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Trillana vs Quezon College, G. R. No. L-5003, June 27, ¥When Damasa died, QC, Inc.

ied, QC, Inc. presented a claim in her testate

1953 proceeding for collection of sum, representing the value of
subscription to capital stock
Facts: Damasa Crisostomo subscribed 200 shares of capital ¥Damasa, in her letter: 1. did not enclose initial payment, 2.
stock with a par value of P100 each through a letter sent to the stated “babayaran kong lahat pagkatapos manghuli ng isda”
Board of Trustees of the Quezon College, enclosed with the
letter are a sum of money as her initial payment and her Held:
assurance of full payment after she harvested fish. On October ¥In view of proposal of Damasa to pay value of subscription
26, 1948, Damasa Crisostomo passed away. As no payment after he has harvested fish is a condition obviously dependent
appears to have been made on the subscription mentioned in upon her sole will and therefore void
the foregoing letter, the Quezon College, Inc. presented a ¥Art. 1182. When the fulfillment of the condition depends upon
claim before the CFI of Bulacan in her testate proceeding, for the sole will of the debtor, the conditional obligation shall be
the collection of the sum of P20,000, representing the value of void.
the subscription to the capital stock of the Quezon College, Inc.
which was then opposed by the administrator of the estate.
Bayla V. Silang Traffic Co. (1942) G.R. Nos. L-48195 and
Issue: Whether or not the condition entered into by both 48196
parties are valid.
Lessons Applicable: Purchase Agreement (Corporation Law)
Held: No, Under article 1115 of the old Civil Code which
provides as follows: "If the fulfillment of the condition should FACTS:
depend upon the exclusive will of the debtor, the conditional •Petitioners purchased the following:
obligation shall be void.”
Sofronio T.
8 shares P360
Trillana vs. Quezon College, Inc V e n a n c i o
93 Phil. 383 8 shares 375
Art. 1182, Potestative Condition
J o s e f a
15 shares 675
Issue/Scope: Naval..............
¥Example of Potestative/Facultative which depend solely in the
will of debtor • purchase price to be paid 5% upon the execution of the
contract and the remainder in installments of 5%, payable
Facts: within the 1st month of each and every quarter
startingJuly 1, 1935, w/ interest on deferred payments at
¥Deceased Damasa Crisostomo sent a letter to defendant
regarding to her subscription to shares of capital stock in QC, 6%/annum until paid
Inc. • They also agreed to forfeit in favor of seller in case of default
w/o court proceedings
• BOD resolution Aug 1, 1937: rescinding the agreement
• Petitoners filed an action in the CFI against Silang Traffic Co. • purchase - independent agreement bet. the
Inc to recover certain sum of money w/c they had paid individual and the corp. to buy shares of stock
severally to the corp. on account of shares of stock they from it at stipulated price
indiv. agreed to take and pay for under certain conditions • rules governing subscriptions and sales of shares
are different
Defenses: • Corporation Law regarding calls for unpaid
1.That the resolution is not applicable to the petitioners subscription and assessment of stock
Sofronio T. Bayla, Josefa Naval, and Paz Toledo because (sections 37-50) do not apply to a
on the date thereof "their subscribed shares of stock had purchase of stock
already automatically reverted to the defendant, and the • corporation has no legal capacity to release
installments paid by them had already been forfeited" an original subscriber to its capital stock
2.that said resolution of August 1, 1937, was revoked and from the obligation to pay for his shares,
cancelled by a subsequent resolution is inapplicable to a contract of purchase
of shares.
• RTC: absolved defendant. BOD resolution cancelled • The contract in question being one of purchase and
• Petitioners appealed not subscription as we have heretofore pointed
out, we see no legal impediment to its
ISSUES: rescission by agreement of the parties
1. W/N the subsequent BOD resolution is valid • We may add that there is no intimation in this case
2. W/N under the contract between the parties the failure that the corporation was insolvent, or that the
of the purchaser to pay any of the quarterly right of any creditor of the same was in any way
installments on the purchase price automatically prejudiced by the rescission.
gave rise to the forfeiture of the amounts already • The attempted revocation of said rescission by the
paid and the reversion of the shares to the resolution of August 22, 1937, was invalid, it not
corporation having been agreed to by the petitioners.
• NO
HELD: NO. CA reversed. Silang Traffic to pay petitioners • The provision regarding interest on deferred
NO payments would not have been inserted if it had
• noted agreement is entitled "Agreement for been the intention of the parties to provide for
Installment Sale of Shares in the Silang Traffic automatic forfeiture and cancelation of the
Company, Inc.,"; that while the purchaser is contract
designated as "subscriber," the corporation is • contract did not expressly provide that the failure of
described as “seller. the purchaser to pay any installment would give
• Whether a particular contract is a subscription or a rise to forfeiture and cancelation without the
sale of stock is a matter of construction and necessity of any demand from the seller
depends upon its terms and the intention of the • Art. 1100 of the Civil Code: persons obliged to
parties deliver or do something are not in default until
• subscription - mutual agreement of the subscribers to the moment the creditor demands of them
take and pay for the stock of a corporation judicially or extrajudicially the fulfillment of their
obligation, unless: (1) the obligation or the law
expressly provides that demand shall not be RULING:
necessary in order that default may arise (2) by
reason of the nature and circumstances of the 1. YES. Sec. 5 (b) of PD 902-A grants to the SEC the original
obligation it shall appear that the designation of and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide cases involving
the time at which that thing was to be delivered intracorporate controversies. An intracorporate controversy has
or the service rendered was the principal been defined as one which arises between a stockholder and
inducement to the creation of the obligation. the corporation. There is no distinction, qualification, not any
exception whatsoever. The case at bar involves shares of
stock, their registration, cancellation and issuances thereof by
No. 96674. June 26, 1992 2. NO. Sec. 63 of the Corporation Code provides that the
shares of stock issued are personal property and may be
FACTS: Clemente Guerrero, President of the Rural Bank of transferred by delivery of the certificate or certificates indorsed
Salinas, Inc., executed a Special Power of Attorney in favor of by the owner or his attorney-in-fact or other person legally
his wife, Melania, giving and granting the latter full power of authorized to make the transfer. A corporation either by its
authority to sell or otherwise dispose of and/or mortgage 473 Board, its by-laws, or the act of its officers, cannot create
shares of stock of the Bank registered in his name. before the restrictions in stock transfer. The Restrictions in the transfer of
death of Clemente, Melania, pursuant to the said SPA, stock must have their source in legislative enactment, as the
executed Deed of Assignments for the shares of stock in favor corporation itself cannot create such impediment. By-laws are
of private respondents. After the death of Clemente, Melania intended merely for the protection of the corporation, and
proceeded in presenting the said Deeds and for registration prescribe regulation, not restriction; they are always subject to
with a request for the transfer in the Bank’s stock and transfer the charter of the corporation. The corporation, in the absence
book of the 473 shares of stock so assigned, the cancelation of of such power, cannot ordinarily inquire into or pass upon the
stock certificates in the name of Clemente and the issuance of legality of the transactions by which its stock passes from one
new stock certificates in the name of the new owners thereof. person to another, nor can it question the consideration upon
The Bank however denied the request. Melania then filed with which a sale is based. The right to transfer shares is inherent
SEC an action for Mandamus against Rural Bank of Salinas, from the stockholders ownership of the same, thus whenever a
its President and Secretary. The latter bank contended in its corporation refuses to transfer and register stocks, mandamus
answer that the shares of Guerrero became the property of his will lie to compel the officers of the corporation to transfer said
estate and thus must be first settled and liquidated before stocks to the books of the corporation.

ISSUES: Red Line Transportation Co. vs. Rural Transit Co.

GR No. 41570 | Sept. 6, 1934
1. Whether SEC has jurisdiction over the matter.
2. Whether petitioner may restrict the registration of shares of Facts: This is a petition for review of an order of the Public
stock or its transfer. Service Commission granting to the Rural Transit Company,
Ltd., a certificate of public convenience to operate a However, PSC granted Rural Transit’s application for certificate
transportation service between Ilagan in the Province of of public convenience and ordered that a certificate be issued
Isabela and Tuguegarao in the Province of Cagayan, and on its name. PSC relied on a Resolution in case No. 23217,
additional trips in its existing express service between Manila authorizing Bachrach Motor to continue using Rural Transit’s
Tuguegarao. name as its tradename in all its applications and petitions to be
filed before the PSC. Said resolution was given a retroactive
On June 4, 1932, Rural Transit filed an application for effect as of the date of filing of the application or April 30, 1930
certification of a new service between Tuguegarao and Ilagan
with the Public Company Service Commission (PSC), since the Issue: Can the Public Service Commission authorize a
present service is not sufficient. Rural Transit further stated corporation to assume the name of another corporation as a
that it is a holder of a certificate of public convenience to trade name?
operate a passenger bus service between Manila and
Tuguegarao. Red Line opposed said application, arguing that Ruling: NO. The Rural Transit Company, Ltd., and the
they already hold a certificate of public convenience for Bachrach Motor Co., Inc., are Philippine corporations and the
Tuguegarao and Ilagan, and is rendering adequate service. very law of their creation and continued existence requires
They also argued that granting Rural Transit’s application each to adopt and certify a distinctive name. The incorporators
would constitute a ruinous competition over said route On Dec. "constitute a body politic and corporate under the name stated
21, 1932, Public Service Commission approved Rural Transit’s in the certificate." A corporation has the power "of succession
application, with the condition that "all the other terms and by its corporate name." It is essential to its existence and
conditions of the various certificates of public convenience of cannot change its name except in the manner provided by the
the herein applicant and herein incorporated are made a part statute. By that name alone is it authorized to transact
hereof." business.

A motion for rehearing and reconsideration was filed by Red The law gives a corporation no express or implied authority to
Line since Rural Transit has a pending application before the assume another name that is unappropriated: still less that of
Court of First Instance for voluntary dissolution of the another corporation, which is expressly set apart for it and
corporation. A motion for postponement was filed by Rural protected by the law. If any corporation could assume at
Transit as verified by M. Olsen who swears "that he was the pleasure as an unregistered trade name the name of another
secretary of the Rural Transit Company, Ltd. During the corporation, this practice would result in confusion and open
hearing before the Public Service Commission, the petition for the door to frauds and evasions and difficulties of
dissolution and the CFI’s decision decreeing the dissolution of administration and supervision.
Rural Transit were admitted without objection. At the trial of this
case before the Public Service Commission an issue was In this case, the order of the commission authorizing the
raised as to who was the real party in interest making the Bachrach Motor Co., Incorporated, to assume the name of the
application, whether the Rural Transit Company, Ltd., as Rural Transit Co., Ltd. likewise incorporated, as its trade name
appeared on the face of the application, or the Bachrach Motor being void. Accepting the order of December 21, 1932, at its
Company, Inc., using name of the Rural Transit Company, Ltd., face as granting a certificate of public convenience to the
as a trade name applicant Rural Transit Co., Ltd., the said order last mentioned
is set aside and vacated on the ground that the Rural Transit
Company, Ltd., is not the real party in interest and its 3. Assuming further that the chance is valid, Yek Tong is
application was fictitious deemed as continuing as a body corporate for three
(3) years for the purpose of prosecuting and
Philippine First Insurance Company, Inc. v. Ma. Carmen defending suits, hence, Yek Tong should be the
Hartigan, CGH and O. Engkee proper party in interest.

FACTS: Plaintiff was originally organized as an insurance Its Motion for Reconsideration having been denied, the plaintiff
corporation under the name of ‘The Yek Tong Lin Fire and filed this present case.
Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.,’ in 1953. But on 26 May 1961, its
Articles of Incorporation were amended changing the name of ISSUE: Whether or not a Philippine Corporation may change
the corporation to ‘Philippine First Insurance, Co., Inc.’. its name and still retain its original personality and
The case arose when plaintiff, acting in the name of Yek Tong,
signed as co-maker together with defendants, a promissory RULING: YES.
note in favor of China Banking Corporation. Subsequently, as
form of security, defendants signed an indemnity agreement in RATIO: Under section 18 of the Corporation Code, the law
favor of plaintiff in case damages or loses arises thereof. authorizes corporations to amend their charter, its procedure
and restrictions for such amendments. There is restriction on
Defendant Hartigan failed to pay, hence, the complaint for the term of their existence and the increase or decrease of the
collection of sum of money with interest and other fees. capital stock but there is no prohibition against the change of
Defendants deny the allegations, claiming, among others that name.
there is no privity of contract between them and plaintiff since
the plaintiff did not conduct its business under the name of Yek The general rule as to corporations is that each corporation
Tong Insurance, hence not entitled to the indemnification shall have a name by which it is to sue and be sued and do all
agreement which is named in favor of Yek Tong. legal acts. The name of a corporation in this respect
designates the corporation in the same manner as the name of
Decision of the CFI: The Court of First Instance of Manila an individual designates the person.” Since an individual has
dismissed the action against plaintiff PFIC, based on the the right to change his name under certain conditions, there is
following grounds, among others: no compelling reason why a corporation may not enjoy the
1. The change of name of the Yek Tong Lin Fire & Marine same right.
Insurance Co. to PFIC is of dubious validity,
because such change in effect dissolved the Further, the Court held that a change of corporate name is not
original corporation by a process of dissolution not against public policy. As such, what is held to be contrary to
authorized by the Corporation Law; public policy is the use by one corporation of the name of
2. Assuming the change is valid, Yek Tong is considered another corporation as its trade name.
dissolved, hence, at the time the indemnity Likewise, it was ruled that change of name does not result in a
agreement was signed, it has no capacity to enter corporation’s dissolution. In settled jurisprudence, the Court
into such agreement anymore; held that an authorized change in the name of a corporation
has no more effect upon its identity as a corporation than a
change of name of a natural person has upon his identity. It reasonable care and observation as the public generally are
does not affect the rights of the corporation or lessen or add to capable of using and may be expected to exercise” invoked by
its obligations. After a corporation has effected a change in its appellant. We are apprehensive confusion will usually arise,
name it should sue and be sued in its new name. considering that x x x appellant included among its primary
purposes the manufacturing, dyeing, finishing and selling of
From the foregoing, the Court believes that the lower court fabrics of all kinds” which respondent had been engaged for
erred in holding that plaintiff is not the right party in interest to more than a decade ahead of petitioner.
sue defendants-appellees. As correctly pointed out by
appellant, the approval by the stockholders of the amendment
of its articles of incorporation changing the name “The Yek FACTS: In 1953, Universal Textile Mills, Inc. (UTMI) was
Tong Lin Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd.” to “Philippine First organized. In 1954, Universal Hosiery Mills Corporation
Insurance Co., Inc.” on March 8, 1961, did not automatically (UHMC) was also organized. Both are actually distinct
change the name of said corporation on that date. Hence, the corporations but they engage in the same business (fabrics). In
lower court likewise erred in dismissing appellant’s complaint. 1963, UHMC petitioned to change its name to Universal Mills
WHEREFORE, judgment of the lower court is reversed, and Corporation (UMC). The Securities and Exchange Commission
this case is remanded to the trial court for further proceedings (SEC) granted the petition.
consistent herewith with costs against appellees.
Subsequently, a warehouse owned by UMC was gutted by fire.
Universal Mills Corporation vs. Universal Textile Mills 78 News about the fire spread and investors of UTMI thought that
SCRA 62 (1977) it was UTMI’s warehouse that was destroyed. UTMI had to

 make clarifications that it was UMC’s warehouse that got
FACTS: This is an appeal from the order of the Securities and burned. Eventually, UTMI petitioned that UMC should be
Exchange Commission granting a petition by the respondent to enjoined from using its name because of the confusion it
have the petitioner’s corporate name be changed as it is brought. The SEC granted UTMI’s petition. UMC however
“confusingly and deceptively similar” to that of the former. 
 assailed the order of the SEC as it averred that their

 tradename is not deceptive; that UTMI’s tradename is qualified
On January 8, 1954, respondent Universal Textile Mills was by the word “Textile”, hence, there can be no confusion.
issued a certificate of Corporation as a textile manufacturing
firm. On the other hand, petitioner, which deals in the ISSUE: Whether or not the decision of the SEC is correct.
production of hosieries and apparels, acquired its current name
by amending its articles of incorporation, changing its name HELD: Yes. There is definitely confusion as it was evident from
from Universal Hosiery mills Corporation to Universal Mills the facts where the investors of UTMI mistakenly believed that
 it was UTMI’s warehouse that was destroyed. Although the

 corporate names are not really identical, they are indisputably
ISSUE: Whether or not petioner’s trade name is confusingly so similar that it can cause, as it already did, confusion. The
similar with that of respondent’s. 
 SEC did not act in abuse of its discretion when it order UMC to

 drop its name because there was a factual evidence presented
HELD: Yes. The corporate names in question are not identical, as to the confusion. Further, when UMC filed its petition for
but they are indisputably so similar that even under the test of change of corporate name, it made an undertaking that it shall
change its name in the event that there is another person, firm principal office is in Manila, then the suit against it may
or entity who has obtained a prior right to the use of such name properly be file in the City of Manila. As stated in Evangelista v.
or one similar to it. That promise is still binding upon the Santos, the laying of the venue of an action is not left to
corporation and its responsible officers. plaintiff’s caprice because the matter is regulated by the Rules
of Court.

CLAVECILLA Radio System v. Hon. Agustin Antillon Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette vs. SEC

Facts: New Cagayan Grocery (NECAGRO) filed a complaint

FACTS: On January 15, 1912, Alhambra Cigar & Cigarette
for damages against Clavecilla Radio system.
Manufacturing Company, Inc. was incorporated. Its lifespan
They alleged that Clavecilla omitted the word “NOT” in the
was for 50 years so on January 15, 1962, it expired.
letter addressed to NECAGRO for transmittal at Clavecilla
Thereafter, its Board authorized its liquidation. Under the
Cagayan de Oro Branch. NECAGRO alleged that the omission
prevailing law, Alhambra has 3 years to liquidate.
of the word “not” between the word WASHED and AVAILABLE
altered the contents of the same causing them to suffer from
In 1963, while Alhambra was liquidating, Republic Act 3531
damages. Clavecilla filed a motion to dismiss on the ground of
was enacted. It amended Section 18 of the Corporation Law; it
failure to state a cause of action and improper venue. City
empowered domestic private corporations to extend their
Judge of CDO denied the MTD. Clavecilla filed a petition for
corporate life beyond the period fixed by the articles of
prohibition with preliminary Injunction with the CFI praying that
incorporation for a term not to exceed fifty years in any one
the City Judge be enjoined from further proceeding with the
instance. Previous to Republic Act 3531, the maximum non-
case because of improper venue. CFI dismissed the case and
extendible term of such corporations was fifty years.
held that Clavecilla may be sued either in Manila (principal
office) or in CDO (branch office). Clavecilla appealed to the SC Alhambra now amended its articles of incorporation to extend
contending that the suit against it should be filed in Manila its lifespan for another 50 years. The Securities and Exchange
where it holds its principal office. Commission (SEC) denied the amended articles of
Issue: WON the present case against Clavecilla should be
ISSUE: Whether or not a corporation under liquidation may still
filed in Manila where it holds its principal office.
amend its articles of incorporation to extend its lifespan.
Held: YES. It is clear that the case from damages is based HELD: No. Alhambra cannot avail of the new law because it
upon a written contract. Under par. (b)(3) Sec. 1 Rule 4 of has already expired at the time of its passage. When a
the New Rules of Court, when an action is not upon a written corporation is liquidating pursuant to the statutory period of
contract then the case should be filed in the municipality where three years to liquidate, it is only allowed to continue for the
the defendant or any of the defendant resides or maybe served purpose of final closure of its business and no other purposes.
upon with summons. In corpo. Law, the residence of the In fact, within that period, the corporation is enjoined from
corporation is the place where the principal office is “continuing the business for which it was established”. Hence,
established. Since Clavecilla’s Alhambra’s board cannot validly amend its articles of
incorporation to extend its lifespan.
1906 such right would have vested. But when the law was
Benguet Consolidated vs. Pineda passed in 1906, Benguet Mining was already deprived of such
FACTS: Benguet Consolidated Mining Company was To allow Benguet Mining to extend its life will be inimical to the
organized in 1903 under the Spanish Code of Commerce of purpose of the law which sought to render obsolete sociedades
1886 as a sociedad anonima. It was agreed by the anonimas. If this is allowed, Benguet Mining will unfairly do
incorporators that Benguet Mining was to exist for 50 years. something which new corporations organized under the new
Corporation Law can’t do – that is, exist beyond 50 years. Plus,
In 1906, Act 1459 (Corporation Law) was enacted which
it would have reaped the benefits of being a sociedad
superseded the Code of Commerce of 1886. Act 1459
anonima and later on of being a corporation. Further, under the
essentially introduced the American concept of a corporation.
Corporation Code of 1906, existing sociedades anonimas
The purpose of the law, among others, is to eradicate the
during the enactment of the law must choose whether to
Spanish Code and make sociedades anonimas obsolete.
continue as such or be organized as a corporation under the
In 1953, the board of directors of Benguet Mining submitted to new law. Once a sociedad anonima chooses one of these, it is
the Securities and Exchange Commission an application for already proscribed from choosing the other. Evidently, Benguet
them to be allowed to extend the life span of Benguet Mining. Mining chose to exist as a sociedad anonima hence it can no
Then Commissioner Mariano Pineda denied the application as longer elect to become a corporation when its life is near its
it ruled that the extension requested is contrary to Section 18 end.
of the Corporation Law of 1906 which provides that the life of a
corporation shall not be extended by amendment beyond the
time fixed in their original articles.
Asuncion vs. De Yriate
Benguet Mining contends that they have a vested right under
the Code of Commerce of 1886 because they were organized
FACTS: The proposed incorporators began an action in the
under said law; that under said law, Benguet Mining is allowed
CFI to compel the chief of the division of archives to receive
to extend its life by simply amending its articles of
and register said articles of incorporation and to do any and all
incorporation; that the prohibition in Section 18 of the
acts necessary for the complete incorporation of the persons
Corporation Code of 1906 does not apply to sociedades
named in the articles. The court below found in favor of the
anonimas already existing prior to the Law’s enactment; that
defendant and refused to order the registration of the articles
even assuming that the prohibition applies to Benguet Mining,
mentioned, maintaining and holding that the defendant, under
it should be allowed to be reorganized as a corporation under
the Corporation Law, had authority to determine both the
the said Corporation Law.
sufficiency of the form of the articles and the legality of the
ISSUE: Whether or not Benguet Mining is correct. object of the proposed corporation. This appeal is taken from
that judgment

HELD: No. Benguet Mining has no vested right to extend its
The chief of the division of archives, the respondent, refused to
life. It is a well settled rule that no person has a vested interest
file the articles of incorporation, upon the ground that the object
in any rule of law entitling him to insist that it shall remain
of the corporation, as stated in the articles, was not lawful and
unchanged for his benefit. Had Benguet Mining agreed to
that, in pursuance of section 6 of Act No. 1459, they were not
extend its life prior to the passage of the Corporation Code of
 the proposed corporation within the purview of the law
Hence, this action to obtain a writ of mandamus. authorizing corporations for given purposes.

ISSUE: Whether or not the chief of the division of archives has MANDAMUS TO COMPEL HIM TO PERFORM DUTIES. —
authority, under the Corporation Law, on being presented with The duties of the chief of the division of archives, so far as
articles of incorporation for registration, to decide not only as to relates to the registration of articles of incorporation, are purely
the sufficiency of the form of the articles, but also as to the ministerial and not discretional; and mandamus will lie to
lawfulness of the purposes of the proposed corporation. compel him to perform his duties under the Corporation Law if,
in violation of law, he refuse to perform them

HELD: YES. CORPORATION LAW; POWERS AND DUTIES On the contrary, there is no incompatibility in holding, as we do
OF CHIEF OF DIVISION OF ARCHIVES, EXECUTIVE hold, that his duties are ministerial and that he has no authority
BUREAU. —The chief of the division of archives, for and on to exercise discretion in receiving and registering articles of
behalf of the division, has authority under the Corporation Law incorporation. He may exercise judgment — that is, the judicial
(Act No. 1459) to determine the sufficiency of the form of function — in the determination of the question of law referred
articles of incorporation offered for registration with the to, but he may not use discretion. The question whether or not
 the objects of a proposed corporation are lawful is one that can
Section 6 of the Corporation Law reads in part as follows:
 be decided one way only. If he err in the determination of that
“Five or more persons, not exceeding fifteen, a majority of question and refuse to file articles which should be filed under
whom are residents of the Philippine Islands, may form a the law, that decision is subject to review and correction and,
private corporation for any lawful purpose by filing with the upon proper showing, he will be ordered to file the articles.

division of archives, patents, copyrights, and trademarks of the
Executive Bureau articles of incorporation duly executed and Discretion, it may be said generally, is a faculty conferred upon
acknowledged before a notary public, . . .”
 a court or other official by which he may decide a question
Simply because the duties of an official happen to be either way and still be right. The power conferred upon the
ministerial, it does not necessarily follow that he may not, division of archives with respect to the registration of articles of
in the administration of his office, determine questions of incorporation is not of that character. It is of the same character
law. We are of the opinion that it is the duty of the division of as the determination of a lawsuit by a court upon the merits. It
archives, when articles of incorporation are presented for can be decided only one way correctly.
registration, to determine whether the objects of the
corporation as expressed in the articles are lawful. We do not
believe that, simply because articles of incorporation presented Loyola Grand Villas vs. CA
for registration are perfect in form, the division of archives must
accept and register them and issue the corresponding
certificate of incorporation no matter what the purpose of the FACTS: In 1983, the Loyola Grand Villas Association, Inc.
corporation may be as expressed in the articles. The chief of (LGVAI) was incorporated by the homeowners of the Loyola
the division of archives, on behalf of the division, has also the Grand Villas (LGV), a subdivision. The Securities and
power and duty to determine from the articles of incorporation Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a certificate of
presented for registration the lawfulness of the purposes of the incorporation under its official seal to LGVAI in the same year.
proposed corporation and whether or not those purposes bring LGVAI was likewise recognized by the Home Insurance and
Guaranty Corporation (HIGC), a government-owned-and- 

controlled corporation whose mandate is to oversee The LGVHAI officers then tried to registered its By-Laws in
associations like LGVAI. 1988, but they failed to do so. They then discovered that there
were two other homeowners' organizations within the
Later, LGVAI later found out that there are two homeowners
subdivision - the Loyola Grand Villas Homeowners (North)
associations within LGV, namely: Loyola Grand Villas
Association, Inc. [North Association] and herein Petitioner
Homeowners (South) Association, Inc. (LGVAI-South) and
Loyola Grand Villas Homeowners (South) Association, Inc.
Loyola Grand Villas Homeowners (North) Association, Inc.
["South Association]. Upon inquiry by the LGVHAI to HIGC, it
(LGVAI-North). The two associations asserted that they have to
was discovered that LGVHAI was dissolved for its failure to
be formed because LGVAI is inactive. When LGVAI inquired
submit its by-laws within the period required by the Corporation
about its status with HIGC, HIGC advised that LGVAI was
Code and for its non-user of corporate charter because HIGC
already terminated; that it was automatically dissolved when it
had not received any report on the association's activities.
failed to submit it By-Laws after it was issued a certificate of
These paved the way for the formation of the North and South
incorporation by the SEC.

ISSUE: Whether or not a corporation’s failure to submit its by- 

laws results to its automatic dissolution. LGVHAI then lodged a complaint with HIGC Hearing Officer
Danilo Javier, and questioned the revocation of its registration.
HELD: No. A private corporation like LGVAI commences to
Hearing Officer Javier ruled in favor of LGVHAI, revoking the
have corporate existence and juridical personality from the
registration of the North and South Associations. Petitioner
date the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issues a
South Association appealed the ruling, contending that
certificate of incorporation under its official seal. The
LGVHAI's failure to file its by-laws within the period prescribed
submission of its by-laws is a condition subsequent but
by Section 46 of the Corporation Code effectively automatically
although it is merely such, it is a MUST that it be submitted by
dissolved the corporation. The Appeals Board of the HIGC and
the corporation. Failure to submit however does not warrant
the Court of Appeals both rejected the contention of the
automatic dissolution because such a consequence was never
Petitioner affirmed the decision of Hearing Officer Javier.

the intention of the law. The failure is merely a ground for

dissolution which may be raised in a quo warranto proceeding.
Issue: W/N LGVHAI's failure to file its by-laws within the period
It is also worthwhile to note that failure to submit can’t result to
prescribed by Section 46 of the Corporation Code had the
automatic dissolution because there are some instances when
effect of automatically dissolving the said corporation.

a corporation does not require a by-laws.

Ruling: No. The pertinent provision of the Corporation Code
FACTS: Loyola Grand Villas Homeowners Association, Inc. that is the focal point of controversy in this case states:

(LGVHAI) was organized on 8 February 1983 as the
homeoenwers' association for Loyola Grand Villas. It was also Sec. 46. Adoption of by-laws. - Every corporation formed under
registered as the sole homeowners' association in the said this Code, must within one (1) month after receipt of official
village with the Home Financing Corporation (which eventually notice of the issuance of its certificate of incorporation by the
became Home Insurance Guarantee Corporation ["HIGC"]). Securities and Exchange Commission, adopt a code of by-laws
However, the association was not able file its corporate by- for its government not inconsistent with this Code.

Ordinarily, the word "must" connotes an imposition of duty PMI Colleges vs. NLRC
which must be enforced. However, the word "must" in a
statute, like "shall," is not always imperative. It may be FACTS: In 1991, PMI Colleges hired the services of Alejandro
consistent with an ecercise of discretion. If the language of a Galvan for the latter to teach in said institution. However, for
statute, considered as a whole with due regard to its nature unknown reasons, PMI defaulted from paying the
and object, reveals that the legislature intended to use the remunerations due to Galvan. Galvan made demands but were
words "shall" and "must" to be directory, they should be given ignored by PMI. Eventually, Galvan filed a labor case against
that meaning.
 PMI. Galvan got a favorable judgment from the Labor Arbiter;

 this was affirmed by the National Labor Relations Commission.
The legislative deliberations of the Corporation Code reveals On appeal, PMI reiterated, among others, that the employment
that it was not the intention of Congress to automatically of Galvan is void because it did not comply with its by-laws.
dissolve a corporation for failure to file the By-Laws on time.
 Apparently, the by-laws require that an employment contract

 must be signed by the Chairman of the Board of PMI. PMI
Moreover, By-Laws may be necessary to govern the asserts that Galvan’s employment contract was not signed by
corporation, but By-Laws are still subordinate to the Articles of the Chairman of the Board.
Incorporation and the Corporation Code. In fact, there are
ISSUE: Whether or not Galvan’s employment contract is void.
cases where By-Laws are unnecessary to the corporate
existence and to the valid exercise of corporate powers.
 HELD: No. PMI Colleges never even presented a copy of the

 by-laws to prove the existence of such provision. But even if it
The Corporation Code does not expressly provide for the did, the employment contract cannot be rendered invalid just
effects of non-filing of By-Laws. However, these have been because it does not bear the signature of the Chairman of the
rectified by Section 6 of PD 902-A which provides that SEC Board of PMI. By-Laws operate merely as internal rules among
shall possess the power to suspend or revoke, after proper the stockholders, they cannot affect or prejudice third
notice and hearing, the franchise or certificate of registration of persons who deal with the corporation, unless they have
corporations upon failure to file By-Laws within the required knowledge of the same. In this case, PMI was not able to
 prove that Galvan knew of said provision in the by-laws when

 he was employed by PMI.
This shows that there must be notice and hearing before a
corporation is dissolved for failure to file its By-Laws. Even
Pena vs. CA
assuming that the existence of a ground, the penalty is not
necessarily revocation, but may only be suspension.

 FACTS: In 1962, the Pampanga Bus Company (PAMBUSCO)
By-Laws are indispensable to corporations, since they are took out a loan from the Development Bank of the Philippines
required by law for an orderly management of corporations. (DBP). PAMBUSCO used the parcels of land it owns to secure
However, failure to file them within the period prescribed does the loan. In October 1974, due to PAMBUSCO’s nonpayment,
not equate to the automatic dissolution of a corporation. DBP foreclosed the parcels of land. Rosita Peña was the
highest bidder. Meanwhile, in November 1974, the Board of
Directors of PAMBUSCO had a meeting. The meeting was
attended by only 3 out of the 5 Directors. In the said meeting,
the Board, through a resolution, authorized one of the detriment which would positively result to him or her from the
directors, Atty. Joaquin Briones, to assign the properties of contract in which he or she had no intervention.
PAMBUSCO. Pursuant to the resolution, Briones assigned
Further, the sale of the properties of PAMBUSCO did not
PAMBUSCO’s assets to Marcelino Enriquez. Enriquez,
comply with the procedure laid down by the Corporation Law.
knowing that the properties were previously mortgaged and
Under the law, the sale or disposition of an and/or substantially
foreclosed, exercised PAMBUSCO’s right to redeem. So in
all properties of the corporation requires, in addition to a proper
August 1975, he redeemed the said properties and thereafter
board resolution, the affirmative votes of the stockholders
he sold them to Rising Yap.
holding at least two-thirds (2/3) of the voting power in the
Yap then registered the properties under his name. He then corporation in a meeting duly called for that purpose. No doubt,
demanded Peña to vacate the properties. Peña refused to do the questioned resolution was not confirmed at a subsequent
hence Yap filed a complaint. In her defense, Peña averred that stockholders meeting duly called for the purpose by the
Yap acquired no legal title over the property because the board affirmative votes of the stockholders holding at least two-thirds
resolution issued by PAMBUSCO in November 1974 is void; (2/3) of the voting power in the corporation.
that it is void because the resolution was issued without a
Further still, the Supreme Court discovers a few other
quorum; that there was no quorum because under the by-laws
anomalies with PAMBUSCO. One is that PAMBUSCO has
of PAMBUSCO, a quorum constitutes the presence of 4 out of
been inactive since 1949 as per the records provided by the
5 directors yet the meeting was only attended by three
Securities and Exchange Commission. Its general information
directors. As such, the authority granted to Briones to assign
sheet with the SEC has not been updated regularly even. And
the properties is void; that the subsequent assignment by
the three directors present were not even listed as current
Briones to Enriquez is void; that Enriquez acquired no title
directors of PAMBUSCO.
hence, likewise, Yap acquired no title. Yap insists that Peña
has no legal standing to question the board resolution because
she is not a stockholder.
ISSUE: Whether or not the board resolution is valid.
HELD: No, it is void. The by-laws are the laws of the
corporation. PAMBUSCO’s by-laws provides that a quorum
consists of at least four directors. Hence, the meeting attended
by only three directors did not comply with the required
quorum. As such, the three directors were not able to come up
with a valid resolution which could bind the corporation. Anent
the issue of Peña being a third person, she can question the
board resolution. The resolution here is liken to a contract.
Under the law, a person who is not a party obliged principally
or subsidiarily in a contract may exercise an action for nullity of
the contract if he or she is prejudiced in his or her rights with
respect to one of the contracting parties, and can show the

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