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P ATHWAYS OF THE P ULP Questions And Answers

Dr. Steven Cohen Prepared by: Dr. Najeeb Khayyat

Question: 1. Which of the following conditions is most likely to be interpreted as
toothache by a patient?
A) Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction
B) Inflammation of the parotid gland
C) Acute angina pectoris
D) Maxillary sinusitis
Explanation: Refer to page 6
E) Otitis media

Question: 2. Areas of rarefaction are evident on radiographic examination

in which of the following situations
A) When the tooth is responsive to cold
B) When the tooth is responsive to percussion
Explanation: Refer to page 22
C) When a tooth fracture has been identified
D) When the cortical layer of bone has been eroded

Question: 3. Swelling on the anterior palate usually is associated with an

abscess originating from a (an)
A) Central incisor
B) Lateral incisor
Explanation: Refer to pages 12-13
C) Canine
D) Nasopalatine duct
E) Incisive canal

Question: 4. The pulp test most likely to have a delayed response is the
A) refrigerant spray
B) test cavity
C) electric pulp test
D) heat test
Explanation: Refer to page 17
E) ice water test

Question: 5. A medical history of coronary heart disease is significant for

which of the following reasons
A) It contraindicates endodontic treatment.
B) Many heart medications affect dental treatment.
Explanation: Refer to page 26
C) It indicates the need for premedication with antibiotics.
D) It contraindicates use of a local anesthetic with epinephrine.

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P ATHWAYS OF THE P ULP Questions And Answers
Dr. Steven Cohen Prepared by: Dr. Najeeb Khayyat

Question: 6. The best approach for diagnosis of odontogenic pain is which of the
A) Radiographic examination
B) Percussion
Explanation: Refer to page 15
C) Visual examination
D) A step-by-step, sequenced examination and testing approach

Question: 7. Which of the following is most likely to cause referred pain

A) Irreversible pulpitis
Explanation: Refer to page 33
B) Reversible pulpitis
C) Acute periradicular periodontitis
D) Chronic periradicular abscess

Question: 8. Which one of the following statements is false

A) A fistula is synonymous with a sinus tract.
Explanation: Refer to page 14
B) The opening of a sinus tract is called a stoma.
C) Most sinus tracts are not completely lined with epithelium.
D) The source of an odontogenic infection may be identified by threading a 25 gutta
percha cone through the opening of a sinus tract until it meets resistance.

Question: 9. Which of the following statements about a test cavity is accurate

A) It is the first test in diagnostic sequence.
B) It often results in a dull pain response.
C) It is used when all other pulp test findings are equivocal.
Explanation: Refer to page 21
D) It should be performed using local anesthetic.

Question: 10. Percussion of a tooth is a test for which of the following

A) Pulpal inflammation
B) Pulpal necrosis
C) Acute periradicular inflammation
Explanation: Refer to page 15
D) Chronic periradicular inflammation

Question: 11. Comparison of the diagnostic quality of digital radiographs to

conventional radiographs shows that
A) Digital is superior.
B) Conventional is superior.
C) In general, the two are comparable.
Explanation: Refer to page 23
D) The data are conflicting and therefore inconclusive.

Question: 12. Radiographically, which of the following statements about an acute

periradicular abscess is most accurate
A) It generally is larger than other lesions.
B) It has more diffuse margins than other lesions.

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Dr. Steven Cohen Prepared by: Dr. Najeeb Khayyat

C) It often contains radiopacities (i.e., calcification).

D) It may not be evident radiographically.
Explanation: Refer to page 37

Question: 13. Which one of the following statements is false

A) The electric pulp test (EPT) should not be conducted unless the probe can be
placed directly or indirectly in contact with natural tooth structures.
B) The EPT provides useful information on the histologic status of the pulp tissue.
Explanation: Refer to page 18
C) The EPT will yield the most accurate response when the probe is placed on the
incisal third of anterior teeth.
D) Cold tests are more reliable than EPT testing, especially in younger children with
immature apices.

Question: 14. An acute periradicular abscess is best differentiated from acute

periradicular periodontitis by which of the following
A) Pulp testing
B) Radiographic appearance
C) Presence of swelling
Explanation: Refer to pages 36 and 37
D) Degree of mobility

Question: 15. Laser Doppler flowmetry is a technique for measuring

A) Movement of red blood cells
Explanation: Refer to page 20
B) Levels of inflammation in periradicular bone
C) Levels of inflammation in pulp
D) Sensory nerve activity in pulp
E) Sensory nerve activity in dentin

Question: 16. Which one of the following statements is false

A) Pulse oximetry involves photoelectric detection of oxygenated hemoglobin.
B) Laser Doppler Flowmetry involves assessing blood flow in microvascular systems.
C) The Test Cavity is a commonly used test to confirm pulp vitality on crowned
Explanation: Refer to page 21
D) The diagnostic quality of digital radiography is comparable to conventional film-
based radiographs.

Question: 17. The treatment for craze lines is

A) Remove the craze lines with burs and restore with a bonded restoration.
B) Place a conventional Class II restoration and restore with amalgam or composite.
C) Restore with a temporary crown.
D) Restore with a temporary crown and monitor for symptoms.
E) No treatment is necessary.
Explanation: Refer to page 24

Question: 18. Pain in the preauricular region that is referred is most likely from
which tooth group with what diagnosis

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Dr. Steven Cohen Prepared by: Dr. Najeeb Khayyat

A) Mandibular molars with acute periradicular periodontitis

B) Mandibular molars with irreversible pulpitis
Explanation: Refer to page 33
C) Maxillary molars with acute periradicular periodontitis
D) Maxillary molars with irreversible pulpitis

Question: 19. The patient in the figure above is asymptomatic. Tooth 30 responds to
electric pulp testing (EPT) but not to cold. What course of action
should be taken
A) Proceed with root canal treatment; EPT produced a false-positive response.
B) Make a test cavity.
Explanation: Refer to page 21
C) No additional tests and no treatment are needed; monitor upon recall.
D) Perform an excisional biopsy.


Question: 1. Which of the following statements about the degree of pulp pathosis is
A) It can be determined by the level of pain a patient experiences.
B) It can be related to the level of response of the electrical pulp tester.
C) It can be correlated best when a diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis is established.
Explanation: Refer to page 46
D) It does not correlate well with the level of pain a patient perceives.

Question: 2. Which of the following is a key measure of the degree (intensity) of

A) Painful stimulus with cold
B) Painful stimulus with heat
C) Painful stimulus on biting
D) Increasing pain
E) Pain that affects the patients lifestyle
Explanation: Refer to page 44

Question: 3. In a true endodontic emergency, if the patient cannot localize the pain
A) More than one tooth is likely to be involved.
B) The patient should be dismissed with instructions to return when the pain
C) Pulp tests will be of little benefit.
D) Only one tooth likely is responsible.
Explanation: Refer to page 41

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Dr. Steven Cohen Prepared by: Dr. Najeeb Khayyat

E) Treatment should be started on more than one tooth.

Question: 4. A painful irreversible pulpitis on a mandibular molar may not have

profound anesthesia when the access is initiated. Which of the following may
contribute to poor anesthesia
A) low tissue pH
B) alterations in sodium channels
C) inflammatory mediator actions
D) all of the above
Explanation: Refer to page 49

Question: 5. When a dental emergency is treated, a complete medical history is

essential to
A) Identify patients with conditions that may contraindicate root canal treatment
B) Determine conditions that might require modifications in the approach to
Explanation: Refer to page 41
C) Protect the health care team from possible blood-borne pathogens and other
infectious diseases the patient may have
D) Ensure medical-legal protection and determine whether the patients medical
status will affect the prognosis for root canal treatment
E) All of the above

Question: 6. Which of the following is true when a patient complains of severe pain
that cannot be localized
A) The pain is most likely periradicular in origin and likely to persist even when the
necrotic pulp is removed.
B) Treatment procedures should be delayed and the condition managed with
analgesic medications.
Explanation: Refer to page 41
C) The cause is most likely nonodontogenic in origin.
D) Selective administration of a local anesthetic can lead to a definitive diagnosis.
E) The pulp of more than one tooth is involved, and the pathoses produces a
synergistic hyperalgesia response in the central nervous system (CNS).

Question: 7. A patient complains of pain on biting and of sensitivity to cold in the

maxillary left posterior quadrant that subsides within seconds of
removal of the stimulus. Clinical examination reveals that teeth 2 and 3
have occlusal amalgams. Which of the following tests or actions are
most appropriate based on the chief complaint
A) Periapical radiographs of the posterior teeth
B) Examination using transillumination
Explanation: Refer to page 53
C) Electrical pulp testing
D) Percussion and palpation testing

Question: 8. Administration of antibiotics is contraindicated in irreversible pulpitis

because they
A) Are ineffective
Explanation: Refer to page 51

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B) Allow superbugs to mutate in the pulp

C) Mask the symptoms but do not resolve the problem
D) Suppress the immune system

Question: 9. In an emergency, a general practitioner should consider referring a

patient to an endodontist under what circumstance
A) Previous endodontic treatment
Explanation: Refer to page 55
B) Localized swelling
C) Irreversible pulpitis in a second molar
D) Acute apical abscess with a lesion that extends over adjacent teeth

Question: 10. A patient describes pain on chewing and sensitivity to cold that goes
away immediately with removal of the stimulus. The mandibular left
second molar (tooth 18) shows a mesioocclusal (MO) crack. The tooth
is caries free, and no restorations are present. Periodontal probing
depths are 3mm or less. Which of the following statements is correct
A) The pulpal diagnosis is normal pulp, and the tooth should be prepared and
restored with a MO-bonded amalgam.
B) The pulpal diagnosis is reversible pulpitis, and the tooth should be restored with a
Explanation: Refer to page 50
C) The pulpal diagnosis is irreversible pulpitis, and root canal treatment should be
performed, a bonded amalgam placed, and a crown fabricated.
D) A radiograph will probably will reveal a radiolucent area associated with the
mesial root.
E) The prognosis for the tooth is unfavorable.

Question: 11. Treatment of severe, throbbing pain associated with irreversible

pulpitis of the maxillary left first molar (tooth 14) is best managed by
A) Pulpotomy
B) Partial pulpectomy
C) Pulpectomy
Explanation: Refer to page 51
D) Analgesic agents
E) Analgesic and antibiotic agents

Question: 12. Which of the following statements is accurate with regard to leaving a
tooth open for drainage in cases of irreversible pulpitis
A) It is the recommended method of managing an emergency patient.
B) It may adversely affect the outcome of treatment.
Explanation: Refer to page 52
C) It is appropriate if antibiotic therapy is also started.
D) It should be considered in addition to soft tissue incision and drainage.

Question: 13. With an acute apical abscess, administration of antibiotics is indicated

A) Primarily only when diffuse swelling is present
Explanation: Refer to page 52
B) When swelling to any degree (localized or diffuse) is present
C) Two to 3 days before treatment of the tooth is started
D) Only if purulent drainage from an incision is noted

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Dr. Steven Cohen Prepared by: Dr. Najeeb Khayyat

Question: 14. A patient requires emergency treatment of a fluctuant swelling over

the facial alveolar process of the maxillary left lateral incisor (tooth
10). Which of the following statements is correct about performing
incision and drainage
A) The incision should not go directly to bone.
B) The incision should be made horizontally in the attached gingiva at the base of
the swelling.
C) If drainage occurs with the initial incision, blunt dissection is not necessary.
D) The incision should be made at the site of greatest fluctuance.
Explanation: Refer to page 52

Question: 15. Incision for drainage of an indurated swelling

A) Should be delayed until the swelling becomes fluctuant
B) Can reduce pain caused by tissue distention
Explanation: Refer to page 52
C) Usually releases a purulent exudate for culture and sensitivity testing
D) Is not indicated, because antibiotic treatment will resolve the lesion

Question: 16. Of the following intracanal medicaments, which is most effective at

controlling pain after treatment of necrotic pulpacute apical abscess
A) Formocresol
B) Eugenol
C) Camphorated monochlorophenol
D) Calcium hydroxide
E) None of these medicaments control pain.
Explanation: Refer to page 51

Question: 17. For which of the following reasons is apical trephination through the
faciobuccal cortical plate advocated
A) To release exudate when the lesion is close to perforating the cortical bone
Explanation: Refer to page 52
B) As a routine procedure to relieve pain when the affected tooth has been obturated
C) As a treatment for severe recalcitrant pain
D) To prevent a flare-up between multiple-visit endodontic procedures

Question: 18. A 22-year-old man requires root canal treatment for pain and swelling
in the mandibular anterior area. He notes that his dentist has been
treating teeth 25 and 26 for several months and that swelling has
occurred after each visit for cleaning and shaping. Clinical
examination reveals swelling on the alveolar process in the area of
the incisor teeth. Teeth 25 and 26 are tender to palpation and
percussion. Which of the following actions should the clinician
should take
A) Perform diagnostic tests on the other incisors
Explanation: Refer to page 41
B) Open teeth 25 and 26, debride them, and place calcium hydroxide as an
antimicrobial intracanal medicament
C) Open teeth 25 and 26, debride them, and perform incision and drainage
D) Open teeth 25 and 26, debride them, and leave the teeth open for drainage

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E) Perform incision and drainage and prescribe an antibiotic for supportive care

Question: 19. A cusp fractures in a noncarious, nonrestored premolar such that

dentin is exposed. When the exposed dentin comes in contact with cold fluids, the
patient experiences brief, sharp pain. This pulp status is likely which of the following
A) Normal and uninflamed
B) Reversibly inflamed
Explanation: Refer to page 50
C) Irreversibly inflamed
D) Innervated only by A-delta fibers

Question: 20. Which of the following is the primary pharmacologic effect of

nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
A) Antimicrobial effect
B) Analgesic effect
Explanation: Refer to page 53
C) Antiinflammatory effect
D) Reduction of swelling
E) Prevention of the spread of infection


Question: 1. Which of the following is an example of a deep somatic structure

A) Mucosa
B) Gingiva
C) Musculoskeletal structure
Explanation: Refer to page 60
D) Skin

Question: 2. All of the following statements about A-beta fibers are correct except
one. Which is the exception
A) A-beta fibers are activated by high-intensity stimulation with low-frequency
output to the central nervous system.
B) Activation is interpreted as painless stimulation or prepain.
C) A-beta fibers can undergo phenotypic changes as a result of inflammatory
D) A-beta fibers are primary efferent neurons located in the periodontal ligament
that transmit proprioception.
Explanation: Refer to pages 60/61

Question: 3. A-delta fibers differ from C fibers in that the A-delta fibers
A) Respond to inflammatory mediators
B) Are sensitized by inflammation
C) Respond to fluid movement
Explanation: Refer to page 61
D) Do not innervate dentin but have nerve endings in the plexus of Raschkow
E) Are polymodal myelinated fibers with cell bodies in the superior cervical ganglion

Question: 4. Projection neurons

A) Are excited only by primary nociceptors
B) May synapse with many primary afferent neurons

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Explanation: Refer to page 61

C) Receive input from superficial and deep structures. with the deep structures
D) Cross to the contralateral side and descend from the cerebral cortex to the
E) Provide sympathetic innervation of the pulp through the stellate ganglion

Question: 5. Second-order (projection) neurons

A) Consist of cell bodies in the trigeminal ganglion that transmit impulses to the
B) Are divided into low-threshold mechanoreceptors, nociceptor-specific, and wide
dynamic range neurons
Explanation: Refer to page 61
C) Are defined as local circuit neurons that exert descending control
D) Release serotonin or epinephrine (or both) to inhibit parasympathetic fibers
E) Originate in the superior cervical ganglion

Question: 6. Central sensitization after tissue injury

A) Results in secondary hyperalgesia and referred pain
Explanation: Refer to page 63
B) Is a lowered pain threshold of peripheral nerves
C) Is the direct result of the release of inflammatory mediators
D) Raises the pain threshold as a protective mechanism and is a form of pain
E) All of the above

Question: 7. All of the following statements about the trigeminal nucleus are correct
except one. Which is the exception
A) It anatomically and functionally resembles the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.
B) It contains central terminals of afferents, local circuit neurons, projection neurons,
and descending neurons.
C) A-delta fibers and C fibers terminate primarily in the outer laminae of the
subnucleus caudalis.
D) Local circuit neurons modulate nociceptive transmission from the primary
afferents to projection neurons.
E) Descending neurons originate in the subnucleus caudalis and release serotonin,
which inhibits projection neurons.
Explanation: Refer to page 61

Question: 8. Which of the following best describes heterotopic pain

A) It is felt in an area other than its true source.
Explanation: Refer to page 64
B) It occurs in a specific structure after actual tissue injury and inflammation.
C) It results from vascular changes and decreased circulation to a tissue.
D) An example is stimulation of mechanoreceptors in the periodontal ligament.
E) It is myofascial pain.

Question: 9. Myalgic pain in the muscles of mastication often may be best

diagnosed by
A) Identifying trigger point foci in the affected muscle
Explanation: Refer to page 66

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B) Ruling out endodontic etiologies

C) Determining whether occlusal equilibration would relieve the pain
D) Having the patient lie on the back; if the pain subsides, it likely is myalgia

Question: 10. Acute maxillary sinusitis often

A) Causes referred pain to a single tooth
B) Causes referred pain to the orbit and maxillary posterior teeth
Explanation: Refer to page 67
C) Is exacerbated by cold testing
D) Causes swelling in the maxillary posterior vestibule

Question: 11. Cluster headaches

A) Unlike migraine headaches can be prevented or aborted with sumstriptan or
B) Occur more often in women when compared to paroxysmal hemicrania
C) Are characterized as unilateral orbital, supraorbital, or temporal pain
Explanation: Refer to page 67
D) Respond favorably to indomethacin (re-mission of symptoms with this drug is
E) Frequently produce nausea or vomiting (or both), photophobia, or phonophobia

Question: 12. Which of the following statements about trigeminal neuralgia is

A) This diagnosis in a patient under 40 years of age is an indication the patient
should be screened for multiple sclerosis.
Explanation: Refer to page 68
B) Trigger zones have sensory deficits, such as dysesthesia.
C) Treatment with antiinflammatory agents is beneficial.
D) Carbamazepine, although helpful in some cases, requires 1 to 2 weeks to take
E) Unlike with odontogenic pain, local anesthetics are ineffective at reducing

Question: 13. Which of the following statements about a neuroma is correct

A) Tinels sign is absent.
B) It results from inflammation of a nerve or infection with a virus.
C) Pain is constant and is characterized as a constant burning sensation.
D) A zone of anesthesia exists peripheral to the area of the neuroma.
Explanation: Refer to page 68
E) Treatment is palliative and involves administration of corticosteroids.

Question: 14. All of the following are characteristics of central neuropathy except
one. Which is the exception
A) Allodynia and secondary hyperalgesia are present.
B) Treatment is directed at the central processing of pain.
C) Neural blockade breaks the pain cycle.
Explanation: Refer to page 70
D) Tricyclic antidepressants and opioids are beneficial.
E) Treatment is based on management and coping.

Question: 15. Phantom tooth (deafferentation) pain may

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Dr. Steven Cohen Prepared by: Dr. Najeeb Khayyat

A) Occur briefly after tooth extraction

B) Be simply a peripheral phenomenon
C) Occur for an extended period after pulp extirpation
Explanation: Refer to page 69
D) Be managed by analgesics

Question: 16. Pain syndromes that are not organically based generally are
characterized a
A) Short duration and sharp
B) Short duration and dull (aching)
C) Long duration and sharp
D) Long duration and dull (aching)
Explanation: Refer to page 72

Question: 17. A 50-year-old patient has a chief complaint of pain in the mandibular
left jaw. He says that the pain frequently occurs after his evening meal
and walk. Recent root canal treatment of the mandibular left central
and lateral incisors by his dentist did not relieve the pain. The most
likely etiologic basis for the pain in this case is
A) Odontalgia
B) Trigeminal neuralgia
C) Cardiogenesis
Explanation: Refer to pages 70/71
D) Cluster headaches

Question: 18. All of the following statements about trigeminal neuralgia are correct
except one. Which is the exception
A) The onset occurs in midlife and is unilateral in location.
B) The pain occurs unilaterally but often involves more than one division of the
trigeminal nerve.
Explanation: Refer to page 68
C) The pain is characteristically sharp, lasts for several hours, and is induced by a
trigger point.
D) The pain may mimic pain of pulpal origin in that thermal sensitivity and tingling
often are experienced just before an attack.


Question: 1. With regard to endodontic therapy, what factor arises if the patient in
the figure above is diabetic that does not obtain if the patient is not
A) The patient is more likely to have a flare-up.
B) Treatment usually should include root-end surgery.

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C) Prophylactic antibiotics generally should be prescribed to prevent infection.

D) The chance of success is diminished.
Explanation: Refer to page 85
Question: 2. Antibiotic prophylaxis is suggested for patients with a history of which
of the following
A) Coronary bypass surgery
B) Atrial fibrillation
C) Artificial heart valve replacement
Explanation: Refer to page 83
D) Myocardial infarction
E) Rheumatic fever

Question: 3. Elective endodontic treatment is contraindicated in which of the

following situations
A) Patient is a borderline diabetic.
B) Patient has had a heart attack within the past 6 months.
Explanation: Refer to page 82
C) Patient has had numerous opportunistic infections secondary to infection with the
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
D) Patient has an implanted pacemaker.

Question: 4. Which of the following describes the preferred management of internal

A) It is untreatable.
B) It requires surgical treatment.
C) It requires antimicrobial intracanal medication.
Explanation: Refer to page 89
D) It usually requires root canal treatment.

Question: 5. Patients who are HIV positive

A) Cannot transmit the virus through a needle stick
B) Are best treated in a hospital environment
C) Do not have a higher risk of postoperative pain
Explanation: Refer to page 84
D) Have been shown to heal less predictably after endodontic therapy

Question: 6. Which of the following statements about one-appointment root canal

treatment on teeth with vital pulps is accurate
A) It is best performed in association with trephination or root-end surgery.
B) It may predispose the patient to postoperative flare-ups.
C) It is just as successful as multiple-appointment root canal treatment.
Explanation: Refer to page 95
D) All of the above

Question: 7. For a surgical procedure in patients undergoing anticoagulation

therapy, the dosage generally should be
A) Increased (possibly doubled)
B) Decreased (approximately halved)
C) Discontinued 2 days before the surgery and resumed immediately afterward
D) Left unchanged
Explanation: Refer to page 86

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Question: 8. Endodontic treatment is contraindicated in which of these situations

A) The patient has no motivation to maintain the tooth.
Explanation: Refer to page 86
B) The canal appears to be calcified.
C) A large periapical lesion is present.
D) The tooth needs periodontal crown lengthening before restoration.

Question: 9. The safest period to provide dental care during pregnancy is which
A) First
B) Second and third
C) Fourth to sixth
Explanation: Refer to page 82
D) Seventh and eighth
E) No period during pregnancy is safe.

Question: 10. Which of the following is a preoperative finding that predisposes to a

less optimistic prognosis (i.e., lower success rate)
A) Tooth is in hyperocclusion.
B) Pulp is vital.
C) Pulp is necrotic, but no periradicular lesion is present.
D) Pulp is necrotic, and a periradicular lesion is present.
Explanation: Refer to page 86
E) Patient is an elderly individual.


Question: 1. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is
A) More easily transmitted than hepatitis B
B) More fragile than the hepatitis B virus
Explanation: Refer to page 98
C) A good model for infection control practices

Question: 2. The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

A) Were established to protect the dentist
B) Require that employees be offered the HIV vaccine
C) Include engineering and work practice controls
Explanation: Refer to page 98
D) Do not impose financial penalties

Question: 3. Informed consent to endodontic therapy

A) Must be freely given
B) Includes the prognosis for the recommended treatment and also alternative
C) Includes the opportunity to ask questions
D) Includes all of the above
Explanation: Refer to page 105

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Question: 4. Radiation exposure from a single full mouth survey

A) Is half that of a single chest radiograph
B) Is less than 1 of a barium study of the intestines
Explanation: Refer to page 106
C) Would be sufficient to cause skin cancer if all exposures occurred at one site

Question: 5. Which of the following is recommended by the guidelines for infection

A) Prerinsing with 0.12 chlorhexidine
Explanation: Refer to page 100
B) Prerinsing with sterile water
C) Prerinsing with mouthwash before treatment

Question: 6. The recommended antibiotic for a patient who has had a total joint
replacement and who is allergic to penicillin or cephalosporin is
A) Amoxicillin
B) Erythromycin
C) Clindamycin
Explanation: Refer to page 107
D) Tetracycline

Question: 7. The long cone paralleling technique

A) Minimizes distortion of tooth dimension
Explanation: Refer to page 109
B) Minimizes superimposition of the infraorbital rim for maxillary molars
C) Requires that the radiographic film be placed directly on the tooth without
bending the film

Question: 8. Radiographic contrast can be directly affected by altering the

A) Milliamperage
B) Exposure time
C) Kilovoltage
Explanation: Refer to page 113
D) Angulation

Question: 9. Which of the following is an advantage of digitized radiography in

endodontic treatmen
A) The image quality is better for working length radiographs.
B) An x-raygenerating source is not required.
C) Radiation exposure is reduced
Explanation: Refer to page 119

Question: 10. In which of the following situations would the dentist not need to
place a rubber dam
A) The clamp impinges on the gingiva, causing discomfort.
B) The chamber or canal may be difficult to locate on access.
C) The tooth is rotated, preventing placement of a clamp on the indicated tooth.
D) None; a rubber dam is always placed.

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Explanation: Refer to page 120

Question: 11. To enhance crown preparation and retention when an infrabony

defect exists, crown lengthening is completed b
A) Electrosurgery
B) Gingivectomy
C) Laser surgery
D) Apically positioned flap
Explanation: Refer to page 133

Question: 12. Radiographic units should

A) Optimally be capable of using 70kVp
B) Have a pointed (cone) shape
C) Be collimated to reduce the radiation exposure level (not to exceed 7cm at the
skin surface)
Explanation: Refer to page 106
D) Have a filtration equivalent of 10mm of aluminum

Question: 13. Under the current guidelines of the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA), patients have the right(s) to
A) Request access to, inspect, and copy their dental record
B) Request a restriction on disclosures and uses
C) Request an amendment to the dental record
D) All of the above
Explanation: Refer to page 101

Question: 14. Which of the following statements about posttreatment pain is true
A) It is rare.
B) Severe postoperative pain is common after root canal treatment.
C) Postoperative pain should be treated with a narcotic.
D) In most cases postoperative pain should be treated with over-the-counter
Explanation: Refer to page 108

Question: 15. Which of the following is true about various types of radiographic film
A) D-speed film is faster than E-speed film.
B) E-speed film reduces radiation by approximately 50 compared with D-speed film.
Explanation: Refer to page 106
C) D-speed film reduces radiation by approximately 50 compared with E-speed film.
D) Film speed has no effect on the radiation dose.

Question: 16. Two radiographs are made in an attempt to visualize the location of
the mandibular canal in relation to the molar root apices. One
radiograph is made with no angulation, and the other is made with an
increased vertical angulation of 20 degrees. On the angled radiograph,
the mandibular canal appears to move away from the root apices of
the molar. Where is the canal located
A) Buccal to the root apices
Explanation: Refer to page 116
B) Lingual to the root apices

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Question: 17. Which of the following is not an advantage of digital radiograph

A) Reduced exposure time
B) Lower cost
Explanation: Refer to page 119
C) Elimination of film and processing chemicals
D) Rapid image display


Question: 1. By definition, disinfection is the killing of
A) All life forms
B) Only pathogens
C) All bacteria but not all viruses
D) Most life forms but not spores
Explanation: Refer to page 136
E) Selected pathogenic bacteria and all viruses

Question: 2. The biofilm that forms in dental water lines

A) Is rapidly removed by daily flushing of the lines
B) May partly originate in municipal water supplies
Explanation: Refer to page 142
C) Is not accurately identified by culturing
D) Cannot form if any movement of water occurs in the lines

Question: 3. Which of the following is a consideration in the sterilization of files

A) New files need not be sterilized; they are sterilized by the manufacturer.
B) Files predictably are sterilized by bead or salt sterilizers between patients.
C) Used files can be sterilized by dropping them into disinfectant after use.
D) Preferably, debris is not allowed to dry on files.
Explanation: Refer to page 145

Question: 4. Which of the following is the best way to clean dental instruments
before sterilization
A) Ultrasonic cleaning in a perforated basket
Explanation: Refer to page 145
B) Hand scrubbing using a brush and heavy rubber gloves
C) Rinsing under a forceful water spray
D) Soaking overnight in soapy water

Question: 5. Steam sterilization is achieved when the load has reached which of the
following temperature
A) 250 C (482 F) for 15 minutes
B) 250 F (121 C) for 10 minutes
C) 250 C (482 F) for 30 minutes
D) 250 F (121 C) for 30 minutes
Explanation: Refer to page 139

Question: 6. Which of the following is an advantage of a rapid-steam autoclave over

a traditional autoclave
A) Does not corrode steel instruments

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B) Safely sterilizes all types of materials

C) Does not require air drying of instruments at the end of the cycle
D) Has a shorter sterilization cycle
Explanation: Refer to page 139

Question: 7. Which of the following statement(s) accurately describes a chemical

vapor sterilizer
A) It uses a reusable chemical.
B) It requires adequate ventilation in the area where it is used.
Explanation: Refer to page 140
C) It achieves sterilization when heated to 270 F (132 C) at 20psi for 10 minutes.
D) It does not destroy heat-sensitive materials.

Question: 8. Which of the following is an approved method of reducing the number

of microorganisms in water output from dental units
A) Filters at the water source
B) Flushing the water line before attaching it to the handpiece or syringe
C) Retrograde (i.e., reverse) flushing of all water lines
D) Careful sterilization of water lines in handpieces and syringes between patients
Explanation: Refer to page 142
E) Installation of sterile water delivery systems

Question: 9. Gutta-percha is best sterilized by which of the following

A) Immersion in full-strength sodium hypochlorite
Explanation: Refer to page 144
B) Immersion in rubbing alcohol
C) Dry heat
D) Bead sterilizer

Question: 10. Contaminated droplets

A) Are not produced during endodontic procedures
B) Are produced only when accessing with a high-speed handpiece into an infected
C) Are reduced when a rubber dam is used
Explanation: Refer to page 144
D) Cannot pass into a mask wearers respiratory tract if the mask is sealed at the

Question: 11. Regulated medical waste in the dental office includes

A) Used gloves and items that can break the skin
B) Only needles, scalpel blades, and files
C) Any items that can break the skin
Explanation: Refer to page 145
D) Any items that have been in contact with saliva or blood (or both)

Question: 12. Prions, a cell surface glycoprotein,

A) Are not predictably sterilized by conventional techniques
Explanation: Refer to page 146
B) Are less likely to be found on stainless steel files than on the nickel-titanium type
C) Are eliminated by autoclaving at increased pressures at similar temperatures for
similar times as with conventional sterilization techniques

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D) Cannot be killed with any known chemical treatment


Question: 1. Which of the following statements about lateralaccessory canals is
A) When present, they are a source of collateral circulation for the dental pulp
B) They are formed by residual cells of Hertwigs epithelial root sheath.
C) Maxillary molars have the highest incidence of canals involving the pulp
chamber floor and the furcation surface.
D) A relationship exists between the occurrence of furcation canals and the
presence of calcification and pulp stones in the pulp chamber.
E) Approximately 75 are found in the apical one third of the root.
Explanation: Refer to page 151

Question: 2. A type II canal is defined as

A) A single canal with one portal of exit at the apex
B) Two canals in the chamber that join and have a common portal of exit at the
Explanation: Refer to page 154
C) Two canals in the chamber, each with a portal of exit at the apex
D) Two canals in the chamber that merge in the body of the root and divide short of
the apex to exit as two distinct canals
E) A single canal that divides in the root to exit as two distinct canals at the apex

Question: 3. The practitioner would consider all but one of the following factors
when evaluating the canal anatomy of the root canal system in a 26-
year-old woman who requires root canal treatment of the mandibular
right first premolar. Which is the exception
A) Age
Explanation: Refer to page 149
B) Gender
C) Ethnicity
D) Angled radiographs
E) Microscopy

Question: 4. When two canals are present in a single root and join
A) The buccal canal generally is the one with direct access to the apex.
Explanation: Refer to page 158
B) Both canals should be prepared to the apex.
C) Rotary nickel-titanium instrumentation is indicated to ensure that the proper
shape is developed.
D) The configuration is classified as type IV.

Question: 5. Which of the following statements about the apical anatomy is correct
A) The location of the apical constriction and the cementodentinal junction are the
same in approximately 75 of canals.
B) The cementodentinal junction is located at the apical foramen.

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C) The apical constriction usually is located 0.5 to 1.5mm short of the apical
Explanation: Refer to page 159
D) The apical foramen remains static after tooth eruption.
E) Regardless of the number of accessory canals present, a main apical foramen can
be identified.
Question: 6. Which of the following statements about the apical anatomy of the
maxillary anterior teeth is correct
A) The apical foramen coincides with the apex in approximately 85 of cases.
B) The apical constriction mesiodistal diameter generally exceeds the labiolingual
C) The labiolingual diameter of the apical constriction generally exceeds the
mesiodistal diameter.
Explanation: Refer to page 160
D) When the foramen deviates from the root apex, it usually does so in a
mesiolingual direction.
E) Accessory canals are a rare finding

Question: 7. Prognosis studies indicate that for teeth with pulp necrosis
A) The success rate was higher when root canal treatment terminated at or within
2mm of the radiographic apex.
Explanation: Refer to page 161
B) The success rate was higher when root canal treatment terminated at or within
3mm of the radiographic apex.
C) The success rate was highest with obturation at the radiographic apex or with
D) Root canal treatment should terminate at the cementodentinal junction.
E) Termination more than 3mm short of the radiographic apex carries a poorer
prognosis than that for extension of the obturation beyond the apical constriction.

Question: 8. Which of the following statements about assessment (gauging) of the

apical canal diameter is correct
A) Small hand files can accurately assess the diameter, because the canal
configuration in the apical portion is generally round.
B) The canal diameter generally is larger than the diameter of the instruments used
in gauging.
Explanation: Refer to page 162
C) Accuracy in the maxillary first molar is greatest in the main mesiobuccal canal.
D) Placing small instruments to the corrected working length until initial binding
occurs determines the maximum-size file to be used at that length.

Question: 9. All of the following statements about access openings in maxillary

central incisors are correct except one. Which is the exception
A) The access is triangular in young people but becomes oval in older individuals.
B) A lingual shoulder extends several millimeters apical to the orifice and restricts
cleaning of the canal.
C) Defective restorations should be removed before an opening into the pulp
chamber is made.
D) Access through an existing crown may be difficult because of the loss of
anatomic landmarks.
E) Ultrasonic tips should be used to open into the chamber after a round bur has

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been used to penetrate the enamel.

Explanation: Refer to page 172

Question: 10. All of the following statements about access openings in maxillary first
molars are correct except one. Which is the exception
A) The mesiobuccal canal is located mesial to the mesial cusp tip.
Explanation: Refer to page 179
B) The distal extension should be mesial to the oblique ridge.
C) Initial penetration into the chamber is accomplished toward the palatal canal
D) The canal orifices are always located at the junction of the chamber walls and
E) The orifices are located at the angles of the floor-wall junction.

Question: 11. All of the following statements about access openings in mandibular
molars are correct except one. Which is the exception
A) The orifices for all canals generally are found in the mesial two thirds of the
B) When two separate distal roots are present, the distolingual root is smaller and
often curves buccally.
C) A C-shaped canal is a variation of molars with fused roots.
D) The incidence of C-shaped canals is higher in Japanese, Chinese, Lebanese, and
Korean patients.
E) A middle mesial canal is present in less than 1 of cases.
Explanation: Refer to page 220

Question: 12. By varying the radiographic angle 20, canal morphology can be
correctly identified in each of the following tooth groups except one.
Which is the exception
A) Maxillary first premolars
B) Maxillary second premolars
C) Mandibular first premolars
D) Mandibular second premolars
Explanation: Refer to page 148

Question: 13. Which of the following statements about the fast break is correct
A) A radiographic fast break identifies 95 of canals that bifurcate.
B) One third of canals that bifurcate do not appear as fast breaks on the radiograph.
Explanation: Refer to page 149
C) A radiographic fast break indicates calcific metamorphosis.
D) The term fast break is used for roots with dilacerations greater than 60 degrees.

Question: 14. Which of the following statements about furcation canals in molars is
A) The presence of accessory canals correlates with the presence of pulp
B) Maxillary molars have the highest incidence of foramina involving the pulp
chamber floor and the furcation surface.
C) Radiographs frequently indicate the presence of furcation canals.
D) Pulp necrosis and the presence of furcation canals may account for primary
endodontic lesions.

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Explanation: Refer to page 151

Question: 15. Which of the following tooth groups may demonstrate all eight canal
A) Maxillary first premolars
B) Maxillary second premolars
Explanation: Refer to page 156
C) Maxillary first molars
D) Mandibular first premolars
E) Mandibular second premolars

Question: 16. Isthmi in the mesiobuccal root of maxillary molars

A) Are found most often in the apical 3 to 5mm
Explanation: Refer to page 152
B) Are located coronally near the orifice and extend apically for 3 to 5mm
C) Generally are complete, although partial isthmi can occur
D) Have a uniform morphologic shape resembling a ribbon

Question: 17. Which of the following burs is recommended for making an access
opening through an existing metal crown
A) Round carbide burs (sizes 2, 4, and 6)
B) Carbide fissure burs
C) Mueller burs
D) LN bur
E) Transmetal bur
Explanation: Refer to page 170

Question: 18. If straight-line access is not achieved upon placement of a small file to
the corrected working length in a mandibular incisor, the clinician
A) Extend the access to the incisal edge
B) Reevaluate the adequacy of lingual shoulder removal
Explanation: Refer to page 175
C) Use a facial access approach
D) Prebend the instruments during cleaning and shaping procedures

Question: 19. The starting point for access preparation of first mandibular premolars
A) Midway between the mesial and distal marginal ridges in the central groove
B) Near the buccal cusp tip because of the lingual constriction and inclination of the
C) Halfway up the incline plane of the buccal cusp
Explanation: Refer to page 216
D) Midway between the mesial and distal marginal ridges one third the distance up
the buccal incline plane

Question: 20. The cross sectional shape of the maxillary first premolar in the coronal
portion of the root at the cementoenamel junction
A) Demonstrates two separate roots
B) Resembles a kidney bean, with the concavity on the mesial surface
Explanation: Refer to page 199

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C) Has a broad mesiodistal dimension compared with the buccolingual dimension

D) Resembles a kidney bean, with the concavity on the distal surface

Question: 21. A maxillary central incisor with calcific metamorphosis requires

endodontic treatment. During access preparation, the canal is not
evident clinically, and the preparation is 4mm apical to the
cementoenamel junction. Which of the following statements about
treatment of this case is correct
A) The greatest risk of perforation is on the lingual surface as the preparation is
B) The canal will not be negotiated as calcification proceeds from the apical region
C) Removal of the rubber dam and exposing radiographs may help locate the canal.
Explanation: Refer to page 185
D) The access should be extended using an extended 4 round bur in the high-speed

Question: 22. A perforation during access preparation is more likely in which area
A) Maxillary premolar on the mesial aspect at the cementoenamel junction
Explanation: Refer to page 199
B) Mandibular molar on the distal aspect
C) Maxillary anterior on the lingual aspect
D) Mandibular anterior on the lingual aspect

Question: 23. In the figure above, the canal configuration in the access opening
most likely is from which of the following tooth groups
A) Maxillary central incisor
B) Maxillary first premolar
C) Maxillary first molar
D) Mandibular first premolar
E) Mandibular second molar
Explanation: Refer to page 157


Question: 1. Which of the following statements about pulp stimulation with cold is
A) It is best performed with an ice cold water bath.
Explanation: Refer to page 235
B) It is an accurate assessment of pulp vitality.
C) It directly stimulates the pain fibers in the pulp.
D) It is best determined with a blast of air.

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Question: 2. With regard to electrical pulp testing, which of the following is true
A) Positive responses can be used for differential diagnosis of pulp pathosis.
B) The device uses a pulsating, alternating current with a duration of 1 to 15msec.
C) The device uses a low current with a high-potential difference in voltage.
Explanation: Refer to pages 235/236
D) Gingival and periodontal tissues are more sensitive to testing than the pulp.

Question: 3. Which of the following statements about nickel-titanium (NiTi)

instruments is accurate
A) They have a high elastic modulus, which provides flexibility.
B) When stressed they transform from the austenitic crystalline phase to a
martensitic structure.
Explanation: Refer to page 243
C) They cannot be strained to the same level as stainless steel (SS) instruments
without permanent deformation.
D) They are easier to prebend before placement in the canal than SS instruments.

Question: 4. A barbed broach is most useful for which of the following

A) Removal of cotton, paper points, and other objects from the canal
Explanation: Refer to page 239
B) Removal of vital tissue from fine canals
C) Initial planing of the canal walls
D) Coronal-orifice enlargement before establishment of the correct working length

Question: 5. In a comparison of K-files with reamers, which of the following

statements about K-files is accurate
A) They have more flutes per millimeter, which increases flexibility.
Explanation: Refer to page 239
B) They are different because the file is manufactured by twisting a tapered, square
C) They are more effective at removing debris.
D) They are the least flexible of instruments of the same size.

Question: 6. Based on instrument design and method of manufacturing, which of

the following is most susceptible to fracture
A) K-file fabricated from a tapered, square SS blank
B) K-Flex file fabricated from a rhomboid SS blank
C) Hedstrm file fabricated from a round SS blank
Explanation: Refer to page 240
D) Reamer fabricated from a triangular SS blank

Question: 7. Which of the following statements about Hedstrm files are accurate
A) They are manufactured by machining a round, cross-sectional wire.
Explanation: Refer to page 240
B) They are effective when used with a reaming action.
C) They are safer than K-files because external signs of stress are more visible,
appearing as changes in flute design.
D) They are aggressive because they have a negative rake angle that is parallel to the

Question: 8. Which of the following statements about ProFile rotary instruments is

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A) They are used at a range of 1500 to 2000rpm.
B) They are NiTi instruments manufactured in half sizes.
C) Their sizes are standardized according to International Standards Organization
(ISO) and American National Standards Institute (ANSI) requirements.
Explanation: Refer to page 248
D) They incorporate radial lands into the flute design.
Question: 9. Which of the following statements about the best apex locators is
A) They require training with the instrument to acquire proficiency.
B) They are sensitive to canal contents.
C) They measure the impedance between the file and the mucosa.
D) On average they are accurate to within 0.5mm of the apex.
E) All of the above
Explanation: Refer to pages 255/256

Question: 10. Piezoelectric ultrasonic devices differ from magnetostrictive devices

in which of the following ways
A) The piezoelectric unit transfers more energy to the files.
Explanation: Refer to page 251
B) The piezoelectric unit produces heat and requires a coolant.
C) The piezoelectric unit uses a Rispi-Sonic, Shaper-Sonic, and Trio-Sonic file
D) The piezoelectric unit vibrates at 2 to 3kHz.

Question: 11. Which of the following statements about ultrasonic root canal
instrumentation is accurate
A) It should be performed in a dry environment.
B) It poses little risk of file breakage.
C) It is not very useful for dentin removal.
Explanation: Refer to page 252
D) It is most useful in small canals where file contact with the wall is maximized.

Question: 12. Which of the following statements about the use of sodium
hypochlorite as a root canal irrigating solution is accurate
A) It is buffered to a pH of 12 to 13, which increases toxicity.
Explanation: Refer to pages 258/259
B) It has a chelating action on dentin.
C) It should be used in higher concentrations because of the increased free chlorine
D) It is a good wetting agent, which permits the solution to flow into canal

Question: 13. Which of the following statements is accurate concerning the use of
ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) as an endodontic irrigant
A) It must be completely removed after use to prevent continued action and
destruction of dentin.
B) It is a quick, efficient means of removing the smear layer.
Explanation: Refer to page 260
C) It acts on both organic and inorganic components of the smear layer.
D) It penetrates deep into dentin, enhancing root canal preparation.

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Question: 14. Calcium hydroxide is advocated as an interappointment medication

primarily because of which of the following characteristics
A) Ability to dissolve necrotic tissue
B) Antimicrobial activity
Explanation: Refer to page 262
C) Ability to stimulate hard-tissue formation
D) Ability to temporarily seal the canal

Question: 15. Which of the following statements about gutta-percha points is

A) They contain 40 to 50 pure gutta-percha.
B) They adhere to dentin when compacted.
C) They can be heat sterilized.
D) They are not compressible.
Explanation: Refer to page 263

Question: 16. Which of the following is an advantage of AH26 when used as an

endodontic seale
A) Release of formaldehyde on setting
B) Low toxicity
Explanation: Refer to page 269
C) Long working time but quick setting (i.e., 1 to 2 hours) at body temperature
D) Radiographically distinguishable from gutta-percha

Question: 17. N2, endomethasone, and Rieblers paste are sealers that do which of
the following
A) Produce liquefaction necrosis in the periradicular tissues
B) Induce healing in the apical pulp wound after vital pulp extirpation
C) Can cause periapical inflammation
Explanation: Refer to page 270
D) Do not produce a seal when used in combination with a core material

Question: 18. Which of the following statements is accurate regarding term is

A) It seals as well as Cavit.
Explanation: Refer to page 276
B) It is the material of choice when strength is a requirement.
C) It is a zinc oxidereinforced material that can be light cured.
D) It has a eugenol component that is antibacterial.

Question: 19. An ultrasonic technique is used to prepare the root end during
endodontic surgery for which of the following reasons
A) It results in apical cracks at low settings.
B) It results in larger but cleaner cavity walls.
C) It can produce a deeper cavity more safely than a bur.
D) It does not require as acute an angle of root resection.
Explanation: Refer to page 276

Question: 20. Which of the following statements about ultrasonic cleaning is


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A) It relies on acoustic streaming to clean the canal.

Explanation: Refer to page 252
B) It relies on cavitation to clean the canal.
C) Eddying from acoustic streaming occurs at the coronal end of the file.
D) Optimal cleaning occurs when the file contacts numerous points on the canal

Question: 21. Which of the following statements about MTAD is accurate

A) It is effective at killing Enterococcus faecalis.
Explanation: Refer to page 258
B) It is a combination of doxycycline, hydrochloric acid, and detergent.
C) It leaves the smear layer intact.
D) It is now considered standard of care.

Question: 22. Which of the following sterilization techniques is effective for gutta-
A) Steam sterilization
B) Submersion in calcium hydroxide for one minute
C) Submersion in 5 sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) for 1 minute.
Explanation: Refer to page 263
D) Disinfection is not required.

Question: 23. Which of the following statements about Resilon is accurate

A) It is insoluble in chloroform.
B) It is more flexible than gutta-percha.
C) It is a polyester-resinbased material.
Explanation: Refer to page 264
D) All of the above

Question: 24. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) has been advocated for use in
which of the following procedures
A) Pulp capping
B) Perforation repair
C) Retroseal
D) Nonsurgical apical closure
E) All of the above
Explanation: Refer to page 278

Question: 25. Which of the following is not a concern in the use of lasers
A) Temperature increase
B) Flexibility of the probe
C) Smear layer removal
D) Increased patient discomfort
Explanation: Refer to page 279

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Question: 26. Which of the following statements is correct about the file design
indicated by the arrow in the figure above
A) The cutting edge is consistent with a file manufactured by twisting triangular
B) The arrow identifies a positive rake angle.
C) The flute ensures active cutting during rotation.
D) This arrow designates a radial land.
Explanation: Refer to page 247
E) The cutting edge depicted is consistent with the ProTaper instruments.


Question: 1. All of the following are objectives of cleaning and shaping except one.
Which is the exception
A) Remove infected soft and hard tissue
Explanation: Refer to page 301
B) Allow access of disinfecting irrigants to apical canal space
C) Create space for medicament delivery and subsequent obturation
D) Retain the integrity of radicular structures
E) Maintain the initial apical canal diameter

Question: 2. Which of the following statements best describes Batt tips

A) They are the sharp, angulated barbs found on broaches.
B) They have a sharp transition angle, which makes negotiation around curves
C) The term describes the noncutting tip on burs used in endodontic access
D) They have a smooth transition angle and are noncutting.
Explanation: Refer to page 302

Question: 3. Which of the following statements about ISO standardized files is

A) D0 is the cross-sectional diameter at the first rake angle.
Explanation: Refer to page 303
B) The rake angle is set at 45 degrees.
C) The diameter of a size 25 file at D16 is 0.41mm.
D) D1 is the cross-sectional diameter at the instrument tip.
E) The greatest magnitude of change in tip diameter occurs in the transition from a
size 55 file to a size 60 file.

Question: 4. Which of the following statements best describe LightSpeed

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A) The cross-sectional diameter of the instruments increases by a constant 29.
B) The instrument shaft increases by 0.02mm per millimeter.
C) Cross sections through the cutting portion of the shaft reveal three U-shaped
Explanation: Refer to page 306
D) The instruments require maximal torque at slow speeds because of the flute

Question: 5. All of the following statements about GT-files are correct except one.
Which is the exception
A) The maximal diameter of the accessory file shaft is 1.5mm.
B) The accessory series of instruments have distinct tapers four tapers with tip
diameters of 35, 50, and 70.
Explanation: Refer to page 308
C) Radial lands and a central parallel core are evident on cross sections.
D) The standard set of instruments includes four distinct tapers and tip diameters
equivalent to sizes 20, 30, and 40 ISO files.
E) The flutes have a variable pitch.

Question: 6. A positive rake angle is associated with which of the following

A) HERO 642
Explanation: Refer to page 309
B) ProFile Series 29
C) LightSpeed
D) ProFile
E) GT-files

Question: 7. Finishing files in the ProTaper series

A) Have partially active cutting tips with diameters of 0.185 and 0.2mm
B) Have tapers of 0.07, 0.08, and 0.09 between D0 and D3
Explanation: Refer to page 309
C) Are rectangular in cross section and have a constant helix angle
D) Should be used at 1000 to 1500rpm
E) Have radial lands that keep the instrument centered

Question: 8. Which statement best describes the physical and chemical properties of
nickel-titanium instruments
A) When stressed, the metal has an austenitic crystalline structure.
B) The instruments corrode when exposed to sodium hypochlorite.
C) The percentage of titanium by weight exceeds the percentage of nickel.
D) The instruments transition from a austenitic crystalline structure to a martensitic
structure when stressed.
Explanation: Refer to page 313

Question: 9. A crown-down approach to instrumentation with rotary nickel-titanium

A) Has been advocated to reduce the area of surface contact and friction
Explanation: Refer to page 315
B) Reduces flexural fatigue

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C) Requires apical application of force similar to that required to place amalgam

D) Requires the use of instruments with varying tapers and a constant tip diameter
E) Is best accomplished with instruments that have a consistent taper and variable tip

Question: 10. The use of electric motors in rotary nickel-titanium preparations

A) Reduces the risk of fracture caused by cyclic fatigue but not that caused by
torsional fatigue
B) Produces a constant rpm that is less than the torque required for instrument
C) Are manufactured with torque control that prevents instrument fracture due to
cyclic fatigue
D) Allows the use of variable rpm settings and torque adjustments
Explanation: Refer to page 315

Question: 11. The use of chlorhexidine as an endodontic irrigant

A) May be advantageous because of its ability to bind to hydroxyapatite and
possible sustained antimicrobial activity
Explanation: Refer to page 321
B) Is advocated because of its ability to inhibit cellular division
C) Is not indicated when calcium hydroxide is to be used because of pulp necrosis
and chronic apical periodontitis
D) Is contraindicated because of its narrow spectrum of activity and possible

Question: 12. Achieving apical patency in endodontic treatment is best described as

A) Placing a small file through the apical foramen before beginning the canal
cleaning and shaping procedures
B) Placing a small file to the corrected working length after the use of each
instrument to prevent packing of debris and loss of length
C) Placing a small file through the apical foramen after the use of each instrument
Explanation: Refer to page 324
D) Placing a small file to working length, followed by successively larger files until
binding occurs

Question: 13. All of the following statements about the use of sodium hypochlorite
as an endodontic irrigant are correct except one. Which is the
A) Heating the solution can enhance the antimicrobial action but does not affect the
solvent capabilities.
Explanation: Refer to page 318
B) In higher concentrations (5.25) it can dissolve both vital and necrotic tissues.
C) Free chlorine breaks down proteins into amino acids.
D) The irrigating solution serves as a lubricant and mechanically removes debris.
E) Heating the solution may have severe detrimental effects on nickel-titanium

Question: 14. Apical patency is maintained for all of the following reasons except
one. Which is the exception
A) To preserve the apical anatomy
B) To enhance the flushing action of the irrigant

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C) To loosen debris
D) To maintain obturating materials in the root
Explanation: Refer to page 324

Question: 15. Root canals should be cleaned, shaped, and obturated to the
constricture for all of the following reasons except one. Which is the
A) The constriction is the narrowest diameter of the canal.
B) Lateral and accessory canals are common in the apical 1 to 2mm of the canal.
C) The clinician can easily identify the constriction.
Explanation: Refer to page 324
D) Obturating materials are maintained within the root canal system.

Question: 16. The balanced force technique is best described by which of the
following statements
A) The file is passively placed to the point of first binding and then rotated one to
two turns in a counterclockwise direction.
B) Dentin is engaged with the file rotating in a clockwise direction for a quarter turn,
followed by a counterclockwise rotation with inward pressure for at least one
third of a revolution.
Explanation: Refer to page 330
C) The file is oscillated back and forth 30 to 60 degrees as it is positioned apically,
followed by a clockwise rotation of 180 degrees before removal.
D) The file is placed passively to a point of first binding and then rotated in
clockwise at least 180 degrees using apical pressure, followed by a
counterclockwise rotation to evacuate debris.

Question: 17. All of the following are components of recapitulation except one.
Which is the exception
A) Loosening of debris and tissue in the apical portion of the canal, which could
produce blockage
B) Reintroduction of files previously used in cleaning and shaping procedures
C) Irrigation with sodium hypochlorite
D) Sterilization and disinfection of the radicular space
Explanation: Refer to page 331

Question: 18. Which of the following is most often responsible for short, underfilled
A) Severe curvatures
B) Packing of debris
C) Canal ledging
Explanation: Refer to page 324
D) Calcification of the canal

Question: 19. RC-Prep and Glyoxide

A) Have lubricating properties
Explanation: Refer to page 323
B) Are used during the later stages of shaping of the canal to reduce ledge formation
C) Prevent formation of the smear layer during canal preparation
D) Digest collagenous components of the root canal system

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Question: 1. All of the following are radiographic criteria for assessing obturation
except one. Which is the exception
A) Length
B) Taper
C) Density
D) Apical seal
Explanation: Refer to page 367
E) Adequate provisional restoration

Question: 2. A hermetic seal is best described as

A) An airtight seal
Explanation: Refer to page 361
B) A fluid-tight seal
C) A fluid-tight seal that permits the passage of air
D) A seal that prevents bacterial penetration
E) A seal that prevents leakage of bacteria and their byproducts

Question: 3. Which of the following statements about the timing of obturation is

A) Obturation of cases with pulp necrosis and acute apical abscess is best
accomplished at the initial appointment.
B) Cases of irreversible pulpitis obturated at the initial visit have the best prognosis.
Explanation: Refer to page 362
C) Cases involving necrosis are best treated in two visits, because the incidence of
postoperative pain is higher than with single-visit treatment.
D) Obturation of cases involving pulp necrosis and chronic apical periodontitis can
be done in one visit provided antibiotics are prescribed to eliminate residual

Question: 4. All of the following are advantages of completing root canal treatment
in one visit except one. Which is the exception
A) Recontamination of the canal from coronal leakage is prevented.
B) The definitive restoration can be placed.
C) Management of continued postoperative problems is facilitated.
Explanation: Refer to page 362
D) Patient compliance is not a factor in the treatment and the cost of providing
treatment is reduced.

Question: 5. Obturation should be done

A) To the radiographic apex
B) At the cementodentinal junction
C) At the major diameter of the foramen
D) At the minor diameter of the constriction
Explanation: Refer to page 365

Question: 6. Which of the following statements about accessory canals is correct

A) They are effectively cleaned by sodium hypochlorite in concentrations exceeding
B) They play a major role in periradicular pathosis.

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C) They have a consistent pattern of appearing on either the mesial or the distal
D) They are uncommon, and a root seldom has more than one.
E) They are serendipitously identified on postoperative radiographs.
Explanation: Refer to page 364

Question: 7. Which of the following has a significant negative effect on the long-
term prognosis after obturation
A) Obturation of vital cases 1 to 3mm short of the radiographic apex
B) Obturation of necrotic cases 0 to 2mm short of the radiographic apex
C) Extrusion of obturating materials
Explanation: Refer to page 364
D) Obturation at the time of cleaning and shaping

Question: 8. Which of the following statements about the smear layer is correct
A) It is a thick layer of inorganic debris on the canal wall that remains after cleaning
and shaping.
B) It provides a complete barrier to bacterial invasion of the tubules.
C) It contains organic debris that might serve as a substrate for bacterial growth.
Explanation: Refer to page 366
D) It forms when the pulp is necrotic and devoid of structure rather than in vital
cases, in which the pulp is easily removed.

Question: 9. MTAD
A) Contains an analog of tetracycline, an acid, and detergent
Explanation: Refer to page 366
B) Is composed of 17 citric acid
C) Unlike EDTA has no antimicrobial activity
D) Has been advocated as a replacement for sodium hypochlorite because of its low
E) Removes organic components of the smear layer but is ineffective at removing
inorganic material

Question: 10. Calcium hydroxide sealers

A) Have been shown to induce apical hard-tissue formation
B) Are antimicrobial and kill residual bacteria
C) May be zinc oxideeugenol or catalyst-resin based
Explanation: Refer to page 370
D) Bond to dentin but release formaldehyde upon setting

Question: 11. Medicated sealers with paraformaldehyde

A) Are acceptable provided appropriate cleaning and shaping procedures are
B) Are resin based and have minimal toxicity
C) Should be used only in vital cases in which mummification of tissue is desirable
D) Produce paresthesia (which is reversible with time) when extruded
E) Do not meet the standard of care
Explanation: Refer to page 370

Question: 12. All of the following statements about gutta-percha are correct except

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one. Which is the exception

A) Gutta-percha cones are composed of 60 gutta-percha, 20 zinc oxide, 10
radiopacifiers, and 5 plasticizers.
Explanation: Refer to page 372
B) Standardized cones seldom have uniform dimensions.
C) When heated, gutta-percha becomes pliable.
D) The alpha and beta forms have the same mechanical properties.
E) Shrinkage occurs when gutta-percha is in the beta form.

Question: 13. Sterilization of gutta-percha is best accomplished by

A) Autoclave
B) Immersing the cones in 5.25 sodium hypochlorite for 1 minute
Explanation: Refer to page 372
C) Cold sterilization with 2 glutaraldehyde
D) Wiping the cones with 70 ethyl alcohol
E) Wiping the cones with 2 chlorhexidine

Question: 14. Resilon is

A) A resin core alternative to gutta-percha
Explanation: Refer to page 372
B) Nontoxic but has mutagenic properties
C) A material with cross latex allergenicity
D) A material that requires a light cure to set
E) Not compatible with thermoplasticized injection

Question: 15. A proposed advantage of the monoblock i

A) Bonding to the smear layer occurs.
B) Sodium hypochlorite enhances the attachment to dentin.
C) A core obturation material is not necessary.
D) The core-sealer interface is eliminated.
Explanation: Refer to page 374

Question: 16. All of the following statements about custom cones are correct except
one. Which is the exception
A) The seal may be improved.
B) The master cone adapts to the canal, preventing extrusion.
C) The cone is placed in solvent until the external surface has softened.
D) The primary purpose is length control during compaction procedures.
E) Fabrication requires fitting the cone to length with tugback before softening.
Explanation: Refer to page 375

Question: 17. A major advantage of lateral compaction is

A) Lamination of the accessory cones during compaction
B) The ability to fill canal irregularities
C) The ability to adapt master cones to fit the apical morphology
D) Length control
Explanation: Refer to page 375

Question: 18. Which of the following statements about the use of heat in warm
vertical compaction is correct
A) The temperature of the external surface of the root must not rise more than 10C.

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Explanation: Refer to page 382

B) The temperature of the internal canal wall surface must not increase more than
C) System B and the Touch N Heat pose an equally greater risk of injury to the
D) Ultrasonic warm lateral compaction does not pose a risk of damage to the
E) With Resilon, heat should be used only to sear the excess material at the orifice
because the setting reaction of this material is exothermic.

Question: 19. All of the following statements about continuous wave compaction
are correct except one. Which is the exception
A) Pluggers are used that fit to within 5 to 7mm of the corrected working length.
Explanation: Refer to page 382
B) Heat is applied to the plugger, which is moved quickly to the binding point;
hydraulic pressure then is applied without heat for 5 to 10 seconds.
C) The technique cannot be used in oval canals because of the inability to develop
hydraulic pressure.
D) The pluggers have a uniform taper of size .06 but have variable tip diameters.
E) Standardized size .02 tapered gutta-percha cones fit with tugback are preferred.

Question: 20. The Obtura II differs from the UltraFil in that

A) Obtura II cannules can be heat sterilized.
B) Resilon cannot be used with the Obtura II but can be used with the UltraFil.
C) The Obtura II heats gutta-percha to a higher temperature.
Explanation: Refer to page 385
D) The Obtura II requires a more tapered canal preparation.
E) UltraFil produces greater compaction of lateral canals.

Question: 21. All of the following statements about ThermaFil obturation are correct
except one. Which is the exception
A) Size verifiers are available to help determine the appropriate carrier.
B) Calibration rings on the carrier assist in placement of the carrier to length.
C) The carrier is inserted without rotation.
D) Preppi burs are specifically designed for sectioning the carrier at the canal orifice.
E) Although AH26 is a recommended resin sealer, Tubli-Seal and Wachs paste are
acceptable zinc oxideeugenol formulations.
Explanation: Refer to page 387

Question: 22. The SimpliFill obturation system

A) Consists of a plastic carrier upon which gutta-percha is fused
B) Requires passive fitting of the carrier to length before backfilling with lateral
C) Is designed for obturation of canals prepared with LightSpeed instruments
Explanation: Refer to page 389
D) Requires coating of the carrier with gutta-percha expressed from a syringe
E) Should not be used in teeth that will require a post for retention of the crown

Question: 23. Each of the following has been advocated as an apical barrier
material. Which is preferable
A) Calcium hydroxide

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B) Dentin chips
C) Collagen
D) Mineral trioxide aggregate
Explanation: Refer to page 390
E) Tricalcium phosphate

Question: 24. Which following methods would be best for reducing coronal
microleakage in posterior teeth
A) Heating the coronal gutta-percha and vertically compacting the material
B) Bonding a resin-modified glass ionomer cement over the pulpal floor
Explanation: Refer to page 391
C) Obturating the coronal 2 to 3mm with thermoplastic injection of gutta-percha
D) Leaving a layer of gutta-percha covering the chamber floor

Question: 25. Which of the following statements is correct about obturation of the
maxillary right canine shown in the figure above
A) The canal should be obturated with a custom cone and lateral compaction.
B) Continuous wave vertical compaction should be used after two master cones
have been placed to within 0.5mm of the apex.
C) An apical mineral trioxide plug should be placed before obturation.
Explanation: Refer to page 390
D) The Obtura system should be used to eliminate stress on the root.
E) A calcium hydroxide seal should be used to induce apical closure.


Question: 1. With regard to making changes in a patient record, which of the
following statements is accurate
A) Any changes are forbidden.
B) Deletions are permitted if erased completely as soon as they occur.
C) Corrections are permitted if they are dated.
Explanation: Refer to page 417

Question: 2. Standard of care, as defined by the courts, is which of the following

A) Requires absolute perfection
B) Describes what any careful and prudent clinician would do under similar
Explanation: Refer to page 418
C) Does not allow for individual variations of treatment
D) Is equivalent to customary practice

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Question: 3. Which of the following is not a requirement of the doctrine of informed

A) Patients must be advised of reasonably foreseeable risks of treatment.
B) Patients must be advised of reasonable treatment alternatives.
C) Patients forfeit their right to do as they see fit with their bodies.
Explanation: Refer to page 408
D) Patients must be advised of the consequences of nontreatment.

Question: 4. Which of the following statements accurately describe a periodontal

examination of a patient referred for endodontic treatment
A) It should be performed on the entire dentition.
B) It must be performed at least on the tooth to be treated.
Explanation: Refer to page 443
C) It is necessary only if evidence exists of periodontal disease.
D) It is necessary only if requested by the referring dentist.

Question: 5. A dentist may legally do which of the following

A) Refuse to treat a new patient even if the person has severe pain and infection
Explanation: Refer to page 434
B) Be bound to see a former patient on recall after treatment is completed
C) Discharge a patient from the practice at any time
D) Refuse to treat a patient who has an outstanding account balance

Question: 6. If a patient with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) asks the dentist
not to inform the staff of the condition, the dentist should do which of
the following
A) Refuse to treat the patient
Explanation: Refer to page 452
B) Tell the staff in private and then treat the patient with extra precautions
C) Not tell the staff but treat the patient with great caution
D) Not tell the staff and require the patient to assume liability should anyone
contract the virus

Question: 7. Specialists may be held liable if they

A) Inform the patient that the general practitioner performed substandard care
B) Fail to disclose to the patient or referring dentist evident pathosis on teeth other
than those the specialist is treating
Explanation: Refer to pages 420/421
C) Fail to locate a small canal that is not evident radiographically
D) Mistakenly initiate treatment on the wrong tooth in a difficult diagnostic situation

Question: 8. Which one of the following statements is false

A) A panographic radiograph is of diagnostic quality for endodontic diagnosis
Explanation: Refer to page 405
B) Data backup of patients records should be backed up and stored off-site.
C) Even if a patient signs an Informed Consent form a jury may still find that the form
can be voided and the patient remained uninformed.
D) A simple TrueFalse test is recommended to assure the patient is clear about the
issue of Informed Consent.

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Question: 9. Computerized treatment records may not be signed electronically.

A) True
B) False
Explanation: Refer to page 413

Question: 10. Suing to collect fees is a proven route to being countersued for
A) True
Explanation: Refer to page 446
B) False

Question: 11. Standard of care for routine endodontics is set by which of the
A) The states dental licensing agency
B) Endodontists
Explanation: Refer to page 420
C) The community of general dentists

Question: 12. A patient continues to have pain after a dentist performs a

paraformaldehyde paste pulpotomy on a tooth with a necrotic pulp
and apical pathosis and then places a crown. In this situation, which
of the following statements is true
A) The dentist is liable for malpractice because unacceptable treatment procedures
were followed.
Explanation: Refer to page 442
B) The dentist is not liable if the patient is now referred to the appropriate specialist
who can treat the case.
C) The dentist is not liable if he or she performs additional treatment for no fee.

Question: 13. According to HIPAA standard

A) Any employee may view patient records.
B) Only the clinician may view patient records.
C) The clinician and authorized staff may view patient records.
Explanation: Refer to page 405
D) Patients are not allowed to view their own record.

Question: 14. A clinician may deny a patients request for his or her records if
A) The patient has an outstanding balance
B) The clinician has severed the patient-clinician relationship
C) Treatment is incomplete
D) A clinician is never allowed to deny a patients request for the records.
Explanation: Refer to page 416

Question: 15. You have started root canal treatment on the uppe r left first molar,
tooth 14, for Ms. Smith. She is delinquent in paying her outstanding
account balance. Legally you are
A) Not responsible for completing her root canal treatment
B) Obligated to finish the root canal treatment regardless of the account status
Explanation: Refer to page 434
C) Required to refer her to another practitioner
D) Obligated to complete all treatment in her comprehensive treatment plan

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Question: 1. The mature dental pulp
A) Resembles embryonic connective tissue and therefore is rich in stem cells
Explanation: Refer to page 461
B) Is a low-compliance system that responds to changes in fluid volume by
expansion and contraction
C) Heals rapidly after injury because of a rich collateral circulation
D) Is derived from the dental lamina

Question: 2. Von Korffs fibers are thought to be

A) Remnants of the lateral lamina that persist near the basement membrane after the
initiation of ameloblasts
B) Terminal nerve fibers that enter the predentin and regulate the calcification front
C) The terminal odontoblastic processes before initial calcification
D) The first formed collagen fibers located between the preodontoblasts and
extending toward the basal lamina
Explanation: Refer to page 464

Question: 3. Hertwigs epithelial root sheath

A) Is derived from the enamel organ and forms cementum
B) Consists of the inner and outer enamel epithelium
Explanation: Refer to page 465
C) Is derived from the epithelial rests of Malassez
D) Is composed of cells that differentiate into cementoblasts
E) Separates the root from the connective tissues before eruption

Question: 4. All of the following statements about the dentinal tubules are correct
except one. Which is the exception
A) The tubule diameter near the pulp-dentin interface is approximately 2 to 3m.
B) In the coronal dentin, the tubules have an S-shaped curvature.
C) The intertubular spacing remains constant, because the deposition of peritubular
dentin is internal.
D) Lateral microtubules contain branches of the odontoblastic process.
Explanation: Refer to page 467
E) No peritubular dentin is present in the predentin area.

Question: 5. The structure of peritubular dentin

A) Is similar to that of intertubular dentin in collagen and mineral content
B) Has a lower collagen content than intertubular dentin
Explanation: Refer to page 467
C) Restricts removal by acids because of the low sulfated proteoglycan and mineral
D) Adds strength and structural support to the intertubular dentin
E) Is formed only in the presence of a vital odontoblastic process

Question: 6. Which of the following statements best describes dentinal fluid

A) Plasma proteins are present in concentrations similar to those of blood plasma.
B) The fluid in dentin is homogeneous and uniform.
C) The fluid is an ultrafiltrate of blood in the pulpal capillaries.
Explanation: Refer to page 469

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D) Slow outward movement of dentinal fluid activates mechanoreceptors, producing

E) Dentinal fluid is necessary for maintaining the physical properties of dentin.

Question: 7. Which of the following distinguishes the odontoblast from other

mesenchymal cell lines
A) Secretion of phosphophoryn
Explanation: Refer to page 475
B) Production of type I collagen
C) Production of sialoprotein
D) Production of alkaline phosphatase
E) Presence of multiple nucleoli

Question: 8. The lamina limitans is

A) An electron-dense membrane that lines the dentinal tubule
Explanation: Refer to page 476
B) Another term for the vital odontoblastic process
C) The peripheral peritubular dentin
D) Composed of microfilaments and microtubules
E) A layer between the predentin and dentin which regulates calcification

Question: 9. Odontoblastic production of

A) Proteoglycans takes place in the Golgi complex before secretion at the base of
the odontoblastic process
B) Collagen consists of synthesis of procollagen, secretion of tropocollagen, and
aggregation of fibrils on the outer odontoblastic membrane
Explanation: Refer to page 476
C) Proteoglycans increases calcification of predentin by increasing transport of
calcium through the microtubules
D) Lysosomal enzymes is an important first-line defense against microbial invasion

Question: 10. Pulpal fibroblasts

A) Are equally distributed throughout the pulp
B) Synthesize type I and type III collagen
Explanation: Refer to page 477
C) Are end-line cells incapable of differentiation
D) Have a polygonal morphologic shape when mature

Question: 11. Dendritic cells

A) Are similar to Langerhans cells found in the epidermis and mucous membranes
Explanation: Refer to page 478
B) Are primarily phagocytic cells that are centrally located in the pulp
C) Provide a population of replacement cells for disintegrating odontoblasts
D) Are specialized cells that transmit pain impulses toward the central nervous
system via the spinothalamic pathway
E) Present antigens to polymorphonuclear leukocytes

Question: 12. Which of the following statements about lymphocytes is correct

A) Lymphocytes are not found in normal pulp tissues.
B) B lymphocytes usually are found in the pulp and are responsible for antigen
presentation to macrophages.

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C) T4 (helper) lymphocytes predominate in normal pulp.

D) T8 (suppressor) lymphocytes are the predominant subset in normal pulp.
Explanation: Refer to page 478

Question: 13. The principal proteoglycan(s) of the dental pulp

A) Are fibronectin, laminin, and tenascin
B) Are hyaluronic acid, dermatan sulfate, heparin sulfate, and chondroitin sulfate
Explanation: Refer to page 481
C) Are hyaluronic acid and dermatan sulfate during active dentinogenesis
D) Is chondroitin sulfate when mineralization activity is low
E) Are not affected by inflammation because of their hydrophilic nature and
colloidal state

Question: 14. Type IV collagen typically is

A) Absent from the pulp
B) A component of the ground substance and provides structure for the body of the
C) Found in basement membranes
Explanation: Refer to page 481
D) Synthesized by odontoblasts at the mineralization front and regulates
calcification rates
E) Synthesized by osteoclasts and is absent from the dental pulp

Question: 15. Which of the following statements about innervation of the pulp is
A) Myelinated fibers are the last major structures to appear in the developing pulp.
Explanation: Refer to page 483
B) Autonomic fibers are afferent neurons that regulate microcirculation.
C) A-beta and A-delta fibers exist in equal numbers and are stimulated by fluid
movement in the dentinal tubules.
D) The dental papilla contains both myelinated and unmyelinated fibers.
E) A-delta and C fibers have separate functions.

Question: 16. Electric pulp testing in young teeth

A) May be unreliable because of the late development of A-delta fibers
Explanation: Refer to page 484
B) Results in a sharp, rapid response because of the predominance of C fibers in the
C) Does not differ from more mature normal teeth that do not have calcific
D) Is best accomplished with cold because of the predominance of A-delta fibers in
the pulp

Question: 17. All of the following reasons, except one, could explain why a necrotic
pulp might respond to testing or mechanical manipulation. Which is
the exception
A) The nerve fibers may be resistant to necrosis.
B) Nerve bundles are more resistant to autolysis.
C) C fibers remain active despite hypoxia.
D) The cell body of the neuron lies outside the pulp.
E) A-delta fibers have a lower stimulation threshold for stimulation with hypoxia.

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Explanation: Refer to page 486

Question: 18. All of the following statements about deafferentation are correct
except one. Which is the exception
A) It is the process of degeneration of neurons centrally after nerve resection.
B) Pain may be a result of this process.
C) Transsynaptic degenerative changes may be reflected in the sensory cortex.
D) With pulp extirpation, degeneration of nerves can extend beyond the trigeminal
E) It is the elimination of pain transmission to the central nervous system as a result
of application of a local anesthetic to the nerve.
Explanation: Refer to page 487

Question: 19. Which of the following statements about pulp testing is correct
A) C fibers are normally stimulated by electrical pulp testing but do not respond to
thermal pulp testing.
B) C fibers are normally stimulated by thermal pulp testing but do not respond to
electrical pulp testing.
C) C fibers normally have a high threshold and require a more intense stimulus than
A-delta fibers.
Explanation: Refer to page 487
D) A-delta fibers normally respond to thermal stimulation better than C fibers;
however, the two fiber groups respond the same to electrical pulp testing.

Question: 20. Which of the following statements about dentinal sensitivity is correct
A) The movement in the tubules is translated into electrical signals by sensory
receptors in the tubules or the pulp.
Explanation: Refer to page 487
B) The rate of fluid flow is not a factor in producing an electrical stimulus.
C) The inward flow of fluid produces a more pronounced sensory nerve response.
D) A change in temperature must occur at the pulp-dentin interface to produce for a
sensory response.
E) Application of heat causes expansion of the dentin; this widens the dentinal
tubules, drawing fluid from the pulp into the dentin and producing sensory

Question: 21. Which of the following statements about neuropeptides is correct

A) Sympathetic agents used in local anesthesia can modify the release of calcitonin
generelated peptide.
Explanation: Refer to page 490
B) The primary function of neuropeptides is the production of pain.
C) Neuropeptides are released only with tissue injury, and their actions contribute to
tissue damage, creating a vicious cycle of inflammation.
D) They are released by odontoblasts and fibroblasts after sensory stimulation and
efferent messages are received from the central nervous system.

Question: 22. All of the following statements about pulpal hyperalgesia are correct
except one. Which is the exceptioQuestion: 22. All of the following
statements about pulpal hyperalgesia are correct except one. Which is
the exception
A) The condition is marked by a decreased pain threshold and an increased

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response to stimulation.
Explanation: Refer to pages 491/492
B) An enhanced response to a stimulus results, but spontaneous pain is not a
C) Increased pressure may be a contributing factor.
D) Upregulation of tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channels in inflamed tissues makes
local anesthesia more difficult.
E) Silent nerve fibers in the pulp become sensitized and may be activated.

Question: 23. Which of the following statements about the vascular supply of the
pulp is correct
A) Arteries enter the pulp and give rise to arterioles, which branch and form a
capillary network in the subodontoblastic zone.
B) Capillary blood flow in the coronal portion of the pulp is twice that in the
radicular portion of the pulp.
Explanation: Refer to page 494
C) Arteriovenous anastomoses are present throughout the pulp but are more
common in the coronal tissue.
D) The volume of pulp occupied by vessels is higher than in most tissues,
approaching 25.
E) The pulp has the highest volume of blood flow of oral tissues and most visceral

Question: 24. Reactionary dentin is best described as

A) Atubular and amorphous, as seen in calcific metamorphosis
B) Tertiary dentin formed by the original odontoblasts.
Explanation: Refer to page 498
C) An area of tubule sclerosis below an advancing carious lesion
D) Reparative dentin formed by cells replacing the original odontoblasts
E) Dentin showing decalcification as a result of the selective removal of peritubular

Question: 25. Which of the following best describes pulpal calcification

A) The radiographic appearance of pulp stones in the chamber indicates pathosis.
B) Idiopathic pulpal pain has been shown to be caused by laminated pulp stones
that cause an alteration in blood flow.
C) Calcific metamorphosis results in a high incidence of necrosis when canal
obliteration is complete.
D) Calcifications typically consist of carbonated hydroxyapatite.
Explanation: Refer to page 502

Question: 26. The structure indicated by arrow A is the

A) Periodontal ligament

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B) Cell-free zone
C) Mantle dentin
D) Predentin
Explanation: Refer to page 466
E) Artifact separation of the odontoblastic layer

Question: 27. The structure indicated by arrow B is a (an)

A) Vascular channel
Explanation: Refer to page 493
B) Lymphatic
C) Myelinated nerve fiber
D) Unmyelinated nerve fiber
E) Autonomic nerve fiber

Question: 28. Arrow C indicates which of the following

A) Odontoblastic layer
B) Cell-rich zone
Explanation: Refer to page 472
C) Von Korffs fibers
D) Area of chronic inflammatory infiltration
E) Mast cells


Question: 1. The most common defensive response in the dentin deep to caries is
which of the following
A) Increased permeability
B) Alteration of collagen
C) Dissolution of peritubular dentin
D) Dentinal sclerosis
Explanation: Refer to page 515

Question: 2. Tertiary dentinogenesis in the pulp in response to caries may be the

result of stimulation of odontoblasts by
A) Byproducts of caries bacteria

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B) Salivary proteins diffusing through tubules

C) Fractions of dentin matrix proteins diffusing across dentin
Explanation: Refer to page 515
D) Pulpal inflammatory cell cytokines

Question: 3. A periodontal ligament injection of 2 lidocaine with 1:100,000

epinephrine causes which of the following
A) Pulpal circulation stops for about 60 minutes.
Explanation: Refer to pages 520-522
B) Pulpal circulation remains the same.
C) Pulpal circulation increases markedly.
D) Pulpal circulation decreases slightly.

Question: 4. The highest incidence of pulp necrosis is associated with which of the
A) Class V preparations on the root surface
B) Inlay preparations
C) Partial veneer restorations
D) Full crown preparations
Explanation: Refer to page 526

Question: 5. Which of the following is a disadvantage of acid etching dentin with

regard to effects on the pulp
A) Dentinal tubules are opened, increasing permeability.
Explanation: Refer to page 526
B) Acid penetrates to the pulp and kills large numbers of cells.
C) Acid penetrates to the pulp and damages the vessels.
D) Acid softens the dentin and increases microleakage at the restoration-dentin

Question: 6. With chronic inflammation, pulpal dendritic cells

A) Increase in density
Explanation: Refer to page 517
B) Suppress the inflammatory response
C) Convert the inflammation from chronic to acute
D) Phagocytose bacteria as they enter the pulp

Question: 7. The long-term outcome of pulp capping of carious exposures

A) Depends primarily on the capping material used
B) Depends on whether bacteria have invaded the pulp
C) Is affected by the severity of symptoms
D) Is unfavorable
Explanation: Refer to page 523

Question: 8. Which of the following is a reaction that tends to protect the pulp from
injury caused by dentinal caries
A) A predictable stimulation of sensory nerves, resulting in pain
B) A decrease in the permeability of the dentin
Explanation: Refer to page 515
C) An increase in the number of odontoblasts under the tubules affected by the

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D) Buffering (i.e., neutralization) of bacterial toxins by ground substance

E) A decrease in pulpal metabolism

Question: 9. Hypersensitivity is best relieved or controlled by which of the following

A) Opening the tubules to permit release of intrapulpal pressure
B) Root planing to remove hypersensitive surface layers
C) Applying antiinflammatory agents to exposed dentin
D) Blocking exposed tubules on the dentin surface
Explanation: Refer to page 520

Question: 10. Deeper cavity preparations have more potential for pulpal damage
because of which of the following
A) Tubular diameter and density increase, therefore permeability increases.
B) There is more vibration to pulp cells.
C) Odontoblastic processes are more likely to be severed.
Explanation: Refer to pages 525-527
D) a and c
E) b and c
F) a and b

Question: 11. Which of the following is the best way to prevent pulp damage during
cavity preparation
A) Retain the smear layer
B) Use sharp burs with a brush stroke
C) Use adequate air coolant
D) Use adequate water coolant
Explanation: Refer to page 524

Question: 12. The major reason Class II restorations with composite damage the
pulp is
A) Composite chemicals supply substrate to bacteria.
B) The setting reaction produces a damaging amount of heat.
C) Toxic chemicals are released from the composite and diffuse into the pulp.
D) Polymerization shrinkage distorts cusps and opens gaps.
Explanation: Refer to page 525

Question: 13. The pulp has been damaged and is inflamed because of deep caries
and cavity preparation. What material, when placed on the floor of
the cavity, aids resolution of the pulpal inflammation
A) Calcium hydroxide
B) Zinc oxideeugenol
C) Steroid formulations
D) None; no material promotes healing
Explanation: Refer to page 527

Question: 14. What is the history of symptoms of irreversible pulpitis that results in
A) Seldom symptomatic
B) Usually marked by moderate symptoms
C) Usually marked by an absence of severe symptoms
Explanation: Refer to page 519

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D) Usually marked by severe symptoms

Question: 15. The figure above shows a section of pulpdentin underlying an area of
cavity preparation, which was done the preceding day. Which of the
following best describes the pulp reaction
A) No reaction has occurred; the pulp appears normal.
B) The odontoblast layer has been disrupted, and mild inflammation is present.
Explanation: Refer to page 517
C) Odontoblasts have been aspirated into tubules, and mild inflammation is present.
D) Odontoblasts are absent, and extravasation of erythrocytes has occurred.

Question: 16. The early inflammatory cell infiltrate response of the pulp to caries
involves primarily which of the following
A) Neutrophils
B) Macrophages
C) Neutrophils, plasma cells, and lymphocyte
D) Macrophages and lymphocytes
E) Lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages
Explanation: Refer to page 516

Question: 17. Hypersensitivity of the pulp after restoration placement indicates

which of the following
A) Acute inflammation in the pulp
B) Chronic inflammation in the pulp
C) Microleakage at the restoration-tooth interface
D) Stimulation of sensory nerves by hydrodynamics
Explanation: Refer to page 522

Question: 18. With severe pulp damage from excessive heat during cavity
preparation, the patient response usually is
A) Extreme sensitivity to heat
B) Spontaneous pain
C) Pain on mastication
D) No symptoms
Explanation: Refer to page 523

Question: 19. The evidence on the use of lasers to treat hypersensitivity indicates
A) They are very effective.
B) They are effective only in severe cases.
C) Only the Nd:YAG laser is effective.
D) Other techniques are recommended.
Explanation: Refer to page 531

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Question: 20. Which of the following statements is correct about the effect of
orthognathic surgery on the pulp
A) The canal space sometimes is obliterated.
Explanation: Refer to page 534
B) Pulpal blood flow is seldom affected.
C) Pulpal blood flow is reduced and never recovers.
D) Inflammation or necrosis of the pulp is rare.


Question: 1. Inflammation of the periapical tissue is sustained by which of the
A) Stagnant tissue fluid
B) Necrotic tissue
C) Microorganisms
Explanation: Refer to page 541
D) All of the above

Question: 2. Acute apical periodontitis is characterized by a focus of

A) Neutrophils in the lesion
Explanation: Refer to page 542
B) Granulomatous tissue in the lesion
C) Lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages in the lesion

Question: 3. A periapical true cyst communicates with the root canal, and a
periapical pocket cyst does not.
A) True
B) False
Explanation: Refer to page 542

Question: 4. Which of the following is the most important route by which bacteria
are able to invade the dental pulp
A) The general circulation through anachoresis
B) Exposure to the oral cavity through caries
Explanation: Refer to page 543
C) The gingival sulcus

Question: 5. Which of the following statements about neutrophils is accurate

A) They are nonspecific phagocytes.
Explanation: Refer to page 553
B) They have a single pathway for intracellular killing.
C) They are mobilized primarily to neutralize bacterial endotoxins.
D) All of the above

Question: 6. Which of the following statements about Th1 lymphocytes is accurate

A) They are thyroid-derived cells.
B) They concentrate in the cortical area of lymph nodes and circulate in the blood.
C) They are responsible for the cell-mediated arm of the immune system.
Explanation: Refer to page 556
D) All of the above

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Question: 7. Which of the following statements about B lymphocytes is accurate

A) They originally were discovered in an avian gut-associated organ.
Explanation: Refer to page 556
B) They account for the majority of circulating lymphocytes.
C) They produce antibodies.
D) All of the above

Question: 8. The function(s) of macrophages include(s) which of the following

A) Phagocytosis of microorganisms
B) Removal of small foreign particles
C) Antigen processing and presentation
D) All of the above
Explanation: Refer to page 556

Question: 9. Which of the following statements about osteocytes is accurate

A) They originate as monocytes in the blood.
Explanation: Refer to page 556
B) They respond only to mediators released by osteoblasts.
C) They are mononuclear cells capable of bone demineralization.
D) They form a ruffled border away from the bone surface.

Question: 10. Which of the following statements about acute apical periodontitis is
A) It histologically is limited to the periodontal ligament.
B) It is detectable radiographically.
C) It may heal if induced by a noninfectious agent.
Explanation: Refer to page 560
D) All of the above

Question: 11. Established chronic apical periodontitis is characterized by the

predominance of which of the following cells
A) Red blood cells
B) Epithelial cells
C) Macrophages
Explanation: Refer to page 560
D) Neutrophils

Question: 12. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is released by gram-negative

microorganisms only after cell death.
A) True
B) False
Explanation: Refer to page 552

Question: 13. Which of the following is a function of opsonins

A) They present antigen.
B) They facilitate phagocytosis.
Explanation: Refer to page 553
C) They kill bacteria.
D) They activate the complement system.

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Question: 14. Effects of interleukin-1 (IL-1) include all of the following except
A) Stimulation of lymphocytes
B) Leukocyte adhesion
C) Stimulation of bone formation
Explanation: Refer to page 558
D) Activation of prostaglandin production

Question: 15. Which of the following cytokines is an antiviral protein

A) Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)
Explanation: Refer to page 558
B) Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
C) Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2)
D) Tumor necrosis factoralpha (TNF-alpha)

Question: 16. Prostaglandins are formed by

A) Metabolism of arachidonic acid via the lipoxygenase pathway
B) The hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-halide-myeloperoxidase system
C) Metabolism of arachidonic acid via the cyclooxygenase pathway
Explanation: Refer to page 558
D) None of the above


Question: 1. Pulpal and periradicular pathosis results primarily from which of the
A) Traumatic injury caused by heat during cavity preparation
Explanation: Refer to page 580
B) Bacterial invasion
C) Toxicity of dental materials
D) Immunologic reactions

Question: 2. Which of the following statements about the organism that causes
pulpal pathosis is correct
A) The organisms are primarily facultative streptococci.
B) Single isolates (i.e., monoinfection) produce the severest reactions.
C) Isolates tend to be polymicrobial and anaerobic.
Explanation: Refer to page 581
D) Organisms that infect the pulp tend to be aerobic, unlike organisms that infect
the periapex.

Question: 3. Which of the following best describes anachoresis

A) The attraction of blood-borne microorganisms to inflamed tissue during a
Explanation: Refer to page 581
B) The process of carious invasion, cavitation, and exposure of the pulp caused by
C) Bacteria in the dentinal tubules and pulp are seeded to the systemic circulation,
inducing disease in other areas of the body.

Question: 4. Which of the following statements about strict anaerobes is accurate

A) They are missing enzymes, catalase, and superoxide dismutase.

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Explanation: Refer to page 582

B) They function best at high oxidation-reduction potentials.
C) They can grow in the presence of oxygen.
D) All of the above

Question: 5. Which of the following is the black-pigmented bacteria most

commonly detected by molecular methods from endodontic infections
A) Bacteroides melaninogaster
B) Fusobacterium nucleatum
Explanation: Refer to page 582
C) Prevotella nigrescens
D) Porphyromonas intermedia

Question: 6. Treatment of Actinomyces israelii may include which of the following

A) Root canal treatment
B) Root-end surgery
C) Antibiotics
D) All of the above
Explanation: Refer to page 591

Question: 7. Which of the following statements about microbial virulence factors is

A) Fimbriae assist in bacterial aggregation.
B) Pili break off and form extracellular vesicles filled with enzymes.
Explanation: Refer to page 590
C) Lipopolysaccharides are found in the liposomes of gram-positive bacteria.
D) All of the above

Question: 8. Which of the following statements about polyamines is accurate

A) They are produced by bacteria and host cells.
B) They may be found in infected root canals.
C) They are more concentrated in teeth with spontaneous pain.
D) All of the above
Explanation: Refer to page 590

Question: 9. Which of the following statements about fascial space infections is

A) They are associated with radiographically visible periradicular lesions.
B) They occur in potential spaces between fascia and underlying tissue.
Explanation: Refer to page 592
C) They occur when a tooth apex is located coronal to a muscle attachment.
D) All of the above

Question: 10. Which of the following statements about Ludwigs angina is accurate
A) It involves the submental, sublingual, and submandibular spaces of the right or
left side.
B) It can progress into the canine and infraorbital spaces.
C) It can cause airway obstruction.
Explanation: Refer to page 593

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Question: 11. Antibiotics are recommended for which of the following

A) Sinus tracts
B) Acute, apical periodontitis
C) After root-end surgery
D) None of the above
Explanation: Refer to page 596

Question: 12. An incision and drainage procedure is indicated for which of the
A) For sinus tracts
B) When swelling is diffuse and indurated
Explanation: Refer to page 596
C) For acute, apical periodontitis
D) All of the above

Question: 13. An incision and drainage procedure is effective for cellulitis because
A) It provides a pathway of drainage, preventing the spread of infection.
B) It relieves increased tissue pressure.
C) It provides pain relief.
D) It increases circulation to the area and improves delivery of antibiotics.
E) All of the above
Explanation: Refer to page 596

Question: 14. Which of the following statements about potassium penicillin VK is

A) It has a broader spectrum of action than amoxicillin.
B) It may be dosed at 4-hour intervals for severe infection.
Explanation: Refer to page 597
C) It will select for resistant organisms, especially in the gastrointestinal tract.
D) It has an allergy rate of up to 25.

Question: 15. Which of the following statements about metronidazole is accurate

A) It is effective against facultative and anaerobic bacteria.
B) It cannot be given with penicillin because of the risk of a disulfiram reaction.
C) It cannot be taken with lithium or alcohol.
Explanation: Refer to page 597

Question: 16. Which of the following statements about clindamycin is accurate

A) It is an alternative to potassium penicillin VK for allergic individuals.
B) It is effective against facultative and anaerobic bacteria.
C) It is rarely associated with pseudomembranous colitis in the doses recommended
for endodontic infections.
Explanation: Refer to page 597
D) All of the above

Question: 17. Which of the following statements about the American Heart
Association (AHA) guidelines for prophylactic antibiotic coverage is
A) They are the standard of care for clinicians.
B) They are based on controlled clinical studies.
C) They are not a substitute for clinical judgment.

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Explanation: Refer to page 598

Question: 18. The AHA recommends antibiotic prophylaxis for which of the
A) Surgery
B) Instrumentation beyond the apex
C) Periodontal ligament injection
D) All of the above
Explanation: Refer to page 598

Question: 19. Which of the following statements about the theory of focal infection
is accurate
A) It was propounded by Dr. William Hunter in 1910.
B) It referred to infections found around poorly made restorations.
C) It was used to explain diseases for which no cure existed.
D) It results in needless tooth extraction.
E) All of the above
Explanation: Refer to page 599

Question: 20. Which one of the following statements is false

A) Gram-negative bacteria have been associated with endodontic infections.
B) Facultative anaerobic bacteria can grow in the presence or absence of oxygen.
C) Obligate anaerobic bacteria lack catalase.
D) Cultures of root canals reveal that obligate anaerobes make up approximately 60
of the total bacterial count.
Explanation: Refer to page 582

Question: 21. Which one of the following statements is false

A) DNA-DNA hybridization use DNA probes.
B) Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method involves in vitro replication of DNA.
C) A low percentage of anaerobic gram-negative bacteria are found in primary root
canal infections.
Explanation: Refer to page 589
D) Enterococcus faecalis is the primary microbe in root canals undergoing

Question: 22. Which of the following organisms have been detected in periapical
A) Spirochetes
B) Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV)
C) Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
D) Candida albicans
E) All of the above
Explanation: Refer to page 591

Question: 23. Which of the following polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques is
not used to target specific microorganisms
A) Real-time PCR
B) Nested PCR
D) Multiplex PCR

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E) Broad-range PCR
Explanation: Refer to page 585

Question: 24. Which of the following is the most sensitive identification method
A) DNA-DNA checkerboard
B) Microbial cultivation
Explanation: Refer to page 584
D) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)


Question: 1. Initial vitality testing of traumatized teeth is most useful for
A) Establishing a baseline for comparison with future testing
Explanation: Refer to page 612
B) Determining whether root canal treatment is indicated
C) Determining whether the blood supply to the pulp has been compromised
D) Predicting the prognosis

Question: 2. A normal periapical radiograph of a traumatized tooth is useful for

A) Visualizing most root fractures
B) Visualizing concussion injuries
C) Gathering baseline information
Explanation: Refer to pages 612/613
D) Locating foreign objects

Question: 3. Which of the following statements about crown infraction is accurate

A) It may indicate luxation injuries.
Explanation: Refer to page 614
B) It is rarely seen on transillumination.
C) It seldom requires a follow-up examination.
D) It describes the process of coronal pulp necrosis.

Question: 4. Which of the following statements about uncomplicated crown fracture

is accurate
A) It is an indication for a dentin-bonded restoration.
B) It requires baseline pulp testing.
Explanation: Refer to page 614
C) It involves root canal treatment if the exposed dentin is sensitive to cold stimulus.
D) It has a questionable long-term prognosis.
E) It is managed differently in young patients than in older patients.

Question: 5. Which of the following statements about complicated crown fractures

is accurate
A) Exposure to the oral cavity permits rapid bacterial penetration through the pulp.
B) Inflammation is limited to the coronal 2 mm of the exposed pulp for the first 24
Explanation: Refer to page 614
C) The tooth is normally managed by root canal treatment and restoration.

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Question: 6. Which of the following statements about replacement resorption is

A) It results from direct contact between root, dentin, and bone.
Explanation: Refer to page 631
B) It is managed by surgical exposure and repair with a biocompatible material.
C) It results when at least 75 of the root surface is damaged.
D) It can be avoided by timely endodontic intervention.

Question: 7. Pulp necrosis is most likely to occur after which of the following
A) Midroot fracture
B) Intrusive luxation
Explanation: Refer to page 633
C) Concussion
D) Complicated crown fracture

Question: 8. Which of the following statements about internal root resorption is

A) It is a common, self-limiting result of luxation injury.
B) It causes significant pulpal symptoms.
C) It can be arrested by root canal treatment.
D) It may extend coronally to present as a pink spot on the crown.
Explanation: Refer to page 636

Question: 9. Which medium of storage for an avulsed tooth is best for prolonged
extraoral periods
A) Hanks Balanced Salt Solution
Explanation: Refer to page 641
B) Milk
C) Distilled water
D) Saliva

Question: 10. The most important factor in the management of avulsions is

A) Extraoral time
Explanation: Refer to page 641
B) Decontamination of the root surface
C) Prompt initiation of root canal treatment
D) Proper preparation of the socket

Question: 11. Which of the following statements about a Cvek pulpotomy is

A) It is performed on a fully developed tooth with a carious pulp exposure.
Explanation: Refer to page 618
B) Pulp tissue is removed to the level of the canal orifice.
C) Sensitivity testing is a critical tool for determining pulpal status.
D) One to 2 mm of coronal pulp tissue is removed, and calcium hydroxide is placed
directly on the pulp.

Question: 12. Which of the following statements is true about thermal and electrical
tests after trauma
A) Sensitivity tests evaluate the nerve and circulatory condition of the tooth.
B) False-positive test results are more likely than false-negative results.

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C) It may take up to 9 months for normal blood flow to return.

Explanation: Refer to page 612
D) None of the above

Question: 13. Which of the following statements about internal root resorption is
A) It is rare in deciduous teeth.
B) It is initiated by odontoblasts.
C) It is seldom confused with external resorption.
D) It is usually asymptomatic.
Explanation: Refer to page 636

Question: 14. Which of the following statements about avulsed teeth is accurate
A) They can be treated endodontically outside the mouth in limited circumstances.
Explanation: Refer to page 642
B) They should be rigidly splinted for 3 to 4 weeks to allow periodontal support to
C) They generally do not require antibiotic treatment at the time of replantation.
D) Apexification should be attempted if the apex is not closed.

Question: 15. Pulp regeneration can be considered only if

A) A mature tooth has been avulsed
B) An immature permanent tooth with incomplete root development has been
Explanation: Refer to page 642
C) A deciduous tooth has been avulsed
D) The patient is asymptomatic

Question: 16. Which of the following statements about horizontal root fractures is
A) Pulp necrosis always occurs.
B) Root canal treatment is indicated within 7 to 10 days.
C) The prognosis for retention is hopeless, and the tooth should be extracted.
D) Pulp tissue in the apical segment frequently remains vital.
Explanation: Refer to page 626

Question: 17. Localized injury to the external root surface results in

A) Pulp necrosis and ankylosis
B) Damage to the pulp
C) (Possibly) a localized radiolucent area adjacent to the area of injury, which may
show spontaneous healing
Explanation: Refer to page 630
D) Internal resorption after pulpal necrosis

Question: 18. When should root canal treatment be initiated for a serious injury in
which regeneration is impossible
A) Immediately
B) Seven to 10 days after injury
Explanation: Refer to page 644
C) Three to 4 weeks after injury
D) The next day

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Question: 19. A young tooth with an immature apex has been avulsed, with a dry
time of less than 60 minutes. Placement of the tooth into which of the
following increases the chance of revascularization
A) Aqueous calcium hydroxide
B) Penicillin
C) Citric acid
D) Doxycycline
Explanation: Refer to page 642

Question: 20. The appearance of the root of tooth 8 in the figure above is likely a
result of
A) Inflammatory resorption
B) Replacement resorption
Explanation: Refer to page 632
C) Internal resorption
D) Surface resorption

Question: 21. For the figure above, which of the following descriptions is most likely
A) Coronal pulp vitalapical pulp necrotic
B) Coronal pulp necroticapical pulp necrotic
C) Coronal pulp necroticapical pulp vital
Explanation: Refer to page 626
D) Coronal pulp vitalapical pulp vital

Question: 22. The figure above is a postoperative radiograph made 1 year after
avulsion of tooth 9. Which of the following statements is accurate

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about the irregular radiolucent pattern

A) Inflammatory resorption has occurred.
B) Replacement resorption has occurred.
Explanation: Refer to page 632
C) Ankylosis has occurred.


Question: 1. Initial vitality testing of traumatized teeth is most useful for
A) Establishing a baseline for comparison with future testing
Explanation: Refer to page 612
B) Determining whether root canal treatment is indicated
C) Determining whether the blood supply to the pulp has been compromised
D) Predicting the prognosis

Question: 2. A normal periapical radiograph of a traumatized tooth is useful for

A) Visualizing most root fractures
B) Visualizing concussion injuries
C) Gathering baseline information
Explanation: Refer to pages 612/613
D) Locating foreign objects

Question: 3. Which of the following statements about crown infraction is accurate

A) It may indicate luxation injuries.
Explanation: Refer to page 614
B) It is rarely seen on transillumination.
C) It seldom requires a follow-up examination.
D) It describes the process of coronal pulp necrosis.

Question: 4. Which of the following statements about uncomplicated crown fracture

is accurate
A) It is an indication for a dentin-bonded restoration.
B) It requires baseline pulp testing.
Explanation: Refer to page 614
C) It involves root canal treatment if the exposed dentin is sensitive to cold stimulus.
D) It has a questionable long-term prognosis.
E) It is managed differently in young patients than in older patients.

Question: 5. Which of the following statements about complicated crown fractures

is accurate
A) Exposure to the oral cavity permits rapid bacterial penetration through the pulp.
B) Inflammation is limited to the coronal 2 mm of the exposed pulp for the first 24
Explanation: Refer to page 614
C) The tooth is normally managed by root canal treatment and restoration.

Question: 6. Which of the following statements about replacement resorption is

A) It results from direct contact between root, dentin, and bone.
Explanation: Refer to page 631

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B) It is managed by surgical exposure and repair with a biocompatible material.

C) It results when at least 75 of the root surface is damaged.
D) It can be avoided by timely endodontic intervention.

Question: 7. Pulp necrosis is most likely to occur after which of the following
A) Midroot fracture
B) Intrusive luxation
Explanation: Refer to page 633
C) Concussion
D) Complicated crown fracture

Question: 8. Which of the following statements about internal root resorption is

A) It is a common, self-limiting result of luxation injury.
B) It causes significant pulpal symptoms.
C) It can be arrested by root canal treatment.
D) It may extend coronally to present as a pink spot on the crown.
Explanation: Refer to page 636

Question: 9. Which medium of storage for an avulsed tooth is best for prolonged
extraoral periods
A) Hanks Balanced Salt Solution
Explanation: Refer to page 641
B) Milk
C) Distilled water
D) Saliva

Question: 10. The most important factor in the management of avulsions is

A) Extraoral time
Explanation: Refer to page 641
B) Decontamination of the root surface
C) Prompt initiation of root canal treatment
D) Proper preparation of the socket

Question: 11. Which of the following statements about a Cvek pulpotomy is

A) It is performed on a fully developed tooth with a carious pulp exposure.
Explanation: Refer to page 618
B) Pulp tissue is removed to the level of the canal orifice.
C) Sensitivity testing is a critical tool for determining pulpal status.
D) One to 2 mm of coronal pulp tissue is removed, and calcium hydroxide is placed
directly on the pulp.

Question . 12. Which of the following statements is true about thermal and
electrical tests after trauma
A) Sensitivity tests evaluate the nerve and circulatory condition of the tooth.
B) False-positive test results are more likely than false-negative results.
C) It may take up to 9 months for normal blood flow to return.
Explanation: Refer to page 612
D) None of the above

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Question: 13. Which of the following statements about internal root resorption is
A) It is rare in deciduous teeth.
B) It is initiated by odontoblasts.
C) It is seldom confused with external resorption.
D) It is usually asymptomatic.
Explanation: Refer to page 636

Question: 14. Which of the following statements about avulsed teeth is accurate
A) They can be treated endodontically outside the mouth in limited circumstances.
Explanation: Refer to page 642
B) They should be rigidly splinted for 3 to 4 weeks to allow periodontal support to
C) They generally do not require antibiotic treatment at the time of replantation.
D) Apexification should be attempted if the apex is not closed.

Question: 15. Pulp regeneration can be considered only if

A) A mature tooth has been avulsed
B) An immature permanent tooth with incomplete root development has been
Explanation: Refer to page 642
C) A deciduous tooth has been avulsed
D) The patient is asymptomatic

Question: 16. Which of the following statements about horizontal root fractures is
A) Pulp necrosis always occurs.
B) Root canal treatment is indicated within 7 to 10 days.
C) The prognosis for retention is hopeless, and the tooth should be extracted.
D) Pulp tissue in the apical segment frequently remains vital.
Explanation: Refer to page 626

Question: 17. Localized injury to the external root surface results in

A) Pulp necrosis and ankylosis
B) Damage to the pulp
C) (Possibly) a localized radiolucent area adjacent to the area of injury, which may
show spontaneous healing
Explanation: Refer to page 630
D) Internal resorption after pulpal necrosis

Question: 18. When should root canal treatment be initiated for a serious injury in
which regeneration is impossible
A) Immediately
B) Seven to 10 days after injury
Explanation: Refer to page 644
C) Three to 4 weeks after injury
D) The next day

Question: 19. A young tooth with an immature apex has been avulsed, with a dry
time of less than 60 minutes. Placement of the tooth into which of the
following increases the chance of revascularization

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A) Aqueous calcium hydroxide

B) Penicillin
C) Citric acid
D) Doxycycline
Explanation: Refer to page 642

Question: 20. The appearance of the root of tooth 8 in the figure above is likely a
result of
A) Inflammatory resorption
B) Replacement resorption
Explanation: Refer to page 632
C) Internal resorption
D) Surface resorption

Question: 21. For the figure above, which of the following descriptions is most likely
A) Coronal pulp vitalapical pulp necrotic
B) Coronal pulp necroticapical pulp necrotic
C) Coronal pulp necroticapical pulp vital
Explanation: Refer to page 626
D) Coronal pulp vitalapical pulp vital

Question: 22. The figure above is a postoperative radiograph made 1 year after
avulsion of tooth 9. Which of the following statements is accurate
about the irregular radiolucent pattern
A) Inflammatory resorption has occurred.
B) Replacement resorption has occurred.

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Explanation: Refer to page 632

C) Ankylosis has occurred.


Question: 1. Which of the following statements about the palatogingival groove is
A) The incidence of occurrence is highest for the maxillary central incisor.
B) Palatogingival grooves, when they occur, extend from the cingulum to the root
C) Developmental radicular grooves are found only on the lingual surface.
D) The palatogingival groove is an etiology for periodontal probing defects but does
not contribute to endodontic pathosis.
E) The incidence ranges from 2 to 9, and the maxillary lateral incisor is the tooth
most often involved.
Explanation: Refer to page 651

Question: 2. The concomitant pulpal and periodontal lesion

A) Consists of two distinct disease processes involving the same tooth
Explanation: Refer to page 657
B) Is characterized by pulpal necrosis and the formation of a draining sinus tract
through the attachment apparatus
C) Is best described as a periodontal lesion that exposes lateral or accessory canals,
resulting in pulpal inflammation or necrosis
D) Is the result of endodontic and periodontal lesions that have coalesced

Question: 3. Which of the following statements about cervical projections is correct

A) The prevalence ranges from 18 to 45.
Explanation: Refer to page 659
B) They result from failure of the enamel and cementum to meet at the
cementoenamel junction.
C) They are present in teeth that have a palatogingival groove and prevent tissue
attachment to the root.
D) They are initial calcifications in the pulp and are a direct result of periodontal

Question: 4. Which of the following statements about lateral periodontal cysts is

A) The lesions occur most often in women in the third and fourth decades of life.
B) They are radiolucent areas located primarily in the maxillary premolar and canine
C) Radiographically they are less than 1 cm in diameter and have a diffuse
peripheral border.
D) Histologically the epithelium is keratinized.
E) The reduced enamel epithelium is the most likely origin of the epithelium.
Explanation: Refer to page 659

Question: 5. All of the following are indications for root resection except one.
Which is the exception
A) Vertical root fracture involving the mesial root of a mandibular first molar
B) Internal root resorption perforating the mesial root of a mandibular first molar in

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the cervical area

C) Lateral perforation of the distal canal in a mandibular second molar with a C-
shaped configuration
Explanation: Refer to page 660
D) Isolated bone loss around the distobuccal root of a maxillary first molar
E) Furcal perforation in a mandibular molar

Question: 6. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the

treatment of a vital maxillary first molar with isolated vertical bone loss
and a 9mm probing depth associated with the distobuccal root
A) The distobuccal root should be resected, and the pulp stump can be capped with
a calcium hydroxide base and amalgam.
B) The distobuccal root can be removed before endodontic treatment; however, root
canal treatment should be completed as soon as possible.
C) Ideally, the root is resected before root canal treatment is performed.
D) Root canal treatment should be completed before resection of the root.
Explanation: Refer to page 660

Question: 7. Which of the following statements about guided tissue regeneration

(GTR) is correct
A) The GTR barrier prevents contact of the connective tissue and the osseous walls
protecting the clot.
Explanation: Refer to page 662
B) The combined endodontic-periodontic lesion has the most favorable prognosis
when a membrane is used.
C) The standard of care dictates osseous grafting and membrane placement for
osseous defects in cases involving root-end surgery.
D) Bioresorbable membranes eliminate the need for a second surgery for membrane
removal but have lower success rates.

Question: 8. All of the following statements about forced eruption are correct except
one. Which is the exception
A) Forced eruption in the presence of inflammation may cause osseous defects to
become deeper.
B) Esthetics may be compromised by the presence of an immature-appearing tissue
after the procedure.
C) Extrusions of less than 4mm are most successful.
D) It is an alternative to surgical crown lengthening.
E) Prognostic studies indicate that forced eruption is not a predictable treatment
Explanation: Refer to page 663

Question: 9. Which of the following statements best describes retrograde

A) Inflammation from the periodontal sulcus migrates apically, causing pulpal
inflammation and eventually necrosis.
Explanation: Refer to page 652
B) Pulp necrosis occurs, and the toxic irritants cause inflammation that migrates to
the gingival margin, creating a periodontal pocket.
C) Irritants gain access to the periodontal tissues at the site of a vertical root fracture,
producing tissue destruction that mimics periodontitis.

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D) Pulp necrosis results in the formation of an apical radiolucent lesion

characterized by loss of the lamina dura.

Question: 10. Which of the following statements is correct with regard to a primary
endodontic lesion with secondary periodontic involvement
A) Pulp necrosis occurs initially, and an apical lesion forms. Apical migration of
periodontal disease results in communication between the two lesions.
B) Treatment consists of performing endodontic treatment, which is followed by a 6-
month recall examination. If the periodontal component is still present,
periodontal treatment is initiated.
C) A primary endodontic lesion with secondary periodontic involvement has a
poorer prognosis than a primary periodontal lesion with secondary endodontic
D) Pulp necrosis occurs, forming a sinus tract through the periodontal ligament; over
time, this tract allows plaque and calculus to accummulate on the root over time.
Explanation: Refer to page 655

Question: 11. Which of the following statements best describes the effect of
periodontal disease on the pulp
A) A direct correlation exists between the severity of the periodontal destruction and
the percentage of pulps that become necrotic.
B) If periodontal disease or the subsequent treatment exposes a lateral or accessory
canal, complete necrosis results.
C) Although periodontitis can cause pulp inflammation and necrosis, treatment
procedures have little effect on the pulp.
D) Periodontal disease that does not expose the apical foramen is unlikely to
produce significant damage to the pulp.
Explanation: Refer to page 653

Question: 12. A 24-year-old woman has drainage from a gingival sulcus in the
maxillary left central incisor (tooth 9). Three years ago, she states, a
porcelain fused to metal bridge was placed because of congenitally
missing lateral incisors. Clinical 9. Additional probing depths are
3mm or less. Pulp testing reveals that teeth 8 and 11 are responsive to
carbon dioxide (CO2) snow, but tooth 9 is not responsive. No
tenderness is noted with percussion or palpation. Which of the
following conditions is the most likely cause of this lesion
A) Vertical root fracture
Explanation: Refer to page 657
B) CPalatogingival groove
C) Pulp necrosis
D) Periodontitis
E) Osteogenic sarcoma

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Question: 13. A 22-year-old patient is referred for completion of endodontic

treatment on the maxillary left lateral incisor shown in the figure
above. Clinical examination reveals a facial sinus tract and an isolated
12mm distolingual probing defect. Which of the following is the best
description of the etiology
A) This is an example of a primary endodontic lesion with a sinuslike tract through
the periodontium.
Explanation: Refer to page 653
B) This is a primary periodontic lesion with secondary endodontic involvement.
C) A vertical root fracture has caused the isolated probing defect and pulp necrosis.
D) A palatogingival groove has caused the isolated probing defect and pulp
E) This is a concomitant endodontic and periodontic lesion.

Question: 14. A 51-year-old woman is seeing the dentist for evaluation of swelling
of the buccal tissue opposite her mandibular right second molar (tooth
31). She states that the swelling comes and goes periodically. She
notes that she has had no pain and that the swelling began yesterday.
Clinical examination reveals swelling in the buccal furcation area of
tooth 31. Probing depths are 6mm on the mesial aspect, and a 9mm
defect is present in the distal area of tooth 31. Teeth 28, 29, and 30
respond to pulp testing with CO2 snow. Tooth 31 does not respond.
Based on this information, what diagnostic classification is most
A) Primary endodontic lesion
B) Primary periodontic lesion
C) Primary endodontic lesion with secondary periodontic involvement
D) Primary periodontic lesion with secondary endodontic involvement
Explanation: Refer to page 655
E) Concomitant endodontic and periodontic lesion

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Question: 15. A 51-year-old woman is seeing the dentist for evaluation of swelling
of the buccal tissue opposite her mandibular right second molar (tooth
31). She states that the swelling comes and goes periodically. She
notes that she has had no pain and that the swelling began yesterday.
Clinical examination reveals swelling in the buccal furcation area of
tooth 31. Probing depths are 6mm on the mesial aspect, and a 9mm
defect is present in the distal area of tooth 31. Teeth 28, 29, and 30
respond to pulp testing with CO2 snow. Tooth 31 does not respond.
Which of the following statements about this case is correct
A) The prognosis for treatment depends on whether root canal treatment can be
B) The periodontal prognosis is the determining factor for treatment options.
Explanation: Refer to page 655
C) The pattern of bone loss is consistent with endodontic pathosis.
D) Osseous regeneration is likely to occur after endodontic treatment.
E) Periodontal treatment, including osseous grafting and GTR, should be initiated; if
this is successful, root canal treatment can be performed.

Question: 16. A healthy, 220-year-old woman complains of discomfort on biting in

the mandibular anterior region. She says that she has had sporadic
dental care and denies thermal sensitivity. Clinical examination
reveals facial caries on teeth 24, 25, and 27. The mandibular central
and lateral incisors are slightly tender to percussion. Bleeding occurs
on probing, with 3 to 5mm depths in the anterior area. On pulp testing
with CO2 snow, the mandibular anterior teeth respond with pain that
is sharp and quick.
Which of the following statements best describes this clinical scenario
A) The case is an example of a primary periodontic lesion with secondary
endodontic involvement.
B) Antibiotic treatment should be started, and chlorhexidine rinses should be
prescribed for the infection.
C) Root canal treatment should be initiated on teeth 24, 25, and 27.
D) The patients symptoms are related to the periodontal pathosis; scaling and root
planing should be performed.
Explanation: Refer to page 654

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E) The caries should be removed, the teeth restored with IRM, and the patients
symptoms reevaluated.


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Question: 1. Odontogenic pain usually is caused by which of the following
A) Noxious physical stimuli
Explanation: Refer to page 669
B) Release of inflammatory mediators
C) Stimulation of sympathetic fibers in the pulp
D) Edema in a ridged, noncompliant root canal system

Question: 2. Prostaglandins are related to pain production in that when released, they
A) Directly stimulate free nerve endings
B) Increase the release of mediators of vasodilation
C) Sensitize peripheral nociceptors
Explanation: Refer to page 670
D) Reduce the responsiveness of sodium channels on sensory nerves

Question: 3. Nociceptive signals are transmitted primarily to which of the following

A) Subnucleus caudalis
Explanation: Refer to page 672
B) Limbic system
C) Reticular system
D) Superior cervical ganglion

Question: 4. Pain that is referred from an inflamed maxillary sinus to maxillary molars is likely to
the phenomenon of which of the following
A) Convergence
Explanation: Refer to page 673
B) Sublimation
C) Nociception
D) Information transfer
E) Projection

Question: 5. Which of the following statements about descending fibers is true

A) They are not affected by endogenous opioid peptides.
B) They inhibit transmission of nociceptive information.
Explanation: Refer to page 672
C) They transmit information from the cerebral cortex to the thalamus.
D) They are sympathetic fibers that modulate blood flow in the pulp after sensory stimulation.

Question: 6. All of the following are characteristics of hyperalgesia except one. Which is the
A) Hyperalgesia is primarily a central mechanism.
Explanation: Refer to page 673
B) Spontaneous pain is present.
C) The pain threshold is lowered.
D) Hyperalgesia results in an increased pain perception with noxious stimuli.

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Question: 7. Which of the following statements about etodolac (Lodine) is correct

A) It causes minimal gastrointestinal irritation compared with ibuprofen.
Explanation: Refer to page 675
B) It has a more profound analgesic action than ibuprofen.
C) Studies indicate that etodolac is unique, because it does not have a peripheral analgesic
mechanism of action.
D) It has a more significant antiinflammatory effect than ibuprofen.

Question: 8. Which of the following statements about activation of opiate receptors is accurate
A) It blocks nociceptive signals from the trigeminal nucleus to higher brain centers.
B) Opiate receptors are activated peripherally.
C) It induces the release of endorphins.
Explanation: Refer to page 678
D) 1 and 2
E) 1 and 3

Question: 9. Opioids are frequently used in combination with other drugs because
A) When nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used with an opioid, the two act
synergistically on the opiate receptor.
B) The combination permits a lower dose of the opioid, resulting in fewer or diminished side
Explanation: Refer to page 678
C) Opioids do not act peripherally.
D) Opioids are not antipyretic.

Question: 10. Which of the following statements is true with regard to the use of codeine as an
analgesic agent
A) Codeine prescribed in 60 mg doses is more effective than 650 mg of aspirin.
B) Codeine prescribed in 30 mg doses is more effective than 600 mg of acetaminophen.
C) Codeine prescribed in 30 mg doses is more effective than a placebo.
D) Codeine prescribed in 60 mg doses is more effective than a placebo.
Explanation: Refer to page 678

Question: 11. Management of pain of endodontic origin should focus on which of the following
A) Removing the peripheral mechanism of hyperalgesia
Explanation: Refer to page 669
B) Providing an adequate level of a nonsteroidal, antiinflammatory analgesic agent
C) Prescribing an appropriate antibiotic when pain is the result of infection
D) Using long-acting, local anesthetics to break the pain cycle

Question: 12. Which of the following best describes a flexible plan for prescribing analgesic
A) A maximal dose of an opioid is administered. If pain persists, the opioid is supplemented
with an NSAID or acetaminophen. Doses are then alternated.
B) A maximal dose of an NSAID or acetaminophen is administered. If pain persists, the NSAID
is supplemented with acetaminophen; acetaminophen is supplemented with an opioid.
Explanation: Refer to page 683

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C) Patients are advised to take the maximal dose of an NSAID a day before the appointment
and then as necessary for postoperative pain.
D) Patients are advised to take an opioid agent a day before the appointment and then as
necessary for postoperative pain.

Question: 13. Administration of an NSAID in combination with cyclosporine may result in which
of the following
A) A higher risk of nephrotoxicity
Explanation: Refer to page 680
B) Bone marrow suppression.
C) A decrease in the activity of cyclosporine
D) Higher concentrations of the NSAID in blood plasma

Question: 14. Administration of an NSAID in combination with an anticoagulant may result in

which of the following
A) Increased prothrombin time
Explanation: Refer to page 680
B) Decreased bleeding time
C) Increased bioavailability of the anticoagulant
D) No adverse effect

Question: 15. The patients perception of pain with irreversible pulpitis is primarily at the
A) Level of the spinothalamic tract
B) Thalamic level
C) Peripheral nociceptive C fibers
D) Cortical level
Explanation: Refer to page 669

Question: 16. Peripheral afferent nerve fibers in an inflamed pulp may respond to mediators by
A) Reducing the concentration of those mediators
B) Reducing responsiveness to nociceptive stimuli
C) Reducing the number of anesthetic molecule receptors
D) Reducing the number of ion channels
E) Sprouting of terminal fibers
Explanation: Refer to page 671

Question: 17. An orally administered drug that has shown anxiolytic properties in dental
patients is
A) Codeine
B) Triazolam
Explanation: Refer to page 674
C) Tramadol
D) Oxycodone in combination with acetaminophen

Question: 18. To minimize posttreatment pain, analgesics are most effective when

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A) As a pretreatment
Explanation: Refer to page 683
B) Immediately after treatment
C) When the anesthetic begins to wear off
D) When the patient first perceives pain
E) When the pain is the most intense

Question: 19. Prophylactic administration of antibiotics to control adverse posttreatment

symptoms in prospective, controlled clinical trials on asymptomatic patients has
been shown to be
A) Ineffective
Explanation: Refer to page 682
B) Effective if the antibiotic is given in high doses
C) Effective only if the antibiotic is given as pretreatment
D) Effective if the antibiotic is given in conjunction with intracanal antibiotics

Question: 20. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors currently are not recommended for
treatment of routine endodontic pain because they are
A) Less effective for pain control than other NSAIDs
B) Associated with frequent gastrointestinal irritation
C) Poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and do not reach therapeutic blood levels
D) Associated with an increased risk for prothrombic events
Explanation: Refer to page 675

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