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Mitochondria are rod-shaped organelles that can be considered the power generators of
the cell, converting oxygen and nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the
chemical energy "currency" of the cell that powers the cell's metabolic activities. This process
is called aerobic respiration and is the reason animals breathe oxygen. Without mitochondria
(singular, mitochondrion), higher animals would likely not exist because their cells would only
be able to obtain energy from anaerobic respiration (in the absence of oxygen), a process much
less efficient than aerobic respiration. In fact, mitochondria enable cells to produce 15 times
more ATP than they could otherwise, and complex animals, like humans, need large amounts
of energy in order to survive.

The number of mitochondria present in a cell depends upon the metabolic requirements
of that cell, and may range from a single large mitochondrion to thousands of the organelles.
Mitochondria, which are found in nearly all eukaryotes, including plants, animals, fungi, and
protists, are large enough to be observed with a light microscope and were first discovered in
the 1800s. The name of the organelles was coined to reflect the way they looked to the first
scientists to observe them, stemming from the Greek words for "thread" and "granule." For
many years after their discovery, mitochondria were commonly believed to transmit hereditary
information. It was not until the mid-1950s when a method for isolating the organelles intact
was developed that the modern understanding of mitochondrial function was worked out.
One of the most widely recognized and important characteristics of plants is their ability
to conduct photosynthesis, in effect, to make their own food by converting light energy into
chemical energy. This process occurs in almost all plant species and is carried out in specialized
organelles known as chloroplasts. All of the green structures in plants, including stems and
unripened fruit, contain chloroplasts, but the majority of photosynthesis activity in most plants
occurs in the leaves. On the average, the chloroplast density on the surface of a leaf is about
one-half million per square millimeter.

Chloroplasts are one of several different types of plastids, plant cell organelles that are involved
in energy storage and the synthesis of metabolic materials. The colorless leucoplasts, for
instance, are involved in the synthesis of starch, oils, and proteins. Yellow-to-red colored
chromoplasts manufacture carotenoids, and the green colored chloroplasts contain the
pigments chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, which are able to absorb the light energy needed for
photosynthesis to occur. All plastids develop from tiny organelles found in the immature cells
of plant meristems (undifferentiated plant tissue) termed proplastids, and those of a particular
plant species all contain copies of the same circular genome. The disparities between the
various types of plastids are based upon the needs of the differentiated cells they are contained
in, which may be influenced by environmental conditions, such as whether light or darkness
surrounds a leaf as it grows.

Figure: The cells of plants have both the chloroplast and the mitochondrion as the organelles.

Both the chloroplast and the mitochondrion are organelles found in the cells of plants, but only
mitochondria are found in animal cells. The function of chloroplasts and mitochondria is to
generate energy for the cells in which they live. The structure of both organelle types includes
an inner and an outer membrane. The differences in structure for these organelles are found in
their machinery for energy conversion.


The shape of mitochondria is different than that of chloroplasts. Chloroplasts have an

ellipsoidal shape, which is symmetrical across three axes. Mitochondria, on the other hand, are
generally oblong, but tend to change shape rapidly over time.

Mitochondria Inner Membrane

The inner membrane of a mitochondrion is elaborate in comparison with the chloroplast. It is

covered in cristae created by multiple folds of the membrane to maximize surface area. The
mitochondrion uses the vast surface of the inner membrane to perform many chemical
reactions. The chemical reactions include filtering out certain molecules and attaching other
molecules to transport proteins. The transport proteins will carry select molecule types into the
matrix, where oxygen combines with food molecules to create energy.
Chloroplast Inner Structure

The inner structure of chloroplasts is more complex than that of mitochondria. Within the inner
membrane, the chloroplast organelle is composed of stacks of thylakoid sacks. The stacks of
sacks are connected to each other by stromal lamellae. The stromal lamellae keep the thylakoid
stacks at set distances from each other. Chlorophyll covers each stack. The chlorophyll converts
sunlight photons, water and carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen. This chemical process is
called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis initiates the generation of adenosine triphosphate in the
chloroplast's stroma. Stroma is a semi-fluid substance that fills the space around the thylakoid
stacks and stromal lamellae.


Chloroplast: Thylakoids form stacks of disks which are called grana.

Mitochondria: Cristae do not form grana.


Chloroplast: Chloroplasts liberate oxygen.

Mitochondria: Mitochondria consume oxygen.

Respiratory Enzymes

The matrix of mitochondria contains a chain of respiratory enzymes. These enzymes are unique
to the mitochondria. They convert pyruvic acid and other small organic molecules into ATP.
Impaired mitochondrial respiration may coincide with heart failure in the elderly.
Figure: The differences between chloroplast and mitochondria.

Photosynthesis is the process used by plants and some bacteria to create energy from sunlight.
Chlorophyll is the green pigment in plants that is responsible for this conversion process. In all
other living things, they rely on the process of respiration to stay alive. Respiration is the
process of taking oxygen from the air and cycling it through the lungs, which then gives oxygen
to blood to be used in the body. The carbon dioxide waste is expelled out of the lungs. Cellular
respiration uses glucose, or sugars, from food molecules and turns them into carbon dioxide,
water, and ATP a nucleotide essential to the body.

Figure: The plant use sunlight as a source for photosynthesis.


Photosynthesis converts light energy into chemical energy, and stores it in sugar. This process
occurs in the chloroplasts, using chlorophyll. The chemical formula for the process requires six
molecules of carbon dioxide and six molecules of water plus the energy from light. This creates
a sugar chain and six units of oxygen. Chlorophyll is green because the light required for
photosynthesis is red and blue light, leaving green light to be reflected back to our eyes.

Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of plants with little to none in the stems. Plant leaves are
made of upper and lower epidermises, mesophyll, veins, and stomata. Mesophyll is the layer
of the plant that contains chloroplasts and is the only place photosynthesis occurs. The energy
taken is stored as ATP (adenosine triphosphate). It is required for energy storage and is made
of the nucleotide adenine with ribose sugar.

Cellular Respiration

Cellular respiration first breaks down glucose into pyruvic acid, and then the pyruvic acid is
oxidized into carbon dioxide and water. This process usually occurs in the cytosol and
mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria are organelles responsible for the conversion
of potential energy into ATP.


The main difference between photosynthesis and cellular respiration is where it occurs, one
being in plants and some bacteria and the other being in most every other living thing. The
other difference is that plants require sunlight for the process to occur, whereas respiration does
not. But there is an important mutual relationship between the two processes because of the
ingredients required, and bi-products produced. If plants take carbon dioxide and expel oxygen,
and most other living things take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide, the importance of both
systems working in unison is obvious.
Figure: Cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis Respiration
It takes place only in the cells containing It takes place in all the living cells of plant.
It takes place only in the presence of light. This catabolic process continues throughout
the day and night.
Photosynthesis utilizes carbon dioxide and Utilizes oxygen and carbohydrates.
The end products of photosynthesis are The end products of respiration are carbon
carbohydrates and oxygen dioxide and water.
During photosynthesis, the light energy is The energy released from carbohydrates and
converted into chemical energy in the form other respiratory substrates is trapped in
of carbohydrate. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) on
oxidation. However, some energy is also
lost in the form of heat.
Through the process of Through the process of oxidative
Photophosphorylation during phosphorylation, oxidation of carbohydrates
photosynthesis ATP molecules are yields ATP molecules – the energy currency
synthesized by the conversion of light in living organisms.
Hydrogen released during the photolysis of Hydrogen released in oxidation of
water is accepted by NADP which is carbohydrates is trapped in a hydrogen
reduced to NADPH2. acceptor NAD which is reduced to NADH2.
ATP synthesized is used in the dark reaction ATP synthesized during respiration is used
of photosynthesis. in various metabolic processes.
The entire process of photosynthesis occurs In respiration, glycolysis takes place in the
in chloroplast cytoplasm and oxidation of pyruvic acid
takes place within mitochondria.
Rate of photosynthesis is usually 20 times Generally, the rate of respiration is less than
more than that of respiration. that of photosynthesis.
Table shows differences between photosynthesis and respiration.

Chloroplasts and mitochondria both are membrane-bound organelles which are involved in
energy conversion. Chloroplast stores light energy in the chemical bonds of glucose in the
process called as photosynthesis. Mitochondria convert the light energy stored in glucose into
chemical energy, in the form of ATP which can be used in the cellular processes. This process
is referred to as cellular respiration. Both of the organelles utilise CO2 and O2 in their processes.
Both chloroplasts and mitochondria involve in cellular differentiation, signalling and cell death
other than their main function. Also, they control the cell growth and cell cycle. Both organelles
are considered as originated through endosymbiosis. They contain their own DNA. But, the
main difference between chloroplasts and mitochondria is with their function in the cell.




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