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Group 4 11-ZION

Set of questions: Love is a Fallacy by Max Shulman

1. How would you describe the narrator in the story?

-The narrator in the story is boastful of how smart he is.

2. How was Petey Bellows described in the story? How about Polly? Do you think
that they are really as dumb as they were described?
- Petey Bellows was described as a dumb person who knows nothing in life while
Polly Espy was described as a physically charmed individual but not so
- For us we think that they are as dumb as they were described because Petey
exchanged his precious gem which is Polly just to get a stupid coat and Polly
wants to be steady to Petey just for a stupid coat.

3. What is the narrator’s reason for wanting Polly?

-Polly Espy is beautiful, gracious and is physically perfect for him

4. From whose point of view is the story told? Is the telling of the story logical?
Why/why not?
-The story was told on a Third Person View by the narrator
-It is logical for us because of the logical words that are used in the story.

5. What is a fallacy? What are some examples of a fallacy? Give at least 5 and give
a short description of each fallacy.
-Fallacies are mistakes of reasoning, as opposed to making mistakes that are of
a factual nature.
1. Appeal to Authority
- These fallacies occur when someone accepts a truth on blind faith just
because someone they admire said it.
2. Appeal to Pity
- These fallacies occur when someone seeks to gain acceptance by
pointing out an unfortunate consequence that befalls them.
3. Appeal to Ignorance
- These fallacies occur when someone asserts a claim that must be
accepted because no one else can prove otherwise.
4. Begging the Question
- Also called Circular Reasoning. This type of fallacy occurs when the
conclusion of an argument is assumed in the phrasing of the question
5. False Dilemma
- These fallacies occur when someone is only given two choices for
possible alternatives when more than two exist.

6. What were the fallacies mentioned in the text?

-The fallacies that were mentioned in the text were the following:
1. Dicto Simpliciter
2. Hasty Generalization
3. Post Hoc
4. Contradictory Premises
5. Ad Misericordiam.
6. False Analogy
7. Hypothesis Contrary to Fact
8. Poisoning the Well

7. Using your annotation& summary, identify the:

a. Purpose of the author
-For us the purpose of the author in wrtting this selection is to inform readers
that logic can’t be applied in love.
b. Assumptions of the author
-The assumptions of the author is to give ideas about what logic and fallacies
c. Claims of the author
-The author claims that we deserve to know more about logic and love.
8. Did the author accomplish his purpose? Why/why not?
-For us yes because the selection did attract us to learn more about the topics
that story had.
9. Do you agree that love is a fallacy? Why/why not?
-Yes because love can be sometimes as complicated as a fallacy
Members of Group 4:









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