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The Impact of Technology in the Academic Performance

of the Senior High School Students

A Practical Research Paper

Presented to the Senior High School Department

Los Amigos National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for the Senior High School

Information Communication Technology (ICT)

Willinor B. Cagayan
Jode Mae A. Meliton
Jayson A. Bero
Henry G. Pimentel
Jenard C. Pandian
Darren E. Antona

March 2020


The research paper entitled, “THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY IN THE

LOS AMIGOS NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL,” prepared by Willinor B. Cagayan,
Jode Mae A. Meliton, Jayson A. Bero, Henry G. Pimentel, Jenard C. Pandian and
Darren E. Antona in partial fullfilment of the requirements for the senior high school
students – GAS track has been examined and recommended for acceptance and
approval for oral examination.



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of



Panel Member Adviser

ACCEPTED in partial fulfilment of the requirements for Practical Research II


Adviser Principal I


Background of the Study

Technology is the technical means which people use to improve their

surroundings. People use technology to improve their ability to do work.

Classrooms around the world have implemented many forms of technology to

enhance student interest and achievement. It has been observed that students

spend most of their time in using gadgets. This leads to distraction in studying and

making their school activities.

Norway is one of the countries with the most digitized educational systems

in Europe (European Commission, 2013). Already in 2012, Norway had one-to-

one coverage of internet-connected laptops in upper secondary school, while the

EU-average was fourteen students per laptop. The one-to-one laptop coverage

requires substantial investment. Norwegian students do not perform much better

than the OECD-average in mathematics, science or reading, indicating that high

spending per student cannot automatically be equated with high performance

(OECD, 2015).

Philippines is a developing country in Asia Pacific region. The use of

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning has

become very common these days. Access to information increases the awareness

of students, help them in increasing thinking and creativity in learning tasks,

provide quick access to subject material and engage them in adopting strategies

which can help in maximizing the quality of learning. (Carbonilla & Bhati, 2016).

On the other hand, technology can also be used to distract students in the

class room from their learning activity. Technical tools like laptops and mobile

phones can distract students from their learning activity and cause disruption to

class room activity, if not used properly. (Carbonilla, V. & Bhati, S., 2016).

In a study conducted in Davao National High School, the results showed

that the respondents, study habits and academic performance were to a high

extent influenced by social networking. Most likely that this high influence may

have been result of easy access to and brought about by the accessibility

of gadgets like cell phones with mobile data and Wi-Fi connection. (Maitem and

Davin 2017).

This study is of great help to the senior high students for they will be more
aware on using technology to enhance their learning performance and not to abuse
of using technology. It may also be a great help to them in improving their skills
since most of the studies deal with technological devices. It is also beneficial to the
teachers for they will be more aware of the importance of these technological
devices to enhance their performance in teaching. Lastly, to the future researcher.
This study will surely contribute to our rich bulk of literature and body of
knowledge who will conduct study on the same or similar framework will gain
insights the substance of this investigation.

Review of Related Literature

The following are related literatures and readings that will give framework

and background of the study.

Educational infra of the Philippines was meager before 4-5 years. Also

computing and Internet infra it will not support to education environment. But

Philippine education environment changed fast during 2000~2006 years.

Development of network environment is big effect of computer game by Philippine.

(Arimbuyutan, 2017).

Over the last 200 years there has been a significant change in term

technology. During the 20th century; the industrial revolution term has gained its

popularity worldwide. Technology is the energy that acts as driving force to drive

or to run our lives. Due to technology, accessing of information became much

easier and distant locations are getting closer. (Cradock and Baldwin,1883).

This area of research is very significant due to the changing world of

technology. Teachers and administrators are constantly one searching for new

ideas to make classrooms more technology-friendly. Mastering technology can

transform a classroom (Davis, 1997, 49).

Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research stated that the meaning of the

laptops are not solely meant to support traditional subjects, but also make students

familiar with technology in general. (Norwegian Ministry of Education and

Research ,2006).

Technology is not just a device to make a classroom come more alive, but

can also come in the form of "Assistive Technology." An Assistive Technology

Device is any item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase,

maintain, or improve functional capabilities of students with disabilities (Riley,

Beard and Strain, 2001, 47).

The ability to gather textual information with a single touch on a screen makes

e-reader devices highly valued. The PA has the advantages of the book without its

drawbacks the bulk, the limitations on how much text can be made to fit into a

single volume, and the problem that annotating a paper book means, in some

ways, ruining it, (Ragen, 2008).

According to Zuckenburg (2016), what defines a technological tool – on

historical definition - is something that takes a human’s sense or ability and

augments it and makes it more powerful.

In the study conducted at Taibah University, it has found out that there is a

significant relationship between the use of technology and there learning

achievements. (Al-Hariri, 2017).

Various studies have sought to determine the effects of the use of technology

on student achievement. Studies have found both positive and negative effects of

technology on student achievement. The ideal goal for educators is to implement

technology in the classroom and see definite positive effects on student

achievement. Jones from the University of Georgia conducted a study on problem-

solving using graphing calculators. The purpose of the study was to see how the

use of graphing calculators affected problem-solving (Jones, 1997, 1).

Technology is everywhere in education: Public schools in the United States

now provide at least one computer for every five students. They spend more than

$3 billion per year on digital content. Led by the federal government, the country

is in the midst of a massive effort to make affordable high-speed Internet and free

online teaching resources available to even the most rural and remote schools.

And in 2015-16, for the first time, more state used standardized tests for the

elementary and middle grades that will bead ministered via technology rather than

paper and pencil. (Herold, 2016).

Technology is a great tool to enhance student achievement, a study

conducted by Eric Milou in 1997 examined whether algebra teachers were

currently using graphing calculators in their classrooms, their perceptions toward

the technology, and any changes in the curriculum or instructional practices. The

participants in the study were high school and middle/junior high school teachers

in a large northeastern US City (Milou, 1997, 2).

In Harold Wenglinsky's National Study of Technology's Impact on

Mathematics Achievement, He found that students who used higher order thinking

software showed gains in math scores of up to fifteen weeks above grade level as

measured by NAEP (Wenglinsky, 1998).

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on Skinner’s Behaviorism Theory. This theory posits

that rewards and punishment can change one’s learning performance.

Behaviorism has greatly promoted and effectively implemented in programmatic

instruction, it has strongly promoted and widely applied in computing-assisted-

instruction and the development of educational technology.

Another theory is the Constructivism Theory by Dewey (1859). This theory

believes that practicing is a foundation of learning and without learning practice,

students would get lost. Also, it stresses that students construct their knowledge

in practice, and instructional design should respect students’ psychological

development needs.

Also, Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML) by Austin (2009). It

is based on three cognitive science principles of learning: the human information

processing system includes dual channels for visual/pictorial and auditory/verbal

processing. The cognitive theory of multimedia learning specifies five cognitive

processes in multimedia learning.

Lastly, the Transfer Theory by Osman (2008). There is the effect

perspective between the positive versus negative transfer. Given that the purpose

of the current study focused on transfer, it is important to note how transfer can

elicit both positive as well as negative outcomes. Positive transfer is the primary

goal of education. In contrast, in negative transfer is a type of error in learning

where a previously learned context interferes with the acquisition of an adaptive

response to a new context that is similar to the first (Cree & Macaulay, 2000).

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. For the purpose of

the study, the following terms are conceptual and operation defined.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable


Technology. It is application of knowledge to the practical aims of human

life or to changing and manipulating the human environment (Waddell, 2013).

Operationally, it refers to the Academic Performance of student.

Academic Performance. is measured by the final grade earned in the

course (Hart, 2014) this study, it refers to the Senior High School Students.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to assess the impact of technology to the senior high school

students. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the impact of technology in the senior high school students?

2. What is the academic performance of the senior high school students?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the technology and the academic

performance of the senior high school students?

Null Hypothesis

Ho1. There is no significant relationship between the technology and

academic performance of the senior high school students.


In this chapter, the researcher presents the methods used, specifically the

research design, respondents, sampling design, research instrument, data

gathering procedure and data analysis.


Research Design

Descriptive research is used to describe characteristics of a population or

phenomenon being studied. It does not answer questions about how/when/why

the characteristics occurred. This research will make use the descriptive-

correlation research design. (Shields, Patricia and Rangarajan, N. 2013.)

In this study, the technology and academic performance are given

description. While correlation research design is used to measures two variables,

understands and assess the statistical relationship between two variables (Price &

Jhangiani, 1999). The impact of technology and the academic performance are

being correlated.


The respondents of the study will be the senior high school students of the

Los Amigos National High School, SY 2019-2020. The population of grade 11

students is 155 while the grade 12 is 106. Hence the total population is 261. Table

1 shows the population of the respondents.

They are chosen to be the respondents because some of the senior high

school students are frequently engaging themselves in using technological devices

or exposing too much with gadgets that would somehow affect their academic


Grade Level Population

G11 - Determination 43
G11- Solidarity 35
G11- Cooperation 38

G11- Generosity 37
G12- Accountability 47
G12- Dependability 31
G12- Responsibility 28
Total 261
Table 1. Population of the Respondents
The population of this study will be the 261 students. Using Stovin’s formula,

the sample size is 140. Table 2 shows the distribution of the sample size.

In this study, simple random sampling is utilized. Simple random sampling

is Subjects in the population are sampled by a random process, using either a

random number generator or a random number table, so that each person

remaining in the population has the same probability of being selected for the

sample. (Frerichs, R.R. Rapid Surveys (unpublished), © 2008.) The researchers

will write the names of the respondents and use a lottery form to select the


Grade Level Sample

G11 - Determination 10
G11- Solidarity 10
G11- Cooperation 10
G11- Generosity 10
G12- Accountability 10
G12- Dependability 10
G12- Responsibility 10
Total 70
Table 2. Distribution of Sample Size
Research Instruments

This study will make use of an adapted questionnaire entitled

“Questionnaire for the Impact of Technology in the Academic Performance of SHS

Students Lozada (2018). The total number of items is 10 and the total sample of

the respondents is 70 Senior High School Students.


Data Gathering Procedure

The following steps will be observed in the gathering of data:

1. Seeking permission of the principal. A letter of permission will be written to

the principal, Yolando I. Cortez asking his permission allowing us to conduct

the study.

2. Administration of the questionnaire. The researchers will personally

administer the questionnaire to the respondents.

3. Retrieval and Tabulation of Data. The researchers will retrieve and tabulate

the data from the respondents.

Data Analysis

The following are the tools used in analyzing the data:

Mean. It implies the average and the sum of a set of data divided by the

number of the data

Standard Deviation. It measures of the spread of scores within a set of data.

The researchers will estimate the population of the data.

Pearson Product-Moment Correlation. This is used to determine the

correlation between the level of academic performance and extracurricular


This chapter deals with the result of this study which are presented and

discussed in this chapter under the following subheads in answer to questions

posted in chapter I: (a) What is the impact of technology in the senior high school

students; (b) What is the academic performance of the senior high school students;

and (c) Is there a significant relationship between the technology and the academic

performance of the senior high school students.

The first question is, What is the impact of technology in the senior high

school students?

Impact of technology

29% 15% Always


Figure 1: Impact of Technology

The figure 1 shows that out of 70 respondents there are 7% of the students

have answered always, 15% have answered often, 29% have answered never and

49% have answered never. This means that there are few students have admitted

that they have use the more time using gadgets rather than spending it for doing

household chores, studying, and doing more productive activities.

Variable Mean Indicator Interpretation

The majority of
the senior high
Impact Of 13.2 Always/Often/ students by using
Technology Rarely/Never gadgets are rarely
affect the impact
of technology.

Table 1: Mean score, Indicator and Interpretation of the impact of technology of the

In addition, it was observed that the students nowadays spent much time

on electronic gadgets which affects the study habits an academic performance.

Due to upgrade of these gadget in entertainment student most likely focus on what

entertains them than on what may help them in there studies or for the good of

there knowledge. Students often spend more time on using gadgets than studying

or doing different types of physical and spiritual activities. Students usually use

gadgets for media and social interactions in particular FB, twitter and other sorts

of social networks (Mendoza, 2012).

Technology is a great tool to enhance student achievement, a study

conducted by Eric Milou in 1997 examined whether algebra teachers were

currently using graphing calculators in their classrooms, their perceptions toward

the technology, and any changes in the curriculum or instructional practices. The

participants in the study were high school and middle/junior high school teachers

in a large northeastern US city (Milou, 1997, 2).


The second question is, What is the academic performance of the senior

high school students?

Academic Performance

16% 24%
Highly Affect
Often Affect
Rarely Affect
Never Affect


Figure 2: Academic Performance

The figure 2 illustrates the level of how the technology affects the academic

performance of the respondents in senior high. There are 7 or 4% admitted that

technology never affects their academic performance, 30 or 16% conceived that

their academic performance is rarely affected by the technological devices, 47 or

24% claims that their academic performance often affects by using computer and

the remaining 56% of students is often affects their academic performance.


Variable Mean Indicator Interpretation

Majority of the
Highly senior high
Academic Affect/Often students admitted
Performance 25 Affect/Rarely that the
Affect/Never technology can
Affect affect their
Table 2: Mean score, Indicator, and Interpretation of the academic performance of the

It is shown in table 2 that most of the respondents think that technology

played a big role in their life as a senior high school student. They say that it can

affect their academic performance in either way, negatively or positively. And most

of the senior high students are believes that technology can affect their academic

performance. It indicates that senior high students are aware to the possibility of

technology as a reasons to academic failure and can be a hindrance to academic


Technology would affect student academic achievement and motivation.

The data from this study showed that the technology was not a particular factor in

students attending school. Students have less autonomy than they do at the junior

high or even high school level and rely more on their parents for guidance and

support in their schooling efforts (Harris,2016).

Research has shown both positive and negative effects on student

achievement through the implementation of technology. This area of research is

very significant due to the changing world of technology. Teachers and


administrators are constantly searching for new ideas to make classrooms more

technology-friendly (Davis, 1997, 49).

The third question is, Is there a significant relationship between the

technology and the academic performance of the senior high school students?

Impact Of Technology to Academic





Figure 3: Impact of Technology to Academic Performance

According to the survey conducted it is shown in figure 3 that 66 (5%)

believes that technology cannot affect their academic performance and 125 (95%)

have answered yes. It reflect, that the senior high students are not aware that the

impact of technology can destroy their academics or simply put, it affects their


A study conducted by Bragdon and Dowler (2016) on

college students' technology use and academic performance indicated that

upperclassmen spent significantly more time using technology for academic and

work-related purposes, whereas senior high students spent more time using cell

phones, online chatting and social networking.


“Online services” or “the internet” may be used for educational purposes,

but they may also be used for other aims that may distract from students’ learning

and believe that technology affects their academic performance of the students.

(Kara, 2014).



This section will present the summary, conclusions drawn from the

implications of the data and recommendations advance to by the researchers.


We find that there have significant effects of using technology on students’

in academic performance because of removing control variables alters the

estimates compared to our pie graph model. The results are also emphasized by

the sensitivity analysis. The estimates remain statistically insignificant and do not

change much when performing different robustness checks. This implies that the

baseline estimates are robust to exclusion of observations and to changes in the


Technology is the technical means people use to improve their

surroundings. People use technology to improve their ability to do work.

Classrooms around the world have implemented many forms of technology to

enhance student interest and achievement. Student achievement for the unit had

risen and grades on the assessments had increased due to the presence of

technology. Student engagement and interest had also increased due to the

presence of technology.


Our findings this year reflect students who are serious about the

work of being students and who continue to leverage personal and

campus technology for their academic success. Personal technologies

remain reliably prevalent; other technologies with potential impact to

enhance student learning are emerging among students. This year we

also determined that student demographics play an important role in the

types of technology that are viewed as critical to their success as well as

to their experiences of technology.

We are also optimistic that this year's report can foster important

dialogues among campus stakeholders regarding technology, diversity,

equity, and inclusion, as well as accessibility. Although reporting that

"change is occurring" while some things "remain the same" doesn't

constitute a game-changing proclamation, we are confident this report

provides strong insights into why these trends are occurring, as well as

actionable recommendations for institutional stakeholders.


 Eliminate classroom bans of student devices important to

their success.

 Expand student awareness of the benefits, expectations, and

demands of blended learning environments.



Al-hariri, M. (2017). Impact of students’ use of technology on their learning

achievements in physiology courses at the University of Dammam.

Retrieved from

Arimbuyutan, R., (2007) “Impact of ICTs on open and distance learning in a

developing country. Setting: The Philippine Experience.”, University of the
Philippines Open University

Retrieved from

Dios A.D., (2012 November 3) How technology affects Learning: Views from
Retrieved from

Espinosa, JP., (2016)“Learning with the help of technology

Retrieved from

Herold, B., (2016) ”Technology and Learning.

Retrieved from

Lozada, C., (2007)”Effects of Technology in the Level of Performance of Senior

High School Students.

Retrieved from

Zuckenberg, M., (2016 December).The Definition of Technology According to


Retrieved from


Milou, (1997, 2). Technology : The Positive And Negative Effects On Student

Retrieved from :

Dewey (1859) . Constructivism as a theory for teaching and learning

Retrieved from :

Austin, J., (2009). Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML)

Retrieved from :

Macaulay, C., (2000) Teaching for Transfer: Transfer of Learning in Social Work

Retrieved from :



Personal Data:
Name: Jayson A. Bero
LRN: 129735070020
Birthday: April 17, 2000
Age: 19 years old
Address: Los Amigos, Tugbok District,
Davao City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Jerry Bero
Mother’s Name: Arlen Bero

Educational Attainment:
Primary: Los Amigos Elementary School
S.Y. 2013-2014
Junior High School: Los Amigos National High School
S.Y. 2017-2018



Personal Data:
Name: John Jenard C. Pandian
LRN: 129735070094
Birthday: July 19, 2001
Age: 18 years old
Address: Purok 9, Los Amigos, Tugbok District,
Davao City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name:
Mother’s Name: Janneverb C. Pandian

Educational Attainment:
Primary: Los Amigos Elementary School
S.Y. 2013-2014
Junior High School: Los Amigos National High School
S.Y. 2017-2018


Personal Data:
Name: Darren E. Antona
LRN: 128936070014
Birthday: April 1, 2002
Age: 17 years old
Address: Los Amigos, Tugbok District, Davao City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Ruly A. Antona
Mother’s Name: Delia Angelica E. Antona

Educational Attainment:
Primary: Los Amigos Elementary School
S.Y. 2013-2014
Junior High School: Los Amigos National High School
S.Y. 2017-2018


Personal Data:
Name: Willinor B. Cagayan
LRN: 129735070027
Birthday: December 28, 2000
Age: 19 years old
Address: Purok 6-C Adlawan Riverside,Davao City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Willie H. Cagayan
Mother’s Name: Leonora B. Cagayan

Educational Attainment:
Primary: Los Amigos Elementary School
S.Y. 2013-2014
Junior High School: Los Amigos National High School
S.Y. 2017-2018


Personal Data:
Name: Henry G. Pimentel
LRN: 1294366070050
Birthday: July 24, 2001
Age: 18 years old
Address: Biao Tienda, Tugbok District,
Davao City
Religion: Born Again
Father’s Name: Ronnel Pimentel
Mother’s Name: Lea Pimentel

Educational Attainment:
Primary: Dela-Pena Narisma Recano Elementary School
S.Y. 2013-2014
Junior High School: Los Amigos National High School
S.Y. 2017-2018



Personal Data:
Name: Jode Mae A. Meliton
LRN: 127959120195
Birthday: September 21, 2000
Age: 19 years old
Address: Purok 6-B, Los Amigos, Tugbok District,
Davao City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Joel L. Meliton
Mother’s Name: Delma R. Meliton

Educational Attainment:
Primary: Bayabas Elementary School
S.Y. 2013-2014
Junior High School: La Purisima High School
S.Y. 2017-2018

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to assess the impact of technology to the senior high school

students. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the impact of technology in the senior high school students?

2. What is the academic performance of the senior high school students?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the technology and the academic

performance of the senior high school students?

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