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MATRIX NO: BJ2019-0533

DATE OF TASK GIVEN: 28th September 2019
DATE OF SUBMISSION: 30 September 2019

Basically, most of us that is generally a student love holidays so much as we know that
holiday is an opportunity to have a break from routine life as well as helps to refresh us.
Because after a holiday season, me myself as a student can go back to college with full of
energy. So, I am going to list down what kind of thing I usually make the most when it comes
to holiday.
First thing first, I usually spend my holidays with watching my favourite movies which I
missed during my semester go on as my home has a wifi which is make me easy to get the
Youtube, Netflix and others movie online streaming access. Besides, I also have my time to
help my mother for the housework. Holidays also enable me to spend time and hanging out
with my family members and my close friend. As you know that I was a nature-lover, so
basically, I usually plan a family outings or a friends outing to make some extreme sport such
as hiking. But, holidays are not always meant to have fun. It is also an opportunity for me to
learn and do a revision through all subject in my semester to improve my knowledge and help
me during exam.
Indeed, holidays are the most awaited moment in my life where when it comes to holidays,
I use to buy my ticket a month earlier from Kota Kinabalu to Tawau and starts to plan what to
do during my holidays. After all, life is not meant to work under stress and pressure all the
time. We all deserve a break since it give us freshness and energy when we come back after

(291 WORDS)

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