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Code No: 07A6BS01 R07 Set No.

III B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations,May 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. A P.C repair man finds that the time spent on jobs has an exponential distribution
with mean 30 minutes. If the sets are repaired in the order , in which they come
in , and if the arrival of sets is approximately Poisson with an average of 10 per 8
hours day. Find

(a) The expected idle time per day

o m
(b) The probability that there is no unit in the system.

. c
(c) Average number of units in the queue.
(d) The average waiting time of queue.

o r
(e) The probability that a unit will have to wait for more than 10 minutes

tu w
(f) How many jobs are ahead of the average set just brought in.

2. (a) A continous Random variable has the p.d.f f(x) =

=0 otherwise Determine
(x+1), - 1 ≤ x ≤ 1

j. n
i. P(2 ≤ x ≤ 4 )
ii. The mean

iii. Variance

(b) A coin is tossed n times. If the probability of getting 6 heads is equal to the
probability of getting 8 heads, find the value of n. [8+8]

3. (a) Two random samples drawn from 2 normal populations are given below. Do
the estimates of variances differ significantly?
Sample I 20 16 26 27 23 22 18 24 25 19 - -
Sample II 17 23 32 25 22 24 28 16 31 33 20 27
(b) The following values gives the lengths of 12 samples of Egyptian cotton taken
from a consignment 48,46,49,46,52,45,47,47,46,46,45 and 50 . Test whether the
sample had been taken from a sample whose average length is 50 at .05 level.

4. (a) A sample of 100 electric bulbs produced by a manufacturer A showed a mean

life time of 1190hrs and a standard deviation of 90 hrs. Another sample of75
bulbs produced by a manufacturer B showed a mean life of 1230hrs with a S.D
of 120hrs. Test the significance of the difference between the means at 99%
(b) In a random sample of 400 industrial accidents, it was found that 231 were
due to unsafe working conditions . Find

Code No: 07A6BS01 R07 Set No. 2
i. The maximum error
ii. Construct 95% confidence interval for the proportion. [8+8]

5. (a) Five measurements of the tar content of a certain kind of cigarette yielded
15.5, 15.6,16,14.9 and 16.2 .Construct 99% confidence interval for the mean.
(b) It was found that the average income of 36 workers is 12000 per annum. .Is
this sample has been taken from a large population whose mean of annual
income is 11,800 and S.D 800. [8+8]

6. Apopulation consists of five numbers 5, 8, 15, 24, 32. Consider all Samples of size
two which can be taken without replacement from this population. Find

(a) The population mean

(b) The population Standard deviation
o m
(c) The mean of the sampling distribution of mean

. c
(d) Standard deviation of the sampling distribution of mean [16]

o r
7. (a) A coin is biased in a way that a head is twice as likely to occur as a tail. If
the coin is tossed 3 times, find the probability of getting 2 tails and 1 head.

tu w
(b) A box contains 10 white and 3 black balls, while another box contains 3 white
and 5 black balls. Two balls are drawn from the first box and put into the
second box and then a ball is drawn from it what is the probability that it is

j. n
a white ball. [8+8]

8. (a) If the mean of a Poisson variate is 4, Find the probabilities when x = 0, 1, 2,

3, 4 and 5 using recurrence formula.
(b) In a distribution exactly normal 30% of the items are under 26 and 90% are

w w
under 42. Find the mean and the Standard deviation of mark.


Code No: 07A6BS01 R07 Set No. 4
III B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations,May 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) A Random sample of 100 items is taken from a population whose standard de-
viation is5.1 The mean of the sample is 21.6.construct 95% confidence interval
for the mean

o m
(b) What is the maximum error one can expect to make with probability .9, when
using the mean of a random sample of size n=64 to estimate the mean of a
population with the variance 2.56

. c
(c) A random sample of 400 flower stems has an average length of 15 cms. Can
this be regarded as a sample from a large population with mean 16 cms and
standard deviation 5 cms.?

o r [5+5+6]

2. (a) If the variance of a Poisson variate is 2, find the probability that

i. x = 0
ii. P(1 ≤ x < 4)

tu w
j. n
iii. P(x > 2)
(b) In a test on electrical bulbs, it was found that the life of a particular make
was normally distributed with an average life of 2040 hours and S.D of 40 hrs.

w w
Estimate the number of bulbs likely to burn formore than 2140. [8+8]

3. (a) Derive a formula to find the confidence interval between the proportions and

the Maximum error.
(b) A sample of 50 students in a college got 90% marks in Maths with a standard
deviation of 20%. A sample of 60 students in a college got 80% marks in
Maths with a standard deviation of 25%. Test the significance between the
difference of two means at 5% level. [8+8]

4. (a) If X is a continuous random variable and Y= aX + b, then prove that

i. E(Y)= a E(X) + b
ii. V(Y) = a2 V(X)
(b) Derive formulae to find the mean and variance of the Binomial distribution.

5. (a) Two boxes contain ten chips numbered 1 to 10. one chip is drawn from each
box. Find the probability that thje sum is greater than 4.
(b) If 4 cards are drawn from a pack of 52 cards, find the probability that
i. Two spades and two are diamonds

Code No: 07A6BS01 R07 Set No. 4
ii. One is red and three are black
(c) If A and B are two mutually exclusive events and A∪B6= φ, then prove that
P(A|(A∪B))= P (A)+P
P (A)

6. (a) Derive formulae for

i. Expected number of units in the system.
ii. The variance of queue length.
(b) Consider a box office ticket window being manned by a single individual cus-
tomers arrive to purchase tickets according to a poisson process. The arrival
rate is 30 per hour. The mean service rate is 90 seconds. Find
i. Expected queue length.
ii. Expected waiting time in the system

o m
iii. Expected waiting time in the queue

. c [8+8]

7. Fit a binomial distribution to the following data and test the Goodness of Fit at
.05 level of significance.
Poor 23 60
Average 28 79
o r
Very good 9 49
x 0 1 2 3 4
f 38 144 342 287 164


j. n
8. A population consists of five numbers 8, 24, 36, 45, 52. Consider all Samples of size
two which can be taken without replacement from this population. Find

w w
(a) The population mean
(b) The population Standard deviation

(c) The mean of the sampling distribution of mean
(d) Standard deviation of the sampling distribution of means [16]


Code No: 07A6BS01 R07 Set No. 1
III B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations,May 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) A random sample of size 64 is taken from an infinite population having the
mean 45and the standard deviation 8 What is the probability that x̄ will be
between 46 and 47.5.

standard deviation 15 . Find

o m
(b) A random sample of size 160 is taken from an infinite population with the

i. The standard error

. c
ii. Probable error [8+8]

o r
2. (a) The mean height of 50 male students who participated in sports is 68.2 inches
with a S.D of 2.5.The The mean height of 50 male students who have not
participated in sports is 67.2 inches with a S.D of 2.8. Test the hypothesis

tu w
that the height of students who participated in sports is more than the students
who have not participated in sports.
(b) A coin is tossed 10000 times and it turns up head 5195 times. Discuss whether

j. n
the coin may be regarded as unbiased one. [8+8]
3. (a) A continuous Random variable has the p.d.f f(x)=K(x2 - 1) If -1 < x < 3, =

w w
0 otherwise Determine
i. K
ii. the mean

w iii. Variance
(b) A die is thrown 10 times. Getting a 1 or 6 is a success Find
i. P(x ≤ 1)
ii. P(x > 4)
iii. P(x= 8) [8+8]
4. Fit a poisson distribution to the following data and test the Goodness of Fit at .01
level of significance.
x 0 1 2 3 4 5
f 12 63 20 3 1 1

5. (a) Measurements of the weights of a random sample of 200 ball bearings made
by a certain machine during one week showed a mean of .824 and a standard
deviation of .042. Construct 98% confidence interval for the mean.
(b) If the maximum error with .99 probability is.1.3 and the standard deviation
is 6.3, find the sample size.

Code No: 07A6BS01 R07 Set No. 1
(c) A normal population has a mean 8.5 and standard deviation 4.A sample of
196 has been taken and found the average to be 8. Test the significance at .05

6. (a) Find the Mode of Poisson Distribution.

(b) In a distribution exactly normal 7% of the items are under 35 and 89% are
under 63. Find the mean and the Standard deviation of mark. [8+8]

7. A ticket issuing office is being manned by a single server. Customer arrive to

purchase tickets according to a Poisson distribution with a mean rate of 30 per
hour. The time required to serve a customer has an exponential distribution with
a mean of 90 seconds. Find

o m
(a) Average number of customers in the system.
(b) Average number of customers in the queue.
(c) Average time a customer spending in the system

ld .
(d) The variance of queue length.

o r
(e) The probability that a customer will have to wait for more than 10 minutes

tu w
(f) The probability that the number of customers in the queue exceeds 5 [16]

8. (a) The Probabilities that students A,B,C and D solve a problem are 31 , 25 , 51 and 14

j. n
respectively. If all of them try to solve the problem What is the probability
that the problem is solved.
(b) State and prove Baye’s theorem. [8+8]

w w ?????

Code No: 07A6BS01 R07 Set No. 3
III B.Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations,May 2010
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) The standard deviations of two samples are 8 and 12. The sample sizes are
200 and 100. Find the standard error and .05 confidence limits of difference
between the means, given that the means are 60 and 50.

o m
(b) A random sample of 8 envelopes is taken from letter box of a post office and
their weights in grams are found to be 12.1,11.9,12.4,12.3,11.9,12.1,12.4 and

received at their post office is 12.35 gms.

. c
12.1.Does this sample indicate at 1% level that the average weight of envelopes

r ld
2. (a) Suppose 300 misprints are distributed randomly throughout a book of 500
pages. Find the probability that a given page contains
i. Exactly 2 misprints
ii. 2 or more misprints

w o
(b) The marks obtained by 100 students is normally distributed with mean 68%
and Standard deviation 5%. Determine

j. n
i. How many get more than 70%.
ii. How many students get between 65% and 75% [8+8]

w w
3. (a) If a random variable has the probability density function f(x)=2e−2x for x >
0; = 0 for x ≤ 0 Find the probabilities
i. P(1<x<3)

w ii. P(x≥.5)
(b) Two dice are thrown 4 times. Getting a sum of 9 on the faces is a success.
Find the probability that the sum gets
i. Twice
ii. Three times [8+8]
4. (a) A Random sample of 1500 items is taken from a population whose standard
deviation is 45 The mean of the sample is 102. Construct 95% confidence
(b) What is the maximum error one can expect to make with probability .9, when
using the mean of a random sample of size n=64 to estimate the mean of a
population with σ 2 = 2.56
(c) The U.N. wants to know if the mean daily caloric intake in a developing
country is less than 2,000 calories. A random sample of 500 rural adults
reported a mean daily caloric intake of 1985 with a standard deviation of 210.
Test at the 0.05 level of significance [5+5+6]

Code No: 07A6BS01 R07 Set No. 3
5. Apopulation consists if six numbers 4, 8,12,16.20,24. Consider all Samples of size
two which can be taken without replacement from this population. Find

(a) The population mean

(b) The population Standard deviation
(c) The mean of the sampling distribution of mean
(d) Standard deviation of the sampling distribution of mean [16]

6. A fast food restaurant has one drive window. Cars arrive according to a poisson
process.Cars arrive at the rate of 2 per 5 minutes.The service time per customer
is 1.5 minutes. Determine

(a) The Expected number of customers waiting to be served.

o m
(b) The probability that the waiting line exceeds 10

. c
(c) Average waiting time until a customer reaches the window to place an order.
(d) The probability that the facility is idle.

r ld [16]

7. (a) In a certain factory there are two independent processes for manufacturing the
same item. The average weight in a sample of 400 items produced from one

tu w
process is found to be 150 gms with a standard deviation of 20 gms while the
corresponding figures in a sample of 500 items from the other process are 190
and 24. Is there significant difference between the mean (test at 95% level).

j. n
(b) Among 100 fish caught in a large lake, 18 were inedible due to the pollution
of the environment. With what confidence can we assert that the error of this
estimate is at most .065? [8+8]

w w
8. (a) The probabilities of passing in subjects A, B, C and D are 43 , 32 , 45 and 21
respectively. To qualify in the examination a student should pass in A and

w two among the other thtree. What is the probability of qualifying in the
(b) A student in section C has three friends from section A, five friends from
section B and 4 friends from section D. The probability of no classes in each
of the sections A, B and D is 31 . Somebody saw the student with one of his
friends outside the class room. What is the probability that the friend is from
i. Section A
ii. Section B
iii. Section D. [8+8]


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