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Pega Robotic Automation

Studio Plug-in
8.0 SP1

© 2018 Pegasystems Inc., Cambridge, MA

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marks are property of their respective holders.
For information about the third-party software that is delivered with the product, refer to the third-party license
file on your installation media that is specific to your release.

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Updated: October 18, 2018

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1 Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in

2 Minimum requirements

3 Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in using the Setup


9 Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in from the command

10 Switches
10 Parameters

14 Installing the OCR screen scraping feature

15 Uninstalling the system

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio
This document describes how to install the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in for use with
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 edition. Pega offers two editions of Robotic Automation Studio to
support the different needs of our users.

Robotic Robotic Automation Studio is a complete stand-alone version built for developers who do
Automation not have Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 installed.
Studio As part of the Robotic Automation Studio installation, the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
Isolated Shell is installed, which provides the Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
foundation for Robotic Automation Studio and a familiar, feature-rich development
Refer to the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1Installation Instructions for
instructions on installing the Robotic Automation Studio stand-alone edition.
Robotic The Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in integrates with Visual Studio 2015, so you can
Automation leverage Microsoft developer tools to rapidly create Robotic Automation Studio projects
Studio Plug-in from within Visual Studio.

Note Both editions include support for all features of the Robotic Automation Studio IDE and you can switch
between editions as your needs and environment change.

This document includes the following topics:

• Minimum requirements
• Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in using the Setup wizard
• Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in from the command line
• Installing the OCR screen scraping feature
• Uninstalling the system

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 1

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Minimum requirements

Minimum requirements
The minimum configuration required to run the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in plug-in is
shown in this table.

Component Requirement
Processor Dual core or faster processor
RAM 4 GB total RAM
Disk Space 150 MB
Operating system These Windows operating systems are supported:
• Windows 7 (32- and 64-bit)
• Windows 8.1 (32- and 64-bit)
• Windows 10 (32- and 64-bit)
• Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)
• Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)
Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 8-11 (32-bit) are supported. The 64-bit version of
Internet Explorer 11 is also supported. The Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in plug-
in offers support for the following browsers:
• Mozilla Firefox versions 52 and higher *
• Mozilla Firefox ESR versions 52 and higher *
• Google Chrome versions 38 and higher
Other You must also have the following applications:
applications • Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 with Update 3.
• Microsoft .NET Framework versions 2.0 (bundled with 3.5 SP1), 4.0, and 4.6
• Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 (x86 and x64)
Note: Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in does not work with Microsoft Visual
Studio Express editions. If you do not have the correct versions of these applications, the
Setup wizard will download and install them. For more information, see Setup wizard
prerequisites for Robotic Automation version 8.0 and 8.0SP1.
For information on interrogating web applications on Windows 10 and Windows server 2016, see How do I
interrogate web pages in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016?
* You must have 8.0.2006 or later for Mozilla Firefox support.

Note All applications integrated using the Robotic Automation Studio Platform must run at the same integrity
level. The sole exception is that this version of Robotic Automation Studio supports Internet Explorer
protected mode.

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 2

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in using the Setup wizard

Installing the Robotic Automation Studio

Plug-in using the Setup wizard
Follow these steps to install the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in.

Note For best results, install from a local drive, not a mapped drive.
If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Studio, first back up your solutions and then use Windows
Control Panel to uninstall the earlier version. For more information see Uninstalling the system.

1. Use Digital Software Delivery to download the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in setup file.
Unzip this file into a temporary folder location.
2. Make sure Microsoft Visual Studio is closed, then right click on the setup executable file
(OpenSpanPluginVS2015Setup.exe) and select Run as Administrator. The Setup wizard

Note The Setup wizard performs prerequisites system and machine checks before installing the Robotic
Automation Studio Plug-in on your machine. If any programs required to run the Robotic Automation
Studio Plug-in are missing, you will be prompted to install them.

3. Click Next to continue. The Pega Robotic Automation Office Support panel is displayed.

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 3

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in using the Setup wizard

4. Select the version of Microsoft Office installed on this machine. Select None if Office is not
installed on this machine, the installed version is not listed, or if you do not plan to integrate
Microsoft Office.

The Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in includes connectors you can use in automations to, for
instance, write data to cells in Excel spreadsheets, schedule appointments in Outlook, or write and read
text from Word documents. On this panel, you enable those connectors for your version of Office.

Click Next to continue.

The Training CRM Application Setup File panel is displayed.

5. Click Yes to install sample CRM application setup file that is used with the Robotic Automation
Studio Plug-in training. Leave this check box unchecked if you do not want to install sample CRM
The Pega Robotic Automation Services panel is displayed.

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 4

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in using the Setup wizard

6. Make sure the box is checked to install Pega Robotic Automation Services — unless instructed
otherwise by Pega Support. Then click Next.
The Connectivity Configuration panel is displayed. On this panel you can choose to be connected
to Robot Manager, Robotic Automation Deployment Portal, or nothing.

For updates, the system retrieves values from the CommonConfig.xml file and displays the values
in the following fields. If you need to change any of these values, do so and click Next. If you are
unsure what to enter, check with your system administrator. Typically, the displayed values will
be correct for your installation.

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 5

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in using the Setup wizard

For first time installs, you will need to enter the following information. If you are unsure what to
enter, check with your system administrator.

Field Description
None Select this option if you do not want to connect to either the Pega Robot
Manager or Deployment Portal.
Enable Robot Select this option to connect to Robot Manager and to enable the Robot
Manager Manager URL, Package Server Endpoint URL, and Enable Robotic Process
Connectivity Automation fields.
Robot Manager lets you monitor the performance, health, and throughput of
your Robotic Process Automation (RPA) robots (virtual machines) and perform
these tasks:
• Manage robots and work queues, such as specifying the number of
automations that can fail on a virtual machine.
• Configure the organizational hierarchy of departments and users.
• Apply roles to users to define the tasks that they can perform.
• Get updated automation packages and deploy them to robotic workgroups,
departments, and users.
Robot Manager URL Enter the URL you want the system to use to connect to Robot Manager.
Package Server Enter the URL you want the system to use to connect to the Package Server.
Endpoint URL
Enable Robotic Check this box to tell the system that your robots are Robotic Process
Process Automation Automation robots which do not require user interaction.
If you leave this box unchecked, the system assumes you have Robotic Desktop
Automation robots, which do interact with users.
Robot Workgroup Specify the name of the robot workgroup in this field.
Robot Name Specify the name to assign to this robot. The default is the machine name.
Enable Deployment Select this option to connect to the Robotic Automation Deployment Portal and
Portal Connectivity to enable the Tenant Name and Configuration Server fields.
Tenant Name The tenant name assigned to your company or organization. This is typically the
company name, omitting any non-alphanumeric characters.
Configuration Server The name (type) of the configuration server. Configuration servers are used to
authenticate and deliver configuration settings.

Note You can change these values after you install the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in.

When finished, click Next to continue.

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 6

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in using the Setup wizard

The Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA) Integration panel is displayed.

Note Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA)/REST Service integration with the Pega Platform is not supported in
a server deployment, such as Citrix or Terminal Server.

On this panel, you let the system know if the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in communicates
with web-based Pega implementations and, if so, what port will be used. You also use this panel
to optionally enable JSON web token (JWT) security.

Field Description
Enable RDA Check this box if Pega Robotic Automation will communicate with web-based Pega
Integration implementations.
Port Accept the default, 9443, unless otherwise instructed by your system administrator.
Enable JSON Check this box if you want Robotic Automation Runtime to use JSON Web Token (JWT)
Web Token Security.
Security JWT Security lets you include an additional level of security to prevent a browser
session from spoofing its domain and invoking automations from a malicious website.
With JWT Security enabled, Robotic Automation Runtime requests the public key from
the Pega server and then uses that key to validate incoming invocation requests.
Pega Server If you enabled JSON Web Token (JWT) Security, enter the URL you want the system to
URL use to retrieve the JWT public profile key. The system uses this key to validate RDA

7. After you make your entries, click Next. The Installation Folder panel is displayed.
8. Accept the default installation folder for the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in or click Browse to
select a different location.
Click Next to continue. Browser Extension Installation panel is displayed.

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 7

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in using the Setup wizard

9. Check the appropriate browser extension boxes if you plan to automate other browsers in
addition to Internet Explorer. For more information, see the Application Support Matrix.
Click Next to continue. The Disclaimer panel is displayed.
10. Read the disclaimer and if you agree to the terms select the I accept these terms option.
11. Click Next to continue. The Ready to Install panel is displayed.
12. Click Install to begin the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in installation.
A panel shows the installation progress. When the installation finishes, the Completing the Pega
Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio Setup Wizard panel is displayed.
13. Click Finish to exit the Setup wizard.

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 8

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in from the command

Installing the Robotic Automation Studio

Plug-in from the command line
You can bypass the Setup wizard and install the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in from the
command line. This involves installing all of the prerequisites and both of the components that
comprise the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in.
1. Install all prerequisites. For more information, see Minimum requirements.
2. Use Digital Software Delivery to download the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in setup file.
Unzip this file into a temporary folder location.
3. Start Windows File Explorer, go to the folder where you downloaded Robotic Automation Studio
Plug-in, and enter cmd to open a command prompt window.

Note Both installers must be located in the same directory.

4. At the command prompt, enter the command to install the Pega Native Foundation component.
Here is an example:
mmsiexec.exe /qn /I NativeFoundationSetup.msi INSTALLPATH=" C:\Program Files
(x86)\OpenSpan\OpenSpan Plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015"
INSTALL_SERVICE=stopped /l*v InstallPNF.log
Note The command uses msiexec parameters and must include the INSTALLPATH parameter, which defines
the path where you install Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in.

The INSTALL_SERVICE parameter has these settings, but typically you enter the stopped setting,
as shown in the example:
— stopped — Use this setting to install the driver but not start it. You then start the driver by
including the INST_SERVICES=stopped parameter in the command for the Robotic
Automation Studio Plug-in install.
— started — Only use this setting to update the Pega Native Foundation component. This
setting installs the driver and starts it.
— no — Use this setting if you do not want to install the services.
5. At the command prompt, enter the command to install the integrated development environment
and include the applicable Switches and Parameters. Here is an example of the command line
OpenSpanPluginVS2015Setup.exe (switches) (parameters)

When the installer finishes, the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in is installed on the computer.

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 9

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in from the command

This table shows the command line switches you can use.

Switch Description
/i Installs the system.
/qn+ Installs the system with no user interaction except for a modal dialog that is displayed at the end.
/qn (Silent Mode). Installs the system with no user interaction at all.
/L*v Tells the program to log all install information including that generated by the v (verbose) option.
Include the name of the log file you want to use.


This table shows the command line parameters you can use.

Parameter Description
AI_DESKTOP_SH= Enter one (1) to create desktop icons.
{0,1} The default is zero (0), which does not create desktop icons.
AI_QUICKLAUNCH_SH= Enter one (1) if you want the installation program to add an icon to the Windows
{0,1} Quick Launch toolbar.
The default is zero (0), which tells the program not to add the icon.
AI_STARTMENU_SH= Enter zero (0) if you do not want the installation program to create a Start menu
{0,1} program folder.
The default is one (1), which tells the program to create a Start menu folder.
AI_STARTUP_SH= Enter one (1) if you want the installation program to add an icon in the Startup
{0,1} folder.
The default is zero (0), which tells the program not to add an icon.
APPDIR= Use this parameter to override the default installation folder.
The default is blank, which tells the program to install the Robotic Automation
Studio Plug-in into the default folder.
APP_TOGGLE= Enter AGILEDESKTOP to install a Robotic Automation Agile Desktop icon. The
default is RUNTIME, which installs a Robotic Automation Runtime icon. Here is an
ENABLE_SERVER= Enter True to enable the Workforce Intelligence server. The default is False.
ENABLE_INT= To change the availability of the Workforce Intelligence component, include this

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 10

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in from the command

Parameter Description
INSTALL_CONFIG_FILES= Enter zero (0) to preserve your existing configuration files during the installation.
{0,1} Keep in mind that new functionality may depend on settings in these
configuration files and if you choose to preserve the existing files, you may not be
able to take advantage of the new functionality, unless you manually update
these files after the installation finishes.
The default is one (1), which tells the program to overwrite the
RuntimeConfig.xml, OpenSpan.Runtime.exe.Config, and
OpenSpan.Runtimex64.exe.Config files during the installation.
INSTALL_OFFICE= Enter the version of Microsoft Office installed on the computer.
{0,2002,2003,2007,2010, The default is zero (0), which indicates Microsoft Office is not installed on this
2013,2016} machine, the installed version is not listed, or if you do not plan to integrate with
Microsoft Office.
INST_CHROME= Enter one (1) to install the Chrome extension. This lets you run solutions that
(0,1) automate Chrome. If omitted, the Chrome extension is not installed.
Note: For more information about the Chrome extension, see Google Chrome
support in Pega Robotic Automation.
INST_FIREFOX= Enter one (1) to install the Firefox extension. This lets you run solutions that
(0,1) automate Firefox. If omitted, the Firefox extension is not installed.
Note: For more information, see Mozilla Firefox support in Pega Robotic
INST_SERVICES= Choose from the following settings:
(stopped, no) • stopped — Use this setting to start the Pega Robotic Automation services,
Typically, you should accept this default.
• no — This setting does not install or start the services. You would only set this
parameter to no in Citrix environments.
LOGVIEWER= Enter one (1) to install the Log Viewer. The Log Viewer lets you read and work with
{0,1} SuperTrace® diagnostics output.
The default is zero (0).
Note: For more information, see the Log Viewer topic.
Robotic Automation Deployment Portaland Pega Robot Manager parameters
ENABLE_IDP= Enter True to enable an Identity Provider (IdP) server. IdP servers provide security
tokens which are used by either the Config server or the Robot Manager.
Accept the default if you want the system to prompt users to enter their email
address and password when they log in to Robotic Automation Runtime or
The default is False.
IDP_URL= If you enable an Identity Provider (IdP) server in the ENABLE_IDP parameter, enter
the URL you want to use to connect to that server.
This URL is used by the Configuration server and Robot Manager to receive
security tokens.
Robotic Automation Deployment Portal parameters
BASEURL= This defines the URL from which updates are downloaded. The default is shown
Do not change this default.

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 11

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in from the command

Parameter Description
ENABLE_SERVER= Enter True to enable a connection to the Robotic Automation Deployment Portal
server. Enter False to disable Robotic Automation Deployment Portal
connectivity. The default is True.
TENANT= Enter the tenant name assigned to your organization.
Pega Robot Manager parameters
ENABLE_PRM= Enter True to enable a connection to the Robot Manager. The Robot Manager
provides a way to manage the RDA and RPA robots that are implemented for your
Set to False to disable Robot Manager connectivity.
The default is False.
PRM_SERVER= If you enable a Robot Manager connection, specify the name of the Pega server
that runs the Robot Manager application. This sets the Robot Manager base URL
in the CommonConfig.xml file.
PACKAGE_SERVER_URL= Enter the URL to use to connect Robotic Automation Runtime with the Pega
Robotic Automation Package Server.
The Package Server stores deployment files (packages) that are uploaded and
assigned to Robotic Automation Runtime systems by the Robot Manager.
ENABLE_RPA= If you enable a connection to the Robot Manager, enter True to tell the Robot
Manager that the robot is a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) robot.
If you enter False, the robot acts a Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA) robot.
The default is False.
You can set these RDA configuration RuntimeConfig.xml keys (in parentheses) using the following
command line parameters. For more information, see Runtime Configuration Settings.
ALLOWED_ORIGINS= (AllowedOrigins) Here you can specify any allowed origins. Enter a comma-
delimited list of domains from which requests should be accepted. Here is an
Note: There is no user interface for Allowed_Origins. You can only configure
allowed origins using the command line parameter.
JWT_SECURITY= (JWTSecurity) Enter True to enable JSON Web Token (JWT) Security between Pega
applications that are running in a local browser, such as Pega Customer Service or
Pega Sales Automation, and Robotic Automation Runtime.
Enable JWT Security to include an additional level of security to prevent a browser
session from spoofing its domain and invoking automations from a malicious
The default is False.
JWT_URL= (PegaServerURL) If you enable JWT security, enter the URL that you want to use to
retrieve the JWT profile public key. The system uses this key to validate the
signature of RDA requests from Robot Manager to Robotic Automation Runtime.
RDA_INT= (Enabled/Disabled) Enter True to enable Robotic Desktop Automation (RDA)
support. If set to True, Robotic Automation Runtime self hosts a REST service
which accepts requests from the Pega application.
RDA_PORT= (Port) Specify the port. The default is 9443.

The following is an example:

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 12

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Installing the Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in from the command

OpenSpanPluginVS2015Setup.exe /qn+ /L*v LogFileName.txt INSTALL_OFFICE=2016


Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 13

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Installing the OCR screen scraping feature

Installing the OCR screen scraping feature

Version 8.0 SP1 continues support for creating automations by using Optical Character Reader (OCR)
screen scraping. The OCR screen scraping feature allows you to collect data that is displayed on the
screen and then manipulate that data in automations that are created with Pega Robotic Automation
Studio. This feature uses OCR capabilities in the third-party tool, the ABBYY FineReader Engine.

Note The ABBYY FineReader Engine, which Pegasystems has licensed, is included in your Robotic Automation
software. You must verify that you are licensed to use the ABBYY FineReader Engine within the scope of
your Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in license. If you have any questions about the terms of your
license, please contact Pegasystems global customer support.

Version 8.0 SP1 includes an upgrade to the ABBYY FineReader Engine. To use the OCR screen scraping
feature, you must install the PegaRobotOCREssentials module after you install the Pega Robotic
Automation Studio Plug-in. This module is included in your installation files.
Follow these steps to install the PegaRobotOCREssentials module and upgrade the ABBYY
FineReader Engine from version 11 to version 12.
1. Open the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in update that you downloaded from Pega.
2. Unzip the file.
3. Double-click the PegaRobotOCREssentials.exe file.
4. Follow the prompts that the Setup wizard displays to complete the installation.

By default, the wizard installs the OCR screen scraping files into the following folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSpan\Pega Robot OCR Essentials\
For more information, see Creating automations using the Screen OCR feature.

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 14

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Uninstalling the system

Uninstalling the system

Note If you customized any of the configuration files, such as the CommonConfig.xml or
RuntimeConfig.xml files, make backup copies of these files before you uninstall the system.
Making a backup copy allows you to reapply your changes after you install the new version.

Follow these steps to uninstall Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in:

1. Use Windows Control Panel to uninstall OpenSpan Plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015.
2. Use Windows Control Panel to uninstall Pega Native Foundation.
3. (Optional.) If you installed the OCR screen scraping feature, use Windows Control Panel to
uninstall Pega Robot OCR Essentials.
4. Remove the OpenSpan folder in the following locations:
— CommonApplicationData: \ProgramData
— ApplicationData: \Users\<userName>\AppData\Roaming
— LocalApplicationData: \Users\<userName>\AppData\Local

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 15

Installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in | Uninstalling the system

Pega Robotic Automation Studio Plug-in 8.0 SP1 Installation Instructions 16


Symbols Configuration Server field 6

CRM application 4
.NET Framework requirements 2

desktop icon 10
ABBYY Finereader 14
disk space requirements 2
administrator rights 3
AI_DESKTOP_SH parameter 10
parameter 10 Enable Robot Manager
AI_STARTMENU_SH parameter 10 Connectivity field 6
AI_STARTUP_SH parameter 10 Enable Robotic Process
APPDIR parameter 10 Automation field 6
APP_TOGGLE parameter 10 Enable Server Connectivity field 6
ENABLE_INT parameter 10
B ENABLE_SERVER parameter 10,
BASEURL parameter 11

Firefox extension 11
C++ Redistributable for Visual
Studio 2
Chrome extension 11 I
Citrix 7, 11 installation folder 7
parameters 10 parameter 11
switches 10 INSTALL_OFFICE parameter 11
company name 6 INSTALLPATH parameter 9
configuration files 11 INSTALL_SERVICE parameter 9
INST_CHROME parameter 11 Run as Administrator option 3
INST_SERVICES parameter 11 RuntimeConfig.xml file 11
integrity level 2
L Setup wizard 3
LOGVIEWER parameter 11 Silent Mode 10
Start menu folder 10
Startup folder 10
mapped drives 3 standalone version 1
Microsoft Office 4, 11 SuperTrace 11
Microsoft Visual Studio
Express 2
requirements 2 T
Microsoft Windows Tenant Name field 6
requirements 2 TENANT parameter 12
Mozilla Firefox 2 Terminal Server 7
msiexec parameters 9
N Windows
NativeFoundationSetup.msi 9 requirements 2

OCR screen scraping 14
OCR screen scraping feature 15
OpenSpan.Runtime.exe.Config file 11
file 11
program 9

Package Server Endpoint URL field 6
Pega Robotic Automation Services 5
PegaRobotOCREssentials module 14
prerequisites 3
processor requirements 2

Quick Launch toolbar 10

Robot Manager URL field 6
Robot Name field 6
Robot Workgroup field 6

Index 18

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