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Environmental Impact Assessment Review 79 (2019) 106306

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Environmental Impact Assessment Review

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Environmental sustainability assessment in supply chain: An emerging T

economy context
Saima Ahmed Suhia, Rafid Enayeta, Tasmiah Haquea, Syed Mithun Alia, , Md. Abdul Moktadirb,

Sanjoy Kumar Paulc

Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh
Institute of Leather Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1209, Bangladesh
UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney, Australia


Keywords: Environmental sustainability is not being practiced in the supply chains of many industries. Previous studies on
Environmental sustainability environmental sustainability have not outlined clear strategies to achieve sustainability across supply chains,
Supply chain management particularly in the context of emerging economies, and have been of limited relevance in settings beyond the
Waste management geographical region of their focus. To address these gaps, we have proposed a best worst method (BWM) as a
Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM)
framework to assess the environmental criteria for sustainability in select industries in Bangladesh. Different
Best worst method (BWM)
industrial activities or criteria affecting the environment in various ways were assessed and weighted using the
Emerging economy
BWM. To ensure the efficiency and accuracy of this framework, we sought the opinions of 34 experts to specify
the most suitable indicators from our initial literature review. Findings from this study revealed that “waste
management” was the most important indicator for establishing environmental sustainability in industries in
Bangladesh, which was substantiated by a sensitivity analysis. This research will assist industry managers and
entrepreneurs to work toward environmental sustainability across supply chains.

1. Introduction performance of companies without changes to productivity (Bocken

et al., 2013; Parajuli et al., 2019). Product manufacturers continue to
Amid technological advances in many business sectors, supply chain struggle with how to set, assess, and achieve sustainability goals,
management (SCM) has become an important consideration for orga- whether these be economic, environmental, or social (Kremer et al.,
nizations seeking supply chain efficiency (Beatriz et al., 2014a; Pires 2016). Companies and academics have been involved in joint efforts to
Ribeiro and Barbosa-Povoa, 2017; Scavarda et al., 2019). Extensive reposition the focus of SCM toward sustainability (Pires Ribeiro and
studies regarding sustainable supply chain design and management Barbosa-Povoa, 2017). Minimizing environmental damage is of critical
have been undertaken over the past two decades (Mitra, 2014; Ivanov, importance in today's globalized supply chains (José and Jabbour,
2017). To date, theorists and practitioners of supply chain sustainability 2013a; Ding et al., 2016). With increasing environmental problems and
have mainly focused on reducing the environmental impacts of supply the failure of “treatment after pollution” strategies, business activities
chains (Ivanov, 2017). The Brundtland Report by the World Commis- have accumulated significant negative externalities (Ding et al., 2015).
sion on Environment and Development (Nations, 1987) demonstrated Green SCM has been developed to integrate environmental thinking in
the scope for supply chains to contribute to global environmental sus- SCM (Chin et al., 2015). Companies are inaugurating environmental
tainability. During the 1990s, the Manufacturing Research Institute at training to make internal employees, stakeholders, and customers
Michigan State University depicted the significance of environmental aware of the significance of green SCM (José and Jabbour, 2013b;
cautiousness in managing sustainability in SCM (Wu et al., 2018). Beatriz et al., 2014b). (Ahi and Searcy, 2015; Acquaye et al., 2017a)
Sustainability denotes efficacious optimization of the processes con- reported on the need for the performance measurement of supply chain
sidering three sectors, i.e., environmental, social, and economic sustainability given opportunities for continuous improvement. Several
(Azevedo et al., 2019). models have been developed to measure the environmental perfor-
Practitioners argue that the primary goal of environmental sus- mance of organizations' SCM because a large component of sustain-
tainability in supply chains should be to improve the environmental ability depends on environmental activities (Koberg and Longoni,

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S.M. Ali), (S.K. Paul).
Received 6 May 2019; Received in revised form 7 August 2019; Accepted 20 August 2019
0195-9255/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
S.A. Suhi, et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 79 (2019) 106306

2019). These models and their applications are an important element of Developed by Jafar Rezaei in 2015, BWM is a multi-criteria deci-
the transition of sustainability in supply networks (Hassini et al., 2012; sion-making (MCDM) tool that requires fewer pairwise comparison
Jaehn, 2016). matrices than most MCDM methods. Therefore, BWM requires fewer
The prevailing literature on environmental sustainability mainly data and less time to produce results than conventional MCDM analysis
focuses on the focal firm perspective. It is prominent from the literature (Salimi and Rezaei, 2018). BWM evaluates alternatives to select the best
that developing nations suffer greatly from various environmental (most) and worst (least) criteria through structured calculation (Rezaei,
pollution that is mostly related to industrial activities. To the best of our 2015).
knowledge, cross-firms/supply chain perspectives for assessing en- The structure of the remaining sections of this paper is as follows.
vironmental sustainability by considering multiple factors together Section 2 reviews the existing literature on sustainable SCM, the en-
have rarely been studied. To address these gaps, in the present study we vironmental impacts of supply chains, BWM and environmental sus-
targeted environmental sustainability in the context of an emerging tainability in Bangladesh. Section 3 discusses our proposed metho-
economy to contribute to the prevailing literature. We highlighted en- dology and implementation of BWM. Section 4 outlines the sensitivity
vironmental aspects rather than social issues as sustainability is affected analysis that substantiates the findings of this research. Section 5 pre-
more by the environment in most of the emerging economies (Li and sents the analysis of findings of the present study, Section 6 includes the
Mathiyazhagan, 2017). Several studies have recently focused on social implications of our research. Finally, Section 7 depicts the Conclusions,
sustainability, e.g., (Munny et al., 2019) and Badri Ahmadi et al. limitations, and scope for future works.
(2017); therefore, our focus was on environmental sustainability.
The concept of sustainability has multiple conflicting issues that 2. Literature review
include the market, stakeholders, and supplier and customer policies
and their requirements (Zhou et al., 2000). Among these, implementing This section reviews the existing literature on sustainable SCM,
environmental sustainability has multiple goals. To prevent harm to environmental sustainability, and BWM.
humans, environmental sustainability seeks to ensure that the sources
of raw materials used for human welfare are improved (Goodland and 2.1. Sustainable supply chain management (SCM)
Bank, 1995). Researchers suggest that sustainability should be a built-in
concept when administrating consumption and production activities Sustainability is the philosophy of meeting the needs of existing
(Wu et al., 2018). Managing the renewable sources over the long term, demands while considering the capacity to meet future demands (Dong
reducing waste and pollution, using energy and material efficiently, and Hauschild, 2017). As a triple bottom line concept, sustainability
using solar energy profitably, and achieving customer satisfaction are encompasses environmental, social, and economic performance (Jaehn,
required to repair the damage done to Earth by unthinking in- 2016; Acquaye et al., 2017a). From the early 2000s, researchers have
dustrialization (Goodland et al., 2013). All these factors are the goals of mentioned repeatedly the need to integrate the three dimensions of
establishing an environmentally sustainable supply chain system. To sustainability into SCM (Rajeev et al., 2017). Businesses and researchers
align the existing practices of environmental sustainability, the present have come to view sustainability as an essential tool for reducing long-
study aimed to answer the following questions: term risk, depletion and digression of energy, and pollution and product
liabilities (Manning, 2016). From the 12 definitions of SSCM, (Ahi and
RQ1. What are the environmental sustainability indicators in supply
Searcy, 2013; Brandenburg and Rebs, 2015) concluded that SSCM is a
chains in the context of Bangladesh?
combination of key elements of business sustainability and SCM char-
RQ2. How can decision-makers assess the importance of the identified acteristics. SCM has attracted the focus of practitioners and researchers
environmental sustainability indicators? in light of its potential to improve global environmental sustainability
without compromising business productivity (Hassini et al., 2012;
RQ3. How do the findings help decision-makers achieve successful
Acquaye et al., 2017a). Sustainability is the main focal point of in-
implementation of sustainability practices?
dustries and their stakeholders, who embed it in the basic levels of their
The present study focused on the identification of the criteria re- planning and operations (Bocken et al., 2013; Lo et al., 2018; Wang
sponsible for environmental sustainability in supply chains and de- et al., 2018; Hou et al., 2019). The planning and control of materials,
termined the importance and ranking of each criterion using the best internal and external information flows, and logistics activities were
worst method (BWM) in the context of Bangladesh. We chose behind SCM during the early 1980s. However, more recent research has
Bangladesh as the setting for this research considering the efforts made focused not only on material flows but also on additional aspects such
by the Bangladeshi authorities to solve the country's pollution problems as performance, risk and integration (Ahi and Searcy, 2013). Re-
and improve hygiene in Bangladesh, particularly for the industrial searchers and practitioners argue that companies and other organiza-
sector. These factors highlight the need to assess indicators for estab- tions with sustainable supply chains are more efficient and have better
lishing environmental sustainability in Bangladeshi industrial sectors. public images and decreased environmental and social liability than
As experts are currently involved with these industries, their opinions those without sustainable supply chains (Chin et al., 2015). For these
represent the current scenario of environmental sustainability in SCM reasons, many organizations implement supply chain sustainability
and including their expert knowledge in the present study makes it measures with the expectation of increased financial turnover in the
more relevant from a practical perspective. long run (Seuring and Müller, 2008; Lin and Tseng, 2016). However,
The present study contributes to the existing literature on SCM by suppliers in particular might lack an understanding of environmental
fulfilling the following objectives: management practices (Chiarini, 2012). Practitioners agree that en-
vironmental sustainability confers social and economic benefits to or-
a) To propose a model to evaluate environmental sustainability in ganizations (Kusi-Sarpong et al., 2016; Ansari and Kant, 2017; Kusi-
supply chains in the context of Bangladesh. Sarpong et al., 2018). Maintaining sustainability in supply chains is
b) To identify the criteria of environmental sustainability in SCM from important for organizations in developing countries to mitigate any
the literature. negative effects on local employees, customers, suppliers, the environ-
c) To assess the key indicators for maintaining environmental sus- ment, and society.
tainability in accordance with their weight using the newly devel- Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has also been integrated into
oped BWM. the concept of sustainability. The evolution of the conceptualization of
d) To develop some managerial and research implications for emerging social and environmental issues originated from the term “standalone”
economies based on the outcomes of BWM assessment (i.e., a standalone company or organization manages its own activities

S.A. Suhi, et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 79 (2019) 106306

and does not depend on a larger organization for money or approval) include environmental concerns (Chin et al., 2015). For example, the
through the concept of CSR and sustainability (Carter et al., 2011). worldwide construction business produces one-third of the greenhouse gas
Standalone activities have been viewed within a wide conceptualization emissions and in response to this timber is being introduced to construction
of CSR in studies by (Carter and Jennings, 2002) and (Murphy et al., sites for its distinct environmental friendly features (Zubizarreta et al.,
2002). Social and environmental activities were placed under the 2019). The Guardian (2015) found that privately-owned organizations
header of social responsibility by both these studies. Implementation of could lose around USD 4.2 trillion to the effects of climate change by 2100
SSCM practice, including sustainable supplier management and the if global temperatures warm by more than two degrees Celsius. To mitigate
management of social responsibility risks, can be amplified by the this risk, governments and non-government organizations have taken steps
pressures of stakeholder groups (e.g., customers, government, and other to encourage companies to enhance environmental sustainability in their
internal and external stakeholders) (Seuring and Müller, 2008). Sus- supply chains. These efforts have included the introduction of regulations
tainability goals such as social, environmental, and economic perfor- and legislation, including through the International Organization for
mance are the aim of these practices (Carter et al., 2008). Standardization (for example, International Standard 14,001), as well as
Since the late 1990s, studies have demonstrated that operational raising awareness of the economic and social effects of poor environmental
research tools can be used to improve environmental sustainability. management (Chiarini, 2012; José and Jabbour, 2013a; Ferreira et al.,
Some studies have addressed the incorporation of sustainability into the 2016). The political conditions of different countries also influence en-
supply chain system as being the future of operations management vironmental sustainability to some extent (Bartolacci et al., 2019; Gallego
(Beatriz et al., 2014a). SCM has gained strategic relevance because it et al., 2019; Khosravi et al., 2019).
encompasses activities that range from the processing of raw materials Kremer et al. (2016) described 12 different tools (mathematical
to the final product (Ferreira et al., 2016). SSCM includes managing models, guidelines, metrics, and methods) to measure the environ-
supply chain activities, operations, planning, and customer and em- mental sustainability of different companies at regular intervals. One
ployee needs; maximizing profitability; and minimizing the negative obstacle to the introduction of environmental sustainability measures in
effects of supply chains on the environment as well as on society (Badri supply chains is balancing the economic interests of stakeholders, in-
Ahmadi et al., 2017; Hassini et al., 2012). cluding companies, suppliers, and consumers (Lin and Tseng, 2016).
Suppliers are the foundation of supply chain systems; therefore, sup-
2.2. Environmental sustainability plier selection is an important feature of environmentally sustainable
supply chains (Rezaei et al., 2016). Studies have found that many
The unremitting pressure of global regulatory and social trends of suppliers lack knowledge of sound environmental management prac-
awareness has compelled companies to incorporate environmental tices (Chiarini, 2012). Supply chain networks reflect internal relation-
sustainability in their businesses (Gregoris et al., 2018). The environ- ships that include associated products, processes, companies, firms, and
mental impact assessment was introduced several decades ago, which even root level suppliers (Acquaye et al., 2017a; Acquaye et al., 2017b).
aims to analyze the effects of any development project including new or This adds to the challenge of ensuring environmental viability across
existing industrial activities (Khosravi et al., 2019). Businesses have the entire system. Previous research has described methodological
taken initiatives to make their operations more environmentally sus- frameworks to measure environmental performance in supply chains. In
tainable in response to increasing awareness of the need to respond to our study, we have worked with an efficient and straightforward
global climate change, including among consumers (Hassini et al., method named BWM, which is described in later sections.
2012; Jaehn, 2016; Acquaye et al., 2017b). Environmental sustain- As stated earlier, this research proposes indicators for environ-
ability is the most traditional form of sustainability (Pimenta and Ball, mental management. The indicators measure features that influence
2015). Considering environmental responsibility as an integrated part environmental sustainability in industries. During the systematic lit-
of the SCM processes of organizations, stakeholders, government, and erature review process, the following points were considered for the
consumers can contribute to efficient collaboration regarding company identification of enablers for supply chain environmental sustainability:
operations (Ding et al., 2015). Business activities threaten the natural
environment through the disposal of toxic materials, carbon and sul- (1) Keywords including ‘environmental sustainability driver/indicator/
phur emissions, and other industrial pollutants (Chin et al., 2015). criteria/element’, ‘environmental sustainability’, and ‘sustainable
Bocken et al. (2013) found that environmental metrics (waste, water, supply chain’ were used to search scholarly databases.
energy, and carbon dioxide emissions) of performance can vary by up to (2) The scholarly databases, ScienceDirect, Emerald, and Scopus, were
400%–500% across sites that make the same product using similar used. From those databases, we collected those articles and papers
technology. Some studies based on the Brazilian electronics industry that were written in English, had been peer-reviewed, and related
showed that environmental damage can be mitigated by increasing the to our research topic.
use of renewable energy such as solar, geothermal, low carbon fossil (3) From the selected peer-reviewed articles, the most important 13
fuels, biomass, and wind (Govindan et al., 2013; Kannan et al., 2013). indicators of environmental sustainability were selected and fina-
This highlights the need for research that examines environmental lized for environmental aspects of supply chains in the context of
sustainability from the perspective of different countries. For this emerging economies.
reason, this research focused on SCM in Bangladesh.
In recent decades, companies have incorporated environmental By following these steps, the present study proposed a list of in-
management in their supply chain processes through regular auditing dicators (see Table 1) from the literature that has applications in many
against environmental indicators (Ferreira et al., 2016). Previous re- industries and countries to assess environmental sustainability.
search has examined environmental management practices within or-
ganizations. However, research is limited regarding the role of SCM 2.3. Best worst method
processes in organizations' environmental management (Rajeev et al.,
2017). Use of indicators to judge the environmental performance of One of the greatest barriers to measuring environmental perfor-
companies has led to industry-specific benchmarks of environmental mance is its inherent multi-criteria nature. This makes it difficult for
sustainability, including methodological approaches to evaluate en- decision-makers (Wan Ahmad et al., 2017) to identify relativity among
vironmental performance (Genovese et al., 2018). the criteria. In 2015, Jafar Rezaei proposed the BWM approach to
Jaehn (2016) argued that sustainability measures should consider the MCDM. Other MCDM methods include fuzzy preference programming,
economic effects of environmental issues on organizations. Today, many analytic hierarchy process, analytic network process, and simple multi-
businesses have reframed their sole focus on economic performance to attribute rating technique. These methods use the pairwise comparison

S.A. Suhi, et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 79 (2019) 106306

Table 1
Environmental sustainability criteria from the literature.
Key indicators Brief description References

Waste management Vast amounts of industrial waste (solid, liquid, or gaseous) are produced in Tippayawong et al. (2015), Acquaye et al.
various industries continuously, with negative environmental effects. (2017a)
Reuse and recycle Reusing and recycling involve using the raw material of rejected products Kremer et al. (2016), Golpîra et al. (2017)
again to help reduce waste.
Renewable energy usage Although all energy sources have an impact on nature and life, renewable Cucchiella and D'Adamo (2013), Chin et al.
energy sources such as solar, hydropower, biomass, geothermal, and others (2015), Viglia et al. (2016), Saavedra M. et al.
may reduce pollution to some extent. (2018)
Resource utilization Make proper use of all available resources (e.g., fuel, raw material, and space). Pimenta and Ball (2015), Chen and Chen (2017)
Energy sources and fuel residuals The usual sources of energy, such as coal, oil, and natural gas produce Kremer et al. (2016), Dong and Hauschild (2017)
residuals. Excessive use of these energy sources can cause environmental
damage and health problems.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) emission Excretion of CFCs contributes to acid rain and ozone layer depletion. Wan Omar et al. (2014), Liu et al. (2015), Ding
et al. (2016), Aljazzar et al. (2018)
Carbon footprint (CO2, CO emissions) Discharge of carbon contents is responsible for global warming. Blanco et al. (2016), Kremer et al. (2016), Chen
and Chen (2017)
Land pollution Land is polluted by chemicals from industrial waste. This can lead to loss of Schiefer et al. (2015, 2016), Dong and Hauschild
fertility among local human populations. (2017), Mapar et al. (2017)
Air pollution Industrial emissions of CO, CO2, and CFCs cause air pollution. Viglia et al. (2016), Song et al. (2017)
Water pollution Liquid and solid industrial waste pollute oceans, rivers, lakes, and other bodies Miao et al. (2015), Aivazidou et al. (2016),
of water contributing to the death of aquatic wildlife. Acquaye et al. (2017b)
ISO 14001 certification An international system that certifies whether companies oblige to standards Wiengarten et al. (2013), Pimenta and Ball
across measures including environmental regulations. (2015), Arimura et al. (2016), Ferreira et al.
Government regulations Governments can introduce regulations that require industries to adhere to Ding et al. (2016), Jaehn (2016), Wan Ahmad
policies and procedures that protect the environment. et al. (2017)
Use of hazardous materials (lead, arsenic, Toxic elements such as lead, arsenic and other harmful chemicals can cause Ding et al. (2015), Wan Ahmad et al. (2017)
and harmful chemicals) damage to natural environments and human health.

technique to determine the most influential factor by calculating the 2.4. Environmental sustainability in Bangladesh
relative weight of each criterion. The MCDM method named Multi-
criteria multi-Period Outranking Method (MUPOM) that includes multi- Bangladesh has undergone significant social, economic, and en-
period evaluations is used in the sustainable development context (Frini vironmental changes in recent decades. Bangladesh has depended on its
and Ben, 2019). However, this does not consider the uncertainty con- agricultural sector for much of its modern history (Sabiha et al., 2016).
text or involve stakeholders and experts. Rezaei (2015) suggests that In response to natural resource degradation and to keep pace with
BWM techniques can be used to solve multi-criteria problems more changes in the global economy, Bangladesh today is home to large
efficiently and reliably. BWM requires fewer comparison data; there- numbers of ready-made garment (RMG) factories, together with small-
fore, it does not require complete pairwise comparison matrices, and to-medium industries and companies. These developments have af-
thus is less complicated, saves time, and is easy to implement compared fected environmental conditions in Bangladesh. RMG exports con-
to other MCDM methods. According to Rezaei et al. (2016), BWM can tributed approximately 82% of Bangladesh's total foreign remittances in
generate a single solution for a fully consistent comparison system 2010 (Ahmed et al., 2014). Bangladesh's leather sector (including three
consisting of two or three criteria. For a non-consistent system, BWM subsectors: tannery, footwear, and leather goods) is the country's
can find multiple optimal solutions. Considering its special features, second most valuable sector (Moktadir et al., 2017a, 2017b). In addi-
researchers have started using BWM in industrial applications as out- tion, the current market size of the poly processing industry in Ban-
lined in Table 2. gladesh is approximately USD 1 billion; USD 714 million of this is used
BWM is an efficient MCDM method for evaluating environmental in Bangladesh, with the rest exported to the global market (Bangladesh
performance in supply chains. Despite this, it has not been implemented Plastic Goods Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BPGMEA)
widely in industrial settings. The present study contributes to the lit- Report, 2016).
erature using BWM to outline indicators to measure environmental These figures highlight the scale of recent industrialization in
performance in SCM. In addition, this study addresses the gaps in the Bangladesh. SCM is vital to Bangladeshi industries at every stage of
existing literature on environmental sustainability. production and distribution, and involves suppliers, retailers,

Table 2
Industrial applications of the best worst method (BWM).
Serial Authors Contributions

1. Rezaei et al. (2015) Used BWM to segment suppliers in a supplier development model.
2. Rezaei et al. (2016) Examined conventional and environmental indicators and used BWM to evaluate supplier selection processes.
3. Rezaei et al. (2016) Used interval analysis and introduced linear BWM for multi-optimal solutions.
4. Salimi and Rezaei (2016) Used BWM to incorporate university–industry projects and measure efficiency.
5. Rezaei et al. (2017) Used BWM to identify the best configuration regarding the key performance indicators in selected outstations.
6. Badri Ahmadi et al. (2017) Used BWM to identify social sustainability criteria and specify their relative importance in manufacturing industries.
7. van de Kaa et al. (2017) Used BWM to determine factors that affected the success of conversion technologies in the biomass industry in the Netherlands.
8. Gupta (2017) Used BWM to select the best airline based on service quality parameters.
9. Wan Ahmad et al. (2017) Used BWM to identify the most and least important external forces to sustainable SCM in the oil and gas industries.
10. Salimi and Rezaei (2018) Used BWM to measure research and development performances of small-to-medium-sized enterprises in the Netherlands.
11. Moktadir et al. (2018) Used BWM to assess the challenges to Industry 4.0 implementation in the leather industry in Bangladesh
12. Kheybari et al. (2019) Used BWM for identifying the best location to produce bioethanol

S.A. Suhi, et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 79 (2019) 106306

distributors, workers, and management (Basak et al., 2014). The dis- of BWM has been minimal in the field of SCM, despite its efficiency
posal of vast quantities of industrial pollutants created in Bangladeshi compared to other MCDM methods. The time required to complete the
supply chain systems is damaging the country's natural environment. In questionnaire for BWM is much less than that for similar MCDM
addition, industrial greenhouse gas emissions range from 0.5 to 15 tons methods. Moreover, BWM is more efficient than other methods for
per capita in cities in South Asia, including Bangladesh (Shams et al., analyzing problems with multiple criteria (Rezaei, 2015; Rezaei, 2016).
2017). Thus, to achieve environmental sustainability in their business Fig. 1 outlines the step-by-step model we used to conduct a BWM
models, industries require tools to measure environmental performance analysis for this research.
against suitable indicators. Moreover, organizations undertaking de- We completed the following steps in our BWM analysis:
velopment projects also require effective tools to assess their environ- Step 1: Selecting a group of decision-making criteria {c1, c2, … cn}
mental impact (Hasan et al., 2018). Bangladesh is a developing country An appropriate set of decision-making criteria was selected based on
and its industries have inadequate knowledge for measuring environ- the opinions of experts consulted for this research.
mental sustainability in their supply chains. The objective of the present Step 2: Selecting the best (e.g., the most important) and the worst
study was to outline a framework that Bangladeshi industrial managers (e.g., the least important) criteria from the main selected group of
can use to establish environmental sustainability in their supply chains. criteria {c1, c2, … cn}
This study proposed an efficient and easy-to-use method (BWM) for The most and least important indicators were selected during this
relative comparison of criteria to identify the best (most important) and step. This was not a quantitative step—rather, it involved selection by
worst (least important) indicators for maintaining environmental sus- the experts consulted for this research.
tainability. One benefit of BWM is that future researchers can use this Step 3: Compute pairwise comparison between the best criterion
method to rank industries based on their environmental sustainability and the other criteria
performance. The next section outlines our application of BWM in A number from 1 to 9 was assigned to show the significance of the
Bangladeshi industries. best indicator over other indicators (e.g., 1 means indicator a is equally
important to indicator b; 9 means indicator a is much more important than
indicator b). This generated the best-to-others vector that is:
3. Methodology
AB = (aB1, aB2,…, aBn ),
We used BWM to determine the most and least important indicators
for maintaining environmental sustainability in supply chains. Uptake where, aBj expresses the significance of the most important criterion B

Literature review on performance indicators of environmental sustainability in supply chains

Determine the suitable indicators from the literature in the context of Bangladesh

Select a range of respondents (industrial managers and academic experts) covering all corresponding areas

Form a survey questionnaire for the respondents

Deliver the questionnaire to the respondents to identify whether the indicators are appropriate or not

Record the responses

Create another questionnaire with the indicators selected by the respondents

This questionnaire includes selection of the best and the worst indicators and pairwise comparison matrices
with necessary instructions

Make analysis and necessary computations for BWM based on responses from experts consulted for
this research

Check the consistency ratio for determining the reliability of the calculation process

Find the best and the worst indicators from the relative weights and rank them accordingly

Interpret the results and perform a sensitivity analysis

Discuss managerial implications and provide recommendations for future research

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of proposed model.

S.A. Suhi, et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 79 (2019) 106306

over criterion j, and thus aBB = 1. 3.1. Implementation of the best worst method (BWM)
Step 4: Compute pairwise comparisons between the other criteria
and the worst criterion 3.1.1. Specification of decision criteria
Similarly, a value from 1 to 9 was assigned to show the significance Initially, we identified the decision-making criteria from our review
of all other criteria over the worst criterion (e.g., 1 means indicator a is of the existing literature as outlined in Table 1. A questionnaire-based
equally important to input b; 9 means indicator a is much more important survey was conducted via HTML to select the most appropriate in-
than indicator b). This generates the worst-to-others vector, that is: dicators in the context of Bangladesh. We created a web-based form
(Questionnaire 1) containing questions that included indicators iden-
A W = (a 1W ,a 2W ,…,a nW )T ,
tified from the relevant literature. Questionnaire 1 was sent to targeted
where, ajW expresses the significance of criterion j over the worst industrial managers and academic experts. Respondents were asked
criterion W and aWW = 1. whether the indicators were suitable or not for BWM in the context of
Step 5: Calculating the optimal weights (w1⁎, w2⁎, …, wn⁎) Bangladesh (see Appendix A). We selected five types of industries:
This aimed to prompt the optimal weights of the selected indicators. garments, pharmaceutical products, poly processing, leather, and
For the ideal condition (that is, a fully consistent system) |wB – aBj wj| footwear. Academic experts were chosen from respected universities
and | wj- ajwww| should be equal to zero. We had to minimize the who had experience in industrial research.
maximum absolute differences to get closer to the ideal condition {| wB Industries from each sector were selected for data collection. The
– aBj wj|, | wj- ajwww|}, which creates the following model, selection process was performed using a purposive sampling technique
rather than a statistical sampling technique (Eisenhardt, 1989). The
min maxj {| wB – aBj wj |,| wj ajw ww |}
industries were chosen from the large and experienced industries of
subject to, Bangladesh. The companies in the industries selected for analysis have
an important influence on Bangladesh's natural environment as well as
wj = 1 its economy. To identify potential research participants among in-
dustrial managers, we searched company websites, as well as Facebook
J and LinkedIn profiles. The industrial managers were sampled from
these companies based on a combination of their accessibility and their
wj 0 for all j (1)
knowledge on the subject, and whether they were interested in con-
Eq. (1) can be transferred into the following linear programming tributing to the study. Our survey link was emailed to > 40 industrial
problem managers and 10 academic experts. Each industrial manager and aca-
demic expert had > 10 years of experience in relevant fields. Re-
min spondents who wanted to participate in the study shared their views
subject to, and information and we received feedback from 34 of the 50 experts
after several email reminders, as shown in Table 3. Through this survey
wB – aBj wj L for all j process, eight indicators (see Table 4) were selected from our 13 initial
indicators (see Table 1). The survey questionnaires appear in Appendix
wj ajw ww L for all j (2) A.
By solving Eq. (2) we obtained the optimal weights wn⁎) (w1⁎, w2⁎,…,
L⁎ L⁎
and ξ that is the consistency ratio. The value of ξ defines the con- 3.1.2. Selecting the best and worst criteria
sistency level of the opinions of the decision-makers. Values close to Survey respondents were asked to select the criteria they considered
zero indicate high levels of consistency and more reliable comparisons. best (most important) and worst (least important) in the context of
Very large values indicate problems in prediction or calculation, which Bangladesh from the selected list of indicators. To complete steps 2–4,
should be checked again. respondents were provided with Questionnaire 2 (see Appendix A). The

Table 3
Selected industry and role of respondents (industrial managers and academic experts).
Types of industry Role of respondents (experts) Number of respondents Percentage of respondents Region
(experts) (%)

Garments Production Management 7 20.59 Gazipur, Tejgaon, Dhaka and Banitola, Ctg.
Logistics Department
Supply Chain Management
Leather Operations Management 6 17.65 Savar, Uttara, Dhaka and Khulna
Production Department
Logistics Department
Supply Chain Management
Poly processing Production Management 6 17.65 Gazipur, Narayan ganj, Dhaka
Engineering Department
Logistics Department
Supply Chain Management
Research and Development Department
Footwear Production Management 5 14.70 Uttara, Tongi, Dhaka
Logistics Department
Supply Chain Management
Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Management and Purchase 6 17.65 Tejgaon, Savar, Dhaka
Central Product Management
Human Resources Department
Engineering Department
Research and Development Department
Academic experts Industrial and Production Engineering 4 11.76 Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Department Technology

S.A. Suhi, et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 79 (2019) 106306

Table 4 Table 6
Selected environmental indicators for application purpose. Scaling of the best criterion over other criteria by expert 18 (best-to-others
pairwise comparison vectors).
Selected key indicators Identification codes
Most important criterion EC1 EC2 EC3 EC4 EC5 EC6 EC7 EC8
Waste management EC1
Renewable energy usage EC2 Waste management (EC1) 1 5 2 6 9 5 3 5
Resource utilization EC3
Carbon footprint (CO2 and CO emissions) EC4
ISO 14001 certification EC5
Land pollution EC6
Table 7
Reuse and recycle EC7 Scaling of other criteria over the worst criterion by expert 18 (others-to-worst
Use of hazardous materials (lead, arsenic, and harmful EC8 pairwise comparison vectors).
Other criteria Least important criterion: ISO 14001 certification (EC5)

EC1 9
selection is listed in Table 5, which indicates that EC1 was selected as EC2 3
the most important or best indicator for maintaining environmental EC3 5
EC4 6
sustainability in supply chains by experts 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18,
EC5 1
22, 23, 25, 26, 30, 31, and 33. EC6 4
EC7 7
3.1.3. Selecting the best criterion preference over other criteria EC8 5
Experts were asked to compare the best criterion over the other
criteria using a scale of 1–9. For example, Table 6 shows the compar-
ison vector of the best criterion over other criteria constructed by expert Table 8
18. Optimal weights of the criteria based on the scaling of expert 18.
Key indicators Weights ξL⁎
3.1.4. Selecting the other criteria preference over the worst criterion
EC1 0.3208 0.0875
Using a scale of 1–9, experts were asked to rank the other criteria
EC2 0.0817
over the worst criterion. Table 7 shows the scaling of expert 18 from the EC3 0.2041
selected 34 respondents, which is indicative of the scaling process. EC4 0.0680
EC5 0.0259
EC6 0.0817
3.1.5. Calculating the optimal weights
EC7 0.1361
In this step, the optimal weights of the selected indicators for each EC8 0.0817
expert were obtained using Eq. (2) by fulfilling all the established
constraints. For example, the BWM model for expert 18 is demonstrated
below: function for expert 18 are shown in Table 8.
min, L Similarly, other BWM models for remaining experts were developed
using Eq. (2) and the optimal weights of each indicator for the re-
Subject to, maining experts were calculated and obtained via MATLAB. Table 9
|wEC1 1wEC1| L ; |w 5wEC 2| L; shows the final optimal weights of the indicators, which are the simple
L; |w L; average (arithmetic mean) of the optimal weights obtained from 34
|wEC1 2wEC 3| 6 w |
L ; |w
EC1 EC 4
experts scaling. This analysis showed a highly consistent value of ξL⁎ for
|wEC1 9wEC5| EC1 5 wEC 6 | each simulation that was close to zero, indicating a reliable and effi-
|wEC1 3wEC 7| L ; |w 5wEC8| L;
EC1 cient system.
|wEC1 9wEC5| L ; |w 3 w | L;
EC 2 EC 5
|wEC 3 5wEC5| L; |w 6 w | L;
EC 4 EC 5
|wEC5 1wEC5| L ; |wEC6 4wEC5| L ; 4. Sensitivity analysis
|wEC 7 7wEC5| L ; |w 5wEC5| L;
EC 8
We employed an efficient MCDM tool—that is, BWM—to analyze
wEC1 + wEC 2 + wEC 3 + wEC 4 + wEC5 + wEC 6 + wEC 7 + wEC 8 = 1
the indicators of environmental sustainability. In addition, we per-
wEC1, wEC 2, wEC3, wEC 4, wEC5, wEC 6, wEC 7, wEC 8 0
formed a sensitivity analysis to ensure the robustness of our results.
The BWM model was then solved using MATLAB. The optimal Researchers have advocated sensitivity analyses to check for bias in
weights of environmental sustainability indicators and objective research results. Sensitivity analysis is performed by changing the

Table 5
Best and worst criteria identified by experts.
Key indicators Determined as best by the experts Determined as worst by the experts

Waste management (EC1) 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 22, 23, 25, 26, 30, –
31, 33
Renewable energy usage (EC2) 7 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 25, 29, 30
Resource utilization (EC3) 1, 16, 34 7
Carbon footprint (CO2 and CO emissions) (EC4) 32 33
ISO 14001 certification (EC5) 27 3, 4, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 31,
32, 34
Land pollution (EC6) 3 2
Reuse and recycle (EC7) 4, 6, 11, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 29 –
Use of hazardous materials (lead, arsenic, and harmful chemicals) 28 12, 19, 27

S.A. Suhi, et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 79 (2019) 106306

Table 9 Table 11
Final optimal weights of the selected criteria. Ranking of environmental sustainability indicators during sensitivity analysis.
Key indicators Optimal weights Key indicators Normal 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Waste management (EC1) 0.3326 EC1 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Renewable energy usage (EC2) 0.0680 EC2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Resource utilization (EC3) 0.1359 EC3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Carbon footprint (CO2 and CO emissions) (EC4) 0.0680 EC4 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6
ISO 14001 certification (EC5) 0.0286 EC5 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 8 8 8
Land pollution (EC6) 0.0815 EC6 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4
Reuse and recycle (EC7) 0.2039 EC7 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Use of hazardous materials (lead, arsenic, and harmful 0.0815 EC8 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4
chemicals) (EC8)
Consistency ratio, ξL⁎ 0.0751
order in the context of Bangladesh.
b) The BWM was used to identify the most and least important criteria
weight of the top-ranked criterion and noting changes in the weights of in this study.
other criteria(Mangla et al., 2015; Prakash and Barua, 2015, 2016). c) BWM analysis was undertaken by compiling data from industry
This testing helps filter out major changes during the variation of the managers and academic experts in Bangladesh for pairwise com-
top-ranked indicator's weight. Table 10 shows the changing weights of parison. By performing BWM calculations on this data, we obtained
the other indicators while changing the weight of waste management the required weighted averages for different criteria.
(EC1) from 0.1 to 0.9. At a weight of 0.1 to 0.2, the top-ranked indicator d) According to the calculations of BWM, waste management (EC1)
changed rank to fifth and then second. In contrast, the lowest-ranked obtained the highest relative weight and was the best indicator,
indicator did not change position. At a weight of 0.6, the lowest-ranked whereas ISO 14001 certification (EC5) was the worst indicator as it
indicator (EC5) changed position only once and it remained the same in possessed the lowest relative weight.
the rest of the runs.
Sensitivity analysis did not significantly change the ranking of the Table 9 shows the optimal weights of the environmental indicators
other indicators. Table 11 shows the ranking of environmental sus- generated by applying the BWM. The indicator with the highest weight
tainability indicators during different sensitivity analysis runs. The value was the most important indicator assessed, whereas the lowest
variation in weights and ranking of selected indicators are illustrated in weighted indicator was the least important. In our analysis, waste
Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. Moreover, the normal weights and ranks of management (EC1) was the most important indicator, as it had the
the criteria are shown in both figures. From Fig. 2, the weight of EC1 highest weight of 0.3326. ISO 14001 certification (EC5) was the least
changed from 0.1 to 0.9 in nine subsequent runs of sensitivity testing. important indicator, with a weight of 0.0286. Therefore, waste man-
The corresponding weight of other indicators during each respective agement should be the primary concern of organizations pursuing en-
run is shown in the Fig. 2. Therefore, the weights of the various criteria vironmental sustainability in their supply chain systems in Bangladesh
changed significantly with the change in weight of the top-ranked in- or in other small developing countries. As stated earlier, the garment
dicator. Conversely, Fig. 3 shows that the ranking of indicators did not industry is one of the largest and most valuable in Bangladesh. En-
change greatly during the test. The outermost line in Fig. 3 shows the vironmental sustainability could be enhanced in Bangladeshi supply
rank of EC5 for the changing weights of EC1. The line became concave chains by reducing the huge amounts of waste produced by the coun-
at the weight of 0.6, where the rank of EC5 was 6 and the other lines try's garments industry, with small manufacturing companies and tan-
expressed the same significance. The trend in both figures is relatable neries in Bangladesh producing waste that is toxic to both humans and
because the other weights changed together with the change in the the natural environment.
weight of EC1. Therefore, the ranking of the indicators did not change Reuse and recycle (EC7) and resource utilization (EC3) were the
significantly, which is a characteristic of a consistent system. Therefore, next most important indicators, with weights of 0.2039 and 0.1359,
the sensitivity analysis confirmed that the model we have proposed, respectively. Therefore, after implementing sustainable waste man-
including its results, was consistent. agement systems, companies should focus on making their byproducts
and excess products reusable and recyclable. Optimization of limited
5. Analysis of findings resources can help maintain environmental sustainability as well as
economic prosperity. ISO certification was found to be the least im-
Summary of the present study and findings: portant indicator of the Bangladeshi supply chains' environmental
performance. One explanation for this finding is that ISO certification is
a) The identification of indicators of environmental sustainability in not well known in Bangladeshi industries. In addition, it is difficult to
supply chains and the organization of these in the best to worst

Table 10
Weights of environmental sustainability indicators during sensitivity analysis.
Key indicators Normal Values of preference weights for selected key indicators

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

EC1 0.3326 0.1000 0.2000 0.3000 0.4000 0.5000 0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0.9000
EC2 0.0680 0.0917 0.0815 0.0713 0.0611 0.0509 0.0408 0.0306 0.0204 0.0102
EC3 0.1359 0.1833 0.1629 0.1425 0.1222 0.1018 0.0815 0.0611 0.0407 0.0204
EC4 0.0680 0.0917 0.0815 0.0713 0.0611 0.0509 0.0408 0.0306 0.0204 0.0102
EC5 0.0286 0.0386 0.0343 0.0300 0.0257 0.0214 0.0171 0.0129 0.0086 0.0043
EC6 0.0815 0.1099 0.0977 0.0855 0.0733 0.0611 0.0488 0.0366 0.0244 0.0122
EC7 0.2039 0.2750 0.2444 0.2139 0.1833 0.1528 0.1222 0.0917 0.0611 0.0306
EC8 0.0815 0.1099 0.0977 0.0855 0.0733 0.0611 0.0488 0.0366 0.0244 0.0122
Total 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

S.A. Suhi, et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 79 (2019) 106306

Fig. 2. Weights of environmental sustainability indicators during sensitivity analysis.

maintain ISO standards at each level of the supply chain in Bangladesh, chains. BRICS countries are more industrially developed than Bangla-
in part due to a lack of knowledge among suppliers. desh; therefore, their supply chains must focus on other parameters
However, we predict that the most highly ranked indicators have rather than waste management. Using an analytical multi-regional
more potential to improve environmental sustainability in Bangladesh. input-output model, Acquaye et al. (2017a) examined water footprints
Table 9 shows that land pollution (EC6) and use of hazardous materials in electrical industries as a significant indicator of environmental per-
(lead, arsenic, and harmful chemicals) (EC8) received weights of formance. Thus, indicators of environmental sustainability in supply
0.0815. Carbon footprint (EC4) and renewable energy usage (EC2) had chains vary from industry to industry, country to country, and region to
weights of 0.0680, making them the fourth and fifth highest ranked region. In the present study, we have outlined an efficient, cost-effec-
indicators, respectively. Therefore, companies should address these tive, and structured method to measure environmental performance in
indicators as part of their environmental management processes. supply chains.
Carbon footprint received less weighting in the calculation than one
might expect given the focus by governments and international orga- 6. Model implications
nizations on reducing carbon emissions. This is because Bangladesh has
minimal heavy metal manufacturing or chemical industries, which are 6.1. Research implications
the main emitters of carbon pollutants.
The present study laid the groundwork for future researchers to The present study has some significant research implications. The
analyze environmental sustainability in supply chains in developing model used in this study illustrates a detailed step-by-step method
countries such as Bangladesh. Previous studies on this topic have used based on BWM to identify and rank environmental criteria in SCM.
different methods to analyze other countries and reached different Based on this model, the study sought to identify indicators of en-
findings than those of our analysis. Ding et al. (2015) suggested that vironmental sustainability in supply chains and organize them in order
government policies are an important driver of sustainability, as these from best to worst in the context of Bangladesh. BWM analysis was
create pressure on business. Carbon emissions were assessed as an im- undertaken by compiling data from industry managers and academic
portant indicator of environmental sustainability in supply chains in an experts in Bangladesh for pairwise comparison. By performing BWM
analysis on metal industries in BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and calculations on this data, we obtained the required weighted averages
South Africa) countries (Acquaye et al., 2017b). This previous study (arithmetic mean) for different criteria.
proposed a model to measure environmental performance in supply The results from the present study will contribute to the literature

Fig. 3. Ranking of environmental sustainability indicators during sensitivity analysis.

S.A. Suhi, et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 79 (2019) 106306

regarding environmental sustainability. Moreover, the research was establish environmental sustainability measures in their supply chain.
undertaken based on an emerging economy, which can be insightful for To date, there exists no analysis on this topic in the context of
other countries that have the same economic pattern. In the case of Bangladeshi supply chains. Our analysis allowed industry managers to
developing newer technologies for reducing environmental impact of determine which criteria require immediate attention. The present
supply chain activities, companies can utilize the present study to un- study has practical implications for Bangladeshi industries in particular.
derstand the importance of different criteria. Moreover, insights from this study allowed the ranking of industries in
The challenge of the industrialized era is to continue industrializa- order by their environmental sustainability performance in supply
tion while mitigating its environmental impact. Bangladesh is a devel- chains. To assess this performance, the most and least considered cri-
oping nation that is trying to improve its economic status through in- teria can be selected as outlined in the present study. Our analysis drew
dustrialization, which makes environmental sustainability in supply on data from industries in Bangladesh including the garments sector,
chains an issue of great importance to Bangladesh. Our study identified small manufacturing industries, production factories, and tanneries.
waste management as the most important environmental criterion in This study holds importance for other emerging economies, with in-
the context of Bangladeshi supply chains. Waste management can be dustrial managers being able to follow the steps suggested in the pre-
implemented by reusing and refining pollutants into other products of sent study to assess the environmental sustainability across their supply
economic value. Our study identified ISO 14001 certification as the chains in their country.
least important criterion.
The results of the present study can create great value for other
emerging economies such as China, India, Brazil, Oman, and so on. The 7. Conclusions, limitations, and scope for future works
criteria we have identified in this analysis are also applicable for these
countries; however, the relative weights obtained from the BWM may The objective of the present study was to establish a model based on
vary from region to region. For example, USAID reports that carbon Bangladesh that was insightful for other emerging economies. As
emissions are a major problem in China and are increasing in Brazil and Bangladesh is developing in the industrial sector, the results from the
India (Change, 2012). According to (Jose and Jabbour, 2010; José present study will provide industrial managers and future researchers
et al., 2012; Vivas et al., 2019), criteria for environmental sustainability with some basic information. We suggest that future research on this
in SCM include CO2 emissions, hazardous wastes, ISO 14001 certifica- topic focus on specific regions to allow for precise analysis. However,
tion, and renewable energy sources, which were based on the scenario findings from the present study can be treated as fundamental for the
of Brazil. The quality of air, soil, and water; embedded carbon; resource purposes of future research. Industries can be ranked by measures of
consumption; reuse, recycle and recovery of materials; use of hazardous environmental sustainability using BWM. In turn, this analysis may
materials; renewable energy source; and ISO certification are some of encourage industries to improve their environmental practices to in-
the environmental criteria for SCM in Indian industries (Li and crease their rank.
Mathiyazhagan, 2017; Das, 2018). The consumption of toxic sub- The present study has some limitations. One limitation is that the
stances, solid waste, and waste water play a vital role in sustainable results cannot be applied to all industries and regions of Bangladesh as
SCM in China (Lu et al., 2018; Wu et al., 2018). From the above- the weights of the criteria will vary depending on regions and cir-
mentioned examples, different emerging economies other than Ban- cumstances. In addition, the weighting of criteria might change in re-
gladesh have similar types of environmental indicators for their re- sponse to economic or other developments in Bangladesh. However, the
spective SCM. Thus, the findings and outcomes of the present study will present study can help emerging industries ensure environmental sus-
contribute to the sustainability analysis of SCM in other emerging tainability in their supply chains. Environmental performance is a
countries together with Bangladesh. source of competitive advantage in today's market. As consumers and
governments continue to focus on environmental sustainability, the
6.2. Managerial implications present study provides important insights for future studies by re-
searchers and industry managers.
The present study outlined an approach for industry managers to

Appendix A

A.1. Questionnaire 1

Q.1 Which type of company/department are you working at?

Q.2 What is your designation and experience/role in your company/university?
Q.3 Are the listed indicators suitable for environmental sustainability assessment in the context of Bangladesh?
If the indicator is suitable for environmental sustainability assessment in the context of Bangladesh please write Yes. If the indicator is not
relevant please write No. Further, please mention your recommendation about any additional indicator, if necessary.

Table A1
Key indicators for taking responses from respondents (experts).

Key indicators Response (Yes/No)

Waste management
Renewable energy usage
Resource utilization
Water pollution
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) emission
Energy sources and fuel residuals
Carbon footprint (CO2, CO emission)
ISO 14001 certification
Government regulations
(continued on next page)

S.A. Suhi, et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 79 (2019) 106306

Table A1 (continued)

Key indicators Response (Yes/No)

Air pollution
Reuse and recycle
Use of hazardous materials (Lead, arsenic, and harmful chemicals)
Land pollution
If you have any other suggestion please mention in the box beside.

A.2. Questionnaire 2

Q.4 Please select the best (e.g. the most important) and the worst (e.g. the least important) indicator from the main group of indicators.

Write best/worst beside the corresponding boxes of your selected indicators. Please select only one indicator as best and another one as worst.

Table A2
Selection of best and worst indicator.

Key indicators Selected as the best indicator Selected as the worst indicator

Waste management (EC1)

Renewable energy usage (EC2)
Resource utilization (EC3)
Carbon footprint (CO2, CO emission) (EC4)
ISO 14001 certification (EC5)
Land pollution (EC6)
Reuse and recycle (EC7)
Use of hazardous materials (Lead, arsenic, and harmful chemicals) (EC8)

Q.5 Please fill in the following comparison vector.

A numerical value from 1 to 9 should be assigned to indicate the significance of the best indicator over the other indicators (e.g. 1 means indicator
a is equitably significant to input b; 9 means input a is immensely more significant than indicator b).

Table A3
Scaling of the best indicator over the other indicators (best-to-others pairwise comparison vectors).

Most important indicator EC1 EC2 EC3 EC4 EC5 EC6 EC7 EC8

XX (the one according to your selection)

Q.6 Please fill in the following comparison vector.

Note: Similarly, a numerical value from 1 to 9 should be assigned to indicate the significance of all other criteria over the worst criterion (e.g. 1
means indicator a is equitably significant to input b; 9 means input a is immensely more significant than indicator b).

Table A4
Scaling of other indicators over the worst indicator (others-to-worst pairwise comparison vectors).

Other indicators Least important criterion- XX (The one according to your selection)


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