Lesson Plan Letter A Lesson 5

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Lesson Plan

Day: M T W T F Date: 14/02/2020 Time: Year: Pre-Primary

Lesson number 5 of 5 (if the lesson is one in a sequence of lessons)

Learning Area: English

Topic: Phonics and word knowledge – Letter of the week is A

Australian Curriculum Content Description: (see ACARA or SCASA)

Recognise and name all upper and lower case letters (graphemes) and know the most
common sound that each letter represents(ACELA1440)

Produce some lower case and upper case letters using learned letter formations (ACELY1653)

EYLF: Outcome 4 – Children are confident and involved learners.

4.1 – children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence,
creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity.

4.2 – Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry,
experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating.

4.3 – Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from one context to another.

4.4 – Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place, technologies
and natural and processed materials.

Outcome 5:
5.1 - Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes.

5.3 – Children express ideas and make meaning using a range of media.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement

Cross-curriculum priorities: histories and cultures with Asia

Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural

General capabilities: Literacy Numeracy ICT
creative thinking behaviour social capability understanding
Students’ prior knowledge and experience:
(Briefly outline what the students already know about this topic from previous lessons/experiences. Note any particular skills

Students who enrolled in kindergarten last year have had previous experiences with the letter A.

Teaching purpose: (What is the broad purpose of the lesson? What are you teaching – and why?)
For students to identify the letter Aa and produce its sound /ah/. Students will be able to identify
words with the /ah/ sound at the start. Students will also develop letter formation of ‘A’ in lower case
and upper case.

Learning objectives: (What will students know and be able Assessment: (For each learning objective, state how you will
to do at the completion of the lesson – specific, concise and assess the degree to which the objective has been achieved.
attainable objectives. Use relevant taxonomies.) What will be the evidence of the learning? Consider formative
and, if appropriate, summative assessment strategies)
On completion of this lesson, students will be able
 Identify the letter ‘A’ lower case and upper  Rainbow letter A – Is the letter
case  Handwriting/picture match letter A
 Produce the sound ‘A’  Picture match does it start with A or not.
 Start to be able to identify words
starting/producing the ‘A’ sound at the start.
 Practice letter ‘A’ letter formation.

Preparation and Resources:

(Detail what resources will be used and what other preparation of the learning environment will be required)

Whiteboard markers
Board post-it pad
Rainbow letter A x 30
Handwriting picture match x 30
Playdough letter A sheets x 6
Letter match game – matching pictures with the A sound.
Letter A dots – find the letter A’s x 30
Letter craft – Alligator x 30

Alligator box created

Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments or considerations for educational/resource adjustments)
For students who need help with the ‘A’ sound extra help will be provided during the activity as
group sizes are keep small to help with this, extra activities/pictures provided for student who need
extra learning experience with identifying the letter a and its sound.

Group discussion will support students who may not know or are familiar with the letter ‘a’.

Timing Learning experiences

Introduction: (How will you engage the learners and set the scene for the lesson?)

Ring bell get students to pack away.
Once students are on the mat.
Good morning, good morning Mrs Poinen, good morning Mrs Gomez.

9.10am Pick 2 bags from the about me bags for 2 students to complete news.

Complete calendar with students.

What is our letter of the week?

Reinforcement of letter sound /a/. Ask students is anyone confident in showing us how
they do an upper-case A on the board? Then move onto lower-case.

Ask students to produce the sound letter A makes. /Ah/

Ask students if anyone has brought in some new objects starting with A, if yes then do
news with the children who have brought in new items.

Sequence of learning experiences: (What learning experiences will help the students achieve the learning
objectives? What instructional strategies will be used?)

9.20am Whole class learning – Sensory experience apple game

There will be apples with A and a on them as well as apples with different letters on
them. Students will have to identify apples with A and a on them in a sensory bill with
Aeroplane jelly in it. Students will then produce the A sound /ah/ before going back to
the line and tagging the next person to go.
When all students have had a go we will then move onto the literacy rotation blocks.

9.40am Literacy block activities:

Table 1: Letter A craft activity – Alligator (SG)
Table 2: Letter A handwriting/picture match/rainbow letter

Table 3: Playdough letter A activity

Table 4: Picture match game – sorting pictures that have the /a/ sound

Table 5: Letter A dots activity

Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the learning and relate it to the lesson objectives?)

Sound Bell, tidy up, gather on mat. Remind students to look.

Hand over to Mrs Poinen for Prayer, wash hands, get hat, lunch (sit outside on mats if weather
permits /inside if hot/wet weather).

Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why? Only complete this section if you
actually taught the lesson)

What worked:
Students loved the sensory experience and incorporating learning with the outside space. Students were able to show in a
different learning experience that they can identify A and a and the sound that the letter makes /Ah/.

With the introduction of the all about me bags students are starting to understand how to speak in front of a groups.

What didn’t:
Students are still developing understanding about how to ask a question – further modelling and development is required.

What would you change:

I would have more than one sensory tub for students to go too, I would also have water tubs at the back of every line and not just
one to the side this would have allowed more of a flow where students run tag the next person then wash their hands when they
go to the back of the line.

Critical reflections:
E: Through previous observations it was noted that E loves sensory experiences. Normally during a learning experience and
rotations you must ensure E is engaged and on task throughout, during the sensory experience E was just standing there and not
moving just feeling the jelly through her hands. As a result, we extended the sensory experience during rotations as a free play
option for students. It was observed that E did not move from the jelly sensory tub. I walked over and said how does it feel
engaging with E. E said “look I found a ‘A’”, I said “you did awesome is that a upper or lower case?”, E “it is a upper case A and
makes the /Ah/ sound”, me “awesome E it does”. E then lifted out another apple “Ms Zezan look I found another A this time it’s
the lower case A and it also makes the /Ah/ sound”, me “E that is amazing are you able to tell me some words that start with
/Ah/?”, E “yes apple, ant, aeroplane and alligator”, I said “E that is a lot of A words”, E “ I know Ms Zezan I can write the letter A
in the jelly did you want to see?”, Me “I would love to see”, E “round you go up and down that is how you make the letter a that
is the lower case I can do the upper case too look”. Me “E that is awesome can I have a high five”.

It was great to be able to offer E a different kind of learning experience for her to express her understanding and knowledge
around the letter A.

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