Rotary Club Debate Prelims

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Golden Age of Technology: Is advancing science making Military redundant?

Napoleon famously said that "God is on the side of the big battalions," and Mao Zedong argued that
power comes from the barrel of a gun.
But in today's world, however, there is much more to the military than guns and battalions, as military
power is used to provide protection for allies and assistance to friends. Such non-coercive use of military
resources is the bed-rock of the soft-power behaviour of framing agendas, persuading governments, and
attracting support in world politics.
Military theorists today write about "fourth generation warfare" that sometimes has "no definable
battlefields or fronts", which focuses on the enemy's society and political will to fight, which I would
emphasize upon for the convenience of my distinguished opposing speakers emanates from this very
golden age of Science where the enemy is not always a nation or can be classified to a particular
geographic region.

Even if the threat of the use of force among states has become less probable as my learned opposing
speakers elicit, the apprehension of the same retains a high impact, and it is just such situations that lead
rational actors to purchase expensive insurance, which can be seen in two major Superpowers US and
Russia dissolving the Nuclear Forces Treaty.
Moving further for the convenience of my opposing speakers, I would like to condense my arguments
into 4 pillars of military being ever more relevant for our times and actually aiding from this golden age
of science.
The first being the very genesis of modern science as most of the technology that we interact with today
has percolated into our lives through military application of the same, the internet serving as the biggest
example as it has penetrated almost every society. Whereas even more conventional household
technologies like microwave find their origin within military research.
The second being the Balance of power as it became abundantly clear that the American forces
dominated any and every other force on the planet towards the end of the Cold War as they were aided
by their cutting edge science and technology.
Thirdly, it is not just about balancing power in international politics as militaries aided by this golden
age of science also help these superpowers to legitimise their political wills as can be seen in both USA
and Russia continue bombing Syria in the name of exterminating terrorists.
And lastly the aid and relief advanced by the UN by recruiting militaries of its member states as they
provide medical care and assistance even in the remotest parts of the world, help secure human rights
in dictatorial regimes all made possible by this golden age of science.
Well my opposing speakers may ask how this military aided by science is relevant for the economic
development of a country, well they are quite involved in this prospect too as most trade happens
through sea and technologically capable navies help secure these channels hence boosting economic
growth as well.
In the times when this golden age of science has enabled us in the creation of Space Forces as seen in
the case of USA, the role of military has gone a paradigm shift as today it is not about attaining freedom
but rather about securing the same which is propelled by this Golden age of science, and hence to that
extent I would like to borrow the words of Barack Obama who while receiving noble peace prize said
and I quote,
“There will be times when nations — acting individually or in concert — will find the use of force
not only necessary but morally justified”

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