Essay About Success

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Essay about success

“The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it.”

Success is a rather abstract concept. Being successful can mean a lot of things. Some people
might think making a lot of money means that you are a successful person. Others think the
secret is having lots of friends and other connections, while some people think of success as
being famous or renowned for something good.

Actually, success can mean a lot of things, depending on the context. For example, having good
grades in school is a good method of achieving this. You will be viewed as a model student in
that situation, thus making you successful in that respective instance. Another thing that comes
to mind when thinking of success, is business. Accomplished businessmen are viewed as
successful because of their skills that they put into establishing deals and becoming rich.
But most people dream about success without thinking of failure. We keep hearing about the
achievements of others without a mention of their failures.

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

Forgiveness means to let go of people's past mistakes and have a fresh start with them. After all,
we are human and we do tend to make mistakes quite a lot. We are far from perfect, as there are
times when we make mistakes and beg for forgiveness, but other times when someone makes a
mistake and we do not even try to forgive them and vice versa.

There are times when someone makes a mistake so huge that you may want to cast revenge
upon them. In most cases, the best revenge is forgiveness, especially for small, unintentional
wrongdoings. Sure, there are moments when we get hot-headed over small things, but in the end
we need to overcome our anger and judge accordingly. It is not worth hating someone for
unimportant stuff, because in the long run, you're doing yourself more harm.

Not forgiving someone can lead to disaster sometimes. You could ruin friendships, marriages,
relationships or even careers by holding on to grief. Let's say that a friend of yours commits the
mistake of making a blunder about yourself...

“Honesty may not get you a lot of friends, but it will get you the right ones.”
When I think about honesty, I think about the rare virtues that can be found in humans. We all
lie from time to time for a variety of different reasons. You might lie in order to protect a loved
one from a painful truth, to comfort them. You might lie in order to get yourself out of trouble.
There can be many reasons, but most of the times, lies do more harm than good.
A rather touching quote from one of my favorite cyberpunk video games, Deus Ex, comes to
mind: “A forgotten virtue such as honesty is worth at least 20 credits”. Only one phrase, yet it's
so impactful. All of us have been affected by someone else's lies. It might so happen that we
ourselves have negatively affected someone else.
Being honest to someone is a sign of respect. The incapability of lying to someone shows that
you care...

At some stage in your life it's inevitable to think about the future of your career. Many
people have trouble finding something that they like doing, that also earns them enough money.
Don't be worried if you are one of those people, because we have all been there at some point in
our life. Instead of worrying, try exploring different options and see what best fits you.

One easy way to seek help regarding your career option is to take quizzes online. But not one of
those basic quizzes. I'm talking about the complicated ones, the ones that actually take time to
complete. Those are pretty good at asking the right questions and even making you question
yourself and your own abilities and likes. Suffice to say that once you start completing this sort
of task you will be more open to exploring different options.
Another option that takes more time, yet yields more efficient results is to seek career
counselling. If you are a student, chances are high that there's a department specialized in this
domain. Be sure to check this out, because it will help you in the long run...

Essay about hobbies

Hobbies are activities done regularly during a person's leisure time for pleasure. They can range
from a wide variety of pastimes based on a certain individual's interests. Hobbies can
dramatically improve one's personality and character traits. Through them we can discover
talents and abilities that would otherwise be hidden from us. For instance, if you're hobby is
sports, then you will inevitably get better and better, thus giving you an extra physical advantage
over others.

My personal hobbies include video games, reading books and listening to music. But how do
these types of hobbies help a person, you may ask? Well, video games are a known way to
improve one's reflexes and hand-to-eye coordination. Reading books gives me new information
and inspires my imagination. Listening to music soothes my stress and gives me good feelings.

So, what are your hobbies? Perhaps you enjoy going for a walk in the woods. Or maybe you try
to relax yourself while gardening. If you think that you don't know what suits you exactly, try...

Essay about free time

“Free time is a terrible thing to waste. Read a book.”
Time is a valuable resource, so making sure we use it efficiently should be the top priority for
anyone. Organizing our school tasks, duties and work time is essential so that we can have
enough leisure in order to engage in activities that we enjoy. Yes, finding time to loosen up and
calm your nerves is just as important as finding time to be productive.

During my free time I enjoy engaging in my favourite hobbies: reading books, playing video
games, going out with friends and listening to music. This may seem like wasting time, but in
actuality, it helps me a lot. Reading helps me gather new information and delve into different
worlds using my imagination, playing video games helps my hand-eye coordination, logical
thinking and reflexes, while going out with friends can present a whole lot more opportunities,
such as meeting new people, making memories that will be forever cherished and letting off
some steam after a hard day.

Essay about Christmas

Christmas is a time of celebration for children and Christians alike. At its origin, the holiday is
about the birth of Jesus Christ, but it has garnered a few more traditions since then. What's the
first thing that comes to your mind when you think about Christmas? Your answer will be
“presents”, most likely.

Who could forget the childhood Christmas mornings? Who could forget being excited on
Christmas Eve about Santa Claus's arrival? What child wouldn't have wanted to go out caroling
with his friends during those days? The sense of wonder, that tender innocence, the playful joy,
that is how I would describe that time period during childhood years.

So, how exactly do people celebrate Christmas? Well, there are a few key elements to this
holiday, apart from the birth of Jesus or the coming of Santa Claus. The first thing that comes to
mind is presents. It's not just Saint Nick who delivers presents. People also have the custom of
gifting each other something, be it symbolical or something with financial value. Also, what
would be Christmas without the good old carols? Listening to songs related to this holiday is a
huge part of its charm. Who hasn't heard “Jingle Bells” or “Silent Night” and instantly fell in love
with them?.

Friends are the closest thing to having a family apart from your relatives. There are many
valuable things in life, but choosing the right people to associate with may be one of the most
important. From the moment we start walking and talking we choose our friends. Needless to
say, sometimes our choices turn out to be awful, but when our choices are the right ones, the
rewards can be phenomenal.

I joyfully remember my childhood friends. Being young, we didn't care about much in life, we
just played all day long. We didn't have cell phones yet at that age, so in order to meet up we
actually had to walk all the day to one another's house and knock on the door. Being kids, we
also didn't care about the teenage drama that occurs in our life now. With that said, I found
myself making friends differently in the past few years.

First off, buddies are no longer that simple to make. Even the ones that turn out to be
trustworthy and supportive first go through multiple stages before I can truly consider them
friends. The first stage is getting acquainted...

It goes without saying that in order to have a healthy body a person needs to steadily balance
their meals. Of course, physical exercise is just as important, but you risk exercising for nothing
if your diet isn't balanced accordingly. You have to know what things you can eat and what
amount of it you can eat, depending on what you're striving to achieve, be it maintaining your
body's health, losing weight or gaining weight.

Healthy nutrition usually consists of eating healthy and balanced from all the basic food
groups; which consists of the dairy group, poultry group, fruit group, vegetable group and a little
from the fats, oils, and sweets groups. But what exactly does “balanced” mean in this context?
That depends on your body type and digestive capability. A slow metabolism might make you
gain weight from an otherwise “balanced” diet. I may not be an expert in this subject matter, but
we all know the basic stuff: do not eat too many sugars and fats, stay low on carbs and try to eat
things that are high in protein, vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances.

Keeping track of the amount of calories and fats is even more important if your ultimate goal is
to achieve weight loss. Fortunately, your nutritionist or doctor might have lists with how many
of these substances each food contains, or...
*Most people already know Martin Luther King's famous speech “I have a dream”, in which he
described a world where racism would be abolished and every person, no matter what skin
colour, would live alongside one another in peace. Although that dream hasn't fully developed,
we are way above how racist issues were treated in the last century.

Just like his dream, our dreams take hard work, patience and time in order to be achieved. I do
believe that our dreams are worth fighting for, especially if they make us happy and the world a
better place. In a sense, our dreams define us as persons, they are the essence of what we want
to achieve. Who we are is only a stepping stone to what who can become. There are numerous
things that we may want to change in this world, or in our community. What is important is to
keep focus and never lose hope. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day.

There are many examples of people who achieved their dreams. Celebrities, for instance, always
tell stories about how they were just regular people like us and how they came to make their
dreams come true. Some stories involve a lot of luck, while others will tell you that talent and
hard work are required. I think a combination of those two is ideal in achieving our goals...

Essay about computers

Computers have become everyday objects for most people on the planet. We use them daily for a
variety of different tasks and entertainment. Arguably, smartphones are starting to catch on to
some of these everyday tasks, such as watching videos, reading and sending emails, playing
casual games or going on social media.

But the computer is still unbeatable when it comes to more advanced tasks. Editing photos and
videos, coding, managing files more efficiently or running several different programs for all
sorts of other tasks that are simply not optimized for mobile devices.

The advantages of using a computer are numerous. If you are reading an essay on your
computer screen, you could easily print it. Or, when you're writing an essay, you can avoid
mistakes more easily by using the “backspace” and “delete” keys, rather than jotting out
mistakes as you would on a regular paper. Let's not forget the fact that you can choose the size,
font and style of the text, whereas on regular paper you are limited by your own handwriting,
which is a pain for people who have bad handwriting skills. Also, typing on a real keyboard is
way more accurate and time-saving than typing on a touchscreen...

*Immigration represents one of the biggest issues in the US today. The country has been
moulded by immigrants ever since its inception, but the times and the context of immigration
have changed a lot since the beginning.

Some Americans believe that immigrants should be welcome inside the country, no matter their
legal status, while others are frightened at the sight of what happened in Europe since mass
immigration started. Some might consider the need of a passport or green card as oppressive,
while others view it as a means of keeping the nation secured. Having a few immigrants here
and there, who are registered and come to the US for work isn't a big deal, but massive
immigration can represent a huge problem, as most of the illegal immigrants come for welfare
checks, which are paid for by the citizens of the United States.

Furthermore, illegal immigration also represents a huge cost for the American people, simply
because whenever the government detects an undocumented person and deports them, they do
it by using public money, AKA the money gathered from taxes paid by citizens.

Essay about high school

High school is regarded by many as the most beautiful period of a student's life. Though that
may be subjective depending on each individual's experience, it is hard to disprove such an
opinion. Some might say that university is the best, but the time period that comes before it is
no slouch either.

The early transition from childhood to adolescence begins when high school starts. You start
noticing a lot of changes all around you. You are no longer regarded as a child, but as a young
adult, thus people are starting to take you slightly more seriously. You begin to feel butterflies in
your stomach, the first sign of love. You will encounter all sorts of people and you will notice
that the kids you grew up with are also starting to change, some for the better, others for the

Slowly, the whole world around you starts to change. Your first worries will settle in, as you try
to integrate into as many groups as possible and as you meet your new teachers and your new
learning program. New school subjects will be introduced to you, some of them to your liking,
while others not so much. You finally start understanding economics, psychology, logic,
philosophy and sociology, which were unfamiliar subjects up to this point. A new life begins, a
new journey starts.

In this fragile transition period, ...

When thinking about your hometown, you think about the place where you grew up. Although
a lot of us migrate to the big cities to go to a more prestigious high school or college, we never
forget the place that forged us, the place that laid the foundation of our personalities and traits,
the place where we used to stay when we were children – our hometown.

My hometown is a small, quiet and peaceful town called Rovinari, which is located in southwest
Romania. The town is so small that basically all the people are acquaintances. Back when I was a
kid, me, my classmates and my friends jokingly called it a village with apartment buildings
because of the town's size and commonality. Although lacking in career opportunities, I consider
it the perfect place for adults to raise their children, simply because it offers kids the
convenience of always feeling safe and socializing easily due to the small community mentality.
It may not be the perfect place to grow up as a teenager and young adult, but as a child, I don't
think many other options can beat it...

Goals represent our hopes and dreams. We establish goals in our life almost on a daily basis
without even realizing it. Some goals might be smaller and easier to achieve, while others may
take a lifetime of work. You may have heard of the yearly tradition of setting certain objectives
on New Year's Eve. Those are things that people intend to do in the year to follow in order to
become a better person.

Your objectives can vary into all sorts of things, no matter how small or big your dreams are.
Maybe you want to learn a different language, quit a bad habit, be more active, open your own
business, write a book, etc. What can truly make a difference is how you pursue these targets.
Don't just stand there and wait for a miracle, instead fight for what you want and don't give up.
Sure, it's easier said than done, but if you truly want something, you must earn it.

It's hard describing the effort you need to put into certain tasks that help you achieve your goals
without giving an example from someone else's struggles...

It is widely known that humans and other animals need food and nutrients in order to survive.
However, not every type of food is healthy, especially in large doses. Even healthy foods can
have certain side effects if consumed in huge quantities. Just imagine how bad junk food is in
that regard.

Eating food is the equivalent of refuelling your car's gas tank. We need it in order to operate at
our best during the day, but just like how you have to be careful what type of fuel you put in your
car, you also have to be careful what type of food you put in your body. Keep in mind that eating
junk food from time to time isn't necessarily bad if you calculate your calories, fats and sugars
correctly, but eating it on a daily or almost daily basis can have several negative effects.

For instance, because of all the fats inside cooking oil and fries, your arteries could get clogged
up, thus forcing your heart to work harder in order to make blood circulate through your veins
normally. This is an especially risky issue because it increases the risk of heart disease, failure or
cardiac arrest. Sure, you can eliminate fats and calories through vigorous exercise, however, the
more you have, the more you need to work harder in order to cleanse your body from it all...

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