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Name _________________________ Date; February,__________2020

Scripture Test 1 Term 2

Part 1. Read each question carefully and circle the answer of your choice.
1. How many books are there in the Bible _____.
a) 66
b) 100
c) 27
d) 39

2. How many days did God take to create heaven _____.

a) 6
b) 7
c) 1
d) a week

3. Who was the first man created _____.

a) Noah
b) Adam
c) David
d) Angels

4. Who did God tell to build an ark

a) Noah
b) Adam
c) David
d) Angels

5. How many nights and days did it rain_____

a) 4
b) 40
c) 10
d) 100

6. What was God’s sign to Noah that he would never destroy the earth _____ .
a) rain
b) fire
c) clouds
d) rainbow

7. Jesus’ Brother_____.
a) Benjamin
b) James
c) Adam
d) Judah

8. Who denied Jesus.

a) Peter
b) Judah
c) James
d) Luke
9. Who betrayed Jesus _____ .
a) Peter
b) Judah
c) James
d) Luke

10. which of Jesus’ disciples was a doctor.

a) Peter
b) Judah
c) James
d) Luke
11. Who was Abraham’s nephew
a) John
b) Lot
c) Jesus
d) Mark
12. Who was Abraham’s nephew
a) John
b) Lot
c) Jesus
d) Mark

12. Who prophesized the coming of Jesus and John the Baptist?
a) Angel Gabriel
b) Angel Michael
c) Prophet Isaiah
d) Prophet Zechariah

12. Why was Paul arrested?

a) For sharing bad news
b) For sharing God’s word
c) For saying bad words
d) For not following the laws

13.How long did Paul spend in Ephesus

a) 1 year
b) 2 weeks
c) 6 months
d) 3 years

14.What the name of the island where Paul had a shipwreck?

a) Ephesus
b) Rome
c) Malta
d) Caesarea

15.How many people were in the shipwreck with Paul?

a) 200
b) 300
c) 627
d) 276
Part.2 Match the character trait to the definition by writing the letter of your choice on the line.

1.Honesty__________ a. you act in a way that shows you care about other’s feelings
and well-being.

2.Responsibility_________ b. fit to be trusted or relied on: dependable.

3.Courage_________ c. do the things you are expected to do and accept the

consequences (results) of your actions.

4.Realiability__________ d. when you speak the truth and act truthfully.

5.Respect__________ e .be brave as they meet new experiences, difficult situations,

and/or dangerous encounters.

Part 3 Write the character traits that each Bible character demonstrated. Remember the Scripture

1.Queen Esther 2.Job

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3.Zacchaeus 4.Noah

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