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Bael is the first spirit of the Goeta and its 72 spirits, and he’s known for these powers:

● to go unnoticed and avoid being seen by undesired people

● To let somebody lose interests in your affairs
● To keep hidden a subject you wish be kept away from people’s curiosity, by bringing
them torment and confusion
● To make appear a situation in a wished way (glamour)
● To compel others to keep secrets for you whether being friends who accepted to keep it,
or enemies that must be silenced.


Find a space and time where you won’t be disturbed, and set your mind for the magick you’re
about to perform. Think about your goal for a minute, and then just focus on this divine names
you will pronounce 3 times:


The names here given will trigger your divine authority and enlighten so to say, your magical

Now imagine a light globe appearing in your solar plexus or your chest if you prefer, shining
bright as a little star. See how this star makes your entire body spark creating a halo of safety,
authority and power all at the same time. Now say three times both words:


These two names of power will grant you once more authority over the spirits and invite them to
collaborate. Please note that these aren’t angels who are called usually to bind and confine the
spirits (although personally I don’t see that this way, as I call the angels as coworkers and not
as a sort of police). These names are simply aspects of that creative energy that some people
may call God, and they will activate in your inner self the right “mood” for magick.

At this point read what follows (inspired by DOM, from GOM’s books) and try to imagine what
it’s written. If you’re not able to fully visualise each sentence, just read it focusing on the image
described. By doing this you will prepare the space around you so to welcome easily the spirit.

You’re under a nighty sky without stars or moon.

A star appears lonely in the sky, changing its colour with each spark.
A piece of bark is at your feet, smelling strongly.
Thunders come from far away.

At this point of the ritual you could already feel the presence of the daemon, or it can decide to
manifest anyhow. If it does so, wait a minute or two to see if the spirit wants to convey a
message and if nothing happens, just proceed with the next step. Either way, the spirit is
already there and listening.

Scan the outer circle from right to left, starting from the top of the circle. These are the divine
names we have already pronounced and with this scan we’re confirming our authority in this

Now scan only once starting from the top of the inner circle and from left to right the red
characters. After having done that, recite the ENN, a sort of mantra associated with the spirit
we’re calling. I would say that 3 times again, it’s a good start, but if you feel compelled to recite
these words more than once, then follow your intuition and do so until you feel that is enough.
For Bael the Enn is:

Now look again at the sigil in the center, and say something like this meanwhile:

Hear me Bael the King!

I ask that _________________ (state here what is your will in a concise sentence).
Because you are granting my will o King Bael, I will offer you public praise and your name will
be known, as much as your talent and powers.

Be silent for a few seconds, and then say to close the ritual:

Go now, Bael the King and be at peace!

Now stop looking at the sigil, close your eyes and put your hand palms together as a gesture to
affirm that your ritual is at end.

Finally say 3 times ​IAO ​and make a couple of deep breaths. Your spell is complete, and you
can come back to your mundane life.
Don’t forget to keep the promise with the spirit and share your praise once your desire will be


A. Divine Names:​ Why divine names? Although I’m okay with using DOM style of daemon
magick where Angels are called as well, there are some people who think that this is a
way to force the daemon by angelic power to assist the wizard who’s calling the daemon.
Personally I see the involvement of angels as extra coworkers that regulate a bit the
entire situation, partially working on whatever the wizard is asking (so for me they’re not
there just to coerce the daemon but to work together). That’s why I really like Henry
Archer’s book “Magick of Angel and Demons” since he uses a method that works with
the sigils of each Angel and Demon without including them in a bigger sigil where the
goal is to bind the demon energy (like seen in the sigils from DOM book). So, why using
divine names? In my opinion if daemons are called with respect and fearlessly (stripping
off superstitious ideas about them, and falsenesses derived from the Church) they are
nothing but pleasant entities, powerful and willing to help us. The divine names I choose
from the 72 Names of Gods, are names that activate the divine authority within us and
enable us to have a contact with spirits. They act on the wizard and not on the spirits,
bringing to the surface the divine spark that each human being possess, and that
wizards use along with their magick.
B. The Phoenician Alphabet​: For the Enn I was buzzed for a while not knowing which
alphabet I could use to transcribe them. They were channeled not too long ago and it is
said/believed that they are sentences from a daemonic language that is common to all
the Goetic spirits, something like their mother tongue. At the beginning I thought to use
the demons alphabet found in DOM book, but for copyright reasons I preferred rather not
doing so, so I had to find an alternative. Of all the occult scripts and alphabet, I decided
at the end to use the Phoenician for a simple reason: it was historically the origin of the
Hebrew alphabet itself. And I thought that it was a perfect match also taking into account
that I do believe that the Goetic spirits are entities or even gods from more ancient times.
We know the Jew people were in contact with many cultures back then, and they had
origin around Sumer (whose culture and gods passed down to Babilonians, and was
shared by Phoenicians who used their cuneiform script before to invent their own
innovational writing system); drawing with them a lots of magical knowledge that was
adopted during centuries although if “converted” to the Hebrew mythology. So by using
this alphabet, it’s my intention to reestablish so to speak, this ancient link that Goetic
spirit have with the past. I know that’s my humble opinion, so take it or leave it, it’s up to
C. Is it dangerous?​ No, it is not. First of all this is not an evocation but simply a
summoning where we forge a contact with the spirit that is strong enough to make our
request. I would say that if you’re summoning the spirit for black magick purposes
though, you may have some poltergeist effects or something like that, but that could
depend on the nature of the work you’re doing and also on your personal powers (I do
think that most poltergeist effect are not directly caused by spirits, but they “use” our
aura to do that). This doesn’t mean that poltergeist-ish events can’t occur during positive
magick rituals, since they can be just a way the spirit wants you to know it’s there and
ready to help you. Maybe it’s just for the “chaos” that people are calling upon during
hexing and cursing, that poltergeist manifestations become more frequent. All in all, I
don’t think it is dangerous working with these spirits if done with respect (just as with
humans) as said above. Spirits want to be our friends.

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