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oor.60 d,o@ru:Js) EDsdr CgiIsq eCr* (!deg OdJne:) lo*A?"d!{d)

.)godr ,99d $do$dtondgd. 6dd tod*dr &6ond)o. efiad eJl-FoA 6o0o$o^ddd.
Edog &d,ordbodon dJaod iogFori sodFsi0d6 i-oFddaoad dd Croranen derdri
d€t6d ngne) Eig dtro6d)d fodFa|dd)
oed zJ(dodr€3 d),oei *)de dJDdsDRd.
& dddod erDdzidcddoR dtod${ driaFc.:DicJd)FDndo, ?3d / B.@ dJteddl
d('6do$q ngiDd)Fiaddd.

* oec ng$d de!6dder6Eo$3od srEo3e80d (2) ojre 30d edEo))eq69d.

eJ6Eoi)god Avoo53 ddo$e! PAN No: AAAGC1692Po4-E GCGGG0000G eq

3!odc$ d*d) Chief Minister ReliefFund Natural Calamity 2018

S.B.l Banl<(StateBankoflndia)
5od VidhanaSoudhaBrarch
D..if.oFo.:r 8"o(c' sBINo040277
Do.o.,l.eJdioJdj- s60002419
Government of Karnataka
Appealto Citizens

severeflood in manydistrictsincludingKodagu,whichhas
The Stateis experiencing
resultedin large scale distruction. Governrlent of Karnatakaseekssupport from public to
providereliefto the peopleaffectedby this naturaldisaster.StateGoverrmenthasopeneda
dedicatedbanl<accountto receivepublic contributionstowardsthe cause,which will be
of flood affectedareas. The contdbutioncan be madeto the
utilsedfor the development
below mentionedbank accountmrmber thoughcheque/DD/ online transfer.
undersection80g(2)oflucomeTar Act.
to thisReli€fFundhasexemption
PleaseusePAN asd{AGCl692P or GGGGG0000Gwhile submittingreturns

AccountName Chief Minister ReliefFund Natural Calamity2018

Bant Name S . B . lB a n k{ S t a t B
e a n ko f l n d i a }
Branch VidhanaSoudhaBranch
AccountNo 37887098605
IFSCCode sBrN0040277
MICRNO 560002419

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