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Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani

Work Integrated Learning Programmes Division

First Semester 2019-2020

Mid-Semester Test
(EC-2 Regular)

Course No : IS ZC444
Course Title : Artificial Intelligence
Nature of Exam : Closed Book No. of Pages = 2
Duration : 2 hours No. of Questions = 3
Total : 30 marks
Date : 20/09/2019 (AN)
Note to Students:
1. Please follow all the Instructions to Candidates given on the cover page of the answer book.
2. All parts of a question should be answered consecutively. Each answer should start from a fresh page.
3. Assumptions made if any, should be stated clearly at the beginning of your answer.

Q.1. [10 marks]

The map below shows the road links between Mumbai (M), Panaji (P), Dharwad (D),
Bengaluru (B), Chennai (C), Amaravathi (A) and Hyderabad (H). There is a goal-
based agent that is using graph search to find a path from Panaji (P) to Amaravathi
(A). Suppose that the goal-based agent is only allowed to travel along the road links
shown in the graph below:

Path cost (i.e. length of a path) is the performance measure that the goal-based
agent tries to optimize.
(a) Which data structures are used by Breadth-first search and Uniform cost search (2 marks)
(b) Which path will the agent take if it uses Breadth-first-search? (2 marks)
(c) What will be the sequence of nodes that will be popped from the queue if the (4 marks)
goal based agent is using Uniform-cost search to find a path from P to A?
(d) Which path will the agent take if it uses Uniform cost search? (1 mark)
(e) In this question, which of the two search algorithms will be optimal? (1 mark)

IS ZC444 (EC-2 Regular Mid-Sem Test) First Semester 2019-2020 Page 1 of 2

Q.2. [10 marks]
A knowledge-based agent knows that whenever there is a party (P ), then there is
f ood (F ) and drinks (D). When there is no party, then either there is f ood or there
are games (G). The agent perceives that there are no games.
(a) What propositional logic sentences must be present in the agent’s knowledge (4 marks)
base after the agent has perceived that there are no games? Use the symbols
P, F, D and G to construct the sentences.
(b) Use model checking method to find the models in which the knowledge base is (3 marks)
(c) Use model checking inference procedure to check whether we can infer the con- (3 marks)
clusions listed below. Your answer to each conclusion listed below should be
either True, False or Cannot conclude. You must justify your answer.
C1. “There is a party.”
C2. “There is f ood.”
C3. “There are drinks.”

Q.3. [10 marks]

An agent has to reason in an uncertain environment. The relationship between
different variables in the environment is represented using the following Bayesian

(a) Write an expression for the joint probability P (C, S, R, W ) in terms of the con- (2 marks)
ditional probabilities in the network.
(b) Find the probability that it is cloudy, sprinkler is off and it is raining (3 marks)
(i.e. P (C = T, S = F, R = T )).
(c) What is the probability that it is raining given that it is cloudy and the grass is (5 marks)
wet (i.e. P (R = T |C = T, W = T ))?

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