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Pussy is a noun, an adjective, and in rare uses a verb in the English language.

It has several
meanings, including use as slang, as euphemism, and as vulgarity. Common meanings of the noun
include "cat", as well as "coward or weakling", and "the human vulva or vagina", or as a synecdoche,
"sexual intercourse with a woman".[1] Because of its multiple senses including both innocent and
vulgar connotations, "pussy" is often the subject of double entendre.
The etymology of the word is not entirely clear. Several different senses of the word have
different histories or origins.[1][2][3]


 1Etymology
 2Uses
 2.1Cat and similar
 2.2Female genitalia
 2.3Weakness
 3Word-play between meanings
 4See also
 5References
 6External links


An example of double entendre in street art: a graffiti mural of a woman caressing a pussycat between her

The noun pussy meaning "cat" comes from the Modern English word puss, a conventional name
or term of address for a pet cat.[4] The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) says that cognates are
common to several Germanic languages, including Dutch poes and Middle Low German pūse, which
are also used to call a cat. The word puss is attested in English as early as 1533. Earlier
etymology is uncertain, but similar words exist in other European languages,
including Lithuanian puižė and Irish puisín, both traditional calls to attract a cat.[4]
The words puss and derived forms pussy and pusscat were extended to refer to girls or
women by the seventeenth century.[1][4] This sense of pussy was used to refer specifically to
genitalia by the eighteenth century, and from there further extended to refer to sexual
intercourse involving a woman by the twentieth century. [1]
Noah Webster, in his original 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language, defined pussy as:
"inflated, swelled; hence, fat, short and thick; and as persons of this make labor in respiration,
the word is used for short breathed". He gave pursy as a "corrupt orthography" or misspelling
of pussy.[5] In 1913, however, Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary reversed the original,
suggesting that pussy was a "colloquial or low" variant of pursy. That word, in turn, was
defined as "fat and short-breathed", with etymology from Old French pousser "to push".[6]
The Webster's Third International Dictionary points out similarities between pussy in the sense of
"vulva" and Low German or Scandinavian words meaning "pocket" or "purse", including Old
Norse pūss and Old English pusa.[7]
The medieval French word pucelle, meaning "maiden" or "virgin", is not related to the English
word. It is attested in Old French from the ninth century, and likely derives from Latin. The
precise Latin source is disputed, with either puella "girl" or pulla "pullet, young female chicken"
suggested as earlier sources.[8]
As a homograph, pussy also has the meaning "containing pus";[3] with this meaning, the word is
pronounced /ˈpʌsi/, while the other forms are all pronounced /ˈpʊsi/. Another adjective is the
rare or obsolete Northern English dialect form pursy meaning "fat" or "short-winded".[2]
Meanings of the verb relate to the common noun senses, including "to act like a cat", "to act
like a coward", or "to have sex with a woman".[9] Adjective meanings are related to the noun.

Cat and similar

The word pussy refers to cats as well as other animals, including rabbits and hares.

Male catkins from a pussy willow

Both in English and in German puss was used as a "call-name" for cats, but in
English pussy was used as a synonym for the word cat in other uses as well. In addition to
cats, the word was also used for rabbits and hares as well as a humorous name for tigers. In the
19th century, the meaning was extended to anything soft and furry. Pussy willow, for example,
is a name applied to various species in the genus Salix with furry catkins. In thieves' cant the
word pussy means a "fur coat".[1]
The Oxford English Dictionary gives as the first meaning of the noun: "Chiefly colloq[uial]. A girl or
woman exhibiting characteristics associated with a cat, esp[ecially] sweetness or amiability.
Freq[uently] used as a pet name or as a term of endearment." The examples it cites from the
mid-19th to mid-20th centuries are not sexual. Another example, not cited by the OED, is one
of the main characters of E. Nesbit's Five Children and It - Jane, nicknamed Pussy by her siblings.
The verb pussyfoot, meaning to walk softly or to speak in an evasive or cautious manner, may
come from the adjective pussy-footed "having a cat-like foot", or directly from the
noun pussyfoot. This word, first attested in the late nineteenth century, is related to both the
"cat" and the "woman" meanings of pussy.[10]

Female genitalia

Woman wearing a "pussyhat"

In contemporary English, use of the word pussy to refer to women themselves is considered
derogatory and demeaning, treating people as sexual objects.[11] As a reference to genitals or
to sexual intercourse, the word is considered vulgar slang. Studies find the word used more
commonly in conversations among men than in groups of women or mixed-gender groups,
though subjects report using pussy more often than other slang terms for female genitals.
[12] There are women seeking to reclaim the word[13] to symbolise sexual pleasure,[14] power,
[15] and trust in their bodies (e.g. around childbirth).[16]

Donald Trump's use of the word to describe celebrity interactions with women ("grab them by
the pussy", known as the Access Hollywood tape) provoked strong reactions by media figures and
politicians across the political spectrum; an image of a snarling cat with the slogan "pussy
grabs back" became a "rallying cry for female rage against Trump".[17] Pink "pussyhats"
(knitted caps with cat-like ears) were a notable feature of the worldwide protests held the day
after Trump's inauguration as President of the United States. [18] The name attempts
to reclaim the derogatory term[19][20] and was never intended to be an anatomical
Words referring to cats are used as vulgar slang for female genitals in some other European
languages as well. Examples include German Muschi (literally "house cat"),
[22] French chatte ("female cat", also used to refer to sexual intercourse), [23] and
Dutch poes ("puss").[4] The Portuguese term rata (literally "female rat")[24] and
Norwegian mus ("mouse")[25] are also animal terms used as vulgar slang for women's genitals.

See also: Gender role
The word pussy is also used in a derogatory sense to mean cowardly, weak, or easily fatigued.
The Collins Dictionary says: "(taboo, slang, mainly US) an ineffectual or timid person." [26] It
may refer to a male who is not considered sufficiently masculine, as in: "The coach calls us
Men who are dominated by women (particularly by their partners or spouses and at one time
referred to as 'hen-pecked', see pecking order) can be referred to as pussy-whipped (or
simply whipped in slightly more polite society or media).[citation needed] This may be used simply
to denigrate a man who is contented in a relationship. The hyphenated phrase is parsed as
"whipped by pussy", a manipulative relationship dynamic wherein a female deliberately or
subconsciously withholds sexual intercourse to coerce the male into surrendering power in other
aspects of the relationship. The male's weakness is his desire for access to female genitalia,
and his willingness to weaken his position in the relationship to obtain that access, combining
two uses of the word pussy.[citation needed]

Word-play between meanings

The Barrison Sisters lift their dresses to show a live kitten, a double entendre of "pussy".
Pussy is one of a large number of English words that has both erotic and non-erotic meanings.
Such double entendres have long been used in the creation of sexual humor.[28] This double
meaning of "pussy" has been used for over a hundred years by performers, including the late-
19th-century vaudeville act the Barrison Sisters, who performed the notorious routine "Do You
Want To See My Pussy?" in which they raised their skirts to reveal live kittens. [29]
In the British comedy Are You Being Served? the character Mrs. Slocombe often expressed concern
for the welfare of her pussy. The double entendre made every reference to her cat seem to be
a salacious and therefore humorous reference to her vulva. [30]
In the 2002 film 8 Mile a rapper insults his rivals by including the line, "How can six dicks be
pussies?" The line relies on double meanings of both dick (either "contemptible person" or
"male genitalia") and pussy ("weak" or "female genitalia"). Such word play presents a challenge
for translators of the film.[31]
Pussy Riot is a Russian radical feminist punk rock collective that stages illegal events in Moscow
protesting President Vladimir Putin and the status of women in Russian society. Band member "Kot"
says that she knows how the word is used in English, and that it is also used in Russian as term
of endearment for little girls. These various meanings create a tension with the word "riot", which
the group likes.[32]
In 2017 Planned Parenthood released a series of short videos on YouTube about female sexual
health, with the overall title "How to take care of your pussy". Instead of the word "pussy"
being shown or spoken, a cat appears instead. The visuals consist mainly of cats, playing on
the popularity of cat videos, with a voiceover by Sasheer Zamata. Refinery29 called it "a pretty genius
metaphor"[33] and Metro said: "If there are two things left in this world that are inherently
wonderful, it’s cats and vaginas. Don’t argue. It’s true.[...] It makes sense, then, that Planned
Parenthood has decided to combine the two to create a truly splendid video series." [34] The
series has been shortlisted for a Shorty Award.[35]

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