Chapter4 Liquid Level Measurement 09

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Industrial Instrumentation and


Dr. Rosdiazli Ibrahim
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Petronas
Tel: 05-368 7821

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 1

Learning Outcomes
Outcomes Assessment
Assessment Criteria
To achieve the following Learning Outcomes: Assessment criteria:
• Have knowledge and understanding of the various process To demonstrate student has achieved the learning
industry instruments, the concept of measurements, outcomes
calibration and configuration requirements and their
applications. • Describe the measuring principles, calibration and
configuration requirements of different process
• Be able to design and develop a control loop consisting the industry instruments and their applications.
process instruments, based on a prescribed requirement. • Design and develop a control loop using the relevant
. instruments to meet specifications

Process ,, Industrial
Industrial Instrumentation
Instrumentation &
& Measurement
Assessment criteria: Lab experiences Assessment criteria:
• Basic concepts of measurements • Calibration, • Signal Conditioning
configuration of
• Process control terminologies transmitters, • P,T,L,F to mA, V
• Calibration controllers, • V-V,V-mA,mA-V
recorders and
other peripherals,
wiring, selection
and installation.
Assessment criteria: Assessment criteria:
• Design and
• Applications and selections of sensors and actuators implementation of • Design and implement a simple control
used in industries a simple control loop.
• Pressure Level Temperature Flow loop.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 2

To monitor and measure quantitatively
the liquid content in vessels , reservoirs
and tanks

Type of device used - depends on the

accuracy, repeatability, range &
instrumentation needed

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 3

Measurement can be made directly, or can
be inferred (indirectly).

• Example of direct measurement sensors:

o Conductivity electrodes, eg capacitive sensor.
o Ultrasonic

• Example of indirect measurement sensors:

o Static pressure method

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 4

Capacitance sensor: Overview

• The electrostatic capacitance of two

facing electrodes varies with the
dielectric constant of the material
separating them.
• If the space between two concentric
tubular electrodes contains a liquid, a
change in the level of that liquid will
change the capacitance between the

–Liquid level
–Interface level
EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 5
Principle of Operation
C = the electrostatic capacitance between the
1 = dielectric constant of gas
2 = dielectric constant of liquid
2π {(ε 2 - ε 1 )H + ε 1L} L = height of electrodes
ln(D/d) D = diameter of outer tubular electrode
d = diameter of inner tubular electrode
H=the liquid level

Since all other terms are constants, the level, H, can be determined from
the measurement of C.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 6

Advantages of capacitance sensor
• No moving parts
• Elements are easily cleaned
• Safe elements (explosion-proof instrument)

• Measurement error may occur
– if a change of temperature changes dielectric constant
– if viscous conducting liquids coat the sensing element
– due to air bubbles in liquid or foam on top of liquid

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 7

Ultrasonic sensor: Overview
• Based on high-frequency sound waves produced by AC signal
• The chosen operating frequency should corresponds to the
resonant frequency of transmitter and receiver
• Transmitter - Generates ultrasonic pulse, measure time taken for
echo to return
• Receiver - receives reflected signal

• Measure level of liquid (miscible and non-miscible liquid)
• Determine position of liquid / sludge interface

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 8

Principle of Operation

T = 2(L - H) / v
Receiver Transmitter
T = time between emission of
the signal and its subsequent
reception at the transducer
L= distance from minimum
liquid level to ultrasonic
H transducer
v = propagation velocity of the
ultrasonic wave
H=liquid level

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 9

• Able to measure level without physical contact
• No moving parts, so inspection and maintenance are easy.
• Reliability of reading unaffected by changes in the composition,
density & moisture content of process fluid
• Small and light, installation is easy.


• Due to dispersion & absorption, reflected signal weaken

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 10

Static Pressure Measurement of Level
•A convenient means of measuring liquid level, where there is a
considerable change in level.
•Employs conventional industrial instruments which is actuated by
changes in hydrostatic pressure head of the liquid as the level changes.
•This head is the “weight” of liquid above a reference level or datum
line. Head is often expressed in terms of pressure or level height.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 11

Static Pressure Measurement of Level
•Measurement of pressure due to liquid head can be translated to
level height above the datum line by the following basic relationship:
where h=height or level
P=pressure due to hydrostatic head
ρ=density of the liquid
g=acceleration due to gravity
•For the readings to be accurate the density have to be constant.
•The accuracy will be affected for e.g., temperature variations is
sufficient to cause changes in the density of the liquid.

EEB 5223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 12
The use of DP transmitter for liquid-level

• The DP transmitter must be positioned below the

minimum liquid level.
• Corrections must be made for changes in the density of
the liquid.
• If there is a pulsating motion in the liquid, the output of
the transmitter will be unstable.
• The tapping tube should be as straight as possible so as
not to trap air.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 13

Inferential Level Measurement
This technique obtains a level indication indirectly by monitoring
the pressure exerted by the height of the liquid in the vessel.
The pressure at the base of a vessel containing liquid is directly
proportional to the height of the liquid in the vessel. This is
termed hydrostatic pressure. As the level in the vessel rises, the
pressure exerted by the liquid at the base of the vessel will
increase linearly.
P=S.H ,
P=Pressure (Pa), S=Weight density of the liquid (N/m3)=!g
H=Height of liquid column (m), !=Density (kg/m3)
g=acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2)

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 14

Inferential Level Measurement

DP capsules are the most commonly used devices to measure the

pressure at the base of a tank.

The level of liquid inside a tank can be determined from the

pressure reading if the weight density of the liquid is constant.

Use a pressure capsule that has a sensitivity range that closely

matches the anticipated pressure of the measured liquid.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 15

Three valve manifold
A three-valve manifold is a device that
is used to ensure that the capsule will not
be over-ranged. It also allows isolation of
the transmitter from the process loop. It
consists of two block valves-high
pressure and low-pressure block valve-
and an equalizing valve.
During normal operation, the
equalizing valve is closed and the two
block valves are open. When the
transmitter is put into or removed from
service, the valves must be operated in
such a manner that very high pressure
is never applied to only one side of the
DP capsule.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 16

Open tank measurement
The simplest application is the fluid
level in an open tank. The figure shows a
typical open tank level measurement
installation using a pressure capsule
If the tank is open to atmosphere, the
high pressure side of the level
transmitter will be connected to the base
of the tank while the low-pressure side
will be vented to atmosphere. In this
manner, the level transmitter acts as a
simple pressure transmitter.
Phigh = Patm +S.H
Differential pressure, <P = Phigh – Plow =
EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 17
Closed tank Measurement
Should the tank be closed and a gas or vapour exists on top of the
liquid, the gas pressure must be compensated for. A change in the gas
pressure will cause a change in transmitter output. Moreover, the
pressure exerted by the gas phase may be so high that the hydrostatic
pressure of the liquid column becomes insignificant.
For example, the measured hydrostatic head in a boiler may be only
three meters (30kPa) or so, whereas the steam pressure is typically 5
Compensation can be achieved by applying the gas pressure to both
high and low-pressure sides of the level transmitter. This cover gas
pressure is thus used as a back pressure (or reference pressure) on the
LP side of the DP cell. One can immediately see the need for the three-
valve manifold to protect the DP cell against these pressures.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 18

Closed tank measurement- Dry leg system
A full dry leg installation with three-valve manifold is as shown.

If the gas phase is condensable, say

steam, condensate will form in the
low-pressure impulse line resulting
in a column of liquid, which exerts
extra pressure on the low-pressure
side of the transmitter. A technique
to solve this problem is to add a
knockout pot below the transmitter
in the low-pressure side. Periodic
draining of the condensate in the
knockout pot will ensure that the
impulse line is free of liquid.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 19

Phigh=Pgas + S.H
The effect of the gas pressure
is cancelled and only the
pressure due to the
hydrostatic head of the
liquid is sensed. When the
low-pressure impulse line is
connected directly to the gas
phase above the liquid level,
it is called a dry leg.
In practice, a dry leg is seldom used because frequent maintenance is required. One
example of a dry leg application is the measurement of liquid poison level in the
poison injection tank, where the gas phase is non-condensable medium. In most
closed tank applications, a wet leg level measurement system in used.
EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 20
Closed tank measurement -
Wet Leg System

In a wet leg system, the low-

pressure impulse line is
completely filled with liquid
(usually the same liquid as the
process) and hence the name wet
leg. A level transmitter, with the
associated three-valve manifold, is
used in an identical manner to the
dry leg system.

At the top the low pressure impulse line is a small catch tank. The gas phase or
vapour will condense in the wet leg and the catch tank. The catch tank, with the
inclined interconnecting line, maintains a constant hydrostatic pressure on the low-
pressure side of the level transmitter. This pressure, being a constant, can easily be
compensated for by calibration. (Note that operating the three-valve manifold in
the prescribed manner helps to preserve the wet leg.)
EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 21
Wet Leg System continue…

If the tank is located outdoors, trace heating of the wet leg might be
necessary to prevent it from freezing. Steam lines or an electric heating
element can be wound around the wet leg to keep to keep the
temperature of the condensate above its freezing point.
Note the two sets of drain valves. The transmitter drain valves would
be used to drain (bleed) the transmitter only. The two drain valves
located immediately above the three-valve manifold are used for
impulse and wet leg draining and filling.
In addition to the three-valve manifold most transmitter installations
have valves where the impulse lines connect to the process. These
isolating valves, sometimes referred to as the root valves, are used to
isolate the transmitter for maintenance.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 22

Level Compensation

It would be idealistic to say that the DP cell can always be located at

the exact bottom of the vessel we are measuring fluid level in.

Hence, the `measuring system’ has to consider the hydrostatic

pressure of the fluid in the sensing lines themselves.
This leads to two compensations required.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 23

Zero Suppression
In some cases, it is not possible to mount the level transmitter right at the
base level of the tank. Say, for maintenance purposes, the level transmitter
has to be mounted X meters below the base of an open tank.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 24

The liquid in the tank exerts a
varying pressure that is
proportional to its level H on the
high-pressure side of the
transmitter. The liquid in the high-
pressure impulse line also exerts a
pressure on the high-pressure
side. However, this pressure is a
constant (P=S.X) and is present at
all times.
When the liquid level is at H
meters, pressure on the high-
pressure side of the transmitter
will be:
Phigh=S.H + S.X + Patm
P=Phigh –Plow=S.H + S.X
EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 25
That is, the pressure on the high-pressure side is always higher
than the actual pressure exerted by the liquid column in the tank
( by a value of S.X).
This constant pressure would cause an output signal that is
higher than 4 mA when the tank is empty and above 20 mA
when it is full. The transmitter has to be negatively biased by a
value of -S.X, only.
This procedure is called Zero Suppression and it can be done
during calibration of the transmitter.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 26

Zero Elevation
When a wet leg installation is used,
the low-pressure side of the leg
transmitter will always experience a
higher pressure than the high-
pressure side. This is due to the fact
that the height of the wet leg (X) is
always equal to or greater than the
maximum height of the liquid
column (H) inside the tank.
When the liquid level is at H meters,
we have:
Phigh = Pgas +S.H
Plow = P gas +S.X
P=Phigh –Plow = S.H – S.X - = -S(X-

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 27

The differential pressure,  P
sensed by the transmitter is always
a negative number (ie., low
pressure side is at a higher
pressure than the high pressure
side).  P increases from P=-S.X to
P=-S(X-H) as the tank level rises
from 0% to 100%.
If the transmitter were not
calibrated for this constant
negative error (-S.X), the
transmitter output read low at all
To properly calibrate the
transmitter, a positive bias (+S.X)
is needed to elevate the transmitter
This positive biasing technique is
called zero elevation.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 28

Example: Zero Suppression in Level Measurements
of open vessels (tanks)

A d/p transmitter is connected to the tank by a pressure tapping tube.

The liquid is tapped for the high pressure side, and the open air is
tapped for the low pressure side.

The following relationship exists:

P=ρ1g (H+h1)
P = the pressure
ρ1=density of the liquid
H=distance between the surface and the minimum liquid level
h1=distance between the minimum liquid level and the
pressure detector.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 29

Liquid-level measurement: Open tank


EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 30

Industrial Instrumentation and Measurements

A pressure transmitter connected at a position 10 cm below the bottom of a
tank sends 13.57 mA to a computer. The transmitter was calibrated for a
range of 0-200kPa to produce 4-20 mA.
If the liquid has a specific gravity of 1.26, calculate the level of the liquid in
the tank.

RD=1.26 !w =1000 kg/m2 g=9.81 m/s2
Reading 13.57 mA : (200 kPa * 13.57mA/16mA)-50 kPa=119.62 kPa

h=P/ !wgRD=119.62kPa/(1000 kg/m2 *9.81 m/s2*

h actual = h-10 cm = 957.75 cm
EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 31
Example: Zero Elevation in Level Measurements of
closed vessels (tanks)
Dry leg method
A DP transmitter is connected to the closed tank: the low pressure tap
is the pressure of the gas above the liquid in the upper part of the tank.

The pressure of the gas is also applied to the high pressure tap at the
same time. Hence, when taking the pressure differential, it cancels out
and so does not affect the transmitter output.

If condensation from the gas in the upper part of the tank collects inside
the tapping tube, the low pressure tapping pressure in the tube will
change and the output of the d/p transmitter will be affected. To avoid
this, the condensation is collected in a drain pot.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 32

Liquid-level measurement: Closed tank – Dry Leg
The following relationship exists: Maximum
High pressure tap pressure,
PH =ρ1g (H+h1)+PG
Low pressure tap pressure,
Pressure differential, H Dry
PH-PL= ρ1g (H+h1) ρ1

Where, liquid-level h1
Differential-pressure Drain
PG = the pressure of the gas in the upper transmitter pot
part of the tank
ρ1=density of the liquid

Liquid-level H
H=distance between the surface and the
minimum liquid level
h1=distance between the minimum
liquid level and the pressure detector. ρ1gh1
Differential pressure

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 33

Example: Zero Elevation in Level Measurements of
closed vessels (tanks) – Wet Leg

Wet leg method

Similarly, a d/p transmitter is connected to the closed tank: the low

pressure tap is the pressure of the gas above the liquid in the upper part
of the tank.

A relatively heavy liquid (high density) that does not easily evaporate
to fill the tube. The pressure of the gas in the tank is then applied to the
pressure detector through this liquid.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 34

Example: Zero Elevation in Level Measurements of
closed vessels (tanks) – Wet leg

The following relationship exists:

High pressure tap pressure, PH =ρ1g (H+h1)+PG

Low pressure tap pressure, PL= ρ2gh2 + PG
Pressure differential, PH-PL= ρ1g (H+h1)- ρ2gh2
ρ2=density of the liquid in the wet leg, (kg/m3)
h2=the height of the liquid in the wet leg, (m) .

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 35

Liquid-level measurement: Closed tank-wet leg

The following relationship exists:

High pressure tap pressure,
PH =ρ1g (H+h1)+PG
Low pressure tap pressure, H Wet
PL= ρ2gh2 + PG ρ1 leg

Pressure differential,
PH-PL= ρ1g (H+h1)- ρ2gh2 Minimum
where, Differential-pressure

ρ2=density of the liquid in the wet D/p transmitter is used

leg, (kg/m3) to suppressed the term
Liquid-level H
h2=the height of the liquid in the wet PG, so that the reading is
leg, (m) . linear and passes the

ρ1gh1- ρ2gh2 Differential pressure

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 36

Bubbler level measurement system

If the process liquid contains suspended solids or is

chemically corrosive or radioactive, it is desirable to
prevent it from coming into direct contact with the level

In these cases, a bubbler level measurement system, which

utilize a purge gas , can be used.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 37

Purge-type liquid-level measurement
•Usage: for corrosive liquids, liquids that contain suspended objects, high
viscosity liquids, and underground tanks.
•Principle of operation: a
bubble tube is inserted
into a tank, and a fixed
flow of air is forced
through the tube such
that bubbles emerge from
the end of the tube. If the
air flow rate is not
extremely large, the air
pressure in the bubble
tube can be considered to
be the same as the
pressure of the liquid at
the end of the tube. The
liquid level can be
measured by measuring
the air pressure.
EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 38
•Open tank application for bubbler system
As shown, a bubbler tube is immersed to the bottom of the vessel in which
the liquid level is to be measured. A gas (called purge gas) is allowed to
pass through the bubbler tube.
Consider that the tank is empty. In
this case, the gas will escape freely at
the end of the tube and therefore the
gas pressure inside the bubbler tube
(called back pressure) will be at
atmospheric pressure. However, as
the liquid level inside the tank
increases, pressure exerted by the
liquid at the base of the tank (and at
the opening of the bubbler tube)

The hydrostatic pressure of the liquid in effect acts as a seal, which restricts
the escape of, purge gas from the bubbler tube.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 39

As a result, the gas pressure in the bubbler tube will continue
to increase until it just balances the hydrostatic pressure
(P=S.H) of the liquid. At this point the backpressure in the
bubbler tube is exactly the same as the hydrostatic
pressure of the liquid and it will remain constant until any
changes in the liquid level occurs. Any excess supply will
escape as bubbles through the liquid.
As the liquid level rises, the backpressure in the bubbler tube
increases proportionally, since the density of the liquid is
constant. A level transmitter (DP cell) can be used to monitor
this backpressure. In an open tank installation, the bubbler
tube is connected to the high-pressure side of the transmitter,
while the low pressure side is vented to atmosphere. The
output of the transmitter will be proportional to the tank level.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 40

A constant differential pressure relay is often used in the purge
gas line to ensure that constant bubbling action occurs at all
tank levels. The relay maintains a constant flow rate of purge
gas in the bubbler tube regardless of tank variations or supply
fluctuations. This ensures that bubbling will occur to maximum
tank level and the flow rate does not increase at low tank level
in such a way as to cause excessive disturbances at the surface
of the liquid. Note that the bubbling action has to be continuous
or the measurement signal will not be accurate.

An additional advantage of the bubbler system is that, since it

measures only the backpressure of the purge gas, the exact
location of the level transmitter is not important. The transmitter
can be mounted some distance from the process.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 41

• Closed tank application for bubbler system

If the bubbler system is to be applied to measure level in a closed

tank, some pressure-regulating scheme must be provided for the gas
space in the tank. Otherwise, the gas bubbling through the liquid
will pressurize the gas space to a point where bubbler supply
pressure cannot overcome the static pressure it acts against. The
result would be no bubble flow and, therefore, inaccurate
measurement signal. Also, as in the case of a closed tank inferential
level measurement system, the low-pressure side of the level
transmitter has to be connected to the gas space in order to
compensate for the effect of gas pressure.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 42

• Effect of temperature on level measurement

Level measurement systems that use DP as the sensing method are

by their very nature affected by temperature and pressure.
¾ H α P/ρ
¾ Ρ α 1/T
¾ HαT
For any given amount of liquid in a container, the pressure P
exerted at the base will remain constant, but the height will vary
directly with the temperature.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 43

Effect of temperature on level measurement
Consider the following scenario, a common occurrence in plant
operations: The level transmitter calibrated to read correctly at 75oC.
If the process temperature is increased to 90oC, the actual level will
be higher than indicted.
Reason: As the amount (mass) of liquid does not change, the
pressure exerted on the base of the container has not changed and
the indicated height of the liquid does not change. However, the
volume occupied by the liquid has increased and thus the actual
height has increased.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 44

Effect of temperature on level measurement
If the reference leg and variable leg are at the same temperature that the
level transmitter (LT) is calibrated for, the system will accurately
measure liquid level. However, as the process temperature increases,
the actual process fluid level increases, while the indicated
measurement remains unchanged.

Further errors can occur if the

reference leg and the variable
(sensing) leg are at different
temperatures. The level indication
will have increasing positive (high)
error as the temperature of the wet
reference leg increases above the
variable (Process) leg.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 45

Effect of temperature on level measurement
As an example, consider temperature
changes around a liquid storage tank with
a wet leg. As temperature falls and the
wet leg cools off, the density of the liquid
inside it increases, while the temperature
in the tank remains practically unchanged
(because of a much bigger volume and
connection to the process). As a result the
pressure of the reference leg rises and the
indicated level decreases. If it happens to
the boiler level measurement for a system
shutdown it can even led to an
unnecessary reactor trip on boiler low
However, high-level trips may be
prevented under these circumstances. In
an extreme case the wet leg may freeze
invalidating the measurement scheme
completely, but it could be easily
prevented with trace heating.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 46

Effect of temperature on level measurement

False high level indication can be caused by an increased wet leg

temperature, gas or vapour bubbles or a drained wet leg.
A high measured tank level, with the real being dangerously low, may
prevent the actuation of a safety system on a low value of the trip
The real level may even get sufficiently low to cause either the cavitation
of the pumps that take suction from the tank or gas ingress into the
pumps and result in gas locking and a reduced or no flow condition.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 47

• Effect of pressure on level measurement

Level measurement systems that use DP as the sensing method are

by their very nature affected by temperature and pressure.
¾ H α PL/ρ
¾ ρ α PS
¾ H α 1/PS
For any given amount of liquid in a container, the pressure PL
(liquid pressure) exerted at the base will remain constant, but the
height will vary inversely with the process or system pressure.

Most liquids are fairly incompressible and the process pressure will
not affect the level unless there is significant vapour content.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 48

Failures and abnormalities
Over pressure:
Diaphragms and bellows are usually the most sensitive and fast-acting
of all pressure sensors. They are the most prone to fracture on over-
pressuring. Bourdon tubes are very robust and can handle very high
pressures, although when exposed to over-pressure they become
slightly distended and will read high.

Faulty sensing lines:

A cracked or punctured sensing line has the characteristic of
consistently low readings.

Loss of loop electrical power:

The output of DP transmitter will drop to zero or become irrational with
a loss of power supply.

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 49

Level Measurement System Errors
The level measurement techniques used inferred processes and
not direct measurements. Namely, the indication of fluid level is
based on the pressure exerted on a DP cell by the height of the
liquid in the vessel. This places great importance on the physical
and environmental problems that can affect the accuracy of this
indirect measurement.
Over-pressuring – distorted the internal diaphragm of DP cell.
Obstructed sensing lines – clogged sensing lines, inaccurate
False high level indication can be caused by a leaking or drained
wet leg.
A leaking variable (process) leg can cause false low-level indication.
End of
of Lecture
Lecture notes
notes on
on Liquid-Level
Liquid-Level Measurements

EEB5223/EAB4223 Industrial Automation & Control Systems Topic 1.4 Level- 50

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