Class Tardiness - Complete Research Propo

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Generally, class tardiness is defined as students not attending lecture on time and
not being present in the time set. After attending lectures for a period of time, students start
getting to know the lectures are conducted and therefore assume that there will be no
constructive activities happen for the first few minutes of the lecture. Class tardiness influences
the students themselves as well as others. As generally known, students who possess regular
attendance tend to achieve better results as success is related to one’s punctuality. Students who
are late to class will also cause disruption to other students. Indeed, many previous researches
indicated that class tardiness among the students is a common phenomenon. Some of the
researches mentioned that students who are tardy tend to achieve lower grades compare to others
and sleep late is the main reason. Therefore, this research will further investigate the
phenomenon of class tardiness among the Schools of Larkana subdivision. Throughout,
conducting this research quantitative method which is a set of questionnaire will be used. The
result will indicate the class tardiness among the Larkana subdivision schools.


The tardiness implies a situation where an individual is coming, occurring or remaining

after correct, usual or expected time. Thus, the term “class tardiness” has been defined as
students not attending lecture on time, missing out initial time from the first period and primarily
not being present in the time set. One of the major causes of lateness is going to bed late because
it could result in waking up late and insufficient rest for the lesson on the next day.
(Nakpodia&Daflaghor, 2011; Paren, 2012).Besides, lateness is caused by innate anxiety level of
an individual, There are no positive incentives to be on time as students assume that there will be
no constructive activities happen for the first five minutes of the class. The lack of functional and
effective punctuality policy too causes tardiness. As there are no immediate consequences for
being tardy and nothing will happen .(Sprick& Daniels).Many researchers have indicated that
class tardiness is a serious issue. The amount of time actually spent in the classroom is crucial
element of students academic success . Students who possess regular attendances to school tend
to achieve higher grades compared to those students who are frequently absent (as cited in Jones,
2006). Students are forced to abstain from the chances to learn. When they are absent from
school, arrive late, or cut class. student will find it arduous to pick up what is being taught in the
school in his absence unless he engages in off campus productively (Wheat 1998). The learning
of students who go to class on time is also regularly interrupted by tardy or frequently absent
students who cause class disruptions and intervene with other students chances to learn (Dinkes;; Marzano; Shupe; U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Educational
Statistics). Studies have shown that one of the greatest concern among stakeholders in
educationist tardiness issue.

Problem Statement
This research explores the relationship between school and work tardiness in high school
students. School personnel, school boards, parents, and employers who examine this data will
have a better understanding of school tardiness, related school deviant behaviors, and punctuality
in a work setting.

Literature Review

Literally, the term “tardiness” implies a situation where an individual is late in happening
or arriving “(Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary ,2010)”. The term tardiness is synonymous
with “lateness” which implies arriving after the expected, arranged or usual time “(Oxford
Advanced Learners Dictionary, 2010)”. Besides, Tardiness as coming, occurring or remaining
after correct, usual or expected time. Therefore, the term “class tardiness” has been viewed as
students coming late, not attending lecture on time, missing out initial time from the first period
and primarily not being present on time.”( Malik et al., n.d.)”. Many researchers have developed
checklists of “deviant” school behaviors which are associated with poor school performance.
Tardiness and excessive absences as part of criteria which predict the like dropping out of school
“(Mizell1987)”.excessive absences and tardiness constituted the 3rd most common reason for
student failure in school. “(Ligon and Jackson 1988)”. Low attendance and habitual tardiness
were among the common characteristics of low-achieving high school students.”(Cuellar,
1992)”.Low achievement correlated with chronic absenteeism in high school students.
“(Estcourt1986)”. Many school interventions to improve student performance use tardiness and
absences as indicators of success or failure of the intervention. However, the relationships among
tardiness, absences, and grades and dropping-out or 11 school failure are complex.The
phenomenon of class tardiness in the literature has been viewed as students coming late, not
reaching school on time, missing out initial time from the first period and primarily not being
present in the time set by the school. Educational psychologists took a great interest to find the
causes of and solutions to, tardiness and subsequently worked a lot to get the most accurate
findings. They were more focused about discovering the root causes behind tardiness so that
this problem is addressed appropriately. There are many reasons for the students to show
tardiness in the school, few reasons are directly related to the student that is students are not
taking their breakfast on time, students are de-motivated to come to the school and the young
ones who find it extremely difficult to get up early in the morning. Whereas a few are not related
to the students, but fall on others like family members, van drivers and others who do not support
students to be on time. Researchers view tardiness as a form of absence because this is how
students miss a part of their class. Tardiness is defined as “coming, occurring or remaining after
the correct, usual or expected time; delayed “(Free Dictionary)”. Therefore tardiness can broadly
be defined as missing time over a course of a school day. For that reason researchers reckon it as

a chronic problem as two of the classes which the researchers have taken into consideration, have
around six students who turn up late every other day and show signs of lethargy and
disengagement from school. The familiar faces are lined up every morning outside the
attendance office with no concern or emotion on their faces whenever the researchers pass by.
This attitude can even become more adverse when the students re-promoted from their middle
school to high school. Unpunctuality in the middle school can develop into high school lateness
where the early slow disentanglement evolves into later truant attitude. Educational
psychologists, stated that school tardiness and absenteeism accelerate if the students are not
committed to their school. In an earlier study, reached at the same conclusion, vigorously stating
that if students do not at home in their school environments, they prefer to be absent or tardy at
school. “(Kirkpatrick, Cronsone and Elder 2001)”.

Definition of terms

Arriving or doing something at the expected or planned time. Punctuality is the
characteristic of being able to complete a required task or fulfill an obligation before or
previously designated time.

Being present at something, like work or school.

Doing something regularly or repeatedly.

Punishment is the act of inflicting a consequence or penalty on someone as a result of their
wrongdoing, or the consequence or penalty itself.

Research Objectives

The objectives for this study of tardiness in Larkana subdivision schools students are to

1. To be aware of the common factors of being tardy.

2. To know how often students do commit lateness in class.
3. To improve the identifies students punctuality on the school timing.
4. To know the things that can help the students to overcome being tardy.

This study involves the population of secondary schools Larkana. Participants will be
selected for this study encompasses the students only. The students will be selected randomly
from the six secondary Public schools(Govt.Elementary for boys,Govt.Mughal high school, Saint
jospeh,Pilot school,Govt Middle school,Girls Model school) of Larkana. Five students will be
selected from each school. The sampling technique will be used in this study is a purposive
sampling technique. The reason for choosing this technique is that our study focuses on the
phenomenon of class tardiness among the schools of Larkana.
A questionnaire will be used in this research for the collection of data. Questionnaire will
help for investigating the phenomenon of class tardiness among the students. It will be distribute
to all participants. The questionnaire consists of only one open ended question (Carries 10
marks) and ten close-ended(each question carries 2 marks).Question one to three will design to
answer the first hypothesis which is to investigate whether class tardiness among Larkana
schools is a common phenomenon or not.
A total number of 30 participants will purposively be selected from the population to
answer the questionnaire. The survey will conduct in the schools. Subsequently, after the
participants will receive the form, they will be guided with explanation to enlighten them on how
to answer the questionnaire. Participants answer the questionnaires immediately to retain its
authenticity while being observe by the research taker. Based on the results obtained, graphs
were plotted and pie charts will be drawn to better display the phenomenon of class tardiness
among the students of Larkana.

1. Ediger, M. (1987). School Dropouts, Absenteeism, and Tardiness. (CGO019750).
Counseling and Personnel Services.
2. .Hernan, J.L. (1991). Developing a procedures for accountability of student absenteeism
3. U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Educational Statistics. (1996).
Student absenteeism and tardiness. Indicator of the month (EA027757). District of
4. Chaker, A.M. (2005) Schools get tough on tardy students. The Wall Street
Journal .Retrieved on10 Jan. 2007, from

5. Mcewan, E.K. (2000) When Kids Say No to School. Illinois: Harold Shaw Publishers

6. Hernan, J.L. (1991). Developing a procedures for accountability of student absenteeism








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