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School: Grade Level: VI

GRADE 6 Teacher: Learning Area: TLE-IA

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 19-23, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of knowledge and skills in enhancing/decorating products as an alternative source of income
B. Performance Standards Performs necessary skill in enhancing/ decorating finished products
Construct project plan (TLE6IA-0d-6) Assess the quality of Refines product based
C. Learning Competencies / Consider deliberate policies on sustainable development in constructing enhance product using on the assessment
Objectives the project plan. rubrics. made.
Write the LC code for each Demonstrate resourcefulness and management skills in the use of time,
materials, money and effort.

Enhancing/ decorating finished products
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous Name some finishing What are the different What is rubrics? What are
lesson or presenting the new
materials that can be found parts of the project plan? the different kinds of
in our community. rubrics?
For this learning episode, we are going to construct a project plan with consideration on deliberate policies on Today, we are going to use For today we are going to
B. Establishing a purpose sustainable development and demonstrate resourcefulness in managing skills in the use of time, materials, rubrics for assessing some of refine/improved the
for the lesson money and effort. our finishedproject. products based on the
What do you know about assessment that we have
rubrics? yesterday.
Present the different parts of Project plan. The class will be group into Group I – IV: Use
four. Each group will explain what information should be place on each internet or other means
C. Presenting examples/ part of project plan. of information
instances of the new
lesson gathering to answer the
following questions:
1.What is rubric?
2. What are the kinds of
3. How do we use the
D.Discussing new concepts and Group presentation on the process on filling out the parts of the project Re-discussion on the different Learners’ discussion about Discuss how to refine
practicing new skills #1 plan. parts of project plan. product based on
assessment made.
The teacher discusses the policies on sustainable development in Discuss how to develop The teacher will show
constructing the project plan. resourcefulness and sample of Rubrics on
E. Discussing new concepts and managerial skills in the use assessing the repaired
practicing new skills#2 of time, materials, money armchair or desk.
and effort. Then discuss how to assess
the quality of enhanced
product using rubrics.
F. Developing mastery Using the sample rubrics by
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) the teacher, assess the
product/project to be shown
by the teacher.
G. Finding practical applications Why is rubrics important?
of concepts and skills in daily

H. Making generalizations and What are the different What is rubrics? How do
abstractions about the lesson parts of project plan? we used rubrics?

I. Evaluating learning Directions: Construct a project Directions: Base on the Directions: Refines the
plan for extension cord. given rubrics by the teacher, product/project based on
(Use rubrics in assessing assess the quality of the the assessment made
the project plan.) enhance yesterday.
products presented by the Group I & II: Armchair
teacher. Group III & IV : Desk
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

A. No.oflearnerswho earned80%onthe
formative assessment
B. No.oflearnerswho
C. Didtheremediallessons work?
havecaughtupwiththe lesson.
D. No.oflearnerswho
continuetorequire remediation
E. Whichofmyteaching
F. WhatdifficultiesdidI
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADE 6 Teacher: Learning Area: TLE-ENTREP AND ICT
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 19-23, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary procedures must be followed and if needed,
additional lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative
Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the
lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standard Demonstrates knowledge Demonstrates knowledge Demonstrates knowledge and Demonstrates knowledge Demonstrates knowledge
and skills in the safe and and skills in the safe and skills in using online survey and skills in the safe and and skills in using online
responsible use of wikis, responsible use of wikis, tools. . responsible use of wikis, survey tools.
blogs, and audio and video blogs, and audio and video blogs, and audio and video
conferencing tools. conferencing tools. conferencing tools.
B. Performance Standard practices safe and practices safe and conducts a survey using online practices safe and conducts a survey using
responsible use of wikis, responsible use of wikis, tools. responsible use of wikis, online tools.
blogs, and audio and video blogs, and audio and video blogs, and audio and video
conferencing tools. conferencing tools. conferencing tools.
C.Learning  Give what audio  Give what audio  Define what online  Conduct an Audio  Draft an Online
Competency/Objectives conferencing is. conferencing is. survey is. and Video Survey Form.
Write the LC code for each.  Identify what video  Identify what video  Give the advantages Conference using  Create an Online
conferencing is. conferencing is. of online surveys. Facebook or Google Survey Form.
 Identify some Video  Identify some Video  Identify the Hangouts.  Disseminate an
conferencing conferencing disadvantages of  Apply safety in using Online Survey
software software online surveys. Internet. Form.
 Give the different  Give the different  Identify some online TLEIE6-0d-7  Send an Online
guidelines in audio guidelines in audio survey tools. Survey Form
and video and video   Process an
conferencing. conferencing. TLEIE6-0d-8 Online Survey
TLEIE6-0d-7 TLEIE6-0d-7 Data.
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship
pp. 39-44 pp. 39-44 pp. 49-64 pp. 39-44 pp. 49-64
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to
learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and
previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review previous lesson Review previous lesson about Review of previous lesson Review of previous lesson
presenting the new lesson about wiki and blogs. wiki and blogs. about Audio and Video about Online Survey Tools.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Let the learners tell what Let the learners tell what
lesson they do when they want to they do when they want to
talk to someone who is in talk to someone who is in
different location. different location.
C. Presenting Discuss Audio Conferencing Discuss Audio Conferencing Discuss the Online Survey Tools
examples/Instances of the and Video Conferencing in and Video Conferencing in TX on page 46.
new lesson TX page 39 page 39
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the different Video Discuss the different Video Discuss the Advantages and
practicing new skills # 1 Conferencing Software on Conferencing Software on TX Disadvantages of Online
TX pp. 39-41 pp. 39-41 Surveys on TX pp. 46-48
E. Discussing new concepts and  Conduct an online  Create an online
practicing new skills # 2 audio-video survey form,
conferencing using disseminate and
facebook or Google Process an
Hangouts. Online Survey
 Apply safety in using Data.
the internet.
F. Developing mastery  Guide the learners in  Guide the
(leads to Formative Assessment making a video learners in
3) conference. creating their
online survey
G. Finding practical application Why is audio-video Why is there a need to
of concepts and skills in daily conference important? apply surveys/online
living surveys in business
H. Making generalizations and  What is Audio  What is an
abstractions about the lesson Conference? Online Survey?
 What is Video  What are its
Conference? advantages?
 What are the  What are its
different Video disadvantages?
I. Evaluating learning 10 item quiz 10 item quiz
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation


Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be
VI. REFLECTION done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask
them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADE 6 Teacher: Learning Area: TLE-H.E.
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 19-23, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A. Content Standards Demonstrate an understanding of an understanding of and skills in managing family resources
B. Performance Standards Manages family resources applying the principle of home management
C. Learning Competencies / TLE6HE-Ob-4
Objectives 1.4 Prepares feasible nd practical budget
1.4.1 manages family resources efficiently WEEKLY TEST
1.4.2 prioritizes needs over wants
II. CONTENT Management of family resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resources (LR) portal 1.htm

B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Recap of the lesson of the previous day Recap of the lesson of the previous day
presenting the new lesson. Yesterday, we learned budgeting and how it can be applied to the Yesterday, we learned budgeting and how it can be applied to the family.
Budgeting is critical because it is oftentimes difficult to ensure that
we will be able to make both ends meet when times are hard.

B. Establishing a purpose for How can we prudently manage the financial resources of the family? A need is something you have to have, something you can't do without. A
the lesson Group the class into four (4). Each group will answer the good example is food. If you don't eat, you won't survive for long. Many
question. “How can we make both ends meet? people have gone days without eating, but they eventually ate a lot of
food. You might not need a whole lot of food, but you do need to eat.
Reporting per group follows.
A want is something you would like to have. It is not absolutely
necessary, but it would be a good thing to have. A good example is music.
The results of the discussion will be processed by the
Now, some people might argue that music is a need because they think
they can't do without it. But you don't need music to survive. You do
need to eat.
Divide the class into four (4) groups.
Using the concepts learned yesterday, come up with an activity
that will demonstrate the difference between needs and wants.
Think of activities outside the box.

C. Presenting examples/ Show photos of different items/situations. Presentation per group.

instances of new lesson Ask the learners if they are needs or wants.
Ask why they think it is a need or want.

D. Discussing new concepts The teacher writes two columns on the board. One column has the
and practicing new skills #1 heading NEEDS. The other column has the heading WANTS.
Randomly distribute metacards containing a list of needs and wants.
Ask the learners to post the metacards on the board.
Ask the learner to explain/defend his/her choice.

E. Discussing new concepts and Based on the activity that was conducted ask the learners to
practicing new skills #2 differentiate needs from wants.
A need is a requirement for survival, e.g. breathable air. A want is a
desire. It may be the desire for a need (e.g. a choking person
generally wants to be able to breathe) or for something not needed
for survival, such as chocolate or a new car.

F. Developing mastery (Leads Show a short clip on managing money: Needs versus Wants Giving feedback on presentations.
to Formative Assessment 3) Examples of guide questiona:
Analyze the movie and relate it to needs versus wants. Note that Was the group effective in emphasizing the difference between needs
some of the contents of the video may be debatable e.g. chocolates and wants? If yes, How?
is needed by soldiers for endurance in the middle of a war while in a What concepts in the presentation had an impact on you? Why?
normal situation it is a want for another individual. Do you think the presentations can further be improved? In what way?
G. Finding practical Ask the class on their comments on the output of the groups. Ask the class on their comments on the output of the groups. Consider
applications of concepts and Consider the factors that need to be considered in budgeting and the factors that need to be considered in budgeting and principles to
skills in daily living principles to make budgeting a successful and full filling task. make budgeting a successful and full filling task.

H. Making generalization and There is a need to distinguish between need and want . This will There is a need to distinguish between need and want . This will enable
abstractions about lesson enable us to prioritize needs over wants, hence ensuring that the us to prioritize needs over wants, hence ensuring that the budget is
budget is enough to make both ends meet more so when times are enough to make both ends meet more so when times are hard.

I. Evaluating Learning If you were given a personal budget by your parents more than what
you really need, how will you spend it?

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation
A. No. Of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. Of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did remedial lesson work?
No. Of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. Of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which to share with other
School: Grade Level: VI
GRADE 6 Teacher: Learning Area: TLE-AGRICULTURE
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 19-23, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


I. OBJECTIVE/S Perform propagation of Trees and Fruit trees following agricultural standards set in the industry.
A. Content Standard Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees

C. Learning TLE6AG0c-4 4. Prepares lay 4.1 The benefits derived from an 4.2 Different orchard lay out and 4.3 Maintenance and conservation 4.4 Different products derived
Competencies out design of an orchard orchard. designs. of an orchard. from an orchard
(write the LC Code) using the information

The definition of 4.1.1. Environmental benefits of an 4.2.1Orchard design and lay out 4.3.1 Different ways of maintaining 4.4.1Identification of different
“orchard”. Importance of orchard 1. Square method an orchard. products derived from an
putting up an orchard. 2. Rectangular method orchard.
4.1.2. Provisions of food and fruit 3. Quincunx method
consumption out of orchard. 4. Triangular method
II. CONTENT 5. Hexagonal method
6. Contour (or Terracing) method
1.1.3 Trees and fruit trees that
grow in an orchard. 4.2.2 Different tools and materials
used in maintaining an orchard.


A. References Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-
VI-Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Materials Agricultural Crops Agricultural Crops Production, Agricultural Crops Production, Wastong Pagtatanim Wastong Pagtatanim
downloaded from Production, Teachers Guide Teachers Guide Teachers Guide
B. Other Learning Charts, Pictures, Video, harts, Pictures, Video, Actual harts, Pictures, Video, Actual harts, Pictures, Video, Actual object, harts, Pictures, Video, Actual
Materials Actual object, Guidebook, object, Guidebook, Internet object, Guidebook, Internet Guidebook, Internet object, Guidebook, Internet
A. Reviewing previous Assign groups to report Identify different regions and the Students will report on different Different ways on how to care for Processes involved in orchard
lesson and on the Importance of trees and fruit trees that grow in designs and lay out of an orchard. and maintain the orchard. production.
presenting new Orchard. their orchard.
Presentation sample of different
orchard lay out and design.
B. Establishing a Identify the different Present before the class the Identify the functions of the Packaging the products
purpose for the benefits derived from success story of people who excel different tools and materials used Orchard site maintenance
lesson orchards. in their orchard business. in an orchard. calendar.

C. Presenting Types of orchard and the Video Presentation of some trees Discuss the step by step procedures Using personal protective equipment Show video footage about
examples/instance trees and fruit trees that and fruit trees that grow in an in laying out/designing an orchard. in maintaining an orchard. orchard entrepreneurship.
s of the lesson grow in them. orchard during summer, rainy days
or cold weather.

D. Discussing new Presentation of different Show pictures of trees and fruit Prepare a Dio-Rama of an Ideal Presentation skills using video Identify successful
concepts and orchard plantations. trees grown in an orchard. Orchard. footages on caring for orchards. entrepreneurs and their
practicing new orchard, as well as its produce.
skills #1
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new
skills #2
F. Developing Identify some orchard Show list of different trees and Shows video footages on actual Do’s and Don’t in maintaining an Show an actual product
mastery (lead to plantation in the region. fruit trees that grow during summer setting up and laying out of an orchard Identify some organic derived from an orchard.
formative and rainy days. orchard. ways of caring for and maintaining
assessment 3) an orchard.

G. Finding practical Present before the class the Bring samples/cuttings of trees Present before the class pictures Organic agriculture practice. Present before the class the
application of outstanding orchards and and fruit trees that grow in an of matured trees and fruit trees ways of supporting damaged
concepts and skills their best practices. orchad during both rainy days and that were planted in an orchard trees and fruit trees.
in daily living summer.

H. Making The different types of The planting seasons for trees and The different methods of How to maintain and upgrade How to care for trees and fruit
generalization and orchard in the country. fruit trees. propagating trees and fruit trees. orchards. trees.
abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Written examination. Oral recitation. Demonstrations. Reporting and presentation skills. Group presentation. Role Play. Direct Written examination. Word
Demonstrations. Word Game. Observation. Puzzle.

J. Additional Video coverages of some Create a data base of trees and fruit Invite at least one practitioner who Develop a flip chart of different Video shoot of the different
activities for resort with an orchard. trees and their planting season. can share his/her systematic and for scientific ways of ways of caring for trees and
application or expertise/experiences in putting up caring and maintaining an orchard. fruit trees.
remediation an orchard.



A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who acquired
additional activities
for remediation
who scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encountered
which my principal
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I used/discover
which I wish to
share with other
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 19-23, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


Pamantayang Naipamamalas ang mas malalim na pag-unawa at pagpapahalaga sa pagpupunyagi ng mga Pilipino tungo sa pagtugon sa mga suliranin , isyu at hamon ng kasarinlan

Pamantayan sa Pagaganap Nakakapagpakita ng pagmamalaki sa kontribusyon ng mga nagpunyaging mga Pilipino sa pagkamit ng ganap na kalayaan at hamon ng kasarinlan

3. Nauunawaan ang kahalagahan ng pagkakaroon ng soberanya sapagpapantili ng kalayaan ng isang bansa

Mga Kasanayan sa 3.1 Nabibigyang konklusyon na ang iosang bansang Malaya ay may soberanya
Pagkatuto (Isulat ang 3.1.1 Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng panloob na soberanya
3.1.2 Naipaliliwanag ang kahalagahan ng panlabas na soberanya
code ng bawat kasanayan)
3.2 Nabibigyang halaga ang mga karapatang tinatamasa ng isang malayang bansa

I. Layunin

Naiisa-isa ang kahulugan ng Naipapaliwanag ang kahulugan Naipapaliwanag ang panlabas na Naipaghahambing ang panloob at Nakapag-iisa-isa ng mga
Soberanya ng panloob na Soberanya Soberanya panlabas na soberanya karapatang tinatamasa
Cognitive bilang isang malayang

Napapahalagahan ang Nakapagbubuod tungkol sa Naihahambing ang panloob at Napapahalagahan ang panloob at Nakapagbibigay-halaga
Soberanya sa isang bansang panloob na Soberanya panlabas na Soberanya panlabas na soberanya sa bansang ng mga karapatang
malaya. Pilipinas. tinatamasa ng isang
bansang may soberanya

Naipapahayag ang mga Naipag-uugnay-ugnay ang Nakagagawa GO sa panloob at Nakagagawa ng talahanayan Nakapag-uulat ng mga
karapatan ng isang bansa na panloob na soberanya sa ating panlabas na soberanya tungkol sa panloob at panlabas na karapatang tinatamasa
Psychomotor may soberanya. bansa. soberanya ng isang malayang bansa


A. Paksa Kahulugan ng Soberanya Uri ng Soberanya: Uri ng Soberanya: Panlabas na Uri ng Soberanya: Paghahambing Kahalagahan ng
Panloob na Soberanya Soberanya ng Panloob at Panlabas na Pagkakaroon ng
Soberanya Sobernya
B. Sanggunian MISOSA MISOSA MISOSA Pilipinas Bansang Papaunlad 6. MISOSA
Lesson 35-42 (Grade 6) Lesson 35-42 (Grade 6) Lesson 35-42 (Grade 6) 2000. Pp. 207-213 Lesson 35-42 (Grade 6)
K-12 AP6, Pilipinas: Bansang K-12 AP6 K-12 AP6 K-12 AP6 K-12 AP6
Papaunlad 6, 2000 pp. 207-213

AE. Balik-aral sa Balik-aral sa epekto sa Balik-aral: Balik-aral Ano ang dalawang uri ng Balik-aral
nakaraang aralin at/o pagsasarili ng bansa na soberanya?
pagsisimula ng bagong ipinapahayag ng ilang Ano ang kahulugan ng
aralin kasunduan soberanya?

AF.Paghahabi sa layunin Balitaan tungkol sa pamahalaan Balitaan Balitaan Balitaan Balitaan

ng aralin

AG.Pag-uugnay ng mga Pagpapakita ng larawan Batay sa balitaan, anu-ano ang Pangkatin ang klase ng apat na Ano ang panlabas na soberanya? Pangkatin ang klase ng
halimbawa sa bagong mga nagawa ng pamahalaan? pangkat. Ano ang panloob na soberanya? apat na pangkat.

AH.Pagtatalakay ng bagong Mga tanong: Ano ang mga Gawain, batas at Tukuyin ang mga larawan kung ito Magbigay ng halibawa sa bawat Anong uri ng karapatan
konsepto at paglalahad ng Ano ang nasa larawan? pamantasan n gating bansa? ay tungkol sa soberanyang soberanya. ang ipanapakita sa bawat
bagong kasanayan #1 Ano-anu ang ibig sabihin nang panlabas o panloob. larawan.
mga iyan?
Ano ang kahulugan ng mga
Ano ang kahulugan ng
AI.Pagtatalakay ng bagong Magpakita ng larawan na Ipaskil sa manila paper ang mga Bawat pangkat ay mag-uulat at Sa apat na pangkat, ipaskil ang mga Bawat pangkat ay mag-
konsepto at paglalahad ng makatulong na ang mga bata ay meta strips ang mga Gawain sabhin ng kahalagahan ng mga ito. Gawain kung ito ba ay soberanyang uulat at sabhin ng
bagong kasanayan #2 makapagbibigay ng kahulugan tungkol sa panloob at panlabas na panloob at panlabas. kahalagahan ng mga ito.
ng Soberanya. soberanya Bakit mahalaga ang soberanya?
Bakit mahalaga ang
AJ.Paglinang sa Kabihasan Sagutin ang nasa ph. 213-214 Sagutin ang pagsasanay na ito. Sa pamamagitan ng Carousel ay Ihambing ang salawang uri ng Sa pamamagitan ng
(Tungo sa Formative Intindihin ang mga tanong nang Alamin ang panloob at panlabas sagutin ang tanong tungkol sa soberanya Carousel ay sagutin ang
Assessment) maayos na soberanya soberanya tanong tungkol sa
AK.Paglalapat ng aralin sa Bakit mahalaga ang soberanya Gaano kahalaga ang dalawang Kailangan bang pahalagahan ang Bakit mhalaga ang dalawang ito? Kailangan bang
pang-araw-araw na buhay sa bansa? soberanya? mga bagay-bagay lalo na ang pahalagahan ang mga
soberanya? bagay-bagay lalo na ang
AL.Paglalahat ng Aralin Base sa mga nangyayari sa ating Bakit mahalaga ang panloob at Gaano kahalaga ang Ihambing ang dalawang soberanya. Gaano kahalaga ang
bansa kailangan bang panlabas na soberanya? soberanya?Bakit kailangan ng soberanya?Bakit
magkaroon ng Soberanya?Ano bansa g Soberanya? kailangan ng bansa ang
ang soberanya? Soberanya?
AM.Pagtataya ng Aralin Ipaisa-isa ang kahulugan ng Magbigay ng mga halimbawa Pangkatang Gawain: Sa mga pangungusap rito, hanapin Pangkatang Gawain:
Soberanya. tungkol sa panloob at panlabas Isulat sa pisara ang mga kung alin sa soberanya ay panloob Isulat sa pisara ang mga
na soberanya kahalagahan ng soberanya o panlabas . kahalagahan ng
AN.Karagdagang gawain Magbigay ng tigtatatlong Magtala ng 5 kahalagahan ng Magtala ng ilang Gawain ni Ipakita sa ‘Venn Diagram” ang Mag-ulat ng
para sa takdang-aralin at halimbawang soberanyang pagkakaroon ng soberanyang Pangulong Duterte na nagpapakita kaibahan ng soberanyang panloob pinakasariwang balita
remediation panlabas at panloob. panloob. ng soberanyang panlabas. at panalbas. tungkol sa karapatang
tinatamasa o naabuso.
IV. Mga Tala
V. Pagninilay
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on this formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
No. of learners who have
caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teacher?
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 19-23, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A. Content Standards  Demonstrates understanding of various verbal elements in orally communicating information.
 Demonstrates understanding of text elements to comprehend various text
 Demonstrates understanding of the library skills to research of variety
 Demonstrate understanding of different formats to write for a variety of audiences and purposes.
B. Performance Standards  Prepares for and participates effectively in a range of conversation and collaboration with diverse partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and
 Uses knowledge of text types to correctly distinguish literary from informational texts
 Utilizes discrete techniques (general or specific) and applies appropriately them to all or most fields of study
 Edits text using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes
C. Learning Oral Language Oral Language Study Strategies/Research Writing Composition Writing Composition
Competencies/Objectives Reading Comprehension
Use an appropriate strategies to keep Use a particular kind of sentence in Rewrite/revise text using appropriate Write a composition
a discussion going Use Of Graphic Organizers following & giving directions – text types for variety of audience using an Outline.
and purposes.
Inferring Borrowed Words Using
Write LC code for each EN6OL-IIId-3.7 ENGOL-IIId- EN6SS-IIId-1.8.4 ENGWC III d. ENGWC III d.
II. CONTENT Making A Stand In Every Decisions Graphic Organizers and Borrowed Using Kinds of Sentence Plan a Composition Using an Outline / Writing a Composition
Made Words Using Roots Other Graphic Organizer
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide/Pages TM 11-14, Teacher’s Guide Teacher’s Guide p 242
2. Learner’s Materials Pages ENGLISH FOR GRADE 6 (Reading) INTERACTIVE SKILLBOOK IN ENGLISH ENGLISH FOR YOU &ME LG in Elementary English Interactive Skill book in
6 (Reading) English
3. Textbook Pages pp. 46-47 pp 4-5 234 – 236 pp. 77-80
4. Additional Materials from English DLP English DLP Interactive Skill book in English 37- English DLP Interactive Skill book in
Learning Resource (LR) portal 39 English
B. Other Learning Resources Cartolina strips, piece of the story Graphic Organizer Chart, flash cards, paper strips & Outline Outline
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Give at least two positive and negative What are the ways in sequencing Do you know what is a sentence? How do you foresee our country in the What are the parts of a
presenting the new lesson effects of media to our society events? Show example of a sentence. year 3000? Composition?
nowadays. The boy is playing basketball.
What are the two parts of the Is the future important?
The boy-subject
Is playing basketball-predicate
The sentence tells about something.

B. Establishing a purpose for the Let the pupils sing the song “Four The following words are posted on Show pictures and (The teacher will show pictures of Show a picture of a
lesson Little Ducks” or “Five Little Birds” the board: tell something about it . Futuristic Era) bird’s nest
 triANGLE Ask: What can you say
FOUR LITTLE DUCKS  SLOWly about the picture?
 FOOLish
Four little ducks that (students will analyze the word
I have seen posted)
Skinny one, fatty one
Two by two
But the one little duck has a feather
on his back
He leads with the other saying
“Quack, Quack, Quack!”

(Let the pupils sing individually, by

two’s or by group)

What group of animals are ducks?

Do you want to know the story of “The

King and the Singing Bird?”
C. Presenting examples/instances The teacher reads the story in class What have you noticed with the Reading and acting out a Present the outline of the Phil. 3000 Present a sample
of the new lesson while pupils listen attentively. words posted on the board? Dialogue from paper strips composition about the
that follows a direction. birds nest.
“The King and the Singing Bird” Do the following letters being Examples: Oral reading of the text
capitalized in the words given are “I won the lottery!”
Once upon a time, there was a bird root words? “Give me a piece of paper”.
that had a beautiful voice. The bird “Who passed the test?”
lived at the top of the tallest tree in What is a root word? “Christine studied well so she
the forest. Every morning, the bird passed her test.”
sang so beautifully that all the animals What do we call the letters being
in the forest felt glad to be alive. added at the beginning of the root
One day, the bird far-away sang so word like –mis, -dis, -im, -un, -pre, -
loudly and happily that the king in his under, etc?
castle heard the beautiful melody. “I
want that bird,” shouted the king, who What are prefixes?
was used to getting his own way. Answer: Prefixes are added to the
Hunters brought the bird in a cage to beginning of roots or root words.
the king.
“Sing for me,” announced the king. What do we call the letters being
The bird refused. added at the end of the root word
“Then I’ll eat you for dinner,” said like –ous, -ly, -ness, -en, -ful, -ity,
the king. etc?
The cook was afraid but the bird
told her not to worry. “Even a king What are suffixes?
cannot destroy a beautiful idea,” the
bird said.
The cook gently stroked the bird
before putting it into the pot. At
dinner, the king ate the bird. The king
started to swell up. He got the
wickedness of his life poured out to
him from all over the land.
Then, the people in the kingdom
heard a song more beautifully than
any they have ever heard before.
- adapted
D. Discussing new concepts and Let us understand the story well by Study the table of prefix and suffix to Picking out sentences from the Make two to three paragraphs What is the composition
practicing new skill #1 answering some questions. be used with its meaning. Dialogue. Let the pupils identify composition using the outline all about?
punctuations used in a sentence presented. LM p. 36 Noise Pollution Birds build their nests
1. What is fascinating about the bird? “I won the lottery!” in different places. Most
“Give me a piece of paper”. birds build their nests in
2. What did the king want from the “Who passed the test?” tree. They hang or place
bird? “Christine studied well so she their nests on the
passed her test.” branches. But others,
3. Did the bird sing for the king? like hornbill and the
woodpecker, drill holes
4. When the bird refused to sing, what into the trunks of trees.
did the king say? Many birds build their
nests on the ground –
among tall grasses,
5. How did the cook feel about the shrubs and bushes in
bird? caves on high and rocky
places, and some even
build nests on houses
6. What happened to the king after Prefix Definition Example and buildings
eating the bird? anti- against anticlimax Some birds do not
de- opposite devalue build nests. They just lay
not; their eggs on sandy
7. Finally, what happened in the dis- discover beaches and cover the
opposite of
kingdom? en-, eggs with sand.
cause to enact, empower
before; foreshadow,
front of forearm
in income, impulse
in-, indirect, immoral,
im-, il- not illiterate,
, ir- irreverent
inter- interrupt
mid- middle midfield
mis- wrongly misspell
non- not nonviolent
over; too
over- overeat
pre- before preview
re- again rewrite
half; partly;
semi- semifinal
not fully
sub- Under subway
super- superhuman
trans- across transmit
un- unusual
opposite of
under; too
under- underestimate
Definition Example
-able, affordable,
is; can be
-ible sensible
-al, - universal,
ial facial
s of
the dog
past tense
-ed verbs;
the walked
-en made of golden
one who;
-er, - person teacher,
or connected professor
-er more taller

-est the most tallest

-ful full of helpful

-ic characteristic poetic
s of
verb forms;
-ing present sleeping
-tion, submission,
- motion,
act; process
ation Relation,
,- edition
-ity, - activity,
state of
ty society
-ive, - active,
ative, comparative
form of noun
-itive , sensitive
-less without hopeless
-ly lovely
something is
- state of contentmen
ment being; act of t
state of;
-ness openness
condition of
- having
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will show the chain of The story is entitled “THE FOX AND Present the sentences - How many paragraphs
practicing new skill #2 events. Use these guide questions to THE CROW” 1. Who won the lottery? do we have in a
sequence the events in the story. Listen carefully as I narrate to you 2. Give me a piece of paper. composition?
the story, you may jot down notes 3. Who passed the test? Answer: three.
CHAIN OF EVENTS for some important details to be able
for you to answer the guide What is the most
Beginning questions. What punctuations marks were important idea in the
used in sentence Number 1? 2? 3? composition?
First 1. What is the The Fox and the Crow
Event first event? an Aesop Fable Answer:
Birds build nests in
Event 2. What is the A fox was walking through the different places.
second event? forest when he saw a crow sitting
on a tree branch with a fine piece of
Third 3. What is the cheese in her beak. The fox wanted
Event third event? the cheese and decided he would be
clever enough to outwit the bird.
Fourth 4. What is the
Event "What a noble and gracious bird
fourth event? I see in the tree!" proclaimed the
fox, "What exquisite beauty! What
Fifth Event
5. What is the fair plumage! If her voice is as lovely
fifth event? as her beauty, she would no doubt
be the jewel of all birds."
Fifth Event
6. What is the
The crow was so flattered by all
sixth event?
this talk that she opened her beak
Fifth Event and gave a cry to show the fox her
7. What is the voice.
seventh event?
"Caw! Caw!" she cried, as the
cheese dropped to the ground for
the fox to grab.
F. Developing mastery (Leads to How did you arrange the events? Answer the following questions: From the sentences given, Which How many paragraphs does the From the composition
Formative Assessment) 1. Who are the characters in makes a statement? What sentence composition have? What is the shown what is the topic
What guided you to arrange the the story? asks a question?. purpose of each part? sentence in the
events? 2. Where is the setting? Give 1. Who won the lottery? paragraph? What are
the time and the place. 2. Give me a piece of paper. the supporting
What words in the guide questions 3. Who passed the test? sentences?
were used to help you note the order 3. What are the events that Topic sentence
of events? took place in the story? Birds build nests in
different places
(all of the answers will be then Supporting Details
discussed) A. Birds build nests on
B. Build nests on the
C. Lay eggs on sandy

G. Finding practical applications of In what instances do you show your We can use some graphic organizers Study the road map, then based Why do you need to write a How we can show that
concepts and skills in daily living concern for God’s creations? for texts that we have listened to or from the road map answer the composition related to your life or Filipino values live in our
we have read. Story grammar questions using the different kinds experiences? hearts?
How should we regard God’s creation? organizer refers to the structure of of sentences: Answer: We can show
the story. It organizes your thoughts How will I reach the hospital? that we can internalize
and ideas in appropriate and right How long will the travel be? some Filipino values
way. Here are some of the examples: through our words, our
thoughts and act in our
Road Map to reach the hospital everyday lives.)
(The posted graphic organizers for
the texts read will be discussed)
H. Making generalizations and To sequence ideas is to arrange A graphic organizer is a tool or The kind of sentences are : What is an outline? Simple Definition
abstractions about the lesson them in successive and logical order. process to build word knowledge by 1.Declarative – tells something. of composition. : the
relating similarities of meaning to Ends with a period. way in which something
There are several ways of sequencing the definition of the word. 2.Interrogative- asks something. is put together or
ideas. It is commonly used in the story Ends with a question mark arranged : the
1. Chronological order – where the grammar in which combination of parts or
sequence is based on time or when information/details and even 3.Imperative-instructs orders elements that make up
the events happened. thoughts are properly organized. or request. something. : a piece of
4. Exclamatory-expresses writing; Composition
2. Processes or Instructions on how to strong feelings. Ends with
do things exclamation point.
I. Evaluating learning Read all the sentences. Decide Read the story, “THE FISHERMAN’S Read these sentences carefully. Following an Outline
which sentence should come first. DAUGHTER” and choose one of the Write D for Declarative, I for below write a
Then, arrange the rest of the graphic organizers that were Interrogative, IM for Imperative, E composition about
sentences in proper order. Use discussed to answer the guide for Exclamatory yourself
numbers to show the sequence. Copy questions. 1. May I borrow your pen?
the correctly arranged sentences to 2. Is your father an engineer? I. Who you are
form a paragraph. 3. My sister is a wealthy woman. A. Birth date and
4. Bring some flowers tomorrow. place
___a. Then take a small object (e.g. a 5. Do you have a new book. B Parents
coin) and “hide” it where it can be C Other members of
seen. the
___b. Do not put it under anything. Family
___c. To play “Hide in Sight”, send II. School attended
everyone out of the room. III. Involvement in
___d. When someone finds the object, School
he should pretend to continue looking Activities
for it before he sits down. A School
___e. When you have hidden the Organization
object, call everyone back in and let B. Awards received
each one look for the object you hid. IV. Future Plans
___f. The first one who finds the A. What do you want
object will be given the next chance to to be
hide it. B. The reason why
___g. When everyone has found the
object, or at the end of an agreed time
(e.g. 10-15 minutes) the game is over.
___h. Those who know where the
object is may shout misleading
encouragements or hints to the
J. Additional activities for application Think of one of the most Look for other graphic organizers Watch your favorite T.V show and Make an outline about the importance Write a Composition
or remediation unforgettable decision that you have that can be used for reading the text. write 4 sentence using the four of computer technology, and then using an Outline
made without regret. Write in 3 kinds about the memorable scenes make a paragraph about it.
paragraphs with 3-5 sentences.

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
Teacher: CHARITO T. SANTOS Learning Area: ESP
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 19-23, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A. Pamantayang Pangnilalaman Naipamamalas ang pag unawa sa kahalagahan ng pagmamahal sa bansa at pandaigdigang pagkakaisa tungo sa isang maunlad, mapayapa, at mapagkalingang
B.Pamantayan sa Pagganap Naipakikita ang mga gawaing tumutugon sa pagmamahal sa bansa sa pamamagitan ng aktibong pakikilahok na may dedikasyon at integridad.
4. Nabibigyang halaga ang mga batayang kalayaan na may kaukulang pananagutan at limitasyon.
C. Mga Kasanayan sa Pagkatuto 4.5 Pambansang Pagkakaisa ( National Unity )
Isulat ang code ng bawat kasanayan Code: EsP6PPP-IIIa-c-34

II.NILALAMAN Pagkakaisa Para sa Bansa

1.Mga pahina sa Gabay ng Guro EsP - K to 12 CG p. 83, EsP - K to 12 CG p. 83, EsP - K to 12 CG p. 83, EsP - K to 12 CG p. 83, EsP - K to 12 CG p. 83,
2.Mga Pahina sa Kagamitang Pang-
3.Mga pahina sa Teksbuk Mga Tula,Pinoy Edition Mga Tula,Pinoy Edition Mga Tula,Pinoy Edition Mga Tula,Pinoy Edition Mga Tula,Pinoy Edition
4. Karagdagang Kagamitan mula sa Powerpoint presention, mga larawan, gunting, pandikit, metacards, manila paper, permanent marker at masking tape
portal ng Learning Resource
B.Iba pang Kagamitang Panturo
A.Balik-Aral sa nakaraang aralin at/o 1. Pagbati ng guro ng magandang a. Pagbati sa mag-aaral. Balik-aral sa nakaraang Itanong: Anu-anong Muling itanong ang nasa
pagsisimula ng aralin buhay sa mag-aaral. b. Balik-aral. Itanong : talakayan. programa ang idinadaos ng Isabuhay at tumawag ng
2. Pagtitsek kung sinong liban sa 1. Tungkol saan ang ating ating paaralan para ilang mag-aaral upang
klase. talakayan kahapon? maipakitang tayo ay magbahagi.
3. Batay sa ating naging aralin, 2. Anong nakikilahok sa pandaigdigang
paano mo maisasaalang-alang pagpagpapahalaga ang iyong pagkakaisa?
bilang mag aaral ang karapatan ng natutuhan tungkol sa aralin?
B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng aralin 1. Ipabasa ang panimula ng aralin.
2. Talakayin ang Mahalagang
C. Pag-uugnay ng mga halimbawa sa Alamin Natin
bagong aralin Ipabasa sa mga magaaral ang tula:

Maraming sinulid na mumunti

Mahihina kapag nag iisa,
Ngunit matapos mahabi
Naging pinaka mahusay na
Marami ring mga tao
Na ibat iba ang kalagayan,
Pag nabigkis ng pag ibig at layunin
na totoo
Nagiging bayang
D. Pagtatalakay ng bagong konsepto Itanong:
at paglalahad ng bagong kasanayan a. Ano ang pamagat ng tula?
#1 b. Bakit ito pinamagatang
c.,Bakit sinabing mahina kapag nag
d. Ano ang masasabi mo sa
ikalawang saknong?
e. Sa palagay mo bakit sinabing
makapangyarihan ang bayang
nabigkis ng pag ibig at layunin na
f. Ano ang nais ipakahulugan ng
g. Bakit mahalaga sa tao na may
pag ibig sa kapwa?
h. Magkaroon ng talakayan sa mga
sagot ng mga mag-aaral.
( Hayaan ang mga mag aaral na
makapag bigay ng kanilang sariling
opinion batay sa knilang sariling
karanasan. )
E. Pagtatalakay ng bagong konsepto at Isagawa Natin
paglalahad ng bagong kasanayan #2
Ipakita ang mga larawan. Ano
ang iyong masasabi sa bawat
larawan nagpapakita ba ito ng
pagkakaisa? Ipaliwanag.
d. Talakayin ang sagot ng mga
e. Pangkatin ang mag-aaral sa
apat at ipakita ang kanilang
Unang Pangkat – Pakikiisa,
Itula Mo
Ikalawang Pangkat – Makiisa at
Ikatlong Pangkat – Guhit ng
f. Magbigay ng rubrics
g. Bigyan sila ng sampung
minuto para sa preparasyon at
karagdagang dalawang minuto
sa presentasyon.
h. Magkaroon ng maikling
paglalahat sa nakaraang
Ano ang inyong masasabi sa
ipinamalas ng bawat pangkat.
F. Paglinang sa Kabihasaan (Tungo sa Isapuso Natin
Formative Assesment 3)
Gawain 1
Itanong. Ano ang gagawin mo
upang maipakita ang pakikiisa sa
inyong paaralan?

Gawain 2
Gumupit ng hugis kamay.
Isulat sa bawat daliri ang iyong
pangako kung paano ka
makikiisa sa iyong kapwa.Idikit
ito sa iyong kuwaderno.
d. Iproseso ang ginawa ng mga
e. Ipabasa sa mga mag-aaral ang
Tandaan Natin.
Tandaan Natin
Ang pagkakaisa ng mga
mamamayan sa isang bansa ay
mahalaga tungo sa kaunlaran.
Magkakaiba man ang kanilang
salita, estado sa buhay at
pananaw ito ay nagsisilbing
bigkis. Mahalagang pagyamanin
ito sa pamamagitan ng
pakikilahok. Bilang batang
marunong makiisa, ito ay
maaaring umpisahan sa ating
sariling paaralan kung saan
naipakikita natin ang pakikiisa sa
pamamagitan ng pagsali sa mga

e. Matapos maipabasa ay
tumawag na mag-aaral na kung
saan ay magbibigay siya ng
kanya idelohiya batay sa
tandaan natin.
G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang araw- Isabuhay Natin
araw na buhay
Pangkatin ang klase sa tatlo.

a. Magkaroon ng Maikling
duladulaan ukol sa pakikiisa
sa mga proyekto ng
pamahalaan para sa
pandaigdigang pagkakaisa.
b. Ibigay ang rubrics para sa
(Para sa guro)
Tandaan na ang rubrics ay
magmumula sa pagsang-
ayon ng mga mag-aaral at
guro sa pagbibigay ng marka
sa gawain.
Maaari rin naman ito ay
galing sa guro ngunit dapat
ay may konsultasyon sa mag-
aaral upang lalong
mapaganda ang rubrics.
c. Iproseso ang ginawa ng
mga bata. Bigyang diin ang
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Ano ang kahalagahan ng
pagkakaisa para sa bansa?
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Subukin Natin

Isulat ang Tama kung ang
pangungusap ay nagpapakita
ng pakikiisa at Mali kung
______1. Pinaunlakan ni
Annie ang paanyaya ng
pinuno ng SPG upang sumali
sa “Fun Run para sa
______2. Napagkasunduan
ng mag kaibigang Ben at
John na umuwi na lamang at
huwag ng makilahok sa
programa dahil ito ay ukol sa
droga at wala naman silang
maitutulong dito.
_____3. Pinunit ni Nathaan
ang poster tungkol sa
Earthquake Drill na
isasagawa pa lamang sa
kanilang barangay.
_____ 4. Tumulong sa
pagkalap ng mga donasyon
ang mga batang nasa
ikaanim na baiting upang
matulungan ang mga biktima
ng nakaraang bagyo.
_____5. Ang mga tao sa
aming barangay ay sabay
sabay nag patay ng ilaw
bilang pakikiisa sa Earth
J. Karagdagang gawain para sa Sumulat ng mga hugot lines
takdang-aralin at remediation tungkol sa pambansang


A.Bilang ng mag-aaral na nakakuha ng

80% sa pagtataya
B. Blgng mag-aaral na nangangailangan
ng iba pang gawain para sa
C. Nakatulong ba ang remedial? Bilang
ng mag-aaral na nakaunawa sa aralin?
D. Bilang ng mga mag-aaral na
magpatuloy sa remediation?
E. Alin sa mga istrateheya ng
Patuturo nakatulong ng lubos? Paano
ito nakatulong?
F. Anong suliranin ang aking naranasan
na solusyonan sa tulong ng aking
punongguro at superbisor?
G.Anong kagamitang panturo ang
aking na dibuho na naiskong ibahagi sa
mga kapwa ko guro?
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 19-23, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A.(Content Standards) Demonstrates understanding Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Weekly test
of participation and participation and assessment of participation and assessment of participation and assessment of
assessment of physical activity physical activity and physical physical activity and physical fitness physical activity and physical
and physical fitness fitness fitness
B. (Performance Standards) Participates and assess Participates and assess Participates and assess Participates and assess
performance in physical performance in physical activities performance in physical performance in physical activities
activities activities
C. ( Learning Competencies) Describes the physical activity Explains the indicators for fitness Assesses regularly participation in Explains the nature of dance Be able to answer the
pyramid PE6PF-IIIA-17 physical activities based on the PE6RD-IVB-1 given questions with
PW6PF-IIIAQ-16 Philippine Physical activity pyramid. accuracy.

II. ( Content) Physical Activity Pyramid Fitness Indicators Physical Activity Pyramid Dance

A. (References)
1. (Teacher’s Guide Pages)
2. (Learner’s Materials pages)
3. (Textbook Pages) 21st Century Mapeh in Action 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6 21st Century Mapeh in Action 6
6 pp.184-185 pp.180-181 pp.184-185 pp.218-220
4. ( Additional Materials from
LR Portal)
B. (Other Learning Laptop, speaker Test Questionnaires,
Resources) test notebooks, e-class
record, pens.

A. ( Review previous Lesson) What is the physical activity What is the different health related Recall their past lessons.
pyramid? fitness? Preparation of test
B. (Establishing purpose for the Give examples of unhealthy Identify the following Do you remember our lesson about Why should you get a
lesson/ Motivation) living among children now a activities in the picture. the Philippine Physical Activity What is our national dance? high score in any given
day? Why do we need to be Pyramid? test?
1. Eating junk foods What are the activities it
2. Drinking soft drinks active? recommends?
3. Not exercising How can we classify them?
What are the ways
that we can stop
these unhealthy
practices that we do

C. ( Presenting examples or Identify the following dances. Setting of standards in

presentation/ instances of the new taking the test

D. ( Discussing new concepts and What are the activities that What are the health related What are the activities in the Name some Philippine Distributes test
practicing new skills) we should do regularly? components? pyramid you do in your daily life as folkdance that you are materials to the pupils.
What are the activities that Give its importance. recommended by the chart? familiar with.
we should do minimally?
E. ( Discussing new concepts & What are the things that we do Why do we need to do as what the How do you describe Maglalatik Answering of test items
practicing new skills #2) Why do you think these that prevents these health related chart recommends us? folk dance? Itik-Itik?
pyramid do recommend skills? Can you perform those activities?
activities that requires a lot of
body movement?
F. Developing Mastery Identify the following What is the different health Is it difficult to dance Maglalatik?
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) activities that we should do related fitness? Who among you knows the
Minimally, Often, Regularly, Enumerate them. Group activity. steps?
Habitually. Divide the group into 4. Assign each (Watching of the video of
1. Watching television group with different classification of maglalatik and Itik-Itik.)
(M) activities in the Philippine Physical
2. Swimming (O) Activity Pyramid.
Ask them to act out all activities that
3. Doing house chores
are included in their respective
(R) name of groups.
4. Running errands( R ) Give them time to plan for their
5. Playing computer presentation
games (M)

G. ( Finding to Practical Application What activities that we should If you are asked to buy something Why do we need to keep our body
of concepts and skills in daily living/ change or minimize in the at the nearby store would you ride active during the day? What
Valuing) physical activity pyramid? a jeepney or just walk? Why? activities should be avoided based
Why? What are the benefits of walking? on the pyramid?
H. ( Making Generalization & What are activities that we What health related skills do you What is the importance of the What are the Philippine
Abstraction about the lessons) should do minimally? possess as of now? Philippine Physical Activity pyramid folkdances?
Regularly? Often? Habitually? What should you do to acquire the in our day to day living?
What is the Physical Activity skills you can’t do?
I. ( Evaluating Learning) Enumerate the activities that What are the health related Let each group present their planned Dancing of Maglalatik for the Checking and recording
you should do (5 activities fitness? activity Boys and Itik-Itik for the Girls. of test results
a. Minimally Rubrics:
b. Often 5-4 each member of the group
c. Regularly participated actively. They clearly act
out the activities to be guessed by
d. Habitually
the other group.
2-3 one or two of members of the
group did not fully participate in the
activity, some acts were not clearly
0-1 only one member present the
activity/the group did not participate
at all
J. ( Additional activities for List down your daily activities Identify the health related fitness
application or remediation) in your notebook and identify performed in the following
them according to the exercise.
Philippine physical activity 1. 1-minute step test(
pyramid. Cardio)
2. Curl-ups(abdominal)
3. Sit and Reach (flexibility)
4. 50-meter sprint (Speed)
5. Paper

V. ( Remarks)

VI. ( Reflection)

A.( No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation)
B.( No. of learners who requires
additional acts for remediation who
scored below 80%)
C.( Did the remedial instruction
really work? No of learners who
caught up with the lesson)
D.( No. of learners who continue to
require remediation)
E. (Which of the strategies work
well? Why did this work?
F. (What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/ supervisor can
help me solve?)
G. ( What innovations or localized
materials did I used/ discover which
I wish to share with other teacher?)
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 19-23, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


I. OBJECTIVES The learner…..
A. Content Standard demonstrates understanding of sequence in forming rules, expressions and equations.
B. Performance Standard is able to apply knowledge of sequence, expressions, and equations in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
C. Learning Competencies / 55. formulates the rule in finding the nth term using different strategies 56. differentiates expression from equation. Weekly Test
Objectives (looking for a pattern, guessing and checking, working backwards) e.g. M6AL-IIId-15
4,7,13,16,…n (the nth term is 3n+1)
II. CONTENT Patterns and Algebra Patterns and Algebra Patterns and Algebra Patterns and Algebra
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Gr. 6 Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Gr. 6
p.85-87 p. 1-6
2. Learner’s Materials 21st Century Mathletes 6, 200-209 21st Century Mathletes 6, 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6,
3. Textbook pages 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6 21st Century Mathletes 6,

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Mathletes 6 textbook, video clip, Mathletes 6 textbook, video clip, Mathletes 6 textbook, video clip, Mathletes 6 textbook, video clip,
power point presentation power point presentation, power point presentation power point presentation
drawings of patterns, picture cards
A. Reviewing previous Drill: Have the pupils skip count by Drill: Game “ Snow Ball “ Drill: Have the pupils skip count Drill: Giving Directions.
lesson or presenting the 5, by 8, by 10 and by 12 Have a drill on skip counting. by 4, by 6, by 7 and by 9. Drill on Giving Terms or Phrases that
new lesson Present the ff. sequences and let Say, “ Let us have skip counting by Present the ff. sequences and Refer to Addition, Subtraction,
the pupils give the 7th term in each. 3s from 3 to 30.” Then, point at let the pupils give the 7th term Multiplication, or Division
3,6,9,12,…….. one pupil to start. The pupil who in each. Game
0.6, 0.12, 0.18, ……. started will point to another pupil 1.5,12,19,26, ……. a) Divide the class into 2 groups.
7, 14, 21, 28, ……. to continue and so on and so forth 2.2,10,18,26, …… b) Teacher gives an operation,
10,20,30,40, ……… until you reach 30. Every pupil 3. 2,10,50,250,…… say “addition.”
9,14,19,24, ……… should listen to the previous 4. 305,296,287,278, …… c) Each member of the groups
Review: answer to be able to give his/her 5. 6,21,36,51, ……….. simultaneously goes to the board and
own answer. The same procedure writes a term or phrase that refers to
will be done to the following the given operation.
items. See to it that every pupil in Ex. more than, increased by, plus,
class will recite. added to, etc.
a.Skip count by 4 from 4 to 40. d) Within 2 minutes, each group
b.Skip count by 5 from 5 to 50. has to write as many terms or phrases
c.Skip count by 6 from 6 to 60. as they can. Afterwards, the teacher
Ask : Did you enjoy the activity? checks and counts the correct answers.
How were you able to follow the e) Repeat the same process with
sequence of our skip counting? subtraction, multiplication, and
Emphasize the value of alertness. division.
Do this exercise of patterns. Let f) The group with the most
the pupils fill in the missing shapes number of correct answers wins.
/ numbers. Review:

4.)12, 17, 22, ___, 32, ___, ___

5.)1K, 2J, 3I, ___, ___, ___, 7E

Guessing Game
Divide the class into 4 groups.
Show them the picture cards. Let
them guess the name of the figure.

B. Establishing a purpose for Have the pupils guess the next Have a game on identifying Draw the next two patterns Write an expression for each Test proper
the lesson letter in the sequence. whether a number is odd or even. problem/situation on the blanks.
O, T,T, F,F,S,S,E, Group the pupils into 2. As group 1 1.Helen is 13 years old, Helen’s father
gives a number, Group 2 answers is 4 years more than twice her age.
odd or even, then have them do it ____
vice-versa. Answer: 2.Edna is 155 cm tall. Lilia’s height is
Ask: Have you tried answering a 10 cm less than twice Edna’s height. __
number pattern with missing 3.Roman weights 25 kilograms. His
terms? Let them know father weighs 5 kg less than 3 times
that odd or even numbers Romans weight. _____
are used in number patterns. 4.Francis is ten years old. Ben is twice
as old as Francis. _____
5.Aning is five years old. I am six years
more than thrice her age. _
C. Presenting Present the Fibonacci Numbers in Presentation Group Activity: Present 5 + 3 and 5 + 3 = 8 on the Checking
Examples/Instances of Pascal’s triangle and show the sum 4, 10, 16, 22, 28 board.
new lesson of numbers diagonally. (See TG p. Mrs. Quinay presented these Write down the next two terms
Have a pupil read aloud the
85 & Textbook p. 213) number patterns to his Math of the sequence. expression 5 + 3 and the equation 5 + 3
Write the three numbers in the class. b) Write down an expression = 8.
pattern. 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63 for the nth term of this Ask: What is the difference between 5
sequence. + 3 and 5 + 3 = 8?
c) Work out the 50th term of-Many students will quickly respond by
Ask : What do you think is the
the sequence. stating that one has an equals sign and
rule/pattern used to find the 2nd
term? 3rd ? 4th? 5th? 6th? Solution the other does not.
a) From looking at the Say: 5 + 3 is called an expression. An
1x2+1=3 15
sequence we can see that each
expression consists of a number or a
x 2 + 1 = 31
3x2+1=7 31 term is 6 larger than the combination of numbers joined by
x 2 + 1 = 63 previous term. We say the operation symbols. An expression does
term-to-term rule is "add 6".
not have an equal sign.
7 x 2 + 1 = 15
Therefore the next two termsErase 5 + 3. Point to 5 + 3 = 8.
Patterns : ( x 2 + 1 ) or ( +2, +4,
+8, +16, +32 ) are 34 and 40. Ask: What is on the left side of the
b) The nth term of a sequence is
equals sign? What is on the right side?
always written in the form "?n
Elicit from students that an expression
+ ?". or value is on both sides of the equals
The number in front of the "n"
sign in 5 + 3 = 8. Try to have students
is always the difference to get
describe the numbers as well as the
from one term to the next. operation. The left side is an
Since the difference is 6, the
expression, 5 + 3, that is equal to the
first part of our rule will be
value of the right side, 8.
"6n". The rule follows the six
Say: 5 + 3 = 8 is called an equation. The
times table: 6, 12, 18, 24... etc.
left side of an equation equals the right
Now compare the 6 times table
with our rule: (Continue with additional examples,
6 x table using different numbers. Try using two
6 12 18 24 30
numbers on each side as well. Make
Sequence sure both sides of these equations are
4 10 16 22 28

The numbers in the sequence

are always 2 less than the 6
times table so we "adjust" our
rule by subtracting 2. Now
putting this together gives us:
nth term = 6n - 2.
c) Now we know the nth term =
6n - 2 we just need to
substitute n = 50 in order to
find the 50thterm of the
So: The 50th term = 6 x 50 - 2
= 300 - 2
= 298

D. Discussing new concepts The four basic operations (Addition, Group the pupils into 4. Let them Show a video on how to Show a video of “Difference Between Recording
and practicing new skills Subtraction, Multiplication and answer items a to d by formulate the rule in finding Expression and Equation”
#1 division) are commonly used in a formulating/finding the rule in the nth term using different
sequence of numbers. In the finding the next term in a strategies. Discuss the difference between
Fibonacci numbers above, you start sequence. Group 1 will answer a, “Writing a Formula from a expressions and equations
with the first two numbers. The Grp.2 for b, Grp. 3 for c, Grp. 4 for Sequence”
succeeding numbers are the sum of d. Let the pupils present their work
the previous two. Therefore, on the board.
following the pattern, the next 2, 5, 14, 41, 122
three terms in the sequence are 13, Ans.( x 3 – 1 )
21 & 24. 1, 5, 13, 29, 61
Try to find the next four patterns. Ans( x 2 + 3 )
1, 12, 34, 78, 166
Ans( +5 x 2 )
6, 9, 15, 27, 51
Ans.( - 2 x 2 + 1 )
E. Discussing new concepts Numbers, figures, objects or How did you find the activity ? Group Activity:
and practicing new skills symbols arranged in a definite How were you able to find the Write the ff. sentences or phrases in
#2 order or sequence is often answer to the number pattern? proper column:
encountered in mathematics. Expected answers : 1.a phrase
Discuss the content on page 214- Determine the order of numbers if 2.a sentence
218 of 21st Century Mathletes. it is ascending or descending. 3.solves
Find the difference between the 4.simplifies
consecutive terms. 5.has a relation symbol
To find the rule of the next term, 6. has no relation symbol
use the difference between terms. 7. has no equal sign
Explore and Discover 8. Has an equal sign
A. 9. Has a left and right sides
10. Doesn’t have any sides
Expression Equation

1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45

The encircled numbers form

a number sequence. A number
sequence is a list of numbers in
which successive terms follow a
rule or pattern. Each number in s
sequence is called a term.
Looking at the pattern of
the encircled number, to find the
2nd term add 2, for the 3rd term
add 3, for the 4th term add 4, for
the 5th term add 5, for the 6th
term add 6, for the 7th term add 7,
for the 8th term add 8, and for the
9th term add 9. Therefore. the rule
in the sequence is ( +2, +3, +4, +5,
+6, +7, +8, +9 ).
By studying the sequence
of numbers, we can find the rule
governing the terms. The rule can
tell us what number will come next
in the sequence.
B. Find the missing terms in the
following situations below:

Can you find the pattern or

sequence used?
The numbers inside the pentagon
are multiplied by consecutive odd
numbers 3, 5, 7. Starting with 3 x 3
= 9, then 9 x 5 = 45, then 45 x 7 =
315, so the missing number in the
last pentagon is 2 835 ( 315 x 9 = 2
835 ).
The series of numbers inside the
hexagon uses even numbers as
factors. So, the missing number
inside the last hexagon is 768( 96 x
8 =768 ).
F. Developing mastery Find the rule, then, write the Study the rule/pattern. Supply the Group Activity: Finding the nth Group Activity:
(Leads to Formative missing terms. missing terms. term. Encircle the expression and box the
Assessment) In each question there are four equation:
12, 17, 22, ____, 32, ____ 9, 16, 25, 36, ____ terms of a sequence of
____, ____, 67, 70, 73 16, ____, 36, 49, ____, 81 numbers: a) Write down the
56, ____, 42, 35, 28, ____ 10, 38, 150, ____, 2 390 rule using n to represent the
3, ____, 27, 81, ____ 8, 16, 64, _____, _____ nth term.
78, 70, 62, ____, ____ 6, 6, 18, _____, 630, _____ b) Find the 10th and 15th


G. Finding practical Group Activity: Find the nth term Group Activity: Find the missing Group Activity: Distribute this Group Activity:
applications of concepts rule for each of the following linear terms and write the rules. activity sheet to each group: 1.Using power point presentation, the
and skills in daily living sequences. 5, 6, 8, ____, 15, ____ teacher will flash an expression or
18, 20, 24, ____, 38, ____ equation.
1. 7,9,11,13,15,...
55, 54, 51, 46,___, ___, 19 The leader of the group will write EX if
25, 28, 3, ____, ____, 70 the statement is an expression and EQ
2. −3,−2,−1,0,1,... 82, 81, 78, ____, 66, ____ if it is an equation.
2N + 5 = 45
3. 2,6,10,14,18,... 5 x (8-7)
N = 10 (7+11)
4. 3,6,9,12,15,... Answers: N + 15 = 35 – N
100/5 = 20
5. 2,7,12,17,22,...
(25 ÷ 5) x 9
6. 12,13,14,15,16,... 2 (N + 6) = 22
5 (N + 6)
7. 5,6,7,8,9,... 7x10 =5N
16 x 7
8. 0,1,2,3,4,...

9. −3,−2,−1,0,1,...

10. 20,21,22,23,24,...

H. Making generalizations Lead the pupils to give the following generalization by asking: How do you differentiate expression
and abstractions about How do we find / formulate the rules in finding the next term in a sequence? from equation?
the lesson Ans: To sum up:
Determine the order of numbers if it is ascending or descending. 1.Expressions are incomplete
Find the difference between the consecutive terms. mathematical phrases whereas
To find the rule of the next term, use the difference between terms. equations are complete mathematical
Example: statements.
2.Expressions are like the typical
English phrase whereas equations are
complete sentences.
3.Equations show relationships
whereas expressions don’t show any.
4.Equations have an equal sign
whereas expressions don’t have any.
5.Equations are to be solved while
expressions are to be simplified.
6.Equations have a solution while
expressions don’t have any.
(Let the pupils watch the video about
the differences of “Expression VS.
I. Evaluating Learning A.Supply the next three letters, Write the rule used for each Write down the next term for Look at the statements below. Draw a
figures, symbols or combination of sequence, then write the missing each of the ff. sequences, then circle if the statement is an expression
numbers and letters in the ff. number. find the rule. and a square if it is an equation.
patterns. Then write the rule for 1)3, 7, 11, 15, ____ _____1.)5 + 9
finding the nth term. Ans:19 ( +4 ) _____2.) (50÷5) = 5
2)5, 9, 17, 33, ____ 2
Ans:65 ( x 2 – 1 ) _____3.) 8 x 6 = 48
3)20, 12, 8, 6, ____ _____4.) 0.5+0.2=0.4 + 0.3
Ans:5 ( ÷ 2 + 2 ) _____5.) (75x2)
4)2, 8, 26, 80, ____ 10
Ans:242 ( x 3 + 2 )
5)36, 69, 135, 267, ____
Ans:531 ( x 2 – 3 )

J. Additional activities for Answer Math Challenge on page Study each sequence. Give the rule Study the following sequence Give the differences and similarities of
application and 223 used then give the missing term. of figure. Then, draw the next expression and equation using Venn
remediation 105, 100, ____, 75, ____ figure and write the rule used Diagram
6, 10, 15, 21, ____, ____ to find the answer.
3, 7, 19, ____, 163, ____
4, 6, 10, ____, ____, 66


V. Remarks
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encountered which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 19-23, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of Gravity and friction affect the movement of object
B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to produce advertisement demonstrate road safety.
The learners should be able to Infer how friction and gravity Produce an advertisement which The learners should be able to
infer how friction and gravity affect movements of different demonstrate road safety infer how friction and gravity affect movements of different
affect movements of different objects S6FE-IIIa-c-1 objects.
objects. S6FE-IIIa-c-1
-Create an advertisement that demonstrates road safety.
C. Learning
Demonstrate the effects of
friction of the motion of an -Demonstrate advertisement on road safety in a creative way.
-Appreciate the importance of advertisements about road

Demonstrating the effects of

Frictional Forces gravity and friction on the Describing Forces Gravitational and Frictional Forces
motion of an object
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
K 12 Science link 318-322 Science Links Science Links 6
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials from
LRMDS portal
Explore and Experience Science 6, Video recorder, hand phone, meta Laptop,internet,pictures,activity sheets,video
B. Other Materials
pp. 217 – 224 cards, marker
Science Links 6 , pp. 305 - 322
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Teacher’s Instruction Arrange the following jumbled Let’s Do the Thumbs up.
presenting the new lesson Show pictures of moving cars and letters. If the statement is true show your Thumbs up.If it is false
the solar system. Infer how they Thumbs down.
move. VTTIONGRAAINAL CEROF -Force can stop a moving object.
(Gravitational force)- is a force - Force can change the speed of a moving object.
that pulls object toward one - By applying force to the break,the vehicle will continue to
another move.
Force)- is a force that causes
object to attract or repel each
CELECIRT CEROF (Electric Force)-
that exist between charged and
RAELCUN CEROF-(Nuclear Force)-
that holds the particles in the
nucleus together
Force-) are force that opposes
motion between two surfaces
touching each other
force) – is an outward force that
pulls an object away from the
(Centripetal0- is a force that pulls
an object
Question of the day: Question of the day: Review the different Road safety Pair up activity
How friction and gravity affect sign. Ask them to Identify the Watch a video about a situation on a busy road.
What would life be without motion? different signs by using meta cards Have a short talk with your seatmate.
B. Establishing a purpose for the friction? How does friction (SEE ATTACHED ACTIVITY: GUESS
lesson affect us? WHAT PPP)

Teacher’s Instruction Teacher’s Instruction Let the pupils watch a video How can we help inform other people about safety road?
C. Presenting examples/ ‘’Guess the mystery word!” Activity 1 – TOY CAR IN MOTION
instances of the new lesson identify the word that could The teacher will use the activity
describe the four pictures. Write as guide
your answer in the boxes below Activity 2 - DroppingThings of
Different Weights
Teacher’s Instruction Students present their output on Giving motive question Group Activity
D. Discussing new concepts and Activity 6.5 comparing the activity. The teacher will give Create an advertisement about the given pictures.
practicing new skills #1 movements of objects on the feedback about the result.
different surfaces.
Answer the Guide Questions. Presentation of the ouptputs
Discuss how gravity and friction Group I-Jingle
E. Discussing new concepts and
affect motion of an object Group II- Slogan
practicing new skills #2
Group III-Short Dialogue
Group IV- Poster
Teacher’s Instruction ACTIVITY Games on road signs
Group Presentation of Data. The Using Technology like video
teacher may use Rubric on recorder or hand phone, The
Presentation. group will make an Advertisement.
(Infomercial) about road safety.
The video will be presented on the
next day

The setting will be:

F. Developing mastery
(leads to formative assessment )
Group 1: In front of a School,
while crossing the road.
Group 2: In the market
Group 3: In the Play ground
Group 4: While riding in a
Group 5: While using bicycle.

The students will give some 1. Your brother discovered Presentation of the group To lessen the accidents on road especially during rainy
desirable effects of friction on that the chain of his bicycle is days,what should people do?
the motion of objects rusty, so it runs slow. How will
G. Finding practical applications
you help him fixing his bicycle?
of concepts and skills in daily
2. Your on your way to a
family outing. Suddenly it rained,
and the road gets slippery, what
would you tell to your father?
3. Your mother’s wedding
ring got stuck in her finger. She
wanted to remove it but no
matter how hard she pulled it,
she cannot get it how would you
help her?
4. You are going on a
hiking. Which kind of shoes are
you going to use? (Rubber shoes?
or leather shoes), Why?
5. The padlock of your
house doesn’t open anymore
because it is filled with rust. You
applied it with oil. Why did you
do it?
Let the students demonstrate External condition like friction Why do you think it is important What are some of the ways of keeping the roads safe from
the different effects of friction affect the movement of an for pupils like you to be aware of accidents?
H. Making generalization and
on the motion of an object. object. Awareness should be the different signs and safety Is advertisement of great help?How?
abstraction about the lesson
done that friction has desirable measures while on the road?
and undesirable effect.
Please see the rubrics on activity The teacher gives ten-question How can you relate the saying Use Rubrics to evaluate the pupils advertisements.
6.5 quiz about how friction and “Prevention is better than amount
I. Evaluating learning
gravity affect motion. of cure” in our topic?

A. Stack a Tower
Gravity pulls objects
downward. Stack blocks as high
as you can in different ways.
Experiment with the shape and
center of gravity. How high can
J. Additional activities for
you stack the blocks?
application / remediation

B. Radio play
You are one of the passengers
on a space shuttle flight. You are
in orbit for the first time and you
cannot feel you weight. Write a
dialogue communicating with
your friend on the ground with a
radio device.

C. Road advertisement

Friction occurs between the

parts of the vehicle and between
the road and the tires. Wearing
away of parts in engine
sometimes causes road
accidents. Produce an
advertisement to show road
Lesson to be continued : Lesson to be continued : Lesson to be continued : Lesson to be continued :
Lesson done : Lesson done : Lesson done : Lesson done :

Pa Fail ML T Pa Fail ML T Pa Fail ML T Pa Fail ML T

sse ed sse ed sse ed sse ed
d d d d
______ of Learners who earned ______ of Learners who earned ______ of Learners who earned ______ of Learners who earned 80% above
A. No. of learners who earned
80% above 80% above 80% above
80% in the evaluation

______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners who require additional activities for
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for remediation
additional activities for
remediation remediation remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work ______Yes ______No ______Yes ______No ______Yes ______No ______Yes ______No
? No. of learners who have ______ of Learners who caught ______ of Learners who caught ______ of Learners who caught up ______ of Learners who caught up the lesson
caught up with the lesson up the lesson up the lesson the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue ______ of Learners who ______ of Learners who continue ______ of Learners who continue ______ of Learners who continue to require remediation
to require remediation continue to require remediation to require remediation to require remediation
Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
___ Socratic Questioning ___ Socratic Questioning ___ Socratic Questioning ___ Socratic Questioning
___ Game-Based Learning ___ Game-Based Learning ___ Game-Based Learning ___ Game-Based Learning
___ Interactive Lecture ___ Interactive Lecture ___ Interactive Lecture ___ Interactive Lecture Demonstrations
Demonstrations Demonstrations Demonstrations The activity can be a classroom experiment, a survey, a
The activity can be a classroom The activity can be a classroom The activity can be a classroom simulation or an analysis of secondary data.
experiment, a survey,a experiment, a survey, a experiment, a survey, a simulation ___Cooperative Learning
simulation or an analysis of simulation or an analysis of or an analysis of secondary data. ___Jigsaws
secondary data. secondary data. ___Cooperative Learning ___Gallery Walks
___Cooperative Learning ___Cooperative Learning ___Jigsaws ___Fieldtrips
___Jigsaws ___Jigsaws ___Gallery Walks ___Making notes from book
___Gallery Walks ___Gallery Walks ___Fieldtrips ___Use of internet/audio visual presentation
___Fieldtrips ___Fieldtrips ___Making notes from book ___Text books
___Making notes from book ___Making notes from book ___Use of internet/audio visual ___Investigations
___Use of internet/audio visual ___Use of internet/audio visual presentation ___Models
presentation presentation ___Text books ___Demonstrations
___Text books ___Text books ___Investigations Other Techniques and Strategies used:
E. Which of my teaching ___Investigations ___Investigations ___Models ___Manipulative Tools
strategies worked well ? Why ___Models ___Models ___Demonstrations ___Pair Work
did this work ? ___Demonstrations ___Demonstrations Other Techniques and Strategies ___ Explicit Teaching
Other Techniques and Strategies Other Techniques and Strategies used: ___ Group collaboration
used: used: ___Manipulative Tools ___ Carousel
___Manipulative Tools ___Manipulative Tools ___Pair Work ___ Diads
___Pair Work ___Pair Work ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Group collaboration ___ Discovery Method
___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Carousel ___ Lecture Method
___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Diads Why?
___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Complete IMs
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Discovery Method ___ Availability of Materials
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method Why? ___ Group member’s collaboration/cooperation in doing their
Why? Why? ___ Complete IMs tasks
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Availability of Materials ___ Audio Visual Presentation of the lesson
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Group member’s
___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s collaboration/cooperation in doing
collaboration/cooperation in collaboration/cooperation in their tasks
doing their tasks doing their tasks ___ Audio Visual Presentation of
___ Audio Visual Presentation of ___ Audio Visual Presentation of the lesson
the lesson the lesson

__ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
__ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
__ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs
F. What difficulties did my
__ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology
principal or supervisor can help
Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD)
me solve ?
__ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/
Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works

Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:

__Contextualized/ Localized and __Contextualized/ Localized and __Contextualized/ Localized and __Contextualized/ Localized and Indigenized IM’s
Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s __ Localized Videos
G. What innovation or localized __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Making big books from
materials did I use/discover __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from views of the locality
which I wish to share with views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality __ Recycling of plastics to
other teachers ? __ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to be used as Instructional Materials
be used as Instructional be used as Instructional be used as Instructional __ local poetical composition
Materials Materials Materials
__ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: FILIPINO
Teaching Dates and Time: NOVEMBER 19-23, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 3RD QUARTER


Naipapamalas ang kakayahan sa Naipapamalas ang kakayahan sa Naipapamalas ang kakayahan sa Naipapamalas ang kakayahan sa Naipapamalas ang
A. Pamantayang mapanuring pakikinig at pag- mapanuring pakikinig at pag- mapanuring pakikinig at pag- mapanuring pakikinig at pag-unawa kakayahan sa mapanuring
Pangnilalaman unawa sa napakinggan unawa sa napakinggan unawa sa napakinggan sa napakinggan pakikinig at pag-unawa sa
Nakagagawa ng dayagram, Nakagagawa ng dayagram, Nakagagawa ng dayagram, Nakagagawa ng dayagram, diorama Nakagagawa ng dayagram,
diorama at likhang sining batay sa diorama at likhang sining batay sa diorama at likhang sining batay sa at likhang sining batay sa isyu o diorama at likhang sining
B. Pamantayan sa Pagganap
isyu o paksang napakinggan isyu o paksang napakinggan isyu o paksang napakinggan paksang napakinggan batay sa isyu o paksang
F6PN-IIIe19 F6PS-IIIe-9 F6WG-IIId-f-9 F6PT-IIIe-1.8 F6PU-III-e-2.2
Nakapagbibigay ng lagom o buod Nakapagbibigay ng srailing Nagagamit ang iba’t-ibang salita Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng Nakasusulat ng tula
C. Mga Kasanayan sa ng tekstong napakinggan solusyon sa isang suliraning bilang pang-uri at pang-abay sa pamilyar at di-pamilyar na salita sa
Pagkatuto (Isulat ang code ng naobserbahan pagpapahayag ng sariling ideya pamamagitan ng sitwasyong
bawat kasanayan) pinaggamitan
F6PB-IIIe-23 Naiisa-isa ang
arguemento sa binasang teksto
Pagsulat ng Lagom o buod sa Pagbibigay ng sariling solusyon sa Paghahambing ng Pang-uri at Makapabibigay ng kahulugan sa Pagbuo/Paglikha ng Isang
tekstong napakingan isang suliranin na obserbahan. Pang-abay Pamilyar at Di-Pamilyar na salita sa Tula/ Makasulat ng tula.
pamamagitan ng sitwasyong
A. Sanggunian
1. Mga pahina sa Gabay ng
2. Mga pahina sa Gabay ng
3. Mga pahina Teksbuk
4. Karagdagang Kagamitan
mula sa portal ng Learning
Pinagyamang Pluma 6 pah. 48, 48 Yamang Filipino 6 Pinagyamang Pluma 6 Yamang Filipino 6 Yamang filipino 6
Power point presentation, Balita Kwento o sanaysay, power point pah. 274 – 278 pah. 249-255 pah. 295-298
B. Iba pang Kagamitang
na kinuha sa internet presentation Worksheet power point Tsart manila Paper, power point Iba’t-ibang halimbawa ng
presentation presentation mga tula, mga larawan,
power point presentation.
A. Balik –Aral sa nakaraang A .Paunang Pagtatay Balik Aral Balik Aral Balik Aral Bago Sumulat.
aralin at/o pagsisimula ng Ibigay ang paunang pagtataya sa Tungkol saan ang binasang kwento
bagong aralin ibaba upang malaman ang kahapon? Pag-usapan ang nakaraang aralin. Balikannatin ang Kwento Ilog Pasig: Basahin ng guro ang tula
kahandaan ng mag-aaral para sa Bukod sa El Nino marami pang -anong nangyari sa mga taga San Noon at Ngayon at ipa ulit ito sa mga mag-
(Panimulang Gawain) mga aralin. mga bagay na nakaka apekto sa Mateo? aaral.
Lagyan ng  kung magagawa ating kapaligiran maging sa mga -bakit nangyari ito sa kanilang
at  kung hindi magagawa. mamamayan. bayan? Isa-isang babasahin ng guro ang Dagat
a. Makaka buod ng kwento Mag papakita ng mga larawan ang -ano ang ipinanukala ng kanilang mga pangungusap na hango sa
batay sa napanood.. guro. alkalde tungkol sa kahalagahan ng kwento. Uulitin ang pag babasa ng Malalim, maalat
b. Makakapag bigay 1. Karamdaman palagiang paglilinis ng kapaligiran? mga mag-aaral. Lumangoy,umaalon,naglal
solusyon sa isang 2. Maruming -may disiplina ba ang mga taga San ayag
suliranin. kapaligiran Mateo? 1 .Maganda ang mga nakasaad sa Tag-raw,bakasyon,barko,
c. Makasulat ng mga 3. Alkalde - kung ikaw ay isa sa mga nakatira mga liriko ng kantang Anak ng paglalakbay
pangungusap gamit ang 4. Health Center doon ano ang iyong gagawin? Pasig, Ni Gineva Cruz. Nanganganib,sinasagip,inil
Pang-uri ay Pang-abay. 5. Respiratory diseas - ano ang na realize ng mga taga 2 .Ito ay isang mahalagang ruta ng iligtas,
d. Makapag bigay ng San Mateo sa nangyari sa kanila? pangtransportasyon. Malawak,kaakit-akit
kahulugan ng pamilyar at - saiyong palagay mag babago na 3.Si Dr. Jose Rizal ay nabighani sa Karagatan
di pamilar na mga salita. kaya sila? kagandahan ng ilog.
e. Makakasulat ng isang 4. Napakarumi at nakasusulasok
artikulong pang editorial. Vocabulary Knowlege Scale ang amoy na nanggaling sa ilog. Ang inyong nabasa ay
5. Tinayuan ng mga iba’t ibang isang maikling tula. Paano
Gamitin ang vocabulary 5- Alam ko ang salita at kaya ko estrukturaang gilid ng ilog. nga ba maka buo o
knowledge scale sa pagtatasa sa itong gamitin sa pangungusap. makasulat ng isang tula?
talasalitaang gagamitin sa 4- Alam ko ang salita at alam ko Sa mga pangungusap na ating Kaya nyo kayang
pangungusap. ang kahulugan nito. binasa ano- anong mga pamilyar at sumulat ng isang tula?
3- Nakita ko na ang salitang ito at di pamilyar na salita ang inyong Paano ba uumpisaan ang
Vocabulary Knowlege Scale palagay ko ito ang kahulugan. nabasa? pag buo nito?
5- Alam ko ang salita at kayak ko 2- Nakita ko na ang salitang ito Sa tulang binasa natin
itong gamitin sa pangungusap. ngunit hindi ko alam ang Pamilyar: paano itinugma ng nag
4- alam ko ang salita at alam ko kahulugan. kanta,mahalaga,kagandahan, sulat ang tula?
ang kahulugan nito. 1- Hindi ko pa ito nakita at hindi ko napakarumi, tinayuan. Tugma ba ang mga
3-Nakita ko na ang salitang ito at alam ang kahulugan nito. ginamit niyang salita?
palagay ko ito ang kahulugan. Di pamilyar:
2-Nakita ko na ang salitang Talasalitaan liriko, ruta, nabighani,
itongunit hindi ko alam nakasusulasok, estruktura
angkahulugan. 1. Nabighani 4.inabuso
1- Hindi ko pa ito nakita at hindi ko 2. Sagana 5. Kasamaang
alam ang kahulugan nito. 3.nakakasulasok palad

1. El Nino 4..PAGASA
2. Lalawigan 5. Nagbabala
3. La Nina
Punan ang patlang, piliin sa itaas
ng talasalitaan ang angkop na Ano ang masasabi nyo sa mga
salita upang mabuo ang larawan na inyong nakita? Isusulat
pangungusap. ng guro ang mga sagot ng mga
magaaral. Tatalakayin ito kung
a. Ang_______mahabang panahon bakit nangyayari ito at kung ano
ng tag-init 0 tag tuyot. ang magagawa ng ating punong
b.Maraming_______ang apektado lungsod sa mga suliranin na ito, at
ng matining tag-init. ano ang maaring gawin ng taong
c.Ang _________ ay ang taga-ulat bayan upang malutas ang
ng kalagayan ng panahon. problemang ito.
d.Ang ________ ay ang mahabang
panahon ng tag-ulan.
e. _______ ang mga experto sa
mga mamamayan sa matinding
epekto nito.

Pamantayan sa pakikinig
Ano ang dapat gawin kung kayo
nakikinig ng kwento o balita?
(ibigay ng guro sa mga mag-aaral
ang pamantayan sa pakikinig.)
B. Paghahabi ng layunin ng Pagganyak Paglalahad/ Pagganyak B. Ang mga salitang pamilyar ay B. Habang Sumusulat
aralin Ano ang El Nino? Ano ang Pagmomodelo -Nakakita naba kayo ng ilog? madalas na nating naririnig o . Ano-ano ang dapat
epekto nito sa ating bansa? Pagbasa ng isang sanaysay at -Saan ninyo ito nakita? ginagamit sa ating pakikipag usap at tandaan sa pagsulat?
(Pagmomodelo at Paglalahat) Maiiwasan ba natin ang pag pagkatapos ipahayag ang mga - Bakit dapat natin pangalagaan an ito ay ating naiintindihan Ibigay ang mga pauntunan
kakaroon ng El Nino? May suliranin na nakapaloob gating mga ilog? samantalang ang di pamilyar na sa pag sulat.
kaugnayan ba ito sa pagpabaya ng dito.Basahin ang Sanaysay - Alam nyo ba ang pangalan ng ilog salita ay hindi natin madalas
mga tao sa ating kalikasan? (Pakikiisa Tungo sa Pagbabago) na matatagpuan sa Maynila at marinig o hindi ginagamit na Ang tula ay isang uri
Iparinig n a ng guro ang balita (nakadikit ang kopya ng kuwento karatig pook? madalas sa pag uusap. ng ating panitikan. Ang
sa hulihan.) Paglalahad mga salita ginagamit ditto
( Note:Maaaring gumamit ang Pagbasa ng kwentong “Ilog Pasig: Balikan natin ang mga salita at ay may iba’t ibang
guro ng radio o balita na nag mula - Maruming kapaligiran Noon at Ngayon:” (nasa zerox ang ibigay ang mga kahulugan nito. kahulugan kahit pareho
sa television o kaya sa Youtube - Pagtatapong basura kung saan- kwento) Kanta – awit ang baybay nito. saan. Mahalaga- importante Nagkakaiba ang mga ito ng
watch?V;rokfcyB37WE) - Pagtatapong ng basura sa ilog. Ipabasa ang mga pangungusap. Kagandahan- karikitan bigkas
- Walang disiplina ang mga taga Suriin ang mga pangungusap at Marumi- makalat
PAGASA, nagbabala sa matinding San Mateo. sagutin ang mga tanong sa ibaba. Tinayuan- tinirikan
epekto ng El Niño a. Ano ang katangian ng mga Liriko- titik ng kanta
mamamayan na naninirahan sa 1. Napakaganda ng ilog Ruta –mga dinadaang lugar ng mga
Aabot sa anim na lalawigan ang san Mateo? Isa-isahin ang Pasig. sasakyan
apektado na ng dry spell dahil sa bawat tauhan. 2. Napakagandang masdan Nabighani- naakit
nararanasang El Niño b. Tama ba ang desisyong ginawa ng ilog Pasig. Nakasusulasok- nakakasuka
phenomenon. ng alkalde para sa kanyang 3. Masaya ang mga bata Estruktura- mga gusaling itinatayo
Sa pahayag ng Philippine mamamayan? Bakit? habang naglalaro sa ilog.
Atmospheric, Geophysical and c. Ano ang nagyari sa mga 4. Masayang lumangoy sa Malalaman mo lang ang ibig
Astronomical Services mamamayan ng san Mateo? malinis na ilog. sabihin ng mga di pamilyar na salita
Administration (PAGASA), ang Paano ito malulunasan? kung bibigyan ito ng kahulugan at
nasabing mga lugar ay d. Kung mabibigyan ka ng a. Ano ang mga salitang kung ito ay ilalarawan. Sa pag
kinabibilangan ng Laguna, pagkakataong maging alkalde may salungguhit? lalarawan maari mong ibigay ang
Occidental Mindoro, Oriental ng bayan ng San Mateo, ano ______ katangian ng tao bagay o
Mindoro, Guimaras, Aklan at ang gagawin mo upang malutas b. Pareho ba ito ng pangyayari na iyong bibigyan ng
North Cotabato. ang suliranin ng iyong bayan? pagkagamit sa mga deskripsyon. Maari din itong
Ano ang natutunan ng mga pangungusap? ilalarawan sa pamamagitan ng
Makararanas naman ng tagtuyot mamamayan ng San Mateo? Ilagay _______ sitwasyong pinag gagamitan.Tulad
ang Quezon, Camarines Norte, ang sarili sa sitwasyon. Ano ang c. Ano ang tungkulin ng ng mga sumusunod na
Northern Samar at Samar ngayong iyong gagawin? salitang pangungusap.
taon. nakasalungguhit sa
Tinukoy ng PAGASA ang pagtindi Paano ba ninyo inililigpit at pangungusap bilang Lagyan ng angkop na salita ang mga
pa ng El Niño sa susunod na tinatapon ang inyong mga basura? 1 at 3? ________. Sa patlang.
buwan. - Tama ba itong gawin? Bakit? pangungusap bilang 1.Kung ikaw ay nabighani, ikaw
Ayon sa PAGASA, bihira rin ang - Sa kwentong ating binasa ano 2 at 4? ________. ay______________
mga bagyo na papasok sa bansa sa ang gustong gawin ng alkalde ng d. Ano ang tawag sa 2.Ang nakasusulasok na amoy ay
unang bahagi ng san Mateo? Bakit? salitang hindi masarap____
2016. - Nakiisa ba ang mga tao sa nakasalungguhit 3.Maraming estrukturang itinayao
Inaasahang aabot sa anim na layunin ng alkalde? sa pangungusap sa gilid ng _______
bagyo ang papasok sa Pilipinas - Anu-ano ang naging bunga ng bilang 1 at 3? 4.Ang ruta n gaming sasakyan ay
mula ngayong buwan hanggang kapabayaan ng ng mga tao? _______. Sa Cavite to______
Abril. - Ano ang kanilang napagtanto? pangungusap bilang 5. Ang liriko ng awiting Anak ng
Matatandaan na nagbabala ang US Anu-ano ang mga solusyon sa 2 at 4? _______. Pasig ay________
space agency na NASA laban sa mga suliraning kanilang
epekto ng El Niño na maaaring kinakaharap? Ang tawag sa mga salita na Mag bigay ng ibang halimbawa ang
kasing tindi ng naranasan ng nakasalunguhit ay mga Pang-abay guro gamit ang mga pamilyar na
maraming bansa, kabilang ang at Pang-uri. salita na nasa itaas.
Pilipinas, noong 1998 Ang salitang nakasalunguhit sa
Paglalahad / Pagmomodelo pangungusap 1 at 3 ay mga Pang-
Batay sa narinig ninyong balita, uri at ang mga pangungusap 2 at 4
ano-ano ang mga mahahalagang ay mga Pang-abay.
impormasyon ang narinig ninyo
sa balita? Ang pang-uri at pang-abay ay
(Isusulat ng guro ang mga sagot parehong naglalarawan o nag
ng mga bata) bibigay turing.
-Maaari bang gawin nating
patalata ang mga impormasyong Pang-abay- ay nag bibigay- turing
ito? sa pandiwa, pang-uri o kapwa
-Ano ang unang pangungusap na pang-abay.
isusulat natin?
(Ipapagpatuloy ng guro ang Hal:
pagtatanong hanggang makabuo 1.Nagpalipad nang mataas na
sila ng isang buod o lagom.) saranggola ang mag-ama.
2. Totoong mahusay gumabay ang
Paglalahat: ama sa anak.
Sa pagbibigay ng buod ng isang
kwento, salaysay, o talata Pang-uri- ay nagbibigay-turing sa
mahalagang makabuo muna ng pangngalan at panghalip.
balangkas na maaaring nasa ating
isipan lamang o kaya ay maaari rin Hal:
namang isulat. 1.Mahusay na ama ang nag
Unang-una, isulat ang pamagat ng sasalita sa tula.
Pangalawa, hatiin sa bahagi ang 2.Siya ay responsible.
teksto batay sa kwento na
bibigyang buod. Pangatlo, sa
bawat paksa dapat mailalahad ang
ang mga mahahalagang detalye na
magbibgay ng mga kaisipang
maguugnay sa paksa.
Ang isinasama lamang sa isang
buod ay ang mga pangunahing
tauhan, ang mga mahahalagang
pangyayari, at ang kinahinatnan
nito. Sikaping gamitin ang sarilng
pangungusap sa paggawa ng buod
upang ito ay maging mas payak at
agad mauunawaan.
C.Pag-uugnay ng mga Gawin Natin 1 Gawin Natin 1 Gawin Natin 1 Gawin Natin 1 Gawin Natin 1
halimbawa sa bagong aralin Pangkatin sa apat na pangkat ang Pangakatin ang mga mag-aaral sa
mga mag-aaral. Iparinig ang 4 na pangkat.Bawat pangat ay Bibigyan ng kopya ng mga Pagbigay ng kahulugan sa Pamilyar Pangkatin ang mga bata
(Pinatnubayang Pagsasanay) napapanahong balita at tulungan bibigyan ng guro ng manila paper pangungusap ang bawat mag at Di-pamilyar na salita. sa 5 pangakt.
ng guro ang mga mag-aaral na ma na may naka guhit. Bigyan ang aaral.Pasagutan ito sa loob ng
buod ito sa pamamagitan ng pag mga bata ng naka gupit na tatlong minuto at mag palitan ang Isulat ang ipinahihiwatig ng mga Magbigay ng isang
kuha ng mahalagang detalye at cartolina na may naka sulat ng mga mag-aaral ng kanilang mga sumusunod na mga salitang alagang hayop at isulat ito
isulat ito ng patalata. mga katangian ng mga taga san gawain sa gabay ng guro. ginuhitan. bilang pamagat.
Mateo idikit ito sa nakalaang Isulat sa patlang ang PU kung Bawat meyembro ng
ispasiyo. pang-uri ang nakasalunguhit na 1..Mahigit sa isang daang pinto an pangkat ay susulat ng tig
MANILA, Philippines - Patuloy na salita at PA kung pang-abay. gaming kinatok at lahat sila ay isang linya na may limang
pinag- iingat ng PagAsa ang Narito ang mga salita: nagtatangang kawali. Sila salita tungkol sa alagang
publiko sa papasok na bagong ____1. Inaabuso ng iba ang ay__________ hayop.
bagyo na tatawaging ‘Lawin’ dahil -Pabaya kalikasan upang kumita ng mas Titingnan ng guro ang
mas malakas pa ito kaysa sa -Walang desiplina madali. 2. Isang kahig, isang tuka ang buhay bawat pangakat kailangan
nagdaang bagyong Karen at -hindi nakiisa ____2. Ang pagtatanggal ng nina Marlo at Myrna. Sila hindi mag kakapareho ang
posibleng maging sinlakas ng -walang malasakit basura sa ilog ang isa sa ay____________ kanilang mga Pamagat.
nagdaang super typhoon na pinakamabisang pagliligtas sa ilog Ipabasa ito sa sa bawat
Yolanda na kumitil ng maraming Pasig. 3. Buong-giliw na pinagsilbihan ng isa at ipabasa ang kanilang
buhay at nagwasak ng mga ari- Ilarawan ang mga ____3. Dahil sa patuloy na magasawa ang mga panauhing isinulat (gabayan ito ng
arian sa bansa. mamamayang naninirahan sa San pagtapon ng basura sa mga ilog, ukulkumo ang tiyan. Ang mga guro).
Alas- 5 ng hapon kahapon, si Lawin Mateo. nagiging marumi ang mga ito. panauhin ay________
ay namataan ng PagAsa sa layong ____4. Maraming namamatay na
1,245 kilometro ng silangan mga isada dahil marumi ang tubig 4.Sa isang kisapmata, nagbago ang
ng Legazpi City, Albay at nasa Mamamayang sa mga ilog. anyo nina Mercury at Jupiter. Ibig
labas pa ng Philippine Area of naninirahan sa san ____5. Maraming kabataan ang sabihin nito ay________
Responsibilty. Mateo namumulat na ang isipan sa
Kahapon ng hapon pumasok na sa pagliligtas ng ating mga ilog. 5.Nang sumapit ang bukang-
PAR ang bagyong Lawin na liwayway, nagulat ang mga tao sa
nagtataglay ng hangin na umaabot kanilang bayan. Ang ibig sabihin ng
sa 175 kilometro bawat oras bukang-liwayway ay__________
malapit sa gitna at may pagbugso
ng hangin na umaabot sa 215
kilometro bawat oras.
Ito ay kumikilos pakanluran - Mahirap
hilagang kanluran sa bilis na 24 - magbingi-bingihan
kilometro bawat oras. - Nagugutom
Ngayong Martes ng hapon, si - Iglap
Lawin ay inaasahang nasa layong - Ordinary
975 kilometro ng silangan - mag-uumaga
ng Baler, Aurora at sa Miyerkules
ng hapon ay inaasahang nasa
layong 400 kilometro ng silangan
ng Casiguran, Aurora.

D. Pagtalakay ng bagong Gawin Natin 2 Gawin Natin 2 Gawin Natin 2 Gawin Natin 2 Gawin Natin 2
konsepto at paglalahad ng Basahin ng guro ang talatang nasa Bigyan muli ng manila paper ang
bagong kasanayan # 1 ibaba at pagkatapos ay ipabuod ito bawat pangkat at ipagamit sa Punan ang mga patlang lagyan ng Piliin sa ibaba ang salitang Base sa nagawa ng mga
sa mga mag aaral sa tulong na rin makabuluhang pangungusap ang √ kung ang naka salunguhit ay inilalarawan ng mga pangungusap. bata muling ipasulat sa
(Pinatnubayang Pagsasanay) ng guro. mga salitang inilagay sa unang Pang-uri at x kung Pang-abay. Isulat ang titik sa patlang. kanila ang kanilang ginawa
pagsasanay. Ipasulat ito sa manila _____1. Ito ay isang daluyan ng at lapatan nila ito ng
La Mesa Ecopark paper at ipaskil sa pisara. ____1.. Dapat ay mahigpit na tubig. wastong
Mayamang mga puno, halaman, ipatupad ang mga batas laban sa tugma(tutulungan ng guro
at katubigan sa lungsod! Tama, pagtatapong ng basura sa ilog. _____2. Sobrang mabaho ang amoy ang magaaral sa pag lapat
mamamangha ang mga bibisita sa ____2.. Dapat ay bukal sa loob na na ito, na parang maduduwal ka. ng tugma)
La Mesa Ecopark sa iba’t ibang uri makiisa ang bawat mamamayan sa Halimbawa:
ng mayayabong at matatayog na mga programang pangkalikasan. _____3. Tinutukoy nito ang iba’t
puno, makukulay na hanay ng mga ____3. Inaasahan na lubusang ibang uri ng sasakyan, KUTING
halaman, at malawak at malalim makikiisa ang bawat sector ng mapahimpapawid, mapatubig o
na dam. Hindi maiisip ng lipunan sa layuning ito. mapalupa man. Limang kuting nakaupo’t
namamasyal ditto na siya ay nasa ____4. Sana ay mas estrikto ang Sa aki’y nakatingin
siyudad. Ang tangi niyang mga batas sa pagpapanatiling ____4. Binubuo ito ng mga gusali o Ang pangala’y Bring, Ring,
mararamdaman ay kapiling siya ng walang nakatira malapit sa mga kabahayan. Ping, Sing,Ting:
kalikasan sa kagubatan. Bakit nga ilog o daluyan ng tubig. Tingnan mo’t tumatakbo
ba hindi? Patuloy itong pinauunlad ____5. Kailangan bantayanh maigi ____5. Ito ay mga alituntunin na Sa kaliwa at kanan:
at inaalagaan ng pamahalaan at ng ang mga lugar na dinadaluyan ng dapat sundin ng bawat Ngunit biglang sumipot
iba’t ibang samahang tubig. mamamayan ng isang bansa. Ang asong si Bantay
makakalikasan. At ang limang kuting
Maaaring magpiknik sa lilim ng a.ilog Nagngingiyaw at
mayayabong na puno rito. Maka- b.nakasusulasok nagtakbuhan.
pag-eehersisyo rin ang pupunta c.transportasyon
rito. Maaaring maglibot paikot d.estruktura
umakyat at bumaba sa di maabot e.batas
ng paninging lupaing nasasakupan
nito. Puwede ring sumakay sa
Bangka upang maglayag habang
pinagmamasdan ang mayamang
kalikasan. Ngumingiti at
kumakaway ang mga puno at
halaman sa mga bisitang
masayang namamasyal at
nangangalaga sa kanilang
kabutihan. Tunay na kakaiba ang
karanasan at pakiramdam kapag
kapiling ng makakalikasan ang
likha ng Maykapal.

Panuto: Punan ang mga patlang

upang mabuod ang talatang nasa

La Mesa Ecopark
Ang La Mesa Ecopark ay may
Hindi maiisip ng mga namamasyal
na ito ay nasa siyudad ang tangi

Maaaring mag piknik _______


Puwede ring sumakay sa

Bangka upang maglayag habang
pinagmamasdan ang
Tunay nga na kakaiba ang
E. Pagtalakay ng bagong Gawin Ninyo 1 Gawin Ninyo 1 Gawin NInyo1 Gawin Ninyo 1 . Gawin NInyo 1
konsepto at paglalahad ng
bagong kasanayan # 2 Pangkatin ang mga bata sa apat na Sumulat ng mga solusyon na Bilugan ang panlarawansa Lagyan ng angkop na salitang nag Iparinig ang isang tugma
pangkat .At ipabuod sa bawat maaring gagawin ng mga taga San pangungusap.Isulat ang PA sa lalarawan ang mga patlang. Piliin tulad ng halimbawa ng
(Pagpapalawak ng kasanayan) pangakat ang narinig/nabasang Mateo upang malutas ang patlang kung ito ay pang-abay at mula sa mga salitang nakalimbag sa nasa ibaba
Sanaysay. Ipaalala sa mga bata ang kanilang suliranin.isulat sa loob ng PU kung ito ay Pang-uri. ibaba.
mga hakbang sa pag buod. bilog ang mga kasagutan. ____1. Masuyong kinausap ng Bayang Minamahal
magulang ang kanyang anak. - Agaran
Iparinig ang sanaysay na ito: ____2. Ang magulang ay - mas istrikto Mutyang Pilipinas
(Babasahin ito ng guro o maaring masuyong ama. - mahalaga Kilala sa mundo
nasa power point at ipabasa sa ____3.Ang kanyang anak ay - patay Maganda ang lahat
nga mag-aaral) masunuring bata. - mahabang Saan mang dako
____4.Magalang na sumunod ang Sa likas na yaman
bata sa ina. 1.Ang ilog Pasig ay isang Ay sagana ito
Ayon sa pag-aaral,ang mga ____5.Siya ay mapitagang __________ ilog na nagdurogtong Bayang minamahal
halaman sa loob ng isang opisina sumagot sa nakatatanda. mula Laguna de Bay patungong Ay isang paraiso
ay nakakabawas ng stress o Look ng Manila.
pagkapagod ng isip ng mga taong 2. Noong panahon ng Kastila, ito ay Pag katapos itong ipabasa
nagtratrabaho rito. Lumitaw sa isang ________ ilog para at iparinig sa mag aaral
pagsaliksik na ang mga halaman ay sakalakalan at industriyalisasyon. hayaan silang gumawa ng
isa sa mga dahilan kung bakit ang 3. Ngunit dahil sa pagpapabaya ang sarili nilang tugma o tula.
isang opisina ay mas nagiging ilog na ito ngayon ay_________ na. Ibigay ang mga pamagat
kawili-wili sa paningin ng mga 4. Kailangan ang_________ batas sa na maari nilang pag
empleyado. Mas nagiging pagpapatira malapit ilog na ito. babasihan :
produktibo sila at kapaki- 5. Maililigtas pa rin natin ang ilog
pakinabang ang oras na ginugol Pasig sa pamamagitan ng _______ Sa Ilog
nila rito. pagaksyon. Sa Lungsod
Ayon kay Professor Margaret Sa Bukid
Burchett ng University of Sa Dagat
Technology sa Sydney,Australia, Sa Paaralan
inaalis ng mga halaman sa llob ng Sa Mall
opisina o bahay man ang toxins sa Sa Simbahan
hangin. Ayon sa kanya, ang toxins
mula sa mga plastk na bahagi ng Pagkatapos sabihin sa mga
computer at telebisyon, mga bata na mag palitan sila ng
pintura, carpet at maging sa iba mga gawa nila at maari
pang gamit sa bahay o opisina ay silang mag bigay ng mga
malinis ng mga halaman. Dahil suhistyon.
dito’y mas ligtas ang hanging ating
nalalanghap kapag may mga
halaman tayo sa paligid.
F. Paglinang sa kabihasaan Gawin Ninyo 2 Gawin Ninyo 2 Gawin Ninyo 2 Gawin Ninyo 2 Gawin Ninyo 2
(Tungo sa Formative Basahin ang balita at mag bigay ng Ang larawan ng isang babae na sa
Assessment) lagom o buod tungkol dito. ibaba ay si Aling Lita ang ina ni Bilugan ang salitang panlarawan sa Piliin ang titik ng angkop na salita Punan ng mga tugma ang
La Niña sa kalagitnaan ng taon— Gino sa kwento. Anong uring pangungusap. Isulat kung ito ay para sa pangungusap. Isulat sa bawat patlang upang
PAGASA maybahay si Aling Lita base sa pang-uri o pang-abay. Bumuo ng patlang. mabuo ang tula.
MANILA, Philippines - Patuloy na inyong nabasa sa kwento, Anong bagong pangungusap mula rito. Makakatulon ang mga
pinag- iingat ng PagAsa ang naramdaman niya sa nangyari sa Bawasan o dagdagan ang mga 1.Kapag nakarinig ka ng matimyas salitang pagpipilian sa
publiko sa papasok na bagong kanyang mga kapitbahay at ano salita sa pangungusap upang at malambing na tinig, ikaw ibaba.
bagyo na tatawaging ‘Lawin’ dahil ang dapat niyang gawin? ibahin ang tinuturingan nito. ay_____
mas malakas pa ito kaysa sa Isulat ang inyong sagot sa mga kabukiran pagkataas-
nagdaang bagyong Karen at arrow. Hal: a.natatakot c.nahahalina taas
posibleng maging sinlakas ng Pang-abay Tunay na maaasahan lumalagaslas parang
nagdaang super typhoon na ng ama ang anak. b.natataranta d.nagagalit halaman kapaligiran
Yolanda na kumitil ng maraming Pang-uri Ang maasahang anak prutas dagat
buhay at nagwasak ng mga ari- ay hindi na sinasabihan pa ng 2.Ang taong napaglalangan kabundukan
arian sa bansa. gagawin. ay_______
Alas- 5 ng hapon kahapon, si Lawin
ay namataan ng PagAsa sa layong ______ 1. Pinakamaliit nay unit ng a.nagwagi c. natalo
1,245 kilometro ng silangan lipunan ang pamilya. SA BUKID
ng Legazpi City, Albay at nasa __________________________ b.nasindak d. Nasira I
labas pa ng Philippine Area of Tayo ay mamasya
Responsibilty. _______2. Ang mga anak ay 3.Kung ang ilog ay nagkulay-pula, sa_______
Kahapon ng hapon pumasok na sa responsable sa kanilang tungkulin maraming_______ Kay gandang pagmasdan
PAR ang bagyong Lawin na sa tahanan. ang umagos. ang-----------------
nagtataglay ng hangin na umaabot __________________________ Ang bundok,
sa 175 kilometro bawat oras a.dugo c.tubig lambak,at_______
malapit sa gitna at may pagbugso _____3. Ang taong responsable ay Luntiang paligid, puno
ng hangin na umaabot sa 215 hindi na naghihintay ng utos. b.burak d. langis ng______
kilometro bawat oras. __________________________
Ito ay kumikilos pakanluran _____4.Gumawa siya nang tamang 4.Nang ipinangalan kay Handiong II
hilagang kanluran sa bilis na 24 sa lahat ng pagkakataon. ang bigas na kanilang pananim,siya Sagana sa gulay
kilometro bawat oras. __________________________ ay___ at__________
Ngayong Martes ng hapon, si ng kanyang nasasakupan. Sariwa ang isdang mula
Lawin ay inaasahang nasa layong _____5. Matagumpay ang bata sa_____
975 kilometro ng silangan dahil disiplinado at mahusay siya. a.hinahangaan Malinis ang tubig
ng Baler, Aurora at sa Miyerkules _________________________ b.kinasusuklaman na__________
ng hapon ay inaasahang nasa c.kinatatakutan Buhat sa
layong 400 kilometro ng silangan d.tinatawanan Talong____________
ng Casiguran, Aurora.
Dahil dito,inaasahan na ng 5.Ang “ganitong panahon” ng isang
ahensiya ang below normal rainfall lugar ay nangngahulugan ng______
sa Luzon at Visayas, habang sa
ilang bahagi ng Mindanao ay a.kahirapan c. Kasalatan
makakaranas na ng “near-normal
to above-normal rainfall b.kasaganaan d.kakulangan
conditions”. (ROMMEL P. TABBAD)
G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa . Gawin Mo 1 Gawin Mo 1 Gawin Mo 1 Gawin Mo 1 Gawin Mo 1
pang-araw araw na buhay Panuto: Panuto:
Narito ang isang teksto na Sumulat ng mga solusyon batay sa Sumulat ng maikling talata kung Lagyan ng angkop na sagot ang mga Sumulat ng maikling tula
(Aplikasyon) babasahin ng guro.Makinig kayong mga suliranin na nabasa sa paano mapangangalagaan ang patlang ng mga salitang pamilyar at base sa iyong pang araw-
mabuti at pag katapos mag bigay kuwentong narinig isulat ito sa ating mga ilog. Gumamit ng mga di-pamilyar. araw na ginagawa sa loob
kayo ng lagom o buod. buong papel. panguri at pang abay. ng paaralan.
1. Mahirap ang buhay ng
Balikbayan, Dagsa sa NAIA Ang Panawagan mag-asawa kaya madalas
MANILA, Philippines--- Libo-libong silang
mga Pinoy balikbayan, OFWs, at Nanawagan si Kuwago sa
mga turista ang nagsisidatingan sa kanyang mga kasamahan upang
Ninoy Aquino International Airport lutasin ang suliranin nila sa 2. Walang maayos na
(NAIA) terminals para sa kanilang kagubatan. “Nauubos na ang mga trabaho ang mag-asawa
Christmas vacation. punong kahoy dahil sa walang kaya _________________
Ayon sa ulat, may 2000,000 habas na pag putol ng mga tao, sila
pasahero galing sa ibat’t ibang wala nang mga bungang kahoy na 3. Dahil sa ganoon nilang
lugar ang nagsiuwi mula mapagkunan ng pagkain. Kung kalagayan, madalas silang
December 1-7 na karamihan ay hindi tayo kikilos mamamatay tayo
pintasan ng mga
pawang mga balikbayan. sa gutom.”Kailangan nating
At kahit maraming magkaisa upang malutas ang kapitbahay nilang
immigration officers ang nasa mga suliranin. _________________
counters upang mag tatak ng Mga solusyon na maaring gawin 4. Masinop at matipid ang
kanilang mga passport mahaba nga mga hayop upang maresulba mag-asawa. Hindi sila
parin ang pila ditto. ang kanilang problema. _________________
Halos nahihirapan na rin ang 1.________________ 5. _____________ na lamang
ilang balikbayan sa pag hihintay ng 2.________________
sila sa mga taong
mga pushcart na gagamitin para 3.________________
lagyan ng kanilang mga bagahe sa umaalipusta sa kanila.
dami ng mga pasaherong
dumadating sa mga terminal ng
Gayonman, ligtas ang lahat ng
pasaherong dumadatin at umaalis
sa NAIA dahil dinoble ang security
personel dito.
H. Pagtataya ng aralin Gawin Mo 2 Gawin Mo 2 Gawin Mo 2 Gawin mo 2 Gawin Mo 2

(Malayang Pagsasanay) Mag parinig muli ang guro ng isang Magbigay ng sariling sulosyon sa Kumpletuhin ang talata. Lagyan ng Gamitin sa makabuluhang Sumulat ng maikling tula
maikling tula. Ipabasa itong muli suliraning na obserbahan. angkop na panguri o pangabay ang pangungusap ang mga pamilyar at tungkol sa iyong Guro.
sa mga mag-aaral. Ipatala sa mga mga pangungusap. di pamilyar na salita.
mag-aaral ang mga mahalagang Ang Manok at ang Uwak
detalye at mensahe ng tula. ____ ang problema ng Ilog Pasig a.pagtigil sa paggawa
Noong araw, magkaibigang ngayon, _____ ang tubig na
Handog matalik ang manok at ang uwak. dumadaloy sa _____ ilog na ito b.bisita
Madalas dumalaw ang uwak kay dati. Ngayon _____ nang
Mayaman,maganda,at inahin at makipaglaro sa mga sisiw ipinagbabawal ang paliligo at c.makinis ang pagkakagawa
kahalihalina nito. Isang araw, sa paglalaro nila, pagkuha ng tubig upang gawing
Ang mga biyaya at Kanyang obrang napansin ng manok na may inumin. Hindi na yata matututo d. hinagpis
Likha magarang singsing ang ibon. "Uy, ang mga _____ taong nakatira sa
Pinag-isipan, pinaghandaa’t pahiram naman ng singsing mo. gilid nito. Kaya pala _____ na e.nakaganyak
Ginawa Ang ganda-ganda!" sabi niya sa nadudumihan ang ilog simula ng
Para sa mga taong minamahal uwak. "sige, iiwan ko muna ito sa tirhan ng mga _____ tao ang gilid
Niya. iyo. Bukas ko na lang kukunin uli," ng ilog. _____ tao ang ginagawang
sagot ng uwak na mabilis na tapunan ng basura., palikuran o
lumipad uli. Naglalakad ang inahin banyo ang ilog. Kaya naman ____
Ang lahat ng Kanyang ginawa at at tuwang-tuwa na ipinakikita sa ang panawagan ng gobyerno sa
Nilikha ibang hayop ang singsing niya lahat ng kinauukulan. Sama-sama
Sa mga tao inilaa’t inihanda nang lumapit ang isang tandang. nating sagipin ang _____ ilog
Pahalagahan mo ang mga handog "Bakit mo suot iyang di sa iyo? Pasig. Huwag tayong magbingi
na ito. Iyang uwak ay hindi manok na bingihan. Makiisa na!
Kalingain mo’t paramihing totoo. tulad natin, kaya hindi ka dapat
makipagkaibigan diyan. Itapon mo
ang singsing!" Sa kapipilit ng
tandang, itinapon ng inahin ang
singsing. Kinabukasan, napansin
agad ng uwak na di niya suot ito.
"Nasaan ang singsing ko?" tanong
ng ibon. "Ewan ko," takot na sagot
ng manok."Naglalakad lang ako ay
bigla na lang nawala sa mga kuko
ko. Maluwag kasi."Nahalata ng
Hayaan ang mga mag-aaral na uwak na nagsisinungaling ang
mag-aaral ang magdesisyon kung manok dahil nanginginig ito. "Alam
ilan ang puntos ang nais nilang ko, itinapon mo siguro dahil ayaw
ibigay sa bawat pamantayan) mo na sa akin. Hanapin mo iyon at
ibigay mo uli sa akin. Hanggang
1. Nakuha ang mga hindi mo naisasauli ang singsing, (Hayaan ang mga mag-
mahahalagang detalye kukuha ako ng makikita kong sisiw aaral na mag-aaral ang
2. Nabuod ng wasto ang mo at ililipad ko sa malayo." Buhat magdesisyon kung ilan ang
balitang napakinggan na nga noon, tuluy-tuloy ang puntos ang nais nilang
3. Tama ang mga pagkutkot ng manok sa lupa para ibigay sa bawat
impormasyong at detalye hanapin ang itinapong singsing. At pamantayan)
ang ibang mga manok, sa
pakikisama sa kanya, ay 1. Malinis ang
4..Naipamalas ang
naghahanap din. Kapag may pagkakasulat
pakikiisa sa pangkat
lumilipad na uwak sa itaas, 2. Tama ang mga tugmang
mahigpit ang tawag ng inahin s
amga sisiw at tinatakluban agad ng ginagamit
mga pakpak dahil baka danggitin 3. Naisaalang-alang ang
ng uwak. palugit sa sulating papel.
4. Naisulat nang wasto ang
PAALALA: Maari ding lagyan ng tula
guro ng rubrics gaya ng nasa una 5. Naipamalas ang
at huling araw. wastong pag-uugali sa

PAALALA: Maari ring

maibigay ang lingguhang
pagsusulit o panapos na
pagtataya sa tuwing
ikalimang araw.

I. Karagdagan Gawain para sa Pangkatin ang mga mag-aaral ayon Pangkatin ang mga mag-aaral ayon Pangkatin ang mga mag-aaral ayon Pangkatin ang mga mag-aaral ayon Pangkatin ang mga mag-
takdang aralin at remediation sa kanilang kakayahan. sa kanilang kakayahan. sa kanilang kakayahan. sa kanilang kakayahan. aaral ayon sa kanilang
May Kasanayan (Mag-aaral na May Kasanayan (Mag-aaral na May Kasanayan (Mag-aaral na May Kasanayan (Mag-aaral na
nakakuha ng 80-100%) nakakuha ng 80-100%) nakakuha ng 80-100%) nakakuha ng 80-100%) May Kasanayan (Mag-
Manood o makinig ng isang balita Isipin ninyo ang inyong mga Ano ang pagkakaiba ng pang-uri sa Gamitin sa pangungusap ang mga aaral na nakakuha ng 80-
sa television o radio at isulat ang suliranin bilang isang mag aaral at pang-abay? Magbigay ng 5 sumusunod na salita. 100%)
buod ng balitang inyong napanood batay dito mag bigay kayo ng halimabawa.Gamitin ito sa 1.Estranghero Sumulat ng maikling tula
o napakinggan. Ibahagi ito sa klase sariling sulosyon sa inyong mga pangungusap. 2.Nagpaunlak na may dalawang
kinabukasan. suliranin. 3.Taingang kawali taludtod.
Tumutugon: (Mag-aaral na 4.Kisapmata
Tumutugon: (Mag-aaral na Tumutugon: (Mag-aaral na nakakuha ng 75-79%) 5.Isang kahig isang tuka Tumutugon: (Mag-aaral
nakakuha ng 75-79%) nakakuha ng 75-79%) Mag bigay ng dalawang pang-uri at na nakakuha ng 75-79%)
Magbasa ng maikling talata at Umisip ng dalawang suliranin ng tatlong pang-abay at gamitin sa Nagsisismula (Mag-aaral na Ano ang tula? Ipaliwanag
itala ang mga mahahalagang isang mag-aaral at mag bigay ng pangungusap. nakakuha ng 74%-pababa) ito.
impormasyon nito. Ibahagi sa sulosyon nito. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng pamilyar at
klase kinabukasan. Nagsisismula (Mag-aaral na di pamilyar na salita Nagsisismula (Mag-aaral
Nagsisismula (Mag-aaral na nakakuha ng 74%-pababa) na nakakuha ng 74%-
Nagsisismula (Mag-aaral na nakakuha ng 74%-pababa) Guhitan ang mga pang-uri at pang- Nagsisismula (nakakuha ng 74%- pababa)
nakakuha ng 74%-pababa) Itala ang mga suliranin ng isang abay sa pangungusap. pababa) - Sumulat ng 3
mag-aaral. 1. Mataas magpalipad ng . Ibigay ang kahulugan ng pamagat ng tula
Manood o makinig ng balita at saranggola ang bata. sumusunod na salita. na inyong nabasa.
isulat kung ano ang mensahe ng 2. Mapitagang bata ang anak. 1.Estranghero
baliat. 3. Siya ay mapitagang sumagot sa 2.nagpaunlak

A. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakakuha ng 80% sa
B. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba pang
Gawain para sa remediation
C. Nakatulong ba ang
remediation? Bilang ng mag-
aaral na nakaunawa sa aralin.
D Bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa
E. Alin sa mga estratehiyang
pagtuturo na nakatulong ng
lubos? Paano ito nakatulong?
F. Anong suliranin ang aking
naranasan na solusyon sa
tulong ng aking punungguro
at superbisor?
G. Anong kagamitang panturo
ang aking ginamit/nadiskubre
na nais kong ibahagi sa mga
kapwa ko guro?

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