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Mental Health – Everyone Has It!


Extra Time
Slide Slide Content Action Required
Materials (mins)
1 Introduction to Presentation - - -
Starter activity - Spot the difference
Engage class, asking questions
between 5 young people – can you
2 tell who is suffering from a mental
about mental illness, gauge - 5
previous knowledge.
illness? Answer – no.
What do you think mental health Create class discussion via
Paper, Pens
3 is? Class discussion, and do a mind whiteboard or individual or group
5 - 10
map on board or individually. mind map work.
Allow students to correct and add
What is Mental Health – answers to
to mind maps or create class
4/5 mind map – introduction to basic
discussion around what it is and
- 5
statistics and stigma.
start discussing stigma.
Activity - %age of people who will Split the class into ¼ and ¾ to
6 have a mental illness at some point demonstrate the %age of people that Space 5
in their lives. will have a form of mental illness.
Go through and explain the 5
Examples of Mental Health Issues – examples (and celebrities):
3 slides of causes – each includes:  Anxiety / panic attacks
7/8/9  What it creates  Eating disorders - 5
 Statistics / Causes  Body Dysmorphic Disorder
 Famous /celebrity sufferer  Depression
Causes of Mental Health – Outlines Discuss these topics, making sure
10/11 some causes (Physical & Social, students understand there can be a - 5
Psychological & Family) combination of factors and others.
Discuss stigma in schools and
12 Why is there Stigma?
workplaces and dangers.
- 2
Explain symptoms and discuss that
13/14 Examples of Symptoms you may or may not have a mental - 2
illness if you have them.
Video – Shows some experiences
15 and comments of real people, and
Video 2
how talking can help.
How Can You Deal With It – Discuss the video with the class –
16 highlights views from the video and how those people would be feeling - 5
how to deal with mental illness. and how they can deal with it.
Where can you go? – Organisations Discuss the many options – tell
17 that help with mental health issues. them to ask teachers. Directory.
Directory 2
If time, ask students to create a
18 End of Presentation poster raising awareness of Mental Paper, Pens 10-15+
Health, putting the best up.

The directory discussed in the lesson plan is available along with the presentation.

Kent Youth County Council Mental Health Campaign 2015

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