HK Biology Ch.18 Homeostasis

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18 homeostasis
Keeping the internal environment of our body stable>our body cells can function properly
Homeostasis=maintenance of a stable or relatively constant internal environment

Parameters of internal environment

1)body temperature
2)composition of blood
3)composition of tissue fluid
4)blood pressure

Body temperature
=essential for enzyme to work
Body temperature is regulated by skin

Water content in blood

=essential for body cells to work
Water content of blood affects the water potential of tissue fluid
If the water potential of tissue fluid is different from the cells,water will enter or leave the cells by
osmosis(cells cannot function properly or may die)
Water potential in blood is regulated by kidneys

Gas content in blood

=essential to ensure our body cells get enough oxygen for respiration & for enzyme to work
Carbon dioxide is slightly acidic which affects the pH value of the tissue fluid
When the pH value is not suitable for the enzymes in our body,they cannot function properly
It stop the metabolic activities in our body
Oxygen and carbon dioxide content are regulated by the breathing system and the circulatory

Glucose level in blood

=essential for providing energy to body cells to carry out respiration & for body cells to work
Glucose in blood will affects the water potential of tissue fluid
If the water potential of tissue fluid is different from the cells,water will enter or leave the cells by
osmosis(cells cannot function properly or may die)
Glucose level in blood is regulated by the liver and pancreas

Negative feedback mechanism

Involves in three components
detect the changes in the level of the parameter
2)Control centre(usually part of nervous system or endocrine system)
Process information from receptor and coordinates the activities of different organ

Producing responses with opposite effect by the instructions from the control centre

When level of parameter lower than normal

>response to increase the level
When level of parameter higher than normal
>response to decrease the level

Regulation of blood glucose level

Pancreas(effector) contains chemoreceptors(receptor) to detect change in blood glucose
=produce hormones(response) to regulate the blood glucose level
stimulates liver cells to convert excess glucose to glycogen for storage
Stimulates body cells to take in more glucose and break them down into carbon dioxide or water
=lower blood glucose level
stimulates liver cells to convert stored glycogen to glucose
=higher blood glucose level

Diabetes mellitus
=fail to regulate blood glucose level
1)produce too little or no insulin
2)body cells do not respond to insulin
Blood glucose level of a diabetic remains high and then drop gradually due to loss of glucose in

Usual problems of diabetics

1)Glucose in urine
body fails to absorb all glucose results in appearance of glucose in urine
2)Increase in urine production and excessive thirst
Body cells lose water to blood by osmosis(since the blood glucose level is high which caused
low water potential)
Increase in blood volume results in an increase in urine production
3)Unable to convert glucose to glycogen for storage(energy storage)
Not enough or no insulin is produced to stimulates liver cells to convert excess glucose to
glycogen for storage
Lack of glycogen storage will decrease the energy provide to body activities(without energy
intake)and may cause hypoglycemia(low blood sugar)

Solution in high blood glucose(for diabetics)

1)injection of insulin
2)having meal with low GI value
3)having frequent meals but in small portions
4)avoid food which elevates blood glucose in a short time

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