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United States Patent (19.

11 4,264,566
Giles et al. 45 Apr. 28, 1981
(75) Inventors: Richard F. Giles, Pinch, W. Va.; Shaw, Manesh.J., "Control Simulation in Ammonia
Larry D. Gaines, Bartlesville, Okla. Production,' Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,
vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 72-83, Jan. 1967.
(73) Assignee: Phillips Petroleum Company, Primary Examiner-O. R. Vertiz
Bartlesville, Okla. Assistant Examiner-Wayne A. Langel
(21) Appl. No.: 949,290 (57) ABSTRACT
22) Filed: Oct. 6, 1978 Control of the temperature of an ammonia synthesis
51 Int. Cli................................................ CO1C 1/04 reactor is accomplished so as to reduce temperature
(52) U.S. C. ................................. 423/359; 23/230 A; oscillations throughout the reactor. This allows the
422/109; 422/148; 422/190; 423/361; ammonia synthesis reactor to be operated close to the
423/DIG. 5 lowest stable operating temperature which results in
(58) Field of Search ............... 423/359, 360, 361, 362, optimal reactor performance. The temperature of the
423/363, DIG. 5; 23/230 A; 422/109, 148, 190 effluent flowing from the ammonia synthesis reactor is
56 References Cited monitored to detect the presence of thermal waves. The
temperature of the effluent flowing from the synthesis
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS reactor is utilized to generate a correction term which is
3,031,267 4/1962 Martin et al. ........................ 423/360 utilized in temperature control for the ammonia synthe
3,254,967 6/1966 Wentworth .. ..., 423/36 sis reactor to stabilize the operation of the ammonia
3,656,911 4/1972 Hobbs ........... as a sea 422/62 synthesis reactor.
4,088,740 5/1978 Gaines ...... ... 423/359
4,094,959 6/1978 Ball et al. ............................. 423/359 20 Claims, 2 Drawing Figures




4 1s

U.S. Patent Apr. 28, 1981 Sheet 1 of 2 4,264,566
U.S. Patent Apr. 28, 1981 Sheet 2 of 2 4.264,566

115 13

S.P...? 2. - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -

hull 16 CK - 52
-- 12 W

------------------ (7) 120 CATALYST BED

17 19
10 122 1 8
125 123 121. 6
ls. P. 2. 2
st?.14 N 126 G-------------- S ----- J 53
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127 128 129
1 O2 132
135 133 31 65
ls. P.
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i -----
14 N 136

6 7 140.
cataly are
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1. 38

1 39

145 1 43 4 69
ls. P. 2 --
44 Nu 146 CK wn 55
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------------------- (7. 150 CATALYST BED

147 49
104. 148

n-95 8 60 73
92 87 85 5
9. 88
r-93 | REACTED
KN - - - - - - - - - - - -- ------ GAS
A/G 2 83 8
present would be feasible only if the temperature profile
TEMPERATURE CONTROL FOR ANAMMONIA of the ammonia synthesis reactor could be stabilized.
SYNTHESIS REACTOR It is thus an object of this invention to provide
method and apparatus for controlling thermal oscilla
This invention relates to control of an ammonia syn tions in a quench type ammonia synthesis reactor.
thesis process. In a specific aspect this invention relates In accordance with the present invention, method
to method and apparatus for controlling thermal oscilla and apparatus is provided whereby the temperature of
tions in a quench type ammonia synthesis reactor. the effluent flowing from the ammonia synthesis reactor
A quench type ammonia synthesis reactor is often is utilized to generate a correction term which is utilized
used in ammonia synthesis processes. The temperature 10 in a temperature control system to reduce temperature
profile across the quench type reactor is controlled by oscillations and thereby stabilize the operation of the
introducing cold feed gas into quench zones in the am ammonia synthesis reactor. The ammonia synthesis
monia synthesis reactor. It is well known that in quench reactor can thus be operated near the lowest stable
type ammonia synthesis reactors the optimal reactor operating temperature which results in optimal reactor
performance is obtained slightly above the lowest stable 15 performance.
operating temperature for the reactor. The measurement of the temperature of the effluent
It is desirable to operate the ammonia synthesis reac flowing from the ammonia synthesis reactor is available
tor close to the lowest stable operating temperature but with a very minimal measurement time lag. The mea
this requires close control of the temperature profile surement signal is delayed or shifted in phase so as to be
across the ammonia synthesis reactor to prevent a blow 20
approximately 180 degrees out of phase with the mea
out (quenching of the ammonia reaction) from occur surement signal at oscillation frequencies close to that of
ring. A blowout will occur if the temperature of the the thermal waves propagating through the ammonia
ammonia synthesis reactor goes below the lowest stable synthesis reactor. The phase shifted temperature mea
operating temperature. Previous control systems have surement signal can be subtracted from the current
attempted to provide this close control of the ammonia 25
measurement of the temperature of the effluent flowing
synthesis reactor by measuring the temperature in the
quench zones of the ammonia synthesis reactor and from the ammonia synthesis reactor to yield a correc
comparing this measured temperature with a set point tion term which can be utilized to stabilize the operation
temperature representative of the desired temperature of the ammonia synthesis reactor. The correction term
in the quench zones of the ammonia synthesis reactor. 30 is provided to the temperature control system to
The comparison was utilized to control all of the flows thereby modify the settings of the control valves con
of quench fluid to the quench zones to thereby control trolling the flows of the quench fluid to the quench
the temperature profile across the ammonia synthesis zones of the ammonia synthesis reactor. In this manner
reactor. the temperature of the ammonia synthesis reactor can
It has been found that quench type ammonia synthesis 35 be closely controlled which allows operation near the
reactors have a tendency to exhibit large sustained tem lowest stable operating temperature for the ammonia
perature oscillations in the region of optimal operation. synthesis reactor which results in optimal reactor per
The frequency of these oscillations for the ammonia formance.
synthesis reactor is such that they are not detected by Other objects and advantages of the invention will be
the conventional temperature measurement system apparent from the description of the invention and the
which is utilized to measure the temperature in the appended claims as well as from the detailed description
quench zones of the ammonia synthesis reactor. This of the drawings in which:
lack of detection is due to the lag time associated with FIG. 1 is a representation of an ammonia synthesis
the measurements of the temperature in the quench process; and
zones of the ammonia synthesis reactor. Because of the 45 FIG. 2 is a simplified representation of a quench type
high operating pressures of the ammonia synthesis reac ammonia synthesis reactor together with the control
tor and the associated wall thickness which is necessary system of the present invention for controlling the tem
to withstand the high operating pressure and other perature profile across the ammonia synthesis reactor.
similar factors the temperature measurements for the The invention is illustrated and described in terms of
quench zones of an ammonia synthesis reactor have 50 a typical ammonia synthesis process and a typical am
been found experimentally to have an associated lag monia synthesis reactor. The invention, however, is
time of approximately 10 minutes. These measurements applicable to any ammonia synthesis process wherein a
were taken from a commercial ammonia synthesis pro quench type ammonia synthesis reactor is utilized. The
cess. While the lag time associated with the temperature invention is also applicable to different designs for a
measurements of the quench zones of the ammonia 55 quench type ammonia synthesis reactor.
synthesis reactor may vary with different plants there The invention is illustrated in terms of a preferred
will almost always be some time lag present using con control system configuration. However, the invention
ventional measurement equipment due to the construc also extends to different types of control system config
tion of the ammonia synthesis reactor. urations which accomplish the purpose of the invention.
The frequency of the temperature oscillations 60 Lines designated as signal lines in FIG. 2 are electrical
through the ammonia synthesis reactor is such that the in this preferred embodiment except for the signal lines
temperature oscillations are generally not detected by provided from the current to pressure transducers to
conventional temperature measurements control sys the control valves located in the quench fluid lines.
tems which have time lags associated therewith. Large However, the invention is also applicable to pneumatic,
temperature oscillations may pass through the con 65 mechanical, hydraulic or other signal means for trans
verter with little or no control action being generated. mitting information. In almost all control systems, some
Operation near blowout conditions for an ammonia combination of these types of signals will be used. How
synthesis reactor where temperature oscillations are ever, use of any other type of signal transmission, com
3 4.
patible with the process and equipment in use, is within the second stage compressor 15. This two-stage com
the scope of the invention. pression system, which is powered by driver 17, com
Controllers shown may utilize the various modes of presses the synthesis gas to a high pressure. Recycle gas
control such as proportional, proportional-integral, is mixed with the synthesis gas in compressor 15 and the
proportional-derivative, or proportional-integral compressed mixture is fed through conduit means 18
derivative. In this preferred embodiment proportional into the separation chamber 19. The gases are cooled in
integral controllers are utilized. The operation of these the separation chamber 19 to condense out the ammonia
types of controllers is well known in the art. The output product as a liquid, which is withdrawn from the pro
control signal of a proportional-integral controller may cess through conduit means 20. The cooled gas is sup
be represented as 10 plied from the separation chamber through conduit
S=KE--K2 Edit means 26 to the ammonia synthesis reactor 27.
All the hydrogen and nitrogen will not be converted
where to ammonia. The reacted gases and any unreacted gases
S=output control signal; 15 are withdrawn from the ammonia synthesis reactor 27
E= difference between two input signals; and and most of the thus withdrawn gases are passed
K1 and K2 = constants. through recycle gas conduit means 21 as recycle gas to
The various transducing means used to measure pa be mixed with fresh synthesis gas in compressor 15 and
rameters which characterize the process and the various thus passed to the separation chamber 19. The recycle
signals generated thereby may take a variety of forms or 20 gas will also contain certain gases such as argon and
formats. For example, the control elements of the sys methane which are inert in the reaction of hydrogen
tem can be implemented using electrical analog, digital and nitrogen to form ammonia. In order to avoid a
electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical or other buildup of these inert gases in the recycle gas to such an
similar types of equipment or combinations of one or extent that their partial pressure effect becomes deleteri
more such equipment types. While the presently pre 25 ous to the reaction, a portion of the recyle gas is inter
ferred embodiment of the invention utilizes a combina mittently or continuously purged from the system
tion of pneumatic control elements such as a pneumati through purge gas conduit means 22 into purge tank 23.
cally operated valve means 120 in conjunction with Purge gas is vented through conduit means 24 and any
electrical analog signal handling and translation appara ammonia condensing out from the purge gas is with
tus, the apparatus and method of the invention can be 30 drawn from tank 23 through conduit means 25.
implemented using a variety of specific equipment The loop formed by the two-stage compression sys
available to and understood by those skilled in the pro tem 14 and 15, the synthesis
cess control art. Likewise, the format of the various zone 19 and conduit means 21reactor for
27, the separation
passing the recycle
signals can be modified substantially in order to accom gas to the second stage of the two-stage compressor
modate signal format requirements of the particular system
installation, safety factors, the physical characteristics 35 sis commonly referred to as the ammonia synthe
of the measuring or control instruments and other simi The rate at which steam is delivered to the driver 17
lar factors. For example, some measurement systems through conduit means 32 determines the speed at
may produce a measurement signal which exhibits a which compressor 14 and compressor 15 will be driven.
generally proportional relationship to the square of the
measured parameter. Other measuring systems might The rate at which steam is provided to the driver 17 is
produce a signal which is proportional to the measure controlled by control valve 31 which is located in steam
parameter, and still other measuring systems may pro conduit means 32. Control valve 31 may be manipulated
duce a signal which bears a more complicated, but automatically or by hand to provide a desired compres
known relationship to the measured parameter. In addi sor speed for the ammonia synthesis process.
tion, all signals could be translated into a "suppressed 45 The purge rate for the recycle gas is controlled by
zero' or other similar format in order to provide a “live means of control valve 46 which is located in conduit
zero' and prevent an equipment failure from being means 24. Control valve means 46 is generally automati
erroneously interpreted as a low (or high) measurement cally manipulated in response to either the concentra
or control signal. Regardless of the signal format or the tion of inerts in the recycle gas or the pressure of the
exact relationship of the signal to the parameter which 50 recycle gas to provide a desired purge rate for the am
it represents, each signal representative of a measured monia synthesis process.
process parameter or representative of a desired process A simplified diagram of the synthesis reactor 27,
value will bear a relationship to the measure parameter illustrated in FIG. 1, is set forth in FIG. 2. The control
or desired value which permits designation of a specific system of the present invention for controlling the tem
measured or desired value by a specific signal value. A 55 perature profile across the synthesis reactor 27 is also
signal which is representative of a process measurement illustrated in FIG. 2. Referring now to FIG. 2, a portion
or desired process value is therefore one from which the of the feed gas from the separation chamber 19, illus
information regarding the measured or desired value trated in FIG. 1, is provided through conduit means 26
can be readily retrieved regardless of the exact mathe to the heat exchanger 51. The feed gas is provided
matical relationship between the signal units and the 60 through conduit means 60 from heat exchanger 51 to
measured or desired process units. the first catalyst bed 52. The feed gas flowing through
Referring now to FIG. 1, a synthesis gas containing conduit means 26 is heated by the reacted gas flowing
hydrogen and nitrogen in the approximate mol ratio of from the fourth catalyst bed 55 through conduit means
3:1 is obtained from any suitable source and fed through 73 before being provided to the first catalyst bed 52.
synthesis gas conduit means 11 into suction drum 12. 65 A portion of the feed gas flowing through conduit
From suction drum 12 the fresh synthesis gas is fed means 26 is also provided through conduit means 61 to
through conduit means 13 into first stage compressor 14 the feed flowing into the first catalyst bed 52 through
and from compressor 14 through conduit means 16 into conduit means 60. The point at which the feed gas flow
ing through conduit means 60 and the feed gas flowing tion frequencies close to that of the thermal waves prop
through conduit means 61, which is referred to as a agating through the ammonia synthesis reactor. Signal
quench fluid, are combined will be referred to as the 88 is provided from the phase shift element 85 as a
first chamber. The feed gas which flows through con second input to the subtracting element 87. Signal 88 is
duit means 60 and the quench fluid which has been subtracted from signal 83 in the subtracting element 87
provided through conduit means 61 are provided from to provide a correction signal 91. The correction signal
the first catalyst bed 52 to the second catalyst bed 53 91 is provided from the subtracting means 87 as a first
through conduit means 62. input to the multiplying element 92.
A portion of the feed gas flowing through conduit A constant gain term Kn, which is illustrated as signal
means 26 is also provided, as a quench fluid, through O 93, is provided as a second input to the multiplying
conduit means 64 to the effluent from bed 52 flowing element 92. The constant gain term is preferably chosen
through conduit means 62. Conduit means 62 will be so as to keep the final corrective term 95, which is
referred to as the second quench chamber. provided as an output from the multiplying element 92,
The effluent from the second catalyst bed 53 is pro as low as possible while still removing thermal oscilla
vided to the third catalyst bed 54 through conduit 15 tions. The final correction signal 95 is provided as a first
means 65 which will be referred to as the third quench input to the subtracting means 101-104.
chamber. A portion of the feed flowing through conduit A thermocouple is utilized to provide a measurement
means 26 is provided through conduit means 67 as a signal 111, which is representative of the temperature of
quench fluid to the third quench chamber. the combined feed flowing into the first catalyst bed 52,
The effluent flowing from the third catalyst bed 54 is 20 to the temperature transducer 112. The temperature
provided to the fourth catalyst bed 55 through conduit transducer provides an output signal 113 to the flow
means 69 which will be referred to as the fourth quench controller 114. Signal 113 is representative of the tem
chamber. A portion of the feed gas flowing through perature of the combined feed flowing into the first
conduit means 26 is provided through conduit means 71 catalyst bed 52. The flow controller 114 is provided
as a quench fluid to the fourth quench chamber. The 25 with a set point signal 115 which is representative of the
effluent from the fourth catalyst bed 55, which is a desired temperature of the combined feed flowing into
combination of the feed gas which flows through con the first catalystbed 52. Signal 113 is compared to signal
duit means 26 and the quench fluid which flows through 115 by the flow controller 114 which outputs a signal
conduit means 61, 64, 67 and 71, is provided to the heat 116 which is responsive to the difference between sig
exchanger 51 through conduit means 73. The effluent 30 nals 113 and 115. Signal 116 is provided as a second
flowing from the fourth catalyst bed 55 is cooled in the input to the subtracting means 101. Signal 95 is sub
heat exchanger 51 and is provided from the heat ex tracted from signal 116 in the subtracting means 101 to
changer 51 to the recycle gas conduit means 21 as is provide an output signal 117 which is provided to the
illustrated in FIG. 1. current to pressure transducer 118. Signal 117 is repre
As has been previously stated, the primary problem 35 sentative of the desired flow rate of the quench fluid
addressed by the present invention is the presence of flowing through conduit means 61. Signal 119, which is
thermal oscillations in the ammonia synthesis reactor also representative of the desired flow rate of the fluid
which is illustrated in FIG. 2. These thermal oscillations flowing through conduit means 61, is provided from the
propagate through the ammonia synthesis reactor and current to pressure transducer 118 as a control signal to
have a destabilizing effect upon the ammonia synthesis the pneumatic control valve 120 which is operably
reactor unless they are adequately controlled. A mea located in conduit means 61. The pneumatic control
surement of the temperature of the reacted gas flowing valve 120 is manipulated in response to the control
through conduit means 21 is readily and quickly avail signal 119 to thereby control the flow rate of the quench
able and this temperature measurement can be utilized fluid flowing through conduit means 61 to the first
to provide control of the temperature oscillations in the 45 quench zone.
ammonia synthesis reactor. The magnitude of the tem A thermocouple is utilized to provide a measurement
perature oscillations are considerably diminished in the signal 121, which is representative of the temperature of
effluent flowing through the conduit means 21 because the combined feed flowing into the second catalyst bed
of the heat loss in heat exchanger 51 but they are of 53, to the temperature transducer 122. The temperature
sufficient magnitude to be detectable. 50 transducer provides an output signal 123 to the flow
A thermocouple is preferably utilized to measure the controller, 124. Signal 123 is also representative of the
temperature of the reacted gas flowing through conduit temperature of the combined feed flowing into the sec
means 21. The signal 81, which is representative of the ond catalystbed 53. The flow controller 124 is provided
temperature of the reacted gas flowing through conduit with a set point signal 125 which is representative of the
means 21, is provided from a thermocouple, located in 55 desired temperature of the combined feed flowing into
conduit means 21 close to heat exchanger 51, to the the second catalyst bed 53. Signal 123 is compared to
temperature transducer 82. The temperature transducer signal 125 by the flow controller 124 which outputs a
82 provides an output signal 83 which is also representa signal 126 which is responsive to the difference between
tive of the temperature of the effluent flowing through signals 123 and 125. Signal 126 is provided as a second
conduit means 21. Signal 83 is provided to the phase input to the subtracting means 102. Signal 95 is sub
shift element 85 and to the subtracting element 87. tracted from signal 126 in the subtracting means 102 to
The measurement of the temperature of the reacted provide an output signal 127 which is provided to the
gas flowing through conduit means 21 also provides an current to pressure transducer 128. Signal 127 is repre
indication of the frequency of the temperature oscilla sentative of the desired flow rate of the quench fluid
tions in the ammonia synthesis reactor illustrated in 65 flowing through conduit means 64. Signal 129, which is
FIG. 2. The phase shift element 85 is preferably utilized also representative of the desired flow rate of the fluid
to provide an output signal 88 which will be approxi flowing through conduit means 64, is provided from the
mately 180 degress out of phase with signal 83 at oscilla current to pressure transducer 128 as a control signal to
7 8
the pneumatic control valve 130 which is operably increasing, indicating that the temperature of the reac
located in conduit means 64. The pneumatic control tant gases flowing to conduit means 26 is increasing, the
valve 130 is manipulated in response to the control shifted temperature signal 88 will be decreasing. In like
manner when the measure temperature signal 83 is de
signal 129 to thereby control the flow rate of the quench
fluid flowing through conduit means 64 to the second 5 creasing the shifted temperature signal 88 will be in
quench zone. creasing. Signal 88 is subtracted from signal 83 to pro
A thermocouple is utilized to provide a measurement vide the initial correction signal 91. Signal 91 is effec
signal 131, which is representative of the temperature of tively an indication of what must be done to damp out
the combined feed flowing into the third catalyst bed thermal oscillations in the ammonia synthesis reactor.
54, to the temperature transducer 132. The temperature 10 The constant Kn, which is supplied as signal 93 to the
transducer provides an output signal 133 to the flow multiplying unit 92, is utilized to provide a final correc
controller 134. Signal 133 is also representative of the tion term, having a desired magnitude, to the subtract
temperature of the combined feed flowing into the third ing means 101-104. The constant term Kn is selected
catalyst bed 54. The flow controller 134 is provided preferably so as to keep the corrective term represented
with a set point signal 135 which is representative of the 15 by signal 95 as low as possible while still removing
desired temperature of the combined feed flowing into thermal oscillations in the synthesis reactor. A value for
the third catalyst bed 54. Signal 133 is compared to the constant K may be determined by watching the
signal 135 by the flow controller 134 which outputs a value of the initial correction signal 91 and the ammonia
signal 136 which is responsive to the difference between synthesis reactor outlet temperature which is repre
signals 133 and 135. Signal 136 is provided as a second 20 sented by signal 83. The constant Kn is changed while
input to the subtracting means 103. Signal 95 is sub the magnitude of signal 91 is monitored and the thermal
tracted from signal 136 in the subtracting means 103 to oscillations in the ammonia synthesis are monitored by
provide an output signal 137 which is provided to the means of signal 83. The more quickly signal 91 goes to
current to pressure transducer 138. Signal 137 is repre zero while still removing the thermal oscillations which
sentative of the desired flow rate of the quench fluid 25 are seen by means of signal 83 the better the value se
flowing through conduit means 67. Signal 139, which is lected for K is becoming. In this manner a constant Kn
also representative of the desired flow rate of the fluid can be selected which will keep the corrective term as
flowing through conduit means 67, is provided from the low as possible while still removing thermal oscillations
current to pressure transducer 138 as a control signal to in the ammonia synthesis reactor. This results in opera
the pneumatic control valve 140 which is operably 30 tion of the ammonia synthesis reactor in an optimum
located in conduit means 67. The pneumatic control manner without altering the characteristics of the am
valve 140 is manipulated in response to the control monia synthesis reactor.
signal 139 to thereby control the flow rate of the quench If there are no thermal oscillations in the ammonia
fluid flowing through conduit means 67 to the third synthesis reactor the correction term represented by
quench Zone. 35 signal 95 will be zero and the pneumatic control valves
A thermocouple is utilized to provide a measurement 120, 130, 140 and 150 will be controlled in response to
signal 141, which is representative of the temperature of the output signals 116, 126, 136 and 146 from controllers
the combined feed flowing into the fourth catalyst bed 114, 124, 134 and 144 respectively. If a change occurs,
55, to the temperature transducer 142. The temperature such as a feed rate change to the ammonia synthesis
transducer provides an output signal 143 to the flow 40 reactor, and there are still no thermal oscillations then
controller 144. Signal 143 is also representative of the the corrective term represented by signal 95 will go to
temperature of the effluent combined feed flowing into zero after one delay period, where the delay period is
the fourth catalyst bed 55. The flow controller 144 is defined as the delay or phase lag which will make signal
provided with a set point signal 145 which is representa 88 approximately 180 degrees out of phase with signal
tive of the desired temperature of the combined feed 45 83 at the frequency at which thermal oscillations would
flowing into the fourth catalyst bed 55. Signal 143 is normally occur. If there are thermal oscillations present
compared to signal 145 by the flow controller 144 in the ammonia synthesis reactor, then the correction
which outputs a signal 146 which is responsive to the term 95 is a continuous output signal which is varied so
difference between signals 143 and 145. Signal 146 is as to provide a dampening effect for the thermal oscilla
provided as a second input to the subtracting means 104. 50 tions occuring in the ammonia synthesis reactor with
Signal 95 is subtracted from signal 146 in the subtracting minimal alteration of the characteristics and response of
means 104 to provide an output signal 147 which is the ammonia synthesis reactor.
provided to the current to pressure transducer 148. The estimation of the temperature oscillation period
Signal 147 is representative of the desired flow rate of is not critical. It is desirable that signal 88 be approxi
the quench fluid flowing through conduit means 71. 55 mately 180 degrees out of phase with signal 83 but it is
Signal 149, which is also representative of the disired not necessary that signal 88 be exactly 180 degrees out
flow rate of the fluid flowing through conduit means 71, of phase with signal 83.
is provided from the current to pressure transducer 148 The constant Kn is preferably less than 1 with a value
as a control signal to the pneumatic control valve 150 of 0.5 being presently preferred when a proportional
which is operably located in conduit means 71. The 60 constant of 0.7 is utilized for the flow controllers 114,
pneumatic control valve 150 is manipulated in response 124, 134 and 144.
to the control signal 149 to thereby control the flow rate The invention has been described in terms of a pre
of the quench fluid flowing through conduit means 71 ferred embodiment as is illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2.
to the fourth quench zone. Specific components which can be used in the practice
The phase shift element 85 operates to introduce a 65 of the invention, as illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2, such as
phase lag or a dead time into the temperature measure control valves 31 and 36; temperature transducers 82,
ment signal 83 such that signal 88 is 180 degrees out of 112, 122, 132 and 142; flow controllers 114, 124, 134 and
phase with signal 83. In this manner, when signal 83 is 44; current-to-pressure transducers 118, 128, 138 and
148; and pneumatic control valves 120, 130, 140 and 150 4. A method in accordance with claim 3 wherein said
are each well known, commercially available control step of utilizing said fifth signal to modify said fourth
components such as are described at length in Perry's signal comprises multiplying said fourth signal by said
Chemical Engineers Handbook, 4th Edition, Chapter fifth signal.
22, McGraw-Hill. 5. A method in accordance with claim 1 wherein said
The subtracting elements 101-104 and 87, multiply step of utilizing said fourth signal to modify said first
ing element 92 and phase shift element 85 may be easily signal comprises subtracting said fourth signal from said
implemented on a digital computer. These elements first signal.
may also be implemented on an analog computer with a 6. In a process of operating a quench type ammonia
first order Pade dead time element being used for the 10 synthesis reactor wherein a first stream of synthesis gas
phase shift element 85 and with a No. B05885 Multiuse containing hydrogen and nitrogen is supplied through a
Amp manufactured by Applied Automation Inc., Bar heat exchange zone and a first quench zone to a first
tlesville, Oklahoma being used for the subtracting ele reaction zone, the reaction effluent from said first reac
ments and the multiplying element. tion zone being supplied through a second quench zone
For reasons of brevity conventional auxiliary equip 15 to a second reaction zone, the reaction effluent from
ment such as pumps, heat exchangers, additional meas said second reaction zone being supplied through a
urement-control devices, etc. have not been included in third quench zone to a third reaction zone, the reaction
the above description as they play no part in the expla effluent from said third reaction zone being supplied
nation of the invention. through a fourth quench zone to a fourth reaction zone,
While the invention has been described in terms of 20 and the reaction effluent from said fourth reaction zone
the presently preferred embodiment, reasonable varia being supplied through said heat exchange zone to a
tions and modifications are possible by those skilled in separation zone to therein separate the ammonia con
the art, within the scope of the described invention and tained in the reaction effluent flowing from said fourth
the appended claims. reaction zone from any unreacted synthesis, gas;
That which is claimed is: 25 wherein a second stream of synthesis gas is supplied
1. In a process of operating a quench type ammonia to said first quench zone as a quench fluid, a third
synthesis reactor wherein the temperature in at least one stream of synthesis gas is supplied to said second
quench zone of said quench type ammonia synthesis quench zone as a quench fluid, a fourth stream of
reactor is maintained at a respective desired tempera synthesis gas is supplied to said third quench zone
ture by measuring the temperature in said at least one 30 as a quench fluid, and a fifth stream of synthesis gas
quench zone and comparing the measured temperature is supplied to said fourth quench zone as a quench
to the respective desired temperature in said at least one fluid;
quench zone to thereby establish a first signal respon wherein the temperature in said first quench zone of
sive to said comparison, the flow of quench fluid to said 35 said quench type ammonia synthesis reactor is
at least one quench zone being manipulated in response maintained at a first desired temperature by mea
to said first signal to thereby control the temperature in suring the temperature in said first quench zone and
said at least one quench zone, the improvement com comparing the measured temperature to said first
prising the steps of: desired temperature to thereby establish a first
establishing a second signal representative of the signal responsive to the comparison, the flow of
temperature of the reaction effluent flowing from said second stream of synthesis gas to said first
said quench type ammonia synthesis reactor; quench zone being manipulated in response to said
phase shifting said second signal so as to produce a first signal to thereby manipulate the temperature
third signal which is approximately 180 degrees out in said first quench zone;
of phase with said second signal at the approximate 45 wherein the temperature in said second quench zone
frequency of the thermal oscillations in said quench of said quench type ammonia synthesis reactor is
type ammonia synthesis reactor; maintained at a second desired temperature by
comparing said second signal and said third signal measuring the temperature in said second quench
and generating a fourth signal responsive to the zone and comparing the measured temperature to
difference between said second signal and said 50 said second desired temperature to thereby estab
third signal; and lish a second signal responsive to the comparison,
utilizing said fourth signal to modify said first signal the flow of said third stream of synthesis gas to said
second quench zone being manipulated in response
to thereby dampen said thermal oscillations in said to said second signal to thereby manipulate the
quench type ammonia synthesis reactor. temperature in said second quench zone;
2. A method in accordance with claim 1 wherein said 55 wherein the temperature in said third quench zone of
step of comparing said second signal and said third said quench type ammonia synthesis reactor is
signal comprises subtracting said third signal from said maintained at a third desired temperature by mea
second signal. suring the temperature in said third quench Zone
3. A method in accordance with claim 1 additionally and comparing the measured temperature to said
comprising the steps of: third desired temperature to thereby establish a
establishing a fifth signal representative of a constant third signal responsive to the comparison, the flow
Kn; and of said fourth stream of synthesis gas to said third
utilizing said fifth signal to modify said fourth signal, quench zone being manipulated in response to said
the value of said fifth signal being chosen so as to third signal to thereby manipulate the temperature
keep said fourth signal at a substantially minimum 65 in said third quench zone; and
value while still dampening said thermal oscilla wherein the temperature in said fourth quench zone
tions in said quench type ammonia synthesis reac of said quench type ammonia synthesis reactor is
tor. maintained at a fourth desired temperature by mea
suring the temperature in said fourth quench Zone stream being made up of said first stream of synthe
and comparing the measured temperature to said sis gas and said second stream of synthesis gas;
fourth desired temperature to thereby establish a a separation means;
fourth signal responsive to the comparison, the means for passing said ammonia and any unreacted
flow of said fifth stream of synthesis gas to said synthesis gas from said at least one catalyst bed in
fourth quench zone being manipulated in response said quench type ammonia synthesis reactor means
to said fourth signal to thereby manipulate the to said separating means to thereby separate said
temperature in said fourth quench Zone; the im ammonia from any unreacted synthesis gas;
provement comprising the steps of means for establishing a first signal representative of
establishing a fifth signal representative of the tem O the temperature of said combined synthesis gas
perature of the reaction effluent flowing from said stream;
heat exchange zone to said separation zone; means for establishing a second signal representative
phase shifting said fifth signal so as to produce a sixth of the respective desired temperature of said com
signal which is approximately 180 degrees out of bined synthesis gas stream;
phase with said fifth signal at the approximate fre 15 means for comparing said first signal and said second
quency of the thermal oscillations in said quench signal and for establishing a third signal responsive
type ammonia synthesis reactor; to the difference between said first signal and said
comparing said fifth signal and said sixth signal and second signal; and
generating a seventh signal responsive to the differ means for manipulating the flow of said quench fluid
ence between said fifth signal and said sixth signal; 20 to said at least one quench zone of said quench type
and ammonia synthesis reactor in response to said third
utilizing said seventh signal to modify said first signal, signal; the improvement comprising;
said second signal, said third signal and said fourth means for establishing a fourth signal representative
signal to thereby dampen said thermal oscillations of the temperature of said ammonia and any unre
in said quench type ammonia synthesis reactor. 25 acted synthesis gas passing from said at least one
7. A method in accordance with claim 6 wherein said catalyst bed of said quench type ammonia synthesis
step of comparing said fifth signal and said sixth signal reactor means to said separating means;
comprises subtracting said sixth signal from said fifth phase shifting means;
signal. means for supplying said fourth signal to said phase
8. A method in accordance with claim 6 additionally 30 shifting means, said phase shifting means supplying
comprising the steps of: a fifth signal as an output signal, said fifth signal
establishing an eighth signal representative of a con being approximately 180 degrees out of phase with
stant Kn; and said fourth signal at the approximate frequency of
utilizing said eighth signal to modify said seventh the thermal oscillations in said quench type ammo
signal, the value of said eighth signal being chosen 35 nia synthesis reactor means;
so as to keep said seventh signal at a substantially means for comparing said fourth signal and said fifth
minimum value while still dampening said thermal signal and for establishing a sixth signal responsive
oscillations in said quench type ammonia synthesis to the difference between said fourth signal and
reactor. said fifth signal; and
9. A method in accordance with claim 8 wherein said 40 means for utilizing said sixth signal to modify said
step of utilizing said eighth signal to modify said sev third signal to thereby dampen said thermal oscilla
enth signal comprises multiplying said seventh signal by tions in said quench type ammonia synthesis reac
said eighth signal. to means.
10. A method in accordance with claim 6 wherein 12. Apparatus in accordance with claim 11 wherein
said step of utilizing said seventh signal to modify said 45 said means for comparing said fourth signal and said
first signal, said second signal, said third signal and said fifth signal comprises means for subtracting said fifth
fourth signal cornprises subtracting said seventh signal signal from said fourth signal.
from said first signal, said second signal, said third signal 13. Apparatus in accordance with claim 11 addition
and said fourth signal. ally comprising:
11. An apparatus for manufacturing ammonia com 50 means for establishing a seventh signal representative
prising: of a constant Kn; and
a quench type ammonia synthesis reactor means for means for utilizing said seventh signal to modify said
producing ammonia from synthesis gas, said sixth signal, the value of said seventh signal being
quench type ammonia synthesis reactor means chosen so as to keep said sixth signal at a substan
comprising at least one catalyst bed and at least one 55 tially minimum value while still dampening said
quench chamber; thermal oscillations in said quench type ammonia
means for passing a first stream of synthesis gas con synthesis reactor means.
taining hydrogen and nitrogen through said at least 14. Apparatus in accordance with claim 13 wherein
one quench chamber to said at least one catalyst said means for utilizing said seventh signal to modify
bed of said quench type ammonia synthesis reactor 60 said sixth signal comprises means for multiplying said
means to therein form ammonia in said at least one sixth signal by said seventh signal.
catalyst bed; 15. Apparatus in accordance with claim 11 wherein
means for passing a second stream of synthesis gas as said means for utilizing said sixth signal to modify said
a quench fluid to said at least one quench chamber third signal comprises means for subtracting said sixth
of said quench type ammonia synthesis reactor 65 signal from said third signal.
means to thereby control the temperature of the 16. An apparatus for manufacturing ammonia com
combined synthesis gas stream flowing to said at prising:
least one catalyst bed, said combined synthesis gas a first catalyst bed;
13 14
a first quench chamber; means for, manipulating, responsive to said third sig
a heat exchange means; - -- nal, the flow.ofsaid second synthesis, gas stream to
means for supplying a first stream of synthesis gas, said first quench chamber to thereby control the
containing hydrogen and nitrogen, through said temperature of said first combined synthesis gas
heat exchange means to said first quench chamber; stream; 3
means for passing a second stream of synthesis gas as means for establishing a fourth signal representative
a quench fluid to said first quench chamber; of the temperature of said second combined synthe
means for passing a first combined synthesis: gas sis gas stream; . . . '; . . . . . . . . '.
stream from said first quench chamber to said first means for establishing a fifth signal representative of
catalyst bed, said first combined synthesis gas 10 the desired temperature of said second combined
stream being made up of said first stream of synthe synthesis gas stream;
sis gas and said second stream of synthesis gas; means for comparing said fourth signal and said fifth
a second quench chamber; signal and for establishing a sixth signal responsive
a second catalyst bed; to the difference between said fourth signal and
means for supplying the reaction effluent from said 15 said fifth signal;
first catalyst bed to said second quench chamber; means for manipulating, responsive to said sixth sig
means for passing a third stream of synthesis gas as a nal, the flow of said third synthesis gas stream to
quench fluid to said second quench chamber; said second quench zone to thereby control the
means for passing a second combined synthesis gas temperature of said second combined synthesis gas
stream from said second quench chamber to said 20 stream;
second catalyst bed, said second combined synthe means for establishing a seventh signal representative
sis gas stream being made up of the reaction efflu of the temperature of said third combined synthesis
ent flowing from said first catalyst bed and said gas stream;
third stream of synthesis gas;
a third quench chamber; 25 means for establishing an eighth signal representative
a third catalyst bed; of the desired temperature of said third combined
means for supplying the reaction effluent from said synthesis gas stream;
second catalyst bed to said third quench chamber; means for comparing said seventh signal and said
means for passing a fourth stream of synthesis gas as eighth signal and for establishing a ninth signal
a quench fluid to said third quench chamber; 30 responsive to the difference between said seventh
means for passing a third combined synthesis gas signal and said eighth signal;
stream from said third quench chamber to said means for manipulating, responsive to said ninth sig
third catalyst bed, said third combined synthesis nal, the flow of said fourth synthesis gas stream to
gas stream being made up of the reaction effluent said third quench chamber to thereby control the
flowing from said second catalyst bed and said 35 temperature of said third combined synthesis gas
fourth stream of synthesis gas; stream;
a fourth quench chamber; means for establishing a tenth signal representative of
a fourth catalyst bed, said first, second, third and the temperature of said fourth combined synthesis
fourth quench chambers and said first second, third gas stream;
and fourth catalyst beds comprising a quench type means for establishing an eleventh signal representa
ammonia synthesis reactor; tive of the desired temperature of said fourth com
means for passing the reaction effluent from said third bined synthesis gas stream;
catalyst bed to said fourth quench chamber; means for comparing said tenth signal and said elev
means for passing a fifth stream of synthesis gas as a enth signal and for establishing a twelfth signal
quench fluid to said fourth quench chamber; 45 responsive to the difference between said tenth
means for passing a fourth combined synthesis gas signal and said eleventh signal; and
stream from said fourth quench chamber to said means for manipulating, responsive to said twelfth
fourth catalyst bed, said fourth combined synthesis signal, the flow of said fifth synthesis gas stream to
gas stream being made up of the reaction effluent said fourth quench zone to thereby control the
flowing from said third catalyst bed and said fifth temperature of said fourth combined synthesis gas
stream of synthesis gas; stream; the improvement comprising:
a separation means; means for establishing a thirteenth signal representa
means for passing the reaction effluent from said tive of the temperature of the reaction effluent
fourth catalyst bed which will contain ammonia passing from said heat exchange means to said
and any unreacted synthesis gas, from said fourth 55 separation means;
catalyst bed through said heat exchange means to phase shifting means;
said separation means to therein separate said am means for supplying said thirteenth signal to said
monia from any unreacted synthesis gas; phase shifting means, said phase shifting means
means for establishing a first signal representative of supplying a fourteenth signal as an output signal,
the temperature of said first combined synthesis gas 60 said fourteenth signal being approximately 180
stream; degrees out of phase with said thirteenth signal at
means for establishing a second signal representative the approximate frequency of the thermal oscilla
of the desired temperature of said first combined tions in said quench type ammonia synthesis reac
synthesis gas stream; tor means;
means for comparing said first signal and said second 65 means for comparing said thirteenth signal and said
signal and for establishing a third signal responsive fourteenth signal and for establishing a fifteenth
to the difference between said first signal and said signal responsive to the difference between said
second signal; thirteenth signal and said fourteenth signal; and
4,264,566 16
means for utilizing said fifteenth signal to modify said being chosen so as to keep said fifteenth signal at a
third signal, said sixth signal, said ninth signal, and substantially minimum value while still dampening
said twelfth signal to thereby dampen thermal os said thermal oscillations in said quench type ammo
cillations in said quench type ammonia synthesis nia synthesis reactor.
reactor means. 5 19. Apparatus in accordance with claim 18 wherein
17. Apparatus in accordance with claim 16 wherein said means for utilizing said sixteenth signal to modify
said means for comparing said thirteenth signal and said said fifteenth signal comprises means for multiplying
fourteenth signal comprises means for subtracting said said fifteenth signal by said sixteenth signal.
fourteenth signal from said thirteenth signal. 20. Apparatus in accordance with claim 16 wherein
18. Apparatus in accordance with claim 16 addition O said means for utilizing said fifteenth signal to modify
ally comprising: said third signal, said sixth signal, said ninth signal and
means for establishing a sixteenth signal representa said twelfth signal comprises means for subtracting said
tive of a constant Kn; and fifteenth signal from said third signal, said sixth signal,
means for utilizing said sixteenth signal to modify said said ninth signal and said twelfth signal.
fifteenth signal, the value of said sixteenth signal 15









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