Soal Semestr Bhs Inggris Kls Xi

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Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal :

Kelas/Program : XI,Mia 4,Is ung,1,2 Jam :

Text I
The following dialog is for question 1to 3
Andra : what are you browsing?
Riana : I am looking for a robotic course
Andra : Do you want to attend it?
Riana : I do
Andra : let me help you to browse
Riana : thanks
Andra : well, look this one Jumanji Robotic course.
Riana : No It is quite far from my house.
Andra : Ah, You are right. How about this one?
Riana : hmm…., that’s great. I’ll call it.
Andra : I suggest you go there so you can get detailed information.
Riana : you are right
Andra : Let me accompany you there.
Riana : thank you. How about tomorrow after school?
Andra : alright. I will be waiting for you in front of my class.
Riana : O.K. thanks
1. What is the relationship between the speakers?
A. E-pals
B. cousins
C. Siblings
D. Old friends
E. Schoolmates
2. From the dialogue we know that………………..
A. Riana always decline Ella’s idea
B. Ella and Deni will go to Jumanji Robotic Course
C. Riana will accompany Andra to the course
D. Riana agrees with Andra’s suggestion to the course
E. Riana and Andra are going to attend a robotic course
3. How does Riana find the suitable robotic course for her?
A. Browsing the internet
B. Having Andra’s recommendation
C. Reading a robotic course pamphlet
D. Receiving a promo from a short message
E. Reading an advertising in a newspaper
The following text is for questions 4 to 6




4. According to the poster we are suggested ………………..

A. Enjoy or lives
B. Consume healthy food
C. Think before making a choice
D. Protect the source of foods
E. Work hard to have a better life
5. Where do you probably see the poster
A. In a laboratory
B. In a classroom
C. In a school library
D. In a teacher’s room
E. In a school canteen
6. “ Make a smart choice to make a better life”
What does the sentence mean?
A. Our lives depend on our effort
B. There are ways to achieve success
C. Our choices will affect our ways of life
D. Our right decisions bring us to good life
E. There are several options to make a better life
Text III
The use of formalin and other dangerous preservatives in food has been
7. What is mainly discussed in the text above?
A. The impacts of internet on education.
B. The advantage of technology on education
C. the access of information from the internet.
D. The distraction of curiosity by the internet.
E. the decrease of research quality caused by internet
8. "The internet also can be a huge destruction, ...." (Paragraph 2)
What is the opposite meaning of the underlined word?
A. Few
B. Less
C. Thin
D. Fine
E. Small
9. Why do some people disagree with the use of internet on education?
A. Internet does not encourage people to serious question.
B. Internet gives low-quality answer to questions
C. Internet provides high quality information
D. Internet results expensive education
E. Internet has little access to education.
10. Which of the following is NOT a good effect of internet on education?
A. Internet can avoid a serious inquiry.
B. Internet can make education cheaper.
C. Internet can influence a student's interest.
D. Internet can open the access to information in rural areas.
E. Internet can help anyone the answers to their curiosity
Text VI
Dear Nan,
We are having a wonderful holiday here in Gold Coast. Yesterday was great as we went to
Movie World.
When we got p in the morning it looked like rain. After a while the clouds disappeared and
it became a sunny day. We then decided to go to Movie World.
First I went to Lethal Weapon. Next I saw the Police Academy Show. After that I had
lunch as I was really hungry. Meanwhile, Mom and Kelly queued for the Batman ride.

It rained about lunchtime but soon it was fine again. We really enjoyed our holiday.
Love ,
11. The text mainly tells us about ...
A. A sunny day
B. Gold coast
C. Batman side
D. Sam’s letter
E. Sam’s holiday
12. Which of the following was not visited by Sam?
A. Gold Coast
B. Batman ride
C. Movie World
D. Lethal Weapon
E. Police Academy Show
13. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Sam?
A. He went to the holiday with his mom and Kelly.
B. He went to the Gold Coast.
C. He had an unpleasant holiday.
D. He enjoyed his holiday.
E. He was Nan's friend.
Text V
Mr. Lion was lying asleep when he was suddenly awaked by a mouse running over his face. The
little mouse was being chased by a wild cat. "How dare you!" he roared, and raised his paw to
kill the mouse. "Please, sir, begged Miss. Mouse, "let me go, and one day I may do something
for you in return. "You help me! Ha… ha…., "laughed Mr. Lion, but he let her go.
One day, Mr. Lion was caught in a net by hunters, "I can't get out!" he roared angrily, "But I can
help you," said a tiny voice. Then Miss. Mouse nibbled and gnawed the ropes until the lion was
free. "There", she said proudly, "if you had not let me go, I would not have found a way to help
you. "Yes, you should thank her, Mr. Lion. She has saved your life", said a monkey who was
sitting on a branch of a tree.
14. Who was caught in a net?
A. A cat
B. A lion
C. A mouse
D. A hunter
E. A monkey

15. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Mr. Lion was not lying asleep
B. The mouse cannot help Mr. Lion
C. Miss. Mouse was awaked by Mr. Lion
D. Miss Mouse was caught in a net spread by hunters
E. Mr lion awaked because a mouse running over his face
16. Why did the mouse run over the lion's face? Because
A. A monkey helped Mr. Lion
B. Mr. Lion caught Miss Mouse
C. Miss Mouse helped release Mr. Lion
D. Mr lion was trapped by the hunters
E. The hunters were caught in a net
Text VI
The Minangkabau house is the most striking, beautiful and distinctive in Indonesia.
The house itself is built on piles and has an oblong shape. The saddle backed roof is formed by a
load-bearing ridge-beam artistically. Each roof section ends in a graceful horn-like which sweeps
upward to a narrow point, sometimes twice as high as the center of the ridge.
The back part of the family house is divided into small rooms. These are separated from one
another by planks, bamboo or clothe and serve as sleeping quarter for the married and
marriageable girls. The fore room contains a large fire place and serves as a communal family
room. Often also slept in by children and unmarried.
The space beneath the floor of the dwelling lodges the domestic stock consisting of buffaloes.
Cows, chicken, and ducks.
Externally, the house is decorated with rectangular panels covered with floral motifs which hide
the abutments of the beams which are supporting the floor.
In general, the building is made of wood and bamboo. Various sorts of leaves are used for
17. What does the text tells us about?
A. the saddle backed roof
B. The Minangkabau house
C. the divisions of a family house
D. the material used to build a house.
E. the horns use in Minangkabau house
18. Where should you address the emails asking for your Account number?
A. Buwana Bank
B. Criminal court.
C. 0885 2000 117
D. Customer Service

19. "These are separated from one another by planks, bamboo …" (Paragraph 2) The
underlined word refers to …
A. Planks
B. Children
C. Small rooms
D. Dwelling
E. No worries! Criminals cannot get into your account without your approval.
The lion and the Dolphin

A lion wondering by the seashore saw a Dolphin lift up its head out of the waves, and
suggested that they made an agreement as friends, saying that of all the animal should should
be best friends, since the one was the king be beasts on the earth, and the other was the supreme
ruler of all the inhabitants of the ocean. The Dolphin gladly accepts his request. Not long
afterwards the Lion had a combat with a will bull, and called on the Dolphin to help him. The
Dolphin, though qiute willing to give him helps, was unable to do so, because he could not by
any reach the land. The Lion insult him as a traitor. The Dolphin replied, “Nay, my friend, do
not blame on me, you should blame the nature, which made me the ruler of the sea, but didn’t
give me the power of living on the land”.

20. What is the topic of the text?

A. The ocean and the sea
B. The sea and the land
C. The dolphin and the lion
D. The Dolphin and the Lion are friends
E. The Dolphin is a Traitor
21. Who is the bold typed on the text ?
A. Lion
B. Dolphin
C. King
D. Ocean
E. Land
22. The man sitting over there is my father
A. Whose
B. When
C. Where
D. Who
E. Whom
23. This place ....... Visited some years ago
A. Which
B. When

C. Where
D. That
E. Who
24. She missed listening to the radio ,..... Had been stolen
A. Which
B. When
C. Where
D. That
E. Who
The following Memo is for questions no 25-29 !

To : All Teachers in Surakarta High School

From : Dr. Rahman Diningrat M.Pd
Date : July 15th,2014
Subject : Parent’s Meeting

Next week, we will make a parent’s meeting. The meeting will discuss about the rules of our
school that new students must obey. As a professional teacher, we must give an understanding
about the rules.we also have give a chanse to parents for sharing their opinion. I hope you can
prepare this meeting well.

25. Who received the memo?

A. Students parent’s
B. Students and teacher
C. All Teacher’s and Parent’s
D. Dr Rahman Diningrat M.Pd
E. All teacher’s
26. What is the memo content?
A. Dr. Rahman Diningrat M.Pd will make a meeting with all Teacher and Students Parent’s
Surakarta high school.
B. Dr. Rahman Diningrat M.Pd will make a meeting with all Teachers and Student’s
C. Dr. Rahman Diningrat M.Pd will make a meeting at Surakarta High School
D. Dr Rahman Diningrat M.Pd will make a meeting with his wife at Surakarta High School
E. Dr. Rahman Dining M.Pd will make a meeting with Students at Surakata High School

Text IX

The Goose that Laid Golden Egg

Once upon a time, there lived a happy family in a village. A man and his wife lived happily
on a little farm, tending their flock of geese and selling their eggs and the market. They were
not rich, but they were happy with their life together.

Then one day, a new goose flew in among their flock. The couple was surprised to find a
shiny golden egg in her nest. Each and everyday after that, the goose laid another egg of solid
gold. The couple was soon richer then they have dream of, but they were not happy. The grew
impatient with only one golden egg a day. The farmer said to his wife, “ Our goose must be full
of gold. Why you should we wait to find that to have more eggs ?”
So, they killed the goose ! They were very surprised to find that is was just like any other
goose inside. Even worse, they would never be any more golden eggs !

27. The family earn their life by.........

A. Living on the living farm

B. Selling hi farm and land

C. Selling geese meat

D. Selling geese eggs

E. Eating the geese meat

28. The couple relieved their impatience by.........

A. Tending their flock goose

B. Killing the goose

C. Eating the goose meat

D. Selling the egg at the market

E. Selling the new goose

29. What something that make them surprised?

A. They got a gift

B. They got shiny golden egg

C. Eating the goose meat

D. Selling the egg at the market

E. Selling the new goose

This following text is for questions no 30 and 31 !

Complete the following short dialogue with the suitable expression !
30. Alex : Hello, Retno ! Thank you for the book you gave to me.
Retno : You’re welcome. Do you like the story ?
Alex : yes,..................
A. It’s a great relief
B. It’s a good
C. It’s a bad
D. I hate t
E. I love it
31. Leo : Would you tell me what happened to mouse ?
Ronald : Well, the mouse was released by the Lion.
Leo : ............... I thought the Lion ate the mouse.
A. I hate it
B. I love it
C. It’s a bad

D. Thank you
E. Thanks heaven

Text X


A kangaroo is an animal found only Australia, although it has smaller relative, called a
Wallaby, which lives on the Australian Island of Tasmania and also in New Guinea.
Kangaroo eat grass ant plants. They have short front legs, but very long,and very strong back
legs and a tail. These are use for sitting up and for jumping. Kangaroo have been known to
make forward jumps of over eight meters, and leap across fences more than three meters
high. They can also run at speeds-of over 45kilometres per hour.
The largest Kangaroos are the Great Grey Kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adult grow to a
length of 1.60 meters and weight over 90 kilos.
Kangaroo are marsupials. This mean that the female kangaroo has and external pouch on the
front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny-when it is born, and it crawls at once into this
pouch where it spends it first five month of life.
32. Best the contents did you read , this text include to . . ...
A. Report text
B. Descriptive text
C. Hortatory text
D. Analytical text
E. Narrative text
33. When the Kangaroo have a length of 1.60 meters and weight over 90 kilometers ?
A. When it’s a baby
B. When it’s a tiny
C. When it’s adult
D. It’s a Wallaby
E. It’s Marsupials
Text XI

Laptop as Student’s Friend

Conventionally, students need book, pen, eraser, drawing book,ruler and such other stuff.
Additionally, in this multimedia era, student’s need more to reach their progressive
development. Students need mobile keyboard record every presented subject easily. Of course it
will need more cost but it will deserve for it function.
First, modern schools tend to apply fast transferring knowledge because the school needs to
catch the target of curriculum . Every subject will tend to be given in demonstrative method.
Consequently students need extra media cover the subject. Since there is a laptop on every
student’s desk, this Method will have student to get better understanding.
Secondly, finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as it was. Recently there is an online shop
which provides comprehensive information. The best is that the shop has service of online.

shopping.the students just need to brows that online shop, decide with computer laptop they
need, and then complete the transaction. After that the laptop will be delivered to students’
houses. That is rely easy and save time and money.
From all of that, having mobile computer is absolutely useful for students who want to catch the
best result for their study.

34. All statements is true best on the text, except ?

A.Students need extra media cover for it
B. Have a laptop were need more cost
C. Laptop have to make your eyes to be trouble eyesight
D. Laptop have to make easily for shopping
E. Finding an appropriate laptop is not difficult as was
35. What the consequently for student when bring a laptop for school ?
A. Have a laptop were need more cost
B. Laptop have to make student’s eyes to be trouble
C. Laptop have to make easily for shopping
D. Student’s need extra media cover for it
E. Finding appropriate laptop is not difficult as was

Text XII

The University of Australia

The University of Australia has an international reputation for educational professionals and
for applied research. It is Australia's largest university, with six campuses, including a
specialized technology campus. The university places particular importance on the quality of its
teaching and learning programs, and on its working links with industry, business and

36. The whole paragraph promotes that ........

A. the University of Australia offers excellent educational programs

B. The university of Australia is the largest university in the country

C. The University of Australia has a specialized technology campus

D. The university places particular importance on technology

E. The university has six campuses

37. Which information is NOT TRUE about the University of Australia?

A. It has an international educational reputation

B. It also has a specialized technology campus

C. It has six technology campuses.

D. It is Australia's largest university.

E. It has good relation with industry.

38. It is stated that the university has good relationship with ...

A. educational professionals

B. Specialized technology

C. large universities

D. other campuses

E. Industry

39. “ the University of Australia has an international educational reputation for ..."

The underlined word means ........

A. Knowledge

B. Prestige

C. Attitude

D. Character

E. Interest
40. In which section would you likely read the ad?

A. Company for sale

B. Office equipment

C. Job vacancy

D. Entertaining guide

E. Stationary and office

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