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Thi đội tuyển:

- Overall skill
+ Debugging skill
+ Coding skill and style
+ Tips and tricks
- Vét (high)
- DFS/BFS (high)
+ Topological sorting
+ DP on DAG
- SCC algorithm (medium) /
- Dijkstra/Floyd (high)
- DP (high)
+ Matrix multiplication /
+ Digit DP
+ On tree
- IT/BIT (medium) /
- Math (high)
+ Geometry (area, convex hull related)
+ Number theory (Fermat's little theorem, inverse modulo)
+ Combinatorics
- Tree (high)
+ LCA -> Sparse table /
+ Trie
+ DP
- Sliding window (deque) (high)/
- Hashing/KMP/Z algorithm (high)
- DSU (high)
- BS (high)
- Divide and conquer (low)
+ Divide set
- Euler/Hamilton (low)
- Matching (high)
- Compressing (high) /
Thi QG:
- SOS DP (high)
- Heavy-light/Centroid decomposition (medium)
- Flow (medium)
+ Min-cost flow
- DP using KMP (medium)
- Treap? (low)
- SQRT decomposition (high)
+ Mo algorithm
- Suffix array (high)
- Speedup DP (medium)
+ Convex hull trick
+ Slope trick
+ Speedup using DS (IT/BIT)
- Persistent DS (low)
+ IT
- 2-SAT problem (low)
- Math (high)
+ Wilson theorem
+ Lucas theorem
+ Inclusion-exclusion
+ Euler totient function
+ Probability
+ Sort by angle
- Local search
Thi vòng 2:
SML nhé :D

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