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By: Khaye Anne B. Siscar

Graduation becomes one last celebration to remember good times and hard work
spent in the years of high school. The music cues as students file down the aisle toward
the stage, tassels bouncing in a rhythmic motion with each step taken. Beneath each
white cap is a student with a smile from ear to ear.

Others shed happy tears for the most anticipated day of high school, graduation.
Side by side, parents hold cameras, eager to catch every minute. Shown on screens
above begins a slideshow of senior pictures and memorable moments captured.
Speeches given by the valedictorian, salutatorian, principal, and other staffs open up
the ceremony.

The day has finally arrived; the memory of every parent’s baby entering
kindergarten flickers in the minds of parents as high school students accept their
individual diplomas. Within a blink of an eye, homecoming including old and new
friendships will become sealed memories in the chapter of high school. Another story is
added and imprinted into our hearts for what waits ahead begins a new beginning, new
story and new chapter. From day one of freshmen year to the final day of senior year,
many memorable days lie in between. The feeling of first entering high school becomes
a distant memory. Each year brings a new sense of insight and confidence to face on
the challenges of life. Within every individual grows a unique personality that continues
to grow with each passing year. Beginning as a freshman, the struggle to make new
friends can be difficult while trying to balance the weight of high school classes. The day
of graduation seems like a century ahead compared to obstacles faced as a freshman.
As sophomore year rolls around, students feel a sense of confidence after gone through
the trials of freshmen year. For juniors, the pressure of college and grades become
stressful as they take into consideration their career ahead. The final year for senior lies
with the last stretch of homework and final projects. Each year comes trials and
situations pushing each individual to overcome and persevere through. High school
represents a time of many “firsts”. Whether it be first car or first travel, these tiny details
become memories we will forever remember for the rest of our lives. The dedication and
advice given by teachers is forever cemented into the minds of students. The duration in
high school has prepared students with wisdom and tools to applicate to their lives as
adults. Many late nights and coffee runs later, each student has successfully completed
hours of hard work. What lies ahead begins a new adventure. We hold a new sense of
hope for what the pathway will be like in the future. Our mind begins to ponder what our
life will be in ten years. Will we be married with kids, achieve our dream job or become
While it seems as though the chapter of high school is closing, the chapter for
lower grades continues to write its story. Each grade steps up to a new challenge and
place. Juniors taking the place of leadership from leaving seniors. No longer are they
the ones looking up to others for leadership, but become the ones leading. New
freshman pile in, unsure of themselves, attempting to learn the ways of high school
while fitting in the best they can. The end of the year gives students and teachers time
to recuperate for the coming year. Graduation becomes one last celebration to
remember good times and hard work spent in the years of high school. For seniors, the
relief of hard work is paid off once the touch of parchment of a diploma is grasped in
their hands.

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