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I will cast my vote in Delhi Assembly Election.

“WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA,” is how the preamble to our constitution begins, which is the
very embodiment of millions of Indians coming together and giving to themselves this
constitution, this republic that we live in today. Universal Adult Franchise is engrained in the
very soul of the constitution and hence through this right to vote we elect our representatives
through mandate of the will of the people, to effectively govern ourselves.
Elections in India are a nationwide festival as this right elect our representatives is sacrosanct
to this democratic polity known as India, and with the Delhi assembly elections not even a
week away one’s duty owed to this great nation cannot be emphasised enough.
Being a first time voter, I myself am very excited to be a part of this celebration of democracy
as I get to choose through my vote whom I deem appropriate to govern my Delhi.
It is not about the conflict of opinions that you and I may face but rather the truth that emerges
out of such conflict, truth which consolidates the will of the people that will build the narrative
for the Delhi Assembly Elections that is important for a democracy, to that extent I would like
to borrow from the famous French philosopher Voltaire, “ that I may not agree to what you
say, but I’ll protect to death this right of yours to say.” Hence it is our collective duty as citizens
to exercise this expression to make it echoed throughout Delhi our very own aspirations and
hence, “ I will cast my vote in Delhi Assembly Elections.”

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