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Countries by Population Size Africa Americas Basia Europe Oceania over 400 million i 1.9 billion are are entrepreneurs too young to work = 430 milli ie 4 Gg e f 577 million Se are older WHAT DO (i 7 BILLION ep milion PEOPLE DO? 7 Rp . 1.7 billion 1.4 billion work work in agriculture in services 238 Funders and Founders (ages 0-15) sources:,, 80 Trillion Dollar $ © World Economy in a Single Chart © World's Region AFRICA eas HER COUNTRIES Ar reer a0) Dyess Girer ASIA (Teasers UNITED STATES $19.39T $2.6T ere fei -i 7) ae 9 Pea )* 24.4% ee ry, UNITED oe Presto) Af $oear $1.93T |} en 33% / FRANCE }°S)s17\ 2.44% anid ee ea key” 7 DENMARK $0.32T 0.41% The Ultra-Wealthy by Country Number of Individuals Worth Over $500M+ in 2017 CZECH REPUBLIC 10 ‘SWEDEN 70 NETHERLANDS 80 (PORTUGAL 10 oe _Homcore G.cvenusio BELGIUM 30 PAN | \ 200 ROMANIA 20 nN | ? MALAYSIA 20, 390 PHILIPPINES 20 [ARGENTINA 20 y Region Wealth BOTSWANA 10. oe ribution TANZANIA 10 TE KENYA 10 ‘ a 2 \ CARIBBEAN 10 ‘COLOMBIA 10, oN ISRAEL 30 PERU 20 MEXICO 50 “Data excludes second-home owners. Total residents per wealthband significantly higher Article and Sources: Tis Pomel ve lite howmuch 7x3 yeu) Va 700 Ora NIGERIA 20 ‘ZAMBIA 10 foe es Cu eit TN Usttcads te wort Percentage of World Debt oyp.ianenratrs Stoorerment ot BY COUNTRY mine be SF rato \\pouann / or GERMANY ‘The IMF warns that If Greece continues debt a Debt as a Percentage of GDP KS oe 50% 100% 180% 260%+ Eas ass ida 60 Asie 0 female 26 aged 0-14 1S Alico 50 male 66 aged 15:64 111 Europe Bagea ose 9 Souh America SS Nomth America RELIGION St vein aban seas yanoreligion| 49 vein ral areas eA 12chinese Spanish Saale ese 3 eens 8 in ioread ve unable 2.Japanese 2 other COLLEGE Thavea college degree 93 donot 77 have access to shelter 23.¢0 not staring {1S undemourishea s0have access to the Internet 63 adequate Fdonet 21 overweight Pea ened 8 ve on ss ton 75have cl phones shave sae water 33donot JAPANESE wzs VIETNAMESE ay, The World's Largest Public Companies 2018 By Market Value (in Billions of Dollars) Industry ME Auto EEE Gents ME Incornct mame ore, ME Seti Souuae ia RE Pharmaceuticals Ll HEE Semiconductors $208) ‘Srael Diversified . HE Fecis i Mining MERE Softwar Telecomm Food & = Beverages ne Article & Sources: a (etna hee scales i ago ao noNT 20, howmuch™ hetasy/Anww fortes com Brand Value Cin billions of $) OF a $37.2 otis ‘cvs SS (LEGO) So industry howmuch The Ultra-Wealthy by Country Number of Individuals Worth Over $500M+ in 2017 CZECH REPUBLIC 10 ‘SWEDEN 70 NETHERLANDS 80 (PORTUGAL 10 oe _Homcore G.cvenusio BELGIUM 30 PAN | \ 200 ROMANIA 20 nN | ? MALAYSIA 20, 390 PHILIPPINES 20 [ARGENTINA 20 y Region Wealth BOTSWANA 10. oe ribution TANZANIA 10 TE KENYA 10 ‘ a 2 \ CARIBBEAN 10 ‘COLOMBIA 10, oN ISRAEL 30 PERU 20 MEXICO 50 “Data excludes second-home owners. Total residents per wealthband significantly higher Article and Sources: Tis Pomel ve lite howmuch 7x3 yeu) Va 700 Ora NIGERIA 20 ‘ZAMBIA 10 foe es Cu eit TN World Population Percentages Thailand (2017) Germany? ian a Vietnam 1.3% Egypt Philippines'-3% 1.4% Ethiopia other 29.8% Nigeria 2.6% Pakistan 2.6% Brazil 2.8% Indonesia 3.5% China 18.5% U.S. India 17.9%

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