SGL Season I Sponsorship Packet

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gami ng
Leag u e

Season i

Sponsorship Packet
Tab le of co n ten ts
Contact Information ............................... 1

About SGL \........................................................ 2

benefits of sponsorship ........................ 3

Sponsorship packages ............................ 4

website /images ......................................... 5

Important Notes ........................................ 7

Co n tact i n for matio n
Cody Cobe
Owner / Head administrator
+1 (614) 257 - 8498

raymond chetti
Director of Marketing
+1 (631) 943 - 6208

Starcraft Gaming League


social M edia
Search for: "Starcraft gaming
league (SGL)"

Search for: "scGamingLeague"

Abo u t SGL
The Starcraft Gaming League (SGL) is
an organization founded in August 2010
whose mission is to improve the Star-
craft II professional gaming community.
We aspire to achieve our goal by creat-
ing an environment that brings to-
gether elite Starcraft II teams from
Fig 1. Official SGL Logo
around the world to compete for cash
prizes and the title of “SGL Season
Champions.” We are proud to host a
SGL Quick Facts
diverse, international range of teams - 259 registered members on
that are from the U.S., Brazil, Canada, the SGL website and gaining about
20 new members per week.
and South Korea.
- 225 players & managers
As the first North American profes- meet in our chatbox before
sional Starcraft II league, we hope to set every clan war making them
active on our website.
the standard and serve as a role model
for future leagues that may blossom - 16 teams in qualifiers.
because of our work. With your help,
- 8 teams in the regular season.
we can work to make that possible! We
hope you will review our sponsorship - 1 - 5,000 viewers / listen-
offers listed on page X of this packet ers when clan wars are shout-
and help us achieve our goals! casted and streamed LIVE!

What We do
- Administrate clan wars We are a business of
- Conduct “Weekly Player Interviews” volunteers which rely
- Organize “Mid Season Tournment” solely on sponsorships.
- Host top “Replays of the Week” We greatly would
- Advertise sponsor’s “Featured Products” appreciate your help!

Abo u t Starcraft ii
- Sold 1.5 million copies in 48 hours to become the fastest selling strategy game of all time.

- GomTV, a South Korean streaming service endorsed Starcraft II by sponsoring their

own league that offers up to $500,000 in prize money.

- The Major League Gaming Pro Circuit hosts Starcraft II and features $7,000 in prize money.

Benefits of Sponsorship
Advertisement Wider recognition
opportunity on of brand identity
SGL’s front page

Your Business
will Gain
Increased web opportunity on
traffic SGL’s social net-

Plea se su p por t
Please support our aspiring efforts to become the first and best
“NGL-style” Starcraft II team league by sponsoring us. The Starcraft
Gaming League (SGL) provides a favorable and beneficial business
opportunity to reach out to a broader audience that consists of the
rapidly growing Starcraft II gaming community. Please look over our
Sponsorship Packages and feel free to contact Raymond Chetti,
Director of Marketing if you may have any questions!
Sponsor shi p Packag es
Bronze ($70 ) Silver ($120 )
- Front Page Recognition: Sponsor - Bronze plus...
graphic identity with hyperlink to
sponsor’s website will be displayed - Weekly Featured Products: Admins
on SGL’s homepage. Max size: will post a “Featured Products” post
190x180 pixels. every Saturday morning featuring all
sponsor products (one post will contain
- Sponsor Dedication Page: Sponsors ALL of the week’s featured products).
are encouraged to write a brief para-
graph about their business (2-5 sen- - Sponsors must send a brief
tences) which will be placed with their 2-5 sentence paragraph and
graphic identity (hyperlinked) on a one JPEG of “Featured Product”
separate sponsor dedication page. every Friday by 11:59pm EST.

Gold ($180 )* Diamond ($220 )*

- Silver plus... - Silver plus...

- Weekly Player Interviews: The SGL - Exclusive Sponsor of Mid-Season

will conduct a featured player inter- Tournament: The SGL will host a 512
view every Friday with players par- person, public tournament that will
ticipating in the league. be shout-casted and streamed LIVE.
Shout-casters and streamers will be
- Sponsor will receive: Graphic told to exclusively broadcast our
identity on the banner of every sponsor’s name throughout the
Weekly Player Interview and length of the tournament.
recognition at the end each
interview with a hyperlink to - Sponsor will receive: Graphic
sponsor’s website. identity on all graphics,
logos/banners, and posts
- Replay of the Week: The SGL will accompanied by a short para
feature the “best” replay of the week graph about the sponsor for all
on the front page of its website. posts related to the tournament.

- Sponsor will receive: Graphic - Tournament Name

identity on the banner of every Recognition: “The Starcraft
Replay of the Week and recogni- Gaming League presents the
tion at the end of every replay with [Sponsor Name] Cup.”
a hyperlink to sponsor’s website.
* Exclusive to ONE SPONSOR per SEASON * Exclusive to ONE SPONSOR per SEASON
Websi te / i mag es
Front Page of SGL:

Dedication page

By selecting ANY of our packages your business will gain maximum

exposure on our front page. In order to get the “Weekly Featured
Product,” you must select Silver or higher.

“Replay of the Week” & “Weekly Interviews” (Gold & Diamond) are
featured where the “Weekly Featured Product” posts are.
Websi te / i mag es
Sponsor Dedication Page

Our “Sponsor Dedication Page” is listed under “Sponsors” on our

front page. This is where Sponsors can submit a paragraph about
their business so our members will have an opportunity to get to
know who is supporting the SGL.

All packages include this privilege .

Im por tan t notes
If your business might be interested in sponsoring The Starcraft
Gaming League by purchasing one of our Sponsorship Packages,
please take the following into consideration:

1. The deadline for us to receive CHECKS and SIGNED CONTRACTS is

by Thursday, September 30th, 2010 (Season I Sponsorship and adver-
tising ends towards late November 2010).

2. Please make checks payable to SGL Owner / Head Administrator

“Cody Cobe.” Cody will distribute the season’s prize money to the
winning team(s) and ensure it’s rightful distribution.

3. Please mail CHECKS and SIGNED CONTRACTS to:

Starcraft Gaming League
1950 Beverly Road, Columbus, OH, 43221

4. Once we receive submission of your CHECK and SIGNED CON-

TRACT, Cody will scan and e-mail your point of contact a new SIGNED
CONTRACT (to ensure your business has a copy with his signature).

5. If you purchase a SILVER PACKAGE or HIGHER, SGL Director of Mar-

keting, Raymond Chetti will contact your business upon submission

6. If you might have any questions please call or e-mail:

Raymond Chetti
SGL Director of Marketing
+1 (631) 943 - 6208

Thank you for your time! The SGL looks forward to hearing from you

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