of shots and lighting as well as camera techniques, framing, depth of
field, lighting, exposure and juxtaposition.
 .GIF stands for graphic interchange format.
 Symbolic Codes shows what is beneath the surface of what we see or iconic symbols that are
easily understood.
 Clay tablets were used as a writing medium especially for writing the cuneiform.
 Computer Addiction is the excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily
 Claude Shannon is father of Information Age.
 Media preference is pertaining to a person’s choice of media platform.
 Berlos’s SMCR Model of Communication - According to this model, for the message to be
properly encoded and decoded, the communication skills of both the source and the
receiver should be the best.
 Tim Berners-Lee created WWW (World Wide Web).
 People discover fire to developed weapons and tools with the use of stone.
 Blog is a regularly updated websites or web page typically one run by an individual or small
group that is written in an informal or conversational style.
 Communication of Information is the operationally defined as the transfer of meaning.
 Wilbur Schramm is the author of “The Process and Effects of Mass Communication.”
 Media Law is a legal field that relates to legal regulation of the telecommunications industry,
information technology, broadcasting, advertising, the entertainment industry, censorship, and
the internet and online services among others.

Ms. Sheila Joy Bazar Ross

ICT/MEIL Instructor

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