How To Change A Purchase Order

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How To Change A Purchase Order

Step 1) For changing an existing purchase order you can use

transaction code ME22N  (or ME22 - the old version).

Immediately after executing transaction code, system will take you to the most recent purchase order you have
created, changed or viewed. If you need to change some other purchase order, you can use the option which
appears in the menu

Purchase order = > Other Purchase Order.

Step 2)

You will be presented a screen to enter the document you want to process.

We can add another item and save our purchase order.

After saving we will be informed by the system that our PO is saved with changes. Note: Displaying of purchase
orders can be reached through t-code ME23N (or ME23 – old version). Everything looks and works the same as
in change mode except that data isn't changeable, you can only display it.

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