UFO UpDates The BBS of MUFON Ontario VOLUME 1.9 February 27th 1995

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“Dr. Walker had studied the industrial use of acoustics.

These studies were applied to the

homing torpedo, which was successfully used against the German …”

“Note: The following is an excerpt from Grant Cameron and T. Scott Crain Jr.'s research paper
entitled, "UFOs, MJ-12 AND THE GOVERNMENT". It is a transcript …”

Source Link for the following:


+--------------------- THE MUTUAL UFO NETWORK OF ONTARIO ------------------+

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UFO UpDates
The BBS of MUFON Ontario
>>> 416-932-2028 <<<
>>>Vox - 416-932-0031 <<<

February 27th 1995

:: This 'Digest' is a compilation of 'interestings' from international ::
:: computer network UFO message conferences. Reproduced here, exactly ::
:: as they were posted, are only a few of the several thousand messages ::
:: on FidoNet, InterNet, UseNet, NorthAmeriNet and ParaNet this past ::
:: week. ::

///// Compiled by Errol Bruce-Knapp \\\\\

Bud Hopkins

Bud Hopkins will be in Toronto Wednesday March 8, 1995, speaking at

O.I.S.E Auditorium, 255 Bloor Street West, at 7 pm. More information
can be obtained from Mike Bird at (416) 503-0757.

///// UFO UpDates - The BBS

To become a user of MUFON Ontario's UFO UpDates BBS please call us at

416-932-0031 and leave your name and voice telephone number on our
voice-mail - we'll call you back and give you a validation number to
be used the first time you log-on. The board will recognise you and
you'll be able to call the BBS at anytime 24 hours a day. Please note
that this is the _only_ way that _anyone_ will be able to become a
user of UFO UpDates.

UFO UpDates will carry _all_ the international UFO computer conferences.
Those conferences will be available to those users who make a donation
of $25 per year to assist in the costs of maintaining the BBS.

Those who do make a donation will be able to read and send messages on
those international networks _and_ will have an InterNet e-mail
address and be able to send _private_ messages to anyone around the
world with an InterNet address.

For those of you who are not able to make a donation we, will continue
to publish this 'Digest' weekly and it will be available in the
General UFO Files area.

| "...working professionally at a major |
| observatory I found that scientists did |
| observe unknown objects. But they reported |
| very few, destroying in the process some of |
| the most interesting or tantalizing data." |
| - Jacques Vallee - |
| 'Confrontations', 1990 |
| Random House Pub. |

Ezekial Chapter 1: Verses 15-19


Verse 15:
"Now as I beheld the the living creatures,
behold one wheel upon the earth by the living
creatures, with his four faces."

Verse 16:
The appearance of the wheels and their work
was like unto the colour of a beryl; and they
four had one likeness; and their appearance
and their work was as it were a wheel in the
middle of a wheel.

Verse 17:
When they went, they went upon their four
sides; and they turned not when they went.

Verse 18:
As for their rings, they were so high that
they were dreadful; and their rings were full
of eyes round about them four.

Verse 19:
And when the living creatures went, the
wheels went by them; and when the living
creatures were lifted up from the earth, the
wheels were lifted up.


Date: 02-22-95 (01:37) Number: 8595 of 8630 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Re: look at this message
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltParaUFO (5163) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)
Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
From: Cyberpunk X
Subject: Re: look at this message
Message-ID: <D4A4sw.52r@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca>
Sender: racayan@cayley.uwaterloo.ca (Raymund Acayan)
Organization: University of Waterloo
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 03:38:56 GMT

If you are willing to risk your life in order to find the truth, I
suggest you break into the following networks:

pentagon-gw.af.mil = Pentagon
holloman-gw.af.mil = Holloman AFB, New Mexico
kirtland2-gw.af.mil = Kirtland AFB & Sandia Labs

You will find all you need to know.

Cyberpunk X



















Date: 02-17-95 (15:12) Number: 8462 of 8462 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Newsweek article on Area 51
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltParaUFO (5163) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

From: ebevariant@aol.com (EBEvariant)

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: Newsweek article on Area 51
Date: 15 Feb 1995 20:24:22 -0500
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Message-ID: <3hu9g6$9rn@newsbf02.news.aol.com>

I found this article on Area 51 (though not about UFO's) in the

February 20th issue of Newsweek (1995, of course). I thought it might
interest people if they haven't seen it already.

It Dares Not Speak Its Name

Enviroment: How to stymie a toxic-waste lawsuit

What's in a name? Maybe the key to a pathbreaking enviromental lawsuit.

Five former and current government employees and the widow of a sixth,
charge that the workers suffered blackouts, rashes, respiratory problems
and dime size open sores after they were exposed to burning toxic wastes
at a secret air force facility in Nevada.

The widow, Helen Frost, contends that poisonous fumes, from plastics
and chemicals that were thrown into open pits and doused with jet
fuel, contributed to her husband's death in 1989. Lawyers have a
tough enough time pinning illness, let alone death, on exposure to
toxics. But the worker's attorney, Jonathan Turley of George
Washington University's law school, faces a more basic problem.

For four months after the suit was filed, the government denied the
very existence of the facility; now is acknowledges that there is an
"operating location" in the area, but refuses to reveal its name. (The
workers know the site by several names, but the Feds won't say whether
any is right.)

And in a Kafkaesque technicality, without the officially recognized

name, which Turley filed a motion last week to get, the suit cannot

If the site's a secret, it's badly kept.

Russian spy satellites have amassed a nice bumful of snapshots of the

facility, 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas on Nellis Air Force Base.
UFO groupies know it as Area 51, or Groom Lake: hundreds have flocked
to the perimeter, convinced the air force is reproducing a captured
flying saucer at the site. It was also the testing ground for the U-2
spy plane and the F-117A stealth.

But just as you can't sue someone you know only by nickname, so
Turley's clients can't sue the Pentagon over a site whose proper
moniker the government won't disclose. The plaintiff's request for
the name, says a government brief, is "vague, overbroad, and
unreasonably burdensome."

If the Feds remain mum about the name, Turley plans to call to the
witness stand the military attache at the Russian Embassy, whose
testimony would show that Area 51 is eminently real, and no secret.

If he gets past the procedural hurdle, Turley says, he has a strong

case. He has evidence that the Air Force denied the worker's requests
of protective clothing, and that Frost's body had high levels of
dioxins and furans (produced when plastics burn) when he died.

The Department of Justice and the Enviromental Protection Agency have

launched a probe into hazardous waste violations at Area 51; an air
force spokesman says it "takes its environmental responsibilities very
seriously." Of course, if the Pentagon blocks the suit by refusing to
release the name of the side, the validity of the charges won't

- Bruce Shenitz and Sharon Begley, Newsweek.

Who knows? Maybe if they win the suit (not likely, but possible) we
might FINALLY get confirmation of what's at Area 51, or even better,
it's real name. For me, it would be worth the money.


Date: 02-16-95 (18:17) Number: 3300 of 3318 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: JJJ - Australian Abductions.
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: UFO-L (6679) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 08:52:58 -0500

Reply-To: UFO related phenomenon <UFO-L@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
Sender: UFO related phenomenon <UFO-L@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
From: Lawrie Williams <wlmss@PEG.APC.ORG>
Subject: JJJ - Australian Abductions.
Message-Id: <95Feb16.172319est.11056-3@cicerone.uunet.ca>

RADIO JJJ and Abductions in Australia

Australia is a land that has bred expert confidence tricksters, yet
within the familial community and where national security is concerned,
bullshit artists get short shrift. Australia can therefore be regarded
as one of the better places to secure definitive paranormal information.

The abduction and mutilations phenomena are not part of some covert
military scheme and certainly no hoax. Humanity is dealing with
something unknown but not unknowable. The time has come to pull
out all the stops and find out what in heck is going on.

Triple J
Just after 10 am on thursday 16th Feb 1995 the ABC's Triple J ran a
national hour-long segment on Abductions, featuring Australian UFO
researcher Keith Basterfield from Adelaide and British "sceptic" Susan
Blackmore from the Uni of West England. JJJ said that the matter was
of some interest because of the remarkable number of support groups
springing up around Australia.

During sound grabs from the UFO Report and Sightings Hotline service
one caller described a device that gave an "electrical static"
sensation, He also said he saw three 4' dark brownish beings and 2
golden-skinned beings 6-7' tall with oval heads, pointed chins and
large oval eyes. And a needle....
Another recalled sitting with his hands gripping metal tube armrests
only they were soft and clammy, he was in a round, colourful room
and beside him was a woman in a long white sleeveless gown with a
plunging neckline.

Keith Basterfield has been around for many years. A quietly-spoken

Australian, there is no apparent cultural, political or religous
reason why he would fabricate or distort information. From all
accounts, Basterfield is a credible ufo researcher.

He said that he had been gathering abduction accounts for 4-5 years and
had collected 80 detailed accounts. He said he had seen "no indication
that people are hoaxing or have any significant disorders." He said
that a number of cases he had followed involved people who sought no
mass publicity and their accounts had brought them nothing but ridicule.

Susan Blackmore said she did not think people were hoaxing. She ascribed
many of the details to false memories implanted by hypnosis procedures
but added that "something odd's happening to begin with."

Basterfield then recounted a current case involving 5 people and two

cars in Victoria, where the occupants of the vehicles had no contact
but related similar stories. He said that researchers in Australia
were being careful not to follow the American model of appearing to
implant information during hypnosis.

Blackmore expressed some interest in the 2-car incident and said she
regretted not having had the opportunity to deal with a case of such
implications. She half-jokingly said that if she came across such
information she would start looking around for aliens herself.

At this point a call was made for people to ring in.

A young woman said that when she was five she and a sibling saw a
bright light at a window and walked into a secret passage. She recalls
them next day searching in vain for the secret passage again. Basterfield
commented that people with these experiences tend to have a variety of
odd experiences on an ongoing basis throughout their lives.

Angela the announcer remarked that she had not expected many callers
but that instead they were by this time being flooded with calls.

One NSW investigator said he had investigated a case where at 9.30 pm

a girl had walked into a clear, dark street. She recalled meeting two
amber coloured dinner plate sized discs, then paralysis, then being
surrounded by a bright light. Then when she could move she ran away,
finding that the time was 9.55 and she had lost about 20 minutes.

Another caller asked why this phenomenon took place in Anglo countries-
the U.K., Australia and the U.S.A. Basterfield said this was not so,
that it also took place in Europe, the far East and in Japan.

A caller said that to her knowledge this had been going on for a very
long time. Basterfield agreed, mentioning the "Old Hag" phenomenon
amongst the Eskimaux people.

At the end of the programme Basterfield gave the contact number for
his organization: Oz 08 251 2773. Callers seeking contact with
others can from that number be directed to state numbers.

It is to be hoped that after this good bit of work by Triple J the
entire ufo and abductee and mutilations question in the land of Oz
can be dragged out into the open so we can find out what is going on,
and especially discover what "Our Friends" overseas are hiding from
us. After all, people are at risk, however slight. This is indeed a
security issue. We as a nation have the right to know the facts.

____________________________________________________Lawrie Williams


Date: 02-16-95 (23:53) Number: 3303 of 3318 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Re: Feliz San Valentin! (UFO cases in Mexico)
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: UFO-L (6679) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Message-Id: <9502170442.AB19364@portnoy.canrem.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 18:10:42 MEX
From: Miguel Romero Cruz Abeyro <MCRUZ@IBERO.UIA.MX>
Subject: Re: Feliz San Valentin! (UFO cases in Mexico)
To: Multiple recipients of list UFO-L <UFO-L@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>

On Tue, 14 February 1995, Marc Whitford wrote:

>I agree that is how friendships start. Did you happen to see the large
>number of UFO in Mexico in 1992 and 1993? I have a tape entitled, "The
>Masters of the Stars" which is really quite remarkable.

>Also, has there been much UFO activity in Mexico lately?


Hola Marc.
Although I couldn't see the 1991 Ufo that appeared during the Solar
Eclipse (I had decided to leave the city to have a better view, and
besides, the Ufo was only visible in the South side of Mexico city, I
live on the north side) UFo Researchers such as Jaime Mausan presented
several times the different videos that showed this object.

Like I said some time ago when I first entered this list, this was the
beggining of a great number of sightings over Mexico city, Puebla,
Chihuahua, San Luis Potosi and other parts of the Mexican Republic,
and there are several videos to probe this.

About the most recent cases, to my knowledge the last and most important
ocurred on May 5th, 1994 in the city of Metepec, Toluca.

Many neighbors of this city claimed to have seen strange ships flying
in the night.

One person (a woman, unfortunately at this time I don't recall her

name) not only saw this ships, but also video-filmed a strange
"creature" that appeared on a corn field next to her house. I've seen
this video several times, including the computer analysis made by
Jaime Mausan, and I must say it's quite interes- ting and in my
opinnion the best and clearest video made of an "alleged" alien.

Besides that, I haven't heard of further sightings here in Mexico,

although that doesn't necesseraly mean there haven't been any.

From what I have studied of these cases, there seems to be a link or

connection between the Ufo phenomena and the volcanic zone of Mexico
city. The Ufos always appeared on the South side of the city, close to
the volcanic zones, and its interesting that subsequently after the
5th of May (the day of the video of the creature) the volcanic
activity of the Popo began to increase in a way that alarmed us all
down here... It may be possible that these visitors have built up
secret bases on the volcanoes and mountains of Mexico... who knows.

Hasta luego batos

Miguel Romero
****** Chiquilistlan Medallas el Coyote Cojo de las Nalgas Pintas **********
****** (Don't worry if you don't understand this, you don't wanna **********
****** know anyway ) **********

Date: 02-17-95 (12:31) Number: 1250 of 1251 (Refer# NONE)
Subj: Dutch UFO
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltUFOReprt (6858) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

From: rutkows@cc.umanitoba.ca (Chris Rutkowski)

Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: Dutch UFO
Date: 15 Feb 1995 14:53:10 GMT
Organization: The University of Manitoba
Message-ID: <3ht4gm$8t7@canopus.cc.umanitoba.ca>

From alt.paranet.ufo Wed Feb 15 08:48:22 1995

From: hvw123@xs4all.nl (hvw123)
Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: Dutch ufo sighting in Almere.
Date: 14 Feb 1995 19:21:14 GMT
Organization: Hack-Tic, Networking for the masses
Message-ID: <3hqvra$ou@news.xs4all.nl>

Summary from a daily Dutch newspaper (De Telegraaf), 14 February 1995.

Almere sighting.

2 Woman are walking with their dogs in the evening at 19.40 hours. It
is the 21th of November 1994. One of the ladies said, "it was a sphere
and it just looked like a sunset".

Dozens of people also from Amsterdam and Zeewolde witnessed the same
object. Most people thought it being the moon and payed no attention
to it.

The OPUS (Onderzoek (= investigation) Parapsychology, Ufos, Spiritual)

foundation collected all data and concluded this week that it was no
blimp, construction work light or a ball lightning but a real ufo.

That sphere was seen above waters, trees and residential areas. It
showed remarkable behaviour.

Initially it hoovered, moved from left to right, and one family saw it
spinning around before it shot off into the air at high speed.

The KNMI (Dutch meteorological intitution) could not explain this

sighting. Nor could a foundation (De Koepel) in Utrecht which is also
specialized in ufo sightings.
According specialists so many people watching the same ufo is very

Bliepings ...,

Henk van Winkoop (hvw123@xs4all.nl)

Chris Rutkowski - rutkows@cc.umanitoba.ca
University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, Canada


Date: 02-18-95 (11:44) Number: 4895 of 4896 (Refer# NONE)

Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

AP 02/07 17:39 Copyright 1994. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) -- CIA Director R. James Woolsey on Monday

denied that the U.S. government is building a new-generation spy plane
to replace the SR-71 Blackbird, which was retired during the Bush

During an appearance at Wichita State University, Woolsey was asked

to comment on recent news reports that a top-secret plane dubbed the
Aurora is being fielded to provide the high-speed reconnaissance
missions that the Blackbird performed.

"That is a scam," Woolsey said.

When he said that neither he nor the secretary of the Air Force nor
the secretary of defense "have ever heard of Aurora," the questioner
in his audience wanted to know if Woolsey was implying just that the
name was incorrect.

"The name, the project, the notion," is wrong, Woolsey responded in

perhaps the most categorical public denial by a senior Clinton
administration official.

Some in Congress have questioned the wisdom of retiring the

Blackbird and leaving the United States with no high-speed,
high-altitude reconnaissance plane to supplement the
intelligence-gathering contributions of spy satellites.
Some news reports have said a secret new spy plane has been
undergoing nighttime test flights in the Nevada desert.

In later comments during an interview with The Associated Press,

Woolsey denied that any new plane such as the Aurora was being flown
in tests, but he did not specifically deny that a new-generation spy
plane was at some stage of development.

"What the stories have said is that there is actually something out
there flying around that is a follow-on" to the Blackbird, Woolsey
said, adding later, "It's either a joke, a scam or a

Asked whether a new-generation spy plane was in an early stage of

development, as opposed to already in test flights, Woolsey said:

"There are all sorts of studies for all kinds of things to

follow-on for aircraft, but there isn't anything out there that
remotely fits the description of what's been described as Aurora, that
is actually flying around and being used."


Note the date. I'm just kicking the hornets nest so we can discuss this.

--- TBBS v2.1/NM

Origin: Radio Free Milwaukee *Since 1983* <4-lines> 414 351-1823 (1:154/414)


Date: 02-18-95 (10:05) Number: 80011 of 80184 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Old sighting
Read: NO Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

CM>MM>Also of note: there are some curious landmarks in that immediate area...

CM>Interesting report, Mike. Could you also give information

CM>as to exactly where this occurred, name of the town and school,
CM>name of newspaper where the reports appeared, and any other
CM>details you might want to add ?

The sighting occurred in Jaffray & Mellick Township, near Kenora, Ont.
There were, I believe, 5 reported sightings to the local police and
newspaper, however I've since spoken to numerous people who recall the
incident and never reported it. (I mentioned in my post that I did not
report my sighting.) The dates range from 1972 to 1979 however!

I've been doing some investigation into this and have recently
accellerated this search, but have "come up dry" as far as any written

The Daily Miner & News had a small front page article the next
publication day, and the day following there was some other mention
(but I don't recall if it was front page or not) along with an
"official" report from RCAF Air Command in Winnipeg saying that some
experimental aircraft had been operating in the area during the time
in question. (over populated areas???)

I have seen enough micro-fiche to last me a life time, but most pages
from the spring of '75 appear to be "missing" from the archives, which
are located at the Kenora Public Library. The Winnipeg Tribune (now
the Winnipeg Sun may have had a blurb as well).

Sorry I can't add more, but if I come up with anything I'll post it

þ OLX 2.1 TD þ ...Bear takes over Disneyland in Pooh D'Etat!

--- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12

* Origin: The Universal Joint * Kenora, ON * (807) 468-6225 (1:348/503.0)


Date: 02-18-95 (10:19) Number: 80019 of 80184 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Bizarre lazar
Read: NO Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)


Subject: Lazar Nonsense
Datum: 04-23-94
Area: UFO

PP> Ex-squeeze me but I have a question. In the recent past, someone else
PP> brought up the bankruptcy. Then someone else said, no it wasn't him.
PP> Can I buy a clue? I'm sort of confused. Was this the same Lazar, and
PP> if so, wouldn't it include his real name and SS#. The link to his
PP> past, if it is indeed the right Robert Lazar.

Using a recent Usenet post quoting from his bankruptcy filing, I contacted
his high school guidance department today. I was informed that last summer
someone else called and received his old address on Long Island, that Lazar
learned of this (probably by that investigator) and that he angrily FORBADE
the guidance department from furnishing anyone else with that information.

But the person I spoke with there did confirm that Lazar graduated in 1976,
just as the post stated. This is important, I think, because I remember
reading somewhere (though I don't remember where) that Lazar once claimed to
have been raised on Colorado. If true, he's busted right now.

If anyone can confirm or deny Lazar discussing where he grew up, please reply.

From the 1989 George Knapp special on Lazar:

> Lazar: "Well, they're trying to make me look non-existent to
> the places that I called...."
> Interviewer: "Explain. Called where?"
> Lazar: "Well, the schools that I went to; the hospital that I
> was born at; past jobs, and nothing comes up with my name on
> it."

Funny how the pieces fall together when one looks in the right place!


Isn't it strange that the U.S. Government would allegedly delete all
his records but miss these records? And isn't it strange that what's
left won't be released by Lazar himself?!

Now why do you think that Bob Lazar would claim that all his personal
data was deleted, but we find that Lazar himself has ordered that his
H.S. records not be revealed?! Perhaps he doesn't want us to see what
colleges he applied to as a senior -- after all, if he never had his
transcript sent to Cal Tech or MIT, that seals his fate, doesn't it.

According to the post off alt.alien.visitors which provided me with

information to find Lazar's high school, from 1978-1986 (ages 20-28):

> In a signed government record, Lazar states that for the past 8 years
> he was a self employed film processor. While living in Las Alamos he
> ran a 1 hour film lab-UPS station along with his wife.
Since the H.S. information was accurate, let's see what this
information means, if it too is accurate. He was a full-time film
processor from the time he was 2 years out of high school. Hmm. Now
this does not mesh well at all with his claim that he went to school
full-time in both California and MIT, does it?

So, ignoring all his claims about his college and graduate schooling,
his alleged job offer from Edward Teller (whom he claims he just
contacted out of the blue), the government's supposed hiring of
"brilliant loner" physicists, and the like, we have enough to question
the veracity of his statements from his own documents alone.


?@FROM :sheppard.gordon@moondog.com
Message-ID: <8A36289.044C005BCB.uuout@moondog.com>
Organization: MoonDog BBS, Brooklyn, NY (718) 692-2498


By Lynn Parham

In the course of discussions on the UFO echo, I was told about

the "LASAR Revelations". One of my contacts offered to send, to a
PARANET close by, the text of a series of TV appearances by Robert
Lazar on KLAS-TV in Nov./Dec. 1989. I downloaded these files and have
the following comments.

* * * * * * * *

I will have to admit that the "LAZAR" story turned out to be much
more professional than I thought it would. This guy obviously has
some background in physics, although there were some serious telltale
discrepancies. His reports are not as easy to prove wrong as most of
the UFO revelations that I have seen in the past. Most of those were
so bad in the science part as to be laughable.

The material appears, at first glance, to be very believable. In

fact, I really want to believe him. Its very exciting. And I want to
believe that there is a way for mankind to go to the stars, and to
know all the secrets of the universe. Neglecting the sinister part of
his story (cover-ups, etc) it is almost a wondrous, exciting dream
come true. Unfortunately, something in me will not let me believe him
without more proof. I have been through all this before. At one time
I was a strong believer in UFOs as alien spacecraft. All those
wondrous stories of alien presences, hardware, contacts, etc. have
been with us for a long time. I waited with anticipation for the
thing to break wide open and I would know it all. Weeks became
months, then years, then decades. I'm still waiting. Sometimes,
little things surface to tweak my interest, but nothing definite,
provable, unequivocal ever does.

I have had similar experiences, though not as strong, with

psychic phenomena, lost continents, money making schemes, health
schemes, etc. All these schemes have a couple of things in common.
They sound so wonderful and so reasonable. And they NEVER, EVER turn
out to be of any benefit whatsoever, at least to me.

You might ask, "Why be so skeptical?". On any controversial

subject, the best way to get at the truth is to try to convince an
intelligent, knowledgeable, open minded skeptic. (I do not pretend to
fit that model but I do use it as a goal) He will find your
inconsistences, your lapses. If your theory is the truth, potentially
you can plug all the loopholes and eventually convince the skeptic of
the truth of your position. A previous skeptic converted to a
believer is the best kind to have. If your theory is not the truth,
you will normally not be able to do that. A believer, on the other
hand, tends to overlook minor inconsistences since he already knows
what it is the truth.

This doesn't apply to skeptic who does not have an open mind and
who cannot accept proofs and answers. He, like the true blue
believer, already has his mind made up and nothing will change it.

Much of what Mr. Lazar says cannot be proven or checked out

without further collaborating evidence. I will try to evaluate as
many of his science revelations as I can. You should realize that my
knowledge is not extensive in some of these areas and I can very
easily be wrong. I do have a scientific background (Chemist)
supplemented by self-training in other scientific areas.
(Translation-I read a lot of scientific books & magazines)

A. "Gravity Wave Guide"

There is nothing known, theorized, or allowable in our science

that will channel gravity. If it can channel gravity, then it should
also shield against or block gravity. The material of this waveguide
would be as wondrous and miraculous as element 115 ever was. It is an
interesting, but otherwise unlikely, concept.

B. "...7000 MPH Saucers"

Wouldn't this velocity heat and ionize the air, create a huge,
destructive sonic boom and create a visible trail of superheated,
ionized air trail miles long? Note that this is not the "instantly
there" gravity bending time and space propulsion technology. This
velocity was supposedly measured by radar.
C. "..antimatter reactor allows the spaceships to produce their own
gravity fields"

This technology is beyond understanding for us. We have

absolutely no control over gravity except through the obvious one of
manipulating massive objects. We can't generate it, direct it, stop
it, mediate it, or amplify it. This is equivalent to talking about
ghosts or magic. I don't really think they exist, but I'm not 100%
sure. In any case, wondrous capabilities which are just out of reach
of our science makes me very suspicious.

D. "Gravity distorts time & space"

Yes it does. Gravity bends space and slows down time. Black
holes bends space completely around it. Kind of like an infinitely
deep well (gravity well). Time in a black hole apparently stops.

The use of gravity to fold space and manipulate it so you can

travel to distant areas sounds plausible. But, it is not a reasonable
extension of known science. Just another wondrous, magical capability
of the alien technology that's out of reach for us.

As far as the scientific community not buying it, of course not.

They deal in facts and there is no present way that this can be
established as facts. Do you want your tax dollars being spent
chasing dreams. (Sometimes they do) If so, who gets to determine the
dream to chase. Senator Joe Blow may want to study the energy content
of thoughts of the African tape worm.

E. "Element 115...has to come from a place where super heavy elements

could be produced naturally."

There are only three know places for producing elements

naturally. These are (1) The Big Bang, (2) Center of Stars(up to
Iron) and (3) Supernova (Heavy elements). The reference to binary
stars being a place for element 115 production doesn't make sense.
Binary stars have no "heavy element" production capability greater
than any other star of similar size. Besides, heavy elements greater
than Iron must be synthesized in "Supernova" explosions. Being in the
vicinity of a supernova doesn't count. This casts a little doubt, in
my mind, about Mr. Lazar's claim to being a Physicist.

Once created, lab or supernova, a stable element does not depend

on heaviness (weight) to exist. Note that Lazar says we have some
here on earth. Mr. Lazar says that the element is stable, but then
says that it is kept in lead lined chambers. This would only be
required if it was radioactive and not 100% stable. But if it is
radioactive, it must not be greatly so since (from another source) I
learn that he stole a small amount of it and brought it home. If it
was no less stable than Uranium (which is slightly radioactive), then
the supernova(s) which created the heavy elements of the earth itself
would have produced significant quantities of element 115 which would
not have completely decayed. Significant stores of Uranium are still
with us. We have not found a trace of element 115.

Incidentally, gravity plays no direct roll in producing heavy

elements. Gravity is very weak and is insignificant in the nucleus of
atoms. The strong and weak nuclear forces control atomic nuclei.
Gravity does have a secondary roll in producing the conditions that
create elements. That is, heat & pressure in the center of stars.

F. "By bombarding element 115 with protons, antimatter is produced"

Potentially the most damaging of the scientific revelations.

Antimatter is never made by changing matter into antimatter. Nature
apparently does not work that way. Good thing too since if it did,
this universe would be a universe of energy only. Antimatter must be
created out of the energy of collisions between particles. To create
large amounts of antimatter requires large amounts of energy, probably
more than the energy you get back when you react it with ordinary
matter. Really no net gain. In other words, the energy of producing
antimatter from element 115 must come from the energy of the proton
bombardment. Now, where do you get the energy to produce the high
velocity protons. I say high velocity because the energy would have
to come from the kinetic energy of the protons. Once again Lazar
seems to have fallen down in his physics.

In summary, it seems that Mr. Lazar proposes a number of highly

improbable scientific principles and a few that present science say
are simply wrong. On the other hand, some of the science is
plausible, requiring some knowledge of physics. I really don't know
what to make of all this. It is very intriguing and very mysterious.
I cannot say that it is all hogwash although it may be. Neither can I
say that it has the ring of truth. There are too many inconsistences.
Until and unless further revelations and evidence is forthcoming,
this must remain (along with ghosts, ESP, psychic phenomena, etc) an
intriguing, indecipherable puzzle.

Finally, I am not an expert on "Private Detective" work.

Therefore, I do not wish to get deeply involved in the controversal
question of whether Lazar or other "revealers" are who they say they
are or are ,misinformers, kooks, etc. I will leave that to others who
know more about such things. My only contribution is to evaluate,
scientifically, some of the scientific claims they propose.


?@FROM :sheppard.gordon@moondog.com
Message-ID: <8A36289.044C005BCC.uuout@moondog.com>
Organization: MoonDog BBS, Brooklyn, NY (718) 692-2498

From: violet.berkeley.edu!chalmers@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM
Date: 14 Mar 93 22:41:05 GMT
Message-ID: <35770@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM>
Newsgroups: info.paranet

From: chalmers@violet.berkeley.edu (John H. Chalmers Jr.)

Lazar's UFO drive mechanism seems highly improbable according

to current physics. While element 115 may eventually be synthesized,
it is not expected to have any isotopes with half lifes longer than
10-2 to 1 second. Even the most stable superheavy elements are
expected to have half-lives of the order of a few days maximum.

The second problem is making 115. Current nuclear chemistry

experiments have stalled around 109 or possibly 110 as the production
rate gets too low. The problem is that such elements cannot be built
up from lighter ones by successive neutron capture in reactors or in
nature in supernovas because the fission half-lives around 94-100
become too short. Hence they have to be made by fusing heavy nuclei
(U, Pu, or higher) with medium sized nuclei such as Ca, Fe, etc. To
get such nuclei with their high electric charges to fuse requires so
much energy that the compound nucleus fissions before it can evaporate
enough neutrons to deexcite to a stable state.

Finally, there is no reason to believe that 116 would decay

into antimatter. The total kinetic energy released by the fission of a
nucleus of 116 is estimated to be about 250 to 300 MEV. An antiproton
or antineutron has a mass of about 940 MEV with the positron or
antielectron about 1/1800 of this. So even assuming there was a
plausible route not violating any known conservation laws, there is
not enough energy in the decay of superheavy nuclei to generate atoms
of antimatter.

Also, Lazar's physics is suspect. While some theories predict

that gravity and the strong nuclear force are aspects of the same
force, the energy level of unification, the point at which they become
indistinguishable, is about 10 to the 15th GEV. Current accelerators
are <= about 1000 GEV, far above the energies available in atomic

With our technology, scaling up by a factor of 10 to the 12th

would mean building a machine whose circumference is about that of the
Milky Way galaxy. If we had access to a technology that could reduce
this scale to vehicular dimensions, do you really think we would even
consider building something as primitive as the SSC.
Gravitons are not out of vogue theoretically, but they have
never been observed due to the weakness of their interaction with
matter. If the LIGO or similar gravitational wave observatories are
built, they will provide the first direct evidence for gravitons or
rather the wave-like aspect of gravitational radiation, which is
equivalent to the particle aspect by the Correspondence Principle.
Gravitation is about 39 orders of magnitude weaker than the strong
nuclear force so even though the SNF may have gravity-like properties,
they are unobservable even at nuclear energies.

Antimatter per se has not yet been made in the laboratory

although both positrons and antiprotons are made routinely in
accelerators and stored. The difficulty lies in cooling both
components down sufficiently and mixing them to produce antihydrogen
while still confining them and the resulting neutral atoms. It should
be doable and I would expect the announcement to be made at any time.
However, these experiments will produce only a few atoms at a time,
nowhere near enough for bombs or space vehicle fuel.

Lazar is correct that fission and fusion bombs release only a

very small fraction of the total available energy. The problem here is
confinement; the bombs destroy themselves and the density of
fissionable and fusionable materials drop too low for the reactions to
procede. Similar problems would exist with matter -antimatter
reactions as well. It has been predicted that matter and antimatter
stars might just bounce off each other as the annihilation energy
released as their outer atmospheres touched would push them apart
before more than a fraction of their masses had been consumed. They
might, however, be sufficiently disrupted by the shock and
acceleration that their cores would be exposed, producing two novas.
In any case, the collision would be spectacular, even if it did not
result in mutual annihilation.

Even if one could 'distort space time' what is to prevent the

distortion from affecting the vehicle and its crew? There might very
well be strong gravitational tidal effects which would destroy both in
the process as a space-time distortion would look like a very strong
and inhomogeneous gravitational field. Creating and terminating such
'distortions' would probably generate gravitational radiation. Such
strong fields might also create Hawking radiation and be visible to
outsiders, if not lethal to the crew. 'Worm holes,' which might be
what Lazar means by these distortions, might very well actually be
longer and slower routes. Lazar needs to think this one through

It is difficult to design a gravitational wave amplifier as it

would require a source of energy to power a gravitational wave
generator that could respond to incoming GW's and draw on this energy
to generate new waves of increased amplitude. Perhaps orbiting black
holes might contract their orbits in response to a passing GW and
generate a stronger replica wave if the phases were right. If the
black holes were electrically charged, then perhaps electrical energy
could be converted to GW's. There are some severe technical
constraints, however. Are there any engineer/physicists out there who
want to try designing a GW amplifier?

-- John

-> Alice4Mac 2.4.4 E QWK Eval:05Nov94

Origin: sheppard.gordon@moondog.com

-> Alice4Mac 2.5d3 E QWK Ser#2-196

Origin: Alice strikes back @

--- DB 1.58/004376
* Origin: The Computer Forum (804) 471-0736 (1:275/17)


Date: 02-18-95 (10:19) Number: 80022 of 80184 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Good
Read: NO Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

?@FROM :sheppard.gordon@moondog.com
Message-ID: <8A36289.044C005BCD.uuout@moondog.com>
Organization: MoonDog BBS, Brooklyn, NY (718) 692-2498

Day of week: Sunday


Is retired Admiral of the Fleet Lord Hill-Norton preparing to join Mr

Spock in the higher echelons of Starfleet Command? The question is not
as far-fetched as might be imagined. The former Chief of the Defence
Staff believes that the earth may have been visited by creatures from
other worlds.

In a forward to Alien Liaison, a new book on the subject of

unidentified flying objects by session musician Mr Timothy Good, Lord
Hill-Norton writes that the "astounding revelations" Mr Good makes are
"impossible, certainly for me, to dismiss unless they are . . .
publicly disproved". He invites the many scientists and political
figures quoted to "either put up or shut up" if they feel they have
been misrepresented.

Among Mr Good's odder revelations are that aliens have been cutting
off slices of cow - usually rump - for analysis in their intergalactic
laboratories. In addition to the distasteful practice of bovine
lo-bottomy, is the claim by a well-known rocket scientist that several
US presidents may have been visited by a spaceman called Alan and that
a Brazilian man was once seduced by a four-and-a-half-foot tall alien
woman ("beautiful, though of a different type from the women I had
known") from whom he contracted "what can only be described as a type
of cosmic 'clap' ". Lord Hill-Norton is not put off by Mr Good's
extraordinary tales. "The plain fact is that either what he reports
here is true, or it isn't. If his accounts of recovered UFOs and their
alien occupants being in the hands of United States government
agencies (and perhaps those of the Soviet Union too) are not true,
then it seems that many important and distinguished former public
servants have perhaps lied, or have been grossly mis-reported. In the
latter event, one must expect and hope that they will take the
appropriate legal action to set the record straight."

Fighting talk, suggesting genuine conviction. And the admiral is not

alone in his beliefs. At least three former US presidents, Mr Richard
Nixon, Mr Jimmy Carter and Mr Ronald Reagan are UFO converts (somehow
one just knew it would be them) while the Soviet leader, Mikhail
Gorbachev, has stated for the record that the phenomenon "does exist
and must be treated seriously". The index to Mr Good's book does not
list any British prime ministers who have expressed interest in flying
saucers, but this can probably be explained by the allegation that our
putative aliens are power groupies and make instinctively for the
White House. Mr Kinnock's views are similarly unrecorded. In this
country the admiral, whose chosen title is Baron Hill-Norton of South
Nutfield, appears to be the only leader to whom a protocol-conscious
alien could reasonably turn.


Books: No green men



ed by Ben Bova and Byron Preis Headline, #16.95

ARE THERE intelligent civilisations on distant planets? If so, how do

we set about finding them? Might they prove dangerous to us? First
Contact discusses these questions in fascinating detail. One has only
to look through binoculars at the countless stars of our Milky Way
galaxy to suspect the existence of millions of alien civilisations.
The idea might seem plausible enough. The Sun is an ordinary star, and
there are 250,000 million stars in the Milky Way. Surely, around some
of them . . .

But science does not work that way. As David Brin points out in this
book, no alien radio messages have been detected, and no little green
men have visited us. The reason, he concludes, is that in our galaxy
at least, we are alone.

It would of course be reckless to believe this without experimenting.

There is always the danger that an invading alien race, its approach
unsuspected, could destroy us, just as the Spanish Conquistadors wiped
out the ancient empires of America. Other chapters describe the
ingenious searches that radio astronomers are making in the project
called SETI, the Search for Alien Intelligence.

It is painful to turn from this to the shrill yappings of Timothy

Good's Alien Liaison: the Ultimate Secret (Century, #14.99). The
thesis, which he shouts rather than argues, is that aliens are
continually visiting Earth and that the US Government is "covering
them up". Really? A Press which so easily unravelled Watergate could
surely penetrate so sensational a "secret" as this. Only mentally
subnormal people could believe in it. But the profusion of books of
this kind demonstrates depressingly how numerous they must be.

Datum: 04-19-94 13:56
Area: ParaNetsm) UFO

From: jamesoberg@aol.com (JamesOberg)

Date: 18 Apr 94 22:34:01 GMT
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Message-ID: <2ov1sp$cfi@search01.news.aol.com>
Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo

When I gave my opinion here recently that Tim Good's book "Above Top
Secret" was garbage and that everything I could check in the book was
wrong, I ignited a firestorm of moans and groans and complaints, along
with challenges to "prove it". Since I am going to accept that
challenge and do exactly that, I want to rebound the challenge to the
original whiners to comment on why they either accept or reject the
following arguments.

One complaint I had against Good, concerning his credulous

promulgation of the fantasy of a top secret "zero gravity room" at
NASA in Houston, was actually in his next book. The story is still
silly and delusional, IMHO, but it was a different book. Mea culpa.
Nor will I spend time on Good's earlier book in which he appears to
believe George Adamski's zany stories of flying into space aboard
alien vehicles, and seeing the back side of the moon ("On balance,
there does seem some evidence in support of Adamski's claim that alien
bases exist on the Moon" -- page 127, Adamski - The Untold Story). I
don't know if Good still believes that, and I wonder if anybody else
out there does, or would admit it if they did.

In "Above Top Secret" Good goes into great detail on allegations of

UFO encounters during the Apollo-11 lunar landing. Since this is the
25th anniversary of that epochal event, it's fitting to start with
those claims. And I'm astonished to learn that vast numbers of new UFO
buffs seem to really believe them. Maybe some of them can respond to
this message to explain why they do.

To begin with, Tim Good identifies his main source, Maurice Chatelain,
as "former Chief of NASA communications systems". But he wasn't. He
was a working level engineer hired briefly by North American in
Downey, California, then let go even prior to the Apollo-11 landing.
Since then he wrote a series of books on "Ancient Astronauts" and what
he alleged were secrets from "inside information" at NASA, where in
fact he never had been.

Another "former NASA employee" named Otto Binder gave Good what he
presents as a "secret transcript" picked up by "unnamed radio hams".
The transcript is obviously bogus, due to the misused jargon and
technical terms, and only a handful of real radio amateurs listened in
to lunar broadcasts (they know each other), and heard just what was
released, nothing more. Binder's transcript actually came from a
Canadian tabloid newspaper in late 1969, probably fabricated by
somebody on their staff.

Then Good quotes "a certain professor" whose name he can't reveal who
told him that Armstrong had confessed the whole coverup to him. Give
me a break. Here's an alleged government-wide conspiracy that
Armstrong blows in a casual conversation backstage with a guy he's
just met? Who believes that could ever happen? Good, for one, does.
Not me.

-> Alice4Mac 2.4.4 E QWK Eval:05Nov94

Origin: sheppard.gordon@moondog.com

-> Alice4Mac 2.5d3 E QWK Ser#2-196

Origin: Alice strikes back @

--- DB 1.58/004376
* Origin: The Computer Forum (804) 471-0736 (1:275/17)


Date: 02-18-95 (10:58) Number: 80138 of 80184 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: They are here.
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

This is a true story....if you believe then you will care.

Well I was sitting on my front porch last summer in Scarborough

Ontario when my brother called my into the house. Just as I got up I
looked up and there it was a UFO.

I swear it was.

I am still trying to deny the fact that it was.

This was in the middle of the day for heavens sake. All this stuff
only happens in the U.S.

Well back to the story.

I looked up and I saw it. It was a bright silver. You could hardly
see the shape at all because the sun was reflecting on it. It made no
noise and it must have been about 1000 feet above me. I stood there
frozen and it stopped and my brother grabbed me and threw me inside.
I was amazed.

I went out to look for it and it was gone.

I called one of my friends over to tell what I saw. He was pretty

sceptical. He didn't really want to believe me but two hours later at
exactly 3:02pm was were walking over across the street and suddenly my
friend said look up. And there it was the same craft that I had saw
earlier was back.

We ran as fast as we could to my house which was about a block away

and stayed there for the rest of the day.

If you would like to speak withe my friend he is on this BBS (JOHN DEL
GRANDE). Just to let you know they are here.

--- FreeMail 1.10 alpha-3
* Origin: Test Pattern BBS, Mississauga, Ontario, (905)890-2531 (1:259/524)


Date: 02-18-95 (11:44) Number: 80169 of 80184 (Refer# NONE)

Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

* Forwarded from "INFO.PARANET"

* Originally by Bryan Wallace
* Originally to All
* Originally dated 7 Feb 1995, 23:30

From: wallace@acasun.eckerd.edu (Bryan Wallace)

Date: 7 Feb 95 22:33:57 GMT
Organization: Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida
Message-ID: <3h8sgl$ksc@acasun.eckerd.edu>
Newsgroups: alt.online-service,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.philosophy.objectivism,
[ Article crossposted from sci.physics ]
[ Author was Bryan Wallace ]
[ Posted on 3 Feb 1995 10:59:38 -0500 ]

This post is in reply to the David M. Cook dcook@linux5.ph.utexas.edu

20 Dec 1994 13:48:46 post in the Thread "The Farce of Physics" in the
newsgroup "sci.physics".

David wrote:

>Most physicists and astronomers don't work with GR and don't need to.
>Still, I could easily find a dozen people here who understand the theory
>extremely well and probably a dozen more who have a pretty decent grasp of

In my reply to David I would like to quote from a recent article on

the subject. The article was by Ivars Peterson and was titled "A New
Gravity? Challenging Einstein's general theory of relativity." The
article was published in the December 3, 1994 Volume 146 issue of
SCIENCE NEWS and starts on page 146. The following material was taken
from the article:

Einstein rejected the Newtonian view that masses somehow produce
a force that permeates the surrounding space and influences the
motion of any bodies within range. He interpreted gravity as the
curvature of space and time itself, with bodies traveling along the
"straightest" possible paths through the dimpled spacetime continuum
associated with the presence of masses and energy. Heavier bodies
would simply create larger dimples and greater curvatures.

Now, the Cavendish experiment has a new role in elucidating a

possible shortcoming of general relativity as formulated by

Einstein's theory fails the Cavendish experiment, insists Huseyin

Yilmaz of the Electro-Optics Technology Center at Tufts University
in Medford, Mass., and Hamamatsu Photonics in Hamamatsu City, Japan.
In other words, the equations of general relativity have no
solutions in which two bodies of finite size actually attract each

"Thus, strictly speaking, according to general relativity, an

apple detached from its branch would not fall to the ground," Yilmaz

It's a startling and highly controversial assertion.

"Many people realize that there's something wrong--that general

relativity doesn't have the physics in it that one thinks," says
physicist Carroll O. Alley of the University of Maryland at College
Park, who has been working with Yilmaz. ...

They have also been trying to get the attention of their

colleagues, with limited success so far. Yilmaz and Alley presented
papers describing their ideas at a meeting on fundamental problems
in quantum theory, organized by the New York Academy of Sciences and
held last June at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.
Additional papers will appear in "Frontiers of Fundamental Physics
(Plenum, 1994).

A few people have been sympathetic. "General relativity has many

mysteries," says Willis E. Lamb of the University of Arizona in
Tucson. "Einstein certainly could have done things differently.
What Yilmaz is trying to do seems quite plausible."

"These are not matters that can just be brushed away," Alley
contends. "These are serious considerations." ...

The Einstein equations are notoriously difficult to solve, not

only because there are 10 of them, in contrast to the single
equation of Newtonian gravitation, but also because they are
nonlinear. In other words, the gravitational effect, or potential,
of a pair of masses isn't simply the sum of the individual
gravitational potentials.

Moreover, these potentials depend on energy and momentum flow.

This flow, in turn, is determined by the spacetime curvature, which
is set by the potentials. "Spacetime grips mass, telling it how to
move; and mass grips spacetime, telling it how to curve," says John
A. Wheeler of Princeton University.

The circularity embedded in general relativity adds to the

formidable challenge of solving the Einstein equations. Where they
can't solve the equations directly, theorists often resort to
special mathematical strategies to approximate the equations and
obtain particular solutions.

Introduced in 1915 by Einstein, general relativity proved

immensely appealing to physicists, despite its complexities and the
horrendous difficulties of solving the equations for realistic
situations involving more than one body. ... For example, it's clear
that general relativity, in its present form, is incompatible with
quantum mechanics. ...

As a challenge to the relativity community, Yilmaz and Alley have

proposed a setting in which they claim general relativity fails to
show attraction between two bodies. The problem they consider is
the gravitational interaction between two nearby slabs of matter --
two parallel plates, each with an area much greater than its
thickness -- separated by a vacuum.

In this case, the geometry is simple enough to allow a solution

in general relativity. Calculations by Yilmaz and Alley indicate
that the slabs don't attract each other. They remain stationary,
staying right where they started. ...

... Alley and Yilmaz contend that general relativity seems to work
because researchers must use approximations to solve the Einstein
equations, and they incorporate within these approximations extra
information not contained in the theory itself. ...

General relativity plays a key role in the operation of the

Global Positioning System (GPS), the array of satellites operated by
the U.S. Air Force for military and civilian navigation. ... Indeed,
small unexpected discrepancies continue to plague the operation of
the GPS. ...

--- QM v1.26/b
* Origin: Planet Systems Inc. Newport Tn. (1:3615/50)


Date: 02-19-95 (02:46) Number: 3324 of 3327 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: From snet
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: UFO-L (6679) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Date: Sun, 19 Feb 1995 01:15:10 -0500

Reply-To: UFO related phenomenon <UFO-L@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
From: William Uhouse <WBU71753@AOL.COM>
Message-Id: <95Feb19.012713est.166945-2@cicerone.uunet.ca>

Subj: Crystal Skulls

Date: 95-02-18 09:12:35 EST
From: snet-l@world.std.com
To: snet-l@world.std.com

From: rshapiro@interaccess.com (Richard Shapiro)

Sender: snet-l-approval@world.std.com
Reply-to: snet-l@world.std.com
To: snet-l@world.std.com



by Joshua Shapiro

(Co-author of the Book,

Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed,
with Sandra Bowen & F.R. 'Nick' Nocerino)

Today the topic of quartz crystals is a hot item! You will find
books about crystals in almost every bookstore (even non-metaphysical
ones). There is a great battle occurring between holistic
doctors/healers and the traditional medical profession about whether
crystals can actually be effective in facilitating some form of
healing. However, the intention of this article is to go beyond what
has been publicly shared on this topic and discuss one of the most
amazing uses of quartz by the ancients -- the Crystal Skulls.

What are we referring to when we say a Crystal Skull? A Crystal Skull

is a piece of quartz crystal shaped in the form (or approximating) of
a human skull. There are two types of skulls that exist, those which
have been carved in a known process by contemporary craftsmen, thus
called contemporary skulls and others which have been discovered in or
near ancient ruins, known as ancient crystal skulls. The most
interesting of these skulls are the ancients one which are human size
or larger. In working with these ancient crystal skulls, we find an
incredible energy generally linked to the artifact and many strange
physical phenomena.

The places where the human sized ancient crystal skulls have been
found is Indian ruins (Mayan, Aztec, etc ....) in Mexico or Central
America with unsupported rumors of some skulls being discovered in
South America. Thus far, four types of quartz skulls are known
including clear quartz, amethyst, rose quartz and smoky quartz. The
contemporary carved Crystal Skulls have been manufactured in Mexico,
Brazil, Germany & Nepal and there are many local crystal stores
which sell some of these skulls. The ancient skulls not only have
baffled our scientists (when a skull was available for research)
regarding how they were made, but have a great deal of psychic
phenomena occurring around them. For example, several of ancient
skulls have been brought to Hewlett-Packard, located in the San
Francisco area which has one of the best scientific and crystal
research laboratories in the world. The scientist their were hard
pressed to explain how a primiitve culture (because the skulls are
known to be at least several hundred years old and as we believe,
much older) could have carved crystal into such precise shapes and
especially against the natural axis of the crystal.

Crystal is a substance that has a perfect symmetry of how its

molecules align. When a carver cuts crystal, if they attempt to
carve against this axis, the crystal shatters. Even with our
elaborate laser equipment, it would be very difficult to create
such Crystal Skulls as are be uncovered and do so against the axis.
This does not even begin to address the strange phenomena that occurs
in the presence of an ancient Crystal Skull.

What Crystal Skulls are known today? The most famous Crystal Skull
is called the Mitchell-Hedges Skull. It is an almost exact copy of a
human skull, totally clear as glass with two pieces including a
movable jaw. It was found in the ruins of a Mayan city called
Lubaantun, in Belize in 1924, by Anna Mitchell-Hedges, on her
seventeenth birthday. Her father, famed explorer F. A.
Mitchell-Hedges, who was leading this expedition (funded by the
British Government), was looking for evidence of lost Atlantis. At
first they found the top part or cranium of the skull in what appeared
to be an altar room. Three months later they found the lower jaw
nearby. The natives went into a frenzy when the skull was first
brought out.

Mr. Mitchell-Hedges did not have the heart to keep this sacred object
from the Maya so he gave it back to the natives. In 1927, when the
expedition was ready to leave, the Head Mayan Priest presented the
Crystal Skull back to them in gratitude for the food, medical supplies
and clothing that the expedition had provided for his people. It has
been in their family ever since. Recently, Anna Mitchell-Hedges has
had the Crystal Skull on display at several New Age conferences around
the United States. Also, she has allowed private appointments to see
the Crystal Skull in her home (now in Canada).

Two other Crystal Skulls that can be seen on public display at times,
are the British Crystal Skull, in the Museum of Mankind in London,
England and the Paris Skull, in the Trocadero Museum in Paris, France.

Both of these single piece skulls were found by soldiers of fortune

in Mexico in the late 1890's. They are both cloudy clear quartz and
neither is as intricately carved nor as precise as the Mitchell-Hedges
Crystal Skull.

In 1936, a report by the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great

Britian published in their journal called "Man", compared the British
Skull and Mitchell-Hedges Skull, since they are somewhat similar in
size and shape, trying to decide which Crystal Skull was created first
and which was a copy. Arguments were presented in the article for
both possibilities and no conclusive decision was reached.

In our book "Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed" we discuss

several other skulls which are unknown to the public. I would like
to just briefly mention them here in order to bring the reader up to
date on what is known so far.

In 1979, co-author Mr. Nocerino was contacted by a Mayan Priest in

Mexico and was able to work with another clear frosty skull for four
months with over 30 researchers. They called it the Mayan Crystal
Skull because many of the psychic impressions received depicted scenes
from the Mayan culture. It is not as human-looking, with circular
indentations in the temples and is one piece. At present, its
whereabouts are unknown.

In 1982, the same Mayan Priest brought to the United States an

Amethyst (a purple colored quartz) Skull which is currently held by
private owners in San Jose, California. This skull is similar in style
to the Mayan Crystal Skull but slightly smaller.

Both of these skulls were brought to Hewlett Packard for research and
also found to be cut against the axis of the crystal.

During the Second World War in France, Mr. Nocerino saw another clear
Crystal Skull known as the "Light of Christ", that was clear and one
piece, held by a secret society.
In the late 1940's near the Guatemala-Honduras border, he saw a rose
quartz skull including a separate movable jaw that was an almost exact
copy of the style of the Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull except this
skull was slightly bigger and very well guarded by local natives. He
has also seen two other Amethyst Crystal Skulls, one in Marin County
of California and another in Mexico which was buried in a tomb dated
ninth or tenth century.

There is also a report of another clear skull with a movable jaw

existing in Peru kept in secret by the Peruvian Government.

We have also heard through a spiritual teacher in Peru known as

Willaru,that he saw a Crystal Skull with one of the Indian tribes in
the Northern Part of Peru. He said this skull was perfectly formed,
clear quartz, one piece but had a blue coloring in its eyes and on the
top of the head. He felt this skull had great knowledge and could be
used for healing. The Indians who guard the skull, did not understand
what it was but felt it was a sacred artifact.

Even after our book was published additional crystal skulls have

In 1988, the Parks of Houston, Texas, begin to share a large frosty clear
quartz skull that weighs 18 lbs. The name of this skull is the Texas
Crystal Skull or the Parks call the skull "MAX".

The Parks inherited this skull from an American who was trained as a
Tibetan Monk and used the skull in his center to help heal people. In
appreciation for the support he received from the Parks, he gave them
the skull when he died. The Parks are open to have people come to
visit them and the skull.

"Max" has been on display at a number of New Age and UFO conferences
(next one is in Colorado in March/April 1995) in the U.S. Lastly, the
Parks are working with a spiritual channel who is receiving telepathic
communication with Max and she speaks a strange language (possibly a
Space Language). They are creating activations, activating the energy
grid in certain places.

When I was in Las Vegas, during some lectures to promote my book in

1989, I met an elderly gentlemen named Jose, who was born in Mexico.
He told me that he had a small clear quartz skull that had Mayan
Symbols on it. He had this skull since 1942 and found it in a Mayan
ruin when his class from school was at this sight for a field trip.
He claimed that after the skull came into his possession every dream
and desire he had for his life was fullfilled. I had a chance to work
with this skull in the summer of 1989 and found that it indeed had a
powerful energy. Jose died in 1993 and the whereabouts of this skull
are not known at this time. Jose told me that a small amethyst skull
was also found next to his and that a friend in Mexico had this skull.

In April of 1991, I was in Los Angeles to participate in a local

conference and speak about the Crystal Skulls. I have a friend Eric,
who at that time, had a beautiful crystal store in this area. He had
a booth at the conference and told me that he had received a crystal
skull from Central America and the person who was going to buy was in
town. He permitted me to meet this new owner and see the skull.

This skull is a one piece smoky quartz skull that has a pointed head
and the teeth come to an overbite. So when the new guardian saw this
skull for the first time, was my first time. The guardian has decided
to call "ET" (since the skull looks a bit extraterrestrial). I did
have an opportunity to meditate with the skull and definitely felt it
was an ancient one.

Since 1991, the guardian has acquired an amazonite skull that was
found in China, a rose quartz skull that was purchased from a family
who lived in Russia where the skull was discovered and a small clear
quartz skull possibly associated with the Jesuits in Italy.

It is the guardian's intention to have 12 skulls and she is a very

magical person and seems to always hear about when new skulls are
around. Generally she has a feeling when the next one will come up.

What type of unusual phenomena has occurred around the Crystal Skulls?

First, I would like to share a few personal experiences with the ancient
Crystal Skulls I have seen.

I was in the presence of the Amethyst Crystal Skull in April of 1983

and the Mitchell-Hedges Skull in May & June of 1986.

One of the psychic or inner gifts which I have discovered and seems to
come naturally, without effort, is the ability to feel or sense

When I first came in contact with each of these skulls, I felt as if

they were quiet or as if there was absolutely no energy within them.
After seeing the Mitchell-Hedges skull, I discussed this experience
with one of the other co-author of my book, Sandra Bowen. Sandra had
worked with Mr. Nocerino for three weeks of intensive research with
this Crystal Skull in November of 1985.

At that time, she had a totally different reaction from mine as she
instantly connected with the skull and felt tremendous energy around
it. Thus I concluded that this skull could conduct totally different
sessions with individuals around it at the same time. Apparently,
when one first begins to work with a Crystal Skull, there is a period
of getting acquainted.

Now, if I am in the presence or even see a picture (or a mold, in

1993, we came in contact with a person in Chicago who had a cement
type mold of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull and I still felt an energy with
this) of either of these Crystal Skulls, I immediately feel a
connection and a great deal of energy around and inside of me. I
begin to receive mental images of places and people of which I am not
always certain what it means. Also I receive tremendous insights into
myself, universal knowledge or an intuitive understanding of spirit
and a feeling of being charged. I know within my being that I have
worked with the Crystal Skulls in prior lifetimes as I will inwardly
hear suggestions of how to activate and work with the skulls.

Some people who have been in the presence of the Mitchell-Hedges

Crystal Skull have told the owner that they received a healing of some
form or found that their psychic abilities became expanded. Other
people have fallen into a trance while being with this skull. But the
most dramatic phenomena which occurs around the Crystal Skulls, which
is a very special part of my co-author, Mr. Nocerino's research, are
the holographic images which appear inside of the crystal skulls when
they are activated through a combination of color, light, sound or
human energy. Some of the scenes that have appeared within the skulls
are UFOs, Big Foot, Unicorns, flying people, mermaids, dolphins,
whales, mountains, other Crystal Skulls, alien beings, forest, caves,

To this date, no one is quite sure of the exact process which

manufactures these pictures. Even when any of the co-authors have
done public lectures sharing the crystal skulls through slides and
video, there are always people who see images inside of the skulls!

Just exactly how many Crystal Skulls are there?

In this article we have discussed more than ten ancient human and
sized and shaped skulls. However, it is the general consensus among
the researchers that many more skulls exist and will be coming out in
the near future and also that there may be multiple sets of thirteen
skulls that work together.

As we view each of the different Crystal Skulls that are known, we

see that there are some which are very similar in shape and size and
perhaps belong to one specific group of thirteen whereas others of a
different shape could be in a another group of skulls.

Some of the skulls appear to be an attempt to duplicate the more

ancient ones. If one studies most of the world's major religions, the
concept of thirteen comes up repeatedly.
For example in Christianity there is Jesus and the twelve apostles or
what about the twelve tribes of Israel and their priests, the Kohans.

It has even been speculated that our solar system once had thirteen
planets, one of which was destroyed (Maldek, a planet between Mars
and Jupiter which is now the asteroid belt between the two planets)
and two others which we have yet to discover, one possibly beyond

What are the Crystal Skulls?

The most productive research we have done on the Crystal Skulls to

obtain such answers involves using psychic procedures. This is because
Carbon 14 dating does not work on inorganic objects such as quartz
crystal and our scientists are still unclear how the skulls were made.
In other words, we have interviewed and received reports from people
who have either been in the presence of one or more Crystal Skulls and
given us their psychic impressions or from various spiritual channels.

These channels have received information from a variety of sources

including dolphins, extraterrestrials or multi-dimensional beings who
talk through them. From the synthesis of their information, I would
like to share with the reader the following conclusions. However, as
was discussed in the first book published about the Crystal Skulls,
done by Richard Garvin (1973), there are numerous theories which have
been given through these sources and very few which completely agree.

We believe the Crystal Skulls are a form of computer which are able to
record energy and vibration that occur around the them. The skull will
pictorially replay all events or people who have come into contact
with them (i.e. - they contain the history of our world). Just as our
modern computers can receive or send energy/information from similar
types of machines, so too can the Crystal Skulls send information
amongst themselves. We believe, as the ancient legends describe, that
the Crystal Skulls can and have been used for healing. They played a
key role in many cultures who saw the skull as the Godhead. We have
also found a very strong link with extraterrestrials and feel that
Space Beings either brought these skulls to our world or gave us the
techniques to fashion them. We believe that the holographic images of
UFOs and Aliens that are displayed in the skulls and have been
observed by various researchers and sensitives adds support to such a

If the Crystal Skulls were not brought by extraterrestrials then

certainly we must conclude their have been civilizations much more
technologically or spiritually advanced than our own today. We have
had several channels suggest the skulls were created in Atlantis or
Lemuria. That the Crystal Skulls could have originally been a human
bone skulls that were changed to crystal through the power of the
mind. Also, that the skulls are connected to the people who live in
the Inner Earth. This idea presents the theory that our earth is
Hollow with a small central sun at its core and openings at the poles.

Gravity, which is located at the center of the Earth's crust, 800

miles thick, hold objects and people to the inner or outer surface.

Supposedly, 13 master Crystal Skulls hold the genetic coding of Twelve

Inner Earth Tribes and the thirteenth or central skull represents the
family of these tribes.

I personally feel that the Crystal Skulls are not only here to share
ancient knowledge and wisdom, but to assist in awakening our race to
higher spiritual laws and understanding of itself. They are
announcing that many of the ancients tools are coming back now because
the planet is ready to use them again in a harmonious way. The Crystal
Skulls are a tangible sign that indeed a Golden Age is fast
approaching our world. They are inwardly calling those who have
worked with them in past lifetimes and will help to activate the inner
divinity and higher knowledge within these individuals.

There is a great deal more we could say about the Crystal Skulls but
for now, this must come in some future article. If any of the readers
have additional information about the Crystal Skulls or an experience
they would like to share, please feel free to contact us at the
address listed below. Also, we would be happy to answer any questions
as well.

Thank you and Blessings in the Light of the New Age,

Joshua Shapiro

(This article was written for a local New Chicago Age publication in
November of 1988 and in conjunction with a lecture offered through
the center who published this magazine. Article has been updated
in 1994/95. Please see contact information below if you are
interested in our book, "Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed",

** Message to Internet Readers: If you find this information of value

please feel free to print and share copies with other people in
your city, state, county or country ... thank you .... J **

Date: 02-19-95 (05:24) Number: 1255 of 1255 (Refer# NONE)
Subj: UFO seen in Kingsley Michigan
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltUFOReprt (6858) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Subject: UFO seen in Kingsley Michigan

Organization: Federation
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 20:35:40 +0000
Message-ID: <792966940snz@holodeck.demon.co.uk>

*** Reproduced and uploaded with the kind permission of the author ***
*** Joseph B. Wilson ***

COPYRIGHT 1995 by Joseph B. Wilson

UFO seen in Kingsley Michigan

The following description is drawn from my own interviews of the

people, not from newspaper reports. I think it's kind of interesting.

When Tracey Cedja, of Voice Road, just east of Kingsley, Michigan,

first saw the object at approximately 6:30 AM Wednesday, December
21st, 1994 she had just let her dog out for it's morning
constitutional. She didn't see anything at first, but the dog sensed
something. Instead of going onto the lawn to relieve itself it stayed
on the porch, jumped, then ran back inside and hid under the coffea
table. Then Tracey, looking to the south east, saw a bright light come
down out the sky and remain motionless about level with the tops of
the trees. It appeared to be three times the size of her storage barn,
which would make it about 60 feet in diameter. Since the tree-line
behind her house is about 200 yards away, the object must have been
much larger. She said it was emitting bright light of different white
and blue hues, but the object itself was primarily a blue-gray colour
with lightning like streaks flashing through it. She went inside to
get her new camcorder, but couldn't figure out how to work it so she
called her neighbour. Mike Stelter, at about 7:00. He didn't see
anything from his house, but came over and saw the object from her
porch. He went back, got his own camcorder, came back and began video
taping the object. While he was filming Tracey called the state
police. State Trooper Glen Guldner responded and arrived at about 7:30

His official report states "undersigned met with comp. at the above
location and was informed that the object was still visible. Officer
went with comp. to her back porch and was pointed out a bright light
in the sky, time was approx. 7:45 AM, clear skys. Upon looking at the
light with binoculars a cylindrical mass, possible gray in colour was
observed. On the underside of the object a large amount of individual
lights were seen that appeared to be connected by a softer light
running through them.... Undersigned watched the object for approx. 20
minutes before it appeared to get further and further away. Object
could still be seen when officer left the area. During this time it
was noted that the object did not just stay level it could be observed
rotating back and forth and at several times tipped vertically and
then back down. Another smaller object could be seen just to the east
of the larger object however no shape or colour could be seen just a
bright light.... It should be noted that at approx. 7:50 AM three
military type aircraft flew through the area. as each aircraft
approached the object the lights went off then back on as the plane

Tracey told me that Trooper Guldner noticed and showed her a red knob
on the top of the object.

Although Voice Road is the location of radar equipment and sensors

used by the Air Traffic Control Center for Traverse City Airport,
local military and civilian authorities denied that there were any
jets in the area.

Minnesota Air Traffic Control Centre contradicted that statement.

Authorities there said that during peace time they do not have a man
watching the console at all times. They said the three aircraft were
picked up on radar, however they were transponding signals which
helped the radar pick them up. They did not pick up the object, but
stated that an object in the air that was not sending out a signal
would be hard to be noted.

Major Jerold Foehl, public affairs officer at Camp Grayling, claimed

there were no military jets from anywhere in Michigan or from a base
in Toledo, Ohio, in the air Wednesday morning.

Local astronomers and meteorologists theorized that the object could

have been a planet, possible Venus or Jupiter, enhanced by atmospheric
conditions. However, Dick Cookman, astronomy instructor at
Northwestern Michigan College in Traverse City said he was surprised
that an image as large as the one videotaped did not show planetary
detail such as the bands of Jupiter or the planets moons.

Ed Gildy of Manton was driving north on Baxter Road when he, his
father and mother, all saw the object in the north eastern sky. Since
Tracey Cedja was looking to the south east, this seems to dispute the
planet theory. I've known Ed and his parents for over two years and
consider him to be a sober, reliable person, not prone to flights of
fantacy or exaggeration.

Approximately a dozen other people reported sighting some strange

object in the sky on and around December 21st.

I don't know what they saw, but it certainly caused some excitement
and made my life interesting for a while.

Obviously, this is just another case of swamp gas. <G>

Joe Wilson


Birmingham England U.K.
Pressure Pressure Pressure


Date: 02-19-95 (17:30) Number: 4912 of 4937 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: 2\16 Physics News Update
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

* Originally By: Hugh S. Gregory

* Originally To: All
* Originally Re: 2\16 Physics News Update No 214
* Original Area: NASA's Space Related Newsletters
* Forwarded by : Blue Wave v2.12 OS/2


A digest of physics news items by Phillip F. Schewe, American
Institute of Physics
Number 214 February 16, 1995 physnews@aip.org

GAS-GIANT PLANETS SUCH AS JUPITER must grow up in a hurry. New radio

telescope observations by a UCLA-Grenoble-MIT collaboration of gas
around 20 young stars show that within only a few million years of the
star's formation excess gas, which could have contributed to the
formation of planets, is lost from the juvenile solar systems. The
observations suggest that for many of these stars there would not have
been nearly enough gas to build a Jupiter, much less a Saturn. The
astronomers conclude that if Jupiter-sized planets are common in our
galaxy, they must form more speedily than current theories allow. If,
however, Jupiters are rare, then the actual presence of the gas giant
in our solar system is particularly fortuitous. George Wetherill of
the Carnegie Institute believes that Jupiter and Saturn "may be
essential to life" on Earth because of their role in sweeping up
comets (e.g., Shoemaker-Levy) that might otherwise have snuffed out
life on Earth. (B. Zuckerman et al., Nature, 9 February 1995.)

CLASSIFYING GALAXIES can now be done automatically with the help of

neural-network scanners. Normally requiring the discerning eye of a
human, the designation of a galaxy's morphology on a sliding scale
from elliptical to spiral is a tedious but important job. Automating
the process would greatly help an enterprise like the Sloan Digital
Sky Survey, which plans to chart more than a million galaxies. A team
of astronomers has now tested an artificial scanner based on neural
network circuits which "learn" to recognize patterns at they go along.
Given a sample of 800 digitized galaxy images, the scanner produced a
set of classifications which differed from those of six humans by no
more than the difference between the classifications of any two
humans. (O. Lahav et al., Science 10 February 1995.)

TABLETOP TESTS OF ELECTROWEAK THEORY have been performed with thallium

atoms. The theory holds that an atom's electrons interact with its
nucleus through the electromagnetic force (by the exchange of photons)
and, at a much weaker level, through the weak force (principally by
the exchange of Z bosons). Working independently, a team at Oxford,
UK, and a University of Washington team (contact Norval Fortson,
206-543-2665) carefully observed what happened to laser light when it
passes through a thallium vapor. Among other things, both groups
measure Q, the value of the "weak charge" (somewhat analogous to
electric charge) of the thallium nucleus as seen by its outermost
electron. These and other measurements of parity violation (the weak
force, unlike the electromagnetic force, differentiates between left
and right) in atoms do not yet yield electroweak values that rival in
precision those obtained at particle accelerators, but this may change
if theorists could provide a more precise picture of the quantum
behavior of the electron (as described by its wavefunction) in the
thallium atom. (P.A. Vetter et al. and N.H. Edwards et al., upcoming
articles in Physical Review Letters.)


--- FMail/386 1.0g

* Origin: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence BBS (1:261/1201)

Date: 02-19-95 (17:30) Number: 4913 of 4937 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: 2\01 Galileo Status Repor
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

* Originally By: Hugh S. Gregory

* Originally To: All
* Originally Re: 2\01 Galileo Status Report
* Original Area: NASA's Tech News & DS Probe Reports
* Forwarded by : Blue Wave v2.12 OS/2


February 1, 1995

In January, Galileo completed its playback of the comet

Shoemaker-Levy 9 observations, including the rest of the time- lapsed
pictures of the fragment W impact, which appeared to last about 26
seconds. The science teams have also collected and begun to analyze
data on fragment R's impact from the photopolarimeter radiometer,
infrared and ultraviolet instruments.

Starting January 30 and continuing into March, the Galileo flight

team is installing new flight software on the spacecraft in
preparation for arrival at Jupiter. Like the operating system of a
personal computer, the flight software translates commands from the
ground and from a stored flight sequence into the actions of the

The new flight software will operate onboard the spacecraft

through the rest of this year and into early 1996. Some critical
maneuvers will take place during this time, including deployment of
the atmospheric probe, Galileo's approach to Jupiter and its
observations of Io and other satellites during approach, receiving and
storing the probe's transmitted data and going into orbit around
Jupiter on December 7, 1995. The flight software will provide backup
storage for probe data and increased options for attitude control and
communications, some of which will be used before the spacecraft
arrives at Jupiter. Once in orbit the same software will operate the
initial data playbacks and orbital operations until March 1996, when
even more enhanced flight software will be installed to conduct
orbital operations and data return.
The spacecraft continues to operate normally, spinning at about
three revolutions per minute and transmitting data at 10 bits per
second to the NASA/JPL Deep Space Network. Currently the spacecraft's
signals take almost 47 minutes to reach Earth and commands take the
same time to be uplinked. The spacecraft is 845 million kilometers
(525 million miles) from Earth and 157 million kilometers (97.6
million miles) from Jupiter.


--- FMail/386 1.0g

* Origin: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence BBS (1:261/1201)


Date: 02-20-95 (10:53) Number: 4927 of 4937 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Roswell update
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

* Originally By: Robert Mitchell

* Originally To: All
* Originally Re: Roswell update
* Original Area: MUFON Operation Right to Know
* Forwarded by : Blue Wave v2.12 OS/2

Robert: Here's the text for the BBS posting, with my comments at
the end.

RE: Video footage of Roswell Autopsy

The following information was published in the January 1995 issue of The
Circle Hunter magazine, published in England (information on this
magazine below).

(Begin magazine text)

Stop Press: Video Footage of Roswell Autopsy Discovered

Less than 15 hours before we were due to go to press, Reg Presley

appeared on the BBC morning chat show, "Good Morning with Anne and
Nick." He disclosed some interesting information concerning the Roswell
alleged UFO crash. This is how the interview went (although Reg was
supposed to be discussing the subject of crop circles on the chat show,
he wasted no time in launching into the latest information concerning
the Roswell case).

(Concerning the alleged UFO crash at Roswell): "If you think that you
aren't going to find out about that, I have some great information. I
was speaking to a producer the other day who has just got hold of some
film footage of the autopsy done on the aliens." This was followed by
shocked reactions from Anne and Nick who bombarded Reg with questions as
fast as they could before the end of the transmission in five minutes'

They were over in America searching for some old Elvis film. This old
guy, now about 76, said, 'If you think that this Elvis Presley footage
is fantastic, what do you think about this?', and from underneath his
bed he pulled out 15 cartridges of old film, and he said, 'I thought
this was so important at the time that I made a copy and I didn't tell
anyone and I've said nothing since.'"

"Have you seen this?" Reg was questioned.

"I've seen the film, and the film has been analysed and it is original
1947 footage."

"What does the video show?" Anne asked him

"It shows an alien being worked on, in an autopsy, by humans. I've seen
one (alien), but I believe there are three more. There's 15 reels of
this, so there's 150 minutes of the crash site, debris, and the

"How do you know it's an alien from what you've seen?" probed Anne.

"Well, it doesn't look like you and I!" Reg joked. "It's longer than
we've been led to believe. We've been led to believe that they're four
feet (in height), but the one I have seen has to be six feet or more."

Although it remains to be seen what the outcome of this whole case is,
if it is a genuine piece of footage then it will be a huge step forward
in the Roswell case. If there's footage on the cin‚ film of the crash
site as well, then it would certainly add credibility to the whole case.
It will be interesting to see how this footage turns out...

- Anthony Horn

(End of magazine text)

Note: The Circle Hunter magazine is edited by Ian McCormack and Anthony
Horn, and produced monthly. Ian McCormack can be reached at 23
Cedarwood Drive, Leyland, Lancashire, PR5 1HN, England. Phone: (01772)
456765. Anthony Horn can be reached at 23 Sea View Drive, Scarborough,
North Yorkshire, Y011 3HY, England. Phone: (01723) 351639.

It has been reported that the U.S. television show, Encounters, has
purchased a copy of this footage for $150,000 and plans to air it later
in the year. There is another report that there will be two private
showings of the footage within two weeks; one showing will take place in
L.A., the other on the East Coast. No other details available.

Colin Andrews, the well-known crop circle investigator, reportedly

viewed 15 minutes of the footage which showed the bodies.

Happy sleuthing! K.

--- FMail/386 1.0g

* Origin: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence BBS (1:261/1201)


Date: 02-20-95 (10:53) Number: 4928 of 4937 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: 2\04 Plants Seen Growing
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

* Originally By: Hugh S. Gregory

* Originally To: All
* Originally Re: 2\04 Plants Seen Growing in the SPACEHAB Laboratory
* Original Area: NASA News And Press Releases
* Forwarded by : Blue Wave v2.12 OS/2

Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 16:21:10 -0500 (delayed)

SPACEHAB NEWS -- For immediate release

Plants Seen Growing in the SPACEHAB Space Research Laboratory

February 4, 1995. Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas.

Downlinked video from the Space Shuttle Discovery has revealed

flowering plants thriving in the SPACEHAB Space Research Laboratory.
The plants are growing in the Astroculturex experiment unit, sponsored
by the Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics, a NASA
Center for the Commercial Development of Space. "We will continue to
look for additional flowering throughout the remainder of the
mission," said Dr. Robert Morrow of the University of

Russian Cosmonaut Vladimir Titov is the primary crew member for

Astroculturex operations in space.

This demonstration of successful plant growth in space using the

Astroculturex unit represents a major advance in the ability to
provide environmental control for plant growth in an inexpensive and
reliable flight package. This Space Shuttle mission, STS-63, is the
third flight of the Astroculturex unit in the SPACEHAB Space Research

Wheat seedlings and mustard plants are being grown in the

Astroculturex unit. The mustard plants are special fast-growing
plants with a rapid life cycle developed at the University of
Wisconsin-Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

This experiment is the fourth in a series of flights to validate the

performance of plant growth technologies in the microgravity
environment of space.

The information from these flight experiments will become the basis
for developing large scale plant growing units required in a
space-based life support system. These technologies also will have
extensive uses on Earth, such as in improved dehumidification/
humidification units, water-efficient irrigation systems, removal of
hydrocarbons and other pollutants from indoor air, and
energy-efficient lighting systems for plant growth.

"These plants provide evidence of the progress being made by

researchers in the SPACEHAB laboratory," said Richard Hora, President
and CEO of SPACEHAB, Inc.

The SPACEHAB laboratory is a pressurized, cylindrical module that

measures 10 feet in length by 13.5 feet in diameter, with a truncated
top and flat "end-caps," a patented design. During this flight, the
laboratory is located in the forward quarter of the Space Shuttle
payload bay and connects to the astronaut compartment through the
Space Shuttle airlock by a short tunnel.

SPACEHAB doubles the available living and working space on the Shuttle
for the astronauts and quadruples the available experimentation space.

SPACEHAB, Inc. is the first company engaged solely in the business of

providing frequent, low-cost access to an astronaut-tended environment
in space. SPACEHAB has pioneered the creation of the world's first
privately-developed space R&D facility, the Space Research Laboratory,
that can support humans in space. Research in SPACEHAB laboratories
is generating revolutionary advances in biotechnology, advanced
materials, and other technologies. Such product-oriented research on
SPACEHAB is preparing U.S. industry for the advent of the
International Space Station Alpha.

The STS-63 mission began with the launch of Discovery from the Kennedy
Space Center, Florida, at 12:22 a.m. EST, February 3, 1995, and is
scheduled to conclude with a landing at 5:49 a.m., February 11, 1995,
at the Kennedy Space Center.

- end -

For more information, contact:

Rebecca B. Gray, SPACEHAB, Inc., 713/483-5111


--- FMail/386 1.0g

* Origin: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence BBS (1:261/1201)


Date: 02-20-95 (11:45) Number: 4937 of 4937 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Speiser on Roswell
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

A blast from the past.

He still brings up good points. :-)


Message #23 in area INFO.PARANET

From: Jim Speiser K/S
To: All 09 Jul 91 10:18:00
Subj: Roswell Discussion

The cross-postings from Alt.Sci.Skep.Shep.Moe.Larry.Curly were quite

interesting. Both sides make good points, but I detected the familiar
strains of "Klass knows all" and "Klass can do no wrong". Its
frustrating to see that attitude still prevalent among some.

I had the good fortune to debate a highly responsible skeptic on the

radio on the Roswell subject. Mike Stackpole is head of the Phoenix
Skeptics, and has a very good head on his shoulders. We squared off on
KFYI on the Fourth of July. The first hour of the program had Don
Schmitt, Walter Haut and Jesse Marcel, Jr. talking about the crash
from the pro-perspective. The host did not want to add too many voices
or have too much controversy in that first hour, since she did not
feel the audience, not having read the book, would be able to keep up
with all facts and counter-facts. At 6AM on a holiday, I think she
made the right decision.

The second hour, it was our turn, and we were forced to stick to the
more general question of UFOs, do they exist, what are the
possibilities. Mike, having just read the book, managed to slip in a
few of his objections to the quality of research and the conclusions
the authors draw. Prior to the show, Mike had uploaded to my private
file area a brief outline of his objections so that I would be
familiar with them. He has promised to flesh out the text into a
full-blown file that can be posted here to ParaNet in the near future,
but basically his objections were as follows:

1) The entire second crash site scenario is a house of cards. Barney

Barnett, by all previous accounts, had been placed at Magdalena at the
time of the crash. Ruth Barnett's diary is quoted as authoritative at
one point, in order to put Barney in his office, yet later the authors
speculate that her diary entry placing Barney "300 miles[*]" from
-their- second crash site may have been due to Barney lying to his
wife under pressure from the military. This is an inconsistent use of
documentary evidence. The authors were stretching in their
speculation, yet they use this speculation later as part of the
foundation of their conclusion that a second crash site, complete with
bodies, existed. It doesn't wash that Barney would lie to his wife,
yet tell the truth to his niece.

2) Mac Brazel, who saw only a debris field, was imprisoned for days
and supposedly debriefed by the military. Barney Barnett, who saw a
saucer, bodies, the whole shootin' match, was merely "shooed away" by
the military.

3) A glaring inconsistency in the much-vaunted time-line: The "first

flight from Washington" arrived at Roswell at 12 Noon. Allowing for a
two-hour drive to Corona, that places them at the crash site around
2PM. Yet the CIC man stated that a "photography crew from Washington"
had been on the scene by 11AM. How did they get there?

4) The gases that cause the stench associated with decomposition also
cause profound bloating, which would result in "fat corpses." Yet the
corpses were invariably described as "skinny."

5) On the flight from Roswell to Ft. Worth, armed guards were placed
around the crates containing the wreckage (and possibly the bodies).
No one on that flight was allowed near it. Yet on the flight from Ft.
Worth to Dayton, as attested to by Pappy Henderson, the crew were
allowed to handle the debris (now supposedly ESTABLISHED to be a
flying saucer) to their heart's content.

6) The crate used to ship the alleged bodies measured 14' by 5' by 5'
(or thereabouts). This works out to about 300 cubic feet. This much
ice would weigh 18,000 lbs. Allowing for a hollowed-out area to
contain the bodies, let's say anywhere from 10,000-12,000 pounds. Yet
one of the crewmen was quoted as saying that the weight-and-balance
man cleared the plane for flight without doing his calculations, since
the load would be so light.

I have to say that I acknowledge and agree with the above objections,
and others that Mike raises. These are points that sorely need to be
addressed, if the authors wish to maintain the integrity of their
investigation. However, I part company with Mike on the ultimate
conclusion to be drawn from these discrepancies. I view these as a
point of departure for further research, rather than as a basis for
dismissal of the case as a whole. Mike said that the authors were
inconsistent; I replied that it was the evidence that was
inconsistent, and the authors were to be commended for including
contradictory testimony, and labeling it as such.

I do hope these points can be cleared up, or at least forthrightly

addressed by the authors, perhaps here on ParaNet.


[*]: The actual distance from the authors' second crash site to
Magdalena is 150 miles as the crow flies, or 220 miles by road. Mike
scores big when he asks, "Did the authors not even look at a map?"

--- FD 1.99c
# Origin: REMOTRON HQ BBS -=- ParaNet[sm] ZETA-RETICULI (1:114/37)

--- FMail/386 1.0g

* Origin: A flying saucer results when a nudist spills his coffee (1:3618/2)


Date: 02-19-95 (15:51) Number: 80185 of 80503 (Refer# NONE)

Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Hello !

This is PART 2 of the material distributed with the



Bringing the Roswell case to light could represent far more than the
mere exposing of a government coverup or the creation of a major
news story. It could represent one of the greatest revelations in
the history of humankind -- the knowledge that we, as intelligent
life, are not alone. For this reason, if for no other, it should
be pursued relentlessly until an absolute and definitive answer is

My interest in the Roswell case stems in part from the fact that my
father, a retired colonel and former air force pilot (and WWII
fighter ace), at one time knew and worked with General William
Blanchard, the man who issued the press release announcing that a
"crashed disk" (UFO) had been recovered. In 1947, at the time of
the Roswell incident, Blanchard was a colonel and the Commander of
the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell Army Air Field. In the early
sixties when my father knew and worked with him, he was a three-star
general stationed at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. In my
father's opinion, General Blanchard was an extremely sharp
individual who would never have made a fool of himself by issuing
a press release announcing that the group under his command had
recovered something as out of the ordinary as a crashed UFO without
being absolutely certain he was correct. I have since had the
opportunity to talk with others who knew and worked with General
Blanchard and who share that same view. The fact that the
military's official denial claimed that what Blanchard and his men
misidentified as a crashed UFO was nothing other than a weather
balloon strains credibility beyond limits.

Generally, in contrast to the political environment of many other

countries, when the United States military puts out an official
statement, we as Americans can feel assured we are being told the
truth. While such confidence is not ill founded, there are
exceptions. For example, because of the nature of his job, my
father was once made aware of a "cover story" involving the crash
of a top- secret aircraft in the early 1960s. Under the auspices
of an intelligence agency, a press release was issued that was
false. Cover stories exist.
Former military witnesses have stated unequivocally that Blanchard's
"crashed disk" press release on July 8, 1947, was true, and that the
subsequent announcement denying it was a cover story. This would
mean that the U.S. government has been in possession of the wreckage
of an extraterrestrial craft for the last forty-seven years. The
right of the American people to know of the existence of such a
craft and therefore of extraterrestrial intelligence would be a
social or philosophical issue, not one of national security.
Suppression of such knowledge, including restricting individuals
from testifying about it, would be a form of censorship and
therefore contrary to the principles upon which a free and open
society is founded.

Researchers have located Roswell witnesses who, in fear of

government reprisal, will not allow their testimony to be made
public. In an effort to help get the Roswell matter into the open,
a prestigious Washington, D.C., law firm has been retained to
provide legal counsel to any witnesses (past or present) who have
information on the Roswell event or on the subsequent disposition
of the wreckage, and who might consider going public with their
testimony. As part of this effort, legal research has been done and
attorneys from the firm have traveled to New Mexico and interviewed
witnesses there.

For legal and other reasons, government reprisal against Roswell

witnesses who elected to go public would appear unlikely. For one
thing, it would serve to validate their testimony and thereby make
them instant heroes in the eyes of the public for having contributed
to bringing down the most spectacular coverup in history. This is
probably the reason no action was ever taken against Lieutenant
Colonel Jesse Marcel, the former intelligence officer of the 509th
Bomb Group who went public with his account in 1978.

Furthermore, accusing any Roswell witnesses of wrongdoing for

speaking out and bringing the truth to the American people on this
subject would be the height of hypocrisy on the part of the
government. By doing so it would be tacitly admitting guilt in
having deceived its own people. While billions of tax dollars have
been spent over the last few decades on lunar, planetary, and deep
space exploration, the American people have been kept in ignorance
about Roswell and the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence.
Many would consider such blatant omission inexcusable. Perhaps this
is why the coverup continues.

As a result of a somewhat chance encounter in Europe a few months

ago, I am now involved in another Roswell project, unrelated to the
legal effort. It involves MUFON - CES (Mutual UFO Network - Central
European Section), an invitation-only group consisting primarily of
engineers, scientists, and university professors in the
German-speaking countries of Western Europe. Knowing that I
frequently travel to Europe because of my work, MUFON'S
international director Walt Andrus gave me the phone number of a
MUFON - CES member, Joachim Koch, who lives in Berlin and who is a
practicing general surgeon there. I gave him a call and
subsequently met him and another member of MUFON - CES, Hans-Jurgen
Kyborg, in the lobby of the Palace Hotel in Berlin. For over three
hours we discussed different aspects of the UFO phenomenon in Europe
and in America. They had heard of the Roswell incident but said it
wasn't widely known in Europe. They seemed interested in learning
more about Roswell, so I left some material with them, including a
couple of short papers I had written on the subject.

A few weeks after our meeting, I received a letter from Messrs. Koch
and Kyborg. In it they told how those in Europe were very much
aware of how the former communist governments in Eastern Europe had
prevented their citizens from freely exchanging thoughts and ideas,
sometimes by killing them, and how these governments continuously
lied to the people. They had always thought that Western democratic
governments did not act in such a way, but when they learned about
the coverups concerning Roswell and the UFO phenomenon, they could
now see how wrong they had been.

They expressed the belief that knowledge concerning man's place in

the universe with respect to other intelligent life was not a matter
of any nation's national security, but rather a fundamental right
of all humankind. They proposed that we work together and asked me
to write a "Roswell Declaration" to be used in an international
effort to pressure the U.S. government into lifting the secrecy
surrounding UFOs and Roswell.

Their proposal is to work with UFO organizations throughout the

world in a drive to get signatures, especially from engineers and
scientists, in support of the Roswell Declaration. On a
yet-to-be-determined day later this year and under a
well-orchestrated plan, the news media in different countries around
the world would be notified and furnished with material about the
Roswell incident in an effort to bring international attention to
the case. They discussed the idea with Illobrand Von Ludwiger, a
theoretical physicist and the director of MUFON - CES. The proposal
was then presented at the annual MUFON - CES conference last October
in Austria, where it was well received by the attending members.

In response to their request, I have written a five-page position

paper, "Time for the Truth About Roswell," which includes a detailed
summary of the Roswell event, an analysis of media and government
treatment of it, and arguments for allowing the public to know the
truth. The "Roswell Declaration" is taken directly from that
position paper and contains an appeal to the Administration for an
Executive Order to declassify any U.S. Government information on
UFOs or extraterrestrial intelligence.

Polls have shown that over fifty percent of adult Americans believe
in the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence.
Unfortunately, that interest has never been galvanized into a
large-scale grassroots movement. This may now become a reality as
a drive is currently underway to collect signatures for the "Roswell
Declaration" from U.S. citizens. In addition to the Mutual UFO Net-
work, both the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies and the Fund
for UFO Research have, in a show of unity, agreed to participate in
this effort.

On the same day as the international effort to bring media attention

to the Roswell case, a copy of the "Roswell Declaration," along with
a listing of the total number of signatories from each of the fifty
states as well as from other countries, will be delivered to the
offices of all members of Congress and to the White House. Also on
that day, if finances permit, a copy of the "Roswell Declaration"
will be placed in the first section of the national edition of a
major U.S. newspaper.

Since this will be primarily a word-of-mouth, grassroots effort,

your help in making copies of the declaration and distributing them
to as many people as possible will be of great importance. The
declaration and the position paper, "Time for the Truth About
Roswell," will also be made available on computer bulletin boards
throughout the world. Although it is felt that there is a high
probability the U.S. Government is withholding information regarding
the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, the primary goal is
to get the matter into the open, so that the truth can be
conclusively determined, one way or the other. It is hoped,
therefore, that all individuals, no matter what their opinion on the
subject, will support this effort.

In the event Congressman Steven Schiff of New Mexico is successful

in his admirable effort to initiate a Congressional inquiry into the
Roswell incident, a large number of signed "Roswell Declarations"
from U.S. citizens would undoubtedly have a positive effect on that
effort. Whether or not such an inquiry takes place, it is important
not to become complacent. There are no guarantees of success. An
all-out effort should be made on all three fronts -- Legislative,
Judicial, and Executive -- to put the greatest possible pressure on
the government. We are engaged in a difficult endeavor, but one
that is worthwhile, just, and possible to win. It concerns an issue
about which most individuals would want to know and about which all
people have a right to know.

Forty-seven years ago, an incident occurred in the southwestern

desert of the United States that could have significant
implications for all mankind. The incident was announced by the
U.S. military, subsequently denied by the U.S. military, and has
remained veiled in government secrecy ever since. Although it
is in a category fraught with false claims and hoaxes, it is not
a hoax or false claim, but rather a known event that is
thoroughly documented. It is the objective here to summarize
the details of that event, affirm the right of all people
throughout the world to know the truth about what occurred, and
propose a course of action that will allow that truth to emerge.

The event took place during the first week of July 1947 and
involved the recovery of wreckage by the military from a remote
ranch northwest of Roswell, New Mexico. There is now
considerable testimony from former members of the military known
to have been involved, including two brigadier generals, that
the recovered material was not of terrestrial origin.
Admittedly, such a claim taxes the limits of credibility for
discerning and rational individuals. It also tends to evoke a
response of immediate dismissal. The preponderance of evidence,
however, indicates the event occurred.

On January 12, 1994, United States Congressman Steven Schiff of

Albuquerque, New Mexico, stated to the press that he had been
stonewalled by the Defense Department when requesting
information regarding the 1947 Roswell event on behalf of
constituents and witnesses. Indicating he was seeking further
investigation into the matter, Congressman Schiff called the
Defense Department's lack of response "astounding" and concluded
it was apparently "another government coverup."

Most people are not aware that there exists an event of this
nature so well substantiated. In the next year public awareness
of the Roswell incident should grow. A new hardcover book has
been released, a television movie will premiere, and a serious
documentary is forthcoming. Questions, controversy, and a
general distrust of U.S. Government policy in this area are
bound to increase.

Detailed information on the recovery of the wreckage at Roswell

and of related events is extensive. Some years ago
investigators were able to obtain a copy of the 1947 Roswell
Army Air Field yearbook. This enabled them to locate witnesses
throughout the country. Newspaper accounts show that during
late June and early July 1947, there was a wave of reports of
"flying disks" (UFOs) throughout the United States and Canada.
Many of those reports came from credible witnesses, including
pilots and other trained observers.

Sometime during the first week of July 1947, a local New Mexico
rancher, Mac Brazel, while riding out in the morning to check
his sheep after a night of intense thunderstorms, discovered a
considerable amount of unusual debris. It had created a shallow
gouge several hundred feet long and was scattered over a large
area. Some of the debris had strange physical properties.
After taking a few pieces to show his neighbors, Floyd and
Loretta Proctor, Brazel drove into Roswell and contacted the
sheriff, George Wilcox. Sheriff Wilcox notified authorities at
Roswell Army Air Field and with the assistance of his deputies,
proceeded to investigate the matter. Shortly after becoming
involved, the military closed off the area for a number of days
and retrieved the wreckage. It was initially taken to Roswell
Army Air Field and eventually flown by B-29 and C-54 aircraft to
Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio.

Roswell Army Air Field was the home of the 509th Bomb Group,
which was an elite outfit -- the only atomic group in the world.
On the morning of July 8, 1947, Colonel William Blanchard,
Commander of the 509th Bomb Group, issued a press release
stating that the wreckage of a "crashed disk" (UFO) had been
recovered. The press release was transmitted over the wire
services in time to make headlines in over thirty U.S. afternoon
newspapers that same day.

Within hours, a second press release was issued from the office
of General Roger Ramey, Commander of the Eighth Air Force at
Fort Worth Army Air Field in Texas, 400 miles from the crash
site. It rescinded the first press release and, in effect,
claimed that Colonel Blanchard and the officers of the 509th
Bomb Group at Roswell had made an unbelievably foolish mistake
and somehow incorrectly identified a weather balloon and its
radar reflector as the wreckage of a "crashed disk."

One of those two press releases had to be untrue. There is now

solid testimony from numerous credible military and civilian
witnesses who were directly involved, that the "crashed disk"
press release issued by Colonel William Blanchard of the 509th
Bomb Group from Roswell was true and that the subsequent
"weather balloon" press release from Eighth Air Force
Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas, was a hastily contrived cover

Those who knew and worked with William Blanchard say he was a
solid, no-nonsense, businesslike individual, and not someone who
would make a fool of himself and the Air Force by ordering a
press release about something as out of the ordinary and
dramatic as the event at Roswell without being certain he was
correct. In other words, if Blanchard issued a press release
saying there was a crashed disk, there was a crashed disk.
Colonel William Blanchard would later go on to become a
four-star general and Vice Chief of Staff of the United States
Air Force.

The first witness located by investigators who was willing to

testify and allow his name to be used was retired Lieutenant
Colonel Jesse Marcel, the intelligence officer of the 509th Bomb
Group at Roswell. He was a highly competent individual and one
of the first two military officers at the actual crash site. In
a 1979 videotaped interview, Jesse Marcel stated, "...it was not
a weather balloon, nor was it an airplane or a missile." As to
the exotic properties of some of the material, he stated, "It
would not burn...that stuff weighs nothing, it's so thin, it
isn't any thicker than the tinfoil in a pack of cigarettes. So,
I tried to bend the stuff. It wouldn't bend. We even tried
making a dent in it with a sixteen-pound sledge hammer. And
there was still no dent in it."

It is inconceivable that a man of Jesse Marcel's qualifications

and experience, the intelligence officer of the only atomic-bomb
group in the world, would have mistaken any kind of conventional
wreckage, much less the remains of a weather balloon and its
radar reflector, for that of a craft or vehicle that in his
words was "not of this earth." Even if he had initially made
such a gross misidentification, he would certainly have been
able to see his mistake later after it had been brought to his
attention. When returning to the base, he stopped by his house
with a few pieces of the unusual wreckage to show his wife and
eleven-year-old son. One piece, a small section of I-beam, had
strange hieroglyphic like symbols on its surface. His son, Dr.
Jesse Marcel, Jr., now a practicing medical doctor and qualified
National Guard helicopter pilot and flight surgeon, remembers
the incident well. He has been able to produce detailed
drawings of some of the symbols. During his career, Jesse
Marcel Sr., went on to other important assignments, including
the preparation of a report on the first Soviet nuclear
detonation, which went directly to President Truman.

The late General Thomas DuBose was a colonel and General Ramey's
chief of staff at Eighth Air Force Headquarters in Forth Worth,
Texas, in 1947. Before his death in 1992, General DuBose
testified that he himself had taken the telephone call from
General Clements McMullen at Andrews Army Air Field in
Washington, D.C., ordering the coverup. The instructions were
for General Ramey to concoct a "cover story" to "get the press
off our backs."

Retired General Arthur E. Exon was stationed at Wright Field in

Dayton, Ohio, as a lieutenant colonel in July of 1947 during the
time the wreckage from Roswell was brought in. In a 1990
interview, General Exon said of the testing, "Everything from
chemical analysis, stress tests, compression tests, flexing. It
was brought into our material evaluation labs. (Some of it)
could be easily ripped or changed...there were other parts of it
that were very thin but awfully strong and couldn't be dented
with heavy hammers...." Of the men that did the testing, he
said, "...the overall consensus was that the pieces were from

The testimony of Mr. Glenn Dennis leaves little doubt about the
nature of what was recovered in 1947. Glenn Dennis still lives
in the Roswell, New Mexico, area and is a respected businessman
and member of the community. He is down-to-earth and
straightforward. In 1947 Glenn Dennis was a young mortician
working for the Ballard Funeral Home, which had a contract to
provide mortuary and ambulance services for Roswell Army Air

Prior to learning about the recovery of the unusual wreckage at

Roswell, he received several telephone calls one afternoon from
the mortuary officer at the air field. He was asked about the
availability of small, hermetically sealed caskets and
questioned about how to preserve bodies that had been exposed to
the elements for several days. There was concern about possibly
altering the chemical composition of the tissue.

Later that evening, as a result of unrelated events, he made a

trip to the base hospital. Outside the back entrance he
observed two military ambulances with open rear doors, from
which large pieces of wreckage protruded, including one with a
row of unusual symbols on its surface. Once inside, he
encountered a young nurse whom he knew. At that same instant,
he was noticed by military police, who physically threatened him
and forcibly escorted him from the building.

He met with the nurse the next day, and she explained what had
been going on at the hospital. She was a very religious person
and was upset to the point of being in a state of shock. She
described how she had been called in to assist two doctors who
were doing autopsies on several small nonhuman bodies. She
described the terrible smell, how one body was in good shape and
the others mangled, and the differences between their anatomy
and human anatomy. She also drew a diagram on a napkin showing
an outline of their features. That meeting was to be their last
-- she was transferred to England a few days later.

Today, the nurse would be sixty-nine years old. Investigators

are attempting to locate her. Five nurses are pictured in the
1947 Roswell Army Air Field yearbook. The files of all five are
strangely missing from military records.

The main part of the craft apparently came down some distance
from the "debris field" at the Brazel ranch. Researchers were
only recently able to confirm this second site because few
people knew about it. According to witness testimony, this is
also the site where the bodies were found. Most of the
witnesses to this site have not, in fear of government reprisal,
allowed their names to be used. A prestigious law firm has
recently been retained to provide legal counsel to any such
witnesses who might consider going public with their testimony.
Attorneys from the firm have already met with several Roswell

In addition to Glenn Dennis, other witnesses were physically

threatened or intimidated. According to members of Sheriff
Wilcox's family, he was told by the military, in the presence of
his wife, that he and his entire family would be killed if he
ever spoke about what he had seen. The rancher who originally
discovered the wreckage, Mac Brazel, was sequestered by the
military for almost a week and sworn to secrecy. He never spoke
about the incident again, even to his family. In the months
following the incident, his son, Bill Brazel, found and
collected a few "scraps" of material, which he kept in a cigar
box. The material was eventually confiscated by the military.

The Roswell event involved a large number of people and has been
publicized since 1980. Logic would dictate that had there been
a more mundane explanation for the unusual debris, numerous
individuals would have come forward to set the record straight
by corroborating the "weather balloon" story or by providing
some other explanation for the wreckage, such as a V2 missile or
experimental aircraft. That has not been the case.
Furthermore, records rule out a missile or aircraft.
Additionally, the amount and nature of the debris rule out any
type of balloon or balloon instrument package, including that
from project Mogul -- the most recently postulated prosaic

While it is possible that the Roswell witnesses, who live in

diverse parts of the country, have been engaged in a perfectly
orchestrated, long-term hoax with no clear motive, it is
unlikely. It is true there are a few minor gaps and
inconsistencies in some of the accounts, but that is to be
expected. There were many individuals involved and it has been
a long period of time. Human memory is not perfect. For those
familiar with the Roswell evidence, however, it would be hard to
imagine a scenario in which the core event was not true.

With Roswell so well documented, the question that arises is why

the mainstream media has not pursued the story. Two factors
stand out. The first is that of a negative mindset. There is a
tendency in human nature to resist anything that challenges our
preconceived perceptions of reality. In most cases, such an
attitude serves us well and manifests itself as a healthy
skepticism. In other instances, it may result in a close-minded
refusal by otherwise intelligent people to consider compelling
evidence -- especially when that evidence seems to defy common
sense or prevailing scientific theory. Many past revelations of
science, for example, have met such resistance -- a round earth,
evolution, relativity, continental drift, quantum theory, an
expanding universe -- to name a few.

The second and most damaging factor is ridicule. Unfortunately,

UFOs have long been associated with tabloid stories, hoaxes, and
the "lunatic fringe." In addition, people tend to put UFOs in
the same category as ghosts, mysticism, magic, and other forms
of the occult or the supernatural. As a result, anything even
remotely related to the area of UFOs is a difficult subject to
broach without risking a loss of credibility. Consequently,
members of the mainstream media rarely approach the subject,
much less treat it with any degree of seriousness or depth. No
one wants to make himself an easy target for cynicism or

Moreover, it is not necessary to resort to the supernatural to

explain UFOs any more than it is necessary to resort to the
supernatural to explain the Space Shuttle. UFOs could probably
best be looked upon as an extrapolation of where our own
technology might be thousands of years from now. A television,
jet aircraft, or nuclear bomb would have seemed magical or
supernatural to a person from the Middle Ages. Similarly, by
virtue of the fact that they apparently violate the laws of
known physics, UFOs are perceived by us as an aberration of
reality. They are, however, probably quite explainable under
laws of science we aren't even close to discovering yet.

Further exacerbating the credibility problem has been the

extreme negative position taken by the U.S. Government. Almost
everyone has heard pronouncements from government officials
claiming there is no evidence to support the existence of UFOs
or extraterrestrial intelligence. Ironically, no matter how
high their rank or position, those touting this line may be
uninformed, yet telling the truth as they know it. With the
U.S. Government's high degree of compartmentalization and
need-to-know philosophy, chances are that few agencies or
individuals would be briefed on or have access to such

Agencies in which something might be known, such as the CIA,

have refused to cooperate with investigators. When seeking
Roswell or UFO-related documents through the Freedom of
Information Act, researchers have been repeatedly stonewalled.
Claims are made that documents don't exist or can't be released
for national security reasons. The few documents that have been
released have often been so blacked out that they are rendered

By way of contrast, in 1991 the Belgian Ministry of Defense

released radar tapes from two Belgian Air Force F-16s that had
been scrambled to pursue a UFO detected by four ground-based
radar stations and seen by numerous citizens and by police. The
tape was impressive-- showing digital readouts of incredible
altitude and speed changes made by the UFO. Under present
government policy, it is hard to imagine such a scenario ever
taking place in the United States. Perhaps the world's greatest
democracy could learn a few things about a free and open society
from its small NATO ally.

There was actually hope at one time that U.S. policy might
change. It came when Jimmy Carter was elected President in
1976. In October 1969 while Governor of Georgia, Jimmy Carter
had reported a UFO sighting . Later, in 1976 as a presidential
candidate, he pledged: "If I become president, I'll make every
piece of information this country has about UFOs available to
the public and the scientists." He then somewhat mystifyingly
never said one more word about it publicly after taking office.
If he found there was no information to release, why did he not
announce it? Doing so would have been a natural and easy way to
honor his commitment.

Why the U.S. Government defiantly maintains there is nothing to

the UFO phenomenon and why it would want to withhold evidence of
extraterrestrial intelligence remain a matter of speculation.
Three possible reasons have been suggested: fear of mass panic,
perceived national security problems, and concern about
offending religious groups. Whether arguments in any of these
areas have merit is questionable. Most would agree, however,
that whatever reasons there may be for withholding such
information, they are far outweighed by those for releasing it.
The classic argument for government withholding of information
on extraterrestrial intelligence from the public is that it
might cause a response similar to that of the famous 1938 Orson
Welles War of the Worlds radio broadcast. (The program featured
a simulated news broadcast announcing an attack by Martians on
Grover's Mill, New Jersey, which panicked a small number of
listeners who had tuned in late.) The argument, however, is
flawed and the comparison is invalid. It is not realistic to
compare a simulated emergency news broadcast graphically
describing a devastating, ongoing attack or invasion to a
low-key, formal announcement confirming that other intelligent
life exists in the universe and occasionally visits earth.

Furthermore, we are nearly 35 years into the Space Age and at

the brink of the 21st century. This is a generation that until
recently lived for years under the threat of nuclear destruction
and that now must deal with such threats as AIDS, rising rates
of violent crime, international terrorism, etc. The possibility
that the confirmation of extraterrestrial intelligence would
cause mass panic in this day and age is so remote that it hardly
merits mention.

The arguments for maintaining secrecy based on national security

are just as specious as those based on mass panic. Assuming the
wreckage the military retrieved from Roswell was that of an
extraterrestrial craft, it would be understandable that the U.S.
Government would want to reverse-engineer the technology. It
would be reasonable that the government would want to keep
certain details of that technology secret. As with any
technology with the potential for misuse, such precaution would
be prudent and justified. However, the very existence of such a
craft would have profound implications. The mere knowledge by
the public of that existence would not pose any kind of threat.
Denying the public such knowledge would not be justified and
would be an abuse of the power entrusted to those who oversee
the country's national security.

When the Carter campaign pledge was not carried out, it was
speculated that concern about offending certain religious groups
was the reason. If true, it would represent a violation of the
principle of separation of church and state. It would also be
placing the interests of a small minority above those of the

Like the discoveries of Darwin and Copernicus, the Roswell

evidence could have implications that challenge certain
religious doctrines. Darwin's theory that there could be fossil
evidence linking modern man and other present-day higher
primates to a common primate ancestor conflicted with the
creationist view on the exalted position of man with respect to
other forms of life. Likewise, the Roswell evidence, which
would imply the existence of a superior nonhuman intelligence,
could be seen as equally threatening to the creationist
viewpoint. It could be interpreted as implying that on a scale
comparing the evolutionary development of different advanced
species throughout the universe, human beings may not rate very
high. Such a humbling realization might bother some people, but
probably not most.

Copernicus' finding that the earth along with the other planets
circled the sun contradicted the teachings of the time that the
earth was the center of creation. That notion persists today in
that many perceive the earth to be the center of intelligent
life in the universe. The Roswell evidence could dispel such an
ethnocentric view by confirming that the human race is just one
single member in a large community of other intelligent races in
the universe. Specific effects, if any, that such a revelation
might have on society would be purely a matter of speculation.
Generally, however, when knowledge replaces ignorance, the
long-term result is positive. There is no reason to think that
that would not be the case here. If nothing else, the knowledge
that it is possible for a civilization to survive the growing
pains of becoming technologically advanced, without completely
destroying itself and its environment in the process, would in a
sense provide a renewed hope for the future of man and his

Despite the media's inattention to the matter, and contrary to

what some in the U.S. Government would like people to think,
Roswell is not a figment of someone's imagination or the product
of modern folklore. It involves real people and a real event.
The man who issued the press release announcing that event,
Colonel William Blanchard, was not someone prone to making
mistakes, much less monumental blunders. He would go on to
achieve the highest peacetime rank attainable in the U.S.
military, four-star general. Credible witnesses, including
retired generals, have testified that the original press release
issued by Blanchard was correct and that the Roswell wreckage
was of extraterrestrial origin. A United States Congressman was
recently stonewalled by the Defense Department on the matter and
has expressed his belief that there is a coverup. Yet the U.S.
Government steadfastly maintains it has no evidence indicating
extraterrestrial intelligence. Something does not ring true.
There is a gross inconsistency here, and it involves an issue of
great magnitude, an issue that should transcend domestic
politics and that demands an explanation. It is time to lay the
cards on the table so that this matter can be resolved, one way
or the other.
History has shown that unsubstantiated official assurances or
denials by government are often meaningless. Nevertheless,
there is a logical and straightforward way to ensure that the
truth about Roswell will emerge: an Executive Order
declassifying any information regarding the existence of UFOs or
extraterrestrial intelligence. Because this is a unique issue
of universal concern, such an action would be appropriate and
warranted. It is essentially what presidential candidate Jimmy
Carter promised and then failed to deliver to the American
people eighteen years ago in 1976. Additionally, it would cost
nothing, offend no one, and be applauded by all.

To provide positive assurance for all potential witnesses, the

Order would need to be clearly stated and written into law.
Security-clearance violations can bring heavy fines and long
prison sentences. In addition to the original witnesses from
1947, there are most certainly individuals involved with the
Roswell material today who would be affected by such a
declassification. Undoubtedly, many of them, along with the
original witnesses, would want to see this information shared
with others -- be they friends, family, grandchildren, or all

If, as is officially claimed, no information on Roswell, UFOs,

or extraterrestrial intelligence is being withheld, a
declassification order would be a mere formality, as there would
be nothing for anyone to disclose. What legitimate concern
could there be about declassifying "nonexistent" information?
If, however, information is being withheld, there could be
significant resistance to officially disclosing it. This
resistance could range from contriving excuses as to why an
Executive Order should not be issued, to ignoring the matter

In the end, however, whether information is being suppressed or

whether it is not, the effect of an Executive Order
declassifying it would be positive. If nothing is being
withheld, the result of such an Order would be to set the record
straight once and for all. Years of controversy and suspicion
would be ended, both in the eyes of the United States' own
citizens and in the eyes of the world.

If, on the other hand, the Roswell witnesses are telling the
truth and information on extraterrestrial intelligence does
exist, it is not something to which a privileged few in the
United States Government should have exclusive rights. It is
knowledge of profound importance to which all people throughout
the world should have an inalienable right. Its release would
unquestionably be universally acknowledged as an historic act of
honesty and goodwill.

Signed declarations should be sent to:

MUFON; 103 Oldtowne Road; Seguin, TX 78155. U.S.A.

CUFOS; 2457, W. Peterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60659, U.S.A.
FUFOR; Post Office Box 277, Mt.Rainier, Maryland 20712, U.S.A.
Kent Jeffrey, 37 Porteous Ave., Fairfax, CA 94930, U.S.A
Joachim Koch, Stadtrandstr. 550 g, 13589 Berlin, Germany


The Roswell Declaration is part of a worldwide effort to end

U.S. Government secrecy surrounding the 1947 Roswell incident.
It contains an appeal to the Administration for an Executive
Order to declassify any U.S. Government information regarding
the existence of UFOs or extraterrestrial intelligence. You can
help by signing and returning a copy of the Declaration.

The effort is being supported by three independent nonprofit

organizations devoted to the serious study of the UFO
phenomenon. The membership of the governing committees of these
organizations consists primarily of researchers, scientists, and
Ph.D.s. The three organizations are the Mutual UFO Network
(MUFON), 103 Oldtowne Road, Seguin, Texas 78155; the Center for
UFO Studies (CUFOS), 2457 W. Peterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
60659; and the Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR), P.O. Box 277, Mt.
Ranier, Maryland 20712.

UFO organizations throughout the world are involved in a drive

to obtain signatures from scientists, professionals, and the
general public in support of the Roswell Declaration. On a
yet-to-bedetermined day later this year, the news media in
different countries around the world will be notified and
furnished with material about the Roswell incident in an effort
to bring international attention to the Roswell case.

On that same day, a copy of the Roswell Declaration, along with

a listing of the total number of signatories from each of the
fifty states will be delivered to the offices of all members of
Congress and to the White House. In other countries, signed
copies of the Roswell Declaration will be delivered to the
American embassy for forwarding to the White House. If finances
permit, a copy of the Roswell Declaration will be placed in the
first section of the national edition of a major U.S. newspaper
as well as in other major newspapers around the world.

Polls have shown that more than fifty percent of the people in
the United States believe in the existence of UFOs and
extraterrestrial intelligence. Unfortunately, that interest has
never been galvanized into a large-scale grassroots movement.
With the "Roswell Declaration," this may now become a reality.

Since this will be primarily a word-of-mouth, grassroots effort,

your help in making copies of the Declaration and distributing
them to as many people as possible will be of great importance.
The Declaration is being made available on computer bulletin
boards throughout the world. A five- page position paper, "Time
for the Truth About Roswell," from which the Declaration is
derived, will also be made available. The position paper
includes a detailed summary of the Roswell event, an analysis of
the media and government treatment of it, and arguments for
allowing the public to know the truth.

The position paper and the Declaration were written by Kent

Jeffrey of Fairfax, California. Mr. Jeffrey has researched the
Roswell event extensively, worked with several of the leading
investigators, and interviewed a number of the Roswell
witnesses. He is an international airline pilot whose interest
in the Roswell case stems in part from the fact that his father,
a retired colonel and former air force pilot (and WWII fighter
ace), at one time knew and worked with one of the key Roswell
figures, General William Blanchard.

Although it is felt by the organizers of this effort that there

is a high degree of probability the U.S. Government is
withholding information regarding the existence of
extraterrestrial intelligence, the primary goal is to get the
matter into the open so that the truth can be conclusively
determined, one way or the other. It is hoped, therefore, that
all individuals, no matter what their opinion on the subject,
will support this effort.

Please send signed Declarations to either organization:

MUFON; 103 Oldtowne Road; Seguin, TX 78155. U.S.A.

CUFOS; 2457 W. Peterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60659, U.S.A.
FUFOR; Post Office Box 277, Mt.Rainier, Maryland 20712, U.S.A.

Or to:

Kent Jeffrey, 37 Porteous Ave., Fairfax, CA 94930, U.S.A.

Joachim Koch, Stadtrandstr. 550 g, 13589 Berlin, Germany

Following documents: "ROSWELL-DECLARATION PART 6"

Contents: The Roswell-Declaration with coupon to
fill in. Please sign!


Contents:Update report about activities and
results until now

***Further material (updates etc.) will be presented in ascending

numerical order***

Viele Gruesse


IN: koch@wad.fido.de

--- CrossPoint v3.02

* Origin: I'll see you on the dark side of the moon (2:2410/504.20)


Date: 02-19-95 (15:51) Number: 80190 of 80503 (Refer# NONE)

Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Hello !

This is PART 6 of the material distributed with the ROSWELL-

DECLARATION. Have you received the previous parts?

*********** T H E R O S W E L L - D E C L A R A T I O N ************
Forty-seven years ago an incident occurred in the southwestern
desert of the United States that could have significant implications
for all mankind. It involved the recovery by the U.S. Military of
material alleged to be of extraterrestrial origin. The event was
announced by the U.S. Military on July 8, 1947, through a press
release that was carried by newspapers throughout the country. It
was subsequently denied by what is now believed to be a cover story
claiming the material was nothing more than a weather balloon. It
has remained veiled in government secrecy ever since.

The press release announcing the unusual event was issued by the
Commander of the 509th Bomb Group at Roswell Army Air Field, Colonel
William Blanchard, who later went on to become a four-star general
and Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force. That the
weather balloon story was a coverup has been confirmed by
individuals directly involved, including the late General Thomas
DuBose who took the telephone call from Washington, D.C., ordering
the coverup. Numerous other credible military and civilian
witnesses have testified that the original press release was correct
and that the Roswell wreckage was of extraterrestrial origin. One
such individual was Major Jesse Marcel, the Intelligence Officer of
the 509th Bomb Group and one of the first military officers at the

On January 12, 1994, United States Congressman Steven Schiff of

Albuquerque, New Mexico, announced to the press that he had been
stonewalled by the Defense Department when requesting information
regarding the 1947 Roswell event on behalf of constituents and
witnesses. Indicating that he was seeking further investigation
into the matter, Congressman Schiff called the Defense Department's
lack of response "astounding" and concluded it was apparently
"another government coverup."

History has shown that unsubstantiated official assurances or

denials by government are often meaningless. Nevertheless, there
is a logical and straightforward way to ensure that the truth about
Roswell will emerge: an Executive Order declassifying any
information regarding the existence of UFOs or extraterrestrial
intelligence. Because this is a unique issue of universal concern,
such an action would be appropriate and warranted. To provide
positive assurance for all potential witnesses, it would need to be
clearly stated and written into law. Such a measure is essentially
what presidential candidate Jimmy Carter promised and then failed
to deliver to the American people eighteen years ago in 1976.

If, as is officially claimed, no information on Roswell, UFOs, or

extraterrestrial intelligence is being withheld, an Executive Order
declassifying it would be a mere formality, as there would be nothing
to disclose. The Order would, however, have the positive effect of
setting the record straight once and for all. Years of controversy
and suspicion would be ended, both in the eyes of the United States'
own citizens and in the eyes of the world.

If, on the other hand, the Roswell witnesses are telling the truth
and information on extraterrestrial intelligence does exist, it is
not something to which a privileged few in the United States
Government should have exclusive rights. It is knowledge of
profound importance to which all people throughout the world should
have an inalienable right. Its release would unquestionably be
universally acknowledged as an historic act of honesty and goodwill.

I support the request, as outlined above, for an Executive Order

declassifying any U.S. Government information regarding the
existence of UFOs or extraterrestrial intelligence. Whether such
information exists or whether it does not, I feel that the people
of the world have a right to know the truth about this issue and
that it is time to put an end to the controversy surrounding it.

__________________________ _________ ____________________________

Signature Date Name (Please print)
_______________________________________ Address
Occupation/Title ____________________________

_______________________________________ ____________________________
Degrees/Credentials (If applicable) Country


Please send signed Declarations to either organisation:

MUFON; 103 Oldtowne Road; Seguin, TX 78155. U.S.A.

CUFOS; 2457 W. Peterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60659, U.S.A.
FUFOR; Post Office Box 277, Mt.Rainier, Maryland 20712, U.S.A.

Or to:

Kent Jeffrey, 37 Porteous Ave., Fairfax, CA 94930, U.S.A.

Joachim Koch, Stadtrandstr. 550 g, 13589 Berlin, Germany

The ROSWELL-INITIATIVE is an attempt of rational thinking people

to find answers in a matter which others regard as irrational:
about UFOs, the secrecy of the Government and especially about
the ROSWELL-INCIDENT of 1947. Since the Roswell-Initiative
started in May 1994 worldwide, it has become one of the most
important efforts in the area of serious UFO research ever since.

The founders of the Initiative proudly present support of a very

special kind. It is a letter of Robert Wood, Ph.D., which was
originally dedicated to all members of the Society for
Scientific Exploration (SSE). In this letter Dr. Wood encouraged
the member of the SSE to sign the Roswell-Declaration. The
letter now is part of the material which is distributed with the
Declaration. The SSE is an organization of more than 400 highly
qualified scientists. Dr. Wood is physicist, member of the board
of directors of the SSE and recently retired from his occupation
at McDonnell Douglas Corporation.

The central document of the Roswell-Initiative is the

"Roswell-Declaration". It represents an appeal for an Executive
Order to end the secrecy held by the Government on information
regarding UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence. The
Declaration is not a document of a personal view or belief. It
is an active support of an Executive Order to change the law.

The Initiative has grown into a major grassroots movement.

Thousands of signed Roswell-Declarations, those of hundreds of
scientists included, have been sent to the addresses which are
given below. On a special day later this year the Declarations
will be delivered to the members of Congress and to the

To maintain the credibility of the Initiative is of highest

importance. Many who support it are scientist, engineers and
members of other professions in highly sensible positions. They
are no new-age enthusiasts or religious fanatics.

In the United States the Roswell-Case more and more comes to

awareness of many people. Kevin D. Randle and Donald R.Schmitt
published their second book on the matter "The Truth About The
UFO Crash At Roswell" (ISBN 0-87131-761-3). The movie entitled
"Roswell" had premiere in 'Showtime'. The U.S. Government
Accounting Office (GAO) continues the research. This is very
important and encouraging for the procedure of an appeal in
Congress. Additionally the Roswell-Declaration was presented in
many television and radio talkshows. So Kevin Randle had the
opportunity to mention the Roswell-Declaration in the 'Larry
King Show' on October 1st 1994. Together with Stanton Friedman,
Dr. Steven Greer and a local researcher he was invited to attend
the show which was broadcasted from a place in the desert not
far away from the enigmatic "area 51". So between 20 to 40
millions of Americans might have seen this.
Another important event was the interpretation and publishing of
the whole Declaration in the October issue of 'OMNI' magazine.

The Roswell-Initiative is supported in many parts of the world.

The Declaration was translated in many languages and many copies
have been signed so far. There is special support in Germany and
Great Britain where television shows are in preparation. John
Holman, a well known British researcher, distributed the
Declaration in front of the British Parliament in London. In
Russia the former official Government newspaper, ISWESTIA,
published and article about the Declaration and the Incident of
1947 to its 1.2 million readers on September 14 and 15, 1994.
The newsletter of the Italian UFO research organization,
C.I.S.U., will publish the Declaration soon, the Danish 'Nyt
Aspekt' magazine published an article and the Declaration in
November 1994. In Germany, several magazines, especially the
'UFO-KURIER', published many material. Now we here in Germany
are up to start a major campaign towards the mainstream media.

Recently, the 'Newsweek Magazine' called it a "preemptive strike",

the U.S. Air Force published a 23 page report with a huge amount
of appendixes, claiming the debris of Roswell have been the
remnants of a MOGUL balloon. Project MOGUL was a secret program
at that time to measure atmospheric radioactivity originating
from Soviet nuclear tests. Researchers are analyzing this report
and preliminary results show that the Air Force seemed to fail
to solve the Roswell-Incident. There are several inconsistencies
concerning the time and number of MOGUL balloon launches and it
is nearly clear that the debris of McBrazel's ranch was not of a
MOGUL balloon as well as the debris shown on the well known
photographs is not of such a balloon, too.

This new Air Force report has special importance because after
the initial "crashed disk" press release and the subsequent
"weather balloon" press release, which represents the greatest
fiasco in military press information policy, the Air Force
always claimed not to have any information about the incident.
Now, after 47 years of absolute silence sudden activities
emerge. They have sent out "researchers" to look for
"witnesses". To make it very clear: the institution that helped
to hide away all the material about Roswell and which has all
information in its files, is sending out agents to interview
witnesses - in 1994. The investigations for this Air Force report
neither have been objective nor complete.

Many of the key witnesses, as there are General Arthur Exon,

Glenn Dennis and Dr. Jesse Marcel jr., whose testimony would have
contradicted the Air Force, have not been interviewed.
Furthermore, only to support their own theory, the Air Force
"researchers" suddenly calls in question the credibility and
competency of lieutenant colonel Jesse Marcel sr. and General
William Blanchard who both are no more with us and cannot defend
themselves anymore.

One thing is clear: never before the public pressure concerning

Roswell never was stronger than today thanks to the great and
worldwide increasing support of the Roswell-Declaration. This
pressure caused some nervousness in the Air Force, so one can be
optimistic concerning the future of a solution of the Roswell
Incident. Who in the Air Force has thought to get rid of a
troublesome problem should become set right. Researchers as Stanton
Friedman, Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt will unmask the Air
Force report as what it is: a new cover-up.

As it is explained in the basic paper of the Roswell material

"Time For The Truth About Roswell", it would be possible to
unclassify any withheld information - provided they exist - without
violating the national security. A policy of frankness in this matter would
fit the principles of democracy much more than it is the case
with the present Government policy.

If, as it is indicated with the Roswell Incident, information

concerning the existence of intelligent life other than ours in
the universe is withheld from the peoples of the world,
this would represent a grievous abuse of power by those who have
to decide about the national security of the United States. It
obviously would represent a form of censorship in a nonmilitary
subject, a subject concerning our own perspective of the place
of mankind in the universe.

Help to bring this historic initiative to success and sign the



Please send signed Declarations to either organization:

MUFON; 103 Oldtowne Road; Seguin, TX 78155. U.S.A.

CUFOS; 2457 W. Peterson Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60659, U.S.A.
FUFOR; Post Office Box 277, Mt.Rainier, Maryland 20712, U.S.A.

Or to:

Kent Jeffrey, 37 Porteous Ave., Fairfax, CA 94930, U.S.A.

Joachim Koch, Stadtrandstr. 550 g, 13589 Berlin, Germany
Signed Declarations should be sent to:

Viele Gruesse


IN: koch@wad.fido.de

--- CrossPoint v3.02

* Origin: I'll see you on the dark side of the moon (2:2410/504.20)


Date: 02-19-95 (15:51) Number: 80191 of 80503 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Re: Roswell Tape
Read: NO Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Hello !

My name is Joachim Koch and I live in Berlin, Germany

If you would like to have a copy of "Roswell" please ask:

Kent Jeffrey, 37 Porteous Avenue, Fairfax, CA 94930, U.S.A.

Enjoy the movie!

Viele Gruesse


IN: koch@wad.fido.de

--- CrossPoint v3.02

* Origin: I'll see you on the dark side of the moon (2:2410/504.20)


Date: 02-19-95 (16:10) Number: 80196 of 80503 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: vicia fava beans
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Hello All!

I have a friend who is a healthcare consultant in alternative medicine

and has a client in New York City who has Parkinson's disease with
really bad tremors. She recently tried a special variety of vicia
fava/vicia faba bean with the client (a 54 year old white male) and
achieved 3 hours and 15 minutes of tremor-free time for him with just
a 100 gram feeding of the beans.

She is trying to access some seeds for this variety as yet unknown but
possible the golden variety or the Cyprus type variety. Her source of
growing was from a place in england but the person there is unreliable
as to sending frozen product and he refuses to send any seeds. She
would like to know if anyone has any information concerning a source
of beans (including the pods) or seeds. The phemnomenal thing about
the bean pods is that the special varieties have ab enornmous amount
of dopamine in them. There is also at least one other incredient
occurring naturally in these high-dopamine content beans which
facilitates the removal of certain symptoms such as rigidity
(stiffness) or shakes (tremors) in some Parkinson's patients.

PS: Please contact me via NetMail due to the lack of my activity in

this Echo, the address in David Deutsch@fidonet:1:141/268.

Thanks, David

-+- GoldED/2 2.42.G0615

+ Origin: The Foundation OnLine Service, Inc. (1:141/268)

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Date: 02-19-95 (17:33) Number: 80369 of 80503 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Assisted Fabrication
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

This article deals with recovered memories, which is integral to the

discussion of claims of human abduction by alien beings. Enjoy!
Is It Recovered Memory -- Or Assisted Fabrication?

How we remember traumatic events, particularly abuse, has become a

topic of discussion for everyone from Geraldo Rivera to the Harvard
Medical School, because the debate centers on an unspeakable crime:

A subject once so taboo it was never discussed, incest now has

everyone choosing sides.

On the other side are those who believe in recovered memories. They
say childhood sexual abuse, satanic ritual abuse and even alien
abduction, dating back to infancy and usually lasting years, can be
completely forgotten, only to resurface years -- even decades --

On the other side are those who say these memories are
confabulations, encouraged by a therapist and eventually adopted by
the patient as a convenient explanation for a symptom, such as
overeating or poor sex drive. Advocates of this point of view have
dubbed the condition "false memory syndrome."

"This is like the Hula Hoop craze," said Dr. Paul McHugh,
director of the psychiatry department at Johns Hopkins University.
"There is no more evidence for satanic ritual abuse than there was
for witches in the 17th century."

McHugh is presiding over a three-day meeting in Baltimore that

has a decided slant on the subject, evident in the subtitle of the
conference: "Scientific, clinical and legal issues of false memory
syndrome." More than 600 clinicians -- and parents alienated from
their children by accusations of incest -- are attending the
conference, which ends tomorrow.

Host of the conference is the False Memory Syndrome (FMS)

Foundation -- which has more than 4,000 members, all of whom say they
were falsely accused of abuse. It is the first such meeting to be
co-sponsored by a prestigious research institute, and that has made
the recovered-memory camp furious.

"This is a nonexistent syndrome," said Laura Brown, a clinical

psychologist in Seattle, who believes memories can be repressed and

"I was appalled when I saw that this conference was going on,"
she added. "There is a large body of empirical research
demonstrating that people can lose and regain access to memories of
trauma. It's just that the mechanism is not known."

McHugh said there is just as much evidence that memory can be

distorted and manipulated.

"If false memories can exist in alien abductions -- and few

people believe those memories are true -- then it's quite clear they
can occur in these other things," McHugh said.

Both sides agree, however, that there is no tangible evidence in

these controversial cases.

However, the belief that memories can be lost and retrieved has
gained considerable acceptance. Half the states in the nation have
changed their laws to allow people to sue or press criminal charges
against people accused of abuse years after the statute of limitations
on the alleged act has expired. Such a bill was proposed in Georgia
but did not pass.

Several Georgia court cases have been based on recovered memories.

DeKalb County businessman Al Wilson was accused by two daughters and a
granddaughter of sexual abuse, and they sued him on the basis of
recovered memories. The women dropped the case this fall.

The Burches of Fayette County, elderly grandparents, were indicted

on 19 counts of child molestation and cruelty to children in
connection with their care of three granddaughters. The charges
stemmed from the recovered memories of an adult granddaughter. The
1992 trial ended in a hung jury, and the Fayette District Attorney's
Office has decided not to retry.

The FMS Foundation is tracking some 800 criminal and civil cases
nationwide of adult children accusing their parents of abuse, said the
foundation's executive director, Pamela Freyd. She believes there are
thousands more.

But there is something else happening in the courts, she said.

Patients are deciding these horrible things did not happen after all,
and are suing the therapists who they say encouraged them to "uncover"
these memories.

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Origin: Air-propellant.

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* Origin: MoonDog BBS, 28.8/V34, Brooklyn,NY 718 692-2498 1:278/230 (1:278/230)

Date: 02-19-95 (17:33) Number: 80370 of 80503 (Refer# NONE)
Subj: Memories Collide
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

This article deals with recovered memories, which is integral to the

discussion of claims of human abduction by alien beings. Enjoy!

When Memories Collide

Therapists draw fire from those who say they mix fact and fantasy
12/13/94 Newsday

IN THE NIGHT, Paula will sometimes sit on her children's beds, holding
their hands, stroking their heads, marveling at their innocence. She
wonders, in these still moments, whether there will come a time after
her children grow up when their memories will somehow twist even these
simple acts of love into something else, something grotesque.

After all, it happened to her.

When Paula visited her sister's therapist, she was told she
probably was a victim of childhood sexual abuse, even though she had
no memory of any abuse. In fact, she told the therapist that her
parents were warm and caring.

But the therapist, who said in court records that she has treated
dozens of clients with repressed memories of sex abuse, promised to
guide Paula and her three sisters in a hunt to discover a dark and
frightening past. "We never went in another direction," Paula recalls.
"We abandoned our childhood images of our wonderful parents."

Now, after six years of lost contact with her parents, a bitter
court action taken against them, and fictitious visions of ritualistic
torture in her head, Paula has come to believe that the abuse she was
led to remember never occurred in her childhood home.

"This kind of therapy needs to be stopped," she says. Paula, who

asked that her real name not be used, is one of a growing number of
adults who - under the direction of a psychotherapist - are
uncovering decades-old "memories" of sexual abuse that includes such
things as satanism and animal mutilation at the hands of their
A growing number of therapists mistakenly believe that any
problems in adulthood can be traced to abuse in childhood, even if it
can't be remembered.

"I hear people saying they remember events at six months {of age}.
It is impossible," said Elizabeth Loftus, a memory researcher at the
University of Seattle and co-author of "The Myth of Repressed Memory."
"People don't want to face the truth that we've got a big problem with
lots of psychotherapists doing things that are risky, if not

As more than 800 lawsuits pitting child against parent work their
way through the courts nationwide, professional associations are
trying to piece together oftenconfusing information concerning the
phenomenon in order to come to an agreement about repressed or
recovered memories.

At issue is whether such vivid, long-forgotten memories of sex

abuse are more often real or imagined, or a mix of both.

Some people are saying that this chase to dig up buried memories
of childhood sex abuse is a witch-hunt.

Since 1992, more than 15,000 family members who say they were
falsely accused of abuse in a recovered memory case have contacted an
organization that deals with what has been termed "false memories" of
sexual abuse.

Additionally, experts say, the issue has polarized members of the

psychiatric profession who have mixed opinions on whether such
traumatic experiences can be tucked so tightly in the mind that they
are not accessible for years on end.

Memory is a creative process kept together by a mysterious mix of

electrical signals and brain chemicals. Studies have shown that humans
reconstruct events from bits and pieces of stored information.

It is not like a video camera, where exact details of an event

can be stored and summoned in an instant.

"We fill in the blanks in a way that makes sense to us," said
Pamela Freyd, executive director of the False Memory Syndrome
Foundation, the group that was formed in 1992 to stem the tide of
false accusations. The Freyds have a daughter, now a cognitive
psychologist, who said she had buried memories that she was molested
by her father.

"People set out on a search for these memories so that they can
get better," Freyd said. "We have no way of knowing the truth or
what's fiction."

Freyd's organization co-sponsored a meeting over the weekend on

the clinical and legal issues of "false memory syndrome" in
collaboration with researchers at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
in Baltimore.

Most memory researchers say it is virtually impossible to repress

memories over many years and then recall them in precise, gory detail.
They provide evidence that much of the so-called repression stems from
prodding by psychotherapists.

At the opposite end of the debate, many psychotherapists argue

that the new memories surfacing through the therapeutic process are as
real as the event itself - no matter how long ago it occurred.

What worries some researchers is the use of aggressive memory

recovery techniques like hypnotic age regression, use of sodium amytal
or truth serum, sexualized dream interpretation and other unproven
techniques that they say can be dangerous.

"People are using fragments from dreams and hypnosis to diagnose

and confirm memories of abuse. It's alarming," said Michael Yapko,
author of a book on the issue, titled "Suggestions of Abuse."

While the issues are far from settled, a report issued last month
by the American Psychological Association suggests that the phenomenon
of recovered or repressed memories is a rare one.

"Most people who were sexually abused as children remember part

or all of what happened to them," said Judith L. Alpert, a
psychologist in New York City who co-chaired the six-member panel.

The preliminary report, based on the panel's analysis of the

latest research in the field, also stated that it is possible for such
memories to be forgotten for a long period of time, and then
remembered. The members of the group - made up of memory researchers
and trauma experts - agreed that it is also possible to construct
false yet "convincing pseudomemories for events that never occurred."

According to Paula, that is precisely what happened when she was

ushered into a therapist's office to talk about abuse she never
remembered happening. "The theme was that if someone said they were
abused, it must have happened," Paula recalled.

Paula was asked during the first session to picture her father
walking into her room. Sitting on the bed. Can you see him touching
"We did dream therapy," she recalls. "I didn't really believe it.
The more she talked about sex abuse, the more my dreams were filled
with sex abuse. She told me that the dreams were literal."

First, it was her father. In time, her mother was part of the
insidious sexual tale. Then, Satan entered the picture. "We all began
to believe that our parents were part of a satanic cult," Paula said.

Her sisters had memories that her mother killed a cat and that her
father tied one of the sisters between two deer and poured blood over
her head.

"I was really confused. My folks, almost 80, were calling me,
trying to figure out why we were doing this," said Paula, now 37. The
therapist diagnosed Paula with Multiple Personality Disorder, a
condition that is often attached to traumatic sexual abuse.

A person with MPD splits off into many separate selves so that he
or she can compartmentalize the trauma and function in life.

"I functioned like a multiple for about a year," she said. "I
created five personalities. My sister was also diagnosed with the same

Soon, the family was split between the believers and the
nonbelievers. Paula, believing in the memories, moved without telling
her parents where she was living.

Her sisters wrote horryifying letters telling their parents that

they no longer wanted contact.

Settling in a new city, away from the therapist, helped Paula more
than she had foreseen, she said. "The more I got away from it, the
more it didn't make any sense," she said.

After six years, she said, she was ready to make amends with her
parents, who did not even know they were grandparents to two more
children. They saw each other in September.

"These are not the monsters we created them to be," she said,

However, her sisters continue to stand by their claims. They sued

their parents in a Seattle court, but the judge said he saw no
convincing evidence that the elder couple sexually abused their

"It will affect my family for generations to come," Paula said.

No one doubts that sexual abuse of children is underreported.

Diana Russell, professor emeritus of sociology at Mills College

in Oakland, Calif., conducted a study in the late 1970s, interviewing
almost 1,000 women, and found that 16 percent said they were sexually
abused before they turned 18.

She suspects that the rate is even higher, but that many forget
about the abuse.

Other studies suggest that sex abuse may be as high as 30 percent

in women, while studies of men suggest that about 10 percent have been
abused as children.

Russell and others believe that it is possible for people to

repress traumatic memories, especially if the abuse occurs before
verbal memories. Indeed, the father of psychoanalysis wrote volumes on
repression. Sigmund Freud believed that it was a key defense mechanism
that protects the unconscious mind from painful experiences. Emotions,
Freud said, have strong effects on memory.

But is it the unconscious mind at work, digging an underground

camp to keep stressful memories from rising to the surface, or do
people want to plain forget horrible events?

Dr. Lenore Terr, professor of psychiatry at the University of

California in San Francisco and an expert on childhood trauma, told
colleagues at a recent meeting of the American Psychological
Association about 22-year-old Henry Miller, who with the help of his
niece, contacted the Polly Klass Foundation in California last year.

Miller said he always believed that he had been born to someone

other than the parents rearing him. The niece asked whether there had
ever been someone kidnaped who matched Miller's description. After a
week, Terr - who has since written a book titled "Unchained
Memories" - said that the foundation sent a poster of a missing
4-year-old black child from Inglewood, Calif.

"The child's face was Henry's," Terr told her colleagues. His
name was Kevin Portis.

But is this repression or forgetting?

"When you look at people who have been in concentration camps,

tortured or brain-washed, they don't repress. They just don't want to
remember," said Dr. Elissa Benedek, director of research and training
at the Center for Forensic Psychiatry in Ann Arbor, Mich.

Believers in repressed memories point to the latest study by the

University of New Hampshire's Linda Meyer Williams in this month's
issue of the Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology as proof
that repression exists.

In the 1970s, Williams was part of a study examining young

children brought to the emergency room after rape or sexual abuse. The
children ranged in age from newborn to 12.

Recently, Williams was able to find more than 100 of these women
in an attempt to determine whether they remembered the abuse that had
occurred 17 years ago.

The women were asked a series of questions, including whether

they were ever treated at that hospital and whether they had ever been
sexually abused, and the nature of the incident.

The researchers found that 38 percent did not recall the abuse or
chose not to report it to the researchers.

But before this can be taken as a sign of repression, Williams

also reported that 68 percent of those who did not recall the index
event told about some other sexual abuse, suggesting perhaps that the
earlier event was not as salient in their minds as the more recent

This type of forgetting, experts have shown, is common.

"People can forget all kinds of things that might, at first

thought, seem surprising," said the University of Seattle's Loftus,
who was also part of the association's workshop of repressed memories.

She said that studies have shown, for instance, that 25 percent of
people failed to recall serious automobile accidents nine to 12 months
after their occurrence; more than 20 percent who had a family member
die when they were 4 years old have failed to recall a single detail
about the death; more than 15 percent of subjects failed to recall a
hospitalization approximately nine months after discharge.

"Normal forgetting of all sorts of events is a fact of life,"

Loftus said in an editorial accompanying Williams^ new study.
"Remembering the past in detail can be considered the exception."

Loftus has done experimental studies showing that the mind can be
manipulated to create memories of a false truth. "There is no cogent
support that we can repress streams of memories," she said.

The problem, Loftus and others say, is that many therapists accept
a patient's memory without attempting to confirm it.
Terr agrees that verifying an event is important. She recently
treated a women who had to be escorted up an elevator for a therapy
session. She had a vague return of a memory that she was falling
through a hole and a man was abusing her.

At Terr's suggestion, she asked an old childhood friend who

immediately knew where the memory came from. A neighborhood man
allowed the children to play in his laundry chute, whooshing from
bathroom to basement, where they would end up on a table. The friend
said that she was never abused by the man, but that her sister
reported that he had raped her.

"Sometimes these memories sound so patently false," Terr said.

"But if it is confirmed, it helps patients to deal with some lifelong
scars." Terr adds that a memory of something may plague a person, but
the details, even when they emerge, may not be completely accurate.

"People can forget for twenty years," added Dr. Judith Herman,
associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard. She conducted a
study in 1987 showing that there were high rates of independent
corroboration among survivors of child sex abuse.

But Yapko, who conducts research on suggestibility and memory,

says too many therapists are using hypnosis to dig up memories. "I got
a call from a woman who told me that she had spoken to a therapist
over the phone, who suggested that her lowself-esteem was the result
of childhood incest. The woman wanted to be hypnotized," Yapko

Studies on hypnosis suggest that it decreases the accuracy of

memory recall and increases the level of certainty. In other words,
Yapko added, "people are very wrong and very sure."

Believing hypnosis is a lie-detector or a technique to tap true

memory, he added, is dangerous. He recently completed a study asking
800 therapists information on their use of hypnosis. "Most therapists
are practicing their profession on sheer myth and misinformation,"
said Yapko, a clinical psychologist in Solana Beach, Calif.

"We are violating due process if we use a memory to validate the

truth," said Dr. Herbert Spiegel, a well-known psychotherapist and
expert on hypnosis in New York. He said that people who fall into a
trance easily are very suggestible. "The therapist may say something
and the patient builds up a fiction of false memories. They become
honest liars."

Richard Ofshe agrees. A sociologist at the University of

California in Berkeley, Ofshe studies the phenomenon of repressed
memories. He fears that people who go to inexperienced therapists may
end up seeing things the therapist wants them to see. Ofshe believes
that people who lived through horrendous experiences are aware of
them. "It is insulting to every person who has suffered through any
trauma," said Ofshe, whose own book, "Making Monsters," came out
earlier this year.

Even if "memories" of abuse are unearthed in therapy, scientists

have no idea whether the excavation actually helps people get better.

In fact, many patients are now suing therapists, saying that they
were forced to experience and believe events that never happened,
Ofshe added. Some of the repressed memory cases contain eerily similar
stories of satanic abuse, none of which has ever been confirmed. While
the debate rages, new evidence on trauma does suggest that forgetting
may be part of any stressful experience.

Diana Elliott, a research fellow at Harvard University Medical

School, and her colleagues have studied 10 types of traumatic events -
including war, natural disaster, rape and eyewitnesses of violence -
and found many people who suffer through all these experiences had
some memory loss, or dissociation, about the event. The subjects were
asked whether there was a period in time where they had fewer details
of the event.

"There is nothing unique about sex abuse that causes people to

dissociate," said Elliott, who reported her findings last month at the
meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies.

Delayed recall was found across all traumas, Elliott said.

Reports of delayed memory were least likely to be found among

natural disaster survivors (9 percent), to 42 percent of those serving
in combat. About 44 percent of child abuse survivors had, at some
point in time, forgotten details of the incident.

Does therapy trigger the recall?

No, according to the Harvard study. In another study conducted

with John Briere, Elliott found that those with delayed recall during
the past two years had more symptoms than those who remembered
memories more than two years ago.

"There is something about remembering and the passage of time

that helps people," she said.

Laura Brown, a forensic psychologist in Seattle who was also on

the APA panel, said that a "good thing that comes out of this
controversy is that both sides - trauma and memory researchers -
are talking more."
She cautions against seeing any therapist who has only one
hypothesis about treatment. "There is nothing wrong with a therapist
asking about any history of abuse," she said. "But beware when the
therapist focuses solely on that issue."


1) "The good thing that comes out of this controversy is that

both sides trauma and memory researchers, are talking more" Laura
Brown. a forsenic psychologist in Seattle, Washington.

2) "Normal forgetting of all sorts of events is a fact of life.

Remembering the past in detail can be considered the exception. There
is no cogent support (for the theory) that we can repress streams of
memories." Elizabeth Loftus, a psychologist at the University of
Seattle and co-author of 'The Myth of Repressed Memory'.

3) "Sometimes these memories sound so patiently false. But if it is

confirmed, it helps patients to deal with some lifelong scars. Dr.
Lenore Terr, professor of psychiatry at the University of California,
in San Francisco and author of 'Unchained Memories'

4) "Most therapists are practicing (hypnosis) on sheer myth and

misinformation." Michael Yapko, a clinical psychologist in Solana
Beach, Calif. and author of 'Suggestions of Abuse'

The impact of the growing trend toward the finding of "recovered
memories" of sexual abuse.

The Cost
The average amount paid in 1993 per repressed memory claim in
Washington state. The costs are significantly more than other types
of Crime Victims Compensation claims in the state.

Repressed memories $4,555

Nonsexual assault $1,524
Family sexual assault $1,086
Non-family sexual assault $600

Those Affected
A breakdown of accusations made in a study of affected families:

92% are female
74% are between ages of 31 and 50
64% of accusations are "repressed" between 20 and 39 years
42% are first born
31% have education beyond college
26% report memory of abuse prior to age 2; 50 percent prior to age 4;
66% prior to age 6

74% have never been divorced
67% have no contact at all with accusing child, others only limited
62% accused fathers of active abuse, and mothers of being "in denial"
30% accused both mother and father of active abuse.
22% of accused are in their 70s or 80s.
18% are accused of participating in satanic ritual abuse.
16% have been threatened with or are involved in legal action.

71% do not believe the accusations.

Things to Consider

There is no single set of symptoms which automatically means that a

person was a victim of childhood abuse.

All therapists must approach questions of childhood abuse from a

neutral position.

The public should be wary of two kinds of therapists: those who offer
instant childhood abuse diagnoses, and those who dismiss claims or
reports of sexual abuse without exploration.

When seeking psychotherapy, the public is advised to see a licensed

practitioner with training and experience in the issues for which
treatment is sought.

SOURCE: American Psychological Association, Washington State Institute

for Public Policy, False Memory Syndrome Association.

SOURCE: American Psychological Association, Washington State Institute

for Public Policy, False Memory Syndrome Association.

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Origin: Air-propellant.

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Origin: MoonDog BBS, 28.8/V34, Brooklyn,NY 718 692-2498 1:278/230 (1:278/230)

Date: 02-19-95 (17:33) Number: 80374 of 80503 (Refer# NONE)
Subj: Loftus & Memory
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

This article deals with "recovered" memories, which some UFO believers
claim to be credible evidence to prove the abductions of humans by
alien beings.


A VERY BAD THING happened to Rose as a child, but for a long time she
never knew it.

When she flipped through the mental photo album of her life, it
wasn't as if she made a conscious decision to skip the part of the
album that should have included the bad thing; rather, the pages were
blank, entire years missing. By the time Rose was a mother, with
children of her own, she wondered if she could recover any of the
40-year-old snapshots.

One day, Rose learned the house she had grown up in was for sale.
She arranged a walk-through. Inside the sprawling old house, she
stopped short in amazement. Here were the stairs from a recurring
dream, the one where her legs always dissolved before she could make
it to the top. The realtor led her up to the second floor, to the
master bath.

Rose took one look at the claw-footed bathtub. Her mind's eye
pictured her father in the bathroom. She pictured herself as a little
girl in the tub. She pictured . . .

Very bad things.

She thanked the realtor and hurried out of the house and into the
summer swelter. The memory shimmered like hot blacktop. Her heart
pounded. Minutes passed. She pulled her car to the side of the road,
not quite sure how she had traveled the last dozen blocks. Calm down,
she told herself; cool off.

She drove to a swimming pool and floated.

This memory was terrible, yes, but it was also precious and
powerful. It redefined Rose - she had become an incest survivor. It
helped her understand her bouts of depression and fits of rage. It
filled in the blanks. Rose started leading a support group; soon she
took up studies for a master's degree in counseling. Her life was a
jigsaw puzzle and she had found the missing piece. She believed in the
trueness of her memory. Her faith was total.

So deep was Rose's conviction that she made a pilgrimage to the

University of Washington to tell her story to Elizabeth Loftus,
professor of psychology and world-renowned expert on the workings of

Rose knew of Loftus; she had seen her on television and heard her
speak at a mental-disorders conference. What Loftus had said about
so-called "repressed" memories made her angry. So Rose called Loftus,
set up this visit to her office, and, for this story, asked that her
real name not be used.

Loftus jotted notes while Rose talked: 5 to 10 no memory; age 10

remember most everything; F abused her while v sick, tonsils, 4-5
years old. The term Loftus uses for information like this is
"anecdata." Her label for people such as Rose: True Believers.

"How do you know these memories are real?" Loftus asked Rose.

"It explains the feelings," said Rose. "It explains a lot of


Her words fell into place carefully, like Scrabble tiles being
laid on a board so as not to disturb the words already there. Rose sat
erect. Nothing seemed to move but her mouth.

"Why couldn't I have intimate relations? Not because I didn't

want to. Not because I wasn't married. Not because I wasn't

Loftus said, "I think it's very natural to want an explanation."

"And I have it," Rose said.

"But," Loftus wondered, "is it the right explanation?"

ONE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGIST, Carol Tavris, likes to call memories "the

table of contents of our lives."

A passage from Loftus' new book, "The Myth of Repressed Memory,"

published this month by St. Martin's Press and co-written by Katherine
Ketcham, puts it thus: "In a chaotic world, where so much is out of
control, we need to believe that our minds, at least, are under our
command. We need to believe that our memories, inherently trustworthy
and reliable, can reach back into the past and make sense of our

On the inherent veracity, durability and unalterability of

memories, Loftus has spent the last 20 years - almost her entire
professional life - casting broad shadows of doubt.

"By the late '70s she was a household name" in her field, says
Stephen Ceci, a psychologist at Cornell University who has
collaborated with Loftus. "Here was this woman reporting experiment
after experiment showing memory is not like a Camcorder."

Loftus has never been one to keep her findings quiet.

Professional journals cannot contain her. Loftus believes her work to
be of such practical consequence that she sows her conclusions
wherever people gather: courtrooms; radio and TV talk-show audiences;
Rotary club luncheons.

Meanwhile, recovered-memory therapy has become something of a

technique du jour. To dredge for long-lost traumas, certain
counselors, psychologists and popular self-help books advocate an
array of tools: hypnosis, dream analysis, trance writing, sodium
amytal, even the interpretation of "body memories" said to reside in
the muscles. What starts as treatment for an eating disorder or
depression may, with enough excavation, reveal hitherto unknown
memories of childhood sexual abuse. Many of the stories share the
traits of disturbing detail and confounding undocumentability.

Such memories have been recovered by the children of attorneys

and businessmen, professors and police officers, ministers and
farmers. Roseanne Barr was 36 when she suddenly recovered mental
pictures of abuse and incest spanning from adolescence back to
infancy; she charged her parents on the cover of People magazine
("Roseanne's Brave Confession: I Am an Incest Survivor," Oct. 7,

In 1988, the legislature embraced recovered memories; Washington

became the first state to revise its statute of limitation for filing
civil sexual-abuse lawsuits. The clock starts ticking not when the
alleged abuse is committed, but when the abuse is remembered.

Also striking close to home, the dramatic case of Paul Ingram was
brought to national attention this year in a book by New Yorker writer
Lawrence Wright, "Remembering Satan." Ingram, a former Thurston County
deputy sheriff, was jailed in 1988 and is now serving a 20-year
sentence after confessing to the repeated satanic ritual abuse of his
daughter. Ingram now insists that his confession, as well as his
daughter's accusations, were the product of false memories (Loftus has
appealed to Gov. Mike Lowry to re-open the investigation of the case).
Car keys, anniversaries, phone numbers, formulae: We forget much,
some of which we remember later. However, Loftus advances a far more
unsettling proposition: that, through a combination of outward
suggestion and inward credulity, we may wholeheartedly come to believe
we remember some very bad things that never happened.

"People can definitely recover true memories," Loftus said. "You

just have to go to a high-school reunion to prove that to yourself.
The thing I am trying to say is: Where is the evidence that an endless
stream of traumas can be buried in the unconscious, where decades
later you can reliably dig them up?

"There's no scientific proof."

What there has been, though, is an accretion of anecdata. It has

created a new subset of victims who, in 1992, formed the False Memory
Syndrome Foundation.

"Over 14,000 families have contacted us to say something like this

has happened to them," said the Philadelphia-based group's director,
Pamela Freyd.

"Her integrity in speaking out on an issue that is so politically

incorrect, especially for women, is remarkable," Freyd said of Loftus,
who sits on the FMSF advisory board. "She didn't need this to be

To deny another's memories is akin to razoring out pages of a

Gutenberg Bible; the owner will probably protest. True Believers have
called Loftus evil, opportunistic, an enemy of children, women and the
recovery movement. She has been compared to those fringe historians
who deny the Jewish holocaust.

An employee of the Georgia Department of Corrections who recently

wrote a letter to Loftus and signed it "Survivor," followed by seven
exclamation points, wondered: "I'm not sure how well you can sleep
knowing that you are on the top 10 reading list for sex offenders."

MEMORIES OF Elizabeth Loftus:

Her vita is thicker than most term papers (it lists more than 150
articles of which she was primary author, and 19 books, including the
scholarly "Memory," the practical "Eyewitness Testimony: Civil and
Criminal," and the hagiographic "Witness for the Defense").

She has consulted or testified in more than 200 cases, sometime

under the employ of defenders of the notorious: Ted Bundy; Willie Mak;
the alleged Harborview Rapist; the Hillside Strangler; the Menendez
Brothers; Oliver North.

Three hundred fifty dollars an hour is her posted rate for

forensic consulting. ("I like the tall-building lawyers to know my
time is worth as much as theirs.")

This year alone, and not counting a late August trip to Norway,
she has racked up 50,000 United frequent flier miles (next stop:
Tokyo, to deliver the keynote address to the annual meeting of the
Japanese Psychological Association). On one flight, she sat beside a
woman who turned out to be a lecturer on surviving childhood trauma -
and who, upon learning Loftus' identity, began swatting her with a

She cannot pinpoint the year of her last real vacation. ("Why
would I want to get on an airplane and go somewhere for no reason?")

She is 49 years old and pursues nothing that could be reasonably

called a hobby. To unwind, she reads true crime.

She makes friends easily. They call her Beth. She socializes with
great relish, and a modicum of cheese and nuts. She displays a
fondness for white wine and red licorice.

She might be seen around the UW Psychology department wearing one

clip-on earring, owing to the amount of time she spends on the
telephone. She harbors an irrational fear of having pierced ears
(she's convinced that during sleep the jewelry would become entangled
with her bedclothes), and a completely rational fear of bee stings
(she's allergic).

She is a compulsive hair-twirler.

She never sleeps for eight hours without awakening in the middle,
and she dreams recurringly of being pursued - sometimes by criminals,
sometimes by police.

"They both chase me," Loftus says. "On different nights."

THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL of Loftus' memory experiments is known by what

could be the title of a Macaulay Culkin movie:

Lost in the Shopping Mall.

"Boy, is that an experiment people love to hate," Loftus said.

By the time the mall part of the idea came to her, in 1991, while
passing a shopping center outside Atlanta, Loftus already had spent 15
years examining the "misinformation effect." Some of her earliest
studies had been funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation,
which was interested to learn how easily Loftus, with nothing more
than a few leading questions, could implant the recollection of a
YIELD sign at an intersection where, in fact, the only sign had said
STOP. It took no stretch for Loftus to create false nonvehicular
memories, too: mustaches in place of clean-shaven lips; Mickey Mouse
in place of Minnie.

"It was one step further to implant a whole, detailed memory,"

Loftus said. "That's what Lost in the Mall stands for."

The methodology: Two dozen adult subjects were recruited. A close

relative of each subject helped the experimenters come up with a brief
account of three childhood events that had actually taken place (a
birthday party, say, or a trip to the zoo); the relatives also helped
devise a fictitious fourth event - a shopping trip where the subject
became lost. Then, each subject read a brief description of his or her
four childhood events, and was asked if he or she remembered the
event, and if so, to provide more details.

Phase two: The subject returned to the lab twice during the
following two weeks and was asked again to recall the four events.

Results: By the end of the experiment, at least 20 percent of the

subjects developed at least partial lost-in-the-mall memories.

"I walked down all the aisles," recalled Tran, a 20-year-old

woman who had been told she became lost in a Bremerton K-mart while on
her way to buy a blueberry Icee. "I walked the whole shoe department.
Then I walked down . . . where all the sheets and comforters are. Then
I went to where the electronics were and I was crying."

An earlier test subject, Chris, refused to relinquish his false

memory even after he was told it never happened. His implanted
recollection of being found, crying, in a Spokane mall by an old man
in a flannel shirt had become realer than his memory of some actual
events. Chris had become, to borrow a term, an honest liar.

WHAT IS OF MOST practical significance about Lost in the Shopping

Mall is this: It buttresses an alternative explanation for the
source of recovered memories that True Believers purport to have
been repressed. Namely, that the memories have been implanted by
some type of suggestion; they are false; they are "pseudomemories."

Almost a century ago, Sigmund Freud theorized that the mind

possessed a defense mechanism that it employed, at times deliberately,
to guard the conscious mind from painful experiences and feelings.
Today, the term repression is usually used to describe an unconscious
mechanism that can lock away even a voluminous experience in some
mental closet, so that not even a memory of the memory remains;
decades later, the closet somehow can be opened and the memory
unfurled, pristine and un-gnawed, as if it had been packed in camphor.
Recovered-memory therapy is built on this notion of repression.

One of Loftus' pet similes is that false information can invade

the mind like a Trojan horse. To continue the thought, suggestive
questions help open the gate; and our society's preoccupation with
sexual abuse may distract us from considering an unpopular possibility
- the horse may not be what it seems.

"Do we need sexual abuse to justify the awfulness of our

feelings?" Loftus wonders. "Somehow, if you can create a crime that
matches the severity of your sadness, it fits together better."

Critics of Loftus reject the implanted memory of Lost in the

Shopping Mall as insufficiently traumatic for the experiment to be
used as a chisel to chip away at recovered memories of sexual abuse.
"I think she betrays her place in the debate by referring to those who
disagree with her as `true believers,' " notes Jenny Durkan, a Seattle
attorney who won a $600,000 verdict in a recovered memory case heard
by a King County jury earlier this year. "Those are not the words of a
scientist but of an advocate."

For many, repression continues to explain certain feelings. It

also resists disproof.

"It's like proving that unicorns don't exist," says Richard

Ofshe, a University of California at Berkeley sociologist and zealous
critic of therapists who embrace the concept he calls "robust

Ofshe shared a Pulitzer Prize in 1979 for raking muck around the
Synanon drug-rehabilitation program. He has since turned his scrutiny
to recovered-memory therapy (his new book, "Making Monsters: False
Memory, Satanic Cult Abuse and Sexual Hysteria" is scheduled for
publication by Charles Scribner's Sons next month). Ofshe calls
recovered-memory therapy "the major psychiatric quackery of the 20th
century," a "pseudoscience" wreaking more damage than even the 1940s
and '50s craze for lobotomies.

ELIZABETH FISHMAN Loftus' parents met at Fort Ord, during World War
II. Sidney Fishman was an Army doctor; Rebecca was the base librarian.
Beth was their first child, and Dr. Fishman received notice of the
birth while stationed in New Guinea.

"I've still got the letter," Beth said. She keeps it in a

cardboard box, and reading it makes her cry. What her mother wrote, in
part, was: "I hope you weren't too disappointed that it isn't a boy.
Girls are really very cute and affectionate and you can go on kissing
them when they grow up."

After the war, Sidney opened a general practice in Santa Monica,

Calif. When Beth was 14, she and her mother and her aunt Pearl
traveled East to visit an uncle. While on vacation, her mother drowned
in a swimming pool.

"I never saw my mother's body," she recounts in "The Myth of

Repressed Memory," "and I could not imagine her dead."

Thirty years later, the uncle's brother told Beth it was she who
found the body in the pool. "After the initial shock . . . the
memories began to drift back . . . Perhaps this memory, dead and now
revived, could explain my obsession with memory distortion, my
compulsive workaholism, my unfulfilled yearning for security and
unconditional love."

As things turned out, it could not. Beth learned later her uncle
made a mistake. It was Aunt Pearl who had discovered the body.

"I do remember, when my mother died, deciding there was no God,"

Loftus says.

There were other childhood traumas, the basics of which Beth has
no reason to doubt. At age 6 she was subjected to unwanted frottage by
a baby sitter (an incident she first talked about publicly on the
stand, when a prosecuting attorney implied she knew little about the
sexual abuse of children). When she was in high school, her family's
Bel Air house burned down.

Beth excelled in math ("The only thing my father and I did

together") and went on to study it at UCLA, where she also enrolled in
her first course in psychology. The subject thrilled her. "All I'd
been doing is the Pythagorean theorem for years, and all of a sudden
there's people!" She devoted her electives to psych, and graduated
with a double major. When she heard that Stanford offered the best
Ph.D. program in something called mathematical psychology, it seemed
obvious that she should apply.

At Stanford, she fell thump in love with a handsome psychology

grad student named Geoffrey Loftus. They were engaged after three
months, and married after nine.

Meanwhile, her research projects left her frustrated. She felt

"like a factory worker," waiting for a colleague up the line to attach
a bolt before she could screw on her nut.

Near the end of her studies at Stanford, as Beth was already

working on her dissertation ("An Analysis of the Structural Variables
that Determine Problem Solving Difficulty on a Computer-based
Teletype"), she happened to take a course with a professor studying
semantic memory - the ways in which different pieces of information
stored in the brain relate to each other.

"All of a sudden," says Geoffrey, "she was fully immersed. Within

two years, she became the semantic memory lady.

"Whether a person hates your work or loves your work doesn't

matter. The fact that a person is interested in your work is what's
important to Beth."

Geoffrey Loftus, himself a respected cognitive psychologist,

joined the UW faculty in 1972; Beth accepted a position there the next
year. Their offices are stacked almost directly atop each other in
Guthrie Hall, and they talk often about work in progress. Their easy
friendship over matters of scholarship and emotion might take a
stranger aback; they've been divorced for three years, but defy the
caricature of rancorous exes. Both attribute the split, in large part,
to Beth's consuming devotion to her work.

"I like to take vacations where I want," Geoffrey said, "not

where the American Bar Association happens to be holding its annual

ELIZABETH LOFTUS' powers of recall are nothing special. For the

demands of daily life she relies on a few mnemonic crutches.

A strategically placed stool blocking the doorway from kitchen to

laundry room signals . . . clothes in the dryer. In the airport
garage, "peg words" ("C is cute; D is dumb; E is eat...") help her
remember in which aisle she parked her car. A short pile of papers
fastened by a single staple contains the phone numbers of her friends,
including fellow UW psychology professor Ilene Bernstein. "She'll
probably tell you I'm obsessed with repressed memories and I can't
talk about anything else and I'm getting boring," Loftus warned. On
the contrary, Bernstein said: "She can talk to anyone about anything."

More often than not, Loftus and the people she happens to be
associating with agree that the subject of memory is fascinating, and
the conversation naturally circles around to it.

This is what happened one recent Friday evening.

A University of Utah psychology professor named David Raskin had

flown up for some steelhead fishing. Raskin is one of the country's
foremost experts on administering lie-detector tests ("He's
polygraphed anyone who's anyone," Loftus announced more than once. "He
polygraphed John DeLorean."). Loftus invited Raskin over to her house,
and called a handful of friends to drop by, too. "One of Beth's
salons," an invitee called it.

There was a criminal lawyer; a student; a former student, now a

therapist; another lawyer; a legal investigator; and Nora (not her
real name), a local woman Loftus had never met who belonged to the
False Memory Syndrome Foundation. Before everyone else arrived, Nora
told how her sister while in therapy had recovered memories of
childhood sexual abuse; then the sister severed all contact with the
siblings who dared to question her memories.

At one point Nora said, "The sister I knew died in a therapy


Loftus' Capitol Hill house is old and stately and simply

appointed, in what seems less like a decorating statement than the
product of inattention. The most memorable features are an unfurnished
room piled with legal documents - depositions, medical records,
therapists' notes - from the 20 or so active cases in which Loftus may
be called to testify; some old framed maps, which Loftus collects, and
an upstairs study with a small library's worth of books on repressed
memory, including the bible of the movement, "The Courage to Heal"
(which some FMSF members call "The Courage to Hate").

Downstairs, the rest of the guests arrived. The conversation

ricocheted between Michael Jackson (Loftus had been retained when the
singer was accused of fondling a young visitor to his mansion), O.J.,
fishing conditions on the Hoh River, and multiple personality

Eventually, Raskin said, "So much pathology, so little time," and

everyone drove to Loftus' favorite neighborhood pub, Grady's, for

Pitchers of beer materialized, and a glass of white wine for

Loftus. Presently, people began recounting their earliest memories.

Loftus listened intently, not mentioning her own first memory

until another day.

"I used to think my earliest memory was of going to see the movie
'The Greatest Show on Earth,' " she said. "Because I remember saying
to myself, 'This is the most fun I have ever had in my life, and I'm
going to remember it for the rest of my life.' And for the rest of my
life I remembered that as my earliest memory.

"And just recently when I was writing a paper on childhood

amnesia I went into a bookstore and found a book on movies. And I
found out that 'The Greatest Show on Earth' was actually released when
I was 8. And I thought, 'Oh, no. This is terrible. It's not my
earliest memory.' Because I know I had memories before 8."

MEMORY-AS-VCR, or as anything you could buy at Radio Shack, is an

on-the-fritz metaphor, and Loftus helped break it. It is high time to
replace the video cameras and Polaroids and computers and so forth.
But with what?

Dr. Marsel Mesulam, a Northwestern University neurologist who

helped organize a memory conference at Harvard University that Loftus
attended earlier this year, said: "Really, some of the new theories
about memory are extremely difficult to articulate and understand."

Nevertheless, he courageously tried to explain. "Every memory is

distributed through a very large portion of the brain. We're talking
about an organ that has between 10 and 100 billion elements
intricately connected, each with specialization, using dozens of
chemical transmitters. The resultant recall is the end product of many
different areas being activated in certain patterns all at once."

Mesulam took a breath. "It's clear that distortion is part of the

biology of memory. We can buy cameras that are pretty cheap; the
beauty of the brain is not its precision, but its creativity."

This metaphor of memory has been suggested by the Nobel

Prize-winning neuroscientist Dr. Gerald Edelman: the mind as
hurly-burly playhouse, where actor-neurons stage repeated revivals of
performances, sans script.

"How nice," said Loftus. "I like that a lot."

For a scientist studying something that exists only as a concept

- the mind - Loftus can be confoundingly concrete. Once, when asked a
question about her own memory that was designed to set off deep
philosophical repercussions, her answer was:

"Sometimes we might be better off with distorted memories. And

sometimes it just plain old doesn't matter if our memory is perfectly
accurate or not. It only matters when you start to use memories to
accuse people, and you want to imprison them or take their money."

Elizabeth Loftus shows remarkable stamina in the face of so many

True Believers who cling to the old metaphors. In her speeches and
articles and TV appearances she takes pains to point out that genuine
victims of sexual abuse do need our support, and that "many tortured
individuals need time to bring the dark secret of their abuse to
light." And yet Loftus is wedded to her research; it has led her
inexorably down a certain path.
She has no shortage of compassion, but most of it is dispensed to
a less popular, minority class of victims. Despite the Roses who
transect her life, she remains allied with the Paul Ingrams, the
parents of the Roseannes, the Noras of the world.

Their pain is real; their lives are puzzles; it's natural for
them to want an explanation, too.

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Date: 02-19-95 (23:33) Number: 8493 of 8539 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: More thoughts re. Aliens
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltParaUFO (5163) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

From: GS DAVIES <te_s032@atlas.king.ac.uk>

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.paranet.aliens,alt.alien.research
Subject: More thoughts re. Aliens
Date: 17 Feb 1995 17:24:50 GMT
Organization: Kingston University, Kingston-upon-Thames
Message-ID: <3i2m52$15u@mercury.kingston.ac.uk>

My reference to alternative 'realities' (ie. Holographic Universe) in

my previous posting is not intended as a positive expression of my
personal belief, but I feel that it could be considered as a viable
explanation of the Universe and also as a possible method of visual
deception, assuming that one is prepared to accept the theory. If you
are prepared to contemplate the possibilityof Alien Contact at all,
other methods are more probable, ie; hypnotic suggestion or the
substitution of Robot/Android entities as front-men.

If aliens have malevolent intentions, I would have thought that

rationally they would go to great pains to conceal their activities
altogether. To make their presence and purposes known to the - shall
we say 'less intelectually stable?' - members of the netsurfing
community does little to conceal them and nothing to enhance their
credibility! Should their attentions be benign or exemplary, then
they should land emmisaries in the Squares of Trafalgar, Red or Times
and demand to meet our leaders! This comment is obviously facile, but
diplomatic contact of some kind would be the obvious course.
Conversely, Aliens with malevolent intent should have zapped us before
we had developed the very adequate means to defend ourselves; because
I feel that we are very capable of giving them a hard time!

My comments regarding relative technology/culture is something I have

always considered to be very valid. When Amerindians first met the
white man, they had no concept of guns, but their woven tapestries
knocked the European equivalents into a cocked hat! Similarly,
Chinese music is generally considered unmelodic to western ears, yet
the majority of Chinese people take great delight (and many exhibit
great expertise) in western music. Terrestrial parallels are numerous
in our history and should serve as an example when contemplating
possible alien technological/cultural prowess.

Save for some circumstancial and narrative evidence, there is nothing

(I mean NOTHING) concrete which would convince investigative
scientists or researchers that Aliens actually exist nor that they
have indulged in the genetic tampering which some say explains the
cultural identification. Some groups allude to the absence of the
'Missing Link' as possible evidence of such pre-historic tampering,
but I regard this as a white elephant: there is no recourse to
invoking such a concept in the face of the archeological proto-hominid
evidence that we do possess.

I would question the purpose, necessity and validity of such a

long-term experiment. Proto-men of differing species evolved in many
different locations around the globe simultaneously (notably Olduvai
Gorge and the Asian Steppes), but the first of those to achieve a
significant evolutionary advantage would very rapidly have rendered
its competitors impotent by exhibiting and exercising a combination of
biological advantages over its rivals. Human beings share much of the
sensory sensitivity of other mammals, and in some attributes improve
on them. - ie: we have excellent eyesight and smell, adequate hearing,
superb tactile sensitivity and are also fortunate in having a
resilient and flexible vertebrate frame, great lung capacity and
powerful muscular architecture. These attributes alone are an immense
survival advantage.

As a legacy from our hominid ancestry, we also inherited a large brain

capacity which promoted the development of language. Other species on
the planet also exhibit this ability, such as chimpanzees and Amazon
parrots, but Humans can also vocalise and therefore communicate
directly with their fellows. Thus they achieved linguistic ability
within one-million years or so as a direct result of the supreme
natural advantages gained from exploiting the inherent potential.
That is the secret of successful evolution, not Alien Genetic
I am not convinced by other argument referring to different species of
Aliens, each with different reasons for interest in our
planet/population. I admit that I have no personal experience of any
kind of Alien contact (although I have seen UFO's!), but I am not
questioning those whose personal experience has been profound. What I
question is the the interest they are supposed to be displaying in us!
There is no rational reason, as I hope I have demonstrated, why they
should conduct genetic experiments to improve our breeding stock.

There may be arguments for more arcane and esoteric reasons for Alien
interest in Earth and its peoples, but many of them touch on the
subject of religio-mysticism which, given a rational view of the
Universe aka Stephen Hawking, I am not prepared to contemplate!

With regard to supposed archeological Alien Artifacts, I am similarly

not convinced by these. Should something such as an electronic
circuit be discovered in ancient rock, then it would very quickly
become headline news in publications such as New Scientist (which has
NO political affiliation) or Nature. In my long experience, working
in a technological/scientific field, all previous examples of such
revelations have inevitably deteriated into damp squibbs under the
pervasive onslought of learned investigation.

I am also not convinced that Humans would be fearful or resistant to

change in the event of an Alien revelation. Should such an event
occur, our history demonstrates otherwise! Just look at Hawaii (or
the South Seas in general) to see how resistant, fearful or panicky
the natives were in the face of imposed materialism! (Fundamentalist
Muslims may be another story!) Generally speaking, all Humans display
a similsar reaction to interference: if you can't understand it, then
fight it: if you understand it but don't like it, then riducule it:
if you understand it and see the advantages, then embrace it!

Propounders of arcane revelations such as George Adamski, T. Lobsang

Rampa, Erich Von Daniken at al have all proved to be lacking not only
in intellectual nous but moral rectitude also. I am aware that many
remarkable artifacts such as ancient Chinese batteries, Piri Ries' Map
and Babylonian astrolabes have been discovered, as well as the Nazca
Lines but these are all within the cultural and intellectual
capabilities of Human creators who are expressing their own cultural
and religious beliefs. As Human Beings, we have no need to invoke
exterior influences to explain our own success. As a member of the
Human race, I feel quite justified in expressing such an arrogant
view, for that IS the secret of our continued special success.

I trust that the above does not lead you to believe that I refuse to
relate to the possibility of Alien visits to this planet. Quite the
reverse, for there is much (heresay) evidence to support such a
belief. I would be the first to jump at an opportunity to communicate
with an Alien - or maybe the first to die in the attempt?

I have a specific philosophy evolved over the years from personal

observation, experience and rational thought. I like to believe that
this philosophy embraces all possibilities within the bounds of the
Universe as I understand it at present and whatever I am prepared to
accept beyond my understanding in the future. I am, however,
convinced that Human potential has not yet been realised, and we have
yet to surprise ourselves! It does not take Aliens, Ghosts, Gods,
Devils, Spirits, Demons or any other outside influence to explain our
achievements, errors or disappointments to date; nor will rational
people need to in the future.

The stars are our destiny, make no mistake, but on OUR terms. We will
desecrate and ravage wherever we set foot - maybe this is what
terrifies the Aliens? - but by the same token, it is this arrogant
driving urge that makes us a glorious species. We see the face of
God in almost everything we encompass; what we are seeing is our own
reflection! No religion will acknowledge this directly, but speak to
the mystics and they will agree with every word! Thus is the modern
legend of Alien benefactors or adversaries born: it is too painful to
admit to our own arrogant realisation that we are God!

Don't take the above too litererally, it is a metaphore but

nonetheless a valid one. Personally, I look forward to the discovery
of a means to fold space - then we shall meet the Aliens on our terms
and perhaps have much to teach them!




Date: 02-20-95 (19:02) Number: 8535 of 8539 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Minority of Americans base lives on science [News Feed]
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltParaUFO (5163) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Message-ID: <0098C2D4.25AF5E2E.14@ACAVAX.LYNCHBURG.EDU>
Date: Sat, 18 Feb 1995 16:21:28 EST
Sender: "Gateway to alt.paranet.ufo" <ALTUFO-L@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
Subject: Minority of Americans base lives on science [News Feed]
Lines: 63

Minority of Americans base lives on science

ATLANTA (Reuter) - Americans who base their view of reality on

science are outnumbered nearly two-to-one by those who believe in
creationism and New Age religion, a University of Texas researcher
said Friday.

Social psychologist Raymond Eve, one of 4,000 scientists attending

the annual meeting here of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science, said recent studies show about 40 percent of
Americans favor a literal translation of the creation story in the
Book of Genesis.

Another 20 to 25 percent subscribe to New Age theories, whether

they involve psychic powers, the mystical properties of crystals,
UFOs, Big Foot or tales of sunken continents.

"The U.S. in one sense almost tore itself apart in the early
1960s on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity," Eve told reporters
before taking part in a scientific session on public attitudes towards

"Now we seem to be in a second stage where rather than basing it

on race and ethnicity, we're at least as angry at each other about how
we shall decide what truth should be passed along to the next

Eve presented evidence from a study he co-authored, called

"Differential Ideology of Pseudo-Scientific Beliefs or Why
Creationists Don't Go to Psychic Fairs."

An attempt to understand why people subscribe to so-called

pseudo-sciences that incorporate the principles of Christian
fundamentalism and New Age religion, the study subjected the beliefs
of 400 students from the University of Texas at Arlington to computer

The result was evidence of two separate but consistent empirical

domains of belief in American Society, both of which tend to reject
the modern scientific model.

The largest domain, based on traditional religion, occurred among

those demonstrating a consistency of belief in issues from creationism
to anti-abortion, anti-gay and pro-school-prayer political stands. Eve
said the beliefs appeared to be maintained by active social pressure.
"We also saw a second group of things emerge, where were things
like mysterious monsters, sunken continents, psychic powers,
UFO-ology. Those could all be separate areas ... but they're not.
They're all highly inter-related as if it were one empirical domain of
belief," he said.

But Eve said the latter group, which he called the

post-modernists, also appears to extend to those who follow the
tenents of health food and feminism.

"The post-modern crowd is united only in their rejection of the

ruled for knowing that the other two use," he said.


Zac Elston Elston@acavax.lynchburg.edu GopherAdmin


Date: 02-20-95 (21:34) Number: 8539 of 8539 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Hoagland's Mars Vol. III (Moon/Mars connection)
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltParaUFO (5163) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

From: psion@gateway.ecn.com (Sue King)

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: Hoagland's Mars Vol. III (Moon/Mars connection)
Date: 16 Feb 1995 02:43:54 -0800
Organization: West Coast Computer Products
Message-ID: <3hva9a$463@gateway.ecn.com>

I was just re-viewing my copy of this video. I noticed something

peculiar which Mr. Hoagland didn't mention. On the second tape (part
2) 1/3 of the tape in, there was a film from Apollo 8's lunar mission
showing the surface go by. An astronaut (I forget his name?) was
quoting Genesis. Just before this scene cut to an earthrise scene, (as
he is saying "and the darkness was on the face of the deep") to the
lower right of the screen I noticed several perfectly square edged
objects grouped against the side of a crater. This looks like an
anomoly to me. Could you please review your tapes and tell me what you
think? I can't believe he didn't mention these, since he's always
talking about 'structures' :) These look much more obvious to me.
There are even what look like perfect 3-level square terraces to each
side of the central raised platform on which are what look like 5 or 6
huge square blocks? Oh well, check it out!


Date: 02-22-95 (10:32) Number: 4950 of 4957 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Eric Walker, 84, dies
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

* Originally By: Jeff Miller

* Originally To: All
* Originally Re: Eric Walker, 84, dies
* Original Area: FidoNet UFO Echo
* Forwarded by : Blue Wave v2.12 OS/2

ERIC A. WALKER, 84, a former president of Pennsylvania State

University, died Friday afternoon [2/17/95] at his home in State
College, Pa. The cause was a heart ailment, said Roger Williams,
a spokesman for the university. Mr. Walker presided over a period
of expansion at Penn State during his presidency, which began in
1956. Enrollment tripled to 40,000; the faculty doubled in
number; more than 100 new buildings were constructed, and the
Milton S. Hershey Medical Center was established.

[end of obituary]

There has been speculation that Walker, who taught mathematics and
electrical engineering and worked for the Office of Scientific
Research and Development in 1944, may have been involved in the study
of crashed UFOs. William Steinman released the following transcript
of a telephone interview between Walker and himself, which took place
on Aug. 30, 1987:

WALKER: Hello.

STEINMAN: Hello...this is William Steinman of Los Angeles,

California. I am calling in reference to the meetings that you
attended at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in around 1949-1950,
concerning the military recovery of flying saucers, and bodies of
occupants. Dr. Robert I. Sarbacher (now deceased) related this to
me. You and Sarbacher were both consultants to D. R. B. in 1950, you
were secretary 1950-51.

WALKER: Yes, I attended meetings concerning that subject matter; why

do you want to know about that?
STEINMAN: I believe it is very important subject. After all, we
are talking about the actual recovery of a flying saucer (spacecraft)
not built or constructed on this earth! And furthermore, we are
talking about bodies of the occupants from the craft who were
analyzed human-like beings not of this world!

WALKER: So...what's there to get all excited about? Why all the

STEINMAN: I am not excited, just very concerned. Here we are

talking about a subject that the U. S. Government officially denies,
even going to the extent of actually debunking the evidence and
discrediting the witnesses. Then you sit there and say, "What's
there to get all excited about?" and "why all the concern." Dr.
Vannevar Bush, Dr. D. W. Bronk, and others thought it was very
important and were concerned enough to classify the subject ABOVE TOP
SECRET, in fact the most highly classified subject in the U.S.
Government!! Did you ever hear of the "MJ-12 Group" and there
"Project Majestic-12" which was classified as TOP_SECRET/MAJIC? I
have a copy of President elect D. D. Eisenhower's briefing paper on
that project, dated November 18, 1952.

WALKER: Yes, I know of MJ-12. I have known of them for 40 years. I

believe that you're chasing after and fighting with windmills!!

STEINMAN: Why do you say that?

WALKER: You are delving into a area that you can do absolutely
nothing about. So, why get involved with it or all concerned about
it? Why don't you just leave it alone and drop it? Forget about

STEINMAN: I am not going to drop it. I am going all the way with

WALKER: Then...when you find out everything about it, what are you
going to do?

STEINMAN: I believe that this entire matter has to be brought to the

public's attention. The people should know the truth!!

WALKER: It's not worth it! Leave it alone!!

STEINMAN: Can you remember any of the details pertaining to the

recovery operations and subsequent analysis of the saucers and

WALKER: I am sure that I have notes concerning those meetings at

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. I would have to dig them out and
read them over in order to jog my memory.

STEINMAN: If I write you a letter, will you please answer in as much

detail as you can remember. Furthermore, could you please xerox
those notes for me and send me a copy?

WALKER: I might. At least I will keep your letter, will dig out my
notes, and contemplate answering. That's the best I can say for now.

STEINMAN: Well, Dr. Walker, I will write a letter as soon as

possible. Thanks for your valuable time. Goodbye.

WALKER: Goodbye.

--- FMail/386 1.0g

* Origin: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence BBS (1:261/1201)


Date: 02-21-95 (22:12) Number: 80536 of 80793 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Hypnosis & Make-Believe
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Hypnosis: Memory of make-believe? Whether they cluck like a chicken or

recall a ride on a UFO, hypnotized people are just trying to please
the hypnotist when they supposedly tap into past lives, says a
professor who calls it hokum

01/20/94 The Toronto Star

"You are now living in a different life," she was told. "Living in
another life that you lived before."

The 22-year-old Carleton University student, who had agreed to be

hypnotized in a laboratory experiment, was already in a trance.

"You are now reliving that other life that you lived once before in a
different time. Who are you?"

From a hypnotic daze burst a voice, deep and masculine, vaguely

Oriental. The male voice seemed alien coming from the body of the
female Caucasian. "I am a Japanese fighter pilot," it said.
Animated, quick, the pilot talked about his life in Japan flying
planes. He described the clothes on his back. The year was 1940, he
said. Some say this experiment proves the profound power of hypnosis
to alter consciousness and tap into forgotten memories, even past
lives. Nicholas Spanos says it shows that what is drawn out under
hypnosis is a grand sham.

"You heard me," says Spanos, the Carleton professor who conducted
the experiments and has spent his life debunking hypnosis.

"She didn't know that the emperor was Hirohito. She said Japan was at
peace in 1940. They'd been at war with China since 1937. She spoke
American with a Japanese accent. It was all a big fantasy."

Spanos is said to be the world's foremost critic of hypnosis. He has

done dozens of studies and published hundreds of papers and a book all
showing, he says, that hypnotized people are just trying to please the
hypnotist by co- operating with suggestions, whether it's clucking
like a chicken or recalling a ride on a UFO.

In hypnotherapists' offices across the country, patients are recalling

hidden selves, controversial satanic ritual abuse, repressed memories
of sexual abuse, even UFO abductions.

"If it's weird, hypnosis is probably involved," Spanos says.

Hypnosis is accepted by professional associations, including the

Ontario Psychological Association, which says hypnotherapy is widely
used. According to Spanos, "there's now good evidence that there's a
big compliance component to hypnosis. People just go along because of
the social pressure of the situation."

In one experiment, Spanos wanted to see if he could get students to

create a hidden self if they were given the right suggestions under
hypnosis. He obtained an American tape of an interview with suspected
murderer Ken Bianchi under hypnosis. During Bianchi's trance, another
personality named Steve emerged and confessed to the murders.

In that case, the therapist used the same interview procedures he

regularly used to diagnose multiple personality disorder. People
diagnosed with this disorder behave as if they possess two or more
selves, each with its own characteristic moods, memories and

Multiple personality disorder patients are usually women and often

claim to have been physically or sexually abused.

This is what the therapist told Bianchi after hypnotizing him: "I've
talked a bit to Ken, but I think that perhaps there might be another
part of Ken that I haven't talked to. And I would like to communicate
with that part. And I would like that other part to come and talk to
me . . ."

Students were asked to pretend that they, like Bianchi, were accused
of committing a series of murders and were undergoing a psychiatric
interview. They were told nothing about multiple personality disorder.

The students were told to summon another part of themselves, just as

Bianchi had been. Most adopted a different name, referred to their
primary personality in the third person, and at the end of the
interviews said they didn't recall they had alter-personalities.

Meanwhile, a control group of students were told to imagine they were

accused murderers but were never asked to summon another part of
themselves. Not one produced a hidden self.

Spanos believes that the more imagination a subject has, the more
vivid the "memories" under hypnosis.

In one experiment, 35 subjects enacted past lives.

They were asked about the time they lived in, whether their nation was
at war or peace and who the leader was. Spanos says they frequently
gave inaccurate information.

Another experiment was aimed at seeing if suggestions made during

hypnosis could lead subjects to recall child and sexual abuse in a
past life.

Half the subjects were told that history shows children in earlier
times appear to have been frequently and severely abused and
mistreated. Those who were told about abuse reported a higher level of
mistreatment than those who weren't.

Spanos believes his work can partly explain why there has been an
increase in cases of repressed child sexual abuse, multiple
personality disorder, or satanic ritual abuse.

For example, he says that between 1920 and 1970 there were 12 cases of
multiple personality reported in all American psychiatric literature.
Since 1974, there have been thousands.

There are no formal standards laid down for hypnotherapists, he says,

and many "are using very, very leading interviews and then
reinforcing the imaginings as real memories.

"People start thinking maybe it's true; start imagining, 'What if it

were true?' They get very upset. The same may be true for so-called
repressed memories of sexual abuse."
Spanos says his work helps explain false memory syndrome, where an
increasing number of people's "memories" of child sexual abuse are
believed to be made up.

-> Alice4Mac 2.4.4 E QWK Eval:05Nov94

Origin: Really really really realllllly rilly rilly sorry, dude. Really.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/M 10 Beta

* Origin: MoonDog BBS, 28.8/V34, Brooklyn,NY 718 692-2498 1:278/230 (1:278/230)


Date: 02-21-95 (22:12) Number: 80537 of 80793 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Hypnosis The Problem
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)


Notes: Multiple Personality Disorder is said to have 300,000
victims in America. Often linked with memories of sexual abuse, the
epidemic is dividing medical opinion. At 19, Donna Smith was diagnosed
with MPD, after being passed from therapist to therapist. But the
question now being asked is whether therapy is a cause of the problem
10/24/93 THE INDEPENDENT - London

"I DON'T know if you've noticed, but I always do this," says Donna
Christine Smith, swishing her hair back from her forehead as any
19-year-old girl talking with a companion in a restaurant might do.
"They call it the Donna Christine hair-flip; they always know that
Donna Christine is back when I do that to my hair. Whereas," she adds,
allowing her brown locks to fall back in unkempt shadows across her
face "a lot of my alters will take my hair and hide themselves

The "alters" are the alter-personalities, which apparently share

control of her body. Donna Christine says she doesn't keep an exact
count, but there are approximately 65 alters, including Jackie, who is
said to have endured years of incestuous abuse; Squashie, who has a
wonderful family; Donna, plain Donna, who was once in charge; Myra,
who excels at math; Eve, who is devoutly religious; the Father, who
brims with lust and malevolence; and Wisdom and Knowledge, who is
ghostly, cool, and wise. A personality seems to be taking control even
without hiding behind Donna Christine's hair, for as she speaks
quietly and haltingly, her amber eyes tend to roam the perimeter of
her vision. "Another alter always looks to the side and won't look
straight ahead, " she explains.
Two years ago, Donna Christine Smith, then known as Donna Smith, lived
with her family in the town of Lexington Park in St Mary's County, a
more or less somnolent corner of southern Maryland, in which the most
visible industries are the growing of tobacco and corn, the catching
of fish, crabs, and oysters from the adjacent Chesapeake Bay, and the
flying of jets out of Patuxent River Naval Air Station, where her
father, Danny Smith, now a retired naval officer and civilian defence
contractor, was stationed for some years. Donna was then a senior at
Great Mills High School, a popular and intelligent student, active in
sports, with high hopes for university and the future. Her grades were
so good that there was talk of her gaining a scholarship to the US
Naval Academy.

In the autumn of 1991, however, Donna's world seemed to collapse

around her. She told a therapist that she had been sexually abused by
her father since childhood, and eventually agreed to testify against
him. At the same time, she was diagnosed as having Multiple
Personality Disorder, which her therapist believed had been caused by
the abuse. The stage was set for one of the most dramatic and bizarre
criminal cases in Maryland history, which would not only inflict
serious damage on Donna's family, but would also serve to highlight
the controversy over America's fast-growing epidemic of Multiple
Personality Disorder and recovered memories of childhood trauma.

"IN A LOT of ways I feel that I wasn't robbed of my childhood," says

Donna Christine, referring to her world-creating powers of
imagination. "I believed my dolls were real. That's how I started with
my multiplicity. I took the dolls in as people that lived within
myself." Donna Christine also says that she suffered from severe and
vivid nightmares, was extraordinarily sensitive to cinema and
television horror and violence, had out-of-body experiences whenever
she felt acutely stressed, was remarkably insensitive to pain, and
lived - indeed, still lives - for much of the time in a complex
fantasy world of playmates, ghosts, guardian angels and fairies. "My
fairies are very beautiful," she says. "The one that I like the most
has dark, flowing, very long thick hair, very pale skin, wears a blue,
yellow, and pink dress. She has outstretched arms, and she always says
that her arms are to carry me to where I need to go if I need to go
inside to get away from the world."

Going inside to get away from the world is the essence of MPD,
according to the prevailing American psychiatric view of the disorder.
When stress and circumstances dictate, the host personality recedes
and alter-personalities emerge. The existence of these
alter-personalities, who seem to exert control over the body and
appear able to take exclusive hold of certain memories, emotions, and
skills, is thought to begin in childhood as a response to chronic
trauma, and is considered a severe form of what psychologists call

Dissociation formally means the fragmentation of ordinarily integrated

mental processes; in practice, it usually refers to a broad variety of
hypnotic and hallucinatory states, and its more prosaic forms are said
to include daydreaming, sleepwalking, and absorption in a book or
television. Although men and women seem almost equally prone to mild
dissociative experiences, 90 per cent of those diagnosed with the most
severe dissociative disorder, MPD, are women.

According to the current theory, the alter-personalities of an MPD

sufferer, though created in childhood, may continue into adulthood.
Because they often encapsulate extremes of emotion or behaviour, they
may be anything from compassionate and caring to suicidally or
homicidally abusive. They may manifest themselves not only as human
personalities but also as animal and spirit personalities. Specialists
point out, however, that alters may manifest themselves only subtly,
and may have to be "called out" by a knowledgeable therapist.

Donna's parents reject the notion that their daughter ever had
multiple personalities, and largely blame her therapists for making
her believe that she is an MPD victim. The Smiths acknowledge that
Donna was subject to mood swings - "when she was happy, she was real
happy, but when she was mad she was so mad," says Donna's mother,
Judee Smith. But they say that she never reported dissociational
episodes such as out-of-body experiences and encounters with fairies,
and seemed relatively insensitive to stress.

"Nothing scared Donna," says Mrs Smith, who recalls that when Donna
was a year old she was badly mauled by a dog, yet remained so friendly
with dogs that her mother had to warn her not to get too close to
them. Similarly, when Donna was about four years old she nearly
drowned after being swept from a boat ramp in Florida. "You would
think that type of incident would make someone afraid of water," Mrs
Smith says. "But Donna went on to become an expert swimmer. Matter of
fact, she was on the {school} swim team."

The Smiths describe a child of precocious intelligence and

extraordinary energy, able to walk at seven months, at 15 months
putting together jigsaw puzzles, and by the age of two climbing trees,
television antenna poles, refrigerators, and anything else she
considered a challenge. At the same time, they say, she was demanding.
Although they usually gave in to her demands, lavishing attention and
affection on her, they eventually came to see her as rebellious. "I
was the type of child that would say, `Why?' " Donna Christine admits.
"I always wanted to know why they were saying `No' to me. And they
would say `Because I said so'."

"She was a very spoiled child," remembers Kelly Ham, a former

schoolmate and close friend of Donna's. "She had everything a girl
would want."

JUDEE SMITH, a former geriatric nurse, says that she was particularly
attentive to any injuries or ailments her children suffered. "If
anything would happen, we would take them to the hospital." Thus, when
Donna was nine and fell from a tree, hurting her back, she was taken
to a hospital for an extensive clinical evaluation. When Donna was 12
and complained of migraine headaches, she went back to hospital.

Two years later, Donna's brother Benjamin began to see a therapist for
problems in school, and Donna, who says she felt different from other
girls her age, suggested that she see a therapist, too. The therapist
they chose, a woman named Christine Coplla, began to counsel Donna for
what appeared to be depression. Donna's mother was not too worried: "I
kind of thought that she was having hard time with adolescence, and
she would grow out of it."

However, one day in the autumn of 1988, a few months after she had
begun seeing Christine Coplla, Donna seemed to experience breathing
problems and was rushed to the Patuxent Naval Air Station hospital,
where she suggested that she had suffered an allergic reaction.

Three days later, she told a school teacher that in reality she had
attempted suicide with an overdose of codeine. The teacher notified
Donna's parents, and on the advice of Christine Coplla, Donna's father
took her to the psychiatric ward at Calvert Memorial Hospital, in
nearby Calvert County, Maryland. There she was prescribed
amitriptyline for depression, and lithium for her mood swings, and
remained in the hospital for six weeks.

One day, after she had already spent a few weeks at Calvert, Donna
alleged that a teenage male patient on her ward had touched or
confronted her in an inappropriately sexual manner. According to
Donna's mother, the nurse who heard her charges suggested that Donna's
reaction indicated a possible history of sexual abuse.

Shortly thereafter, Donna claimed that she had been sexually assaulted
by a neighbour when she was three and her family was stationed in the
Philippines. Her parents were notified, and took part in several
counselling sessions with Donna and a therapist.

The situation appeared to have been resolved when, a week or so later,

Donna began to exhibit signs of the binge-purge eating disorder known
as bulimia. She was discharged on Christmas Eve, 1988, the doctors
advising her parents to find a hospital with a formal eating disorders
treatment programme. In early 1989, Donna was admitted to an eating
disorders programme at Children's Hospital in Washington DC. There her
bulimia seemed to worsen. She was also diagnosed as having anorexia.
"She would just pick up everybody's habits," Judee Smith says. "She
wasn't in there for anorexia, she was in there for bulimia. But the
anorexic girls would cut up their food real small . . . she would
watch them doing it so she would cut up her food real small."

The Smiths say that they did not notice any signs that Donna suffered
from anorexia while at home. "If I didn't have supper ready when she
came home," Judee Smith says, "she would go ballistic, and start
screaming: `Where's supper? You know I'm starving when I come home
from field hockey practice!' "

The Smiths claim that Donna's diary during this period contains the
entry: "I have lied my way into this {bulimia}. Now how do I get out?"
(Donna says that her eating disorder originated from her mother's
pressure on her to diet.)

In the spring of 1989, according to the Smiths, a doctor at Children's

Hospital told them he intended to have Donna committed to long-term
psychiatric care. Fearing his daughter would remain in hospitals
forever, Danny Smith consulted a lawyer, upon whose advice he
immediately discharged Donna from the hospital. At home, Donna asked
her parents to send her to Holton Arms, a prestigious girls' school in
the north-west suburbs of Washington. Her parents, who say she had met
Holton girls in the Children's Hospital eating disorders unit,
explained that they could not afford the Holton tuition. Donna sank
into a deep depression, and remained at home, out of school, for
nearly a month and a half during the late winter and early spring of
1989. Her depression worsened when her therapist, Christine Coplla,
married and moved away from the area. Over the next year, Donna would
visit another half a dozen therapists, none of whom she liked. She was
15 years old.

IN EARLY 1990, through an aunt who worked in a hospital psychiatric

unit, Donna was referred to a therapist called Cathy Meyers. Her
eating disorder seemed to stabilise, and her performance at school was
excellent; in her junior year, her marks were nearly perfect. Pursuing
her childhood dream of becoming a medical professional, although she
was still at school, she trained as an emergency medical technician
and began work for the Great Mills Rescue Squad, occasionally serving
on ambulance duty all night. She began dating Bill Rishel, a fireman
who was two years her senior. However, her parents' pressure to curb
her rescue squad activities, and to cool her relationship with Rishel,
apparently led to frequent arguments. Donna scarcely concealed her
desire to move out of the house.

One day in 1991, Donna brought home a book that Cathy Meyers had lent
her. It was a "work book" meant to accompany a bestseller called The
Courage to Heal: A Guide for Women Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, by
Ellen Bass and Laura Davis. Bass and Davis's book, which had sold more
than half a million copies since its publication in 1988, encouraged
women who suffered from vague and intractable problems to consider
whether those problems were due to childhood sexual abuse.

"If you don't remember your abuse," according to Bass and Davis, "you
are not alone. Many women don't have memories, and some never get
memories. This doesn't mean they weren't abused."

The book described the various manifestations of such repressed

memories, including depression, eating disorders, out-of-body
experiences, and Multiple Personality Disorder. Cathy Meyers, in one
of her few contacts with Donna's family, suggested that Judee Smith
buy The Courage to Heal for her daughter. At the same time, according
to Kelly Ham, she gave Donna presents, including a book about a young
boy who had been abused. "It made Donna cry," says Ham. "I remember
her reading it; she was like: `This is so sad.' "

That summer, Donna went as usual with her family and members of
Lexington Park Baptist Church to a Christian camp in North Carolina.
At the camp, to a question posed by a Bible-study pamphlet - What
freedom would you like to have that you don't now? - she wrote:
"Running rescue squad duty when I want. " How can you achieve that
freedom? "Move out."

Donna found the camp a stressful experience that year. She lost some
of her hair when a friend's electric curler malfunctioned and burnt
her, and was also disturbed by the constant message of piety and
chastity. The camp counsellors made it clear that God disapproved of
sex before marriage. Donna did not tell them that she had already
begun sexual activity with her boyfriend, but once she returned from
camp, she tried, unsuccessfully, to break off the relationship and
renew her religious faith.

That autumn, according to Judee Smith, Donna took home a videotape of

a film that she said had been shown in her psychology class at school.
The film was Sybil, based upon a 1973 book about a woman who had
apparently been sexually abused in childhood and had gone on to
develop a then-rare case of Multiple Personality Disorder.

On 22 October, Judee Smith says, Donna wrote a letter to her,

expressing doubts about Cathy Meyers's therapy, noting that her
problems were "not anything that you have done", and asking that her
parents send her to a Christian in-patient psychiatric hospital.

On 29 October, Donna called Cathy Meyers requesting hospitalisation,

explaining that she was vomiting almost constantly. On Hallowe'en, in
a therapy session with Meyers, Donna claimed that on an afternoon five
years earlier, while she and her father had been raking leaves, her
father had touched her in what might have been an inappropriate
manner. Meyers reported this to the authorities, and Donna was
questioned a few hours later by a sheriff's deputy, Diane Thompson,
and by Monica Bankins of the Maryland Department of Social Services.
She told them about the leaf-raking incident, and added that her
father had once spanked her in early adolescence.

In recent years, however, MPD has developed two variants in which the
claims of childhood abuse are highly controversial. The first exploded
into prominence in the early 1980s after the publication of the book
Michelle Remembers, by a woman named Michelle Smith, and her
psychiatrist (now her husband), Lawrence Pazder. Michelle Smith
claimed that she had recovered memories of ritual abuse performed on
her during satanic cult gatherings.

Survivors of satanic ritual abuse, or SRA, typically report that they

have been subjected to sexual assaults while drugged, their babies
later being harvested for black magic sacrifices. Scars are often
displayed as evidence for their ritual abuse. Many self-described SRA
survivors are diagnosed as suffering from MPD.

Another MPD variant, which had lingered somewhat obscurely in UFO lore
since the mid-1960s, became epidemic in the late 1980s after the
publication of Whitley Strieber's Communion, a first-person account of
apparent abduction by extra-terrestrials.

"Abductees" typically report being taken from their beds at night into
waiting spaceships, where they are drugged, placed on examination
tables, and forced to endure sexual and gynaecological indignities.
Female abductees, who significantly outnumber males, often report that
they have conceived hybrid human-alien babies only to have them
"harvested" by the aliens. Abductees often display scars and bruises
as evidence of their spaceship medical examinations. Some of the
symptoms of the abductees, including lengthy periods of amnesia and
other mysterious ailments, are strikingly similar to those of MPD

As incest, satanic ritual abuse and UFO abduction claims have poured
in over the past decade, they have divided mental health professionals
into three main camps: those who believe virtually all such claims;
those who believe that the more bizarre claims are "screen memories"
of more prosaic abuse; and those who believe that even the prosaic
claims are deliberately or unconsciously concocted fantasies, perhaps
encouraged by media coverage of the subject and by credulous,
crusading therapists. Most mental health professionals in the US
probably fit somewhere between the first two categories: although most
seem to dismiss UFO abduction claims, most seem to accept at least
some satanic ritual abuse claims.
Richard Loewenstein notes that among his MPD patients at
Sheppard-Pratt, the proportion reporting SRA is "between half and
three-quarters". Dissociative disorder specialists currently estimate
that about 300,000 Americans have MPD.

Paul McHugh, holder of the psychiatry chair at the Johns Hopkins

University medical school in Baltimore, is one of the best-known
proponents of the sceptical view of MPD. The disorder, argues McHugh,
"is an idea that the patient has about himself, about the world, and
it is displayed to others for the purpose of drawing attention to the
patient - and sometimes to distract attention from the patient's real
problems". As for the trauma claims produced by MPD patients, McHugh
says: "Really, the question comes down to this: a patient who says
there was a period of time in which she had no memory of being abused,
now has a memory that she was abused; she's gone from a `no' to a
`yes'. And that could logically be occurring in two ways: one, that
she really did forget being abused and now remembers it; or two, that
she wasn't abused and has been induced to {have} a false memory."

ONCE she had diagnosed Donna Smith's MPD, Cathy Meyers referred her to
the psychologist Joyanna Silberg at Sheppard-Pratt Hospital, where a
dissociative disorders unit was about to be opened under the direction
of Richard Loewenstein. In January 1992, Silberg met Donna and
diagnosed MPD as well as post-traumatic stress disorder.

Shortly after this, Danny Smith arrived home from work one afternoon
to find several marked and unmarked police cars in front of the house.
Police and social services officials were inside, searching for
evidence. Upon entering his house, Smith was arrested, handcuffed, and
charged with 11 counts of rape, child abuse, and related crimes.
Deputy Diane Thompson argued that he should be held without bail until
arraignment, but the court commissioner, after fielding numerous phone
calls from friends and neighbours of the Smiths, allowed Smith to be
released on his own recognisance. He was soon laid off from his job,
however, and Judee Smith, who had run a child-care service for fellow
church-members in order to earn extra money for the family, lost her
child-care provider's licence because her husband was now a suspected
child- abuser.

Donna's own condition rapidly deteriorated, despite Cathy Meyers's

continuing attempts at therapy, and on 21 February, 1992, she was
admitted to the adolescent psychiatric ward at Sheppard-Pratt. She was
seen by Dr Donald Seidel, who questioned Donna about her family and
expressed a desire to meet them. His apparent failure to take Donna's
allegations at face value enraged her. "He reminded me of my father,"
she says. On 6 March, several days after the opening of the
Sheppard-Pratt dissociative disorders unit, she was admitted to the
unit as an in-patient.
Patients attend single or group sessions of hypnotherapy, dance
therapy, a class called "gripes and gratitudes" where complaints and
praise may be exchanged, and art therapy; fastened to the walls of the
art room are a number of colourful but haunting paintings, crowded
with screaming heads and angular abstractions, one labelled with a
shakily scrawled: "WHY?"

Donna Smith did not immediately find it easy in this new world. She
disliked, at least initially, the primary therapist assigned to her,
Kathryn Gatzke; she also exhibited dangerously self-destructive
behaviour which included starvation and purging, drug overdoses,
burning her hand with a curling iron, banging her head against the
wall, and lacerating her arms, head, and abdomen.

"I was on suicide observation for almost six months of my

hospitalisation," she remembers, "and somehow found ways to smuggle in
glass, and then razor blades." Relatively mild stresses would appear
to trigger flashbacks of her abuse, and other self-destructive
behaviour. Even violent weather would bring about the apparent
withdrawal of Donna and the emergence of abusive alters; the staff on
the unit soon learnt to sedate her, at the mere approach of a
thunderstorm, with wet sheet packs - a practice in which the naked
patient is wrapped tightly in body-warmed wet linen.

Suicide attempts and other crises were common among the MPD patients
at Sheppard-Pratt, a situation complicated by the patients' medical
expertise. "At least 60 per cent of the patients that have come on to
the hall are nurses, or are in some way in the medical field," Donna
Christine says. She also says she was unnerved to find that one of the
first patients she met, an outpatient on a brief visit, was employed
as a therapist in the practice of a prominent MPD specialist in a
nearby state.

As Donna's own crises progressed, Kathryn Gatzke and Richard

Loewenstein used hypnosis and wet sheet packs to calm her and to call
forth her alters. In time, some 65 alters would emerge, often
accompanied by traumatic flashbacks. In the spring and summer of 1992,
a group of alters emerged and claimed that they had suffered satanic
ritual abuse when Donna was 11 years old. One of the alters,
Priestess, was quoted in Donna's medical record as having demanded
"blood sacrifices".

"I was sent away, by {my parents}, because of some things they wanted
me to go through," explains Donna Christine now. "My parents were
involved in an occult {sic}, and they pretty much speak openly about
it, which surprises me. " (Donna's parents deny this and, like friends
and neighbours, insist that she lived at home in Lexington Park during
the year in question.) Donna Christine says she had repressed the
memories of the cult-related abuse until arriving at Sheppard-Pratt.
"My alters started talking to Dr Loewenstein, and Dr Loewenstein told
me . . . that my alters were talking about this. I denied it, even
though I had markings up and down my body that proved it." Displaying
her arm to me, she says, "You can see some of the scars on my hands .
. . I had taken a safety pin and made satanic marks in my left arm,
and markings on my hands and stuff, that I had been taught to do."

At approximately the time that Donna's ritual abuse allegations were

made, the Maryland Department of Social Services arranged for an
evaluation of Donna's younger brothers, Benjamin, 14, and Travis, 10,
by a child psychologist, Nancy Davis. Davis, after interviewing each
boy for several hours, reported that neither showed signs of sexual or
physical abuse.

Some weeks later, dissatisfied with Davis's evaluation, Monica Bankins

and Diane Thompson reappeared at the Smith residence, demanding,
without a court order, to take the boys away for a more intensive
psychiatric evaluation. Benjamin heard the officials and, with Travis,
fled into the back yard of the house. Police officers outside in the
street chased and handcuffed them. The boys were taken away in a
police car and were kept in handcuffs for three hours before their
lawyer persuaded the sheriff's office to bring them to court for a
hearing. At the hearing, a Department of Social Services official
agreed to release the boys to their parents, and Judge Marvin Kaminetz
issued a ruling disallowing any further seizures without a court

When Donna learnt that her brother had been treated this way, she
says, she became hysterical and had to be sedated. Afterwards a nurse
took her for a walk, and she wept.

Months later, on Christmas Day, 1992, Donna telephoned her friend

Kelly Ham and said that she wanted to speak to her mother. Mrs Smith
subsequently telephoned her daughter. "She was crying," Mrs Smith
remembers now, "and she told me that she loved me, and she wanted to
see me . . . That was a very touching time." A few days later Donna
telephoned her oldest brother, Danny Jnr, a naval officer living in
Florida. According to Mrs Smith, Donna told Danny that she wanted to
come home as soon as the trial was over.

POSTPONED six times, and complicated by several procedural disputes

involving the validity of Donna Smith's testimony, the trial of Danny
Smith finally began on 18 August 1993, before a jury of nine men and
three women.

The prosecutor, Assistant State's Attorney Anne Emery, had handled

several hundred child-abuse cases in her six-year career, and had won
all but a few simply on the basis of the victim's testimony. ("Very
rarely have I ever had a case with physical evidence that could be
absolutely attributable to sexual abuse," Emery says.) Most of her
cases had resulted in plea bargains, and had never made it to trial.
This would be her first case involving MPD, a potential complication,
but given the apparent link between child abuse and MPD, she believed
that Donna's MPD diagnosis and the testimony of expert witnesses would
only strengthen her argument before the jury.

During their own preparations for the trial, the Smith family had
consulted other parents who claimed to have been falsely accused of
child abuse. They discovered that over two million child abuse cases
were now being brought annually in the US; most were never
substantiated, and resulted in plea bargains. "That's one of the
tactics that they {the prosecutors} use," Danny Smith says, who was
facing perhaps the rest of his life in jail. "They put on so much
pressure that you just beg for a plea bargain."

In July 1992, the Smiths helped to establish a Maryland chapter of the

national group Vocal (Victims Of Child Abuse Laws) which advocates
changes in the law to provide a greater presumption of innocence for
defendants, and a higher standard of evidence for prosecutors and
social services agencies. Shortly thereafter, the Smiths also learnt
of a Philadelphia-based organisation known as the False Memory
Syndrome Foundation, which advocates a re-appraisal of current views
on recovered memories of child abuse, satanic ritual abuse, and alien

Through the FMSF they were put in touch with Professor Paul McHugh,
who agreed to testify as an expert witness in their defence. Danny
Smith's lawyer, former State's Attorney George Sparling, also decided
to enlist the aid of Michael Spodak, a Baltimore psychiatrist who had
dealt with similar cases involving recovered memories of child abuse.

Donna Christine, the state's central witness, had practised her

testimony at Sheppard-Pratt with her therapist Kathryn Gatzke. During
a hearing to determine her competence to testify, Donna Christine had
also promised the judge, John Hansen Briscoe, that she would consult
with her alters during questioning to be sure of a complete
recollection of events.

At the trial, she often spoke haltingly, yet her testimony seemed
reasonably consistent. The judge, citing the absence of physical
evidence in the case, had asked the jurors to pay particular attention
to the overall demeanour of witnesses, and by several accounts, she
appeared calm and credible. Her testimony was limited, like the
charges themselves, to accounts of prosaic rather than satanic ritual
abuse. Richard Loewenstein, Cathy Meyers, Joyanna Silberg, and Kathryn
Gatzke argued that Donna Christine's behaviour and her diagnoses of
MPD and post-traumatic stress disorder were consistent with a history
of severe sexual abuse.

George Sparling's strategy to discredit Donna's allegations was on

three fronts. First, he presented her family, along with neighbours,
co-workers, church members, and friends, all of whom testified to the
basic soundness of the Smith household and the integrity of Danny
Smith. Second, he used Paul McHugh's testimony to argue that Donna's
MPD, and her related child abuse claims, were a manifestation of what
McHugh would describe as "sickness- imitating behaviour".

In case the jury remained persuaded of the validity of Donna

Christine's MPD diagnosis, Sparling brought forward Michael Spodak,
who outlined Donna Christine's personal history and suggested that,
according to the current theory of MPD, it was possible that her
disorder could have been triggered by other childhood traumas, such as
her near-drowning experience, her fall from the tree, or the alleged
abuse by the neighbour in the Philippines. Her more recent claims,
argued Spodak, were probably induced by her therapeutic environment.
Spodak noted that Donna's more lurid allegations, including those
which concerned satanic ritual abuse, had followed her hospitalisation
at Sheppard-Pratt.

Anthony Pitt, an electronics technician who worked for a local defence

contractor, was one of the jurors assigned to the case. For him, and
apparently for other jurors, the clash of expert views on MPD and its
cause in this case was largely inconclusive. "We were being presented
with two totally different schools of thought, which we had no grounds
to dispute."

As for Donna Christine, Pitt says: "She was a very tough person to
read . . . When she would come into the courtroom, she would come in
as the most cheerful, most mature young lady you could find. And then
at certain times of the testimony, you found a very bratty type
person, and then sometimes you found a very victimised person . . . If
she was putting on an act, it was a darn good one. But, you know,
people put on acts every day, and you don't know if they're genuine or

Noting that even the defence witness Michael Spodak had argued that
MPD is caused by trauma, Pitt recalls: "It seemed to me that the only
agreement between the prosecution and defence was that Multiple
Personality Disorder, if it is an actual disorder, is caused by
trauma." It thus seemed to him, and to other jurors, that "something
terrible has happened to the girl otherwise she would not be in the
condition that she is in. I cannot see why anybody would want to live
in a psychiatric hospital for 18 months and, prior to that, go through
all this kind of therapy, just for the fun of it."

On the morning of 26 July, the jury began its deliberations. "When we

went into deliberations, I was basically undecided," Pitt says. Two
others were undecided, four said they would vote guilty, and five said
they would vote not guilty. "Some of the arguments that were going on
in the jury room concerned whether or not the social services or the
state had gone on a witch- hunt," remembers Pitt. "Some of the
arguments got into the {issue of} hypnosis - she had been hypnotised
so many times. There was just so much doubt." After several hours, at
Pitt's request, the jury foreman sent a note to Judge Briscoe
requesting the text of the state's legal definition of a reasonable

"Once the judge sent that down, and I had read it a few times, I knew
what I was experiencing," Pitt remembers. "There was reasonable
doubt." By late afternoon, all of the undecideds and all but one of
the former guilty voters were voting not guilty. The single holdout
was Carl "Pete" Mahlstedt Jnr, a US naval academy police detective. "I
was convinced without a doubt in my mind that she was a victim and a
victim at a young age," he says.

The jury foreman sent a note to Judge Briscoe, informing him of the
impasse. Briscoe responded by telling the jurors to try their best to
render a unanimous verdict. After another hour and a half, however, it
had become clear that no amount of remonstration would be likely to
convince Mahlstedt, and the foreman sent another handwritten note:
"Judge Briscoe: we are hopelessly deadlocked."

Briscoe therefore declared a mistrial. Pitt remembers looking over at

Danny Smith and thinking: "His life is still a shambles. When you get
accused of child abuse and rape, you're marked until somebody says not
guilty, and that hasn't happened yet."

ANNE EMERY telephoned Donna Christine Smith shortly after the trial,
and explained that to press for another trial would probably be
counter- productive. The anxiety generated would prolong her therapy,
while the alleged Philippines incident, which the defence claimed had
been the real cause of her MPD, would probably always introduce
sufficient grounds for a reasonable doubt among jurors. Donna
Christine agreed, and on 29 September, Emery formally abandoned the

"I think she made her point," Emery says now, referring to Donna's
allegations against her father. "He wasn't acquitted. He definitely
was not acquitted . . . It's a heavy burden."

The Smith family have been supported by donations from friends, fellow
churchmembers, and relatives - "Danny's father, a labourer, gave all
his retirement money," Mrs Smith says - but they still face a legal
bill of approximately $100,000.
The Smiths believe that their daughter has been heavily influenced by
the suggestions of her various therapists, and may also suffer from a
compulsive need for medical attention. Mrs Smith says she has wondered
whether Donna has Munchausen's Syndrome, whose sufferers chronically
present themselves at hospitals with a variety of invented or
self-induced injuries or illnesses. (Munchausen's is
disproportionately common among nurses and people with an early
history of hospitalisation; it has often been compared with MPD.)

"Don't get us wrong," Danny Smith says. "We're not trying to degrade
Donna at all. We love her dearly . . . We understand her problem
better than anybody out there."

"She's getting a lot of attention," Judee Smith says. "But there's

gonna come a day when they're done with her, and they're gonna throw
her out, and we're there for her. We're gonna be there for her

AFTER the trial, Donna Christine's behaviour on the dissociative

disorders unit improved so much that she was allowed to leave the
hospital for short periods during the daytime. On one recent weekend,
she went to a football game in Annapolis with former juror Pete
Mahlstedt and his wife, who have kept in touch with her since the
trial ended. Donna Christine's therapists recommended a transfer to
out-patient status, and she was assigned an out- patient therapist
who, she says, marvelled at her knowledge of psychiatric terms.

Donna Christine expects that she will need further therapy - "about
five more years" - before she is entirely free of her flashbacks and
eating disorders, but some time this autumn, she hopes, she will leave
Sheppard-Pratt for good. "I'm going to get out on my own and establish
my own life." A university in another part of the country has accepted
her for the spring 1994 term, and after receiving her degree there she
plans to attend nursing school, to become a paediatric nurse, or
medical school, to become a doctor. She expects to have friends, to
marry, to raise a family.

Meanwhile she remains on unit B-4, among other MPD patients who are
now only beginning their ordeals. "I'm hating Sheppard-Pratt so much
right now because it's so acute on the hall," Donna Christine says.
"The hall is a very acute hall, and I'm not acute any more, I'm not at
that phase at all any more, and it's so bothersome it just drives me
absolutely crazy."

-> Alice4Mac 2.4.4 E QWK Eval:05Nov94

Origin: Really really really realllllly rilly rilly sorry, dude. Really.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/M 10 Beta

* Origin: MoonDog BBS, 28.8/V34, Brooklyn,NY 718 692-2498 1:278/230 (1:278/230)


Date: 02-21-95 (22:12) Number: 80544 of 80793 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Hypnosis Lies
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)


11/29/93 Time

Suffering from a prolonged bout of depression and desperate for

help, Melody Gavigan, 39, a computer specialist from Long Beach,
California, checked herself into a local psychiatric hospital. As
Gavigan recalls the experience, her problems were just beginning.
During five weeks of treatment there, a family and marriage counselor
repeatedly suggested that her depression stemmed from incest during
her childhood. While at first Gavigan had no recollection of any
abuse, the therapist kept prodding. "I was so distressed and needed
help so desperately, I latched on to what he was offering me," she
says. "I accepted his answers."

When asked for details, she wrote page after page of what she
believed were emerging repressed memories. She told about running
into the yard after being raped in the bathroom. She incorporated
into another lurid rape scene an actual girlhood incident, in which
she had dislocated a shoulder. She went on to recall being molested by
her father when she was only a year old -- as her diapers were being
changed -- and sodomized by him at five. Following what she says was
the therapist's advice, Gavigan confronted her father with her
accusations, severed her relationship with him, moved away and formed
an incest survivors' group.

But she remained uneasy. Signing up for a college psychology

course, she examined her newfound memories more carefully and
concluded that they were false. Now Gavigan has begged her father's
forgiveness and filed a lawsuit against the psychiatric hospital for
the pain that she and her family suffered.

Gavigan is just one victim of a troubling psychological phenomenon

that is harming patients, devastating families, influencing new
legislation, taking up courtroom time, stirring fierce controversy
among experts and intensifying a backlash against all mental-health
practitioners: the "recovery" -- usually while in therapy -- of
repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse, satanic rituals and
other bizarre incidents (see box).

"If penis envy made us look dumb, this will make us look totally
gullible, " says psychiatrist Paul McHugh, chairman of the psychiatry
department at Johns Hopkins University. "This is the biggest story in
psychiatry in a decade. It is a disaster for orthodox
psychotherapists who are doing good work."

No one questions that childhood sexual abuse is widespread and

underreported. The subject, rarely mentioned and then only in hushed
tones until the 1980s, has become the stuff of talk shows, movies and
feature articles. Indeed, many, perhaps millions of Americans have
jarring and humiliating memories of abuse, recollections that, painful
as they are, have stayed with them through the years.

But can memories of repeated incest and other bizarre incidents be

so repressed that the victim is totally unaware of them until they
emerge during therapy or as the result of a triggering sight, smell or

Across the U.S. in the past several years, literally thousands of

people -- mostly women in their 20s, 30s and 40s -- have been coming
forward with accusations that they were sexually abused as children,
usually by members of their own family, at home or, in many cases, at
hidden sites where weird rituals were practiced. Says McHugh, "It's
reached epidemic proportions."

Unlike the countless adults who have lived for years with painful
memories of actual childhood sexual abuse, most individuals with
"recovered memory" initially have no specific recollection of incest
or molestation. At worst, they have only a vague feeling that
something may have happened. Others, simply seeking help to alleviate
depression, eating disorders, marital difficulties or other common
problems, are informed by unsophisticated therapists or pop-psychology
books that their symptoms suggest childhood sexual abuse, all memories
of which have been repressed.

In the course of the therapy, many of these troubled souls conjure

up exquisitely detailed recollections of sexual abuse by family
members. Encouraged by their therapists to reach deeper into the
recesses of their memories -- often using techniques such as
visualization and hypnosis -- some go on to describe events that
sorely strain credulity, particularly tales of their forced childhood
participation in satanic rituals involving animal and infant
sacrifices, as well as sexual acts.

In many cases the therapists conclude, and eventually convince the

patients through suggestion, that the repressed memories of childhood
abuse have caused them to "dissociate." As a result, they appear to
develop multiple-personality disorder, the strange and, until
recently, rare condition brought to wide public attention by the 1973
book, Sybil, which describes the condition of a woman who develops
several strikingly different but interchangeable personas.

Legislatures in nearly half the states have responded to the

widespread public acceptance of recovered memories by applying a
strange twist to venerable statute-of-limitations laws. In general,
the new legislation allows alleged victims of child abuse to sue the
accused perpetrators within three to six years after the repressed
memories emerge. This means that with little more than the
recollection of the accuser, a parent or other relative can be hauled
into court decades after the supposed crime.

Taking advantage of the newly enacted legislation, some of the

supposed victims have successfully brought civil and even criminal
actions against members of their own families. Juries have awarded
them damages, and in a few cases the accused parent has been sentenced
to jail -- based entirely on the recovered memory of his adult

To many critics of the recovered-memory movement, the accusations

and convictions are reminiscent of the 17th century Salem witchcraft
trials, in which elderly women and an occasional man were condemned to
death, often on the basis of a single unsubstantiated charge that they
had demonstrated witchlike behavior.

"Recovered-memory therapy will come to be recognized as the

quackery of the 20th century," predicts Richard Ofshe, a social
psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley. And in the
process, Emory University psychiatry professor George Ganaway fears,
it may "trigger a backlash against {legitimate charges of} child
abuse. As these stories are discredited, society may end up throwing
the baby out with the bath water -- and the hard- earned credibility
of the child-abuse-survivor movement will go down the drain."

The backlash has already begun. In Texas this summer, a woman

patient won a settlement from two therapists and a psychiatric
hospital after suing them for therapeutic negligence and fraud. She
claimed that four years of recovered false memories had made her a
"walking zombie." It was the first of what some reputable therapists
fear will be many such rulings that will ultimately give their
profession a black eye.

An increasing number of recovered-memory accusers have recanted,

and some have reunited with their families and joined them in suing
the therapists and clinics they claim led them astray. Many of them
are among the more than 7, 000 individuals and families who have
sought assistance from the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, a
Philadelphia-based organization that has taken the lead in publicizing
the wrongdoings and in helping the victims of recovered- memory
therapy. Pamela Freyd, who co-founded FMSF in 1992, has yet to be
reconciled with her accuser daughter.

Growing controversy and concern in the mental-health community has

led the American Psychological Association to appoint a false-memory
working group to investigate the phenomenon. At a meeting of the
American Psychiatric Association last May, the issue of false memories
was addressed in three sessions and heatedly debated by experts on
both sides. The American Medical Association's house of delegates
also indicated its discomfort with such memory-enhancement techniques
as guided imagery, hypnosis and body massage, all of which heighten
suggestibility and are widely employed by recovered- memory
therapists. Use of these practices in eliciting accounts of childhood
sexual abuse, the AMA delegates concluded, was "fraught with problems
of potential misapplication."

"I wish I could say the debate just involves a few kooks," says
Stephen Ceci, a Cornell University developmental psychologist who is a
member of the American Psychological Association's work group. "It's
much broader than that, happening among the cream of the crop of
psychiatrists and clinical psychologists." The battle could not have
come at a worse time, says Ceci; some professionals are currently
pushing for increased coverage of mental health in the President's
proposed national health plan. "It's not a good time for us to be
airing our dirty laundry."

Still, the opposing camps are doing just that, arguing bitterly
about repressed memories. Critics of recovered-memory therapy insist
that there is no scientific evidence for the reality of repression and
that many, if not most, of the recovered-memory claims are false.
Advocates have no doubts, citing studies on amnesia and clinical
experience showing that repression is commonplace. Given that
psychology is an inexact science, any resolution of the issue seems
distant, at best.

Judie Alpert, a professor of applied psychology at New York

University, refutes the critics of recovered-memory therapy. "There is
absolutely no question that some people have repressed some memories
of early abuse that are just too painful to remember," she says. "In
their 20s and 30s some event triggers early memories, and slowly they
return. The event has been so overwhelming that the little girl who
is being abused can't tolerate to be there in the moment, so she
leaves her body, dissociates, as if she is up on a bookshelf looking
down on the little girl who is being abused. Over time, she pushes it
deep down because she can't integrate the experience."

Christine Courtois, also in the APA work group and a clinical

director at the Psychiatric Institute in Washington, charges that
criticism of the recovered-memory phenomenon is part of a backlash
against society's tardy recognition of widespread sexual abuse. The
"wholesale degradation of psychotherapy by some critics," she says,
represents "displaced rage" at therapists for bringing the issue to
public attention.

That kind of reasoning does not sit well with Margaret Singer, a
retired professor from the University of California, Berkeley, and an
expert on cults and influence techniques. She has interviewed 50
people who once believed they had recovered repressed memories of
incest or ritual abuse but now think they were mistaken. All 50,
Singer emphasizes, were in therapy when they "recovered" terrifying
memories of abuse. "These people are reporting to me that their
therapists were far more sure than they were that their parents had
molested them."

Singer insists that trauma does not cause people to repress

memories, although bits and pieces of experience can be lost through
amnesia. In fact, she says, trauma has just the opposite effect:
people can't forget it. As an example, she cites the cases of Vietnam
veterans who suffer flashbacks and posttraumatic stress disorder.

Psychologist Ofshe is particularly disdainful of the concept of

what he calls "robust" repression: the instantaneous submergence of
any memory of sexual abuse. Recovered-memory therapists, he says,
"have invented a mechanism that supposedly causes a child's awareness
of sexual assault to be driven entirely from consciousness." According
to these therapists, Ofshe explains, "there is no limit to the number
of traumatic events that can be repressed, and no limit to the length
of time over which the series of events can occur." Belief in robust
repression, he concludes, "can be found only on the lunatic fringes of
science and the mental-health professions."

"Repression definitions are so loose and varied, so abundant, so

shifting that it is like trying to shoot a moving target," says
Elizabeth Loftus, professor of psychology and law at the University of
Washington and an authority on cognitive processes, long-term memory
and eyewitness testimony. "If repression is the avoidance in your
conscious awareness of unpleasant experiences that come back to you,
yes, I believe in repression. But if it is a blocking out of an
endless stream of traumas that occur over and over that leave a person
with absolutely no awareness that these things happen, that make them
behave in destructive ways and re-emerge decades later in some
reliable form, I don't see any evidence for it. It flies in the face
of everything we know about memory."

If such recovered memories are indeed false, where do they

originate? From two sources, critics say: the popular culture and
misguided or inept therapy. Sensational tales about recovered
memories of incest have been grist for celebrity-magazine cover
stories. And repressed-memory incest and satanic-ritual-abuse victims
have been featured prominently on Geraldo, Oprah, Sally Jessy Raphael
and other daytime TV talk shows.

In bookstores, pop-psychology sections are filled with dozens of

self-help survivor titles. By far the most controversial and best
selling (more than 700,000 copies) of these books is The Courage to
Heal by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis. In their 1988 publication,
considered the bible of the recovered- memory movement, they include
such dogma as "If you think you were abused and your life shows the
symptoms, then you were," and "If you don't remember your abuse, you
are not alone. Many women don't have memories . . . this doesn't mean
they weren't abused." Like many of the authors of these self-help
books, neither Davis nor Bass has any academic training in psychology,
although Davis claims to be an incest survivor. Yet many therapists
urge their patients to read Courage and other similar volumes.

Many of these books contain laundry lists of symptoms of

repressed-memory victims. They inform their readers that even though
they have no memory of the acts, they may have been victims of
childhood sexual or ritual abuse if they experience some of the
following conditions: depression, anxiety, loss of appetite or eating
disorders, sexual problems and difficulty with intimacy.

The all-inclusive nature of that list, critics say, suggests that

among the entire U.S. population, only the rare individual has managed
to escape childhood sexual abuse. That doesn't seem to surprise
therapist E. Sue Blume.

In her book Secret Survivors, she writes, "It is not unlikely that
more than half of all women are survivors of childhood sexual trauma."

Almost any night, in any major American city, adult incest and
ritual- abuse survivor meetings are held in church basements and
community rooms. Churches and other institutions also offer counseling
for dissociative disorders and satanic-ritual-abuse victims.

Private psychiatric hospitals, which advertise in medical journals

and airline magazines, are profiting as well. "We can help you
remember and heal, " promises one ad for ASCA Treatment Centers in
Compton, California. "Remembering incest and childhood abuse is the
first step to healing."

The thriving recovered-memory industry dismays psychiatrist

Ganaway. "In some cases," he says, the hospitals and clinics "are
memory mills with an almost assembly-line mentality," he says. "A
patient comes in with no memories but leaves with memories of
childhood incest or ritual abuse." Yet even some well-trained family
and marriage counselors, psychologists and psychiatrists seem too
quick to tie their patients' problems to repressed memories of incest
and ritual abuse. "That makes psychotherapy very easy at first,"
explains Johns Hopkins' McHugh. "Therapists and patients can say, `We
found the secret.' The fact that the patients and families steadily
become more confused, incoherent and chaotic is then believed to be an
expression of the original incest." What is really happening, he says,
is that "conflicts are being generated by false memories. We have
found something to make therapy easy."

Some patients now leave their therapist's office convinced that

they suffer from multiple-personality disorder, which is said to stem
from repressed memories of early childhood trauma, including physical
and sexual abuse. Until the publication of Sybil, MPD was apparently
rare; around the world, only a few hundred cases had been documented
over the previous three centuries. Since then, however, many
thousands of supposed cases of MPD have been identified in the U.S.
alone -- most of them incorrectly, say critics, by therapists who are
looking for an easy solution in their search for evidence of childhood
sexual abuse or who too easily accept the likelihood of the disorder.
One problem, says Ganaway, is that once these patients have been
diagnosed with MPD, they are convinced that they have it, tend to
exhibit what they think are the symptoms and often reinterpret their
entire life histories accordingly.

Those charges infuriate Dr. Richard Kluft, a Philadelphia

psychiatrist, who works extensively with MPD patients. "It's an
absolute lie that MPD is a rare psychiatric disorder," he says. He
attributes the sharp rise in reported MPD cases to the rise of
feminism and the resulting willingness of people "to speak out more
openly on issues of exploitation and abuse."

Another doctor who believes that MPD is fairly common is Bennett

Braun, medical director of the dissociative-disorders program at
Rush-Presbyterian- St. Luke's Medical Center in Chicago. Braun says
the number of cases of MPD has risen not for faddish reasons but
because therapists have become better at recognizing the symptoms.

In his 12-bed unit at Rush North Shore Medical Center in Skokie, a

branch of Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, Braun treats
MPD cases, some of whom think that they are victims of satanic-ritual
abuse. When he first began to hear the satanic stories in 1985, Braun
says, he was incredulous. Now, having heard similar tales from many
people from different states and countries and having treated more
than 200 of them, he declares, "Yes, there is satanic-ritual abuse."

If some of the recovered memories of familial childhood abuse sound

fanciful, the recollections of satanic-ritual abuse are downright
bizarre. These tales have proliferated since the publication in 1980
of Michelle Remembers, a book about a belatedly aware satanic-ritual
victim. They describe a massive secret conspiracy to abuse children
sexually in order to brainwash them into worshipping Satan. Victims
recall being raped by their parents and then by members of a cult who
drink blood and sacrifice fetuses. More often than not the abusers are
pillars of their communities -- the mayor, police chief or school
superintendent -- who come out at night and join their parents in
terrifying ceremonies.

But could such satanic rituals be that commonplace, let alone exist
at all?

In 1990, a group of researchers at the State University of New York

at Buffalo conducted a nationwide sample of clinical psychologists,
asking them if they had encountered claims of ritual abuse. Some 800
of the psychologists, about a third of the sample, had treated at
least one case.

Yet, law-enforcement authorities report that not one shred of

reliable evidence has turned up to support these claims -- no
documented marks of torture, no bones of sacrificed adults, infants or
fetuses and no reputable eyewitnesses. Lorraine Stanek, a Connecticut
rehabilitation counselor for trauma survivors, also stresses the lack
of evidence. "If you look at the alleged number of deaths that would
be accounted for," she says, "there should be bodies in all our
backyards." Still, incest-survivor groups are inundated with these
claims. Monarch Resources, a California referral service for
survivors, is said to receive more than 5,000 calls annually from
people who believe they have been victims of satanic abuse. Alleged
ritual abuse is also involved in about 16% of the calls to
Philadelphia's False Memory Syndrome Foundation.

Braun demonstrated his belief in satanic rituals during a 1991

trial, when he testified in behalf of two daughters seeking damages
from their 76-year- old mother. Recovering childhood memories, they
had accused her of abusing them in bloody and murderous ceremonies.
Both claimed that they had developed MPD as a result. After Braun
told of treating similar cases, the jury found in favor of the two

Now, however, the tables have turned. Braun and the Chicago
medical center are being sued for negligence by a female patient who
in two years of in-patient treatment for supposed MPD "recovered"
memories of involvement in satanic rituals with her father, mother and
relatives. The rituals supposedly included torture, murder and
cannibalism of large groups of people -- as many as 50 on an average
weekend. In addition, before growing doubts led the woman to
terminate Braun's treatment in 1992, she had been made to believe she
had 300 "alters" or personas, possibly setting a new MPD record.
According to her lawyer, she is not currently undergoing any treatment
and is doing well.

The ultimate victim of repressed memory may be the

psychotherapeutic profession itself. "Therapists are terrified," says
MPD specialist Kluft. "Many are feeling very hamstrung because they
fear any time they ask a question, it can result in a lawsuit."
Instead of seeing a patient "as a person in pain and in need of help,"
Kluft complains, "the therapist is looking at a potential litigant.
Some people have discontinued treating trauma patients."

S. Scott Mayers, a psychotherapist in Venice, California, is hardly

terrified. But he is cautious. "What I do to ensure that I don't
inflict my agenda or opinion," he says, "is go with the patients'
presentation and stay with it, using their own words, their own
scenarios. I'm so cautious because we are all very suggestive."

Recovered-memory therapists might do well to heed those guidelines

before they cause irreparable damage to their profession. For, as the
public begins to recognize that people have been falsely accused by
recovered-memory patients, says psychiatrist McHugh, it "opens us up
to skepticism and dismay about our capacity to do things. This is a
bubble that is going to burst. We will end up having to re-create the
trust this country puts in psychotherapy."

Nancy, a West Coast attorney, remembered details of the incident

only four months ago, after she began hypnotherapy sessions. Now, she
recalls how one spring night in 1989 she awoke in a stupor to see a
strange craft outside her window. She was taken into the vehicle and
examined by a team of strange beings. A silver tube was inserted into
her to extract an ovum. She breaks down as she describes the
abduction. "People say 'How do you know?' You don't know. You're
never sure what happened."

As thousands of therapy patients are "discovering" repressed

memories of childhood sexual abuse, a smaller number are adding a new
twist: they are recalling abductions by aliens. Under hypnosis, Los
Angeles film producer Michael Bershad recalled his car being pulled to
the side of the road by a bright object. "I got out of the car and saw
five guys under 4 ft. tall. They led me inside the craft." A leader
examined him, opening up his back to poke around his vertebra. The
extraterrestrials also extracted sperm. "I had a lot of shame," says
Bershad. "It was humiliating and degrading."

A painful sincerity unites those who have dredged up memories of

UFO abductions. Many suffer from insomnia and shy away from telling
anyone what they believe may have happened for fear of being perceived
as crazy. "Virtually all abductees are opposed to the idea that these
things really happen," explains Budd Hopkins, author of two books
about contact with aliens. "They don't want these things to be real.
There is no pleasure in this experience."

Harvard psychiatrist John Mack, who won a Pulitzer in 1977 for his
psychological study of Lawrence of Arabia, takes the stories
literally. "I encountered something here very early on, which I saw
did not fit anything I had ever come across in 40 years of
psychiatry." He has treated more than 70 abductees, whom he calls

A few researchers argue that alien abductions may be disguised

memories of sexual abuse. Others assert that abduction memories may
also be unwittingly planted by over-zealous therapists. "I believe
these victims believe it," says Ray Hyman, professor of psychology at
the University of Oregon. "People are trying to please the hypnotist.
The therapist and patient collaborate with each other to produce the
story." Hypnosis can be extremely effective in eliciting fantasies
that therapists can use in treating patients. The technique, however,
can also create false memories. Says Ray William London, president of
the American Boards of Clinical Hypnosis: "It isn't a way of
validating an abduction or anything else."

William Cone, a psychologist in Newport Beach, California, who

specializes in treating alleged abductees, finds similarities between
some of his patients and people who recover memories of satanic-ritual
abuse. Both have "organizing personalities" -- a loose sense of self
given to paranormal experiences like seeing ghosts. Many are also
highly suggestible. "They are highly functioning, intelligent people
and truly believe that this happened," says Cone. "I try not to
believe or disbelieve. I just sit and listen and try to help."

-> Alice4Mac 2.4.4 E QWK Eval:05Nov94

Origin: Really really really realllllly rilly rilly sorry, dude. Really.

--- PCBoard (R) v15.21/M 10 Beta

Origin: MoonDog BBS, 28.8/V34, Brooklyn,NY 718 692-2498 1:278/230 (1:278/230)


Date: 02-21-95 (22:49) Number: 80591 of 80793 (Refer# NONE)

Read: NO Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)


Executive Order 12356-National security information

Source: The provisions of Executive Order 12356 of Apr.2, 1982, appear

at 47 FR 14874 and I5557, 3 CFR, I982 Comp., p. 166, unless otherwise



PART 1. Original Classification

1.1 Classification Levels

1.2 Classification Authority
1.3 Classification Categories
1.4 Duration of Classification
1.5 Identification and Markings
1.6 Limitations on Classification

PART 2. Derivative Classifications

2.1 Use of Derivative Classification

2.2 Classification Guides

PART 3. Declassification and Downgrading

3.1 Declassification Authority

3.2 Transferred Information
3.3 Systematic Review for Declassification
3.4 Mandatory Review for Declassification

PART 4. Safeguarding

4.1 General Restrictions on Access

4.2 Special Access Programs
4 3 Access by Historical Researchers and Former Presidential

PART 5. Implementation and Review

5.1 Policy Direction

5.2 Information Security Oversight Office
5.3 General Responsibilities
5.4 Sanctions
PART 6. General Provisions

6.1 Definitions
6.2 General

This Order prescribes a uniform system for classifying, declassifying,

and safeguarding national security information. It recognizes that it
is essential that the public be informed concerning the activities of
its Government, but that the interests of the United States and its
citizens require that certain information concerning the national
defense and foreign relations be protected against unauthorized
disclosure. Information may not be classified under this Order unless
its disclosure reasonably could be expected to cause damage to the
national security.

NOW, by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution

and laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as


Original Classification

SECTION 1.1 Classification levels

(a) National security information (hereinafter "classified

information") shall be classified at one of the following three

(1) "Top Secret" shall be applied to information, the unauthorized

disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause
exceptionally grave damage to the national security.

(2) "Secret" shall be applied to information, the unauthorized

disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause
serious damage to the national security.

(3) "Confidential" shall be applied to information, the unauthorized

disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause damage
to the national security.

(b) Except as otherwise provided by statute, no other terms shall be

used to identify classified information.

(c) If there is reasonable doubt about the need to classify

information, it shall be safeguarded as if it were classified
pending a determination by an original classification authority,
who shall make this determination within thirty (30) days. If
there is reasonable doubt about the appropriate level of
classification, it shall be safeguarded at the higher level of
classification pending a determination by an original
classification authority, who shall make this determination
within thirty (30) days.

SEC.l.2 Classification Authority * (see note at the end of this text)

(a) Top Secret. The authority to classify information originally as

Top Secret may be exercised only by:

(1) the President;

(2) agency heads and officials designated by the President in the


(3) officials delegated this authority pursuant to Section 1.2(d).

(b) Secret. The authority to classify information originally as

Secret may be exercised only by:

(1) agency heads and officials designated by the President in the


(2) officials with original Top Secret classification authority; and

(3) officials delegated such authority pursuant to Section 1.2(d).

(c) Confidential. The authority to classify information originally

as Confidential may be exercised only by:

(1) agency heads and officials designated by the President in the


(2) officials with original Top Secret or Secret classification

authority; and

(3) officials delegated such authority pursuant to Section 1.2(d).

(d) Delegation of Original Classification Authority.

(1) Delegations of original classification authority shall be limited

to the minimum required to administer this Order. Agency heads
are responsible for ensuring that designated subordinate
officials have a demonstrable and continuing need to exercise
this authority.

(2) Original Top Secret classification authority may be delegated

only by the President; an agency head or official designated
pursuant to Section 1.2(a)(2); and the senior official designated
under Section 5. 3(a), provided that official has been delegated
original Top Secret classification authority by the agency head.

(3) Original Secret classification authority may be delegated only by

the President; an agency head or official designated pursuant to
Sections 1.2(a)(2) and 1.2(b)(1); an official with original Top
Secret classification authority; and the senior official
designated under Section 5.3(a), provided that official has been
delegated original Secret classification authority by the agency

(4) Original Confidential classification authority may be delegated

only by the President; an agency head or official designated
pursuant to Sections 1.2(a)(2), 1.2(b)(1) and 1.2(c)(1); an
official with original Top Secret classification authority; and
the senior official designated under Section 5.3(a), provided
that official has been delegated original classification
authority by the agency head.

(5) Each delegation of original classification authority shall be in

writing and the authority shall not be redelegated except as
provided in this Order. It shall identify the official delegated
the authority by name or position title. Delegated classification
authority includes the authority to classify information at the
level granted and lower levels of classification.

(e) Exceptional Cases. When an employee, contractor, licensee, or

grantee of an agency that does not have original classification
authority originates information believed by that person to
require classification, the information shall be protected in a
manner consistent with this Order and its implementing
directives. The information shall be transmitted promptly as
provided under this Order or its implementing directives to the
agency that has appropriate subject matter interest and
classification authority with respect to this information. That
agency shall decide within thirty (30) days whether to classify
this information. If it is not clear which agency has
classification responsibility for this information, it shall be
sent to the Director of the Information Security Oversight
Office. The Director shall determine the agency having primary
subject matter interest and forward the information, with
appropriate recommendations, to that agency for a classification

SEC. 1.3 Classification Categories.

(a) Information shall be considered for classification if it concerns:

(1) military plans, weapons, or operations;

(2) the vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations,

projects or plans relating to the national security;

(3) foreign government information;

(4) intelligence activities (including special activities), or

intelligence sources or methods;

(5) foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States;

(6) scientific, technological, or economic matters relating to the

national security;

(7) United States Government programs for safeguarding nuclear

materials or facilities;

(8) cryptology;

(9) a confidential source; or

(lO) other categories of information that are related to the national

security and that require protection against unauthorized
disclosure as determined by the President or by agency heads or
other officials who have been delegated original classification
authority by the President Any determination made under this
subsection shall be reported promptly to the Director of the
Information Security Oversight Office.

(b) Information that is determined to concern one or more of the

categories in Section 1.3(a) shall be classified when an original
classification authority also determines that its unauthorized
disclosure, either by itself or in the context of other
information, reasonably could be expected to cause damage to the
national security.

(c) Unauthorized disclosure of foreign government information, the

identity of a confidential foreign source, or intelligence
sources or methods is presumed to cause damage to the national

(d) Information classified in accordance with Section 1.3 shall not

be declassified automatically as a result of any unofficial
publication or in advertent or unauthorized disclosure in the
United States or abroad of identical or similar information.

Sec. 1.4 Duration of Classification

(a) Information shall be classified as long as required by national
security considerations. When it can be determined, a specific
date or event for declassification shall be set by the original
classification authority at the time the information is
originally classified.

(b) Automatic declassification determinations under predecessor

orders shall remain valid unless the classification is extended
by an authorized official of the originating agency. These
extensions may be by individual documents or categories of
information. The agency shall be responsible for notifying
holders of the information of such extensions.

(c) Information classified under predecessor orders and marked for

declassification review shall remain classified until reviewed
for declassification under the provisions of this Order.

Sec. 1.5 Identification and markings.

(a) At the time of original classification, the following information

shall be shown on the face of all classified documents, or
clearly associated with other forms of classified information in
a manner appropriate to the medium involved, unless this
information itself would reveal a confidential source or
relationship not otherwise evident in the document or

(1) one of the three classification levels defined in Section 1.1;

(2) the identity of the original classification authority if other

than the person whose name appears as the approving or signing

(3) the agency and office of origin; and

(4) the date or event for declassification, or the notation

"Originating Agency's Determination Required."

(b) Each classified document shall, by marking or other means,

indicate which portions are classified, with the applicable
classification level, and which portions are not classified.
Agency heads may, for good cause, grant and revoke waivers of
this requirement for specified classes of documents or
information. The Director of the Information Security Oversight
Office shall be notified of any waivers.

(c) Marking designations implementing the provisions of this Order,

including abbreviations, shall conform to the standards
prescribed in implementing directives issued by the Information
Security Oversight Office.

(d) Foreign government information shall either retain its original

classification or be assigned a United States classification that
shall insure a degree of protection at least equivalent to that
required by the entity that furnished the information.

(e) Information assigned a level of classification under predecessor

orders shall be considered as classified at that level of
classification despite the omission of other required markings.
Omitted markings may be inserted on a document by the officials
specified in Section 3.l(b).

SEC. 1.6 Limitations on Classification

(a) In no case shall information be classified in order to conceal

violations of law, inefficiency, or administrative error; to
prevent embarrassment to a person, organiz,atjon, or agency; to
restrain competition; or to prevent or delay the release of
information that does not require protection in the interest of
national security.

(b) Basic scientific research information not clearly related to the

national security may not be classified.

(c) The President or an agency head or official designated under

Sections 1.2(a)(2), 1.2(b)(1), or 1.2(c)(1) may reclassify
information previously declassified and disclosed if it is
determined in writing that (1) the information requires
protection in the interest of national security; and (2) the
information may reasonably be recovered. These reclassification
actions shall be reported promptly to the Director of the
Information Security Oversight Office.

(d) Information may be classified or reclassified after an agency has

received a request for it under the Freedom of Information Act (5
U.S.C. 552) or the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a), or the
mandatory review provisions of this Order (Section 3.4) if such
classification meets the requirements of this Order and is
accomplished personally and on a document-by-document basis by
the agency head, the deputy agency head, the senior agency
official designated under Section 5.3(a)(1), or an official with
original Top Secret classification authority


Derivative Classification
SEC. 2.1 Use of Derivative Classification

(a) Derivative classification is (1) the determination that

information is in substance the same as information currently
classified, and (2) the application of the same classification
markings. Persons who only reproduce, extract, or summarize
classified information, or who only apply classification markings
derived from source material or as directed by a classification
guide, need not possess original classification authority.

(b) Persons who apply derivative classification markings shall:

(1) observe and respect original classification decisions; and

(2) carry forward to any newly created documents any assigned

authorized markings. The declassification date or event that
provides the longest period of classification shall be used for
documents classified on the basis of multiple sources.

SEC. 2.2 Classification Guides.

(a) Agencies with original classification authority shall prepare

classification guides to facilitate the proper and uniform
derivative classification of information.

(b) Each guide shall be approved personally and in writing by an

official who:

(1) has program or supervisory responsibility over the information or

is the senior agency official designated under Section 5.3(a);

(2) is authorized to classify information originally at the highest

level of classification prescribed in the guide.

(c) Agency heads may, for good cause, grant and revoke waivers of the
requirement to prepare classification guides for specified
classes of documents or information. The Director of the
Information Security Oversight Office shall be notified of any


Declassification and Downgrading

Sec. 3.1 Declassification Authority.

(a) Information shall be declassified or downgraded as soon as

national security considerations permit. Agencies shall
coordinate their review of classified information with other
agencies that have a direct interest in the subject matter.
Information that continues to meet the classification
requirements prescribed by Section 1.3 despite the passage of
time will continue to be protected in accordance with this Order.

(b) Information shall be declassified or downgraded by the official

who authorized the original classification, if that official is
still serving in the same position; the originator's successor; a
supervisory official of either; or officials delegated such
authority in writing by the agency head or the senior agency
official designated pursuant to Section 5.3(a).

(c) If the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office

determines that information is classified in violation of this
Order, the Director may require the information to be
declassified by the agency that originated the classification.
Any such decision by the Director may be appealed to the National
Security Council. The information shall remain classified,
pending a prompt decision on the appeal.

(d) The provisions of this Section shall also apply to agencies that,
under the terms of this Order, do not have original
classification authority, but that had such authority under
predecessor orders.

Sec. 3.2 Transferred Information.

(a) In the case of classified information transferred in conjunction

with a transfer of functions, and not merely for storage
purposes, the receiving agency shall be deemed to be the
originating agency for purposes of this Order.

(b) In the case of classified information that is not officially

transferred as described in Section 3.2(a), but that originated
in an agency that has ceased to exist and for which there is no
successor agency, the originating agency for purposes of this
Order. Such information may be declassified or downgraded by the
agency in possession after consultation with any other agency
that has an interest in the subject matter of the information.

(c) Classified information accessioned into the National Archives of

the United States shall be declassified or downgraded by the
Archivist of the United States in accordance with this Order, the
directives of the Information Security Oversight Office, and
agency guidelines.

Sec. 3.3 Systematic Review for Declassification.

(a) The Archivist of the United States shall, in accordance with
procedures and timeframes prescribed in the Information Security
Oversight Office directives implementing this Order,
systematically review for declassification or downgrading (1)
classified records accessioned into the National Archives of the
United States, and (2) classified presidential papers or records
under the Archivist's control. Such information shall be reviewed
by the Archivist for declassification or downgrading in
accordance,with systematic review guidelines that shall be
provided by the head of the agency that originated the
information, or in the case of foreign government information, by
the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office in
consultation with interested agency heads.

(b) Agency heads may conduct internal systematic review programs for
classified information originated! by their agencies contained in
records determined by the Archivist to be permanently valuable
but that have not been accessioned into the National Archives of
the United States.

(c) After consultation with affected agencies, the Secretary of

Defense may establish special procedure for systematic review for
declassification of classified cryptologic information, and the
Director of Central Intelligence may establish special procedures
for systematic review for declassification of classified
information pertaining to intelligence activities (including
special activities or intelligence sources or methods.

SEC. 3.4 Mandatory Review for Declassification.

(a) Except as provided in Section 3.4(b), all information classified

under this Order or predecessor orders shall be subject to a
review for declassification by the originating agency, if:

(1) the request is made by a United States citizen or permanent

resident alien, a federal agency, or a State or local government;

(2) the request describes the document or material containing the

information with sufficient specificity to enable the agency to
locate it with a reasonable amount of effort.

(b) Information originated by a President, the White House Staff, by

committees, commissions, or boards appointed by the President, or
others specifically providing advice and counsel to a President
or acting on behalf of a President is exempted from the
provisions of Section 3.4(a). The Archivist of the United States
shall have the authority to review, downgrade and declassify
information under the control of the Administrator of General
Services or the Archivist pursuant to sections 2107, 2107 note,
or 2203 of title 44, United States Code. Review procedures
developed by the Archivist shall provide for consultation with
agencies having primary subject matter interest and shall be
consistent with the provisions of applicable laws or lawful
agreements that pertain to the respective presidential papers or
records. Any decision by the Archivist may be appealed to the
Director of the Information Security Oversight Office. Agencies
with primary subject matter interest shall be notified promptly
of the Director's decision on such appeals and may further appeal
to the National Security Council. The information shall remain
classified pending a prompt decision on the appeal.

(c) Agencies conducting a mandatory review for declassification shall

declassify information no longer requiring protection under this
Order. They shall release this information unless withholding is
otherwise authorized under applicable law.

(d) Agency heads shall develop procedures to process requests for the
mandatory review of classified information. These procedures
shall apply to information classified under this or predecessor
orders. They shall also provide a means for administratively
appealing a denial of a mandatory review request.

(e) The Secretary of Defense shall develop special procedures for the
review of cryptologic information, and the Director of Central
Intelligence shall develop special procedures for the review of
information pertaining to intelligence activities (including
special activities), or intelligence sources or methods, after
consultation with affected agencies. The Archivist shall develop
special procedures for the review of information accessioned into
the National Archives of the United States.

(f) In response to a request for information under the Freedom of

Information Act, the Privacy Act of 1974, or the mandatory review
provisions of this Order:

(1) An agency shall refuse to confirm or deny the existence or

nonexistence of requested information whenever the fact of its
existence or non-existence is itself classifiable under this

(2) When an agency receives any request for documents in its custody
that were classified by another agency, it shall refer copies of
the request and the requested documents to the originating agency
for processing, and may, after consultation with the originating
agency, inform the requester of the referral. In cases in which
the originating agency determines in writing that a response
under Section 3.4(f)(1) is required, the referring agency shall
respond to the requester in accordance with that Section.



SEC. 4.1 General Restrictions on Access.

(a) A person is eligible for access to classified information

provided that a determination of trustworthiness has been made by
agency heads or designated officials and provided that such
access is essential to the accomplishment of lawful and
authorized Government purposes.

(b) Controls shall be established by each agency to ensure that

classified information is used, processed, stored, reproduced,
transmitted, and destroyed only under conditions that will
provide adequate protection and prevent access by unauthorized

(c) Classified information shall not be disseminated outside the

executive branch except under conditions that ensure that the
information will be given protection equivalent to that afforded
within the executive branch.

(d) Except as provided by directives issued by the President through

the National Security Council, classified information originating
in one agency may not be disseminated outside any other agency to
which it has been made available without the consent of the
originating agency. For purposes of this Section, the Department
of Defense shall be considered one agency.

SEC. 4.2 Special Access Programs.

(a) Agency heads designated pursuant to Section 1.2(a) may create

special access programs to control access, distribution, and
protection of particularly sensitive information classified
pursuant to this Order or predecessor orders. Such programs may
be created or continued only at the written direction of these
agency heads. For special access programs pertaining to
intelligence activities (including special activities but not
including military operational, strategic and tactical programs)
or intelligence sources or methods, this function will be
exercised by the Director of Central Intelligence.

(b) Each agency head shall establish and maintain a system of

accounting for special access programs. The Director of the
Information Security Oversight Office, consistent with the
provisions of Section 5.2(b)(4), shall have non-delegable access
to all such accountings.

SEC. 4.3 Access by Historical Researchers and Former Presidential


(a) The requirement in Section 4.1(a) that access to classified

information may be granted only as is essential to the
accomplishment of authorized and lawful Government purposes may
be waived as provided in Section 4.3(b) for persons who:

(1) are engaged in historical research projects, or

(2) previously have occupied policy-making positions to which they

were appointed by the President.

(b) Waivers under Section 4.3(a) may be granted only if the

originating agency:

(1) determines in writing that access is consistent with the interest

of national security;

(2) takes appropriate steps to protect classified information from

unauthorized disclosure or compromise, and ensures that the
information is safeguarded in a manner consistent with this
Order; and

(3) limits the access granted to former presidential appointees to

items that the person originated, reviewed, signed, or received
while serving as a presidential appointee.


Implementation and Review

SEC. 5.1 Policy Direction

(a) The National Security Council shall provide overall policy

direction for the information security program.

(b) The Administrator of General Services shall be responsible for

implementing and monitoring the program established pursuant to
this Order. The Administrator shall delegate the implementation
and monitorship functions of this program to the Director of the
Information Security Oversight Office.

SEC. 5.2 Information Security Oversight Office.

(a) The Information Security Oversight Office shall have a full-time
Director appointed by the Administrator of General Services
subject to approval by the President. The Director shall have the
authority to appoint a staff for the Office.

(b) The Director shall:

(1) develop, in consultation with the agencies, and promulgate,

subject to the approval of the National Security Council,
directives for the implementation of this Order, which shall be
binding on the agencies;

(2) oversee agency actions to ensure compliance with this Order and
implementing directives;

(3) review all agency implementing regulations and agency guidelines

for systematic declassification review. The Director shall
require any regulation or guideline to be changed if it is not
consistent with this Order or implementing directives. Any such
decision by the Director may be appealed to the National Security
Council. The agency regulation or guideline shall remain in
effect pending a prompt decision on the appeal;

(4) have the authority to conduct on-site reviews of the information

security program of each agency that generates or handles
classified information and to require of each agency those
reports, information, and other cooperation that may be necessary
to fulfill the Director's responsibilities. If these reports,
inspections, or access to specific categories of classified
information would pose an exceptional national security risk, the
affected agency head or the senior official designated under
Section 5.3(a) may deny access. The Director may appeal denials
to the National Security Council. The denial of access shall
remain in effect pending a prompt decision on the appeal;

(5) review requests for original classification authority from

agencies or officials not granted original classification
authority and, if deemed appropriate, recommend presidential

(6) consider and take action on complaints and suggestions from

persons within or outside the Government with respect to the
administration of the information security program;

(7) have the authority to prescribe, after consultation with affected

agencies, standard forms that will promote the implementation of
the information security program;
(8) report at least annually to the President through the National
Security Council on the implementation of this Order; and

(9) have the authority to convene and chair interagency meetings to

discuss matters pertaining to the information security program.

SEC. 5.3 General Responsibilities.

Agencies that originate or handle classified information shall:

(a) designate a senior agency official to direct and administer its

information security program, which shall include an active
oversight and security education program to ensure effective
implementation of this Order;

(b) promulgate implementing regulations. Any unclassified regulations

that establish agency information security policy shall be
published in the FEDERAL REGISTER to the extent that these
regulations affect members of the public;

(c) establish procedures to prevent unnecessary access to classified

information, including procedures that (i) require that a
demonstrable need for access to classified information is
established before initiating administrative clearance
procedures, and (ii) ensure that the number of persons granted
access to classified information is limited to the minimum
consistent with operational and security requirements and needs;

(d) develop special contingency plans for the protection of

classified information used in or near hostile or potentially
hostile areas.

SEC. 5.4 Sanctions.

(a) If the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office

finds that a violation of this Order or its implementing
directives may have occurred, the Director shall make a report to
the head of the agency or to the senior official designated under
Section 5.3(a) so that corrective steps, if appropriate, may be

(b) Officers and employees of the United States Government, and its
contractors, licensees, and grantees shall be subject to
appropriate sanctions if they:

(1) knowingly, willfully, or negligently disclose to unauthorized

persons information properly classified under this Order or
predecessor orders;
(2) knowingly and willfully classify or continue the classification
of information in violation of this Order or any implementing
directive; or

(3) knowingly and willfully violate any other provision of this Order
or implementing directive.

(c) Sanctions may include reprimand, suspension without pay, removal,

termination of classification authority, loss or denial of access
to classified information, or other sanctions in accordance with
applicable law and agency regulation.

(d) Each agency head or the senior official designated under Section
5.3(a) shall ensure that appropriate and prompt corrective action
is taken whenever a violation under Section 5.4(b) occurs. Either
shall ensure that the Director of the Information Security
Oversight Office is promptly notified whenever a violation under
Section 5.4(b) (1) or (2) occurs.


General Provisions

SEC. 6.1 Definitions.

(a) "Agency" has the meaning provided at 5 U.S.C. 552(e).

(b) "Information" means any information or material, regardless of

its physical form or characteristics, that is owned by, produced
by or for, or is under the control of the United States

(c) "National security information" means information that has been

determined pursuant to this Order or any predecessor order to
require protection against unauthorized disclosure and that is so

(d) "Foreign government information" means:

(1) information provided by a foreign government or governments, an

international organization of governments, or any element thereof
with the expectation, expressed or implied, that the information,
the source of the information, or both, are to be held in
confidence; or

(2) information produced by the United States pursuant to or as a

result of a joint arrangement with a foreign government or
governments or an international organization of governments, or
any element thereof, requiring that the information, the
arrangement, or both, are to he held in confidence.

(e) "National security" means the national defense or foreign

relations of the United States.

(f) "Confidential source': means any individual or organization that

has provided, or that may reasonably be expected to provide,
information to the United States on matters pertaining to the
national security with the expectation, expressed or implied,
that the information or relationship, or both, be held in

(g) "Original classification" means an initial determination that

information requires, in the interest of national security,
protection against unauthorized disclosure, together with a
classification designation signifying the level of protection

SEC. 6.2 General.

(a) Nothing in this Order shall supersede any requirement made by or

under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. "Restricted
Data" and "Formerly Restricted Data" shall be handled, protected,
classified, downgraded, and declassified in conformity with the
provisions of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and
regulations issued under that Act.

(b) The Attorney General, upon request by the head of an agency or

the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office, shall
render an interpretation of this Order with respect to any
question arising in the course of its administration.

(c) Nothing in this Order limits the protection afforded any

information by other provisions of law.

(d) Executive Order No. 12065 of June 28, 1978, as amended, is

revoked as of the effective date of this Order.

(e) This Order shall become effective on August 1, 1982.


* NOTE: On May 7, 1982, the President issued an order of designation

(47 FR 20105, 3 CFR, 1982 Comp., p. 257) the text of which follows:

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1.2 of Executive Order No.

12356 of April 2, 1982, entitled "National Security Information," I
hereby designate the following officials to classify information
originally as "Top Secret", "Secret", or "Confidential":


Executive Office of the President:

The Vice President

The Counsellor to the President
The Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President
The Deputy Chief of Staff and Assistant to the President
The Director, Office of Management and Budget
The United States Trade Representative
The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
The Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy
The Chairman, The President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
The Chairman, The President's Intelligence Oversight Board
The Secretary of State
The Secretary of the Treasury '
The Secretary of Defense
The Secretary of the Army
The Secretary of the Navy
The Secretary of the Air Force
The Attorney General
The Secretary of Energy
The Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
The Director, United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
The Director of Central Intelligence
The Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
The Administrator of General Services
The Director, Federal Emergency Management Agency


Executive Office of the President:

The Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers

The President's Personal Representative for Micronesian Status
The Secretary of Commerce
The Secretary of Transportation
The Administrator, Agency for International Development
The Director, International Communication Agency


The President, Export-Import Bank of the United States

The President, Overseas Private Investment Corporation
The Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency
Any delegation of this authority shall be in accordance with Section
1.2(d) of the Order.

This Order shall be published in the FEDERAL REGISTER.


--- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
* Origin: The BusyBoard! 24hrs on-line: +31-40-110003/112285 (2:284/4)


Date: 02-21-95 (22:56) Number: 8586 of 8630 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Demo 3/29 to support GAO Roswell investigation !
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltParaUFO (5163) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

From: howard.olson@awaiter.com (Howard Olson)

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: Demo 3/29 to support GAO Roswell investigation !
Date: Sun, 19 Feb 1995 19:21:31 GMT
Message-ID: <9502191509014682@awaiter.com>

On Wednesday March 29th at Noon, Operation Right to Know will have

a demonstration supporting Congressman Steven Schiff (R,NM) and the
Government Accounting Office (GAO) investigation of the Pentagon and
White House stonewalling vis a vis the Roswell UFO Crash in 1947.

The demonstration will be held at Noon , Wednesday , March 29th at

the GAO office building at 441 G St and 4th NW in Washington,DC !

For more information e-mail <ORTK@aol.com>

or phone:
202-232-2410, 703-204-1032 or 301-839-3481
(all above phone numbers are voice only)

Howard R. Olson, MA

Date: 02-21-95 (23:15) Number: 8587 of 8630 (Refer# NONE)
Subj: UFO Information Hierarchy
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltParaUFO (5163) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

From: germannvh@aol.com (Germannvh)

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: UFO Information Hierarchy
Date: 19 Feb 1995 20:43:42 -0500
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Message-ID: <3i8s4f$bl4@newsbf02.news.aol.com>

The Hierarchy Of Information

A Guide To Evaluating The Modern World

As we all know there are immense difficulties concerned with the

study of events and processes in the modern world. The UFO is just
part of the problem. Censorship of important news reached
unprecedented heights with Panama and the Gulf War. In the world of
the UFO there has been a flood of "secret" and "inside" information in
the late 1980s and early 1990s, most of it without any formal
"verification." But then the Gulf of Tonkin affair was "verified" by
the highest authority in the land--and it was a lie.

What information is worthy of being accepted? How can one go

about evaluating "new information" about the UFO in the world of 1994?
Well, we in UFOSearch have been down the learning curve on this one
and think we have something to share. The investigator has to possess
a sort of internal gyroscope, based on solid knowledge, or that
investigator will be lost. Information has to be classified and
compared to other information and to a model of the world that the
investigator has constructed. This is not an easy task.

What follows is, in a nutshell, the UFOSearch hierarchy of

information. Because the author of this report is a witness to a UFO
the hierarchy begins with the individual and works outward. We think
this will be very, very useful to many readers as they attempt to make
sense of the cacophony that now dominates the "UFO scene" in America.

The UFOSearch Hierarchy Of Information

Class I: Personal experience involving physical injury, pain and

blood. One's life eventually revolves around physical injury or
disability. This writer can remember injuries suffered as a
two-year-old child.

Class II: Personal experience involving unusual sight, sound or

touch. If these experiences are not so out of the ordinary as to
create doubts about the individual's own sanity they are indelibly
etched into the mind. An example of this might be a childhood
observation of an automobile accident with attendant bodies.

Class III: First-person accounts from relatives or close friends

that the individual knows very well and trusts implicitly. Such
information is very credible but far from easy to reveal, especially
to third parties since the people involved are important to the

Class IV: First-person accounts of relatives or friends who are

not so well-known to the individual. The reliability of the witness
now becomes the reliability of the account and the need for
independent "verification" definitely rears its head.

Class V: First-person accounts given in person from new

acquaintances. If the acquaintance is credible the account is
credible and an "investigation" may be launched.

Class VI: Accounts received second-hand but in person from

reliable and credible people. These are "hearsay" in legal parlance
but highly credible to nearly every human being in the right
circumstances. Class VI accounts are the bedrock of most actual "real
world" investigations since they yield first-person (Class V) leads.

CLASS VII: Written first-person accounts from "reliable"

individual sources, living or dead, though living is better since such
persons can be interviewed. These are the primary sources of the
historian. Letters, diaries, articles, essays and books make up this

Class VIII: Television, Radio and Newspaper news stories in

which the reporter and the source are identified. Here we find some
of what we call "the news." In times past information from "the mass
media" would have rated higher but we all must by now realize that
"the news" is only an authorized version of an event or process.
Today, "the news" is useful primarily because it can lead to written
or first-person information and accounts.

Class IX: Written accounts, including so-called "secret

documents," without direct attribution. Much of the new wave of UFO
material falls here. Evaluation depends on the credibility of the
visible source, support from other sources and investigator
Class X: Television, Radio and Newspaper accounts without the
quasi-official stamp of "the news." Here falls much of the "Tabloid"
material on television today. If the sources are visible, identified
and credible then these "Tabloid" stories move up to Class V, three
cuts higher than most of what is on The CBS Evening News!

As you can see the key to evaluating UFO information is in

evaluating the source. And in order to evaluate the source you have to
know something about that source. This is difficult in most cases
because evaluating sources takes money and time. But some kind of
source evaluation has to be done. (See Report On Communion for a real
source evaluation.)

It is most important that the UFO investigator be educated in the

whole field of Ufology if that investigator is to navigate
successfully through the information minefield. Until a person has
become familiar with most of what has gone before he or she is in a
poor position to make evaluations. This familiarity takes years to
acquire but is a necessity.

The UFO investigator has to have some understanding of human

society and its organization. How can one define "alien" until what
is "human" is known? And the investigator has to have some
self-awareness. Is the investigator a witness? Why is the
investigator interested in the subject at all? These are major
questions that must be answered.

Finally, the obvious involvement of what we here in the United

States call "intelligence assets" requires extreme sophistication on
the part of the investigator. Much UFO activity may be a deception
run by the intelligence agencies--or by the actual UFO operators.

Let's look at a couple of examples. As a small child this writer

saw a very large, dark and diamond-shaped object fly overhead. It was
under a solid overcast and made no sound. It seemed huge. I did not
see it coming but had a sudden urge to look straight up, to the
zenith, which is hard to do when you are on a tricycle! When I bent
over backwards and looked straight up I saw the object. It frightened
me deeply and I remember looking around for places to hide. In
seconds I was running into the house. But I never told my mother or
father about the object. It was somehow too personal, too private to
ever tell anyone. Only in recent years have I talked about it at all.

Now, to me this a Class II, maybe even a Class I, affair. I

definitely felt threatened by this object. I was at least psychically
injured. I have no doubt that the object was "real" and that I
somehow interacted with it, that is, I was induced somehow to look up
and see it.
To you, reading this, my experience is (I hope) Class VII,
information in writing from a reliable source. But am I reliable?
You don't really know, do you? You have to make a decision based on
what you have read about my experience on this page. If my account is
well-written that makes it more credible. But it would help to know
more about the source. If fact, the more you know about me as a
person the more information you have about what I saw. You would like
to know all about me in order to evaluate my experience. But I am not
going to tell you that and you are not going to go to the trouble to
find out. It is not that important. So my experience is just a

But if my story became important would not I begin to be

investigated, just as so many others have been before? Viz: Dr. James
McDonald in the late '60s, the man who became Philip Klass' first
target. McDonald's reputation was tarnished because of the wide
publicity given to Klass' groundless accusations. If there is any
constant in the world of the "UFO" it is that people with information
and credibility are going to have their character assassinated, over
and over and over again.

As a final information example let's look at the so-called "Lear

Letters." They are by themselves Class IX and not very credible.
Only John Lear himself lends them any weight, that and the fact that
many investigators have suspected a deep, dark secret behind the "UFO"
for some time. For most in Ufology, however, the Lear Letters are too
far out, too dark to be accorded any credibility. Of course, the Lear
Letters contain "secrets" that are hardly any "darker" than those
behind the recently revealed radiation experiments run on children and
pregnant women by the scientists at Oak Ridge and Los Alamos. But no
matter, the "Lear Letters" are beyond the credibility and
comprehension of so many otherwise sophisticated Ufologists.

In his 1987 book The Crimes Of Patriots former Wall Street

Journal reporter Jonathan Kwitny sets out a story of financial crime
and cover-up that is in its own way every bit as strange and
frightening as the UFO story. Near the end of the book he comments
that every time startling revelations on CIA dummy corporations or
financial wrong-doing has surfaced in the press there have soon been
other, really bizarre people coming forward to "support" the original
source. But the story they told was so strange, so at variance with
some of the known facts, that the whole affair soon became bogged down
in a swamp of invective and bad faith. Does this sound familiar? Re:
Hopkins. . .Strieber. . .Lear. . .Cooper.


Date: 02-22-95 (02:41) Number: 8602 of 8630 (Refer# NONE)
Subj: Power Science & The UFO
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltParaUFO (5163) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

From: germannvh@aol.com (Germannvh)

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: Power Science & The UFO -- 1
Date: 20 Feb 1995 01:43:29 -0500
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Message-ID: <3i9dmh$g2g@newsbf02.news.aol.com>

Science, Proof And The "UFO"

An Explication Of The So-Called "Lear Scenario"

Here is one of the stickiest wickets in the whole field of

Ufology. The debunkers all say "where is the proof?" And the
"Ufologists" keep trying to turn themselves into physicists and
produce it. But the plain facts are these:

If there is a another, non-human intelligence operating on the

Earth then "science" could be of little help and there may be no
"proof" available except as these "others" desire. The concept of
"proof" requires that there exist a human agency possessing the
ability to determine with authority what is happening in the world.
When "science" is dealing with things like sulphur dioxide or
chimpanzees there is no problem. But if "UFOs" are the products of a
superior technology then where is the "authority" to determine what is
really going on? We must remember that scientists are neutral,
objective observers only within their narrow specialties. They are
all, regardless of specialty, part of a self-selecting social elite.
They have a position to protect. Someone has to pay for "science" and
every last scientist. Science and scientists are caught up in the
economic and military systems that dominate the United States and most
other nations. These systems are paid for by the average citizens of
these nations and those average citizens must retain confidence in
that which is taking so much of their money.

Who is the "jury" who must be convinced by "evidence" for the

existence of "UFOs" as "artifacts of another intelligence?" The same
people who would be severely damaged if that "evidence" ever were to
become "proof!" It is not rational for "Ufologists" to expect science
and scientists to cooperate in their personal diminuation. It is not
going to happen. The proof of a superior technology and civilization
operating on the Earth would be a tremendous blow to all of our
various elite groups, including scientists. This is so even though
the first reaction of the average man might be an "us against them"
reflex that would actually enhance the power of our current human
leaders. In the long run (several decades) present human social
arrangements would have to change, and drastically, if we were to
"make contact" with another intelligence. Those at the top of the
current heap understand that clearly, whether the rest of us do or

The statements of John Lear and William Cooper are interesting

and important mostly because they deal with the issues above. Is it
conceivable, as these two men claim, that our scientific and
governmental elites have sold us out to "others" from off the Earth?
"NO," say most of those who have heard the charge. But for many
people, more and more all the time, the answer is becoming, grimly,
"Yes, it is possible." This is UFOSearch's position, and the problem
of what constitutes "proof" provides an excellent avenue for
explicating it.

The Three Arenas Of Proof: 1) Legal "Proof"

In the legal profession "proof" does not exist until a jury has
been convinced and a conviction obtained. Before that time "proof"
was simply "evidence." Jurors hear the statements of witnesses and
experts. The "physical evidence" in a trial is given by a police
expert and it is HIS credibility that makes the evidence, whatever it
is (ballistics, fingerprints, etc.), stand up in court. If the jury
convicts evidence becomes "proof." There is no such thing as "machine
proof." A human being always has to testify as to what sophisticated
machines are saying. Machines cannot speak for themselves. They are
only tools and have no legal standing to testify. "Proof" at trial is
a human thing, not a machine thing.

Let us take the legal paradigm and put it into the world of the
UFO. Let us suppose that a "crashed disc" is brought before the
nation. It looks for all the world like a Flying Saucer. Let us
suppose further that it REALLY IS a Flying Saucer! What would make it
real to the public at large? Would seeing it on TV be enough? No, it
would not. The thing could be fake, right? Hollywood can make
anything look real these days.

No, it would be a statement of strangeness given by a figure in

authority that would make that "crashed disc" real. The artifact in
itself is NOT sufficient. A human being in authority has to PROCLAIM
a mute physical thing to be what he believes it to be! That puts it
into the human system, that's the proof! This is the absolute core of
the issue.
In the modern world a thing is not necessarily what it IS but
what someone in authority SAYS it is. The rest of us must then take
the word of this authority about the "reality" of any artifact or
process. We, just like a jury at trial, have to take someone else's
word about nearly everything. The only question is: whose word are we
going to take?

In 1954 I saw a large, diamond-shaped object go over my

five-year-old head. My best estimate is that this object was some
hundreds of feet across and several thousand feet above me. I did not
see it close to the horizon but had a sudden urge to look straight,
and I mean straight, up--to the zenith. I had to bend over backwards
to do this. Then and only then did I see this thing. It made no
sound and was cruising smoothly and rapidly under a solid overcast.
It frightened me deeply.

For me, this event is experience--beyond proof. I am a

witness. The questions are: 1) Do YOU believe me? 2) Does my
sighting resonate with you? 3) Does it fit in with what you believe
to be the "reality" of the current human situation? To you my
sighting is just a "story"--but so is much of the rest of the world!

It is unfortunate but true that as long as great numbers of

"Ufologists" continue to insist on "proof" we are going to learn very
little about what is actually happening. "Proof" is simply not
available. This is something that "they" (if they exist) understand
quite well and use against us. Ufology has been spinning its wheels
for four decades, chasing lights in the sky in a vain search for
"proof," while the real action has been right here on the ground. In
the opinion of UFOSearch this has not been an accident.

The Three Arenas Of Proof: 2) Scientific "Proof"

The following is a quote from a letter I recently received:

"Ufology ought to be a scientific study of a legitimately puzzling
phenomenon." You see, I just can't agree with that. In my opinion,
"Ufology" can never be truly "scientific." This is because of the
nature of science and the probable nature of the "UFO." If in fact
the "UFO" represents another intelligence of some kind then the
fundamental assumptions of "science" and "scientists" are null and

These assumptions are:

1) The universe is objective (totally material, in effect,

dead) and knowable with certainty by human beings, i.e., by
scientists, who are the most human.
2) The scientific method is the best way to study the universe
and its language is quantification--mathematics. The ideal
here is the "hard, physical evidence" that can be deemed
"proof" by the ultra-materialists of the world of science.

3) The highest form of "science" therefore is physics, the

most provable, with chemistry a strong second.

But if the UFO is not "objective," if instead it is under the

control of an agency equal or superior in intelligence to humans, then
the UFO is not necessarily knowable at all, let alone knowable with
certainty. Science assumes that humans are at the top of the
universal brain chain. Science has not really looked at what it might
mean if we are not.

The "scientific method" demands repeatability either of

experiment or observation. It assumes "control" of one kind or another
by human beings. But if the "UFO" represents another intelligence
then that "control" may not be available. And if that control is not
there then science is not going to give us what we need. We need more
than science.

In the final analysis science is not a whole lot different from

the legal profession. Both scientists and the jury at trial see only a
part of the real world and they both make rule- bound assumptions
concerning both evidence and the nature of that world. To the
scientist the universe is a gigantic mechanical device and the results
of experiments and observations are valid for that reason. If enough
evidence can be assembled then the majority of scientists (the "jury"
of science) will accept that evidence as proof. That's how it works.

The Three Arenas Of Proof: 3) Intelligence Proof.

For two generations America has been the most powerful country
on Earth and fought war after war to acquire and maintain that power.
Yet to the average American his country is as pure as the driven snow,
innocent of the "great power" sins of older empires. It is no wonder
that "Ufology" is making no headway with the public. That same public
is bullet- proof to even the obvious truth about its own CIA and NSA.
In this environment of blissful unknowing what chance does something
really strange and dangerous have? None.

Americans in general know nothing of the world of intelligence

and the power that intelligence can give. In the world of
intelligence the universe is not mechanical, rather it is covertly or
overtly hostile. In the world of intelligence there are only
opponents and very little is "objective." The intelligence game is
not "us against a mechanical universe" but instead "us against an
enemy who means us harm." In this arena if you wait for proof--
you'll see it from the afterlife. This is the world of the UFO.

For the intelligence operative "science" is a weapon of great

power against all opponents and High Technology determines who wins
and who loses. The patty-cake, patty-cake of ideal science is out
the window. In the years following World War Two a new science came
to the fore--power science, a discipline much too important for our
true elites and their intelligence services to ignore. America was
now a world power in a world full of enemies. What type of proof was
required here? What was the role of "science" now?

Most Americans are totally innocent of this. Oh, they know

there is a CIA and that it spies on people, sure. They have heard
something about the FBI spying on "subversives" in the 1960s and they
may know of the National Security Agency. But not one American in a
thousand has any idea of what is actually happening. If the most
powerful country in the world is going to "maintain innocence" then
its people must not know very much and it is this public ignorance and
apathy that helps make many things, including the "UFO," so hard for
most people to accept. People who are unaware of the bizarre things
their own elites are doing have no way to deal with what ANOTHER
civilization might be up to!

Thus the "threshold of belief" is just too high for most people
where the "UFO" is concerned. In the opinion of UFOSearch this is the
DESIRED result of a covert plan. Until this planned wall of ignorance
is broken down for a large number of Americans there will be no real
progress on the "UFO front."

Science, "Intelligence" and Power

Into the intelligence world came thousands of scientists during

World War Two. For most of them it was new. Some, however, had
already served in this "nether world" through the brutal domestic and
overseas extraction industries, mining and the oil business. The
scientist had no doubt of his cultural superiority over the rest of
Earth's human beings. His machines needed resources and they would get
them--one way or another. As a result of World War Two the marvelous
inventions of the previous one hundred years were turned into weapons
beyond history, true planet killers. Horror and shock spread through
civilization. Today we are numb to it but in the 1940s and 1950s is
was real and palpable. For the first time large groups of scientists
had been admitted to REAL POWER and given huge resources for their
work. As the Cold War against the Russians gained momentum, fueled by
dreams of "imperialism on the cheap," the position of "scientist" rose
higher and higher. The horror of the new weapons and the hatred of
the USSR drove America's cadre of emigre scientists and their
home-grown colleagues onward and upward. By 1947 the best and
brightest of the Western World increasingly and willingly began
contemplating planetary-scale destruction. Von Braun's prediction had
come true, America could afford the very best.

This became that "nether world" of the "power scientists" like

Vannevar Bush and Lloyd Berkner, Edward Teller and Detlev Bronk. This
was the world of the European refugee and his pathological fear of the
USSR. It was the world of the American physicist who in 1940 had a
budget of five hundred dollars and who by 1945 was spending millions.

It was these people who soon defined the terms of engagement

for the military types who "ran" the various intelligence services.
"Science" was NEVER, EVER going back to the 1930s, never going back to
the days when the elite of the Earth had to grovel for a plumber's
wages. It was a member of the A.E.C. who goaded the Air Force into
monitoring the stratosphere for possible products of a Soviet atomic
explosion, three years before any "military expert" thought there was
even a possibility of a Soviet bomb. Proof? It was enough that the
Russians existed and that we had the bomb and that they would
certainly try to get it. A very dangerous, multi-million-dollar
operation was set in motion on the basis of a "hunch" on the part of
an influential scientist. Of course, the "hunch" did fit the paranoia
of the day. The "hunch" fed the power complex. And when the "hunch"
was proven right (instrumental data was acquired), it wasn't "a hunch"
or "paranoia" anymore, it was revealed truth! It was the "scientists"
who pushed for the U-2 and Atlas, Polaris and Discoverer--over the
objections of carrier-happy Admirals and stick-happy Generals. The
scientists were the ones who made The National Reconnaissance Office
possible and gave The National Security Agency its abilities.

Who pushed for the H-Bomb and saw to it that the American
scientist Oppenheimer was discredited? Hungarian Edward Teller. Who
sat on their hands as Eisenhower tried to get a test ban treaty to
cool off the Cold War and stop the Strontium 90 from showing up in my
milk in Carrollton, Missouri? The former General Of The Armies
pleaded with his scientific advisors for help but none came. None of
them were curtailing their brand new power. It is said that
Eisenhower feared the "military-industrial complex." That may be
true. But behind that was the arrogance of the new elite, an elite
that had tasted forbidden fruit and was lusting for more. Thus the
"scientists" helped crush the old government elite during the
so-called "McCarthy Era" and pushed the "weapons culture" ahead as
fast as possible. There was no effective resistance to any of this
within the scientific community and by 1954 scientists of
Oppenheimer's persuasion were either keeping a low profile or had been
driven out of government through "security checks" and McCarthy-Era
purges. Opposition to the new "power science" was pushed to the
fringes, along with Astrology and the UFO.
By the middle of the 1950s half of the scientists and technical
people in the USA were working for the War, er, the Defense
Department--as they do today. For almost two generations now our very
best people have been totally concerned with power and the projection
of power--raw military power. This set them against many of their own
ancient traditions; power does that. Thus was created the situation we
see today: "Science" as part of the Cold War establishment, hip-deep
in weapons research, spying and God knows what else. Today, "Science"
is not always a noble work, not always a part of an ancient "liberal"
tradition (based on the rule of law and the free exchange of
information) but can now be an integral part of an imperial system
riven with secrecy and power mania. In this world nearly anything
goes--anything. In this world, a world of arrogance, duplicity and bad
faith on a planetary scale, planetary blackmail becomes possible.

This is the world of Lear and Cooper, in my opinion the real

world of the UFO. Not that everything that Lear or Cooper says is
"true," whatever that means. I mean that when you really start down
the rabbit hole of the "UFO," when you stop looking into the sky and
start looking at things on the ground, you have left the mythical
world of "science" and entered the world of intelligence and power.
The rules here are different. This is serious.

The existence of "aliens" from another planet, another

dimension or even another part of the Earth would be both a shock and
a threat beyond tolerance for our elites. It is easy to say things
like "human culture would change if we make contact" but when you are
on top of the current heap you don't want to hear things like that.
Not at all.

Now we're where we need to be. "Flying Saucers," in and of

themselves, would be a tremendous threat to existing human society.
Add to that what I suspect became known in the 1950s about
implantation and abduction, mutilation and disappearance, and the
Eisenhower years became a living nightmare for many of our new
economic and scientific elites. They were ripe for blackmail,
overweeningly proud and yet insecure in their new positions. If our
little grey friends (or those behind them) didn't seem to care about
human social arrangements and said they just needed a few things from
us and a little help in getting them (from 50 or 100 light years away
they probably couldn't bring the whole store) then by God they were
going to get the stuff--from our own elites using our tax dollars.
And if a little inducement were offered, such as high technology,
well, all the better. A little bribe makes a guilty conscience a
whole lot easier to live with.

We here at UFOSearch can well believe that in exchange for

"protection" our new scientific elites would have eagerly provided
assistance to others, even if part of the "deal" involved harm or even
death to average Americans. We must remember that these are the same
people who would bring the world willy-nilly nuclear testing and
Thalidomide. They view the "average man" as not much better than a
dog. It would have been a deal that they could hardly have refused, a
deal they would already have made with the nuclear devil.

Does UFOSearch believe that our hereditary elites (the

employers of Allen Dulles, James Forrestal and William Casey) would
trade a few million lives for their continuance in power? Yes. Do we
believe that the people who created Project Phoenix would trade a
million or so of our lives for a power that might put them on top,
over and above their old- line earthly superiors? Yes. Was a "revolt
of the Dulleses" possible? Yes.

All of these people have one interest in common--staying on

top. For them, as for the average scientist, the common people are a
common herd and occasionally some slaughtering must be done--that's
the way it is. Our nuclear progams have killed thousands of Americans
over the years. None of them care. What would they do for the power
of the Gods? Would they kill us all? We fear they might.



Date: 02-23-95 (11:22) Number: 4972 of 4978 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: NASA reportedly to cut role of California center
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

* Originally By: zac elston

* Originally To: All
* Originally Re: NASA reportedly to cut role of California center [News Feed]
* Original Area: ParaNet(sm) UFO Echo
* Forwarded by : Blue Wave v2.12 OS/2

From: elston@ACAVAX.LYNCHBURG.EDU (zac elston)

Date: 20 Feb 95 21:28:50 GMT
Message-ID: <ALTUFO-L%95022016294413@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo

NASA reportedly to cut role of California center

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuter) - NASA planners have proposed a drastic

overhaul of the space agency that would end scientific research and
control of space probe missions at the Ames Research Center in
northern California, a newspaper reported Saturday.

The San Francisco Chronicle said the proposal to reduce the role
of the Ames center, in Mountain View, 30 miles south of San Francisco,
was made by a high-level ``red team'' of planners at the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration.

The proposal was contained in a confidential ``white paper''

distributed this week by NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin, it said.

The planners propose to slash Ames's $650 million a year budget by

up to 40 percent, eliminate up to 1,400 jobs and move many of the
facility's activities to the Johnson Space Center in Houston over the
next five years, according to the Chronicle.

The proposal would end all scientific research, space probe

missions and airborne astronomy flights at Ames and leave it largely
as a center for aeronautical engineering research, the Chronicle said.

Spokesmen at Ames were not available to comment Saturday.

President Clinton has ordered a $5 billion cut in the space

program over five years, reducing estimated NASA funding requests for
the period to about $67 billion, starting with a $14.3 billion request
for next year.

Goldin said this week he hoped to carry out the cuts by turning
more NASA operations over to private industry, but said he may have to
cut some programs as well.

Goldin recently appointed several groups to study many aspects of

the agency's work.

The proposals by Goldin's ``red team'' of top agency officials

would involve major shifts in assignments for nine of the agency's
huge centers, including Johnson, where manned space flight activities
are concentrated; the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, where
unmanned spacecraft are designed; and the Kennedy Space Center in
Florida, where all manned missions are launched, the Chronicle said.

The document seeks to turn many NASA operations and facilities

over to industry contractors and proposes that universities take on
some of the agency's basic scientific missions, it said.

The Ames center controls two Pioneer spacecraft which are still
transmitting data from the outer edges of the solar system. The
Chronicle said missions like these would move to the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory under the proposal, it said.
Scientific flight missions would be transferred to the Dryden
Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base in southern
California under the proposal, it said.


Zac Elston Elston@acavax.lynchburg.edu GopherAdmin

--- FMail/386 1.0g

* Origin: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence BBS (1:261/1201)


Date: 02-22-95 (22:09) Number: 80799 of 81052 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Good 3/3
Read: NO Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

> EH> When I gave my opinion here recently that Tim Good's book "Above Top
> EH> Secret" was garbage and that everything I could check in the book was
> ^^
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Sure,just like Victorian..

> EH> One complaint I had against Good, concerning his credulous
> EH> promulgation of the fantasy of a top secret "zero gravity room" at NASA
> EH> in Houston, was actually
> EH> in his next book. The story is still silly and delusional, IMHO, but
> ^^^^^
> yeah right,like NASA is actually going to tell him or
> Victorian that
> they actually HAVE such a room,if they do.

Is there anything that Tim Good has written that you don't agree with or
accept, in belief? Do you think he's incapable of stretching the truth, or
mis-representing facts where a profit line is concerned to get books published?

Are you _not aware_ that one of the =key= figures in Good's books, Bob
Oeschler, was literally run out of UFOlogy just a few short months back when
the FACTS came in on the CARP investigation?
I could ask either Jacques Poulet or Benjamin Leblanc to re-post this report on
the echo, if they wish. This report is Highly significant because it is
conclusive proof that Oeschler's true motives *weren't* to get to the
documentable facts, but to line his own pockets, and to peddle bullshit for
"evidence". I guess you also weren't aware of a certain video segment shown
last year on "Sightings" or some derivative-thereof where Uncle Bob is hot on
the trail of "Guardian". It is to laugh!!
More important is that it highlights the issue of "credibility". Bob proved he
doesn't have _any_ and snuck away like a whupped dog, when called on his
claims/assertions. If -->> Bob didn't have credibility, what about -->> Tim
Good's "credibility factor" in accepting-at-face-value as _factual_ , Bob's
contributions to his books? It says a lot. I really don't think that 'Armen
Victorian' fabricated the letters from Adm Bobby Inman, nor those from NASA.
That can be verified. What _cannot_ be verified is proof of Oeschler's claims
in Good's "Alien Liaision" nor the methods that Good used to separate fact from
fiction. Obviously, he opted for the latter in Bob's case.


--- FMail/386 1.0g

* Origin: Having an out-of-body experience - back in one month (1:3618/2)


Date: 02-23-95 (11:20) Number: 81008 of 81052 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: CSICOP Conference
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

* Forwarded from "ABDUCT"

* Originally by James Easton
* Originally to All
* Originally dated 14 Feb 1995, 23:39


Date: 14 Feb 95 17:50:00 GMT
Message-ID: <PARANET%95021413592419@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
Newsgroups: alt.paranet.abduct



by Geoff Olson

Seattle was host recently to the annual conference of CSICOP

(pronounced psi-cop), the Committee for the Scientific Investigation
of Claims of the Paranormal. A large, influential skeptic's group,
CSICOP chose Seattle for this year's conference in acknowledgement of
the 47th anniversary of pilot Kenneth Arnold's report of UFOs in the

Among the speakers at the conference were astronomer Carl Sagan, who
believes all UFO reports are reducible to mundane causes, and Harvard
professor of psychiatry John Mack, who was there to defend his view
that alien abductions constitute a genuine phenomenon. The theme of
the conference was The Psychology of Belief.

CSICOP takes as its mandate the weeding out of pseudoscience and

bunk from the garden of science. Many of CSICOP's targets, such as Uri
Geller and spoon-bending, pretty much wither under their gaze.

Other targets - notably UFO reports - keep multiplying like

toadstools, keeping the CSICOPers busy with their trowels. This is
principally done through the organization's quarterly magazine,
_The_Skeptical_Inquirer_, a kind of _Consumer_Reports_ of the mind.

The average CSICOP member is a professional in a science, or a

science-related field: a pilot, an electrical engineer. The vast
majority are older white males. In an audience of over 500, I could
see very few ethnic faces, and fewer still that appeared under 40.
There are some women in the ranks of CSICOP, but its pretty much an
Old White Guys club.

And it's some club. V.S. Naipaul once wrote a book called
_Among_the_Believers_. Well, I was among the _dis_believers, big time.
Whether it's the Kennedy Conspiracy, the Loch Ness monster or dowsing,
CSICOP doesn't buy it. In fact, one of the group's co-founders left
because he found more reflex naysaying among the members than actual

What kind of a person puts such an emotional premium on disbelief?

CSICOPers often comment on people's misguided need to believe, whether
its in elves or Elvis. However, in their distaste for psychoanalysis
(that's bunk too), CSICOP members seem somewhat blind to their own

At one point in the conference, a woman claiming UFO experiences was

at the podium. One of Dr. John Mack's patients, she began by asking
for a show of hands from the audience. "How many people here believe
in God?" she asked. To gradually building laughter, the CSICOP
audience realized how homogeneous its thinking was: among over 500
people no one raised their hands.

The woman's point, I think, was that there's as much a belief system
among the so-called skeptics as there is among the "believers."

Atheism has no more a logical foundation than blind faith.

The response from the audience to her question strengthened an
interpretation of my own about "skeptics." The idea of UFOs as
physically real craft not from this earth is particular anathema to

Any compelling physical evidence for UFOs, studied by competent

scientists such as Pierre Guerin or Jacques Vallee, has never been
adequately addressed by CSICOP. The reason, I believe, is that the
idea of a superior intelligence from the skies harkens back to the
very thing that CSICOPers find most repellent: the concept of God.

The very reason some people uncritically accept UFOs is essentially

the same reason others so uncritically reject them: for their
archetypal, mythic baggage. God is dead, CSICOP has decided, and UFOs
aren't doing so well either.

Are these mostly people who replaced one religion with another -
science - and turned disbelief into a belief system in itself?

Worthwhile work is done by CSICOP. There are pseudo-sciences. And

yes, science is under attack these days from these pseudosciences, and
various ethereal, feel good, New Age philosophies.

But the ground has been gained by these beliefs by default: people
see science in retreat from genuine anomalies that need study. And
here's where CSICOP has done the most damage, in promoting this

We all have our cliques, our in-groups, both professionally and

privately. But it is dangerous when any group is convinced it has The

The conference in Seattle lasted four days, and I have never

attended any event where I heard as much smug, self-satisfied
laughter. The laughter seemed more in the service of the egos gathered
than of any actual science. If there was an official candy bar for the
conference, it would have been Snickers.

In weeding out the garden of science, CSICOP may only end up digging
rational inquiry into a deeper hole.

...Geoff Olson is a Vancouver writer.+


Further comment would be superfluous...




--- FMail/386 1.0g

* Origin: * A UFO..What's that? <-> FidoNet UFO Moderator * (1:3618/2)


Date: 02-23-95 (14:52) Number: 81031 of 81052 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Tas. Sighting 1985/6
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

(Reproduced from The "Australian UFO Bulletin" (December 1994)
by The Victorian UFO Research Society, P.O. Box 43, Moorabbin,
Victoria 3189, Australia without permission.)

(The most significant sighting has been moved to the top of

this reproduction where as in the original it is last, otherwise
it is reproduced word for word.)

Tasmanian Sighting Reports in 1993



The location of the farm on which multiple sighting occurred during

1985/1986 is some 55K north of Hobart. The area is open rolling
paddocks backed by sandstone hills with steep rocks and gully's. At
the time of the sighting Mr G and his wife were living on the farm
with their three sons and two daughters.

The eldest son was about 16/17 years old at the time, the youngest
child about 6/8 years old. Mr G who sold the farm in 1988 had run the
property for some 18 years.

Mr G recalls that the first UFO sighting took place about July 1985,
he and his eldest boy had gone out to do some possum shooting on an
adjoining property. They were at the base of a hill about 2.5K
North-East of the farm.

The weather was cold but fine, it was about 10 PM. Mr G says his son
called out to him to turn off the spotlight because someone was
coming. Mr G said he was caring a 12 volt motorbike battery in a tin
on his back to power the spotlight. Mr G says he turned and looked to
the north and saw a bright blue object in the sky, it was still at a
fair distance, maybe 5K, but even so was reflecting some blue light
towards them.

The object in the next minutes came closer until it was some 200m
away and not far above the ground. at this stage some 7 to 11 round
lights were emitted out of the top of the object hung about 6/7m in a
line above the object, they were blue also. The object then dropped
vertically and landed on the ground, at no time was there any sound.
The object itself was also surrounded by a blue glow. it was so
bright that the whole area about it and where the witnesses were
standing was lit up by a blue light. The witness recalls seeing a
strainer post closer to the object which stood out as if in daylight.

The object itself looked like a huge bullet type shape, tall with a
rounded top. about half way was a ring, or ledge around the object.
It has a straight base. Mr G estimated it at 20/25m tall and 6/7m

As the UFO touched down Mr G began to feel something warm on his

back. he then discovered the 12 volt battery had warmed up and
started to bubble. Mr G said to his son it was time too get away from
the object, they had moved a few metres when they heard a strange sound.
Mr G said it was like a singing type of noise coming from the object,
it was unintelligible, like some foreign language.

Mr G says at this stage he dropped the possums they had shot and made
off for the car about 1K away. He says they did not look back at any
stage, and he noticed that after some 0.5K the battery on his back
had cooled off again. Reaching the car he then dropped his riffle and
left the battery on the ground. He drove home without any headlights
and used the handbrake to slow the car. he did not want to attract
the attention of the UFO. (the battery worked OK next time).

Once home Mr G. checked his clothes, his shirt and pullover were in
order but his singlet for some reason had a 15cm hole burnt in it,
there were no marks on his back. His wife later burnt the singlet. Mr G
says he went back for the rifle and battery, but never went back to
the landing site. Mr G told his brothers about the event but they
asked him what had he been drinking!
Some 6 months later in the Summer of 1986 a second UFO paid a visit
to Mr G's farm only this time it stayed around Mr G says for about 3
months, from January to March. Mr G gave the Centre information on a
few sightings but said he saw the UFO a couple of times each week
over the 3 month period.

Mr G was out about 10 PM one January evening with his daughter to

shoot some kangaroo for dog meat, they were about 2k North-East of
the farm on the edge of the paddock which was backed by bush.

Mr G noticed a bright light in the northern sky, then he realized that

his light was growing in size, getting lower, and headed for them.
Eventually it came right over the top of where he and his daughter
were standing, he told her to lie down. As they lay on the ground he
watched an oval shape object with numerous white lights around its
edge pass overhead. The object also had other lights in its centre
but he can not recall any pattern.

This object seemed to be huge, Mr G compared it to a football field

(Australian Rules) in size. He estimated that it was at least some
200 to 150m across.

As mentioned in our Review, sightings were few and far between

although we still picked up some interesting cases from earlier
years. The first unexplained case for 1993 occurred on January 11th
about 2.10 am.

The witness's report tells the story. "I awoke because the dogs were
barking and I opened the bedroom window to tell them to be quiet. I
noticed a very bright shiny yellow light above the tree line to the

Perhaps in the area I would describe as a Longley. It was rocking

back and forth slightly. At first I thought it was a very bright star
but it seemed far too big. Then I noticed it was a very heavy clouded
night and I could not see any other stars. I watched for a full 10
minutes but I couldn't convince myself that it really was a UFO.
Strangely enough I lay back down on the bed but couldn't' get it out
of my mind. At 2.20 PM I got back up to watch what happened to this
"light" but it had gone!. There were no other lights or stars visible.


So ran the 'On The Spot' column in the Launceston Examininer of January
After several telephone calls the Centre was able to contact the
witness for details of the sighting, which of course had no
suggestions of Martians from anywhere. Mr M and his wife had been at
their home near Evandale on the evening of January 12th when M
noticed a bright light through the lounge room window, it was about
9.50 PM.

There seemed to be three spinning lights on a bright round shape away

to the east at about a 20 to 30 degree elevation. Mr M used
binoculars to view the lights and had the impression there was a
cylinder shape. The lights were stationary for some 10 minutes before
they seemed to drift away towards the north east. They looked to lose
elevation over the distant hills about 20k distant. finally the lights
became blurry and disappeared, maybe behind the hills. There was no
air traffic in the area at the time.


Mr N was at Redbill Beach, just north of Bicheno, at 6.40 PM on the

evening of May 10th.

Although it was overcast a light was visible at about a 15 degree

elevation out over the sea to the north east. The Light which was
white went red then blue. It commenced a movement on a level path
towards the north, but then it performed an arc move, going up and
over until it was heading back towards the south at about a 20 degree

Next thing it was spiralling down towards the sea performing a figure
eight move on the way.

As if these manoeuvres were not enough the light did some circle
moves, moved fast towards the south and faded out. It then reappeared
at a higher elevation before fading out. The whole incident had taken
some 10 minutes.


Elsewhere we have mentioned the orange lights reported over Launceston

and the possibility of being some aerial device, however, we are not
so sure about a sighting reported in the early hours of May 29th.

Our witness with his wife and a friend were in the Launceston city
centre when they noticed at a fairly high elevation to the north two
orange lights. They thought it was a plane at first but the lights
seemed to be too far apart.

The witness drove up to the Talbot Road Lookout to try and obtain a
better view of the lights. They got out of the car and watched the
lights turn in unison over the city. Despite the calm overcast weather
they could hear no sound of any aircraft engines. The lights turned
together and headed away to the south.

The witness drove along Hobart Road to Youngtown with the lights
visible ahead of them over a drive of some 5K. However, the lights
still in the same pattern looked to gain elevation and were lost from
sight in low cloud. They had been in sight over some 20 minutes.

Enquiries showed that the cloud was mostly about the 400m level.

All Correspondence to: T.U.F.O.I.C., P.O. Box 99, NORTH HOBART,


* Origin: A.L.I.E.N. BBS * Sydney Australia * +61-2-743-5871 (3:712/393)


Date: 02-24-95 (01:38) Number: 81053 of 81056 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: GOOD 3/3
Read: NO Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (+)

Quoting Don Allen to Jean Van Gemert:

> Are you _not aware_ that one of the =key= figures in Good's
> books, Bob Oeschler, was literally run out of UFOlogy just a
> few short months back when the FACTS came in on the CARP
> investigation?

> I could ask either Jacques Poulet or Benjamin Leblanc to

> re-post this report on the echo, if they wish. This report
> is Highly significant because it is conclusive proof that
> Oeschler's true motives *weren't* to get to the documentable
> facts, but to line his own pockets, and to peddle bullshit
> for "evidence".

Actually Don not a 'report' (that is still due 'soon'), more the first
4 parts of the _basis_ for the 'MUFON Ontario Report on THE CARP
CASE', as published in the MUFON Ontario Newsletter.

And since no one else has posted part 5 here it is:

The MUFON Ontario Newsletter is published bi-monthly by
The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) ONTARIO. Subscriptions may be obtained
by writing to Victor Lourenco, 3058 Fifth Line West, #7, Mississaugua,
Ontario, L5L 5W4, Canada. Six issues US$30.00.

(MUFON Florida please note!)

ALL Rights reserved.
Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.


The Carp Case - The MUFON Ontario Version (continued) - Part 5.

by Tom Theofanous & Errol Bruce-Knapp

On May 9th, l993 Tom, Lise and Graham drove to Almonte to talk to
Bobby (Guardian) Charlebois without success. The following day
Oechler called Graham and was very upset at the attempt to talk to
Charlebois which puzzled Graham.

May 28th Graham and Oechsler met with Gary Osterbrook a polygrapher.
Oechsler and Osterbrook had agreed on a price of a thousand dollars to
conduct two lie-detector tests - one on Diane Labenek the other with
Susan ('Sarah Janille') Gill - Oechsler's mysterious 'Canadian
Government Official'.

Oechsler used one of of Bruce Maccabee's personal cheques made out for
$1,000 (US) which he gave to Osterbrook as payment for the testing.

In 1993, 'The Air Report' (Associated Investigator's Report #1) raised

the issue of Maccabee's possibly using The Fund for UFO Research's
money for personal gain:


Dr. Maccabee has made at least one trip to Ontario to

investigate the case. It is not known whether any Fund for UFO
Research monies were expended in this investigation.

[quote ends]

Maccabee responded in his 'Rebuttal Paper', page l8 item 27:

....a simple question which could have been answered before the
publication [of the 'Air Report'] by a simple phone call to the
Chairman, Richard Hall, or to any of the other members of the
Executive Board. The answer is NO (a thousand times, no).

[quote ends]

An odd choice of words. Surely a coincidence? A check, signed by

him, for $1,000.00 to Gary Osterbrook the polygrapher? "The answer is
NO (a thousand times No.)"!

Bruce Maccabee, photographic expert and video-analyst supposedly had

no interest in the Carp Case other than analysing the Guardian Video -
he declared it on televison to be an 'authentic' landed UFO!

More from 'THE AIR REPORT'


Dr. Maccabee also maintains a relationship with Robert Oechsler,

a man whose motives in the field are at best mercenery. He has at
one point or another involved himself in virtually every aspect
of ufology. Mr. Oechsler has been variously described as a clown,
a fraud and even a con-man (in 1991 he attempted to involve
several of his then friends in the UFO field in some sort of
bizarre pyramid scheme in which participants were to send him
money via Federal Express (so as to avoid federal laws governing
mail fraud)--telling at least one associate that he intended to
make several hundred thousand dollars). Mr. Oechsler who
represents himself as a former "NASA Mission Specialist" has
participated with Dr. Maccabee in the photographic analysis of
the Gulf Breeze material.

[Commander Gene Cernan USN (Retd. and former NASA astronaut, reported
that Oechsler had NEVER held the position he claims in NASA, but that
it was possible that he had worked as a junior technician either with
NASA or with a NASA sub-contractor, in which case his name would not
have been known anyway.]

Mr. Oechsler has also made a series of fantastic claims

concerning his alledged discoveries of various secret government
UFO related projects including an operational anti-gravity
chamber, sophisticated anti-alien defense installations, a
wide-ranging program to educate the general public as to the
reality of the UFO phenomenon and others too tedious to detail
here. These "discoveries" were published by Timothy Good in his
book "Alien Liaison" in England and more recently in "Alien
Contact" here in the United States. It is virtually certain that
most if not all of Mr. Oechsler's claims are fraudulent and he
has intimated to Walt Andrus, International Director of the
Mutual UFO Network, that he fabricated at least some of the

The most important point here is not Oechsler's selling of this

material to the television shows 'Unsolved Mysteries' and
'Sightings' but Dr. Maccabee's clear support for the validity of
the case. Dr. Maccabee spoke in support of the authenticity of
the Guardian video on at least one television program and before
the large audience of a UFO conference in Silver Spring, MD.

Richard Hall, the Fund's (for UFO Research) newly elected

chairman, also said that he was equally perplexed by some of the
UFO cases that Maccabee had promoted such as Gulf Breeze and the
'Guardian' case.

[quote ends]

To which Maccabee responded in his 'Hot Air' rebuttal:


The writer charges that my support for UFO cases which, in the
mind of the writer at least, are "obviously" poor cases or frauds
(New Zealand, Kirtland Landing Case, Gulf Breeze, Guardian) has
caused other researchers to waste time and money carrying out
their own investigatlons. (How horrible!)

[quote ends]

Not just in the mind of the writer of the 'Air Report' but also on the
lips of many of ufology's leading lights. Not 'horrible!', just an
immense waste of time, energy and money on a patent hoax. And how
callous of a man who for many years was trusted and respected by his

Bruce Maccabee's motive and actions throughout the course of Oechsler's

investigation are highly suspect and we feel that Maccabee owes an
explanation to all those in our field who have trusted his judgment
over the years.

The question is, is Maccabee being manipulated by Oechsler? Is he

being conned or have his judgement and analytical capabilities become
desperately impaired?

During the May 28th, meeting between Bob Oechler, Graham Lightfoot and
Gary Osterbrook, Susan Gill was introduced to Graham for the first
time. Gill is the External Affairs 'witness' to the event that took
place in the Labanek's field.

Her story or at least one version that she has given:

On a rainy night Susan Gill's dog began barking at the front window
and she got up to see what was being barked at. As she looked through
her window she noticed, through the trees that border her lot, a set
of peculiar red lights glowing across the road in the Labanek's field
- she assumed they were fireworks. Other coloured lights rose up
over the treetops and instantly vanished. When she did not see
any fireworks explode she got curious and went out to her driveway to
take a closer look. Suddenly in front and above her was an object with
swirling lights. As the object descended she tried, unsuccessfully to
get back into her house and she claims that the Labenek dogs could be
heard "barking up a storm in the distance" - this despite the fact
that on the Guardian video only one dog is heard and only in the view
of the 'craft' with the flares extinguished.

Weeks later Gill recalled in detail being abroad the craft and
conversing telepathically with the alien occupants and an oriental
looking 'being' in charge.

She also remembered a car going by in front of her house just after a
helicopter flew over the Labanek's field. She has given several
different versions of the car and driver story: It was the Guardian
who stopped to ask her if she was OK, another that he stopped and was
very rude to her and yet another story that she thought it might have
been the Guardian but took note of his licence number anyway despite
the fact that she was very groggy and the car speeding away.

Gill claims that on the night she had these experiences it was
raining, which on investigation proved to be the night before Diane
Labanek and the Guardian claimed to have seen and videoed the 'landed
craft'. But, what is most intriguing is Gill's ability to see through
the deep stand of thick, tall spuce trees between her and the 'landing
site' in the Labanek's field.

Gill is adamant about dogs barking - both hers and the Labeneks,
despite the fact that on the Guardian video only one dog is heard and
only in the view of the 'craft' with the flares extinguished.

Recently, Gill told our investigators that she was sure that her
'event' took place on "a rainy night", which she maintains was the
night before Labanek's 'sighting'. The Guardian video shows neither
rain nor wetness which leads us to believe that either Labanek and
Guardian were lying or Susan Gill was making up her story.

Gill sent a signed letter to a third party (who wishes to remain

annonymous) complaining about "Graham Lightfoot and his associates".
She wrote:


Mr. Lightfoot first presented himself as having a professional

background as a reporter and as a serious UFO Investigator. I
had indicated that I was writing a book involving UFOs, Aliens,
Psychic Phenomena, a female abductee and an investigator and
showed him not only the first chapters but also the story line.
Although fictitious characters and incidents are in the story and
it is to be published as fiction I'm disturbed by Mr. Lightfoot's
indiscretion at revealing it's contents.

[quote ends]

It's strange that Gill would dennounce Graham in her letter since she
had already shown both her story and outline to Oechsler - he had it
when Graham first met Gill.

Why would she be so upset with something that she thought Graham had
done when she already knew Oechsler had the story ready to go to print
into the UFO Library magazine? She was present when Graham read over
Oechler's copy for the magazine and also Bob left his name out. She
was not at all concerned that Bob was using her story, and never
suggested that she as at any subsequent meeting with Graham.

If, as Gill writes "fictitious characters and incidents are in the

story and it is to be published as fiction" - why did Oechsler treat
her story as fact, connecting it in the October/November l993 issue of
UFO Library to The Guardian Story?

In the second paragraph of his 'Insiders Report', Oechsler used part

of the opening chapter of Gill's novel without giving her a writer's
credit - curiously, the same parts of her book that she claims Graham
was indiscreet about. None of the 'facts' in this paragraph of
Oechsler's "surrealistic screams, excruciating cries of tormented
agony that warned off all attempts by residents to investigate,
startling screams like no other sound experienced before by
anyone...." have been reported or verified. We can only point out
that these facts are the opening of Susan Gills Horror Novel.

In the letter Gill also complained that:


Derogatory remarks are being made by Mr. Lightfoot and his

Associates a out Mr. Oechler and myself that are unacceptable and
are sufficient grounds for a lawsuit.
[quote ends]

The third party replied in a letter to Susan Gill:


Please be advised that I am in receipt of your signed letter of

the above date. Please be advised also that I have taken your
letter very seriously.

As you so correctly pointed out in your letter it is not wise to

go by hearsay, for instance, I have been led to believe that all
along and from many independent sources that you were indeed
victim of the extraordinary phenomenon known as 'UFO Abduction'
and was suprised to learn from your letter that a
misunderstanding has occurred.

I was not aware that your only participation in the events that
transpired in you neighborhood was by way of research for a book
of fiction you wre writing as opposed to a personal experience.

May I apologize for this misconception and stress that I will

indeed pass you message on to whoever I hear expressing an
incorrect view on this matter. Had you chosen to simply write to
set the record straight about the above, I would have been
agreeable to respect your total confidentiality.

Good luck in your work of fiction.

[quote ends]

Gill has not responded to the preceeding letter and all of this begs
the question: How valid were the Lie detector tests on Gill? Unless
of course the questions asked of her during the polygraph testing
skirted around the situation or that she is a confabulator (a
pathological liar) - someone who believes what they are saying even if
the events they describe never happened. Of course we can only

Diane Labanek was also scheduled to take a polygraph test but changed
her mind at the last minute - perhaps realising that she might not
'pass'. By that time there were many people asking a lot of questions
about her involvment in the Guardian Caper.

To be continued...



Errol Bruce-Knapp
UFO UpDates - Toronto


Date: 02-22-95 (21:56) Number: 8637 of 8659 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: UFOs And Richard Condon
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltParaUFO (5163) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

From: germannvh@aol.com (Germannvh)

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: UFOs And Richard Condon
Date: 20 Feb 1995 03:13:33 -0500
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Message-ID: <3i9ivd$gt6@newsbf02.news.aol.com>

Premonitons Of The Future: Part IV

Richard Condon's The Manchurian Candidate


Columbia, Missouri 65203


UFOsearch work on a Chronology Of The UFO has lead to interesting

and odd references in both UFO and non-UFO material from the 1950s.
The strong implication is that much of the "Lear Type" material was
known to insiders as far back as 1953. Strange as it may seem, Richard
Condon's 1959 bestseller The Manchurian Candidate is replete with "UFO
resonances," many of which could not have been detected by "outsiders"
before the mid-1980s.

UFOsearch believes that Condon was leaked a "legend" of some kind

that led to the writing of his book. This "legend" may have been
described to him as having to do with UFOs or maybe he simply figured
it out. The context was that of the Cold War and the sub-text was the
CIA's Project MK-Ultra, a so- called "mind control" program which was
begun under Admiral Hillenkoetter and was originally called, believe
it or not, BlueBird.

A close-reading of The Manchurian Candidate reveals the following

strange connections to concepts bouncing around the world of Ufology

1) Few of the characters in the book are who they seem to be.
2) Three important characters have "off planet" references.
3) Military men and politicians are manipulated by these people.
4) Two of these people seem good, the third one bad, very bad.
5) The bad character has connections high in the U.S. government.
6) Thus much of what is seen as "politics" is secret manipulation.
7) This manipulation is part of a very long-range plan.
8) Bizarre sexual attraction (as per Streiber's Majestic) occurs.
9) Wounds on the calf of the leg (as per Fowler) are important.
10)There are very strange connections to the Kennedy killing.
11)A "Eugenics" program run from "off planet" is implied.
12)The plan is defeated through the strange dreams of two characters.

UFOsearch's discussion of The Manchurian Candidate will be in two

parts, the first on the film, the second on the book. There is no
doubt in the author's mind that every reader of this paper will want
to see the movie and read the book. There is something of
significance happening.

The Manchurian Candidate And The UFO The Film

In the fall of 1989 this writer heard from friends that someone
named William Cooper was claiming that the assassination of John
Kennedy was somehow connected to the UFO. Cooper supposedly was
saying that JFK was going to release some "MJ-12" information and had
to be done away with as a result.

I was told that Cooper believed that the driver of Kennedy's car
had actually killed him with a special CIA pistol. No doubt this idea
was and is repellent to most Americans. However, I had just finished
reading Jim Marrs' book Crossfire and one called High Treason by
Grodon and Livingston. In both books there are references to the
possibility of pistol fire at close range.

Clint Hill, the agent who jumped onto the trunk of the limousine,
testified that he heard something like a pistol shot as he ran toward
the car. It was at about this same time that the fatal shot struck the
President. Two Dallas doctors thought that the head wounds Kennedy
suffered were consistent with high-powered pistol fire at close range.
I thought, 'Could there be anything to what Cooper says?'

I reviewed the copies of the Zapruder and Nix films that I have
on video tape. I followed Cooper's supposed advice and watched the
driver, William Greer, not the President. What I saw amazed me.
Greer did not begin to speed up when the shooting started, as I had
been led to believe. Instead, he slowed down. And, horror of horrors,
as he slowed the limousine he turned and looked over his shoulder at
the wounded President! And Greer was still looking at him several
seconds later as John Kennedy's head was blown off. Only after this
obviously fatal wound had been delivered did Greer turn around, DUCK
DOWN, and mash the pedal to the floor. It is obvious, he was waiting
for the President to be killed. What he is doing with his hands
cannot be seen.

In reviewing High Treason I noticed that one of Kennedy's

favorite movies was The Manchurian Candidate, made in 1962 and
released in mid-1963. I am a bit of a movie buff and had been working
on interesting associations in science fiction films through the 1950s
and 1960s. I had never seen The Manchurian Candidate and I was not
alone. The film had not been available for many years. But it had
been at last released on video in the fall of 1988, the 25th
anniversary of the assassination.

In March, 1990 I rented the movie, wondering if it would be

interesting in the least. Was I in for a surprise. It would turn out
to be more than just interesting, it would be amazing.

I always had thought that the movie was about Russian "sleeper"
agents assassinating the President of the United States under orders
from Moscow. I thought that was why it had been suppressed for so
many years. But the film concerns a lot more than just commies. It
is much deeper than I thought.

The Manchurian Candidate concerns a plot by "the communists" to

take over the government of the United States by controlling the
President. Briefly, a U.S. Senator under the control of his Soviet
agent wife would be maneuvered into the Vice Presidential nomination
of a major party. Then, at the party convention, a "sleeper" agent
would kill the presidential nominee in the close proximity of the Vice
President-to-be. The VP nominee would be seen on national TV holding
his dead leader in his arms and vowing revenge on the enemies of the
nation. He would be elected in a landslide and his wife would
actually rule. Interesting.

Two images came to my mind as I watched this movie. The first

was of a blood-spattered Jackie Kennedy standing next to LBJ as he
took the oath of office on Air Force One. That was a bit spooky. The
second image was that of Nancy Reagan whispering instructions to Ron
at that famous outdoor press conference.

But there is a lot more to this movie than just strange

resemblences to the Kennedy killing and to more recent news. There are
also bizarre resonances to the world of the "UFO" in the 1990s,
resonances that made my hair stand on end.

Here are the primary items:

1) Army intelligence learns that a member of an infantry platoon

with Korean War combat experience is having strange dreams.
The Frank Sinatra character (Major Marco) has told his
superiors of his nightmares. But they pass them off as
combat fatigue and so does Army intelligence. But Major
Marco is shown having terrific psychological disturbances as
a result of these "dreams." Finally, he is placed on leave
"to rest." It is obvious that no- one believes his "dreams"
to be significant.

But others in the platoon are having similiar dreams. There

is a scene in which a black soldier wakes up from a nightmare
similiar to those of Major Marco. If you have seen the 1975
TV movie, The UfO Incident, with James Earl Jones as Barney
Hill, then the black soldier's reaction to the dream
sequences in this movie are pure Deja Vue, providing a strong
link with what we think of now as the "abduction/hypnosis"

2) Major Marco travels by train to visit one of his Korean War

buddies in an attempt to get to the bottom of his troubles.
On the way he meets the Janet Leigh character, who within a
few movie minutes is intensely interested in Major Marco. In
fact, she is abnormally interested in Major Marco, almost as
if she has been planted on the train.

Her name is "Eugenie" and she quickly tries to get to know

Major Marco better. But he is not interested. He is
obssessed with his "dreams." At one point Eugenie repeats
her phone number several times in hypnotic tones. Later in
the film, when the major gets into trouble, he will remember
that phone number. Within days they will want to get married.

Later we find that both Marco and Eugenie are orphans and
neither have known their parents. At one point Eugenie says to Marco
that she "used to feel, when I was a baby, that I had been a passenger
on a space ship that overshot Mars." Needless to say, my jaw dropped
as I watched this sequence.

Within 24 movie hours the Leigh character has thrown over her
finance and announced she will marry the Sinatra character. This, of
course, is very odd. It's very like an incident from Whitley
Strieber's Majestic in which people are strangely attracted to each
other and "marry" instantly.

One of my movie books says of the Sinatra/Leigh affair,

"irrelevant to the plot." That is correct. It is a fact that their
strange meeting and marriage are never "explained" and do not advance
the main story. Yet quite a lot of time is spent in developing their
characters. It is almost like there is a movie within a movie. The
whole thing is very, very strange.

3) The toughest role in the film is that of the Raymond Shaw

character, the programmed assassin. He is depicted as a cold
and distant sargeant who is very difficult to like. He is
not very popular with his men and is depicted as anything but
an average Joe. In fact, you almost could say he fits a "man
in black" profile. Tall, dark, "foreign looking." He is the
one selected by the communists to be their agent, their

After programming by the communists Shaw will do the next

thing he is told to do after seeing the queen of diamonds
playing card. This includes anything up to and including
murder--of his own wife. We later learn that Shaw's
biological father is unknown and it is his step-father who
figures in the communists' takeover plans. Shaw's mother
turns out to be be the "control" for both Raymond and his

4) At one point the Raymond Shaw character tells of being

treated for snakebite by his wife-to-be, named Josyln Jordan
in the film. This girl uses a razor blade to cut Shaw's calf
and let the venom out of the bite. She is wearing a very
revealing dress and within hours Raymond Shaw has proposed
and she seems to have accepted.

Later the two of them meet at a costume party. Shaw's

wife-to-be shows up dressed in a queen-of-diamonds costume
(it is never explained why) and Shaw all but eats her alive.
They are married that night and are shown in bed together.
Cuts on the calf, instant marriages--do they ring any bells?
Yes, they figure in the plots of Intruders and Majestic.

5) Shaw's mother, the Angela Landsbury character, has no name in

this film. Her husband calls her "babe." Her son calls her
"mother." We know nothing about her except that she is the
driving force behind most of what happens in the movie.

She is an agent for the "Communists" and is her son's

"control" in America. This woman thus symbolizes the
subversion of the most sacred human bond, that of mother and
child. She may be working for the Communists but has her own
agenda--world power.

A major weakness of the movie (and the book) is the fact that it is
never explained how Shaw's mother was first "turned" and became an agent
for the Reds. However, the primary point remains intact: U.S.
"politics" can be controlled by forces unimagined by most of those in

6) The Sinatra character finally gets credibility when another

member of his Korean War platoon identifies some of the same people that
Sinatra does. These people appeared in Sinatra's nightmares as little
old ladies. They then turned into KGB generals. These are "screen
memories" as per Communion, Intruders and Transformation. This fits in
with some of the material presented by Lear vis-a-vis the "UFO" and
"sleepers" within the X-15 program. The time frame is even the same.

Both Marco and his buddy also remember the Raymond Shaw character
being ordered to kill two U.S. soldiers and then doing so. This "unity
of nightmare" on the part of two members of the platoon is enough for
the FBI and the CIA. They start an investigation and the Sinatra
character is assigned to Raymond Shaw. At about this same time the Shaw
character is being told, in jest, "sometimes I think you came to us from
another century," and "why must you always look as if your head is about
to come to a point." About this time I was getting the point.

7) But now a radical change in plan causes Shaw's mother to order

Shaw to kill his new father-in-law, who is opposing her husband (the
demagogue) in his quest for the nomination. Because Shaw has standing
orders to shoot all witnesses to his killings he automatically has to
shoot his new wife, too. A little later the Sinatra character attempts
to de-program Shaw using a forced deck, a deck consisting of all queens
of diamonds.

8) Shaw gets his final orders from his mother: shoot the nominee
for President as he delivers his acceptance speech. Instead, Shaw
assassinates his mother, his step-father, and then himself. "It was the
only way," he says as he turns the gun to his own head. Thus ends The
Manchurian Candidate.

I think you will have to agree that there are some very, very odd
things about this film. I could not believe some of them. I expected
to have to reach a long way to get anything related to UFOs out of this
movie. But instead they jumped right out of my television set and hit
me over the head.

I believe that this movie, for whatever reason, had a meta-

message different from that of the nominal plot. This movie wound
up as an allegory (for those who knew something) involving human-
alien interaction. I think the allegory is:

1) The "communists" are the so-called "aliens" that certain

elements of our government are now said to have a "deal" with.

2) These "aliens" are engaged in a long-term "eugenics" program,

making matches among humans and, perhaps, non-humans. The women
involved in this program are irresistable to the men who are targeted to
participate. See the work of Hopkins and Strieber and others.

3) These "aliens" can program human beings to both support and

oppose them in a complex and horrible game. No one can truly know who
is on who's side. Human beings are killed in this game and the "aliens"
are totally unconcerned about individual deaths.

4) Certain humans (the dealers) think they are using the "aliens"
to their own ends--world power. They are wrong.

5) Other humans are trying to find and destroy the ones "in on the
deal." Hypnosis and dream memories are some of their tools.

*** Other Conections ***

In a 1967 book called Were We Controlled?, the author, one "Lincoln

Lawerence," a psuedonym for a "well known journalist," says that Lee
Harvey Oswald underwent "adenoid surgery" in March of 1961. But,
Lawerence says, this was just a cover for an implant that was placed
behind Oswald's left ear by the Russians. It was this "implant" that
gave the communists the ability to have him kill the President. This
implant would trigger post-hypnotic orders placed by the Russians. Some
of you no doubt know that "behind the ear" is one of the places Whitley
Strieber believes "implants" may have been put into his head in 1986.
The "implant" idea is at least 23 years old.

In Edward Epstein's book 1978 book, Legend, concerning the life of

Oswald, this surgery is mentioned. . .along with Oswald's whirlwind
romance and marriage to Marina. Oswald met Marina on about March 15,
1961, at a cocktail party. She was wearing a bright red brocade dress
and had her hair made up "like Brigitte Bardot." Oswald immediately
fell for her and after a courtship that took place mostly in the
hospital (it was at this time that Lee was having the "adenoid surgery")
he proposed on April 15th. He and Marina had spent 4 days together.
They were then married on April 30, 1961, right after Oswald got out of
the hospital. Does this sound familiar?

There are those who think that the hospital was a cover for much of
what happened to Oswald. He spent a lot of time in the hospital while
he was in the Marines--and "Raymond Shaw" was "reinforced" while in the

Marina Oswald did not know who her father was and had lived for a
time in an orphanage. Oswald, as you might know, had also lived as an
orphan for a time and had never known his father. Just before the JFK
assassination he went to New Orleans and searched out sources who gave
him a photo of his "real" father, a photo which Oswald kept for a short
time and then threw away, or so it was said.

Consider this: Oswald was stationed at Atsugi, Japan, which was

the Far East station for the CIA and a primary base for Project MK
Ultra, a "mind control" program begun in the very early 1950s under
Admiral Hillenkoetter. This program was originally called BlueBird.
Remember the Blue Teams, and the Blue Berets? There is strong evidence
that the antecedents of this program go back to 1943 when a certain
"institute" was set up in Montreal, Canada, with Rockefeller money.
See the book Journey Into Madness by Gordon Thomas, 1989.

There is a possibility that Lee was "sheep dipped" into this

program from the beginning. When he was 15 in 1955 he joined a Civil
Air Patrol squadron in New Orleans. His CAP leader was one David
Ferrie, known CIA and FBI stringer who was killed in 1967 under very
unusual circumstances. (He was found shot the day after he left
protective custody in association with the Clay Shaw trial in New
Orleans.) Oswald had met with Ferrie several times in the months
leading up to the Kennedy assassination and the Warren Commission went
to great lengths not to discover this odd and disturbing connection.

Oswald was one of nine American servicemen who defected to the

Eastern Block or USSR in the 18 months prior to the beginning of 1960.
Prior to that time only TWO such defections had taken place since the
end of the Second World War! There is evidence to suggest that a
CIA/ONI program to "plant" defectors in the USSR and East Bloc nations
was ongoing in the late 1950s and that Oswald had been selected far in
advance to be a participant.

But there is more. Epstein reports in Legend that Oswald's

immediate superior, a first lieutenant in the Marines, told him of being
taken underground at Atsugi, Japan, (where he and Oswald were both
stationed) and seeing several "armaments" he was told were Atomic Bombs.
They were each in their own revetment and were about "15 feet by 18
feet" in size. The officer admitted to Epstein that he knew nothing
about Atomic Bombs and just believed what he was told about them. This
occured in 1959.

Epstein uses this story to bolster his suspicions that nuclear

weapons were stored at Atsugi, that Atsugi was the most important base
in Japan at the time, the late 1950s.

Atsugi was primarily a Navy and Marine base. The only airplanes
large enough to carry bombs anywhere near the size the Lieutenant saw
were B-36s, under control of the Air Force and absolute anathema to the
Navy. And they were being phased out.

My reading tells me that even by the mid-1950s our H-bombs were

already quite a bit smaller than "15 by 18 feet." Where the objects
that Epstein's informant saw actually Atomic Bombs? Could they have
been something else?

Remember, nuclear weapons were banned from Japan by treaty and as

far as is known only shipboard nukes were allowed to come near Japan by
officials "winking" at the letter of the treaty. And don't forget, the
B-36s flew from U.S. territory and had true intercontinental range.
They needed no forward base in Japan and it would have costs billions to
prepare such bases.

As soon as I had seen the film The Manchurian Candidate I wanted to

read the book. Would there be the same references? Was the "tone" of
the book the same as the film? Was the strange, morbid atmsophere of
the movie a result of the book or was that something the movie people
created? I was to find the answers to all three of these questions a
resounding "yes!" And in addition there were other references in the
book that were not in the film, references that only reinforced my
initial impressions.

The Manchurian Candidate The Book

This novel came out in 1959 and was a hit. It fit the Cold War Era
and the feelings of the time, I guess. Today it perhaps doesn't read so
well. But in the early 1960s it wasn't long before a movie was in the
works and it was in production through most of 1962 and on into 1963.
It was released just before the shooting of John Kennedy and starred
Frank Sinatra and Janet Leigh.

Following the assassination it was pulled from theaters and was not
seen in any format for many years. These notes are taken from the Dell
Publishing paperback edition from 1974. There are some truly bizarre
references in this book, references that do not really apply to the
assassination of anyone, references that mean a whole lot to me now in
light of things like Communion and the Lear Letters. In each section
below a quote or paraphrase from the book is followed by a double
asterisk (**) and then my comments.

#1 (P. 26) "Events, planned in 1936 were to reach their conclusion in


** The primary villians here are Chinese and Russian. The

implication is that all of the events in The Manchurian Candidate were
planned, mainly by the Chinese, before World War II even began, and
while China was in chaos, under attack by Japan. This does not make
sense. But if we do a little substitution, and pretend that it is not
the Chinese or the Russians behind this but someone else, then the year
1936 is not so offensive, is it?

#2 (P. 31) "Captain Marco was a reader."

** Captain Marco is the stand-in for the intelligence community

and those affected by what may be an "alien campaign" that began before
1940. Marco is depicted as going through hell because of strange dreams
he has been having as a result of being "brainwashed" by the Chinese.
The depth and extent of this "brainwashing" puts into the shade anything
possible even today and the people on "our side" are depicted as
helpless before it. It is only after what may be another alien puts the
FBI on the track of the mystery that the secret is at last discovered.

#3 (P. 32) "Raymond Shaw. . .was the best natural marksman in the

** He has been selected, 10 years in advance, as part of an

incredible long-range plan, to kill the Presidential nominee of a major
party so that the Communist-controlled Vice-Presidential nominee can
take over. Consider that Lee Harvey Oswald was apparently selected,
years in advance, by our people, for a program involving infiltration
into the USSR. The CIA and The Office Of Naval Intelligence were
looking for poorly educated yet intelligent people with weak family
connections and deep secrets. In Oswald's case we believe the secret
was homosexuality or tendencies in that direction. Oswald was brought
into the world of "intelligence" by David Ferrie, a notorious, open and
predatory homosexual. He was sheep-dipped into the Marines and set up
with a "legend" that it was thought the Russians would accept as
genuine. All secret policemen know that a deep, dirty secret makes
people easy to control. #4) (P. 33) "Raymond Shaw, considerable
height, left-handed, wide hips, narrow shoulders, triangular face,
narrow chin, skin immoderately white and his viens were like blue neon
tubing, his hair was light blond. He was handsome and had large
glaucous eyes, yellow-green, with huge whites, like a corousel horse
pursued by the Erinyes, female avengers of antiquity. He had great
physical strength."

** Not the same description as in the movie but strangely resonant

in its own way. Notice that in several ways he resembles some of our
possible human/alien creations. At the end of the book the Marco
character in effect says that Raymond Shaw never existed, that he was a
creation of his operators all the way. Remember that Whitley Strieber
is involved with what may be an ancient "woman-like" creature
resembling, in some ways, Isis of ancient Egypt!

#5 (P. 35) "Captain Marco, an Eskimo crossed with an Aztec."

** Marco is described as having a past, as being human, at least

as far as we can tell from the book. The "Aztec" reference figures in

#6 (P. 39) "Yen Lo and his staff of 30 men and women sat in a large
circle on a broad, grassy space, and as the moon went higher and the
hour got later, and all of the voices seemed to fall into lower pitch
preparing for sleepiness, Yen Lo told them a fairy story, which was set
39 centuries before.

** First of two references to what I think are "children's

circles," as per Strieber. See the one on P. 65 below. Yen Lo was the
"Chinese" doctor who conceived and put into motion this whole program of

#7 (P. 39) "Radical descent into the unconscious mind, implantation

teams to implant the predominant motive--obey the operator, put his
exact intentions into execution and be available to remote control. In
a day the men of the platoon believed they were levelling off from a
three day pass full of booze and broads."

** Raymond Shaw and Marco are part of an American patrol captured

by the North Koreans and then turned over to the Chinese for
"brainwashing." This "brainwashing" is totally out of bounds. No one,
on Earth, has this type of technology. The "Chinese" intend to have
Raymond win the Medal of Honor in fulfullment of a very obscure plan to
culminate 10 years into the future. We know now that this type of thing
is what the CIA was dreaming about throughout the 1950s and 1960s under
the MK-Ultra program.

#8 (P. 49) "They knew that reflexes could be conditioned to the finest
point so that if the right person said "Deviationist" that any man's
character could be assassinated or any man be liquidated."
** Cold War references to the Moscow Show trials of the late
1930s. The author is talking about Soviet Society but he could just as
well as been talking about the McCarthy Era here. That is one of the
underlying themes of the book. Condon is condemning much about BOTH the
U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A..

#9 (P. 50) "The perfectly prefabricated assassin, this bored, too

handsome, blond young man with the pointed chin and pointed ears, whose
mustard colored eyes looked through them as would a cat's and who would
not be able to stop destroying once the instructions had been fed into

** Notice the description. Raymond was "prefabricated."

#10 (P. 53) "Shock-proof assassins were needed at home because

assassination was a strategem requiring secrecy and control, and if an
assassination were not to be committed secretly than it had to be
arranged discreetly so that the ruling cliques realized that it was not
to be advertised."

** Here was one of the quotes that got the book suppressed after
the killing of John Kennedy. Condon may be precisely correct, mightn't

#11 (P. 54) "Yen Lo talked of extending post-hypnotic amnesia to

eternity. The assassin would have no memory of having killed and thus
feel no guilt. This killer was very close to being police proof and the
method by which he was created would have to be very carefully
controlled. A cadre of perhaps a hundred such men would make a leader
unseatable. And who would ever know what else was in their minds? Who
knew what other unknown men had been conditioned to strike should
something happen to Yen Lo?

** This is just a hint of the horrors confronting counter-

intelligence officers involved with such a program. This is the
real world of the UFO, in our opinion. Abductees may be numbered in the
thousands, many of them working for the Federal Government. . .what

#12 (P. 56) "The first descent into the unconscious was drug-induced.
This lasted 11 hours. The second descent was light-induced. This
lasted seven and three-quarter hours. The primary link was deep
suggestion. At a prearranged signal the subject's memory would be
erased. The subject could not remember, no matter how severe the
** This is the extent of Condon's treatment of the "technology"
behind this "brainwashing." Sorry, not enough, nor was it intended to
be. Condon is doing something very, very strange with this book, in our

#13 (P. 65) "In the deepening twilight Yen Lo sat with the thirty boys
and girls of his staff and told them beautiful old stories, there was
magic everywhere in the gentling evening air."

** "Boys and girls." Here is the direct "children's circle"


#14 (P. 77) Raymond's father "killed himself by intercardiac injection

of barbituate Thiopentone."

** A rather unusual method of suicide, don't you think, for 1946?

#15 (P. 81) Raymond's step-father, Raymond's father's law partner, was
impotent after marriage to Raymond's mother. She used it as a weapon
against him. She had slept with her father, the only man she ever was
to love, besides Raymond. She hated her brother because he had usurped
her father's place in the family. Her brother had gone into politics
and so she did too-- by proxy. She selected Raymond's father to be her
vehicle and when it didn't work out she shunned him and finally drove
him to suicide. Then she married his law partner, Raymond's

** A mainspring of this book is the demonic character of Raymond's

mother, a horror of horrors. Never have women been so blackened in a
work of fiction. But it is never explained how the Chinese and the
Russians "turned" this woman. In fact, the whole book makes no sense as
a "mystery." It is silly. It makes a lot more sense as a look down a
rabbit hole where we humans don't really know what is going on.
Remember, this woman has no name, not in the film nor in the book. And
she is involved with the Queen of Diamonds.

#16 (P. 107) When Raymond was 21 he met by accident Joceyln Jordan who
was coming down the road just after Raymond had fallen after being snake
bit. She was nineteen. She took a razor blade and a bottle of purple
fluid out of the snake bite kit she just happened to have on her
bicycle, made two cuts over each puncture wound and drew out two
mouthfuls of blood. Raymond went into a glorious kind of shock and
later that day asked to marry Joceyln.
** Here we see two elements from recent books. First, the cut on
the calf and second, the "thunderbolt" of instant sexual attraction and
marriage. The cuts on the calf are from Raymond Fowler and Budd Hopkins,
the "instant marriages" are from Strieber and Transformation. There are
rapidly getting to be too many coincidences here, don't you think?

#17 (P. 108) Raymond's mother told Mr. Senator Jordan that Raymond was
a homosexual and a degenerate. Raymond obeyed her orders never to see
Jocelyn again and within days Raymond was off to join the Army. Jocelyn
did not know why the relationship was broken off.

** The two women are fighting over Raymond, he is a pawn in a game

he does not understand. In the end he will be ordered by one of the
women to destroy the other and then be ordered by his friends to destroy
himself. He thus never, ever is an independent actor in the book. The
horror of this, when you think of it, is almost beyond belief. Could
this be a world that really exists, a "nether world" created by alien

#18 (P. 132) Of the nine men on the patrol only two had nightmares
with the same aspect and were seeing the same things in their dreams,
scene for scene. One of them tried to forget while the other, Marco,
tried to remember. That was his job as an intelligence officer--to
remember things.

** The year in the book, 1956(!), is about the same time Lear
mentions the discovery that the rocket plane program was infiltrated.

#19 (P. 133) The dreams were an attack on his sanity. He could not
tell anyone else about it until he understood it. He made detailed
written records of the dreams. Marco lived in horror that the dream
might be true. The dreams started in 1955. The implantation had been
done in 1951. By 1956 the dreams had caused him to lose weight and he
was getting only 3 hours of sleep a night. Only his notes to himself
kept him from unhinging.

** Is this how the real UFO case actually began to be cracked? I

think so. It is way, way too similiar to the Hill situation which was
investigated on the sly by two very mysterious men put onto the case by
Major Keyhoe. See Intelligence Connections In UFO Cases, UFOsearch,

#20 (P. 137) Raymond gets a letter from the other member of the
platoon who is having bad dreams. He says, "I think I am going nuts."
His dreams are full of Russian and Chinese brass and are "pretty tough."
He feels he "needs to tell about it" and wonders if anyone else is
having such dreams and wants to be put in touch with them if they do.
Raymond tears the letter up.

** Raymond does not know anything about Marco's dreams and thus
thinks his former buddy IS going nuts. Marco winds up in an Army
hospital where they can do nothing for him. He does NOT tell them of
dreaming about Raymond Shaw shooting two of his buddies to prove he is
under "control." Thus is shown the horrible insidiousness of such a
"mind control" program. It would be all but impossible to defeat once
put into place. IS such a program IN place now?

#21 (P. 156) Raymond is contacted by his handlers again and winds up
in the hospital after a phoney car crash. (Oswald was in the hospital a
lot after what could well have been bogus accidents.) The hospital is
owned by the KGB. It is at this point that Raymond's mother finds out
that the assassin she will use in the plot is to be her own son. Ah,
this is a cute little bunch she is working with, is it not? As a test,
Raymond is ordered to kill the man he is currently working for, a
newspaper publisher. He does, and then forgets.

** Raymond's mother (who continues to have no name) is violently

upset when she finds that Raymond is the programmed killer. But she
goes ahead with her plan, saying that she will make the Commies pay when
she gets power. Her goal is sheer power, regardless of any ideology.
She is thus the perfect tool for the "Chinese," who have other goals.

#22 (P. 179) The Korean interpreter for Marco's platoon, who actually
was and is KGB agent and who had helped engineer their capture, shows up
at Raymond's door asking for a job as valet. The year is now 1959. The
Korean has been admitted into the country by Raymond's step-father, at
the behest of his wife. He is to help control Raymond now that the plan
is moving onto more dangerous ground. It is only natural that Raymond
hires him.

** By this time Marco has been in and out of hospitals for almost
three years and has gotten no real relief for his nightmares. No one on
"our side" has figured out what has been going on and Marco is just one
more officer with bad combat fatigue. Since he has not told the whole
story to the shrinks they have not caught on to the seriousness of the
situation. Or so Condon says.

#23 (P. 181) ** Major Marco placed on leave for fatigue. He has
undergone many tests for his nightmares but has not told the doctors
about how Raymond had killed his two buddies under orders from Yen Lo.
And he has not told the doctors about the other soldier with the
terrible and similiar nighmares. Raymond had finally told Marco about
the letter from this soldier and Marco had spent considerable time on
the phone with him as a result. Marco knew that if he did not confront
Raymond about the dreams he would die from them. He gets on a train for
New York to see Raymond and have a showdown. It is here is where the
book gets even more strange.

#24 (P. 183) Major Marco on the train: "He was careful not to look at
anybody, he had stopped doing that weeks ago. He sweated continuously.
His face had very little color. His palms drenched his trousers. His
eyes burned. He was very tired. His stomach hurt. He could not stop
clenching his teeth. The doctors had told him he would grind the
dentine off his molars if he did not stop clenching his teeth. He
wanted to smoke a cigar."

** Real attractive picture, isn't it? What do you think this

guy's chances are of picking up a beautiful fiance today? Very good, it
turns out.

#25 (P. 184) The woman on the train next to Marco--a shining silver
belt buckle shaped like Quetzacoatl, an urbane feathered serpant, a
throat of white Carrara marble, a mouth that looked insatiable. It was
a sexual object and for most of his life women were like food to Marco.
"It told him of lust which had been lost far back in mythology, lust
which could endow its tasters with eternal serenity, and it was the
mouth of many varieties and of varying kinds of women." He began to cry
and got up to leave. "He decided that the woman could only be one of
the Fravasi, that army of angels that has existed in heaven before the
birth of man, that protects him during his life and is united to his
soul at death."

** It is, of course, usual to see such people on trains

everywhere. You don't suppose Whitley Strieber has met one of these
"Fravasi?" What kind of emblems have many of the "UFOnauts" been seen
wearing? Serpents? See the UFOSearch paper "Women And Science, The
Story Of The Feathered Serpent."

#26 (P. 185) "Her hair was the color of birch bark, prematurely white.
He stared at her as though her thyroid were showing its excessive
activity and her hypereroticism." She later says, "I was one of the
original Chinese workmen who laid track on this stretch." Her name is
Eugenie. She reminds him of an image he had built up in his mind of an
Arab princess of the 14th Century. She begins to repeat her address and
phone number hypnotically.

** Now Condon crosses over the line. None of this is ever

explained. The name is "Eugenie," the reference Eugenics? She had lived
before? She is able to hypnotize the Major without his knowing it?
These things just drop like rose petals down the Grand Canyon, never to
surface again. To this author, who had just read Strieber's books plus
Intruders, the effect was terrific. Either there is a gigantic
counter-intelligence program in place or these references have
real-world antecedents.

#27 (P. 190) Description of New York ends with "the tall buildings,
end upon end upon end, were so many extended fingers beckoning the

** Condon's cynicism about U.S. society and politics is extreme.

#28 (P. 192) Marco says Raymond "seemed much like a Martian
sometimes." Marco goes to Raymond's apartment and finds the Korean
there. Marco knows he is a fraud. A terrible fight takes place as
Marco has a lot of questions to ask. The cops come and Marco is knocked
out and taken to jail. All he can remember is Eugenie's phone number
and address. She comes to his rescue and then tells him she has thrown
over her fiance for him. Her fiance was an FBI agent and later will
come in very, very handy!

** Marco is helpless before Eugenie's hypnotic suggestion.

#29 (P. 203) Marco tells Raymond that he has been in and out of the
hospital for the last couple of years and that no doctor has been able
to figure out what his dreams are about or how he came to have them.

#30 (P. 206) Raymond describes his memories to Marco. Marco uses the
word "brainwashing." For the first time in years Marco sleeps without
dreams. Eugenie has been working on him hypnotically and later she calls
Raymond's apartment calls and askes if he is sleeping. Raymond tells
her that he is. Eugenie is very glad.

#31 (P. 216) Raymond asks his mother to help Marco and then tells her
of the horrible dreams the Major has been having. Her response is to
have her husband apply maximum pressure to the Army to keep Marco from
talking. In return the Senator asks the Army to promote Marco to
Colonel. Marco stops his personal investigation of his dreams, under

** Here is the "bad" woman at her worst. An Army general committs

suicide (as per James Forrestal?) because of the pressure brought upon
#32 (P. 227) Eugenie says "sometimes I think I was a passenger in a
space ship that overshot Mars."

** This, I think, was put in for whose who were not getting it

#33) (P. 234) Eugenie tells her former fiance, an FBI agent, whome she
has thrown over in an instant for Marco, about her new fiance's dreams
and what he (Marco) thinks they mean. This starts a new investigation
and by Page 236 the FBI, CIA and Army Intelligence have interviewed the
other soldier and found that his dreams match those of Marco.

** Here we see Condon's version of the "good alien, bad alien."

Those who are controlling Raymond's mother are bad, Eugenie or those
controlling her are good. Could this be an allegory for a Lear-like
scenario? We think so.

#34 (P. 260) ** Our side tries to "unbrainwash" Raymond--without

effect. Raymond does not believe he has been used and is going along
with all of this to help his only friend in the world, Marco. Even
after we "know," we are still helpless before this "program."

#35 (P. 275) ** Jocie appears in front of Raymond, who has been shown
the Queen of Diamonds by his mother and then left in stasis due to an
unforseen interruption. Jocie is wearing a Queen of diamonds playing
card costume. Why we don't know since she is not connected with the
"Communist" plot. (It is a fact, is it not, that the diamond suit
represents the stars, right--right.) Raymond ravishers her on the spot,
says she is is his "special lady from the stars." That's right, that's
the exact quote. Thus a group of "good aliens" make one last attempt to
save Raymond from the "bad aliens." It works pretty well, for a while
but Raymond's mother is never far from the action.

#36 (P. 315) ** Raymond eventually has to resume his normal life,
which includes his mother, who is his handler. He is trapped. His
mother orders him to destroy Jocie's father at home and his standing
orders say he is to kill any and all witnesses. Which his mother knows.
Thus, Raymond kills Jocie since she is in her father's house when
Raymond comes to call.

#37 (P. 330) ** Raymond goes to the convention and kills his mother,
his step-father and then himself, after de-programming by Marco. Thus
does it come out all right in the end. But how many other "Raymond
Shaws" are there out there? Could the President have been one? That
certainly is implied.

Thus ends The Manchurian Candidate, one of the strangest movies

ever made--from one of the strangest books ever written. Richard Condon
is still, as of this writing, living, and could be contacted about all
of this. But we are still in a bit of shock over these startling
coincidences, if that is what they are, between the book and the UFO
world of 1994. No matter what Condon might say today his book still
stands as some sort of strange record of the future--of the UFO.


Date: 02-23-95 (23:21) Number: 8665 of 8687 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Triangular Craft
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltParaUFO (5163) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Message-ID: <ALTUFO-L%95022020145691@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 01:09:00 BST
Sender: "Gateway to alt.paranet.ufo" <ALTUFO-L@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
Subject: Triangular Craft


Date: Fri, 17 Feb 1995 09:14:20 +0000
From: S Rees <men5sr@SUN.LEEDS.AC.UK>
Subject: Aurora, UK crash and triangles

Headline in the Daily Telegraph, Thurs 16th February, 'BAe set up

secret site for research'

Brief quote:
'The American magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology last week
quoted senior American defence officials as confirming that there are
at least two American and one British classified, fixed wing aircraft
prototypes under way'

(skip a bit...)

'It is believed that BAe is leading technology of "smart skins" that

cover aircraft. These are aircraft panels that double as sensors
according to Janes' (That article was also covered in Janes Defence

I think this explains the prevalence of strange triangular craft over

the UK mainland. The site this work is done at is Warton in
Lancashire, under the approach path to Liverpool airport.


Hi Simon,

It's an interesting article but an apparently recent British fixed

wing aircraft prototype which is only "under way" could not explain
the numerous U.K. reports of the "massive", hovering, slow moving
triangular shaped craft, so prevalent in recent years.

If it is only now that "BAe set up secret site for research", that
would imply that this aircraft is not in active service and no-where
does the article imply that the aircraft has such characteristics.

Indeed, having recently raised this topic within a military aviation

conference, it became quite clear that the exceptional knowledge base
therein could offer no credible candidate which exhibited these
characteristics and which was likely to be found hovering above
populated areas in several countries throughout the world.

I discussed some recent sightings in England and you may be interested

in the following reports:

26 September 1993, Bakewell, Derbyshire.

"At 9 a.m. the activity around the Bakewell/Matlock area increased.

One witness reported an object in the sky "lit up lit a huge
fairground"...it was at 9.30 p.m. that further witnesses reported the
shape of an illuminated triangle flying slowly and low over the town.
Mrs Hilda Hill drew a sketch of the triangle as it flew overhead "slow
moving and silent".

Mrs Susan Shah, who lives on a hill overlooking Matlock Baths, noticed
bright lights approaching her house. She opened a window to watch as
the huge triangle passed "slowly and silently" overhead. A Mrs Pailing
of Bakewell also saw the huge triangle and noticed that it was showing
red, green and brilliant white lights.

A key witness to the event was a Mr Andrews who happened to be driving

in the direction of Bakewell at the time. As he approached the town he
saw bright lights moving slowly and low down in the sky ahead. Then as
he entered the town, he noticed people lining the side of the road,
looking up and watching a huge black triangle flying low overhead. "It
was lit up like a Christmas tree", commented Mr Andrews. "It had a
very bright light at each corner, so bright that it illuminated the
ground below. Suddenly he realised that he and the triangle were
travelling in the same direction, then driving at a steady speed of 40
m.p.h. he slowly overtook it!

The "Flying Triangle" then performed a series of slow "U"-turns and

right angled turns, before it finally returned to it's original course
and moved out of sight behind a line of trees."

"A number of "Flying Triangles" had also been seen in the Essex,
England area during November 1993. These included a "massive" (1.5
times the size of a soccer field) triangular object seen flying
silently along the sea-front at Holland-on-Sea, on Sunday 5th
November. It had a variety of coloured lights underneath with a line
of red lights at the back. A number of dark "indentations" could be
seen on the underside of the object including a large black circle at
the centre. The estimated speed was 40/45 m.p.h.

Another large black triangle was observed at 3.25 a.m. on November

18th, flying along the sea-front slightly further south, at
Clacton-on-Sea. This triangle carried a series of red and white lights
along the two leading edges with, once again, a series of red lights
along the back edge.

It moved very slowly, without any noise, and then suddenly "took off
like a rocket", but no flame."

Additionally, we can but speculate on the nature of the triangular

shaped craft which recently came within seconds of colliding with a
British Airways flight as it crossed the Pennines. As you may have
read, the pilot did not initially report the encounter, apparently for
fear of ridicule, and this is only one of three encounters with
triangular shaped craft which are currently under investigation by the
Civil Aviation Authority.

Given that the pilot was by all accounts highly experienced and would
surely be familiar with the latest military aviation concepts, the
obvious question is why he considered that the report of this
particular triangular shaped craft was likely to be regarded as




Date: 02-23-95 (23:22) Number: 8666 of 8687 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Morris K. Jessup
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltParaUFO (5163) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Message-ID: <ALTUFO-L%95022020152919@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 01:11:00 BST
Sender: "Gateway to alt.paranet.ufo" <ALTUFO-L@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
Subject: Morris K. Jessup


>Date: Sun, 19 Feb 1995 15:17:26 -0500

>From: GK Smiley <gksmiley@AOL.COM>
>Subject: Re: Prof. Morris K. Jessup

JE> I understood that Prof. Morris K Jessup, born in Indiana on 2 March

JE> 1900, was a highly qualified astrophysicist who taught astronomy and
JE> mathematics as a professor at Michigan and Drake Universities and was
JE> responsible for the construction and operation of the (then) largest
JE> refracting telescope in the southern hemisphere, in South Africa.

>It reallt isn't important WHAT you understand, it's just important what is
>reality. And if you write to those universities they will tell you, as
>they told me, that they have no records of such a "professor".

If you have written to both Universities in order to clarify Jessop's

background then you are to be commended for making that effort.

I am however extremely surprised that the University of Michigan would

claim never to have heard of such a distinguished student, who not
only earned a Masters in Astronomy from the University but also
subsequently taught that subject there.

Perhaps you would care to enlighten them:

From _Revelations_ by Jacques Vallee (Ballantine - ISBN 0-345-37566-1)

''Born in 1900 in an Indiana farm, Morris Jessup studied Astronomy

at the University of Michigan in Ann Harbor, where he served as
Instructor in Astronomy and later as a member of the University's
1926 expedition to Mexico.

Extract from his obituary; FSR Vol. 5, No. 5, Sept-Oct 1959:

Extract from his obituary; FSR Vol. 5, No. 5, Sept-Oct 1959:


Mr. Jessup was explorer, astronomer, mathematician and author. He

erected and operated the largest refracting telescope in the
Southern Hemisphere in South Africa, for the University of
Michigan. His research programme resulted in several thousand
discoveries of physical double-stars which are now catalogued in
addition to other studies for the Carnegie Institute and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Mr. Jessup carried out independent
research at the Maya and Inca ruins in Central America and Peru.

Author of four books on flying saucers, _THE CASE FOR THE UFO,
UFO_, he was one of the foremost and most respected writers in
the field.







Date: 02-23-95 (19:24) Number: 8652 of 8659 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: surveillance
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltParaUFO (5163) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Message-ID: <ALTUFO-L%95022016290760@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 1995 16:28:52 -0500
Sender: "Gateway to alt.paranet.ufo" <ALTUFO-L@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>
From: zac elston <elston@ACAVAX.LYNCHBURG.EDU>
Subject: surveillance

I thought this might be of intrest to the 'Abduction' crowd. I've

seen cheaper CCD cameras but they produced really poor quality images.


The Pinhole, low-cost video camera, revolutionizes home and

commercial security industry; $199 suggested retail price

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Feb. 13, 1995--The Optical Systems

Division of Marshall Electronics has developed an inexpensive video
camera, the Pinhole V-1207, that can provide surveillance capability
for any company at a fraction of the cost of traditional cameras.

It's the world's smallest low-cost video camera.

For the first time in history, sophisticated video surveillance

technology, like that used by the CIA, JPL, or NASA, is being made
available to the average home or business. The entire camera is
ultra-tiny, mass produced, inexpensive and quick to install.

The mini-size of the Pinhole V-1207 -- it's smaller than 1.5" sq.
makes it just right for any kind of business: restaurants, night
clubs, retail, offices.

Home owners looking for improved domestic security can use the
Pinhole as an extra pair of eyes watching the garage, the grounds,
the nursery or, any other area they choose. Now it's easy to keep
watch on people, places or things.

Unlike larger, more traditional video cameras, the Pinhole is

unobtrusive and can be built into walls, ceilings, elevators,
woodwork, fences, etc. It melts into the decor, is virtually
invisible, and won't disrupt customers or clients. Not to mention
that compared to other kinds of video cameras, the V-1207 is a lot
cheaper, just $199 suggested retail price.

Despite its low, low price, the Pinhole is technically more advanced
than many other, earlier produced video cameras. Developed with
miracle silicon chip technology, the Pinhole V-1207 has 380-line
resolution, .04 FC sensitivity, 8-14 VDC operation, and can be used
with very low light.

The Pinhole V-1207 is the world's smallest low-cost camera. It's

state-of-the-art. It's inexpensive. It can be used virtually
anywhere. Call Marshall Electronics at 800/800-6608 or Internet
e-mail: Lmarsgo(at-sign)ix.netcom.com. for ordering and information.

Zac Elston Elston@acavax.lynchburg.edu GopherAdmin


Date: 02-23-95 (19:48) Number: 1263 of 1264 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: X-Files star saw UFO
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltUFOReprt (6858) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

From: r2jones@acs.ryerson.ca (Robert Jones - JOUN/F94)

Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports
Subject: X-Files star saw UFO
Date: 21 Feb 1995 03:29:50 GMT
Organization: Ryerson Polytechnic University
Message-ID: <3ibmne$u9s@hermes.acs.ryerson.ca>

Found this at work on Saturday (it was a slow day).

* * *
"If I were creating a world I wouldn't mess around with
butterflies and daffodils...I would've started with lasers, eight
o'clock, Day One."
* * *

[*** From the February 14, 1995, edition of the STAR tabloid ***]


X-files star David Duchovny says he really believes in aliens and
ghosts -- and once had a close encounter with a UFO. Duchovny, who
has become TV's hottest new hunk, plays Fox Mulder, an FBI
investigator who hunts extraterrestrials on the Fox series.

And the 33-year-old bachelor has brains to complement his good

looks. Duchovny is a Princeton graduate, and is close to getting his
doctorate in English literature from Yale.

He believes the U.S. government probably has real-life files on

unsolved paranormal phenomena and mysterious crimes committed by
unknown forces.

"My UFO experience wouldn't be in any file because I didn't

report it to the authorities," Duchovny says, recalling a bizarre
sighting 13 years ago. "But I did tell my friends about it because it
was rather scary."

Duchovny says the encounter occurred while he was jogging alone

along an empty stretch of beach in Ocean City, N.J., in 1982.

"I suddenly looked up and I saw this triangular kind of

spaceship. It was early morning, and I don't think I took more than a
few steps when it just disappeared right out of sight.

"It almost looked like a variation of the Stealth bomber except

there was no sound coming from it. One minute it was there, in the
sky, in broad daylight, and the next minute it was gone."

Duchovny says there were no other eyewitnesses to his UFO

sighting that day, but adds that that doesn't surprise him.

"Aliens can be very tricky," he says. "They come after you when
you're alone. There wasn't another soul on the beach that day.

"It's as thought once 'they' see you, it's, 'Hey, let's scare
this guy.' I think it's some sort of game with them. What I do know
for sure is that whatever I saw, it got the hell out of there -- real

The former college basketball star says he thinks the U.S.

government should be open with any files they have on alien life forms
or any other unknown or unexplainable forces.

Duchovny, who's familiar to movie fans for his 1993 role in the
Brad Pitt serial-killer thriller, Kalifornia, is one of three children
born to a schoolteacher mom and a novelist dad.

His folks are very spiritual, he says.

"My family and I are real close. And one thing we all seem to
have in common is that we believe in ghosts.

"I believe that the energy we create in our lives is so strong

that it hangs around for a while after we die.

"Actually, I would rather hang around than go to heaven. It's

much better to just be set free."

Duchovny, who is of Scottish and Russian descent, says he

remembers his grandmother telling a story that the ghost of her
grandfather visited her after he had died in a drowning accident.

"I believe in things like that," Duchovny admits.

"I can't say I've actually seen a ghost, but I've definitely felt
their presence.

"Whether it's my imagination is not the point because the

products of my imagination are real to me."

- 30 -


Date: 02-24-95 (01:01) Number: 8673 of 8687 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: UFO Chronology -- 1953
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltParaUFO (5163) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

From: germannvh@aol.com (Germannvh)

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: UFO Chronology -- 1953
Date: 21 Feb 1995 01:54:40 -0500
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Message-ID: <3ic2ng$2sq@newsbf02.news.aol.com>

The Era Of Atomic Betrayal 1953-1956

As this sections opens Eisenhower is preparing to assume the

office of the President-- surrounded by Rockefeller operatives
like John Foster Dulles and his brother Allen. The UFO is about
to be driven deep underground by the powerful propaganda campaign
that followed the so-called Robertson Panel. And nuclear testing
in the continental United States is about to spray the nation
with incredible amounts of radiation, a fact will soon lead to a
revolt among some of the technical elite. But this "revolt" will
be crushed, just as the one revolving around the UFO will be.
The Age of Atomic Betrayal is about to move into high gear--where
it has remained ever since.

Jan., 1953 Robertson Panel convened by CIA(?), but probably

by and for agency above or beside it, NSA or
MJ-12(?) Marked the end of any actual Air Force
investigation, made debunking the law of the land,
gave the stamp of science to that debunking. Kept
secret until 1966 and even Ruppelt saw only a
summary. Big change in UFO policy. Lloyd Berkner
was a member, as was Luis Alvarez, both now known
to be spook scientists. Robertson, too, was a
secret OSS and CIA man who brought the German
rocketeers to the USA after World War II and
developed weapons for both The Agency and the
Department of Defense. Note: many scientists are
secretly working for the military--and not always
in their "field."

Jan., 1953 CIA said to be "a homogenous elite operating

without close public scrutiny." Led by lawyers for
America's oldest family-owned corporations, the
CIA would for three decades be the wholly-owned
subsidiary of the U.S. hereditary elite.

Jan., 1953 Trevor Gardner of Hycon Corp., scientist Albert

Wohlstetter, Gen. Curtis LeMay and Dubridge (Cal
Tech, member of the Science Advisory Committee)
begin to call for new abilities to detect
surprises from the USSR.

Jan., 1953 Project Blue Book gutted starting this month. By

the end of August it would be effectively dead.
By September Ruppelt was gone and the files were
closed. Blue Book then had a staff of two men,
one of whom said he "felt like the president of
Antarctica in a non-expedition year."

Jan., 1953 Bender calls Gray Barker, asks him to join his
organization as chief investigator and executive
in charge of field investigations.

----, 1953 Raymond Fowler told at this time that UFOs had
been taken over by another agency. Blue Book now
only a cover story.
----, 1953 Leon Davidson leaves the Atomic Energy Commission,
goes to Datatron Operations through 1958. Had
worked on Green Fireball investigation.

----, 1953 Carl Sagan testifies at fraud trial of contactee

Bernhard Schimdt. Ridicules him, attempts to get
him jailed. This first public appearance of Sagan.

----, 1953 Adamski publishes Flying Saucers Have Landed with

Desmond Leslie, wealthy Englishman who is also a
cousin of Winston Churchill. By the late 1980s it
will be shown that Adamski and those around him
have "intelligence connections."

Jan., 1953 C.D. Jackson, late of Time/Life, is appointed

Presidential Advisor for Psychological Warfare
under Eisenhower. He would serve in that capacity
until the fall of 1954 when Nelson A. Rockefeller
would take his place. In 1963 a "C.D. Jackson"
would interview the Hills while another "C.D.
Jackson" would help arrange payments to Marina

Feb., 1953 Canadian firm AVRO announces that it is working on

a 1,000 mph "flying disc." Part of "Snowbird"
cover story? See Lear Letters, 1987, for more.

Feb., 1953 Parade of orange discs of definite shape seen over

Beirut, Lebanon. They flew at deliberate speed
from horizon to horizon.

Feb., 1953 AF General Benjamin Chidlaw, former commander of

the Air Defense Command, says, not for
attribution, that "we have been losing planes to
UFOs, many planes." This will be told to Leonard
Stringfield when he begins cooperating with AF.

Mar., 1953 Science Advisory Committee meets with Eisenhower,

in office two months. Subject: Surprise attack
from the Soviet Union. James Killian of M.I.T. is
appointed to chair a secret subcommittee on new
"intelligence weapons." Killian says scientists
are "invincible battalions in the Cold War." The
committee included Edwin Land, 45 others.

----, 1953 Al Chop to the Washington, D.C., and the Air Force
Press Desk at Pentagon.
Mar., 1953 At the Nevada test site shot NANCY, 24 kilotons,
sprays deadly fallout over Nevada and Utah. Shot
SIMON, in April, would be worse and cities as far
away as Troy, New York, would be blasted with
heavy fallout. The Atomic Energy Commission,
Lewis Strauss, Rockefeller operative and chairman,
is in constant damage control about this fallout,
which will eventually kill many, many Americans.

----, 1953 Dr. James McDonald to the University of Chicago as

a professor.

Apr., 1953 Project Artichoke becomes M-K-Ultra which now

includes CIA mind control efforts plus the
chemical warfare programs.

May, 1953 Kingman(?) Arizona, flying disc crash. Worker for

Air Materi‚l Command pulled from normal job
building facilities at Nevada Test Site and sent
with others in a blacked-out bus to investigate
crashed vehicle. Handwritten report filed the next
day. Leaked only in mid-1970s by Fowler.

May, 1953 At the Nevada test site shot HARRY sucks up almost
2,000 tons of sand and dirt and blasts the Groom
Mine area and then Cedar City and St. George,
Utah. Thousands of people will be contaminated by
this shot and the Strontium 90 and Plutonium will
stay in the region for decades. Thus was another
dirty, deadly secret added to the burdens of those
who called themselves scientists in the USA.

June, 1953 Dr. Lewis Tordella to National Security Agency.

He was born in 1911 at Garrett, Indiana. Received
his BA at Loyola; his Phd at Illinois (Chemistry);
into the Navy as a crypto expert in 1942 and then
to Washington and the Armed Forces Security Agency
in mid-1940s. War College, 1953-54, then in 1955
he became its liaison with the Secretary of
Defense. Was to run NSA after 1958 and was the
man who oversaw spying by NSA on American

June, 1953 East Berlin rises against the Soviets and they
send in tanks to crush the revolt. Local CIA
types, who had been secretly encouraging such
events all over Eastern Europe, are shocked when
Allen Dulles refuses to release arms to Berlin.
Our friend C.D. Jackson, the former publisher of
Fortune, was furious with CIA and is reputed to
have been upset that the revolt was not supported.
He thought the resultant blood bath would have
been just the thing. "The blood of martyrs would
have discredited the USSR before the world," he

June, 1953 Reports to CIA indicate the USSR is building a

rocket base at a place called Kapustin Yar, 75
miles east of Stalingrad.

June, 1953 Modified RAF Canberra (B-57) overflies the

suspected Soviet rocket base, is nearly shot down
but escapes. Soviets are tipped off by moles in
British MI-5.

Mid 1953 The United States Information Service begins to burn

thousands of books in its 285 overseas libraries. There
had been no order to do so but with McCarthy on the
loose who would want to have any books lacking "the
correct slant."

Mid 1953 Behind McCarthy now are: Time, Life, Reader's Digest,
Chicago Tribune, New York Daily News, the Hearst Press,
Cardinal Spellman and J.Edgar Hoover, pervert and

June, 1953 M-K-Ultra and CIA cooperate with world famous

psychologist Ewen Cameron, who is at the McGill
University in Montreal. The funding once again is
through family foundations, Macy and Rockefeller.
Cameron began his career at Johns Hopkins University in
the 1920s and 1930s. Detlev Bronk president of Johns
Hopkins for many years; Hynek went to school there.
Bronk president of Rockefeller University in the 1970s.
Cameron's "control" is Richard Helms, future Director of
Central Intelligence. CIA "Mind Control" efforts take
on new urgency at this time. Why?

June, 1953 In New Zealand UFO investigator (and friend of Gray

Barker) Harold Fulton and his wife are terrorized by
strange happenings in their house. At this same time
Barker is having trouble with similiar events at his

June, 1953 Hynek & Air Force officer meet with Coral Lorenzen,
attempt to get her to do all the talking. Air Force man
is worried about the "psychological aspects" of UFOs and
says that the government was "censoring the wire
services." Yet the press was all too ready to print
news of the way out "contactees" who were destroying UFO
credibility with the general public. Hynek on obvious
intelligence mission. Were both he AND Lorenzen working
for the so-called "government"--but different parts?

June, 1953 Atomic Energy Commission representatives visit with

sheep men from Cedar City, Utah, area to discuss the
recent deaths of thousands of sheep. Sheep had obvious
radiation burns but AEC investigators will not admit
this. Paul Pearson, one of the AEC people, tells the
local county agent that "There is no way the AEC can let
a radiation damage precedent be established in court."
The legal system in the United States is the
authoritative arbiter of rights and responsibilities.
That is why the CIA has nearly always been led by a
lawyer from one of the nation's elite firms.

June, 1953 At Brush Creek in Butte County, California, two miners

watch as a very small man dips water from the creek. A
friend of Gray Barker investigates and is soon run out
of town by the local sheriff.

July, 1953 Trans Oceanic airliner with many passengers goes down in
Pacific. Wreckage strangely mangled and Green Fireballs
seen. Pilots frightened, Keyhoe says.

July, 1953 Soviets shoot down Air Force B-50 near Sakalin Island
and sixteen crewmen die. Secret bomb-sniffing war

----, 1953 Air Force jet crashes in Newfoundland, pilot killed,

after UFO intercept. This a deadly time in UFO history.

July, 1953 Bell Aircraft, Martin Aircraft and Fairchild get

contracts to develop prototype high-altitude recon
planes. Kelly Johnson of Lockheed shows them the "U-2"
but the Air Force refuses to consider it. Exactly why
has not been revealed. But soon Johnson would have
strong support within the new Administration.

Aug., 1953 M-K-Ultra sets up Dr. James Monroe and his Institute for
Human Ecology near Cornell on 78th Street in New York.
Experiments will use LSD and Mescaline on both witting
and unwitting human beings.

Aug., 1953 AEC investigators in Utah find that horses and sheep in
the Cedar City area may have taken 100 rads as a result
of the recent atomic tests. This information kept a
secret until the 1980s and the Freedom of Information
Act. Secret meeting held in Salt Lake City and
dissidents at state and local level are reminded of who
signs their checks. Then a public meeting is held and
radiation is waved away as a possible cause for the
deaths of the sheep. Remember the performance of the
"Air Force" in July, 1952? This was the same sort of

----, 1953 Physicist T. Townsend Brown says he has flown

disc-shaped objects around his lab using powerful
electric fields. Brown was a former Navy Commander,
worked for Office of Naval Research during World War
II--on Rainbow? Had a "breakdown" at the end of 1943
and retired. Founded NICAP in 1956 and Keyhoe would take
it away from him, only to lose it to the CIA in the
early 1970s. Or was Keyhoe CIA?

Aug 1953 On the 20th a mini-fireball goes through a road sign

near New Haven, Conn., and metal residue is sent to Oak
Ridge for analysis. Whole town hears of it.

----, 1953 Contactee George Van Tassell founds his Ministry of

Universal Wisdom and publishes his I rode In A Flying
Saucer. Van Tassell was a personal flight instructor
for Howard Hughes in the 1940s. Later worked for

Aug., 1953 AF-220-2 established. No public UFO reports. Keyhoe cut

off, Al Chop fired. Military purge right around the
corner. Chop would land on his feet, going to Douglas
Aircraft as a press person, stayed there through 1962.

Aug., 1953 An FBI agent visits Gray Barker and asks him what he is

Sept, 1953 Journalist David Douglas Duncan gets a realistic story

on Indo-China into Life, in part by telling his editor
that Luce would never publish it. This draws a sharp
rebuke from Luce, who says that "A totally true story is
often wrong."

Sept, 1953 Albert Bender says he has been "shut down" by three Men
In Black. At this time he has representatives in all 48
states and in 5 foreign countries. The three men told
Bender "the secret of the saucers" and then swore him to
secrecy. The MIB are then said to edit the next issue
of his Space Review.
Oct., 1953 Leaks in press about huge object seen in equatorial
orbit around the Earth, 600 miles out. Later, another
large object is said to go into orbit at 400 miles
range. Could this have been the cause of the "alert"
and crash programs of late 1953? Were they the result
of Tombaugh's study? In the 1970s Warren Smith will say
that his CIA sources told him that over a dozen objects
had been seen on radar orbiting the Earth at distances
between 100 and 500 miles.

Fall, 1953 CIA returns "correct" people to power in Iran and Kermit
Roosevelt (Mobil, CIA) is a prime mover behind plot.

Oct., 1953 Keyhoe's Flying Saucers From Outer Space is published.

Claims that some sort of alien contact may have been
made with government and that an invasion could be in
the offing. Tells of leaked Air Force "Estimate of the
Situation" that says alien race has been looking over
the Earth for a long time with possible occupation a
goal. Implies contact and communication, fits in with
very well with the Ruppelt book of 1956 and, believe it
or not, with Lear material of 35 years later.

Oct., 1953 Gray Barker and others quiz Bender about his three MIBs
and his withdrawal from ufology. He talks about "the
Black Saucerians" and how even Eisenhower had not been
told the secrets he had been given by the government.
This was the effective end of Bender and his

Late 1953 Member of Ford Foundation complains to friends that

"many university professors are being silenced by the
general atmosphere that prevails." This, of course, was
the whole idea behind that "general atmosphere." By
this time thousands of "opinion leaders" are losing
their jobs as the McCarthy purge is reaching even the
high-school level.

Late 1953 Henry Luce shown Time reporter's story telling how
Chiang has used his secret police to exterminate all
political opposition on Formosa. Luce kills the story.

Oct., 1953 AEC study reproduces Beta burns on sheep and shows that
damage to fetal lambs is one result of exposure to
fallout. This study results in emergency meeting of AEC
people and representatives of both U.S. and Utah health
officials. The entire testing program is threatened.
The upshot of the meeting is that no official will say
anything, all sign off on an innocuous document about
radiation hazards. At the next meeting with the sheep
men the AEC representatives call them "dumb sheep
farmers who aren't qualified to make any judgment at
all." That very day, one of the farmers, a man named
Joe Clark, whose herd had nearly all died, suffers a
fatal heart attack--one hour after being called a "dumb
sheep farmer."

Oct., 1953 Soviets release their German rocket people and they are
"debriefed." We find out USSR might have advanced ICBM
program. Crash programs begin to build ICBMs,
satellites--which could have been put in hand five years

Nov., 1953 CIA biochemist commits suicide after being

secretly exposed to LSD and Dulles has to
work overtime to keep this out of the papers.
Family bought off.

Nov., 1953 Kinross AFB incident occurs. UFO said to

have "swallowed" F-94 jet over Lake Superior.
Terrific impact on "UFO Grapevine" and the
debunkers expended a lot of energy on it as
it got some national play.

Dec., 1953 JANAP-146 established and UFO reports are

never to be discussed with public. Covered
entire military and of both U.S. and Canada.

----, 1953 Adamski's book, Flying Saucers Have Landed,

is so silly that it holds "contactees" up to
ridicule. But Adamski is traveling the world
on a U.S. diplomatic passport and at one
point Allen Dulles comes to his defense.
Adamski was part of psych-war campaign
related to UFOs. No doubt.

----, 1953 Project Aquarius said established by

Eisenhower(?) Aquarius was said to be the
historical research group for the UFO effort
under MJ-12. Cooper, 1989, says Aquarius was
an operational group.

Dec., 1953 Air Force said to set up special squadron of

F-86 fighters to intercept UFOs.
Triangulated gun camera film said to be
Jan., 1954 The Atomic Energy Commission announces that
there will be no tests in Nevada in 1954.
This primarily to calm public opinion.
Testing would move to the Pacific for a year
and then resume over Nevada in 1955.

Feb., 1954 Dorothy Kilgallen reports that Flying Saucers

will be the subject of a secret meeting of
"world military heads this summer." See

Feb., 1954 Robert Mahue forms a CIA proprietary company

sharing an office with Kennedy family
employee Carmine Bellino, who would help
prosecute mobsters as an aide to RFK in the
mid-1950s. Later Bellino would be the chief
investigator for the Watergate committee.
Mahue procured call girls for visiting
bigwigs and then the CIA would tape their
bedroom conversation.

Feb., 1954 Crew members of "The Fortunate Dragon," 85

miles north of Bikini Atoll, see the blast
from Castle/Bravo, a "Pika-Don" using tritium
and lithium-6-deuteride. Later one of the
crew would die. Official cause--hepatitis.

Feb., 1954 Article in Journal, Astronomical Society of

the Pacific says there will be soon be a
"satellite search" program set up with Clyde
Tombaugh in charge. This program had in fact
been in operation since early 1952. Most

Feb., 1954 Herbert Brownell, now in IKE's justice

department, charges Aristotle Onassis with
fraud for tanker sales that HE (Brownell!)
had approved when he was a member of the
Truman administration in 1947! Onassis is
arrested and booked in Washington, D.C., on
the same day that several Puerto Ricans shoot
up the Senate Chambers. Involved with
Brownell are Robert Mahue, Richard Nixon and
Warren Burger, all out to ruin Onassis.
Burger, acting as attorney for the Justice
Department, seizes the ships. See Hougan's
Spooks. Onassis had just signed a contract
with Saudi Arabia to ship their oil around
the world, his bid undercutting shippers
connected to the Rockefeller empire.

Mar., 1954 Surprise Attack Study under Killian,

DuBridge, Land and Dolittle says that the
Russians are building the H-Bomb and the ICBM
and we must have 1) The DEW Line; 2) Atlas;
3) Navy IRBM (Polaris); and 4) the B-52. All
were built.

Mar., 1954 Blue Book Report #14, debunking UFOs, is

released to a few insiders in government and
military. Not to be seen by the public until
October of 1955.

----, 1954 George Williamson publishes The Saucers

Speak. Saucers on shortwave.

----, 1954 World-wide press campaign to smear Onassis

and German banker Schacht, who was backing
him. FBI director Hoover says that Onassis is
anti-American and pro-Nazi. Peruvian Navy
sinks a whaler owned by Onassis. See 1956.

Apr., 1954 Philip Strong, others, brief Pentagon on the

U-2 after the Air Force refuses to build it.
Eventually Strong sees Eisenhower and urges
it be built using CIA "discretionary" money
plus some Air Force slush money.

----, 1954 C.D. Jackson, on "loan" from Luce's

Time/Life, still remains as Eisenhower's
"Special Assistant on Cold War Strategy." In
December he would leave the White House, go
back to Time/Life. Nelson Rockefeller would
take his place.

Apr., 1954 Onassis' company begins shipping Saudi Oil

and on that day he is assaulted at the
airport in Nice, France, by a mystery thug.

----, 1954 Air Force denies AMC's 1948 Estimate of the

Situation, the Twining Letter, Major Dewey
Fournet's 1952 UFO study and the 1953
Robertson Panel.

----, 1954 Dr. McDonald to the University of Arizona as

a professor and both Jim and Coral Lorenzen
are working at Holloman Air Force Base.
Mar., 1954 American press plays up AVRO flying disc,
says it will be a joint Canadian-American
project, able to fly 1,500 mph.

Mar., 1954 Pentagon says Clyde Tombaugh will be looking

for "moonlets" that have gone into orbit
around the Earth recently. Assumed to be
natural, are possible space station sites.
This "admission" was in response to earlier

Mar., 1954 Strange incident on Arctic icecap near USSR.

It is said that a listening post was under
attack by Soviets. Marines sent in and
entire U.S. military goes on alert. It is
said that "false return" from new Dew Line
caused the alert and that World War III
almost started. Movie Ice Station Zebra made
from incident. Howard Hughes involved.

----, 1954 Lawsuit against Adamski brings response from

Allen Dulles, head of CIA, shielding Adamski!
National Security involved.

May, 1954 John D. Rockefeller IV (Jay) graduates

Phillips/Exeter Academy and goes to the
International Christian University in Tokyo,
then back to Harvard.

May, 1954 "Flying Saucers" are slowly becoming known as


----, 1954 Movie, Village of the Damned, England, tells

of women impregnated by mysterious force.
Very well made film.

----, 1954 UFO groups in USA self-censoring "little men"

stories coming out of Europe and South
America. This one result of the counter-
attack led by Robertson. It will be the mid-
1960s before American Ufology catches up.

May, 1954 Child in Carrollton, Missouri, sees dark,

diamond-shaped object move silently overhead
in broad daylight.

May, 1954 In New Zealand, Jerrold tells Barker that a

piece of a UFO has fallen near Sharperton,
Victoria, and a witness has supplied it to
him. Later the Air Force of New Zealand
entices Jerrold to co-investigate the metal.
Barker told of this in a letter and that is
the last he ever hears of Jerrold, who drops
from view.

May, 1954 CIA returns "correct" people to power in

Guatemala, use bases in Nicaragua where the
Somoza family is in power.

May, 1954 Huge object seen on radar over Washington,

D.C., hovering at 90,000 feet, says Keyhoe in
1973. Diameter: Thousands of feet! See
Norwood Object, 1949.

----, 1954 Hynek trains the Air Force's 4602d Air

Intelligence Service Squadron (AISS) to
identify UFOs. But who analyzed reports?

May, 1954 Gordon Dean, Chairman of the Atomic Energy

Commission, called into Eisenhower's office
and told to leave "thermonuclear" out of all
AEC press releases. Also told to try and
keep the public "confused" about fusion and
fission. All of this was, no doubt, entirely
HIS, Eisnehower's, idea.

June, 1954 Dr. Percy Wilkins, famous selenographer, sees

two "ovoids" over West Virginia. Looked like
"polished metal plates."

June, 1954 Strontium 90 begins to show up in milk in the

U.S. and overseas. Pressure begins to build
within the government for an end to
atmospheric testing. But the U.S. scientific
community, now with power beyond its wildest
dreams, does not take the lead in changing
our nuclear programs.

June, 1954 Movie The Conqueror being shot at Snow

Canyon, down-wind of the Nevada test site.
Within 10 years Dick Powell, who directed,
would be dead of cancer. Within 25 years 90
of the 210 people in the movie crew would be
dead of cancer, including Susan Hayward, John
Wayne and Agnes Moorehead.

June, 1954 Another large object seen near Washington and

the story leaks out in July. Similiar to the
ones seen earlier. A British Overseas
Airways crew speaks out about a huge "flying
jellyfish" they had seen 30,000 feet over the

----, 1954 Eisenhower announces Atoms For Peace in an

attempt to put a good face on the growing
nuclear terror. From this we got our
civilian nuclear program.

July, 1954 Walesville incident, in which UFO is said to

cause crash of F-94. Four killed on the
ground. Incident said to be an engine fire
and crew talked of unbearable heat--but
rumors have never quelled. Keyhoe, 1960.

July, 1954 Barker hears from McDonnell Douglas workers

(St. Louis) who see a small, amorphous UFO
dodge cars on the highway and then climb
rapidly into an overcast. A huge wave is
underway in the USA with NO press coverage.

Aug., 1954 Frank Edwards fired. Was only national

outlet for UFO reports, was getting them from
airline pilots. Had released information on
the large number of reports Air Force was
getting early in the year. "Talked too much
about UFOs," his sponsor said. UFO
counter-attack in high gear by now.

Aug., 1954 Barker told that "Washington, D.C., is

practically a police state." In this month
he meets Jim Moseley for the first time.

----, 1954 Hermann Oberth says that UFOs are

interplanetary and he is soon brought to the
United States as a consultant to Von Braun's
team. Stays until 1959.

----, 1954 This summer sees Wilkins' Flying Saucers On

The Attack and Meade Layne's The Coming Of
The Guardians, Borderlands, and The Etherians.

----, 1954 Van Tassell has his first public UFO meeting
at Giant Rock, California.

----, 1954 Daniel Fry gets The White Sands Incident

published, founds Understanding.
Aug., 1954 Dr. La Paz, Univ. of New Mexico, says there
may be small natural satellites in orbit near
Earth. Very soon Morris Jessup's The Case
For The UFO (1955) will say UFOs come from
artificial satellites between Earth & Moon.

Oct., 1954 NACA (soon to be NASA) says it has picked up

signals from an orbiting object. Many
similiar leaks appearing in press at this

Oct., 1954 Eisenhower said to meet with alien beings to

sign "treaty." Original Hostage Krill said
(by Cooper, 1989) to be taken at this time as
we send people to "visit" the alien planet.
In some ways this fits Keyhoe's bizarre
comments in his FSFOS of the year before.
Some say this "treaty" included "permission"
for abductions, and mutilations in trade for
alien technology. This WAS a very productive
R&D time for the weapons infrastructure of
the USA. See "The Holloman Air Force Base
Scenario" in 1964.

----, 1954 Newest National Security Act says covert

actions are OK as long as President has
"deniability." Congress was asking for a
true oversight ability but was given a
"committee" chaired by Gen. James Doolittle,
who had called for the CIA to "subvert,
sabotage and destroy Communist influence."
This was the "5412 Committee," a sop to
sub-elites (like members of Congress) who
were being left out of the real
decision-making. Gordon Gray, Eisenhower's
representative, (and MJ-12 member?) changed
name later to "special group." Designation
"special" sure intelligence tip-off.

Oct., 1954 Lloyd Berkner pushes for U.S. satellite

launch during the International Geophysical
Year, (IGY) which he had helped promote a few
months earlier. IGY was to be a civilian
cover for the military R&D needed for new
weapons, perfect spook/science cover.

----, 1954 Frank Edwards to WTTW in Indianapolis where

he will stay until 1959. He was with other
stations in the area until 1967. Still had a
newspaper column syndicated to over 300
newspapers in the United States.

----, 1954 Navy (?) said to be in complete charge of

"alien bases" in Nevada, New Mexico and Utah.
Large amounts of money for these bases became
available in 1957, in Ike's second term,
especially after Sputnik, says Cooper, 1989.

End, Part 3.


Date: 02-24-95 (00:11) Number: 3385 of 3397 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Groom Lake Desert Rat #22
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: UFO-L (6679) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Message-Id: <9502232348.AA29366@portnoy.canrem.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 11:23:46 -0800
From: psychospy@PING.PING.COM
Subject: Groom Lake Desert Rat #22 (1/2)
To: Multiple recipients of list UFO-L <UFO-L@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>


Issue #22. February 23, 1995.
-----> "The Naked Truth from Open Sources." <-----
Direct from the "UFO Capital," Rachel, Nevada.

Written, published, copyrighted and totally disavowed by

psychospy@aol.com. See bottom for subscription/copyright info.

In this issue...



[Note: This issue has been sent in two parts. The first ends with a
"CONTINUED" notice and the second ends with "###".]

Having resided near the border of Area 51 for over two years now, we
have collected our share of UFO stories. The bulk are reports of
lights in the sky which we can't do much with. We have seen many
interesting lights ourselves, but we know what they are-- usually
military flares associated with the frequent combat exercises here.
Even when we hear a light-in-the-sky story that seems unworldly, we
are still at a loss for how to proceed. How can we investigate
something anomalous when there is nothing in our known world to
correlate it with?

The universe will always be filled with unexplained phenomena. The

perpetual nature of life is that we are playing at the shore of an
ocean of the unknown. We'll die long before we figure out most of
life's mysteries, so the challenge is to focus on the ones that are
reasonably accessible. With a million different questions to answer,
we can only devote our time to the few that we have a handle on, that
we can connect in some way with the knowledge base we already have.

Lights in the sky don't do it for us. Even aliens landing on earth
are hard to investigate if they don't bother to sign the guest
register. UFO researchers have been collecting such isolated sighting
reports for nearly fifty years now, and where has it gotten them?
About all we can conclude (if we were inclined to conclusion) is,
"Yes, they're here." The exact nature of the phenomenon and what it
means to humanity remains lost in noise and confusion.

That is why we came here. Area 51 is the intersection of UFOs and

humanity. It doesn't really matter to us if UFOs are real: We'll
accept things either way as long as it is the truth. The important
thing is, the human response is real. This is the place to understand
how people deal with UFOs, real or imagined, teaching us what we can
trust about human witnesses. Just to watch people respond to the
flares is an education. The walls of the Little A'Le'Inn--where all
the UFOs are real--are covered with photos of flares, lens reflections
and aircraft lights, and hundreds of "UFO-tourists" have seen these
phenomena and come away satisfied. We have seen aircraft lights shown
as UFOs on national television, edited together so slickly that we'd
be inclined to believe it ourselves if we hadn't been there at the
filming. We have seen people attribute complex motivations and
communication to ambiguous lights with an uncritical reverence that
can only be described as religious. All of this has made us
profoundly more skeptical about human perception and the reliability
of publicized and televised UFO reports.

At the same time, Area 51 has turned us into a true believer in

another aspect of the UFO phenomenon: The notion that the U.S.
government could keep UFO information secret for close to fifty years.
We used to say that this was the least credible aspect of ufology:
If UFOs are real, then the military with all its advanced aerial
surveillance equipment is bound to know more than the general public,
and such an explosive secret could not remain secret for very long.

Now, we don't think it so far-fetched. Security here remains

formidable. The most effective measure: Former workers in sensitive
positions can be required to take lie detector tests for years after
their employment. It would also be easier to keep such a fantastic
secret than something more earthly, like the illicit affairs of the
President. Something unbelievable can almost be hidden in plain sight
without anyone noticing, since people have nothing to relate it to.
It is our conviction that if the government is trucking with aliens,
then the truth has already been printed in "The Weekly World News" but
no one noticed. For a fantastic secret, security does not have to be
perfect, because even if bits of it leak out they will not be taken
seriously, and they will quickly be buried in our cultural noise.

..... WHY HERE? .....

This we believe without reservation: If the government has ever

possessed alien spacecraft, whole or in pieces, it would have at some
point brought the hardware here to the Nevada Test Site, Area 51 or
the surrounding Nellis Air Force Range. This vast restricted area,
known collectively as the "Test Site" to locals, has certain unique
advantages unmatched anywhere else in the country...

-- A vast government-controlled reservation, larger than Connecticut

and Rhode Island combined, with many isolated valleys and canyons in
which to hide and operate anything you want. The expanse of empty
land would also provide a safety buffer when you are playing with
something unknown and are not sure if it is going to blow up.

-- Intense pre-existing secrecy and physical security for nuclear

testing, aircraft development and military exercises.

-- Access to an exceptional labor pool. In the years of post-war

atomic testing, the country's greatest minds were focused on the
Nevada Test Site. Most of them held top-secret clearances and could
easily be diverted to programs other than atomic development.

If you believe in Roswell or any other saucer crash scenario, then you
have to believe that the Test Site played a role afterwards.

Perhaps it is time the Desert Rat got graphical at last....

+---------------------+ "Home of the
! ! Area 51 Research
! *TTR +-+ / Center"
! +----+ /
! ! *Rachel
! Nellis Range +------+
! ! *W.S.
! @ ___ !*F.R. *Tikaboo
! /@\ +----+ +------+ *
\_ + +--@---+@51 ! ! Alamo
\_ ! +----+ +-----+
\_ ! ! @Papoose ! !
\_ ! Nevada ! Lake (S-4?) ! !
\_ ! @ Test ! ! !
\_ ! Site ! Nellis !Natl !
!! ! Range !Wild-!
Beatty* ! ! ! !life !
+-! @ ! !Refg.!
! Mercury ! Indian ! !
+------ *+-+ Springs +-+ !
\---! +---*-- ! !
\__ ! !
\--! !
@=decent places to house aliens \ !
(closed access and no bombing) \_____!

Scale: !----------! = 25 miles Las Vegas *

Note that Area 51, where the Groom Lake base is located, is only one
small section of the Restricted Zone--about one percent of the land
area. Area 51 has attracted attention because there is a very large
and obvious nonexistant facility there. The Groom base probably isn't
the best place to house your aliens or saucers, however, because it is
too "busy," with lots of workers coming and going on other projects.


The relatively low credibility of sighting reports around Rachel has

little bearing on the core claim that aliens or alien craft have been
stored and studied at the Test Site. If the government wants to keep
something secret, it is going to take the obvious precaution of not
performing as billed. We think some of the more subtle
aliens-at-the-Test-Site stories deserve serious study. We are not
announcing that they are true, mind you, but some of them have enough
depth and plausibility to be an interesting challenge. More
importantly, we find the Test Site stories worthwhile because we can
connect them with our current knowledge base. Any operation at the
Test Site requires government cooperation. Any government involvement
creates records and witnesses. While we may not be able to understand
the agenda of the aliens, we can divine the motivation of the humans
dealing with them and thereby make predictions about the operations of
the program.

Here at our Research Center, we approach the aliens-at-the-Test- Site

stories as "folklore." We are not saying they are fiction. We only
mean that our approach is different from, say, an investigative
journalist who wants to know right away whether a specific claim is
true or false. When a fantastic claim reaches us, we do not expend as
much effort verifying it as we do in simply understanding the story
itself. Rather than assuming a story is false until proven true, we
proceed as though it were true, collecting information about it until
we reach a insurmountable roadblock or inconsistency.

Our theory is this: The truth holds together over time, while lies
and misperceptions fall apart on their own. The truth, even if a
government secret, is supported by a million connections to the
outside world, and over time many of these connections are bound to
emerge just by our being open to them. A lie or fantasy is supported
only by the inventiveness and brain capacity of the person telling it.
No person's mind, no matter how brilliant or twisted, can reproduce
all the rich interconnections of reality. A liar may be able to
generate a story that sounds good on the surface, but closer
inspection will eventually reveal glaring internal flaws and probably
a irate and defensive storyteller.

As long as a story remains interesting in itself, like a well-

constructed novel, we are willing to set aside the issue of truth and
go along for the ride. Truth, we figure, will resolve itself, and a
well-crafted story can usually teach us something even if it turns out
to be fiction. Still, there are a lot of fantastic claims floating
around, more than we can possibly pursue, so how do we choose which
one to look into? We have several criteria....

1) The story must promise significant physical connections to the

known human and physical world. We can't do much with lights in
the sky, alien abductions or any other disconnected experiences.
They could be real, but we don't have any avenue to approach them.
We DO know how to approach government programs and other activities
that involve more than one human: That's gumshoe work, which is
often very frustrating but at least we know who we are dealing

2) We must respect the storyteller. This criteria is a composition of

many factors: Is the witness rational and reliable in areas
unrelated to his story? Is he trying to push his religion or
philosophy on us or trying to impress us with his importance? Does
he know how to listen? Is he open to alternative explanations for
his experiences? Can we identify with him personally? All of
these questions boil down to the affinity we feel for that person.
If we dislike someone, then we feel unmotivated to pursue his story
no matter how compelling it may seem in itself.

3) The story must be connected to our areas of expertise. We cannot

investigate Roswell or Gulf Breeze; we are not there and do not
have the necessary background information to know the good stories
from the bad. Only here, close to home, do we know the local
language well enough to process the story and make conclusions from

4) The storyteller must be accessible to us directly, if not in person

then through unedited transcripts and correspondence. We do not
trust what we see on television, videos or most magazine articles.
We can't work with sound bites; we need access to the whole
testimony, from as close to the firsthand source as possible.

A number of stories have come to us which fulfill these criteria. Of

course, Bob Lazar is the catalyst who created this frenzy, but there
are other witnesses who seem to confirm at least parts of Lazar's
claims. These stories remain unverified and don't prove anything, but
they do seem to fit together into a coherent whole. At least they
flesh out the plot of the prominent "folklore" at the Test Site: the
housing of alien craft.

For readers who are new to this field, Bob Lazar is the Las Vegan who
appeared on a local TV station in 1989 to claim that he had worked
with alien spacecraft at Papoose Lake, just south of Area 51. His
story was coherent and well-crafted, with an internal consistency that
is rare in fiction. Unfortunately, problems in verifying his
background have shot down Lazar's credibility in the eyes of most.
(His claim of having attended MIT and Cal-Tech seems dubious.) Still,
the story is superior in itself, and we have not let go of it. Lazar
has picked the perfect location for his saucer base, real or imagined.
We know two former workers at Groom who confirm that Papoose Lake was
off-limits and that there was indeed some sort of highly secret
project going on there.

[Campbell's Feb. 1994 MUFON Journal article on Lazar is available as

LAZAR.TXT at the FTP site.]


We shall discuss some of our non-Lazar sources in future Rats. Taken

as a whole, here is the scenario they support. We don't have proof
for any of this, but it would at least make a good script for
1) Alien spacecraft indeed crashed in the southwestern U.S. in the
late 1940s and 1950s. There were multiple crashes.

2) Along with craft and bodies, there was at least one live alien
recovered. That recovery took place in 1953.

3) The captured craft were taken to the most secure and isolated
location the government had at the time: the Nevada Test Site. At
some point, the live alien or aliens ended up here, too.

4) The intellectual center of alien research was the nation's premiere

brain trust: Los Alamos National Laboratories in New Mexico.

5) In the 1950s, a government program was set up to deal with all the
UFO and alien information the government was collecting. It was
modeled after the Manhattan Project. This program was given wide
autonomy and was separated from every other government agency. All
the UFO information held by other agencies, including the military,
was turned over to it. Most officials in public government today
are unaware of the alien program. For forty years, the project was
successfully hidden behind the cloak of Cold War security, as a
secret world within a secret world.

6) Eventually, communication was established with the aliens. Over the

years, aliens and the government agency have engaged in varying
levels of cooperation and trade. Relations have frequently been
strained, however, mainly as a result of the humans not living up
to whatever agreement they made.

7) As part of the trade, the aliens have given the government agency
some of their less sophisticated spacecraft. It is not clear what
the aliens get in return, but they do have a need for certain

8) The government agency has long been engaged in a program to

reproduce the alien craft. Sources conflict as to whether the
program has actually been successful.

9) Flying saucers have been regularly flown from the "Test Site," but
it is unclear whether the craft are "ours" or "theirs." It is also
not clear whether any saucers are housed there now.

10) The aliens known to the government agency are classic Grays,
but there may be more than one sub-species of Gray, each with
different agendas.

11) There is no reason to suppose that the aliens known to the

government agency are in any way threatening to us. They are
described as distant and businesslike. There is no indication
that they are manipulating our society, media or government, but
they do exert their influence on the secret agency, cooperating
with it only as it suits them.

12) The secret agency is currently suffering from a critical shortage

of skilled labor, as people retire who were with the program from
the early days. Younger candidates seem unwilling to tolerate the
rigorous security regulations, which require that workers
surrender much of their personal privacy and civil rights.

...So that's all it is. Just your run-of-the-mill secret saucer

program, nothing to get excited about. Again, we emphasize that we
are not out to verify anything. The important thing about this story,
at least as a mind game, is that it doesn't present any major
inconsistencies with what we know is true. As long as one can
tolerate the premise that aliens might visit earth and have something
to trade, the rest seems plausible. The idea that the government
could keep such a secret for fifty years becomes easier to swallow if
you suppose that the research program that held all UFO information
was segregated from the rest of the government from the beginning.

So what do we intend to do with this folklore? Nothing really. We'll

proceed "as if" the story is true and look for new information that
will tell us more about it. If the story is true, isn't it the biggest
news event in the history of mankind? Don't the people have a right
to know? Yeah, yeah, we've been through all that in DR#20. We
believe that if the story is true, it will come out only when it
"wants" to come out, when society has reached a level of maturity
where it can take such an event in stride. It doesn't help to get
outraged and try to force the disclosure. It will happen when it
happens, and given the labor crunch and fall of the Soviets, it might
be soon.

More in the next issue of the Rat.


On Feb. 1, George Knapp gave a UFO lecture Feb. 1 at the Charleston

Community School in Las Vegas. (Knapp is the former TV newsman who
first reported the Bob Lazar story on a Las Vegas TV station in 1989.)
There were about 50 people at this free 2-hour talk. It was not
recorded, but following are some minutes, as recalled by Campbell....

In the first hour, George discussed his findings from his trip to
Russia about a year and a half ago. He and Brian Gresh arrived there
just as Yeltsin was beginning his showdown with parliament. Knapp
describes this as a one-time "window" in which Russian UFO files could
be obtained. Knapp thinks that the window has since closed due to the
country's new ultranationalist leanings. [Note: An article on Knapp's
visit appears in MUFON Journal, Oct. 93] Overall, this information
seems to pretty much parallel the UFO story in the U.S.--and is no
less murky and inconclusive.

Some remembered highlights...

-- Knapp purchased all of the UFO files of the country's most

prominent UFO researcher, who had collected these reports officially
for the government for many years. Knapp says this official probably
had access to more UFO reports than anyone else in the U.S.S.R., but
Knapp also noted that reports this researcher received were first
cleared by KGB agents, so it is possible that some cases were filtered
out and handled differently (perhaps like Bluebook supposedly handled
only the tamer UFO reports in the U.S.--Ed.). These files purchased by
Knapp were all unclassified.

Knapp also obtained some classified reports, including....

+ Reports on the alleged Roswell crash from Soviet agents in New

Mexico at the time. The reliability of the sources is unclear.

+ Reports on UFOs seen by cosmonauts, and extensive reports of

encounters with UFOs by military jets. Several jets crashed as a
result. During one UFO incident in 1983, the launch codes were entered
into the computers at an ICBM missile site, much like the incidents
reports at bases along the US-Canadian border in 1978.

+ Reports on official scientific analyses of crash sites and crop

circles. At landing sites, all single-celled micro-organisms in the
soil were found to be "missing"--not just dead, but missing
altogether. Plants were found to suffer measurable physical changes.
At one site, tiny (almost microscopic) glass-like beads were found.
Knapp brought some back to the U.S. and has been trying to have them
analyzed. Results have been inconclusive so far.

-- One scientist in the Ministry of Defense demonstrated for Knapp

(and his TV camera) a device he call "the weapon of the aliens," the
"plasma beam." On the tape that Knapp showed at his talk, the
scientist sets a razor blade on a device the size of a shoebox and
that supposedly has no power supply. There is a "pop" and suddenly
there is a hole in the razor blade. (What the box contains and what
caused the hole is unexplained. It is probably within human technology
to do this if the box contained a charged battery or capacitor.)

-- Remote viewing (ESP) research has been officially sponsored by the

government, and the subject came up numerous times on Knapp's visit.
Knapp helped connect a Russian official in this field with a U.S. one,
and he said they are now cooperating on some kind of joint venture.
The Russians seem to be ahead of the U.S. in this area. Knapp's says
he saw part of a training film on remote viewing, but didn't
understand it due to the language problem.

-- Knapp said he heard nothing about cattle mutilations while in

Russia, but did hear of abductions and crop circles. Knapp says he had
heard about alleged alien hardware in Russian possession-- pieces of
saucer wreckage, etc.--but never saw any.

-- UFO studies continue in Russia today.

The remainder of Knapp's talk was a question and answer period,


-- A questioner recalled Bob Lazar's claim that (according to

briefing papers) the Russians had been engaged in a joint saucer
research program with the Russians, but the Russians got kicked out.
The questioner asked if Knapp had any new info on this from his
Russian trip. Knapp said he didn't.

--Knapp said he continues to believe Lazar, but acknowledges that most

people do not.

--A questioner recalled that in Knapp's TV broadcasts on Lazar, Knapp

said he had other witnesses that essentially confirmed Lazar's story
but that wouldn't go on camera. Could Knapp give any more info on
these sources?

Knapp said that his primary witness in this regard was "a member of a
prominent Nevada family" (NOT the Lear family) who had retired from a
management position for a major contractor at the Nevada Test Site.
(Note: Our first guesses would be EG&G or REECo.--Ed.) Over many
months, Knapp dragged only a few bits of information out of this
source. The source confirmed that the U.S. had housed downed alien
flying saucers at the Nevada Test Site since 1953--a couple of years
before the founding of Area 51. The source also said the U.S. had held
a single live alien at the Test Site. When asked for a description,
the source would say only that the alien bore a physical resemblance
to a prominent human political figure.

Knapp was forced to guess. Richard Nixon? Spiro Agnew?

No, Ross Perot!

From Knapp's description, the source seemed to be indicating that the

"Ross Perot" alien had been held against its will. Knapp was told
that the source had videotaped a deposition concerning the cover-up to
be released upon his death, and a family member had confirmed this.
-- George says he has communicated with a senior congressional aid
with clearance to handle nearly all black projects that pass though
Congress. This aide believes the government UFO program is real, but
doesn't have proof. The aide wants heads to roll when the truth is
known. (Which is not the best inducement to bring the information
forward. --Ed.)

-- Knapp agreed that the more he gets involved in UFO research, the
more confused he is about what is really going on.

-- Knapp says that he is no longer working for Alta Mira

Communications, which produced his latest video series, but he does do
commentary pieces for KLAS-TV in Las Vegas on a part-time basis.

-- Knapp says that sales of his new UFO video tape series have been
disappointing and will not come close to recouping the enormous costs
of the project. [For info on purchasing the tapes, write to UFOs: The
Best Evidence, P.O. Box 2249, Livonia, MI 45151, 800-575-5525. --ed.]
Knapp says he is working on a book compiling some of the Russian

[Editor's note: Although the captured alien did not look like Richard
Nixon, Nixon's name has come up in another regard. Perhaps in a future


On 2/17, Hard Copy broadcast some video clips of a hovering "UFO" over
the Nellis Range taken by tracking cameras attached to ground-based
targeting radars used in Red Flag exercises. The object seen in the
clip was as ambiguous as most UFO photos and videos: a black,
blimp-like object moving smoothly across the sky. Clips from more than
one camera were shown. The object seemed to have some structure to
it, but the definition was poor and it was difficult to conclude
anything from the clips. Interviewed on the segment was a source in
shadow, referred to as "Steve," who had supposedly worked with
F-117A's on the Nellis Range. Steve said that the tapes confirmed
what he had already known about UFOs. It was not clear whether he was
the source who had provided the tapes.

What distinguished these videos from the endless parade of blurry home
videos shown on tabloid TV was the display, superimposed on the
picture, giving direction, time, distance and radar return of the
object, as well as voices, apparently of the crew operating the radar.
We were particularly intrigued with a scene that included two radar
domes on a mountaintop. These should be easily identifiable. A
correspondent of ours who is familiar with the west side of the range
thinks they may be on Tolicha Peak, Quartz Mountain or Black Mountain.
Following the broadcast, we contacted the analyst interviewed on the
segment, Chuck de Caro, a defense journalist who had produced a CNN
program on the Bentwaters UFO incident. He said Hard Copy had hired
him as a consultant to check the validity of the tape and source who
delivered it.

He said the source seemed legitimate--a former AF employee motivated

more by cash than idealism. The source had not actually seen the UFO
himself. The tapes delivered to Hard Copy (on VHS) were re-recorded
and were probably a couple of generations down. They came from tapes
that are taken routinely during air combat exercises. The video
cameras are attached to the threat radars ("enemy" radar sites that
our pilots seek to destroy or evade) to provide feedback on pilot and
radar effectiveness. The camera always points where the radar is
pointing. De Caro thinks the incident took place several years ago,
perhaps around 1990 or 1991.

De Caro suggested that the tapes got into circulation because the
radar crews failed to report the incident. The tapes were treated as
"outtakes", as most are, and were recopied and passed around quietly
among the workers. The tapes sold to Hard Copy included several
segments taken at different sites. Each segment was about a minute
long--clearly not the whole thing--so de Caro did not have the benefit
of seeing the objects appear or disappear.

De Caro suggested that the cameras were infrared. (Confirmed by the

time shown on the screen, which was night, although the picture
appeared like day.) He noted that since an infrared photo records
different phenomena than visible-light photography, the apparent
flaring of the object when seen from below could be the outflow of
heat sources on the craft.

De Caro said there could be many different earthly explanation for the
object, but he still regards them as interesting: At least they might
reveal some new kind of aircraft. We remain skeptical of the object
ourselves but are interested in what it tells us about range


We just received this message by email from an anonymous source. For

accuracy, we reprint it without editing:

"the big wow!!! happened the signal was received & area 51 & groom
& s4, the pentagon's covering it up!! & semi-recentely at a crop
circle formation they found a pure gold object with an ancient version
of writing on it. when translated it says the gods are coming back.
experts said it couldn't have been made by our species cause it's too
perfect. you'll be interested to know there is a gentleman at ucsd in
san diego that's been able to translate those crop circle formations
into music. the whole j.f.k thing's a cover-up i'll tell you who
really killed kennedy it was area 51 & groom lake & s4 and a whole
number of other parties due to the fact he was gonna tell the world of
what's really going on in erea 51 & groom & s4 & kennedy also told
marillyn monroe & that's why she wound up dead. the reason the 18
minutes of the watergate tapes dissapeared is cause they were
discussing area 51 & groom & s4 & all their other black programs. re:
the pyramids in egypt & everywhere except vegas's luxor were built
with the help of the aliens think about it we didn't have the
technology back then to build them. it wasn't til present day that we
evolved enough to build luxor. more later"

[There it is in a nutshell--and Nixon, too! --Ed.]


[Press release issued by the Area 51 Research Center, 2/15/95]

Two Utah residents, accused of crossing the military border near the
popular Freedom Ridge viewpoint in Lincoln County, were found guilty
of trespassing Feb. 15 in Pahranagat Valley Justice Court. Ryan
Chivers and Jason Winget of Salt Lake City had been arrested on Dec. 1
by a Lincoln County Sheriff's Deputy on Groom Lake Road several yards
inside the Nellis Range military border, about 12 miles east of the
secret Groom Lake military base.

The defendants, representing themselves, argued in court that the

place where the deputy arrested them was not where anonymous Nellis
Range security officers first detained them. The defendants said they
believe they did not cross the border until Nellis security officers
marched them there.

The prosecution, represented by Asst. District Attorney Scott Waite,

presented no evidence or witnesses to pinpoint the location where the
two were detained or to show that is was on military land. None of
the anonymous security guards who originally captured the two appeared
in court. Only the arresting officer, Sgt. Douglas Lamoreaux,
appeared as a witness for the prosecution. Sgt. Lamoreaux arrived at
the scene of the arrest only after the two were detained by security
forces and brought to the road.

The anonymous security guards wear camouflage fatigues without

insignia. Although they have no apparent authority on public land,
they have been known to detain citizens there. Most recently, on Jan.
2, a Yucaipa, CA, resident, Bruce Hedquist, says he was detained on
public land for 20 minutes by security personnel. The security
patrols threatened to arrest Hedquist for turning his car around just
inside the Keep Out signs, but he says he was on public land when

In trial testimony, Chivers and Winget admitted approaching a tripod

on a hill near the border, but testimony at the trial established that
there were several in the area and that they are frequently moved.
The defendants acknowledged that they did not know exactly where they
were at the time they were detained by the security guards, but since
they remained well behind the keep out signs, they felt it was on
public land.

Chivers and Winget said that they had intended to hike to Freedom
Ridge, a popular viewpoint on public land beside the border, and had
no intention of crossing the border. This was not refuted by the
prosecution. Winget also acknowledged, upon cross-examination by
Waite, that they were both fully aware that crossing the border could
be punishable by "use of deadly force," and that they therefore had no
intention of doing so.

Both the arresting officer and the defendants acknowledged that the
night was dark and that it was virtually impossible to see the narrow
orange posts that mark the border. Testimony at the trial
acknowledged that the actual border ran diagonal to the road and not
directly perpendicular to the signs, but no evidence was presented to
indicate its exact location. Deputy Lamoreaux said that he thought
the border ran, "to the southwest," which is incorrect, since the
border is shown running north-to-south on USGS maps.

Prosecutor Waite argued that since the defendants could not prove that
they were outside the military border, the court should convict them.
Justice Nola Holton agreed, and said that the fact that they were
hiking at night near the border was sufficient indication that they
had indeed crossed the line.

The verdict appears to be contrary to Nevada statute, which states

that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty. In this case, the
Assistant D.A. presented no direct evidence that the two had crossed
the border on their own and argued that they were guilty because they
couldn't prove that they hadn't.

The two were fined $600 each. They say they have not yet decided
whether they will appeal.

..... ANALYSIS .....

Psychospy was a fly on the wall during the trial. We thought the
defense team, headed by Mr. Chivers, did an excellent job of defining
the primary issue: that they were moved by the security Dudes from an
ambiguous location, and the prosecution had presented no witnesses or
evidence to show beyond a reasonable doubt that they had crossed the
line on their own.

Our jaw dropped when we heard Asst. D.A. Waite tell the judge that the
two were guilty because they could not prove that they were on public
land. The newly hired assistant doesn't grasp the single most
fundamental concept of law: That the burden is on the prosecution to
prove guilt and not on the defendant to prove innocence. We are
disappointed. Unlike Judge Holton, this guy is supposed to have gone
to law school and passed the bar. It is like someone having been
ordained as a Christian minister without ever learning the Ten
Commandments. Of course, Judge Holton missed the boat, too--inferring
guilt without evidence--but that was expected.

Following the trial, nine members of the Sheriff's Dept., D.A.'s

office and Justice Court gathered at Del Pueblo Cafe in Alamo for a
celebratory luncheon. Our work in the November election has helped us
build an elaborate intelligence network within the county, and
multiple spies were there at Del Pueblo taking notes. The diners were,
as usual, loud and indiscreet, and our sources were amazed at the bile
heaped upon Glenn Campbell, who happened to be present at the trial
and who was perceived as being behind it all. Someone said the
deputies should take Judge Holton out for another tour of the border
area. This supports our conviction that the Court here is only an
extension of the Sheriff's Dept., expected to take direction from them
and rubber stamp their arrests. The consensus of the diners was that
the verdict in the trespasser case would probably be appealed but that
the guilt of the two would be upheld.

We can see now that we have a long road to travel.


Glenn Campbell's oft-delayed trial on obstruction charges is now

scheduled for Friday, March. 3rd, at 10:00 am in the Annex Building,
Alamo, Nevada (90 miles north of Las Vegas). Everyone is invited.

Previous trials have been postponed three times: (1) When the D.A.
failed to deliver discovery materials in a reasonable time, (2) when
the D.A. excused himself without explanation and hired a special
prosecutor, and (3) when the judge excused herself without explanation
and brought in another judge. It is unknown at present what the cost
has been to the county so far in the Campbell case. We guess $5000 at
least, not including the bad press. It ain't like the millions spent
on O.J., but it is a lot for Lincoln County given that the D.A. once
suggested a $50 fine to Campbell if he pleaded "no contest."

Campbell says he is ready for the March 3rd trial and that no delay
will come from him.

The Friday date makes it convenient for visitors to include the trial
in a weekend visit to the area. The local weather is now becoming
very pleasant, in the 60s during the day, although still below
freezing at night. (Fine for camping, but you'll need two sleeping

To complement the trial, we will be organizing a public hiking

expedition on Saturday, March 4th. The destination has not been
decided upon, and perhaps we will choose it only after we poll the
people who actually show up. Possibilities include White Sides
Mountain, Tikaboo Peak or Leviathan Cave (an extensive cavern near the
top of Meeker Peak north of Rachel). The hike will proceed regardless
of whether the trial does.

Now that the weather is improving, the Research Center is planning to

sponsor a free hike every month or two, each to a different mountain
surrounding the Test Site. These full-day hikes will range from
moderate to strenuous, and participants will need to be in good shape
and properly attired. Each hike will give us a different view of the
Nellis Range or Nevada Test Site from on high. Good candidates might
be Tikaboo Peak (alternate view of Groom), Mt. Sterling (distant view
of Papoose Lake), Hayford Peak, Kawich Peak, Stonewall Mountain and
others surrounding the Restricted Zone. All hikes will be on public
or Forest Service land, and everyone in the world will be invited.
However, because most expeditions will be challenging, we expect only
a fairly small group of hard-core hikers and Test Site zealots to

March 4th will be the first of these hikes. It will probably begin
early, around 10 am, or just enough time for people to drive to the
trailhead from Las Vegas in the morning. There will be no further
announcements for the March 4th hike, except as posted on
alt.conspiracy.area51, so if you are interested you must get in touch
with us for the destination, starting time, meeting place and other
particulars. Call 702-729-2648. It would also be wise to call on
Friday evening, March 3rd, to confirm (or see us at the trial).

Future hikes will be announced in future Rats.

----- INTEL BITTIES -----


freema22@student.msu.edu has been developing and fine-tuning a scenery
file for Microsoft Flight simulator (4.0) featuring Groom Lake and
vicinity. It may offer civilians their first opportunity to "fly" in
and out of Area 51. He says the file is now available by FTP from
ftp.iup.edu. It is also available on America On-Line, under keyword
"PCGAMES," in the "Flight Sim Resource Center" in the "MSFS 4.0"

CORRECTION. We have wrongfully maligned the Cammo Dudes once again.

In DR#20, we reported that, according to a report by a visitor, the
Dudes had taken down the yellow ribbons marking the hiking trail to
Freedom Ridge. The visitor was mistaken. The ribbons were still
there, but he was looking in the wrong place.


Circulation: 2628 copies direct to subscribers, plus unknown

postings and redistributions.

(c) Glenn Campbell, 1995.

This newsletter is a copyrighted serial and may not be reproduced

For one year following the date of publication, you may photocopy this
text or send or post this document electronically to anyone who you
think may be interested, provided you do it without charge. You may
only copy or send this document in unaltered form and in its entirety,
not as partial excerpts (except brief quotes for review purposes).
Except when authorized in writing, any reproduction for sale or profit
is strictly forbidden and will be pursued with legal action. After
one year, no free reproduction of this document is allowed without
permission; however, these terms may be amended (or the term extended)
by notice published in later issues the Desert Rat.

Email subscriptions to this newsletter are available free of charge.

To subscribe (or unsubscribe), send a message to psychospy@aol.com.
Subscriptions are also available by regular mail for $15 per 10
issues, postpaid to anywhere in the world.

A catalog that includes the "Area 51 Viewer's Guide", the Groom Lake
patch and hat and publications relating to government secrecy and UFOs
is available upon request by email or regular mail.

Back issues are available on various bulletin boards and by internet

FTP to ftp.shell.portal.com, directory /pub/trader/secrecy/psychospy.
Also available by WWW to:

For breaking news, watch the newsgroup: alt.conspiracy.area51

The mail address for Psychospy, Glenn Campbell, Area 51 Research

Center, Groom Lake Desert Rat and countless other ephemeral entities
HCR Box 38
Rachel, NV 89001 USA



Date: 02-24-95 (10:20) Number: 4984 of 5000 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Eclectic Viewpoint
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)




And What You Can Do About It

The first symptoms are flu-like with headache, backache, and fever.
Within 48 hours, a person infected with the highly contagious,
airborne Ebola Zaire virus can experience a death so horrible it
seems like a scene from "The Andromeda Strain" or science fiction.
The true story of the outbreak of this deadly "hot" virus in an animal
quarantine facility of Reston, Virginia, is the subject of the
current #1 best-seller, "The Hot Zone." A SWAT team of soldiers and
scientists wearing biohazard space suits secretly battled the Ebola
virus for 18 days, finally destroying 450 monkeys to contain it. If
Ebola had escaped into the general population, thousands if not
millions of Americans in the Washington, D.C. area would have died.
Prior to the Reston incident, entire villages in Africa had been
wiped out from Ebola. In this globe-trotting jet age, it could take
only one unsuspecting person 24 hours to carry the virus from
Washington to Hong Kong and start a catastrophic worldwide epidemic.

In addition to "The Hot Zone," there have been other books published
recently such as "The Coming Plague," and "The Dancing Matrix:
Voyages Along The Viral Frontier" that predict we are on the
threshold of a pandemic influenza virus to which we have no innate
immunity. The most recent "killer flu" occurred in 1918 and
claimed 20 million lives around the world. Furthermore, the
medical community is seeing a startling rise of old diseases,
such as tuberculosis, that once were thought under control, but are
now antibiotic-resistant.
One group of researchers embrace the GAIA theory (i.e., the Earth is
viewed as a living organism, subject to illness, but also having
self-healing abilities). GAIA, the Greek word for Earth, has become
ill and is seeking revenge by striking back at humanity, the primary
source of Earth's problems. Our pollution of the air, oceans,
and land spreads like a cancer across GAIA's surface and GAIA responds
with earthquakes, floods, fires and pestilence. As we destroy the
tropical wildernesses of the world, previously unknown viruses such
as Ebola Zaire and Marburg are now entering human populations after
living undetected in the rain forests for eons.

Mankind is destroying the tropical rain forests at the rate of 100

acres per minute, or a land mass the size of Great Britain, annually.
The GAIA theory postulates that the Earth has organs, and that the
heart of GAIA is is the rain forest, which contains 90% of all life
forms. By the year 2010 we will have been responsible for the
extinction of 20% of Earth's species; in 60 years, 50% of the species
will be gone. Is it any wonder the Earth is rebelling against

In the midst of these dire predictions, Barbara Bullard offers us

hope. She believes that hidden in any crisis, whether big or small,
personal or planetary, there also lies the opportunity for growth
and expansion. Ancient Chinese philosophers were well aware of this
concept. Their symbol and word for crisis, WEI-CHI, is depicted as a
combination of two characters, one meaning "danger," the other
meaning "opportunity."

Barbara Bullard will speak to THE ECLECTIC VIEWPOINT about new

strategies for pumping up our DNA and immune systems to combat the
threat of potential world plagues. A professor of Speech
Communications at Orange Coast College California, Bullard has been
the recipient of many teaching awards for inspirational and
innovative teaching. She is included in three separate categories
of WHO'S WHO, and was recently presented the prestigious NISOD
Teaching Excellence Award.

A dynamic speaker, Barbara Bullard is a popular guest lecturer

for the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.), an
international organization that studies the Edgar Cayce "readings."
She incorporates the principles of the readings into her
research, and has been a member of A.R.E. for 22 years, as well
as serving on their Board of Trustees for Atlantic University.

For the past six years, Bullard has been integrating the insights
from her 20-year study of the Edgar Cayce philosophy with
"Hemi-Sync" technology, based on research from the Monroe Institute.
This institution, located, in Virginia and founded by Robert Monroe,
researches the use of sound patterns to create an identical wave form
in both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously. When both the
right and the left brain are entrained to the same signal by using
Monroe's Hemi-Sync tapes, the results are astounding. As the entire
brain focuses on one goal, states of super-learning are achieved as
well as relief from pain and disease. Many listeners also report
peak experiences of a transcendental nature.

Barabara Bullard began working with students in her classes who were
interested in changing many aspects of their lives. Everything
from improving test scores to losing weight or giving up smoking was
accomplished with the Hemi-Sync tapes. One student confidentially
told Barbara that he had AIDS, and was disturbed at his declining
T-cell count. She suggested a particular tape and the student's T-cell
count doubled in three weeks; his doctor was amazed.Since then, other
AIDS patients using the tape have reported similar results. As a
contributing author to the book, "Using The Whole Brain," Bullard
states that the bilateral synchronized brain wave state "is a
significant factor in eliciting the 'trophotropic response' -the
autonomic healing mechanism of the body."

Before using the Monroe Hemi-Sync tapes, Bullard says that she tried
many other "audio tapes that claimed to produce a synchronized brain
pattern, but they...failed to do so." In his book, "Megabrain: New
Tools and Techniques for Brain Growth and Mind Expansion,"Michael
Hutchison states that he found the Hemi-Sync technology to be the best
of all the tapes, techniques, and devices he has researched. On a
recent "Sightings" TV program, the Monroe Hemi-Sync tapes were
featured as an amazing tool for the control of pain during surgery.

In her presentation, Barbara Bullard will discuss many aspects of

In her presentation, Barbara Bullard will discuss many aspects of

her research including DNA and techniques for stimulating the
immune system, so that we will be survivors of the predicted plagues
and earth changes. Although millions perish during pandemic
outbreaks of viruses and so-called "super-flus," there are always
those who survive. What gives them the "edge" over others? Come to
this lecture and find the answer.

Cheyenne Turner
Eclectic Viewpoint


In the workshop, you will learn simple and inexpensive daily

methods for stimulating the immune system, including the pineal and
thymus glands; special breathing techniques; specific herbs with
anti-viral properties; and how to choose which Hemi-Sync tapes would
be best for you and much much more. The lecture is a pre-requisite
for the workshop; $10 reduction with lecture ticket stub.


The Eclectic Viewpoint

Speaker Barbara Bullard
Friday March 3, 1995
Unity Church 6525 Forest Lane
Dallas, Texas
Lecture Admission $15.00
Workshop 1 to 5 pm
Workshop Admission $50.00
Hotline and Info (214) 601-7687

--FMail/386 1.0g+
* Origin: The DataBank * Exploring the Unknown * (214)681-2218 * (1:124/7015)


Date: 02-24-95 (10:31) Number: 4987 of 5000 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: "national security" airst
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

* Originally By: Paul Vincent McGinnis

* Originally To: All
* Originally Re: "national security" airstrips in California
* Original Area: ParaNet(sm) UFO Echo
* Forwarded by : Blue Wave v2.12 OS/2

From: TRADER@cup.portal.com (Paul Vincent McGinnis)

Date: 22 Feb 95 03:40:10 GMT
Organization: The Portal System (TM)
Message-ID: <133368@cup.portal.com>
Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo

[I posted the following article on several aviation groups. The reason

that I am posting it to a UFO newsgroup is that one of the places
mentioned is Northrop's Tejon Ranch facility, which has been reported
as a UFO base, in books such as "Cosmic Top Secret". It is merely a
radar cross section test range for Stealth aircraft, and has nothing
to do with UFOs. People don't realize that military aircraft do not
have to use the familiar lighting seen on civilian aircraft, so they
don't understand the lights in the night sky that they see. By the
way -- there is indeed a "Cosmic Top Secret" security designator, but
it has to do with NATO material, not UFOs. Another Nato designator,
besides Cosmic, is Atomal for NATO nuclear secrets.]

"National security" airstrips in California's desert

by Paul McGinnis, February 19, 1995

Aviation Week (February 6, 1995) mentioned the existence of Northrop's

Tejon Ranch radar cross section range in California. Because I've been
out in that area several times to see the facility, I have prepared
some information telling people how to get there with some other
useful information.

The Tejon Ranch installation is located at the base of the Tehachapi

Mountains in a northwestern part of the Antelope Valley. Some people
have referred to this place as the "ant hill", but I think they are
confusing the Northrop installation with the Ant Hill Oil Field
airstrip on the other side of the Tehachapi Mountains, east of

To give you some idea of how far you will have to drive to get there,
it should be noted that the Northrop facility is approximately 105
miles from downtown Los Angeles, by road. (1 mile = 1.609 kilometers)
I recommend using an offroad vehicle (4WD) or pickup truck to get out
to see the facility, because some of the roads are quite rough. (I've
navigated the dirt roads in the area in a 1988 Honda Civic, and I have
to had to worry about damage to the car, because of these dirt roads.)
The roads near the facility can be quite rocky or washed out in
places. There are numerous dirt roads crisscrossing the area, that are
usually not marked, and some are poorly maintained. It would be quite
easy to get lost or have your car break down up there. When the maps
show unimproved dirt roads in the area, they are not joking.

Using the FCC database, I have found that the facility is located at
34 degrees 55' 25" North latitude, 118 degrees 31' 48" West longitude.
The airstrip is not shown on the 7.5 minute U.S. Geological Survey
topographic map of the area, dated 1973 (Liebre Twins Quadrangle,
34118-H5-TF-024). It also does not appear on the 1986 Defense Mapping
Agency aeronautical chart JOG NI 11-4. However, it appears in DeLorme
Mapping Company's 1990 "Southern & Central California Atlas &
Gazetteer" collection of topographic maps.

In this part of the desert, the dirt roads are given numbers. Although
the FCC records list the Northrop facility at 7000 230th Street West,
you can not get there by going down Avenue D, and going north on 230th
Street West. Because it is behind some low hills, the facility can be
difficult to see. I will provide directions to two locations -- one
location is just outside the Northrop gate (poor viewing of the base,
but an interesting excursion) and the other location allows you to see
the facility from perhaps 3 miles to the east. The eastern viewing
location also gives you quite a panoramic view of the Antelope Valley,
and surrounding mountains. You should zero your trip counter on your
vehicles odometer as you exit Highway 14.

To get near the area, take Highway 14 north from Palmdale or south
from Mojave. Exit at Rosamond Blvd. (look for the sign that reads
"Edwards AFB / Rosamond". (Edwards AFB is quite a ways to the east.)
Go west on Rosamond Blvd. At 2.3 miles west of Highway 14, you will
see one of my dining recommendations in the area, Villa Basque
restaurant. Keep going west -- at 15.4 miles from Hwy. 14, the paved
road will make a sharp bend to the left and become 170th Street West.
Go right (north) on the dirt road instead. At 16.9 miles from Hwy. 14
(1.5 miles north of Rosamond Blvd.), you will see a sign that says
Broken Arrow Road (with an arrow pointing along a road that runs
towards the northwest.) Broken Arrow Road leads directly to the
Northrop gate several miles away (sorry, I didn't take mileage
readings for that road.) If you continue north on 170th Street West,
you will end up at the eastern viewing site. At the base of the Broken
Arrow Road sign, someone painted a blue object (a skull??) on a rock.

If you continue north, you will encounter a short stretch of very

rough road (a "washboard road" if you will...). As your trip counter
goes past 18.1 miles (2.7 miles from Rosamond Blvd.) you will pass an
antenna on a pole. I'm not sure if this is for a road sensor, like on
the Groom Lake road. At 19 miles (3.6 miles from Rosamond Blvd.) the
road will go west for 0.5 miles and then go north again. The viewing
site is 20.6 miles from Hwy. 14 (5.2 miles from Rosamond Blvd.) Look
towards the west (left) and there it is!!

You will see a hangar, radar antennas, a water tank, and several
smaller buildings on top of a small hill. It looks like the facility
probably got more use during the B-2 Stealth bomber's early testing, a
few years ago, than it does these days. (The canyon behind the
facility is Tylerhorse Canyon.) My estimate for the runway length is
4000 feet (1231 meters).

If you follow Broken Arrow Road, it will eventually come to a gate,

like those used by cattle ranchers, marked with "Private Property"
signs. You should not go beyond the gate, to prevent getting charged
with trespassing. (I have seen local law enforcement in the area.)

Apparently, to keep Northrop employees on the road, and prevent them

from getting lost, someone came up with the idea of using signs with
red arrows on them to point the way, and keep the workers on the right
road, so you can follow the red arrows also. There is at least one
creek along Broken Arrow Road that may have water in it -- cross
carefully so you don't get stuck in mud.

It is very unlikely that you will see anything classified up there.

Just enjoy the expedition, watch the desert hares and flocks of birds,
and relax outdoors, and you won't be disappointed. For those with
scanners, here are some Northrop frequencies: (I haven't heard much
activity, but I've been up there on weekends.)

462.35 MHz -- main channel for the facility (repeats 467.35 MHz)

123.35, 123.525, 314.6, 382.6 MHz -- Northrop aviation channels

(used at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, Mojave airport Northrop
operation, and Edwards AFB Northrop operations also.)

158.28 MHz -- general use Northrop channel (also used at Edwards


Another interesting place is the CIA's El Mirage Flight Test Facility,

used for testing their Gnat-750 and Predator UAVs (Unmanned Aerial
Vehicles, i.e., reconnaissance drones.) These UAVs resemble large
model airplanes. The El Mirage facility is operated by the
manufacturer of the UAVs, General Atomics Corp. It has a 3700 foot
(1138 meters) long runway in DMA aeronautical chart JOG NI 11-5. To
get there, exit Highway 14 at Avenue P in Palmdale, and go east. You
will go past Air Force Plant 42 (Lockheed's Skunk Works occupies the
big hangar at the western part of Plant 42) and the Blackbird (SR-71)

(Most of this trip is on paved roads). Go north on 40th Street East,

and then east on Avenue N. Go south on 90th Street East and make a
left turn (east) on Avenue O. You will pass Alpine Butte Wildlife
Sanctuary -- the buttes there are not too difficult to climb, and give
a fine view of Edwards AFB to the north, Plant 42 to the west, and El
Mirage and Lockheed's Helendale radar cross section to the range. It
would be a good spot to camp on and watch the aerial activity above
the Antelope Valley. Continue east on Avenue O until you get to 240th
Street East and go south (right) on 240th Street East. Go south to
Avenue P, and then east (left) on Avenue P. You will go through the
town of El Mirage. Look for a sign that reads El Mirage Airport Road
and make a left turn there (go north on that road.)

At the end of the road, there will be an aircraft graveyard to the

left (west) and the El Mirage facility to the north. Offroad vehicle
and motorcycle enthusiasts use the bed El Mirage Dry Lake to the
northeast. (Sorry, I don't have any radio frequencies for the El
Mirage facility.)
You could also continue on to Lockheed's radar cross section range
north of Helendale, California. For more details on the Lockheed
facility, you can use Internet FTP and connect to host
ftp.shell.portal.com . My Lockheed report is file lockheed-rcs-report
in the directory /pub/trader/secrecy. In that report, I mentioned
photos of a radar cross section (RCS) testing pylon. I may have
overestimated the height of the pylon, if the pictures I saw are of
scale models for RCS, instead of actual aircraft. This is the facility
that Ben Rich mentions in his book, where they put a scale model of
the Stealth fighter on a pole, and there was no radar return until a
crow landed on the model.

Paul McGinnis / TRADER@cup.portal.com / PaulMcG@aol.com


Anonymous FTP access to files dealing with excessive military secrecy

is available from Internet host ftp.shell.portal.com (IP address in the /pub/trader directory. Read the 00readme files for
descriptions of the files. Writings from Glenn Campbell, author of the
"Area 51 Viewer's Guide" are available in /pub/trader/secrecy/psychospy.

(Web users can use URL ftp://ftp.shell.portal.com/pub/trader/ )

--- FMail/386 1.0g

* Origin: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence BBS (1:261/1201)


Date: 02-24-95 (10:31) Number: 4988 of 5000 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: 2\17 What's New - from Th
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

* Originally By: Dan Dubrick

* Originally To: All
* Originally Re: 2\17 What's New - from The American Physical Society
* Original Area: NASA's Space Related Newsletters
* Forwarded by : Blue Wave v2.12 OS/2

WHAT'S NEW by Robert L. Park Friday, 17 Feb 95 Washington, DC


Yesterday, the House passed the National Security Revitalization Act,
but a section calling for deployment of antimissile defenses (WN 25
Nov 94) had been eviscerated. An amendment introduced by John Spratt
Jr. (D-SC) rejected space-based defenses and gave the development of a
ground-based ABM system low priority. The vote, which split the
defense hawks and the budget hard-liners, was the first break in GOP
ranks on a term of the "Contract." The gutted bill passed, but even
with Star Wars eliminated, the margin was insufficient to override a
threatened veto. Asked about the veto threat, Speaker Gingrich issued
a threat of his own: "We have appropriations bills coming...there are
many ways to make our point." Since no companion legislation has been
introduced in the Senate, however, most observers think the bill is
now dead.


Tuesday, 50 GOP House freshman announced the formation of four task
forces to work out details for eliminating the Departments of Housing
and Urban Development, Commerce, Education and Energy. But in the
Senate, Pete Domenici (R-NM), chairman of the Budget Committee,
declared that DOE is safe as long as he's in charge.


the President has his way, the National Institute of Standards and
Technology will get another whopping increase; R&D would rise 20% to
$938M, but Manufacturing Extension Partnerships and the Advanced
Technology Program--both under attack by Republicans-- account for
two-thirds of that. NIST's in-house R&D, which has grown 37% in just
two years, would go up by another 17% to $310M.


the euphemism. In FY 96, the asking budget would increase R&D 0.7% to
$9.5B. But Space Science takes a 2.7% hit, falling to $1.96B, and
Physics and Astronomy drops 5.4% to $1.13B. And it's going to get
worse! By FY 2000, NASA expects the Space Science budget to drop by
18%. Since they're not likely to save that much with "new millennium
spacecraft" (WN 10 Feb 95), Dan Goldin announced an agency-wide buyout
plan to downsize the agency.


background paper on the Tokamak Physics Experiment (TPX) and alternate
concepts was released at a House hearing. According to OTA: "The
fusion energy program focused on the tokamak primarily for budgetary
rather than technical reasons. This narrowing is widely perceived to
have been premature and did not reflect the benefits of pursuing
alternative concepts." No one brought up cold fusion or mining the
Moon for helium-3, but the Energy Subcommittee chairman, Dana
Rohrabacher (R-CA), did ask about sonoluminescence. The TPX is
awaiting congressional approval.

THE AMERICAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY (Note: Opinions are the author's and
are not necessarily shared by the APS, but they should be.)

--- FMail/386 1.0g

* Origin: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence BBS (1:261/1201)


Date: 02-24-95 (11:24) Number: 81182 of 81186 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Saganist Church
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Please find below my critique of Professor Robert BakerÕs position on

alien abductions.


Hypnagogia: Baker's Final Solution

by Garry Rentz, February 20, 1995.
Originally posted on OneNet UFO Watchers

Professor Robert Baker, a troubleshooter for the Committee for the

Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP) has
provided us with his simple solution to the alien abduction problem.
The answer is no big deal, he seems to be saying, and in a recent
edition of _Omni_ he stated: "These 'encounters' are really hypnagogic
images, essentially waking hallucinations or dreams, and nothing
more." This short essay will examine the phenomenon and Baker's
facile solution.

Description of the Phenomenon

Hypnagogia is the unique state between wakefulness and sleep. Most

often it occurs just as a person is drifting into sleep. Researchers
have long argued that hypnagogia is a different type of consciousness
that can be distinguished from both sleep and being awake. It appears
to be related to its cousin in the sleep world, lucid dreaming, in
that a certain awareness of what is happening is imposed upon the

While Baker invokes hypnagogia as his Final Solution, in a technical

sense, he is probably referring a twin state: hypnopompia. Whereas
hypnagogia takes place while one is falling asleep, hypnopompic
experiences occur in the first moments of waking. Since a fairly
common report given by abductees is that they are awakened by an eerie
light, usually of a bluish color, it is assumed that Baker is speaking
of the hypnopompic variety. Often, however, hypnagogia is used to
describe either state.

In the only major work in English before 1987 dealing with the
subject, Mavromatis (1) listed some of the characteristics of
hypnagogia: autonomy, change, clarity and color, and non-involvement
of the participant:

a) Autonomy - Researchers are told repeatedly that the images

cannot be forced into a mental pattern of the subjects' choice
or controlled by a mental action. The images just happen; they
are freewheeling, springing up unexpectedly. The subject is an
observer rather than a participant as is more often the case in

b) Change - Often the images undergo change before the viewer's

eyes. For example a primitive sphere might blow up like a
balloon or transform itself into a fractal object like a flower.
They are normally of short duration before morphing or

c) Clarity and Color - The images frequently appear to give the

impression of bright, rich colors. Mavromatis (1) provides
clinical evidence that they arise from the sub-cortical areas of
the brain.

d) Participant Non-Involvement - In most cases the hypnagogic

experience takes place without the interaction of the
hypnagogist. The person experiencing the hypnagogic event is a
viewer watching a scene and rarely interacting with the images.

Hypnagogia is often associated with bursts of creativity. William

Blake, Dali, Spinoza, Edison, Dickens, Brahms, Wagner, and Einstein
reported events that appear to be related to the phenomenon. Perhaps
the most famous incident of a hypnagogic experience leading to a
creative breakthrough is KekulŽ's discovery of the structure of the
benzene molecule.

During the '30s a member of Edgar Cayce's first study group reported
the following experience: "I saw a large light. I recognized it as a
manifestation of spirit. It moved toward me and disappeared within my
inner self. It made me more aware that my body is the temple of the
living God and that I must let my light shine in such a manner as to
hasten the day of the Lord." (2)
Although there is no evidence presented that this event took place at
the time the informant was falling asleep, in my view, this appears to
be an almost classic description of a hypnagogic experience. A
hallucinatory object appears to move toward the subject (expands),
there is little manipulation of the scene by the observer but the
event leads to an emotional response on the part of the viewer.

Compare the above description with the typical alleged abduction

experience. As later recalled under hypnosis, the participant is
awakened by what is often noted as a blue light which fills the room.
The subject senses that he/she is not alone in the room but is being
confronted by small grey beings with large heads and small, frail
bodies. Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of the intruders is
their large, black, almond-shaped eyes. The participant finds that
he/she is unable to move but is under the physical control of the
beings who are somehow able to float the abductee through walls or
windows to a waiting aerial craft. The participant describes being
transported to the craft and is subjected to a number of medical
procedures mostly involving the human reproductive system. Sperm or
ova are extracted and sometimes the participant is implanted with a
device either in the nasal cavity, ear or behind the eye. Telepathic
communication with the beings often takes place. The abductees are
often told that they are taking part in a human/alien hybridization
program and sometimes view hybrid nurseries aboard the craft. Women
are asked to interact with hybrid children who, the aliens claim, are
the offspring of the participants. At the end of the experience, the
subject is given a post-hypnotic suggestion that he/she will not
remember the experience and is then returned to the place of
abduction. Often the participant later suffers from nosebleeds and
notices that bits of flesh have been gouged from the body.

Some Observations and Conclusions

I am not arguing that hypnagogia should not be considered when

examining alien abduction cases. There may be descriptions that
appear to point in this direction. And as any scientist or
psychologist will tell you, the evidence in each case must be examined
on its own merits. My quarrel is with Professor Baker's position that
states that reports of alien abductions are "nothing more" than
hypnagogic experiences, a claim that he has made on at least three
occasions that I have read or seen. How then does this "nothing more"
explain the alleged self-mutilation of the victims' the nose bleeding
and the scooping out of bits of flesh? The literature is totally
silent regarding the association between hypnagogia and
self-mutilation, if that is what it is.

How does this "nothing more" account for the consistency of the
reporting of the chain of events during the abduction? I could find
no evidence in the literature on hypnagogia that showed cases of
numerous subjects coming up with a common story line as is happening
in the reporting of alien abductions. Hundreds, maybe thousands of
people are now claiming to have experienced similar abduction
experiences. The stories told by the abductees have common elements.
If Professor Baker's solution were valid, would there not be some
evidence in the earlier research on hypnagogia showing that almost
identical story threads are common occurrences among subjects, even if
unrelated to alien abductions. The abduction tales do not appear to
fit the pattern ascribed to hypnagogic events. They normally are
spontaneous, changing, and evolving as they take place.

Why not just claim that abduction experiences are dreams? There is
certainly more evidence that dreams generally involve the dreamer with
greater frequency than hypnagogic experiences involve the hypnagogist.
Or how about the old standard, mass hallucination? Or unscrupulous
hypnotists? Or lies? Or hoaxes ...?

Another difficulty with the "nothing more" solution involves the way
in with the experiences, in most cases, reach the level of waking
consciousness'they are introduced through hypnotic regression. Let us
examine this a little more closely. The experiences normally take
place at the hypnopompic end of sleep, i.e. as the person is awakened
by an ominous light. Hypnopompic events are more often retained in
consciousness because the long period of sleep has not intervened, as
is the case with experiences happening as the person is falling
asleep. How then are we to explain the loss of conscious memory of
the events? In order to accommodate Baker's scenario, it would seem
that another psychological mechanism would have to be introduced. The
subjects would have to give themselves self-hypnopompic suggestions in
order to forget the events. Things get complicated when one has to
resort to the invention of psychological processes to make Baker's
Answer work.

One would think that the sheer number and multiplicity of reports of
alien abduction would have brought mainstream researchers out in
droves. It appears to me that we are dealing with a social phenomenon
of substantial magnitude. What in present-day culture is invoking
hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of otherwise normal humans (3) to
risk giving the appearance of mental instability? In the course of my
search of the published literature on hypnagogia I found a study
consisting of _two_ subjects who were plagued by what the author
called "exploding head syndrome." This, the author attributed to a
hypnagogic experience. And quite rightly, it seems, considering the
evidence that hypnagogic images often appear to expand rapidly. While
exploding heads made it on the SilverPlatter PsychLit Chart, I could
find no studies that associated alien abductions with hypnagogia.

Why would a man of Baker's stature go out on a limb to make the claim
that abductions are "nothing more" than hypnagogia? He seems to be
saying, "I am not theorizing nor even hypothesizing. I have the Final
Solution. Abductions are 'nothing more' than hypnagogic experiences."
How does a man who (I am sure) loves to be thought of as a scientist,
become ridiculously unscientific? You don't become an Emeritus
Professor in a field like psychology by making claims that cannot be
backed up with solid research (or what passes for solid research in
psychology. Psychologists are the ultimate wannabe-scientists). And
making unsubstantiated assertions is exactly what Baker has done. He
presents no evidence for his claim, just a, "Take from Me, Robert
Baker: Scientist." What are his motives? Why does the CSICOP crowd
throw out one Final Solution after another, be it hypnagogia, swamp
gas, or ball lightning? It seems to me that Baker and his fellow
clerics, in their religious fervor, have demonstrated and continue to
demonstrate a fundamental contempt for the ordinary souls who are
caught in this maelstrom. This disparagement and mockery spills over
into a contempt for evidence, and as Robert Anton Wilson has so
forcefully argued (4), a contempt for scientificism.

Baker and other devotees of the Saganist Church appear to be trying to

retain the Newtonian model of reality while still operating with
pre-Copernican mind-sets. The rest of the world is moving beyond
Einsteinianism and into the new stages of the quantum view of


1. Mavromatis, Andreas, _Hypnagogia_, New York: Routledge and Kegan

Paul, 1987.

2. Association for Research and Enlightenment, _A Search for God_,

Virginia Beach: A.R.E., 1950.

3. Spanos, N. P., Cross, P. A., Dickenson, K., and DuBreuil, S. C.,

'Close Encounters: An Examination of UFO Experiences. _Journal of
Abnormal Psychology_ 102(4), 1993.

4. Wilson, R.A., _The New Inquisition_, Scottsdale: New Falcon

Publications, 1987.

Post Script:

While I was researching this topic I became aware of my own occasional

hypnagogic/hypnopompic experiences. I would describe them as
half-awake awarenesses of dream images. Check them out for yourself.
It seems that thinking about them as one is falling asleep or waking
up provokes the appearance of hypnagogic images.
--- Aeolus v1.1 (#35512202)
* Origin: RedDAUG Online, the Red Deer Apple Users Group BBS (1:3417/15)


Date: 02-24-95 (13:07) Number: 8693 of 8694 (Refer# NONE)

Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: U-AltParaUFO (5163) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

From: geoflson@deepcove.com (Geoff Wilson)

Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Date: 21 Feb 1995 15:16:02 -0800
Organization: DeepCove BBS
Message-ID: <3ids7i$gd@Kaos.deepcove.com>

News Release: Kamloops Skeptics Society Bimonthly report.

Where to begin? It's been a very past two month for the
negators at the Kamloops Skeptics Society.

Treasurer Blake Harrumph is pleased to report that we should have

the Society deficit erased by the end of this year. The small stipend
from the skeptical local cable television show Slightings, for our
occasional appearances, should go some way toward alleviating our
current financial burdens.

The most important news to report, is, of course, our recent trip
to the National Skeptic's Society annual conference, held this
February in Seattle. We dug into our aforesaid limited funds for the
rental of two Toyota vans, which dutifully delivered our not
inconsiderable noggins to the Emerald City.

Interestingly, we saw an intriguing phenomenon en route to

Seattle. At approximately 7:30 p.m., on the I-5, a bright object with
blinking red lights was seen apparently pacing the vans by parties in
both vehicles.

Mary Ellen Pishtosh, our expert on perceptual anomalies, pointed

out later that this was very likely the moon, which, when the subject
is moving, can appear to move against background objects on the
We all laughed heartily later at the naivet of the average
person, who would have undoubtedly concluded they were being followed
by a UFO!

We stopped momentarily at the Chow Down and Get Gas roadside

diner for a hearty evening repast. We salute the fine service and
culinary wizardry of Chow Down -- we may not believe in much, but were
certainly believers in fine food! (Oddly enough, we were to encounter
another interesting phenomenon at the diner. When we arrived, we
discovered that our watches were all off by two hours. We were
genuinely puzzled, and resolved to bring up at the conference with The
Amusing Randi.)

We arrived at ten p.m. at the Seaview Inn, and repaired to our

rooms. We were all exhausted after the drive, and Skeptical
posteriors were aching, presumably from sitting for so long.

On to the conference. This year's theme was "It couldn't Happen,

Therefore it Isn't", and it featured several glittering stars in the
skeptical firmament, including former Johnny Carson guest Karl
Sagacious, and the inimitable Phillip Crass, senior editor of Space
and Aviation Leak.

The opening talk was given by chairman Appalled Kurtz, who spoke
wisely and well on his disgust with the recent inroads of paranormal
nonsense into the American media.

"Elvis used to blast his TV with a shotgun every time Bob Hope
came on," said the wizened wiseguy, "but I prefer the kinder, gentler
approach of a TV remote to use on John Mack."

Kurtz went on to quote from philosopher Bertrand Russell, who

described the universe after the discoveries of quantum mechanics as
being "higgeldly-piggeldly".

"Quantum theory was bad enough", said Kurtz, 'but if we don't

draw the line somewhere, we could end up thinking that the universe
isn't law-abiding, rational, and Republican."

Karl Sagacious -- known fondly to the folks at Apple Computer Co.

as "Butthead" -- delivered a rollicking denunciation of the believer's
mindset, and we were collectively awed by his big brain and glib

"There are no reliable sightings that are interesting to me", he

said sagely of UFO reports, "and no interesting reports that are
reliable to me." Sagacious went on to defend his reversal with respect
to his beliefs on extraterrestrials visiting the earth, having once
said we could have been visited thousands of times in the past. "It
wasn't exactly a 180 degree turn," he pointed out, "it was more like
an intellectual pirouette ". We don't care what anyone says, Karl -
you're still the Nijinsky of Negation to us.

We took a lunch break, and munched merrily on the lavish spread

prepared by the good folks at the Seaview Inn. However, when one of
our members questioned the waitress on whether the orange juice was
freshly squeezed, as it stated on the menu, we were able to ascertain
that it actually wasn't! A true skeptic never rests.

After lunch, psychologist Ray Whyman demonstrated for us how to

bend spoons. (Easy, and convincing to the eye! Kamloops Society member
and civil engineer Cy Entism said he wished he could have known these
tricks when he took metal shop in high school!)

Whymans demonstration was followed by a talk by psychologist

Barely B. Aneinstein on why the average person's brain is so
unreliable. All this on the first day! Unfortunately, the Amusing
Randi was nowhere in sight, apparently off defending himself in some
court somewhere.

The conference lasted from Friday till Sunday, and there is just
too much to relate in its entirety here. The full report can be found
in the February issue of the Kamloops Skeptics Society newsletter, The
Skeptic Tank.

Till next time..... (p.s. if any legal eagles out there on the
Net know about dealing with obnoxious rental car agencies, we'd
appreciate your help. Both vans were returned, it's claimed, with
incised circles on the rooftops. Needless to say, we're not
responsible, and wouldn't have noticed in any case since we don't
commonly inspect the rooftops of rental vans!


Date: 02-24-95 (21:36) Number: 5007 of 5026 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Walker Info
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Who's Who In America : 43rd Edition : 1984-1985 : L-Z


-Excerpt on Walker, Eric Arthur.

WALKER, ERIC ARTHUR, consulting engineer, institute executive;
b. Long Eaton, Eng., Apr. 29, 1910; came to U.S., 1923, naturalized
1937; s. Arthur and Violet Elizabeth (Haywood) W.; m. L. Josephine
Schmeiser, Dec. 20, 1937; children; Gail (Mrs. Peter Hearn), Brian.
B.S.,Harvard U., 1932, M.S., 1933, Sc.D., 1935; LL.D., Temple U.,
1957, Lehigh U., 1957, Hofstra Coll., 1960, Lafayette Coll., 1960, U.
Pa., 1960, U. R.I., 1962: L.H.D., Elizabethtown Coll., 1958;; D.
Litt., Jefferson Med. Coll., 1960; D.Sc., Wayne State U., 1965, Thiel
Coll., 1966, U. Notre Dame, 1968, U. Pitts., 1970. Registered profl.
engr., Pa. Instr. math. Tufts Coll., 1933-34, asst. prof., assoc.
prof. elec. engring., 1935-38, head elec. engring. dept., 1935-40, U.
Conn., 1940-43; assoc. dir. Harvard U. Underwater Sound Lab., 1942-45;
dir. Ordnance Research Lab., Pa. State U., 1945-52, head elec. engring
dept., 1945-51, dean 1951-56, v.p. univ., 1956, pres., 1956-70; v.p.
sci. and tech. Aluminum Co. Am., 1970-76; dir. Armstrong Cork Co.;
Salem Corp. Exec. sec. Research and Devel. Bd., 1950-51; cons. NRC,
1949-50; mem. and past chmn. com. on undersea warfare; chmn. Pres.'s
Com. on Tech. and Distbn. Research for Benefit of Small Bus., 1957;
mem. nat. sci. bd. NSF, 1962-68, chmn. nat. sci. bd., 1966-68; chmn.
Naval Research Adv. Com., 1963-65, 71-, Army Sci. Adv. Panel, 1956-58;
vice chmn. Pres.'s Co . Scientists and Engrs., 1956-58; adv. panel on
engring. and tech. manpower Pres.'s Sci. Adv. Com.; mem. Gov.'s Com.
of 100 for Better Edn., 1960-61; bd. dirs. Engring. Found.; chmn. bd.
Inst. for Def. Analyses. Contbr. to tech. mags. United bd. visitors
U.S. Naval Acad., 1958-60, U.S. Mil. Acad., 1962-64. Recipient Horatio
Alger award, 1959, Tasker H. Bliss award Am. Soc. Mil. Engrs., 1959;
Golden Omega award Am. Inst. E.E., and Nat. Elec. Mfg. Assn., 1962;
DoD Pub. Service medal, 1970; Presdl. citation, 1970. Fellow IEEE, Am.
Acoustical Soc., Am. Inst. E.E., Am. Phys. Soc.; mem. Am. Inst.
Physics., Am. Soc. Engring. Edn. (Lamme award 1965, pres. 1961-62),
Pa. Assn. Coll. and Univs. (pres. 1950-60), Middle States Assn. Colls.
and Secondary Schs. (commn. higher edn. 1958-61), Engrs. Joint Council
(pres. 1962-63), Nat. Assn. State Univs. and Land-Grant Colls. (exec.
com. 1958-62), Nat. Acad. Engring. (pres. 1966-70), Am. Acad. Arts and
Scis., Newcomen Soc., Royal Soc.


Note: The following is a 3 page excerpt from the paper entitled,

"UFOs, MJ-12 AND THE GOVERNMENT", which is co-authored by
researchers Grant Cameron and T. Scott Crain Jr. This brief
excerpt gives additional background information on Dr. Eric
Walker's professional activities during the last 60 yrs, along
with a short example of one of Dr. Walkers' initial responses
to correspondence from UFO researcher, William Steinman.

- Tom Mickus <<UFONET I>>


Enter Dr. Eric A. Walker. Dr. Walker's name was deliberately

kept secret by a small group of investigators, the authors of this
paper included, in hopes that Dr. Walker would discuss his past
association with MJ-12, the research and development hierarchy they
directed, and the set of Top Secret meetings held at Wright Patterson
Air Force Base dealing with a recovered flying saucer.

Researcher Stanton Friedman in speaking of Dr. Walker stated

"he has all the credentials" and Dr. Walker's credentials are indeed
impressive. Born in England in 1910, he received his B.S. degree in
Engineering in 1932, his M.B.A. degree in 1933 and D.Sc. degree in
1935, all from Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Dr. Walker taught mathematics and electrical engineering, and

for two years was chairman of the department of electrical engineering
at Tufts College. He then joined the University of Conneticut where
he taught electrical engineering and established courses for a special
war training program.

Once the U.S.A. had entered WWII, Dr. Walker joined the Under-
water Sound Laboratory at Harvard University. He was promoted to
assistant director, and then associate director, where he was in
charge of ordnance weapons. Dr. Walker had studied the industrial
use of acoustics. These studies were applied to the homing torpedo,
which was successfully used against the German submarines. For his
work Dr. Walker was awarded the Naval Ordnance Development Award, and
also a Presidential Certificate of Merit.

In 1944 Dr. Walker was a civilian with the Office of Scientific

Research and Development. In 1945 Dr. Walker was persuaded by the
Dean of Engineering at Penn State University to accept at Penn State,
the position of head of the department of electrical engineering. In
addition, the ordnance section of the Harvard Underwater Sound
Laboratory was transferred to Penn State, and became the Ordnance
Research Laboratory with Dr. Walker as director.

This move involved moving most of the staff (200) and their
families, building a laboratory building and family housing.

In 1951 Dr. Walker became Dean of Engineering and Architecture

where he directed the construction of a research reactor on the
campus. In 1956 Dr. Milton Eisenhower, then the President of Penn
State, named Dr. Walker as Vice-President. Part of Dr. Walker's job
would be to coordinate and stimulate research on the Penn State campus.

Dr. Walker's term as Vice-President would actually be minus

two days as he became President before Vice-President because of
the resignation of Dr. Eisenhower who moved to John Hopkins University.

In addition to his earned degrees, Dr. Walker has honorary

degrees from Temple, Lehigh, Hofstra, Lafayette College, University
of Pennsylvannia, University of Rhode Island, Elizabethtown College,
Jefferson Medical College, Wayne State University, Thiel College,
University of Notre Dame, and the University of Pittsburgh.

Dr. Eric Walker wrote two prize papers for the AIEE, and
was inventor of the coliolithophone which is a device for the
acoustical detection of gallstones.

Dr. Walker's awards include the Navy Distinguished Public

Service Awared; American Legion Distinguished Service Award; Fellow,
Institute of Radio Engineers; Benjamin Franklin Fellow; Fellow,
American Institute of Electrical Engineers; Fellow, Royal Society
of Arts (London); Fellow, American Physical Society; Fellow, American
Acoustical Society; Horatio Alger Award; Tasker H. Bliss Award of the
American Society of Military Engineers, Golden Omega Award of the
Electrical Insulation Industry; Lamme Award and honorary member from
the American Society for Electrical Education; the White House
Citation from President Nixon; and Department of Defense Distinguished
Public Service Medal.

Dr. Walker's professional activities include: member of the

Army's Scientific Advisory Panel, member and chairman of the Naval
Research Advisory Committee, Vice-Chairman of the President's
Committee for Scientists and Engineers, member and former Chairman
of the National Research Council's Committee on Undersea Warfare,
Executive Secretary of the former Research and Development Board,
Chairman of the National Science Foundation's Committee for
Engineering; Chairman, Engineering College Research Council;
President, Engineers Joint Council; appointed in 1957 by President
Dwight Eisenhower as General Chairman of the Conference on Technical
and Distribution Research for the Benefit of Small Business; member
of the board of visitors, Naval Academy; member of the board of
visitors, U.S. Military Academy; trustee for the Institute for
Defense Analysis starting in 1958; elected to the chairman of the
board at IDA in 1981, retiring in 1986 to become Chairman Emeritus;
President Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities;
member, Advisory Committee on Higher Education; member, Commission
on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges
and Schools: Vice-President and President of the American Society
for Engineering Education, Chairman National Science Board of The
National Science Foundation.

Dr. Walker was one of the founding members of the National

Academy of Engineering. He served as Vice-President and President.
He was a member of the Board of the Engineering Foundation; member
of the board of trustees, Science Service; President, Commonwealth
Industrial Research Corp; Board of Directors, Mid-State Bank and
Trust Company; Board of Directors, Girard Trust Company; Board of
Directors, Westinghouse Air Brake Co.; Chairman, Board of Directors,
Melpar, Inc.; consultant on research and engineering to Koppers Corp.,
Borg-Warner, Bendix Aviation, Hughes Aircraft, IBM, and others.

Dr. Walker initiated the Conference on The Administration of

Research in 1947. He has published numerous articles in various
periodicals and co-authored a book entitled "The Physical Bases of
Electrical Engineering". Dr. Walker wrote a column for "The Center
Daily Times" in the early 70's. Dr. Walker directed a nation wide
study for the ASEE on the "Goals of Engineering Education."

Dr. Walker's first reference to UFOs came in a speech he

made in 1969 at the Franklin Lectures (Approaching the Benign
Enviroment, Eric A. Walker, Franklin Lectures in the Science and
Humanities, First series, @1970 lectures April 1969 at Auburn U.)

"We will soon spend millions to probe the

atmosphere of Venus and Mars, while here
on earth it remains polluted with dust and
heat with which we cannot cope. Indeed it
may be a good thing that ships from another
planet are not sampling our atmosphere - the
conclusion might be that life cannot possibly
exist on earth."

Researcher William Steinman was not given Walker's phone number

by researcher Stanton Friedman, so his first attempt to contact Dr.
Walker came in the form of a letter, dated March 19, 1984. He got a
response, but not what he expected. Steinman explained how Dr.
Walker responded in a letter to Grant Cameron, dated September 8,

Steinman writes:

"The answer to my correspondence was very strange;

QUIET." The above was typed on the lower portion
of my letter that I sent to Walker, as evidenced by
my signature and "very sincerely yours." My return
address was cut from the upper portion of my own
letter to Dr. Walker and was taped to the front of
his stamped envelope to me!"

Note: The following is an excerpt from Grant Cameron and T. Scott

Crain Jr.'s research paper entitled, "UFOs, MJ-12 AND THE
GOVERNMENT". It is a transcript of a phone conversation. I
have personally spoken with Steinman, and received assurances
that Walker's replies are accurate. The transcript was made
within 10 minutes of the phone call, and was not taken from an
audio tape.

- Tom Mickus <<UFONET I>> 8/12/89


This telephone interview took place on August 30, 1987 between

William Steinman of La Mirada, California, and Dr. Eric Walker of
State College, Pennsylvania.

Walker: Hello.

Steinman: Hello...this is William Steinman of Los Angeles,

California. I am calling in reference to the meetings
that you attended at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in
around 1949-1950, concerning the military recovery of
Flying Saucers, and bodies of occupants.
Dr. Robert I. Sarbacher (now deceased) related this to
me. You and Sarbacher were both consultants to D.R.B. in
1950, you were secretary 1950-51.

Walker: Yes, I attended meetings concerning that subject matter;

why do you want to know about that?

Steinman: I believe it is very important subject. After all, we we

are talking about the actual recovery of a flying saucer
(spacecraft) not built or constructed on this earth! And
furthermore, we are talking about bodies of the occupants
from the craft who were analyzed human-like beings not of
this world!

Walker: So...what's there to get all excited about? Why all the

Steinman: I am not excited, just very concerned. Here we are

talking about a subject that the U.S. Government
officially denies, even going to the extent of actually
debunking the evidence and discrediting the witnesses.
Then you sit there and say, "What's there to get all
excited about?" and "why all the concern."
Dr. Vannevar Bush, Dr. D.W. Bronk, and others thought it
was very important and were concerned enough to classify
the subject ABOVE TOP SECRET, in fact the most highly
classified subject in the U.S. Government!!
Did you ever hear of the "MJ-12 Group" and there "Project
Majestic-12" which was classified as TOP_SECRET/MAJIC?
I have a copy of President elect D.D. Eisenhower's
briefing paper on that project, dated November 18, 1952.

Walker: Yes, I know of MJ-12. I have known of them for 40 years.

I believe that you're chasing after and fighting with

Steinman: Why do you say that?

Walker: You are delving into a area that you can do absolutely
nothing about. So, why get involved with it or all
concerned about it? Why don't you just leave it alone
and drop it? Forget about it!!

Steinman: I am not going to drop it. I am going all the way with

Walker: Then...when you find out everything about it, what are
you going to do?

Steinman: I believe that this entire matter has to be brought to

the public's attention. The people should know the

Walker: It's not worth it! Leave it alone!!

Steinman: Can you remember any of the details pertaining to the

recovery operations and subsequent analysis of the
saucers and bodies?

Walker: I am sure that I have notes concerning those meetings at

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. I would have to dig
them out and read them over in order to jog my memory.

Steinman: If I write you a letter, will you please answer in as

much detail as you can remember. Furthermore, could you
please xerox those notes for me and send me a copy?

Walker: I might. At least I will keep your letter, will dig out
my notes, and contemplate answering. That's the best I
can say for now.

Steinman: Well, Dr. Walker, I will write a letter as soon as

possible. Thanks for your valuable time. Good-bye.

Walker: Goodbye.

Note: The following is a transcript of a phone conversation between
Tom Mickus and Dr. Eric Walker which took place at
approximately 10:30am on the morning of August 11, 1989. One
word of caution, a transcript of course is not the same as
hearing it first-hand. Tone and emphases of speech are not
reproduced here, nor are things such as pauses between
responses recorded. Therefore those who read the following
should be aware of such deficiencies before coming to any

<SECRETARY> "Good morning, Dr. Walker's office."

<MICKUS> "Yes, would Dr. Walker be in?"

<SECRETARY> "Yes he is, may I tell him who's calling?"

<MICKUS> "Yes, this is Tom Mickus phoning, I called yesterday."

<SECRETARY> "Tom Mickus?"

<MICKUS> "Yes."

<SECRETARY> "Okay, and what company are you with please?"

<MICKUS> "Actually I'm a university student."

<SECRETARY> "Okay, just a minute please."

<MICKUS> "Thank you."

(20 second pause)

<WALKER> "Hello?"

<MICKUS> "Hello, Mr. Walker?"

<WALKER> "Yep."
<MICKUS> "Yeah, my name is, allow me to introduce myself, my name is
Tom Mickus, I'm a university student here in Toronto, at the
University of Toronto.

<WALKER> "Yep."

<MICKUS> "And I'm phoning from Toronto right now. I'm also a
reporter with a computer BBS network. And just recently,
actually two days ago, we came into possession of a just
released research paper. It was put out by researchers
Grant Cameron and T. Scott Crain. You may be familiar with
them? The subject matter is quite controversial. The
report itself is 180 pages and approximately 80 pages deal
with yourself and some of the reputed statements that you've
made, etc. And I'm just wondering if you'd be interested in
making a comment about the veracity of some of those

<WALKER> "I'm not sure I know what you're talking about."

<MICKUS> "Okay, well..."

<WALKER> "Tell me a little bit more."

<MICKUS> "Yeah, do you remember corresponding with someone by the

name of William Steinman?"

<WALKER> "No."

<MICKUS> "...from California."

<WALKER> "No."

<MICKUS> "Or Scott Crain, he supposedly lives close to you there in


<WALKER> "You know, I know nothing about this. I'm... Have you got
the right Walker, that's the problem <slight laugh>.

<MICKUS> "Well, you're the former President of Penn State University?"

<WALKER> "That's correct."

<MICKUS> "Yes, and you do have a very distinguished background I

might say, just from some of the material thats been
released. So, I guess assuming this is the right Walker,
apparently you've admitted to in the past when dealing with
some of these gentlemen, if you maybe forget them (now),
about attending Research & Development Board meetings in the
early 50's, back when you were a dollar-a-year man. Is that
substantially correct?

<WALKER> "Well I, huh <slight laugh>, the early 50's you know is many
years ago and I attended a lot of meetings. Which one was
this supposed to be?

<MICKUS> "I believe this was centered at the Wright-Patterson.

Apparently it was to deal with, sensational as it is,
crashed flying vehicles of some sort, UFOs if you want to
say that. And, like I say, I know its many years ago, but
apparently in a phone conversation with William Steinman, he
has it down that you admitted attending some of those
meetings. Indeed, it was the late Robert Sarbacher actually
pointed you out as the person who attended all of those
meetings. Now I know that's some 40 yrs ago now. Did you
have any comment on that?

<WALKER> "(garbled)...well I did attend a lot of meetings, but I

can't remember any substantive conclusions or anything like

<MICKUS> "Right, and as far as what was discussed there?"

<WALKER> "As far as the what?"

<MICKUS> "What was discussed, the topic, the subject matter of those

<WALKER> "No, I couldn't remember that at all."

<MICKUS> "But, you're saying that it had nothing to do with UFOs or

alien bodies, or anything like this?"

<WALKER> "Well I don't have any alien bodies in my office, I can tell
you that."

<MICKUS> "Well, its quite extraordinary that this paper has come out,
right now its in limited circulation and due to the computer
network that I'm associated with, I've managed to obtain a
copy. And, like I say, approximately 80 pages deals with
material centered around yourself..."

<WALKER> "Hmm."

<MICKUS> "...and, I'm just interested if you'd be interested in

seeing some of this, if I could come down and meet you for
instance? And you could see some of this stuff first-hand,
and comment on it."

<WALKER> "Well, I don't think that would be very useful; you might
want to send it to me, and I'll see if it reminds me of

<MICKUS> "Un huh. I guess being, ..from my own disposition here with
the Network and stuff, I'd be interested in trying to get a
reaction about some of this because..if these authors have
engaged in a bit of a fantasy, well then I would like to
expose that."

<WALKER> "What's the Network, I don't understand."

<MICKUS> "Its a fairly modest undertaking, but its a group of

Bulletin Board Systems linked up here in Canada and in the
United States, and that's something which I run, and this
subject matter is one of the things we primarily discuss.
And so, that's why I'd take the time to talk with you, and
come visit you if you wouldn't mind, and get a more in-depth

<WALKER> "Well, you know <slight laugh>, this sounds to me like an

awful waste of time and...if people want to diddle around
that way, I say let them diddle, but don't involve me."

<MICKUS> "Right..."

<WALKER> "I just don't have time for such crap."

<MICKUS> "Now, just the fact that they spent so much time in this
paper...like I say, the paper is 180 pages, the title is
'UFOs, MJ-12 AND THE GOVERNMENT', and...I mean would you
have any reaction as to why they would place you in that

<WALKER> "Well I'll tell ya, I'll get interested when I see one of of
those little green men they talk about. Until they do, I
just couldn't spend any time on it."

<MICKUS> "So, therefore you deny ever having any relationship

whatsoever in your earlier government dealings with the
discussion of UFOs or alien bodies, anything like that, you
deny that was part of the Research & Development Board
meetings and subsequent activities that you may have been
involved with?"

<WALKER> "<slight laugh> You know, you're just wasting your time and
money, and I'm sorry but I've got other things to do."
<MICKUS> "Okay, but if I could just get an on the record comment,
response from you on that, because I don't know, I think you
may be hearing more about this because if this thing gets in
wide circulation you may have other people knocking on your
door trying to get a reaction."

<WALKER> "I don't have any reaction, I'm sorry."

<MICKUS> "Do you deny it?"

<WALKER> "Thank you."

<MICKUS> "Mr. Walker..."


Note: The following article is to appear in this
month's issue of the CUFORN Bulletin.

In last month's _Bulletin_, Larry Fenwick brought out some

tantalizing details involving the possible involvement of Dr. Eric
Walker with the study and analysis of a crashed UFO, with probable
alien occupants, during the early 1950's. Since that article was
published, more information has come to light, particulary with the
long awaited publication of researcher's Grant Cameron and T. Scott
Crain Jr.'s "Preliminary Report Of The Government's Involvement Into
UFO Crash Retrievals" entitled, "UFOs, MJ-12 AND THE GOVERNMENT".
This research paper is now in limited circulation amongst a handful
of interested parties. I'm grateful that the UFONET BBS Network was
also sent a copy. I have read it, and what follows is in part, both
an assessment, and a recap of some of the highlights. Soon the paper
will be ready for public distribution, so it won't be long before you
can read and assess it for yourself.

Dr. Eric Walker has an impressive background, and one which would
make even Stanton Friedman envious of. He's listed in certain "Who's
Who" type compendiums, so a quick visit to the Library might be in
order for those of you wishing to see a chronological listing of this
man's accomplishments. Credit for "discovering" him goes to Bill
Steinman, co-author of "UFO Crash At Aztec". It was in a phone
conversation with the late Dr. Robert Sarbacher (of Wilbur Smith memo
fame), that Steinman got the break he needed in order to crack the
identity of another one of those scientists who attended the Research
& Development Board meeetings in the early '50s, within the time
frame of the much hypothesized UFO crash/retrievals which were said
to have occurred back then.

Sarbacher, not remembering the name, alluded to a prominent

individual from Pennsylvannia who, unlike himself, attended all of
the Research and Development Board meetings held at Wright Field.
Shortly thereafter, in response to an inquiry by Steinman, he
received a letter from Fred Darwin, Executive Director of the Guided
Missile Committee for the Dept. of Defense's Research & Development
Board from 1949 to 1954. In the letter, six names were listed as
possible candidates for a "hypothesized" Flying Saucer recovery
operation. The list was composed in early 1984, before the release
of the controversial MJ-12 documents. Five of the names matched
names on the yet to be released MJ-12 listing. One name didn't, that
of Eric Arthur Walker...the person who most definitely fit the
description given by Sarbacher. Later research revealed that Walker
was at one time the Executive Secretary for the Research and
Development Board during the time in question.

Along with other influential positions held by Walker, one of the

most prominent, and secretive, concerns his relationship with the
"Institute for Defense Analysis", of which Paul Dickson, author of
"Think Tanks" had this to say:

"In the hierarchy of military tanks, none ranks

higher than the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA)."

Walker joined in 1958, and never looked back. He was elected

chairman to the IDA in 1981, and became Chairman Emeritus in 1986,
upon his official retirement. So, what is most problematic when it
comes to trying to get Walker to talk, is that not only is this man
privy to UFO secrets, but countless military secrets as well, which
in this instance are no doubt viewed as one and the same.

However, Walker is most vunerable when it comes to his

involvement in the early '50s, before the "security lid" started to
clamp down on this subject. From the Cameron/Crain research paper,
we learn little of what Walker's possible UFO related activities were
in the period after this, although there is speculation. From their
research, it is clear that if Walker were to be involved in the
aftermath of a UFO crash, and possible U.S. government study thereof,
he was in the right places at the right times. Along with this,
there is the body of material, consisting of phone conversations and
letter exchanges, between Walker and certain UFO researchers, the
primary one being of course Steinman.
Most damning, are Walker's admissions to Steinman (in a
phone conversation written down 10 minutes after the call) that
he knew of MJ-12. Says Walker:

"Yes, I know of MJ-12. I have known of them for 40 years.

I believe that you're chasing after and fighting with

Along with this, its become apparent that Walker is engaged in

playing a most peculiar "game" of some sort. One letter of
Steinman's was returned by Walker with this statement type-written at
the end of his letter, "STOP!DON'T TRY TO FIND ME I CAME ON THAT
was returned with numerals inscribed on top of various letters
throughout. This is the so-called "code letter". Another piece of
documentary evidence, is the type-written letter by Walker to
Steinman, signed by Walker, describing how 4 alien bodies were
recovered, alive, from a downed UFO. However, this is so
sensationally written that researchers Cameron and Crain have
labelled this as a poor attempt at disinformation...or perhaps a
continuation of Walker's "game" with the researchers.

However, in the past year or so, Walker seems to have have taken
a new tack. Over the phone, he now denies _ever even knowing who
Steinman is_. This occured in a Dec/88 call to Walker by Steinman.
Walker had evidently clammed up, and was now even trying to deny ever
having dealt with Steinman, let alone the allegations relating to his
UFO involvement. Something indeed strange is going on. Most
recently, I learned that a photo-copy of the original "code letter"
was mailed to researcher Scott Crain in a SASE Crain provided in a
much earlier letter sent to Walker. Evidently, the "game" has

Crain received this in late August, after I had spoken with

Walker himself in a phone conversation on August 11th. Although
cordial throughout, Walker lived up to his billing as both evasive in
answering questions, and one who it seems, experiences convenient
memory loss. Witness the following exchange, which took place
mid-way through our phone conversation:

<WALKER> "(garbled)...well I did attend a lot of meetings,

but I can't remember any substantive conclusions
or anything like that."

<MICKUS> "Right, and as far as what was discussed there?"

<WALKER> "As far as the what?"

<MICKUS> "What was discussed, the topic, the subject matter
of those meetings?"

<WALKER> "No, I couldn't remember that at all."

<MICKUS> "But, you're saying that it had nothing to with

UFOs or alien bodies, or anything like this?"

<WALKER> "Well I don't have any alien bodies in my office,

I can tell you that."

In his own limited conversations with Walker back in 1984,

Stanton Friedman referred to Walker as "cagey and careful", and
stated that "My reaction to how he answered the various questions was
that he knew a great deal". Five years later, I concur.

Currently underway, researchers Cameron and Crain are trying to

enlist the aid of several media outlets, including some within
Pennsylvannia itself. Sadly, and not surprisingly, in the hands of
the media, their report is going nowhere fast. At this point, most
promising in this regard, is the involvement of a slick on-campus
magazine, who currently are sitting on this story, and if all goes
according to plan, will confront Walker in the next couple of weeks.
Both UFONET, and CUFORN will be following all the developments as
they occur, and will be updating this in the next issue of the
_CUFORN Bulletin_.

So far, I've only touched on a few of the facts, made clear in

the Cameron/Crain report. However, I would be remiss if I didn't
mention that their report covers more than just the story of Eric
Walker, which takes up about 80 pp. There are also interesting
pieces of information, also related to Walker, describing the U.S.
military/intelligence complex. And along with information on DARPA,
the Jason Group, and other such institutions, there are tidbits of
information, much of it documented, regarding a whole bevy of UFOlogy
figures. Included, are Wilbur Smith, Bill Moore, Richard Doty, Linda
Howe, Stanton Friedman, Todd Zechel, Lee Graham, Bill Cooper, and
several others. If any criticism can be made of the report, and
their are a few, its that it was too wide in its scope, and as a
consequence, particular sections didn't get dealt with adequately.
Thus, the enormity of the task, coupled with the constant influx of
new information, were in large measure responsible for the delay in
having this paper published. As I alluded earlier, this paper will
be made publicly available soon. If you're at all interested in the
subject, you'll want to read it for yourself. Its one more
contribution to the amassing body of evidence, that the U.S.
government is indeed covering up its knowledge and activities with
regard to the subject of UFOs.
Tom Mickus, 24, is currently attending the University of Toronto. In
addition to this, he also is Moderator of a UFO oriented computer
Bulletin Board Service (BBS) Network, entitled UFONET. Unlike
Paranet, which I am no longer affiliated with, we are a 100% UFO
subject related network. We have affiliates in both Canada and the
U.S. For more information, you can phone Tom at 416/239-1094, or
connect directly with UFONET via your computer and modem by calling
416/237-1204. You may also write him at:

Tom A. Mickus
Box 388, Station W
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA
M6M 5C1

--- FMail/386 1.0g

* Origin: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence BBS (1:261/1201)


Date: 02-24-95 (21:36) Number: 5013 of 5026 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Elements
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

* Originally By: Charles Mielke

* Originally To: All
* Originally Re: Elements
* Original Area: Science and Technology Conference
* Forwarded by : Blue Wave v2.12 OS/2

Scientific American, March 1995, page 21.

Not Yet Elemental, My Dear Seaborg

Partial quote:

The periodic table gains 110 and 111 - but no names

Researchers at the Center for Heavy Ion Research

in Darmstadt, Germany, announced last November
that they had created element 110. In December,
they presented 111.

Investigators are now aiming for element 114,

which calculations suggest will be particularly

End of quote.

Note added:

The article did not discuss elements 112 and 113.

The article also did not discuss the meaning of
the phrase "particularly stable".

--- FMail/386 1.0g

* Origin: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence BBS (1:261/1201)


Date: 02-25-95 (10:12) Number: 5017 of 5026 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Michigan Sighting...
Read: NO Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Hi John,

Sorry took so long to reply. The web here seems to be real slow.
I have reservations printng this as most of the posts I scan are
basically alot of bickering and infighting, I'm sure I'll catch flack
for this post.

The sighting I was telling you about took place Dec. 21, 1994 at
Kingsly Mi, about 30 miles south of Traverse City, Mi. At 6:35 am
Tracy let her dog out onto the patio for her usual duty. Oddly, the
dog instead of taking its' time, made to quick jumps on the wood deck,
down to the ground, and cowered with its front paws over its head.

That was when Tracy noticed the large object over top the horse
barn, with blue beams of light shooting down from the object.
Triangular shaped, with a row of blue lights around its' mid section.
About three times the size of the barn (approx 1/3 the size of a
normal farm barn).

Tracy was a first frightened, but said she felf a feeling of

"peace" upon seeing the blue beams shooting down behind the barn. She
went back into the house to get the camcorder she and her husband had
purchased just 2 days earlier. Unfortunately she wasn't familiar with
it, and didn't even know how to connect the battery.

She called her next door neighbor Mike who lived about 75 yards
and told him what was going on. He walked out to his patio and looked
to the barn. What he saw was shimmering white rays shooting in a
sideways direction, not an object, over the barn. He grabbed his
camcorder and drove down to Tracy's house. In the meantime her two
kids, 7 and 9, had gotten up for school (Tracys' husband had left for
work before this started).

It wasn't until Mike pulled into Tracy's driveway that he

immediately saw the large object over the barn (estimated the object
as 3 times the size of the barn).

Before Mike arrived Tracy called the Mich. State Police post.
She turned on her police scanner and heard the transmission between
the radio dispatcher and the officer in the car. He was skeptical but
agreed to check it out.

By this time Tracy's kids were also watching the object through
the patio door.

When the officer arrived Mike was taping the object, and he
immediately saw what they had called about. The object very slowly
began to drift off to the SW. Mike continued to videotape into
daylight, until he had to leave to go to work.

It was after Mike left that the officer noticed a second much
smaller object up to the right of the large object. At some point 3
military aircraft showed up on scene. They one at a time crossed
under the large object. As he did that the lights on the large craft
went out, and the smaller object lit up. After passing by, the large
object lit up, and the smaller object went out. This happened for all
three passes of the jets.

The officer telephoned a military radar station in Minnesota (I

have the name, and the police report here in my files, somewhere, I
can't recall the name off hand). They confirmed the existance of the
aircraft in that area, but nothing else.

The objects drifted slowly into the far distance when the officer
finally left, and Tracy had to take the shaken kids to school, and she
had to go to work.

The press got wind of the report from the scanner, and the story
and video went nationwide. There are approx. 40 minutes of videotape,
both in darkness and daylight.
Tracy has another dog, in a kennel 10 ft from the barn. A large
Akita that "practically lives on its' house". When I asked if it had
a reaction, Tracy said the dog never goes in to the house, even if it
rains, but that during the event the dog cowered in its' house, and
through the day afterward. She also has two cats she didn't see
during the event, but noted that that night, and the next day the cats
would not let her out of their sight. I felt this was interesting in
that all 4 of her animals had a peculiar reaction to the event.

The day after the event went public Tracy was visited by an
"alleged" independent UFO investigator. He claimed he was with UMI
investigation. Odd, that an independent investigator is there on
behalf of an alleged UFO organization (I have never heard of them).

He proceeded to tell her how she "was special", was "one of the
chosen", etc. This went on for several minutes. Suddenly he demanded
the videotape. He said he would take it to the "only" place that could
analyze the tape, in Grand Rapids. This really upset Tracy, and she
and her husband made the man leave. The tape is now in a safe deposit
box, this scared them that someone was going to try and steal the

This may not mean anything but I question something here. This
story went nationwide. This man shows up, tells her how special she
is, and without asking details of the sighting, demands the videotape.
My question is this--the military I am sure knows the event was taped
because the story was broadcast nationally with some of the video
airing with the stories. What they would not have known at the time
is that Mike left before the jets arrived, and thus were not part of
the tape. Could they have been trying to get hold of the tape
thinking that part was on the tape. I'm not trying to sound paranoid,
it is just something I have to wonder about.

Sun. Jan 16, 1995 SIGHTINGSs tv program went up there for a

taping. I along with Virginia Tilley went up there to meet with the
witnesses, and interview for SIGHTINGS. The segment is to air
sometime in April, look for yourself and make a judgement.

Jeff Sanio in Wis. was given a copy to analyze. His decision


A- This is a planet.

B- Tracy is a liar.

C- Tracy has read too many books.

D- She doesn't know how to work a video camera.

I have seen this tape, this is NOT a planet. This was an older
Sharp camcorder without low light capability. The total darkness
segments could appear to be some sort of planet, etc. But, the
daylight footage in no way can the object be mistaken as a planet.
There is a definite shape that is unlike any planet I have seen.
There are treelines and power lines to use as a focal point to judge
where the object is in relation to the visible planets in that area of
the sky on that date. I have never seen the planets appear so large
and bright in total daylight. I feel Jeff is way off base in his
decision. Linda Howe also has expressed reservations with some of
Jeffs' analysis of other cases, and concern over how he came to the
conclusions from this event. I and Ginny Tilley are going to the
Ozarks UFO Conf. in April with a copy of the tape for Linda and Walt
to see.

One other side item, Tracy had had an earlier sighting a few
weeks prior to this event. She said she didn't call anyone because
she thought people would think she was nuts. She agreed to let
SIGHTINGS get involved in the hopes of identifying what that object
was. She is not looking for publicity or money. In fact she was very
defensive against the press while Sightings was there, hoping to keep
TV crews away.]

I personally believe something important happend up there that

morning, something more than a mistaken planet. It's not too often
one hears of military jets flying beneath planets that light up and
turn off. It's too bad Mike had left with the camera before the jets
showed up. But we have the word also of a state trooper and
confirmation from the military that, yes, there were craft in that

While in a restaurant there, several town folks expressed

complete trust in the trooper saying they might have doubted if it
were anyone else seeing the event, but that this trooper was beyond
raproach and they just HAD to believe him.

I hope this fills you in on what I started to tell you. This is

only one of many many things happening in Mich that past 2 months.
This is among the less bizarre. The others I doubt I will post as I'm
not sure if I want to be attacked for posting something on topic,
rather that flaming someone or name calling. Anyhow, take care.

Dave Reinhart

--- Renegade v10-04 Exp

* Origin: The Music Line! (810) 743-2989 (1:2240/180)

Date: 02-25-95 (10:38) Number: 5025 of 5026 (Refer# NONE)
Subj: Vanishing Red Escort
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-BAMA (955) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

One (among many) of the reasons why I decided to distance myself from
the Houston UFO Network (HUFON), were claims being made by several of
the ringleaders of the abduction committee. As time went on, the alien
abduction stories went from the realm of suspect fantasy to outright
unbelievability. The head "alien hunter", Derrel Simms, along with his
sidekicks Dale Musser and Patrice Elridge attempted to pass this story
along to the HUFON membership as having happened.

The abductions committee claims to have fingered one of the aliens by

name---Mondoz. They characterize Mondoz as a nasty little creature who
is responsible for most, if not all, of the abductions in Harris
county. He was ostensibly the crafter of the alleged mass abduction of
December 8, 1992. This story so strained the credulity of board
members, that it eventually led to the resignation of myself and two
others from the board of directors.

In addition, another story was being circulated that a female alien

"hybrid" was driving around Houston in a red Ford Escort. Many of the
so called abductees, in the abduction support group, claimed to have
seen "a pale skinned being which looked like a hybrid. (Her) hair
looked like a mop on top of a head which resembled a white
balloon."Also, one of the interesting features of the red Ford Escort
was it spontaneously dematerized. Mr. Simms once claimed that the
Escort had hit a support column on the freeway. By the time he
reached the scene of the accident, the car disappeared in front of his

It is easy to see why these people have so little credibility among

researchers and the general public. The outlandishness of the stories
brings out the skeptic in even the most ardent believers of the

--- FMail 0.92

Origin: Close Encounters Research Network (CERN)*(713)558-5342 (1:106/2030)


Date: 02-24-95 (21:33) Number: 81194 of 81313 (Refer# NONE)

Read: NO Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

JVG> for example, not only have language and rituals related to
JVG> hunting, but also often have a Lord, Master, or Mistress of
JVG> Animals--a divine being who not only created the world of humans
JVG> and animals but who also cares for, protects, and supplies the


The top part of your message got chopped off somehow (above
piece was the beginning of the message I read). I'd like to see the
first part - it was an interesting piece.

I've done some digging on the Dogon over the last week or so,
and have found a few tidbits and more references to track down. I
found it very interesting that as much as 2/3 of the population in
their area adheres to the Muslim faith. In fact, Britannica mentions
that, although most Dogon practice their traditional religion, a large
number are Muslim.

Turns out that caravan trading routes through the region

existed back to at least the early Middle Ages. In 1591, the Moroccan
army under Ahmed IV al-Mansur established Moorish rule in the Mali
region (including Dogon territory). Timbuktu and the surrounding area
remained under Moorish rule for about 200 years. Between 1848 and
1864, the region was again absorbed under Islamic rule, until the
early 1880's when the French decided to flex a little international
clout by occupying the Upper Senegal. The French continued their
campaigns until they controlled Timbuktu (1893). By 1898 French
control of the region was consolidated, and by 1899 French trading
posts were established in even the most remote areas of the country.
Roads and railways were constructed early in the 20th century, and
travel into and around the region was booming early on.

Given the long term exposure of the Dogon to the influences of

the Muslims and various Western cultures, it would seem highly likely
that their knowledge of Sirius sprang from the roots of Arabic
astronomy rather than extraterrestrial aquatic beings. Although it
cannot be PROVEN that the Dogon were visited by aliens with knowledge
of Sirius, it CAN be proven that they were repeatedly visited by any
number of Western and Arabic folk whose cultures did indeed possess
knowledge of the Sirius system. On the other hand, it can't be PROVEN
that aliens did not visit the Dogon, or that one of their earthling
visitors DID have sufficient knowledge of astronomy to teach them
about Sirius. About all one can do is apply the tremendously useful
rule of Occam's Razor: If you have multiple explanations that fit the
evidence at hand, the simplest explanation is the most probable. A
visit by some Arabic Galileo is a much simpler explanation of their
knowledge than that presented by a visit from alien aquatic beings.
Without more evidence, it really boils down to personal predudice on
which way one will interpret the Dogon scenario.

It is important to remember, when considering the Dogon, that

they are not the illiterate savages one might envision. The French,
among their other changes in the region, established compulsory
schooling. There are even several colleges in the region.

The Dogon beliefs are very interesting. Although their

knowledge of the Sirius system has been pretty widely reported, some
of their other religious beliefs (notably, their several creation
stories) are pretty interesting in themselves. In any event, I will
continue to dig around in the library and let you know what I find. I
will also enjoy reading any additional data you may find to post,

Michael Ellis

--- Maximus/2 2.01wb

* Origin: System Control (817)268-6637 Hurst, TX (1:130/1007)


Date: 02-25-95 (10:02) Number: 81232 of 81313 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Sagan on UFOs
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

From the current Skeptical Inquirer, Carl Sagan gives us his views on

"I would love it if there were aliens here, even if they are a
little short, sullen, grumpy, and sexually preoccupied. So, if
they are the harbingers of an advanced civilization and they're
here for heaven's sake, let's find out about them. My mind is
open. ...People make mistakes, people misapprehend natural
phenomena, people look for attention, money or fame. People
sometimes experience alternative states of consciousness -
hallucinations are very common in all human beings, including
normal people. And with that as the background, to really believe
one of these cases, you need really good physical evidence. And
there is none."

Carl Sagan, at a news conference at the CSICOP conference in Seattle,

June 22, 1994.

... Copyright laws? We doan need no steenkin' copyright laws!

___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- GEcho 1.11+

* Origin: COM18, Boucherville Qc, 514-449-9567 (1:167/570)


Date: 02-25-95 (10:02) Number: 81235 of 81313 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: Mars Face
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE (Echo)
Conf: F-UFO (1356) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)

Here is what the sci.space FAQ file has to say about the Mars Face:


There really is a big rock on Mars that looks remarkably like a

humanoid face. It appears in two different frames of Viking
Orbiter imagery: 35A72 (much more facelike in appearance, and the
one more often published, with the Sun 10 degrees above western
horizon) and 70A13 (with the Sun 27 degrees from the west). The
feature, about 2.5 km across, is located near 9 degrees longitude,
+41 degrees N latitude, near the border between region Arabia
Terra and region Acidalia Planitia.

Science writer Richard Hoagland has championed the idea that the
Face is artificial, intended to resemble a human, and erected by
an extraterrestrial civilization. Most other analysts concede that
the resemblance is most likely accidental. Other Viking images
show a smiley-faced crater and a lava flow resembling Kermit the
Frog elsewhere on Mars. There exists a Mars Anomalies Research
Society (see address for "Mars Research" below) to study the Face.

Due to the unfortunate loss of the Mars Observer mission, this

issue will remain open for future missions. In the meantime,
speculation about the Face is best carried on in the altnet group
alt.alien.visitors, not sci.space.* or sci.astro.

V. DiPeitro and G. Molenaar, *Unusual Martian Surface Features*,

Mars Research, P.O. Box 284, Glen Dale, Maryland, USA, 1982. $18
by mail.

R.R. Pozos, *The Face of Mars*, Chicago Review Press, 1986.

[Account of an interdisciplinary speculative conference Hoagland
organized to investigate the Face]

R.C. Hoagland, *The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of

Forever*, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, California, USA, 1987.
[Elaborate discussion of evidence and speculation that formations
near the Face form a city]

M.J. Carlotto, "Digital Imagery Analysis of Unusual Martian

Surface Features," *Applied Optics*, 27, pp. 1926-1933, 1987.
[Extracts three-dimensional model for the Face from the 2-D

M.J. Carlotto & M.C. Stein, "A Method of Searching for Artificial
Objects on Planetary Surfaces," *Journal of the British
Interplanetary Society*, Vol. 43 no. 5 (May 1990), p.209-216.
[Uses a fractal image analysis model to guess whether the Face is

B. O'Leary, "Analysis of Images of the `Face' on Mars and Possible

Intelligent Origin," *JBIS*, Vol. 43 no. 5 (May 1990), p. 203-208.
[Lights Carlotto's model from the two angles and shows it's
consistent; shows that the Face doesn't look face-like if observed
from the surface]

Source: http://www.ksc.nasa.gov/facts/faq10.html

... Copyright laws? We doan need no steenkin' copyright laws!

___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12

--- GEcho 1.11+

* Origin: COM18, Boucherville Qc, 514-449-9567 (1:167/570)


Date: 02-25-95 (16:59) Number: 3417 of 3418 (Refer# NONE)

Subj: The Moon, Sagan and other mysteries.
Read: (N/A) Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
Conf: UFO-L (6679) Read Type: READING ALL (A) (+)
Message-Id: <9502252140.AA27057@portnoy.canrem.com>
Date: Sun, 26 Feb 1995 08:41:35 +1000
From: Lawrie Williams <wlmss@PEG.APC.ORG>
Subject: The Moon, Sagan and other mysteries.
To: Multiple recipients of list UFO-L <UFO-L@PSUVM.PSU.EDU>

Subject: Re: Say Again, Sagan?

> 1962 Astronomer Carl Sagan declares to a meeting of the

> American Rocket Society: "The Earth probably has been
> visited by intelligent beings representing an advanced
> civilization from outer space." He goes on to suggest
> that the space visitors would logically have built a
> base on the far side of the Moon.

It was in error, my fault, as I found when I went to the quoted

source, for it was not a direct quote at all. It says much the same
but I hate misquotes, especially when I perpetrate them. Golly,
scholarship is like Chinese whispers isn't it? Billions and billions
of apologies to Mr S.

"In late 1962 Dr Carl Sagan, advsier on Extraterrestrial Life to the

Armed Services of the United States, told the American Rocket Society
convention that we must be prepared to face the probability that that
we have been visited by intelligent beings from outer space - and the
likelihood that as a requisite to these visits they would have used
bases on the far side of the moon."

[STRANGE WORLD Frank Edwards Ace Books N.Y. 1964 P22]

According to the same book in the chapter "How Dead the Moon?" p223:

"...from the Soviet Union....astronomer N A Kozyrev of Pulkovo

Obervatory reported that he had detected gas escaping from the moon
(in 1958) and again in 1961....spectograms showed the presence of
carbon (sic) and hydrogen gas near the crater Aristarchus.

"On October 29 1963 and again on November 27, 1963, American

astronomers at Lowell Obervatory, using the fine 24" refracting
telescope, confirmed Kozyrev's observations. They saw faint ruby-red
points of light - first _near_ Aristarchus, and later, right on its
rim. Please note that the first red lights were seen some miles from
Aristarchus, north of Herodotus, and later on the rim of
Aristarchus....1821...1825, astronomers saw bright lights in that
crater. Frances Bailey.....1835...watched a curious bright
light....Temple and Denning saw a light....June 10 1866 and again on
May 7 1867. Similar reports come from observatories at both Lisbon and
Marseilles. Trouvelot reported that on January 23 1880 he and his
assistants observed a thin line of bright light, like a cable of
light, across the crater....On March 3 1903 observatories in both
London and Marseilles alerted other astronomers to the spectacle of a
brilliant light in Aristarchus, flickering intermittently....."

And from page 171:

"On the night of November 26 1956, astronomer Robert E Curtiss of

Alamogordo, New Mexico, was examining the lunar surface through his
sixteen inch Newtonian reflector telescope. Fortunately he had a 35
millimeter Mitchell camera attached to the scope and was making test
exposures on some new film. The Mitchell is a motion picture camera
similar to those used in Hollywood studios and Mr Curtiss was taking
his test pictures of the moon at rates which varied from 24 to 48
frames per second at the time of this singular experience.

"When he developed the film and made prints from it, he was surprised
to discover that he had filmed an oddity of unmistakable clarity. It
was a glaring white cross, located just to the north-west of the ring
plain Fra Mauro, near the small dark crater named Parry.

"Each arm of the cross was several miles long and the arms crossed
each other at right angles in the centre - that is to say, each arm of
the cross was of equal length. Lying just at the edge of the shadowed
section of the moon, the cross stood out clearly- amazingly so...."

"You will find a picture of it in your local library in Harvard

Observatory's "Sky and Telescope" magazine ... for June 1958 on page




| "We must be open minded, but not so open minded |
| that our brains fall out." -James Randi |

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