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Toll-free: 877-WEBUCATE (877-932-8228)
From outside the U.S.: 315-446-0560
Fax: 315-410-5320

Visual Basic .NET For Object-Oriented Programmers

Course length: 2 Days
Course Web Page:

Class Overview

The Visual Basic .NET training course concisely covers the essentials of Windows programming using
Microsoft's VB.NET programming language. It starts with a brief chapter, ".NET: What You Need To Know,"
which gets you up and running in the .NET environment with a minimum of fuss. The next two chapters
cover VB.NET language essentials and object-oriented programming in VB.NET.The next chapter discusses
how VB.NET relates to the .NET Framework. The following chapter provides a succinct introduction to
creating GUI programs using Windows Forms. The course concludes with an overview of the new VB.NET
features provided by .NET 2.0, including example programs to illustrate each important new feature.

Class Goals
• Acquire a working knowledge of VB.NET programming
• Learn about important interactions between VB.NET and the .NET Framework
• Learn how to implement simple GUI programs using Windows Forms
• Gain a working knowledge of generic types and other new features in VB.NET 2.0.

Class Prerequisites

Class Outline
I. .NET: What You Need To Know
I.A. .NET Executables and the CLR
I.B. A .NET Testbed for VB.NET Programming
I.C. Visual Studio .NET

II. Visual Basic for the Sophisticated Programmer

II.A. First Visual Basic Console Application
II.B. Namespaces
II.C. Data Types
II.D. Conversions
II.E. Control Structures
II.F. Subroutines and Functions
II.G. Strings
II.H. Arrays
II.I. Console I/O
II.J. Formatting
II.K. Exception Handling

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Toll-free: 877-WEBUCATE (877-932-8228)
From outside the U.S.: 315-446-0560
Fax: 315-410-5320

III. Object-Oriented Programming in VB.NET

III.A. Classes
III.B. Access Control
III.C. Methods and Properties
III.D. Shared Data and Methods
III.E. Inheritance
III.F. Overriding Methods
III.G. Polymorphism
III.H. Operator Overloading

IV. VB.NET and the .NET Framework

IV.A. Components
IV.B. Interfaces
IV.C. System.Object
IV.D. .NET and COM
IV.E. Collections
IV.F. IEnumerable and IEnumerator
IV.G. Copy Semantics in Visual Basic
IV.H. Generic Types
IV.I. Type-Safe Collections

V. Delegates and Events

V.A. Delegates
V.B. Random Number Generation
V.C. Events

VI. Introduction to Windows Forms

VI.A. Creating Windows Applications Using Visual Studio 2005
VI.B. Partial Classes
VI.C. Buttons, Labels and Textboxes
VI.D. Handling Events
VI.E. Listbox Controls

Class Materials
In addition to a comprehensive set of materials, including course notes and all the programming examples,
each student will receive a one-year subscription to Webucator's online reference library, which contains
hundreds of the most current electronic technology books - a $149.95 value. For details, visit

Technical Requirements

1. Visual Studio 2005 with Service Pack 1 or later

2. Microsoft SQL Server

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Toll-free: 877-WEBUCATE (877-932-8228)
From outside the U.S.: 315-446-0560
Fax: 315-410-5320

For more information...
Toll-free: 877-WEBUCATE (877-932-8228)
From outside the U.S.: 315-446-0560
Fax: 315-410-5320

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