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1. Development of safety culture in the industry?

2. Is the any policy in labor department that accident policy spelled clearly? If so what are
the rules & regulations
3. Safety committee formation this falls under what act of labor department laws and acts
(International labor organization/Indian labor organization) does it sync between
International labor organization and Indian labor organization?
4. Does all the industries, mining, manufacturing units, oil and gas are following same rules
given by Ilo and they differ each other in India ?( regarding the safety committee)
5. What is health policy of industry as per size of industry how to set up the clinic in
premises of particular industry?
6. Define NIOH what are the duties of NIOH and relation with industry ( Does rules,
regulations, acts are implemented by all industries)
If not followed what are rules ,regulations, acts followed by industry
7. Does NIOH ,DGFASLI, environmental department of central government (CPCB) are
working together or differently / independently? If they are working differently how they
are going to participate? Is there any synchronizing, if so how is it synchronized and what
is synchronized?
8. New employee orientation in industry its merits and demerits ( how much is orientation
period that each employee is getting when they joined newly in the job) write types of
trainings ,methodologies& orientation learning program evaluation?
9. Draft annual health safety and environment training program for an organization ?
10. What the principles of accident prevention and stages of accident prevention in detail?
11. What are the steps to be taken while planning a design and development of training
12. Draft a safety policy and commitment for top management approval?

1. Roles and responsibilities of DGFASLI, what is the need of DGFASLI & how does all
the policies of DGFASLI are implemented in industry and what are they?
2. Statutory provisions for constitution of safety committee role of safety officer and
measures to be taken to run the committee meetings effectively?
3. What are accident causation theories, its importance with help of any two theories?
4. What is education and training and training cycle its needs?
5. What is employee participation? Areas of participation ?types of employee participation ?
6. Factors effecting accident? Why it is necessary to prevent accident(direct & indirect cost)
7. Structure, function& responsibilities of different organizations (industrial, government,
8. Roles and responsibilities of NIOH in the field of occupational health and safety?
9. What are voluntary organizations ,their role in implementing health and safety at
different industries (mining, shipping, manufacturing)
10. Role of national safety council of India at what extent its recommendations are
implemented, explain in detail?
11. Define strategic planning is it necessary to have a plan for any industry? What is your
opinion for scope of planning and implementing of safety?
12. Write about ISO 18001(occupational health and safety management)?

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