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PART III: Ecology Fill-In – Created by Melissa Elli Geiss msjahban@tulane.

edu - Tulane University – EBIO 111 – Diversity of Life – Bruce Fleury

______________________________ any organism that eats another organism

______________________________ competition between members of different species

______________________________ competition between members of the same species; most intense because needs between members are the same

______________________________ conditions that restrict a population's growth that act from within the population; can include changes in reproductive
physiology or changes in behavior

______________________________ species who live in the same geographic area, same habitat, are active at the same time of day but exploit the same resource
in a different way; have higher rates of food capture than solitary birds

______________________________ the ecological role that a species plays in a biological community, the sum total of its needs and the parameters within which it
can divide

______________________________ insects lay their eggs in their hosts (often paralyzed); the young hatch and eat their host alive

______________________________ the theory in which females simply like a males appearance, thereby mating with him

______________________________ occurs when one species is a better competitor than another and forces it into local exclusion

______________________________ engaging in face to face contest over limited resources; typical of animals that defend a territory

______________________________ conditions that restrict a population's growth that act in proportion to how dense the population has become

______________________________ conditions that restrict a population's growth that are not related to a population's density (e.g. forest fires, tidal waves)

______________________________ trait becomes reinforced generation after generation until it is greatly exaggerated; can be a dangerous burden; Irish Elk is an

______________________________ form of social ranking within a group in which some individuals are more subordinate than others

______________________________ linear sequence of dominant and sub-dominant males; another phrase used to describe dominance hierarchy

______________________________ conditions that restrict a population's growth that act from outside the population that can include competition, predation, and

______________________________ a state of equilibrium among the various living things and forces in the natural world

______________________________ physical conditions that restrict a population's growth that act from outside the population that can include sunlight, water,
nutrients, food and resources

______________________________ the study of how natural selection shapes behavior

______________________________ suborder of bats that mainly eat fruit, flower, or nectar

______________________________ situation in an ecosystem in which different species are in competition for the same resources; in a natural ecosystem this is
typically zero or minimal
______________________________ stresses the importance of disturbance

______________________________ the actual niche occupied by an organism when all biotic and abiotic interactions are taken into account

______________________________ a method of subdividing a niche to avoid direct competition with one another specifically by exploiting the same resource in a
different way

______________________________ exploiting resources by using them up

______________________________ the behavior of an animal that defines and defends its territory

______________________________ any area that an animal defends against other animals

______________________________ suborder of bats that feed on insects captured in flight

______________________________ the ability to hunt by sound; used by bats

______________________________ a type of differential reproduction that results from variable success in obtaining mates
______________________________ the number of songs a bird can sing; the more songs, the more desirable

______________________________ a process in which natural selection favors individuals in a species that use resources not used by other species. This results
in evolutionary change leading to species dissimilar in resource use.

______________________________ occurs when two species share the same fundamental niche and live together, but neither species goes extinct

______________________________ occurs when two or more organisms use the same resource in a way that affects the birth rate or death rate of the

______________________________ a courtship behavior in which a potential mate is offered a bit of food so that she does not eat him

______________________________ a location in which many types of birds compete by gathering there and performing for groups of females

______________________________ organism that is killed or injured

______________________________ an organism that kills its prey and eats it

______________________________ species of bird that builds little structures used to attract a mate

______________________________ structures built to attract a mate

______________________________ forces that disrupt a natural ecosystem

______________________________ conditions that restrict a population's growth that act from outside the population; can be abiotic or biotic

______________________________ bachelor males of species in which only territory holders mate

______________________________ also referred to as the hypothetical niche, this is the entire niche and organism could fill if there were no other interacting
factors (such as competition or predation)

______________________________ the environment of an organism; the place where it is usually found

______________________________ having more than one wife at a time; bowerbirds

______________________________ any animal that feeds on flesh

______________________________ any animal that feeds chiefly on grass and other plants

______________________________ a strategy in which a predator chases and kills their prey; may include solo or pack

______________________________ a strategy in which a predator chases and kills their prey alone

______________________________ a strategy in which a groups of predators chase and kill their prey together; they can adjust their aggregate body size to
match the size range of the available prey

______________________________ any organism that hides and waits for a prey to become vulnerable, thereby surprising it

______________________________ conspicuous coloration or markings of an animal serving to warn off predators

______________________________ the simultaneous development of adaptations in two or more populations, species, or other categories that interact so closely
that each is a strong selective force on the other

______________________________ populations fluctuate in cyclic, oscillating pattern between organisms that are eaten, and those that eat other organisms

______________________________ species whose effects on the composition of communities are greater than one might expect based on their abundance

______________________________ males compete for females

______________________________ females actively select their desired mates

______________________________ males appearance, ability to thrive suggests that he has good genes, making him desirable to reproduce with

______________________________ males that can carry large antlers or huge tails and still avoid predators and feed himself make him desirable to reproduce with

______________________________ the nest that juvenile bowerbirds build

______________________________ male replaces physical traits that are attractive to females with external objects, like bower decorations
Created by Melissa Elli Geiss - Tulane University – EBIO 111 – Diversity of Life – Bruce Fleury

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