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Inquiry Stimulus – Instagram model raises $700,000 for Australia’s brushfires with nude photos
before account deleted?
Inquiry Question – Should we consider the model’s action ‘heroic’ as she sacrificed herself (her
image) for a larger cause?
Answer: My honest opinion regarding the issue of the Instagram model is not heroic to the
Australian's brushfires even though it raises $700,000. It still not a good thing. Because we can
help them by donating our old clothes, food, medicine and give them money through your salary
because of your work. Thus, sacrificing your body for becoming a nude photo, it not
accommodating to other people because those who are affected in the Australian brushfires will
appreciate and thankful by just donating that helps them.

What is the problem of finding truth in the contemporary times?

A. See Inquiry Stimulus and Inquiry Question to facilitate the discussion on truth (let
students give their opinion)
B. How do they affect spirituality?
How does the crisis of relativism profoundly impact faith and morals?
A. What is relativism in faith?
B. What is relativism in morals?
C. What is practical relativism?
How does the Gospel lead us to the rediscovery of the Absolute Truth?
A. What is the definition of truth according to St. Thomas?
B. What is the role of truth in the salvific mission of the Church?
C. How do we consider the truths of faith presented by other religions or Christian
Create a four-line poem presenting the Truth of the Gospel.

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