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National Management Programme

& Energy Management Programme

Full-Time Residential Executive

018 URE
Post Graduate Programme in Management

F 2 CH

02 03 04
Message Message from Message from
from the the Chairperson, the Coordinator,
Ac ng Director Placements Execu ve

05 06 07 08 09
The Student MDI Na onal Energy
Genesis Exchange collabora ons Management Management
Programme Programme

10 12 13
EPGPM Professors Alumni
Courses Speak Speak

14 16 17 45 60
Batch Recruiters Work Work Work
Sta s cs at MDI Experience Experience Experience
2017-18 5-7 Years 7-10 Years 10+ Years

69 70 72
Industry Placement Life at
Connect Process at MDI
MDI is a school for:
Vision Thought Leaders and Change Masters
Academic Excellence and Con nuous Innova on

Our Mission is to create, both at individual and organiza onal levels, cu ng edge
management capability through:
Mission Value-based Educa on Best Global Prac ces
Ac on-centric Research Value-adding Consul ng

First Indian B-School Accredited by AMBA The ins tute is partnering with only the top 5 business schools
Interna onal accredita on by the coveted Associa on of MBAs of any country with a s pula on that the partnering B-School
(AMBA) UK was awarded to three Programmes of MDI: PGPM, has an extensive interna onal agenda for its ac vi es.
NMP and PGPM (Part-Time) in 2006. Three other Programmes:
PGP-HRM, PGP-IM and PGP-EM also received accredita on in 70+ Na onally and Interna onally Acclaimed
2011 establishing interna onal quality standards of the Full-TIme Faculty
Programmes of the Ins tute. All these programmes were re- One of the largest communi es of full- me faculty brings the
accredited again by AMBA, UK in 2016. right mix of research and industry experience to educa on and
consultancy offered by the Ins tute. A number of industry
leaders and prac oners who par cipate in various roles and
capaci es further enrich the offerings at MDI.

Largest School for Con nuing Educa on in

Ranked Consistently among the Top B-Schools of
India With more than 91159 manager beneficiaries, MDI is the
In the various B-School surveys, MDI has been ranked largest training ins tute in the country. MDI takes pride in the
consistently amongst Top 10 B-Schools of India. growing number of strategic level programmes it conducts.
These are uniquely designed to bring a global perspec ve
100% Placements through interna onal interac ons.
MDI maintained its tradi on of 100% placement this year as
well. Pres gious companies from various sectors offered job 40 Acres of Lush Green Campus
profiles spanning across various func onal areas. MDI is located in a picturesque, serene campus, 12 kilometres
from the Interna onal Airport, Delhi. It provides just the right
Largest Interna onal Exchange Programme in India environment to step away from the mundane world to quietly
MDI has partnerships with leading B-Schools across the world. imbibe, peacefully introspect and ul mately learn.
,, It gives me immense pleasure
to present the profile of our
EPGPM graduates or rather I

should say next genera on of
business leaders!!

Message from the Chairperson, Placements

Dear Recruiters,

MDI is India’s one of the leading B-School which offers to provide high-quality management educa on,
ac on-centric research with a focus on Industrial perspec ves and exper se. The school has consistently
been among top ranked B-schools in independent publica ons and agencies, such as Business Standard
Ranking, Na onal Ins tu onal Ranking Framework-Ministry of Human Resource Development, NHRDN,
Business Today, The Outlook India and Business World in recogni on of the quality of its programmes,
faculty research and promising graduates.

MDI’s Execu ve PGPM is recognized by AICTE and is accredited by AMBA, the Associa on of MBAs (UK). It
has been ranked 3rd in Central Asia for General management and constantly ranked in top B-schools for
Execu ve Management Programme. MDI’s Execu ve PGPM core goals aim to equip students with the
necessary skills they will need in an increasingly compe ve workplace. It focuses on developing leaders
who excel in the rapidly changing business environment, become agents of change and are charged with a
customer centric orienta on. Our graduates are constantly groomed by a team of top na onal and
interna onal facul es and industry professionals in business discipline and innova ve thinking that sets
them apart from other MBA graduates

The Class of 2018 is a diverse group of aspiring graduates that includes execu ves from a variety of
industries and business experience ranging from 5 to 15 years. EPGPM Graduates are equipped with
necessary analy cal skills to deal with changing business demands and lead organiza on with highest ethical
standards. They also manage and take part in a range of co-curricular ac vi es, be it sports, socie es,
entrepreneurial ac vi es, leadership series or volunteering which help them to grow beyond classrooms

It gives me immense pleasure to present the profile of our EPGPM graduates or rather I should say next
genera on of business leaders!!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank recruiters, who have been involved in las ng and frui ul
partnerships with us over the years. At the same me, I would like to extend a special invita on to all the new
recruiters to connect with us.

Looking forward to mee ng you at our campus!!

Prof. Kanwal N Kapil

Chairperson, Placements
MDI, Gurugram
Message from the Coordinator, Execu ve Placements
,, The current batch of
students belonging to a
broad spectrum of industries
bring in mul dimensional
perspec ves for the business
case studies and take the

learning process to a whole
new level.

Dear Recruiters,

MDI Gurugram has always been a sanctum of value based educa on in the country. Over the years, it has
produced many thought leaders who are the prime movers of various organiza ons and government
bodies. With its unparalleled curricula, the ins tute has been constantly producing execu ves who are
industry ready and can deliver best from day one in the ever-changing business landscape.

The Execu ve Post Graduate Program in Management, called the Na onal Management Program or NMP
(similar to PGPX) comprises of students having more than 5 years corporate experience in various sectors
and having zeal in them to make a meaningful change in the society. The gamut of industry experience
complemented by the holis c management educa on offered by the ins tute make the students approach
business problems with a global sensi vity and mindset. The current batch of students, belonging to a
broad spectrum of industries, bring in mul dimensional perspec ves for the business case studies and take
the learning process to a whole new level.

The NMP students are exposed to real me, highly interac ve, case based educa on such that they
integrate the concepts learned across the courses and apply them in their own work. I extend a very warm
welcome to the talent seekers to visit our campus.

Prof. Shiv S Tripathi

Coordinator, Execu ve Placements
MDI, Gurugram

The Genesis
Management Development Ins tute (MDI) was formed as an autonomous body in 1973, in
collabora on with several reputed ins tu ons such as UNDP, UNIDO, World Bank, ILO etc. Since its
incep on, MDI has been consistently ranked among the top B-schools in India.
MDI is recognized in the business and educa on community for the outstanding growth it has
achieved in a short span of me. The Execu ve PGPM is one of the premier programmes in the
country. Over the years, students have joined well renowned corpora ons and have made their alma
mater proud with their excep onal performance and professional approach.

1-Year Full-Time Execu ve Post Graduate Ÿ Other Programmes

Programmes Ÿ Post Graduate Programme in Public Policy and
Ÿ Na onal Management Programme, NMP Management, PGP-PPM
Ÿ Energy Management Programme, PGP-EM Ÿ Post Graduate Programme in Management, Part- me,
2-Year Full-Time Post Graduate Ÿ Management Development Programmes, MDP

Programmes Ÿ Advanced Management Programmes, AMP

Ÿ Post Graduate Programme in Management, PGPM Ÿ Quality Improvement Programmes, QIP

Ÿ Post Graduate Programme in Human Resource Ÿ Armed Forces Programme, AFP

Management, PGP-HRM Along with the above programmes, as part of its strong
Ÿ Post Graduate Programme in Interna onal Management, research focus, MDI also plays host to the following
PGP-IM ini a ves:
Ÿ Centre for Entrepreneurship

Doctoral Programmes* Ÿ Centre for Excellence in Informa on Management

Ÿ Fellow Programme in Management, FPM Ÿ Centre for Posi ve Scholarship

Ÿ Centre for Responsible Business for organisa onal
*The AICTE approval process for FPM programme 2018 is in progress sustainability

Student Exchange
MDI Gurugram boasts of one of the most dis nguished student exchange programmes in the country.
It has forged strategic partnerships with more than 63 interna onal ins tutes and it is this extensive
network which provides students, from the ins tute, an excellent opportunity to complement their
understanding of the Indian business scenario with cross-cultural management skills. Depending upon
the associa on with the partner ins tute, a student may spend a term abroad or may also pursue a dual
degree from the partner ins tute and MDI. Equipped with these experiences, the students of MDI are
well posi oned to perform in the global business scenario.

Accredita on
MDI was the first B-School in India and the second in Asia to be accredited by interna onal ins tu on–
Associa on of MBA’s (AMBA), UK. In 2011, MDI became the only Indian B-School to have all its
courses accredited by AMBA. In addi on to this, MDI has also been granted the coveted South Asian
Quality Assurance System (SAQS) accredita on and has also been accredited by the Na onal Board of
Accredita on, India.

Academic Partnerships
MDI offers a host of programmes launched in associa on with its esteemed partner ins tutes. At the
execu ve management level, MDI’s partnership with “One MBA” consor um has contributed to
the establishment of programmes in associa on with universi es such as ESCP – Europe, EDHEC
Business School etc. At the post graduate level, MDI has launched the Interna onal Management
programme wherein students spend their first year at MDI and second year in Europe. As a part of the
second leg, the students pursue six months long internships with leading European companies.
MDI Collabora ons
Australia Ÿ The Ins tut d'Etudes Poli quesde, Norway
Ÿ Queensland University of (Sciences-Po), Paris Ÿ Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus
Technology, Brisbane Ÿ IAE Aix-en Provence, Puyricard Ÿ Co p e n h a ge n Bu s i n e s s Sc h o o l ,
Ÿ Roy a l Me l b o u r n e I n s t u t e o f Ÿ Total Professors Associa on (TPA), Copenhagen
Technology (RMIT), Melbourne Paris Ÿ Norwegian School of Management
Ÿ University of South Australia, Ÿ Grenoble Ecole de Management, BI, Sandvika
Adelaide, South Australia Grenoble Ÿ Nordic Centre in India
Austria Ÿ Sciences Po Lille, Lille Ÿ University of Oslo
Ÿ Vienna University of Economic & Ÿ SKEMA Business School (SKEMA), Pakistan
Business Administra on, Vienna France Ÿ Lahore University of Management
Bhutan Germany Sciences (LUMS), Lahore
Ÿ Royal Ins tute of Management, Ÿ Bergische Universitat Wuppertal, Poland
Bhutan Wuppertal Ÿ Graduate School of Business
Belgium Ÿ Frankfurt School of Finance & Ec o n o m i c s , H i g h e r S c h o o l o f
Ÿ Solvay Business School, Brussels Management, Frankfurt Interna onal Commerce and Finance
Ÿ The Faculty of Applied Economics, Ÿ HHL Leipzig Graduate School of
(WSHiFM), Warsaw
University of Antwerp, Antwerp Management, Leipzig Ÿ Warsaw School of Economics,
Ÿ Louvain School of Management, Ÿ Munich Business School, Munich
Louvain-la-Neuve Greece Portugal
Canada Ÿ Athens University of Economics and Ÿ Catholic University of Portugal
Ÿ DeGroote School of Business, Business, Athens Russia
McMaster University, Ontario Hungary Ÿ Moscow Interna onal Higher
Ÿ McGill University, Montreal
Business School 'MI RBIS”, Moscow
Ÿ Hungarian Logis cs Associa on,
Ÿ University of Waterloo, Waterloo
Ÿ Richard Ivey School of Business, Ÿ University of Maribor, School of
Ÿ University of Szeged, Szeged
Ontario Economics and Business, Maribor
China South Africa
Ÿ Bocconi University, Milan
Ÿ Un i ve r s i t y o f t h e Fre e St a t e ,
Ÿ Huazhong University of Science and Ÿ Universita Carlo Ca aneo, (LIUC),
Technology (HUST), School of Bloemfontein
Management, Wuhan Japan
Antai College of Economics & Ÿ School of Management, Asian
Ÿ Ÿ Nagoya University of Commerce &
Ins tute of Technology, Pathumthani
Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong Business, Japan
United States
University, China Malaysia
Ÿ Bentley College University
Cyprus Ÿ Universi Sains Malaysia, Penang,
Ÿ Marque e University, Wisconsin
Ÿ Cyprus Interna onal Ins tute of Malaysia
Ÿ North Carolina State University,
Management Morocco
Raleigh, North Carolina
England Ÿ Gro u p e I n s t u t Su p e r i e u r D e
Ÿ Robert H. Smith School of Business,
Ÿ Middlesex University, London Commerce Et D’administra on Des University of Maryland
Ÿ Aston Business School, Aston Entreprises - Groupe Iscae
Ÿ School of Public Policy, George
University, Birmingham Nepal Mason University
Ÿ Newcastle University, New Castle Ÿ Nepal Administra ve Staff College, Ÿ The University of North Carolina,
Finland Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, Nepal Kenan-Flagler Business School,
Ÿ University of Tampere, Tampere Ÿ Kathmandu University School of Chapel Hill
France Management, Patan Ÿ University of Connec cut
Ÿ ESCP Europe, Paris The Netherlands Ÿ Smeal College of Business,
Ÿ EDHEC Business School, Paris Ÿ RSM Erasmus University, Ro erdam Pennsylvania State University

Key Highlights
• ESCP Europe: Ranked 1st in FT Global Masters in Management Rankings, 7th in FT Best European Business Schools
and 15th in FT Global EMBA Rankings
• The University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler Business School, Chapel Hill, USA: Ranked 19th in US Best Business
School Rankings
• Grenoble Graduate School of Business: Ranked 5th in FT Global Masters in Management Rankings
• Ro erdam School of Management, Erasmus University: Ranked 6th in FT Best European Business Schools Rankings
and 38th in FT Global MBA Rankings
• Università Bocconi: Ranked 28th in FT Global MBA Rankings and 17th in FT Best European Business Schools
• Aston Business School: Ranked 35th in FT Best European Business Schools and 50th in FT Global EMBA Rankings
• EDHEC Business School: Ranked 14th in FT Masters in Management and 25th in Best European Business Schools
• Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland: Ranked 45th in US Best Business School Rankings

Na onal Management Programme (NMP) was the first-full me residen al programme of Management
Na onal Management Programme

Development Ins tute. It was launched in 1987 and is currently in its 30th edi on. This programme is a 12+3*
months full- me post graduate programme with the key objec ves of providing:
Ÿ A holis c perspec ve of current business reali es
Ÿ An ability to recognize and seize opportuni es in a compe ve environment
Ÿ An assurance of commitment towards be erment of the society
Ÿ A mindset towards global sensi vity
The programme is recognized by AICTE and is accredited by AMBA, the Associa on of MBAs (UK). It focuses on
developing leaders who excel in the rapidly changing business environment, become agents of change and are
charged with a customer centric orienta on. The programme offers blend of General Management courses with
op ons of specializa on in Finance, Marke ng, Strategy, Opera ons, Informa on Management and Human
All the candidates applying for the NMP (EPGPM) programme should possess minimum 5 years of industry
experience. In addi on to that selec on is based on their performance in GMAT/CAT followed by a Personal
Interview. On successful comple on of the programme, the par cipants are awarded a Post Graduate Diploma in
Management (PGDM).
Following medals are awarded to the par cipants of Execu ve PGPM:
Ÿ Prime Minister’s Gold Medal: Awarded for highest overall CGPA
Ÿ Finance Minister’s Gold Medal: Awarded for best performance in Finance elec ve courses
Ÿ Department of Personnel and Training, Government of India Gold Medal: Awarded for best performance in
HRM elec ve courses
Ÿ ITC Gold Medal: Awarded for best performance in Marke ng elec ve courses

* 3 months' disserta on
Energy Management Programme (PGP-EM) is a unique offering from MDI. It is an exclusive industry-focused

Energy Management Programme

programme which addresses the dire need for highly skilled business professionals to overcome management
challenges in the Energy Sector. In 2011, it became the only programme in the Energy sector accredited by the
Energy is possibly the most cri cal input to rapid economic growth and development of an economy. The
accelerated growth unleashed since the 1990s and early 2000s has led to major ini a ves which are structurally
changing the policy environment. Energy sector in India is passing through cri cal mes. India’s growth aspira on
would be severely affected due to constraints in energy supply. Keeping in mind the bourgeoning demand-supply
gap in an energy starved na on like India, which is further distorted by wasteful management prac ces, there is an
immense investment scope in energy infrastructure and energy management in an environmental friendly
manner. To address these issues, MDI launched an exclusive programme in 2005 for training professionals in the
Energy sector with the help of US AID and the Ministry of Power, Government of India. Over the years, its domain
has been broadened from power to other spheres of energy namely oil & gas, coal, carbon market, energy
efficiency etc. Through this programme we also aspire to meet our social responsibili es.
Following medals are awarded to the par cipants of PGP-EM :
• The Director’s Gold Medal : Awarded for highest overall CGPA
• The School of Energy Management Gold Medal for Outstanding Performance: Awarded for ini a ve in
extracurricular ac vi es.
• The Secure Award for Excellence Energy Management: Awarded for Highest GPA in Energy courses.

EPGPM Courses Offered
Core Subjects Ÿ Corporate Tax Planning
Ÿ Organiza onal Behavior Ÿ Financial Modelling
Ÿ Organiza onal Design and Change Ÿ Strategic Cost Management
Ÿ Micro Economics Ÿ Personal Financial Planning
Ÿ Accoun ng for Business Decision Making
Human Resource Management
Ÿ Quan ta ve Techniques in Management
Ÿ Compensa on Management
Ÿ Strategy Formula on and Implementa on
Ÿ Performance Management
Ÿ Legal Aspects of Business
Ÿ Strategic HRM
Ÿ Macro Economics
Ÿ Talent Management
Ÿ Marke ng Management
Ÿ Training and Development
Ÿ Decision Sciences
Ÿ Consultancy and Change Management
Ÿ Management Accoun ng
Ÿ Business Research Methods
Informa on Management
Ÿ Corporate Finance for Enhancing Values
Ÿ Business Process Management
Ÿ Opera ons Management
Ÿ Data Analy cs
Ÿ Human Resource Management
Ÿ Business of Telecom
Ÿ Enterprise Systems
Elec ves Ÿ Informa on Security Management
Marke ng Ÿ Customer Rela onship Management
Ÿ Adver sing Management Ÿ Management of IT Projects
Ÿ Business to Business Marke ng Ÿ Business Development in the IT Industry
Ÿ Consumer Behaviour Ÿ Strategic Management of IT
Ÿ Customer Rela onship Management (with IT
Area) Opera ons
Ÿ Interna onal Marke ng Management Ÿ Management of Quality
Ÿ Strategic Marke ng Management Ÿ Opera ons Strategy
Ÿ Marke ng of Services Ÿ Project Management
Ÿ Marke ng Insights Ÿ Service Opera ons Management
Ÿ Strategic Brand Management Ÿ Supply Chain Management
Ÿ Sales & Distribu on Management
Ÿ Strategic Management
Ÿ Corporate Governance
Ÿ Financial Risk Management
Ÿ Entrepreneurship and New Ventures Crea on
Ÿ Interna onal Corporate Finance
Ÿ Advanced Compe ve Strategy Missing
Ÿ Investment Management
Ÿ Interna onal Business
Ÿ Corporate Restructuring and Business
Ÿ Mergers and Acquisi ons
Valua on
Ÿ Strategic Alliances & Joint Ventures
Ÿ Project Appraisal and Structured Finance
Ÿ Innova on

Organiza onal Behaviour Ÿ Real Estate Markets
Ÿ Organiza onal Transforma on Ÿ Energy & Carbon Markets
Ÿ Nego a on Skills Ÿ Foreign Direct Investments
Ÿ Managing Across Culture
Ÿ Leadership and Emo onal Intelligence Public Policy and Management
Ÿ Self Development and Interpersonal Rela ons Ÿ Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
Ÿ Team Building for High Performance
Energy Management
Ÿ Power Transmission & Distribu on &
Ÿ Modelling and Forecas ng of Energy &
Regulatory Framework
Financial Markets
Ÿ Power Sector Reforms, Pricing, Market
Ÿ Economics of Compe on Policy
Mechanism and Regula on
Ÿ Applied Game Theory to Business
Ÿ Environmental Management and Green
Business Communica on
Accoun ng
Ÿ Effec ve Communica on through Theatre
Ÿ Financing and Managing Infrastructure
Projects Techniques
Ÿ Nego a on Skills
Ÿ Interna onal Macro and Foreign Exchange
Ÿ Managing Image and Corpora on Reputa on

Professors Speak
Na onal Management Programme (NMP) & Energy Management (PGP-EM) are unique,
industry focused programmes that aim to equip the candidate with the knowledge, skills
and competencies required to sail successfully through the challenges/obstacles
encountered in corporate world.
The curriculum is grounded in our convic on that great leadership, develops from a thirst
for innova on, entrepreneurial mindset and a will to excel. We have developed an
integrated learning environment that enables collabora ve learning with fellow students,
industry experts and faculty mentors.

Prof. Sangeeta Shah Bharadwaj (Ph.D.)

Informa on Management
Dean Execu ve Graduate Programs and ERP

The NATIONAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME (NMP), launched in 1987 by MDI is one

of the oldest Post Graduate Programme offered within the country, whereas Energy
management (PGP-EM) on its own is a unique offering with high industry emphasis. These
courses were launched as a ground breaking endeavor to enable prac cing managers to
acquire skills from a wide range of tradi onally segregated domain. These programs are 15
months residen al programs (12 months plus 3 months project).
Over the years MDI has welcomed execu ves with diverse experience and equipped them
with a holis c business perspec ve along with interna onal exposure. We believe in the
pursuit of crea ng and dissemina ng knowledge through teaching, research and training.
Candidates of the Execu ve PGPM have highly benefited out of it and are now heading
various na onal and global organisa ons across sectors.

Prof. Janender Kumar Jain (Ph.D.)

Chairperson ( NMP & PGP-EM), Area Chairperson - HR

My interac ons with present batch of NMP students has le me with a dis nct impression
of them being eminently suitable for the exac ng demands of future corporate world. They
have eagerness to learn, ownership, ini a ves and resilience. Once they have completed
this programme they will be a great sought a er assets for any forward looking
organiza on.

Prof. Veeresh Sharma

Strategic Management (Area Chairperson)
Chairperson - PGPM

The EPGPM class of 2018 is a vibrant group of professionals from diverse educa onal and
professional backgrounds with a keen ap tude to learn and absorb what faculty has to
offer. Students also learn from a peer group of extremely successful professionals, and
interact with industry leaders and experts through seminars, conclaves, events and
industry analysis assignments.

Prof. Rupamanjari Sinha Ray


Alumni Speak

The NMP programme ins lled in me the diligence required to handle posi ons of high responsibility
with utmost grace. Over and above the course gave me a chance to break free from the
monotonous approach to problem solu ons as well as realize what extra I can do for others.
Personally, I feel NMP offers an exci ng value proposi on for professionals with adequate industry
experience. It gives one the chance to unlearn and relive student experiences afresh.

Pree Baronia
AVP - Digital Consul ng

NMP helped me in taking up higher role and responsibili es in a challenging business environment.
The course structure and the extracurricular ac vi es in the campus got me ready to face any kind
of situa on. It was truly an amazing one year to learn from great minds.

Divyanshu Bisht
Senior Manager
Lincfast Solu ons Pvt. Ltd.

This One year program at MDI has equipped me enough to take up the challenges of today's
con nuously disrup ng business environment, got me the leadership role and has proved to be a
booster to my professional career. Rigour of NMP pedagogy keeps the candidates geared up to
deliver their best so as to exceed the expecta ons of demanding Faculty. NMP is an effec ve
pla orm for them to test their limits and transform themselves to emerge as future business leaders
& Change Masters.

Himanshu Tiwari
Deputy General Manager - Marke ng
Magicrete Building Solu ons Pvt. Ltd.

In a hope of enabling myself to be in a senior management role and gain cri cal business insights, an
execu ve MBA from a top-notch B-school became a pre-requisite. In this quest, NMP from MDI
helped me pave the way for greater domain knowledge, significant change in designa on and
industry. The en re classroom experience, interac on with faculty and peers, student ac vi es &
case studies radically changed my perspec ve towards business issues. The program acted as a
catapult for my career. A er comple on, I found myself well rounded with the right mix of
experience and academic input to hit the ground running at my workplace.

Rochika Sharma
Corporate Manager - Sales & Marke ng
Expedia Inc.

Na onal Management Programme from MDI extended me the opportunity to garner and whet the
skills which are required up along the corporate ladder. It gave me a chance to break the monotony
of the banal work process and to think what extra I can do for brining be er and impac ul
outcomes. Extra-curricular ac vi es in campus assisted in achieving overall development and
eclec c mix of experienced professionals brought a lot of peer learning. NMP offers an exci ng
value proposi on for people with work experience. You come back to classroom to learn, unlearn
and seek mentoring from one of the best academicians available in the country.
Adi Kohli
Senior Associate
Hero Fincorp

EPGPM 2017-18 at a Glance


5 to 7 years
7 to 10 years
10+ years
80% 20%


Average Work Experience
7 years Average Score : 660


3% 2% 3% 2%
3% 3%
4% 4% 24%
4% 32% 4%

5% 4%



18% 15%

IT / ITES Opera ons

Manufacturing Project & Program Management
Energy/ Oil & Gas Marke ng & Sales
Financial Services & Products Consul ng
EPC/ Consul ng Business Development
Others Analy cs
FMCG Engineering
Healthcare Others
E-Commerce General Management
Infrastructure Research & Development
Media/ Adver sing Human Resources

Past S nts of EPGPM Par cipants

Interna onal Experience

Cumula ve Interna onal

Experience : 428 months

Recruiters at MDI
4S Securi es Essar Group Maru Udyog
ABN AMRO Eveready Industries Ltd. McKinsey Knowledge Centre
ABP Expedia Inc. Motorola
Accenture Management Consul ng First Source Solu ons Nestle
Aditya Birla Mgmt. Corp. Ltd Fiedelity Investments NetApp
Adventz FIS Global NISG
Agilent Ga Nokia
AIG GE Commercial Finance Novar s India Ltd.
Air India GE Money Oracle
Alfa Laval Genpact Ostro Energy
American Express Gille e India Ltd. Pepsi
Amazon India Glaxo SmithKline Philips India Ltd.
Apollo Tyres Ltd. GMR Procter & Gamble
Ashok Leylands Godrej Consumer Care PwC
Asian Paints Goldman Sachs Ranbaxy
ATOS Origin Goodyear Tyre RBI
Axis Risk Consul ng HCL RBS
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Hero Fin Recki Benkiser
Bank of America Con nuum Honeywell Technologies RPG Group
Baxter HP Rural Ventures Ltd.
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. HSBC AMC Samsung
Bharat Shell HSBC Bank SAP
Bhar Hero Moto Corp SBI
Birla So Ltd. IBM Shell India
BNP Paribas ICICI Interna onal Shoppers Stop
BPCL ICICI Pruden al Shopclues
Budweiser Idea Cellular Shree Cements
Cargill Foods India Ikea Sony India
Castrol India Ltd. iMax Standard Chartered Bank
Cipla Indian Hotels Co. Steel Authority of India Ltd.
Client Consul ng Indus Balaji Sterling & Wilson
Coca Cola India Infosys Technologies Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.
Cognizant Business Consul ng InterGlobe Tata Motors
CRIF ITC Tech Mahindra
Copal Amba J P Morgan Chase Titan
Dabur India Johnson & Johnson Trident India
DCM Sriram KPMG UB Group
Deloi e FAS Larsen & Toubro Corporate Unicorn Denmart
Deutsche Bank Larsen & Toubro ECC UTI Bank
DHL Lincfast Solu ons Pvt Ltd Vedanta
DLF Logica CMG Vision Express
Dolcera Luxo ca Whirlpool
DSP Merill Lynch Ltd. Mahindra Comviva Wipro Technologies
Ernst & Young Marico Wipro Consul ng
Ess Dee Aluminium Ltd Markets & Markets Yes Bank

5-7 Years Work Experience
6+ years of diverse experience in opera ons & manufacturing, quality management,
project management and process improvement projects.

Key Skills:
• Opera on & resource planning, Inventory management.
• Process innova on & root cause analysis.
• Opera on Strategy and Quality management
• Leadership & cross-func onal team management, customer management and vendor

Professional Experience:
Assistant Manager - Phoenix Conveyor Belts India
• Led a team of 32 members for maintaining overall plant effec veness and resource management.
• Cross discipline coordina on & client handling for mely delivery of product.
• Involved in Kaizen ac vi es for con nuous improvement of plant efficiency and product quality
a er commissioning of the plant.
• MIS prepara on and conduc ng internal audit for ISO documents and inventories at quarter end.

Senior Engineer - Usha Mar n Wire & Ropes

• Responsible for Produc on & planning for wire mill department.
• Involved in all TPM & TQM ac vi es in department and worked with ANQ members, JAPAN.
• Managing all the inventories and resource management for 300MT plant.

Abhinav Kumar Senior Engineer - Larsen & Toubro - ECC

29 Years • Led a team of 21 members for equipment monitoring and control for ₹300 Mn-INR Project for HIL-
• Successfully Implemented of ISO 9001:2008 for plant & machinery department.
B.E. Mechanical, Bhilai Ins tute Of Technology, • Bill prepara on for non-departmental equipments and procurement of spares for departmental
Durg. assets.
• Erec on of equipment and structures of 350 MT Alumina Silo.
• Business development & strategic Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
management • Received “Aim for Horizon” award for reducing scrap & saving ₹50k/month -PCBI.
• Opera ons & Manufacturing. • Awarded prize money for successfully launching 7X19 cord at single a empt.
• Project management & Planning
management. Cer fica ons:
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Interna onal Exposure:
h ps://
1 month in Greece

Marke ng and Merchandising Professional with 6 years of experience in Merchandising,

Buying, Range development and Sourcing in Retail Industry.

Key Skills:
• Product Management
• Merchandising and Vendor Management
• Retail Analy cs and Commercial Awareness
• Entrepreneurial Mind set

Professional Experience:
Assistant Manager - Sarita Handa Retail Private Limited
• Developed home category by planning and implementa on of business strategies to achieve the
sales and margin targets set for the department. Supervised inventory levels, sales forecas ng,
discount & promo ons
• Handled product selec on , range development, formula on of pricing strategy based on pre-
specified criteria like es mated cost workings, brand percep on and upcoming trends
• Understood the gaps in exis ng merchandise mix and launched new categories in-order to achieve
total customer sa sfac on and higher sales contribu on for the category
• Achieved vendor rela onship for a smooth, consistent process flow of cri cal informa on and
achieved be er buying margins through rigorous nego a on and efficient vendor management
• Compiled and analysed sales &stock reports to inves gate business problem & provide solu ons

Merchandiser - Da Milano Retail Private Limited

Abhinav Malguri • Merchandising & sourcing /Range development & Planning /Vendor management
32 Years
Merchandiser - Radnik Private Limited
• Merchandising /Produc on follow ups / Client Mee ngs /Quality assurance

Ba c h e l o r of Fa s h i o n Te c h n o l og y ( N I F T Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

Gandhinagar) • Winner of ADIDA 2013 team prize in the “best fabric category”
• Part of the team who submi ed the made ups under product design category for Cannes Lion
Interests 2014 fes val, France
• Brand Management/Brand Loyalty
• Customer Experience Management Cer fica ons:
• Marke ng analy cs and Strategy • Advanced Diploma in Visual Merchandising
• Digital Marke ng Workshop
• Digital Marke ng

h ps://

IT Professional with 5.5+ years of experience in data warehouse architecture design providing
comprehensive solu ons for various clients in Financial services and communica on, Media
and Technology domain

Key Skills:
• Client Management and Team Leadership
• Module Planning and Delivery
• Solu on Design, Development and implementa on

Professional Experience:
Sr. So ware Engineer - Accenture
• Handled and Mentored teams (size: 4 to 7) to deliver technology solu ons
• End to end development and implementa on of complex data warehouse projects for various
clients across the globe for be er strategic decision making
• Worked for a prominent UK based banking client, in decommissioning their exis ng systems, which
helped save billions of dollars.
• Involved in design and implementa on of subscrip on delivery pla orm for a leading US based
cloud compu ng firm, which helped them in their billing process.
• Offshore SPOC, for data warehouse architectural restructuring, for leading electricity producers of
Netherland, which helped them save 8 hours of data load me per day.
• Technical consul ng for various projects ,and provided appropriate solu ons by interac ng with
on-site team and clients team,¬,
• Iden fy and implement con nuous improvements which can reduce the efforts/cost of Client
Abhishek Raju Amlani Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
28 Years • Accenture Celebra ng Performance: Innova ve Excellence (FY17 Q1), Client and Customer Award
(FY-16 Q4) Numero Uno for Delivery Excellence (FY-12 Q1.).
• Stellar Award: - Rising Star Award FY14,Q2.
B.E. Electronics & Telecommunica on, Pune

Interests h ps://
• Strategy Consul ng
• Business Analy cs
• Digital Marke ng
• Marke ng Research Strategy

IT professional with 5.5 years of Techno-func onal and Project Management experience in
BFSI & Commercial Finance domain, with exper se in Business Analysis, Client Rela onship
Management & Delivery Management

Key Skills:
• Customer Rela onship Management &Team Leadership
• Release Management, IT Service Management & Process Improvement
• Iden fying Business needs & determining solu ons to Business problems
• Iden fying & performing Root Cause (RCA)

Professional Experience:
IT Analyst - Tata Consultancy Services
• Performed Requirement Analysis, Planning, Es ma on & Product release for Global clients
• Led mul ple teams at Off-shore & On-shore loca ons for the mely comple on & delivery of
• Collaborated with Customers & Cross-Func onal Teams across mul ple loca ons worldwide
• Performed MIS Repor ng

Systems Engineer - Tata Consultancy Services

• Responded to Service ckets & Service Requests within established melines
• Published Daily, Weekly & Monthly Produc on Metrics & Decks to Customer/ Key-stakeholders
• Planned, coordinated & Administered Produc on Deployments
• Coordinated with Internal & External Client resources to isolate & troubleshoot issues resul ng
Adi Sharma from Service disrup on & Outage

29 Years Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Recipient of the “ASCENT – TCS Leadership Program” Award
• Awarded twice the “Service & Commitment Award” for outstanding contribu on towards TCS Ltd.
• Received “TCS GEMS” Award many mes as a recogni on of the efforts put in towards fulfilment of
B. Tech., Informa on Technology, Mody Ins tute projects for the company
of Technology & Science, Rajasthan • Awarded ‘Cer ficate of Recogni on’ from client, for the valuable contribu on in carrying out
Projects successfully
• Project Management Cer fica ons:
• Customer Rela onship Management • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Cer fied
• Business/IT Consul ng • TCS Business Domain Academy Cer ficate in Project Management
• General Management

h ps:// -sharma-91524836

Over 6 years of versa le & comprehensive experience in Planning & Scheduling, Maintenance
& Quality Control, Contract Management, MIS and Data analysis in Mining & Manufacturing

Key Skills:
• Resource Planning and Budge ng (CAPEX / SRE/ R&M)
• Inventory Management and MRP
• Cost op miza on through Opera ons Excellence
• Interdisciplinary collabora on & Team Management.

Professional Experience:
Maintenance & Planning Engineer - Hindustan Zinc Ltd (Vedanta Resources)
• Ensured be er maintainability of equipment through op miza on of procedures and departmental
• Enhanced the quality, reliability and safety metrics of the process to minimize breakdown me
through FMEA & RCA.
• Contract reconcilia on (CMCs / AMCs)
• Coordinated procurement of all Insurance Spares along with their Capitaliza on/De-capitaliza on,
and subsequent disposal for those declared as scrap a er use
• Led a team of 40 personnel for execu on of Shutdown Ac vi es and various improvement projects
• Played a key role in SAP PM & MM Module implementa onas a Power User with special focus to
Condi on Based Monitoring and Fleet Management system

Aditya Khetani Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Rewarded for Focus Improvement Project on ''Reduc on in NMI Inventory'' as a part of Asset
28 Years Op miza on (FY 2016)
• Rewarded for Best Kaizen on ''Indigenous Trailing Cables'' (FY 2015)
• Recognized for managing Material Master Data for RA Mines and CLZ smelter Unit-2, HZL
B.E. (Hons.) in Electrical Engineering from
M.B.M. Engineering College (Jai Narain Vyas
Cer fica ons:
University, Jodhpur). • Safety Management Fundamentals by DuPont.
• Six Sigma Green Belt by Hindustan Zinc Ltd.
• Project & Supply Chain Management
• Management Consul ng
• Strategy & Planning h ps://
• Business Analy cs

6 years of prolific experience in consul ng with global engineering companies in downstream

oil and gas projects. Relevant exposure in Engineering, procurement and construc on (EPC)
industry and working with overseas clients.

Key Skills:
• Engineering consul ng in oil and gas industry.
• Coordina on with global clients and project stakeholders.
• Technical Troubleshoo ng.
• Global Client Engagement

Professional Experience:
Senior Process Engineer - Samsung Engineering India Pvt Ltd, Noida
• Core member of the team comple ng basic engineering design and documenta on for Lyondell
Bassell’s 450KTPA PO plant at Texas within schedule and quality.
• Played a key role in nego a ng with client and due diligence with process licensor UOP to resolve
scope creep in LYB project.
• Successfully completed engineering risk assessment of 230000 bpd DUQM refinery (JV of Oman
Oil and KOC) in 6 months for Samsung’s pre-bid analysis.
• Part of mul discipline, taskforce oriented engineering projects, working with engineering hubs like
Seoul (South Korea)

Process Engineer - Jacobs Engineering India Pvt Ltd, Mumbai

• Involved in selec ng and sizing pressure safety valve and contributed towards evalua ng vendor
Adityanarayanan P. Iyer bid quota ons and coordinated with suppliers to ensure in me delivery at site for DuPont Altamira
2 project
29 Years • Part of team, which successfully assessed process safety for Shell’s 1.6 bcf/d Pearl GTL project,
Qatar as per Shell’s stringent safety norms
• Broad exposure to working in a Corporate environment with cross country teams for Domes c and
B.E. Chemical Engineering, TSEC, Mumbai
Global projects
Produc on Engineer - NOCIL
Interests • Successfully handled a plant during 2010 of 1600 TPA of TDQ at Navi Mumbai loca on
• Domain consul ng • Gave strategic inputs to modify and improve process and saved of 1TPA in aniline by-product.
• Business Strategy
• General Management Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Project award from DuPont for project excellence

Cer fica ons:

• Customer Analy cs: Coursera: Cer fica on Date Jun 2017.

h ps://

Cross func onal techno-managerial experience with 5+ years in Project Management,
Consul ng and Entrepreneurship

Key Skills:
• Project Management
• Business Development and Corporate sales
• Business strategy and Team management
• Talent acquisi on and Performance Evalua on

Professional Experience:
Project Manager - TecSignal, Saudi Arabia
• Designed & developed strategies for Business development over west coast of Saudi Arabia for IT,
Telecom , Avia on
• Responsible for delivering projects against agreed scope, budget, schedule & customer expecta ons.
• Supervising, direc ng & mo va ng teams of mul -discipline contractors & employees.

Consultant- Presales - BTC, Saudi Arabia

• Responsible for RFP, BOQ, Budge ng, Cos ng, Es ma on, RFI and Material submi al
• Wi-Fi site survey for Holy Makkah worth $30million, area of 145,000 sqm2 with more than 18000 AP
• Designed WiFi for Shamiya security & hospital Holy Makkah worth 12 million with more than 6000 AP
• Worked with Global partners Cisco, HP, Avaya, NetApp, Schneider, Commscope and others

Technical Consultant & Cofounder - Gait Lab, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia- Start Up
• Managing 3D mo on analysis lab with the equipment like Vicon, Qualysis and Noraxxon
Afzal Khan • Worked on Subjects with Cerebral Palsy, Ortho and Neurological pa ents to measure Gait
29 Years L3TA PaCo/So ware Engineer - Wipro Technologies, India
• Worked as Level 3 TSE on NSN SGSN DX200, ATCA pla orms, SG7, SG8 so ware releases
B.E. Computer Engineering, VTU Belgaum, • Emergency support for global outages resolving the same as per SLA & managed pilot projects
MS Computer Engineering, KAU, Jeddah, Saudi • Resolved HW & SW issues related to SGSN network
Arabia • Aligned with R&D teams for so ware issues and delivered appropriate solu on

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

Interests • Received full funded scholarship for MS @KAU Jeddah&Winner of Fi h Scien fic forum at KAU 2014
• Corporate Sales & Marke ng • Published research papers in ISI journals
• Business Strategy& Planning • Topper of my Batch, won prize in paper presenta on, General quiz, Departmental prize in BE
• Consul ng
• Project Management and Supply Chain Cer fica ons:
Management • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, KPMG, 2017

Interna onal Experience: h ps://

44 months in Saudi Arabia

IT Expert with over 6.5 years’ experience in IT product development and exper se in Telecom,
Retail, Supply Chain Management, So ware Development, SLA Based support and Change

Key Skills:
• Requirement gathering and Impact Assessment.
• Solu on Design and Effort es ma on
• SME in Telecom, Retail and Banking domains, and JD Edwards and MS Dynamics ERPs

Professional Experience:
Senior System Engineer - IBM
• Worked as an Analyst Programmer on AS400 pla orm. Performed Impact assessment, solu on
design and deployment for a major Australian retail chain. SME on Retail, warehousing and supply
• Mentored and led a team of 4, and implemented several automa on solu ons to bring down the
system instability and reduce the cost of support as per SOW.
• Involved since early phases incura on and roll-out of IBM Watson Cogni ve solu ons.

IT Analyst - TCS
• Worked on requirement gathering and solu on design for a mul na onal Banking corpora on.
• Led a team of 6 for development and deployment of a SWIFT upgrade to comply with new Banking

Aniket Singh Merchandiser - Radnik Private Limited

• Merchandising /Produc on follow ups / Client Mee ngs /Quality assurance
29 Years
SSE - iGate
• Involved in all phases of SDLC, and SLA based maintenance and support for a Bri sh Telecom company.
B.E. Electrical &Electronics, Manipal Ins tute of • 3 months of experience as Onsite Coordinator understanding requirements and designing
Technology solu ons for offshore team to develop.
• Designed and deployed a Billing En ty Mapper to sync two dissimilar billing systems and saved
Interests over £44,000.
• Business Analy cs • Involved in complete Project Transi on from end to end.
• Business Consul ng and Development
• Project Management and Service Delivery Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Opera ons and Supply Chain Management • ‘Manager’s Choice’ Award at IBM
• ‘Pat on the Back’ Award at iGate
Interna onal Experience • Gold Medal in Sanskrit in AISSE.
3 months in UK
h ps://

6.5 years of experience in Business development, Sales, Increasing service market share,
Revenue genera on and Customer sa sfac on.

Key Skills:
• Service Sales and Distribu on
• Audits and SOP Implementa on
• Customer Engagement & Franchisee Management
Professional Experience:
Area Manager - SONY India
• Successfully Implemented Panel Repair Booths across Bangalore and saving costs up to INR 13 million.
• Improved service quality, TAT of Bravia & Alpha categories, increased net promoter score from 70%
to 85%.
Assistant Manager - Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd
• Network upgrada on by iden fica on and development of Contractors and Authorized Service
Providers leading to substan al reduc on in cost and down me.
• Managed 9 authorized service providers to ensure mely and quality a er sales service.
• Facilitated sales of spares, accessories and addi ves from key accounts worth INR 12 million.
Service Execu ve - IFB Industries Ltd.
• Facilitated repeat annual maintenance contracts of IFB Products from key accounts worth INR 6
million by providing excellent service support
• Achieved over 40% growth Year-on-Year in billings and collec ons.
Anish J • Improved brand visibility via customer engagement ini a ves like sales & service camps, BTL
29 Years ac vi es and training
• Provided necessary support to B2B Team in terms of prospec ng new clients and conver ng sales
base for commercial products (Commercial Laundry Solu ons and Dishwashers).
B.E. Electronics & Communica on, Anna
University, Chennai Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Apprecia on award for reduc on of Delivery pending stocks in SONY.
Interests • Appointed two IFB Points (IFB Exclusive Stores) and generated revenue worth INR 6 million.
• Sales and Marke ng Cer fica ons:
• Adver sing and Brand Management • KPMG cer fied Business Analy cs using R.
• Business Consul ng • Business English Cer ficate from Cambridge University.
• Strategy and Planning

h ps://

Mo vated and result oriented IT Consultant and Delivery Professional with 5+ years of
experience in Business Integra on, IT Transforma on, Data Migra on and Quality Analysis
across Investment and Banking domain

Key Skills:
• Data warehousing and ETL quality analyst
• Requirement Gathering, Business & Technical Analysis.
• So ware Development and Process Op miza on

Professional Experience:
IT Analyst - TATA Consultancy Services
• As Onshore coordinator, shouldered the delivery responsibility of a major Transi on & Data
Migra on Project for a UK based Banking Giant, the project thereby enabled customer to con nue
business in more than 5 countries and more than 100 regions.
• Led and mentored a mid-sized team in the IT Transforma on ini a ve of the UK based Hong Kong
originated Bank.

Senior Quality Analyst - iNau x Technologies (A BNY Mellon Company)

• Realized ‘quick win’ solu ons aimed at pu ng users back in control of their data and speeding up
services by 20% for world’s largest custodian bank headquartered in New York.
• Involved in interac ons with stakeholders, requirements gathering and analysis, and design for the
next genera on version of the applica on

Ankit Nikhra Project Engineer - WIPRO Technologies

• Developed and Implemented WIPRO’s in-housed Agile so ware development model “Next-Gen”,
28 Years adopted in many projects and prac ces and reduced development me by 30%
• Par cipated in successful transi on of projects from WIPRO’s counterparty to WIPRO
Technologies, transi on of business thereby yield millions of dollars.
B Tech, Computer Science & Engineering, U ar
• Pioneered several regulatory IT projects under strict melines using Agile Methodologies for
Pradesh Technical University
Switzerland based client, working in financial services.
• Co-ordinate with client for so ware quality assurance and successful delivery of product.
• Business/IT Consul ng Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Strategy & Planning • Awarded and appreciated by Rotary Club for social services.
• Pre Sales / Business Development
• Product / Project Management Cer fica ons:
• KPMG cer fied Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

IT professional with 6.5+ years of Techno-Func onal and Project Management experience in
the Life Insurance domain providing comprehensive solu ons and enhancing business
processes for clients in US.

Key Skills:
• Client Management and Project Management
• Release Management
• Product development
• Team management

Professional Experience:
Sr. System Programmer Analyst - Computer Sciences Corpora on (CSC)
• Provided Technical & Business consulta on to client
• Project planning, Effort es ma on and Delivery
• Led mul ple teams at Off-shore and On-shore loca ons for the mely delivery of projects
• Collaborated with customers and Cross-func onal groups across mul ple loca ons worldwide
• Onsite coordinator for 2 years in United States for insurance domain client’s applica ons and also
supervised Release Management ac vi es
• Performed Requirement Analysis, Applica on Maintenance, Designing, Development and
Produc on Support ac vi es

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Reviewer of the Month award – May, 2016
• Worked as an Organiser of “DANCE FOR KINDNESS” by “LIFE VEST INSIDE” NGO in USA & India.
Ankit Tripathi • Keys to Success award for LUS Team under my Leadership – Dec, 2015
28 Years • Awarded for Par cipa ng and helping sell business solu on to new clients during Technology and
Business Solu ons Conference (TBSC) organized by CSC – Dec, 2011
• Awarded Excellence in Innova on – Jul – Dec, 2011
B.Tech. Computer Science and Engineering, • Awarded AXA Star of the Quarter – Apr – Jun, 2011
Dehradun Ins tute of Technology, Dehradun
Cer fica ons:
Interests • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
• Project Management (Strategy and Planning)
• Business Analy cs and Consul ng
• Account and Customer Rela onship h ps://

Interna onal Experience

24 months in USA

IT Professional with over 6 years of diverse techno func onal experience in So ware
Development, tes ng and business analysis in Financial and Insurance domain. Managed end to
end implementa ons from technical perspec ve for mul ple Client in Various domain.

Key Skills:
• Requirement Elicita on, Solu on Designing, Business & Technical Analysis
• Client Management, Efforts Es ma on & Team Leadership
• Product Development & Management

Professional Experience:
Product Developer - CSC India Pvt LTD.
• Worked in Insurance domain for mul ple US based client like GAFG, ONAT etc.
• Vantage, WMA Product Specialist. Provided business and technical consulta on to Client
• Task alloca on among team members and deliverables review
• Working on Incidents, produc on defects and system performance. improvement plan for
proposing new Ideas & Industry best prac ces

Project Engineer - Wipro Technologies.

• Worked on two Domains: Banking for Lloyds Banking Group (U.K), Retail for TJX Inc. (US)
• Worked as a Programmer Analyst and handled Client requirements, solu on designing
• Development, support, release, onsite Co-coordinator & defect resolu on

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Received several client apprecia ons for valuable contribu on towards my team
Ankur Sharma • Received twice spot awards in CSC and various Accolades for acknowledgement of work
28 Years • Member of the events planning and execu on commi ee at CSC

Cer fica ons:

B.Tech. (Computer Science), ABES Engineering • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Cer fied
College, UP Technical University.

Interests h ps://
• Business Analy cs
• Business development & Consul ng
• Product & Project Management
• Strategy & Planning

Interna onal Experience

3 months in USA

IT Professional with over 6 years of experience in implementa on, delivery, quality control and
business process excellence of Enterprise systems as Techno-Func onal Consultant, Project
Manager and Business Analyst with proven track record.

Key Skills:
• Project Planning & Delivery
• Consul ng & Solu on Design Analysis
• Pre-Sales & Business Development
• Change Management

Professional Experience:
Senior So ware Engineer - Tech Mahindra
• Led a team for cri cal CRM func onali es such as TV, SIMEx and 4G for Vodafone India client.
• Developed and executed complex projects which are customer centric and TRAI centric.
• Mentored incident management team for solu on analysis and rec fica on.

Systems Engineer - Tata Consultancy Services

• Led a team and played a pivotal role in requirement gathering, feasibility study and development of
Oracle EBS implementa on for Motorola Solu ons and GE (Oil & Gas, Power & Water)
• Designed and developed System Improvement Plan (SIP) by proposing new ideas & best prac ces
for cost and me op miza on in projects having SCM and Finance modules.
• Designed test strategies and developed test plans for a large tes ng project.

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

Ankush Mahajan • Awarded Pat on the Back mul ple mes in Tech Mahindra
29 Years • Consistently rated amongst the top performers across all roles in Tata Consultancy Services

Cer fica ons:

B.E. (Computer Science & Engineering) - Sant • Oracle Cer fied PL/SQL Associate
Gadge Baba Amrava University • Sun Cer fied Java Professional 1.6
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Cer fied
• Product & Program Management
• Business Strategy (Analy cs & Consul ng) h ps://
• Pre-Sales/Business Development

E-commerce professional with 6.5 years of experience in category management, product

development, BTL marke ng and employee training.

Key Skills:
• Analyzing customer usage data to create targeted product offerings
• Iden fying process inefficiencies and affec ng necessary change
• Training and leading teams across geographies

Professional Experience:
Senior Manager, Opera ons -
• Worked with the tech team to test and launch the new content management system
• Designed & conducted training sessions to bridge the learning gap among our 200 member team
• Reduced user-reported product related discrepancies by 40% within 2 months

Head, Launch & Expansion

• Executed BTL campaigns resul ng in 150% MoM growth in traffic and 5,000 app downloads
• Par cipated at local and college events leading to a 300% increase in bookings in 2 months

Team Lead , Opera ons -

• Scaled content opera ons in mul ple countries: India, Sri Lanka, UAE, Lebanon and Australia
• Introduced the new data collec on model reducing the content upda on me by 50%
• Worked with the tech team to develop the first data collec on app doubling the daily collec ons
Apoorv Chopra • Led the interna onal content team and launched Zomato in Sydney (15K restaurants) in record 3 weeks

31 Years Merchandiser, Books

• Launched the books, movies and music category (100,000+ SKU’s) in a record 4 months
• Successfully on-boarded na onal brands like Disney, Sony, T-Series, Yash Raj and Saregama
B.S. Electrical Engineering, Drexel University,
Philadelphia, USA Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Awarded ESOPs worth INR 1 million for exemplary performance at Zomato
• Business Management & Strategy Cer fica ons:
• New Market Development • Digital Marke ng Nanodegree from Udacity
• Marke ng Strategy
h ps://
Interna onal Experience
• 25 months in Philadelphia, USA
• 8 months in Dubai, UAE
• 2 months in Sydney, Australia

IT professional with 5+ years of experience in Enterprise design, Deployment of So ware
Products and Service Delivery in IT Infrastructure Domain.

Key Skills:
• Change Management and Process Improvement
• Customer Engagement
• Incident Resolu on and Problem Management

Professional Experience:
Enterprise System Specialist Analyst - Unisys India Global Services
• Achieved 95% compliance by successful implementa on of a cloud based collabora on tool to
more than 1,00,000 end users of a leading automo ve parts manufacturer.
• SPOC for several cri cal projects roll out across the globe involving solu on delivery and

Senior IT Analyst - Egon Zehnder Informa on and Research Services

• Saved INR 1.5 crores of cost and space u liza on at Data Centre by implemen ng server
virtualiza on.
• Reduced energy cost by around 10% while achieving performance improvements of up to 7 mes
by implemen ng the server refresh project.

System Engineer - TCS

• Spearheaded the build of IT data centre and disaster recovery site as part of Business Con nuity
Arun Ganesh S Planning for a leading Telecom Service Provider.
28 Years • Reduced admin efforts by up to 90% by automa ng periodic tasks and reports.

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

B. Tech, Electronics and Communica on, • Awarded Unistar, a quarterly cer ficate in recogni on to client deliverables.
Kalasalingam University, Tamil Nadu. • Awarded the Service & Commitment Award for Outstanding contribu on towards TCS Ltd.
• Received On Spot Award from TCS for resolving a cri cal produc on issue.
Interests • Apprecia on award for ac vely volunteering in the TCS Maitree ac vi es.
• Business Analy cs
• Business Consul ng Cer fica ons:
• Programme Management & Product • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Cer fied.
Management • Microso Cer fied Professional in Windows Server 2008R2 and Microso System Centre Sute.
• ITIL V3 Cer fied.

h ps://

Subject Ma er Expert with around 5.5 years of experience on E-Leaning pla orms across
Finance and Economics domains. Led and managed various academic programs through
content development & curriculum design. Entrepreneurial experience of 1+ years.

Key Skills:
• Team Leadership
• Business Planning & Development
• Cost Analysis
• Market Analysis

Professional Experience:
Manager-Academics - Meritna
• Developed business strategies with marke ng/sales teams.
• Social media marke ng through various online portals.
• Cost analysis and cost determina on of E-Learning products.
• Content Development, Live screening sessions, concept video and role plays.

Entrepreneurial experience
• Cofounded Redfield sports private limited, a sports management company and worked with
educa onal ins tu ons to provide students with enhanced and quality exposure to sports and
physical ac vi es.

Head of Department (Economics and Accounts) - G.D. Goenka Public School

Ashish Kejriwal • Mentoring students for the aligned subjects and other inter-school/inter-state compe ons.
31 Years • Mentored students on Model United Na ons Compe ons on various social and economic issues.
• Evaluator for Central Board of Secondary Educa on Board(Economics).
• General Management of the ins tu on.
M.Com - Finance, Kanpur University
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
Interests • “Best faculty in Economics” award in inter-Asia school compe on on Quality Control Strategies.
• Corporate Finance & Strategy • Represented G.D. Goenka school at inter school seminar held by UNICEF on “Child Protec on Issues”
• Business Analy cs • ‘A’ Cer ficate of Na onal Cadet Corps.
• Investment Management • Bronze Award for “Interna onal Award for Young People”
• Digital Marke ng • State Level KHO-KHO player.

Cer fica ons:

• Quality Control Check for process management
• ‘R’ Programming Cer fica on

h ps://

IT Professional with 5+ years of experience in Applica on Management and Technical
Consul ng.

Key Skills:
• Client and Cross-Func onal Team Management
• iOS Applica on Development
• Project Management
• Process Improvement & Automa on

Professional Experience:
Consultant - Genpact
• Requirement elicita on and solu on designing for CVS Caremark Health Industry
• Developed Customer Engagement Framework for ITC and Johnson n Johnson
• Performed Requirement Analysis and provided technical solu ons to clients

So ware Professional - SAP

• Requirement gathering & development of Jet fuel delivery applica on for the airport hydrant of
Kenya Pipeline Company
• Developed app for Lu hansa for enhancing opera onal efficiency of crew members
• Designing and developing iPad applica on for the brokers of banks and customers to show their
specific deals, mee ng me, emails, & important notes

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

Asmita Mehrotra • Rated among top performers across various roles
26 Years
Cer fica ons:
• Scrum Alliance Cer fied Scrum master (Agile methods)
B.Tech, Computer Science & Engineering, UPTU

Interests h ps://
• Project Management
• Digital Marke ng & Brand Management
• Corporate Finance
• General Management

Microso , ITIL & ISTQB Cer fied IT professional with more than 5 years of experience in IT
Service Management, Database Administra on, E-Governance and Project Management.

Key Skills:
• IT Service Opera ons & Management
• Project & People Management
• Database Administra on & Management
• E-Governance

Professional Experience:
Produc on Database Administrator - Kronos Incorporated
• Database Opera ons and Management
• Performance Analysis & Tuning
• Planning and Execu on of Cross Func onal Ac vi es
• Design and Execu on – DB Policies
• Iden fica on & Resolu on of Poten al Risks

Senior Opera ons Professional - IBM India

• Controlling & Monitoring of Database’s Compliance Guidelines
• Managing Audit & ITIL Compliance
• Database Administra on, Planning and Opera ons

Avijit Bisaria IT Engineer - CMC Limited

• IT Service Opera ons & Management
29 Years • Turnkey Project Implementa on & Rollout
• Database Administra on
B. Tech (Hons), Informa on Technology, U ar
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow • Job excellence award from client (PepsiCo India Holdings Private Limited)
• Special Recogni on Award (CMC Limited)
Interests • Provided many Defect Preven on Plans (DPP) during IBM tenure, currently being used in many
• Management Consul ng projects
• Project Management
• IT Opera ons & Management Cer fica ons:
• General Management • Microso Cer fied Technology Specialist (MCTS)
• ITIL (F) Cer fied
• ISTQB Cer fied

h ps://

Versa le & Proficient Automo ve Professional with 5+ years of experience in Research and
Product Development, Project Management of passenger & commercial vehicle pla orms
along with Business Process Excellence & Quality Management.

Key Skills:
• New Product Development and Project Management.
• Business Process Excellence and QMS audit
• Data Analy cs
• Supply Chain Management

Professional Experience:
Senior Engineer, Projects & Quality Audit - Tata Technologies Ltd, Pune
• Responsible for project planning and monitoring of design, development & valida on for Nexon which
consisted of feature finalisa on, cost reduc on, quality improvement, vendor finaliza on, field trials
• Completed 100+ QMS audits of suppliers for Hexa, Nexon, Tiago, Storme, Safari & Sumo for
down me and IPTV reduc on of along with six sigma projects implementa on and mentoring
Deputy Manager, Exports Products - VE Commercial Vehicles Ltd, Indore:
• Led the CFT across borders for design and valida on of 8.5T truck for South Africa, Indonesia and
Middle East, comprising ac vi es like country specific product features op miza on, test planning
& Homologa on
• Achieved Cost reduc on of INR 1580 per vehicle and implemented new rou ngs for ease of service

Asst. Manager, Vehicle Integra on & Projects - Tata Motors Ltd, Jsr & Pune:
Chinmaya Chetan • Managed NPD projects in Tipper & Truck family for 25T, 31T & 37T Commercial vehicles with
prototype development, tes ng and produc on implementa on as well as variant planning and
Biswal development
• Implemented BS4 & DGMS Features, IPTV reduc on, Vendor quality improvement, Lean and DFSS
27 Years projects, QFD and field tes ng

B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering, Kalinga Ins tute Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar. • Quarterly VA/VE award for a Cost reduc on of Rs.18,625 for Q4,2014
• Quality Award for Product Quality and Vendor Process Improvement in Hexa, Nexon & Storme
Interests • Secretary- SAME(2017-18), MDI, President- EM&SE Club
• Offering Management Cer fica ons:
• Business Strategy • APICS CSCP cer fica on
• Domain Consul ng • Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, ISO 9001:2008 Lead Auditor.
• Opera onal Excellence • PMI cer fied PMP
• Cer fica ons in Data analy cs in R, SPSS, Tableau, Microso BI

Synergis c, cri cally analysing C&I professional with over 5 years of techno-managerial
experience in Project Engineering & Opera ons domain.

Key Skills:
• Project Management and Execu on
• Opera onal Excellence.
• People Management and Coaching
• Quality Management/Quality Acceptance Audits

Professional Experience:
Project Engineering Manager - Reliance Industries Limited, Jamnagar.
• Es mated resource requirement, analyzed task dependency & tracked progress for project worth
• Developed & monitored project schedule for instrumenta on department by adhering to Cri cal
Path Method.
• Spearheaded a team of 19 members to achieve flawless commissioning.
• Implemented 25+ learnings from previous project during Factory Acceptance Tests.
• Par cipated in HAZOP (Hazard and operability study) analysis to improve Opera onal Safety.
• Contributed in 30% and 60% 3-D model review to improve overall constructability &
maintainability of the plant.

Maintenance Engineer - Reliance Industries Limited, Vadodara.

• Led a team of 7 Field Technicians & coordinated across func onal departments for maintenance jobs.
Jimmy Xavier C • Performed preven ve, predic ve & correc ve maintenance to reduce mean me between failure.
28 Years • Maintained comprehensive instrument database, carried out mul ple root cause analysis study.
• Designed and revised Standard Maintenance Procedures for field jobs and PIB opera ons.

B.E., Instrumenta on, VESIT, Mumbai University. Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Youngest project engineer to join the core team of RIL J3 Projects during the project ini a on phase.
Interests • Rated amongst Top 30% across Reliance R&M ver cal in annual performance appraisal for 3 years.
• Project Management • Successful and on-schedule commissioning of 2x24000Nm3/hr capacity Plant Air Compressors;
• Management Consul ng / Business 2x40kg/cm2 Instrument Air Compressors & 3 Mixed Bed based Demineraliza on units
Cer fica ons:
• Opera ons / SCM • Budge ng and Scheduling Projects (Coursera)
• Quality/Process Excellence • Ini a ng and Planning Projects (Coursera)
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Interna onal Experience
1 Month in Israel
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IT professional with 5 Years of experience in Retail, Healthcare and Mobility domains and in
Techno-Func onal role for So ware Quality Assurance, Project Delivery, Consul ng for global

Key Skills:
• Team Management under Agile and other models of So ware Development, Quality Assurance.
• Experience on So ware – HP-Applica on Lifecycle Management and Quality Centre, JIRA, Excel-
for Project Management, Oracle, MySQL- in Database, Minitab.
• Resource Planning and Es ma on, Repor ng, Process improvement, crea ng knowledge assets,
Change and People Management.

Professional Experience:
Test Engineer - Infosys Technologies Ltd.
• Client facing role for Retail, Mobility(Android), HealthCare Insurance domains performing
Requirement gathering, Feasibility analysis, Training & engaging team, Developing, Tes ng and
presen ng Test Results with impacts in terms of Business Con nuity & Development.
• Recognised in BU for Automa on of Business Scenarios for defect free web-based applica ons,
with an intent to save Efforts and Costs largely improving performance, goodwill and margin.
• Developed and presented key project proposals, product enhancements for client Adidas.
• Es ma on of efforts, cost and me for projects.
• Focused on Reusability, Value addi on and quality delivery.

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

Deep Kayal • INSTA Award at Account level twice, SPOT Award at BU level.
• Awarded by Infosys HR for CSR ac vity - Audio Text Book Recording for the Blind Students.
29 Years • Received many Prizes for Pain ng and Sports.

Cer fica ons:

B.Tech, Informa on Technology
• Harvard Manage Mentor for Organiza onal So Skills- Finance, Marke ng Essen als, Customer
Govt. College of Engineering and Ceramic
Focus, Business Case/ Plan Development, Business Communica ons.
Technology, Kolkata • Microso - HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript Expert.
• Infosys Cer fied in Tes ng Technology, Java Enterprise Edi on, Database Expert, Privacy and
Interests Security of Data
• Business/Data Analy cs • Lean Six Sigma Green belt
• Consul ng • Design Thinking workshops.
• Business Strategy
• Project Management
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A dynamic Professional with more than 6 Years of experience in data & business analy cs in
solving business problems by analysing large amount of data to guide opera ons, marke ng,
pricing, customer strategies and much more.

Key Skills:
• Business & Research Analysis
• Sta s cal Modelling & Analysis
• Quan ta ve Research
• Predic ve Modelling

Professional Experience:
Business Analyst - Sharp Sight Group of Eye Hospitals, New Delhi
• Liaising with the management for assessing various ini a ves, preparing business plans based on
foo all data to increase revenue growth
• Conduc ng analysis of financial and opera onal data for revenue and margin analysis, dra ing of
scope document, review of financial models and forecas ng
• Conduc ng market research on products, services, markets and compe tors; submi ng detailed
report based analysis of complex data and numbers
• Reading financial statements of the organiza on and taking into considera on sales, expenses to
recommend investments and foresee future earnings of the organiza on
• Analysing business processes, conduc ng benchmarking study/ trend analysis and using various
business tools to assist the cri cal decision-making process
• To consult with internal teams like Marke ng, Opera onal, Finance to develop analysis that lead to

Deep ac onable insights and eventually accelerate profitable growth.

• Genera ng various reports on daily, weekly, monthly & quarterly basis.
30 Years
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Received several “Pat on the back”, “Star Employee” awards for out of the box inputs and ini a ves
M.Sc. Physics, Miranda House, University of
Delhi. Cer fica ons:
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Interests • R Programming from Coursera
• Business Research & Analy cs • Sta s cal Inference from Coursera
• Business Consul ng • Ge ng & Cleaning Data from Coursera
• Regression Models from Coursera
• Prac cal Machine Learning from Coursera
• Reproducible Research from Coursera

h ps:// -sharma-37b22a124/

Finance and Recruitment professional over 6 years of experience in Financial Planning and
analysis, budge ng, recruitment, performance management and Change in management

Key Skills:
• Performance management
• Recruitment
• Financial Planning and analysis
• Por olio management

Professional Experience:
Team Leader - Accenture
• Handling team of 5-6 people in recruitment team and performance management
• Budge ng and forecas ng for company’s cost
• A ri on analysis and team building
• Training juniors and moulding them into resource for the company in short span of me

Senior Associate - Ameriprise Financial

• Recruitment, a ri on analysis and performance management
• Por olio management, budge ng and cost forecas ng
• Team handling and mentoring the juniors with utmost quality and depth

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Star of month awarded twice in Ameriprise
Devyani Pharasi • Newcomer and recogni on award in Accenture
29 Years • Completed 500 financial plans in short span of me

B.A Economics and Maths, h ps://

Indraprastha college for women

• Organiza onal transforma on
• Performance management
• Financial Planning and analysis
• Recruitment

Risk consultant with 6+ years’ experience in strategic opera ons and advisory across
industries. My area of specializa on includes process reviews and tes ng of internal
opera ons such as supply chain, sales and produc on processes

Key Skills:
• Business Process reviews and internal audits
• Enterprise risk management
• Dra ing SOPs and policies
• Business development

Professional Experience:
Risk advisory professional - Ernst & Young India
• Evaluated processes within organisa ons and presented reports to highlight the shortcomings and
recommenda ons to the clients
• Examined, evaluated, reported & recommended improvements on the adequacy & effec veness of
management's processes
• Created policies and principles for large-scale government events and campaigns to manage
smooth transi ons

Lead Analyst - EYGBS (India) Pvt Ltd

• Team Lead of 17 people, performed final level reviews, liaised with TQR Coordinators and
engagement teams directly, planned work and resource alloca on and conducted performance
Divya Anand • Conducted trainings for new joiners to develop skill sets aligned with the QRM standards. Also
involved in conduc ng interviews for hiring individuals across service lines
28 Years
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Felicitated with the Kudos award for exemplary performance on ICFR project for a leading
B.A (Hons.) Economics, Hansraj college, Delhi
healthcare client
• Received Culture Choice T.E.A.M Annual Award for FY 12 (Together Everybody Accomplishes
More) as recogni on for providing excep onal support, having a ‘can do’ a tude, and being a
Interests notable team player and role model for others
• Business Strategy • Awarded with various Extra Miler Awards for outstanding performance as a ‘Customer Service
• Consul ng/ Coaching Champion’, as a ‘Team Lead’ and as a ‘Social Group Team Lead’ during the tenure at EYGBS
• Pre-sales/Business development
• General Management Cer fica ons:
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Interna onal Experience
3 months in UK, UAE & USA
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5+ years of experience in Power Plant Opera ons, Planning, Recruitment Opera ons, Business
development and Candidate sales.

Key Skills:
• Planning and Opera ons
• Business Development and Sales
• Performance Evalua on & Talent Acquisi on
• Team Management

Professional Experience:
Addi onal Senior Engineer (Opera ons) - PPN Power Genera ng Company (P) Ltd
• Start-up and Opera on of power plant equipment
• Planning and implementa on of Energy saving ac vi es
• Planning and execu on of cross func onal ac vi es

Management Trainee (Opera ons) - eLitmus Evalua on Pvt. Ltd

• Business development for the prospec ve clients and colleges
• Planning and execu on of recruitment process
• Consulta on to the companies regarding their placement needs
• Process evalua on and improvement

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Par cipated and published in Business World Magazine debate on “3 years of Modi Government”,
Himanshu Tiwari MDI Gurgaon, 2017
28 Years • 2nd prize in Volleyball, Skit and Miming & Mono Ac ng at Inter College Annual Fest “SPANDAN
09”, SIET, 2009
• Awarded Best Anchor of Inter College Annual Fest “SPANDAN”, SIET, 2007-2009
PGDM, Opera ons (Distance), IMT CDL- • Captain of State Level Champion KHO-KHO team organized by Vidya Bhar , Vidyut Nagar, 1999 &
Ghaziabad 2000
B. Tech, Mechanical Engineering, U ar Pradesh • 2nd Prize in project Display by Technical Teachers Associa on in “UMANG-2067”, March, 2010,
Technical University, Lucknow Gr. Noida

Interests Cer fica ons:

• Business Analy cs / Strategy • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
• Opera on Management & Consul ng • Diploma in Thermal Power Plant Engineering, NPTI - Neyveli
• Marke ng Management
• General Management h ps:// wari-66ba931b/

Management professional with engineering background having 5.5 years of experience in

automobile industry with diverse exposure in supply chain management, B2B sales and new
business development.

Key Skills:
• Supply Chain Management
• Inventory Management & Control
• New Business Development
• Key Account Management

Professional Experience:
Sr Officer (Sales & New Business Development) - Toyota Tsusho India Pvt Ltd
• New business development & sales
• Key account management with monthly sales of around INR 20 million
• Import procurement & logis cs coordina on

Sr Execu ve (Supply Chain Management) - GKN Driveline (I) Pvt Ltd

• Demand management, produc on planning & material procurement & control
• Inventory planning & monitoring
• Demand analysis to provide proac ve solu ons for possible future constraints in opera ons
• Stock gap analysis & effec ve inventory storage solu ons
• Implementa on of EDI & produc on back flushing ERP modules

Karan Rawal Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Achieved 20% reduc on in freight cost by op mizing minimum order quan ty for major customers
27 Years • Recogni on from Asia Pacific Office for improving performance of ERP demand module thus saving
20 man-hours per week
• Implemented interplant E-Kanban module thus reducing minimum inventory levels by 30%
B. Tech, Mechanical Engineering, Ins tute of
Technology & Management, Gurugram Cer fica ons:
• APICS – Basics of Supply Chain Management
Interests • MACE (Maru Centre for Excellence) training on supply chain and inventory management
• Opera ons Management • Bri sh English Council Vantage
• Business Analy cs
• Project Management
• General Management h ps://

SAP Consultant with 6.5 years of blended experience in Consul ng and IT services. Managed
End-to-End Implementa ons from Func onal perspec ve for mul ple clients in varied

Key Skills:
• Project Life Cycle Management.
• Por olio and Project Management
• Problem Analysis, Incident and Change Management
• Document Management.

Professional Experience:
Senior Analyst -Accenture Solu ons Pvt. Ltd,
• Business Blueprint Documenta on and Design
• Budge ng, Forecas ng, Cost Alloca on, Milestone Planning, Business Se lement & Closure.
• Dashboard and Process Automa on
• SPOC based at Offshore and Onshore (UK & APAC).

Consultant - Wipro Ltd.

• Fit Gap Analysis, Configura on and Implementa on.
• Project Por olio and Planning/Budget/Actual Reports.
• End-user trainings and Integrated Tes ngs.

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Client Apprecia on for Best onshore consultant at Accenture
Karan Varshney • Accenture Cer ficate of Excellence(ACE) Award for Quality delivery at Accenture
30 Years • Rising Star Award for best performer at Accenture
• Shining star Award for best promising newcomer at Wipro
• Young Professional Ambassador under “Teach for India”, suppor ng Educa on for poor.
B. Tech Computer Science & Engineering,
Dehradun Ins tute of Technology Cer fica ons:
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
Interests • Cisco Cer fied Network Associate (CCNA)
• Technology Consul ng
• Business Strategy
• Process Excellence h ps://
• Digital & Automa on

Interna onal Experience

18 months in UK & APAC.

6+ years of experience in Supply Chain managing opera ons primarily in the areas of Material
Planning, Inventory Management and Procurement

Key Skills:
• Supply Planning
• Inventory Management
• Exports/Imports Planning
• Internal Audits for Process and Systems
Professional Experience:
Asst. Manager, Produc on Planning and Inventory Control - Allana Sons
• Analysis of inventory me and seek necessary inputs for excess inventory
• Planning and Monitoring of Containers to ensure mely Exports
Asst. Manager, Business Analysis of Directors’ Secretariat - Cadila Pharmaceu cals
• Audit of SCM Division for SOP and other cGMP norms compliances
• Supply Planning and Supply Management
Deputy Manager, Material Planning and Control - Volvo Eicher Commercial Vehicles Pvt Ltd
• Forecas ng ,planning through MRP in SAP for op mal capacity u liza on and Inventory Control
• Vendor Evalua on on the basis of Score Card genera on from SAP
• Conduc ng Internal audits related ac vi es and processes to be followed in department
Execu ve, Interna onal Supply Chain & Customs - Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt Ltd
Leena Balani • Plans, directs, and coordinates with suppliers to ensure Parts availability
29 Years Asistant Manager, Material Planning, Inventory Control and Imports - Yamaha Motors Pvt Ltd
• Plan, forecast and order placement of spare parts & accessories for domes c market & exports by
B. Tech, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, calcula on of formula with index Based on Previous Models demand
U ar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Awarded for contribu on in Cer fica on of ISO/TS 16949:2009 to VECV
Interests • Awarded for Reduc on of 20 MINR Plant Inventory as per budgeted in the year 2014 at VECV
• Material Planning and Inventory Control • Youngest par cipant to represent India Yamaha Motors in Global Supply Chain Meet in Singapore, 2010
• Corporate Strategy & Planning Cer fica ons:
• Supply Chain Consul ng • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
• Internal Audit Training of ISO/TS 16949:2009 and OHSAS 18001
• Cer fica on in Modules of Stepping up Leadership Quo ent for Opera ng Managers by UBIKA
• Advanced Excel Training

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IT Professional with around 7 years of experience in so ware development, maintenance, team
management and client engagement in Informa on Services Domain.

Key Skills:
• Cost Op misa on
• Project Management
• Customer and Team Management

Professional Experience:
Associate Project Lead - Cognizant Technology Solu ons, India
• Spearheaded a 7-member team in delivering Applica on Development projects worth $900K in
the billing system of a world leading Business Informa on Services company.
• Conceived and automated the customer account & contract crea on process thereby reducing the
client’s ‘Order to Invoice’ team FTE by 42%.
• Proficient in client rela onship management and leveraging applica on exper se in understanding
client’s pain points and idea ng, es ma ng, designing and implemen ng the solu ons.

Senior Applica on Analyst - Cognizant Technology Solu ons, India

• Implemented Con nual Service Improvement program which resulted in significant opera onal
benefits and led a 5-member team responsible for the round the clock availability of the billing system.
• Automated the job monitoring process which reduced the manual efforts by 60%.
• Analysed monthly support ckets, implemented process improvements and provided feedback to
the development leads which brought revenue for the company.
Mahesh B Nair
30 Years Applica on Consultant - Cognizant Technology Solu ons, UK
• Supervised and guided teams during outage situa ons, managed client expecta ons, led root
cause analysis efforts, ensured con nuous improvement and acquired new projects.
B.Tech. Electronics & Communica on, Amrita
• Liaised with client teams, B2B partners, offshore teams and interface teams for mely resolu on of
Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore. applica on and business issues.
• SPOC for the customer management & billing system and advised business team on the impacts
Interests due to the proposed changes in up/down stream applica ons or new project proposals
• Business Analysis
• Business Consul ng Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Business Development • ‘Lord of the Wings’ award for best performer across the whole IME ver cal in Cognizant – India.
• ‘Whale Done’ award for excellence at account level in Cognizant - Coimbatore.
Interna onal Experience • ‘Above and Beyond’ award for being the best performer at account level in Cognizant – Coimbatore.
• 10 months in UK • ‘Team of the Month’ award at account level in Cognizant – UK.

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6+ years of demonstrated leadership capabili es in Supply chain management, E-commerce

and apparel industry. Well-versed in new business setup, budge ng, cost control, opera on
management and B2B sales

Key Skills:
• Supply Chain Management, Vendor Development, Nego a ons
• ERP Management, Process and Product Op miza on
• Project Management and Post sales account management
• Customer Engagement, Business Development
Professional Experience:
Senior Manager (Opera ons) - Arvind Limited
• Member of Launch team
• Order fulfillment across Pan-India and 7 stores of Japan for Creyate
• Collaborate with cross- func onal partners to manage all aspects of the Omni-Channel business
and opera ons
• Provide analysis on areas for opera ng efficiencies for various ci es and recommend appropriate
ac on plans
Vendor Manager (3 PL) - Myntra
• Responsible for on boarding, development and genera on of business for 3PL accounts
• Manage 3PL distribu on centre for product and inventory movement including daily performance
analysis of clients, managing and support to warehouse and opera ons management teams on
seasonal and strategic planning
Mayank Chauhan • Cost reduc on for Line-haul department
28 Years Assistant manager - Jabong
• Hybrid Model Management and Execu on
• Launch of Loyalty program
B.Tech, Computer Science Engineering,
• Order fulfilment, ERP customiza on, Distribu on center management
University School of Informa on Technology,
Delhi Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Promoted to Senior Manager within 8 months of joining
Interests • Highest Appraisal throughout the appraisal cycle across organiza ons
• Management Consul ng
Cer fica ons:
• Business Development/Strategy
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
• Domain Consul ng • AMCAT Cer fied Data Processing Specialist, License 299089-211
• General Management • AMCAT Cer fied Corporate Sales Manager, License 299089-211

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A result oriented professional with 5+ years of experience in FMCG and Consul ng. Exper se in
Opera ons, New Development and Project Management, Strategic Planning, Compe ve
Analysis, Product Development and Management.

Key Skills:
• Strategic Planning and alliances including compe ve analysis
• Client handling and team leadership
• Project Management, Resource planning and Product Development
• SAP MM Module

Professional Experience:
Key Accounts Manager - Ace Educateurs Pvt Ltd
• Assisted in Requirement Gathering, Assisted in launching and stabilizing of Online Portal.
• Member Founding team of a start up engaged in HR Consul ng, Responsible for Client Handling
and Timely comple on of all Projects
• Launch of New Products and their development as per Compe ve Business Strategy.
• Managed 350+ clients for all their requirements

Senior Engineer - Adani Wilmar Limited

• Designated as In Charge Project and Engineering Services, responsible for opera ons, increasing
efficiency, con nual improvement of plant.
• Responsible for Process Planning, Inventory and Vendor Management.
• Planning and successful execu on of new ideas, energy conversa on projects and automa on

Mehul Kukre project in plant

• Successfully completed erec on and commissioning of 24TPH Boiler(AFBC) including ash
27 Years handling system, compressor sec on, coal handling system and RO plant as Project engineer.

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering, UPTU • Appreciated for increasing condensate recovery by 15% saving 1000KL of DM water monthly
• Successfully handled 350+ clients with 100% reten on.
• Strategic and Opera on Planning Cer fica ons:
• Consul ng • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, KPMG
• Project Management • So skills, Adani management and development center
• Supply Chain Management and Procurement

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IT Consul ng and Analy cs professional with more than 6 years of experience in U.S.
Healthcare and Insurance domain as Techno Func onal expert, Business Analyst, Lead
Implementa on for Cloud Pla orm Technology and Consultant for advisory services.

Key Skills:
• Business Development
• Project and Client Management
• Product Management, Business and Technical Analysis
• Data Analy cs
Professional Experience:
Business Analyst - Xerox Business Services
• New client Implementa ons on US Healthcare exchanges.
• Interpreta on of business needs to system requirements and working as the system and domain expert.
• Performing requirements analysis and providing advisory solu ons for the US Healthcare domain
Senior Lead Implementa ons Analyst - Mercer
• Managing project lifecycle changes and helping organiza on to expand business.
• Working on client requirements, designing and implemen ng projects on cloud pla orm via public
and private healthcare exchanges.
Consultant - DataVata
• Iden fying business opportuni es by providing strategic analysis, consul ng and advisory services.
• Pre Sales Interac ons at CXO levels to generate leads and do market research to iden fy poten al
Mohd Abdul Qadir customer.
Shared Services Analyst- Aon Hewi
Faruqui • Working on configura on and implementa on of various projects for mul ple clients in the
29 Years Insurance Domain.
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
B.Tech Electronics & Communica on, Ajay • Star of the Month Award for managing and implemen ng the clients on cloud pla orm
Kumar Garg Engineering College • Best Performer Award for Implementa ons Team
• Champions Award for Service Improvement
Interests • Director and Dean Students’ Welfare Apprecia on for forming and managing the Student Council.
• Business Strategy
Cer fica ons:
• Management Consul ng and Analy cs
• Cer ficate program in Business Analy cs (Execu ve) from IIM Lucknow, Kelley Business School
• Corporate Strategy and Planning (Indiana University) and SAS India.
• Branding

h ps://

Opera ons management professional with over 6 years of experience in project planning and
implementa on, process management and quality control at Oil and Gas industry (Upstream
and Downstream)

Key Skills:
• Resource planning
• Manpower management
• General management

Professional Experience:
Assistant Opera onal Manager - SEEPCO, Nigeria
• Opera on and maintenance of TDU, VG, CF, Crude oil pipeline, Crude oil terminals, Barge loading/
off loading, planning of sailing for barge fleet etc.
• Carry in-house and external audits and represented company at the me of government official
• Handled cost involved in opera on related to site

ROV Technician and Co-Pilot - MKV Oceans and Energy Services Limited, Nigeria
• Assisted ROV Supervisor during ROV driving and ROV breakdownas a freelancer/contractor
• Inspected 12 mooring chains of FPSO Predana (Bumi Armada)

Field Engineer(Deputa on) - H.P.C.L, India

• Opera on and maintenance of mul -product petroleum pipeline (length- 508 km & capacity- 4.3
MMTPA) and petroleum product terminals
Mohit Paul • Handled ac vi es like Interface distribu on, Pigging and supervising/tracking line walkers
31 Years
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Apprecia on mail from CEO for handling community related issues in Nigeria
B.E. Electronics, Priyadarshini College of • Handled 3 projects for installa on and commissioning cost $500,000/- each, and finish 2 project
Engineering and Architecture, Nagpur before es mated me

Interests Cer fica ons:

• Opera on Management • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Cer fied
• Project Management
• Planning and Strategy
h ps://
Interna onal Experience
58 months in Nigeria
1 month in China

6 plus years of diversified experience in Power Sector with substan al exposure in

Procurement, Opera ons & Project Management, well versed with both commercial and
technical aspects of the Power Sector.

Key Skills:
• Contract Management
• Supply Chain Management
• Resource Planning

Professional Experience:
Senior Engineer - Doosan Power Systems India
• Evaluated vendor’s Techno-commercial Bid w.r.t. project RFP & RFQ and ensured that costs are
maintained within allocated project budget for 4x660MW thermal power plants at Obra &
Jawaharpur – subcontracts of value ₹100 Cr.
• Coordinated supply of construc on consumables for NTPC-Barh and UPRVUN-Harduaganj
projects and nego ated with suppliers on lead- me, cost, and quality.
• Reduced processing me by 40% for change orders and contract amendments by streamlining
inter-departmental processes.

Engineer (Commercial) - Jindal India Thermal Power Limited

• Nego ated PO/Contracts for the purchase of supplies & services for maintenance ac vi es.
• Liaised with Project stakeholders for 2x600 MW Thermal power plant (valued ₹6,000 Cr.) to
resolve issues and subsequently updated Top Management.
Neeraj Arora • Planning for resources & manpower deployment; ensuring the execu on of projects within me,
quality, cost & budgetary parameters.
30 Years
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
PG Diploma - Thermal Power Plant Engineering, • Best Performing Employee (April 2016 - June 2016) in Commercial Department.
• Volunteered for CSR ini a ve of JITPL to teaching spoken English to underprivileged youth.
Na onal Power Training Ins tute, Nangal
B. Tech., Electrical & Electronics, H.R. Ins tute of Cer fica ons:
Technology, Ghaziabad • Cer ficate in Supply Chain Management Fundamental - MITx.
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt - KPMG
Interests • Advanced Cer ficate in Power Distribu on Management from IGNOU
• Energy Consul ng
• Opera ons Management
• Business / Data Analy cs h ps://

Core Engineering professional with 6+ years of diverse & in-depth experience in Process
Improvement, Cost reduc on through Opera onal Excellence, People Management in Steel

Key Skills:
• Process Innova on
• Automa on & Benchmarking
• Inventory management
• Root Cause Analysis & Breakdown Analysis

Professional Experience:
Deputy Manager - Jindal Steel & Power Limited.
• Led a team of 30 people including engineers and technicians to meet the produc on targets.
• Annual budge ng and resource planning for Electrical department.
• End user for SAP MM and PM module.

Assistant Manager - Jindal Steel & Power Limited.

• Op mum u liza on of resources (Man, Material, & Machinery) & con nuous plant monitoring.
• Predic ve and Preven ve Maintenance, reverse engineering, design development.

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Execu ve of the month (December -14) in JSPL, Patratu Unit for contribu on towards
achievement of business goals.
• Cer ficate of excellence (JSPL) for project in workplace innova on.
Nikhil Mahendru
29 Years Cer fica ons:
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt.
• Awareness training in ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007.
B. Tech Electronics & Electronics Engineering, • Training on Maintenance Management System by CRISP.
SRMS CET Bareilly.

Interests h ps://
• Supply Chain Management
• Marke ng
• Business development & Consul ng

Power Plant Professional with over 6 years of experience in opera ons and Efficiency
Improvement of different size Boiler Maintenance Management and Quality control with a
proven track record.

Key Skills:
• Opera on of 4*600 MW IPP
• Opera on of 9*150 MW CPP
• Improving Efficiency through Opera on

Professional Experience:
Assistant Manager Opera ons - Hindalco Industries Ltd (Mahan Aluminium Ltd)
• Responsible for smooth opera on of Boiler and Turbine of 150 MW CPP Unit
• Litup of Boiler through Proper SOP and safe shutdown
• A ained a new Bench mark in industry for reducing APC to 6.3%
• Part of team , making the Purest form of Aluminium in Asia
• Quality through Opera onal Excellence and standard

Desktop Engineer Opera ons - Steag Energy Services India Pvt Ltd(Vedanta Jharsuguda)
• Smooth Opera on of Boiler and Turbine of 600 MW IPP Sterlite Energy Ltd(Vedanta Group)
• Part of Implementa on team of new ERP so ware SI @ Sterlite Energy Ltd(Jharsuguda)
• Part of Asset Op miza on team (Consul ng Partner PWC)
• Development and Implementa on of PADO Model(Performance Analysis and Design
Piyush Kumar Op miza on) @Sterlite Energy Ltd and now followed in Reliance Power and NTPC

30 Years Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Apprecia on Le er by Sterlite Energy Ltd for Emergency handling
B.Tech, Electrical and Electronics Engineering • Ac ve Member of IET(Chennai Chapter)
• District level Rank holder in Table Tennis
Dr.MGR Engineering College
Cer fica ons:
Interests • Leadership Skills Workshops
• Business Strategy • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, ISO 9001 Auditor
• Consul ng • CEA cer ficate for Opera on and Maintenance of Power Plant
• Block Chain Management

h ps://

A Healthcare professional with 5+ years of experience in medical device industry, handling
mul ple domains with exper se in providing product training, support & demonstra ons
inside Opera on Theatre.

Key Skills:
• Business development
• Product marke ng
• Customer Engagement
• Brand management

Professional Experience:
Clinical Applica on Engineer, Healthware Private Limited
• Managed Demo of Olympus laparoscopic imaging & energy solu ons across North India
• Responsible for recurring orders of Thunderbeat probe
• Pre sales pitching of healthcare products
• Post sales product training to doctors and other users
• Managed marke ng events and co-ordina on for tender technical evalua on
• Managed demo and product training of Lisa Stone laser - Germany

Customer Support Engineer, Medilife Technologies

• Pan India installa on and training ENT equipments
• Represented Organiza on in mul ple promo onal workshops and conferences
• A er sales service support to the end user

Pranay Kishore • Responsible for genera ng AMC and CMC revenues along with consumable sales
• Field training as well as customer familiariza on of newly joined employees
27 Years
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• More than 30 successful installa ons of mul ple product line during the tenure in my first company
B-Tech, Biomedical Engineering, SRM University,
• Contributed in ge ng first successful order of Olympus- Thunderbeat system in Rajasthan region
Chennai • Finalist of first ever Healthware Premiere league -2014

h ps://
• Adver sing Management
• Strategic Brand Management
• General Management

IT Professional with 6 years of experience in analysis and business development in GIS and
Banking domain as a Business Analyst and Quality Expert in service industry working for
clients across the globe

Key Skills:
• Customer Engagement, Business Development
• Mul -tasking, Leadership, Change Management, Automa on
• Quality Control and Effec ve Communica on

Professional Experience:
Execu ve - IL&FS Environment
• Development of extra ordinary Technical Business Proposals
• Undertaking Requirement Gathering and Analysis
• Transla on of func onal requirements into technical URS, SRS and HLD for development teams

Quality Leader - IL& FS Environment

• To build & prepare the organiza on to undertake CMMI – DEV ML 3 & 5 and CMMI – SVC ML 3
cer fica on and throughout support to its successful comple on
• Development of Organiza onal Documents like Quality Manual and undertaking internal
assessment of projects for ISO 9001:2015, ISO 20000:2011 and ISO 270001:2013

System Engineer - Infosys, Chandigarh

• Worked in Finacle’s architecture team as developer towards its customiza on and enhancement
Radha Goel for new customers and in Finacle’s patch fixing team, analyzing the issues and providing best mely
28 Years
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Special Contribu on towards IL&FS Environment- SSD’s CMMI-3 & 5 Level Cer fica on
B.E. Electrical & Electronics, Hindu College of
• Qualified as T1 for 12 out of 18 technical proposals submi ed as part of business development unit
Engineering, MDU
• Represented Infosys in Inter-Corporate Table Tennis Tournament, and achieved 2nd rank
• Par cipated in various events of Renewable Energy Club, held at HCE
• Requirement Gathering, Business & Technical
Analysis h ps://
• Organiza onal transforma on
• Business Strategy
• End-to End Project Management

Professional with 5.8 years of qualita ve experience in Project Management, Engineering
Consul ng, Proposal Management & Client Management with Client, Consultant & EPCC
Fortune 500 Companies.

Key Skills:
• Requirement Analysis & Market Research, Effort Es ma on, Technical Analysis
• Project Engineering & Management
• Bidding & Proposal Management
• Change Order Management & Contractual Claims

Professional Experience:
Engineer - Fluor Corpora on
• Project Management: Responsible for planning, Monitoring & Controlling Project Milestones &
Schedule along with maintaining skill matrix of team and conduc ng PRM’s for Project worth $7 Billion

Engineer - Petrofac Engineering Services India Pvt. Ltd.

• Engineering Consultancy: Development of Techno-Commercial Proposal, Conduct Techno-
Commercial Nego a on and finaliza on of contract with client, Inputs to engineering team and
hand over of project to the execu on team for Project worth $ 2 Billion
• Func onal Co-ordina on: Planning and Monitoring of disciplinary deliverables in line with project
schedule, input to project close out and lesson learnt

Manager - Reliance Industries Limited

• Project Management & maintaining skill matrix and conduc ng PRM’s for Project worth $2.8 Billion
Rishi Raj • Vendor & Contractor Management: Tracking and Expedi ng Vendor orders. Conduc ng frequent
mee ngs with PMC, Design Consultant and Vendor, to track the progress of various aspects of project
28 Years
Engineer - Fernas Construc on India Pvt. Ltd.
• Project Management: Responsible for planning, Monitoring & Controlling Project Milestones &
B.E., Mechanical, Visvesvaraya Technological
Schedule along with maintaining skill matrix of team and conduc ng PRM’s
University. • Client Management: Responsible for managing change orders and its communica on with client
A ending mee ng with client to resolve issues related to change order and contractual claims
Interests • Vendor & Contractor Management: Tracking and Expedi ng Vendor order. Conduc ng frequent
• Investment Analysis mee ngs with PMC, Design Consultant and Vendor to track the progress of various aspects of project
• Corporate Finance & Evalua on.
• Brand Management Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Marke ng • Implementa on of SPC, an Intergraph So ware for J3 Project, RIL
• Cleared SSB for Indian Army and Indian Air Force
Interna onal Experience • Topped in Mechanical Engineering Department in first and final year of Engineering
• 10 months in Middle East, Bangladesh &
Turkey h ps://

IT professional with 6+ years of experience in Project Management, Business Analy cs and

Client Engagement

Key Skills:
• Project Management, Agile Development Process
• Client Engagement and Team Management
• Sta s cal techniques and Analy cal tools
• Business Analy cs

Professional Experience:
Project Lead - NIIT Technologies
• Lead Analyst at offshore for airline industry applica ons, spearheading innova on, quality and
efficiency in delivery
• Envisioned, mo vated and mentored mul ple teams to turnaround cri cal projects
• Conceptualized and defined process to increase quality of deliverables
• Led the team for projects administra ng real me applica ons

Cordinator - NIIT Technologies

• Led mul ple teams from client loca on and implemented various airlines mandates
• Collaborated with stakeholders for transforma onal projects
• Improved produc vity by 50% by implemen ng automa on in projects

Ritu Mathur Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Core Team Member Award for outstanding performance in team
31 Years • Award of Excellence for successfully delivering cri cal projects
• Cer ficate of Apprecia on from client for contribu on in project
• Achieved high ra ng A/A+ consecu vely for 6 years
B.E. Computer Science Engineering, Maharishi
Dayanand University Training & Cer fica ons:
• ISTQB Founda on Level
Interests • Data Science and Analy cs using R
• Business Analy cs
• Consul ng/ Business Development
• Project Management h ps://
• Corporate Strategy

Interna onal Experience

• 12 months in UK

Business planning and sales forecas ng professional with 5+ years of experience in retail and e-
commerce industry

Key Skills:
• Business Planning
• Key Account Management
• Sales Forecas ng
• Data Analysis and Interpreta on

Professional Experience:
Deputy Manager, Central Planning -
• Collect and analyse seasonal sales data to iden fy risks/opportuni es within the business
• Research and provide updates on compe tor programming and ini a ves
• Develop growth strategies and plans to drive profitability, whilst mee ng shoppers need
• Reforecas ng business in-season based on current trend, present revised projec ons and
recommenda ons to cross func onal partners and senior leadership

Assistant Manager, Planning - Bhar Retail Ltd

• Periodic analysis of sales and inventory trend; prepara on of reports providing an insight leading to
inventory op miza on/ stock reduc on as well as capitaliza on on opportuni es
• UPI Analysis: Monitoring slow sellers and taking mely ac on to minimize the stock pile up
• DOH Planning: Inventory forecast and assortment planning for the upcoming season; facilita ng

Ritu Bha a buying and pricing of new season merchandise

• OTB Regula on: Control the buying process in accordance to the AOP inventory and restrict
29 Years buying if the same exceeds OTB limit

Assistant Manager, Planning - Goodearth Company (Eicher Group)

M.Sc., Opera onal Research, Delhi University
• Sales Forecas ng for new collec ons for retail and exports based on sales reports, compe ve
ac vity and customer feedback analysis
Interests • Studying and understanding companies and markets in focus, including supply chain, financial
• Business Analy cs performance, growth, market expansion and strategies
• Supply Chain Analy cs
• Management Consul ng Produc on Planning Analyst - J.C. Penney Purchasing India Pvt Ltd.
• General Management • Developing consistent supplier forecast processes, tools, and templates to supplement growth of
the U.S. produc on planning team
• Develop plan and manage long range basic import produc on forecasts from raw material to in-
store delivery of product

h ps:// a-6a43172b/

IT Professional with 5+ years of Techno-func onal experience in varied domains encompassing

client engagement, providing comprehensive solu ons and enhancing Business Processes for
various clients in UK and India.

Key Skills:
• Client Rela onship Management
• Process Op miza on and Release Management using Agile Methodology
• Test case planning and UAT Management
• Team Management

Professional Experience:
IT Analyst - Tata Consultancy Services
• Requirement analysis and Technical & Business consulta on to the Client
• Provided turn-key launch and post launch support to various projects
• Led mul ple teams at Off-shore and On-shore loca ons for end to end implementa on of project
• Efficiently managed project and played key role of client liaison at onsite
• Headed the solu on formula on and evalua on, design tes ng strategy and on- me delivery of
new product features

Systems Engineer - Tata Consultancy Services

• Crea on of test cases, test execu on, unit, integra on and regression tes ng
• Client interac on, Sending daily status report to client and project stakeholders

Sakshi Mi al Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Awarded twice the “Service & Commitment Award” for Outstanding contribu on towards TCS Ltd.
27 Years • Received “On the Spot Award’’ a total of 6 mes as a recogni on of the efforts put in towards
fulfilment of projects for the company
B .Te c h , E l e c t ro n i c s & C o m m u n i c a o n • Ac ve member of TCS Maitree Team
Engineering, U ar Pradesh Technical University,
Cer fica ons:
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
• ITIL V3 Founda on
• Business Analy cs/Consul ng
• IT/Product Management h ps:// al-26299712b/
• Pre-Sales

Interna onal Experience

• 12 months in UK

IT Professional with 5 years 6 months experience in Telecom Domain as Techno-Func onal
Consultant, Team Lead, Data Management, Business Analysis, Pre Sales and Customer Support
with Global Clients

Key Skills:
• Stakeholder Management
• Resource Planning & Proposal Wri ng
• Process Streamlining & Automa on
• Telecom Network Performance & BSS Data Consul ng

Professional Experience:
Senior Associate Consultant - Infosys Technologies Ltd.
• Impact Assessment for new requirements, effort es ma on & resource planning
• Prepara on of RFP, RFQ and RFI for Telco Projects
• Client Interac ons for Data Management processes

Consultant - Javi Systems India Pvt. Ltd.

• Closely working with Sales Team in preparing proposal documents
• Client engagement for process improvement and exploring new opportuni es
• Monitored support ac vi es for telecom clients

Network Consultant - Ericsson Global Services India Pvt. Ltd.

• Technical Sales Team for Network Performance tools
• Requirement elicita on and solu on designing for automa ng network processes
Saurabh Singh • Leading support team for network performance tools
27 Years
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• President Award in Ericsson for team contribu on in projects
B.Tech. Electronics & Telecommunica ons, Amity • Power Award in Ericsson for excep onal performance in project & extra curricular
University - U ar Pradesh • Member of Employee Engagement Teams in Ericsson & Infosys

Interests Cer fica ons:

• Strategy and Management Consul ng • Network Rou ng Specialist (NRS-1) from Alcatel Lucent University
• Pre-Sales and Business Development • So Skills Training from Harvard Mentor Management
• Business Analy cs
h ps://

6+ years of experience in Project Management, Procurement, Nego a on and Opera onal


Key Skills:
• Project Management and Budge ng
• Procurement and Vendor Management
• Plant Opera on and Root Cause Analysis

Professional Experience:
Deputy Manager - Simbhaoli Power Private Ltd (JV Sindicatum Carbon, Singapore)
• Tendering, techno commercial offer evalua on, nego a on and contract finaliza on
• Managing all project ac vity with consultant, supplier and site execu on team
• Cash Flow and Budget Monitoring for smooth flow of the Project
• Project executed 28MW & 18MW Biomass CPP Project
• Business Opera ons – Produc on forecas ng, fuel procurement plan and O&M planning at
corporate level

Engineer - Jindal ITF (Subsidiary of Jindal SAW Ltd)

• Project Execu on – Bill of Material & Its selec on, Execu on of IBR & Non IBR Piping, Structures,
Rotary equipment. Commissioning of 21MW IPP Project and it’s auxiliaries
• Opera on – Cost reduc on through Opera onal Excellence, Process improvement, People
Management, Maintenance plan, MIS, Audits

Shashank Kumar Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

Srivastava • Enhanced power genera on by 300KW by reducing SCAPH Steam with DCS logic
• Use of exis ng EOT crane for new turbine and saved 45lacs Approx.
28 Years • Reduc on in maintenance cost by sourcing manpower contract instead of job contract

B. Tech. Mechanical Engineering, U ar Pradesh Cer fica ons:

Technical University, • Cer fied BoilerOpera on Engineer (BOE) - Power Plant Engineer
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, KPMG
• Management Consul ng
• Business/Strategy Consul ng h ps://
• Project Management
• Opera ons & Supply Chain Management

Opera ons Management professional with 6 years of experience in Power projects,
Opera ons, Maintenance, Troubleshoo ng and Analy cal assessment.

Key Skills:
• Procurement and Supply Chain Management.
• New Business Bidding-Integrated Facili es Management-Corporate Solu ons.
• Quality Control Management.
• Process and Cost Benchmarking.

Professional Experience:
Assistant Manager - Xpertpack Ltd
• Product Management and Evalua on.
• KPI based Performance measurement and improvement (PDCA), especially HSE, Produc vity,
Quality and Responsiveness.
• Formulate Procurement processes, Inventory Management and control and establish Benchmarks.

Engineer - Suzlon Energy Ltd. (Suzlon Global Services Ltd)

• Opera onal ac vi es at Wind turbine plant, genera ng capacity of 1250 KW.
• Trouble Shoo ng Electrical Control panel, power panel, Capacitor panel.
• Feasibility report/ DPR/DGR prepara on and distribu on detail.
• Collect turbine data for tes ng, research and analysis

Engineer - N Arc Consul ng Private Limited.

Shashi Kant • Team Management, Data Collec on & Data Compila on, and Feeder Outage Details, DPR
prepara on, Final feasibility report &Cost analysis for various projects in Power Distribu on Sector.
Bhardwaj • Prepara on of DT wise consumer profile(Load pa ern, Voltage Regula on, T & D losses),
30 Years Iden fica on of DT, Poles and HT/LT line that needs replacement / augmenta on as per load.

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

B.E. Electrical Engineering, Apeejay College of • Cer ficate of Excellence in Electrical Engineering Quiz during Na onal Science Day at Murthal.
Engineering. • Cer ficate of Merit at Na onal level Techno Cultural fest (TATVA) during college.
• Received Cer ficate of apprecia on for public service for Ini a ve "Educa on for all" from RWA.
Interests • Secured 3rd place in 800m under B/15 age group in Inter-school Athle c meet.
• Procurement and Supply chain management
• Interna onal Business &Strategy Cer fica ons:
• Project/Product Management • Energy Saving& Fire Figh ng systems used In a Gas Turbine, SCADA Systems at Maru Suzuki India
• General Management Ltd.
• Advanced Excel, AUTO-CAD & Map Source (GPS)

h ps://

Professional with 5.5+ years of qualita ve experience in Project Management, Sales Support,
Engineering Consul ng, Proposal Management & Client Management with Client, Consultant
& EPC Company into Oil & gas, Energy & Power sector.

Key Skills:
• Contract Management
• Sales Support
• Project Engineering & Management
• Vendor Management

Professional Experience:
Senior Applica on Engineer - Woodward India Private Limited (US based MNC)
• Development of Techno-Commercial Proposal, Conduct Techno- Commercial Nego a on and
finaliza on of contract with client, Inputs to engineering team and execu on of the project.
• Responsible for planning, monitoring & Controlling Project Milestones & Schedule along with
maintaining skill matrix of team and conduc ng PRM’s for Project.
• Responsible for all Pre/Post Sales support in high-end products. Mee ng with customer, giving
product presenta ons, analyzing and interpre ng their requirement.
• Complete cycle from pre-bid sales to execu on. Monitoring and hastening the project ac vi es to
ensure the adherence to the schedule.
• Performing detailed analysis to evaluate poten al risk and their solu ons that would reduce risk,
cost and complexity of design and test problems. Suppor ng internal engineering quality systems
(Product Life Cycle process, Engineering Change process etc)
Shivansh Yadav • Assis ng Business development team to build strategies, for bidding new projects & understanding
the current market trends. Assis ng in study, designing, Tes ng, Programming and commissioning
27 Years of projects.
• Responsible for managing change orders and its communica on with client.
B-Tech, Electrical, YMCA University of Science & • Independently handled projects at large MNC & Interna onal conglomerate for instance Siemens,
Technology GE, Reliance Industries ltd, TATA Steel, IOCL, BHEL, BPCL, Aditya Birla Group, and Mitsubishi
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Sales • Gold medal in Badminton, MDI Sports Day
• Marke ng • Organizer of college Fest at YMCA
• Strategy • Snooker

Interna onal Experience

h ps://
2 months in Japan
1 month in USA

5+ years of experience in Telecom and IT Sector with extensive experience of resolving complex
technical issues, analyzing KPIs, quality control, so ware product lifecycle and customer
rela onship.

Key Skills:
• Client rela onship management
• Data analysis
• Technical Nego a ons
• Process improvement

Professional Experience:
Technical Leader - Aricent
• Performed Func onal Requirement Analysis, Technical feasibility and es ma on on the basis of
which proposed op mized design solu ons to improve product quality and efficiency
• Responsible for delivery of official so ware package to the client
• Single point of contact for customer issues
• Led mul ple teams locally and globally to deliver technology-based solu ons
• Mentored new team members to make them produc ve for the project
• Have been involved in process improvement and tool development to enable team work efficiently

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Several team awards
• Customer Excellence Award
Shreyans Jain Cer fica ons:
28 Years • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

B. Tech, Electrical and Electronics Engineering,

Bhar Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Delhi h ps://

• Business Analy cs
• Business Consul ng
• Product Development and Promo on
• Strategic Marke ng planning

4 months in Europe

IT professional with over 5 years of experience in Oil & Gas and Retail domains as a Techno-
func onal quality analyst, Team Management with globally distributed teams.

Key Skills:
• Quality Assurance (Manual & Automa on) of various so ware applica ons
• Client & Team Management
• Incident & Escala on Management

Professional Experience:
Technical Professional - Halliburton Technology
• Project planning, Effort es ma on and Delivery
• End-to-End Test Strategizing and implementa on for applica ons (both web/cloud and desktop
based) with Tracking and Repor ng
• Defining Processes for various tes ng phases
• Collabora ng with Cross-func onal groups across mul ple loca ons worldwide
• Crea ng con nuous improvement and con ngency plans
• Managing and mentoring team

Test Engineer - HCL Technology

• Implementa on of func onal, system test plans of applica ons (both web and desktop based)
• Worked on requirement gathering
• Client Interfacing and Management
Shubhangi Nagdeote • Worked for and supported major client - Dixons Store Group, UK during various tes ng phases

27 Years Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Received mul ple apprecia ons for successful delivery of projects
B.E. (Electronics & Telecommunica on), • Event management of various ac vi es on center level
G.H.Raisoni College of Engineering
Cer fica ons:
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Cer fied
Interests • Interna onal So ware Tes ng Qualifica ons Board Founda on Level Cer fica on
• Business Development
• IT Consul ng
• Digital Marke ng h ps://
• Marke ng Management

IT Professional with 5.5 years of experience in New Business Development, Business
Consul ng, Project Management & leading cross func onal teams, specifically in e-
Governance projects and services.

Key Skills:
• Business Development
• Project Management
• Crea ve Design

Professional Experience:
BrainPundits Technologies (Strategy, User Experience Design, Marke ng, Business Development)
• Head of Design: Revamp, Structure En re Business Portal, Design Strategy & Content Wri ng for Portal
• Social Media Marke ng: Social Media Strategy,Content Crea on ,Brainpundits Wordpress Blog
• Direct Marke ng: Develop Marke ng Collaterals
• Project Management Office (PMO): Organiza on, Documenta on, SOP of Employees Etc

Passport Seva Project – Alternate Revenue Resources, Tata Consultancy Services (Project
management and Business Development)
• New Business Development Crea on of Physical, Digital, Sta onary and Voice Adver sing
Inventory, New Business development of VAS of paid SMS Service, Business Proposals for to
poten al clients, Improvement strategy for Snack Bar, insurance & ATMs
• PMO: P&L statement, MIS for poten al customers, Adver sing inventory, CEO repor ng, ministry
approvals, client contracts, vendor management
• Opera ons:: Implementa on, Periodic monitoring, report genera on & Documenta on
Simran Kaur Kalsi Passport Seva Project – Non-IT Rollout, Tata Consultancy Services (Project Management For Rollout)
30 Years • Turned around key customer base of Eastern US and Canada to record se ng backlogs.

Commonwealth Games Project, Tata Consultancy Services (MIS, CRM)

B.Tech (Computer Science) from Punjab • MIS Reports, Legacy documenta on for Commonwealth Games, 7 Publica ons and many
Technical University (Rayat and Bahra Ins tute of Presenta ons for Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Technical support to the Client
Engineering and Bio-Technology, Kharar)
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Special Apprecia on Le er issued by Joint secretary (Interna onal Sports Division)
• Special Apprecia on by Ministry of External Affairs, CEO TCS
• Strategic Management & Business Strategy • Editor of Engineering Ins tute Magazine “Paradigm”
• Working on Innova ve & Imagina ve,
Concepts & Ideas Trainings:
• Business Consul ng & Project Management • Commonwealth Games Project, Tata Consultancy Services
• Network Administra on in Linux, IIT Kanpur

Energy professional with close to 6 years of experience in projects, opera ons management,
quality control, business process excellence and product development in renewable energy

Key Skills:
• Produc on Planning & Control
• Process Improvement
• Cross Func onal Coordina on
• Materials Management

Professional Experience:
Manager - Trendzlink Technology Pvt Ltd.
• Business development
• Opera ons management

Engineer - Kirloskar Integrated Technologies Pvt Ltd.

• Single point of contact for Solar Products SKUs
• Key responsibility of Supply Chain Management for en re business unit
• Involved in product development, process improvement, opera onal development, market
analysis, planning and scheduling
• Streamlined process that resulted in enhanced produc vity
• Dra ed and documented manufacturing processes

Manager - Supreme Copiers

Swanand Vaidya • Planning & Execu on of day to day ac vi es
• Vendor nego a on
28 Years
Engineer - Kirloskar Integrated Technologies Ltd.
• Involved in product designing and tes ng of solar products viz. Solar Backpack, Solar USB Charger
B.E. (Electrical), P.V.G.’s College of Engineering & & Solar Lantern
Technology, Pune University • Involved in vendor discussions for material procurement and planning
• Technical lead for demos at customer sites
• Opera ons & Supply Chain Management Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Planning & Strategy • Best Member award winner in Rotaract club of Pune – Katraj
• Renewable Energy • Member of first prize winner team for One Act Play compe on at Na onal level

Cer fica ons:

• Lean six sigma green belt cer fied

h ps://

Engineering Professional having 6.9 years of experience in Technical Services along with Field
Opera on Management, Refinery Project Management Process, Unit performance monitoring
and Consul ng with licensor. Training and development of junior in department as a mentor.

Key Skills:
• Technical Services Consul ng for Refinery Unit Opera on in Oil and gas industry
• Refinery Project Implementa on, Execu on and Management
• Training and Development of Junior Team members

Professional Experience:
Manager – Essar Oil Limited, Petroleum Refinery Jamnagar Gujarat
• Involved in Process Engineering department of CDU and DCU unit of Refinery, which look a er
refinery product quality troubleshoo ng, process improvement and upgrada on. Also led various
departmental mee ng at site and coordinated with licensor for troubleshoo ng plant process
related issue
• Mentored and trained Junior subordinate in learning and developing them to fit in Refinery Process
• Was a part of ISOM Project Management Process Team, a MSQU scheme of Refinery
• Led a team of more than 10 contract workmen for successfully comple ng part of Project
execu on, plant erec on and commissioning ac vi es of ISOM unit at Essar Oil Ltd.

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Received innova on award for incorpora ng Pre-caus c wash facility in Kerosene Merichem Unit
• Awards for meritorious Academic performance in class 10th & 12th CBSE Boards
Teena Chandra Cer fica ons:
30 Years • Acknowledgement cer ficate & award for Performance and Excellence at Essar Oil Ltd. by
Company MD & CEO
B.E. (Chemical Engineering) Guru Gobind Singh • Received cer ficate from Essar Oil Refinery for selec on in - Interna onal Supply & Trading as well
as Economics Planning and Scheduling Training at Essar Oil Ltd.
Indraprastha University, Delhi
• Member of IICHE (Indian Ins tute of Chemical Engineers)
• Human Resource
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• Marke ng & Sales
• Project/ Product Management

5.5 years of cross-func onal techno-managerial work experience in Engineering Consul ng,
Planning and Project Management for capital intensive projects

Key Skills:
• Project Management, Effort Es ma on, Planning & Delivery
• Client Management, Vendor Management and Interdisciplinary collabora on
• Resource Management and Process Improvement

Professional Experience:
Area Lead / Sr. Engineer - Punj Lloyd Engineering Ltd.
• Led a team of 10 members for engineering of $581 million Refinery and Petrochemical Integrated
Development Project (RAPID), Malaysia and oversaw all phases of the project from ini a on &
planning to execu on & closing
• Successfully executed project modules of RAPID Project and engineered cri cal plant structures
• Redefined organiza on’s standards & guidelines resul ng in 20% improvement in efficiency on

Project Engineer - Punj Lloyd Engineering Ltd.

• Responsible for Planning, Monitoring and Controlling project milestones & schedules along with
maintaining skill matrix of team and conduc ng and organizing trainings for the project por olio
worth $2 billion
• Coordinated project for $2.6 billion Nuclear Power Plant, NPCIL and successfully executed
Umang structural engineering works ahead of schedule and within budget
• Developed techno commercial proposals, op mized cost & material quan es for project bidding
27 Years
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Bagged the top performer award at Punj Lloyd, 2016 for showing exemplary leadership skills and
B.Tech. (Civil), Aligarh Muslim University
delivering a cri cal project on me
• Achieved highest ra ng along with fast track promo on at Punj Lloyd
• Business Development & Strategy Cer fica ons:
• Strategy and Opera ons Consul ng • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (KPMG)
• General Management
• Opera ons Management
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Adver sing professional with over 5 years of experience in Account/Brand Management,
Brand Building, Planning and Strategy

Key Skills:
• Client and team management
• Strong ability to balance mul ple project responsibili es
• Keen insights on consumer behaviour, planning and strategy
• Consulta ve approach

Professional Experience:
Account/Brand Manager - Network Adver sing Pvt. Ltd. Company
Projects- HDFC Home Loans, Henko Detergent, Hindalco, Adani Realty, UTI Mutual Funds,
Vaca ons Exo ca and new business acquisi ons
• Design annual communica on plans for brands, across various mediums
• Benchmark compe on and analyse trends
• Conduct in-depth research to understand consumer’s percep on towards a brand/product
• Ensure effec ve implementa on

Account/Brand Planner - Alma Mater Biz. Solu ons Pvt. Ltd. Company
Projects- Himalaya Herbals and Prithu Homes
• Conduct research to determine a suitable strategy for new business acquisi ons
• Monitor efficacy of ini a ves taken

Vaidehi Sejpal Account/Brand Execu ve - Limelight Communica ons Pvt. Ltd. Company
27 Years Projects- Jolen, Na onal Tex le Corpora on, Elder Pharma, Siyarams, Anchor
• Responsible for managing brand building ac vi es, iden ty crea on and launch of new products
Bachelors in Mass Media, V.G. Vaze Kelkar
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
College, Mumbai • Cer fied Graphologist
• Received Client Apprecia ons for successful handling of project
• Digital Marke ng
• Interna onal Business and Strategy h ps://
• Consumer Behaviour based Strategy
• General Management

Supply Chain professional with over 6 years in procurement of automo ve parts in

manufacturing industry. Exposure in project management and experience in planning,
scheduling with opera on related ac vi es.

Key Skills:
• Planning and scheduling
• Inventory management and Cost op miza on
• Green procurement implementa ons

Professional Experience:
Team Member - Dorset Kaba Security Systems Pvt. Ltd.
• Procurement of Raw Material and child parts through min-max-rol basis.
• Releasing Schedule to Suppliers with follow up related ac vi es.
• Extensively worked on ABC analysis.

Senior Execu ve - Jay Bharat Maru Ltd.

• RM Procurement Planning and ERP based Buffer Management
• Vendor Development and Capability Building
• MIS Management and Dashboard Crea on
• Releasing schedule to supplier through MRP Planning

Engineer - Sigma Corpora on India Ltd.

• Product Cos ng ac vi es of Sheet Metal, Rubber and Al cas ng Parts
• Vendor performance Evalua on based on QCD criteria
Varun Kamboj • Iden fying Cost Saving Opportuni es and Implementa on
31 Years • PO management and Coordina on

Engineer - A2Z MES Ltd.

B.E. Mechanical Engineering, ITM(NCU), • Installa on, Erec on n Commissioning of distribu on transformers

Interests Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Procurement and SCM • Reduced RAW MATERIAL Cost by Rs. 1 crore through VA/VE analysis
• Procurement process and purchase • Iden fied supplier extra capacity to produce more parts.
• General management
Cer fica ons:
• Development of New Vendor • Cer fied Internal Auditor ISO-TS16949/2009
• Lean six sigma green belt cer fied

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7-10 Years Work Experience
Innova ve marke ng professional with around 9 years of prolific work experience in the Media
fraternity with relevant exposure in Adver sing, Marke ng & Integrated Business Solu ons
across B2B & B2C Segment.

Key Skills:
• Brand Management
• Integrated Marke ng Solu ons
• Sales and Revenue Op miza on
• Client Servicing and Rela onship Management

Professional Experience:
Senior Execu ve - STAR India (STAR TV)
• Recognised as an innovator and well versed in providing customised solu ons specific to client
• Increased revenue through selling of nonconven onal ideas thereby gaining market share
• Inculcated long term win-win rela onship with client, helping each other achieve designated goal
year on year
• Increased market share from exis ng clients (doubled the revenue in 2 years)

Assistant Manager - Sarthak Entertainment

• Made Sarthak preferred choice to get associated for adver sing in Odisha state.
• Focused on increasing revenues from exis ng client byproviding integrated marke ng solu ons
• Increased client base through new business development thereby increasing branch revenue.
Ajay Gupta • Managed campaign deliveries and u lized resources efficiently.

34 Years Assistant Manager - Rachana Television

• Worked with all level of clients, agencies and decision makers for business op miza on
• Managed and grown adver sing revenues from north region
Masters in Mass Communica on, Lucknow
• Nego ated and strategized revenue op miza on ways to achieve targets year on year
University, Lucknow
Management Trainee - AGA Publica on (Vaartha Telugu Daily)
Interests • Handled small and medium level clients from north region
• Marke ng Management • New business development revenue earning opportuni es by tapping and conver ng clients
• Adver sing & Brand Management
• Consumer Behaviour Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• General Management • Clinched an exclusive partnership with OPPO Mobiles in a deal worth 7.8 Cr, Jan’17
• Added a record breaking number of new clients in the financial year 2015-16.
• Recognized for best performance with addi onal incen ve at STAR Vijay.

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Energy professional with more than 7 years of experience in opera ons, project management,
product quality control, training and mentoring in Oil and Gas sector with proven track record.

Key Skills:
• Opera ons management and produc on planning
• Quality management and maintenance management of plant equipment
• People and team management

Professional Experience:
Manager -Reliance Industries Ltd.
• Supervised & handled plant opera on and workmen for smooth opera on of Petrochemical Plant
• Handled Plant start up shutdown, product quality troubleshoo ng

Opera on Process Engineer -Bri sh Gas E&P India Ltd.

• Led contract staff for smooth opera onal and maintenance ac vi es at Natural Gas Explora on Oil
& Gas Offshore Pla orm Bombay High
• Handled inventory management func ons for smooth supply and availability of raw materials as
well as cri cal safety items
• Monitored emission parameters in accordance with ISO 14001 standards

Deputy Manager -Essar Oil Ltd.

• Handled field opera onal ac vi es of FCCU, one of the most cri cal unit of refinery complex and
Ajaysingh Rawani coordinated field maintenance and opera onal ac vi es for smooth and safe opera on
• Looked a er Essar Oil Refinery Project Phase in coordina on with EPMC Ltd. – Erec on,
30 Years Commissioning ac vi es of ISOM unit, led contract team for part of commissioning ac vity, part of
team, which started ISOM unit within a record me
B.Tech, Chemical Engineering, Laxminarayan
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
Ins tute of Technology Nagpur University
• Ac vely involved in team that worked on improving GAS PRODUCTION BEYOND PREDICTION
Interests • Honoured with Pres gious Award for overall performance in commissioning in Essar
• Business Consul ng • Acted as a BBS (Behaviour Based Safety) Chairman in BGEPIL
• Opera ons Management and Strategy
Cer fica ons:
• Process Design Course Training Course from Chemsys, Pune. Reg No. - CPCT. 14011

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Sales professional with 7+ years of experience in Consumer Goods sector. Specialised in
Channel Sales Management, Distribu on Management & Key Account Management.

Key Skills:
• Key Account Management
• Distribu on Management
• Business Development
• People Management & Coaching

Professional Experience:
Territory Sales Manager - Ma el Toys India Pvt Ltd
• Responsible for Karnataka primary & secondary sales management
• Managed and inducted 5 distributors & Metro Cash & Carry
• Handled an annual business of INR 8.40 crores
• Responsible for new product launch in south region
• Spearheaded company’s retail partnership program in the region
• Responsible for south region sales promo on budge ng

Export Sales & Supply Chain Execu ve - Kuber Food Products India Pvt Ltd
• Responsible for company’s export business in Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Egypt & United Arab Emirates
• Enhanced BU Performance through appointment of new Vendors & 3PLs
• Handled business of INR 1.20 Crores

Alok Ranjan Pradhan Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

33 Years • Winner of Na onal retail display contest at Ma el
• Won 1st prize for Best Brand Ac va on in the country at Ma el
• Awarded for being the part of fastest growing region in Ma el
B.E. Industrial Electronics, Bhara Vidyapeeth
College of Engineering
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• Brand Management
• Key Account Management
• Customer Trade Marke ng
• Adver sing

Diverse and In-depth Techno-commercial experience of 7+years in Project Management,

Business development, Contracts &Commercial, project execu on & financing, Regulatory
affairs in Power Transmission Sector.

Key Skills:
• Project Planning and execu on of High voltage substa on and Transmission
• Project Management, Contract and commercial
• Coordina on and Liaising with various authori es

Professional Experience:
Project Manager, High Voltage GIS Substa on - Siemens Ltd.
• Independent responsible for the comple on and contract closure of High voltage Substa on
awarded by PGCIL
• Single point of contact between the Siemens Germany, France and India for the project closure
ac vi es for all high voltage GIS substa on.
• Project Planning, Procurement, Vendor Management, and Contract Management of 400/220KV
GIS Rajarhat project.

Manager-Parba Koldam Transmission Co. Ltd. (a JV of POWERGRID and Reliance Infrastructure Ltd.)
• Associated for designs, engineering, funding and execu on of Rs. 1000 cr 400 KV transmission
project in HP/Punjab.
• Obtained all required statutory clearances like forest, avia on, PTCC, GOI Sec.164 and Sec. 68.
• Financial closure with PFC/REC with debt-equity ra o of 70:30. Reviewing & analyzing the cost
es mate of the project and quarterly review of progress and loan drawls.
Aman Trivedi • Assis ng in legal, regulatory work (CERC-Tariff determina on). Worked with Business development
team to build strategies for bidding new projects and understanding the current market trends.
28 Years • Responsible for MIS to senior management and external Stakeholders on the progress of the
project. Coordina on with Company Secretary for Board Mee ng and AGM
BE, Electronics and Instrumenta on, MRCE
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
Faridabad • Successfully completed one of the toughest hilly terrain Transmission project in given me and cost.
• Achieved Forest clearance for the project.
Interests • Achieved the financial closure of the project from leading Public Sector Financing company i.e PFC
• Energy and power Business Development, and REC.
Trading &Consul ng • Achieved the provisional tariff from Central Electricity Regulatory Commission for the PKTCL projects.
• Power Sector Reforms, pricing, Markets
Mechanism and Regula ons Cer fica ons:
• Corporate planning and Strategy • Cer fica on done in Project management from IPMA (Intro & CIPM level).

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IT professional with 9+ years extensive experience in e-commerce domain in various capaci es
across order management, loyalty management, supply chain and customer management areas

Key Skills:
• Client Interfacing
• Process op miza on and systems integra on
• People Management & mentoring

Professional Experience:
Business Analyst - Infosys
• Worked closely with client teams at onsite and implemented custom solu ons for faster order
fulfilment and enhanced user experience on ecommerce pla orm for a top 10 North American retailer
• Worked with client business teams to develop and implement offer management system that
created offers based on individual customers spending habits and characteris c traits
• Overhauled employee benefits portal for leading retailer

Release Lead - Infosys

• Led 10-member team that planned and coordinated release ac vi es with over 100 distribu on
• Managed and coordinated release ac vi es for North American grocery chain

Technology Lead - Infosys

• Worked with cross func onal teams and revamped B2B gi card portal for North American retailer
• Implemented comprehensive work order management tool for North American freight carrier and
Anand Gopal resulted in 20% cost savings for the customer
31 Years • Managed 5-member team and held end to end responsibility in developing and implemen ng
loyalty management pla orm for North American retailer
• Led 7-member team that provided technical support for North American Home Improvements chain
B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering,
Kerala University Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Client Apprecia ons and special recogni on for work on offer management system
Interests • Infosys On the spot Award
• Strategy / Domain consul ng
Cer fica ons:
• Product management
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
• Business Analy cs using R
Interna onal Experience • L100 Retail domain cer fica on at Infosys
39 months in USA • IBM Websphere commerce v6.0

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9+ years of experience in Banking and Financial Sector with extensive experience of Branch
Management, Business Development, Process Management, Sales & Marke ng, Retail
Banking/Wealth Management.

Key Skills:
• Team Management
• Sales & Marke ng
• Process management & Statutory Compliance
• Investment Advisory & Credit Administra on

Professional Experience:
Investment Advisor - ICICI Bank Ltd, Gurgaon
• Following KYC norms, maintaining proper records, monitoring implementa on of bank’s systems /
procedures and preven ng occurrence of fraud
• Monitoring clients’ por olio performance, conduc ng profitability analysis, rendering sustained
advisory services for securing high ROI and increasing reten on levels
• A ending to investors / clients (individuals / corporate clients) concerns and undertaking steps for
resolving them; involved in the acquisi on of HNI/mid corporate clients for wealth management

Sales Manager - ICICI Pruden al Life insurance, Lucknow

• Focus on business development, financial planning and insurance advisory
• Conduct risk profiling of all mapped clients for be er advisory on investment needs
• Ensure compliance through regular process checks and self-audit scores
Anjali Rana • Providing financial planning and insurance advisory services to poten al clients in different sectors
34 Years and managing their insurance por olio

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

M.Sc., Mathema cs, Bareilly College, Bareilly • Adjudged as an Excep onal performance award for being a consistent achiever in revenue
MJP RohilKhand University • Consistently rated amongst the top performers at ICICI bank
• Customer Excellence Award
Interests • ED award for best performance
• Corporate Finance
• Business Strategy Cer fica ons:
• Consul ng • NISM-Mutual fund & NSDL-Depository
• Investment Analysis • IRDA Cer fica on

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7 years of end to end IT Experience from Proposals to Delivery and Support involving direct
interac on with Business at both onsite and offshore (Team Lead). Specializa on in Data
management, Data ETL opera ons, Data Analy cs and Business Analysis.

Key Skills:
• Project and Team Management, Planning and Delivery
• Logical and Analy cal Skills for Problem Solving
• Excellent hold on Data and handling Databases, Data repor ng.

Professional Experience:
Lead Consultant -Genpact Capital Markets (Headstrong)
• Leading and mentoring the Team
• Work design, development, unit tes ng and delivery management.
• Designing and proposal to various clients.
• Direct and daily interac on with various client units for gathering requirements, priori zing and
delivering of User stories

Senior System Engineer - Infosys Limited

• Managing the Database, DB objects.
• Handling Enhancements and Defect Fixing for the module.
• Regular interac on with the users to gather requirements.

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

Anshul Bha a • Awarded with Silver Award for Performance and Technical knowledge.
• Awarded Lean ACE Cer ficate for successfully applying the Lean methodology in the project.
29 Years • Awarded with Eureka Award in Headstrong for providing innova ve solu on to a client
• Mul ple You Have Been spo ed awards for contribu on towards organiza onal ini a ves.
B.Tech. Computer Science, IP University Delhi
• Awarded with Cer ficate of Recogni on by Microso for remarkable performance for state of
Delhi in MS Go Alive challenge.
• Business Analy cs and Data Analy cs Cer fica ons:
• Business Consul ng and Development • JAVA trained by Infosys Technologies Ltd in 2010
• Project Management • Underwent a 2-month company training in Recruitment and assessment centre (RAC) in DRDO
and worked on Account Management System in 2008
Interna onal Experience • Lean Six Sigma cer fied by Genpact Lean Methodologies 2014
• 8 months in Australia • Microso Cer fied Technology Specialist in SQL Server 2008.
• Underwent a 2 month on campus training program on .NET by Hewle -Packard in 2007.

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HR professional with 7 years of experience in Human Resource Management as employee

rela ons manager with General Management orienta on.

Key Skills:
• Employee rela ons and engagement
• Conflict Management
• Change Management
• People analy cs and strategy.

Professional Experience:
Deputy Manager –HR, Ienergizer ITES Services Private Ltd-Noida
• Employee Rela ons and engagement-Led the employee rela ons team. Executed HR policies.
Facilitated employee feedback. Campaigned employee awareness program. Help in building
transparent work culture.
• New Hire engagement- Worked for enhanced employee experience. Counselled and took session
with new hires on people func on ma ers. Part of on-boarding team.
• Conflict Management- Nego ated conflict among partner groups. Secured win- win solu ons for
management and employees.
• People Analy cs- Trends analysis of employee a ri on. Predicted employee a ri on and took
ini a ves. Employee code genera on, HR reports.

District HR head, Member People Func on) Azim Premji Founda on

Deepak Thapliyal • HR Generalist- Organised all People Func on Ac vi es of a Local Unit.

36 Years HR Execu ve, Granada Services Private Limited

• HR entrant taking joining, induc on, feedback, payroll, me management, documenta on and
other Generalist ac vi es in HR domain.
M.Sc, Physics-IIT Roorkee,
MBA-HR Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Top performer of the year in HR for 2013-14 for effec ve performance in Employee Rela ons
• Employee Rela ons Cer fica ons:
• HR Strategy • Compensa on and Benefits Manager(Middle earth consultants)
• Culture and change management. • NIIT-Excel
• General Management
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Around 10 years of Experience in Product Development, Project Management and Delivery of
IT projects and Opera ons with Strong Analy cal and Interpersonal skills

Key Skills:
• Product Development & Project Management
• Leadership & People Management
• Customer Engagement

Professional Experience:
Lead Analyst - CGI Informa on Systems
• As a Project Lead was given responsibility to drive a project from scratch through adop ng new
technologies and building a new offshore development team.
• Successful in implemen ng and delivering Project that constantly demanded challenging and
driving the team to create innova ve solu ons, mee ng demanding melines and deep
engagement with client.
• Developed a self-driven 10-member team with desired capabili es to take the project forward.

IT Analyst - Tata Consultancy Services

• Implemented Product Transi on of Mortgage Banking applica on of client
• Developed Web services for loan origina on

So ware Engineer - Wipro Technologies

Dhruba Jyo Das • Involved in op miza on and root cause analysis of various modules
• Recognized for technical and business exper se in a module related to Canadian Segregated funds
36 Years • Led and Liaised with offshore development team from Client loca on

So ware Engineer - Ocwen Financial Solu ons

B.Tech, Computer Science & Engineering,
• Developed and got recognized for strong analy cal skills involved in IT Product design and
Na onal Ins tute of Technology, Silchar development.

Interests Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Opera ons and Project Management • “Feather in My Cap” award in Wipro Technologies for UAT support
• Business Analy cs • Apprecia on for Excellent Client Engagement in CGI
• Consul ng and Strategy
• Financial modelling and Forecas ng
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Interna onal Experience
• 6 months in Canada

Over 7 years of diversified experience in metal & mining project execu on and mo vated
entrepreneurship in Real Estate sector.

Key Skills:
• Project Planning & Management
• Contract Management,
• Construc on Management
• Cross Func onal Management

Professional Experience:
Real Estate Entrepreneur
• Construc on and procurement management for residen al and commercial construc on.
• Facilitated buyers, sellers and agents in selling & buying of residen al, commercial and industrial

Associate Manager Projects - Hindustan Zinc Limited

• Executed Paste Back Fill project as project lead and in-charge of procurement, project planning&
scheduling, engineering, construc on and erec on.
• Formulated scope of work and contracts for basic engineering, laboratory test work, detail
engineering, procurement, and erec on & commissioning.
• Handled techno commercial nego a ons of EPC contracts and high value equipment like posi ve
displacement pump, disc filters etc.
Gaurav Bhandari • Executed Rock and Man Hois ng System Project as Project coordinator and looked a er techno
commercial coordina on between vendor, consultants and intra department.
30 Years • Competent in stakeholder management like authori es, vendor & subcontractor for smooth &
well-planned implementa on of project.
B.E. Chemical, MBM Engineering College,
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Successfully completed project worth 3 Billion INR.
• Successfully completed India’s first Paste Backfill project in record 9 months against s pulated
Interests schedule of 13 months
• Project Management
• Corporate Finance Cer fica ons:
• Business Development • SAP ERP Project System, Version ECC 6.0 (Cer fica on ID-0012434278) from ATOS, Mumbai.
• General Management • Undergone PMP Training.

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Energy professional with over 7 years of experience in opera ons and sales of energy audits,
power quality audits and electrical safety audits, project planning and execu on, team
management, consul ng and capacity building projects

Key Skills:
• Planning and execu on of audits
• Project delivery
• Pre – sales, Business development &Customer rela onship management
• Organizing technical seminars, trainings and workshops for industry professionals

Professional Experience:
Sr. Engineer - Emerson Network Power (India) Pvt. Ltd.
• Opera ons and Sales of audit products
• Root Cause Analysis of power related issues
• Business development & Customer rela onship management

Project Consultant - MITCON Consultancy & Engineering Services Ltd.

• Execu on of audits
• Consul ng in energy projects
• Business development & Customer rela onship management
• Organized technical seminars on energy for industry professionals

Cer fica ons:

Himanshu Shekhar • Cer fied ISO 50001: EnMS – Lead Auditor for Energy Management
• Lean six sigma green belt cer fied
30 Years • Successfully completed Internal Auditor Training for ISO 9001:2008

B.E., Electrical & Electronics, Bangalore Ins tute

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of Technology

• Consul ng
• Strategy & Opera ons
• Business Development
• General Management

FMCG Professional with 7.5 Years of cross-func onal experience in R&D and Product
Innova on, Process Improvement Projects, Consumer Research, Supply Chain Management,
Quality Assurance, Business & Process Excellence Audits.

Key Skills:
• Brand Management, Consumer Insights, New Product Development Cycle
• Process Improvement, Supply Chain Management
• Quality Assessment & Audit, Quality Improvement Projects

Professional Experience:
Associate Manager – R&D -Marico Ltd.
• LaunchedNew Wellness Oil in Indian Super Premium Oil segment
• Implemented Technology Transfer & Best Prac ces of Olive oil from Spain &Coconut oil from Sri Lanka
• Conducted numerous Consumer Researchfor Consumer Technical Insight

Corporate Quality Assurance Execu ve -Marico Ltd.

• Developed An -Counterfeit strategies for key brands of Marico based on consumer feedback
• Implemented technological prac ces that improved storage norms ofAgri-based Raw Materials by

SupplyChain Execu ve -Bunge Ltd.

• Ac vated two new subcontract manufacturing units for consumer and Bulk supplies in North India
• Achieved 95% stock availability and reduced stock surplus by 25% in 8 major MWHs of north India

Kaushal Kumar Rai Process Execu ve -Cargill India Pvt. Ltd.

• Worked in an integrated Refining unit with mul ple products and by-products
31 Years • Contributed in By-product realiza on and Hydrogena on Process that improved Plant
Produc vity by 25%
B.Tech. Chemical Technology (Oil Technology), Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
HBTI Kanpur • Jury Member – RBNQA Award Cycle, 2013
• Jury Member – CII Na onal Food Safety Awards, 2014
Interests • Got “Le er of Apprecia on” in Marico for contribu on in CQA Role
• Brand Management • Super-star of the Month award at Kandla Refinery for achieving extraordinary Goals
• Business Strategy &Consul ng
Cer fica ons:
• Opera ons
• Green Belt in Six Sigma from ISI-Mumbai
• FSSC22000, MBEM and MMEM Assessor

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Well-rounded, change loving automa on professional & leader with over 9 years of experience
in project, opera ons and knowledge management, business process excellence and quality
control with a proven track record.

Key Skills:
• Change Management
• Customer Engagement & Business Development
• People Management & Coaching
• Process Automa on and Innova on

Professional Experience:
Regional Engineering Manager - Honeywell
• Responsible in the BU for execu ng complex and fast-track projects in Building Automa on across
North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific
• Built self-evolving and most effec ve teams in the BU with great experience in molding leaders,
experts and role models followed by others in BU (promoted youngest Team lead, SMEs)

Knowledge Management and Quality Leader - Honeywell

• Transformed the BU quality from 68% Defect free to 92% defect free and sustained through tools
innova on, knowledge management and process changes
• Improved overall BU performance by taking addi onal responsibili es, challenging the status quo
to build tools and improved processes including agile methodologies

Loca on Coordinator - Honeywell

Mike Fischer • Turned around key customer base of Eastern US and Canada to achieve record breaking revenues
31 Years (677% growth in 3 years)

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

B.E. Electronics & Instrumenta on, Madras • Champions Club Award for Innova ons (FY 2014)
Ins tute of Technology • Bravo Gold for BU Quality Improvement (FY 2013)
• HBS Star Award for Business growth in Canada & USA (FY 2011)
• Organiza onal transforma on Cer fica ons:
• Business Strategy • Situa onal Leadership, Integra ve Thinker, Leadership Skills Workshops
• Consul ng/ Coaching • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, ISO 9001 Auditor
• General Management • Scrum Alliance Cer fied Scrum master (Agile methods)

Interna onal Experience h ps://

• 36 months in Canada & USA

Experienced engineering professional having 8 years of experience in plant opera on and

technical services with one of the leading Petrochemical industry. Well versed with concepts of
Energy Management, Process Hazard Analysis, De-Bo lenecking & Annual budget.

Key Skills:
• Process Enhancement
• Energy management
• Cost Reduc on
• Quality Assurance

Professional Experience:
Plant Opera on - Reliance Ind. ltd
• De ly controlled the Polypropylene Manufacturing Process including Bagging sec on.
• Team leader of CASHe (change agent for safety, health and environment) of Polypropylene plant at
Reliance Industries, Nagothane.
• Responsible for the prepara on of Standard opera ng procedure/condi on for the opera on of
Polypropylene plant at Reliance Industries, Nagothane.

Technical Services lead - Reliance industries Limited

• Responsible for annual budget and Specific Norm prepara on.
• Rendering technical support in carrying out smooth opera on of Polypropylene plant.
• Responsible for the development of New Grade & trial of new catalyst and addi ves.
• Site Level Opera onal Discipline Coordinator for implementa on of Process safety Management in
Pawan Kumar all plants and services departments of site.

30 Years Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Successfully completed Two Six Sigma Project:
B.E. Chemical Engineering, BIT Sindri,Dhanbad a. “Reduc on in chocking of Inline mixer” - Benefit of 140lacs INR annually.
b. “Reduc on in unaccounted losses of addi ves” – Loss reduc on by 47.6lacs INR annually.
• Par cipated in Reliance cer fied chemical Engineer programmes and topped among 25 engineer
par cipated in the programme.
• Supply chain Management • Semi finalist in 28th na onal Qimpro conven on held in Mumbai (Oct’2016) for six sigma project.
• Business Analyst
• Strategy Consul ng Cer fica ons:
• General Management • Cer fied by M/S DNV as Internal auditor of energy management system ISO: 50001:2011

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Innovator, change loving automa on professional & leader with over 8 years of experience in
Sales & Marke ng in Pharmaceu cals, Diagnos cs and Medical Device with a proven track

Key Skills:
• Corporate Sales, Ins tu onal Sales
• Tender Management, Channel Management
• Customer Rela onship Management& Engagement
• Business Development, Strategy & Marke ng

Professional Experience:
Regional Marke ng Lead - Johnson & Johnson Medical India
• Executed: 500+ CEPs (Customer engagement programs) & Engaged: 10000+ Customers
• Designed: Marke ng Strategy Chakravyuh (Plan - 09), Manthan (Plan - 11), Upgrade India (Plan - 08)
• Developed: Curriculum BRiM, BMOR, PECP, Umbrella Model, Mango Dilli
• Published: Newsle er Bios Magic
• Organized: Annual Franchisee Meet, Annual Dealer Meet, Annual Doctors Day, Nurses Day, Global
Quiz Compe on, Hands on Workshops, Telementoring Workshops, Choice, Beacon for North India

Area Sales Manager- Quest Diagnos cs India

• Coordinated Team of eleven people with 200% + Achievement
• Presented Business case, Proposals and Bid
• Singed the MOUs with business partners and Provided 360 degree support
• Developed customized business model and Planned Branding (BTL) ac vity
Rajan Kumar Key Account Manager - Abbo Healthcare India
35 Years • Iden fied business opportuni es and Strategies NBM/LBM
• Market Survey, Assessment and Analysis
B. Pharm, Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi • Conducted 300+ Medical Educa on Programs at various Na onal Expos and Events
• Manage Inventory, Distribu on and Rota on,
Interests • Executed PMS Trails
• Sales Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Marke ng • Gold Encore Award, Faster Stronger Be er Award, Na onal Innova on Award, CRM Award
• Strategy & Planning • Young Achiever Award, Best New Comer Award, Star award,Arjun award, Centurion Award
• Customer Rela onship Management • Super Sales Person Award, Market Development Award, EISE Champion Award
• Man Of The Stage Award, Bronze Medal in Subroto Cup, Gold Medal in Drama cs and Debate

Cer fica ons:

• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, KPMG 2017

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Over 7 years of experience in Process Op miza on, Quality systems, Warranty analy cs and
Cost reduc on in Automobile Industry.

Key Skills:
• Quality Management
• Process Op miza on & Cost Reduc on
• People Management, Training & Coaching

Professional Experience:
Assistant Manager - Product Quality Assurance - Hero Motocorp Ltd
• Improved vehicle tes ng produc vity from 65 to 73 vehicle/man/day through Process flow
op miza on and NVA reduc on
• Award for project on Fuel saving of 40 ml/vehicle in tes ng, transla ng into cost reduc on of INR
1.3 million/annum
• Unsold warranty reduc on from 3260 ppm to 690 ppm via Audio-Video training module
implementa on
• Prominent member of Special Task Force for Training

Assistant Manager - Manufacturing Quality - Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd

• Led WAC (warranty analysis and control) cell for 2 years
• Achieved reduc on in Paint consump on of 200ml/tractor thus saving INR 0.6 million/annum
• Successfully implemented produc on ramp up plan via MOST upgrada on from 3 mph to 4.75 mph
• Led 3 CFTs for Quality improvement projects
Raunak Khanna Senior Associate - Vehicle Assembly - Tata Motors Ltd
31 Years • Significantly contributed in integra on of 3 models (Venture, Ace & Nano) on single assembly line
• Led 2 Kaizen Improvements teams in Kaizen month.
B.E Mechanical & Produc on, Satyabhama Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
University • Recogni on of Contribu on to TIME Manufacturing Innovator of the year won by Hero Motocorp
Ltd, 2016
• 3 Le er of Apprecia on in FY17 for contribu on in Trainings and Innova on projects in HMCL
Interests • 5 Le ers of Thanks in span of 1.3 yrs with Tata motors for varied projects and Benchmarking
• Supply Chain Management sugges ons
• Opera ons Management & Consul ng • Won zonal level Swimming Championship.
• Data Analy cs in Digital Marke ng Cer fica ons:
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
• Internal Behavioural Trainer by Praga Leadership HMCL Program

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Over 7 years of diverse and in-depth experience in Product Manufacturing, Planning &
Scheduling, Quality Control and Process Development of Automo ve Parts and nascent
entrepreneur in Real Estate.

Key Skills:
• Process Development
• Customer Engagement
• Planning & Scheduling
• Installa on & Commissioning

Professional Experience:
Co-founder - YSB Group
• Assisted in nego a ons of terms surrounding purchases
• Engaged with buyers during visits and inspec ons with advices to ensure customer sa sfac on on
value and condi on of the property
• Compared recent property sales to current holding to ensure compe ve advantage in the market

Produc on Assistant Manager - Musashi Auto Parts

• Effec vely Engaged client (a leading auto manufacturer) regarding Quality/R&D/Manufacturing
Engineering Department
• Drove Kaizen Ini a ves and developed quality standards through quality audits

Senior Produc on Engineer - Musashi Auto Parts

• Design, Development and Implementa on of Process & Tes ng Equipment for new products
Ravi Kumar • Curtailed opera on costs and increased efficiency in the produc on process through process
30 Years parameter analysis

Produc on Engineer - Musashi auto Parts

B.E. Mechanical, Career Ins tute of Technology • Par cipated in cross func onal teams, reduced internal quality rejec on by 50% in new product
and Management development

Interests Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Product Marke ng • Worked with Pra bha Founda on for the upli ment of underprivileged children
• Product Management • Awarded Employee of the year for improving Efficiency of Fixture
• General Management
• Risk Management Cer fica ons:
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

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Management professional with 7 years of blended experience in both HR and Finance domains
in Talent Acquisi on, Performance Evalua on, Financial Analysis and Planning, Audi ng,
Budge ng and Forecas ng.

Key Skills:
• Talent Acquisi on
• HR Nego a on Skills
• Data Analysis and MIS
• Learning & Development

Professional Experience:
Finance & HR Manager - Micro Finance Ins tu ons Network
• Handled 20 employee life cycle from induc on ll exit
• Se ng out KRAs of all employees and monitoring them with their KPIs during the year
• Managing Recrui ng process: Scanning CVs, Conduc ng Interviews & rolling offer le ers.
• Crea ng HR Policies & managing payroll process
• Budget formula on, Conducted Audit and Wealth Management

Opera ons Execu ve - lCFAI

• Managed Performance analysis of 40 INCs (ICFAI Na onal Colleges) based on all spheres;
Academics, Finance and Marke ng
• Data Analysis and interpreta on of all the 40 INCs (ICFAI Na onal Colleges) of the North Zone.

Rohini Harish Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Played a key role in the successful se ng up of opera ons of Micro Finance Ins tu ons Network
37 Years • Crea on of Rs.1.45 Crore funds through effec ve Wealth Management for the organiza on.

M.B.A., Finance, Villa Marie P.G. College for Cer fica ons:
Women, Osmania University • MS-Office by ICA and Advance Excel by APEDUSOFT
• Advance Excel by APEDUSOFT

Interests h ps://
• Business Management
• General Management
• Learning & Development
• Industrial Rela ons

Professional with 8.5+ years of qualita ve experience in Supply Chain Management, Global
Sourcing, Contract Management, Project Management, Proposal Management, Sales (internal)
in EPC Company with a proven track record.

Key Skills:
• Market research & due diligence
• Vendor management including qualifica on, development and evalua on.
• Contract nego a ons.
• E- Procurement, Proposal management.
• Sales (Internal)

Professional Experience:
Senior Engineer - Siemens Limited
• Procurement: Responsible for procurement of various high value commodi es.
• Process improvement - Implementa on of E Procurement strategies across BU.
• Nego a on: Contractual terms including price nego a on.
• Sales (Internal): Responsible for acquisi on of sales order for global EPC projects.
• Vendor Management: Iden fying poten al new suppliers and their management.
• Proposal Management: Ac ve involvement in proposals for big cket project acquisi ons.
• Training – Training new members on process, procedures and best prac ces.
• Market Intelligence – Following global and local trends on movement of material prices.
• Strategy: Collabora on with other Divisions and BU’s for quan ty bundling and joint nego a ons.

Sandeep K Gautam Asst Manager - Reliance Industries Limited

• Project Management: Planning, Monitoring & Controlling of 400 KV Switchyard.
31 Years • Vendor & Contractor Management: Tracking and Expedi ng Vendor orders.

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

B.E., Electrical, Punjab Engineering College (PEC)
• Excellence award for exceeding yearly targets in new business domain.
• Awarded Man of the tournament and Man of the match in corporate cricket tournaments for
various years at Siemens and Reliance.
Interests • Awarded College Color for contribu on to College in Co Curricular Ac vi es.
• Opera on Management • Represented College Cricket Team under various Inter University Tournaments.
• Supply Chain Management • Received Award in Siemens Innova on Fest 2013 under Movie Making Compe on.
• Consultancy • Ac vely Par cipated in organizing cultural Event PEC Fest 2008.
• Marke ng and Sales

Interna onal Experience h ps://

6 months in USA
1 month in Germany

Banking & Finance Professional with 8 years of extensive experience in handling Project
Finance, Retail Lending, SME Finance, Le ers of Credit, Bank Guarantees, Risk Analysis,
Enterprise Content Management and Business Process Management Solu ons.

Key Skills:
• Working Capital Finance & Credit Risk Analysis
• Financial Statement Analysis
• Financial Modelling
• Customer Rela onship Management
Professional Experience:
Inspector - Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, State Govt. of Punjab
• Analysis of Cost Sheet & Revenue Budgets and facilita ng finance/ accoun ng ac vi es of the branch
Assistant Manager (Credit) - State Bank of India
• Dealt with Business Development (improving Advance, Cross-selling & Profitability) and Reduc on
of NPAs
• Analysis of borrower’s financial posi on and preparing risk ra ng analysis reports using financial
statements, ra o analysis & qualita ve opinions
• Involved in all stages of sanc oning loans from Pre-Sanc on, documenta on, mortgage formali es,
disbursals and assessment of risks
• Recommended Business Loans/ Le ers of Credit (Inland/foreign) for sanc oning at bank’s credit hubs
• Managed the Statutory Audits, Risk-Focused Internal Audits and Credit Audits of the branch

Saurabh Katyal Proba onary Officer - Allahabad Bank

• Responsible for appraisal, analysis, post-sanc on servicing & follow-ups of retail & commercial loans
34 Years • Handled customer requirements on credit products and looked a er Credit MIS & Loan Origina on
B. Tech., IT, JSS Academy of Technical Educa on, So ware Engineer - HCL Technologies Ltd.
Noida UPTU • Interac on with BFSI clients to gain understanding of business requirements and providing solu ons
• Par cipated in SDLC and developed cri cal deliverables including HLD/LLD for financial services firm

Interests Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Corporate Finance • Posted as Branch Manager of State Bank Of India retail branch a er three years of bank’s service
• Risk Analysis & Management • Volunteered in all Corporate Social Responsibility ac vi es taken up at various branch levels in SBI
• Business / IT Consul ng Cer fica ons:
• General Management • Credit Risk Analysis trainings at State Bank Academy “Gurukul” and State Bank Learning Centres
• “Core Banking Solu ons” training at Allahabad Bank Staff Training Centre , Hyderabad

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Versa le, solu on oriented execu ve with 8+ years of experience in Marke ng,
Communica ons and Sales support with a proven track record.

Key Skills:
• Sales and Business Development
• Demand Genera on
• Marke ng Communica ons
• Research Analy cs
Professional Experience:
Partner at family-run Business (Regional distributor of Solar-power - BORG Energy India Pvt. Ltd.)
• End-to-end management of the sales and distribu on network in the territory of Haryana, India
• A er sales services and warranty management of solar systems
• VAT/CST Compliance along with per nent compliances mandated by the MCA
Senior Marke ng Execu ve - Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd.
• Content Wri ng: Crea ng, edi ng and refining content for Internal Communica on
• Social media marke ng and management: LinkedIn, Twi er, Facebook and YouTube
• Sales opera ons and support: United Na ons Global Marketplace, SAP – Ariba Discovery
• Website governance: User Experience and Content op miza on
• Procurement: Annual media buying and budget forecasts for global marke ng
So ware Engineer - Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd. (Client – Ingram Micro Global Informa on Systems)
• Web Opera ons: Iden fy, escalate, resolve and analyze possible high impact or high-risk incidents
Smit Khurana Technology Transi on: Implemented the migra on plan from exis ng legacy systems to Windows
30 Years produc on environment
• Quality assurance: Deploy Standard Opera ng Procedures and ITILv3 compliant guideline documents
• Management Repor ng: Monthly / Bi-weekly reviews of ongoing web-issues and technology
B.E., Computer Science, Jaipur Engineering transi on
College & Research Centre
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
Interests • Silver awardee at the ABCi (Associa on of Business Communicators of India) Conclave for L&T
• Interna onal Business Development Infotech
• Consul ng/ Coaching • Team Performance Award at L&T Infotech for a Global eCommerce leader
• General Management Cer fica ons:
• PG Cer ficate in Market Research and Data Analy cs
• Google Ad-words Cer fied – Search Adver sing
• Informa on Technology Infrastructure Library v3

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An opera onal excellence professional having demonstrated success for 7 years in business
analysis, research, strategy marke ng and process consul ng in metal and mining sector.

Key Skills:
• Con nuous Process Improvement
• Process Consul ng
• Business Modelling
• Research and Product development

Professional Experience:
Manager - Essar Steel Ltd
• Developed mass balance and heat balance models for different process units.
• Used tools such as Six Sigma, Advanced Excel, and Minitab to iden fy pa erns and ac onable
insights from the data for design, process op miza on and capacity augmenta on.
• A member in Strategy Marke ng Division providing technical evalua on and support to
procurement division for essen al raw materials.

Assistant Manager - Tata Consul ng Engineers Ltd

• Consul ng engagement in 4 domes c projects of worth 6 million dollars and 3 interna onal
projects of worth 10 million dollars in mineral and mining sector for process op misa on, capacity
augmenta on, and engineering.
• Experienced in making technical bid analysis reports, handling techno-commercial nego a on,

Subhransu Sekhar preparing technical BOQ, feasibility reports and DPR.

Sahoo Junior Manager - JSW Steel Ltd

• Process Op miza on: 13% capacity increase in iron ore pelle sa on plant by carrying out process
31 Years op miza on.
• Responsible for leading a team of 5 members to set up a world class research facility at Vijayanagar
B. Tech., Mechanical, Gandhi Ins tute of works, JSW Steel
Engineering & Technology, Odisha
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Posi ve ac on award at Essar for developing pot indura on furnace.
Interests • Posi ve ac on award for designing and developing waste u liza on process at Essar power plant.
• Supply Chain Management
Cer fica ons:
• Business Analy cs
• Data Science using SAS & R
• Strategy marke ng
• Lean Six Sigma Black &Green Belt
• Strategy consul ng

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Professional with 7 years of experience in Contract Management/Administra on, Project
Management of Infrastructure Projects.

Key Skills:
• Contracts & Claims Management, EOT
• Project Management: Planning & Monitoring
• Project Development

Professional Experience:
Assistant Manager-Contracts -IL&FS Engineering & Construc on Company Ltd, Hyderabad
• Contracts Management forRural Electrifica on works of PVVNL, HVPNL, WBSEDCL etc &various
Building SectorProjects.

Contracts Engineer -Hindustan Construc on Company Ltd, Delhi

• Contract Management for construc on of DMRC Phase-III works of NSP-Shalimarbagh
underground Metro line

Senior Engineer-Project Development -GVK Technical &Consultancy Services, Hyderabad

• Project Coordina on for BOP & BTG packages of 2x270 MW GVK Power Coal Based Thermal
Power Plant at Goindwal Sahib, Punjab

Assistant Manager-QA/QC -ESSAR Construc ons(I) Ltd, Hazira

SudheerPhani • Quality Control of construc on ac vi es of ESSAR STEEL Hazira Complex.

Mandava Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Achieved NICMAR Merit Scholarships for securing top 10% in PGPACM course.
31 Years • Contributed in developing Cost Claims for various projects.
• Ac ve par cipant and a Volunteer of ‘’www.hear‘’
PGPACM, NICMAR, Hyderabad • Personal trainer for vocabulary for GRE.
B.Tech., Civil, Vellore Ins tute of Technology,
Vellore Cer fica ons:
• PGD "Alterna ve Dispute Resolu on" from ICADR-NALSAR UNIVERSITY of LAW.
• PRINCE2® Founda on Cer fied APMG Interna onal, License P2R/IN079669.
Interests • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt.
• Business Strategy
• General Management
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• Opera ons Management
• Project/Contracts Management

Result driven and energe c marketer with 7+ years of experience including strategy, planning,
P&L responsibility, business development, mul -channel marke ng, market research,
segmenta on & targe ng.

Key Skills:
• Brand Management and Business Development
• Medical Expert (ME) Management & Medical Support
• Sales & sales opera on management
• Sale Promo on and team Building
Professional Experience:
Marke ng Manager - Sesderma
• Responsible for P&L of premium brands and EBITDA of the segment. Recognised by top
management for increasing the market share from 10% to 60% for the key brands in 3 years.
• Managing, Pan-India Marke ng opera ons of a por olio consis ng of 4 laterals including 60 SKUs,
• Handled brands at different stages of life cycle and different segments such as OTC/Clinical /
dermo-cosme cs.
• Marke ng and promo on ac vi es for consumers, scien fic community, mass market, retailer
community and Digital.
• Experience of ATL / BTL marke ng - PR, Event celebra on, engagement ac vi es, Congress
par cipa ons.
• Spearheading the Medical Expert (ME) Management & Medical Support team
Product Specialist - Elsevier
Surobhi Chakravarty • Contributed to the development of the Non-Direct Channel Segment and India regional strategy.
• Increased the customer base by 40% through focused campaigns and marke ng drives.
32 Years • Arranged and organises regular email and phone marke ng campaigns independently to roll out
product awareness and effec vely convert leads into revenue.
Masters of Pharmaceu cal Sciences
Scien fic Content Specialist- UBM Medica
• Consul ng to brand leaders like GSK, Lupin, Ranbaxy, Allergen in rela on to brand plans, marke ng
communica on & medico marke ng.
Interests • Planning and organising key medical educa on ac vi es, successfully incorporate these into brand
• Marke ng & Business Strategy plans and secure buy in and funding for medical ini a ves from the brand team.
• Consul ng/ Coaching
• Brand Management & Communica on Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• General Management • Awarded with” best marke ng ac vity” In Sesderma
• Awarded with the “MOST Promising Talent “in UBM INDIA
• GATE qualifier with 98.9 percen le

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Business Professional with 7 years of diverse experience in Telecom Domain across Consul ng,
Design, Analysis and Implementa on. Telecom Technology consultant to various clients for end
to end op miza on & implementa on of solu ons.

Key Skills:
• Telecom consul ng
• Service delivery and Business Development
• Customer rela onship management.
• Telecom technical services solu ons and training.

Professional Experience:
Assistant Manager - Huawei Telecommunica ons India Ltd
• Telecom network Consultant for various Clients in 2G, 3G and 4G Services and solu ons.
• Onsite and remote consultant for GSM, UTRAN and LTE Network Rollout Projects with
op miza on and implementa on

Senior Engineer - Ericsson India Pvt Ltd

• Worked on Managed Services domain with client Bhar Airtel and provide end to end
implementa on for its various roll out and op miza on.
• Prepara on and Implementa on of Procedures for mee ng Service Level Agreements (SLA) as per
the Client.
• Worked on Scope of project from rollout, Op miza on, Troubleshoo ng, ll their Acceptance Test
from clients.

Vaibhav Acharya • Technical Support provided to various Airtel Events Like Formula one and Half Marathon.

29 Years Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Received Le er of Apprecia on from Huawei UK and Indonesia for best performance In Analysis
and op miza on of Network from end to end for Vodafone and Axiata Project.
B. Tech., Electronics and Telecom, Amity
• Received the Ericsson Rockstar Ace Award for best performance in work for Analyzing the end to
University end network for 3G Bhar Airtel Delhi

Interests Cer fica ons:

• Project management • ETCP IP Cer fied, Ericsson Academy 2014
• Business consul ng and Analyst • Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Cer fied 2017
• Customer rela onship management.
• Management consul ng
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Interna onal Experience
12 months in UK and East Asia

7+ years of diversified experience in Sales, Marke ng & Business Development in the domains
of IOT & Cloud Compu ng based Smart Building solu ons & HVAC solu ons with a proven
track record. Experienced in Sales Strategy, Forecas ng, Planning & Market Research.

Key Skills:
• Sales, Marke ng & New Business Development, Customer Rela onship Management (CRM)
• Key Account Management, Brand Management.
• Management of Tendering process- Techno-commercial Bid-Proposals.
• Good communica on, nego a on & presenta on skills.

Professional Experience:
Sales Manager- 75F Smart Innova ons
• In this US Based Start-up, I was handling the Sales of the Smart Building Automa on Systems for
controlling HVAC & Ligh ng Systems. Handled the en re India market.
• Succeeded in crea ng highly pres gious customer accounts in a short dura on, with a guaranteed
scope of repeat orders in the near future. Created substan al interest in the industry in this technology
• Was involved in deployment of Pilot Tes ng projects. Appointment & management of channel

Regional Sales Manager–South, Giacomini India

• Handled the Sales, Marke ng & Business Development for Radiant Cooling / Hea ng & FCU Systems.
• Instrumental in crea ng considerable product awareness leading to enquiries & orders in less me.

Assistant Manager (Applied Business) - Daikin Air Condi oning India

Vivek Sivaramakrishnan • Handled the Sales & Marke ng of Applied System Products & solu ons.
• Was instrumental in crea ng & maintaining highly pres gious Private & Govt. accounts.
30 Years • Equipment selec ons, Offers, Factory Tes ng, Product spec-in, other pre & post sales ac vi es.
• Maintained constant track of emerging markets and generated new avenues for business.
B.E. Mechanical, Sathyabama University,
Chennai Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Quick eleva on to managerial level. Promoted thrice in 6 years of service in the first job.
Interests • Succeeded in acquisi on of pres gious high value projects.
• Received customer apprecia on numerous mes for successful handover of projects.
• Interna onal Business & Marke ng
• Par cipated and featured in Business World Magazine – Panel Discussion on “3 years of Modi
• Business Analy cs, Management Consul ng
Government” at MDI, Gurgaon in May 2017.
• Digital Marke ng, IOT & Cloud Compu ng
• Logis cs & Supply Chain Management Cer fica ons:
• Online course in ‘Logis cs & Supply Chain Management’- IIT Delhi in collabora on with IACT Global.
Interna onal Experience
1 month in China
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IT Professional with 8+ years of experience primarily in the area of Quality Assurance, Program
Management (APAC IOU) and people management. Experience in working in both Waterfall
and Agile (Scrum) methodology. Experience in the area of Real Estate and Recruitment domain.

Key Skills:
• Hands on experience of working on Salesforce CRM and Peopleso finance applica ons
• Hands on experience of working in scrum methodology.
• Worked on Selenium automa on tool for test automa on

Professional Experience:
Assistant Consultant - Tata Consultancy Services
• Customer (one of world’s largest recruitment company) replaced legacy IT applica ons with
standardized IT applica ons viz.peopleso , salesforce and CMS. Worked as a Team Lead for end to
end QA delivery .
• As onsite QA analyst, based in Lyon France, worked closely with the Global Quality Manager in
deciding the strategies for the test project and acted as a coordinator between onsite and offshore.

IT Analyst - Tata Consultancy Services

• Customer was migra ng from Waterfall model to scrum methodology, I represented the Quality
Assurance team to device strategies from QA perspec ve and later worked in scrum methodology
• As a QA analyst, I leveraged my domain as well as technological skills and worked on number of
RFPs to gain business from the customer

Yasharth Rastogi Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Technical Excellence award for working with the customer to successfully device and implement
32 Years strategies on movement from Waterfall to Scrum model.
• Worked as a guest faculty in the area of Quan ta ve Analysis under TCS’s Employee eligibility CSR
B. Tech., Industrial and Produc on Engineering,
• Like to blog at h p://
U ar Pradesh Technical University
Cer fica ons:
• Cer fied in ITIL V3 and ISTQB cer fica ons
Interests • Couple of cer fica ons from NSE in NCFM.
• Business Consul ng and Business Analysis • Received trainings on Cloud Compu ng and Business Analysis
• Product Development.
• Business Development.
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Interna onal Experience
5 months in France.

8+ years of diversified experience in Project Management, Contract Management, Execu on

and commissioning of industrial plants in the Steel and Power sectors.

Key Skills:
• Project Management
• Supply Chain Management
• Quality control and Safety Assurance
• Client rela onship management

Professional Experience:
Manager - Essar Projects (I) Ltd
• Providing managerial support for the execu on of greenfield projects and shutdown ac vi es
• Planning, monitoring and controlling project milestones in-line with the established schedule
• Alloca on of Manpower and Resources for delivery of project
• Plan and op mize material flow processes as per project schedule
• Development and implementa on of Standard Opera ng Procedures

Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Played instrumental role as part of the team that carried out first of a kind of revamping project in
India along with Japanese counterparts using single block method reducing the down me of an
opera onal plant by 50% at JSW,Dolvi (Maharashtra)
• Led the team that planned and executed revamping of Blast furnace at JSPL Raigad(Chha sgarh)
Yogesh Kumar Rawat within 80% of the s pulated me

31 Years Cer fica ons:

• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt,KPMG
B.E. Mechanical Engineering, LD College of
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• Project Management
• Management Consul ng
• Business Development
• Opera ons & Supply Chain Management

10+ Years Work Experience
Self-driven professional with insigh ul experience of 14 years in managing client and leading
mul disciplinary teams in domains of Project Management, Opera ons, Supply Chain and
Quality Control

Key Skills:
• Contract Management and Project Management
• Customer Engagement and Business Development
• Opera on Management and New Product Development
• Business Process Automa on

Professional Experience:
Co-founder & COO - Vision Service Solu ons
• Ar culated manufacturing processes that helped SMEs enhance delivery performance by 20% and
safety in opera ons by 60%.
• Helped clients toreduce manufacturing defects by up to 70% and improve project cash flow by 20%.

Project Lead - Larsen and Toubro Ltd.

• Liaised with Indian Naval Authori es, DRDO Scien sts and RussianDefence Specialists for
installa on and commission of Weapon and Engineering systems on frontline warships.
• Led mul -disciplinary teams for realising & commissioning of Torpedo Launchers; $12M naval project.
• Demonstrated technical and business acumen while securing defence projects worth $20M

Assistant Manager – QC - Larsen and Toubro Ltd.

• Established QC procedures for realising first Naval Brahmos Launcher and Missile handling system.
Amit Kaushik • Engineered inspec on processes towards a ainingself-cer fica on for over 40% fabrica on
ac vi es for manufacturing Arihant Class Submarines.
36 Years • Developed 14 QA/ QC processes and automated business process across various manufacturing
hubs while introducing Product Lifecycle Management So warein L&T HED & Shipbuilding.
B. Tech., Mechanical, Kurukshetra University Engineer – QC - G. R. Engineering Works Ltd.
• Led a team of QC technicians for inspec on of pressure vessels worth $2M
• Business Process Consul ng Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Business Development • Promoted into L&T’s Covenant Cadre for showing outstanding performance
• Business Analy cs • Special Recommenda on from Commanding Officer INS Tarkash
• Recogni on from Red Cross and Haryana Govt for suppor ng “Be Bachao – Be Padhao” Campaign
• Opera on & Supply Chain Management
Cer fica ons:
• Leadership And Safety Workshops
• Oracle Cer ficate for SQL

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A cer fied Blockchain professional with over 12 years of experience in subject ma er

consul ng, solu on designing & delivery in Financial Services and IT Services domains

Key Skills:
• Consul ng & Business Analysis
• Project Management & Client Engagement
• Presales Back office support
• Process Automa on and Innova on

Professional Experience:
Industry Consultant - IBM
• Built & lead a team of 20 people across mul ple geographic loca ons (India, USA and Philippines) to
deliver business solu on for a $12Mn conversion project in Insurance domain
• Conceptualized automa on of key reports used by Financial Analysts to track KPIs, saving
hundreds of hours per month
• Built business cases & led projects for deploying leading Credit Risk Product TRIAD for a Global Bank

Project Leader -DXC Technologies

• Lead & mentored a team for a cri cal transforma onal project for one of the largest Insurance
Companies in USA
• Proac vely analysed and informed clients on issues they might face in future and provide short
term & long term solu ons to mi gate problems
• Introduced best prac ces to ensure seamless execu on
Amrita Mallik Associate Consultant - Capgemini
34 Years • Contributed by providing solu ons to client organiza ons in business requirement gathering and
project scope defini on
• Nego ated with clients on effort es mates and feasibility of change
B.Tech, Chemical Engineering, Na onal Ins tute • Analysed and ensured zero-defect delivery by proper valida on through design & business
of Technology, Rourkela
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
Interests • IBM Service Excellence award for listening to Customer & Envisioning the future (2016)
• Business Development • IBM Eminence and Excellence award for high level of customer sa sfac on (2015)
• Product Management Cer fica ons:
• General Management • Blockchain Essen als for Developer by IBM
• Consul ng • LOMA ALMI, USA
• Scrum Alliance Cer fied Scrum master (Agile methods)
Interna onal Experience
5 months in USA
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Finance professional with over 10 years of diversified research experience in Global M&A,
Private Placements and US Bankruptcies. Exper se in financial databases such as Capital IQ
and Bloomberg.

Key Skills:
• Quan ta ve Financial Research
• Process Op miza on, ProcessDevelopment
• Data Quality Assurance

Professional Experience:
Assistant Manager - S&P Global Market Intelligence (SPGMI), Hyderabad
• Launched four teams- M&A, Private Placements, Public-Offerings & Buybacks- at Hyderabad.
• Led 2 dis nct dataset teams, comprising 22 members, capturing data rela ng to Private
Placements and Public Offering Transac ons occurring globally.
• Improved team produc vity by 225%; improved data quality by 60% using RCA, Cheat Sheets.
• Automated processing of SEC EFFECT Statements, saving 0.5 FTE.
• Partnered internal and external stakeholders to improve processes and output parameters.
• Ensure compe ve edge by providing high data quality & de ly processing key transac ons.

Entrepreneur - Athena Educa on, New Delhi

• Spearheaded the expansion of Hello Kids in North India across 7 states.
• Introduced “No Royalty Model” to compete against established brands: Euro Kids &Bachpan.
• Increased brand footprint from 5 to 20 centres in 7 months, genera ng revenues of INR 1.6 million.
• Revitalized group Marke ng Campaign, increasing overall franchisees from 135 to 210 in 1 year.
Ashiish Mallik Team Leader - S&P Global Market Intelligence, Gurgaon
36 Years • Led the US Corporate Bankruptcy Dataset, comprising 13 members, at SPGMI, Gurgaon.
• Led product development and enhancement ini a ves aimed at improving user experience.
• Led overhaul of the Bankruptcy dataset & built 3 year historical Bankruptcy data in 4 months.
MBA, Finance (Part Time), Apeejay School of • Improved Bankruptcy Process TAT- Sourcing (48 hrs to 30 min), Docket Scanning (2 hrs to 10 min).
Management • As founding member, established Transac ons Follow-Up Process and the Asian M&A Team.
B.Com (P), Delhi University • De ly resolved client issues while managing large and medium sized projects.

Interests Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Strategy, Consul ng • Recipient of the “Pat on the Back” Award for consistent performance – Year 2006
• Investment Banking Cer fica ons:
• Cleared CFA Level 1 in 2012
• Cer fied Lean Six Sigma Green Belt from KPMG in 2017

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Project Managerwith over 10 years of experience in IT field with a demonstrated history of

working in the Manufacturing Domain as a Techno-Func onal Solu on Expert for Inventory
Management, Vendor Management and Procurement solu ons for Volvo Truck Division.

Key Skills:
• Process Analysis and Op miza on using Lean Principles
• Client Rela onship Management and Project Management
• Enterprise product development experience in Agile (Scrum)
• Conver ng business requirements into quality business solu ons

Professional Experience:
Project Manager -Mindtree
• Started as System analyst in July 2006 and progressed to become Solu on expert and Business
Solu on Lead for the client Volvo IT.
• Spearheaded a team of 20 people that supported the maintenance of Global Inbound Logis cs
Management, Packaging Solu on and Factory Master Data applica ons at Volvo Trucks.
• Successfully delivered a long term sustainable applica on maintenance business by crea ng a
high-performance team; end to end team training and mentoring for Solu on Delivery and gaining
complete trust of the client.
• Converted challenging business requirements viz. assimila ng various new work flows like Stock
Inspec on, Full Truck Load, concepts of Knock Down, Japanese Shikyu process and back flush of
inventory into IT specifica ons.
• Es mated the required work effort and reported any foreseen risks and limita ons.
• Worked diligently towards improving process efficiency and Quality Control by removing errors
Avanish Singh and re-engineering the processes.
34 Years
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Half-yearly Team Award Winner in project development category at Mindtree
B.E. Computer Science, R.V. College Of • Mindtree Pillars Award for being in the top 5% performers consistently since 2011
Engineering, Bangalore • Exemplary Performance Award for GILM development & implementa on conferred by client Volvo IT
• Outstanding Performance Trophy by Mindtree due to excellent performance ra ng by client
Interests • Organized Blood dona on drive at Volvo IT con nuously for 3 years
• Business Process Re-engineering • Winner of Volvo India Premier League 2015 cricket tournament
• Project Management
• Supply Chain Management Cer fica ons:
• Opera on Consul ng • Basics in Cloud compu ng from Simplilearn
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt from KPMG
Interna onal Experience • Business Analy cs with R from KPMG
3 months in Sweden

Supply Chain Management professional with 11 Years of experience in procurement,
Produc on Planning and Control, Stores Management & Vendor Development in Two-wheeler
and Tractor industry.

Key Skills:
• Procurement & New Supplier Development.
• Produc on planning and control.
• Supply Planning & Inventory Management
• Stores Management & Resource Planning

Professional Experience:
Head –Supply chain management -TVS Motors, Nalagarh, H.P.
• Focused on improving stock accuracy by six sigma project which resulted in reduc on of gross
variance from 3.26 % to 0.03 %.
• Annual budge ng and resource planning of SCM department.
• Focused on con nual improvement by implemen ng projects like, Vendor Managed Inventory,
Advanced Shipment Number, and Bar-coded Invoice.
• Internal Auditor- ISO/TS16949.

Assistant Manager- Purchase - Escorts-Tractor Division

• Procurement of proprietary parts and sheet metal parts for produc on.
• Inventory management and inventory reduc on projects.
Engineer- Procurement - Suzuki Motorcycle
• Procurement of fastener for produc on.
Chirag Rana • YoY cost saving of Rs 3.96 lac via VAVA idea.
35 Years
Assistant Engineer - Indofarm Tractors
• Procurement of proprietary parts and sheet metal parts for produc on.
B.Tech Mechanical UPTU, Lucknow • Inventory control.

Interests Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Awarded for Cost saving project of INR 1.5 crore via Packaging improvement in FY15 (TVS)
• Supply Chain Management.
• Best Unit award (HYPDCA) -2015” in TVS Motors 10.4 c
• Opera ons
• Best Project Award for Vendor Localiza on & Cost saving of INR 10.4 Crore in FY17 in TVS Motors
• Inventory Management • Best shooter During NCC training.
Cer fica ons:
• Internal Auditor- ISO/TS16949
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, ISO 9001
• 4 days’ SCM programme organised by Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) and CII Mumbai

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Seasoned professional with 13+ years of diverse experience in Petroleum & Automobile
Industries with proven exper se in Business Strategy Planning, Business Development, Sales &
Marke ng, Opera on & Supply Chain management and Project Management.

Key Skills:
• Strategic Business Planning and Opera ons
• Business Development & Marke ng
• Supply Chain management & Project Management

Professional Experience:
Deputy Manager, Strategic Business Planning & Opera ons - Oil India Limited
• Managed strategic business opera ons in terms of Sales, Quality and Delivery to key customers
with accountability for profitability with a team; forecas ng monthly/annual business targets and
execu ng for strategic business of Petroleum to achieve maximum growth
• Rich Client management experience with large corporate like IOCL, BPCL, GAIL etc.
• Managed market development of Equipment Services & Solu on Business and Industrial
Consultancy Business for petroleum and related applica ons on B2B basis and managed key
clients and accounts
• Managed and implemented end to end projects for produc vity improvement worth total approx.
$200 million

Assistant Manager, Sales Support - Maru Suzuki India Limited

• Managed Channel Sales in Kolkata region.
• Achieved highest new car sales through Exchange program under Maru True value in Kolkata region
Diganta Pathak • Follow the network on all quality and a er sales business KPIs and implement correc ve ac ons
37 Years Execu ve, Sales - Gulf Ashley Motor Limited
• Service process implementa on and improvisa on in North East Zone Channels
B.E., Mechanical Engineering Assam Engineering Engineer, Maintenance - Assam Roofing Limited
College, Guwaha University • Managed the ac vi es pertaining to all machineries like preven ve, correc ve & periodical
maintenance of con nuous galvanizing process plant
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Marke ng & Business Development
• Achievement Award for implemen ng ISO Quality Management system from Maru Suzuki India Ltd
• Business Strategy
• Apprecia on Le er for efficient project execu on
• Consul ng
• Opera ons & Project Management Cer fica ons:
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
• Post Graduate Cer ficate in Project Management

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Procurement and Supply Chain Management Professional with 12 years of diverse experience
in Strategic Procurement, Supplier Development & Management, Integrated Facili es
Management, Shipboard Plant Opera ons, Maintenance & Marine Engineering.

Key Skills:
• Deep Sourcing and Integra on
• Risk Management & Policy Compliance
• Team Building & Integrated Work Planning
• Supplier Evalua on and Development Programs

Professional Experience:
Procurement Manager - Jones Lang LaSalle
• Global Procurement networking by contribu ng or leading procurement teams with the
integra on of best prac ces
• Transi on & Op misa on - SCM & Procurement - IFM Corporate Solu ons
• Establish & Manage key supplier network for product innova on and con nuous benchmarking
• Tendering, nego a on & contrac ng, supplier performance evalua on & training

Senior R & D Engineer - Interna onal Tractors Ltd

• Supply market analysis for integrated business strategy
• Spend analysis, audit and training of suppliers
• Innova on focus with collabora ve R&D ini a ves
• Inbound Logis cs, supplier performance management

Gaurav Pathania Marine Engineer Officer - The Shipping Corp. of India Ltd
35 Years • Managing PMS, inventory management, TBO analysis, breakdown analysis to implement CAPA
• Opera ons management of Marine fuel handling, transfer, chemical treatment, storage & tes ng
• Opera onal costs savings in overall plant opera ons
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering, Kurukshetra
University. Engineer - IFB Industries Ltd
PG Marine Engg, MERI, Mumbai. • Managing Service channel partners for Maintenance Contracts
• Business sustainability strategy through a er sales service networking & management of AMC
Interests partners
• Value Chain Management • Inventory management
• Procurement Strategy Development
• Change Management & Conflict Resolu on Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Process Excellence & Cross-Cultural • “Procurement Superstar” award - 2016 for Corporate Solu ons - IFM-SCMP func on
Awareness • ECIL-CITD-Diploma in CAD (CATIA V5, AUTO-CAD and PRO-E)

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Hard core distribu on professional, with over 15 years of experience majorly in the Life Insurance
industry. Successfully led large and diverse teams. Turnaround specialist, demonstrated ability to
build scale, drive & manage growth in various geographies and culture.

Key Skills:
• Building and managing distribu on
• Leadership is hands on, with a strong focus on execu on
• Strategic thinking and execu on
• Strong understanding of Financial Markets

Professional Experience:
Senior Circle Head -HDFC Life
• Worked as Regional Manager, Delhi - 1 region. Key business deliverables were distribu on growth
and new business premium
• Leading and managing a team of 220+ members which included 5 Circle Head, 21 Associate Circle
Head and 190+ FLS. The region consists of 2500+ insurance agents
• Ensuring profitability of the region, achieving sales targets, compliance

Cluster Head - Tata AIG Life

• Primarily responsible for delivering the premium budget from the assigned cluster through
posi oning and growing Distribu on Partners across the region through facilita ng and
empowering sales management teams
• Successfully launched various branches from scratch and created benchmarks for others to follow.
Notable being Kanpur, Bareilly, Jhansi and Gwalior
Gauri Shanker Pande
40 Years Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Na onal, Zonal and Regional awards for Sales Achievements
• Recognized for CSR ac vi es by Top Management
MBA, Lucknow University • Cer ficate in Business Excellence by Business Service Excellence team

Interests Cer fica ons:

• Sales and Distribu on Management • Lean six sigma green belt cer fied
• Business Strategy/ Consul ng • STRIDE Cer fica on from HDFC Life
• General Management • Life Insurance training cer fica on from Tata AIG Life

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Almost a decade in power sector, worked with cross-culture & mul na onal teams in stellar
engineering and management firms.

Key Skills:
• Managing and coordina ng Teams
• Customer Rela onship, client and vendor management.
• Process Innova on, Benchmarking, Resource Management.
• Project Planning and Management.

Professional Experience:
Project Engineering Manager - GE
• Project Engineer for 660MW NTPC bulk power projects.
• Responsible for developing robust product strategies and driving R&D and product cost reduc on
exercises of power and air pollu on control businesses.
• Spearheaded ISO audits for ISO: 9001 cer fica ons for quality management of project and
organiza on.

Senior Engineer - L&T

• Preparing purchase requisi on, material take offs, various analy cs on material chemistry, stress
analysis and resource planning.
• Team lead for outsourced engineering ac vi es.
• Core member of L&T- MHI combined team for development of 3D modelling.
• Use of VBA and advance excel in developing in house tools.
Kamal Karge
31 Years Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Project awarded for enhanced Key Performance Indexes such as CPI and SPI.
• Lead an off-shore team (Windsor, USA) for ght scheduled bid, later secured LOI.
B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering, UPTU • Consistently rated as Top performer.
University, Lucknow • Sports & arts captain of “Dhanush”, recrea on club in L&T.
• Co-Founded mechanical department “Mech-Eve” fest in college.
• Business Strategy Cer fica ons:
• General Management • Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineer for 1 year.
• Business/ Strategy Consul ng • Cer fica on in Tendering & es ma on: Alstom University, India.
• Corporate Strategy & Planning • Cer fica on on Effec ve communica on: Alstom University, India.
• Cer fica on on Nego a on Skills: Alstom University, India.
Interna onal Experience • Cer fica on on ASME codes: Alstom University.
1 month in USA
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An astute & result oriented professional with more than 11 years of extensive experience in
Key Account Management, Business Developmentand Channel Sales.

Key Skills:
• Key Account Management
• Business Development
• Channel Management
• Corporate/Ins tu onal Sales

Professional Experience:
Key Account Manager - O s Elevator Company (India) Ltd.
• Developing rela onships with key decision-makers in target organiza ons for business development.
• Interfacing with clients for sugges ng the most viable product range and cul va ng rela ons with
them for securing repeat business. Ensure quality delivery of services to the clients.
• Managing ac vi es pertaining to nego a ng / finaliza on deals for smooth execu on of sales &
order processing. Provide technical service support to clients and resolving their issues / concerns.

Assitant Manager - North - IPWT Corpora on

• Business management in the North region for Equipment divisionand leading towards achieving
the company’s business goals.
• Developing periodic business plans & strategies, in coordina on with macro plans of organiza on.
• Accountable for establishing rela on with various Government agencies, etc. in the North region.

Kapil Bha Sr. Sales Engineer - North - Brady Company India Pvt. Ltd.
• Overseeing the sales& marke ng opera ons, achieving increased sales growth across region.
34 Years • Developing and appoin ng new business partners to expand product reach in the market and
working in close interac on with the dealers and distributors to assist them to promote the product.
B.E., Mechanical, C. R. State College of
Engineering, Murthal, Sonepat Sr. Sales Execu ve - Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd.
• Achievement of desired business target for the assigned territory including those for individual
channel partners.
• Periodic monitoring the performance of dealers & distributors regarding sales and collec ons.
• Sales & Business Development • Managing corporate and ins tu onal clients in the assigned territory.
• Business Strategy
• Business Consul ng Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Sales & Distribu on Management • Received Best Sale person award for year 2006-07 in Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd.
• Awarded for Sales excellence twice in years 2012 & 2015 in O s Elevator Co. India Ltd.

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10+ years of experience in IT Products and Services in areas of Product development, Project
Management, Knowledge Management, Configura on management and Applica on
Maintenance across Electronic test & measurement/BFS/Insurance domain.

Key Skills:
• Product development & Technical architect
• Project Management(Agile Methodologies) and Client Management
• Talent Acquisi on & Mentoring
• Business Analy cs using Analy cal tools, Sta s cal techniques & MS Office suite.

Professional Experience:
Technical Manager - Keysight
• Client Management-Requirement gathering and analysis-Release Plan discussions, Effort
Es ma on-Iden fica on and management of issues and risks, - Priori za on of new requirement
and defects, Managing customer issues.
• Project Leadership and Management- Planning, Execu on with different stakeholders (Sales team,
Product planner) to provide so ware solu ons for benchtop, modular, and field instruments.
• Team Management- Mentoring contractual team for solu on analysis and execu on-Staffing &
Resource Alloca on-Organizing func onal and technical trainings.
• Reduced 30% product development cycle me by applying Agile processes as a Scrum Master
• Leveraged a common codebase and lowered the support & development cost
• Was ac vely involved in customer focused groups, Requirement Analysis, Feasibility Analysis,
Prototype tes ng and Quality assurance.

Nishit Garg Team Lead - MindTree

33 Years • Core so ware design and development of front end and backend components, Impact analysis and
Performance enhancement.
• Gathering user requirements through interac ve sessions with clients, conduc ng feasibility
B.E., Instrumenta on & Control, Netaji Subhas studies, Risk analysis.
Ins tute of Technology, Delhi • Designing & revamping the innova on & Idea Management pla orm for Knowledge Management
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Product Management
• Product Innova on Award for developing low cost tool
• Program and Project Management
• Best Quality Innova on Award for reducing product defects
• Business Analy cs & Business Consul ng • Awarded prize in ADMAC event
• Corporate Finance, Corporate Strategy
Cer fica ons:
• Scrum Alliance Cer fied Scrum master (Agile methods)

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13 years of result driven IT experience in Program, Project, Delivery and Quality Management
of large and complex Projects, Customer Engagement and Rela onship Management across US
and EMENA.

Key Skills:
• Project/Program Management
• Client, Stakeholder, Partners and Vendor Management
• Account Management
• Product Management
Professional Experience:
Project Manager -Subex Ltd
• End-to-end delivery of various programs, projects for different Telecom Operators in EMENA region.
• Managing financials, Account Management, Program and Project profitability
• Working closely with pre-sales, marke ng, PLM and sales team–Proposals, customer workshops etc.
• Authen ca ng func onal requirements, scope, PRD, Product change management

Project Manager -Tech Mahindra Ltd

• Project & Delivery Management for BT Wholesale LOB
• Team Management of about 20 E2E and 70 Component designer

Associate Ops Manager -Cognizant Technology Solu ons

• Scrum Master and Project Manager for project delivery in Agile - Scrum methodology with a team
of 15-17 members
Ravi Ranjan Prasad • Business development ac vi es

38 Years Programmer Analyst -Infosys Technologies ltd.

• Led & supervised a team of designers, developers & QA engineers for development and support
projects in Agile - Scrum and Waterfall lifecycle.
Senior Management Program, IIM, Calcu a
B.E., Mechanical Engineering, Siddaganga Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
Ins tute of Technology • Pat on the Back award at Subex and Tech Mahindra Ltd
• Spot award, Best Project award, Most Spirited Team award at Infosys
Interests • Merit Awardin 3rd year in Mechanical Engineering
• Business Strategy • Won second prize in skits and na onal level paper presenta on -Management category
• Consul ng/ Coaching
Cer fica ons:
• Program/Product Management
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt,
• Analy cs • Project Management Professional from PMI, U.S
Interna onal Experience
36 months in Europe, Middle East and North h ps://

10+ years of experience in Business Development, Sales and Marke ng, Key Account
Management & Rela onship Management majorly in Automobile, Construc on, Cement,
Metals , Oil & Gas and Power.

Key Skills:
• Change Management
• Sales and Business Development (B2B and B2C)
• Team Management & Coaching
• Client Rela onship Management

Professional Experience:
Sales Manager - Himandri Enterprises
• Worked across target market and bridged the gap between Civil and Mechanical work. in different
• Mapping new markets and Team Management

Area Manager- HD - Castrol India Ltd.

• Developed and implemented Heavy Duty Business Strategy
• Managed customer rela onships with Direct customers and Distributors to ensure sales
• Trained Sales Execu ves to deliver business objec ves

Technical Advisor Applica ons - Hil India Pvt. Ltd.

• Headed variety of Key accounts and projects such as Cement Plants and Power Plants along with
several residen al and commercial projects.
Sheo Kumar Singh • Acknowledge for growing the territory by more than 52% YOY
• Efficaciously handled the organiza on of Kiosks, seminar, product shows and demos
37 Years
Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Management recogni on for overachieving annual sales plan for 4 years.
MBA, Marke ng & Finance • Recipient of President’s Award in 2013 (By M.D. Hil India Pvt.Ltd.)
UIM, Rani Durgava Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur • Tesa Cer fied Customer Trainer
B.E., Mechanical Engineering • Recognized as Best Candidate in Asia Pacific for Sales Qualifica on Program.
Jabalpur Engineering College (GEC), Jabalpur
Cer fica ons:
Interests • Global Sales Training and Sales Performance Consultancy at Mercuri Interna onal by Frank Herbertz
• Sales and Marke ng • Strategies for Successful Selling by Global HILTI
• Business Strategy • Strategic Account Management and Situa onal Leadership Workshop
• Consul ng/ Coaching
• General Management
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A seasoned professional with over 11 years of experience in Marke ng and Sales, Business
Development & Key Account Management. Proven ability to lead diverse cross-func onal
teams, manage demanding customers and handle complex product management challenges.

Key Skills:
• Customer Marke ng & Rela onship Building
• B2B Sales/Concept Sales in Power Sector
• Compe tor and Market Analysis & Sales forecas ng
• Business Development & Business strategy

Professional Experience:
Manager- Marke ng and Sales - Siemens Ltd.
• Recognized for crea ve sales solu ons, conflict resolu on among stakeholders, & strong nego a on
skills; consistently demonstrated ability to aggressively solve problems and champion client success
• Broke compe tor monopoly by developing new territories for Digital Grid/automa on products
• Collaborated with BU in having few breakthrough orders acquisi on through major EPC’s for
pres gious projects
Regional Manager-Sales, Marke ng and Business Development - C&S Efacec MV India Private
• Lead the team to introduce medium voltage power products under new JV across northern area.
• Developed business development strategy to acquire & retain public sector customers by segmen ng
and analyzing key stakeholder’s buying behavior, leading to 25% increase in the market share

Shreyas Kumar Assistant Manager - Schneider Electric India Pvt. Ltd

• Iden fied client business objec ves, explained best prac ces, documented and demonstrated
35 Years company’s capabili es and offerings in technology services as part of solu on led sales development.
• Orchestrated a pilot program of Unmanned Substa on Innova ve Solu on and created repeat
business of $3 million
Master of Business Administra on,
• Drove all India “Ini a ve Conference” to develop new customers, leading to overall increase of
Marke ng and Finance
300% sales

Interests Achievements/ Extra Curricular:

• Strategy and Planning • Mul ple Best Sales Contributor of the year
• Business Development • Co-setup a NGO to help out underprivileged children
• Consul ng
Cer fica ons:
• General Management • Cer fied Sales training programme of Siemens SP2
• Various in-house cer fica on programmes and workshops organized on Marke ng, CRM and finance

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Seasoned Professional with 14+ years of diverse experience in R&D in Chemical Industry,
Engineering Consul ng in Oil & Gas Sector and Entrepreneurial experience in Civil
Construc on Sector

Key Skills:
• Project Management
• Team Management
• Process Consul ng
• Entrepreneurship

Professional Experience:
Director - LSV Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.
• Executed RMC Supply and civil construc on projects in Odisha, West Bengal and Assam worth INR
104 Million
• Achieved turn-over of INR 17 Million in first year of company forma on (FY2011-2012) and INR
33 Million in FY 2012-2013 (91% YoY)
• Established material procurement prac ces leading to 5% cost saving

Manager, Process - L&T - Chiyoda Ltd.

• Led a team of 8-10 process engineers for Detailed Engineering of Petrochemicals and Refinery
• Worked with Japanese team for Front End Engineering Design projects
• Trained young engineers in core areas of process engineering

Vinodkumar Yadav • Responsible for project cost es ma on, project scheduling and detail engineering ac vi es for
mul ple projects
39 Years • Implemented database approach for hydraulic calcula ons resul ng in produc vity improvement

Engineer, R&D - Gharda Chemicals Ltd.

M.Tech., Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras • Performed experimental and scale up studies to develop new alternate process routes for
agrochemicals and pigments
• Opera ons Management Achievements/ Extra Curricular:
• Supply Chain Management • Adesh Jain Award for Excellence in IPMA Cer fied Project Management Associate Exam 2010
• Business Strategy • Top Performer for the year 2010-11 in L&T-Chiyoda Ltd.
• Received Excellent Feedback Ra ngs from client for various projects
Interna onal Experience
11 months in Japan Cer fica ons:
• Cer ficate in Project Management from Interna onal Project Management Associa on
• Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

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Industry Connect Karan Rajpal, VP - HCL

Media Interac on - BusinessWorld

Rishikesh Joshi, VP L&T

Dilpreet Singh-VP & HR Head, India SouthAsia, IBM

Dimple Maheshwary, VP - XL Catlyn

Manish Vij, Cofounder - Smile Group

Raman Mi al, ED at Sonalika Interna onal

Placement Process at MDI

Members from companies interact with students on campus through Business Thought
1 Leadership Sessions, Guest Lectures, Live Projects and other Corporate Forums.

2 Student profiles and other relevant details are shared with the companies.

The companies conduct Pre-Placement Talks to give in-depth informa on about themselves,
3 including the roles, profile, culture being offered and their expecta ons from current par cipants.

4 Interests are solicited from corporates and CV(s) of relevant par cipants are shared.

5 The calendar slot for the campus visit* is finalized and communicated to the corporates.

Companies conduct their selec on process which typically comprises of CV based short-lis ng,
6 Case discussions and personal interviews.

7 Final results are announced by the companies.

* Requests for interviews via Video conference, Telephonic mode, In-office personal meet ups can be mutually discussed.

Samvaad - Annual Leadership Conclave

Samvaad is an Annual Business Symposium organized by the NMP students. This Leadership Conclave is focused on
providing an opportunity for the students to get an insight into the Strategy, Leadership, Innova on and crea vity
aspects of Leadership. Panellists at the event include leading entrepreneurs, Company heads, Leadership gurus,
Academicians and Industry stalwarts from various sectors and start-ups who share their views and experiences in the
corporate world.
Samvaad 2016 year’s theme, ‘Success through Synergy’ was selected keeping in mind the need for emerging leaders to
achieve a higher quality and quan ty output with synergy, and gave an opportunity to the students to get an insight on
the strategy, leadership, innova on, and crea vity in the current business ecosystem. Mr. Sanjiv Navangul, MD- Janssen
India inaugrated the conference and said, “It’s crucial to understand the importance of cause and leadership in life. Each
person shows different leadership in different context. We need to transform leaders into something useful and
The ini al panel discussion saw Bharat Salhotra, MD - Alstom Transport, Sanjay Kumar Singh, Director (Commercial) -
UPPCL, and Amit Aghnihotri, Owner - MBA Universe, speak about ‘Redefining Status’. The conclave also saw
par cipa on of industry stalwarts such as Manoj Chugh, President (Enterprise Business) - Tech Mahindra, Sanjay Mehta,
MD & CEO -Teleperformance India, Ritu Marya, Editor-in-Chief - Franchise India, and Gagan Arora, CMO - Foodpanda
India, as they shared their insights on the topic ‘Defying Gravity: Emerging trends’. The final topic, ‘Crea ng
Connec ons: Building Bridges’, witnessed a bigger panel. Suresh Bose, Head Group HR – Vedanta Resources PLC, Sushil
Baveja, President & Head Corporate HR – DCM Shriram, Sameer Khanna, VP & HR Head – Ericsson India, Y.V. Verma,
Management Consultant, and Anil Mohanty, HR Head North – Reliance Jio par cipated in the round, enlightening
students on building powerful connec ons in business.
This year’s theme 'Emerging India -The Road Ahead' focuses on the opportuni es and challenges faced by the
corporates in the wake of changing technologies and globalisa on.

Illustrious Alumni
Name Designa on
Ajay Atreya Associate General Manager, TCS
Amit Khanna Managing Partner, Ydataly cs(Antuit & Y group ventures)
Amit Pande Brand Head, The Collec ve & Interna onal Brands at Madura Fashion & Lifestyle
Anand Narang Vice President Marke ng, Bata India Ltd
Animesh Kumar Director & Business Head,Shopclues
Archana Gopinath Associate VP, ICICI Pruden al AMC Ltd.
Arvind Mathur Chief Informa on & Digital Officer,Pruden al Assurance Company
Ashish Agrawal Execu ve Director, J.P. Morgan
Chairman, Indian Oil Corpora on Ltd
Chanakya Misra Cluster Head, Ranbaxy
Deep Abdullah Director, Conduria
Gaurav Gupta Global HR Director at AkzoNobel
Gaurav Sabharwal Managing Director, Pernod Ricard Gulf
Gautam Viswanathan Head - Product Management,Global Liquidity and Cash Management,HSBC
Girish Aivalli MD & CEO at Rural Agri Ventures
Jasmeet Chadha Head of Equity Quan ta ve Strategies, FORT L.P.
Ni n Govila Managing Director-Asia Pacific/Middle-East/Africa - Serge Ferrari
Pradeep Malhotra Execu ve Vice President & Head - Business at ICICI Pruden al Life Insurance Company
Prakash Prabhu Director - Corporate and Investment Bank at Deutsche Bank
Purusharth Tripathi Delivery Direcor,ASEAN,DXC Technologies
R. Rajagopal SME Head, Ci
Rahul Choudhary Senior Vice President & Head - Corporate Banking Opera ons (CBO) Department at Axis
Rohit Mi al Senior Energy Specialist, The World Bank
Sanjay Khare General Manager, MTNL
Sandeep Thapliyal Head-Commercial Banking & Investment Banking, RBL Bank
Sanjay Verma President - Asia Pacific, GAS Secure Solu ons
Saurabh Ray Head of Sales Development,APAC,LinkedIn
Sharat Goyal Managing Director & Head - India at AMP Capital
Sreedhar Prasad Partner - Management Consul ng at KPMG India
Srinivas N Senior VP, Mahindra Comviva
Swa Jain Head of Interna onal Distribu on - Europe, Ashburton Investments
Vijay Tangirala Execu ve VP & Head of Coverage - ANZ Capital
Vikas Bajaj MD & CEO, Bajaj Motors Limited
Vishal Bha a Global Marke ng Director at Recki Benckiser
Vivek Raina Director - Asia Pacific, Oracle
Ya n Pahwa Head - Group Consumer Products & Services,Vodafone


E-MAIL Chairperson,Placements
email :
Prof. Kanwal N Kapil
Email :
Phone : +91 9999036294

LINKEDIN PAGE Prof. Shiv S Tripathi Email :
Phone : +91 9999875146

FACEBOOK PAGE Adi Sharma +91 9717923555
Aditya Khetani +91 9928859880
Amrita Mallik +91 9535013013
Anand Gopal +91 7561842601
Ankush Mahajan +91 8237435921
Avanish Singh +91 9611711996
TWITTER HANDLE Himanshu Tiwari +91 7708618323 Leena Balani +91 9630088010
Mayank Chauhan +91 9811971915
Mike Fischer +91 8220277877
Raunak Khanna +91 9928899511

Placement Office 0124 4560786

Management Development Institute
Mehrauli Road, Sukhrali, Gurugram - 122007, Haryana. India.
Tel. +91 124 4560 786
Email:, Web:

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