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Secret Agent:

A driver was driving, during the trip a stop signal is passed and a
pedestrian crosses and the driver rolls it
The previously rolled pedestrian had the habit of crossing the cars to
run over and take money from drivers, also ignored signs and do not
use pedestrian bridges.
Driver: Not that I've done, you are good?
Pedrestian: Oh!!! my leg is broken
Driver: Really?
Pedrestian: Yeah! Augg it hurts too much
Driver: Emm, we should go to the hospital or call the police
Pedrestian: No! it would be better if you gave me a little money to go to
the hospital alone and not as an accident
Driver: And how much is a little money?
Pedrestian: I do not know, about three hundred thousand pesos
Driver What! that's a lot, I better call the police
Secret agent: what happened here
Pedrestian: who are you
Secret agent: I am Roscar Melquizeded Wayne agent secret of traffic
Pedrestian: agent? Goodbye my friend I'm better
Driver: Hey where are you going? you did not have a broken leg
Secret agent: jumm so I see this better or maybe there was never a
broken leg
Driver: Hey, you were asking me for money
Secret agent: Money, bribery, fallacies
Pedrestian: You rolled me
Secret agent: I see you very well to be overwhelmed
Pedrestian: what no oh my leg!!
Secret agent: from what I see you passed a stop sign
Pedrestian: yes!
Secret agent: Shut up, I have not finished with you. You will have to
pay a fine and now.
Driver: I can go?
Secret agent: Yes, hey another thing, that this does not happen again
And you, Extortion, imprudence, ignoring a pedestrian bridge,
something else?
Pedrestian: What? Pedestrian bridge?
Secret agent: yes, that
Pedrestian: that was not there
Secret agent. today I am happy, therefore you will have to pay a few
fines and you can go, but now!

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