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The first known enamelwork, found at a in combination with industrially produced

ne day, an alchemist was try-
ing out a special mixture to burial site in Mycenae, is about 3,500 ironware was recognised.
make gold and discovered, years old. Enamelling was recognised as
next to the metal, a beautiful piece of an applied art in the Byzantine Empire What had been a marginal manufacturing
vitreous slag – a piece of glass more and it flourished there between the 5th process in previous centuries advanced
splendid than anything hitherto. Seiz- and 10th century AD. About 300 years to an industry in its own right, and in
ing the opportunity, he set to mixing later the blue enamelwork from Limoges 1890 the use of cobalt and nickel oxide
glazes, and with much effort and after in France became widely known and val- in producing a firm bond with sheet metal
many, many experiments he developed ued in many parts of Europe. was discovered. Since the end of the nine-
the process for manufacturing enamel. teenth century vitreous coatings have
Benvenuto Cellini The word enamel is thought to have come been used to protect surfaces in chemical
from the High German word smelzan (to and pharmaceutical apparatus. Caspar
smelt) via the Old French esmail, used to Pfaudler played a pioneering role in this
mean a fused, glassy protective layer. technological development, establishing
factories in Rochester, USA (1884) and
In view of the dangers of using plain cop- Schwetzingen, Germany (1907) for glass
per utensils, in the mid eighteenth century lined tanks.
enamelling techniques were implemented
to make them safer to use. This was fol- The following years have seen further in-
lowed by experiments to provide ferrous tensive development of the technology
metals with similar coatings and the ad- of industrial glass linings. It has already
vantages of the technology for manufac- reached a very advanced state; neverthe-
turing cooking and kitchenware soon be- less there is still a great deal of work go-
came clear, despite the still very primitive ing on in the development of special lin-
methods employed. It was the Swedish ings and new lining techniques to meet the
mineralogist Sven Rinmann who discov- exacting demands of modern applications.
ered the ingredients of a mixture which
would later be of great significance: crys- Here, too, the richness of nature shows
tal glass, lead crystal, red lead, potash, us the way: In nature a state of perfection
saltpetre, borax, tin oxide and cobalt lime. does not mean standing still, for in an
The possibilities presented by using tin ever-changing environment there is a con-
and cobalt oxides had not yet been dis- stant need to adapt, refine and optimise.
covered at that time.

There followed a century during which the

art of enamelling fell almost completely
into disuse. Then it was rediscovered in
the nineteenth century as its usefulness


Pfaudler Glass Linings – rity for our customers. We achieve these volcanic activity brought masses of
Chemical and Physical Perfection standards with a mixture of creative inno- molten lava to the earth’s surface. The
Since establishing itself as a pioneer in vation, engineering skills and a profound combination of pressure and tempera-
the field of technical glass linings, Pfaudler knowledge of steel, glass and how to tures of around 4,000 °C cause carbon
has never relinquished its position in the work them. This in turn is based on our to crystallise into diamonds. The smelt-
forefront of technological development, understanding of the laws of physics and ing process in the production of enamel
continually setting new standards for glass chemistry, which form the basic ingredi- takes place at 1,390 °C and produces a
lined apparatus. Also, our modern manu- ents of our focused research and devel- substance similar to molten lava.
facturing plant are designed to allow us opment efforts.
to meet specific customer requirements
with specific solutions – for special de- Pfaudler Glass Linings –
mands call for creative answers. For ex- Highest Quality
ample, Pfaudler Pharma Glass PPG Pfaudler glass linings represent purity and
plays a trailblazing role in the production durability. Focused research means opti-
of pharmaceutical products, whereas misation and adaptation – just as in na-
Pfaudler Anti Static Glass ASG solves ture. In many production processes the
the problems associated with electrostatic main demand is for absolute durability,
charging. Our standard product Pfaudler for instance where very aggressive sub-
World Wide Glass WWG is characterised stances are involved. To meet this de-
by the wide range of areas in which it mand Pfaudler has developed Pharma
can be used. Glass PPG especially for use in pharma-
ceutical process engineering.
Pfaudler Glass Linings –
Reliability and Innovation The composite material steel/glass is
We aim to achieve this by always staying characterised by an extremely high de-
one step ahead. What nature has pro- gree of purity. The lining quality is check-
duced in its wild, untamed and apparent- ed layer for layer so that even the small-
ly arbitrary fashion serves as our start- est defects can be excluded. This is
ing point – to be investigated, refined Pfaudler’s guarantee for absolute purity
and brought to a state of manufacturing and highest standards of quality.
perfection. Today, Pfaudler is the number
one address when it comes to glass lined From time immemorial diamonds have
processing plants, apparatus, equipment also been a byword for purity and dura-
and accessories. Where resistance to bility. The word can be traced to the Greek
corrosion and abrasion is important, the word for ‘untameble’ – adamant. Nature’s
name Pfaudler is a guarantee for reliabili- way of creating diamonds can be com-
ty. Being able to depend on the product pared with the manufacturing process
represents hard and fast economic secu- for making glass: Millions of years ago
E N A M E L – A M U LT I - T A L E N T E D M A T E R I A L

FLUNG OUT FROM THE DEPTHS OF Ever more Variety in Form and Usage Household enamel –
THE EARTH WITH INCREDIBLE FORCE, From the earliest beginnings, when the High-Tech Glass Lining
LEFT TO COOL SLOWLY AND BE company began producing fermentation Most people, when they hear the word
DISCOVERED BY CURIOUS, QUESTION- vats for beer, the product range has ex- ‘enamel’, think of bathtubs, kitchenware
ING MAN – MANY AEONS AGO NATURE tended to many other industrial sectors or old advertising placards. These days,
LEFT US THE CLUES TO MAKING THE in the course of the decades. More and the differences between traditional enamel
MATERIAL WE CALL ENAMEL. more applications have been found where and modern high-technology products
glass linings prove to be the ideal sur- are so great that we even use another
WE HAVE TAKEN ON THE JOB OF facing material. name: glass lined steel.
NATURE’S HINTS TO PROVIDE Pfaudler produces a high-grade silicate
MATERIALS FOR MODERN INDUSTRY. glass comparable with laboratory glass.
Its resistance to aggressive chemicals
and its surface properties together with
the strength of steel combine to make a
composite material with a number of
valuable characteristics. This is of impor-
tance not just in the chemical industry –
uses can be found in many other indus-
trial sectors for our reliable, high-quality
products, e.g. in the pharmaceutical,
foodstuffs and paper industries as well
as in the production of semiconductors
and in the energy supply sector. Even in
nuclear research plants high-technology
glass linings from Pfaudler are imple-
mented in the insulators for particle


Pfaudler Glass Linings – Pfaudler Glass Linings –

to protect your equipment to protect your products
Industrial glass linings serve mainly to Glass lined steel protects delicate prod-
provide protection against corrosion. ucts from any kind of unwanted influence,
Our glass linings can be used to protect especially contact with metal. This is par-
against all kinds of corrosive media, even ticularly important in the manufacture
under extremes of temperature. The only of very pure organic and inorganic sub-
exceptions to this are to be found in the stances and where it is also necessary
high temperature range in respect of hy- to ensure uniform consistency, such as
drofluoric acid and strong caustic solu- in the synthesis of vitamins. Similar stan-
tions. The linings are resistant to strong dards must be met in the pharmaceuti-
oxidising or reducing agents. This high cal, plastics, semiconductor and paints
degree of stability makes them ideal for industries.
implementation in hydrolytic, chlorination,
THERE ARE MANY REASONS FOR sulphonation, nitration and bromation Glass linings are useful allies in preventing
CHOOSING GLASS LINED STEEL. processes. Other uses can be found in pathological infections, because they can
the manufacture of pesticides and herbi- easily be kept germ free. This is a major
THE MOST IMPORTANT ONES ARE: cides, acidic ore leaching processes, advantage in respect of the processing
PROTECTION, SAFETY AND NOT LEAST flue gas desulphurisation and the recy- and storage of sensitive products such
INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY. cling of chromic and sulphuric acids. as medicines, foodstuffs, fruit juices and
concentrates. This has been confirmed
In contrast to metallic materials, glass through comparative studies involving dif-
linings are electrical insulators and there- ferent materials. Glass linings achieved
fore immune to all types of galvanic cor- the best results for germ inhibition in re-
rosion. Therefore they can be used in spect of both natural and artificially in-
nuclear technology, for instance, where duced germ infestation. Furthermore,
organic insulators cannot meet the exact- glass lined equipment and components
ing demands. Glass lining, on the other are excellently suited for use in biotech-
hand, can still provide the necessary nological applications. In the semicon-
protection where metals are liable to ductor industry glass lined receptacles
various types of corrosion such as inter- are attracting more and more interest as
crystalline, crevice, pitting and contact only they are able to deliver the required
corrosion. With appropriately designed extremely high standards for contamina-
tanks the material can even withstand tion levels, with impurities remaining be-
temperatures as low as -75 °C. low the prescribed parts-per-billion level.
Pfaudler Glass Linings – Pfaudler Glass Linings –
for process reliability improve productivity
Glass lined production equipment simpli- Glass is an extremely economical materi-
fies processing and contributes to im- al. Technological improvements have in-
proved operating security. Recent research creased its durability over large temper-
under realistic conditions has shown that ature gradients so that rapid heating or
process reliability and security depend cooling is no longer a problem. Glass lin-
both on the chemical and biological in- ings can very easily be cleaned, so pro-
ertness of the apparatus material as well duction down-times can be reduced and
as on its surface characteristics. therefore operating costs as well.

The interface surface produced by the High quality also means a long service
fusion flow is not only glassy smooth, but life with minimal repairs, two more fac-
structurally coherent and therefore ex- tors which make a large difference to
tremely anti-adhesive. This helps to pre- the profitability of production plants.
vent product film and coagulation as well Another great advantage of glass lining
as promoting the reaction process in al- technology makes itself felt when a pro-
lowing unhindered thermal transmission. duction technique is altered or a plant
is recommissioned for another purpose.
Our fully coated measuring sensors for For if, after many years of good service,
process control and continuous monitor- it proves necessary to reglass plant equip-
ing have been contributing to operative ment, the result is virtually equivalent to
security and productivity for many years. brand new – and thus delivers unbeatable
These sensor systems make the Pfaudler cost effectiveness.
reactor literally transparent.
Therefore Pfaudler glass linings represent
the ideal answer when it comes to finding
a universal and especially economical ma-
terial for plant, equipment and apparatus.



F R O M C L A S S I C A L T O A V A N T- G A R D E

Standard grade – tried and tested in Special grade – Pfaudler Anti Static Glass ASG
many years of practical application for special purposes The process of stirring solids in non-
aqueous solvents such as toluene
Pfaudler World Wide Glass WWG Pfaudler Pharma Glass PPG or acetone causes the mixture to
Our standard glass lining displays high For a long time there were few differ- develop a strong static charge.
levels of corrosion resistance, mechani- ences between the way plants for the Electrostatic discharge can damage
cal stability and thermal shock resistance. chemical and pharmaceutical industries reactors and other equipment, causing
The surface is anti-adhesive and is equi- were equipped – especially in respect of down-times and increased costs. Our
tensile. The physical characteristics have glass lined reactors. Today, however, the carefully targeted research produced
been enhanced through knowledge gained requirements of each industrial sector a solution to the problem:
in the development of high technology have diverged considerably. For pharma- Pfaudler Anti Static Glass ASG.
ceramics, and resistance to water, acidic ceutical purposes the main concern is
and caustic chemicals have improved about extremely high degrees of purity Pfaudler has been gaining experience in
significantly. as demanded by the US Food and Drugs glass linings with anti-static glass since
Authority. An example of such a special 1972. Pfaudler Anti Static Glass ASG
Normally, Pfaudler WWG has the colour requirement relates to processes invol- displays the following characteristics:
cobalt blue. Alternatively, the colour white ving changing acidic and alkaline milieus.
is available. In addition to the character- • The resistance to chemicals is in no
istics already mentioned, the high reflec- Responding to calls for increasingly spe- way influenced by the electrical con-
tivity of the glass lining makes reaction cialised materials for specific processes ductivity of the material. In this respect
vessels very bright, so that colour chan- and uses, such as the manufacture of it has the same properties as our
ges in reactive processes can be recog- vitamins and fine chemicals, Pfaudler proven product WWG.
nised more easily. Pfaudler WWG white developed the ground-breaking product • The glass lining remains fully inert
is the ideal material for photo reactions. Pfaudler Pharma Glass PPG. without any catalytic tendencies (as
can be the case with platinum fibres).
• All components can be coated with
an anti-static glass layer.
• Electrical discharges are in no way
harmful to the surface layer.




SPECIAL GLASS LININGS ARE ALSO The following passage contains a brief WWG blue
AVAILABLE FOR USE IN OTHER overview of the advantages of the most • High corrosion resistance
AREAS THAN THE CHEMICAL AND common Pfaudler glass linings. You can • High resistance to mechanical impacts
PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES. find detailed information on the various • Good resistance to thermal shock
EXCEPTIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND products, including ones not mentioned • Anti-adhesive surface
PROBLEMS CALL FOR here, in the individual product leaflets. • Equitensile lining
WWG Pfaudler World Wide Glass WWG white
PPG Pfaudler Pharma Glass • High corrosion resistance
ASG Pfaudler Anti Static Glass • High resistance to mechanical impacts
• Product residues can easily be
• High optical contrast to product
• Highly reflective

• Extremely smooth surface
• Free of heavy metals
• Improved resistance to alkalis
• Better chromatic transparency
• Product residues can easily be
detected when vessel is cleaned
• Long service life even with alternating
usage (acid/alkali)
• Highly reflective

• Avoids or reduces static charging
• Avoids damage such as flaking
• Chemical durability as with WWG


Innovation and a pioneering spirit to make themselves felt in the tempera- of alkali hydroxides with pH values of 14
have always been characteristic of ture range between 120 °C and 160 °C. the actual concentration in percentage
Pfaudler’s approach Pfaudler glass linings are almost entirely by weight must be taken into account.
Over many decades Pfaudler has main- resistant to attack from anhydrous acids. This may mean that the operating tem-
tained its position as an industry leader perature must be adjusted.
in innovation. An impressive testimonial Water
to this can be found in the fact that all Water generally does not affect glass lin- Additionally, the specific reaction or sol-
the relevant testing norms DIN/ISO/EN ings. Only in the case of extremely pure vent characteristics of a caustic solution
are based on Pfaudler’s efforts and initia- water at temperatures above 160 °C an are relevant factors which can influence
tives. Many years of research effort in influence can be detected. the stability of glass linings.
laboratories and plants have provided
a worldwide basis for examination meth- Halogens In practical applications it is important to
ods relating to comparison of material Despite their reputation in general as bear in mind that even slight impurities
properties. problem substances, the halogens chlo- such as tap water in sodium hydroxide
rine, bromine and iodine have no influ- can have a significant influence on the
With the support of the German Federal ence on the chemical stability of our rate of corrosion.
Ministry for Research and Technology glass linings, which remain fully inert.
Pfaudler has conducted practical experi- In case of doubt product solutions must
ments to study the relationship between Acids be subjected to direct tests in order to
product volumes and lining surfaces as In practice acids are always encountered find out exactly what they contain.
well as the significance of favourable in- in association with other liquids, dissolved
hibitory effects on the corrosion resis- substances or gases. Depending on the During our tests, we conducted experi-
tance characteristics of glass linings. exact nature of the mixture, the influence ments using polypropylene bottles to
The results of these studies have been which it has on glass linings may be eliminate the effects of the testing appa-
incorporated into the corrosion resistance favourable or not. ratus on the corrosion rates. For tests
specifications. above boiling point we used stainless
Caustic Solutions steel autoclaves with tantalum linings or
Organic Media The aggressiveness of caustic solutions PTFE inserts. On further investigation
Organic solids, solutions, liquids and gas- increases with their concentrations and we were able to show that the testing
ses present special challenges in respect the degree of glass corrosion also in- apparatus did not exercise an inhibiting
of resistance to aggressive chemicals. creases more quickly with rising temper- influence.
atures than is the case with other sub-
Inorganic Media stances. Therefore with concentrated Organic Bases and
Pfaudler glass linings display a very high caustic solutions it is necessary to pay Metal-Organic Compounds
degree of resistance to all inorganic me- careful attention to temperature limits. As anhydrous or practically water-free
dia from concentrated acids to strongly The aggressiveness of strong caustic compounds these substances are not
alkaline substances. Depending on the solutions is not just dependent on the regarded as caustic in respect of glass
medium, chemical influences only begin pH value alone. With aqueous solutions corrosion.

Inorganic Bases One way in which the fluorine problem fluoric acid is present or likely to be
Inorganic bases are known for their pro- can be tackled is to introduce finely gran- produced.
pensity to dissolve glass in their anhy- ulated or dissolved silicic acid into the
drous state. However, Pfaudler glass process. The effects of the fluoride con- In this respect silica plays a particular
linings are fully resistant to anhydrous centrations on the linings can be reduced role. Even tiny traces of SiO2 have a
gaseous ammonia. considerably by using this technique. Our very favourable effect on the durability
own investigations into these effects have of glass linings:
Fluorine shown that hydrofluoric acid corrosion is
Hydrofluoric acid and fluoridated acid so- subject to many different factors. Apart
lutions are exceptional substances, for from the obvious factor of the concen-
even in extremely low concentrations and tration level of the acid, these include the Influence of SiO2 on glass lining corrosion
Example: 20 % HCI at 160 °C
at low temperatures they react with sili- pH value and the temperature of the so-
cate based materials. A concentration as lution and not least the quality of the glass 0.6

low as 0.001 % can render a glass lining lining. Processing in acid media is per- 0.4
VL [mm/a]

matt and rough after long exposure. Such missible with stable fluorine compounds. 0.2

concentrations can arise simply through However, it is wise to find out by means
50 100
sulphuric acid being piped through PTFE of a simple corrosion test on an enam- ppm SiO2
tubing at 160 °C, for instance. elled dish, for instance, whether hydro-


Fluoride corrosion dependent on Relationship between fluoride Relationship between fluoride corrosion,
F- concentration and temperature corrosion and pH value F- concentration and duration of experiment

2.0 0.4

1.5 0.3
x x
x x
1.0 1.0 0.2
x x
x b)
0.5 x x c)
0.5 0.1
VL [mm/a]

VL [mm/a]

VL [mm/a]
x x d)
0.1 b)
2.4 2.6 2.8 0 2 4 6 8 5 10 15
1/T [10-3 K -1] pH-value t(d)

a) 19 mmol/l fluoride Corrosion progress VL in relation to pH value; (9.5 mmol F-/l = 17 ppm F- in solution)

(19 mmol F-/l = 17 ppm F- in solution) in a solution with 19 mmol/l fluoride at 80 °C. a) no additive

b) 9.5 mmol/l fluoride b) 100 mg/l SiO2

(9.5 mmol F-/l = 17 ppm F- in solution) : corrosion in buffer solutions c) 200 mg/l SiO2

: corrosion in aqueous hydrochloric acid d) 400 mg/l SiO2

VL = corrosion progress in mm/a pH = 1 | 80 ºC

Reaction model: in condensate

(SiO2)[glass lining] + 6 HF H2SiF6 + H2O

reaction model: in initial solution

H 2 SiF 6 + 2 H2O SiO2 aq + 6 HF

Function diagram of fluoride corrosion and inhibitory effects Liquid phase vL [mm/a]

20 % HCI 0.042
Vapour phase: silicon oil H+/H2O [⬅ Si – O – M][glass lining]
20 % HCI + 23.8 mmol/l F - 1.27
HF 20 % HCI + 23.8 mmol/l F - 1.24
Liquid phase: coll. silicic acid + 4.2 mmol/l Fe (III) - salt
sodium silicate
water glass 20 % HCI + 23.8 mmol/l F - 1.08
Aerosil + 16 mmol/l B (III) - salt
H+/H 2O
20 % HCI + 23.8 mmol/l F - 0.74
HF H2SiF6 + 10,4 mmol/l AI (III) - salt

20 % HCI + 23.8 mmol/l F - 0.029
+ 3 ml/l SO-1 (silicon oil)

Comparison of the inhibitory effects of various

metallic salts. Conclusion: Only dissolved SiO2 has
an inhibitory effect.
DURABILITY Substance °C durab. Substance °C durab.

Pfaudler Glass Linings have been tested by the German Chlorine 200 1 Nitrogen oxides 200 1
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing as Chloropropanoic acid 175 1
part of the process for certifying them for the storage Chlorosulphuric acid 150 1 Octanol 140 1
of substances detrimental to waters. Chromic acid aqu.sol. 150 1 Oleum (10 % SO3) 170 1
Citric acid 10 % aqu.sol. B 1 Oxalic acid 50 % aqu.sol. 150 1
The table below shows the results for a number of differ- Copper chloride 5 % aqu.sol. 150 1
ent media and gives a rapid general overview of the Copper nitrate 50 % aqu.sol. 100 1 Palmitic acid 110 1
chemical properties of our materials. The data come Copper sulphate aqu.sol. 150 1 Perchloric acid 70 % aqu.sol. B 1
from practical experience and laboratory tests on Pfaudler Cyanoacetic acid 100 1 Phenol 200 1
glass linings. They are only to be taken as a guide and Phosphoric acid conc.aqu.sol. 100 1
are of necessity not exhaustive. Thus the concentrations Dichlorbenzol 220 1 Phosphoric acid triethyl ester 90 1
and temperatures given do not represent either usage Dichloressigsäure 150 1 Phosphorous acid (F - free) 100 2
or guarantee levels. Dichlorpropionsäure 175 1 Phosphorous acid (F - free) 80 1
Diethylamin 100 1 Phosphorus trichloride (F - free) 100 1
For applications not listed in the table and in particular Dimethylaminopropanol 150 1 Phosphoryl chloride (F - free) 100 1
where combinations of substances are involved we Dimethylsulfat 150 1 Phthalic anhydride 260 1
strongly recommend the implementation of corrosion Picric acid 150 1
tests. Our specialists will be glad to supply expert advice. Eisen(III)chlorid wL 150 1 Potassium bromide aqu.sol. B 1
Eisensulfat wL 150 1 Potassium chloride aqu.sol. B 1
Key to figures and abbreviations used in the table: Essigsäure 180 1 Potassium hydrogen sulphate 200 1
level durability/resistance Essigsäureethylester 200 1 Potassium hydroxide conc. aqu.sol. 1
1 highly resistant Ethylalkohol 200 1 Potassium hypochloride aqu.sol. 70 1
2 limited resistance Ethylendiamin 98 % wL 80 1 Pyridine B 1
3 not resistant Ethylendiamin 50 % wL 80 1 Pyridine hydrochloride 150 1
aqu.sol. aqueous solution Ethylesther 100 1 Pyrogallic acid 5 % aqu.sol. B 1
B boiling point Pyrrolidine 90 1
Fatty acids 150 1
Substance °C durab. Ferric(III) chloride aqu.sol. 150 1 Soda ash conc. aqu.sol. 60 1
Fluorides in acidic aqu.sol. 20 3 Sodium bicarbonate conc. aqu.sol. 60 1
Acetic acid 180 1 Formaldehyde 150 1 Sodium bisulphate 300 1
Acrylic acid 150 1 Formic acid 98 % aqu.sol. 180 1 Sodium bisulphite 2 % aqu.sol. 150 1
Aluminium chlorate conc. aqu.sol. 110 1 Sodium chlorate aqu.sol. 80 1
Aluminium chloride 10 % aqu.sol. B 1 Glycerine 100 1 Sodium chloride aqu.sol. B 1
Aluminium chloride 250 1 Glycol 150 1 Sodium ethylate B 1
Aluminum acetate fusion 200 1 Glycolic acid 57 % aqu.sol. 150 1 Sodium glutamate 150 1
Aminoethanol 170 1 Sodium hydroxide conc. aqu.sol. 50 1
Aminophenol 150 1 Hydrazine hydrat 40 % aqu.sol. 90 2 Sodium hypochlorite aqu.sol. 70 1
Ammoniac 80 1 Hydrazine hydrate 80 % aqu.sol. 90 1 Sodium methylate 320 1
Ammonium carbonate aqu.sol. B 1 Hydrazine sulphate 10 % aqu.sol. 150 1 Sodium nitrate 320 1
Ammonium chloride 10 % aqu.sol. 150 1 Hydrochloric acid 20 % 130 1 Sodium sulphide 4 % aqu.sol. 50 2
Ammonium nitrate aqu.sol. B 1 Hydrogen peroxide 30 % aqu.sol. 70 1 Sulphochromic acid 200 1
Ammonium phosphate aqu.sol. B 1 Hydrogen sulphide water 150 1 Sulphur 150 1
Ammonium sulphate 320 3 Hydroidic acid 20 % aqu.sol. 160 2 Sulphur dioxide 200 1
Ammonium sulphate aqu.sol. B 1 Hydroidic acid 60 % aqu.sol. 130 1 Sulphuric acid 40 % 130 1
Ammonium sulphide aqu.sol. 140 3
Ammonium sulphide aqu.sol. 80 1 Iodine 200 1 Tannic acid 150 1
Aniline 184 1 Iron sulphate aqu.sol. 150 1 Tetrachlorethylene 150 1
Antimony(III) chloride 220 1 Isoamyl alcohol 150 1 Tin chloride 250 1
Antimony(V) chloride 120 1 Isopropyl alcohol 150 1 Toluole 150 1
Aqua regia 140 1 Trichloracetic acid 150 1
Lactic acid 95 % aqu.sol. B 1 Triethylamine 130 1
Barium hydroxide aqu.sol B 2 Lead acetate 300 1 Triethylamine 25 % aqu.sol. 130 3
Benzaldehyde 150 1 Lithium chloride 30 % aqu.sol. B 1 Triethylamine 50 % aqu.sol. 130 3
Benzoic acid 150 1 Lithium chloride 4 % aqu.sol. 80 1 Triethylamine 50 % aqu.sol. 80 1
Benzole 250 1 Lithiumhydroxid conc. aqu.sol. 60 1 Triethylamine 80 1
Benzyl chloride 130 1 Trimethylamine 30 % aqu.sol. 80 1
Boric acid aqu.sol. 150 1 Magnesium carbonate aqu.sol. 100 1 Trisodium phosphate 5 % aqu.sol. B 2
Boron trifluoride in org. sol. 40 1 Magnesium chloride 30 % aqu.sol. 110 1 Trisodium phosphate 50 % aqu.sol. 80 1
Bromine 100 1 Magnesium sulphate aqu.sol. 150 1
Butanol 140 1 Maleic acid 150 1 Urea 150 1
Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate 150 1
Calcium chloride (CaO free) aqu.sol. 150 1 Methyl alcohol 200 1 Vinylphosphoric acid (waterfree) 120 3
Carbon dioxide 200 mg/l aqu.sol. 140 1 Monochloroacetic acid B 1
Carbon disulfide 200 1 Water 130 1
Carbon tetrachloride 200 1 Naphthalene 215 1
Chlorinated bleaching agent aqu.sol. 150 1 Naphthalenesulphonic acid 180 1 Zinc bromide aqu.sol. B 1
Chlorinated paraffin 180 1 Nitric acid 30 % 135 1 Zinc chloride 330 1
Chlorinated water 150 1 Nitrobenzene 150 1 Zinc chloride aqu.sol. 140 1

Standard Procedures Molten Salts and Corrosion Test

In order to conduct useful comparative highly viscous Liquids according to DIN EN 14 483-5 –
tests on glass materials of different ori- Cover testing dish with glass plate. Heat our research for your safety
gins standard tests are essential. Differ- in an oil or sand bath in a drying cabinet. For safety reasons it is important to know
ences in quality, for instance regarding The results are quantitative. the maximum degree of damage which
the chemical durability, can only be es- an acid can cause to a glass lining. For
tablished reliably by subjecting samples Caustic Solutions this reason the test must be designed to
to the same testing conditions. Experi- Method according to DIN EN 14 483-5 exclude inhibitory influences. Thus the
ence has shown us, however, that grey Samples (plates) acc. to DIN ISO 2723 isocorrosion curves established using pro
areas always exist between the results Equipment acc. to DIN EN 14 483-5 analysi acids show corrosion rates which
of tests on specimen plates or sample are sometimes far greater than those dis-
materials and the actual behaviour of The test can be used for all caustic solu- played under operating conditions.
large containers and components under tions up to 80 °C. The results are quanti-
operating conditions. For example, a tative.
mixing vat represents a complex combi-
nation of differently shaped components Water
which mean that there are simply too many Method according to DIN EN 14 483-2
different operating parameters which can Samples (plates) acc. to DIN ISO 2723
play a role. Equipment acc. to DIN EN 14 483-2

Therefore Pfaudler has developed a The test can be used up to boiling point.
practical corrosion test which has been It produces quantitative results for the
incorporated into the DIN EN 14 483-5 liquid and vapour phases respectively.
standard. The test is designed for acidic Corrosion tests under normal conditions
and neutral media in closed systems. above boiling point require specially con-
structed pressure autoclaves.
Method according to DIN EN 14 483-2
Samples (plates) acc. to DIN ISO 2723
Equipment acc. to DIN EN 14 483-2

The test can be used for all acids to their

boiling points. It produces quantitative
results for the liquid and vapour phases
respectively. Suspended specimens for
processes under laboratory conditions
or on a technical scale produce qualita-
tive results.
acc. DIN ISO 719* acc. DIN ISO 720* Corrosion curve of Pfaudler PharmaGlass PPG – Extraction test PPG

Sb < 0.01 < 0.01

As < 0.02 < 0.02 6

Ba < 0.001 < 0.001 5
Pb < 0.01 < 0.01 4.5
Cd < 0.002 < 0.002 ppm
Cr < 0.01 < 0.01 3
Co < 0.001 < 0.001 2.5
Fe 0.02 0.02
Cu < 0.01 < 0.07 1
0.5 DIN ISO 720
Mn < 0.005 < 0.005 DIN ISO 719
Mo < 0.01 < 0.01 Sb As Ba Pb Cd Cr Co Fe Cu Mn Mo Ni Nb Sr Ta V W Zn Sn Si K Na Zr Ca Al

Ni < 0.005 < 0.005

heavy metals components of PPG
Nb < 0.1 < 0.1

Sr < 0.001 < 0.003

What is the leaching effect of boiling water on PPG glass?
Ta < 0.1 < 0.1
The tests were conducted on ground glass
V < 0.005 < 0.005
between 0.3 < 0.425 mm acc. DIN 719 – 98 °C
W < 0.1 < 0.1
and 0.3 < 0.500 mm acc. DIN 720 – 121 °C
Zn < 0.01 < 0.01

Sn < 0.05 < 0.05 * Heavy metal determination according to DIN EN ISO 11885: units ppm

Testing Conditions Absolutely pure Production … Glass PPG is practically free of heavy
Very small test objects, which are fully Only first class production plants can pro- metals: The proportion of dissolved heavy
enamelled to allow for a very precise duce first class quality products. In the metal lies below the detection limits.
measurement of weight loss, are each USA, only medicines which were manu-
subjected to the effects of pro analysi factured in plants inspected and certified ... with optimal Apparatus
acids for 24 hours. The samples have by the Food and Drugs Administration The better the apparatus, the easier it
a surface area of only 11 cm2. They Agency (FDA) can be approved for use. is to apply optical checks. Pfaudler
are exposed to large quantities of acid The FDA sets extremely high standards Pharma Glass PPG has a light blue
(500 ml) in autoclaves which are lined for production plants and equipment, stan- colour which gives a good contrast to
with tantalum to prevent SiO2 inhibition. dards which are satisfied by Pfaudler white as well as other colours. In addi-
Pharma Glass PPG. Reactors lined with tion it helps to illuminate the reactor
this material represent an important con- very well. This is an aid to supervising
tribution towards achieving the necessary production processes and also to post-
degree of purity, for Pfaudler Pharma production cleaning.

Thermal Limits of Workability Glass and Steel – an ideal Pair

The upper operating limit for our materi- thermal conductivity
als in respect of thermal load is +230 °C. Using a steel body it is possible to keep
This limit is independent of the chemical the glass layer – compared with appara-
behaviour of the material, which in many tus made of glass alone – relatively thin.
cases would permit higher temperatures. The higher thermal conductivity of steel
However, the type of gasket used for the compensates for the lower conductivity
connecting sections and the mechanical of glass. As the materials are chemically
seal place limit the maximum tempera- bonded there is also no internal thermal
tures. transfer resistance to be overcome.
Therefore the thermal transfer figures for
The shock diagram and operating dia- glass lined steel are much higher than
gram are intended as general indicators those for plastic or rubber coated steel,
only. For exact information regarding the for instance.
operation of Pfaudler glass lined reactors
see the latest version of the Operating
Instructions 303.

Resistance to temperature change was

determined according to DIN ISO 13807.

Shock diagram Operating diagram

tp th
300 300
°C °C

250 250

200 200

100 100

50 50
+ + 3
50 50
tW / °C tp / °C
50 100 200 250 50 100 200 250
– –
50 50

tp product temperature th temperature of heating agent

tW lining/chamber temperature tp product temperature
cold product in hot apparatus (tp<tw) heating
hot product in cold apparatus (tp>tw) cooling
Avoiding Cavitation damage The effect can be controlled e. g. with Abrasion
The introduction of hot vapours into low pressurised nitrogen or by changing the Abrasion damage can occur when strong-
temperature liquids can lead to changes rate of mixing. Please consult our experts ly abrasive solids are mixed in a tank. This
in the glass lining close to the point of for further information on combating this can be avoided by adopting different op-
entry. This is caused by individual vapour condition. erating techniques. Please consult us in
bubbles which are distributed in the liquid. respect of this kind of problem; we will be
Owing to the temperature difference the Electrostatic Charging glad to help.
vapour condenses suddenly and dissol- For processes which are likely to cause
ves in the liquid. The bubble then consists electrostatic charging Pfaudler Anti Cleaning of glass lined equipment
of a vacuum which immediately implodes, Static Glass ASG should be implement- It is not possible to provide general speci-
causing the surrounding liquid to exercise ed. Many years of practical experience fications for cleaning glass linings using
a mechanical impulse on the lining and in collaboration with leading German high pressure hoses. The parameters
other components. This impulse has the chemical manufacturers as well as recent provided here are based on experience
same effect as a blow from a solid ob- technological developments have pro- gained by plant manufacturers and opera-
ject. Cavitation can also occur when so- duced solutions for all problems related tors and allow for safe cleaning of glass
lutions are mixed where the individual to electrostatic charging with glass lined linings. The information given is based
liquids involved have boiling points more apparatus. on the assumption that the glass lining
than 50 °K apart. In regions of strong in question is completely intact. It is very
turbulence local pressure differences important to ensure that PTFE surfaces
can cause one of the components to will not deform or begin to flow, and the
boil spontaneously. figures given are chosen to ensure that
this is the case.

PARAMETER small vessels to 6 m 3 large vessels cleaning by hand

Pressure 350 bar 400 bar 150 bar

Distance to wall min. 250 mm min. 500 mm > 200 mm

Angle to wall max. 45° can be 90° max. 45°

Temperature room temperature room temperature room temperature

Cleaning agent (filtered) pure water pure water pure water

Jet type continually in motion continually in motion continually in motion

Water throughput max. 200 l/min 150 – 220 l/min ca. 150 l/min

Cleaning time (approx.) 15 – 20 min 20 – 30 min –

Cleaning glass linings using high pressure hose. The data assumes a fully intact lining surface.


industrial Pfaudler steel

MATERIAL DATA low alloy steel
glass lining bonded glass lining

adhesiveness N/mm2 – – > 100

tensile strength N/mm2 70 400…600 70

pressure resistance N/mm2 800 220…350 800…1000

modulus of elasticity N/mm2 70 000 210 000 ca. 80 000

stretch at breaking point % 0.1 15…30 0.1

Vickers hardness test HV 600 110 450

coefficient of thermal conductivity W/mK 1.2 52 1.2

specific heat J/kgK 835 460 835

specific electrical resistivity

at room temperature ⏲/cm 1013 0.002 1013
at 200 °C ⏲/cm 2.109 _ –

resistance to disruptive discharge kV/mm 20…30 – 20...30

density g/cm3 2.5 7.8 –

softening temperature °C 570 approx. 1000 570

coefficient of linear expansion 움20-400 10-7K-1 88 approx. 135 88...115

between 20 °C and 400 °C

thickness of lining mm – – 0.8…2.4
We have undertaken every effort to guarantee that the information contained in this brochure is correct.

In view of the continuous developments taking place in the areas of construction, production plant design and production methods,

we retain the right to market components which may differ in some details from those described above.

Pfaudler Werke GmbH

D - 68723 Schwetzingen
Telephone: +49 6202 85 0
Fax: +49 6202 22412
Email sales:

© by Robbins & Myers, Inc.
Printed in Germany

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